NWC Yearbook 1986-1987

Page 7

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of 11:1'\<lct' :.u Non~ mi Cci He grnd11;1tcd rru1n 1M S«'alllw) in 1937 ad \\ ~ o.-.wll~ 10 be- asstsbnl ~VT llll IHI Gt"no:m in ~bni101Ao«. \\'hL"'O • T111o-n ~ean In ter h" kfc Co n-e l .... o rau.n.U}' ro~· ciioth nt31' BJoornu. \\' ~. :Jl1d 1hf:a bfa..mt" p:i tor aa Sa . Peter'"'· Elm~~. WI, m]~J. lh I 94S Pits fop pe ,. ;%'1. callrd 10 lcicb ill 1l1c ''Ptilp.ir.1Cocy lliepneme1u·· of ' r1hWbltm CoUirgc-. He aruP,t '!11!!,f.1 ad Q • LI L,o1ti" :ind EngliJI :md "~,j rl'gisir.v. l..:Jic~ he cO()k u11 Ult sophomorT Millon nd RoJll3Illir; P«i>"'c' cou~ and lnO'lcd 11p co t~11ma Latfn and ni!hl • In 1959 flt: m cAtll.t:d co be pmidetII of ~ orlh~esum Coll •e. H~ ~ho ~~ " prnid~n• of North· IAL"\[L"m Prep rrvm 19S9 1n 191~. n rnlitt !lcnmiti .n ur ELS p:t'YoR rn 'StUdied . )'111bol1cs :tml I Coriolhliru under M p1id:m~ duri r rhea j.s.Llllor .md ~ ~ Nl'li II[ l\1.,C. Jlbt as thC' Lord ~ b t\.~ mfltir texb"'t a_\k lili gnciovs b un th~ f'\lo() d~ica.[ed ptuf~n; :as llbC') C'OJO~ rhtft ttti:rcmC'nls. \'ti~ a 1 lunl: t!W Lord rcw en:1Min [hem 10 SCl""r t''fonh·~~ 1~' lia\·c-: ·'""oc tti.:i u... 0 Lord. not to us b1,1' to )' t,1Ur tul'lll! bit! tfJ(" glol). ~11:ie of ~ ot.II fu\ e a.11d fa.ithrulncs.s." I~ l Is ~ I ' lib.a Win I? lllL"fTD tJ,ror i11i r.>ffott


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