MLC Yearbook 1995-1996

Page 87


MATH rv1eet Mrlth is a \.vay lor coUL:gc st ud ent~ lo \'\Trite n1ath prubh.~n1s for grade school and High schdo] students 1n the \.Yisconsin Svnod . ., Mt°'et \·I a th 1s n1ore than that. The sh.Ldents tht-11 are invo]ved in t\Ti ting the pr1)blen1s" then \.n:~ Publish then1. A Ht-Jr tha l '''e have a famous 11Sh I ft ir1g P<lrty» \.Vlth

sn<H:::k:=.. [t i.., l:-iai<.1 tha I it is e"li vvay to ~et EFE l1ou I"'!.).

lh~ ~asi­ Th~

0fficers th1~ vcar v\.rer~ Deb Koi.:-hl

ShLlron Koch, Dan Ross, and Anna Endort \vi th Professor Pelzl ss the l.llhriwT. '1/1/e h<ld i'l lot of fun. rhere an.~ n1;iny other people \\rho help oul in 1eet Math by writing prohlt.:.n1" or stuffing enYdopes. All ol this \.V6rk is for the Lhildr~n lha~ ~re in the \·VELS slhool svsten1. Th" l 1'1 "~ll<1 t J\llcct tv1ath" 1





Lt:ll; Deb K(hyh lS c:-.. rl·'~ n i 11.g l,' I ''n ::h1 111•1 wlrnl i-. ~<> J.~'' mlo th~ t.'ll \ "t)lt'vt' Ii

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