DMLC Yearbook 1958-1959

Page 1




"' z>-t. ?N41U•

4~-s {PKIL"/f!

?h"1 'kbN.





"4 ~ t'o

~ d~ ~~'4U

.,,.,.'- 78.46


::;T 1\FP J:imi:.!~ :t:i:ibt!.


M11rc1U lh.1 1-:l1,



.Sifa~ ::luUI, b.1!l:~OC~S JU a ll a11,e:

Cl<i.cicc ::.ocgatz, COP)' ..;nd J?l cd Ltoc l..11 it G .. r1M"l , laynut .'lH 11 rift 1 fim:n ,.\. I bri;:d11 •••rr i~ L Ooa Hclwlg. Csrntc Gro~sc, lob V0uir.u! .:md l\tr Fl~ehcr. (' npy ""'rt ten 1

,\1:.;TNO'·'' tr.PG M l:NTfi

v ciJ u.atLon aml sca'J? p1ca:'L!..CN b/ Meyer s~.;Jloe.. l,,,\. l~g;.: tJ~;1: I ~j l!UJlt" n:; w.i 1,1 bl Jcl Lo.s.


P11Llli:11.ti~1n. L~)' ML.S::.OLUI,

AffleriL.:1111 Y..:iJrl:iouk Ct1111n;111)', Ui1.1m(b;il,

- --



1)\:31 Sludc:n::i;,

! 'lliu a m~.mLcr nf ti.~ first cla;s :<.• gca.J'J.tU: from Dr. Ma~da Luth~: CoUcge tter It...,:!, fou;t.!c.J }u~1 te\•cnty .. fl\t: )'~~~ -.go. Y~~. th t w1u :i !onv. 'Lml~ ago, .lilt! t!1h~g1 h~\'l: ·eu,1lnly ch:.1ogcu once <hen. W'hc:1 ! !kgan scl1001 t.'1c.rc w;ts oo ly 11r.c hu~h!r ng. suer .uidcJ by a !cw a~:tJ ol



In rt:ac b.:Lih!lng


H<'~. 1&Hr.r.dt!1\ dasiC!.., ~OJ 3t •OU&

'<>w thi:-. eam?:u cour. m~ msu.y b1111ii,ug~ ai:Y.1 0!1ci1 th1 atwr.nn. 10 enipfoy in rh ir W\>TJ4 ·r.rl cn11J}' lo the" k1s11t~ hu1m.


(.'!7nventcnec! lm


u WaJ bWU(411l ~o lll)' nttcittion u1~t thl& Wilt the ~1mty-fi!th 11nu1· Vi.:.I •liY of rny - ~ma OlilCC•. t cooldn•t he:;i but thhtl\ Low £ot~:e ons H wou1d P:· to :mu ··c. how 1:1().sc sev\'!nty~tl\'t: yc1m lrnd u.LC~tcd l!!c ;!1 D.M.L,C. 1 lo.:1~ed to be a p ..Jt of camrtta hft! uni::c. atprn. aad 10 -..x,icricn~~ it~

work -ir,d tu mz.dy,


foo and




\\'Lln all tht.1c U1ln;1t b1 ll1t:1d. i: decided 7 "0·1ld sp~nd ·, )'~llt at .sd1o;;l unci:: more.'" w~.n Sep1cmtJcr 1uUc11 .arou11d 1 jumpc<l 111to m)" cu nod Lcr a ;il\or~ ltmc l b:iJ r Ive~ ,11 the ~leManr tOWh of New Ulm. You r,an hnagt11e how tlirtHed '"·;;:,.after r.H uw~ ye·ri o f 3b&e•i.c:<:, whca ~ rc.!d.e~ ~lie ~·Jnm1it or college hlll nd 10.:w rh,. ~!lOLi~av.:nr. At I n.rn~ to a 1h~ antr<tuc~. he tn..-htos Ci111lf1~.S Wi:l:;ocnccl rue ~me.

In Ulls b()ok I h3·;~ tecor.;tcl.l :ti)' Ufl';twr.ccs. a~ I br.e:uoc rc14cq:1nh1tc~ whh iHe a: n.~·'t.t.C., nm! b)' of it I VI' oc yoit w come ~!oitg 'fi!~.h Cl•C! u11 11 tnvr of ~l~e lG56-LMD !&.out y~iJc, 1 have clt'lidc.J my oerok lnr 1 di.rec ch 1pttm. 'fhc f\f1t c!l111ner bcg1ft!. 011 ~:igll the itno ~akei. io 1he C"Hmti o! the ye. r £cum :;ez;1cmbt-1 1,ntil; the ~cco1td cha~ter of 1111'! b(:ol-:., beg!m1l11g uu p;igt Ulittj•~one. h~. tu~t'J th tttvi1'c1 which ur.cmrctl lrnin aH<:( Ciiti51:ti.:1.: uau1 l.i:iJ.L~' \"5£;il ion: The last c:hnp1<"'t uf IDC b'.1\Jr' ~gh!t l>TJt p;igc f1!Cy•ftlfC ll•4l fCia~c~ tt1c ~pci11~ h0&ppcnin8"· t<:ia-:.:ll du1g "'l~'' 11wc NISM '4r.d grnd:iauou.

Youn fnr matty



(Orto von Stomp!)


f;111nr C, I. lt.lbrc:\!111, tl!Ls "F.1tl1dr of Dr, :M11r1 i 11 L11d1t'.r Culli.:su.·

.u ])Mo [n I B•tT nod la thli yc11r

l'il24 i\I thr' ilg~ or ~t'Vt'fi [~'-f:''/ !'.n, WlLik J\~ "'"~" Jt:rvi11~ .~: pol.HM nl St. Pitul ':s COflgH"i;tll'lOll ln Nc'tl [J]m, h~ r>!:'il:~.-:ll!d th~ m:t:rl lor il ~yro<>riic:;il ~\(>:JJ of hlgh~r le:tr1m1~ .:\ntl ~rilme in ~rert~d in ltte poufDLli1;· of; ruch n ~cbool in 1be N~w Ulm .m~iL. P<Utot .-.11:.r~i::h•. 1-.·bo "''<is .also the prr:,ldent S~•M<l, pcopo~J ~O thlJ Mo:Jy m Lht! tr<SJlon.. of lS~ thar it undttrn..kc thl~ ptuJat. isyrn1J '1 rc1.~r.:1c lf.'ll~ favor,blc., nm! 11m,111r C. J. 1' lbr("~hl ht'cnmt'. tl1~ fo ·t prt'1luen~ o:i o~r ~ehool.

u[ l~..: .Ml"uc11.lll

On Ni:l\'i=mht!r 9, 1 BIH, P;Lstm Albr~t:hr:. pre acned t.te ~

ilJtll..:.t (.ollcg..:.. He tcm11Laccl ~U3Lo1~.




member ot

th~ ~cbool'i;

1111cm: 1Lmc conrl11mnp; .n p,ycor ot SL.


.:!'!.the i!edk;1,c' u1i Je.tvii.:~ of 011'.•,y fIOh1


884 to !B!H. He Hrsr tallgbt

ccingrcgatlon. ln his!•~ )'Can nc Lk.

M11rlil\ l~11i:i.::r C:olkd~· lw f,rnEltl pmtn11•1l •hr.o,11gy >1.nd i;;,rnboHc,.. '•'':- di::tlic~L~ tl~i:r; ar1t1ual Ln Ille mi::mor1 o1 P.a~'tlr C. J. /dbc~cbi:. who ""W' rhi: Locd':s guid.;iac:i:: iUld blcsdog ""'"'~ prh·Lkgr.J to be the founJcr or JJc. Marr. ln l..\I Lhcl .


-==- -

Arl1f1l1dmad0n lht.ihHns:

T11tr. $-CVen1y-fHtl1 nnnivel:"S;a.ry ye;,ir ol Cl'. Mulin .L.u1hex Cun~6 ~began uo St'~1U: ub r I U, l'l!ltl, 11i Yi'C?('k 1t r11:1r 1!11.r.11 had hean .OHFJ)n:i Lty scheduled bec.;ac~I! uf .i:t:mtuJ~ling whlcb W3S li1!l11g cl1:1m:~ OJI ti r CR l'ru;s. 1'h l ., r 111 Wll ~ Dpr.-11r.4 ""ILh ill 'l/l'M'lhi p Ill rvic:c l n the'L oJ ' Admlnbu:it1on au.Ltillriaj.. HvC!ry IUC¢1!rJlnP. choc:il dAy W$' dlllnlllfl)· bCf!Ul'I. fc!lowjng Lh~ eh~pel ~\!'IVLC'I! lh~ .aclivi'lio:I> of dch day wr •1 ~1l I 1rl) 111cdo11. Cl a=t'.l Lu tlM! buk llL!!;b ...:~L IUhj eds. lllW jn i:.he fj!!Ld of ~ll.C •Lli;1•1 1 li li;:h•l~llt~ ti·~ \•;uil!.;;. com,;e:; L 1 Tc-h~fon, ....,,.,. •• ~~ ..nJ.-J hy 516 uid~ 11Li. ll.1 k:al'\:h In th1 lib ry, i$r1lr 1111,.l 1..1bol.'lu rrl rnrr h , swdcml ~t meeL1a51 1 a.Lt1•etlC! 11.ctlvltk~. b.a.rtque'l..I, r::rr".i~~.

;ind ma.n·r mli'1'r ;if·1tvH11~ ~l: plac-'° Ir rhr Ad1rtlnh;tr$tlo11


"fw('n•y Jm~!it"swrt- p n4 ~hr1· 1

fll't rt c:r):m p.riiw,1 1h~ [ 1 110 h I 11!' tr• fi 1hhi ~·~11r. Dul! tu thr.:lc itilucU lht! HUtlt!IJlj li.!:ai:rcu!<l Lu c:ic~

aot Oilly fnr

miir~r.n ~rt11.•ntn11:

r., tlllh lifo, but,

mQT~ 1mportll.m::1

they •.

tc::i 1,1~.1111.: m Own111·lv1tt .,..·ltJt llml{1;~ I" rr.1lnh1g t('l t r• I 11 f'tofoal'lr C!trl L- Sch·"''.:!~. pr~ident c! the ccllegl!" !tilbee I 93~, h


r'!.!~li.m llll for •h• gL'r\ r.111drnh1! tt '!"1111'1 of IJ.M,l~C. '(t'orkli\R Wllh Syn.od ii.nd. iacully mt!:t:l bi: n IJOm uth~r ~r:buvl& vi S~·nOLI, together with tf11: facu!ty c( D.M.L.C., Pcu.fe.::Scl' Schweppe helps tu r111.1. nr 11~ noil tO fuHlll U1c tlml o{ •hllli •ol r:-ril,

Th .. '<JV •rnlnK btuJy l)l Ur, M rl ln liJrlUlr Coll"'S" It ti 1· IW,rrJ o~ IRC?Ell!rrt:s. Thh group o.£ sl?'ve11 m.ll!c b rl!'lpuadb!I!" Lo ~yniOO. .tr:B: tbl!' rl ~;rt f1rnr,t!.onu1?. r;>.f t11l s I ntt:I nsdon. It. i ~ tl•u; hoard •....,.. Lc:h :alb l''"l ro r c.11ieh . , D.M, l..C. , 11• .,ikc·• 'ti.Ji:!! [I 1 11 I cl cc t 1 on r(lr. rrh ~ th!!' curriC'ulum, ll!~ta.blis.'i.e: the cp~rutine; poUcil!'s uJ: lh~ St.'hool, :u:xi



wnd1 1g

iu 11u1jor ti

11'fni;-111 1-ro1111P~ll"'ll1.

ROW L; J:.. Birk'!tul7. A. ~l~ntlt: , .b.. Scha.ll• r, O. N 1ni r n. ROW ~. M. lccL, l!, .H.c 1-il&H 0, 1

f~1~c J,

H. Ii.. "'1.A.JTt vh:l': • prcridf'nt Alt 1,nd1..J. Ccnxotdl:t Jn MHwirnll. ,., D.M.L.C.




1\t11!<l l'\•JrthWL-:tl!lru u.L Wa.L~nowtt, UniV£Hity of Vifi:;r.muih 1

Sc; it•ru.: t:





1 n


Ti:-:i.i:'llC"" •

Cu.L1!6i: ll\.b Lb~mlltiCJI

V, VOF',(!K,S

An otlCl! Nortflw('n<lr1 ur Yl1tcTtc1..rn, ibicnS·.iHc llith 1, !Wll~ion

H. Ii.. .STT7. .Mrc ~d l),M.1..C. 1 M1uJt1tto su.te Collc!!ge

EH;.• ltsl1 t Sn1llo1,,.,gy,


M, AUUUCH'I Allt!ndt:il D.M.L.C., 'I ltli>r:.isvll1•• Music

n. RAC:Kf,R

Au(! 1d"11 I), M. l..C., W te?rtow11 1 Thi t: a:h·iH• 1 N• •r. h.,,•ertecn Univ enity

M1 ale



AH i..•u•l•·•I Nr-.r h'rl'

.11 111



W C H r-.w "•

(,,I ll~ II, ~·JC l(ll Siol~1.r.1'

D. 0. BlUCK Ac:t~ 1d~i




1lih•r1wU lt 1.at1Jl i\.e} OD

M. GALc;TAO ALt1•mh~l l\dhi.u1h Ccwcnl'llh Sir.mlm1.11•, M :1 Ilk 1to ~r:.1tt" Cnl lci;;c, Urtf •.rcn~ l:y ot Micneowc.a

Fi1UC'•Hll"l1 ,


L. HAH.NKJ. Atteo:ied Nort.hw~Letn ill Thi l'l1o'lvi.l 1l" btht 1 Re Llit~om.

'i• atcrtovm,


No,·tl)\.+!5.ll.71n at VlatrrlO'Pm,


tu~ ~



ub:t .- •y

It. H. t-m.ENEcKE ,l\a:rt:ldt!'d Nortf1wr-..n1mi ar Wnlertown,




ReJ.i,g;i Cl D

II. J<AISER Att r.11d<'•, .La Cro13t' Sta.lto '11!'!!'n CoUil!Kill

r1Jyuc1111 Fduo.1r



An.,.isied Luth• r Coll"g"' o! 01!'cur.i.b, low Englhb

A. SCHULZ A.nend~d

C:ollesc Ed.11ciltlan


Att 1 k.J 1' .M.J.. c;., M :1nktt(I Srat CoUegt! E~t Cllti (•n, .P1~'11:h01 OSY

O. W. STT11JIS i\ll 1•nd rd Ll.M. L.C. Music, J-Ustc:ry




Q11. 1

)cl nc•

P.. SWM"T'l Attr.-1-.:icd:

n. M. !..C.

s~i !!ru: !!

C. 1 ll.Arl'J:.

Attl!'nd cd t'crthwe~l!TD 1'!ra'r Hl · En p,li ~h , l1'1:ti 1:1



Att.C' ndcJ l""r.irr Lw•...,;' ··rn ;,1.L


M., ~h L·ma.t.i 1:11

J. S'l:f-CNf.LOhJ\

A:t"~-wt"!f Nortl~wci;t<"m At WA.tcrtCWll

Cco,g,r;iph.y, t'hy,lc·tl Fd1H':aClir>n

O. 1\'"R.•V,I$TAD Ar:;.1


0000 WJraotJ:l Sc-cri:tll.E'lal Col1ege, CTL.'ivi 11 C! M


R. JI.ARTMAN t\tr-'lt11i c•1 Nn rtl 1wi:~~r-m &t \\'atP.~1•1"11 M:nr.e'D'.11.tll!!':


.:it '•~ atl:!'rtoWn,

'J bi lJ.blt1.I:')' Stulic Mr. :i~n, M~. SpetH11~, Mlu Stil1nlcic~r.

A plieiU.:.ILC i.LCt11usphetc C3!Cflt..!I ~ foe- good &t ltd)' Ing cnjo~·a.blc cc.i:.dtag • .,., .i3 11 Lweys r.'l slr-c.eincd bj" me na.rt of thr: r:ollc:;:c IlbrM:r. i- 1e. ilt1i I}' 'rmr~ c1 I nht: .n:if( It c: I 1dcJ ordcrlllg b(i<lks. Crd:L1,jJ1g, tlit: !;,;x)k, cl11!.el<11t15 1-11..1r b ul~ I :u1.1wc.11nti ~L-111•thllU ll I E ru to tl1 JI rllry. :K\-.- :i Ing SC'CIC'rU L t;J d t:J '" the llb1Ar)'. ar.d h1ilplng nudl"'"fl.Ui flnJ chc Lnfmma-:Loa dc&Lrc.d by mcm_ ,\ l1 trc5" d uti~ ·,,_-ere c errioo am "l'l'Lth chr:crful Emllcs arul 11 hr:lpfol m enncr. 1 .:i~ vcc Leal Mc aad tbc !d.Cl-: M·crc up to c.lJ re, cnab~Jng sruJcnu. to ilbta.!o v::ilusblc In.Co& mJ.tlc.n fa11Ji all SOILll.:1".i ~r 11· llbcHy 'rllll IL y~r It lit' I l}t~t::&Jl'.'i,I, Th. ILlmlll I~ opeui-,11 Ill. lll:illlil)' LlU.1,·b n1o.>11L[ll~ Ut 'i'~C .!Ind r..:cpc chc UbtJ.T)' coo.ycnlcr..rly opco fro mrdcnc& durtag mon C'w'Cll?ng m.1dy hous._ 1

Tlir. i::~mrnl omc.~' or rhC' 11dm111lm rtLon bul 11.U11o!'• w-;JJ nlwa.~ bu...,.~tag wlrh nc md c:;, for Lil the omco pc oanr- I we. e l.JLJ!}' ane:ndlag co w Lr ma.o>' d u.ttcs, l'b13:re w-c ce !'ccocds. to ma~maln. k::tcn co 1cr..d out. books co keep up co dd.t c I rl;:!~r: ipu If) H~r.J' M.J ··.utcou.., c:tcJter JtiM I .... b lr!'h ~ 11 tit:lp111~ .k~e!p Lht~ ~!!I I . 1 Tiii' I lug :SrtlCIOt..' L~'. nn.tS nf C!lt:! ~er.r<·111rit;11 11lwny1 111 ~tir. (lrfir::,- 1 rr:.11d)' In ""' lromr. vlsitor.1 ;md :1tuck:n11o ;&ll"ke,



Oillcic r tmrJNlal r M r;j,

KeuwaJ.ui.t ;md t\1;3_ l-l1Wi!!!:T.

The Muair;;i


TI1a MutJc Ha.U i.~ · Ueon11• Mll..ll~.


•Jt•ry bl~)' pbc:t 111('. C!~ntr:r c·f much scuJcnt. ~ti • ity. from ir "''lit hr:.aru rhc rath•·t d~a4;.0rl.1Mt sound ol l'M'.,h·c pLaao~ and clght or~ .. u ..tJI bt!tug pl.ay~cl ;1t o:il! time:. 'L'b.1?:3t.: 111;.nrmneri -i wr:re tn 1~t! :y dULt,cnc m 11J1.:11L•[i:.:h11~. h!t.:'lu111 w 11t 11 hn I horm 11 1l31lc~ tli~m h)' Lhr. In .trlt«".turl' of out 11uulc i.Jup.1nr11cu1, llaci1 :i;t11dcnt Wil l a~(gncd fou r pl~C'lh.:e q~t[uJ~ :l ..,.~~k. The mm.~.;; (,alJ C'Oll C~li11io JI ~lilS.~rnor.i 4n •Nhlth \'.ar; um rnm.i"da.ll~ :u J d1Qlr rl!Ul;!.." .,,,etc held. l'hh ruu ftl ·.-.. .L~ .:i i .n 11r. t.ecoc. of cbi..:: hl~h sdto;,l c l~u pictno rcc.:ah. Tb:~ yc;u £1 oo:rntHul &li:re11pl10711r. (')h".JD1J(µ ph 'M' dded to thC! ol he C]ll!Staum, prtm:i.rlly for 1hc u.r.o of th11: "the n.u3tc h rill w;u


i r,troductlon to musfc conrs.!.

This y1.mi' n11c.ic hall (rnpccror. the prsc':li.;C




an:i J.:t!c:p

off •lt IJMt hu.ll of th- bulltlmb. Hb Jilb w:u.

h'11 bca1 llLh:J by the:. rn11fooa: 10 11ot1o'<l :u u. m 1<le.n1 •ml..,n lf!us,htcc, ~ iprrta Ll~· over chc wcc:t.:uni.Js. • nd •ii r~r tampui ~crtv!tt~t .

b;u..(''111"1:11 o r die muw·

1n11c~ fun ilticl


otlt)' 11 :1u:i. hi!d 111 oHlt· IT.l!HC h 3ll ~n o..}!i!Ct,


It wu.t


w du::ek

1ccnc of

Cr,..J lt rori r br g1·1~n lhc mUJti.: r Jiall·· . • wh1.J da lly listened r fl ·1 tly to lh l111t 11uL r 11.• 1 1oru , crltlctilug wlim w.u neceu~ry .tnd cm1is"ng wh~nevr:r po:alblc:. The ;lbUtt~ uf thi;'ir st 11d~n1t rnn a.11 chc •11;1y from heginncn ro tho):lc 'li'M •t1cic :talt.:ru.cJ you••t; 111111h.: I:u1s. The C1 tg.ut «: S.'-".h~.n hJ.u the pr L1,1 Ll~g~ nl Lmtrucdng Llr',!!. Dn i.m; wh11 ,.. ~re pre [Ulrirtg rn lLO (lUf [r,r, th~ lh:hl iii Chl1tt.Jh ~lfg~1~lsLJ,

Th.t: Mwic Teou:hers: .Kruu.t., n. i<.,,u, ).'Cf$.. E, 'l\11ckcr, M . C~l •I .I, _t.41.. 'flmru 1 M is:J Vum!iult, M.ili09 P 1 kow, ~ In M11cl. AHS.l:...~T;

Mr. Kir.t.


tilt I t:~ro\ Hu.t I ilnd I Lii m11.tron I M '!'>$ r.. Hn llCk'

'.11.!'0\ llatl, ·1 ~-n;lH while fr;irn<' b Jtldmg. wa~ h~rne for fo:L;

lrl~ Jll!'lll~ the 11ino mo:1lh1 <1f l ht! 'lc:l 11nl y~;i.r, \''~t Halt '1(3~ octgL1lall:f btil.L co st:t\'C .:.3 a c-.:111pm;i::-y tlurrT11tnry liu~ l; lrn~ blXornc a. pc! p::uc uf tb1.: c.:i.tupus. 'Tl 11.a:• gErh wc,.fkrd ,1nd pl.1yo1.:d tl)',i;t Lhcc imdor tllu i.u1• tv IJllllL (J( Lh1.1ir m:nrn1, Ml"' Lngt:hrll "'ll. fhc yt'ilc bdd 11~oi.11y (l'le.-u 1r,ih11~ llll:'mtnt• for rhr. gtrh , ,1r."' me con t..ri. ·.1.til/lty Ci11m:d Llw moritl11 ,t."l n)· b)' r'lpidl)'. Ono 1ufth ,/'ICtt\•it:·· waE tbc rnon:.M)' Jot!tl po?.tl.Y •N1 1iL:h th!! gi rl~ cu:- luUy end c.:iuLcd out. a•n .1 'rl:!.5 11...~1 all fon .:mr;l

frolic, fo1 lhc ~LCJn 5pl)Ol OJ3D)' noun C.i.dL U.lJ 3~uilyl11~ al;r.. c.:itt}'lll~ QUI other M!iLi;!OCd CIJlk..L

IJilkr(• 11 I h Ii is a hnm r. in whir.h thirty ~i r1& <tnd chc. r macron, Mt '3 ti .. i.;l<, r~:'ihkt.I. 'l'fl~ girl~ coopr.r"~~d in thr;ir Jom1ltol)' .lfo, a.Ju.! , :le:1p ite • 1e i.:ro~·Llt!tl ::.0 111Jitk~m. , lived top;r,ther h3ppl.)" a!1.d comfortabl)'. The hlgl. sdt::vl t)ltl$ llHd utJl.\'lltlBfrJ, ..tnil ilic College ~ltlt llVL.lJ upJtalrs , l.! l_G l!Olll!lt If) h ·Uet pUt<UC the Work ICQIJfrcd b;• :~d1coJ. "li1J J')\.'Ji 1"nn. Th,. ~irl1 r-.11d" tilllcrotr • nuty r.orncll~~ p:3..-c . nil ti y :1r 1 filkd with IT)Qmcnn .,,.... ch b.i\'C tcft many cbcl'l~!lt::i .11e 11.uries or hai"fl)' rlnrrnL IJr)' lik. The ptano ta the reception room W,ai ufi.trn !IUIU1.uilt!d by :.i graup <•I i!.l:.s gall}' slug rig ... 111~ p1~11$MI o<lor~ f~ucd tccqucnH>' frtJm :he, wl.1er~ :.i~v~r.:il utlit.-!r-.s ... ~n: pref>. ring. 1n ck. There '"'t:.rt: ~1 u a.cdous nm~. al "''hlll1 chl.'.l r,lrli r~li..C.U U1clr vokCJt m llymru l'.lf pr 110 Juring d 1:1pi;:I, 11Hu r.::11Jms, i.lnotho;::r da)' of uu;: ~hoo. ycac,

We~l H11U cul It m.&lfuo, Mi~ [. ln!';ebrit$:en. ·

Tiw Men 111 Vticmitory nrx.l the dcilJI, rrn!o m' I,. Halm~~.

Cc1ltca11lul Hnll i.. tllc fors....n of Lhc str~· dGilllHOCle!, 'l'hc ll>U glcl.s ·th:i.t llYt:!J Llu:!C't! Wifl'L 11(11.ll!f Lhe gulJ;111cu nf Mr1, Knmle, r:a.c:h ~1r lh~ rH11~1so l111m·· I lhw~ girJr. 11nd pm;idi::d lhem with i.t:.Jdy 1p1co, 't r.u gLrlt h_,J it ~·u.I \'am:a..~co of a Jarge b:J~1ucm co1u~iil.illl!: ::i .uur1ge r1J1J:n • .a la1111i.:.ry ror1•ri , .:i la.P-.:J." gym, '""'•ir..ti .rillo ~;·r;r.d ns a chej>Cl for t."1LlllJl1i, L[;',Utluru, "'C:ll11CCll, JJ'IJ .:. Jt.ltdlt!IJ, TllL.: l!.Ylll i4::U


Lhr.: Ilk

of II!.!! Ch rt~HCM party me. I


givtn for rll,, 11,LrJ '7y Mn. Kind,.. 11mi ILUrr "''.n"r 1~.1dr-m """'lv[,les 'lice tfi.1!1 •W<'~Cl pi.Utl 11.uJ ch1.. J 01mu::11miog rt!i.:i::p~ i 1m~. 'l'ht! ;irr mnm "-1: d l..1e E.Ki::t!hi r1r .-md M't:.Ss.r:11g~r ::; 111.£1 mom ·r1~re ;iha Li:u::a.t<'d Ln the CcaccnntaL ba&e me m:. 1.'IJc gll 13 alai::d tn c.hc .! u~CJ''iL.Lou uf rh..: J.mJtll Ltl1J b>• h :.h' i 1tg 11.L,1i11::111 .. 1 npr:!r•.d..$ ~r{ ;111d 1~1~~c~. The Lor..g l..a.U11 qf ll.t1 tlllJ'rll '°''ccc 1a.111ua.nlly IJlkd with lhl' ljll It~ Al)tl tluiill •of ltttppy dt1rmitory lllc. Tbc mi:-.iµ' dormi•ory, Jor,nt~.d lllr;!XC. to the m1nic hall, w a~ tbc c a.mpm home of l Gii rncc . ·-"he:. iil't:.rc 1.m.c!er i:he Jlrl!i.:lll'IJ u/ Prolc»N llulmkL, wht) ;iil.1' ':·.rv~d ~ dr.111 C)f a.tud~111 • JJ11Lt1:1 -dcrru v.•cro fou.nd a g)'m. &1 c1i.nt~co, 11 leit ll~, :rnJ hl_:,h 11chuci1 • nJ ~t)LJ.;,>~i;: .11b ruumL !u1 r t mi::u ru c::1j(1y, T'hLi'H~ "l uh Hx>m1 ennui i ri r:"d n tr;Jr: • v L!.oa. !Ct ~nd •Jth~.c rccrc.atLcinaJ fsc U . 1Lc£. wb Leh the. men m :idc p;ood 'll!.e cif duc!n& thdl Lel!ure I1u11rs. A lu!ulmo 111 ;tncl i1. Ht.:.:;· t'OOm wett? 1,;;$Uld ly ""1..irC!d by Hv~ m~JL. The eoll•:g~ iln:<.ll. ha.d d uHc. to e.ld tn tb.c :in.J lUfK' n• Ldon tlic dormlt11 r~··


Ct rnc:M.l Ill H 11 1i.c1u l IJI ?aatt(ltl, Mrs. H. Kurxic.


WalcUieim =.nd its J.'tl:-

d nt n•lltto:i, i\ulb Ru<' •1•.

l'h1ce of the sm alkr gLrU 1 domtltoJU!~ :trc •,.,r :11Jhe1111. fk1de, :nil Tt~ Lchc! •3 _ \\' '11.dhcEm. LC 1111 ty N~~ nf rtJe thre~ llun u forntccJ on cpm p1n. '' . hL:•\'i.;; 11 e hl.lmo <•f l 1ti.>fc.u1.1: Stcllle.s. friurli;:.:ia t)frl1. li•,red hne 111dcr rhc tupcr. Jl('ln of R\t!h P.ut:!gt!, >l U111!t:11c 1n<itrim uf the rhini \:Oltegc cl<m,. fhc g!rb l n th{: dorm "rf2tt! all co:U:giil~c!~, &~idr;s die tr o'rln ran mi Ll~cy h a.J 3 i::o111 bl ned Lo111 Ii~ f<X)111 ,1•1d ~111<'-» room 'k"hicb chcy 11>cd for wurk ~nd for leisure:. ClM of c."le off~campu• dorrr.Ltllr!cE nh,:Utiu11-:J ,it.;.;ivt:., n..«lc., i1 lo~.m.·o ;i1 ~he t111t1rim of '41e htll on 1hi:: ro.ic! t.., town. l'hts Jot'ut k'M a.l~ co•1•FU.Sd L1f 0111 c:ullt:lGi•f11"'J, I ~-~h·c la mJ.mbr.c. Nc!"C'da NLcin::.11l1 fru111 tl.~ !.eo.=c!41<l r:dlc~e ~I u k't!ll rlicLr uudMt n1t1HOIL llaJ~ h3d lu Olll' 1 ll ulc I, lchc1i 'rt!ILert:! 11 c ~pl& pccpw:~d :th.tLr <i""'D bre.\kf!UL .aml 011 er h "t11 ltu1cl1~. J.lth0'11gh n was n ltLth. f. rthcr from lh -.:;impw iH:ip..r llum lllOJl domm.x1r.1, rht "Ir]~ i:n~ JOye:! li'\'irtg d 1ere ,LJ1:! c:l;iim~d 1h<1t tll1~ fun had more than m3dc tJ fur :.1.11)· i11:~~nv~mt!nr.~.


S:m .;if~ three. lfll:)lll u11ed di~m1 itnrleJ. and 11l1n ;m ofr•i"Am;ru dtJJmhory , LI. •I 1.m .1bo·1t:. bJndc tmm c:~mJ>U~. Ttt~ en dc•cmLCory wa~ ~1:ier ti.~ s11per•binn of F.ld;i T~uz., a third p; u co!Jc ,c mr di.;rtt. 'fhu !Cr gl.r.! Cu tlJ~ Jom1 tia.J d11.-:tr o...,•11 lmclwr. S?acc.• lour.gc., and !t11dy 1pacc. Tli~sl!, :together with lh~i r 1oomi, W\!r C11 Ille h:i.r.u111cm u( a prt ..·a~e IK'lmc.

·rrct•~hot •a. •°h(

Booe :tM iu m~~ur



Nct~dii Nierm~tlt. ~rcdclwl'~

s.nd its $tUd1 t:ll :m4'tN;l I Elda. Tl~tz.


Oltl Main aad :t.ucrn i: Scbmldt, rtbeo tti.ldc-m. matriOJJ foi;-

l h l!' girls Hviog upst~irJ.

TI.U: KITCHIN STAF.Fr Rr.M lJ Mrs. Uhlls, Mrs.

Glae-se-ma111J, Md. B'llroi!'l1 1 Md. Viol!, l'JLTs. !Uut!mtel8li;?1:'1 Mn • .SL!!!JC.cr1 Mr11. rung, M:n. KocJcJ M r"i. RoUoff. RO\'lr 2~ Mr.s. l.;i.ngooII, M:r.S. Jfartt!l!, C. M.11.whln;g,, .Mn . BLlllc:, M~. MidtbN;i.ut.

On ~ti'l!!Ul'IM!:l tlJ I lBliM j tho n~..1 bulhJlng 00 the DI. Mart.lei Lu.t.ILC:f Ctilll!JIU Scvcmy-nvc yc:!ln; J~tc:i; Old Mn.Sn w~a ~Ill busiHng with ~lv'lty.

ca.mpu1 'W'~



vru:l<t:'-Y cii pi.upos • ·, lb~ bu1hlh~ J1.0U1a1 ~t:1vc:~ l.:Hsi:i b:numi:.aL 1Lcir1:Ngm~ which uciata Ln 11. ~c.c.rnh1P.l)I c:idl>ess. SU[lfl]f of ~. Three thn~ a c'l!I.)' 1t'IC>lh. arc i1i>C:pi!JCd for !l.[l}lroiQmo.t:cly ~SO ~d!:!nts in il '-talu!e i tct:el lltehr:c On lhei lint 0001 o! Old TVIO;c: dmin8 hu.lls OOOul'f lbo rt~lilnlnt

Scirvlas ii

space. o! tb:l.s Oom.

The ocig.ln:;i.l li.loJJ cg

cl:i~roonu. ~



floor bil.vo b

g, <:OJ'V~tte'1

Jm:o liYh1s Ql4lltf(i:f! ioi:

~ovc rn.l

CflilLJl§L:l cmplcryt!c!I. fjvc pl 11 1a :studios ;Jrc

roached nfu:lr a. lon.g -...•:ilk l.'T to tho third floor of tho bnHd l!H.S· Aho ove-J:lookllLB c:i.mpm J.ntl le'l!m t-om tbl.r. cli!!\':ttloo •,.,•cl:'t! cleht<!cn c:ollc!C! !'ushma.l'I. ~ rls wl:.o u!U!d tb~ rcma.hrl'fll ~!!: ~~ for"'· dormitory. l11.cHl~ S.Chmldt, ·c oHcgc Jun10 ~ 1 sQnrcd th~s.c gLrb 38 a &tmlict1t ma.tron. A n:ic:mo.ra.ut·· flght 11iymbollc of Lha puzpoji!l o1 :D.M.J...C. b. tbci gll!..UD!ng wfrl'l.o'e el Old Ml.In wh!cl\ cues above the a.ct:ivity b e!ow 11.~d a."'t-rects OIM v~i;lon hc;.n'4UJ.w.;:u:i.I . The W01'k o·r n11:m.y hn1:1dl111s. need 'l'f c:o kl p ca.mpu.i Ulie opcrn.lln,g .11moo'lhly • .NoL .a cby i::i; J1.1vc passi!d w·lthour c.!1.4! d°fidifl:nt -Sci!!rvi ce o-1 the Jtlld:ten ~- The thi~n V«>mel'l 1:1nd~;r Mr.I. How.n.r;d

foJjthf\IUy l'TCfl. rad m11.n)1 dc1Lo10.1~ :mo1h for hitng,y ~.m,J:)iti> l'o)pu.fatlou. Cle;i.nlrir. sr:vcwl b1;11ldtog5- 1 nlill13g lllJl;J l!tow ?eipaiu 1 aoLl ilie eocoph=ti:ac oi cowi.tlt!Ss olhei:r ta~ dcpC'DdeJ ~1~Qn llhc Wiu m.:n g:n, lhr: m;tiglcl!§m;:c ~!£. Altb1n18b tb~Lr work w~ often ititkcn io:i: f:T.Il'llcd by the sLLJdcnt:$ . le w:;i$ ri::i lifcd !.\Iii an;mt p:111 o! tl1c c:i.o~pus oommwt11.y , mn 1884 thor<: W•U:n 1l aa)' neied .Cor Lbe: :i:t:IVkes ren<llel'Cd by ii.he tvro ~m:;~ '\'(ho ·v twki:d 3n the boLlc:ho'USl!i t.hls y~r. tfo<!:pLne tl~ stvefi Cl'.Lmpus b113ldLl}g1o w3mt w:i.'1 a l.Jlg Job &Jl!.:iUy :i:pp?cicl:at~d b)• c~mpllJ Cilg,~cm;mn

r ~!d<:nt~.

Tli.E MAlNTINANCE ST .1\FF' Mr. H.iltrh, Mr. Hoprm1.nJ Mr. l{:l~t.e1, f\ttT. WoH , Mr. l<rui;;gl:"r, Mr. Sten 1 M!I'. 2.i oklcr.

The Doi ler H0111J~


TOP ROW: D. Behmer, R . Just, P. Uhlhom, W. Meier, J . Stegemann, W. Plath, E. Krause . ROW 2: R . Dallmann, Coach H. Kaiser, D. Sauer, W. Goehring, C. Sievert, M. Hanke, G. Glaze, J. Micheel, K. Bode, K. Peterson. ROW 3: D. Nolte, G. Kock, T. Miller, D. Lindemann, L. Enter, J . Frank. BOTTOM ROW: G. Dallmann, A. Just, P. Radichel, G. Stiller, L. Seitz. Absent: S. Stem, R. Schwalbe, V . Sandeen, L. Plath, R. Ehlke, R . Weindorf.

Luther Luther Luther Luther Luther Luther

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

SEASON RECORD Westbrook . . . . . . ... . forfeit to Westbrook Sanborn .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0--54 Comfrey . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0--19 Butterfield . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. 12-- 6 Storden . . 6--12 Jeffers . . . . . .. . . . . . • .... . ... 19-- 6

STANDINGS 1. Sanborn 2. Westbrook 3. Storden 4. Comfrey 4. Luther 6. Jeffers 7 . Butterfield The two football captains, Tom Miller and Dave Lindemann, think over the prospects of the coming game.

After many years of absence from Luther's sports program, football was once again introduced this year. The spirited determination of the team and the enthu siastic cheering of students and professors were significant of the wide acceptance and welcome of this sport to the sports program. The first two games with Sanborn and Comfrey provided the necessary experience to aid the team in bringing a successful climax to the football season. This climax was, without a doubt, Luther's homecoming game, in which Butterfield was the victim of Luther's zeal. The following game was with Storden, and though it was hard fought, the Preps could only come close and were defeated by one touchdown. The Preps finished the season rather brilliantly, scoring three touchdowns for a 19--6 victory over Jeffers. The end of the season saw Luther tied for fourth place--a place which any new team would be glad to take. l7

J .;met Sil!vert, C:uol 1;Nt!y~1. J~;ui IILd~ , Nc:irm~ r ;;mi:ring Qr:IClr,gi: Lie: ally kd tbl' gflcU'lll'lllg whleb Ii cl red spark oUf f ootb:.11ll k am t o

T bi!'

iooLb a.U co11.ches, C'oR.i:h Tutol"

Sohn ltlot'r, Robl)rt m~=c , diir;c1,1~

:Sa:i~g, lmd



N'orYlthe 11.ppcoachln,s g;.tmt! .


R:iw: ghh WBtt! v:e'!j' .ac:tl \'e 111 pBving the ·~a"J for good rnpp.')rL of di.1$ nc 11.n;· o~Li:zd fo.:Jth:ill \t;.:rn•.

"!' wi::ri.: J.:in~l Sluiron.. enrol \1r:ytl Nor11•n. P.)rming. :incl Jo.\11 .L]~:J,..,, Tltcso sn]J, c:nc:rgctlc:.:ill:r· tho nud~11u \\'I lli li vely . spltit~ c:he~:rs arid tr. ltlt!i::! <>f ID!: ~t;haoL mng, tu. tl 1c: p~p fc:r,;ts rhc:y r x~rted tlJ1;•ru ln teaehEa3 new e.'lteeC5' :md in le.a di nB L"te su..denu in cHd, famm.a:r favll:r.i.~. Ch~~ril~g. i,; I1~ucla of rhi;: hm· o1 ~ I oolb>.:111 s.:imo !ltl.d tho clrcc.tle:idm MC l.itgcly truporulblc Cor boch the quomlty .'lnd the q,uJlity of mil chei:::n. Thcrcfor1;1 c:rei!.Lt mun c;:ern1..Lnly Im l:1i¥cn rl1em for 1lit<i r lil1C:Ccnfnl I


cffart!i ,

Succ c-:sdul tor .;i 'tcl1J.cildowu

A Liircd but hp,py I °"' ' I ft kl

'1'("11 n1

a.lleil' Li..4! game.

Alm01c wwri, b11L 11ot q~:iti?

The- 5opl1omcre11 cmmprtt':Q rue>c1?ssf1dl y La win the ''A 11 lr 1guc ~l:rh' ldltb.tll cll.a 1upl (JtJ •


11 0 11

l~aKUc ch~ mploa:Jup

Lhc hlr,h «Chuul

w;u toi.kNl by



Mo .;ln 011tkt foe all tho l'dl11'VC ~ncr";)' s.rndcncs .3rl'l ~1 11Ji.rn 1;;. h;\'Q, C<;){td1 Kai1c:;r pWVlded ,. Uood pro• gr.:.trt1 intram1m1l .s J!'Or~. TlL~ SLrl.s had J. ~oI\h:n toumamcnc:. :11.LI ~I~ boys had fla.g fO.)fh~ ll The girls rnt11...:J th1J m lld sport of !loftb~ 11 llLLO ,;1 wild . 1JX!!ll111t; g:ur1 c, .;ind th..: bo~~ iJ '"'11•r Jui 'le to Ciy h.i.rJ 1 m•1kc m~ football 15;t111C\ ht'.1 [Q W~tch . ThO\C' ,.ho pm·dclp.m:J luiow rhc &"ffi0 l11n :11 i"UI)' ;'15. .t P1Jr ll1~c boy~ •,,iho fai1t..")' rcna~. chccc ·~as~ c;;;nni~ tou.m.imem. E:id1 p!lrtLcipanc,,,. ti h!!V:- tr:i ildmn ti l!I\ hi: iJr'ljoycd lhc ciut ldc fo U actl vJLI~.


•! 1s Mumanfe~" weot nhe-ad co ·"'in tht: fbg ioocib,alJ cfl.;im~


D. le Sob11.umbcrt compct.c?d with mac;· C'lUl I~ Lil Lll.ko the

ub;zmpiondup ht t1u.: colh•gL tA:IlllLlii toum meet.

.S f l'\'t! Ru.ndn.ll tcok the ch.1mplQ1lsbip En

the high ~chool t'-!l11lh: tor.iron m('~t.

Thr-~1.: g;i1h



io11nd i:iut. Lb IC bubbtris for npr-Jn' Lm~t as It loolc;.

Rol Uri · c Bir' acrcm the ,syn11uuh1m J11 thl~ JJ'I ~u1 ('T pravcd 11.a hP-

!\ 'Vl'T)"

rircc;u5ous: •

\\')Lile u'o c:unr• n.,idt:nu w~rLA Htll t' rlh1' talk.tng .11bou1t the Cl<:"' rwth 11 k'11 1u, cl.u ~mJ cf Occnbt-r q11~c.k l;- rolle:J ::uouni.I, and i c WJ3 Lime 'lO bcsln thlrlking ilbou\ ~he= llJ.ltuwec.:1 pJ.nLcs, ·r11u S1 1uh: 1~l C•J IU<:H :imnrn LI)' :.pQllJQifl ili<::iC ponl ' 'fhLI )'Oilf l h~ri;;l Wr;m! tlin:t: ptlttL ru::Jd Q:J. thr-cc ~;(.11~ C:C:l!tl'V~ llLghlS. These po ctici;l we~ held i 11 u 1~ C1·1~~..:11tH.a i [LJ.ll g)·mnrutum , •rdtlcb 'llt'il.5 colorfuHy dc<!u/3.CL!d LC rn. thu IJCC.1!.Laa . The college po.rty '"'oilt i\ Jil.a,squct:id~ piltty, h..!gl tt.:.t l.llg ""'l t.\ the raculcy Ju"1t,L1•E 1.hL b\!s.t coswmi:. l'bc L1 ccshmca foi:nd ~ 1i!'I 111~1Ll ti' btJ 1.1\Ls llm\! or fnllin.uon. A 1'ruch or Corsc~1~·nn· Prn;~:;~111 w..$. ht.:1ld, ~ f-relhmcn , of rouJsc, boln~ chc cQnte5t:inU. SLu~im•, pl;.i.;·i11g 6am~ .:md'lol"lag mov c~ ,.-ccc auo pact of tllc ev~u i1lg'$ i:uc.c~c.?.lnm~nt- The p.lrt)' coded wltL a delicious Lt:nclt fh~ uHn 1 :mi.I ~~11tl1 gr .. Llus h.uJ J !.LlpJrnt u pl:cy ~t .,..hlclt. c.11cb telltlL ~[.\tier lnatl ccd .1 ninll grat!or, gi\'jn._; l1Lm dirc~tiv~ ~1 to r.1l'it1·111~. Tl•u d a11d 1welfth gr:idet bad .P party aim lnt tO me other parti<:S WL th th:! c11:ccption aJ ini ti.:it.i.n11 Tlu.:~1: !otn c 1:1a p:i.rt)'.

11lnlt1 gc:.1.1.I~· boy ;;a:r • u.11 l!IJllCt· d 11~ fo t rh ElaJJo.,....

Tbe c:bn:t'lo' ri t:L\j oy"d 'i'.':"ltclnnf! tbi: :i.~011 procc:t:iu{cs.

Our~rJB the Lime rh~'$C {:ill .a~U'lt'itLcs K~rc r;i.kias, pJ~ce, Coilcgc


Choir 1 '"'IS prcpilrm,g fo;r a ~o·,·cmocr

c.c holp comcacntor.u:c our !l.Cboal ' 111 '7.&th .lnnlvut.t.a.i:y.



·~·Hs~~ng. [0 th.a;cc: ch~ Joy 0' b~~$Ll)I:!~ Wi ch ~1~ri;:f.l.lili01l.S W~[ 1;1! N ~""' Ulm I MIL. C, 'rJteduled ,, fall wm !a :ld:!;tuo11 10 .l tul!lt re l.k! m.icl~ d url11g th1:;1 £'Js.~r tr:c~s. Thi: Ji r.s ~ t;\o.'IJ n101Lths. of tlLe ~dtool ye.;i;

lom1d •ht: ti


remnlning nicmbct1 of the 100? ·10&8 concort cl10H .1pcndlng o:>:m. ha11Je in,Lic~ . rc:vit•wif11~ 111-t m1mbc.·n; cyf alw ir •ast. co1lcc:rt [llVtfi'l.111 mtd prepMiJ1A ii few !J'1W ni.1:1$titutc aum!Jers. \\'tll!ll th~ fi ~'I. Jay a f "NO'lt!mber ·...i~ ~k~1l.'d." .·u·th•c:tl, th~ cl1oir l1lctr1'bers . their dj_rector, '1ro!t!HOr A Lbrccb1. • .'.!lthl tht! r L1 1~Jt:lV?.r , Profos..'l!ur L10-l!l~i:.r.:kr.:, t.:Jg<i!t 10 bcgln Ihe ~~tfo1 day1 of [OLJ[fng, bo,mJ~d tho btlj. Tllo wcn-\:1.rnnou palm. of Cti1~uc~ry •,..;a Mobcid,Bc. So 111' D11Jtot'1 1 .,..bcro th~ clum enjoyed prc.scmlng ii concert in the au:dJt;OJLum of Lnni:u?!J.ll Aea.d~my, Mtt:r oi 0011c"rt ~L\'t!11 l11 Nurrtolk. Ni!''!, lhe clu:ih bt11!:J.111!:! W•IJ lo-.. .utl h{.)tuc whci:c Lit ;1.crh'cd n ftcr ck..,cn s~ctcs!rt.d e<.meeru .:ind 1200 mUc1 of lmpp]! momoriC;1,


Tb...: offlcfn. o.t" Ult!' chaJr, CLadl!'.nl? Clout!!'• M;U"ioi.ci1"!1!! Allin:-ohr., illld Kril mi:r dj1i;-1u:!'l die con~•nr. t(l1Jr.

JTJ"NERllRY N1)vamber










,f::e:ho, 11.Unnemc.?. WJ.Wrlo 1i , So1ull D.ikc:it11 [~wkb., SO\!~ Onkot F!~cr;:ie, South O.:i.ktl L•l .Mobridge, South Da.kaUJ

.November 10

No:follf.. Ncbc.ulul

Nove 1n br::r 11 J'•lo<\•ernbL;t 16

~ u~LI~

.Ncwcmbor 10

.Sc. Clnir. Mirme:!otn



.Elktcm. Som:b Da kotil M.'.'llli',,n.Lr;.i, ~'ll1t11r::sotl!.

St. Peter. Mi 11nC;.<:Otfl

l') I

t:.-rly ln fall o·Jr rwo sLnsing gcoups. . the

AcoUoru. and M.lrll.'11:$,

0~::111 i zr;:LI .a~1t1 i1 111 1~~1.H.,tcl)' bcg~m

prnctlcing for the Call coaccrL rhc AcoJtan Chorus ls. a popul<lt cnra.cumcu l:n ~c:tl\o'try for P M,L.C • ..,.amen. Uruk1 chc dircctto~ of H11d l.';lll cl i r i.:c:\r ~~I>, M :i ri.:int1~ .n l '3rcc:ll1 , c: Lcctc:i.I by the .,,·omen, regular ccbcarsah e.'l r1)' i 11 fal 1 in pre;i::irnt~gn Cor 11 c1.1ru: rt in NO't'umb..::. C.Oneipondlng co ma Aooll.:m Oti:.'>:'W rut! 12L~ M.arh1t SCage~. an orgmirl.zacie>.."1. :far 1>.M.1..C. men. A~u undec nutlcat tlucctloo, 11111 ~·c1H Robc:tt Soruu.i.g, thl.l t.Car Iuu l!<):)p~r..1te wIll 1 1)1 c ILtoli:tlU 113 plc~carlng the Jr i;:rn 1<:c'f£J, The ptog:a 111 oJ the November eonr:cct: va.rl.!LI hy 1i lHlr ml' ~-!bly


b;· .all


"·bmc. iaaey W3.s. C.ltJtl-

After thh coc1cc:rt /Lcoliitn .ind Ma.rlllit members. Jook larw.:ir<l w d.e l'"'o remalmag ooncccts lhey pre1em c.turirtg lhc )''•.:t r, .t ~.1crod coccctt Jn M.:11cll. .tl'lll a st!cu l.u ctwct!n !11 M.iy. Wl1i:ia


'1 w :;e.,,r


over. the routine of chocu.s. rcllears.l ls 'Ii ll I

b l!La L1..:1unuLI .... rn




ti~ forgotten ,

but the m cmory

or th!? 1ongs. tlut

.S&Ja11 11Ctcr scbool lk!enn nllU ed e:ou t:e r1l[L1g trrauu foe tlti.: Jcl 10<>~ Wt.1rc pru u.:d b)'

:P1ofon.or Albri.:cllt, \'ii' ltNn rn!nucc5 r.he ca.mpm wns echol-r=s 'tl.'3111.$ of l.Tl\u.Lc: ftom Ln.mucncnu wpj ell l:l.:iid np, beei:i !tUr::: all E-ummcr. ACtc:r tr)' -ou'1 xccc oomplctcd, the full b.1nd assembled (er LCf;Uli!r naoa hour rnht.J"n.~.11 unclur tilt! ba.tOl'J or Iu eomp1.1tt!nf cll rLlctor. A !h.'.lCUl.fl r C::CitlCt.J[ l , telk:dult!J w be p;L\'(!tl J11 NC!'w'i.!f'Jlbur w~ th the M11rl1Jt nai II li.colinCl chonacs demanded [I src.llt do al of p1ep(L~atlon by Dnell. b.:im:I member. The :raiu1tla8, praf;ram i.,·a.s thorougtLLy caJoyod. by ti'i.c aadkl!lre 113 well a~ b y the ba.nd itself, I

The v.::rs.n11h;y o Fthis orsili11Luiilon hru. b~cn mown by 1u pi:=tf-lrm~n(lli.:t. .u a pap band. Thie hlgh 1cllcoL •.s new football program pro\•id c:lf sc\•c.rn t op;porc:ua! ti.cs. for members, of cha b.;md to ap c-nthl!Slas.m .at home games.. La.tcI la. fall Li.c entice baad turned. out. to help apca cltc basJ<ctba:U Jes!.on. rn .uJIJi t lon ro lhiJ. rhc IJ;1nd rr.l'lctice cicmtim1ci;I ln prcp;1.1;n ti on ror if.I M."l)' concen. wh.lcb u 1lle iUCC<SI ful culmlrunian or lhc )'Car's actl 'i'S tl es,. The !en aC'5. pce!l.e::nted to me. b:i.nd membecs 'a sp~JnB 1

cncllw mcmorlc.5 of n i'Mr profltJibly ptnt la ruinie11.1 momcma.



Jt:;UI Ihde, Let.>11.a N:ise'., C:irol We~·~. ~ .J1tfil!t Sl!!\'!!l't led a:hc "A'' l~ilm cb _eri11s,.

1\, 1 1i\nl¢1gJ ving .3 Ff>roachcd , chc 1>tudcnts bcgilil thinlcini:; .alxmt tlic: O.?ll'lm~ basllt:!tball season, a.n:! i..nder the 51~pi.!r1,.l,;~0!1 of thu Student Counc L, chccclc~iding tr:;ou~ were held :i.u~ ;i l:uu ...,.c:t~ m.?.du foe 111.ti .m -

1rn.i.J a.Lui llnl gJmc. 1..ou<J ChQOrJn~ b}' il!Jdtrtt \'Qktz lfl'ilS llt'il.rJ i;<)lilLnS fcurn UlC gynm.;.siurn '1f1 th" ni~h'5 of hish •c11i;;>0] bas.~ct bt!Ll. Thls chccri11s 1 ste.1111ncng ouc. of ichool !.plnc, ga·;c 'lhc tc~m n1or;1L rnppon. :t1Lil •au.t.illc:d h1 thun' 3. gma ccc dcdt~ to Win. 11to chccrlni:; ...,.,., lcLI by ;1i" Err..s who ,u·<1: mcmbtM or tl1e high -.rJ11;1ol <iopiir&nL1:llt. Th~ g1ra wcce ckcccd by chc hij.ih ~cllooJ str.idt!nu.. c:hooca co lcild the "B'' <:·rnl chceti1,i; \ ert! Rachael Bmih.aa and Shoiron Hm.~bnr:r. C3~l ·~·i6yt!!l, l4t!on:i. Jean Ann ihdc, •lad J;_im:r Sic:·1~r' led LILL! d1~e:Lug foe 1111!1 lt." [ Llll.Cil MJJl)' balJ:ra C>f prncric.c 't">'CIC put in by the i::;ltli ~fl m ake mem more able to Lc;u.:1 llr r; cl•cl.'!rfog ;:~ t.:;3.lllt:S. New ~ ice!'$ , "''l~t<:h wee t.lugln c.o the ~t.udcnts Jjt pep JC$U., h.:id ti;r 1)1:. ·~c>tkt!d au t. J.llll LJli! chcca ha.d to N



[t!'ld 'tolt!J,

Thi: '"'»" c~anr w:n ~rmred 1111 to vic:toT)· by

R A.¢lmd ni:islh11.n SlrnJD.111 Hul'lml'.r .

Carol Lt1tl'od1.1.c1:o3 p~p




°"' chl:'l?'t' at a

Th•~5C fo~~r

col111p,c checr-

lc.ukn ktpl the ccoWtl shoutfag for v5ctmy thtcu~bou!



Th.c C:Ollt;BIJI OOd}' dl.03..: :is JU chl.}L.'rlc:l4"N C:h:ulu\lc R~mdr ke, Cha.rm'1ir10 Marti. £1. ine Gr1.1Mm.1rui • .:ir1o-d. r...1milymic Mull, These rom: ~rls ;uJdcd much to tllc cheering ili roup)l.ouc- the b..1s.kctbaU !ceson. New :ind cJcvc t cbcCJ!I:] ciuauE,tltJuC. thi...: J!.ymn.u.l 1un, l!\'l!ll Wil!.!H Ult~ tc.'.LIJI \.. .U bL'Jll lli.l , CIJt! cJLcerJ.c.'ldc:r& kupl Lhll c:rowd auvc crnd ihr:>u.m1~ ·.'!c'-Or)". Vh:w:y ur d.1:fo.n··H mndu 11~1 dlHcri,;;1~i::u. TIJC>' b.nckcd tho


r..: ~~11.

Poe cJ1c opcatng game wicJ~ rho .'ll11 1nul, the gyrm,wll 1~m ,,.,.~ u1:tur:i h:.d with tMN<m 11iod whi t~ men mor1. d rn '"'inf;l of tho c:o. ahc.s IJ .M .1.c. h.lli had chtu ugh. thu ~:.t 75 yL 11.n 1211'1 n din mead to dgrufy thi:i ~d~cml's; .lt'Vt'Uf)· - fifth a1mh•c:rs:try. T he v;1.rsit)' h.-id a.n easy cirnc wlru::Ung ch<! game hy ~ soor~ of V'2.-32, 0

CO.iich Oldfldd b~d to c.111 on S:o.:\'er:i l c.:i LLugu !l.1..:r~lu~ to tu'111tl o l; LIds 'e.:1111, for there •t1crc ooly flve me1t I\:.pC1.!Scl1ll11l:! LhLl .!ll 1t11l11l, An lnfor rm:l r\lc:c;itlori J.~ld !lftc:- tbo gnmt Jn. lhc C°:4!H CL.unl.:al ID'trm~lum. Tllb Fl)'mnmlum •.vns n!:so arua.ccively decoraci.:o. A li ght li11~cl1 af c:o(fec . c.-ikc. and kc cream w~s lrit:rvc:d .3$ the gm:s" m<1dc RPOd use of d:lc oppoc1u.."1.lty for a ple..isa.nt e\'c:iLittg gf con•tr;m.1 Uoa .



l1uuns r L\Jll• ro111\dr-d 01.1c by El'VrTnl coJcoaducg of Pro-

1~8c 5t:nlcr1'• ph.ycdl uatli:!!:r tlii! fl)J Of Old flr ltl.

rl•y •.I ] I bu t tlll. 'f act lo shape: to be-al Lhe Vil? •

'TJI•' ,1lumtJ.1 .,..~ll'e


1'bc ~ >c:te 6trl - baa 11Jx rouf) • 1:.u:h 'lmd~ i.otc l<ld -:Ii i1 o ~ill upp - eon~ ~bola: K.1rlm !ll:.:c gids AU p;it L'tdr wumeu cwchln. :rm: wcoo; ant ain::ill.tt_g.. ll; _I f.lJJ'.Ulct (ID ~mp n;I di:1WJU1Hiil , ;H 1!1 l""'O l1et:pltt1U . llrld 41f U:lOUI Otl' mn a;i R~ _ to co.aqil. • ~It 1:~.J·11lJ2fj by t:..az_lns I r :111 flu: i:kr;rru~rr rc:.fJ tu ,

cp d:ic l!~W. ili 1:i!LrilLm=.1a19 c:;1 Lltl.! muni ~,P ull '\oit~dr the Clt!L1rm1n tri;:Ci:U ~_;11!1. "fl. foi'ili .a?'lo t fh LJ'ctuCk n ~ ma.ming i11:tll H•P L he 'lt1rio1• rm 1orl .tMld prof~tc0· tK.'lnn c;;&J tpm. Tbq Cl~ 11p u lhc iJULl.Dghlll. wtie:r\! 1hC7 :1~ 1-rrt-.11k! ;:r llfi~ tc u .111!1wLDl1!1c o~ dirW..m • 26

' e JitlJS:JD

,.,_ i _





C.11.rlnm:i~ 3e.DSOn ha..

mcc Li 11~~ l,\'11 ii

I pr~· r:ctl ~-~

nl•o th...:

rl ICI

c..Emc rc.r p.:.:ttl[I:!)'

.:.mJ r.b1..:u '"3"

~ COJl:.i{..:mi h1~1 1 ~~

cl [Kt'jNlriLCion •lll


T1k M3:Lul-A~ul~~L pany To:)!( pt:ir."" i11 thC" tlimng hall 0:1 !:iunrl.-y \· afcer tht.: A..:ou.w..~ ri.:t 1:1L-e<l frm11 ~:m1Jn1z, 'rt1.· studcatS s;;.~ .na'Jad tli.c tabJ\!:. .. ]1.LlL tlh.: ptuf~Mun;, i.:01.:.i11d .Jt l.t~~ whit~ :1p rom scrvc..d 'lh... m ;, lunch . 1·r.L Awllo.\lll .irw lui..: a.uL c.Ho~~, Prok11or S<'lt'-0[1['1..: 11 ,11.Jc :i lillOtt sp ·~ell. and lhL c\•cttlnr. l!Ullcl11Jt'•l wll.11 thL·. si11~in[; of the •· t.-ta1k1uJ1lr cborn .. " ~.1ch

)'c.1.L Lhu ~ltl!.i' do1111ltL1tlL::. i111\1 L~ ,, Clld. 11n:i:s p.1uy. J.m) lrir Lht! lhtt tltth:. th5s. yL!.U Llw 1uc11'•. du11.111~r:r· :ill.O 11 ii L' ono, Thc:;c pn r:J t;J (;i,,:ru LHL·d ti f .~i 1 c:\'i':1i11r, 1J I l'llh: rt:ii11 mrnu ro llow~d by ;\ Lur.C:.'1..

l•il:i held o.l the

L'ILrtlng, or Utt.:. tt!~U l:J.r Jtl'('l]LlhJy tnccting . .t111d .,.,9~ .HC•.mJ~d by l<:1n.~11r mcmll.:·n .,nd mcml>cr I)( UH~ f.rl<'n ll)'• TllL· ~''l' 1lnr, lwld n. ' tor..: ~nc1.1rnll111h•111 111 1hu for111 o 1ldu. rnw i c:a l p:t:~t:11~.:i ti n11~ ..1nJ ~roup Haginµ; oi C.1trls.cmns. l.:.'.:.L..:>~,

Thi.! ,

1uh~r Lh~;· Lc•it:;UC p~rt)'


Tiu: ctun.uc of' the c:h rinmru t~.uon w-ai 'lhie r.1irLum~~ c1mc::cc c, 11i•hieh w~ pccsctl tcd by CollcRc Chou 11, College Chou I. a.nd the t1..1a hi!!f1. ~<:bcol dLQlll?o

Tli1! ~c:G1;;111J coJlc;g(' clt.nLr w,;is. c:om~cd or il.Jl college stLJ~cnts. cicccpt those •.-rho 'tiC.CC rnembcn. of Colkgc Cho t t. Tl t!~b~d a( Hi9 memb~ts., who 't1t:.rti tmdcr UI(.! dl~ellon of Prnfeuor o. 'r.'. SrdlJi.!.L The prll"lctpal worl~ or rh15 <::hoj r 'k·;u [If pJ.rtie3)Jo41t1on m tlm~ic eonccra. Elv.c:n du~51.1g thCl oouac o5 the )'Ca:r. Eacly la rM cholt b~g:m ~~ <l.1:2oro~ it-; Limi: in

r(If tl4" a~~mt i15 ~tectt: follo·.rlr.lg th.Jj. fur.:i:rc ',.(D..!. th~ J~.rlllg conc1.:1n w Luuk for·· ~ml to 1 ;wd fim1Lly the Jlt;Jl.B ccmc:crc , ·which oor:icludcs the ·wfJ rk of che ye.:u. T h ili gq;111r 01 hclpoo bcauti.f~· 1hc

prcp.i.r.:i clou i~cred

1\d,•cttt atld l rntca ~cNke~ .n Sc:. John'!>


Re. P::tlll"s. by tcq\i!cmt.s

r;~cm:J r~um~f5.

f-rct11 tlm l;itgc ~roup Professor SreJ.!J4!!> Jeleec.ed .a :sm ::i.ner g~l!;:t 'tthich 1.i.::ivcJ Q!I: :i c.-rJ'o clu>Er ~• .ll tool< hJ turn re i::--01d•ris th~ SllliJ.a.y F11or11.l 11~ Pci;.>f ·s1ac Sc4'.l!lji1.1~ llii.' .bb pcise.d a'l'.d re...:i.dy t o b!!p,i t::i diuiam1ng a. n'llmb r.

r,:i;i.;ir;t u~rvfrr.

The tu;t.1 Jehool cl.uJr cuml.J1cd. of nut!A!m..) or 1itc tlur.:-o U['lflN Mgh Sl'~l :--Ol c;l:u.~I;!·

rh~ ~.ugc

ci:.o'r Ql.lmb::red 261 voiC('$ I

diri=c:t.ion of; Hruce .i3nckc:r . The ,in.?.11 d:u5t





ll 8{1 !.tudcar.! "J.Otll Jlrofos.oor .B.i.c:kcr ~lllcc li.:.d fu~m thu Ltusc cboit.

l'lii· mull i::t.olr f.t..Jp<'d liiupply ""t. P.i.ul'• .ind Sc. musk during -:he .i\d\•ent .!11d


lal111 ·~

i.i1h •jlO::'!;-iil.l

s.i:t\'k-e:>. The sma.U cholr also

cucurJl!!d for Sun do.y trlomlaP. :;cl"\'ieC-". p;irti1;ip.:.c~t1

c.\~ ~mnusl

Che Su'LHJS concert. ! s ~rel.I slaglag rlltsc clloln. Lio. 011 J1mc. Nll;ln tbuy pClctJ Cl.IJ.ltc.;J Ln n ~reu lnr conc<:rt.

Ji.0th hig:t school clioirs


rcw. a.aas \\'l Ll. me sprlni:; con~c1t , cot15ti til\~ tl11:

f' tofo~or &ln c kc r ~ Lriirn i::..1;1,~5:­ .sivt! 1h1~li1g inenm ol !th (Qntl11 ctJ ~·



J-:i:i.r, Mark , ~1xe Ktith'!i· ;.J2'c

coJu.tructlcg. ~n

The sop.hct:.12ul'it! gi.rls .;m."! fulntit:ig ;[oi !>'li.i.L~ e1;bl1: bril.nchc~ 'r''Lr'1 v.hlcJ1 lo i:ompktl"

lillTch 11 r]1t' a 1.tc1'r0t!mn,

tl1r.:ir garbud.s. Chrh:tm~s tim~ WA.Ji prr:cC":dcd P.1.· Cl!l.'Yi R rid riiyJi.tli oi h11S)o' acn..·ity h~· mr,a11br·rs of '11.e oolloe~~ d1:parl.m~nl. u~i:oral­ .."B tbc i;ampw propo.:.i: ,........ ., l.a'I:! .'Jub .au.l,gncd Uu! c-0lkg<C lrc.d..1ltlt!tl. Alli.:r patfot1U)' p;.iil.ntJn.g !l~\·cr,;tl !;;(! l!n c.;. of th" ChrE$1mA,s :story, the t n::iliml!:'11 A.:oscn1o!e~ thcn1 in VJl.rinv.s; OT\ thr. c11mpqi;. An Lllmmnlf'cl ~uu· pl:lC{!d ou cl~ tuwl!:r ci-! Old M:iU:i :refii: c:c~o.J OW' CIJ..rliLtrta~ apblt tu th~ cit~· (j[ N!!-w Ubn.

'l'l:JI!! halll wa ~· o.l llt.t!!>l~tlua l!uUi.ljl\b .,.,>al be~ud(ull)• decot;tled by iJw t:oUc.~ ja~mmc.s. An 1,111~~· R-l CnrJ~IT1111 ~ W(I Ln thr- i;:c-ne;rr of ~hr hri 11 dl'f"w th1" >lU•"lltion of ii Jl b.,· 1tf ~hhunN li B l I i.i:M aud r.b1k.llns fl cu.nil J:ra:m wh..blc 111.!! lt!.!!I!! ll~ll. This l.11'!mt!. wai.: 11.!!tJ(!a.ted la mfa1l:tLU!'t! b:'.C.-1!.!: :."U.spi!:cded lccm a cll11:1Jl nt bou,~ gvcrhr.J1d. Ilh1mln""dpLn,qur:~ clcpicli:ngthr Chriimn:u Rtoi:y dr-co~trd th" W.illb:, A new l<lt' l'l 1,, 11w'llturh1rn \lciOti:<'tli;:ti~ wu11 W!.!d l:.oy lbe Colll!.gt!! ju:nior;! • .lklllla.oLly llghLi!!!d p l aques e>! grccru the l't'2Jls ac clthcr ~idc o! thi: , S Lh¥Cr llURl'lr hn\'C'rt:id ATQUncJ 1P rr.c ~groLJ11 [lrocln hn1 1'P.: 11 Chrhtmrir rnN1ri ~~ 1U1r;l tr1 1 lth ;1 tu~1vc•'ti..'l.'J muc:tCJ.

11.l.J. chci.c Jmprc-::~ivci dr.c!'lmri(llU cnmhJn-cd i;;o brh1,R tha onie at O.M.LC.

tn1in 1nt"nlling eoi

1'Jili :ph.q_1tl" ~:n !Ji~ .1\1 t!ittitfo1rt proclA.hnr..d the ang.eb 1 Cluit>t.~s to all,

CfJrl•trnri11 clos1•r c 'th ht"ilml <Jf .:vtrf-

Our .i.t!ho!!al"~ tt?11'10!Jilbl'Tf'Q

The: hn Uway 'W'llli1 nit11~d lnLo a C.lttii.t:rmi,: wo12d~r­

l nnd,


75th .:ir111h·c.ru11• \',•il!'l ln


me Chfl,tma& de-eo~;J,ti1;lll1,




D .. Do:li

M • b'l..aothl!'y N . M;a.rics c .M;utt K • .Mu.i:lk1 N. ~i ..•mQth

I<.- \io.1.



~ommemoc P1urnln~

R.:i.1.1.'JC-h .1. R· mmi;~

M. Robbert A . 1\UJIPrc": r: ht

L- fl.1Jp; l'(:t;hI.

i::. S.C"1-afell'

o . :S..:hu_w.btrs






J. Sie-v-er\ R .. SanritOl,g

R . SV.rTU,-ig E. Trt:1cPl J ,i.,,\ Umru.u

$. Vlc~ S. Vo.lgt

R. J-



D Westplial S Wulli R. Utin Abu~~-

T. Ek:cg. M. IUnch,mi J - E.;ul [)' H".:i.ctwi!l t;, ll::a~bb

J. Wo3dt

~I D. Hrlwf~, pz,r. ldr'nt D. J'cht 1 vke-JHt!1h~r.:nl ••• .Emmi:'· ICCttl;uy V. 5..:~W1! 1 l.ft!lmC"~T


i\ll~r!.i~U1 bo1:~

L. l :\\ <'&t': i



o. Bie:tcndorf

M. Ri:-tc('11dorl

C. ll <'4t:ib-=. r'ldcr k.. a.1 ~rt 1. Boettcher J _ Bohlrn :nm

M. lcrgsc '10112 R. Brod:hOH M. Brook$ A . Rtmde E.n~

C. Cu!:.4;1

s. C:1rr

C. tlittm r B.Dlx 0. Dom

1.. Dose-bi M. Chim:-it:m:1 R. D""c-d'°lt D. WtC't K . F:tlc

D. hncad J. huiM!

J. C;ulo C. G;.i.•· ruC"h C. GC'i ·vr



E. Gruntlrn ;ran i. H..m



C. H.i.mpel

J. J. £.

H:inrt~Jt ~ffnicln~c H~lo~

B. Hntipkn J. HC)'U

K. J4lsH

J. Kurt:btT M. Ka.iJn Y. Kegel W. klln

.A. K.esdng J. Koc~ll R. Kopit1-lee J. B. Kru~g•r

){, Nuit:;;lC'r l~. Kt\ieg<'f

£\. Kuslu C. l:iCmw

L bng

c. l.C)'ltt J. LC'lJ~Cf c. l.Jt.k~

K. M:infh~

I::.. Manthey

S. :!'.brcotll'

D. Mad;gnl l. Mcl'\dl R. ,c:n); J.. 1(' 1"1

l. •q·cr


M. Miu•~hr:l~ J. Muhk11~c1t M . Mun J. Odll'8U.Td

A. Oblll..Dd D. Olr.lm:u~

J, Pl~1 tt L. PiQS.t:


c. J-'.a.tlto

;.\., Rau Em llllZI




Russdl Sdi~ltz

J. Scb'Uh S. S.c'h.wua. J , J. St rtltf A. Su in.bu.di

J. Uhllg W. V11tth•uer P.. Vuch D . VQ;jr? M. Walle

?· W11b.

D. Witt K. Woodley J, Zimmcm:uuJD T. Zu.b rrbier ARSEJITi J. MIUll.'r C. PriE£e i ' ScbmLdt D. \\'ir.Uc-

T•1r high cJIO<ll ILl~flllnlnan conslau r 318 mcmb n. Ille m J tlty '''•he u1.1Jcnu ilrc pr1.:pa.r ng lhom1ch.·c1 (. fu1ur work In rlK.. chu~h c11hc1 s p cou or l'h•nc p1 ·~rln f() be 1r..1chnt .., n OMUOU• thcLr cd\ICLllLL)fl here lr1 our C•.1lLc c dcparuncnt, lliosc lrucnu1ng to be p. t(lr.a w ll ~LO ·~1.h'ro'encru Ct1Uasc tn W.auwown, \\'i~mis111. ta puu 10 1h if n11dlc1. /I. 3CJ1 ral cJ11C111Clun It lso pro,•ttlcd I~ tl\mo lnt~niJl n~ l~1 .. ntcr om r fh:ld1, fo1 dia nfnU'I ~·"1~.:n. tic )'Cir prrwldcd nn :r~mnn criQlW 1Mrc or 11c~ am.I dlHc.tem 11c-U11lclo. 'Mhtlr.'1 thr ophorr Nl!I rcoeei:-ckd or11: more 11 ·p tl1 1<:.11ch 1tic haHway rn rk ci( !belt hl&h selW>Ol cdl.IC.a:lon. flor ch· JUJ1lor•, 1hc yc.u fcoitur d th ordering of c1aaJ rm~. n event which b:o l;:iht 1}1c.n1 ooc dcgFC.?i,;1 nc.ucr to ga1du11 li.:ia.


V. C. p•

Tj~mJls~•. ptttlde:nr Tmu.1~.,., vice-pr 5dcru 02.~1 1 J<"Ct'C!CAI')' f itd1 f. \lt: :Ulill!I

.E. AlbhlC ltt I\ , Albret'ht S. Blcsmlllm


r: . O:iJhiwm

S. Dtiml"I\



L. Ecter M. Fiucb~n

R.. f!emh1.s

J. P:ranlt

a.. c1~1·nwoo.I

M. 11llrl J . Utdt 1) ,

f!, KNC~l'I'

M, K4'm1111ek1,1r '['. N, t<ln..l

C. lowwn1Juo

M. ?-:der

s. J',f«S.Crsi:::binidi

J. ~Uclx-cJ


M 1.:11~!ler

G, .Muenk• l S. ~'.\utterer

M., .ohc

K. OMa.r.d P. ~.4lmcr D . Pc-bl R . Raib:id:

A, 1todew:a1d.

J • S.artii!eea D. Sclu-oedA:or

'It . Scl1t11 ,. L Sciu. EL St" . cmn.nn

J, ~t i:hu 1C . StiJle:r K. Stor.rb1g D. Tohm&u N. \'e-:ich Alrscn~ ;

S. : ".;iJ\el

K. Peu;o non• .Pr'" 1ld4!illl S. H;usc, s:.ccrrtar:y E.. Bo1"3:sch1.U.. tre:u1m:r Abscnor: P. R..dlc:bc·l •


L O. 8~i:ka · r 0. Blcic:1. D. Bodi:" D. Cli=rlson

IJ, Chrlsti.:mon J. Dlhll>e'I ~ Due! llmti~r R.. Ui.lkc

J. Fllwc:ht

.M. En d M. f.Ateor ~ J-"r.ank




i:a.: Gl~~

L.. C:ti!n...-ood H. Crolh M. Hcilltt D. Hrm~! J.





J rd"

A, J1.::st L. K;.Lise:

J. Kell

..-\. KHt:uig L Kkti G.~



M.l.l:mb M• .!An:

M. Mt':lri

c. No11.e-

'I;,'. Nolt!t'





K. :i'IC'r:W:i

(;. Pntnoa J. Pl• ..,~ .L.. i']atb J. Qu.1'51

s. Ihtid'J LI

J. $ei.:i1tm:n:m J. S~hP<t:U

G. Sc~r S. SclJ "UU

C, .Sle\•ert,. pr ~ld~rll M . K 11M'f:H, l/.h:n • ptt11J.rnt M. P1• s~· , •~ mt.all')•


Cuan~u. hc111~t

C. Afbrrchl PC.


J. Allerhcm~~~ P. A,·e D. Bart.tch

6. lk.nb: K. 'BOdLI!

R. Bo1in~n ,l .L Borg•ctuu• D. Bnlidt

A. &cl t.l<r.:1a~r

s. 'Bnmt

\'.'. ~r\IJS



B:i.uti~ BiaLIJ.]~

E.. Chi'! stmll.Q C. Dl"NO')'r. r

[). Dr.yn P.. Oum-au ...... 1:ng1•l

J, F..,lkrru J, CIAICI O. Cuth

H. ll:i.-3 Jum {";, Hr(km111u1

C. Urn d

c. Karil~n

J. K~u.·n11.c21 I\, l<lAwiH1' r $.Km






.M. :&.a.nken1111

c;;, M ril S. M111.lhweog H. M ;in 11. Mo!1r

J . .Mv.s]n ; D. NoH~ c. Otdrtd.J

o. r~u~non ?.. ?eikcn



~ubr. R:a~k

R. Roinkrg

D. Sa.uu D. Scbll."rc11beck

A , S.::hula C. 5..:?hulti J, Sch•.dn

[. S<

r~ nr'!

s. sw


.,;, Tlmm J.1'np['I C. V<'rst t'gh K. \\°<'on~ J. Wt'l1alm

f>. Woll 1•11 I\, '.'l••™'U il'.)I! (J, Ycrb C. Zl~rmw1 s. l.wil<.cr Ab1"nl

c. Orct I, i\.,n1 ~.

Kr •ru

-:. Lo

tin1• Id<'(

Hlf.h Sc:hool VALr..Jt,.· Tt!.;un; C. 1la.llm:J.o, l). P~W, IJ, U JXJ.em;.1.rtn1 M. H.ah:nk~ . T, lv'llll r, W, Mehu, f. rn11li.orn, L Kock, V. Ta.c.1Jtir, .T. Fra.nlc, J. S:tnde1cn, a.nd Co:ach. Ha:r;uld. Ki!.is~r.

'?'JLLI P1e1, lJ.:u.kotb..'111 tc.lm ·~a! tt'"'.ili' ~·ottby ot 1l1c. ;l?jll:tuM! H rc.cCl\'cd c~cl1 tfoh:: It inn out outo ~e floor fl'Clm tr..;,:i Jr~wi.g L...ocn. Nor 011ly 1,hd lilt-, f.3r1~ II.we th~ up[iLliLu1d ty co c:>:...:tCl~D :.'1.olr 1ung1 ,..,·uh boinuroUJ y · ll~ a~ "hecn:, b-;1t th..:: y wcr1J abto to ~co n lngh gr.rtdt" nf h.ukc: lh.:'111 b<: I11~ pL~)·Ci.I, The rr11:p5i' pl~)· Ins rhlii •Cn5ioo wri~ nrnri:od by dtic i1·111 l ~.:lm111•nrlt, ::1pi.:el.l whe re Lt coL1n:e4 , and E.f.'Vcrnl vr~ry good, individui•l ;l;':.'.11rds. Tl.i= li:i\t11 h~i.J both tn~ obi:ity and th~ :io piri, to wi11, ~ui.l. ~J rhc •cason record shows, thar u. jul'1 e~?,1:cl y •r1li;1t t':. tlitl. Tl1e \'.'W> wenhillilnr.1:.1. , ha•,1111g goutl lr~ i glrr .:::: the cca~cr spor. i;~~~ 111. r.L~ gu;rrcl pciu1i1111s. a.wJ sl1arp -sbool l1tB forwnrJ!'.. The



cf 111~ tt! ~llll W:l.!i !'.JlCh ; the team ll~\'c:r g:t\'e ll[l lmt'~ W(11nl1ig UJLr!i th~. flrL.Jl;et' b.:id $!)UlldcJ [0 .:nd ~lt. bl •OO. ·r'hctc '1.'('l'c ~Lm~ wlwa 11111 pirEt WJ.1 upcc Iall y C:\' ldcr~c. for on 1.evcr 1 oc~:lisloru ch.: tc om b:mlcd frorn bchLod to 1:111.tch a 'lr'ic rory irorn 1hc:: o pptni tion. A W11£.~ Jefc1.1e. i11ld sh:.l.r;> offcntc rn11dc thh team hrml to beat. 11\iC ,3x n:rtrtc ~ r;,f the hlr,tl :<:ahool A Ct!llID: E. Koch.; W, Mt:ioi:1 J. SaJt.t.L~~o, ·r. .M iUeC', D. limle-

mR.rin, C. 011. lltn•n.

Sllh:SON il.OCO.iln [.i:the1 Luther

\'S. ,.~.

Gi ibt;r\- • 50 36 1,'l:ib;..JSQ- ·fl'~ •.W

l.11thu vs.. oc th.311~· - - (i 1-58 Lu'h::J n. H,\nsk.1··7'i- •U. ''"·fox V.~ll uy· ·to5-4!f lJJ~iwr u, 't'lim1 eb1Le;,- -o'1-7::S I ur~11'! r v~. 5 tu,<len- -6~ -4'•' l..41!.lter vs. But:crfLcJd- - H -4&

v::.. sc. Mar/ 's- -~'4 -trn Lu±rJ v .. Trinll;···S!'>·u1 l..u•]JN •1a. SI,"S 00 ~4 r.t1tlh·r ~ , 13otll a.ny· 64-41


L11 rhor

1:3, \\1 ni>asso - -49-48


~11 ther '1:3,




I I'1i L3.:t3 •

~91) - ~

Tclnlt}' -30-62 M

Thr:~l J>rwo~il

nul che ba~ketlJ :t1 l !e~s .1 one £,gut~ c:irt

tu be

~ll excc:pr.Loo.!!h~·

tlir.. hi ~~h.


ce :i in

c,Htcd at'hJcrn. 'rb.!c: pcrwo waE. Lcac

Kuch . l!.3p L.l•ll of chi:: cc.!111. \'rt1Lth hl! !Jl"!.Ct.lcu LJ.t !buutlu~ ht!. •t1:.u tlJc of rho roam. Hh rr11dcmn1L< ..,. re. l.11.s ~l'lor !r!'.lm C::1c comci.i:. l• rlrnl 'lolhl:'nn•~r Ire.· tool~ lt1.Ll lint ii "''lll'l ;almml ce.rtnir:: llt~l l'Wa n:-;; rt! poirrt.'I w1.111 h• ~ 4Jl.J..:d (tl rhe:: ~r;;n;i::. Scu1'lt1t! •:lF.I·~ ~lilts rJu rl11g hi5. hi •0 so:::huul I h.c h.t:Lils t1.1cher Ili ~h Sc~1ool '~ ru~~ml the ni.':I!!: painc5' ~a.tcd, He a.ho hald1 cwo o thct &chuul reeacJ&. the maEC fic:!J


sos~ end th'\!. blg.'1.c!l ai.•c.1.!lgc O( "POLIJUI ~,game. Ac the Clt~• :ublctk b:inqr...;;:c Ccn ,>...och ..,.n,, azim~d lhc oum:.,r1dfng atlt.Jot'"" of Lumoc Hlgh.

Watch Ing roaC'h Ka.LM:r'1 ccaim wark cogcthcc orn oo tl"..o:sc playirlp; 1nd to campHme:rrt thcrn 111 the:; dld.

me bDiokotbnll Door, ch.c f an1 huJ

Th~ ~

good rc11.«1


cr.c:or for

t<.!am uho ~hoi..·cJ ablhty .md tmc. fptrlt. Tb~ terun -...·odti.°'d und playfylj b;ird under U1i= c:r1ru.:bi11:;i of-utor SduLeli..lur, 1r.•ldc1J f."JUllutl In n g v.•[1 l·· I l,C.l&i. rL:Ct>ril fur tlit! 1e;1s..:>1 , Tlli.1 l.:i11s sl1LJ1,o,•ell the It :.lf'flfLI'- J.I Jud crtthuu.-uu for 11 n '!"I'll~' 111.., ll te:un p1nyc.d. M~mbi:!l'I Llf tht• n li:!llrl ['110'<1.:a.l 11,ums1Jl\ c.. frrlly c:.:ip:ihl or r.HLnt: cha il~oct l)r lf l~~H! mrrrbf.·rt uf tile 'i.nwily ,..-h11 i.lrC ilf>:i.JuaTmn rtli~ )'L..&r, Thit:y 11J:1yed a M®il c.leUber.3tC. s.:ii.1~ ml cxhLbLtc lfl~ l~nmwnrk .,.,.hich f11m. gT~i\rly c:njQ)' W'1tdi in°, l,1111f,r;:r r;,;in lnnk f11;Y.1 i1rt1 ln "',;it~'i.,11g n~k~th,;'lll uf dll! !'1~1'!111? c 9J Lbcr e.cBJon. 0

Tbi.: H.1.Sh School 6 Tuw; A. J'lUt, J. Mu~i1L.ta , J. Sc bi.12'reJLbcc.k, [). ik. ckn~r, C. Sieve.rt, E. Connell , D. BLcick, D. ~elmirenheck 1 and their cu11.czh, Tul!Jr S.eb~Jdl!'T.

E. l,11,np. I K. I\'uJt~. I\. v r:n ch I r:. Woti Ir rn, D I M11.rkg1it r, R. Hu,u•T I J::.:i Lcia 1 ~. 11111 i, :i nrl Coach H. Kilier. ,".h:;•'llll::: Ku;:: 1,., ,

SL\SON 'S tu:COruJ L':!Lbcr ...,.s, ,a\Jumni , , • .- , , •• , , . , .... ..

l 11tl1u .. '·

l::1,tL1:t\1 IJ l1!


.••• , •• , .••• , 70-'HI

Lui.her ... ~. F.mn1nt:;'b11rs , ••••• , ••••• ~tc-C;iol.

L.ttb1..1 VJ. ..,.., l..uthe.t \18. lutJ .-r v.•• luth.e-Y Vll,

i Jlt1LC1

Att:1L.W. • • • • • • • • • • • . . . 7.J.-S7 1'1•tll YIV • , , •• , •• , , , ••• 71:1-itl Pl.lh~:r· . . . • . . • , . . . , • 7 E-S.FJ S1, Clotttl Fr1Jsl1 •••••••••. lH-s-7li ko-.:~~5tcT

• , , • • ,







...... BlllllL4.! lWWl!J

• - ••• " • - •• - :53 7 () L~th!"'T \'~. r~rJtarvll'•' I • • I ' • • • I • • I 8B...lj1 !w.:.l~r \·~- SL l' aul Bibli! C:.nilegi:: , • • • . 7 2.-F,;:Z l.11t11, t v1, Cut1l:•:>1 ril. • •. , • • . . •• , . • !5 6-b:I

lulhr n. L11tlr~r

r ilJsbury

• • • • • • . • • . . • • • s 1--6 l

,.i::. :i;;t. Cl uud FrLJsh

. • • • • • • • . 7 2-n 1i · LQ:!-

l•• dt'l!





!Jc~!1ml111!1 or Ulu 1 00l!-10r>[~


b..Jli;ell.J3l1 H~U.°t\ill.


t:u l - LCl[llll J>nWIJd I.hilt cbay !wd Ille bHtI:f .tti.J fXlU!lll[~ I to ~~in l'IU 11ppt~1 hetth 111 (}11;; 00l\ftlt"it•11:r. f:j• t:u-:at.i 1 1~ Amtln anC. r.:ochc~wr. The team ·fiiorkcd wcH ru8t:rht.!r a.n.i.l


good • .ind the bc;:;LtJLtlnf; oJ the sc.~!on brought cnf.J.tcr die t.e.nm c11cc:-.rn tL,rcd J. k,1ir1g ,rn'"'"Jt ~1ad th.;:y w~rn un11bla to rr.:g..1tn lhu 11i.:i.::r.:u u1cy h11.J cxpcri cnccd c11cllo~ 111 tl:.c £e:Lion. 0-i!~ pL::.t: th(! fa~t th!! l •h~ t:u llt!~I:! Lt!J.111 !1H 1 man;· g.:mi'.!$. tl.ic;c: '"' ccc rh ~ sar11 ~ th ril':s aud hl~Jlghts th:iL .:il'.•.'a~1s i~} with bJ..~.k( I ShllUl.5. .. uJ 11crcC1m1 nlH cch~iJ throL1ghout chr;i i:;m.1J1Lw11. Jool<~l

c~iu111il11::! 1i.;.~ulu.

LuLlwr v:., Wo1r.hi.n.i::ton ••••• , ••• , • lutl1~r ''li, C1.:m~ordl:L

l1.1r.b.;::r \');, (](' tb.iny

o •

•••• _ •.•. _ , _ • 5 !i-flti 0 I 4 O t I O o , , lfl'J-121 i


L11th•'f \'S. 'RuChit!11.1t!t:-•.• , , . •• , , , •• , 53-75 'w'J . Wt•rl 11 litgr..)11 •• , Uith~t 't~t 1 .t\11~lio .........


••• , • , • _ b-li-79 f.~ -8.2

, , .... ,


IC'i)' G::onh.o.z 'E> flnc: pla:r· t.1.rougnout '!i.'\1,; H.!3!1~:n .,.,,c:n him dt ~ llnaot o l lic:".[ll~ 1._.m t:!<l w tl1 ~ ;.11 l- c1.111 l er~1 1ce: tc.iin. Hls spr<:{'.L...icJ IJ.I rl!bounJ ng ~nll hi~· 5;t.Xol"h~g ·' par ..:~J Lila LL~.1111,


1\dd~ roi the hL8hllflhU. of me aCJ15on ""'' Ct'e :1icvem2 now lndiv1du91 rc..::or(h fut Lurl1,.: r $~ 1 by :ti.ill H~uer, tltc <:<•ptam o; the tcil m. He mH de 15 ~icld goa.1$ I11 ()( 1L. g.:i111 I'!, J 1 w bre;dd.RR a cccoid oI 14 ,.,·hkh ·1'4 t1;i hdd by Aral.~ llrnuu Ln tt1L 'at-•;:J;1 t1.u.:u~m. fi.m,, a st~p.to1uor~ •,:o 1: ..,Je 1l 1J Jll~\ field

and 'CON'd d:l u mu~c wul puims (ur u1)0 y t.ia r. tkon ]]ll.rlwlg hn d form4;aly h~~lcl hod I Ihe• o reo;;irrh. Ron hi1d 14.1 Ilold gtiii.h mu yc;1r. '"'hcrcas !J'C'n had l::i8 In the ·:1~- 5:3 h~asua, Ru:1'::1 ~ow.I tie1in 1.-; 'Nr:rc: !334. ~111' 1Jot1 '! '"'CIC :Jl'7 . ~oo Is ill .:xh~ )''


'l'br wph•.rn

LI' I C•">\1('~ I'



fl I



jl C1•


the A !e11sue o;,;.l th.t: girrls' intr.imW"al biUlu.:'lba.11, nJ rhri°I' hf'1U rl IC top li: l'n o[ r1J C Il k>l$!111C' t.CJ bl!!i:?um I! th c~J;:nuru..





n L.:!1.1r,uit1.

hsbmz.CI. s. idl3


fJrn pJac.r.

~11 ihl'

11u~ hi8h si:? seruun v.·~:-~ lb~ cha.mv5om uf rtw ooy.~' ldi;h liOhoo1 lntri1mw11.l1.

~·, r h..i 11 runri 11 1.!jJIJ 't'••1l 1 I h1 f iC: llt )' howlln,r; te.;i.rn, /1.c.;;icCK1d;;i~ 1 lock ihe Ophldla L~agll.I!

ch 11mpl n1)1hip,

TqCN" ::i.~lill hi.tit dlspla;·s lti3 'l:xapb)• pr:l!~en~i..I lo hlru !ur L~S bJgh y:11.rn(!, JU~:b J:l!tfo1 1 l.'ld hJgh ;1.VCTRR:l'-

Our Ing tho u1JWlb1g 81.i~ull, Ll~tJ lruu ti rnr t- !!c:h We<Uit!S· provider ihaSC" uppcrc111£3 su..uform and foe 11lr~ :tm: mbi:11 L.ntct.:$lCJJ IJ1 bow llu~ :1.1 ,,,ppti:tu1· t•y to 5hO"i" 1he: i Cski]] m lhC" sport- Dtulng lhe f1J'1C ill.a tf Of the d~:.· ;ift~mooa

l\ri'o tc :.111:.l, tlai It n.•r.m10.L .11ad ·tJtr. Copp.crhco<l•. •11e r~ n~ck ind 11~("' k ii. "1 11".o '"e.y. }'.'tm one .sfu:J'l14l0ri .cit [0 bi3'!1l , th~ C"up(.JL:llH.:.Hll Lcu1.ll th !!l'!Jeh·e~ Irill L IJS, bu.1 Wht:a I11~ l~r ~ lru h.-d faJJca th~c. aJccmrouJ.l , d~ay hail Lied l.h.u Ii<l :u. rlrt! pl.i:f....Pff "''-'~ woa by tbc 1"\t;()l~:l!li, l1ldi'#L.JmiJ 11.(NllJr.~ 1'.'dllt IO 1'1•tor s~'1n~1de.r 'tiUO hdJ tbc hlgr. !C::..:.!Oll a.\' d '!10 .J Y.. ..,,..,~I! <!L:mu>; of ltP~ :lif'AUH'I 1<1'11F .l do1.1hk5. rou.m.lmcnc '!iron b>' Bob Mc~ c.or .mJ 't'iCllk Radul.!. E.-trl y ia th~ ~.;i-iap;, volLc.y t>1lll k..o;.!k th..: pL ·· nl bn,lcrth.all 1n t1'r ia·r.imur(IJ pro ~,im, '1 d.~ foCUlt/ 01:.C'C 9g3!a C :Ultt'! llJ 'lot id I :1 ..:hil.ntplo!Uhl&J LL.'111, fo\'UI ting lhr' <'"'I '"'r.n 1:1h1yom. ID high !";rJ•nOJ c;o.171 pe1:3TlOr.., UtC Jue Jar l:nJy.s' tli!OIUI J; a.n~~ uuc 01L tap. lt..!.aw.1,

Th ... l•mfOI 1'0')1S i':u,ppeil the hl!(h

~h.ool YOilC"Vb!Lll

c Im w~•l~lf-1.

Thr.1 hicu&ey r1J,l1•d 111u..ill1111r i;.l1amplur::uJilv w Lhc.k rl!~crJ b}' t!Oll!!ily tllkin6 Lhe! coilc:ge: vall{'-:;baU ct1>1 mfd rin1fliT'.


11cLlvi~ ~~Iii

ti.~ ·~ lic.a c.i

tlt;•i- l ;,i.r..


llb h'-'mbJt: orv-;mt i;;i~fliH't• 'lll J.:1' tht': Mlli:!l® Lhrou~ll.()!.1t ht:.

nn b.·hrnd

'"'(I llil ftt!:>t:'tl. l;J.-




T, II! MIKAtv w ' Iha') nllm~ <'•f 11r 1 r.-:.~1 •JPNClt~ d11lJee1 ll)' ll c. l11ll1<:1 l.lLo.:1111~ l.u.2.~,ua.:.

iiJt LIJli

)' llr't


Che f.tOT>' oi !':amkl l'on, p•'i'!>'~~d li}' fl,o'~rl ~nn::ita~, !c.·11 nF lh~ ).{ik;,i:b iU. ~ mir s~~l. ¥. laa ..,,. ~., 1t1 l "'Vt! .,, Itll Y 11:1 Y11 rn. ;it :tj'L.'<l b)' Da..11.;ir.i.h IJum. Tl.e:5r JUC~ ncouI1tl:1i.;J 111u ny LtHll..:uJt i.: s. Juell nr. th~ cm~clon.





alC"lll::trtd th::u tUl!l'-:1 p,.


1>" l<arn;ha, ari clrlerly




<:O'J::r, rl;yl"'J hy


IJma. or dtl"!,


st.oiy ""'t11 ioti::Up¢.""'f.1~ai 'k'l~l1 rri.~1 y dt•llhhi hll mH,ss. lmt!t {11Jh•lt!11;il lill<l elimtu , L1LI ur tnLtllbur' uf Lin: C.lllt bL"tld~!li thme rn11"rne.I ;at:~~\'r. "''C::rt OW~ll f)u111.J•l11)&?'3 J:i•i.CI, C~!'I p~~l~h. "~:IL(' z.·"~'"6· !1nJ ),.1,!fan~c A.brc-chc. <:a=.l lot.:u .mpputttJ by ll\·,·o chtJru.>cl , oac of Jap..:aac~c 'SCboo! glrl~ ""r.G ttJC' otht:r tiC lords 1md co;.->Uc!~." S1,.iu(jt11.1J Ori\' Id ;. , I c;k1• c.npnb I y dirr..r.1 r.d cl1~· prrnl11i.:t im1 . A j(!(:(I l>y fo~:11 II:; ;1d'i i:...H:. >r1 ;:,.., P1~111d1 Kr'11.1 k .~11 i.l Pr11!c,:~1·r


..4.lhrl":r.Jtl, All 11.•nrkoe<l Lugcd1d tu l1elp ~raa..~c chi::: o~cr,.:n.s a ,grc-.:u ;,t!C-~C!!I..

stud.,11t<?c~~ U. A41Ld,.. t'51 and rJLtl i,;L !!·"', M.


~l'Af\OlNC~ \, :Bon1, R. Swui.L:.L!!ii• b. M ... rltgr;if, G. G.-ls,r1, J, f"c.:1ok , D. S.n.1.u•r, S. R~1~il:1.ll 1 J. lk·hl· mann, G. Mllt-uk>.:!l, K. B~cke::, E, CF11iH't111111 (~ ti3tt!<l) ,]. ~zbc, M. Alhf1"'r:hc , (.;, Paul!~h, C, ClnlU•' 1 1:1., lilru, L. Cre:o21wl"l111.1 (Ah 1°111) '_', I (. 1..,nc~k.-: 1 R. nu .. g,• .

10 scude11t! pl:111m~d ;ind ·•~ Lpcd i::.:i:r'/ 1111L 1r·.1dc.'01 body i>tujco:.:I.':, ·1·1·~ HLLdca: 01!...11! i.:l 1: •• ~. ltr:pr 1m.:lf\1 ~t/ 1>1 •}'in r··rfNmla •, thdr C111wtiont, M .11.:iuy .Irma lhl1j' Joa.:.tcJ the Er fn•c Lt;m: for i-·ccM u1. ~md in :irdcr co .~ct .Jll th...:1 r .. or').; doac . Jn ch~1 Di.1mnm1 JubLlci.: Yc:.Lt 1.tariy G:<tt'a r'tuJi:t;b •.-1:·r~ b(;g11n, Pt.~:.ia ,Jy 111~· ~ap;~e;,t wmk "! 1lm: y1· ,1r'11 :-irJdc-tr CL1.1 '""'ii w:i 1l::e .nlt!.ol pl:;1 1 inf, ini.i i!i:v t'.lnpmcat 13£ Lut:l!!t • in 1lo'.t !) . M.l.C. j I It!\.\' r-1rl\, 11.~t..~h stu:!e:n I1~1r l• <IS J..5'.:t E.·'i(;U, lltu.s gi nr.::; •hlS cc·...• ..!.tl-


th~ }'L~r a. grn'Jp ot

.:.1 uwil c:l<:ct~d h/ m~



Clcl\f.I 111 111.e r..i mpLJi .i ~ 1..:L·~~r· 1l h:-~inntn,.,.


;i ft<'!ll~)

!'u1111J m;1ny i1rnd<:J1U ·1u i Hf, rn Ihr: smdcn r l 'n.101 l' i t.:1' r Im n i;r.'icl\ ur f1.1r ;111 :(1 '"'fl · 1 • · ?'~ l11~.:l'l.l~1:.

'1t111b l' .It- 4t l:<;, tbLS j-l~LL IJftn.'ii.:.d a ~3tilC:'.ll:; f!l:LC~

lu: :s

Ldi;.•,;i·:,, The .!i!Y ~!lr'.f

hC1t1rJ O:JJl.CJ <:-UL lhe c.ften times 1r3pprcc,!l1C~ w.1rl' nf tl~'llifi cqL1!pmi.:nc, 1,11~ ·ng CMC of tho f11i1o;:h b . . . r, il.Tid r• .illf,Ll~it, fw 1•k1111ns r~wl\.


IL Voth, N. MctsiC , ,1 ,



,'i I'~ 1\. c~h-

!iEATF.r>: C. Socga1.i., El... Hlr.t.


com~d of tvdc-nu o! r.hi::: h.lgh. scJu:IQl and coUegl' 11«'91• rtmrc-11u wt Th M:. S lu 111 tlu~t. fa.cult) .1 d.,•isor. Tbh ..:,tOUj wu ch0$ ·~ ~0 r!au. ~ni;I Org:mlfc II ye~rboot, depii.-tio.8 th · ~Pl'r

'fH.F. FJCC£1.SJOR staff



oI the ~sl )'~~r. Tl~ Ji,O!ll af

t.hC"-1~ ~Jiff l't1 WlbL·n

wu to pla11 "' book \I 1. ""'lY.lld ~amt of '"'tuch woul~ rnikt: onie bugb 11.nd oth~n whi o,:11 WVYlJ pur; lht 11 J1,3n2p" LnLO cm •1 tluoJ l and Lhar ~c. f l!!i~O on.c 111 c:y1•. This year'& .ataH v.· hir<I ~rt thr I~ c:rowdccl room ir.o produce a.o r. Ktra ipc<:hil yu rboolr. r:om mt'mor~licg P .M.L.C.•r Di11mood Ju.bil11~. 1'1 i:y held c!ic-lr: m~etin, ~D the t!'teci~ d1rrll)Jt srudy h-'lJ aad ch~ ...,'Qd: co br doae li't-U po;t lo:it"d Qr.>t t.I? t1't< 1u1ff 1t'lc~cn. Mr. La fnuic.c, lli Yui~ook comp.111y'• rc:1m·scrn.a.Uve 1 came ,,.,·u-..1 ~Imes: \0 ~d \hr. nnff ....1th hdpful hiou. 111d w~('l'lli:N.. Af'4:f )lJ11 · rnC111tbs of dlligen' ~'6tk Ul• at.a ff cQm • .Pl~ud the J~~ EXCELSIOR.

br4nf{ b11clli; o!d m1: morll'J,

Jllrr.H 'RlldJC!

!dltor Cill Conmsch belpi; to 11.roo&c ~nca.l by s~n·iB" • 'I! ;J. 1i.c:r.t~rer lcu: th.c pleturl:"

••u,•r<"n fn Ull.I

rrt1~'( L IC~JQel,

Thi! collqc MESS.EJ:CER mH p-..iblJshed 11. very .Dne Bod:, 1n terditoc, u.w tha.t ill Uic h.app1!11Jqt CID campus ·,.-.:n~ lcp;>rud tc.o lhc nucku{ bcxf;y. Tbc ;pg.pc:r lud, hi dill ti 0111 Lo neY."J. a f :atu:rc s.eoeti<11:1, ;a !.eC'Uan wir.h .&,., r.i.~~ 11.tsic nd['l' C)~f.1.1.!•, ~c·I ;i iports 11•ccJ01t. Ttic p21 "'• l~ r,. ,..,r~J u1 nl.:le In ni:-h luut: stbi;.it11 Llie school 1L,tll tl"J eo1U1<¢~l on W'llb di..: arlt"'M:n.l(llfl of L).,. Pl ll 11'1(1J'elf JubU~i.;. Ttib y~ r st.~ h1gb .sc.hool dtpa:t.m<;·ru b~h I Jim yea: "'1'Lh a r.i]){"r th.:u wH ~bHsltc4' .1irpar~k 1l' {tom .!iC' co1lc·h·· 'rt;i.:a.rt,inll"'lt"1 Sll~r, Tom MLll~r W.!iS th.t! edlmri"l'lp&f>C!:r t:hrot1gh.1>111t tltr. )'e1:r. W11.lter


of rlLe


T'tlr hlitft \d\(JQl

'o brims c.11t tl'lc n1•M fri:iu; t~


MN'lctd bard

lr i!eJJ.,tc,mitin.. The bighi 1idl.ooJ :1.4,o crpon1...J OA dttt hi3~1.rnine."1 kl 1hh

\'11.TiOU.~ ~t:I ~:rid 011 tbt 1.poi"'U ll<Clh'ltLU i:n The :flnt Vt r of th.: p2ru't ~ s vt-ry mccHsl..d.

i.\ .d~u SOI: • cdjkJI ot •Mt.~ 'Gat


Tom; :Mlllrf. cdJ,ca of d\.c hlsl\ 1chool paper ..

.AllC!r n nnrlis !:If int~rn~ ?ri.-p.;r3·Lon the mc;:nbcrsi uf C.:>llc~c Cl:iu!.r 1. u.i5,d1!:!.1 H"Elh ~hl':ir 1!1r ·ror, 1•cofc~.iOC

Atbl•.Cht :in their rna.:111~.~·, l-1'1.•Ci.:~r JIL•Uh.:L kt, .1 .;ir1cd nut 011 1t1c 1Ji:i lfi011.d Jiibllcc: Clto.t ' l\tt11. l\111:-:t 111 interesting Pl 1lding,~ i'Jn•I ir iiL~rr't':S l\.i{) r.rJnyarl•"' r::ii:.n C•f Hll'IC! . . .·~·11. .:if~!)' .'1 .>Uwa .re;1:'lf11t .. 1y tlti~ our was $C1 tlir(lJl11g. (k:UL.!,', .1.lJJi.! lO Slt :.L-t! t(ll..: ju}° llf 'iri )'1.: l'!- uJ b l.!~[11£ M ~tl rliL-: t.lnS Of IJUl 1~1 11QJ ""'::U lJW (l t llllr! pl!rpo~·:: of tho tDl!r, Tl:.~ choir W'1:i -·'1c:i.;forc tntly h~JlPi' li.1s i1~ 1.~1.1 .1m.l t:1r• ·r;r 1~ri11:-crt, A hn~l rcuntou tJ f C1,1! ~ kgi: C:holl r 'W'~ b_Lti .J r....... Wi.:1.Ja :ifteT tlie r.)1,nr r~t.tlmOO from lt.S sprJng lOUC'. The d ulr dr:isc 1;i h1te r·~ h'iLarn:ut l~m for u cl llt' . =inq1:tt. Mro..:r il ••Pll•.;ICJm 1oe.:.1 ~lm u:rl!r.l~r 11n..f r.ltolr man si.:c c .iillll~lll~<l OJI l h~ ·,,·i1Jl:F' s p 11Lt of ill·~ <:hoLC a.rul chc Si.:L·cc3! of the cuu.t. A lLJge1::! !it1\'e;1td h.:r ~ht. ~ittitc members un th!!.it tum w."?..S t"'Jf1t ·cJ 11 .:Jctult 411 d1• li.:!t11n: p.. rl f•f 1 1 11ter1. i111{1e11 . Si,, . 11111 ph•1 g?.'!Jtll to.I en 01 the c.io1 r•111 t'lll'C• tnura '<le;~ :>1lin·,.,J1. ';otr.~.son .-"!.[::irr,cht illld Hocai:ckc i4CCC. prt.:~CU't~::I ~ifu or .app~<.:i;llinn .y the c::ho u. 1:1.~ ;.n~int; of .,h,:1.!tcJ lll lnl>C.J'f rrnm Ilic pr 11$; C:C•llt<•rt progr ffi C('inC uiJr.d Ut( bullQUt: C ;i.:1.J ..1 :1llll!C' S\ll I Ch Ill Cdr'll Cb, )C CO

.1n end.

Ori th1 d )' 11~ L1mr1•1d •·~ Arhor 011y 111h•· micfMtt, n1on1 blcJ 1n ~ .aui..111.mlum ;,t.oJ ~\·eryone .,......11 ~\'e.a ;a }ub Lo p~dortn

r;o l•erlp nUl:kl' rh>1 C:\Jr!J1Wi c~aan and 11ttr11cth•(l, !he W-tiWJ.W Wi.:o&'d :r:Ut.ed flat.I du.: l 11tU.V1:' 'in:M JL.iuJ d .I w I y

lr1 hy aomc of tlu· booy5. S r-vr-ra.l trct"'s. which ··••c:rec d!!Pd OT Jyin.. ,.,... Tl. ohuppt"U 1h.iw11 Ah1;1ur ID1~to In tli· rnnmbi 'l tbc bell Jn Old M11.ll1 wmounc ~<l Lb.i.t th!! 1-J.D.cb p10p;ul!:'d by th_i:, colle-i;;;• jnn1or ~lr h w:u ro hr l!l>"[\l~cl, 11nd lb!: wtJl:'ka1:1 £.-om ll ~amcin o! Lhu ~ mJ}f.11 g•lhi:ti:.Ll llll lionn n, foi;.d Jrnc, Tbr.: R.!tr.rnqon wmk


cc~trm::d in .im •

pra"·~mt"ot oi Ll:ic Dlfl"W D.M.l...C. p~rk 1 ''Lu.cb~ HoUi;i.,.·.' in thiO! ~lt rt'10C'l'1 A tl~r.'.! ·rLrn'tLnp, cc:rcmnn.1 ·Nm1!< bcld a.L ~ mao1.1me!D\ w.h.ere ;ri Blao.k Hills 6'juUCI! .,.,":ls 1:1Lant !!cl,


l':I' t11r c-r~omiioy 'the f~ck:nu .3111lhcrrd in 11 1At'lbcr fo-r: a i.l~lkiu1u pknlu ~ppl!t il."..l!J b~ sunt.t: cullc~ m;~mDTt:!' girb. To put: ii. !ir.i;i.l tw4.!h \o Arbar l:biv. I ht t!VlllWlJ,Y 'Pl"_.111 11 1' • for 3 U, l1,(.inr tby pi:-cp11.mei:J:TQ f:u::1~ make I.hi:' campw pn:seotab.1.I! lu:r n Ht.ti.I"' , TM i'V" ,,. 11 l~ h1<11JPl1r mr rh. bur.y pl'npil -

Sl"ll".ln d Hollow•


r111lurn ttJ prc:J 11: IJie dormt\ol'H~&i ad a U\er bu l. ins~ oL Ute c: ;unpus ia:r the guest!. truat would \'Uh: them ;t f~r t.h~ i;prlni;: CllnC~rl . Yo'' ·11fow:ot ..... 1 <t' .....'aliht>d, f1U1..•I( ICniblot!d ;amJ WJI t I i...•uuu. lr'JS. i:.11"11..Jll: J, JJIJ lilJ Lb" athu 12CH.lC:ll;tty Lhlni:;s to keep ll dnrmlw.,.., loolt111;t nlc(' wr;rc Ol!:<!Otr r1ltshrd. Thi c.-11,01 r Lrr t in "''''"urn J .. 1lt1Tll"~I h~ haral wU!t LhL• .•\ellH Q.ll!. J.JWo .Mo&rluls: u.nhl..btg. .L~ryone •...·.u: ~n hh bc:H c • .nccrt utirc- Th.-. AcollAn' wrTl"' cnl()ff11l .iafld "itl• h ~ llJu ltJ 1b1 Ir f, t111r• 1•, rl ~ur ,. I u 1 n1u ••\' iJ 15 •t. ,.,.II 1 IJ'..r.!11.6~ 1 U1e Mui • lu1:1<l han..isame lo ~ulu: IL.Cid the bil.lid were: neAtly drcu1·;'!' m thl"lr 111llfo:~1s. .,..lw ~ul'.I"'' rt "'' 1 r•f :1 ]I ht1 i.;, t •,I ~ •~ul r uu.lWc a.ud wa.s rt:bjoyl.!J oy oa. lu.rgr.: cumber b .ittccdRncr.:. 11.itrr die con-::Pn: nts 1md icit>t ·~ to111i>1l


t.1 ii il•


·ai. S 111d1 1 l·


hullY • l l.l1rl:r

p. r'(IDU tJw:tr


th.em LD thl.'! CantcncLd Hill ;n•m11ulum 1'.iltrn cinf'frc ·~';II& S•'JVCd rn thr h;lr.,..,. Tl1" OJ 1•11 hu11h: l;ra1.:t:,1 rhMJga1 1ti SU}l'}.'Cf liuur su tl~t ~il bu.J ~ ~.i'.:utet! lo "Wt.

t!ie bu.HdicgS".


O:i Ma·r .ii :ind ]() t.Jie L':!Lhi:r LiL~r.llry l<f';tbllo:' :J.'l:l!; .. nri1.·d All. IN 1 11 11/\MI LV 1 11'1 , .,,,. t l.u11~lv a.:11>11."d~· wrl ll<m b;· Thcoocri: Ifa tl<!o . l'be p1a 't' e 'frt' ,~4!d th• M!:'.a~ ,_,f G··or,r:,1· ~J m"r, 11 h llllii !Lt 17-)•o,u: .:»d pby¢J tiy .h me"'.~ l"e1hki:-, l tal U1.,, 1\111• 111•.1,l lu1me ltf,• .,_,, 10•1 1?, cc.1111'1...rd~ dU • ruptrd b)" LhC" m;mr ••':lli; aubidt- inlc1e£t!i (>f bul:1 1>."ltl'1 t' Ill~''" ld 11 "· (:nor·" 1•' 11h1111t ",,,fo.u11 hi• r.irn I~· ·~ JF'•ll\I' •He, ':tml hfoa.s n: .. i.;ltt!d lo 1>evt!i:J.I IL, l11wL111Li cnt:Q:n,?)c:11h'1m:. f:.·nr ;'!•' iinll.U'( clid {l:Ct!L":l'd i:n dr;iwinp, th1• famiJy lu.;, a 1.•JL1M:I l11u1e I "t1)1))l t: ,,,]. 11111 s 1tp. Otln r li 111ll11p, cb1mC'L4•::s \\'L'l'C M:irth.a •md F=d i'YtiUu, F·la.ied D)' E::lsa ML111t11")' a11 I Jnrn• $ acl1111• 1 1 0 01" .M ll1·r1 1'b~·· "1 hy Cail

G:i ..... i.sch, and Sifl, pl::iyed 11~· . Arb.ti H.ue~Ll1,;r. 'fb•• pl l)' w,;i-; chrr.~1~ h;• Miri:im M"nth.ry 1tnd Ricli:irJ Sonntu.5, a nd lh'I! I ,1cu 1t)' ad,• I •JI •, a. ·1 1to1 Y11 hrltd. I lw cu r A'lld da. rect.01?l spr:nt m:i=iy :iltcrnoc..~ ;i.nd c11e11ings ·world~ unJ IC'hi:ur,ln ro i1mk.• t i pill)' thii 5 1<.; -~~ f]~1 h w;i,.,


~I 11 1 ···~IOT


l rlu~· \ll';aJ 11

umult hh

e1i11ltl1 ~I ft,1 ~.

COill. Th,;; st:-.r1 tool: lu ll1o.: 11•~cptiuo lt:>u.n.~c of C1;,d11L li 11 Cvllc. · ·, 110 c=:ii:o;:Jui:;L"''I.'! [aJtl'lll I 11)( v.-.:.:.mciL. Ccdu.r 11111 Y.-.a.s \ "CC'!o' 11 111 rl: t1 av •t, alJJ

thr drir1iitnt}'1111 5¢]t.()C

th.e aclio:i centc-rc:d n p l ar1 t11 ul•l.alr, muct"y lor the cltu rhr •CU t.'I tli • l'hl)' \' ·1•, 1,..1mHl l e.ttlt Jnc Litrll 1 ~i.; :1 <:o;.'\~liu)'" 1 Bill .Ml"'!, lh.:lt h;;.s; tn ntll:~~p1 t: f;11'1t! ;J.S

sch, I. Ir

a. •id, 11.rird tn f,• t rho ~h· .., , Ull( of d lie. Two ~l!'ftirm, K.1thkl'll ~I . \'t!•l n Al 1't!J 1t'la.s.~1m;i.11, '.:ctr. 1•l, ct.;il b}' r31t:l1 1:;las·m~teis to diret:t the ;play. Tfl' f,il'1llr~· ;1dvi>on. wci11• Min flrilud' J\r ·l. 111l l'10 l c~ or 1\. ~i;hrtb. ,\Jtcr thC' I I :1 ;· :\ t(: :"t!ptiuo w·.i.i.: r.eld in Ccmr.:in t II J jt'r t.l~llililiU.m I Oll'l 'rljQy:ible hmcJi •,v;i,· S•~f\INI. l'v"Sli l~n;»k :1~d Prg,,. fo1i1m St.!fiuL ,,.,•r-n• c:. ch J:l'J'1.11 .1 .yW lri :ll:Jl:'tecl:i lina lor 11.Jl rlw tl2m1 Tl.l:!'f pi..:.r. inla LI:.!!' phy.


At1y itWhmr !tr •Srlnp: ,i:;;n,1 11 11 l1J nL;1k.lng O'J l lc;;;wc plw:.s cuu ld f.lml. LL la th!! faculty ~r.,.·n.J:srn.

1\1l cruk:p.,;, gr d 1111t1">1 ru:I ~hidflnl::ti hi th..L .lllt!rg•~uc y t'1llcl1lti~ 4'Ll,&lt1m wurM!.I n hL.J)' fem' to st X WI! W of pr.IC ":..i. Ce' le;:. C rung II.l St. f1Pu2 11 Sali•JC•l jnrn th. Ir 1c.l,r:d11Zn, Coll''I.• juti lur glrl ! wbu art! n.-rutnlcg 1"1 th!! H!bior ')o'ea.r ta.u.,ghL il"ld.crgill'lCD v.bHe t:h.c ~thr:t J1r 0(1c1 ft111 ah ~~ r 11P,ii[ pu pl ] i; Ill tl11. 111 t.t~ 1t=cood,

third. fu<.it~

;1..11.d ~sx'lh gt.ti.le~.

/\ lilntf Willie tn pnac:th:~ Rh°""'l ir1 the 1w)m-


w.:u ()Jtl ~ tll.c! b t!~lmllo~ or bLn'>'

da.:,•. !,es.sac pl:ms wtil in dc:taH li0mer1r111·~ , •'Jr, ti r._, bt i1 r~·d1ti111 :1 1•p ruTfo 11 but wbc:n n11.nding bcf:ore II! ro:.m(ul nf e.ager lil)ilm•if"'I, fl. , 1•r crl""' ik"' c:hN'J f(;'.n1d th•· leai.:oo p J1uu La be a .neL";:U':f 11..i.J Le Irul.Uu.l t.c11.~mp,,

Thi:! fl!.1J.lu8 cl:r~I"' a I W'., '!1& t1J1J11 ~nu· •ttA.ngr. th.ini;c :!i.llppc:cjnl,

1-f.iT1 Tbc:: LC¢ ll111t ll cmls. c;1.clt. Jbdcn'I. to h:J\'(l tht> IOl"IR c:llst.-nc4': phOllle C:$1U r11nd"' h; wd.J war ili 11..

BOTIOM1 Ml )l~d ~111ol lQ1\i m11y lh,

l1.-1md af{~t cli~

iaajg,i o'.cnu u~ 111nn011Di:ed.

\11)1 •r1 1h1 i11Y~nb1 ut M.•y :.t:i 11 ·rl\'•'d 1 m t1'11 ao:im:us people cau.ld be !ou.:nd m 11.rom1d tlm c111:npi.11. T bh vcQ!nD ...,.,.,; "cia.U r,J~i l, 11 t lll' tl.tu1. wh1 I\ th061' wlk) ...,.,, r~ giih1 'I. tJU'l Le;.LhlD& Tel!eLYetl Lheu L"a.U!I. ~"~ Lhe t.1 mr1 dw111 tlfr J. 1 Lh c llll.X.h'.! iy lei 1,,uw • i:cl. l\umot~ u! '1'11 / lou~ sorts bi:'g.fl'il to ~ pr1• !1 cl. f'j:n:iUy, Afl;Cr ... ~L ~eTYk~, t..h~ DUi,Kll 1 1 311~ ~re OJUJ.L>llll.Cc<l. W•llL 1h ' ' n~lo"'I r elie\·ed, :rrHI D)' J-tudentuuUi e<l lo 'I.he aea.roe~t pf11:i111 1 ro r. IJ 1111 I u\•111d ~•>Ill rl1 n1· lfd. One ba.~ to e.ii;perlem:e lh.i! nlghL in La llJ'IE'r.C:tA\L" H.


'the 11.'!oky i:~ra i.m I:; Lo c.11 .. I 'h ~llfl flr.i;t, after tbc:i alihaunlJ~J.


tht' ,.,.ho geu ;n;il •11m1• 11tli f

.L::i ll~ Is

~ll! 01l


lr.L't>1io8 ~Oth<!r

nl!I for tbl': I f i lltopp,..n,

spcinl'.! L"' the 11mc of ;ta~ yca.r 'ri·1en-" M)'·s fat1cy lumi; to h:t.~1·t>:i.ll, birLy in $pcms chi:: C•JL.c1-1c 'l'ArsLcy , c.•r 1•\I~ on thl lb.:all <.lla111f111J, pri1CL3<:11~ Lu (HC(';Lrtl tl1er1 si:il\'t" for. ~·11 11 wlu~h trkdt'd a sue· cusfi.l •11h!. lu tlu.! lir,,l liuml! ~·Lm<! llf Liit: se;i.m11, (.1iLtn:r splil a Lin 1hlt!-lic.1de!r •,1iLh lkth!.! I, Ror. BJ.Iler 11 F' r~J A !iJur hln..:r co 141-:• 1.l~ flrr g.1111~ ..if tl1•• J1..mld(' "fl~.:i.J1 r. North'ii ui::rn 11f Mlmu..:;•li.. wiu u1t· l.. t!XL ..·1..:1rin a::. l-111.:wr lo.:.:!k 'IY.)lh g.amt!I nl ;1 :fm.i'hl'!"-l~:'ld . !r {rom th!"ll:, 11-10 ;m;:i LS-I . la the SCCllll.u ga1n1• Ron H.HHH pl1t l11;11 jl aw rly 'fl('tli.:i.;t griini.:;, nlJ•JttlCJS oa1 hit auJ 11.0 'trnLIG, r<ri11'11tl!.lt (J.1111 pitching 111r11l!r..I 11!!.: :.rii.:1-: :ig..ifo ~~ 1h-e Hillt.....,ppl.':r~ Qi:"fe.!\t>;"~I AU~ILn (:-0. ·nir; ·~oaicr:-:;ncc. p;amc: of a du;.ibl..:• l1e:illcr '11fli1 Cu1J1.:1m.ll,1 '"Cl UIJLC41 IJY l.ull1i;t, liu1 U.i.;)' ilrup~1,;J 1l1r 111:co11u g.:i.111c, O'l 1i011·•~ '1111.m!JK'"" i1tte., ~'·~.:;.i.L tile Hn<1l jpm··~ r..·cr.· :·rir.:~~•~t1 l:i~C.f1'JSC or r.nla. rhc llllltoppcn Hn.~'ltcd che ~C;1.;.0U ht .,. lie



,,.,·1111 A1tiLln fur £lru pliu.: e:.

UACK nowi L~. U~Ul'f, Ho. 5.t'lhJ.i.\'l"rll);;~, Ll. M~ui...g1•J, ft.:. 1t 0. Doni tmp,r.), J. C:itlo, [, L•.n~~ R.. v~ach, J. iaton.

..,•• c1•. 'L.

!'>oltJltWL II am


l~ACJ\ JlO \'t'1 D . 6

l1)t1C!t, Cn.1ch ·'· clu1c ldl' r, P. lll1lt, 11t1 [rn ,r.). C. r>al! 11 tmn, D. I h:l, ... 0,11.

m:urn, C, Stllfo r, A. J 1~t, Cooch H • .Kuis..-~. f t0N1' ROW; I\, .CJJli•!, W. l'luth, R . .S L<!f;l!m:aa , D.

1 hi~rnunn, T . Mill(r.

tf!.,11n oomrtted A t.hrc~ W[n•fh•c l1.11s rc.;:o:d (L1t 11 IJ spr n!-1; (;CllJ~Jll. lh•~ bLi:: b.U!. lbc lliuifC<l c11tl,1~ ; 1 p.:i.rt C)I lf1~ 5C.i!Wl1 l:'lut OCC-llSlOflill Outbi.;tJLI Cml£•/t l\l!cf cf1e rlz.y. I he r;i.: l.'111 L'lln ec:i ii;• be: n1l1}d a s.ucccss in tl11! ·r1:1.y drnt tl1u i'rL!p' h11 HbJ b•>lll 'I rLnhy 311J t.1Cth:::i11y, rhclr c~ux.: r'\'1119, .11 dc.fc;:tt, l}.L•:e Um.fcm;mn h;1ndli!d 'he b11lk of chc pircl ln; dhJrc:i1 for 1e llil to;mcn., ~ pecl11.1Jy ulic: Cc-nc .Kllc:h wus 11'..lcll1 i_d Ii llwuy ti ro11gh •he feh&<m wh~n he spra.llld hb .r.1 kh: min h1,1me.. C;itclnns dune~ wen shnr<".d bj; it\\"u good badsrups. Ti..•m Miller ·lld A .ir1 Jln-.c. Tam ~.111 · ter. tho ~.tlptalu (J! lllC tc:im. lco thll lillrn"' with 11 b~tt1 1 h •tcragc o l ,.q~!J for tllC scaJ.o 1.

'111<! I iE;h a.din<tl h.:\U::h:all 1.1( l,ul!ICi M'Cmi!'d

Tom MiHC"r, l:<•l ll ~

c f(l


ah~ t~ll n 1 1 s 1.·~ .!l ng ...11 h

n~H!T M:On~.

I ltl ~r

LJy got uff 14'.1 ;i. ga.Jd ll)' 'Wluwng tlu:: Lr Ilru tl1 rL!I! iT1 nLcltl!:t, CornpL 1Ing ihic br.~t o'' :::iiJlJ cccord W•~ Arka Koe1tlcc, wi:lo woo $~\'CT\ mflu:ht·<". ~ l~ w ni io lLawri;~ by OOb Mey(! I' GC' .l~ II ,•(Jcnb4:tiJ'"'r' i:.wJ [)~l~ .s 1.41~ II Ir b~rg. In Lhe i;:r;in r 'T" ru:r: rr~t:t .:it Rm:f1e:o;te: tliie! tt!am tonk ~~i::oml placi::. 11ie £41i;a th.cir tbc wor. a. grc.ucr mace of iu double 'l«luhi lll'Jka.te tha.t It w,u iJ.l 11 u. ·1111•1J~b.:i l;mctd fr .nm, flul ~I lour k11t:rm«11, I 1rrt1WI11 h1· r~ 11.1mlT!f: ror JH'lil s.e~111, 1111c.J Ll.1:;S r.l.e tcc1 ii' c:a11c-11 wi ll bf· the f.1~cnr,, nf more:: good l~nnis nr;:~( spring. liccnusc of o .sca.rcLC)' of .;cilkn IJL lh(l ower l!lui1cs. uf Lhi.;. ,,;:ulli.:f;IJ, 111:.. 1.,-oll li::JJn ciJIL J rmud1 on t .. ri k.:llon. C. rl Pn11uc:h ~1<.l 1-!vn rUe!Plt:nau, '111c: I ~.irn "-' [!..":: rc1.ildC llp ~11C!Je. y Of 'iC:tr.:r:im from Jji year·~ lCBffi . bu'I. chc: C::UJUI~ C UC.Ill Wa.3 rui!J.<1! 1, aud 'lh~ l1.:.Dfl1 "''a. 1.uL J. 11.! o i.:.I .1 )I -1p ;.iny vlctmL~1. 'rh1 two •c11nftl1;;'c:r1;: 1r.i..,ligLblo IN -:ot1 r rn1n ('IJlly, 10 ailr golf ream W!U r::oc i:nccrcd I 1. '!he 001~ferot1c.: 1111::ec. th~

rconl1 u·:.1m h1u o i.alr i-CJ:son, wln.'l1ng


oi rhc rn.3tehc5o they

G-e rt)'



101u 11 t ,

,J l!rn.craCl'all!'I th!!' JOTrn th..c

pul Id lLigh up

hi Lh" !n LI~.

ST ANDINO; l'. B-t!nldc., C. Bie<.knbe:o<.kr 1 H. H fo•t:t, TI.. Ma)•ctr, J. Entrr. 1Hn:EL1N'G1 /i., Koo:!!stlcr • D • .Schini mbl"r1~



BE.LO Wt Gl11.-• !faJm.! "t~m Ch.• ll.IJ•' ••n , .1\d ~ Olthmd.

AtK)Vt'. i Glrh ' S;iJmlncon Duith 1L'1 Ch1111~1' 001, ]{. Ohl.ukl., illld A, Ohl=tnd.

SprLn~. 111 Il ~he Q~IW i: :i 011. brought ...., Lth It I r1 rrJJ~I 11 ~ oi lnm1mu1 Ill spotu. 'rh·' 111.:ilc COILr lll:li.}m of rhr; & body conccmr~tcJ their c!fom on sofdl.:1Jl, rnld the wouieu used 1 lmo1• .::.1ii.l ''ull!!yb.iil ill d1(:1r ehld .tt'.lh 11r.1. EL ft und >\ll the \'MlflUJ otb~c J( U'lo•tu~ whJch occuM.~J a .pr .13 mllik the ,,1m1lh:? i¢U ur UlL) P'' ' •r:l.r11 '1"f{inrlt ~I) f~ij.:; I. Cnn~t'' '" lfi'('!rt: 1"Mri lo'.l:f out until the: lll it l!.1)1'3. Fin•lly, bowcvcr, tbc fLnal games wc:ce playcJ atrd the 1.:h.amolo1.s t!11lerl!';t::tl.



Umit!J tl1~ S 1u1"


t.h.t: th~me o! LILI!' fo11rc11

I ad.\•111~~ b1111.~1,u:t, 9, ld utl M 'I 23. The college &'t'.1w1uliuri the boucm of Ute dt! p ,, ..p ~ornp lat.r. ...,.i I.fl gianr 0Ctlll''!1 cl r1·s~.:-d in p;iit11 btc. L :ath.lll«!t :• lt I 1c, E1u: b tabl!! Y,'IL'I a. £1.1.:11.JI e~1 lrt:nu r m!;lrlu:d with an ubaniit•tl~d ~~.I.Sure ch~L ll.nd a Jt:ll1.,iou1 I ia • 111111

.t.tas~t u{ c~rernonlc.s, ,(;lmes M.~:ibe, lnuaduc-..'•1 Lh~ ~venlng 11 eonLeri:n ln m 1i fro11 ipt!!t•1 lllW.lld, 11'-.J prt!1;alJltl11~ ii '!unke.n. ililj.!, Mr. Jr.fo1.t0111 Schrn~~r, f'l'jndpa.l oi ti•~ new St.. Crob.

• cl1 f1 otm o!


J.\.1.Lbcn1.11 Hl,gti

Sc 1001,

w1.u lbr. mdn sJl"lll

r. Th

r,ucrts wl!re :pri"J'Ues.ed to twRr tbc 1 1 iruplrin • WL1rd' OJ d~n niltQr/ ~iJJ F'Q •te;•~ (tf i\ctC<"•n dnry lutlwtllll eLluc:tL10:1. ~n,.:ilJct

A ~rdil w1~1.-• ptt.lii!'tttt'd tu ti and member&, c.:ht!eorludt1n~

athSC!tCll, tuJcol oou.n.dl tncrnht!n, :u1J

A ' 11.Yfllrd Wiil\ Jllt!'.i..11tt:d lO lllz.:ibetb Kurth Lur Lhr nu me or 11liUli: Lo11iia 11 which 11he telccti:iJ for the cvrrp;~an tct.,g plRrll~d •) 1 Amot O,;iy, 1'1.-rThP-r H(1llui,,·, 11 Chotl name I<W tM new park, otbcr.s.

u1sg~a.kd by Mu.:111 lh1c:h, wa, aha n IWl\rd '1\111 nc-r. Rohr.rt Sonntllg !!.Qd Marianne AJh1t:cht Jt!Ct!'h1cJ 1p~ci1d n"t'cgnitian ms Marlut and AC':l)llirn <Ureetou. 11Athlch vf tl111: Y11:11r 11 was tire llU!! 11~2rd1J:d

cullege ]uajur, Rcg~r J-till.L.

'T hh ti n.,.uct. which WILii 1pon~c:d b•t nil plun1trrd undo. r tht! ilbecthXl oI t.'ie Swilecl CounuH, w.u the la.n m11jor IOCiill ~cfrvky af the )'car. It ~il• the hlghlJ}tlit 1..1! 11ll th 'I • :I''• cUv1tlln.


T .: Tnm MillC"r I 'I l•·lf 'l!i: LO l 1•1l ;mother ol bi11 v.·ell •

ri rt•, cl juk1



J;1c~ r:inkru,~



fW,ltl)JI(! 1 W.I)' •I

his delta::iCl.lS l wits IUIA'k r1\t 11.I.


I he hlsh ~JllOQ I a.titd ·r cla~ ;u·11dt111Lint1 buiquct .,.,. · b"h.I at ll\l! D ut:a HN•· • 11 • l1tlll 1 w1•1 prh1td'p' decor-a Led ,.,•lth C"3p3 II tiiJ ;gow11 plac"' CAr~ ;and nut cups. The me.i.l c~'<TI:tls..ti:d a! erl'tiss !ten w.ilb ~11 &h '1lm11 n ,1. Thn a11~cr1.i1.h111u1n ~ i.:iu1~1h1l• ii 4.11 ft..,. Yli~.. b, Pw( l<;(•r Khld1{1b 1 Ml s Kroo: 1 irnd l'.":crll.Jd Gh11te~ the t~u.1lh1g or t.lw. will .;a.!Ml propltN:y: iuW the Boy:s• U1.Lel Pu" Oa:i.:. Tum MtUi:r, the m;lftet <if c~r~mcmjeii;, kept Lhe cro~,.;:J cbuddlni.; wllh hl ""'·H-nrnd Jc <:5. P.r nfo5snr Hlrkholi, the a~

1&1.h•iiu1 wu 1u

nwd ·~th 1 1111 ll ,1H t" 1bn"'' Lila tapJXi:i..111!.lun uf thi: dan ior tha woc.k h1: dhl Cur

t.1" JJI,

L.1 All • nlur1

Ul •


a Copy uf cbJ.'! wiJ I 1u:1 .. propti .. t"'C!.~.

R.t The Iloy:-i'

t.,., J"l11s




l •• ~ '.rrolu:~ar 81rkhol£ opi::1~ d1t'! gift 1'r!l'w:11lcu Lu Ju m,

1\..1 Ruth Bai;k1·c r ll.ds the c:l.i.a pmph eC)'.

L .PtoCcUCJ.r Dizk.11•.JJz l'fJ]A'lt~S h~foM lhc at:;irt ~f I.he


stri.: r-IH)ll,I c

f\. "C•1•J1•

.lohrut)•'' perplex.ed :a~y u!


gl rlt



"° thr.

Alt.hough nor

bn. udt ng to 'bo •

b~h.n, these bo~-S

tnj.,yf:t.I thi.- cour Rochcatcr Brcc.d Conlf'l:\ny.


R. The l.B.M. pl nt

pr1JVL~d tQ ~

Luu fnr t1lany.

Willi ll'w

niv 1 of May,

ib~ accivith~1

of th

nlnfll r


LI lhdr

iUI.. On May 6 the a nio:w w!Ui


:Wvlsnr ho11rd1d bu.s;,_~ to l":gln U1clr .;eJ2]()? i:l>LG1 trip wblch w;u; 1pcot in Rochl!~tc:r, M i.on1''ot.a, Five1 pJ~c:~ were f.Ou.1'1.!il b)· thei class. The !icrt will .an J.R.M. pl lll\t wlwr co11Qlrt rs atll m:Lflufaerured. Th~ Muyo Mweurn, :i.o ~cnt.c:, 11 t:ar: 111<1'11\u.J hocpltA), m l th• ~ocl cJtcr Br .1 C'timJ•;:uJ)' Wl!r'C: wo lncludl!J ill Lb tcllJ. A lire!d buc luppr arn1 I' of 111111 on :r!.!luru~u lt1 D.f\LLC. ':liter llll enjay;ih]c IU1.d ediicn.ti;o.,;il trlp. 01'1 ,".fa•· 1(1 ti · l LlliOf glrlJ l~l<l the ium uil tell iR hmtor nf thi'J 11!1\lrir 3ir11. C111n«i1m111I l>'>'J, Wllll ie&Uy;~ur~tc~l cc:~rdh1s Lu lhe Lhc:mc ol '"S(')uth Pi:r.Ul~. 11 A h11gi.: ~·hltic 01d1iu 1rom the cenlc.r li!£bL Sci:mC"..s of ~m~lh P1u:i!ic L~l:ui.ds dccnrn:t•!d Ut~ walh • .<\a tic ~oenj<>r girls enleN!d the r:.r.a. room, they w~m ~:1ch lj:i\• ri ;1 l l. Afld Ll1 ~21tL·rt:ih1mL·1~1. ceJ 1~ red u.ruw>d Lha ''.'iO'U.Lb t'at!Hlc'' t.hcnH ~ 11 dd1~1C•1•J 11 ,.ch waJ lo&!rvcd.


L. 1'f1e huge wWte mr.hid on~'' cyl!




nt 'rtd

lh~ le;.i :roum,

R. Tl 11;:9~ Sf'l'l l l)T '•Lrh paw~ on LlJej1 trip lo the South PnclfJC .


1~ .Se«Wi4 Grui!1111li1m it lll11 re.all)' t11e c1W. of ctluclllluu. tt &lllll)' bcLog Lu~ !!lu!I! Ute fu[:rn~l cdtu::itloa tur wmc: of tlioH", gr;,

bu c m 1my wllJ be going on In frr hr.r tli~ir c:r;.h,,ii;;.ali mi lt.1t rl u: "''Mk 'n Cbrlu'J Y1.JbCywd 'flit' CaUi.::gc groiJuatu wHl be. go;>· lilt; o Lnto God·~ I< mi;:i.Jnm tn hi LI 111 Ill~ gr~<if cntnm b~ k·IL tr) ·•1t:.:.scl1 OJ.ll llJ.Cfo.11· b) \l).l(hi1 l• 1Jl OLll LLJthCt31L 5.Chools. 'The tup;h s.chool E:t chuu~ 1-·HJ lollo"' ~ n 1mlY.-r nl p.ulu . S13rne lor'.11 b.: r1Hurs1Lr.g w Ll.M.t..C. w ·p.icf'aie for the 1c.ad1• inp;


Miln)' ol the yl1 ing


will b~


Nmtl1°n1t!.Jtft:rn Cttlli.:gc 10 pccp.!in: Joe Lin: mln3!Lt/. SuU otheJ!

wlll be tet'>'lng the'5 .u la)·mca Ln our congrcgallon•

Etlc II At·.· 11


"W d


A.r•.'ld 1\rum r ClbbuJ1 1 Ml.Jm!.!jt1L a. yl! 111,. 11.t DJ\·~. L.C •.•• rll sll kc~ i::eh!ty iiuJ big L·J.l'S • - • .AlW:a')o·I LQ[]Jtl!l.r, lot I( r.ift. I 1)1' II , •• I'!'\:~ I -

MllllKc.t, Mii:!lu6 i.ln f<:·11r 'r'•.:i.r1. .1.1 D.)..t.L.C.•.• C:w W.waye; b1.:; foUl•d ln tbc clubroom wJIWhlng T .V.

,Ji;: 1)t • • • M akci1!llllt:l!hL Lrlps to !lac chic:s:.


, , • S.Cctcl :.wi.bH1o.n li~tJt


chlg~1n na.i1


rJ.e'hl ••• J."::11vurl Lr!! l!XJ.Jft!£:dc:m. 111 {[ad h my dut).· 11 • • • Cl:JLJ \'I C-•.-pr1 lld.l'l~t.

Crctchrn \\'acki::rl11S1 ·· c~tch''

I i.'.I

work fot Jimmy I lalf:a .. _


v . .of,~1



S.t. Paul, M11u\r.surn

r hl. niV IUo~ 'lr'11'1scnmm

£i5ht yc:;il":!I "l D.M.L.C. . . • I 1.;,.li to ~o .i;'1npp>ni- •• , S~·r.;t\:~ JI mb i L.iut'I i \ lu lie U1 lc;;ul 5' Ci" t11ll ••• DiJlt'l;..-J P•'f'£ll ~ who

Four yi: ii.Tl u.~ 0. M. £.. C. , , • F,;ivnrl r!'.l cxprr.i1ion: '' Th;tl '• I~ .n1rc1• , • • Wril.1:'.:. poa~ry , •. 1nv~~ to UJW • , • Di.t.Llke~ 111hritnr :\t•J •llilL'r -

Cl~ rr~1~Ull")' I

bilu1. , • • Would H l;;c: lo l '.,,, {() \'Ii.I ;1 .,11.t • • • Cl;iu tzi:: ii.Airer.

cc•mpl n.I n nll chi: limi: •• , V•..:r/ forge l~u I • , • Bllx: r::Jot:~li , ••


COU"ol Ann Ahr.r. St. Jti0~ph, Mldu 0 11n Fout )'cJu'S ci Ll.M.L.C •.. .• Ambic.iOJi it; LO buy


W:J.l.(er 1$01.:k

WR Ur''

Qwo.u;o, Michls;in

fow .... )1:u-s fir. O.MJ..(; ..•. WouM liJw co reach 111 a

rt!•l 1.11.J'k whc.a out te:icl1ll1g • •• U •:s Hca\'o.;n Seen! parh.:iml'l ••• Owr th~ ] !1,11~t f !1.$hi0l!S • , • \'/• ing i;:J:w :UCWIJJ~lpet.

Luthc rG HI h Schoo' ••• Fa \•Oii tot: ex"J)'PclSI nn. 11 Ach !" .... Wdl • dre.11C1d ••• Di•· 1£):,~ !X)i.mtry

imd. wr...5tcm

mia5c •. , .A<:tlv1 in ln~r mur;i] ~path.

Charl1•nr. Clnrirc

Amohl lirt!hutlg



Clear Wike, South O::ir.ata li'our yr.111i 11.l 0,.\1.J ,C, , .• F;i VCl ri ti: <I: X-?J"t:::Uio.a; II l t:I thU.\ II




lJ k.e•

~I tfo'kl

•• •

[)i5t •>:~ pt".oplc who tc :.Ue , •• Alwil•}"' c;OntJllainin,g

.•. Vl~ to tc:.u.:h bigli a;cJLOOl bl W•1con.sin.


Fort Atkl 1 ~m, Wl&il.!011.1 tt El~ht Yr.;m: r.t D.M.L.C. , • • Sci.1nlL amb H10.11 b l•J a ...."J'J


ll:tmhli::r .emd 30 to

E•tl"Qi•a , •• LI


mdn .• , ~_gJlJh s;r.nsc of

humtK" •• , f'lun.~rma eye· •• • 1)41 lltCJ ·~





Jacluion; Wl11..·oo!>i1• f.iglLl yc:in Dt O.M.l..C • • • , k<:n~L ;J.u:.blcior ~I lO pl~;· bucb::i.ll WJth [I 'w'C& • • • Ll~s

1Ja£t:b3ll, bas~~di;ill, JC01I 1 .IU\J r.:Jigiaa ..:1 :usc11:

, •• (.>l51lk,f gcttln~ up 1n thi: maollns.

Joeo:ph Flynn S.t. raul, MbmefQta l:.lgtit ye 11.r.s •ll D..ti.l.LC •.••

Lilu:!J n11l1 C ••• C;uu!y ~MC ••• L>ldl

I! ..

Bm"'i"i ram ••• Short. but

ca.n un1:il1y b ht111d.

J bl.UI l; ;tJx:!Jc. G1r:r:nl•'af1 Scvt.:.n )'1 _,

II \ 1/t,'1'111)'!1 1




• • • Sl!c rct 11.mbitlcc is Lo




"''8 n •••W1ttehcs

T.V. very fre_q_aectl~· ••• OIJJ l . • t>J Ak.rGR •• ' Oo\!m 1l lik.e be~ bc1.1.L at golf.

l~or11Yd .F'111 tl:t• nnu "Chuck", \ 1/lsciuruu.u F.lghr; Y~llrs al O.M .I .C • . • • w.tDlii l~ f\!t II lj 1~ SU wiil• ii l;;iucch Uin M le I lg ,_ , •• $1 Cr<lt Om• hitian is tx> macu!a.ctlUI!' ~ y11cl111 , , • Favor\[(! l!.ltpre~ia11: "Oh. \'/t:.ll !" • , , Llk 1 1~I:a1 nd clLul•


c;;.l mwic • . • Uh!& to sl~rp .•. f'l•)'I r.l'letr;,


Willis Ei'si111r.;2n ar D.M.LC •••• S:&5Crct 1nnbi Liaa ls tO pla.y ln .a Jm bll.lld . _ _ Lik2s Miclligim, eve;:i lhom,gb •c.11 bankrupl . . . U~.s to tr•vc-l • • • D~ 5,e.~e or

humo: ••• Pi.pc- 'll? 1okn.

J".tmt-t M~~

hl-il ml.WC •• ,

OLslik.cs :s:uraslic pieop.Lc ••• 5,.enet ounbLtlOG iS fa go io 'E.w'Ope ed. $1:udy.

"J.u1" Xanc:~·

tlgtt=. }'<!~ ~l. 0.M.L.C •••• f ,3\'0rile ..iJCpl"c:!S.SLCllD.; l1 S.11.yI ht;· !'1 • • • Cooks hB hezd to one side • • • \\'ants to L~ ~ boat to Europe • • , Dis.lU:i::s wA.lldns down~ town • , • \Vrltct mnny

OaJ;ton, V.'Q:eooila



f'o"'"" ~··· :in Jilt D.M.l..C•••• .lJ.kLI htirt.eb ;M:k rt~ • • • F:avorLre ei;.pttSJ•o11: 'Oh,, U1 at m; me M:J. mad ! '' , •• , ••


pcs.ty pcop!r te.uins - - • Exeyc.s.




Je "c\tc 011 nun

C.~d .PiHl~h ~Cully'' Jdf~r10n. \"lboomi11

favorite eXfHSsion: "Hoarrtly !" . . • Il kcs to

.Four }'e;in aic D ..M.LC .•.• Scc•c l llmblrlicm b to be: bo:ucbali ;umouocu for lM I.• A. Q.od!S~ • • • U w

ill.I :nic people •••

.sJ>QrtS • • •

Four }'C ;an


O.M.L.C. , • , ,/Uw;:i.ys

irr.llm; •.• \'~ c-fllciemt . • • Dbl I~~ b1"'i n:g cJll led ... \V21J'l:s. tc. tr~~· -


Ja:mc~ IR;i.abe "'Jim'' L:!Crms.e, \\'ls.con.sin Ut,:1'..t }'CilJ'l D.t D~~ .LC . . • , J'l.IUUI

rut degr-tc • , •

'W'Ol:"k {Of


F::tY<iriL.(' 'l!'XP!'CW~! ''B)• £ltc w;iy" , ••

Seertl b¢


tt~J1t y llM :lt° D.M .J..C. • • . .; 'urrhtl" 111d-.C";ll1CITT L~ I-Cit~ arJd m..;ithc u~11tl c• . • . .U k~s

['J~k>ia, MIMl"fOf:i.

MClribd, "··'ii'b.e~•n



S~t'I~, Mh~~Ctol.!l.

Ga.';• Grecti.fleld \'i..rd, Dakar.a


b•s :gDT'I

111 A klc2 ,

lJ: to


Ooc.m"t Uk~ idtllti:J

p~lc wl->-o !eo.vie 2.~•l:ig -arol.mcl,

Robert Saantg,g

LU'l.!ic t 1.V c l'l.dl :ar;xi


"C21ey1 T"''O IUVt"l'I', W~5:eelnlm Four yf" ~n :it

Rudnille, \'\.11tcCNm

D •.1'-\,L.C ••• F:l\l'Wi lt e.xpt'C"bl~~ "1 lt"ll'.!an'" ••• Scc:ni• ;unbltii:rn b to di£~ct ~loo Philbazrr.lllllc: • • • Pel p~ ..·~ is fo Uovn who s,lip Ma:rl11ts .

O.M .1..C• .••


yt; All :Lt Alw:a~

llfl.3t • • , \'l'~tl C() U:e ~ropi.r • . • Li.kt1 co

b1;1d11er p~Opk ii..: ti::J~ 'ffl:!ti.a 'litth! - - • ihat~ lO gll!ll 11¥ Sn ibc momirlg.

A3b~cbt "M 11,11• N'11w Ulm, Mlun s.«n Sr.-noo ~·r.11.,, t l>.M.L.C,


. . • s. t·~·

1H1i.b 11 Lr.>11

go l9 !urop

u lo

Thr. ,.


~~ .:i~



, • • S..,of t .11 n1bl Uon •a to

, , • Fllvorl tc •pttSllOO! "l go\Ul go

hom~ n1:1Yt,'" , • ,

Ku'1n1lo' IJ•LJk" 0sh ..0$h 1 Wl101mSl1'


<: lolJt.ta 1111tJ ptt!1.1ma • , , P l j e .... i: LI pccplc who

ll 'h'oC pdi;i"llt , •• l>lJ I l kti: ln1.3!1 . , • U c-. Plff'lmc:r 5JlOIU • , • 'f'rlc:lldly RllJ vi:ry


hir3rruJ •••

1lcm ' uki.' prJd la lJw.

~ Ju~.

o( Un- ~umpw.

;!ppt ilzi!JJCI!

Marl L}'21 I klcr Tomah, Wiscomln

sc.,.·c.11. yelln ar D.M,1...C.

Caol Ctoue Milw;tuM!c, WkscOJUic Tllinli: ')"t~ al O.M.L.C:. • • • SC"cret 11ombl Llon 1.1 to lta.\'el • • • filam 10 c.eac:b ••• F ~·,i'G;'iti: CJtpnoni.cic:J: ''My 'lirCJnJ I" .

• • • s~c.i:cl

:uhl1Jth11111 ls. 'la of thc finr. llit$ , •• F;a,."Cll"Lte e.xptt""lmi; "Aclt d1.1 '" • • • D[Jl 111,e.1 palktiJi ••• Llus c LA$1l~llil 1it\kl'jo t'DC 0


;imd c~i;ibtt:

•• ,

Cute giggle.

Kachlee.n l IJlty Wbitcamlc Three ye~ 11.t D.M.l .C. • • . Scc7et a.mbitlmi t, ~o qQ:il lf/ w1 Prof· or SI •:¥ert 't ZS-y"":i.t :mntu.l • • • t:l,YQl'i{L: "Xprtilicm: .. Oh w IJ t" . . • Likes oqi;om alld ciJ.usfo;&l mmic ••• H;&J lhco abUitv to lli. a.Ill)'· d:illli& Ml wwldll; rJ.s~ . • • Cl&H \ri! "5ul"H. Thi~._·Llle,

EJiJ bl.' I h l\1,.trd1

J~DBI Wa~rloo. Wist,:ac


Six fel.l'S




D.M .J..C' •••

hvo:ri~e oxpl:\:"u'u:i~

Old CfOW' I" • • • Llk:t. to pick ~·W.SS)•

wtUo·.n • • . ie al

• •• .r..tkd S)\:Ut.espt!&h: II.lid Gr:ci::.k phUosopby ••• k~-ytt 1


Jloilna. M 1llcir \\'l.''1: "Jkn•, \l.'• ~Cillltift Thk'1· y af"I IU D.~.c.. GluJo• a 11)~ , , • l Jed '0 k.W

rl·.M.L.C ••••

1•J um

••• 1JltHkr1 j]Of't')' . 11 I ~h~ 111,l~l'J

,:.:L' a' 111i.J <'fil.c lent , • •

J1i:opl(I ,

J.'11.vorl 1 L' x31rti11.io111 •·~r·I bo I f<.or :a Jdd !'•

'"f!,.;n h'" Sti 11. •114itir, Mlf)ll(!.,OCOI

S.-.vr.::n 'V"'"'n


D.M.L.. C • •.• fuum.• dk to u llt'h . . • 1.1 kd w.11 .. rrn.,,]on , , •

0••31 kr•

1•r11oJ ..l1 ~Uln , , • 1./11 C): 'WI ~C)' ,


c .. . .

r o Ql1J I'~ t.lllC •Jfl.C ~~~ \0 kl!i'IW h. r

.. .. Vrory i'*' 11rg:1111 n .


A1111t:u• Pur ''A• iillc:" Vifil'JIOD t:C!'l'\Hi:I;




S"ifi:'n ')"t'IAtl ;1;L

• •• Llh1l I k«• ~ pt

who 1':. tJf'1'Ul'ldy Clllk btiUl llm n •· kvt's • , • W11nr1 to 11»1.;oh lJ1 lower fllt,1.1 11.r11d('J , • ,

P;cttlcl:i H,11.~ck

Rcbcbh Rli.d.iclllt!I "'ileeky" l,:.ik-e ! 'Ul !J., [ow;. Se•.en ye;iB al D.M ..L.e. , • , S.eerc:t -ambirloo i• to 11,,. in n~m h'llmlc.1ota

• • , Pe(

pir1 ~'!!

"rcu ·

l'd..(11.1.1, \'-o14ca11i1l.c Tlttt..: 1c-11n a.L D.M.LC. , . • H~f secret u.mbhinn ~s to bi: :in il.KMOl~i1r imd. WThc ~ seller • , , Favori~a: ,~~reu.loo;

•wouJc.!r~''t you k-"Lllw 1\ ~·· ••

u p5"

Cl'n)' :~\ ehocol:ite?

pJJLCht-J'i. <1"li I.he t;.zllllL'>elll • • • L1 kc.- J."l>OIU• M.'wlnr, D.lld }: tm r • • • II lc,iyal [O'llo~-

co\'eotlCd ~llC'~m{U • , • Lc;J.\'itr ever;·thinL--; Llll tll Lb.:. l»t


M :..rllyt1 P. od,1C'I' C: cm;an~ow·1. •,'.'1.$.t:rmsln :SC-Yt?il }'e;lJ1. .:n D.M .1..C. ••• f1.1tl!J;'(r Jlllllts .ue Y!lgu ., rn ~I ~~e .:ippe.a..-,; to be !l(:C"~es il!t'oush the bazc • • , ~¢~t ~n.blUoa b.1.o patc.::il ~

11.\rd• H.•1.~ 8 .. " R.l(' Mih,.l'Hi}C'c, Wliecmiln

-r llt(!C ye rr~ :J.L D.M .L.C.

••• Sr.:cUJ an~b1UM. 1$ ~o r,10t;~ • • , t-1('1' {W:Ufe pl~s .l10w '<"~chin. • _ . Chii;crfu• ~ U):r.-$1.c Cl;i_l.1 ~i:rs:n1.ry.



rr;1·,dii: 11e • , • U.kes fa eook :(l!ld knit , • . Pati.l!Dt :md


good- ~mored.

F;\}'t 1''!1("-Clc.rT \'.':n-ctl.OW'1, South n ... ~ a Thres.! ~ u an at O..\.\ •.L.C. ••• Secret a.mbiliCM 11 tc, ~~udy mw;i c . • • :F i:tv\"lrJh! L'XJW-CSSLan; ""Oh, )'OU gu·p'~ ! " . . • Vc'l' ll~;J.\ ••• l.L'.lc~

C:a.m! Schultz J.cU'~ Wacanilil Sc\·t':'ll 'f"!US at D.M.LC • • • • N~~' ~d fdernlly ••• \'.'ri•c• ;'l 1t111'-11 1.r:ttcQ - , • ~!-.ort, r;1,U\y "11 IP • r • aJWll"t'J complilillng nbcnn hc.r biJ: Cecl.

fi0)1\CR • , • C:lli'!CIC•¢11~·


Bo111'\St1 V Ol.11 "E.Uh:.'' ~t"W: f>'~tl.rt,

Minn.el0\11 Thre~ ~ c:as ':1.L

D.'.'LLC .••. F.a.vorh~ cxpct!-mom: 1 • 1 don •:i. bclie\-c it !"' . . . Alw~ys rc:Wy fm :i.

hl.s pizza

. _•

'•'•'antll to tr:i.vel to :;oma d~ •


Gl)t)J!11.1c 1 Mil'lm•.sot.;J


~·C':IJ1 a\

D.M.LC •• , • S!!crct

;i,111batlu:i it Lu lc;mi to lr.;14 •• ' r~n·otite? ~~r..rJ.JSCln~

• Olr ~

De ~C' ~" , •• Ula!'J el~c:il attaic ••• (JU! I ( .ft~J di<'W:ia!!i

11:1,..rm 2nJ ''rock :;.nu roll" nn1.1i.c •

Alyce WicH1 .. W1c•ii Mllw;i.ukrc, WJlcoiW.n Three ~·.:: m ott D.M.• LC. . • • Phuu ta tcaeh __ . i';H•urite C)i:pll'l!Ui.on; ' 1l ldr.cQ IL J" •• , U kcs food • • • Oisli «cs nois'j i:lo.rmrn :tlc.t.

J°\lll(Jld ~·fomm~m~11 ''Amie"


ct11.u~ Ho~kim,

D .M.l,C, , •. PlMI rt'twm ~o D.M. L,C ••• l.l~~ 21'ld eoki eoll!!.:tloui • , • Ctt :it l.liliaka • •• !-' vo:Jri. ·





fO'Uf ye2"


yc!Zl5 ;11. o ....,~. L.C •.•. ci.u.s vkc -prcld~l'.it • • •


Uxl".1 nll..Sh)· sport ••• P.~ore scbool ;i.t D.M.LC. •.• \\'ou!d like to play pm

' 1L.,:3'r 1hp• 01m&tlng?" .•• Li.kd. J!i:u:llr,i • .• d11.u p:rdldcJ:ll.



Murid M!J...,lM~· Ltc:ll!!m. N~ "On.5~" •\~wihow:l ·, Whctm:Sln Thoci.: ")"'!; ";U On'.t.L.C.


M~1J1••~~, W~~

i"o1,1r ~·c:Jn


P .M.1.. C' ••.•


JmbLdom ~., ~ b~ 11. dcc1£1t~iw• • , • Trc-:isu:r··~ of

c()O't'f!.'.n:l bki •• , R.r.-tuml11g

D.M.L.C • •.• COQd Jll'll{e oi ~tt"!Or oeiioc d'p


Cl~ !ltcl'M.5.J'I/ •• " (l)l;J")r ~O!U " Ob bwtli<r ~" • • • J..Ber:' t.111,.

i" ~\'Orit.C

Llr do_gi • • • ti.! orc r

co D .M.L.C. • • . ,!/o\lld II kt' t~ a~· ~d

F.Ucn Ne-~

the 'W(lt]cl.

CJQff !1. Al!Cdt "Cb" 'Vt:mQ.n Con~-r, MJmie-so£a.



Doesn't 11 ~ pcopfi? who ~i:i.U. ~ U rllc ' 11ti·.

•• r

Th:ce ;·1: :in ::i~ D.M.L.C .•.• P&a."1.i ~o ;;mc~d Concufdi 11. ;;;n.J. &Ludy tma1c :i.1,.. U:ru-


D .M.LC . • • • UM-5 to SI' w .aad dr;a,w .••


1c~l :it

Yl'!I~ al

S.eaet :t.-i\bl~i;m l$ to da~1p 1-tilfijofl Jell- !ol' :Brg:i.dwiry • • • Dl.:.IU:~t bori1nt c.l~. · · Pl~ f~ rno:re sc.bocl ;it


ol MUui~a .• •

l.D\•es pi zzo1. • • • Hoc. c~mpi!Ted ••• f"~-.·onle? c.qiression; "Yoi.a guys l'".




• A:my8

\"i'in.Q1111i. Mi.mlcc..;otil T~· ·~ n a D.M •.i.."c••.• Alwa;"l y,·;;iJJ.;.s

C:au ••• Mor.:

khool ac D .M .L.C. . • . likes fllJ t1.:1Wi «i rMordJ. • • • F ...'(l~lc u:pr~Sw: " 'W'h:u ~bout c~r., ht-~·?"'

•• •

Doocm't like Pia);..-.._



D:wSd lk hmeir".Oa.\' " R•;otdt'o'Ule.

MLJ WiluKel! . \i't111t::aiul.,


F'oW" al D.~.L.C.

FuW' }'eliB

• , • r:.:orc sc:hQOL a.1. O.M.L.C .•• . S.-:crc-c: ~rnbl r&o11 L' ro lw: .o f!i:U:tt~r • , , 1J fooJ 4,1f :.i.n.)' }; l:rid •

D.M..L.C ••• . E"l.;;uu co altCDd ;a, .nn~ college •.. Li It.cs fishhig hmlti11g.



.. • OJSHw people who lc,;i,vc d::ion; op.eD ••• F;:i.11orite c;Xpr.cs.:t.ioo; "So :"

R!U ua


Elinfleth .Brawn "l.h" New !.nm., '-' ll'Ul~P Fo\Q" yc<US n r D_\Jl J..C •• • • Nut

"'B.Jrb" rr.-i, \•, lsc6ttSln i'our ~ c!llS !ll D.M.l~C .. •• A

·.,.·Uling JieJp~r , •. 1Jki se~g and rc~ing ••• Rctwnl~ to D ...V....LC ••.. Docs:i1 '! Uk.c to be ~~- .• Wou.ld BU to le~ home e-co• comics in hish scboal.

Pla.tte.wllli, Whconsla Fou.r ye11.11 at

df"e'SS1: r , •• Ahr11;-i I

D.M.l.C, . •. Ster-et Q.:nb I ti o~




abro.:id ..• Pl2N


retum to O.M.L.C.

• • • lJ kiii• cu ~w am1 write k lCc r1 , • ,

altlll • kn C'.\"ei;:yooc • • • li~•

pic.r;i • • . More

•cl.ot!il .iit D .M. l.C. • • • LI..it6 to dr•w and 'Wowd Uki! to swd·1 art in Chic.a~.

Ftic,,dl)' ;and alwa~"J v.·mtng to belp, ~ B~L:i.JUI

Wood la . I MlMC.SOl;i Four ye ~ ~t D."'-i.LC •• • • f !l\'OTI~G to)(J)ri.: n5ori: ••Oh Crumb:" , • , T:akUi,s up

lj.c\•rrly Run.Jr "Krv" cire. South 03kt:1t FMll' yc:&r1 at U.M .L.C•.•. 0•111 ...:s Cli!t$1 C-'I in~lc ••• Very f~· 11bout '1 r hair • , t~voe4~r: ~JCPtt"IQn~


"'No lr.ldcUr11 1 ~ . . . ~ r.~



ctkil "l.lfiiJlg 'ilt H<¥pltd In 'cY.• Ulm . . . DHlik.cs polka.s ..• CQOd pi.!rv.m to tell traubl~~ to , •• llkL"J red llDd wfur;e co~­


tiwuit:.u 4!oJlc,&c ~~ Awcin ••• Al'rt'il.)'S cu.dy.


Ro,su Dall~ "Jto.s" N'ew Vlm, Z.,1im:J~ou t·our )'O!U'I ~~ D.1\ 1 • .L.C •• •• 1 S4!c~t ~mbh cm u t(.t b..:: 6 2" ~ill •.• Will ~[.tlid No.1dlw~ruim ••• Kti:,jJC the loli.&rc::o pb.flt=-tjoos In bitS~­ l1~D •• ' Drko his hill

C rol Bi.isJi..: ' 1811&k" Jcllcn.on, ·mseanstti F ow- )"t>;i.a .;aI O.M .LC. , • . \fcrf sc:ubbom . , , lo..·e1 to t.Dlk • • • ,More 1ehool at D.M .LC ••.• Didi Ille• room• aultes 1 ~oltcs ...• secret 8mb~t'i0ll U LO iw:ll ElC"Ctl'OhJX ._..acuu.1n c!r11J:1Cn.


ll1c 150 Mcr~w-/•

11 Rhocfa Rowd~·" McdJocd, Wl.sconsLn

iJ«>h:'I ''BOIUlk" C11d::' y, Wl~l.zt fowr yc*fi 11.l D ..\1.LC .••. Plam ta att&!Dd college 1111 M ..ilwaukc«! • .• Kno·tm for her red • . • Sec-r~l ;i mbi ti.on ~ lo n~· ii Jct • . • Uus b:asl:ethlll and illtril. rnirr il sportJ. ••• DlsH lu:.s !N!in-:; t.asK-d around.



at D.M.r•.

Fuwrc Qrt:



r;i~lt("c- @- . . • Co!kcu nlclte.b !or r: mf!~t"ncl H , • • U.kcs. .-0~1.hlD-3 bJ 111e ••• beL~ •g•!.Orud • • . Lojl''ll to



Lois Fritze "Fritz" Norfolk, Nebraska Four years at D.M.L.C. .•• Secret ambition is to become a professional figure skater . • • Will attend Norfolk Junior College . • • Weakness for Dairy Queens .• Dislikes noisy room.mate~

Gerald Geiger Buffalo, Minnesota Four years at D.M.L.C .••• "Got any cleaning?" ••• often seen with a camera . . . Will attend Northwestern at Watertown • • . Would like to be a photographer for the National Geographic .

Naomi Glende "Omi" New Ulm, Minnesota Four years at D.M.L.C . . . • Favorite expression: "Crabapples !" .•• Secret ambition is to become a professional singer . • • plans to be a check-out girl ••• Likes bright clothes and high heels.

Barbara Gensmer "Barb" Rollingstone, Minnesota Three years at D.M.L.C . . . . Dislikes waiting for slow people .•• Wants to go surf-board riding in Hawaii ..• More school at D.M.L.C.

William Goehring "Bill" Sanborn, Minnesota Three years at D.M.L.C .•• Plans to enter the ministry .•. Secret ambition is to play first trumpet in Lawrence Welk's orchestra ••• likes Latin.

Donna Mae Hartwig "Donnie" Wood Lake, Minnesota Three years at D.M.L.C . . . Will try anything once .• More school at D.M.L.C. .•• Favorite expression: "Oh, Man!" .•. Weakness for ice cream . . . Likes midnight snacks .•. Would like to marry a policeman.

Judith Groth "Ouie" Stanton, Nebraska Four years at D.M.L.C .••. Likes Chevies .•• Favorite expression: "Crummy, isn't it?" •.. Returning to D.M.L.C . . . . Very strong constitution . . . Likes gab sessions . Dislikes messy rooms.

Barbara Heidemann "Barbie" Nicollet, Minnesota Four years at D.M.L.C .••• Favorite expression: "Ach, I don't know!" .•. More school at D.M.L.C .••• Dislikes stubborn roommates . . . Has an amazing temper .•• Crazy sense of humor.

Glen Hasse Nicollet, Minnesota Four years at D.M.L.C. Black and white Ford • . • Likes semi-classical music • • More school at D.M.L.C. .•. Known for his blue eyes.


~e Hlll'ier liS:uc'• Tom~ '\'ii LlCOl'ul'1 Fam )'". . 2.l'J 2t D.ti.~.LC. . . .


•,•,'ilJ .iu.:t-c.! ~ KoehJc-r :kbool ci .:-.:~:;..:big u. Roe b-:$: t-.t • • • AI'ln,)'I uJld:i~ ••• s~ l .ambtr;I~ i1 'tO



ihowmd11le, .\ Two )'i?'lln 11t D.M.LC •••• £.my to s1:t ,aJQcg whb . • , Ukes wffiem mllric a::nd

'!llO;l. ~ 11 miufor.:~ry ow Rhodr:s! ~


l:U;."JC ""

rJU.~~rm - • c~lDle. • - - disl~ Wl-'

DisUm cJ.:usfc:l.l


M1uh· Slol."S:l.n 1-llr.:r-c:iuh.Dl


in liiaet..mJ:;:iJ ...... S.1. iPt":<H, M-~::110r~ J'oti: 'p'e2..-.,; -t D.M.L.C•• . • L:r. H lO te::UC • • • WHJ a:a-ad n.r_";.c;i.• :i.choo! ;mt S'AN11l! H:os.pit-l • _ • Sav~j !i.e •o !d .as !ems :is ~Ible • . • DulikeJ pcgpk wli;;i C'Mo• l ~al.? a Jo.Ju:' .


M.ln11.t!:a5"0lh, M,lm!ii~ Four yean u o.M .LC•••• 'hll ;Ui.;f bi~ • , , l"lL"Ui lO tall.I' I.Ip ll\l:Jt:n.() • • , SccC"Ct ;unbiticci it tO .Ir•·» J .. 1,s1~1:1 •••


Ca.rlz ~l'!ICC'lti! Ulm, W.l~a.








O<i~.,·~ H · cl-A; Bsvff - - 'Fa.vorht.: upiX!i.:lllOft! "~Q }ddd•c' !" ••• £:n.J00,'1 ~ ..... S«n~l adltiOD lJ to wrltr ... book oa H0\'4 -ro

, • Dislikl:.J "";orlch:rs

i::ii::mr n.

h~ Arl~.

t..,.ir ')'""•TtJ .1.t D ..\~ _Le . . . •


bnn.-n "')'Cllo. • • JJ~ llti!'

ID w


fi::Ll\klln, Mlnr-.;;$C!u.

foc.r run T D ..M.LC- ••• vonte ~'-Fbi.1.Qll; ,'OU 31.1'.t"' !., ••• .t..~or..., ...chc.61 ~ 0~.1.L.C. ,•. . Sp2",Jfo~




JU::CLE Tfil BOOKS FOR. Fll:'i A'liD P'KCf1T

I\ ulh }{ ,ur:, r ::uh "Rur..hlt:" T<>~1Jf1, W•se«!JJn \"t:al'I 2t

f ol?I'


Kllmlenbcrx_ ''Vkkii!"' Cc"1arinug)




D.M.i.c .••.

D.M.LC . . . • \\'Qrkr.

f11.\ i(Jrli

illlC [Jb;nl!'r's

· ,.,.J•i'c»l4;m;

"0.1 fiO !•

••. l\t:cun:i-

tni ro L>.M.L.C .••. JUU$hL-;ii L•~l ly , • • ,_.~l $1 " ' ' 1.l:.ric1;. foit O~rt rlOWCl' • • •

, •

LJ ~a;

r:hocolllle mu\]! m~o"' ;ralted pe.a1:1ut 11t1od11u _ • , a1.R. brown l!Y<'.'S • , • \\'U l lake the ~·."J rm rb~ CO'.ltHl ;it F<1nd du Lt:1~ ,

Mlrlam l<ivu.;i:r VcrnQa Cit)•, Mbm~ot.:11 Ftruf"t


D.M.l..C . ••• t-u.z.

c-h~i ill-d.•~· ~-dl:t.'-l';

• , • O.Lvcs diw.n Lhi;:mLitilk ol tfn~ rend • , , Alw~ys ti:;idy :f« rttl1t'l1i c1 • . • Roe!!.um· I~ 'lo D.M.LC . .••

:S:m:&."1 Kl~tt t<S.~e'" ~·~;,,· Ulm. :M~SCll. Four-;," :alD.M.t.c••• ' Pit,_ tti tc..cid Cll:Jt .,. ;i1 .;.. oJpba • . • 'Se:~ re t i\UJ:J Is to dr v,._ :1 tN;·k

1-.4lr. c 11 c l<()<:h "(;c-!:lO"' l'..2Q CWR". \\ iX4min Fou:: ~ar1 ;it D.:O..~.l.C' .••. lovl!s $pol"..s • . • Sr:ti:nch dcfon,·fo1 oC r.oros .•• wlll auc.nd Not1.b,·cstem 1n ''i'arcrtoWll •• , Di.sBJ;~ b,;:id rd.1 1U1d umps ••• \'c:l')' ,lnlactioUrS !2i:;afi.

• • • U l<C!Cll drl "-ini lJitl" ~~ ~eu O.df . •• \.' ~~

:itdwne to 'll·eiuhrr ~­


t:.1'w.!1fd K;r .1-!!;k


f.cWl IC••

~. \\1..::~!.n

J ;uJ£t Kw.;:l!~ "JRD" Spm-:11 Wi ~Jm four )'l!JIJ'J ~r O.:.'l.L.C . • . . S4:crer 211'.!bldcer\ b (u b~ ;ii r.k:in d.ivu , •• J\\:?umln3 to

t r Y'7Jj'J ~ L D.1"·1.LC. , •• Pl.UJJ ~ $Ch.;.ol tlt D.M.L..C•••• f n·..-irfo.: r-x-

' °"

pwcuio111 "'l cm'i. hr.1p St=" ... U~1 cars :DDd populal' .mmk . . . Di.dlku. Ml:cicso~.a we;olber •• c'iua iW.lJ)·

O.M.LC . . .


Dult~d iill)'

F"c<)(.lole ••• F:t\"(N'Lcc~rc: .f1cm: ·•on,. co:ne «t S'' • , • ~,. ro gcf lc~n.


K.a'EJl Km:.U

Sputa,, "11'UocG'1Jhi Fa; )·na o11t D.M.LC, .•• S«-r<l .amb1 tiaa b lo be a b~i girl fm ~ ~'!llwuil:cc ••• i'et pe~\'e .:;, Jlov.i eplc . • . Mare M!hool at

CLali:ne KU!.! "'CUppa~ for.. Ju.Ill~ \'.'olCOftl.iA

Fam y•·-21J .lli IJ.M.L.C •• , •

c rcaJ: 11t doJ!!lo; llQ•~c ~:iw u

, •. More :sclr.q.l :it 0 .M.l...C. . •• F11~t.c ·,q,re;s:iSco:

.0;.M.L.C •. - . Disli Ir.el TC~· cm rel;.tlcm tu M.rJ. ::;\u:::cl" •

L.,. , • .


''Ob, no!" ••. s~~' t ambHio.11 Li lO ae \•."en H:sll '~ Ck>J'1 ~8 l:lidy.


"Ruthie" :-;orthwood., !011o·a f"om ye;i,rs 11j D .M. LC.


I.I ddt: 1t1 n tt "U~·"


Malone M.acru, WISCGllS In

NG,,.. ~~l~(ll{IC fOUI )'CllJS' 11t D.M rL.<:." ;·c.1;i




• • • :S .1.\u:illy curly

• • • Sei:.rN ~mmition

• , , Drivi.!l

iJ to br.- n co:i:cl• .imd

Oooge • • • Scuct

coa.c:h llao ID'till H:i."Pik• c~ !!$ LO a RO$e ~w' victory . . • Merl!"

1mbirfo:l b to pl tlf pre drlvf:r'J I e~~u.· .•. ti U ••• Am:.11dit1E1 Rc:1ll"1 1!28 r<i 0..},1..J..C. ~ Ltn!1.YW AJtt]p:n1.a · • • F ;1,..,.~;i le "'~­



D ..M .LC. , •

bhl1 k'l'.!t: M~'-1-" PC-Di'lot w.-hc-n ~l'}·ing Ci:> llcep.




F•v~lti!: c:r;pr.::s~

slooc "WtuL, J~C

wony?'' •' '


i:- •


1J:'tbSrio1 '' to :set ~r


f'1r.~' 1'


"Suzc iJ

WillJ iim Meh~r "'Bill" '\ \'bitll'nYU, J.7l~W1~ Tl'!·o years at D.M.t .C, • • .. Sec"1!t ~biliOfl u 1.0 dl$p()SC ar :all

Mtl\)'lkk~ WIP01\:.i 1 Ml'ltll~QL




B.ra\-es :[;:m. .... \\ IU

Three ye~ O.l D •.M.L.C• . •• Wc)l H Ill I 11';1 II rlc-1:.t'I , •• Rc,11m l!IJI. t'.l D.M.L.~.

attcid l"orthwc-1lcm


at Wato:r'.OW1; ••• ~kes: Ci:> h~vil! ~ ~

do w1th Afrlc2 .. .. ..

• U .,,. prOJ11~.

tur..r • • • {)l)t;.i'I



. • • Ul:.l::s



Favociu expriiSJion: "You laww!" • • •


n11h;1 1


X ~bnsh

f(ltlry(:.11$11.l D .M, LC, • - . ICoown fQf l'll!r

nllll pollih • . • flam to 11.ttcnd buslncu collcse al Om&~ .• • Likes D:i.ddy'1 ch:irC'O-ll b to I].,: J ftL• .1-M ••• H 1.•;J to w.ub $bowi;1 cnra m,

Ohlikcs cold ccrc.;al.

Tlwm.aa M ltd


.C:}'t"! O~·, :W.L~~•

faar 1r:ou,; L 0.M.LC..... Tall.r laccu:mtly .. _ Du· llu1 grr!!oCD p'Uor _ • _ Re~ to D.M.'l~C •••• f:n'O;lle exprcmao: "Cuen wt~ f"' • • • Hu => «i gin al ~g,:)e ••• l..ikc-s eJr.e:Mb ~\he 11.kt.".

SbL-a:2 M ren Red \Tug. .~j~ '!'w.v )"H..a .t D ..M.. LC . .... "ea"'.HSS fo: CHIP 'N' DAILcomk boo~ ••• WW :&tlL:Xid. Wi:~on:i S: iiU Collc~r a.; \\ ~n 5a•e Colli:,ge ••. Sc.:rcl ,unbllicm u IO ,,.~i io Ttt;a. ::and k'lqlft' S«:n bi".m df' •I .


;:a ~zi

"'T . rv1•1"

l ~~...c' '• K'O.-:sm

Tl;rt'r }'r~

l D.M.L.C.....

!J dill pickle' .;nd ice c1c.a.m ••• ~cnun5n

D.M.LC .. . .. p,rdlioo: "'Gr



ex• •• . D 1:1;rkL ••• $c-csct b to ~ . l'J'j.<el auln . • • fl ,. - 1win lisle.. t ~n

•TomK SL. P;,it.11, Mln.11csotA ··~, yun 11.C D.M.L.C •• • •

if:ivorhe e.qJC~woa· "'I don'• ll.Jicw ~" .... V.'ill 11.!tc»d N~w ·.siem 11t Wa1~ l'LOWQ • , • Sc:crcc :m::biticm u co go to Ab'b .. • • Llkr.s ~ L. ;. • O<w!"Cl'J • .. • h;u WGaiJlC!.S i~P b1u::ie~.


LoulR N01.Sd Relic, M~~ fOUJ' ye :us .at D.M ..LC .••• Fa..-oritc ~xpcl!Slior~ "1.",")u~'& 11ew wllh }OU?"' • • • JUnbi{iao u 10 ja n &lw: Wa'«lt • • • T LI n3 ~ \'i'.1.nAJirb~ C:Ow:s.t :i: F<md d1.1 LOU! ••• U r1 hot !ud~ ..1w1hrs ••• colJ~.:thm a! pqpul sr :91ttct rnl!:llit' ..

Ju-11,h "J~ .. St. I' ul, Mlcmcsou. Fow ~ '2n aL DJ.,.Lc•••. Pbns to tllJr:c up pl/C' 111r1~ rmn11:1g .... .ra...·orice t:ii:•

"Don's sw~:n c, nuu::t!'" ••• Di.sUkH 1low people • • , U I<~ s Copher's



.foolb~ll k:llm ••• H:u a ,,.,·~:lkndl lor b! :.. br~lcts.




St. Paul, Mllll'l~Lli FQUl' y~ . ri n1 O.M .L.C. • • • H :11 a. m '!JSt:ich ~ • • • F':i..,,"t1dt ~ c>. • pr~Ll!lt

..,n12t's: ilic



Mt'xico al



;unbiHori is LO i.-ommc:!:lal :Ur-


D.M.L.c .•• •

~.ltl'""moo. ~Coumi.·plc kl11 1• 1 ~i:w cr:acltlng gum •• ~ !.ikes :to c 11t .:Jd .set hall ••• Fric.odly pclSOll• •

ll IW.W'~

V1"cs:I ... ~· rl~th Cr.mlr1• f.Jll.t, ~ .iJu:J "'.J0t n.



•••,•,' · '"

:n ll,M.L.C.

. • • ATdf:Dt



hn , . .



pt"!!:U.loD: Soot~" ,

"Nl..:;c •• 01:111


'59 For<ls .•. CooJ bm:cm:m ••• attend coUcg" c~, WiJ·


Wm "l




Sl:c!H w:btdi:m {~ •o uau:! ta Crnn.m} ••• r.ll..'Ol"itc •

'Jl(M15 l11'$lvl1L ..~ •• , More ,:chool cu

'' .M ,LC.• .. Ustem to propl~·'s problems • .. Wa11~ to ;go lD

H~Hmon. •t•micJvt~

.f em


ch;mce }"OU h•\ c to t:~ft _,., • . , ls ttCum ing lo Ou'\LL.C •.••

lin<l eugo J•lanc-1.

Dc:iroth)• lt :::.i!:un

l\circR Pci111:1100 .i 1\'llf'I. M huu•1ot11 fu111I" '>'•"!\.ft :u r:u~.L.C. • • , ~or.iwn for h1•f l:i.•~"" • • • 1.ilo.r~ 10

s.,. J







M!ID.itOW.>e, '"''ltc~l r= ·'Mu'ce yc:i.n 21. P .M. L.C, , •• Likes ~rlu l'!lJi; aDd ~1oc.hc:I • , • More .scf;Q.;.J iu D.1.:, !...C •

•. • Seer-em A"'1blrlcn b :io be 11 lltd}· d~tlr:: • • . H~ ::a lOO er hi;r OWJl ••• D s,Ji;.,u pc•::rp[c who !ca.,.. eJou:r

do.on open.

JO') cc Scbochcnm.111er "'Cl~o"'

Raj,·r.:iCJQCf., ••

'Two )~Cil."'F :l. o ....~.LC ••.. Sttti l :z.mbh10m i.s ta be a M.oft x.hoal ' .L.C ••••

'4': c:<;;li.i. •••



~k ~o

r~ :il'l'll'a)o':I com•

p? · • • • l•ut<J ~~ DIDI S 0th• -y~~r di;.iy.

..fod.hb ~Um


.. .!Judy"'


Four l"if'.zn a. D.t.. .9 .• C, ••• Pt:a:m to ~ -up ni::l"$d:IR; •• • Li t:S lQ D~;: ~ ~oplr. •. - F:rvo~u !l':i:pK'1/iLon: "'Thh ls: It;) ta ~ ~ of tl«ae d.:1~'$ :" • • • 0.5:1 i.11.<:J c<n1y fakc.s •. •V~r,· tall:aU\·e.

fl~··) s.~1 ......-



\' .l~ K, \.'1',~csi.n Four 'I• an 1n D.M.L.C.••• ScccL't .in~bitioa is h=i ti i g e; :uJU" m Alas~;r. • • •


Plaas =o



••• ra\"«lleo ._..~-.n:Ui r:i.! '"li:\ 1J ~(I fif.ll1!l.$ ' • • • IJi'li11 I.II:~ O\'" M,d.C1J. ~ XptUrl oa'I.,.

J ~t Sjc'I en f..<L 1\0Uni0r1 0

"J'ilC" \



-.1.1.c. . . .

.a~ 0 .. ~crit!t amt:i1lJGf1 it

Four l'";trs

to tl7id co Swl(~dll.mi • • • Plam to rl!'tlml lo D.M.LC • .•• :spol'l.s _ _ • Ch.aractt!ristic 4 Iler looi b;air ••• Dwikr~ crook.drugs-.

K llllc '' SI ""rt Ni•W Ulni, Mll\Jt 01 r.ow- )·1'.!0l'i .ii .D,M.l C••.• rll&M l1:.1 UI~ l'.1 tq1 nurih1g IH Sw dhh lk~lul , • ,

11\uth !}ipJ Ti Cl l•l'"', $m1c11

"~Ip" ();i ~•Jtr;

fol.CJ yun s.1 D...\L i...c •• , •

Coll L!C t' wl s.libllflca • • , R1:h1m111g to O.M.L.C. , , • f" \'(lfll" eJ1prc.ofoni "Wh111'•

I llvflr ic e:Kpr•' loo~ 1•rn,_ for l'..~L~9:s uli: • l" .•. Hkc!s UfJlJ ll? Wl~nsln •.. J\hqb,~ riad&v •• , P~f$0fl ·


UOl.tbld" , .•

.s.1 lll\'cd ••• U1cc1



u.lh)' plu'.

onl>• OltC!I

/\rutll Mui

5Jiudc:~ 1' Min'" 'fobh. M1n.na0l~ 'Thr •• }·e:aB :il tJ.M, I ,C••..

I• Ano S<mata~ "'Tootfo" Two Rlvcis, WiscG:lli.a Tlll"ee yc11.11 a.l D.:?\U.. C •• , •

Olsllhs being C!!.lled Al\DJI ••• Sc~rcl 111l\lih1on 1s to

F1t'f0rlt.c c.xprr-..ssioo: '"Kid, tJu:il m11kcs me mad!" •• ,

.SC<?rl"!t a rnbltJom ls to 1~Llc h for the lha¥1C1 •• , Fl.i!!ll.miing

J~ :mts ••• li:ccu~•l:"'I~ to D ,:)o..1.1.,C. , •• F:.t.VOfl't-1• <':.:pr~lwu 1'01'tiUl~ ! 11 • • • !J k.r.1. tC• c mb..-oldt-l'.



l<a.thlc-l'n Stindt

~HJ1bh1cr1 15 IQ triw-nt

be b\m•r, gtrb l" ••. Ukc~ 101~ rn~1.11l~ • , • ~et\ltn ~

. , . wm

to U.M.1...C •• , • ','/ 1ld like lo m. n;· ~ 1n!lli!).la m , •• llltM:..c1 l'tt-i ,Klilior, 1l'-'!t ,1 m·

'11-"'C&l(ln'I , • • ~i LO ~1."l u.1011.t> ''1 I.Ji • • • F ll'-'u~ 1t· t ·)I; * fH •:flhrti: .. IRcail)' !"

1']~1· YCIO.l'l =it

I) ,M. l•. C.

, .. 1-'avorl t<

cit.prr1:d0111 •vuu

k•H)W ! 11



w.~ tilC31r l ' ••

\\'111,1111 Ii . .. 10 ll)'


Iii:; •



6 A.M.


t<: •w Prag 1 M n"r: (Ill


t:h11n1; T1.1Ub r,s ••i-·u.:-J~'

"'Molly" ,, Ul 'f11 1'1·





iH l"l ..\LL.C. 0,,\4,L.,C, • , • Si·Ctc;I , •• t avotl r ,• .1•r ritlt • lu ~. 1~ wrh• u 1IWJI "Nl!VC'I !'1 , , • bt•St•U' Ucr • , , $tu in~I• dojtf 1~11r ~ 11 t111kln;: 1 I Wh1ri1 • bt,g(I. COUrHl , , • IJkrl llJlnulJ . • • l.uv1•J ll .:oriml>1naU~ ul JI ij.t;IC • • • l\, wmlri.s ,o o.r..· .1.,.,~. ~·l~kkt and f!Opl.~. F111.11


I I 1u 10 ••v •• 1.. • , • I ~l ~ Pr.ftlitu



" 2bthy'"

Mlnne.te~ Fu1u y11:t11 a.~ Ll.M.L.C •. , • f 11',N'.•tl II: L'>:pft:UIO:U 11 i)o!r 1C

:St. Pccer1

floori clut i.:rtib cltems lv1·-Ji ni·::iJ Nonh·

P:n1J $wanu "Pink)·" New Ulm, ,\HnnL~Ola

D.M.L.C ..•• Dultk•.;S bo)••, sblru.

irari ~g

St~vrn St..-:m ".Skv•·" $an.born, rmu ye: !"I ::1c ~-M, 1,,r,.: •• , •




P.:tw \l,:1ltu:m11 Oc11rim, J\.!I 1\11,fWC;a FO'W' Vt ·~


c D.M.LC.••


His bObby h coilt:"e1ir\Q: magvJ!le.J . • • H... si.gncd ~'With ch.¢ Air fc-'<.:oi:! ••• F oi\'orl•or t·XJm~I mu ''AU ns,ht, ~OLii 8'11}" f"' • , , LiJ<~1 food fl'ot.1 hotni.:.

Aili:~d \l.'a.s:s~nn.:m11



Rockford, P..·llimdOta TWO}~IU"S :I~ l'>.M.1.C •• •• s~n:l 11.111bilinn ls to bt.: fil'I opera s:lnscr . • • Alw.ays Nllhlag a.rouod • . , Pl~J w CUii! up c:bc rn1nry DI' ·'1git1r.c11n,s. ac. the milvi;rC1t].· , •• Uke.s Rqg~l"I llDd. H tnm,,nl!.: i.11 ••• Stlllliow..

MarliOD •,•:,•f!l tC -I! "Siai~"' lv.:G.D.i tow:i.c, ~.,·~50Qllt~ 1 n Foia y<!!011$: .:il D.tit..L.C: •• , • Ta'\•orlle u:prieWc.n "Crump !" .•• RcwmJ!!ls 10 D .M .LC' •••• likes tci 1lt-<"]'l on lhc roa! • •• S.Ccrcl ~" • biliml. le to phy Ill ~-itdln du.el with Ja.d: llC:JUJ')' , •• t.o..·o Co wrlli.: In otber ,rt·tipk'1 boob .• . Rubbly

Jo;·c.c \'c Ltigg "Joyl.!iL''1 M. ~ '-''iscomitl 'l'v..o >°i;. ra 11.t .0 .....\..L.C •• . • C IAUJ.::J down 1»1 her IDO'S.:. ••• Morw; ..chool ut D.M .L.C.

, • • t.!lt.ii1 hombm;Mk ~:ad :UJd ~11"":~1~ , , • 5.c~K'L 'Im• bulcm JJ to bi.: a ti.wist .•. Di.JUk(:j

ope.., cJuho:C dOOn.

J:i.m1c:G •we00.y 11 Re~·<k¥1U•, Wis:consia fqur yre~11 · t. D ..M .. J_c.; • ••• F2\i'Ol'hc C"XJjqeDian; "011 Yogi !" .•• Bravci f;m . • . Dll'li Ires PCclflJiC w'ho at~ l•h: , • , Soecrcl u1 Irl !)JI IJ to li~ fuhicm. d.e~s= r • • • I ~.}blue Fmd oonvt·rdbka:.

C'rnok W(:ucl \"NPl'.lfl, Minnctcs Fti111 yt.:~1'1- II\ D.M.l.C.••• (;c-1t:1;.-oiu 1tmJ~ l1et nn.ile •••

$0!1 b:lll i:11t.hw.i-um r4:sul11.ced h1 . f,f'l')lu:or:. ankle .......focir



O.M.LC' ••.•

W01dd likic to \I! ;icb Ul IL iordgn miSJioa .•• LikCJ mUfl.~.

~n:o:1.:lUty •


Car0! "\"i·evc.r

Jean \\'lat;cr


Fort .ILtlclmou,



ambit;l(ll'I ' ' LO\eJ

fom 1c;us QL D ..M.LC . . . . hYm~, c op~hm1 "Qul~ yc.ur 1 !" , , , 1m.c11d Sm.ult

F~ yt .in .at DJi.~.LC•••. Sc.:m!t

• • • 41 W'3'}ll bit!.}" and b~ • • • lJ ~ Chi:-oiJ is ;tod Wille'.!' .sb~l!l.Q; • • • Doc.11'r like ro l;1,; Nlhcd • •• FaV'.ll'Lt~ irXJ~mm:u

F•U r"



· !.A MisWari S~.lil~

Cr;iUc-.g.c • • • Di.s1j kcr 11eop.k ,,.,.ho cfz:ig lb.el!' tc-.e1 • • • Li lo hilt.a ..



Iiwe. 1 lh•~ <lily for whldi thl! c111ire $t11~!r-.n1 lmdy r1<I !.\1,;uJty h. d w. tri·iJ rhc v.'hul )'•. r. 01, I lfll dJi)' lft!!. J~~bil!'r; ~t",; •.. :c:e \o'<Js. hi:h.J, Th~ .11~dito~mrn •rnu; r1S ICU llJ O'rctfloi,., Ju 11, wIrli forn1tt UI d ILU II.I d f;knJs "''ho 1". ;arn r..! m 1111nJ.; God for His '.fj) \'CMS of • gm1:c. Tho Jluirll~ t ICL 1l1u :!t:rYIL~ 'H:U P.u111u E, Sr:h;-JJ~ r .


dt11Lrrnilr. of <;_M.L.C. ·~board of rcgcrm••

"''"'l!ll '!iiiliJ j)I\!l...:IJ..:.J by Pi.Ille.It PldS ol Mil-' !li!i!rc,,,;i:s wi:-r~ ,\l~D gh·cn by P isrnr !:-! 1.1111 nn, pt<:r.Ld1.m: of lltc h1'1Sc111urn S)rLod. g11d J>mtes:t.0r Mt' :r<!l ot nur Lml Thi;.~0J~1r al _.,-:m .. tn.ury. h11 ahnnnl chuu 111 •J r:i.L1Cd Lttd.1 vol~c1 lr'" WillUlc:ICI,

0«13 of pt':iB<!.

The C\'Cntns. pro\•Jdcd 11 much !l·,hre1 accl\'.cy fur th.: i!ruw ti.. '!Le :.uu ual Jiu i.: N l~lil :!OJtC<: tt •·i:n. rln.11 hcl\I. On thu; r-v1·ra1nR thr· \'MlOUJ ch•Jl!I p.r1.m.:me:1 i pl!CI,; d- • JJt1Ct IC:J.JUJ llJ tiJa~ ..~tl. I!·. ut ~UCIC \!1':2,1 dt~$~J in llrdr uncst aclkt'. ... colorful lUmmcr .nu11mpho.:Ce v.·ns :i! b)' urt i.lrh' bc:i.ut1li1lly i;111o:f'4 f11mu1b, mM~· nl 1hc:m der:or;uC"d lft'lrh ..:or::.agc~ !Jr cscatb.1 w :the ~.S:L1 by ba!li Lu.I lJt:~~ • .'\g;1i11 d 1c a1 ilitori11m w;u ILlkd ,, ovcrflow 1n·,. /•. ftto.r chc concert a:.lll'.r' st•Jdcnu. uliet wLcb lilc.itdi w ;.iy tlmlr LUI fl",;ulul B•111J·hyta,


UPPIB l.E.Fl': .P.mor fru.n111Jinn, tlt 8tadna.tion T'rof•'SJQr Sd1wl! ppe, cclc:brating 2 5 y •1111 .a. pre ldt!lll QI O.M,[.. t,:,, rrofo~,or 1'r11pp 1 ~rr.a.krr,

celebr;i.tjng 25 y~!ltj: l11

Ar.OVt:i The

' 'Ii!hflm1n.i.3lry. ,in1 thr. 1crv'o


• u:r'i: Aftc: :the "1rvlc1! t.I • grodUAlci rccc1vcd

chcir cnlls fo)m


Tlu.·i btE di)' finally



11..•r ll


llri gr 1:Ju.atct.

'11tcrc wcrl! 80 hlgh .sd.oal gra:luati=..s, !?l 'C'OllC:G~ sc:n101 gradu:HCI, d clE;IUCC[! OOllOSO jUJllOr StldU tC,, 111c di 11p~1 'ff8$ decor a red wLeh the cl ..i.3! rrmtl•J.>, che II on f111 LI I 1-C... Ill Ih J 1hil1!.C. ycnr n<J the c ltiu 11t)wen;. The guc:'t :s:pc..akcr w,!'is chc Re\·. Wcrno:t I r 1\z.111 1111, liii'hu 1pD)(e Ill the grai.1111\lcs ~"

r· w

cbc ·ctst:. "Ht:

1m1st i:1(;;ell.Se, ~11

Pr11 fcaor Sd1 "'

J)()t. rla~11


I mint dec1easr. • 'pl>J.:e a. lev wor'31 11b111.1~ hotrl:m~ fe::,c 10 chc t,.,'ord u f Goi.l, TJ1e dirm •1U1 ...l 1c Kl11 of l.u\·i: My Sho11Jtcrd Ss." 11null)' 1

11.e dipJom;u <ind dciFca were aw:ui:lcd the A itcz the rv1c tllll cuJkHc gr:1.1l1 :ihu re e1\•cd 1h~ir offk n1 I calls tiorn l'rofom~r schWt:fpc .

LEFTJ The coll io:g"' ,;en I1>r cl. ss PfC.'35.J nl Arv' d KrntiLCft ~lve.t fo:.1hm.:i.n mi rlu.n Moht It fow r rt• b~r.s cf £.;ii it.··rl f ~dvlce,

. hnd

1~1 ,

ui/' [IL"', I fouud 1hc


JubU •


r r ll.M.L. C. Lr ••·'lo

i.I Vi.:41

fo.U o{ mo11y I .,.,![LI

rn~lll!Ql"IC:t ;.u1il tqr1w1..h.!r! of ... L~ b!e..Eues O.M,L.C, ha~ r~..::tdvci.l ilur II~ Llil!sco ~t>Y~nl)'-lin: ~l!llrs ,

alw )'If• rm 111 er j'C•ll "' I ltup• '/\ u. wtU rl"ml'llJ11F• in~ J h.1~t' ritll}' vr;r J 11 l• w ul !hr.'l hti,llHS)o)h1' r'lf Ii 1-.: y~ a1 . l'crhJ.p~ ,u, m.:um.: ..:li.., ,. uLLd ha vc Lnc • ..ii.lcd otltt::! . Nvl"I' I 111un le avt! 111)' "I ma ma Le r. lit.)' he, re U hC11Y}' U• I IC.1W1..•, ht11 I tl11 l·N'" rnrw.arJ '" 'Ill ~I ,11 I ·liail l ;t.lrf.i}'I "1e 1bl tO r.~e,tlJ rhll. )'1,,1u l by 11urnlrtg L~c.k pap:~ of '!hh book. l hop~· yoiL wLIJ do the Auf wlcdc1 ;cht:n. 0.




Adickes, D. 23,32,50,54 Airlie, P. 22,33 Albrecht, C. 42 Albrecht, Eliz. 23,29,38,53 Albrecht, Ellen 23,29,52, 75 Albrecht, K. 42 Albrecht, M. 21,22,51,54,57,73 Albrecht, Prof. 7,23,54,67 Allerheiligen, J. 42 Allerheiligen, P. 22,28,35 Alten, C. 22,26,57,71 Anderson, K. 29,38 Arndt, G. 22,29,75 Aswege, L. 22,28,35 Ave, P. 42 Ayers, L. 22,28,35 Backer, Prof 8,29 Backer, E. 29,40 Backer, Ruth 19,22,29, 51,68, 75 Barckholtz, B. 19,22,28,33,48,65 Bartel, S. 28,33 Bartels, Mrs. 16 Bartsch, D. 42 Bartsch, Marilyn E. 22,28, 7 5 Bartsch, Marilyn I 22,28,35 Baumann, Mr. 6 Bauermeister, Mr. 16 Becker, Mrs. 12 Becker, S. 19,21,30,33,48,54,65, 67 Bechner, D. 28,40,45 Behmer, D. 17,29,48,59,63,68,75 Behmer, J. 22,28,33,58 Bcnidt, P. 26,28,32,64 Bentz, B. 42 Berg, T. 22,28,34 Bettendorf, D. 28,35 Bettendorf, M. 28,35 Biedenbender, G. 22,35,46,54,64 Biesmann, B. 19,22,28,76 Biesmann, S. 29,38 Birkholz, Pastor 6 Birkholz, Prof. 8,49,68,69 Bittorf, R. 21,27,33,54 Blanchard, M. 19,22,26,28,34 Blauert, K. 28,35,56 Bleick, D. 28,40,45 Bock, W. 21,22,26,53,56,67,71 Bode, D. 29,40 Bode, K. 17,42 Boelke, P. 29,33 Boettcher, I. 22,28,35 Bohlmann, J. 22,35,48,51 Soltmann, R. 28,42 Borgschatz, D. 22,28, 76 Borgschatz, E. 28, 40 Borgschatz, Mary 23,35,54 Borschatz, Muriel 42 Born, S. 32,51,52,54 Brandt, D. 42 Brchmet, S. 28,33 Breitkreutz, A. 42 Breitung, A. 26,28,71 Bretschneider, C. 43 Brick, Prof. 8,49 Brockhoff, R. 22,28,35 Brooks, M. 22,28,35 Brown, E. 29,53, 76 Bruning, N. 28,33 Bruns, S. 42 Bruss, W. 42 Buch, M. 21,23,32,52,53,57,65 Buller, Miss 16 Bunde, A. 35 Bunde, B. 28, 76 Bushard, S. 42 Busiahn, L. 22,28, 76 Busiahn, R. 24,42 Buske, C. 22,29,76 Buss, E. 22,28,35 Cameron, R. 29,38 Carlson, C. 29,41 Carlson, Ch. 28,35 Carr, S. 28,35 Charlson, D. 29,40 Christensen, D . 28,40,57 Christman, E. 42,51 Cloute, C. 21,51,54,61,71 Connell, E. 42,45 Dahlberg, J. 29, 40 Dallmann, G. 17,29,38,44,47,49, 63 Dallmann, R. 17, 22,29,48,63,68, 76 Damm, S. 28,38 Danner, C. 29,38,53 Daubert, K. 23,30,54,67. 73

Degner, N. 19,22,28,33 DcNoyer, G. 42 Denoyer, M. 28,38 Dittmar, C. 28,35 Dix, B. 22,28,35 Dom, D. 33,54 Dom, 0. 22,23,35,50 Dosela, L. 35 Dreyer, D. 42 Duehlmeier, R. 23,28,40 Duescher, B. 19,22,28,53, 76 Duin, M. 33 Dummann, M. 28,35 Dusseau, R. 42 Dusterhoft, R. 22,28,35 Earl, J. 28,34,65 Eaton, J. 19,22,28,46,62 Ehlke, D. 21,54,60,61, 71 Ehlke, R. 29,40,63 Ellwein, J. 29,40 Emmett, K. 22,28 Engel, D. 22,28,33 Engel, M. 29,40 Engel, Pastor 6 Engel, R. 29,76 Engel, W. 23,42 Enter, D. 22,28,35 Enter, J. 23,26,33,50,54,64 Enter, L. 17,29,38 Enter, M . 29,40 Eriksson, E. 28,33 Falck, C. 28,35 Falck, J. 23,28,71 Farstad, D. 22,28,36,56 Fein, D. 35,54,65 Fenske, J. 22,28,36, 51, 58,65 Fischer, P. 29,38,52 Fischer, S. 22,28,33 Fitschen, M. 28,38 Fleming, R. 28,38 Flynn, J. 28, 71 Folkerts, 42 Frank, J. 17,28,38,44,51 Frank, R. 28,40 Fritze, L. 28, 77 Fritze, P. 19,22,28,33,65 Fuerstenau, R. 28, 71 Galstad, E. 12,21,33,54,67 Galstad, Prof. 8 Carlo, J. 28,36,62 Gawrisch, G. 22,36,48,52,54,58 Geiger, C. 22,28,36 Geiger, Ch. 28,40 Geiger, G. 28,44,45,51,52,77,84 Gensmer, B. 22,28, 11 Gieschen, R. 29,33 Glaesmann, Mrs. 16,66 Glaze, G. 17,29,48,65,68,75 Glaze, J. 42 Glende, Mr. 6 Glende, N. 28, 77 Glende, R. 29,40 Goehring, W. 17,29,48,68,77 Goelz, A. 19,22,28,33,48,51,65 Gome, J. 22,28,36 Gorsalitz, J. 19,28,33,53,65 Greenfield, G. 72 Greenwood, Lou. 38,53 Greenwood, Lor. 28,40,51 Gronholz, J. 21,33,46,47,54 Grosse, C. 28,52,73 Groth, H. 28,29,40, 77 Groth, J. 22 Gnmdmann, E. 22,25,28,36,66 Guth, D. 42 Haack, Miss 12, 13,27 Haas, P. 22,28,36 Haefner, A. 22,23,32,54 Hagedoren, E. 22,23,36,48,54 Hagedorn, H. 42 Hampel, C . 28,36 Hahnke, Prof. 8,14,49,61 Hanke, M. 17,38,44 Harris, Mr. 16 Hartmann, Tutor 10,49 Hartmann, J. 28,36 Hartmeister, J. 22,28,36 Hartwi2, Donna 22.28.65 Hartwig, Donna M. 22,29,34, 77 Hartwig, Prof. 8, 49 Hasse, G. 17 Hasse, Henry 12,21,32,54,64 Hasse, S. 29,40 Hauer, Mrs. 11 Hauer, R. 28,33,46,62 Heckmann, G. 42 Heid, J .. 22,28,33,65

Heidemann, B. 22,29,77 Heier, E. 23,28,36,53 Heier, M. 21,23,5'4, 73 Heier, S. 22,23,29, 78 Heikes, J. 28, 78 Heintz, M. 29,40 Helwig, D. 22,28,35,46,52 Hemker, B. 22,23,28,36 Hempel, D. 29,40 Henrichs, G. 43 Heyer, J. 22,28,36,50,53 Hillmer, G. 21,22,32,54 Hilty, K. 28,32,67, 73 Hinnenthal, F. 22,28,53, 78 Hinnenthal, M. 22,29,53,78 Hinz, R. 19,28,32,46,51,64 Hoar, W. 22,28,33 Hoenecke, C. 29,78 Hoenecke, Prof. 9, 54 Hoenecke, T. 33,48,53,54 Hopman, Mr. 16 Huebner, S. 28,40 Ihse, J. 18,24,29,38 lngebritsen, Miss 13 Jacobs, D. 20,40 Jenni, D. 23,28, 73 Jerdee, V. 28,40 Jeske, K. 22,28,36,58 Just, A. 17,29,40,45,63,68 Just, R. 17,29,48,65,78 Kaercher, J. 22,28,36 Kaiser, L. 29,40,47 Kaiser, M. 22,28,36 Kaiser, Prof. 9,17,44,46,49,63 Kamrath, R. 22,29,78 Kannenberg, V. 78 Karsten, C. 43 Kassuelke, D. 29,38,49 Kastens, B. 28,38 Kegel, Y. 22,28,36 Kell, B. 12,21,22,23,32,54,67 Kell, J. 28,40 Keller, W. 28,36 Kem, I. 43 Kesting, A. 22,36 Kesting, Av. 28,41 Kettenacker, J. 43 Kettenacker, M. 29,38 Kettner, T. 29,38 Keturakat, Mrs. 11 Keup, M. 22,23,28,34,53,65 Kietzer, M. 22,69,78 Kietzer, N. 41 Kind, N. 28,38 Kingsbury, Tutor 10 Klatt, E. 29,41 Klatt, Prof. 1 Klatt, S. 29, 79 Klawitter, R. 43 Klug, R. 34,53,54 Kock, Mrs. 16 Kock, E. 17,22,29,44,45,47,78 Koepsell, H. 27,48,54,65 Koepsell, J. 22,28,36,48 Koestler, A. 19,22,28,34, 58,64 Kopitzke, R. 22,36,50,53,54 Kramer, A. 21,54, 70,85 Kramer, P. 28,32,65 Kranz, s. 43 Krause, E. 17,29,79 Krause, J. 22,36 Kreger, S. 43 Krook, Miss 12,59 Krueger, B. 22,28,36 Krueger, D. 43 Krueger, K. 22,23,28,36,53 Krueger, M. 42 Krueger, R. 28,36 Krueger, Mr. 16 Kruse, G. 28,41 Kuehn, J. 23,29,69,79 Kuehn, R. 28,41 Kuester, Mr. 16 Kugler, R. 22,28,36,46 Kunde, K. 22,29,69, 79 Kunde, Mrs. 14,27 Kurth, E. 21,54, 73 Kutz, C. 22,29, 79 Lafrance, Mr. 52 LaGrow, G. 28,36,58,65 Lang, E. 19,22,28,36,46,62 Kanghoff, Mr. 16 Lankenau, M . 43 Lanphear, G. 21,32,54 Lemke, M. 28,41 Lenz. Pastor 6 Lenz, M. 41,53

I '"'11"nn I 'f'T«, '? [r'O'llf• tn 1 I\ o.J,!1IJ,':' '.I tt-rt~r. c, 2;1 1 :.!tt,J~ Ui:W:t, .J. 2~, H~.~C..-ltl


r .:-u~ . M.





1,<;,'11, '(to',

l11rdtt"', J, :?9,41

h:il, J. U,tE,:17 l'cnoo, c, :z;;:,;m, ~?



llol,w;ihln£ 1 Mn,

C. ZJ,<:b,:.J'I' (/uut, J'. l!!J,4L




::1.11 41

M~ ,M.

M11.::.1.h.:.., K. !!2,2&..:..::.,•111

t.·.r.=1;1t..y, :F., ::!,3fi, ~.!ii.~!! M "'·r. :.,, u~~ ... a),'4, &> , ~,


~~ ~tu . :.::.i,t'l,!i':1,l'.lll,';'5 t.~a.n.:uti:c, S. :?B, J.7


Mlftr.r t, D. !>4,l'.ll ~.


•1'1 ,•l'l', )L,:.::S,

J ""1

M1.1tl. C, :11 1111,l i

M1.t-U. C:. it:.i M~ , J.


Mii!.t~B 1 S,


Mr.'111IU, I.. tll,:J? Mt:us 1 }I, -tJ ~.. di:r, M. U ,•U .,,1 l•r, 111 I... :-.&., .. P,:J'> .:.,i:: l ~r, Vol 11,:lf.,:!'l, u,::a,IJ.!l,BO Mi:II). IC rl:il 1 ZJ, , :J1 ,5":t 1!8 )'k, "1. :'i,0,,lllJ \1cri:;•l, J . :.:::,:rn . ~?. ,J:> M".IP.'rJ.'lhm ld.t, IC. :!:l,:!:9,69,BD \11M1c-11nhmlb 1 ~i. :l'A \1c~·· " ~-;.c.1.11:.i :!\1i:yu, L 22,t&,:Zll,:.J'I' \1"}"-"'1 :rt.. !!l,:J!!:,E'I

. . ,1~•. ill, ,j

l?, :t~,l·l

Ml':Br .:h, PA.°"• :ti :Mll~u, C. U ,:Z8,:.J7 "'11 UH, o. ;.!I,?:I 1Uk-, 'J I l ,:.::,2 1,,4'.,ti:!,bll,~8 . &;)



:!Z , :!8 , ~;7

M"llr, II, 4:1 ,I~

MUt:lilctJbr>" o. J

Mu11lJ1•r. J . ~O,:JT M1.1a.:Ua:.r0 X, 2B


r. , :i::1 1;1H,:)





111 r 1


ii,:I .~o, J'J, l'i2

-4:.J , ·U,~






l\~tnhrl ,


::, 2S.31.-·JU1 :.:J




Z J ~.~3 ,34 1 :>31 ~.


:S.,11.\t,.-n• J

'!'i,:.11.-H,il'J, SJ

't'or.: ··, t.HA- L:t -..• .. ,.,,.t.Ht, E• ..!9,'1oi. Wi..iliarJ1.11•, C, ~ 2,:~1 M , 7:1



Nu mau~ , A. ::: 12),0t.'i'll Norrnw::.orm, M. 19,tl,:!8,J4,<; NGl:!mtzltm, "l' • Ill• 10 1 2:1'1,!l:t Nunl.;r, <I, ::o.~ t)\h!&llld, J. U.2!1,J:l' t ~ ;:.M,


:?!:,J.';' 1 5J.,.:a,G ~

DtJllT•'!.. l(, <''J,J IJ '•Iii Qlllu...ann, [). ,:if


&::'!Uicro':>ec;,-, J, .S;la!1,·• .:r1£l,y, $1.,



c. rr .. r.

0 lrlftnld, 43 OliJ.! 1r l1I, I j OllW.11111, J' ...i,ei.1, 1l OhU., .!. Z9,"9,@U ~r

-k '".mldt., I.. lfi,!:8,J!! ~- n,.ltf.,r, "TJld.T 10, 18 ,47,-t'l,6:!1

•ii• n,;.. N, ·i•,, u l'&LtCIKQ,. o. •1:1 P:.:~:-:!:,. C.



, , n.

Si;ilT~liz. C. .U,!!:!I, 741 St11J.1Jp 1 (;11!, ·13 Solr It, .1 u Scli.:Ju, R. :U,;;:1,J,:1";' Snhul:, ?:-uC. !l,'1!1,:'l'.i,00 Nolr I•, J, ::Z,20,)7 Sclm;.Jbt", It, .l-'J,82


Zl, •1J,:U ,~', l'J'1,?:i1

k. 2t,'1 L

z~ . z::i,:;: 11 ,s;i


J'J,~1.::i,:.:1,1 1 );1 1 6:.1 '2t.~l

'1'11 l11~u, ~. l9,U)

Wltl,, 0.


Z~ , .l?.~

~. :! ~1.22~3',<'IC.,"'1,o!::?

W 1hlt, , LLl,2 .. ,~t Woti1 J.1r:i:, Ito Wulf, Mc, 16

Wutcr, 1 . :i~ . oe ,


!-~.:?8 1 82

.• -111~0,


Wlll.)u. 14 £'

T, U


°' :J

~-?', n

WJc.c.li1LiJU1D, Z!J,.j,l w1 ..... ,\lyes: l:!I. i t

S&i;ili:t, J. U ,Z8,37 .s·.r·~rt. C", l':",4::!,45


'i'l"-cf1dl.lll.d, R'

\\'f", C:

n. ~11



'tli'••t:-"J•, 1).


5H...ra!.:u 1

Wt •H1"•1, I'



XI, :11,::i!

....'rl~ -:t., 0. "3

Yi' -" 1, C n,-U

w1! !1rU1 oC ~~~P ,-t L :li:!lrwrp[!ol'r l•llaf. 6.,:t:l' , 11~ S<-Liz,. l. , LT,:.:o,i,!·~ Si,:llln, J . n ,z11 1"'1

~ltt, f,l.r, ~v:i:.l'f.

'IYr1n:km, J\, ;z'l,,1 '"''dk, I), '•11, ~·,1 '"''"-'alwtL. J. ~

""'utiU, !'.. ::.-1, :v,,,.;.),H3


1o.1rpnt, fl..

'1\1.tl1.&t, M. 211,:J'I' ·":~ 11'4r, It. !S,3ill W;urt,...,h 1 J ;n,1fl,;]4 '"'u.. i. .inu, S, :J~ 1 2ll,~,tit,Hll 'r\'r:;pu:r, K. :!:I, i.:.J

'"'•Ml, r.. :l?, LL Y.'•111,.,. u, .1. 2•,01 'Wernor.k4!, M. ~:l, .!ft.,5 j ,IU

!lwwu, A. d


11, :n,2u,11,, i

Wt•eila:J, L

M . 41 Sc.1teoe1. C, ~ 1 4 L Selruw. V. ,,l,J'J,r.:11

• 111.... n, Jud. 2),iJ-1, :..:I !.J i:H l1 JC;i,thho::!n ~Ll 1 !;J 1 &J 1!.1.! .5.ic•·c:l, P.:1lt. !.I, ""3

1•uU.J .... Ml .. u .:i::i l':c:...<,r1'!.:., J . !!!I, 1a.r.:;.r.s,a1 I'


Mr. 67

$ • ,-. D. ~11,:1·1 J, 111,zz,la,1-4,


~') 1 :.!2 1 !~34 ,


H ,::.:U,J7


E-Jl mh:oc h, i'm(. 1 i';ilm~r , J., ;z•1,..i.,.s:i. P.;Ji; .:t, I', ~1,1 1 ~ l' J..T.n· n.&, {.",

~tl,;;.J ,4!1

~JI., :l:'l,"G,•1),:.1•,~

OlilaUlllJ, IL l 9.3:1,:J<i,:-l-

hR_r 1 II.


J. lS. tl. 4 ~

Sr..,,,~ r,



S. :J·J, ill, :.1 vni::::.1r. 1,. u ,::i::, :i::?.:J-t.

.Y.b:mml11::rir1 0. J.~ . :::8 , :1 1 1 61 Vh"'•Yfl 1 V • ..::.:. :.l


:.J,:1 ,:14,,.o, 4'?.llt

z' ztt,1'<1


.s.: h:ah: ::mwi.


Noh• , I(


V IH":b, Pn.~. T 'r'ni;rl1 (l, ~l,2[1,3'i'

V ul~t,

~-nul.: r,

Jlliomumn, ..,,yna.• :a , n,).~,5.;i .Nl~.1111rtti , Jll, 1!:J,;W,::J4 }fol.'1::, c. 29.·ll ~nit•, 1:1. J7,43

v ,.,,,• .,ci.. c. u

V"trlr:g, .I 1'},:!:.>,S!l,6'),S3 Vii: Ii n,:14,.W

Sm1rr, P . L7,43,Sl 'iehlll .. r, J;, ;.:tt 13·1

.:s-~l lQ

11 18'1

Uhli5, .!. :!:!,28,._7 V'.\lltDm, p 11 ,~:o.,;::R ,4 -1 1 63,.8) Un """- M. '1.u,:w,.»1,r1 V•lll11o...<!r, w. u.:n . ~4 , C.S V..-"".,_ Ii. Z!J,J!.I \11 .... rt.. 2:,20,J?.M

VuL-..1J, o.

SaJJJ.. .S. :!. .:i~.Dl


:Na, L .2 T:I :N-, S. 2'>,!i$,::i!l,HO



UIJ~ . >.11u !C.

0. Z:J,:i:H,J,,:>l

~k...1. ~

iD, :1



TuU\t<- , r , ":11 1 19.:il,:'l!l,11;:

liiurprwcht., 1.. 19 , ~2 , l.l:J , J..1 .°"',:lll, ~l,


rr. r·rur.




.Noltr, M.



'lt••. ;\. :;: 1,JJ,.~1.,.. Rltt&n=-.., n. lG,:!::!.7-i ::ri


'l'u L:1111.u1,P, Z8 1:J9

Rol DU, Mis, Lr.

}IQe), 2..

~mnn:ma, P.sitcr

T1Jn111, I< . 4~


~· 1111}.(!t, ~~ l 'lll I I

MY""• !':. L:,l· ,11.1


'l"ll'lt? t,,l. ;:•J ~


ll.1ffrl',.t.r , A l)l,6T

mt•, l'r·.•I, 10

'l"i•a, p_ J 5,,!!:i.,2:i:,:!3,7t

...J, orul-4 A. :::!D,l'l


Lua41. K. O:(i,;Jr.t :..t.nll, Mr. 26 ~,,.,

ILa.tu•, ti/, ;;:11.~ 1\-.JrJI, !.. .2•1,42.Crl (\Quf.u1UJ1, ,, , ;;i,11,:l"o' R111.1..::-i s. 2. ,:i,. f....IUD!Wu., C• .:.1~U,:J4 l°t•=itn 1 M. l:S,:J·J ll'-'nbair:.,, J'4,, 21), ;]'] llQLal•lt, Mr Cl R.1~ • .l\11"$, !(o ::\.chl.t.,rt, M.. Zl',ZH,J -1


St ln•lr, I(, :lli:, 111,•r.:

;)....,.uLl.wJ, !>. dJ T3otOl<l"1', I . :'.t;.,;?R, ';'4 Tu kt, v. ;m,J!l,._. TJi:l'.Ulli:l. C. :.:9, 13, oW

R.;t.bd1., C. G 11.uds.:k, P. ~.7'1,:J.;i

11.ocbr:ot, M


!h< llJl"I, 'b. ::11 St~llj~s. J'·nl, !I Stdtcr, M..1. tG ~i.11 '• J. n.~ :stu'll 1 :-.. ..!2,U.,:::a',"8,f.;8 ,eJ :$tllloer 1 o. ~?,!'t,3rl ,4!l 1 1SJ

Sv.\1na, [•, ~'1.t. ,ft~



"" 11,,11... 1, fl, li::, ...J, 'M

~:!Jc ~1:k 1 IJ . •U,4!.

'1unUm R.. ::!8 ;!!I

Mnrn•,..~. o

-u,:fo,:i I, ~~ . :>1.'1J


•, K •

&, 1"i!J:"11r fl.,H4

.MOIR 1 Jll. UJ,5 1,{>11?2





!'.!Pm, t,i,

11, 1 0,Q.~.lll

, ., 11:, 1'I

C.Wtl.r, .D "''I 41

~.I)"), '.'.111 1


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