A Time to Remember

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synod, 119 in the state of Wisconsin, 87 male teachers, 38 pastors teaching, 20 women teachers, and 8,805 pupils. An early attempt to improve the quality of teachers did not work out. The Wisconsin and Missouri synods had reached an agreement which called for Wisconsin men to study at the Missouri Synod school at Addison, Illinois; apparently few chose this option. Another attempt at improving the quality of education during Schaller's presidency was imposed from the outside. The Schulzeitung (school paper), the official journal of the Lehreroerein (teachers' association) of the Wisconsin Synod, appeared in February, 1876. It was turned over to the faculty of Dr. Martin Luther College in 1893. Schaller was editor and Ackermann was business manager. The number of subscribers, which at one time was almost 300, gradually declined. It simply could not compete with its English-American

The Class of '95, 1. to r.: Otto Montgomery, Gustav Graf, Fred Vogelpohl, Otto Stindt, John Pelzl

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