MK Flyers Central - March 2013

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Welcome to...

...the March edition of MK Flyers Central.


Have a read through MK Flyers Central to see advice from local business in Milton Keynes.

Kim Oliphant Steve Aylott

Until next month

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Stuart & The MK Flyers Central Team

Stuart Oliphant Team

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11th MARCH 2013 Each edition is delivered FREE to these numbers of homes and businesses to these areas MK Flyers cannot take responsibility for the content of the adverts or the services provided by the advertisers. All adverts are printed in good faith. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is strictly prohibited.

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MK Flyers North – 11,000 Newport Pagnell, Willen, Willen Park, Downhead Park, Pennylands, Bolbeck Park, Giffard Park, Great Linford, Neath Hill, Blakelands MK Flyers South – 11,000 Furzton, Emerson Valley, Westcroft, Tattenhoe, Shenley Church End, Shenley Brook End, Shenley Lodge, Kingsmead, Oxley Park MK Flyers East – 11,000 Broughton, Middleton, Milton Keynes Village, Monkston, Monkston Park, Kents Hill, Woughton on the Green, Woolstone, Wavendon Gate, Walnut Tree, Old Farm Park, Browns Wood, Caldecotte, Downs Barn MK Flyers West – 11,000 Stony Stratford, Old Stratford, Two Mile Ash, Bancroft Park, Blue Bridge, Bradwell, Loughton, Great Holm, Crownhill, Grange Farm, Medbourne

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Pole Position is here to bring all the glitz and glamour to your next corporate event, team building day, trade show, exhibition or employee reward day

Our cars are hand built in a factory based at the Silverstone Circuit, the Home of British motor racing, by the chosen supplier to the likes of Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes Benz and triple F1 World Championship Constructors Red Bull, amongst others, for their simulators to use ahead of races because of their real life feel, reliability and craftsmanship.

From a complete branding in your corporate name, logo or colours either locally, nationally or internationally let us show you how we can really put you and your business on Pole Position.

Using the latest game racing software, with the latest circuit updates, fully adjustable force feedback pedals, a genuine F1 steering wheel coupled with a rumble pack to provide as true to life drive feel as is possible. If you then add in a speaker system that’ll give you a full bore engine noise from right behind your head you’ll have an experience that you will remember for years to come.


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POSITIVE LIVING Letting Go – Moving On...

If you were able to move onwards and upwards with your version of life – would you feel ready to take up the challenge? The life chapters you have lived to this moment so far have been to the best of your ability and knowledge. You have felt the full force of it all. Nothing is written in stone to say that you can’t be successful, that you won’t be able to reach all of your hopes, dreams and goals. The past is over. It’s done. No matter how much you wish you could change it – you can’t. Every thought spent going over its content is wasted, for your thoughts are pure vibrant energy, they’re signals and intelligent life force that could be put to better use in your now. This is a ‘key’ to your moving forward... You passed a finish line long ago and have within you already what you needed to gain in this lifetime, so there’s no point in going over old ground. Before birth you had your own life agenda. You knew what karma you had to recreate to work through, understand and let go. This you have done very well. It serves no purpose to keep yourself in it – so once again you are asked to let go. You give to life live instruction. The more you worry and fret, the more worry and stress you attract, for unbeknown to you – that’s exactly what you’re asking to receive... The secret is to stop repeating thought threads such as these in their tracts. YOU CAN DO IT. All you need is to realise how you can. (I am I). You were born to experience, to enjoy and express, to explore the full meaning of Earth life. Nothing blocks your way. You are free to move in the direction and manner you wish. You have free will and free choice. You are part of the story of NOW. You help to write, to program and create the reality you choose to express. You hold all options in the palm of your hand. It is ‘you’ who can change what you wish to be changed, what you feel is not right or out of sync. Small steps are the key, not huge leaps. You are a live link to the present, you instruct what will flow to you next. Recognise this talent – and use it well. (I am I). Each new day will bring you fresh opportunities. To move forward is to not throw away all you’ve gained up-to-date – but to embrace it,

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to fine tune and reprogram ‘what will be’ from this point. Fast moves, rash decisions are usually not required, for life and time need themselves to assist, to help put into place what your own needs or requirements dictate. If you do take fast moves the connections required might not be in place, you may fail to achieve what your actions intend, so allow all to manifest in the time, space and manner that is need... 2013 is life at it most fertile yet. We’re linking back to the beginning of time. We are living rebirth and ascension. We are writing a new programme of human intent, intelligence and requirement. We’re all letting go of outdated clutter, behaviour and habits and so are moving onwards and up. The very fact you are here means that you are part of this movement. What you think, say and project really matters. You are a powerful being and life force... No one knows your personal life journey better than you. You know what you’ve personally been through, you know how you feel today and what thoughts and emotions are running through your system right now. You know you you’d like life to be. The books that I’ve written will give you fresh insight and knowledge. You’ll understand more about ‘the being’ that is you; you’ll know how you help create life. A line is being drawn on the past. How we move forward from here is completely free choice. We have the right to be happy and free. Good health and peace of mind link together- and you have gained the rights to them both. Again the secret is how you live and love; how you focus the life force that flows from you. (I am I). I am powerless until you realise the full force of what you have within. When you link back to Me through free choice and free love – we have the power to link into destiny. This is my offering to all of Mankind. You have a divine link back to Me. (I am I). Stephanie J. King - SOULPRENEUR Author of ‘And So It Begins...’ & ‘Life is Calling...’ and the soon to be released ‘DIVINE GUIDANCE’ For more information visit

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‘I AM’ Meditations Channelled from Spirit by Stephanie J. King BECAUSE YOUR OWN JOURNEY IS UNIQUE, YOUR NEEDS, QUESTIONS AND INSPIRATIONS WILL BE ALSO... ‘I AM’ is the first in a series of guided meditations unique in content and approach, allowing you to work directly with Source - to bring in health, balance, harmony, understanding, forgiveness, love, light, peace, growth and extra sensory information - from the highest realms possible - to aid all. Before birth we each devised a real time soul agenda, an overall life plan, with live tasks to set in motion, to recognise & work through. We have qualities to contribute, to overcome and accomplish, gifts that we alone can hone and harness to feed directly back to life as personal input, as contribution & thanks for time spent here. Many things are answered as you re-assess your lot - with the aide of personal guides/your guardian/and with Source. Physically nothing is completely certain except we birth and die, yet far more occurs on levels unseen than we can ever imagine. The soul journey you are travelling is completely individual and unwritten - so what you will contribute, pay forward, or give back - is yours by personal choice and accomplishment... Stephanie’s works have been specifically channelled to help you work through Karma and what’s occurring now - love, work, family, home - to highlight what lies hidden, to fine tune your highest attributes, strengths and gifts, and to help you to regain, to remember - what has been lost...

(I am I) I will work with you - if you will work with Me. (I am I) Internationally known and respected - Stephanie J. King is an author, reiki master, teacher, spiritual healer, transformational life coach, columnist and speaker in the field of self-development and personal, physical and spiritual soul growth... Stephanie has worked directly with the ‘I am I’ consciousness and the higher realms of Spirit for many years, to re-awaken the soul...., to channel guidance, inspiration, enlightenment, encouragement, self empowerment and healing that’s both powerful and applicable to all...

For further information and to view her books - visit....

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Spring is fast approaching, the snow is trying to melt and you can’t help but think there is a bit of a mystical air around Milton Keynes at the moment. In keeping with the seasons, I have kicked off some new projects and campaigns around Milton Keynes and already we are seeing results.

Rapid Sales Solutions. The Expo will see businesses from across Milton Keynes and afar coming together to network and also showcase what they do. I am delighted to have managed to have secured the new Business Minister Lord James Younger to attend and open the event, to be held at the MK Dons Stadium from 8.45am onwards. Milton Keynes has one of the largest small business start up rates in the country and this is a brilliant way to bring them together to encourage collaborations which wouldn’t necessarily occur otherwise.

Last month saw the first ever MP’s Jobs Fair for young people in MK. Unemployment in Milton Keynes is low at 3.1% but youth unemployment is slightly higher so Iain Stewart, MP for MK South and I decided we wanted to do something about it. With over 33 businesses in attendance including Home Retail Group, Santander, Railcare, Network Rail and Whitbread (to name a few), with real jobs on offer, we held the jobs fair at the Buszy in Central Milton Keynes. Over 300 young people attended the event and already we have been contacted by companies saying they have offered jobs to some of those in attendance. It was a great day and I am really pleased it helped lift some young people out of unemployment. I know Iain and I are keen to make it a regular thing and we are hoping to hold another one in the not so distant future. On the 8th March Milton Keynes will see its first Business Expo being held by Victoria Beale from

Focussing on helping businesses, I have been working closely with the market traders from Milton Keynes in order to ensure their place remains in the heart of our city. Last month I delivered a petition of over 10,000 signatures to this effect, to the Chief Executive of the council and I know the council have paid particular attention. With the application for the new Primark in CMK being withdrawn following the council’s recommendation for refusal, it is clear that they are sticking to their word and I hope that we will now see some improvements made to the market area, led by the market traders. I hope you have a very happy Easter and as ever if there is anything I can do to help or you would like me to visit your organisation, please get in touch with me on 01908 686830 or check out my new look website at Mark Lancaster TD MP

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Content Marketing - what is it and why is it so important for 2013? The amount of content accessible to us online is almost incomprehensible and with almost any information we need available at the click of a button, content marketing has never been so important. It is predicted that 2013 will see a noticeable increase in businesses really getting to grips with creating content marketing strategies, to focus on building long term relationships with existing customers and courting new ones. Up until now content marketing has been considered more of a necessity for larger businesses, but it’s being developed and executed by smaller businesses and one-person enterprises. Why? Because it’s proving to work. Whether you’re regularly communicating via email marketing or engaging with your customers through social media, the key to successful content marketing is to communicate with your customers and prospects without directly selling to them. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that allows your buyer to become more informed. The essence of a content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, regular valuable information to buyers, they ultimately will reward us with their business and ongoing loyalty. And more often than not, they do. So how can you make your content stand out from the crowd in 2013 and beyond? 1. Content marketing basics If you haven’t already got one, then having a blog is an ideal platform for posting regular content. A few years ago, having a blog was pretty advanced for most companies – now it’s imperative. Along with a blog the main social media platforms for posting content on still are: Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest or LinkedIn if they are relevant to your business. 2. Create the right content for the right platform Once you’ve created some great content then make sure your audience knows it’s there and can access it easily. Often just writing a really engaging blog on a

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regular basis can build up a loyal following, so try not to spread the content too thin by posting it on every social media platform available, as this then only waters down the impact. Look at creating unique and different content for each and make sure the tone is right for the audience. 3. Share other people’s content It’s all about becoming a valuable resource for your audience. So, if you happen to come across a useful article that you know your audience will be interested in, regardless of the source, share it with them and you’ll start to become recognised as an authority in your industry and as a result people are more likely to share your own content. 4. Be creative with your content Video has become much cheaper to produce without comprising quality. There’s no reason why you can’t start thinking of engaging your audience in another way through video. If you are B2B, try having real conversations with your customers by utilising a platform where you can ask them pressing questions and start real conversations. 5. Leverage your competitive edge Research what information your competitors are offering and try and create content around what you do that they don’t. Every business has its own competitive edge, so what’s yours? 6. Build a community If you really want to be seen as an expert in what you do then building a community is a great way of achieving this. Use your own in the industry and get them to guest post on your platforms. Interview them and use their connections to amplify your content and message.

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Ask The Business Coach Improving Sales & Marketing to Quickly Improve Profits Sales and Marketing is the only way to substantially increase your profits. Unfortunately, very few business owners know about professional sales and marketing techniques. They waste thousands of pounds on advertising, trying different things, not having any idea on where it’s best to advertise or how to write ads that work. Instead business owners learn by ‘trial and error’. Learning by experience is the worst teacher because you don’t learn about marketing and sales opportunities that you haven’t experienced! Most business owners don’t know how to test and measure all their marketing and sales strategies to accurately determine the acquisition costs of purchasing a customer. Why would you want to continue to spend money on a marketing and sales campaign if you didn’t know whether the campaign was an expense or an investment? With the correct sales and marketing strategies a business can grow very quickly and make large profits. Making profit is everything in a business.

You make a profit by simply attracting customers to shop at your business in an economical way. If you are spending all your money acquiring new customers this is an extremely expensive marketing plan. Marketing is all about getting people to buy from you not just the first time but the second and third time as repeat customers. This greatly diminishes your acquisition costs and increases profit. One of the biggest mistakes a business owner makes is trying to do their own marketing. Thousands of pounds are lost by either not getting their customers to come back again or by wasting money on advertising that will never work due to one of two reasons. Either the business owner is advertising in the wrong place or they don’t have a clue as to how to design advertising that works. Most business owners don’t realise it’s very cheap to have a professional marketing person to help you. Marketing and sales that is tested and measured cuts out the campaigns that are an expense and continues to promote the campaigns that are an investment.

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Take the Fear Out of Sales Try these tips to help you manage the situation: 1. Show your enthusiasm for the change and your support for their new roles. Enthusiasm is contagious. Every time the subject comes up, tell your team how excited you are. Tell them you know how well they’ll do because sales is just a small extension of customer support. 2. Use role-plays. Role-play exercises are a crucial part of the training. They enable your team to practice new skills in a safe, non-threatening environment. The team can work together to develop “scripts” for overcoming objections unique to their industry. I would encourage you to have monthly role-play meetings where your staff can bring in sticky problems they’ve encountered and you can collectively work out strategies to overcome them.

One of the things that sets apart organisations with highly effective sales processes is that they have embraced the concept that everyone within the organisation, whatever their individual role, has a part to play in the process of selling products. For people in roles such as Technical Support the prospect of having to sell can be very daunting, especially as sales representatives have an unfortunate reputation of being pushy extroverts. Such support personnel however, are an invaluable asset as they have very close contact with the customers on a minute to minute basis. The question is: how can you take the fear out of selling for those that are being asked to do a job that they were not initially hired for? The principal tasks of the manager in this situation are to build confidence whilst at the same time showing them that they do not have to change personality in order to become effective sales professionals. After all, good sales people are there to help customers by leading them to the right solution.

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3. Coach them. Even with good training, your employees will be nervous when they enter the real world of sales. Coach them while they work and give them nothing but positive reinforcement. Eliminate all criticism – even constructive criticism – until they are comfortable with their new tasks. 4. Keep them focused. This includes helping them to prioritise accounts and providing tools such as sales literature and scripts that can increase efficiency. It also means developing a departmental vision and ensuring every activity flows from that vision. It is not an easy task but these tactics are a strong cornerstone for building your sales management skills. If you would like to discuss change management, employee engagement or any wider business related questions visit our web site at or email me at

©Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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Rapid Sales Solutions welcome dynamic new addition Jade Hall to the team Flourishing Newport Pagnell based business, Rapid Sales Solutions, are thrilled to announce that they have added an Ace of Spades to their deal of cards this week in the form of wordy Business Graduate and PR and Social Media specialist Jade Hall. Jade is joining the team as PR Account Manager progressing from her previous role as PR Manager at thecentre:mk and will be expanding the services offered at Rapid Sales Solutions to meet both current and prospective client’s emergent needs for PR, social media management and blog writing. Rapid Sales Solutions provide a full host of sales, marketing and campaign management solutions for a range of businesses both around the UK and internationally and Victoria Beale, CEO, believes that Jade’s proactive approach will fit perfectly into the Rapid team’s resultdriven attitude.

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With the addition of Jade’s expertise, Rapid Sales have progressed their current telesales packages to another level and are now offering additional PR, social media, copywriting and video production for comprehensive sales and marketing campaign management that is totally unique in the business development industry. “Jade and I first met at networking event, Business Live, which I’m Co-Director of in June 2012 when I recognised her ambitious attitude to business. 2013 has seen a huge expansion for Rapid Sales Solutions and as the owner of Business Expo 3.0 we subsequently anticipate further opportunities in creating comprehensive sales and marketing solutions for businesses after our internationally acclaimed event on 8 March at the MK Dons Stadium, Stadium MK. With this in mind, Jade will form an instrumental part in developing new solutions to meet rapidly changing needs of businesses today.”

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Vidler Wealth Management Ltd I have been involved with all aspects of wealth management over the past 11 years and specialise in trust and estate planning, retirement planning, long term care and investments. I am an adviser based in Milton Keynes. Please visit my website or call

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What is an Employment Tribunal (and how to avoid one) An employment tribunal is a public body set up to hear disputes between employers and employees. The most common type of disputes surround unfair dismissal cases, redundancy payments and employment discrimination. An employee can raise a case against their employer if they feel they have been treated unfairly, or have broken the law. Therefore the onus is on the employer to adopt the management practices necessary to avoid being taken to an employment tribunal by a disgruntled employee in the first instance. These practices are a combination of many different factors. As far as documentation is concerned, a current up to date contract, an accurate job description detailing the duties of the post holder and relevant policies and procedures are

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all that businesses require to ensure its compliance with employment law and understands its obligations. However, these are irrelevant if not used and utilised by management to manage their staff. Effective meetings, ie 1-1’s, team meetings and management meetings are all tools to be used to ensure employees know exactly what is expected of them. While these meetings are the perfect environment to instruct and inform employees, effective managers should also allow employees the opportunity to raise and discuss any concerns they may have about their employment and ability to perform their duties. Effective two-way communication can ensure that matters are dealt with as and when they occur. Failure to address issues allows them to fester and build resentment with the individual.

Angela Rhodes, Crispin Rhodes Ltd, HR Specialists, Milton Keynes,,

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We all know that getting new customers is THE most important thing you can do for your business, but how are you going to do it? A leaflet delivery campaign consistently delivers results when done properly – and we do it properly. Call us now on 01908 850361 to discuss how we can make your phone ring with designed, printed brand new and delivered for customers, £300+vat ready to buy.

5000 leaflets for March

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I have been advertising in the MK Flyer for several months and with Stuart’s help we have attracted some great customers from the Flyer. I would recommend this publication even if, like me your offering is more business to business. Andrew Freestone, Freestone Communications

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MP’s Diary

By Iain Stewart MP, Conservative MP for Milton Keynes South

One of my top priorities as your local MP has been to help young people to get started in their careers. To help with this, I recently hosted a Jobs Fair at the Buszy in Central Milton Keynes along with my colleague Mark Lancaster. The ambition was to get local employers and training organisations with jobs and apprenticeships on offer in the same room as young people looking for work. I was delighted at how successfully the event went. Over 30 organisations were on site for the fair and many hundreds of young

I would like to take the time to thank all of the business and organisations which made the day so successful and I would also like to thank Heart Radio and Home Retail Group in particularly for their support in advertising the event. To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, I was invited to attend an event at Stantonbury Campus Theatre. The performances were organised by Cate Hibbert who is the director of Voices of the Holocaust, an organisation which teaches about the Holocaust through drama and theatre. The performances were very moving and I can see the power that these types of performances can have in educating people about prejudice and intolerance.

people came along to see the jobs on offer. We are very fortunate in Milton Keynes to have a thriving local economy and excellent local businesses, but there are still many young people looking for work. With that in mind, it was very satisfying to hear that several businesses had booked people in for job interviews during the course of the day. I was brought up to believe in civic duty and giving something back to the community. For me organising this event has really encapsulated what being a constituency MP is all about, helping to make positive changes to the local community.

Holocaust Memorial Day is an important day, not just to remember the atrocities of the Nazi concentration camps of the Second World War, but for all of us to make a commitment to fighting prejudice and intolerance. I am always very proud of how well the different community and faith groups interact in Milton Keynes, but there is one particular group I would like to mention. The Hazara community has suffered terrible persecution in the Quetta region of Pakistan. For example, on the 10 January, three bombs killed nearly 100 people and injured another 200 in the Hazara community. These attacks are carried out for no reason other than prejudice and intolerance. We have a strong Hazara community locally and many will be worrying about relatives in Pakistan. It is so important that we do not allow the genocides of the past to be repeated. In light of this I took part in a debate in the House of Commons on the 4 February raising the plight of Hazaras and calling on the Government to do all it can to put pressure on the Pakistani authorities to protect these people. Finally, if you have any concerns or require my assistance, please do get in touch. Email: Tel: 01908 686830 Postal address: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

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Captivat A busine difference In this age, with infinite possibilities for businesses to be increasingly innovative and to use technology to accelerate their online presence and productivity, businesspeople can be lost in the cacophony of an exhibition environment. How do you seduce the ‘suits’, magnetise the marketers and persuade the professionals pre, during and post exhibition? Victoria Beale, CEO of Business Expo 3.0, made it her mission to bring a free exhibition with a difference to Milton Keynes at Stadium MK on 8 March. As a central UK location for businesspeople to connect with equidistant links to London, Birmingham and Cambridge, and free parking, Stadium MK in Milton Keynes was the perfect positioning to host her vision for a unique business to business exhibition that has never been held on this scale in the city before. “I wanted to create an environment for individuals from SME’s right up to global corporate organisations to represent their brands, learn from experts in specialist fields and to network with key professionals relevant to the organisations they represent. Whilst understanding the importance of fusing these professionals to create a brand-new network, I didn’t want for the suits to be lost in a plethora of seriousness, instead I wanted to inspire delegates, help them to develop and most of all enjoy the business environment we have created.” Next month’s Business Expo 3.0 on 8 March includes a ‘Racing Aces Performance Zone’ which will encourage the ‘big wheels’ to jump behind the big wheel and try their hand at using the latest Motor

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Racing software to hit the circuits and challenge racing legends head to head. “We encourage you to undo your top button and relax at Business Expo 3.0, enjoy yourself and chat to those around you, you’ll have plenty of talking points, that’s a promise!” Vicky comments. The Wellbeing Team from Active Group and the fitness team from Energie Fitness for Women based in Newport Pagnell will be on site at Business Expo 3.0 to provide visitors with a range of ideas to improve the performance and productivity of themselves and their workforce. Visit them for a free shoulder massage, receive advice on how to improve your posture at your desk, have your food diary analysed or even have a personal training plan written for you! Their services are focused on improving productivity and reducing absenteeism in the workforce, “But we fully expect to see some stressed-out businesspeople that just need to treat themselves!” Vicky says. Other features of the unique business exhibition include ‘human tables’ greeting guests, giving them something extraordinary to talk about, a full size F1 car simulator provided by Pole Position with The Stig challenge, real test-drives outside the stadium, and a show to entertain the masses while they browse the stands with over 100 national and international organisations exhibiting. Free prize draws with take place throughout the day including the opportunity to win a stand at next year’s Expo, a free pass to VIP area and much more. “The buzz has already started in free online networking group named ‘Business Expo 3.0’ in full on LinkedIn, delegates are already networking before the event!” Vicky comments, demonstrating the importance of pre-event connecting that Vicky has successfully constructed.

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ting the corporates: ess exhibition with a ce hits Milton Keynes

Once ‘through the doors’ delegates will be engaged with a full day of useful business development tools and entertainment, and post-event businesspeople can now promote their businesses on a ‘virtual trade show’ website that is continually pushed through social media married with their presence on the free Business Expo 3.0 smartphone app.

All profits of Business Expo 3.0 will be donated to the three selected beneficiary charities; NSPCC, Willen Hospice and MK Dons Sports and Education Trust and the free tickets and further information is available now at

“This is an innovative marketing tool that enables organisations to upload exclusively produced video ‘news reels’, press clippings, imagery and anything they so wish, to ensure that maximum exposure is received post-event and leading up to next year’s bigger and better Business Expo 3.0 at Stadium MK’s Arena”

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Small businesses will lead the way in 2013, says company whose tenants already employ 1000 people Milton Keynes will boom in 2013, says the town’s largest serviced business premises provider, as the number of people employed in its units tops 1000 at the close of 2012. Bucks Biz, with over 400,000 square feet of space and 150 tenants in Bletchley and Denbigh, says it is already planning more units to cope with the expected growth in demand and bringing forward plans to develop extra space at the huge Interchange House in Howard Way. “Our units currently provide work for around a thousand people and we have seen that figure rise steadily,” said Dominic Muscat, a director of the company that owns the business.

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“As Milton Keynes business booms, led by small businesses, we are already identifying potential new units that can be converted to provide the premises needed for small companies to thrive without hassle.” Bucks Biz, with units all over Milton Keynes, is renowned for straight talking and dealing; not hiding costs and not charging for many of the little things that keep businesses ticking, but which can be annoying to the point of distraction. “We really believe that if our customers are happy, then they’ll be free to get on with their businesses, which in turn will expand,” added Dominic. More info from or 01908 299 200

To advertise call 01908 850550

Download the new mkflyers free app today to enter our competition! Keep up to date with what’s going on in Milton Keynes, receive instant offers from local businesses, share your photos from around Milton Keynes on our Facebook page, support Willen Hospice and much more - on the go! To download your app simply scan the QR code or visit the app store and search for mk flyers.

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28 mkflyers central

To advertise call 01908 850550

0845 226 9304 Specialising in small fee recruitment Just advertise it for me £295

Advertise, screen & shortlist £495

Advertise, shortlist, arrange interviews, neg. offer £895

I don’t want to pay anything upfront 12-17% of starting salary

Presence in YOUR office

We do lots of recruitment & need to cut costs Retainer 4

Needs analysis




Job/person specification






Advert writing






Advert placement 40+ Internet boards

























Arrangement and preparation of interviews




Reference checks on selected candidate




Negotiation of offers




Social media advertising Database search/selection Response handling


Telephone candidate screening (company/position fit ) In-depth face to face interview Shortlist presentation




3 month review


Payment terms



Upon 75% Upfront 25% Upon Engagement Engagement

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mkflyers central 29

Improve your cashflow with our direct debit referral scheme Referral Programme Direct Debit is a very effective way of collecting regular payments on time with the full overview of your monthly cashflow. It can be an important and integral part of your business and MK Flyers knows just how to deliver the right solution whether you are a Sole Trader, Partnership or Limited Company. Cashflow is king! Speak to any business advisor, coach or successful entrepreneur and they will all tell you that cashflow is vital to a business. Direct Debit gives you this benefit whilst keeping you in control. Value for Money If you are making regular collections from customers or subscribers then the online management system will allow you to keep your costs and resources down giving you more time on your business. Keep your customers You can now offer your customers the opportunity to spread the costs of your service or products across the year with this system. This should allow more

30 mkflyers central

customers to spend money with you and increase customer loyalty. The Direct Debit Guarantee also protects your customers giving them peace of mind when using your services. Reporting functions MK Flyers working with our partner London & Zurich can offer you full on-line management of client accounts and enables you to have full control of your payment collection scheme. Is your business right for Direct Debits? Many businesses are interested in using the Direct Debit scheme to collect monies due from their own customers but the banks normally advise that they are too small to be considered as an originator of Direct Debits. Working with London and Zurich, however, we have been able to negotiate a special arrangement and can offer it to you in a very cost effective way. For More Information call 01908 767080 or email

To advertise call 01908 850550

LOOKING FOR A LOCAL SERVICE? Look on your leading local website!

OVER 50,000 HITS A MONTH! If you can’t find the service you are looking for in mkflyers log on to



Your local online directory NEW IMPROVED WEBSITE

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mkflyers about us MKFLYERS & MKFLYERS CENTRAL – A FLYAWAY SUCCESS MKFLYERS CENTRAL is part of the MK Flyers group The first version of the Flyer was delivered to 2,000 homes in Newport Pagnell in 2006. From there, MK Flyers went from strength to strength. Distribution grew to 6,000 copies, which are still delivered today in Newport Pagnell. We now produce four versions of the MK Flyer, to cover North, South, East and West Milton Keynes, and deliver 42,000 copies, potentially reaching over 100,000 people. This gives our clients the unique opportunity to advertise only in their desired part of Milton Keynes, thereby accurately pinpointing their target market. With flexible advertising options to suit all budgets, the MK Flyer is one of the most effective ways of attracting new customers and increasing your profile across Milton Keynes. Now there is the MKFLYERS CENTRAL too, dedicated to increasing business between local companies. Why look outside the area when there is already a highly skilled and reputable supplier on your doorstep. Make your business fly with MKFlyers Central. Call 01908 767080 or email today for details and to book your space.

MK Flyers Online This is our popular, online directory, promoted each month to over 100,000 local people. All of our advertisers receive a free listing, with options to upgrade their advertisement to include a full page on the site and a spotlight on our home page. So, if readers can’t find the service they require in the MK Flyer, they can visit MK Flyers Online and find it there.

32 mkflyers central

MKF Design - Our graphic design business, MKF Design, was established to meet the needs of our advertisers, by providing high-quality, cost-effective, graphic design and print services. So our clients needn’t worry if they don’t have artwork or even wording for their advert; MKF Design can manage the whole process for them.

What makes us so unique? Truly local

- the MK Flyer connects local people to local services within a handy directory.


- Unlike a local newspaper, people don’t throw the MK Flyer away each week and tend to keep it for reference purposes.


- the MK Flyer maintains very high standards in print and production. All artwork is professionally designed to ensure that your business is portrayed in the best possible light.

Comprehensive service

- our in-house, graphic design and print team, MKF Design, can make life easier by managing our clients’ advertising and print requirements.


- advertising in the MK Flyer represents incredible value for money. Box adverts start from as little as £44 + VAT per month. We also offer attractive discounts on packages of three, six and twelve months.

Unlike local newspapers, the flyers are not thrown away each week They are kept as a reference for the whole month until the next issue

To advertise call 01908 850550

Call Stuart on 01908 850550 for more details or email

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Advertisers Index Airport Travel Skyline FC Beauty Services Phoenix Hair & Body 11 Books Stephanie J King 7 Business Coaches Action Coach 12 & 13 Car Care Dri Wash 23 Cleaning Services Briteclean 23 Commercial Property Bucks Biz 26 Education MK Prep School 3 Financial Advice Vidler Wealth Management Ltd 17

Gardening Services Gracelands


Hairdressers Phoenix Hair & Body


Health and Fitness Positive Living 6 HR Services Crispin Rhodes


Ink and Toner Freestone Ink & Toner


Jewellers Lure Diamonds


Leaflet Delivery TLDC


Leisure Segway Unleashed


Networking BBMK 17 Women in Enterprise 17 Racing Simulation Pole Position 5 Recruitment Profile Resourcing 29 Sport MK Dons 21 Taxis Skyline FC Telephone Answering and Virtual Assistant Services Star21 34 Trade Exchange Bartercard 9 & 19 Training Dale Carnegie Training 15

Call us TODAY to discover the STAR21 difference for yourself

Telephone Answering and Virtual Office Services Call us FREE on 0800 860 0865

Web: Email:

We’ve been providing telephone answering services in the Milton Keynes area for over twelve years. Business is won and lost by the service customers receive on the telephone Make sure the first impression callers get of your Company is a brilliant one! 34 mkflyers central

To advertise call 01908 850550

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Full colour advertising rates MKFlyers Central is the leading online business to business magazine in the Milton Keynes area. With a distribution of over 3,000 it is also widely read.

Double your advertising exposure with MKFLYERS CENTRAL. Full Page

£50 per month

Half Page

£30 per month

Quarter Page

£20 per month

Front Cover

£60 per month


5% Discount

for 3 months advertising

10% Discount for 6 months advertising

15% Discount

for 12 months advertising

Advertising starts from £17* a month with MK FLYERS CENTRAL

* minimum booking applies

Ad sizes in mm

Ad formats

Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Front Cover

186 x 128 90.5 x 128 90.5 x 61.5 160 x 128

All artwork to be supplied in CMYK colour. Acceptable formats need to be TIFF, JPEG or Adobe PDF.

Make your business fly with MKFLYERS CENTRAL

Call 01908 850550

or email today for details and to book your space

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