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The people have spoken! It’s really happening: Washington and Colorado dropping court cases and freeing people from imprisonment for the possession of a weed. Mainstream America, it’s about time. For years, the drug wars have taken many casualties; the people are sick of it. Thirty-five thousand dollars a year to keep someone in jail for a bud, not counting court fees. And think of the police time that has been wasted. Let’s get it right. We have a weed with so many uses it could save the United States from the recession by creating jobs and saving on natural resources, all while greatly stimulating the economy. The government has lied to us long enough! They know of its medical value and now they are going to try to control it.

Free the Flower! Dj Stone


8 strain review old toby 9 caregiver of the month 10 strain review backwater #2 12 cannabis and colitis 15 in federal news 16 princess mykala 21 canna test case 24high times cannabis cup winning interview 26 the amsterdam experience 34 shantibaba interview 37 the l word 40 s a v a g e s 42 canna cook cover recipe 45 can natural living 46caregivercrops,instawatts,letsmakecontact




is a rare occasion indeed when one gets the opportunity to write about something he longs to try but feels unlikely to ever have the chance to. When interviewing Matt from Washington about his miraculous Old Toby strain, my palate was enticed, and by the grace of fate I soon after was able to satiate that particular hunger. And with no partiality to my good friend, I have to say it was worth wishing for. Old Toby has a fluffy yet dense texture, vibrant violet hues, and a sticky, pungent residue. As was promised, the first delicious hit brightened the light in the room, and after the third hit I felt invigorated and sparky. I proceeded with my day of shopping and various errands with a smooth efficiency I found refreshing.


You might even get a little chatty as I did. It’s definitely a potential social smoke based on the fact that clarity of thought and altered alertness make for some thrilling conversations (with the right people, of course). I ate lunch, but I wasn’t a glutton, so the munchies were manageable. The only drawback to Old Toby, in my opinion, is that the high lasts little over two hours. For some occasions, this might be ideal, given that we all have things to do and need to keep our shit together. In such situations, another upside is the active high and potential for productivity. Old Toby gets you high, it doesn’t get you stupid.


Name: Orednod Year: 2+ Location: Middletown, Rhode Island How many patients do you have? Two, and myself. What strain(s) do you grow? Vanilla and Purple Kush, as well as Chem Dog and a few of Strawberry Widow. What do you use for nutrients? Root Organic, all the way. A pure, clean grow. What is your motivation? Well, I have been a smoker all my life. Once cancer hit me hard, I realized the benefits of medical marijuana. And if I can pass on the love, then let’s go.


Cali Connection Seeds has bred a truly unique strain. With its heritage stemming from Mendo Purps and SFV OG, Blackwater’s taste, high, and growth characteristics have made this a connoisseur strain in my personal repertoire. Its beauty and vigor have it ranked amongst the top strains I cultivate. Out of a batch of six seeds, several had similar characteristics to “#2”, but none had the whole package. The exclusivity of Blackwater is found in the combination of its amazing scent and flavor, and its captivating appearance. Vegetative Cultivation Blackwater is a large, vigorous plant. It clones easily, and immediately begins growth from the apical node. Using super cropping, the plant quickly becomes a medium-sized bush. It prefers heavy nutrients, and its response to proper watering and Ph levels becomes readily apparent when the grower notices that the lights need to be lifted more than once per week. In just 6-8 weeks, a healthy green, even canopy has formed with many tops, and medium internode spacing. In soil, its leaves are a moderate 4” in diameter. But in hydroponic applications, the strain quadruples its growth rate, and the fan leaves become 8-10” in diameter, and it grows up to 4” a day when the reservoir is changed frequently. In Flower The first 3-4 weeks of flowering show

a 75% increase in size, and the formation of large stems which eventually support the flowers. At night, a dank, skunky smell creeps into areas outside the grow room like a dense green fog. The plant transpires heavily. The plant’s circumference nearly doubles in these weeks. At this juncture (mid-flower), the grower may worry that upward growth is slow, and may wonder what the plant’s yield will be. In week 5, that fear begins to dissipate, when the grower notices the development of purple coloration in the fan leaves, especially in-soil. The buds thicken, and begin sparkling with resin. The plant becomes insatiable in its desire for nutrients, yet it rarely shows a deficiency, and is mold-resistant. Make sure to give it plenty of calcium/magnesium in flower, especially in hydroponics. Massive amounts of light are essential at all times. In soil, the plant displays its truest beauty when placed in front of the air conditioner. Bring the plant to 9 weeks in order to realize its full potential, and maximize yield. By the end of week 9, it is ready for harvest. Blackwater will appear almost black under HPS bulbs in the final week. Red-orange hairs adorn crystal laden, bright green and purple medium-sized buds. In hydroponics, the plant stays fairly green with only striations of purple, but its trichome count doubles. It is now that the grower realizes that something truly special has come from the grow room.

Manicuring Blackwater is manicured fairly easily. As the clippers remove the outer leaves, the unique smell of Blackwater fills the room and intoxicates the manicurist’s olfactory senses. An overpowering scent of watermelon bubblegum, spiced with black pepper and hints of licorice, fills the air. Yield Blackwater yields are slightly above-average, especially when grown long enough in the vegetative state, and super-cropped regularly. The plant can yield up to 5 ounces of purple, green, and orange flowers when grown in soil for a total of 18 weeks. In hydroponics, however, yield is almost limitless. Smoking Grinding the bud releases Blackwater’s one-of-a-kind scent. Upon inhalation, the taste of salty bubblegum infects the taste-buds. The high hits upon exhalation. It sinks into the brain like fingers squeezing a sponge. Blackwater’s high (for me) is very sensual. Tasting food and drink becomes a legitimate event. The senses are amplified. Every feeling, smell, and taste is multiplied. Activities I would recommend include snacking, drinking, taking a shower, making love, and finally the deep, couch-locked sleep that inevitably follows the high. Enjoy the strain.


How Cannabis Clocks-In for the Night Shift A New Ally To The Body by : Teshaw Robinson

Most of us work and understand the dynamic that is ‘’1st, 2nd & 3rd shift.’’ 1st shift normally makes the mess, leaving responsibilities on the second shift, and then the third shift restores everything that may be remaining as best as they can before the next day. This same sequence applies to the treatment of Colitis. First shift, which in this case, would be the human body becoming diagnosed with Colitis. Second shift would be the process called inflammation, an attempt to help-out the human body. Whereas third shift, a cannabis treatment, would clock- in for the night shift to soothe and restore the mess made by the first and second shifts, genuinely easing pain, like cannabis has been known to do. Colitis is the inflammation of the lining of the colon. It is approached by doctors with sincere discipline and feels as serious as it sounds. Causes of colitis include infections, ischemia (poor blood flow), food allergies, radiation injury, and more. Colitis has many torturous symptoms because of the body’s attempt to swell-up and blockade infection; when that process of inflammation steps-in to help, it only worsens the condition.


After inflammation, the colon becomes red, swollen, hot, and often painful. More specifically, some other conditions include abdominal cramping, frequently loose stools or persistent diarrhea, loss of control of bowel functions, fever, and weight loss. Considering the intense pain colitis brings, cannabis has been a new ally to the body and a helpful treatment for relief. Cannabis-derived substances can play anti-inflammatory roles when they clock-in for their third shift. Chronic inflammation has been associated with neoplasia, and the fall-out is that it reduces inflammation. For instance, a study on THC-treated mice revealed that THC had anti-angiogenic and anti-proliferative effects. Both plant-derived and endogenous cannabinoids have been studied for anti-inflammatory effects, and it was said that the cannabinoid was likely to provide intrinsic protection against colonic inflammation. Phyto-cannabinoids and endo-cannabinoids have been developed to the benefit of reducing and treating colon infection. The medical growth of cannabis is just as beautiful as its natural growth.





In Federal News

Up-to-the-minute Legalization news with the major Clearly the marijuana initiatives approved in November by voters in the states of Washington and Colorado have raised many questions that for the time being will remain unanswered. Among them: will the initiatives that legalized marijuana in those two states be overturned as the result of a challenge by the U. S. Justice Department? According to the New York Times (December 7), members of the Obama administration are meeting to decide what response is needed to deal with the unusual situation that makes it legal to do something as far as state and locall police are concerned, but illegal to any federal law enforcement official who may be passing by. For President Barack Obama, the issue is particularly tricky because he drew much support from voters who favor decriminalization of marijuana. On the other hand, President Obama won’t be running again. If any event, the voters of Washington and Colorado who supported the marijuana initiatives have made an incredibly complicated issue even more so. Among other things, legalization of marijuana, even in two states, could affect our relations with other countries, particularly Mexico where officials could view the recent vote as an indication of a double standard in the United States. Why try to prevent Mexican drug cartels from delivering a product that now is legal? Also involved are treaties with other countries where marijuana remains illegal. That’s why the issue is troubling the White House and the Justice Department. The New York Times article stated that federal officials were considering legal action against the two states. One

argument: that federal law pre-empts any effort to regulate marijuana. Should the Justice Department pursue this argument — and win — then it’s possible the Colorado and Washington initiatives will be thrown out. In recent years there have been federal raids on dispensaries in states where medical marijuana is legal. The worry now is that raids will be conducted in Colorado and Washington on stores that sell marijuana for recreational use. Well, first you have to establish such stores. And that won’t be simple. Colorado’s Amendment 64 allows licensed retail stores to sell marijuana — unless prohibited by local governments. Which means it is possible a Colorado community — even an entire county — could prohibit the sale of marijuana within its borders. Such a situation isn’t unusual. While the sale of alcoholic beverages has been legal in the United States since the end of Prohibition in the 1930s, there remain towns — Barrington, Rhode Island, for example — that do not allow liquor to be sold. An article by Daniel Chacon of the Colorado Springs Gazette (December 10) stated that the state’s El Paso County is considering an ordinance that would outlaw the growing of marijuana, as well as its sale. The situation is reminiscent of one from the early 1900s when the hot topic was daylight savings time, which was opposed by rural communities and favored by city residents. States allowed individual communities to decide the issue. The result was that many farmers had to leave their homes well before 2 p.m. if they needed to go to a bank that closed at 3 p.m., even if that bank were only ten minutes away.

So if you’re thinking of making a marijuana purchase in Colorado or Washington you’ll have to know about local conditions. Angel Martos, 45, who volunteers at a Seatlle, Washington, marijuana dispensary, told the New York Times that since Election Day the dispensary has received many calls from people who want to buy marijuana for recreational use. This isn’t possible, said Ms. Martos, because dispensaries are restricted to selling marijana for medical purposes. She called the new law “misleading.” Just how the new laws will work in Washington and Colorado remains unclear. For one thing, this will be the first time anyone has levied a tax on marijuana. People have touted legalized marijuana as a solution to our economic crisis. It will be interesting to see how Colorado and Washington handle the opportunity. This could be one of those taxes — think cigarette tax, sales tax and gasoline tax — that is frequently increased for a quick budget fix. Meanwhile, former President Jimmy Carter, approves of the decision made by the voters in those two states. In an appearance December 11 on a CNN forum, President Carter stated emphatically that he believes marijuana should be legalized, though he apparently believe this will happen one state at a time, rather than through a change in federal law. Carter says opinion about decriminalizing marijuana will be greatly affected by what happens in Washington and Colorado. Perhaps, but the most interesting thing to happen most likely will be in the other Washington, the one tucked between Maryland and Viriginia. Life is a chess game and it’s their move. 


Mykala was diagnosed with intermediate risk T-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), one of the two major categories of acute leukemia, characterized by anemia, fatigue, weight-loss, easy bruising, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia with bacterial infections, bone pain, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and can sometimes spread to the central nervous system. It is sub-classified on the basis of the surface antigens expressed, e.g., B-cell type, T-cell type. Mykala’s mother started her chemotherapy treatments immediately.

I first saw Mykala Comstock (BraveMykala) on Facebook. Her little picture (1a) scrolled by as I checked my newsfeed. She was standing with her mother holding a sign that read “Cannabis is my medicine and it cured my cancer. Brave Mykala.” This got me interested. I continued to read the write-up that accompanied the photo. It spoke about her mother learning about Mykala’s cancer back in July of this year.


What is different about Mykala’s treatment? Well, she is one of just a few children that are being treated with cannabis. Mykala’s parents had a few friends that had been cured by cannabis. They also heard about Cash Hyde and his amazing story. Cash was America’s youngest medical cannabis patient. Cash had been diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 14 months. He was not able to get his medicine due to a federal raid of his compassion center, and died on Nov. 14 2012. The Phoenix Tears Organization and the Cash Hyde Organization worked closely with his family, giving support and raising money for his treatments. Coincidently, they help others like Mykala. Now if there are any people reading this that think it is not right to have Mykala on cannabis oil, well then you just have not thought about it long enough. What if your child was stricken with an illness

that could be terminal? Would you do anything to save them? Any normal caring parent would. What if just by taking the oil, it helped the treatments? Any parent should consider the oil as part of their child’s treatment. It helps with many of the symptoms of the chemo. Mykala has been gaining weight since she was first diagnosed. The side effects of the oil are the giggles and a desire to eat fruit. Much better than the side effects of the chemo, which include anemia, anxiety, lack of appetite, bone pain, blood clots, cataracts, confusion, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness, electrolyte imbalances, fatigue, gastric reflux, hair loss, infection, joint pain, kidney problems, liver dysfunction, muscle pain, ototoxicity, pulmonary toxicity, radiation recall, seizures, sterility, thrombocytopenia, urinary tract infections, vomiting, weakness, weight loss, and xerostomia. That is a lot of negative side effects. How is the oil helping Mykala? A government study (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/16908594) states “Cannibinoids including THC, induce apoptosis in lekeumic cells.” What is apoptosis? According to The National Institute of Medical Research, Apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, is a genetically regulated cell-suicide mechanism that is essential for our well-being. In this process, cells acquire the means of their own destruction in the form of an arsenal of deadly proteins, which they

turn upon themselves. Usually apoptosis is for the good of the organism. It is required in biological processes such as embryogenesis and homeostasis (maintenance of a stable body). It also destroys cells, which may present a risk to our health, such as cells which have undergone DNA damage. Its importance is shown by considering the serious consequences of reduced apoptosis. Tumors often form because of cancer cells developing the ability to suppress apoptosis, making them very dangerous. The other extreme, when too much apoptosis occurs, is thought to play a role in the development of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and in the massive destruction of lymphocytes in AIDS patients, and in the adverse consequences of heart attacks.

ment. As for why is she still in chemotherapy despite not having cancer anymore, this is a hard one for me to answer, as truthfully I don’t quite understand, nor do I think that the standard treatment for leukemia is even humane. ALL CHILDREN DIAGNOSED WITH LEUKEMIA UNDERGO 3-4 YEARS OF CHEMO DEPENDING ON THE SEVERITY, TYPE OF LEUKEMIA, AND SEX OF THE CHILD. THE CHILD IS NOT CONSIDERED CURED UNTIL 5 YEARS AFTER CHEMO ENDS.

First and foremost, the question regarding why chemotherapy if cannabis cures cancer? Because of prohibition, cannabis sativa has unfortunately been targeted by the federal government as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. This prevents the proper medical research from being done, and cannabis is not an “accepted method of treatment” nor has the fact that it has cured thousands and thousands of people been recognized by any of the major conventional medicinal cancer research groups. In the United States, there is a federal and state entity known as Child Protection Services, and I bet my bottom dollar that these people would take your child immediately for denying conventional medicine. Although, if conventional medicine fails, they would not have much of an argument against a parent using only cannabis I am sure.

Mykayla is intermediate risk T-Cell ALL with a CNS-2. (CNS-2 is <5 lymphoblast [leukemia cells] in CSF fluid. At diagnosis, she was specifically stricken with a T-cell leukemia, a very aggressive, fast-growing, and rare form of childhood leukemia. Most childhood leukemia is B-cell ALL (85%) T-cell all occurs in 15% of childhood leukemia patients. Mykayla had a mediastinal mass that was the size of a basketball when she was first diagnosed. This mass put pressure on all of her organs. She was only able to use ¼ of one of her lungs, and her heart was surrounded by fluid due to pleural/pericardial effusion, which can lead to heart failure. Mykayla needed prednisone to breakup that mass. The prednisone breaks these masses up very, very fast, and within 2 days Mykayla’s mass was almost completely gone. (Her mass was not the only cancer in her body; the mass was one of leukemia blood cells that never died like normal blood cells do. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.) She was in intensive care and had to be given oxygen to breathe. She could not be put under anesthetic due to the size of her mass, and the risk of it crushing her heart or windpipes. Conventional medicine allowed us to be able to have her here long enough to allow the cannabis oil to do its job. Her dad and I are so thankful for this and would not change what we have done to date for anything. Just a few more days and our little girl could have been gone to heaven. How terrifying!

We did not wait until the treatment got the best of Mykayla to start cannabis. It was something that we had previously discussed “if our kids EVER get cancer, we are going to use RSO because it’s amazing.” (Shortly after this conversation, Mykayla was diagnosed with Leukemia) She got diagnosed on a Saturday, and I was on the phone with the clinic Monday morning to get her an OMMP card. Nine days after diagnosis, she had her card and began cannabis oil treat-

Mykayla is being treated on the ALL0434 Protocol Arm A Capezzi Method with NO radiation. This was the treatment plan that we saw fit for Mykayla. We think that the oncologists’ first choice treatment was unnecessary and too harsh for our child, so we removed her from the clinical trial and denied the cranial radiation that the doctor wanted to do. Cranial radiation is a controversial topic between the major research groups, anyways. It does not affect survival rate, only relapse rate.

This is a message written by Mykala’s mother: Why is Mykayla still on chemotherapy, despite the fact that she is in remission?! Why is Mykayla on chemotherapy if cannabis cures cancer? These are two questions we frequently encounter. So I am going to do the best that I can to help explain the answers to these two questions.

It has the potential to cause many lateterm side effects and multiple secondary cancers. Mykayla had a lower white blood cell count at diagnosis (31,000) than most T-cell patients. She went into complete remission by day 15, and only had a very small amount of blasts in her CSF at diagnosis. NOT TO MENTION, MYKAYLA HAS CANNABIS! I go with my instincts, and this is was my original instinct. We still went home and researched for hours, days, weeks. We’re still researching, and my gut instinct has never changed. At the beginning of all of this on July 13, 2012, I yelled to God and He, for the first time in my entire life, responded to me with a warm, comforting feeling that surrounded my body and told me that my little girl was going to have to put up a fight, and it was going to be a close one, but everything will be just fine ♥ When Mykayla’s Oncologist said to us “Are you willing to risk your daughter?”, I told her to never use those words with me again! I am Mykayla’s mother, I am very well-educated and I have done my research, and my gut instinct was what I still am thinking. God told me to listen to my instinct. The only regret I would ever have would be if I didn’t listen to my instinct. Our choice was the Oncologists 3rd choice of treatment. 76.9 percent survival rate and 7.6 percent chance of relapse rate (WITHOUT CANNABIS). We are willing to accept those statistics. They seem basically the same as the others, with a slightly higher relapse rate and much less risk. Mykayla will show these doctors what happens with cannabis. I never have a fear of relapse. I never think about it. I never get nervous. It will never happen. Just follow our journey and watch. She has cannabis and that will save her. While in the hospital, Mykala learned about the baskets full of origami cranes that a wonderful girl named Niasha brought to the oncology department. According to the ancient Japanese story, anyone presented with 1000 cranes is granted a wish. This custom has been associated with cancer since the novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes was published in 1977. After learning of Mykala’s fascination with the cranes, and wanting to do something for Mykala, Niasha made her some cranes. “I also decided to include some other origami with the cranes. I learned my love for origami at about Mykala’s age and I wished to impart the same curiosity for the art


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form. Included in my package was many cranes; some polyhedral; a foil version of Robert Lang’s Eagle; many paper airplanes (some of my own designs); a 1/8” crane mounted in a plastic test tube; an origami firework; a tracing paper tessellation; an origami banana; and a knitted panda hat (the panda is a symbol of strength in Japan). I want the curiosity of origami to help distract her from the horrible consequences of her chemo treatments.” You could help too. Mykala loves origami cranes. She has already received a thousand in one shipment from a wonderful person. Immediately, she wished to be a princess. You were always a princess, Mykala. Please fold an origami crane, write some well wishes on the wings and send it to: Brave Mykala P.O. Box 2602 Clackamas, OR. 97015 She already has about 600 cranes that she has collected. Making 400 more with positive energy would mean a lot to her. Let’s give her as many wishes as we can. She certainly is going through enough to deserve as many wishes as she wants or needs. You can mail checks directly to: Mykayla Comstock’s Fund c/o US Bank 321 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 or you can donate via paypal at HYPERLINK “http://bravemykayla” http://bravemykayla The Phoenix Tears Foundation is going to keep supplying us with fairy godparent charms so that any donors that donate $25 or more to Mykayla will receive a complimentary silver fairy charm to represent their fairy godparent bond with Mykayla. They would like to extend this beyond our “care rally” so that people who still want to donate can do so online.

Comments from Mykayla’s Parents... Lymphoblasts are immature cells which typically differentiate to form mature lymphocytes. Normally lymphoblasts are found in the bone marrow only, but in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), lymphoblasts proliferate uncontrollably and are found in large numbers in the peripheral blood smear. July 14th 2012 (diagnosis day and steroid treatment began) Mykayla’s Lymphoblast percentage in her blood smear was 33% July 15th 2012 - 51% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear July 16th 2012 – 11% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear (began chemotherapy) July 17th 2012 – 14% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear July 18th 2012 – 16% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear July 19th 2012 – 3% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear July 20th 2012 – 29% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear (got released from hospital) July 23rd 2012 – 31% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear July 24th 2012 – BEGAN CANNABIS OIL (RICK SIMPSON OIL, PHOENIX TEARS, WHOLE EXTRACT OIL) July 26th 2012 – 5% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear July 30th 2012 – 3% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood (doctor spoke to us about Mykayla’s Lymphoblast count failing to go down to 0 and said that a Bone Marrow Transplant MAY BE in our near future because her blasts are not gone from her blood. August 2nd 2012 – 0% blasts August 6th 2012 – 0% blasts August 13th 2012 – 0% blasts August 20th 2012 – 0% blasts TODAY – 0% blasts!

Ref (1) HYPERLINK “” Ref (2) Cash Hyde Foundation Could this be a side graphic or footnote with print date in where it says TODAY at the bottom?

The staff at 1000 Watts Publications would like to extend he staff at 1000 Watts Publiour sincerest condolences cations would like to extend our to the family oftoCash Hyde.of sincerest condolences the family Cash Hyde. At the age of four, Cash At the age of four, Cash waswas America’s youngest cannabis patient. America’s youngest cannabis On November 14th, 2012 at 9:55pm, patient. On November 14th, Cash left this world. Despite his illness, 2012 9:55pm, Cash leftjoythis Cash wasatfilled with love and and Despite hisHe illness, heworld. was always smiling. will beCash sadly was missed, yetwith his legacy lives joy on. The filled love and Hyde family asks that any donations and he was always smiling. He be sent to the Cash Hyde Foundation, will be sadly missed, yet his all of which will go towards helping legacy liveswith on.cancer. The Hyde famother children ily asks that any donations be


NOW OPEN Artisanal Medicinals : Denver's source for high quality boutique medicinal cannabis. Receive 10 % off your purchase with this ad! Current strains include : Ogre99, Super Lemon Haze Black Strawberries, Flo Bruce Banner no. 3, 707 Headband Matanuska Tundra, Columbian Gold Amnesia, Shark Attack Jack Herer, Hindu Kush

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he library card unlocked the doors to troves of pages and centuries of written knowledge. The credit card made it easy to spend beyond one’s means. The debit card made checks obsolete, and nowadays nearly every purveyor of goods issues gift cards that can be loaded with any amount of money the purchaser desires. The size of all of these but comparable to none of them, is the grinder card. A convenient and concealable tool for the cannabis connoisseur, you can keep this bad boy nestled behind your

Let’s get one thing both out-of-the-way and agreed-upon: size matters. It’s sad but true. A yacht is always better than a canoe, and a five karat diamond stud is certainly more desirable than a half-karat chip. Such is fact, sometimes unfortunate and nearly always understandable. We live in a society obsessed with youth and beauty, where we like our dicks big and our tits even bigger. With size comes power, and with power follows money. And who doesn’t like money? But by the same token, there are always smaller things that will win out over their larger counterparts. The Apple iPod has long since made the portable CD player obsolete, as the latter had done to the cassette Walkman before it. More often than not, objects in this world come in all sizes so that the consumer will be al-


American Express. Think of a cheese process to perform. Like a block of aged grater, only paper-thin and made from sharp cheddar, a bulbous bud is rubbed a feather-light yet durable alloy that is vigorously back-and-forth across the surprisingly not as sharp to the touch as grate. Through the other side falls your one might expect. Available in a myriad ground up grass. Simple pimple, except of designs and colors, the circular grate that, when a certain point is reached of the specific piece which I have the and the bud becomes too small to pleasure of reviewing here, resembles comfortably grip and grind, you are left an intricately-designed yin-yang. It with a small chunk that must be broken is pleasing to the eye as well as to the up by fingertips. However, it’s a small touch, the metal always retaining an price to pay considering the convenience odd coolness (ironically enough, much of the product. One of my initial like the Amex Black Card, the epitome concerns prior to unwrapping my first of consumerist opulence). It’s trendy grinder card, was that the grate would and,or frankly, cute, (hence a conversation quickly and inevitablyordull. However, er, casual not, a frequent blunt-roller lowed his her pretty options the iPod piece if ever there was one. It’s an easy upon close inspection and a few uses, mini). The same is true of paraphernalia. might be considered the target demoI’m almost positive it’s not the sharpness graphic; theuse amount that can be ground A small pipe can be better than a big of it, but merely the of friction against in theagrate that produces the be no doubt welshort-time would one, more easily concealed, stored, and/ desired effect. cannabis tends comeStickier and convenient. or cleaned. But that doesn’t mean a big to be a little more difficult to grind, but one might not sometimes be necessary not impossible. soaking TheI recommend Gargantuan is a sleek, beautithe card in isopropyl alcohol frequently on occasion; the same can be said for ful piece of work. It’ s heavy, solid, and to keep it clean and remove any residue. this product. And this is the only dilemchrome-finished, with intelligently-laid Should keep it quite shiny too. (Another ma with Grinder Mate’s extra-large grindadvertised use forfor the grinder card is asefficiency, an alteeth maximum er, which I’ve nicknamed ‘Gargantuan’: an edible-slicer, zester, and/or strainer, ways-welcome keif catcher, and a deepfunctions which I never took advantage unless you’re grinding your whole stash perfect of. But itset, must beZippo-sized mentioned, if onlydepression to at once (or are supplying for a Jamaican emphasize product’s versatility.) hI forthistemporarily storing your papers, a pool party), why bother using suchrecommend a lighter, the grinder card for those but probably not a pipe. (Such among us who enjoy a little something large contraption? It is truly the largest a thing would too asmall to function, different in our routines, andbe perhaps piece of its kind I’ve ever handled, and trendy bit now sooftoaccoutrement speak.) Asevery with all things cannabis, after my first time with it I came to know and then to flaunt to friends. frequent and thorough cleaning will pro(see ad on page 34) the meaning of ‘too big’. My criticism,

however, is not so much negative as niche-based. The casual or solo smoker has little need for such a beast. Howev-

mote performance.

Whip this bad boy out to impress your friends.




I had a chance to speak with James of California, whose Loud Scout won first place in this year’s Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. JJ: I want to congratulate you, James, on your winning the Cannabis Cup this year.

James: Thank you very much, I appreciate that. JJ: So what is Loud Scout?

James: Loud Scout, as far as the genetics are concerned is Girl Scout Cookie times Platinum OG. We have four phenotypes that we’re working with. And, uh, the first phenotype is the won that won the Cup. JJ: What is the story of this particular strain?

James: We do a lot of genetic work with breeding, we cross things, and this is one of the ones we planned out. We didn’t actually think that was the one that would win the Cup, especially when we got there. I was kinda kicking myself in the ass the whole time, thinking I should’ve entered OG Kush instead of that…At the time I thought, you know, these people, this is what they want, the OG Kush. Truth of the matter is, they really liked the Loud Scout. That’s what they wanted.


JJ: When it comes to flavor, does it really taste like a Girl Scout Cookie?

James: Actually, that it doesn’t. It’s called Loud Scout…the Girl Scout Cookie, when you break it up, smells a little like cookies. But as far as it smokes, it’s a really intense high, with the same unique flavor. What people in the Bay Area of California are looking for-- there’s a lot of blunt smokers, and it’s great for those guys because it’s flavorful through even the strongest flavored blunt. I feel like that’s why it’s so popular. You go to other places, Girl Scout Cookie is just another strain. But in this area it’s like a prize strain…it’s going for around $4000 a pound. And that’s to the dispensaries. JJ: Is it a sativa or an indica?

James: Ours is a hybrid, the Loud Scout. Girl Scout Cookie is definitely a hybrid… its Cherry Pie times Durban Poison, a strong, heady sativa. It pretty much will give you couch lock. And it has a chemical in it called THCV. Now, THCV is known to be psychoactive, to where you could have hallucinations…so we have that crossed with the Girl Scout Cookie, which is the Cherry Pie times Durban Poison. We have that crossed with Platinum OG, which is a yielder. Girl Scout Cookie doesn’t yield very much.

You combine it with Platinum OG, you get a high yield. So, I feel like it’s the best of both worlds. I feel it’s an improvement on the Girl Scout Cookie. JJ: Of course people want to know, considering your strain won the Cannabis Cup, what is the best way you know how to describe the high you get off of Loud Scout?

James: Well, first you have this nice aroma that smells kind of reminiscent of tea, with the Durban on the back-note, and that carries through this creamy smoke. So you get this creamy, delicious smoke on the exhale. Now there are not a lot of strains out there taste good when you smoke them down to the end of the joint. You get to the roach, it’s still tasty. We’re going for that. There’s one specific phenotype -- well’ there’s a lot of factors involved, like the way you grow it and cure it -- but these strains actually taste good all the way down to the end. JJ: So what were your statistics measured at the Cannabis Cup?

James: We were rated fourth highest THC level in the whole competition in Amsterdam…it runs in the twenties. We’ve seen anywhere from twenty-two to twenty-six percent THC, typical-

ly. That’s the average. But we have an excellent network of growers, who basically help me with all of the testing and genetic works. So, it is not a one man job. I’ve worked with some of the top growers in Washington State and Northern California. JJ: How old are you? And how long have you been growing/ breeding?

James: I’m thirty-five years old. Almost twenty years I’ve been growing, and I’ve been working with stuff in the industry for over twenty years. I was exposed to breeding by a lady called Gypsy when I was twenty-two years old. She really opened my eyes. It’s been a wild ride. A lot of trial and error. You read about stuff that works, and a lot of it does work, but only to a certain degree. And then you find your own way. It’s as simple or as complex as you want to make it…I’ve done other things, you know, with my life. I was a chef and a computer engineer before that. I went to school for computer engineering, but I’ve kind of deviated from that path. But, you’ve got to enjoy what you do for work. It’s all about passion, and I feel like this industry is such a passion-driven industry. There’s some people who are passionate about money, but a lot of the people are passionate about cannabis.

jJ: On a more personal note, how does it feel winning the Cup? It must be an amazing feeling for all the hard work you’ve put into it.

James: You always dream of the day you go big…I remember being seventeen years old (I’d been reading High Times since I was fourteen) and telling my friends ‘Someday I’m going to win a Cannabis Cup’ and them going ‘You’re crazy!’ But it’s like I really did it. It’s freakin’ crazy…Basically, I’m living the dream, man. I’m doing exactly what I want to

do…Some people say, when I grow up I want to be a firefighter. Well, guess what.?When I was eighteen, I said I want to grow cannabis. And I’m doing it. James is trying to release the Loud Scout at the San Francisco Medical Cannabis Cup in June. Several strains are already available, such as Granddaddy Purple and Dementia. The near future will see the release of several other OG and hybrid Loud strains.


f you love cannabis, plus everything about it, and were offered the opportunity to judge at the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, to give your opinion on multiple strains, trying to see which strains would be the top 3 in any given category, would you accept or decline the offer? Being the marijuana connoisseur that I am, I was honored, and definitely was not going to turn an opportunity down that seems like it would only happen once in a lifetime. I already anticipated that my trip to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup was going to be one hell of an experience, but just the thought of being a judge, I was more than just happy, I was ecstatic! I booked a flight to Amsterdam for a few days before I officially had to “judge” just so I could have some fun around the city. Upon arriving to the place I’d be calling home for the next two weeks, I meet my roommates. I quickly realize that I’m going to have an amazing time. One of my roommates asked me if I like mushrooms, and if so, he wouldn’t mind sharing because no one else in the house wanted to. I quickly responded with a laugh, and finished it off with a “Hell Yeah!” Mushrooms are perfectly legal in Amsterdam, and are widely accessible. They advertise them all over the place, but it is regulated just like alcohol and tobacco. The minimum age requirement on alcohol is 16, and mushrooms are 18. So once I got settled into my new home that I was going to stay in for the next few weeks, I go to the kitchen to get a drink. Little do I know that my roommate was in the kitchen brewing mushroom tea. While that was getting nice and hot on the stove, I started rolling a few joints, and took a few good hash rips before drinking this potent tea, because once I start tripping, I feel like it gets kind of difficult to roll joints. Once that all the joints were rolled, I was ready to consume the tea. Upon drinking it, we smoke a J, get our things, and head out to the famed Red Light District. Hours have passed, countless joints have been smoked, several women in the windows have been paid a visit, pints of beer have been consumed, and plenty of stroop waffles have been devoured, by the time we reach “The Bulldog”. I only know so much about Amsterdam so far, since it’s only been several hours since my feet have touched the ground. As far as I’m concerned at this point, I thought coffee shops sell coffee and marijuana, and possibly merchandise like



shirts and hats and stuff. I had no idea that they sold mushroom truffles! A few of the people I was out with were definitely down to trip again. I wasn’t going to be the only one not tripping with them, even though I wasn’t expecting to eat mushrooms two times in one night. I didn’t think I would be mentally prepared to take this trip for this long because of some serious jetlag I was having, but I wasn’t going to let that get in the way of me having fun, as tired as I was. So after eating and 10 grams of mushrooms, we continued our night in the city of Amsterdam, until we were all exhausted, cold, tired, and hungry. That next morning, my main focus was marijuana, now that I had fully rested from a long day of flying and a long night of partying. Sativas were primarily on my mind, because Amsterdam coffee shops have some amazing sativas you can’t find anywhere else in the world. I also was on the hunt for some great imported hash from a wide range of countries most people don’t usually have access to in the states. I had to buy some, but wasn’t going to smoke it until the nighttime once I switched to the indica strains. I went to several coffee shops, and I have to say, it’s just something about the Greenhouse and Barney’s up by Haarlem Street. They are very entertaining, and the environment keeps you coming back. The menu has a plethora of great strains, and some weed that’s rare, if not impossible, to find anywhere else. If you happen to check one of these places out, just so you’re not staring at the menu for 10 minutes, try the Arjan’s Ultra Haze from Greenhouse, or the Dr. Grinspoon at Barneys; both have a lot to offer. The weed is good, the coffee is good, the vibes are nice, and the people you meet at these coffee shops, from around the world, are lots of fun to hang out with. It’s not hard to make friends and meet new people in an Amsterdam coffee shop. Just light up a joint, or fill up the bong, and pass that shit! Now that I’ve gotten to explore most of what Amsterdam has to offer, like the museums, canals, coffee shops, bars, restaurants, and the infamous Red Light District, it’s finally time for the 25th Annual High Times Cannabis Cup! My judging duties are now in effect, so now I get to


really have fun! Once I pick up my judge’s kit, I cracks it open, only to reveal several different beautiful-looking buds! There had to have been about 3 to 4 ounces of high quality weed in my possession at that moment. Amsterdam only will allow you to carry up to 5 grams. I kind of felt nervous about walking around with this much weed on me, but it took me a moment to realize that I used to carry around that amount here in the States. I quickly got over it. Upon arriving to my place in Amsterdam, I quickly run upstairs, excited that I’m about to start my judging process. I had a game plan. It was to split my kit up into sections, because if I was going to judge all of these properly, it required me to NOT sample any more than a small handful per day. I wanted to get the most out of each strain, so after cutting my choices down to a select few, and judging the the cannabis on a number of different factors, I eliminated all the cannabis that was not worthy of the top 3 spots. It took a few days for

me to decide what strains should I put as my top 3, but I had some help from other cannabis users with amazing palates to help me out along the way. At times, this wasn’t an easy process because everyone is always going to have an opinion. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing, but it does help me gain more knowledge about what I should be looking for. Getting to the venue via the shuttle bus was a whole experience on its own! Once you’re in downtown Amsterdam by Central Station, you walk over to the Victoria Hotel, and you can see this big, purple bus. It’s the Cannabus! It’s a free shuttle bus that goes to and from the venue every few minutes. The best part about this bus is that it has tables where you can roll your joints, and you can smoke as much as you want on one of these buses! So as the bus is waiting for more people to board before we leave, I started rolling a few joints, because judging still isn’t done

for me. There’s still a few more days left, and I still have more than enough weed to still go through. Upon finishing one of the joints and writing down info on it, we arrive at the venue. The 25th Annual High Times Cannabis Cup! Now I’m excited! After all the walking, flying, and driving I’ve done in the past 72 hours, I’m finally here! I sit on the bench outside, and roll another fatty as I prepare myself for what is in store for us stoners once we walk inside! A big grin is on my face as I walk into the venue because of all the amazing things there are to see once you’ve stepped in. All of the booths, all of the decorations, and of course, all of the weed! I take my time walking around, looking at each and every booth, taking pictures like the tourist that I am. I was amazed by what most of these vendors were selling, and at the prices they were selling them for. Lots of items are being sold at wholesale prices, so if there’s something you see here, you



better be smart and pick it up, because once the event is over, prices go up. I took advantage of that, and quickly bought three bongs that were all priced very reasonably. All name-brand glass pieces with extra slides and bowls, all for the low, low price of under 150 euros! That’s a steal! They had some amazing glass pieces, all different colors, shapes, and sizes. I even got the chance to smoke out of one of the massive bongs they had on display. It had 6 percs, which has about 54 arms, for the smoothest, cleanest tasting smoke I’ve ever tried from a bong! There was more than just vendors selling pieces; anything marijuana-related was being sold. Everything from the Electric Nail by The Cali Connection, to Mila’s Pollinators Machine, and everything in between. Big Buddha Seeds had a huge booth, and they were giving out goodie bags with free stickers, seeds, coffee mugs, and lots more! There definitely is plenty of great booths to stop and look at, but one of my favorite ones had to be the Loud Seeds booth. They have amazing strains such as The Loud, Loud Scout, Dementia, 7/8th Sour, and Grand Daddy Purple. Their concentrates were awesome, their staff was friendly, and this was the only booth I could buy a blowtorch from! Clutch! After the day venue had closed, we still had the night venue to attend at the Melkweg. That’s where the special guests perform. The first night wasn’t all that great in my opinion, so I just went back to my place to hang out and finish judging what needed to be judged for the day. I invited a few people over, got really high, fired up the oilrig, and had an amazing night. There’s still plenty of time left to burn in Amsterdam, but my judge’s results have to be in the next two days. The way it looks, I’m right on schedule, and I have enough time to stay up and do some “extra credit”. I wanted to be prepared for tomorrow, so I rolled up a few joints and numbered them so I could remember which joint was what. As soon as I wake up, I have only a few more kinds to try before my judging duties are officially done. I’m more than halfway done with judging, and it’s almost the end of another day at the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. Tonight’s the big show with Styles P,

N.O.R.E., and Ghostface Killa, so I’m excited about the performances tonight. I plan on smoking lots of weed because I’m in for a big treat watching these guys perform. By the time the show ended, I had a severe case of the munchies, so I went to a pancakes house to eat some chocolate-covered pancakes. I had some catching up to do, so as soon as I head home I roll a few joints, and over the next few hours I smoke, write down my scores, and proceed for my last day of judging. I still have yet to go to all of the coffee shops that I wanted to go to, but I’m pretty sure I’ll find time to do that before I fly back home. My last day of judging requires me to have all strains scored, and the tallies must be submitted by the end of the day. I already have my Top 3 in place, I just need to see what is worthy of 1st and 2nd. This is the part wherein I must meet up with the other judges in my category, and we deliberate, and see what strains placed where. At this time, all of my scores have been submitted, and we all come to a mutual decision. We now know who the winners are, but have no idea what their names are until the awards ceremony tomorrow. Everything is entered and now we just play the waiting game! Tomorrow we see who the winners are, but tonight we go to the Melkweg, where MF Doom is performing! The MF Doom show was great, but now that my duties are officially done, I can have fun out in Amsterdam! I headed out to a coffee shop or two, walked through the Red Light District, and hit up a pancake house with a few friends after the show. I was going to skip out ongoing to the last day of the Cannabis Cup for a few hours, because if I wanted to go check out a few more coffee shops before I flew back home, the next morning was the only time I had. I couldn’t go to every shop, but I at least got to go to the ones that I really wanted to go to. Even though Funky Monkey was far away, they had the Girl Scout Cookies strain and I wasn’t going to miss the chance to try one of my favorite strains.

wards the very end of the event, deals started getting better and better. By the time the doors were about to close, I had way more stuff on me than I could bring back on the plane, but I was going to figure something out that would help bring it back. Once getting into the house, I immediately start packing and washing clothes because my flight back to the States is at 10:00AM. I put my things down, roll a joint, and head back out to the Red Light with a good buddy of mine. It’s the last time I might ever see a red light district again, so I wanted to enjoy it one last time! This trip to Amsterdam has to be one of the most memorable trips I have ever taken. Everything from the weed, to the women, and everything in between that Amsterdam has to offer, has been a phenomenal experience. I was humbled and honored to have been selected to judge at the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. There’s nothing anybody can do or say to take the memories of my two weeks in “Stoner Paradise” away from me. The best part about this vacation is that I have no regrets, and wouldn’t change anything if I had the chance. If the end of the world is near, I can now say I will leave this earth a happy man, because the only thing I wanted to do is judge a Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. High Times, thank you for making one of my many dreams come true!

I rushed back to the Cannabis Cup because it was the last day, and this is when you can get great last minute deals on all of the items they sell. I was like a madman looking through all the booths for the best deals to take home. To-




I was privileged to have an interview with a man named Shantibaba, who contributed to great developments in cannabis breeding. He is a breeder at Mr. Nice Seedbank in the Netherlands and is a guru on the subject. Currently he endeavors to collaborate with other breeders and scientists to create CBD-heavy strains of cannabis for people all over the world.

A: Favorite subjects at school were biology and chemistry, as it revealed the true origins of the world to me. Religion was probably my most disliked subject, as it seemed like a book of stories written for men by men and had nothing to do with the nature of the world.

A: I was gardening at a young age and my grandfather always grew avocadoes, bananas, tomatoes, etc. from seeds each year, so I watched him and how he extracted, and why he chose the seeds he did I expect it was from inheriting a little added to my pure delight to be with nature; it grew from these moments...

degree, which I completed in 1984. So I have a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in Biology and Psychology. Most of my practical experience came from owning and running a landscape gardening company which designed and constructed all types of garden, swimming pools, and spa projects...I was doing both studying and working at the same time, as well as doing a breakfast show every Tuesday morning from 6am to 9am on 3PBS radio in Melbourne. The

Q: Did you receive any formal training, and if so, Q: What started your in: where? terests in breeding, and A: I finished school and qualified to the how old were you? University of Melbourne to do a science

Q: What was your favor: ite subject of study in school?


more I did, the more time I found I had spare time in those days...strange!

Q: What are your favorite strains to grow, outdoor or indoor? A: When I began growing, I was working with several people in Mullumbimby NSW in Australia, and we were working with Mullumbimby Madness outdoors, guerrilla-growing in the UKI State I expect it remains close to my heart, as it is a wonderful strain with a cerebral high very similar to Nevil Haze which we still work with at MNS.

Q: What is a good strain to grow, for the beginner or expert? A: A great strain for the first-time grower would be Shark Shock, Nordle, or Shit, while for the experienced grower Mango Haze, Nevil Haze, Super Silver Haze, and Afghan Haze, all would be extremely rewarding and a pleasure to have in a jar!

Q: What hybrid gave you mothers and fathers we have been using the greatest surprise since we us old school geduring the breeding pro: netics! cess? Q: Do you incorporate any A: I expect the Widow Family and the type of cloning in your series of plants bred from these in the breeding techniques? nineties was a very nice surprise; first came Black Widow, then Medicine Man, then Shark Shock, and finally La Nina, in this series. I changed the names when I sold the Greenhouse Seed Company to Arjan.

A: The hardest thing we do is keeping plants alive from many years ago. We have plants that are twenty years-old plus! So cloning is an essential part of our breeding work, as once you find suitable father and mother plants to produce seeds, it is like a recipe for the same product year-in and year-out! In simple language, we could not have the strains on our list if we did not clone or keep mother and father plants.

Q: What do you think about the mapping of the cannabis genome by the Massachusetts compa: nies? Are you using that research with your own? Q: Can an individual get A: At this moment, all research into can- access to your research, nabis is long-awaited for me. It has been or is it considered a trade difficult to prove things we felt for so long secret? but did not have any scientific proof, so all proof is welcome. I am sure the choice to apply information is up to the company doing the work, but it always has the potential to improve our I, for one, welcome all research into the plant. We only hope companies do not abuse this information for solely personal gains when the plant has so much to offer the world.

Q: Have you ever bred cannabis for specific medical needs? AÂ : The should answer that question pretty well! [The cbdcrew is a joint-venture of Mr. Nice Seedbanks and Resin Seeds, a group of breeders and scientists aiming to produce 100% CBD-rich seeds for medical marijuana patients.] Â

Q: What strain are you most proud of? A: Like a good wine, I do not prefer the same one day-in and day-out, so it is difficult to say. But probably Mango Haze is one of my all-time favorites for many reasons.

Q: Do you grow any au: to-flower breeds? A: No, we do not produce auto-flowering seeds, nor breed for them. We also do not produce feminized seeds. We are one of the old regular seed banks producing our own products with the same

A: My personal research is accessible if you buy a packet of Mr. Nice Seeds; do a selection and keep a mother plant for how we suggest to best use seeds. My research on CBD can be found on the website, and within the website forum, where we have all the work and results of years of growers etc...Nothing is secret unless you do not know what you are working do not believe people who tell you there is trade secret. There is only well-proven genetics through trial and error, and knowing the origins. Many hours of growing and detailed attention to the demands of the plants you are growing, and hard work, are the real trade secrets!

Q: What advice can you give a grower looking to become a breeder? A: To go from a grower to a breeder, you need more room and you need to be able to kill plants in order to only grow selections. Many growers cannot simply kill plants so well, nor do they recognize all the facets of breeding you need to do this kind of work. So it is best to grow and experience things, and once you feel competent at growing, try doing selection of strains from, say, twenty seed will be evident from these steps if you are interested or not!

Q: Have you ever bred for the purposes of fla: vor alone; i.e., blueberry, skunk, etc.?

A:Many strains that came after the Widow series were bred with a stronger interest in flavors rather than strongest in THC or yields, etc. One such plant is Mango Haze. It has a delicious smell of ripe mangos, and with the cerebral effects and clarity, it motivates me to be better. Incredibly, I taste it when I think of it like this.

Q: How many traits do you look for when breeding?

A: 1. Resistance to hermaphroditism 2. Vigor/Yield 3. Potency 4. Flavor 5. Quickness of onset of flowering 6. Resin production 7. Stature of a plant 8. Scent 9. Floral structure 10. Floral color 11. Internode ratio of 1:1.6 12. General success rate of cloning, etc. There are so many units that make up selection it is like trying to explain what a painter sees with color before the picture is gain knowledge with time, and when you stop looking, you see things.

Q: Do you suggest using feminized seeds? A: At Mr. Nice Seedbank, we do not regard a feminized seed as a bred seed. Feminizing is a method of using only a female plant in order to chemically induce a male flower to pollinate itself. This is more work for a seed producer than a breeder, but it can have good results in certain strains. Not every strain works well with this method, and intersex plants can be a result, no matter what people guarantee you. Since I prefer to think nature did it pretty well already, I follow that path for seed-breeding and production. I am very much against using feminized seed for breeding, as it will bring in facets we have been breeding out of cannabis for many years...but for flower production or the new grower, it is worth giving it a try if you wish to see yourself.



How does backcrossing Q: Do you always back: with the parent strength: cross the F4 male with en the strain? the mother?

A: Backcrossing is where you breed an individual (your special clone) with its progeny. It means you limit the genetics to a family and do selection within a parameter. Testing the resulting generations, you will see what parent dominates and how they combine. Your selection of the right males for each backcross is the crucial point for success with this technique. In each case, you could select males that contain the genes you want, or you could inadvertently pick those individuals that carry the unwanted recessive genes. So it is imperative to do a lot of testing of seeds to see if things are working the way you wish them to.


A: When you are seeing in the tests the desired ratios, and things have worked well, it is a good way to produce stable lines. It is a lot of work, and sometimes your predications were not as you wished, so you have to scrap a lot of work. But genetics are combinations in mathematics, and increasing your odds with combinations is the aim of producing good progeny seeds for the market. Strains usually take two years to make well, if all works for you, which is rarely. Â

Shantibaba works at Mr. Nice Seedbank. You most likely sampled his work many times before. To order any of the seeds for the strains mentioned above, or the many other strains he has worked on, you can go to And as mentioned above, he will share his research. Shantibaba is a legend the world over, and one of the world’s best cannabis breeders.

iberalism and legalize. Two words that defined the election of 2012. America re-elected Barack Obama to office, and voters in two states, Washington and Colorado, voted to legalize marijuana use for adults. Other states voted in favor of allowing same sex marriage. The media was caught off guard by the vote. The pundits were blindsided. Analysts stumbled for days to explain how the American voter morphed from a pay-your-bills-on-time straight shooter to a pot smoking, gay rights-tolerant, liberal hippie. By re-electing Obama, the electorate turned away from the traveling sideshow of right-wing demagoguery and cultural tyranny, and focused more on the nation’s economic possibilities. They didn’t want abortion and rape redefined, and they didn’t want someone in the White House who spewed the same nonsense as conservative talk radio. They’d grown up since 2008. They no longer bought into the federal governments propaganda that marijuanais a dangerous drug. They didn’t want any more of their tax dollars vaporized by the government’s

insistent harassment and imprisonment of marijuana advocates, users, and providers. Medical marijuana inched the argument forward but lacked the political credentials needed to advocate for full legalization. By legalizing the use of marijuana for adults, the states of Washington and Colorado have opened the door and, by doing so, have given the residents of other states the forum needed to move the legalization issue forward. More states will put legalization of marijuana on the ballot because of revenue projections in the hundreds of millions. With state budgets suffering the recession, the economics of legalization have gotten the attention of fiscally-concerned state lawmakers. The federal government hasn’t decided what actions, if any, they’ll take to go after states that legalize. Highway funds could be threatened as well as other Federal programs. Obama is not a fan of legalization but, with the impending doom of the fiscal cliff, he’s not about to send his justice department on a scavenger hunt to either Washington or Colorado. The specifics of the legislation in both

states is murky and several issues need to be resolved. Colorado’s law allows adults over 21 to possess one ounce of marijuana and six plants. The law also allows citizens to give away an ounce to someone else. In Washington, state-licensed growers will produce and sell marijuana in retail outlets similar to state-operated liquor stores. Revenue will be on the agendas of progressive lawmakers throughout the country as they consider legalizing marijuana for their own states; the year of 2013 will see initiatives proposed and arguments raised. A more liberal and informed America will vote to put tax dollars in their own state coffers instead of wasting them on the war on weed. Make sure that your lawmakers know you support legalization of marijuana. Urge them to put legalization on the ballot so you too can vote to bring jobs, growth, and fiscal prosperity to your state . The door has been opened. Take action now to ensure that your state takes advantage of this liberal opportunity. Thanks to the voters in Washington and Colorado, legalization is now part of the national dialogue, and a viable means of not only raising spirits but revenue as well.


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8/7/115:02 3:23 AM 6/23/11 PM 9/5/11 8/7/11 11:38 6:51 PM


6/24/11 12:10 PM


Medicated Media, a monthly column recommending and reviewing an array of films, albums, books, and such, that may enhance the patients’ and our readers’ cannabis experience…by jj budsworth Savages (2012), a film by Oliver Stone I have a complicated relationship with Oliver Stone. While I admit I have only seen fewer than half of the entries in his prolific filmography, they have all managed to entertain with their visual flair and unpredictable violence, while simultaneously reflecting, to one degree or another, the controversy-courting, pompous prick persona of their creator; from what I’ve seen, Stone’s work could easily be described as divisive and perhaps, for some discriminating tastes, a bit overblown. Natural Born Killers (1994) is a visually-eclectic, garishly violent satire on the media’s obsession with serial/rampage killers, and the resulting fame and near-glorification such criminals often attain in the eyes of our desensitized culture. Gleefully offensive and overthe-top, Oliver Stone (from a story by Quentin Tarantino) aims squarely in the face of a post-O.J. Simpson cultural climate. It’s one of my favorite films, but I will admit that the entire running time (of just over two hours in its Director’s Cut) is an exhausting experience, nearly numbing, mostly because Stone can’t help but bludgeon his audience with his agenda every chance he gets and then some. Platoon (1986) received the Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director, but it remains a pretentious, often-times too self-consciously lyrical film whose lead (a young, healthy Charlie Sheen) appears in nearly every frame, yet somehow lacks the gravity to effectively resonate with the audience. And I will never deny that I have a strange affection for


the much-maligned, critical and box-office disaster that is Alexander (2004), Stone’s long-gestating and ill-fated biopic of the Macedonian conqueror. A hotmess-of-a-movie stuffed with rampant miscasting, a redundant and uninspired screenplay, and peppered with frequently jarring psychedelic flourishes meant to reveal the conqueror’s complicated psyche, it nevertheless manages to entertain and engross with its epic production values and best-of-intentions. But it’s long (220 minutes in its Final Cut, the version I prefer), needlessly repetitive (we get it, he has mommy issues and an awkwardly romantic yet chaste relationship with his childhood bestie), and Angelina Jolie sounds like she’s auditioning for the role of Russian femme fatale Natasha in a Rocky and Bullwinkle reboot. And poor Colin Farrell as our toe-headed visionary; I’ve seen better wigs on blow-up dolls. I won’t even get into The Doors (1991), which, to put it concisely, is the closest you’ll ever get to an acid trip without actually doing acid. The film defines indulgence, in form, content, and the very nature of the eponymous band’s public persona, music and lifestyle. (Much like Woody Harrelson in NBK, Val Kilmer [as Jim Morrison] delivers a multidimensional, erotically-charged, almost-animalistic performance; they effortlessly carry their respective films.) And there’s also Meg Ryan, trying her hardest not to be Meg Ryan. She gets an A for effort. Divisive, yes. And also challenging, thought-provoking, and a bit pretentious. But amateurish or boring Oliver Stone’s

films are never. Savages, released theatrically this past summer and on DVD and Blu-Ray in late November, is no exception. Gleefully violent and besotted with sex, drugs, and money-to-burn, this slickly-plotted, adrenaline-soaked thriller is a feast for the senses, employing evocative editing techniques (a Stone trademark), various film stocks (a la NBK) and an eclectic soundtrack (from Massive Attack to Electric Light Orchestra) to engage the audience in its lurid, pulpy narrative. At 142 minutes in its Unrated Version, the film maintains a surprising amount of energy for its entire duration, due in large part to Stone’s surprising choice of stepping off of the soapbox; he’s firmly at the reins of a good, exciting yarn, one that is - perhaps rather tellingly - not entirely his own, being first a novel by Don Winslow, with whom he co-wrote the screenplay. Perhaps, approaching his mid-sixties, Oliver Stone just wants to relax and have a little fun before his inevitable retirement. Ben (Aaron Johnson) and Chon (Taylor Kitsch) are best friends and polar opposites. Ben is an aspiring philanthropist with a Buddhist world view and a hippie-chic wardrobe. Chon, fresh off a tour of Afghanistan, is the definition of a ‘grunt’: scarred, impulsively violent, and embittered by war. Buddies since adolescence, the two twentysomethings become marijuana entrepreneurs. Combining Ben’s degree in botany with Chon’s cache of smuggled seeds results in a mutually profitable venture, with ever-growing yields and a strain of green gold that

tests at 33% THC. The friends are yin and yang, different yet harmonious. Ben is the brain, Chon the brawn. Together they are one complete man, observes our narrator O (Blake Lively), the sun-kissed beauty beloved by both men. The three live a charmed, comfortable life together in a Utopic, faintly far-fetched arrangement wherein O (named for the doomed Ophelia of Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’) is free to sleep with either Ben or Chon, separately or together, with not even a pang of jealousy between them. They couldn’t be happier, or hotter. But unfortunately for our cannabis king pins, their precious O becomes the lynchpin in an elaborate hostage plot hatched by a well-equipped but waning Mexican cartel, headed by Elena (Salma Hayek) and operated by Lado (Benicio del Toro). The threesome is continuously surveyed by Elena’s numerous henchmen, and when the boys fail to comply to a partnership proposal that leaves no room for refusal, their hurried plans to flee to Indonesia and maintain a low profile are derailed when Elena intuitively realizes that the only way to get what she wants from Ben and Chon is to attack their mutual weakness: O. She is abducted from the mall (of course she had to go on a card-swiping spending spree before gallivanting across Central Asia) and the boys are suddenly at the mercy of a soulless, take-no-prisoners enterprise that threatens to destroy their world for the sake of the upper hand. But don’t forget about Dennis (John Travolta), the federal agent who provides Ben and Chon legal protection in exchange for a wad of cash and the best bud in bulk for his wife, who is suffering through chemotherapy in the final stages of terminal cancer. As the film unspools, alliances shift, deceptions are revealed, and the juicy storyline is full of violent reprisals and quite a bit of humor. The acting, with one minor exception, is more than adequate, especially from Johnson and Kitsch. The two have a believable, palpable, subtly homoerotic chemistry that aids in proving, once again, that action sequences are exponentially more thrilling when the audience cares for the people caught in the crossfire. Had the film been released during the year-end awards season, Travolta would no doubt be a frontrunner for a Best Supporting Actor nomination for his work here. In his too few scenes, he is by turns arrogant, sarcastic, sympathetic, and even sad (an added scene in the Unrated Version shows Dennis at his dying wife’s hospital bed, pathetically lamenting the sorry state of his life and

career.) Del Toro, as the smarmy, immoral thug Lado, has this sort of character down pat. Like nearly all of the characters in the film, he is provided with a surprising character arc that makes the proceedings all the more entertaining. But blowing them all out of the water is Hayek, stunning in sleek couture ensembles that accentuate her ravishing curves, and running a mouth that is ablaze with wit, rage, and penis envy. Since her breakthrough role as a snake-charming vampire temptress in Robert Rodriguez’s From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), Hayak was for too-long pigeon-holed as a sultry Latina with limited talent. Not until Julie Taymor’s critically-acclaimed Frida (2002) - where she not only portrayed famed Mexican surrealist Frida Kahlo, but was also a producer and driving force behind the project - did the film world finally take notice of her ability with an Oscar nomination and the best reviews of her career. Hayak is on fire in Savages; cunning, sexy, and yet surprisingly sensitive, this is her best work in a decade. While no doubt one of Stone’s best and most cohesive films in my opinion, Savages is not flawless, though admittedly what’s right with the film far outweighs what’s wrong. Blake Lively is quite a sight to behold. Tall and lithe, with a honeyed California tan and long blonde tresses that always seem to be messy in all the right places, it’s understandable from looking at her that she could arouse a mountain-moving passion in Ben and Chon, not to mention just about every other heterosexual man on the planet. Her performance and presence, or lack thereof, beg to challenge that assumption. She’s not terrible, just frequently flat and a bit flaky. To her credit though, the character of O is mostly a plot device, a catalyst for the conflict essential to the narrative. As such, she is woefully underwritten, and without that naturally radiant visage the disconnect may have proven detrimental to the film’s nihilistic potency. Only in a handful of scenes with Hayak midway through the film does O get a chance to develop and express herself, with a predictable but effective maternal dynamic blossoming between the two women. But it ends up going nowhere fast, O functioning as little more than the treasure that must be recovered, and Lively simply lacking the depth of skill and expression required to adequately sell her poorly-written damsel-in-distress routine. (Maybe it’s not her fault, mostly, like the sometimes awkward voiceover that is excused only because a story as convoluted and

fleet-footed as this one often benefits from the grounding effect provided by a unifying narration.) Her O is just enough, but she should have been more. (Apparently The Hunger Games’ Jennifer Lawrence - easily one of the most promising actresses of her generation, with a burgeoning talent that belies her twenty-odd years - was interested in the role. Oh what could have been.) My only other quibble is with the ending, which I will not reveal here, and couldn’t begin to coherently explain even if I tried. Some love it, some hate it, I for one felt it interesting but a bit unnecessary. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about when you see it, because your jaw might remain open for the remainder of the film just as mine was, if for no other reason than out of sheer admiration for Stone’s audacity in toying so effectively with his audience’s preconceptions so late in the game. As there are vague distinctions between good and bad so often in life, every character in the film is a dichotomy of motivations, intentions, and implications; the kindest heart might pull the trigger first, or the most reprehensible might weep for redemption at the feet of his enemy. ‘Savages’ are defined in the film at various points as primal, innocent, beautiful; but also as primitive, cruel, and often ugly. There are no real bad guys, just people with their own reasons, mistakes, and obligations. The spoils of war in Savages are love and weed. A seriously potent hybrid of quality cannabis is the literal seed of the entire story, a high demand product that some are willing to kill for in a nation where, for the most part, nature’s greenest grass is still technically illegal, yet as mainstream American as Wheaties. By the end of his latest film, Oliver Stone has long since quit brow-beating us with his message. It’s clearly and cleverly-stated, and is appropriately laid as the backdrop for the drama that breathlessly unfolds over the next two-and-a-half hours. Taking every opportunity to dazzle and entrance us with a visually-intoxicating, socially relevant, viscerally enjoyable motion picture, I think Oliver and I are out of our rut.


1 cup (2 sticks) CANNA butter, at room temperature 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 1/4 cup light molasses or dark corn syrup 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon of fresh ground nutmeg 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons water For assemblage and decoration: Melted white chocolate or Royal Icing (recipe follows) Gumdrops, licorice and peppermint, as desired

Directions Gingerbread House: In a large mixing bowl, cream the canna butter, brown sugar, molasses, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and baking soda together until the mixture is smooth. Blend in the flour and water to make a stiff dough. Chill at least 1hr 30 minutes or until firm. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cut paper patterns for the gingerbread house: Two rectangles (figs. A and B), 3 by 5 inches, to make the front and back of the house. Two rectangles (figs. C and D), 3 by 5 1/2 inches for the roof. Two pieces for the ends of the house (figs. E and F), 3 inches wide at the base, 3 inches to the roof line, and slanted to a peak 5 1/2 inches from the bottom. Four smaller rectangles (figs. G, H, I, and J), 1 1/2 by 1 inch for the roof and sides of the entryway. And one piece (fig. K), 2 inches wide at the base, 1 1/2 inches to the roof line, and slanted to a peak 2 1/2 inches from the bottom for the front of the entryway. Roll gingerbread dough out to edges on a large, rimless cookie sheet. Place paper


patterns onto the rolled out dough. With a sharp, straightedged knife, cut around each of the pieces, but leave pieces in place. Bake at 375 degrees F for about 15 minutes until dough feels firm. Place patterns on top of the gingerbread again and trim shapes, cutting edges with a straight-edged sharp knife. Leave to cool on baking sheet. Place royal icing into pastry bag with a writing tip and press out to decorate individual parts of house, piping on decorations, windows, door, etc., as desired. Let dry until hardened. Glue sides, front and back of house together at corners using royal icing. Place an object against the pieces to prop up until icing is dry (it only takes a few minutes). Glue the two roof pieces to the pitched roofline of the house. Then, similarly, glue the sides and roof of the entryway together with icing. Attach the entryway to the front of the house. Continue decorating the house, gluing on gumdrops, licorice and peppermint, as desired.

Royal Icing:

1 pound (3-3/4 cups) powdered sugar, sifted if lumpy 1 to 2 large egg whites, or substitute 4 teaspoons packaged egg whites and 1/4 cup water 1 teaspoon almond extract, vanilla or lemon juice Mix all of the ingredients together using an electric hand mixer, until the icing is

smooth and thin enough to be pressed through a pastry bag with a writing tip. Add more lemon juice, if necessary. I hope to see you soon. Happy Hoilday Season ~Peace ~ ddbaker PS.. ~You can also make ginger bread kids out of this ~

en air curing will be the preferred cy and cleanliness are your main ter-curing is going to be the way to will decarboxylate the buds effec-

ndard method that many care givvesting their crops. Indoor growers tering and harvest when the soil has ut not completely. Outdoor growers to the environment. Bad weather, k of rain, could have adverse effects fter manicuring or before, dependue used. The flowers need to hang f the stem in a well-ventilated room degrees Fahrenheit, for three to six ecompose under light, so keep the below 50 degrees could cause the r to cure. Above 70 degrees could old, and rot, to over-dry and effecbuds. Reduce the ventilation after come crisp. Try to cure them slowly. ckly, a leafy taste of chlorophyll will as will take longer to cure. When the p on the outside, but moist on the red to even-out its moisture level.

h safer for patients with lung ailimmune deficiencies. THC is not water-curing will not decrease the , it does not look as pretty as the t it remains the safest way to cure, than traditional air-curing. You can ter to accomplish the cure. The best osmosis water. While osmosis oche nutrients faster. Another cheaper be to use distilled water, and if that ng water will work. Do not use tap contaminates. When water-curing, ubmerge the bud completely in ways. Keep it dark, as well, perhaps in h something like a piece of glass to merged. Change the water daily. Afmber of days, you can take them out as you would if you were air-curing. ready for the jar.

s complete when the stem almost

Hallinan & Hallinan Brendan Hallinan Attorney at Law 345 Franklin St. San Francisco, CA 94102 t. 415.863.1520 c.415.786.0139 f.415.863.1519

introduce bacteria or molds. Do not do this for too long, just long enough for the bud to feel fresh. When the bud is stored with a moisture level above 15%, it may promote bacteria and molds to grow on the colas, ruining your crop. Short- and long-term storage can be done in a couple of ways. Glass mason jars are the industry standard. Do not use any plastics! Plastics do not react well with the phenols. Buds should be placed in jars, burped and laid out once a day. The process should be slowed down over time, until the aroma starts to mellow. When the aroma mellows, the medicine is ready for consumption or further storage. Extended storage can be done in vacuum jars or bags. Again, I do not suggest plastics. A cheaper solution for vacuum-packing exists. Poke a small hole in the top of your mason jar and place a band aid over it. Place a vacuum cleaner hose over the top of the band aid for a few seconds. Take it off and place some duct tape over the band aid. This process will vacuum-seal




King of Quality速 and the "K bud" logo are the registered trademarks and the King Card logo is the trademark of CAPSTAN Concepts & Designs, Inc.

Adapted by MJwatts Soma founder of Soma Sacred Seeds is best known for strains such as ‘NYC Diesel’, ‘Amnesia Haze’, ‘Lavender’ and ‘SoGouda’. His natural lifestyle and spiritual way about him are equally legendary. Here at 1000watts we would like to kick off our Cannatural Living with a Hash smoothie that Soma (and the Dutch gentleman sitting next to me) explained was the best way to start everyday. Unfortunately for you guys, his recipe was rather vague. He started with 2 grams of hash. (I was interested in this direct hash method if you are using BHO I suggest you used 1/3.) I’d like to point out that you can in fact use your BHO Reclaim (oil you clean out of your rig) for cooking. I’ve found several recipes and people online doing this. So start by boiling water in a kettle. Mix a tablespoon of hot water with the hash and set aside. Also steep a few bags of Yogi Choco tea and set aside. Next, add three heaping spoons of coconut oil; Soma explains that your brain is made of 60% fat and needs to be replenished. Next, add heaping spoonfuls of Pure Maple Syrup, Maca Power (a hormone booster made from Maca root from Peru), 2 spoonfuls of Organic Almond Butter, Manuka Honey (has in-vitro antibacterial properties and is only found in New Zealand). Add a few spoonfuls of Pure Synergy, a mixture of 100 super foods. Add 3 tablespoons of Organic Cocoa Powder. Pour in tea, about 12 ounces of water, and another 6 of Coconut water (pictured is my favorite brand). Blend together this warm cocoa smoothie, and a warm glow will set over you.




dj stone

creative director

mj watts



copy editor

sales & marketing director

Brett C.

office manager/sales


distribution brian budz

contributing writers

sean pratt, savylink, James Loud, evie oliver, tim pratt and nikki.

contributing photographer Todd McCormick special thanks to master bong, dd baker, cat, allyson, janice, ann mccormick, geoff charles, lolly pop girl, uncle henry, henry hemp,, and so many more people that make this all possible.


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