Pov 2014may

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My Point O

ABOUT WHAT ?? God? Politics? Education? Marriage? bor, my neighbor ? To be or not to be? That is the questio and on, with topics that are sometimes serious, sometime are filled with my point of view, your point of view and th (sometimes less is best or better yet better left alone). It is, no one wants to talk or even tell anyone about, out loud. flat out not discussed, especially in mixed company. Becau anger that they’re better left undiscussed

Now when pondering how to approach such a broad and brain immediately went into total overdrive and raced fu write it all down quick enough to keep up with all the thou share my views with others is an experience that

Taking all this into consideration I will make an honest ( “my” point of view is concerning subjects that are differe journey hopefully these articles will enlighten, enrich, poss with my views. Who knows, afte

T. Wil Sept. 18 2

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Of View

? Homosexuality? Healthcare? Getting old? Your neighon…etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…(lol).. and the list goes on es funny and sometimes just plain laughable. Topics that he point of view no one wants to point to, let alone discuss , in fact, the same as sides. My side, your side and the side Those things that are usually left hanging in the air or just use, for whatever reason, they are too hurtful or cause such d (is that a word ?). You get the point ?

d wide spectrum of subject matter and all it involves, my ull speed ahead, lickety split. So fast in fact that I couldn’t ughts running around inside my head. The opportunity to t I accept totally. No matter how difficult a task.

(always) and factual (sometimes) attempt to express what ent, fresh, and sometimes controversial. As we begin this sibly help you understand and just maybe you might agree er all, “It’s just my point of view.”

lliams 8, 2011 Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com


contents issue 02 vol 02 May 2014


A Rise Above 12

Dating In The Workplace? 16

A Mothers Inspiration 24

Recession: How to Make Money 28

Model Status

departments Arts & Entertainment Spiritality Health & Fitness Finance & Politics Fashion & Modeling 4

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contributors Point of View Magazine is designed to be an information source to the people by the people. Your views are very important, not only to us but to you; our readers. Therefore if you know of any issues in your community that needs to be addressed feel free to contact us. Our readers would certainly love to hear your point of view.


Katina Chandler

As an inspiration writer and poet, Katina Chandler has been sharing her ability to deliver through paper since the young age of 10. Being so,she tends to focus her writings on real life situations of both hers and others witnessed. Katina resides in Jackson,Ms where she acknowledges her passion for words. She wishes not only to entertain but to touch the hearts and mind of others as she delivers her inspiration message to the world. Katina can be contacted at knc119@msstate.edu.

Kendra Sands - staff writer/kendranicholesands@yahoo.com Eric Terry - loyal writer Sararetha King - loyal writer/ Sararethak @yahoo.com Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com



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Ideal Images Studio Chattanooga / Orlando / Jackson/Chicago Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com


A Rise Abo A few weeks ago I met up with a colleague of mine and we sat and talked about creative ideas for his new magazine. I must say that it was an amazing meeting that opened my eyes to a new way of living. We talked about what to feature in the magazine, what people would want to read, who to add to the magazine and mid way through the meeting , our conversation evolved into what we wanted in the magazine. At that point we both new what we needed to do. Its been about three years since my colleague and I had spoken and collaborated on creating a new issue for his magazine and within that time frame I had gone through a lot in my life, and searched for answers as to why I felt stuck. Within that hour meeting, we both figured out why I felt or was stuck...I was bound by black myths! I came from decent humble 8

beginnings and was raised by hard working parents that started at the bottom. I was always encouraged to be myself but within good reason...let me elaborate! I’ve always had a heart for fashion and was encouraged to peruse that dream but from home. There was no need in going to school elsewhere, I could do fashion right here at home and make a living in my home town because I had a serious disability that “hindered” me from moving away from my parents. If I moved from home, there was the possibility of getting hurt and my parents not know what happened to me, someone could take advantage of me because “my disability affected my mental process”...although my disability wasn’t a mental one and I made good grades in schools, or I could move from home and forget all about my family. Now, my parents had great intentions but failed to realize

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A series by Kendra Sands

that sometimes we play things to safe. I believe that God has given me great talents and gifts and that to be grateful for them, I need to use them. I always say, “people believe there is a God, but don’t trust Him.” We believe that He gives us great talents and gifts but we fail to trust that He will guide us in the right direction to use our talents. A lot of times we (African Americans) live by our “colorful” myths, “never trust a really dark skinned person,” “all AKAs or highyellowed, stuck up B’s,” or “that black nigga still doing the same thing, he ain’t moved up.” We listen to these myths and other common myths about wealth and success to define who we are and where we should be in life. We think that Mr. Happy is clueless to the possibilities out there. Well how do we know that he doesn’t like where he is, how do we know

he isn’t happy with cooking for his community? Who said Amanda has to stay in Chattanooga and get on at Volkswagen, working the assembly line with her sister to take care of her three kids. Why can’t Amanda apply to O’more College of Design and receive a housing voucher and do work-study through the school to pursue her dream as an interior designer? A lot of us are stuck because of what others want us to do or be. We become programmed to accept our black fate of making it by, and if you just so happen to come up from your hard work, don’t forget to bring your tag along because they “knew you when!” My eyes have been opened and I have seen all the possibilities out there for me and I plan on chasing them all...my plan is to rise above my color.

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Sewing Machine repair at it’s best

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W e h T n I g n i t Da “Jennifer and Sean joined a big multinational firm 3 years ago. Both of them were a part of a team who were working on a project in France. Not knowing the local language or culture and having a social life which was largely limited to the group on the project, they started getting closer. A few dates later they found that they had very similar interest and personalities. Both were very focused on their careers and get what they want. Both believed that they had found their soul-mate. But had 12

they?...” As the work schedule becomes more and more hectic and social lives of people diminishes, people are finding only one place to satisfy that primal urge of companionship: The office. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Instead of picking up some absolute stranger at a club-which you can no longer go to, given your hectic professional life-why not pick up someone you know and try dating them? Someone with similar interests, dreams and pas-

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be able to meet that person everyday, but also work with him/her all day. Your lunch break could be your date! Add to that, the person will also have personality traits similar to yours. It’s just so hard to resist all these advantages. Apparently, workplace romance is an idea which should actually be a run away hit! But it isn’t. In fact, most workplace relationships have failed, and miserably. Relationship experts and several others who’ve been in such relationships will actively detract you from this desire. Why? Good work relationships are one thing, but ones workplace are not a good idea according to most people.

Disadvantages of Work Place Relationships

If you know anyone who has been in a relationship with a co-worker, they will no doubt tell you the flipside of all this. Ego Tussles No two people are the same. Now suppose your romantic partner gets promoted, how are you going to take it? Will you be jealous? Or will you take it in your stride saying that the better of the two got promoted? Suppose you ARE equal, but your boss is biased in favor of your partner and promotes him/her? Suppose the other person gets a raise, what will be your reaction? These problems may seem laughable at the moment, but will spoil your relationship due to your or your partner’s actual or perceived superiority. Post-Promotion So you dealt with the first problem just fine. Now your partner is your boss, and will fire instructions at you. Being the boss, your partner cannot and does not show you any favoritism and bias. Your partner now has new friends, apart from you, who are in better positions in your own company. How would you deal with that. Not all people will be jealous of their partners’ success or promotion, but they will not take kindly to being bossed around or ordered or shown less importance. A Bad Break-Up sions; someone that you can be with for the whole day, negating the need for finding and going on a date, which Suppose none of your get promoted, or you are already your partner’s boss when you started going out. No your professional life cannot afford you. ego tussles whatsoever. But relationships do end. Then what do you do? Suppose your partner really bitter Romantic Relationships at Work about the break-up and spreads unsavory and unusuWell it surely seems like an ideal situation doesn’t it? ally derogatory rumors about your sexual capacity and A very tempting one indeed. The person you’ll find your less admirable qualities. There is no point in letin the workplace will probably have the same likes ting the ‘barking dogs bark’, because you know as well and passions as you. You can go through the romantic as anyone else how office gossip helps relieve a bit of relationship stages in the office itself! You’ll not only stress and stories like these will have every one ‘all ears’. Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com 13

e c a l p Work

...continued from page 13 Office Gossip Now it isn’t always the case that you or your partner will have differences. But the people will whisper and talk behind your back. Suppose there is someone else in the office who is attracted to you and says bad things about you, your partner or your relationship. Or that person tries to create a discord between the two of you. Will your relationship weather the storm created by the other person? Transfers While your perfect romance may weather practically any storm, what if one of you had to be transferred elsewhere permanently? Suppose the company decides that your skill set will be valued in another country where the company currently runs its operations, then how will you handle the distance that comes between the two of you? Can you live with a long distance relationship? Hence it’s my firm opinion that romantic relationships in the workplace are a complete no-no. But a way out I see yet is to have a pact. It may seem a bit unusual, but it’s always good to make a list of things which you expect from your partner. Now I have outlined five disadvantages of having a relationship with a colleague, you and your partner may also discuss these eventualities and come to a consensus on what must be done in case any of these does happen.


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Riddle Me This

My boss texted me and he asked, “ can depression be an inspiration?” Of course my mind went haywire and for a minute I thought I had lost it. My hands became clammy, my throat began to feel that huge lump, my heartbeat dropped, and I became frozen in that moment of despair. I know what depression feels like, taste like, looks like, and in my mind at that split second my whole body said, “HELL NAW DEPRESSION COULDN’T BE!” I understood where he was going with that question, knowing my boss and how far he steps outside the box(more like runs away from the box, lol) I think he wanted me to see how the things that don’t kill you can inspire you to move forward. In a since that could be true, but for now...I refuse to believe it. If you’ve never experienced depression, then let me explain it to you. Depression feels like your first heart break, a heart break that snuck up on you when you thought things were going great. Depression is that ninja that got to second and third base that night and it took you two years, roses, dinner,and a night at her parents to get to first base, or that skank that dropped her earring on your bedroom floor so you could find it! Depression will break you down like the flu and you can pretend for a minute but then the depression spreads through your body and attacks the brain. Next thing you know, you are isolated, you don’t even recognize yourself, your house in shambles, and you sit wondering what happened, yelling on the inside,”somebody save me!” Of course anybody can be cured of depression, there are medicines that will help a person get back to “normal.” I think that the worse thing about depression is coming out of it and still being reminded of it. Depression can leave some nasty scars and I’m not talking just physical, but mental as well. The brain will form habits from depression and will cause you to act a certain way at times, more specifically when disappointed or when you fail at something. I believe that it takes time for depression to manifest in someone, so it will take time to heal from it.

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Mother’s Inspiration by Katina Chandler

There are many sources that have contributed to shaping us into the being we are today. These factors have not only shaped us but have played valuables role in our overall development. With that being said, as adults we have adopted many views and concepts from the works of others. In most cases, it is said that the parents are the first to impact their children. Even so, the very first contact is directly through the mother as the fetus resides in her womb. The bond between the mother and her unborn child is simply miraculous and cannot be shorn of. This is actually pretty amazing…..since the fetus naturally connected to its mother’s womb; there is no denying how she couldn’t be the first person to make a positive impression. For this reason, the relationship between the mother and her child is the utmost greatest. A mother’s love is a love that is understood without explanation and felt without touching. With this in mind, as Mother’s Day is slowing approaching, show you gratitude by generously giving her all of YOU! 16

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Chattanooga Fire Department Assistant Resource Chief Randy Jacks As we go about our busy lives, going to and from work, sending our children to school, working with co-workers though out the day. We hear and pay no attention to the sirens that scream though out the downtown or residual area on a daily basis. We hear the sirens while trying to get to our destination in our cars and get road rage in having to pull over to the side of the road. We are quick to call fire station to our rescue to save our homes, boats, and cars at any given time. Plus we want them there at a timely manner. But have we ever stopped to think about the needs of our Chattanooga Firefighters.

This is where I had the pleasure of interviewing Assistant Resource Chief Randy Jacks of the Chattanooga Fire Department. He and his staff are the backbone to each fight station that is in need of supply. His demeanor is meek, quiet and he speaks with a soft tone. However, when it comes to his position, he knows it backward and forward. He’s very passion about his job. I asked Chief Jack how he became a firefighter. He smiled sheepishly and said I wish it was glamorous the way I began my career, but it was not, I needed a job to take care of the needs of four children. As of Oct 23, 18

1987, he has been with the fire department for 26 years of his career. I think it safe to say he has fed his children and some! For the last 10 years of his career his title is Assistant Fire Chief Resource. What all does this title of Assistant Fire Chief Resource entails? There are 19 fire stations to be exact. Chief Jacks oversees several requests from different fire station needing anything from eating utensils, cleaning products to the purchase of a new fire truck. In other words, fire fighters d clean up their station just like we clean our homes.

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What interesting is he makes two trips a year to Lion, South Dakota to inspect and purchase new fire truck that we see flying around the city. A fire truck can cost anywhere from half-million to one million dollars depending on what is being put on the truck. Speaking of fire truck, have you notice when a medical call has been made it is the fire fighter who come first. Why? Firefighter can do most of the same procedure as medical ambulance. Also, I asked what advises would he give to an individual who wants to enter into field of the fire department. His response is, first enter into EMT school, secondly, be physically fit and if you are accepted you will be required to complete 26 ½ weeks of training. But read this, he is responsible for the fire fighter SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) which help the fire fighter breath as they go into fire hazard building and homes. His personal life is just as busy as his work life. He has


been married to Deborah for 19 years (WOW), 4 kids and 7 grandchildren with one on the way. He has a red fire helmet hanging in his office that is retired with the number 648 (old fire investigator call number). The year 2000, he was the first African American to finish the captain exam first. His maintenance department was honor as being the top maintenance department in the city by Mayor Ron Littlefield, Dec. 13th, 2006.

killing innocent lives. This situation is a two-head coin. Citizens of this country should have the option to bear arms to protect their family as well as their property. What I do not understand how weapons get into the hands of mentally-illed indivduals but by the parents or the street without an extensive background check. I am hoping Congress and Mr. Eric Holder will put into place an extensive background check on people who are trying to buy weapon. An article was written in the “Timesfreepress”, Sunday, February 10,2013, implicating an effective way to control gun usage is to have the State Prosecutor have stricter punishment over indivduals who are felony offenders. Okay, thats all and well. But everyone is not a felony criminal. Was the shooter who went on a shooting spree at the movie theatre in Ct. a felon. What about the indivdual who shot a 14 year old student at Price Middle School in Southeast Atlanta, was he a felon? It goes on and on. There are alot of unanswered questions that seriously need to be answered.

Is this the world we live in now? U.S. Rep. Gabrella Giffords, Sandy Hook Elementary School students, Hadiya Pendleton and many more lives that has been taken due to unnecessary tragedies. When is the killings going to be enough? Will it be enough when weapons falls into the wrong hands and go after a committee member of the NRA At the end of the day, people who are law-abiding or his/her family member. Will gun violence stop if citizens who have a permit to go arm will feel the this was to happen? I hope this never happen. But heat of stricter laws on gun control then any other things would change quickly when it hit home! person. Yes, I understand the Constitution saying to bear arms. However, I do not feel when the Constitution was taking place, our forefathers was speaking of Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com 19


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HEALTH Nutritional Facts about Banana

Bananas are power-packed with some of the most essential nutrients that our body needs for its healthy functioning. It is the number one option for athletes and body builders to replenish their body with instant energy. It is also mashed and given to infants to ensure healthy growth. In short, bananas are extremely efficient in providing your body with all the vitamins and minerals that it seeks.

Vitamins in a Banana The following section highlights the nutrient data of a medium-sized (7� to 7-7/8� long), raw banana. * Folate: A banana contains vitamins like folate (a form of vitamin B), which works together with vitamin B-12 and vitamin C and helps our body create new proteins and to use these efficiently. * Vitamin C: They also contain vitamin C which is imperative for our body’s growth and development. Research states that the intake of vitamin C helps prevent infections and heal wounds. It is also thought A banana is that vitamin C helps in the prevention of cancer, heart the most highly consumed fruit in the United States disease, and arthritis. of America. An average American is said to consume more than 28 pounds of bananas every year. * Vitamin A, E, and K: Vitamin A is excellent for your Bananas were first found in the region of Malaysia. eyesight and immunity. Bananas also have traces of With the help of curious visitors, bananas found their vitamin E and K. The former works as an antioxidant way to India. Buddhist Pali writings dating back to the and is also believed to play a significant role in 6th century BC support this fact. It was Alexander the preventing certain cancers, heart disease, and Great who brought the banana back with him to the diabetes. On the other hand, vitamin K is known to be western world in 327 BC from India. This fruit entered helpful in treating problems related to blood clotting America only in 1876, on the day of celebrating and weak bones. the hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, in Philadelphia. At the time, bananas * Vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B6: Vitamin B1 (thiamine), were sold wrapped in tin foils, and were priced for 10 B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B-6 are all a form of cents each. vitamin B, that help the body in the formation of red

Did You Know?

blood cells, and enables the proper functioning of the


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nervous system. Vitamin B1 is known to be helpful in handling stress, and is therefore known as the “antistress” vitamin. Vitamin B2 is an antioxidant which also helps vitamin B6 and folate, convert into usable forms in the body. Vitamin B3 helps the body improve circulation, as well as produce stress and sex-related hormones.

Other Nutrients in Bananas

Apart from the nutritional facts, there are many other unique facts about bananas. Did you know that bananas are among those fruits that are grown on plants and not trees? They are also harvested while they are green because they continue to ripen even after being harvested. Bananas are God’s gift to us, and we’ve understood this better after learning about their nutritional facts. Make sure you follow a healthy inclusion of bananas in your diet, while reaping its numerous benefits.

* High Levels of Energy: Apart from the fact that bananas contain a high amount of potassium, which helps athletes get rid of the leg cramps due to exertion, another reason why a banana is the top choice for consumption after a heavy workout, is the fact that it is a powerhouse in itself, containing a high amount of energy which is effective in replenishing your body almost instantly. * Sugar Content: Another fact that makes our dear banana an effective energy booster, is the three kinds of sugar content it has. Yes, banana contains sucrose, fructose, and glucose. These sugars are digested by our body at different speeds, and therefore, our body stays energized for a longer duration of time. * Digestible Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are digested by the body and converted into glucose (sugar). No other fruit contains more digestible carbohydrates than bananas. This is advantageous, because the body burns off calories from carbohydrates more easily and quickly than calories from fat or protein. * Proteins and Fats: Bananas contain the protein called triptophane. This protein helps in the production of serotonin and dopamine, the chemicals naturally produced by the body that generate happy feelings within us. This is the reason why bananas elevate our mood to a certain extent. * Water and Dietary Fiber: The content of water and dietary fiber in a banana, contributes to the smooth functioning of the body. While water keeps our body hydrated, fiber is essential for proper digestion. Health professionals always suggest eating fresh fruits and vegetables to increase the intake of dietary fiber, for which bananas can be a good option. Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com


MONEY How To Make Money During A

It is said that making money during recession is quite difficult. However, there are some ways to earn a reasonable amount of money in such times. Let’s have a look at them. Recession is the time when the economy slows down and the growth of a country begins to decline. During this phase, businesses suffer huge losses, employees lose their jobs and the spending capacity of people is reduced. The thought of recession instills worry and people think, it is very difficult to survive during a recession. What happens when we have a recession? People start spending less and save money which was otherwise spent lavishly, businesses cut down extra and unnecessary costs, people look for value for money, and companies are more inclined towards maintenance than expansion. It is true that the spending capacity is reduced, but people do spend money. Now what they look for is competitive pricing, low maintenance and value. People think that making money during economic recession is not possible, but there is always a way out. 24

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Ways to Make Money During Recession Beauty, repair and consultancy services are some of the businesses to start in a recession. These services do not require huge investments and always have a market. Beginning with a small setup can fetch good returns and help in overcoming recession-related monetary stress. Your creative skills like photography and painting can fetch additional income for your expenditure. Investing a small amount in studio packages can help in taking pictures of individuals and families, for which a small fee can be charged by the customers. A small office can be set up to advise customers on tax laws and tax returns. A person having good knowledge about tax laws can start this business by simply investing in a desk, computer, calculator and tax return software. Garage sales can be another option for fetching money by selling unused items lying in the house. During extreme financial crunch, one can choose to sell costly items like DVD player, television, etc. If teaching is your passion, you can always conduct classes for teaching a new trade to people. Search for teaching locations wherein, people who run such locations share a certain percentage of registration fees with the teacher in exchange of lessons provided to community members. Some businesses maintain a steady state even during recession. Utility and law firms are examples of businesses which are not really affected. In fact, they need temporary workers to deal with increased cases of bankruptcy during these times. Finding a job in such firms will ensure a steady flow of income during recession. Skilled individuals in the field of painting and carpentry can offer their services at lower prices than established contractors in the business. As people try to save every bit of money during recession, your offer can fetch you lot of

customers. Municipal bonds can be a source of income in tough times. People can withdraw their money from stocks and transfer them to municipal bonds, but before doing this, it is better to analyze whether it will fetch you good monthly and annual returns according to your budget or not. Blogging sites and other websites can also be a good source of income during recession. By placing advertisements intelligently on the websites, one can make a good amount of money through the virtual world. If you already have a website, it’s time to optimize it, so that search engines can locate it and attract prospective customers to visit the website. This increases the chances of sales thereby, adding to your income. If you are into a business, advertising your product or service becomes very important to gain customer attention. Customers must be constantly reminded of the availability of the product, only then, they can think of buying your product. Tough times call for tough measures. Even though recession makes money-making difficult, there is always a smart way to tackle tough situations. Therefore, the next time you think of recession, you know how to find your way out.

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Stylist Spotlight



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Khady Gueye Aspiring model from Africa


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A single mother plays the role of both, a father and a mother, for her kid. She tries hard to divide her time to fulfill all her duties as a mother and a working woman. She strives to give the best to her child, and also bring out the best in him; all single-handedly. Being a single mother is no easy job, but, many women succeed in it. The following quotes tell us more on motherhood: the joys, hardships, and various aspects of it.

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in Raising a family is difficult enough. But it’s even more your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, difficult for single parents struggling to make ends once for herself and once for her child. meet. They don’t need more obstacles. They need more Sophia Loren opportunities. Bill Richardson A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. Tenneva Jordan


The trouble with being a parent is that by the time you are experienced, you are unemployed. Anonymous

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Barbershop Talk is simply a gossip area where we voice our opinions about topics going on in our world. You know what they say about opinions. (If you dont then this section may not be for you anyways) Please send in your opinions to: info@mjtpublishing@yahoo.com Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com



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Playlist Top of Billboard

New Artist


Pharrell Williams

ALL OF ME John Legand

Coming Soon


Jason Derulo/2 Chainz

DARK HOUSE Katy Perry/Juicy J

If you would like your music added to our playlist please contact us at info@mjtpublishing.com. Point Of View Magazine | www.pointofview.wordpress.com | www.mjtpublishing.com




Gospel Doctor


Ideal Images Photography


Glas N Dife



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Business Listing

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