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the magazine of central oklahoma


Fall Fashion 78



Bob Funk on Success, Sentiment and Wide-Open Spaces

70 slice | september 2012


COUNTIES It is not so much the big things that stick. In years of covering thousands of miles and hundreds of Oklahomans, it is the little details I revisit again and again. By M.J. Alexander

Kiowa County

september 2012 | slice 71

Ellis County

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Pottawatomie County

Grady County

Things like the creaking and whirring of dozens of old-fashioned windmills, standing guard over Shattuck as night settles in. A nearly imperceptible nod from a dusty teen cowboy on a tired horse at the International Finals Youth Rodeo in Shawnee. The whiff of a smokehouse. The smell of smudge pot sage. The curve of the horizon as you head past Yukon and west on I-40. Balko’s proud line of weathered wooden buffalo, lashed to the school’s chain link fence with dates and details of hard-fought state championships. The long, knotted rope swing dancing over the Blue River, off Camping Area 5. The abandoned farmhouse past Lone Wolf, stripped by the elements down to silver-gray planks. Its tenacious shingles ruffle and ripple in the wind, each anchored to the decaying roof by a single rusty nail, pumping up and down like keys of a ghostly pipe organ. The shed’s remaining ribs inhale and exhale with each gust, breathing in and out, a great wooden fish beached on the plains of Kiowa County.

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Pontotoc County

Ottowa County

The tight clasp from the skeletal hand of an 108-year-old, and the lock of her gaze when words fail. Choruses of katydids. Cattle auctioneers’ cadences. Hymns sung in Musogee/Creek at the gathering in Okmulgee. The roar of trucks in the mud bog at Santa Fe Trail Daze in the Panhandle. The rosary recited in Vietnamese at Our Lady’s Cathedral in Oklahoma City. The Zombie Nation chant leading up to tipoff at Thunder home games. Together, they sing a song of Oklahoma. Not the great Broadwaybuilt anthem that is belted out on cue, but a nuanced, sometimes discordant, ever-changing riff.

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Caddo County

Harper County

Jackson County

Cimarron County september 2012 | slice 75

This new series of images and essays explores the people and places of Oklahoma that have stuck with me: the moving, the unexpected, the improvised, the ramshackle, the hopeful, the authentic. The name is simple: 77 Counties.

Oklahoma County

Cimarron County

McIntosh County


M.J. Alexander brought two decades of

ing the vision of an artist with the skills of

work as a photographer, reporter and editor

a storyteller.�

with newspapers, magazines and The As-

Her words and images have been hon-

sociated Press when she moved to Oklaho-

ored by the Society of Professional Journal-

ma in 1998. She now documents the people

ists, featured on national magazine covers,

and places of the American West, with an

and published here and abroad. She is au-

emphasis on her new home state.

thor and illustrator of two books: Salt of the

Red Earth, a collection of portraits of and

Her portrayals of Oklahoma and Okla-

homans have inspired more than a dozen solo shows, in pri-

interviews with 100 Oklahoma centenarians, and PORTRAIT

vate galleries and venues including Brush Creek Foundation

OF A GENERATION: Children of Oklahoma - Sons and Daugh-

for the Arts in Wyoming, the Oklahoma City Museum of Art,

ters of the Red Earth, gold medal winner for Best Regional Non-

the Tulsa Historical Society, Oklahoma Heritage Association

Fiction at the Independent Publisher Book Awards and winner

and the Oklahoma State Capitol. She was the first Oklahoman

of a 2011 Oklahoma Book Award.

featured in a solo show in the Main Gallery of the Internation-

al Photography Hall of Fame, which described her as “combin-

Counties series, contact 77counties@gmail.com.

76 slice | september 2012

To suggest a person or place for consideration in her new 77

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