About This Report
Mission Produce, Inc. is proud to present its Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Sustainability Report which highlights our global commitment to a more sustainable world. Throughout the report, “Mission,” “Mission Produce,” “we,” and “our” refer to Mission Produce, Inc., and its subsidiaries.
As a global leader in the worldwide avocado business with additional offerings in mangos and blueberries, the impact of our global footprint is far-reaching. As such, we make it a priority to conduct our business responsibly. We strive to be transparent with our stakeholders on our approach to sustainability and tell Mission’s company-wide sustainability story in this report. We explain our operating procedures, detail the activities of our projects and initiatives, and report on our use of resources.
In our inaugural report, which was published in April of 2021, we reported publicly on sustainability for the first time, providing benchmark data for us to reference in the coming years. We also determined our priority sustainability topics, which focus our sustainability efforts in the areas most relevant to our industry and most important to our stakeholders. Our FY 2023 SustainabilityReport provides updates across these topics and compares our FY 2023 metrics to those from previous years.
For further information or to give feedback on this report, please contact marketing@missionproduce.com
Cautionary Note
This report contains information about our sustainability impact, goals, initiatives, activities, and commitments. Unless otherwise noted, the scope of this report includes activities from November 1, 2022 – October 31, 2023, our 2023 fiscal year, and does not include information from our third-party partners. References to prior years refer to our corresponding fiscal years ending October 31.
We have aligned our priority topics with The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Our data has been calculated, analyzed, and presented in accordance with SASB and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, the gold standard of emissions calculations. Our primary industry for reporting is Agricultural Products and we also report on select metrics from the Food Retailers & Distributors industry.
Actual results may differ from our stated goals or the results we expect. Evolving circumstances and expectations for sustainability, in general, or under specific focal areas, including changes in standards and the way progress or achievement is measured, may lead to the adjustment, or discontinuation, of any of the goals, initiatives, or commitments stated in this report.
This report does not include details on the company’s financial performance. The terms “material” and “materiality” refer to sustainability matters and are distinct from, and should not be confused with, the terms “material” and “materiality” as defined by, or construed in accordance with, securities or other laws and regulations. This report includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding our sustainability goals, initiatives, commitments, and activities, and our long-term strategy and future operations. These forwardlooking statements rely on a number of assumptions and estimates that could be inaccurate and which are subject to risks and uncertainties. The factors that could cause our actual results to vary materially from those anticipated or expressed in any forward-looking statement include impacts of factors described in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and subsequent Securities and Exchange Commission filings. We disclaim any obligation or intent to update the forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report.
Sustainability Commitment
For over 40 years, we have invested in sustainable practices to protect our land, preserve our resources, and support the health and safety of our people. Our sustainability strategy centers around three pillars - people, product, and planet, which guide the development and execution of the sustainability initiatives across our global network. We believe that by addressing the sustainability challenges of our industry, we can create a positive impact not only for our company but also for the communities and environments in which we operate.

The People pillar of our sustainability strategy focuses on our people and the communities within which we operate. We seek to provide the finest workplace for our people by being transparent in our business practices, demonstrating our credibility, and adhering to our standards of integrity.
Workforce Demographics
We report on the demographic data of our global workforce, year-over-year, as part of our commitment to transparency with our stakeholders.
SMETA Social Compliance Audits
We are assessed against the SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA), a global standard that measures a company’s practices relating to fair labor, benefits and allowances, health and safety, human rights, training, discrimination, and more. In 2023, we completed this audit and certified 100% of our year-round operational packhouses located in California, Mexico, and Peru, 100% of our U.S. and Canadian distribution centers, and 100% of our owned avocado farms in Peru.

Community Investment
From our humble California beginnings to our global presence today, we are committed to the people and communities that surround Mission Produce. We have a unique opportunity to give back to communities around the world, and we believe these investments can create a lasting positive impact.
In 2023, Mission continued to invest in the communities in which we operate, making meaningful contributions to the development of community infrastructure and resources. Through our giving, Mission Produce contributed to causes supporting children, families, and agricultural education.
• Mission hosted its 11th annual golf tournament fundraiser, raising $135k gross proceeds for The Mission Produce Foundation. In 2023, the foundation supported several local and national organizations, such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme, the Make-A-Wish® Central Coast and Southern Central Valley, Casa Pacifica, and Interface Children & Family Services.
• Mission provided financial and logistical support through its “TalentoMission” program for employees in Mexico to complete their primary and secondary education.
• Mission sponsored children from the “Vivan los Niños” Social Assistance Center to participate in Michoacán’s “Judo Cup,” a youth development program inaugurated by Mexico’s National System for Integral Family Development (DIF).
• To support the community development of Virú, Chao and Olmos, Mission Produce provided various resources to improve public health, citizen security and city infrastructure.
• In partnership with Viva-Vive Valores, a non-governmental citizen education development program, Mission Produce trained the teachers of five local institutions on educational strategies and methodologies.

Over 80 Employees
enrolled in Mission’s secondary education program, CEBA Mission, a partnership with the Association for Sustainable Agriculture Development (ADAS) and local education center, CEBA Ramiro Ñique, to provide operating personnel the opportunity to earn their academic degrees.
In partnership with the Virú Health Network, Mission Produce evaluated more than
550 Children
in the community for anemia, providing medical and nutritional support to those in need.

Within our Product pillar, we focus on food waste, food safety and quality, and packaging. Our R&D teams explore opportunities to implement technologies and programs that are environmentally, socially, and economically impactful throughout the supply chain.
Food Waste
As part of our efforts to reduce food waste operationally, our R&D teams evaluate non-destructive testing technology for use in our quality assurance process.
In 2023, our forward distribution center in the UK implemented a non-destructive smart device that could measure avocado firmness and quality without puncturing or bruising the fruit, as would occur using the standard industry method.
Food Safety
Our United Kingdom forward distribution center completed its first food safety certification process under the BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard, a globally recognized assessment of a business’s food safety protocols and its commitment to providing a safe product. The facility received an AA rating, the highest rating issuable for an announced audit.
By replacing traditional technology with nondestructive testing, our UK team expects to reduce fruit destroyed during ripening checks and enhance product quality and reliability.
Food safety and quality is a priority in every aspect of growing, packing, and shipping avocados to market.
This year, we implemented a Food Safety scorecard across our U.S. and Canadian packing and distribution facilities to advance our measurement of risk and continue to drive food safety program performance. Performance indicators assessed include 3rd party audits, sanitation, microbiology results, training, and internal audit results. We use the results of the Food Safety scorecard to identify where to focus additional resources, such as training, site visits from our centralized food safety team, process amendments, and technology integration.

In 2023, our food safety practices were audited over 35 times across our global operations by certifying bodies, customers, and regulatory agencies, all of which received passing results.
As plastic pollution becomes a growing concern for our planet, the implementation of sustainable packaging is increasingly important. A focus on material reduction and a search for sustainable alternatives not only protects our planet’s resources but can lead to improved customer loyalty and reputation.
In 2020, we set a goal to implement a reduced plastic bag in 50% of the bags we pack and ship globally by fiscal 2025. In fiscal 2023, we modified our methodology for calculating progress on our goal as we believe the new method of calculation is more accurate based on data available to the Company and captures the amount of reduced plastic utilized in the various bagging configurations that the Company produces for customers. Therefore, instead of calculating progress based on the number of bags we pack and ship globally, we are now calculating based on the quantity of plastic film purchased by the Company for use in production. Under the new methodology, our goal is to purchase at least 50% or more reduced plastic film for our bagging configurations by 2025.
Under our revised method of calculation, 52.81% of the plastic film we purchased in 2023 for use in production utilized reduced plastic film. Re-calculating prior year reported data for fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022 based on the new methodology, 28.52% and 39.94% of the plastic film we purchased in fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022, respectively, for use in production utilized reduced plastic film.

Annual % Reduced Plastic Film Purchased for Product Packaging

Within our Planet pillar, we focus on water management, energy and emissions, and the environmental impact of our global footprint. We track our emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, which supplies the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards, as well as report on our energy use year-over-year. In addition, our precision agriculture methods are adapted to satisfy the environmental needs of each region, so we can grow healthier trees with lower inputs while preserving the natural resources of our growing regions.
Water Management
Water management is a significant component of our approach to sustainable crop production. By using water resources effectively and efficiently, we can prevent water waste and help conserve water for future generations. We track and report total water usage in the SASB index of this report.
Guatemala Farms
In 2023, we continued to expand our farming footprint in Guatemala. From May through September, 100% of our crops are irrigated by rainwater. For the remaining months of the year, we use our precision farming practices that include drip irrigation, weather stations, moisture monitoring, and automated fertigation systems to allow for more efficient water usage.
United Kingdom FDC Water Conservation
Our United Kingdom forward distribution center (FDC) utilizes a rainwater harvesting system, which collects and stores rainwater rather than allowing it to run off. In 2023, approximately 7,700 liters were collected to be utilized for toilet waste flushing.
Energy and Emissions
Tracking our energy usage and emissions is an important part of understanding our global carbon footprint. We use this information to quantify our climate impact and identify opportunities to become more resource-efficient across our network.
Solar Power
In February 2023, our United Kingdom FDC began utilizing solar power to reduce our reliance on grid electricity. As of October 31, 2023, they have generated 369,730 kilowatt hours (kWh) for clean energy use in our operations. In our California packhouse, our solar panels generated 1,508,753 kilowatt hours in 2023.
Across both facilities, we generated 1,878,483 kWh in clean energy—the equivalent of enough energy to power
177 Homes for One Year [1]
[1] Calculated using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Green Power Equivalencies Calculator.
2022 Scope 1 & 2 Emissions Metrics

We track our emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, which supplies the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards, as well as report on our energy use year-over-year.
In 2023, we saw a substantial decrease in scope 1 emissions for our facilities primarily due to a reduction in refrigerant recharges compared to 2022.
This is a direct result of an improved preventative maintenance program of our refrigeration systems across our network. Our on-farm scope 1 and 2 emissions and waste data increased in 2023 in comparison to prior years as we have consolidated data from our blueberry farms in our calculations. Historical data can be found in the Data on Emissions and Waste section of the report.
Scope 1

As an agriculture company, we understand our role in environmental stewardship not only for the long-term success of our business, but for the health of our planet. Our industry faces numerous environmental challenges, such as climate change, water scarcity, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss. So, we take meaningful action to minimize our operational impact on the environment and respond to opportunities to take care of the communities in which we operate. In doing so, we tailor our precision agriculture methods to suit the unique environmental needs of each growing region, promoting healthier tree growth while preserving natural resources.
Grower Support
Through Mission Produce Peru’s Technical Advisory Program, Mission trained more than 1,000 avocado growers, representing more than 2,800 hectares of farmland in Virú and Chao, on plant health and agronomic practices.
Carbon Sequestration
Avocado trees naturally capture global carbon emissions, providing a dual benefit in combatting climate change– they convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen through photosynthesis, as well as create fertile soil through carbon sequestration (the process of capturing and storing CO2, the most-produced greenhouse gas). In 2023, our Mission-owned farms in Peru were estimated to have stored at least 12,727 metric tons of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of 28% of the total emissions reported by our business in 2023. [1]
[1] Calculated using carbon sequestration data from a study done by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarieas Santiago, “Huella de carbono en productos de exportación agropecuarios de Chile.”(2009)

Environmental Certification
We are evaluated by the Rainforest Alliance to certify that our products support their three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. Their standards focus on forest protection, responsible land management, human rights, and opportunities for rural communities. In 2023, we completed this audit and certified our packhouse located in Peru, as well as 100% of our owned Peruvian avocado farms. Find out more at ra.org
Planting Trees
In 2023 alone, we planted over 182,300 new trees across our owned and managed farms in Peru, Guatemala, and Colombia. Overall, we have planted over 2.18 million trees across all Mission owned or managed farms globally.
In August 2023, our teams in Mexico concluded the Mission Verde Reforestation Campaign in the indigenous community of San Francisco, a municipality of Uruapan, Michoacán. Over two years, Mission de Mexico employees participated in weed removal, fertilization, and reforestation efforts, planting approximately 3,000 plants, including 3 pine species, across five hectares of public land. This campaign demonstrated our commitment to forest and wildlife preservation and our care for natural resources.
Additionally, in Guatemala, we partnered with the children of the San Nicolas village school to plant approximately 350 native trees in areas that were historically used as refuse heaps.
182,300 Trees Planted
3,000 Native Plants
350 Native Trees
Across our global operations, we seek opportunities to avoid sending waste to landfills by implementing recycling programs where possible. In 2023, our teams in Peru placed an emphasis on the importance of recycling and proper waste disposal both within our own operations and within Chao, the surrounding community of our packhouse location.
Mission Peru
• In 2023, Mission teams worked with employees to collect beverage bottles and paper to be donated to the non-profit organization ANIQUEM in participation of their “Recycle to Help” program. This program facilitates the proper disposal of waste products generated by companies in Peru, while using the funds generated to co-finance the rehabilitation of children who suffer from burn injuries. Over the course of the year, Mission teams collected 256 kilograms of PET bottles and 1 metric ton of paper to be donated for recycling.w


At our Packhouse in Peru, 58% of the waste generated in operations was recycled in 2023.
• Mission teams held an environmental education day for the Chao community to provide information on waste management and efficient water and energy consumption.
• We also held a waste collection campaign for electric devices in coordination with the Municipality of Chao, resulting in the collection of 118 kilograms of electrical appliances for proper disposal.
Sustainability Oversight & Governance
Our Board of Directors and each of our committees play a role in overseeing our overall sustainability strategy, reporting, and risk management. Our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for overseeing our environmental, social, and governance initiatives and external reporting. In addition, our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee oversees our corporate governance framework and ensures that our governance framework continues to be robust on an evolving basis. Our Audit Committee oversees our enterprise risk management framework which addresses certain sustainability-related risks. Lastly, our Compensation Committee oversees our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and pay equity.
We have a cross-functional, executive-level sustainability council that sets our overall sustainability strategy, provides guidance on program implementation, and oversees the continuing enhancement of our approach to sustainability. Our efforts are managed on a day-to-day basis by our Sustainability Manager who works with our subject area experts across our global footprint to ensure we are regularly evaluating current and emerging opportunities and risks from a sustainability standpoint.
Materiality Assessment
In 2020, we performed a systematic materiality assessment with guidance from an external third party to identify the most important areas of sustainability from a business and stakeholder perspective. We engaged with more than 40 stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, business partners, and Company leadership to learn the topics that were most important and/or relevant to each stakeholder group. As part of this materiality assessment, we focused primarily on the following:
• Understanding the market context on sustainability for our industry and business.
• Collecting and analyzing data required to measure the impact related to Mission’s energy, emissions, waste, and water use.
• Developing a vision to help identify and define key areas of focus.
• Determining a roadmap and framework for future action steps to build upon existing progress and future ambitions.
• Identifying and creating the basis for annual sustainability reporting to ensure transparency and communication on our sustainability efforts with our stakeholders.
Sustainability Framework
Our Sustainability Pillars – People, Product, and Planet
Our sustainability framework currently centers around three key pillars – people, product, and planet. Each pillar is supported by several key focus areas that are most relevant to our business and that are evaluated consistently to ensure relevance, prioritization, and risk mitigation. Our focus areas are geared towards identifying where the business has the most impact as well as the topics where we feel we can make a significant positive impact.
Fair Labor
We implement processes to ensure good working conditions, appropriate compensation, and occupational health and safety. Due to restrictions in reporting on behalf of third parties we work with, we cannot make claims for operations outside our company.
We are certified by the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) in our U.S., Peru and Mexico packhouses, our U.S. and Canadian forward distribution centers, and our Peru avocado farms, which ensures enforcement of proper working conditions and fair labor laws that apply to Mission personnel. This involves adhering to child labor laws, paying employees legal wages and maintaining a safe work environment.
We provide all employees with the full terms of their employment orally or in writing, including information on disciplinary practices. Employees can approach management with any concerns without fear of retribution and suggest improvements in the workplace.
To provide optimal working conditions, facilities are well-lit, ventilated, free from debris, and clearly marked. Functioning fire equipment and first aid supplies are readily available, and all properties contain multiple unlocked, marked, and accessible exit doors. Across all facilities, employees have access to clean, functioning restrooms with running water and trash cans.
We do not publicly disclose information on average hourly wages, percentage of employees earning minimum wage, percentage of the workforce under collective bargaining agreements, the number of work stoppages or days idle, nor the monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with labor law violations or employment discrimination. The metrics we report on can be found in the SASB Index.
Human Rights
Mission’s Human Rights Policy, which was developed and approved by our Sustainability Executive Council, has been communicated to copackers and growers throughout our network:
“Mission commits to understanding our impact on human rights and adhering to internationally recognized human rights principles as they pertain to our business. We inform third parties we work with in our supply chain of our human rights standards and encourage them to adhere to ethical business conduct consistent with our own. We strive to undertake efforts internally and externally to build awareness about our human rights policy. Mission’s employees are our greatest asset, and we commit to treating every individual with dignity and respect by supporting the following human rights standards:
• Right to a safe working environment.
• Right to a living wage by operating in compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime, and benefits laws and regulations.
• Freedom from forced labor by ensuring persons are free from work or service that is compelled under the threat of penalty and which the person has not offered to perform voluntarily.
• Freedom from child labor that is in violation of state or federal statutes prohibiting the employment of children under a specified age.
• Freedom from discrimination at work based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.
We encourage individuals to report any violations of our human rights commitments via our Company-wide hotline. Mission is committed to ensuring appropriate disciplinary measures or remediation actions are taken to address violations.”
Health & Safety
Maintaining a safe and healthy workforce on our farms and in our facilities is key to our success. We have dedicated teams reporting directly to the executive suite who strive to improve working conditions for our people. In the U.S. and Canada, our health and safety program enlists representatives from each division of the company to ensure compliance with health and safety standards throughout our operations. Starting at onboarding, employees participate in general health and safety education and receive hands-on training according to their role in the company. We provide the following to contribute to the health and well-being of our people:
• Occupational Health & Safety Committees to identify risks and collaborate on solutions
• Voluntary Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) consultations in the U.S.
• A 24/7 nurse hotline for any work-related injuries or emergencies in the U.S.
• Health campaigns to educate on healthy lifestyles in Peru
• Full-time medical staff in our Peru and Mexico facilities
• Ergonomic-friendly equipment
• Loss control, which provides recommendations to reduce the frequency and severity of losses arising from fire, crime, and liability in the U.S.
• Ethics Point, an anonymous hotline where employees can report any ethical concerns or issues
Our Occupational Health and Safety Committee in Peru seeks to enforce our health and safety program with the appointment of employee-elected representatives. The cross-functional committee drives the program at our packing facility and select farms, and is responsible for participating in the development, approval, and implementation of policies, as well as managing plans and programs to promote accident prevention and other health and safety efforts. The Committee meets regularly to analyze and evaluate the progress of the objectives established in the annual program and on an extraordinary basis to analyze accidents or when circumstances require it. Committee representatives are voted on every 2 years by their peers, and the elections are open to all employees at each participating location.
Employee Education & Development
Mission strives to bring out the best in its people and offers developmental opportunities and resources for employees at all levels of the organization. By providing leadership training throughout the year, we continue to build up our teams and encourage both professional and personal growth. Historically, we have invested in group and one-on-one coaching sessions, academic programs, language courses, among other learning and development opportunities for our employees.
Farmer Engagement & Support
We provide extensive grower support, working directly with growers in California, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, and Guatemala.
We offer support by providing expert counsel on farming practices, including plant nutrition, irrigation management, pest management, and harvest coordination. We also provide information on marketing conditions and trucking
logistics. Our field team in California is knowledgeable about all aspects of avocado farming and offers total ranch management and on-call advice. Our field representatives play a key role in our business, building lasting relationships with our growers and expanding our grower network.
Product Quality
Quality matters and our advanced supply chain and methods are built around this philosophy. We have developed extensive quality processes and procedures to ensure we deliver the highest quality fruit to our customers. Quality begins in the field with our expertly managed groves. Once harvested, our avocados enter the Mission cold chain, in which they are kept under controlled temperature specifications until they are delivered to our customers. In locations of elevated heat, we use hydro-cooling within twenty-four hours of picking to enhance fruit quality and shelf life.
Across the globe, we perform thorough inbound and outbound inspections on orders, assessing the fruit quality, defects, and pulp temperatures. We verify the packing dates, labeling requirements, and quantity needed per customer. We also perform dry matter inspections by the country of origin. Our product quality practices allow us to provide quality product to our customers.
Food Safety
Food safety is a priority in growing, packing and shipping our products to market. We have a centralized department comprised of food safety and sanitation experts that manage our global food safety programs with support from local food safety representatives. We are accredited by the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, the PrimusGFS Food Safety Audit, and the International Featured Standards (IFS) for auditing food manufacturers, at applicable locations throughout our global network.
We have a supply chain verification program in place that works with copackers, packaging suppliers, and growers to ensure marketplace compliance throughout our network. This dynamic program identifies areas of improvement, streamlines supply chain efficiencies, and maintains our supply chain standards. It also provides consulting and guidance on food safety, security, and social compliance programs, ensuring that our suppliers are up to date on food safety requirements.
Our sanitation practices involve daily contact surface cleaning, third party validation, sanitation staff and microbiologybased risk assessments to determine sanitation scheduling and hygienic zoning. Across our global locations, we collect more than 400 swabs monthly using a composite swab technique to test for zone 1 coliforms and zone 2-4 pathogens.
Food Waste
At Mission, we actively pursue strategies to reduce the waste of our products. We strive to extend fruit shelf life with expert handling practices, cold storage management, and research and development studies on emerging technologies. These efforts help us enhance quality and decrease internal defects, which can promote a longer-lasting consumption period and reduced spoilage. In 2023, we decreased our food waste generated by 17% in comparison to the prior year.
Environmental Policy
Mission’s Environmental Policy, which was developed and approved by our Sustainability Executive Council, has been communicated to copackers and growers throughout our network:
“Mission Produce, Inc. is committed to managing and reporting environmental impact as a part of our operations. Where possible and practicable, we strive to preserve the environmental integrity of our processes and facilities. We do so by committing to the following principles:
• We comply with local environmental laws and regulations applicable to our business.
• We employ management systems and procedures designed to track and understand the use of hazardous
• materials, energy, and other natural resources. This is done through global utility and resources tracking, emissions calculations, and publicly available reporting for accountability.
• We seek opportunities to improve our environmental performance by establishing objectives, measuring progress, and reporting our results.”
Climate Risk Identification
Pursuant to The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) framework, a global non-profit organization for the promotion of more sustainable products in the consumer goods industry, we believe the following risk areas are relevant to avocado production. The identification of these risks guides our continued understanding and actions to minimize our environmental impact.
• Biodiversity: Global pollinator populations, which are essential to produce healthy avocado trees, are facing health and population challenges. Their largest threats include parasites, pathogens, predators, habitat loss, and exposure to pesticides.
• Climate & Energy: Greenhouse gas emissions occur from crop production and the use of fertilizers.
• Fertilizer & Nutrients: Greenhouse gases and water pollution can occur if fertilizers are not properly managed.
• Land & Soil: Improper soil management can remove nutrients, release greenhouse gases, and cause soil loss
• Food Waste: Avocados that are not stored and handled properly can spoil or be damaged, resulting in food waste.
• Water: Water used in farming can deplete freshwater resources, which can be problematic for water-stressed regions.
• Workers & Communities: In some areas, there is a risk of forced or child labor, such as trafficking and the withholding of wages or documents. Smallholder farmers may have limited access to information, technology, and resources. Farmworkers, especially women and migrants, may face unfair pay, discrimination, and limited freedoms. Farmworkers may be exposed to chemicals, dust, or other hazards.
Environmental Management System Certification
We prioritize transparency and accountability through the audit certification of our operations. Our Peru packhouse received the International Standard for Organization (ISO) 14001 Certification for Environmental Management Systems. This certification is a highly respected and internationally recognized environmental standard that supports the maintenance of reliable environmental policies and implementation procedures. Through this certification, we can demonstrate our commitment to the mitigation of potential adverse effects on the environment, fulfill compliance obligations, and achieve environmental objectives.
Precision Farming
We employ an advanced water treatment and irrigation system to prevent water waste from avocado production and to meet the environmental needs of each region. We report on water-specific SASB metrics applicable to Missionowned farms in our SASB Index.
Globally, our growing practices allow us to grow healthier trees while minimizing excess inputs. We incorporate the following practices on our owned farms:
• Automated drip irrigation systems water the crop according to the specific amount needed for each plant.
• Dendrometers read the swelling and contracting of the tree every day to determine tree stress levels and avoid wasting water.
• Our experts monitor the weather, soil, and plant data to generate true demand needs.
• Our methods reduce the need for pesticide sprays and prevent root rot caused by overwatering.
In Peru, we have placed increased emphasis on sustainable irrigation due to the region’s limited water resources, irregular rain patterns, and increasing temperatures.
• We implemented optimal and efficient irrigation technologies such as automated fertigation, weather stations, and moisture technology, that allow us to program and view the frequency and volume of irrigation.
• We source our water for select farms from the Chavimochic Special Project, an irrigation system in Peru’s northeastern La Libertad region that captures and distributes water from the Santa River. This project delivers water to previously desert lands and provides potable water to the city of Trujillo, with farmers paying a tariff to supplement the cost of the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure.
• We also utilize water from the Olmos Tinajones Special Project, an irrigation system that derives water from the Huancabamba and Tabaconas river basins across the western Andes mountain range.
• Our Arato, Beggie, and Inversiones agrícolas Olmos farms are certified by the Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater (SPRING) standard, as of 2021.
In California, 100% of our water is distributed through micro-sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, for efficient water and nutrient delivery. Precision agricultural irrigation systems deliver water and nutrients directly to the plant’s root zone, in the correct amounts, at the best time for each plant to receive exactly what it needs to grow. Our state-ofthe-art delivery systems can increase yields, reduce waste, and maximize both nutrient and water utilization.
• We work with irrigation solution distributors to manage water applications and deliver precise doses weekly.
• Our pressure compensating sprinklers allow for uniform water distribution by equalizing pressure throughout the grove.
• We actively monitor the climate and anticipated weather for the farms we manage, looking to local weather stations and public stations installed throughout California through the California Irrigation Management Information Systems (CIMIS) weather station network.
• We use tensiometers to measure soil moisture at varying depths.
• Plant stress is also monitored by way of dendrometers.
In Guatemala, 100% of our crops are irrigated with rainwater from May to September. For the remaining months of the year, we use a drip irrigation system. We have also incorporated weather stations, humidity monitoring and automated fertigation systems on our farm to allow more efficient use of water. To mitigate our impact on the local environment, we are developing an action plan to protect the nearby Aguacapa River basin by sourcing water from alternative sources, as required by the Guatemalan Ministry of the Environment.
In Colombia, our partners take advantage of the tropical climate that generates high levels of precipitation and makes irrigating our trees only necessary during the driest times of the year. Our partners also conduct comprehensive analyses on the water, soil, and trees to improve the efficiency of the root system for optimal nutrient and water uptake.
Farms in South Africa operate in a water-scarce environment; therefore, our partners take extra precautions to avoid water waste. Our partners’ advanced water preservation practices are designed to ensure water is used efficiently. In addition, avocados and mangos rank comparatively low when compared to the water footprint of other popular crop and animal commodities. [1]
Water Footprint

Across our global farms, we maintain and care for the biodiversity around us by monitoring plant and animal ecosystems in our fields, training our staff to respect biodiversity, practicing beekeeping to preserve flora, and posting signage in areas we need to protect. We also study soil dynamics to create conditions to spread beneficial fungi and reduce chemical control. This involves mulching, usage of cover crops and drainage systems, and incorporating organic materials to improve soil conditions.
In 2014, we established the Mission Beekeeping Project on our farms in Peru, where we raise and reproduce healthy bees to contribute to the production of our crops. This not only helps prevent any related issues within our fields but also promotes biodiversity and protects the environment. Beekeeping staff are trained in queens rearing, apiculture base, and pollination. In 2014, we began with 300 hives, and as of the end of 2023, we have over 8,000 hives on our farms.
Data on Emissions and Waste
Defining Terms:
• Facilities: Metrics involving all packing and distribution facilities and activities
• On-Farm: Metrics referring to all growing operations, such as on-farm fuel usage, pump electricity, and fertilizer use
• Waste: Units sent to landfills
• Recycling: Refers to units of cardboard, metal, wood, and plastic units sent to recycling centers
We are committed to operating under sound principles of corporate governance. Our corporate governance structure ensures robust Board of Directors oversight and management accountability and facilitates transparency to our stakeholders while promoting good decision-making.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Our corporate compliance and ethics program reflects our conviction that conducting business in compliance with the law and the highest standard of ethics is essential to our company’s success. These principles are embedded in our Code of Ethics and Conduct which applies to all our executive officers, directors, and employees. Our Code of Ethics and Conduct establishes our expectations about the way we conduct business and reinforces our compliance commitment and the responsibility of each employee to ensure our activities fully adhere to legal and policy requirements.
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is made up of a diverse group of highly qualified leaders in their respective fields. Our directors have significant and wide-ranging management experience, and many have extensive farming, agricultural, or food related experience relevant to our industry.
Currently, we have separated the Chairman and CEO roles, and we appointed a lead independent director in 2021 to bolster the independence of the Board. Our Board of Directors believes that this leadership structure provides the appropriate balance of authority and achieves the optimal governance model for the business at this time.
The Board of Directors has three standing committees, all composed entirely of independent directors: the Audit Committee, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, and the Compensation Committee. Each committee fulfills important responsibilities to assist the Board of Directors with their oversight function. Importantly, our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee oversees our sustainability efforts, and our Compensation Committee oversees our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
Board Diversity and Refreshment
The Board of Directors is committed to diversity and the pursuit of board refreshment and balanced tenure. Our Board of Directors has actively focused on refreshing the composition and expertise of the Board of Directors over the last several years to better align with the Company’s status as a public company, to enhance the Board of Directors’ oversight capabilities with respect to our long-term strategy, and to increase the diversity of perspectives, experience, gender, and ethnic representation on the Board of Directors.
Crisis Management & Business Continuity
Mission’s business continuity approach is designed to maintain essential functions in the event of a crisis that causes disruption to the business. Our formal response systems prepare the organization to function during and following identified crises or challenges.
Data and Security
The legal and regulatory environment concerning data and information security continues to evolve rapidly. To meet this challenge, we have established governance measures and a program to protect the personal information of our stakeholders and critical organizational data, as well as ensure compliance with privacy legislation. A combination of appropriate technology, consistent monitoring, incident reporting and response, audit compliance, and user training allows us to protect our systems and data.
We strive to comply with all relevant privacy legislative and regulatory frameworks in the numerous jurisdictions in which we are subject to such obligations. We are also subject to certain laws and regulations applicable to public companies, including those of the Securities and Exchange Commission and NASDAQ.
Our approach to cybersecurity allows us to develop and deploy adaptive, business-enabling security solutions across our assets worldwide. Our cybersecurity program enhances our ability to reach milestones in an efficient and robust manner that aligns with our resource allocation, risk structure, and strategic objectives within the industry.
SASB Index
We are reporting in reference to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) index framework to provide our stakeholders with standardized metrics showing the comprehensive impact of Mission’s sustainability activities. Our primary industry for reporting is Agricultural Products, we also report on select metrics from the Food Retailers & Distributors industry.
Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics
Gross global Scope 1 emissions from refrigerants
Percentage of refrigerants consumed with zero ozone-depleting potential
Gross global Scope 1 emissions
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets
Fleet fuel consumed, percentage renewable
ENERGY MANAGEMENT (1) Operational energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable
Amount of food waste generated, percentage diverted from the waste stream
(1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress
Quantitative Metric tons (t) CO₂-e
Quantitative Percentage (%) by weight
Quantitative Metric tons (t) CO₂-e
Discussion and Analysis
Quantitative Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%)
FB-FR-110b.1 15,250t
FB-FR-110b.2 100%
FB-AG-110a.1 24,150.27
FB-AG-110a.2 See Energy and Emissions
FB-AG-110a.3 122,456.14 GJ, 0%
Quantitative Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%) FB-AG-130a.1 (1)247,539.40 GJ (2) 97.3% (3) 2.7%
Quantitative Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) FB-FR-150a.1 2018.85t, 12%
Quantitative Thousand cubic meters (m³), Percentage (%)
FB-AG-140a.1 Total water withdrawn/ consumed: 56,942,411.57 m3; Percentage of water consumption in regions with high or extremely high baseline water stress: 99%
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quantity and/or quality permits, standards, and regulations
(1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage involving personally identifiable information (PII), (3) number of customers affected
Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks
High-risk food safety violation rate
(1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total amount of food product recalled
Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) audit (1) nonconformance rate and (2) associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor nonconformances
Discussion and Analysis n/a FB-AG-140a.2 See Water Management
Quantitative Number FB-AG-140a.3 0
Quantitative Number, Percentage FB-FR-230a.1 (1) Zero, (2) 0%, (3) Zero
Discussion and Analysis n/a FB-FR-230a.2 See Data and Security
Quantitative Rate FB-FR-250a.1 None
Quantitative Number, metric tons FB-AG-250a.3 Zero recalls of our products
Quantitative Rate FB-AG-250a.1 (1) 2% (2a) 100% (2b) 100%
Percentage of agricultural products sourced from suppliers certified to a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognized food safety certification program
Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labeling and/or marketing codes
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with marketing and/or labeling practices
Quantitative Percentage (%) by cost FB-AG-250a.2 Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Kenya, Morocco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa: 100% GFSI certified Mexico: Historical industry average 1% GFSI certified
Quantitative Number FB-FR-270a.1 Zero
Quantitative Reporting Currency FB-FR-270a.2 Zero
(1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR), (2) fatality rate, and (3) near miss frequency rate (NMFR) for (a) direct employees and (b) seasonal and migrant employees
Quantitative Rate
Percentage of agricultural products sourced that are certified to a third-party environmental and/or social standard
Suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility audit (1) non-conformance rate and (2) associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor non-conformances
Discussion of strategy to manage environmental and social risks within the supply chain, including animal welfare
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging
Discussion of strategy to manage environmental and social risks arising from contract growing and commodity sourcing
Identification of principal crops and description of risks and opportunities presented by climate change
Percentage of agricultural products sourced from regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress
Activity Metrics
Quantitative Percentage (Note: Percentages denote percentage of suppliers, not percentage of fruit)
Quantitative Percentage (Note: Percentages denote percentage of suppliers, not percentage of fruit)
Discussion and Analysis n/a
Discussion and Analysis n/a
Discussion and Analysis n/a
Discussion and Analysis
Quantitative n/a
Percentage (%) by cost
FB-AG-320a.1 North America: *TRIR: 1.79, Fatality: 0, NMFR: 5.59
Mexico: *TRIR: 5.79, Fatality: 0, NMFR: 2.9
Peru: *TRIR: 2.19, Fatality: 0, NMFR: 1.08
Guatemala: *TRIR: 2.04, Fatality: 0, NMFR: 2.72
United Kingdon: *TRIR: 12.99, Fatality: 0, NMFR: 0
*We do not track direct and migrant employees separately. Temporary labor is not accounted for.
FB-AG-430a.1 Copackers – 52% hold a Social or environmental certificate. Mission owned – 100%
Total: 405
Non-conformance (NC): 288
Observations (OB): 79
Good Examples (GE): 38
FB-AG-430a.3 See SMETA Audits section, animal welfare is not applicable.
FB-FR-430a.4 See Packaging
FB-AG-430a.3 See Fair Labor and Planet
FB-AG-440a.2 See Climate Risk Identification 83%
We will not be reporting on the following metrics:
Revenue from products labeled and/or marketed to promote health and nutrition attributes
Discussion of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers
Revenue from products labeled as (1) containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and (2) nonGMO
(1) Average hourly wage and (2) percentage of in-store and distribution center employees earning minimum wage, by region
Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements
(1) Number of work stoppages and (2) total days idle
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with: (1) labor law violations and (2) employment discrimination
Revenue from products third-party certified to environmental or social sustainability sourcing standard
Percentage of revenue from (1) eggs that originated from a cage-free environment and (2) pork produced without the use of gestation crates
Discussion of strategies to manage the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Cost of agricultural products sourced externally
Quantitative FB-FR-260a.1 Not applicable
Discussion and Analysis FB-FR-260a.2 Not applicable
Quantitative FB-FR-270a.3 We do not report this publicly
Quantitative FB-FR-310a.1 We do not report this publicly
Quantitative FB-FR-310a.2 We do not report this publicly
Quantitative FB-FR-310a.3 We do not report this publicly
Quantitative FB-FR-310a.4 We do not report this publicly
Quantitative FB-FR-430a.1 We do not track these amounts
Quantitative FB-FR-430a.2 Not applicable
Discussion and Analysis FB-AG-430b.1 Not applicable
Quantitative FB-AG-000.D We do not report this publicly