eninews winter 14

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We don’t hand out long service awards but perhaps we should. We certainly have some long serving and loyal members of the team; Mandy Saville, Mel Roberts, Jill Cheesman, Ian Mayoh and Hannah Palacio have all been with enitial over 10 years! Tony Spink and Danny Lee have been “sentenced” for over 13 years now and the longest serving member of the team is “lifer” Martin Whiteway with 19 years service.

WORDS OF WISDOM by Richard Firstly we’ll start with an apology – only one issue of eninews in 2014. Our NewYear’s resolution (amongst a few of them!) is to issue our Company Newsletter on a much more frequent basis. 2014 has, as usual, been an extremely busy year. Tendering and quoting new work, setting up new contracts we have won, working to retain existing ones, delivering the challenges of one-off jobs, large and small, responding to short notice requests and issues, sorting out equipment, checking the finances are in tact – it has been a total team effort. The team has grown too – we now have 96 members of enitial (97 if you include Ralph!) plus at least a dozen strategic partners who help us in the business. Seamlessly integrating new people into the enitial team is a challenge in itself. Being efficient and effective as an organisation means we can be successful. If we stick to our three core values – honesty, pride and “can-do” – then we won’t go far wrong.

On a serious note – without your commitment, loyalty and effort the business wouldn’t be what it is today. Thank you! In football parley though – everyone plays their role in the club – players and backroom staff alike – and everyone can influence how we perform day to day…… We do have some former members of enitial who have rejoined us in 2014. Welcome back Lesley Knowles (2000), Karl Middleton (2008) and Mark Chapman (2013). I am sure you have noticed a change or two! As with all businesses we have had a few team members move on to pastures new. Tom Botham – 7 years – Lisa Tanner – 6 years – and Alan Jones – 5 years (he actually retired …again!). We all parted on good terms and as Mark, Karl and Lesley will vouch you just never know……. Looking forward 2015 promises to be another exciting year. We are confident the business will kick on and develop new work and new activities. If we maintain our quality and efficiency and work as a team then I am sure there will be fresh opportunities and challenges for us all. So, on behalf of the Directors, Tina (and Ralph of course) have a Very Merry Christmas and prosperous and healthy New Year.

Don’t you just love a Christmas jumper!

The Employee of the Quarter goes to…….Mark Sco9 Mark has done sterling work over the last year, which for the Viridor team has been a tricky one. We have been retendering the Viridor contract and the team has covered for Alex while she has had some time off. Mark has been pivotal to this, going about his work in a friendly and helpful manner, which has not gone unnoticed by his colleagues. He is always supportive to his colleagues, both in the field and in an office, which certainly helps when work is demanding! He always remains effective and efficient when the pressure is on. “He is an excellent ambassador for the Company” commented a colleague. Viridor ’s team who have direct dealings with Mark are impressed by his professionalism and courtesy. PS……enitial has been awarded a new Monitoring Services contract with Viridor!!


TENDER NEWS STW Chemical Investigation Programme 2 After the very successful completion of the 2009 CIP programme we have competitively been awarded the CIP2 contract for Seven Trent Water. The sampling will be completed over a 54 month period with the analysis being carried out between NLS and i2 laboratories. This is a massive “feather in our cap” as we were up against some very big names in the industry.

Cambridgeshire County Council We have retained the monitoring work for Cambridgeshire County Council for another 2 years. The contract is a relatively small work wise however it is always key to retain work - we must be doing it right !!:-)

NEW* Staffordshire County Council After many years of trying to get work from the County we are based in we have finally been awarded a 10 year contract for the Closed Landfill Management of 10 closed sites.

NEW* Sandwell County Council A 2 year contract for gas monitoring on 3 closed landfill sites in the West Midlands.

Aberdeenshire County Council a landfill gas flare pumping trial up in beautiful Scotland.

COMPANY NEWS Seminar July 2014 Thank you to all who gave feedback after attending the Company seminar back in July. Overall we got some really positive reviews stating that the day was useful and the majority of objectives were met. Constructively critical feedback is always welcomed and we did have a few comments to learn from. All of your comments have been taken into consideration for the next seminar.

One quick reminder following on from the driver training that was undertaken at the seminar -could you all please complete the on-line driver training that Hannah has recently emailed. Please contact Hannah if any problems with completing. RWM Exhibition After a break of 7 years enitial had a stand at the 2014 RWM exhibition.

We focussed on promoting our Solar Pumping Systems to the industry which was really well received and grabbed the attention of the passers by. We also promoted our other core services and are currently following up leads generated over the 3 days. During our time at the exhibition the team were interviewed by various journalists and also managed to secure some features for future publications including a product focus on our Solar Pumps and also a feature on leachate monitoring so keep your eyed peeled in the industry press. The Company on the next stand was promoting Falconry for a solution to pest control on landfill sites and had brought along a selection of birds of prey. As you can imagine they created a lot of attention; love Dan’s selfie with an Owl he doesn't look too happy with you Dan! Solar panel installation April saw the installation of 40 solar panels on the office roof in a bid to offset our carbon emissions and hopefully save a bit of money on our bills! The new Renesola s o l a r p a n e l s have a capacity of 30,000W and an estimated annual output of 25,980kWh, enough to power nearly half a million light bulbs. The CO2 emissions saved by the solar panel system will be around 13,743 kg per year, equivalent to more than the amount of CO2 produced on two return flights from London to Sydney. So far they are really working well and have saved us at least 50% on our monthly electricity bill. Bingo! Hopefully we have another great summer!!

University presentation After the success of the 2013 Aberystwyth University presentation James Cole was invited back for a

second year to talk about his experiences since leaving college and his work with enitial. These sessions have proved to be really successful and have resulted in the employment of Andy Moore, Rob Hayden and Nick Roberts.

Safety committee Our safety committee meets on a quarterly basis and acts as a forum for safety related issues where both field and office based staff have representatives. The aim of the meeting is to discuss safety related issues faced by us across the Company and to work to find solutions. It is also a forum where new ideas such as different types of PPE or training can be discussed. If you have a health and/ or safety related issues or suggestions that you would like to be discussed at the next meeting please speak to one of the field team representatives or Mel or Hannah. The representatives for the field teams are Tony Spink, Abi, Aga, Paul Mullineaux and Danny Lee. Accreditation success We have very recently been awarded with the ISO 18001 accreditation. The standard is designed to clarify an organisation's impact on health and safety issues, as well as help to reduce the risk of accidents and any breach in legal requirements. The most exciting part is that we were awarded the accreditation with no changes to our current health and safety management systems. Well done all involved.

What do the Account Managers do? by Dan Higgins Our Account Managers are made up of Dan Higgins, Paul Sullivan, Sam Dean, Phil Sanders, Ibai Castezubi, Anne Morrison, Colin Pearson, John Freestone, Amanda Morbey and Jill Cheeseman. Th e i r ro l e i s a m i x t u re o f a c c o u n t management as the name suggests but also; business development, marketing, promotion, project management, consultancy and trouble shooting. The account management team works closely with all parts of the business, being both inwardly and outwardly facing. Each AM has a defined list of clients; however the team’s broad base of experience means that they can provide assistance in many areas. The Account Management Team have 7 Defined Personal Objectives: Ensure that the service meets or exceeds the client’s expectations; Ensure that we maximise our sales opportunities with our clients;

Ensure that we make money out of the work that we do; Ensure that we understand our client’s plans for the future; Ensure that we understand our client’s problems; Ensure that every relevant decision maker within our client’s organisations know who we are and what we do. If you are working on a specific site please pick up the phone to the relevant AM if you experience any issues, problems, uncertainties or have ideas relating to your work. Timely communication between the field staff and AMs is vital to ensure the delivery of work to the highest possible enitial standard; don’t wait until you have left site or submit your SMR to report problems. If you can’t reach a specific AM then please feel free to contact me. Over the coming weeks and months I will be encouraging the AM team to be proactive with regard to communicating with the site teams; however staff from all a re a s o f t h e b u s i n e s s s h o u l d f e e l comfortable to contact us at any time.

STAFF MOVEMENTS Well we’ve had a few changes over the past 12 months. Welcoming the newbies…. Aga Szymzakowska Tech-­‐NE Alexandre Cal Hevia Tech-­‐SW Andrew Moore Tech-­‐M Jason Brooks Tech-­‐SE Josh Forster Aftercare Engineer Lesley Knowles , Mark Perry Electrician

Oliver Jarrett Tech-­‐NW Rachel Powis Tech-­‐M Stephen Preston Tech-­‐M Nicholas Roberts Tech-­‐SE Robert Hayden Tech-­‐SE Leo Phillips Site Operative SE Karl Middleton Engineer Russell Bond Tech-­‐SE Mark Chapman Account Manager

Leavers…Good luck guys Alan Jones, Melanie Andrusjak, Siobhan Mullen, Harry Russell, Lisa Tanner, Lee Jenks, Matt Wood, Andy Robinson, Tony Scanlon, Neale Warr, Alistair MacAuley, Tom Botham, Martin Snell and Shaun Grainger

Ensure that we are the first port of call for our clients;

Introduction of the Air Quality Department? Back in January we welcomed Ibai Castezubi to the enitial team to help develop our department. With the help of Dan and newly recruited air technician Rachel, Ibai has been making an impact and bringing the much needed expertise to the business. We are now promoting our air quality services into other industries thanks to the wide service options that we are able to deliver. Moving on from the waste management industry we are now working within the manufacturing sector to provide Stack Emissions and Occupational Hygiene monitoring. We are also starting to have some international impact now with projects planned both in France and in the Czech Republic where our assistance is being required in electroplating processes and MDF plants. As you know we have worked with local authorities for a number of years but we can now offer further services relating to planning applications. We are providing monitoring and advice in relation to Ambient Dust (PM10) and Noise Assessment. We have also increased our capabilities within the waste management industry and on construction sites which include annual Odour Management Plans as well as Bioaerosol surveys. Bioaerosol sampling can be undertaken in ambient air as well as in flues and stacks. A good number of operators have shown concerns about ambient air containing harmful bacteria. In this instance personal bioaerosol monitoring is undertaken to ascertain the safety of the plant personnel which measures the concentration of pathogens that may be inhaled by humans. Finally we are very excited to introduce a new service which provides Biofilter System Assessments, Maintenance and Optimisation. This is a service focused on the Waste Management Industry although it can be applied to any process using biofilters as an emissions abatement option. Biofilter systems are notoriously hard to optimise. Our Monitoring Services and Engineering divisions have come together to offer a service which assesses the actual health of biofilter systems as well as providing a service which will maintain and optimise the efficiency of the whole abatement system. This includes the assessment of the biofilter media, efficiency of dosing and watering systems, emissions testing including odour measurements as well as testing, repairing and replacing other components such us temperature probes, water pumps, air fans, control panels, flow measurement devices, etc. We now have a great partnership with other consultancies which allow us to expand our business further. This also includes the possibility of stack emissions sampling to the requirements of the Environment Agency’s Mcerts scheme. Watch this space we have high hopes with this new initiative.

Contaminated Land Since returning back to HQ from the Olympic Park, Company veteran Phil Sanders has been working really hard in building a contaminated land services department. This has included building some strong working relations with consultants, land developers and geotechnical companies and in recent months has become very busy matching the financial upturn in the construction sector. It isn’t your regular landfill monitoring either, exciting new gas and groundwater sampling techniques have been developed, which hopefully will become more widespread in 2015. We are also widening our abilities in 2015 moving more into remediation and geotechnical aspects of the contaminated land sector. If you want to know more about what we offer in this department please get in touch.

Its all about me…… Our next victim to spill the beans is….. Name:- Kirsty Smith Role:- Admin What was your first job and why did you leave? I got my first cash in hand job was when I was 15 and still at

IDEA OF THE QUARTER Liz Rimmer gets a £20 Pizza Express voucher for sending his great idea on how we can ensure our Lone Worker procedure is followed correctly. Enjoy your pizza Liz Please keep sending your ideas in to your line managers.

school. I was a waitress in a cafe and worked sat and sun, but got the sack after about 4 months due to not turning up one weekend. What do you like about your job?

Young Braves

I enjoy the variety of working with several departments, its something different each

It was a busy summer of festivals - the highlight being the Jamie Oliver Big Festival in August, which is on Blur’s Alex James’ farm in the Cotswolds. They even met Alex in his cheese tent and had their photo taken with him, which they loved. They were also played on Radio 1, on the Huw Stephens show in October, which has to be their biggest achievement to date. A new 4 track EP was out on December 6th (which is available on itunes, etc) Links and details on their Facebook page (facebook.com/Young BravesUK). Their first proper music video was out at the beginning of November with a second one due out in early 2015.

day and the flexibility. Also the people I work with, I have made some great friends and genuinely enjoy coming to work What is your toughest challenge? Trying to find motivation to go to the gym, whilst eating a cake and moaning I can’t lose weight What is your favourite food? Mashed potatoes, apart from pasta it pretty much goes with everything Who is your hero – and why? Eminem. I love everything about him. All his songs are about his life growing up and his own experiences How do you relax? With alcohol. Seriously!! What book was the last you read - was it any good? Jackie Collins THRILL. I am an avid reader of books, mainly horror and thrillers, as long as got a good twist at the end but sometimes I have to throw in a bit more of an easy read to mix it up a bit What is your favourite TV programme? Geordie Shore is my number one programme. I have watched from the very beginning. I love the drama and drunken shenanigans and it is right up my street What is your guiltiest pleasure? I don’t feel guilty about anything that gives me pleasure What would you do if you won the lottery? I’m a home girl at heart, I couldn’t move abroad or away and not see my friends and family on a regular basis…. I would just buy a big house in the posh part of Cannock What is your favourite song? Beyonce and Jay-Z crazy in love. This was number one when my first daughter was born and still a good song to bop away to now If you had a super-power, what would it be and when would you use it? Pause time… every time I forget to do something (I’m just as forgetful outside of work) I would pause time and go back and do what I needed to If you could have a drink with one famous person, who would it be and why? Actor Tom Hardy. I love the films that he does and think he would be really interesting and I can imagine he would have a lot to say…. On the off chance he was boring I could just stare at his lovely face anyway, so it would be all good.

Winners of this years Christmas raffle are: 3 r d Pr i ze - B ott le o f M o et Chandon - Anne Morrison 2nd Prize - Day trip canoeing with Trent Adventure (courtesy of Robin Raine) - Paul Coxon 1st Prize - £200 voucher - Jan Nutting

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