Children in Need Newsletter 2017

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November 2017

Children in Need

Thank you to everyone who got involved and showed your support in raising money for Children in Need!


ovember 17th 2017 marked the official day for Children in Need. Here at enitial we have been showing our support all month with a variety of activities!

Sooooooo... What have we been doing?! Click the image above to see clips from the BBC Children in Need Appeal Show

The One in the Onesie

Selfie with Pudsey

Bake, Rate, Donate

Rubber Duck Sweepstake

“During BBC’s Children in Need show they raised £50.1M!”

What is BBC Children in Need for? BBC Children in Need exists to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. With the vision being that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. Where does the money go? The money raised is used to support projects working with disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. Currently around 2,600 projects that are working with children facing a range of disadvantages are being supported. These include poverty and deprivation; disabled young people and children who have been the victims of abuse or neglect. To see where the money is being spent near you, check out details of grants in your area here.

Results! The One In the Onesie! Your votes resulted in one member of the office staff having to wear the official Pudsey Onesie all day! It was a close call but the results were as follows: Jordan Clarke

Phil Sanders

James Lloyd!

James was a great sport in wearing the onesie all day—I think he secretly really enjoyed it! So much so he told us he likes to wear this at home whilst watching his favourite soaps!

Here he is with a couple of members of his team, Callum and Martin

Rubber Duck Sweepstake

Bake, Rate, Donate!

Entries: 

Suzie Millington: Malteser Traybake & Parkin Cake

Rob Hayden: Brownies

Brandon Morgan: Pudsey Cake

Michelle Keeley: Pudsey Victoria sponge Cupcakes

And the Winner was…...

“During the day we sold cakes, biscuits, sausage rolls, sweets, pop and

much more to raise as much as possible!

Selfies with Pudsey

During November we sent Pudsey out on his Travels! Take a look at where he’s been!

“Yoga Bear”

“Jack Dee hasn’t got a patch on me!”

Where’s Pudsey?


Selfies with Pudsey

Ralph even got his friends involved!

Thank you to everyone who got involved and showed your support in raising money for Children in Need!

We Raised a total of ÂŁ187.12

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