DAE First Year Process Book Part 2

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An antelope was an obvious choice of the animal= I am most like, I have been told many times I am gazelle or antelope like because I am slim and because of how I walk

I focused too much on structure and didn't realise it had to be realistic good lesson for next mask. Nice to start with this one and get to grips with the materials and concept of building an antelope head.

In the end I think our bridge supported 20kg

Through A LOT of model making, sketching and thinking I developed the ideas and designs for this sink.




Very happy my sink is actually built...it was such a long process planning it and it always seemed like a distant dream, but now it actually exists and I am very pleased with it.

The construction took about 7 hours in total, and was great fun, the copper is B E A UTIFUL.

Id like to either attach this sink to a wall or solder on a copper pipe so it can be free standing in a room.

Its even water tight, I accidentally ate quite a bit of silicone whilst smoothing it out between the joints.

The final connection was a bit difficult but with nuts and bolts it was fixed and in the end I quite like the look of them.

Had great fun watching Lock Stock again, and Snatch...one thing lead to another.

I feel this candle stick is a very good refection of the film and it also fitted the brief of costing under 10 euros to produce and taking less than 3 hours to make. I know that my producer was very happy with my drawings and instructions, so I'm pleased thee communication of this project went so well.


This was not the easiest assignment to complete, the drawings were all excellent and the instructions very through. But bloody hell difficult, it took longer than 3hours and I git quite frustrated, especially as I could not hand it in on time because I had an emergency and lost a day of work. But all is well in the end as always, and I knew it would be, I am pleased with the final result and so is my designer YAY.



Like a sponge I feel like I have absorbed a lot from this first trimester, not just from the assignments but also the fact that it has been my first trimester at DAE and first few months living alone in the Netherlands. Great fun. I'm very content here.

Sometimes I feel like I miss things, for example key information somehow seems to surpass me, I hear through students and I suppose that s just the way it goes but it does make me wonder if sometimes I'm a bit oblivions to things. I think my dyslexia can sometimes exhaust me and slow me down as it take me twice as long to process information and this takes a lot of brain power, luckily I I'm in the right school though, and creativity comes easily to me.

The mix of ages and nationalities is the most wonderful thing...as well as living away from the country of my birth and living somewhere entirely new.

hard as I am not always excepted and I cannot always settle but here I have found many more people in the same situations me. I believe that it is also quite telling that people have moved country's to come to this school, we all share that in common, and it says something about our personalities.

Rambling on

Art history has been fabulous, Ilga is a very indigent woman and really knows her stuff. Having had a year of art history last year I was lovely to recap, hear different views and learn new tings.

Performance I was very nervous about, but the key is to just get stuck in, don t change yourself unnecessarily to be this big huger personality and a ball of emotion, just go for it and be happy. I really loved the dancing with blindfolds on, wild and free, with no constraints.

Mask making was my favourite lesson of the week, I think mainly because everyday you come out having created something physical. The experimentation with different materials was wonderful, I have never had a project like this before and it was great fun, I don t think it was too much work you just have to enjoy yourself and plan your time well.

Friday was interesting, I have always been good with technical things and designing but I am quite a free, relaxed organic person and worker so this does not always suit technical drawings and accurate measurement.

I have learnt again and again that I am perfectly capable of fixing my own problems and finding my own solutions, I always appreciate guidance and feedback but its always more valuable to find your own way. I would struggle without feedback as it is valuable and the guidance gives me confidence to move forward. I have certainly learn new and developed old skills which is always great and will do me well in the coming trimesters.

My strengths are: (what are you good at?)

Feeling and seeing. Experimenting. Envisioning. Working with my hands. Developing ideas, sketching.

My motivation is: (why do you do the things you do?)

Because I cant not do it, its what I love to do and what I naturally.

I love knowledge, creativity and information, I want to try things and learn.

These fields of design have my interest and the reasons are:

First thought is that I cant pin point any, I'm not ready to decide.

I tend to redesign or observe the design of everything I see, building, text, imaginary, products, interiors bla bla.

My weaknesses and pitfalls: (when do you feel stuck or get trapped?)

When I hit a problem and don t have confidence in what I'm doing I tend to struggle.

When I am unsure if what I am doing is the right thing to do...but does the right thing really matter?

This I want to improve:( What do you want to work on the coming trimester?)


Being confident in my work!


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