prevencion de caidas

Page 81

Intervenciones para la prevenci贸n de ca铆das en personas de edad avanz...

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1. Rate of falls. 2. Number of people falling.


Flowchart in Figure 1 shows N = 139 randomised with 70 in intervention group, but Table 1 (baseline characteristics) shows N = 138 randomised with 69 in intervention group.

Risk of bias Item

Authors' judgement Description

Adequate sequence Yes generation?

Randomised in blocks of 20, by computer programme.

Allocation concealment?


Randomised independently of the investigators.

Blinding? Falls


Falls reported by participants who were blind to their group allocation (placebo-controlled trial).

Low risk of bias in recall of falls?


Falls recorded in falls diary which was reviewed at follow-up assessment.

Dukas 2004 Methods

RCT. Losses: 57 of 378 (15%).


Setting: community, Basel, Switzerland N = 378. Sample: volunteers recruited from long term cohort study, and newspaper advertisements (52% women). Age: mean 75 (SD 4.2). Inclusion criteria: aged over 70; mobile; independent lifestyle. Exclusion criteria: primary hyperparathyroidism; polyarthritis or inability to walk; calcium supplementation > 500 mg/d; vitamin D intake > 200 IU/day, active kidney stone disease; history of hypercalcuria, cancer or other incurable diseases; dementia, elective surgery planned within next 3 months; severe renal insufficiency; fracture or stroke within last 3 months.


1. Alfacalcidol (Alpha D3 TEVA) 1 mcg per day for 36 weeks. 2. Placebo daily for 36 weeks.


1. Rate of falls. 2. Number of people falling. 3. Number of people with adverse effects. Other outcomes reported but not included in this review.

Notes Risk of bias Item

Authors' judgement


Adequate sequence generation?


Randomised using "numbered containers"; numbered and blinded by independent statistical group.

Allocation concealment?


Numbered and blinded by independent statistical group.

Blinding? Falls


Falls reported by participants who were blind to their group allocation (placebocontrolled trial).

Low risk of bias in Unclear recall of falls?

Questionnaire about incidence of falls at clinic visits (4 weeks, 12 weeks, and every 12 weeks subsequently to 36 weeks). Subjects asked to record falls in a diary and to telephone within 48 hours of a fall.

Elley 2008

22/04/2010 17:42

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