Issu june 20

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Want to Lose Weight Like A Caveman? And, as if good health weren't enough, they also say that if you eat following the Paleo Diet Plan - that you'll also lose weight. Sounds like the classic "win-win" situation, doesn't it? But does the Paleo diet, and it's weight loss claims stand up to the light of day?Is it truly safe? or just another "flavor of the month" diet fad? Initally, it doesn't seem that the ingredients in the Caveman Diet could be harmful to health Also on the forbidden list are vegetable seed oils,soy and grains. This means that bread lovers who want to "Go Paleo" will have to adjust to breads made from nut flours. Almond flour, being one obvious example. The Paleo Diet, is also known as the "Caveman diet" because it references the period in pre-history before farming. Which meant that primitive man - the caveman could only eat what nature provided. Fruits, nuts, berries, and whatever small animals he could kill. Equally un-suprising is the avalanche of Paleo Recipe books.You have only to go to any health related website or bookstore to be amazed by how many variations on the Paleo theme are available. The attraction of the Caveman diet, with it's inherent "easy weight loss" properties is obvious in a World where even the super models we gaze at in awe, feel they need to "slim down." I'm sure you'll agree that in our modern world, with it's "must be slim" paranoia, there's no shortage of pills, potions, and Miracle Diets vying for our attention and our wallets. Sadly, many of these, owing to their ingredients,are, in reality, actually detrimental to our health. But the Paleo Diet, with it's natural preservative free ingredients and additional easy weight loss properties, cannot be faulted. After all, it has a perfect track record of 10,000 years. How many other diets can say that?

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