How to Find a Good Criminal Defense Lawyer

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It is against the law to possess and distribute controlled substances, such as narcotics, in the majority of states. Typically, medications that you have in your possession but do not have a prescription for are considered controlled substances. I am aware of someone who had prescription medicines in their car when they were pulled over and charged with abuse of a restricted substance. Before the charges were even dropped, the police officer required them to appear in court and demonstrate that they had a prescription.

You may be charged with a wide range of offenses if you possess narcotics. Some of the less serious offenses will come with a minor fee and community service requirements. You can end up spending the rest of your life in prison if you are found guilty of some of the more serious offenses, like producing and distributing illegal narcotics.

Possession of marijuana and other smaller amounts of prohibited narcotics is typically regarded as a misdemeanor. Possession of meth or cocaine is typically considered a felony. The charges in your case are far worse when they are felonies. You should get the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you are facing felony charges.

Because the stakes in most drug charge cases are so high, you need to make sure that you have an effective Boise criminal defense lawyer on your side. A qualified criminal defense lawyer will consider a problem from a variety of angles. They will assist you in developing a plan of action to defend yourself in court, hopefully leading to the dismissal or at least a major reduction of the charges. The likelihood that the case will be able to proceed through court and whether or not they can demonstrate reasonable doubt are some crucial aspects to take into account in a drug case.

Having legal representation makes it easier to uphold your right to remain silent and ensures that you are not subjected to harassment by law authorities. The majority of the time, you can call a criminal defense solicitor and speak with them over the phone for free during your initial consultation. This is a terrific idea because it will enable you to learn more about the solicitor and determine whether you want them to represent you in court. You need a competent criminal defense lawyer to help you win your case if you reside in Boise.

Minert Law Office

6126 West State Street, Boise, Idaho, 83703 208-991-3394

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