5 Remarkable Domestic Violence Facts

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5 Remarkable Domestic Violence Facts


Domestic violence affects a significant number of people

Domestic violence can take many forms


Domestic violence can happen to anyone

Domestic violence can have severe consequences

Domestic violence is preventable Contact US


If you are facing criminal charges, divorce or child custody and child support challenges, or need a will, trust, or domestic violence attorney in Boise or the surrounding areas, you can find the experienced legal representation you require at Minert Law Office. Attorney Steve Minert works diligently to provide a vigorous defense on behalf of adults and juveniles facing criminal charges.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1 in 3 women worldwide experience physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner or sexual violence by a nonpartner at some point in their lives. In the United States, an average of 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner every minute.

Domestic violence affects a significant number of people:

Domestic violence can take many forms:

Domestic violence is not just limited to physical violence, but can also include emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual violence, and psychological abuse. These different types of abuse can have long-lasting effects on the victims, even after the violence has stopped.

Domestic violence can happen to anyone:

Domestic violence affects people of all ages, races, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is not limited to one particular group of people or community.

Domestic violence can have severe consequences:

Domestic violence can result in physical injuries, emotional trauma, and in severe cases, death. It can also have longterm effects on the victim's mental and physical health, as well as their ability to function in their daily lives.

Domestic violence is preventable:

There are steps that individuals, communities, and society as a whole can take to prevent domestic violence. This includes promoting healthy relationships, providing support and resources to victims, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. Education and awareness are also key in preventing domestic violence.

Address : 6126 West State Street Boise, Idaho 83703 Email : steve@minertlawoffice.com Phone : 208-991-3394 Website: www.minertlawoffice.com

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