Milwaukee Art Museum 2020 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2020

cover Katharina Grosse, Untitled, 2019. Photo courtesy Gagosian Gallery. © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Full credit on page 34. Unless otherwise noted, photographs of exhibitions and works in the collection are by John R. Glembin. Unless otherwise noted, photographs of the visitor experience are by Matt Haas.




Board of Trustees


President’s Report


Director’s Report


The Numbers: A Snapshot


Year in Review

Strategic Direction The Pivot to Online The Museum Reopens


24 Exhibitions 30









Docents and Volunteers




Financial Report


34 Milwaukee Art Museum 700 North Art Museum Drive Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-224-3200

above Sky Hopinka, Still from Fainting Spells, 2018. Photo courtesy Green Gallery, Milwaukee, WI. Full credit on page 53.


Board of Trustees and Standing Committees Through August 31, 2020


P. Michael Mahoney

Joel Quadracci

Justin L. Mortara, PhD


Joanne Murphy

Donald W. Layden Jr.

Andy Nunemaker

Chairman Alex Kramer

Jill Pelisek Anthony J. Petullo


Sande Robinson

Donald W. Baumgartner

Suzanne L. Selig

Donna Baumgartner

Roger S. Smith

Richard Buchband


Christine Symchych

Joe Gromacki


W. Kent Velde

William Haack

Dan Wilhelms

Carmen Haberman

Jeff Yabuki

Ronald Joelson

Kathleen Saito Yuille

Alex Kramer

Secretary Kathy Thornton-Bias

Deborah Attanasio Donna Baumgartner Wendy W. Blumenthal Randy Bryant Richard Buchband Angela Johnson Colbert Peter Damsgaard Philip B. Flynn Alexander P. Fraser

Sarah Zimmerman

Sheldon B. Lubar

Donald Baumgartner

Suzanne L. Selig

Sheldon B. Lubar

Kathy Thornton-Bias

Betty Ewens Quadracci*

W. Kent Velde

Michelle Grabner Joe Gromacki

Marcelia Nicholson

William Haack Carmen Haberman Claire H. Hackmann Ronald Joelson Stephen Johnson Brian Kennedy Anthony Krausen Raymond R. Krueger Gail Lione Joan Lubar Marianne Lubar


Marianne Lubar



Ellen Glaisner

Donald W. Layden Jr.


Jeffrey Yabuki Staff: Marcelle Polednik ACQUISITIONS AND COLLECTIONS COMMITTEE Marianne Lubar Chair Donald W. Baumgartner Marilyn Bradley Andrea B. Bryant Stephen Einhorn Michelle Grabner Joe Gromacki Anthony Krausen Donald W. Layden Jr.

Wayne R. Lueders


Andy Nunemaker

Sarah Zimmerman


Anthony J. Petullo


Grace Gnorski

Richard R. Pieper

Kellen Abston


Sande Robinson

Maribeth Achterberg

Maribeth Achterberg

Reva Shovers

Julie Ashlock

Deborah Attanasio

Christine Symchych

Ian Bautista

Lori Bechthold

Robert A. Wagner

Antoine Carter

Laci Coppins

Arthur J. Laskin*

Cherrie Hanson

Jodi Eastberg, PhD


Tamara Lynette Hogan

Greg Frederick

Staff: Marcelle Polednik,

Reggie Jackson

Tara Geiter-Kereven

Margaret Andera

Pardeep Singh Kaleka

Ellen Glaisner

Fran Kaplan

Claire H. Hackmann

Juli Kaufmann

Sarah Jerome

Erick Ledesma

Lynda Kohler

Jacobo Lovo

Janet Matthews

Samantha Maldonado

Christopher McIntyre

Marcelia Nicholson

Phillip Naylor

Octavia Parker

Sue Nelson

AUDIT COMMITTEE Brian Kennedy Chair Richard Buchband Alex Kramer Donald W. Layden Jr. Sheldon B. Lubar

Sande Robinson

Marcelia Nicholson

Staff: Marcelle Polednik,

Chris Rowland

Cara Ogburn

Alissa Karl

Dominique Samari

Jill G. Pelisek

Tanekeya Word

Karen Petric

Staff: Brigid Globensky,

Elizabeth Rex

Marcelle Polednik

Marisa Riepenhoff Lydia Smith Fidel Verdin Staff: Brigid Globensky





Peter Damsgaard

Richard Buchband



Jim Hayes

John (Jeb) Bentley

Ryan Marks

Richard J. Glaisner

W. Kent Velde

Doug Gray

Staff: Marcelle Polednik,

Ron Joelson

Dan Somers

Dale Kent


Raymond R. Krueger Donald W. Layden Jr.

Kathy Thornton-Bias

P. Michael Mahoney


W. Kent Velde

Donald W. Baumgartner

Staff: Marcelle Polednik,

Richard Buchband

Alissa Karl

Richard J. Glaisner Alex Kramer


Raymond R. Krueger

Alex Kramer

Donald W. Layden Jr.


P. Michael Mahoney

Donald W. Baumgartner

Joel Quadracci

Donna Baumgartner

Judson M. Snyder

Angela Colbert

Christine Symchych

Alec Fraser

W. Kent Velde

Bill Haack

Staff: Marcelle Polednik,

Donald W. Layden Jr.

Alissa Karl, Abby Ashley

Gail A. Lione

William Haack

Marianne Lubar Andy Nunemaker Joel Quadracci Sarah Zimmerman Staff: Marcelle Polednik



President’s Report

The President’s Report customarily begins with a general statement, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Milwaukee Art Museum, about the institution’s financial position at the end of the fiscal year. Had life with COVID-19 not happened, the twelve months covered by this report (September 1, 2019–August 31, 2020) would have had the Museum in a position of fiscal strength, debt free and with a healthy operating reserve. Unfortunately, COVID-19 did happen, and as this report makes plain, the pandemic significantly affected Museum operations and, in turn, its fiscal position. We have a long road of recovery ahead. Yet despite the pandemic, the Museum did reach several important milestones, many of which were established in real time as circumstances changed. Marcelle Polednik’s Director’s Report and the Year in Review cover these successes, which align with the objectives of the Strategic Direction. I am pleased to share that the necessary renovation work throughout the Quadracci Pavilion that began at the start of the year was able to continue and was completed. The marble floors in Windhover Hall and the wood floors in the Baker/Rowland Galleries were refinished, and one of the hydraulic cylinders that helps operate the Burke Brise Soleil (“wings”) was repaired. You could say that one unexpected upside to the Museum closing was that work went on without disrupting the visitor experience. But I say this in jest. These maintenance projects were made


possible thanks to Donna and Donald Baumgartner and the Windhover Foundation. Staff, suddenly working from home, were also little inconvenienced by the work being done throughout the building. The Information Systems Department made the staff’s transition to their new working situation as seamless as possible, providing the tools, upgrades, and other resources needed to access files remotely, attend meetings virtually, and otherwise conduct work. Lastly, the tireless efforts of the finance team were instrumental in the Museum securing Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding through the CARES Act. This early lifeline made it possible for the Museum to keep all of its staff on payroll for an extended period. While later furloughs were unavoidable, doing what it could for staff was an immediate priority of the Museum’s. We can all take great pride in how every corner of the Museum community rallied together and kept art and each other in focus. My heartfelt thank you to you all.

Joel Quadracci President, Board of Trustees


Director’s Report

Dear Donors, Members, and Friends of the Museum: The Museum entered fiscal year 2020 with a keen eye to the future. The board approved a new Strategic Direction, the institution was on solid financial footing, and the Museum had organized several exciting exhibitions. The Democratic National Convention was coming in July, and the Museum, along with the rest of Milwaukee, was preparing to welcome the thousands of additional visitors expected. Then March arrived, and the virus we had been hearing about since January was here. The twelve months of this fiscal year tell a tale of two realities, with the latter six months unmistakably overshadowing the first. As such, the pandemic looms large throughout these pages: the Museum had fewer acquisitions, all on-site events and programs were canceled, and many exhibitions were delayed by months if not years. Each time we had to change our plans due to new circumstances, I was reminded of a quote from Winston Churchill: “It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.” As an institution, we pivoted and persevered. The Year in Review provides a snapshot of our successes. And as civil unrest highlighted for us all the need to recommit to the Strategic Direction and its central emphasis on the needs of our community, we doubled down on moving forward with the work outlined therein.

above Front Room Studios/Milwaukee Art Museum


It seems impossible to overstate the personal impacts that the pandemic has had on each one of us. The Museum worked hard to support the safety and well-being of its staff, many of whom worked from home while also caring for children and loved ones. Staff experienced many changes throughout the year, including performing jobs virtually, adopting new procedures for working on-site, dealing with furloughs, deciding whether to unionize, and taking on new responsibilities during a time of economic hardship for the Museum. The past year has altered our lives in countless ways, and I am incredibly proud of our staff, trustees, docents, and volunteers for ensuring our visitors had continuous opportunities to connect with art and each other regardless of the circumstances. And I am immensely grateful to our Members, donors, partners, and community members for their commitment to art and the Museum and the vital role they play in our Milwaukee community.

Thank you,

Marcelle Polednik, PhD Donna and Donald Baumgartner Director


The Numbers: A Snapshot March 15–August 31, 2020*

Programs and Outreach 145,936

people visited the museum online to access and participate in programs and offerings, including: • Art in Bloom • Kohl’s Art Generation Family Sundays • Lakefront Festival of Art • Yoga at MAM

• Camps on Google Classroom

• MAM After Dark

• Podcasts and Audio Guides

• 360-Degree Gallery Tours

• Articles and Activities on the Blog

• Kohl’s Studio at Home Activities


art kits distributed to area familes

Press Coverage 52

mentions of the museum’s virtual content across local and national outlets, including: Commonstate

Milwaukee Magazine

El Conquistador

Travel Wisconsin


Urban Milwaukee

Leisure Group Travel

Wisconsin Public Radio

Midwest Living


Milwaukee Business Journal


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel *This period covers from when the Museum first closed due to COVID-19 to the end of the fiscal year, by which time the Museum had been open for six weeks (July 16–August 31), with reduced hours (Thursday–Sunday) and strict capacity limits.




The Year in Review

Fiscal year 2020 was unlike any other. The COVID-19 pandemic derailed life across the world. Stay-at-home orders were implemented, the wearing of masks was mandated, and many businesses were shuttered for long periods, if not permanently. Millions of people died. Civil unrest, in response to the killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Joel Acevedo, among too many others, at the hands of police, brought renewed attention to another public health crisis: systemic racism. “Normal” life as the world understood it would not soon return—and, indeed, we knew that it shouldn’t, that change needed to happen. The Milwaukee Art Museum, put to the test like never before, pivoted. Milwaukee’s art museum had to not only help keep its visitors and staff safe from an invisible virus, but also address the inequalities in its own house and its relationship with the community. Fortunately, the Museum already had a guide, a Strategic Direction the Board of Trustees had just approved in October 2019 that mandated a commitment to the community—to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion—and to ensuring that everyone feels welcome and can see themselves at the Museum. A summary of this year we will not soon forget follows. left Face coverings became part of the Museum’s safety protocols amid COVID-19 to help support a safe and healthy environment for both visitors and staff. above MKE Unite invited hundreds of Milwaukeans to gather at the Museum to chalk messages of unity and support for Black Lives Matter. Photo by Matt Schultz of Inflight Drone


Strategic Direction

The Strategic Direction was born out of more than a year of Museum staff, board members, and volunteers asking the hard questions, consulting with peer institutions and local communities, and studying today’s evolving landscape to shape a framework for the Museum moving forward. The finding: Not everyone feels welcome at the Museum. The Museum determined that it needs to be more intentional in how it invites and welcomes the residents of the city, the region, and the world. A quote by the Trappist monk Thomas Merton was a beacon throughout this process: “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” The Museum has always collected and shared art with the people of Milwaukee. But it now committed to taking bold steps to further extend its welcome mat, presenting art as a way for all individuals to better understand themselves, each other, and our world. It would reach a diverse audience across Milwaukee and beyond, meeting people where they are and offering various access points for engagement with the Museum. The charge: Place community at the center of all we do. To accomplish the vision laid out for the future in the Strategic Direction, the Museum will leverage its history, build on its strengths, and implement the following strategic pillars: •

Art Relevant to Our Community

Robust Community Programming

Expansive Hospitality

Impact Aligned with Financial Strength and Discipline

Almost immediately upon the adoption of the Strategic Direction, the search for a Curator of Community Dialogue, who would lead the Museum’s community engagement initiatives and strengthen local relationships, was set underway. But this was just the beginning. A Community Task Force, with members from philanthropic, corporate, religious, civic, and community organizations throughout Milwaukee, was formed to help ensure a continued dialogue and the establishment of more authentic, intentional, and committed partnerships. The Museum also started work on developing an overall diversity plan for staff, volunteers, board members, and all others engaged with the Museum. Regular diversity-training sessions were implemented and staff were called on to prepare their own DEAI (diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion) goals.


The Museum’s artistic program was also reimagined, implementing the Museum Acquisition, Integration, and Activation Plan (MAIA) to streamline communications around objects in the collection, as well as a mandate to foreground underrepresented artists across history, including women and people of color. The Listening Lab was developed as an integral part of this effort. The lab, a destination embedded within the Museum galleries, was a physical site (later moved to online amid COVID-19) of exchange between visitors and the Museum’s curatorial and marketing teams. The lab allows the Museum team to test ideas related to collection presentation and interpretation and get feedback from visitors about their efficacy, the level of interest, and what alternatives or iterations are most compelling. Behind the scenes, in support of all these efforts, the Museum launched a Knowledge Management Infrastructure (KMI) project in 2019 to increase its capacity to make art information more relevant and accessible to the public. In partnership with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Museum invested significant resources in conducting peer research and a thorough audit of our data-management processes and organizational structures. An internal cross-department team totaling nine workgroups led the process. Important discoveries made during the initial phase of the project fueled the Museum’s Strategic Direction and laid the groundwork for an action plan to establish a robust knowledge-management culture within and beyond our walls.

Community Task Force Sarah Zimmerman, Chair

Reggie Jackson

Octavia Parker

Kellen Abston

Pardeep Singh Kaleka

Sande Robinson

Maribeth Achterberg

Fran Kaplan

Chris Rowland

Julie Ashlock

Juli Kaufmann

Lydia Smith

Ian Bautista

Ck Ledesma

Cherrie Hanson

Antoine Carter

Jacobo Lovo

Tanekeya Word

Tamara Hogan

Marcelia Nicholson


The Pivot to Online

“Prepare for a global health emergency” was not among the four pillars the Museum established in its Strategic Direction. But the situation did prove the Museum’s ability to be responsive and nimble during rapidly changing times. Shortly after closing the Museum for the first time, on March 15, we increased from monthly to semimonthly the Member email newsletter Member Insights, launched in February, to ensure Members remained informed, especially about all the new content available on the website. Staff quickly worked to keep visitors, families, and its Members engaged with art and connected to their Museum by developing at-home studio activities and creating interactive 360-degree gallery tours. The Member magazine went entirely digital, and programs were transitioned to online. Even the popular, large-scale community-gathering events Art in Bloom and Lakefront Festival of Art held in April and June, respectively, were celebrated online; each had its own robust webpage, complete with virtual workshops, shopping opportunities, and more. From March 15 to August 31, 2020, more than 145,000 people went online to take part in these digital offerings, and the Museum was featured in Forbes, in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and on FOX 6 Milwaukee, among other media outlets, for its prompt rollout of its page. Education staff became instant video producers, transitioning Story Time in the Galleries, Play Date with Art, Kohl’s Family Sundays, and Kohl’s Studio activities to online. The Museum Moments activities designed to stimulate the growing brain of children ages 5 and under were expanded and made available for download and in Spanish. And because not everyone has access to what they need to participate in the art-making activities being offered, the Museum provided art kits to partners such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, Imagine MKE, and Walker’s Point Center for the Arts for distribution to area families. The Satellite Teen Interns, from fifteen different schools, spent three of their four months in the program gathered on Zoom, creating robust content for the Museum’s first Virtual Teen Night. Their presentations were later shared on the Museum’s social media channels, bringing fresh—young!— voices to works of art in the collection. The curators launched series on the blog and social media to ensure continued connection to the works in the collection. The Collection Reflection video series on the blog examined the still-life across genres, mediums, and time periods. On social media were two weekly series: Collection Rotation, an associative tour through the collection inspired by the game cadavre exquis, or exquisite corpse, and AAAA, which marked the thirtieth anniversary of the African American Art Alliance support group by highlighting important works and events the group made possible. Resources were also immediately directed toward bringing the experience of visiting the galleries and exhibitions themselves online. The 19th-Century European Academic Paintings and 18th-



above Detail from the 360-degree virtual tour of the 19th-Century European Academic Paintings gallery. right A page from the Museum’s blog, featuring a video from the curators’ Collection Reflection series. Stock image is courtesy Unsplash/Raj Rana. previous page Video still from the Play Date with Art at Home program. Stock image courtesy Pexels/August de Richelieu

Century French galleries; The Bauhaus, László Moholy-Nagy, and Milwaukee rotation; and Byrdcliffe: Creativity and Creation exhibition were all made available through interactive, 360-degree tours. Providing resources for teachers thrust into a new world of online teaching became a high priority. The Museum’s Look, Write, See book, for example, which uses works in the collection to inspire writing, was made available for free on the Museum’s teacher resources website. And the Junior Docent School Program had its first online graduation in June, with students from St. Robert School presenting their works of art and aesthetic responses virtually. This was quite a different experience from the one captured at the start of the fiscal year in a PBS Arts Page special about the Junior Docent School Program, which followed students from ALBA elementary school through their graduation—in the galleries. The Museum’s 150 volunteer docents were also determined to carry on. Working closely with staff, they focused on using their time at home to increase their knowledge of art and to begin preparing for the different student body they will welcome back to the Museum post-pandemic. The takeaway: The pandemic fast-tracked the Museum’s efforts to have a more robust digital presence, and even once on-site activities are able to resume, these efforts will continue.



The Museum Reopens

“I wasn't prepared for the tears. . . . And I was grateful that the guards and staff who witnessed my puddles in every room were gracious and kind.”

“The Milwaukee Art Museum did a fantastic job opening up to the public the last few weeks. I felt safe, protected, and entertained.”

The Museum reopened to the public on July 16, 2020. The protocols the Museum spent three months preparing were first put to the test during a four-day trial period, July 9–12. Staff, Members, volunteers, and others were invited to visit and provide feedback on their experience. A Reopening Task Force of twenty-one staff members, in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team and board, had led the charge of planning exactly what a museum open in the time of COVID-19 would look like. Following the guidelines and recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the task force developed a Return to Work Playbook for staff and a Code of Conduct for visitors, and otherwise tried to anticipate every need to help promote a safe and healthy environment for everyone amid a pandemic.


“The intentionality and quality of each level of experience (e.g., signage to staff communication) was excellent. . . . With a medically complex child, this opened an avenue for being in the community together that we haven't had for months. I can't say thank you enough.”

“The visit brought joy to my day that I am most thankful for. Saw parts of the Collection I have never really spent time with. . . . Thank for the work and planning to make this happen.”

Over 23,000 individuals visited the Museum from July 16 through November 18, 2020 (this span includes a few months of fiscal year 2021 to account for the entire time the Museum was first open). One Member, similar to the other visitors who are quoted here, referred to the Museum’s reopening as a “miracle” for her and her family. Reopening was divided into phases. For the first month, admission to the Museum was free for all, thanks to the incredibly generous support of The Krei Family in Memory of Melinda. The Museum was open only Thursday through Sunday and ticketing moved online, allowing for touchless transactions and the ability to monitor capacity within the Museum’s significantly smaller footprint: only the first floor of the collection galleries was open, with a dedicated pathway. A number of objects from other galleries in the Museum were interwoven into the first floor, including visitor favorites from the Bradley Collection of Modern Art, prints, drawings, and photographs. The Baker/Rowland Galleries and the Museum Store in the Quadracci Pavilion remained closed, though the store had a small pop-up location within Windhover Hall. Deep cleaning, hand-sanitizing stations, new tap-and-pull bathroom door handles, and face coverings were among the new protocols. The Code of Conduct was an “I agree to remember the basics” to help protect everyone in our community—wear a mask, sanitize my hands, mind the signs—that all visitors had to agree to before advancing to purchase their tickets. Signage reminded visitors to keep a safe social distance and to be kind. The Museum’s proactive COVID-19 safety protocols were successful. There were no reported occurrences of a positive infection by staff nor by visitors as a result of working or visiting our campus.


“The staff were wonderful, and it was just lovely to have [a] day of semi normalcy in these challenging times.”

The Connection That Art Provides Amid this unprecedented year, marked by isolation, disruption, uncertainty, and, yes, fear, art helped keep us all human—and connected. Art students from Zion Lutheran School chalked everyone’s favorite dog and one of the most beloved pieces at the Museum, Sunny #4, on sidewalks, bringing a smile to their communities and passersby. And in the summer, the Museum was honored when MKE Unite and hundreds of Milwaukeans gathered at the Museum and filled Art Museum Drive with messages of unity and support for Black Lives Matter and the racial reckoning sweeping the world (see page 13). Fiscal year 2020 was a reminder that art is important, and we are so grateful to our donors and our community for their flexibility and continued support.



Exhibitions Exhibitions are organized by the Milwaukee Art Museum unless otherwise noted.


A Modern Vision: European Masterworks from The Phillips Collection Nov 15, 2019–March 22, 2020 (closed March 14, due to COVID-19) Organized by The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC. Coordinated at the Museum by Tanya Paul, Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art A Modern Vision presented 50 paintings by towering figures of European modernism as it explored the vision and influence of collector Duncan Phillips. The exhibition was supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities. Program Highlights Collector Spotlight Podcast: Peg Bradley and the Bradley Collection, telling the story behind the Milwaukee Art Museum’s modern art collection. Produced by House of Who Lecture: In Dazzling Light: Bonnard’s Radiant Mediterranean Paintings, with Dita Amory, Curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sponsored by: Milwaukee Art Museum’s Fine Arts Society Presenting Sponsor: Johnson Financial Group Leadership Sponsor: Wendy Sleight Supporting Sponsors: Kenneth R. Treis and Four-Four Foundation Contributing Sponsors: Suzy B. Ettinger Foundation and Sotheby’s Carpets courtesy of Orley Shabahang



Landfall Press: Five Decades of Printmaking Oct 3, 2019–Feb 9, 2020 Curated by Jack Lemon, Thomas Cvikota, and Nikki Otten, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings Landfall Press: Five Decades of Printmaking celebrated the history and innovation behind one of America’s most renowned printers-publishers on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary year. The exhibition featured approximately 100 editioned prints from the Museum’s Landfall Press Archive and related printmaking materials. Program Highlights Panel Discussion, with Jack Lemon, founder of Landfall Press; Thomas Cvikota, guest curator and author of Landfall Press: Five Decades; and artists Lesley Dill, James Drake, and Peregrine Honig. Support provided by: IFPDA Foundation, Milwaukee Art Museum’s Contemporary Art Society, Association of Print Scholars Sponsors: Milwaukee Art Museum’s Print Forum and Russ Jankowski

All exhibitions, and the programs that connect the exhibitions to the community, are made possible thanks to the generosity and vision of the Visionaries—the leading philanthropic circle of the Milwaukee Art Museum that supports the artistic accomplishments of the Museum through its annual sponsorship. The Visionaries offered critical leadership as it became necessary to close exhibitions early or reschedule them, and made it possible for work already in process on major upcoming exhibitions to continue. Museum Visionaries: Debbie and Mark Attanasio

Joel and Caran Quadracci

Donna and Donald Baumgartner

Sue and Bud Selig

John and Murph Burke

Jeff Yabuki and the Yabuki Family Foundation

Sheldon and Marianne Lubar



Four Seasons of American Landscapes Aug 16, 2019–Jan 12, 2020 Curated by Brandon Ruud, Abert Family Curator of American Art Four Seasons featured a selection of landscape paintings and prints from the Museum’s and local private collections to explore how artists have depicted the different seasons—and how people have altered the environment. Byrdcliffe: Creativity and Creation Layton Art Collection Focus Exhibition Jan 24–June 21, 2020 (closed March 14, due to COVID-19) Curated by Brandon Ruud, Abert Family Curator of American Art Byrdcliffe traced the creative process behind many of the Arts and Crafts colony’s designs through drawings, ceramics, and furniture drawn from the Layton Art Collection and local private collections. Supporting Sponsors: Barbara Nitchie Fuldner and Layton Art Collection, Inc.


Experimental Ink: Nineteenth-Century French Prints from the Hockerman Collection Nov 22, 2019–March 29, 2020 (closed March 14, due to COVID-19) Curated by Nikki Otten, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings Experimental Ink featured twenty-five prints drawn from a group of works that local collector Ethel K. Hockerman and her charitable trust donated to the Museum over thirty years. The exhibition highlighted artists such as Félix-Hilaire Buhot, Eugène Delacroix, and Félix Vallotton whose extensive experimentation was central to printmaking during this era.



Portrait of Milwaukee Sept 6, 2019–March 1, 2020 Curated by Ariel Pate, Assistant Curator of Photography Portrait of Milwaukee revealed a deep connection between the city and its residents, showing through photographs the neighborhoods, small businesses, industry and architecture, and diverse people who helped make Milwaukee what it is today. The exhibition highlighted the city’s twentieth-century history, with photographs drawn from the Museum’s collection and local collections. Program Highlights Haberman Local Luminaries (gallery talk), featuring Clayborn Benson, founding director of the Wisconsin Black Historical Society/Museum; the co-authors of Brick Through the Window: An Oral History of Punk Rock, New Wave and Noise in Milwaukee, 1964–1984; Margaret (Peggy) Rozga, Wisconsin Poet Laureate; and Mo Zell, Chair of the Department of Architecture, UWMilwaukee Living Library with Ex Fabula: Workshops and Storytelling Event, exploring how the photographs in the exhibition reflect Milwaukee and its community Presenting Sponsor: Johnson Financial Group Media sponsor: OnMilwaukee Exhibitions in the Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts sponsored by: Herzfeld Foundation and Madeleine and David Lubar


James Benning and Sharon Lockhart: Over Time Sept 6, 2019–March 1, 2020 Curated by Lisa Sutcliffe, Herzfeld Curator of Photography and Media Arts Separated by a generation, American artists James Benning (b. 1942), a Milwaukee native, and Sharon Lockhart (b. 1964) often cite each other’s films as an influence on their own work. This exhibition, the first of a series of two distinct chapters, presented films, videos, photographs, and other objects that create an extended portrait of place and revealed connection points between their practices. Program Highlights In Conversation: James Benning and Sharon Lockhart Supporting Sponsors: Christine A. Symchych & James P. McNulty Exhibitions in the Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts sponsored by: Herzfeld Foundation and Madeleine and David Lubar


Bouguereau & America San Diego Museum of Art Nov 19, 2019–March 15, 2020 (closed March 13, due to COVID-19)


Wisconsin Women Artists Central Library Art Gallery, Milwaukee Public Library

Milwaukee Scenes Central Library Art Gallery, Milwaukee Public Library

Sept 15, 2016–Jan 12, 2020

Jan 28, 2020–ongoing

above Robert Indiana, The American LOVE, 1966–99. Gift of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, M2018.271. Event photography by Front Room Studios.


Robert Indiana’s iconic The American LOVE Sept 5, 2019 Community Celebration Sponsor: Milwaukee Art Museum’s Friends of Art

Program Highlights Lecture, with Joe Martin Lin-Hill, deputy director of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Sponsored by: Milwaukee Art Museum’s Contemporary Art Society



Scandinavian Design and the United States, 1890–1980 Bobbye Tigerman, Marilyn B. and Calvin B. Gross Curator, Decorative Arts and Design, Los Angeles County Museum of Art Monica Obniski, Demmer Curator of 20th- and 21st-Century Design, Milwaukee Art Museum With contributions by Glenn Adamson, Arndís Árnadóttir, Charlotte Ashby, Graham Boettcher, Danielle Charlap, Kjetil Fallan, Diana Jocelyn Greenwold, Denise Hagströmer, Helena Kåberg, Alexandra Lange, Cara McCarty, Monica Penick, Hannah Pivo, Rosanne Somerson, and Erica Warren Foreword by: Michael Govan and Marcelle Polednik Edited by: Sara Cody, with Jean Patterson Designed by: Lorraine Wild and Xiaoqing Wang for Green Dragon Office Published by: Prestel with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Hardcover, 336 pages, May 2020 This catalogue examines design exchanges between the United States and Scandinavia over nearly a century and explores why Scandinavian design has continued to resonate with Americans. Produced to accompany the exhibition of the same name, which will open at the Museum (owing to COVID-19–related rescheduling) in 2023, this catalogue shows how Nordic ideas about modern design and the objects themselves had an indelible impact on American culture and material life, while also considering America’s influence on Scandinavian design. America’s little-known “Viking Revival” style and the work of Howard Smith, an African American artist who immigrated to Finland in the 1960s, are among the topics that accompany familiar material such as Danish furniture and Swedish glass.



Loans Listed chronologically by date of loan.

Marsden Hartley Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark Sept 19, 2019–Jan 19, 2020

Art and Race Matters: The Career of Robert Colescott Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH Sept 20, 2019–Jan 12, 2020

Marsden Hartley Northern Seascape, Off the Banks, 1936–37 Oil on cardboard M1954.4

With subsequent travel to the Portland Art Museum, OR (Feb 15–Dec 13, 2020), Sarasota Museum of Art, FL (May 29–Oct 31, 2021), and Chicago Cultural Center, IL (Dec 10, 2021– March 5, 2022)

Basquiat: Made in Japan Mori Arts Center Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Sept 20–Nov 17, 2019

Robert Colescott Hardhats, 1987 Acrylic on canvas M1998.79

Jean-Michel Basquiat Napoleon, 1982 Acrylic and oil stick on canvas mounted on tied wood supports On loan to the Milwaukee Art Museum from a private collection Jean-Michel Basquiat Untitled (Karate I), ca. 1986 Pencil on paper On loan to the Milwaukee Art Museum from a private collection

Married to American Art: Edith Gregor Halpert and the Downtown Gallery The Jewish Museum, New York, NY Sept 21, 2019–Feb 3, 2020 Georgia O’Keeffe Poppies, 1950 Oil on canvas M1977.133

Inspiration Matisse Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany Sept 27, 2019–Jan 19, 2020 Georges Braque Seated Nude, 1906 Oil on canvas M1953.13


Homecoming Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany Feb 14–Nov 15, 2020

An-My Lê: On Contested Terrain Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA March 14, 2020–Jan 18, 2021

Ludwig Knaus Peaceful Life’s End, 1878 Oil on canvas M1962.135

With subsequent travel to Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, TX (April 17–Aug 8, 2021), and Milwaukee Art Museum, WI (Dec 1, 2021–March 27, 2022)

Ludwig Knaus Dance Under the Linden Tree, 1881 Oil on canvas M1962.31

An-My Lê November 5, Sugar Cane Field, Houma Louisiana, from The Silent General, 2016, printed 2019 Inkjet print M2019.111

Ludwig Knaus Nude (Reflection), 1882 Oil on wood panel M1962.86

Donald Judd Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY March 1, 2020–Jan 9, 2021 Donald Judd Untitled, 1966 Stainless steel and Plexiglas in six parts L1970.25

Edward Hopper and the American Hotel Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN July 18–Oct 24, 2020 William Eggleston Huntsville, Alabama, 1978 Dye transfer print M1991.198


Acquisitions The acquisition list includes gifts and purchases from September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020. Dimensions are in inches, with height, width, and depth in that order, unless otherwise specified. Prints and photographs are on paper, with exceptions noted. Primary materials only are listed for design objects. No drawings were acquired during this fiscal year.

PAINTINGS Jennifer Bartlett (American, b. 1941) 12 Noon, Striped Dress, from the Hours of the Day series, 1992–93 a) Oil and silkscreen on canvas b,c) Pastel and silkscreen on paper each: 60 × 42 in. (152.4 × 106.68 cm) Gift of Lynde B. Uihlein M2019.37a–c Katharina Grosse (German, b. 1961) Untitled, 2019 Acrylic on canvas 95 11/16 × 64 3/16 in. (243 × 163 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Contemporary Art Society M2020.1 Alexander Marquis (American, b. Scotland, 1811–1884) Portrait of Elizabeth Layton, ca. 1880 Oil on board 10 × 8 ¼ in. (25.4 × 20.96 cm) Layton Art Collection Inc., Gift of Mary Layton McGill Capwell L2019.1


above Katharina Grosse, Untitled, 2019. Photo courtesy Gagosian Gallery. © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn Full credit on this page.

Portrait of Frederick Layton, ca. 1880 Oil on board 10 × 8 ¼ in. (25.4 × 20.96 cm) Layton Art Collection Inc., Gift of Mary Layton McGill Capwell L2019.2 Adele Tobias (German, active 1877–1899) Autumn Mood (Herbstimmung), late 1800s Oil on canvas 38 1/2 × 26 in. (97.79 × 66.04 cm) Gift of Albert and Norma Escobedo. Given to remember the beauty created by female artists all over the world. M2019.112

SCULPTURE James Benning (American, b. 1942) Milwaukee Soil, 2019 Painted wood and dirt variable Gift of the artist M2020.10.1a,b–.5a,b

Hawkins Bolden (American, 1914–2005) Untitled, ca. early 1990s Plastic and fabric 18 1/2 × 10 × 1 3/4 in. (46.99 × 25.4 × 4.45 cm) Gift of Lynde B. Uihlein M2019.123 Katy Cowan (American, b. 1982) Trace, 2013 Plaster, sun-sensitive paint on fabric, poplar, fabric dye, and mirror shards 44 × 24 × 18 in. (111.76 × 60.96 × 45.72 cm) Gift of Barbara and Thomas Ruben M2019.121 (corresponding fluctuations; light and shadow; river) Position, 2019 Oil and enamel paint with graphite on cast aluminum 23 1/2 × 17 × 5 in. (59.69 × 43.18 × 12.7 cm) Gift of Barbara and Thomas Ruben M2019.122

Margaret Foley (American, 1827–1877) Jenny Lind, 1866/69 Marble 16 in. diam. × 2 in. (41.5 cm diam. × 4.5 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Dudley Godfrey Memorial Fund and Constance P. Godfrey Fund M2019.66

above Margaret Foley, Jenny Lind, 1866/69. Photo courtesy Ben Elwes Fine Art, London; photography by Matthew Hollow. Full credit on this page.

Collection Snapshot 408

Works acquired


Works total


Works loaned to other institutions


Nate Young (American, b. 1981) Votive Offering, 2019 Walnut, horse bone, Plexiglas, gold leaf, spray paint, and LED bulb

39 1/2 × 22 × 9 in. (100.33 × 55.88 × 22.86 cm) Purchase, with funds from African American Art Alliance in honor of its thirtieth anniversary M2020.2

PRINTS John Taylor Arms (American, 1887–1953) Palazzo Dell’Angelo, 1931 Etching plate: 7 1/4 × 6 5/8 in. (18.42 × 16.83 cm) sheet: 12 1/2 × 9 1/16 in. (31.75 × 23.02 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.11 Puerta Del Obispo, Zamora, 1933 Etching plate: 12 1/2 × 7 1/8 in. (31.75 × 18.1 cm) sheet: 18 1/8 × 11 1/2 in. (46.04 × 29.21 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.13 Notre Dame the Tiny, from the Christmas Card Series, 1935 Etching plate: 1 1/2 × 7/8 in. (3.81 × 2.22 cm) sheet: 5 7/8 × 7 7/8 in. (14.92 × 20 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.15

left Nate Young, Votive Offering, 2019. Photo courtesy the artist and Monique Melloche Gallery, Chicago. Full credit on this page.


Jewelry: Choir Stalls of the Cathedral of St. Cecilia, Albi, 1938 Etching and drypoint plate: 2 1/16 × 1 3/16 in. (5.24 × 3.02 cm) sheet: 7 1/2 × 5 in. (19.05 × 12.7 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.16 Chartres in Miniature, 1939 Etching image: 1/2 × 13/16 in. (1.27 × 2.06 cm) plate: 3 15/16 × 5 15/16 in. (10 × 15.08 cm) sheet: 5 5/8 × 9 in. (14.29 × 22.86 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.17 Crystal and Jade, 1939 Etching with aquatint plate: 7 1/2 × 6 5/8 in. (19.05 × 16.83 cm) sheet: 12 3/4 × 8 1/8 in. (32.39 × 20.64 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.87

Stockholm, 1940 Etching and aquatint plate: 7 5/8 × 13 1/2 in. (19.37 × 34.29 cm) sheet: 10 1/2 × 17 1/8 in. (26.67 × 43.5 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.12 Triangular Bridge, Crowland [sic], England, 1941 Etching plate: 3/8 × 9/16 in. (0.95 × 1.43 cm) sheet: 3 × 5 1/4 in. (7.62 × 13.34 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.18 Portrait of a Romanesque Capital, 1946 Etching plate: 2 5/8 × 2 11/16 in. (6.67 × 6.83 cm) sheet: 8 1/16 × 5 1/8 in. (20.48 × 13.02 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.14

Donald Baechler (American, b. 1956) Untitled (Cast Flowers), 2006 Cast paper image and sheet: 38 1/2 × 30 in. (97.79 × 76.2 cm) Gift of Joyce and Nick Pabst M2019.108 Frank Weston Benson (American, 1862–1951) Nascaupée Indian, 1921 Etching with drypoint plate: 8 13/16 × 5 15/16 in. (22.38 × 15.08 cm) sheet: 10 7/16 × 8 5/16 in. (26.51 × 21.11 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.88 George Elbert Burr (American, 1859–1939) Capri from Sorrento, Italy, 1896/1939 Aquatint plate: 9 15/16 × 6 3/4 in. (25.24 × 17.15 cm) sheet: 13 1/4 × 10 1/4 in. (33.66 × 26.04 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.36


Long Peaks, Moonlight, ca. 1921 Etching and aquatint plate: 6 3/8 × 8 3/8 in. (16.19 × 21.27 cm) sheet: 9 1/8 × 11 1/2 in. (23.18 × 29.21 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.20 Evening Cloud [no. 2], 1921 Soft-ground etching and aquatint plate: 11 3/4 × 9 3/4 in. (29.85 × 24.77 cm) sheet: 17 × 13 in. (43.18 × 33.02 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.89 Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki (German, b. Poland, 1726– 1801) Black Canyon, Estes Park, 1919 Etching and aquatint plate: 8 7/16 × 6 7/16 in. (21.43 × 16.35 cm) sheet: 11 1/2 × 9 1/8 in. (29.21 × 23.18 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.90


Barrel Cactus [no. 2], ca. 1921 Drypoint plate: 6 7/8 × 4 13/16 in. (17.46 × 12.22 cm) sheet: 10 7/8 × 7 5/8 in. (27.62 × 19.37 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.19

The Cabinet of a Painter, 1771 Etching plate: 7 1/16 × 9 1/16 in. (17.9 × 23 cm) sheet: 8 3/16 × 10 3/8 in. (20.8 × 26.4 cm) Purchase, Schuchardt Fund M2019.114 above George Elbert Burr, Black Canyon, Estes Park, 1919. Full credit on this page.

Steven Dohanos (American, 1907–1994)

Seymour Haden (English, 1818–1910)

Katsunori Hamanishi (Japanese, b. 1949)

Man of the Soil, 1935 Lithograph image: 12 3/8 × 9 9/16 in. (31.43 × 24.29 cm) sheet: 18 1/16 × 12 5/8 in. (45.88 × 32.07 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.21

Kensington Gardens, 1860 Etching and drypoint plate: 7 7/8 × 4 15/16 in. (20 × 12.54 cm) sheet: 10 7/8 × 7 in. (27.62 × 17.78 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.33

Variation–Cross No. 2, 1979 Mezzotint plate: 14 × 21 1/2 in. (35.56 × 54.61 cm) sheet: 19 1/2 × 29 1/4 in. (49.53 × 74.3 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.29

Eric Fischl (American, b. 1948) Beach Scene with Poodle, 1996 Etching and aquatint image and sheet: 25 3/4 × 29 in. (65.41 × 73.66 cm) Gift of Joyce and Nick Pabst M2019.109

Newcastle in Emlyn, 1864 Etching with drypoint plate: 4 1/2 × 5 13/16 in. (11.43 × 14.76 cm) sheet: 6 1/2 × 8 3/8 in. (16.51 × 21.27 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.85

Situation–Work No. 18, 1987 Color mezzotint plate: 19 × 23 1/4 in. (48.26 × 59.06 cm) sheet: 21 3/4 × 27 1/8 in. (55.25 × 68.9 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.31

Gerald Kenneth Geerlings (American, 1897–1998)

Yozo Hamaguchi (Japanese, 1909–2000)

West Point, 1931 Etching plate: 7 1/8 × 12 7/8 in. (18.1 × 32.7 cm) sheet: 11 1/2 × 17 3/8 in. (29.21 × 44.13 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.91

Red Butterfly (Papillon Rouge), 1973 Color mezzotint plate: 1 3/4 × 1 3/4 in. (4.45 × 4.45 cm) sheet: 9 7/8 × 8 1/2 in. (25.08 × 21.59 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.28

White Head Eagle, 2014 Color mezzotint plate: 19 5/8 × 14 1/16 in. (49.85 × 35.72 cm) sheet: 23 1/2 × 17 1/2 in. (59.69 × 44.45 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.30


Winslow Homer (American, 1836–1910) The Grand Review at Camp Massachusetts, Near Concord, from Harper’s Weekly, 1859 Wood engraving image: 13 3/4 × 20 5/16 in. (35 × 51.6 cm) sheet: 15 3/4 × 22 1/16 in. (40 × 56 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.52 The Advance Guard of the Grand Army of the United States Crossing the Long Bridge over the Potomac at 2 A.M. on May 24, 1861, from Harper’s Weekly, 1861 Wood engraving image: 9 1/8 × 13 7/8 in. (23.2 × 35.2 cm) sheet: 10 13/16 × 15 15/16 in. (27.5 × 40.5 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.45


Crew of the United States Steam Sloop “Colorado” Shipped at Boston, June, 1861, from Harper’s Weekly, 1861 Wood engraving image: 9 3/16 × 13 3/4 in. (23.4 × 35 cm) sheet: 10 3/4 × 15 7/8 in. (27.3 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.58 The Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as President of the U.S. at the Capitol, Washington, March 4, 1861, from Harper’s Weekly, 1861 Wood engraving image: 13 3/4 × 20 1/8 in. (34.9 × 51.1 cm) sheet: 15 7/8 × 21 3/4 in. (40.4 × 55.2 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.53 The Army of the Potomac—A Sharp-Shooter on Picket Duty, from Harper’s Weekly, 1862 Wood engraving image: 9 1/8 × 13 3/4 in. (23.1 × 34.9 cm) sheet: 11 1/16 × 16 1/16 in. (28.1 × 40.8 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.47

News from the War, from Harper’s Weekly, 1862 Wood engraving image: 13 3/8 × 20 5/16 in. (33.9 × 51.6 cm) sheet: 15 11/16 × 21 3/4 in. (39.8 × 55.2 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.54 Our Women in the War, from Harper’s Weekly, 1862 Wood engraving image: 13 1/2 × 20 1/2 in. (34.3 × 52 cm) sheet: 15 3/4 × 21 5/8 in. (40 × 55 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.57

above Winslow Homer, The Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as President of the U.S. at the Capitol, Washington, March 4, 1861, from Harper’s Weekly, 1861. Full credit on this page.

The Union Cavalry and Artillery Starting in Pursuit of the Rebels up the Yorktown Turnpike, from Harper’s Weekly, 1862 Wood engraving image: 9 1/4 × 13 7/8 in. (23.5 × 35.2 cm) sheet: 10 15/16 × 15 11/16 in. (27.8 × 39.8 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.40 The War for the Union, 1862—A Bayonet Charge, from Harper’s Weekly, 1862 Wood engraving image: 13 5/8 × 20 5/8 in. (34.6 × 52.4 cm) sheet: 15 7/8 × 22 1/4 in. (40.4 × 56.5 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.56 The Approach of the British Pirate “Alabama”, from Harper’s Weekly, 1863 Wood engraving image: 13 3/4 × 9 3/16 in. (35 × 23.3 cm) sheet: 15 11/16 × 10 11/16 in. (39.8 × 27.2 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.60

Great Sumter Meeting in Union Square, New York, April 11, 1863, from Harper’s Weekly, 1863 Wood engraving image: 9 1/8 × 13 3/4 in. (23.2 × 34.9 cm) sheet: 11 × 15 7/8 in. (28 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.41 Army of the Potomac— Sleeping on Their Arms, from Harper’s Weekly, 1864 Wood engraving image: 13 11/16 × 20 11/16 in. (34.7 × 52.6 cm) sheet: 15 7/8 × 21 7/8 in. (40.4 × 55.5 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.55 Our Watering Places—The Empty Sleeve at Newport, from Harper’s Weekly, 1865 Wood engraving image: 9 3/16 × 13 13/16 in. (23.4 × 35.1 cm) sheet: 11 × 15 7/8 in. (28 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.62

Our Watering Places—HorseRacing at Saratoga, from Harper’s Weekly, 1865 Wood engraving image: 9 3/16 × 13 7/8 in. (23.3 × 35.3 cm) sheet: 10 15/16 × 15 7/8 in. (27.8 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.61 A Parisian Ball—Dancing at the Casino, from Harper’s Weekly, 1867 Wood engraving image: 9 3/16 × 13 3/4 in. (23.4 × 35 cm) sheet: 11 × 15 7/8 in. (28 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.63 A Parisian Ball—Dancing at the Mabille, Paris, from Harper’s Weekly, 1867 Wood engraving image: 9 1/8 × 13 3/4 in. (23.2 × 34.9 cm) sheet: 10 15/16 × 15 7/8 in. (27.8 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.42


New England Factory Life— “Bell Time”, from Harper’s Weekly, 1868 Wood engraving image: 9 3/16 × 13 15/16 in. (23.3 × 35.4 cm) sheet: 11 1/8 × 15 15/16 in. (28.3 × 40.5 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.51 Christmas Belles, from Harper’s Weekly, 1869 Wood engraving image: 9 1/8 × 13 11/16 in. (23.1 × 34.8 cm) sheet: 10 15/16 × 15 7/8 in. (27.8 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.46 The Summit of Mount Washington, from Harper’s Weekly, 1869 Wood engraving image: 9 1/16 × 9 13/16 in. (23 × 25 cm) sheet: 11 1/8 × 15 7/8 in. (28.2 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.50


Chestnutting, from Every Saturday, 1870 Wood engraving image: 11 3/4 × 8 3/4 in. (29.8 × 22.2 cm) sheet: 14 3/4 × 10 15/16 in. (37.4 × 27.8 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.44

The Noon Recess, from Harper’s Weekly, 1873 Wood engraving image: 9 1/16 × 13 11/16 in. (23 × 34.7 cm) sheet: 11 1/4 × 16 7/16 in. (28.6 × 41.75 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.64

The Bathers, from Harper’s Weekly, 1873 Wood engraving image: 13 13/16 × 9 1/8 in. (35.1 × 23.2 cm) sheet: 15 13/16 × 11 in. (40.2 × 28 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.43

Ship Building, Gloucester Harbor, from Harper’s Weekly, 1873 Wood engraving image: 9 1/4 × 13 11/16 in. (23.5 × 34.7 cm) sheet: 11 1/4 × 16 1/16 in. (28.5 × 40.8 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.48

The Bathers, from Harper’s Weekly, 1873 Wood engraving image: 13 13/16 × 9 1/8 in. (35.1 × 23.2 cm) sheet: 15 13/16 × 11 in. (40.2 × 28 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.65 Gloucester Harbor, from Harper’s Weekly, 1873 Wood engraving image: 9 3/16 × 13 11/16 in. (23.4 × 34.7 cm) sheet: 11 3/16 × 15 7/8 in. (28.35 × 40.4 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.39

Camping Out in the Adirondack Mountains, from Harper’s Weekly, 1874 Wood engraving image: 9 1/8 × 13 3/4 in. (23.2 × 35 cm) sheet: 10 5/8 × 15 9/16 in. (27 × 39.5 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.49

Käthe Kollwitz (German, 1867–1945) Death (Tod), from the cycle The Weavers’ Rebellion (Ein Weberaufstand), 1897 Lithograph image: 8 3/4 × 7 1/4 in. (22.23 × 18.42 cm) sheet: 17 1/2 × 12 3/4 in. (44.45 × 32.39 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.37 Outbreak (Losbruch), from the cycle Peasants’ War (Bauernkrieg), 1921 Etching and aquatint plate: 19 × 22 3/4 in. (48.26 × 57.79 cm) sheet: 21 3/16 × 29 1/2 in. (53.82 × 74.93 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.35 The Widow II (Die Witwe II), from the portfolio War (Krieg), 1922/23 Woodcut block: 11 3/4 × 20 3/4 in. (29.85 × 52.71 cm) sheet: 21 3/16 × 29 1/2 in. (53.82 × 74.93 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.38

Martin Lewis (American, b. Australia, 1881–1962) Beaching the Boat, 1925 Drypoint and sand ground plate: 6 7/8 × 9 7/8 in. (17.46 × 25.08 cm) sheet: 11 1/2 × 15 in. (29.21 × 38.1 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.23 Shadows on the Road, 1926 Drypoint and sand ground plate: 7 7/8 × 9 7/8 in. (20 × 25.08 cm) sheet: 11 1/2 × 15 3/4 in. (29.21 × 40.01 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.22 Under the Street Lamp, 1928 Etching plate: 14 7/8 × 9 3/8 in. (37.78 × 23.81 cm) sheet: 18 5/8 × 13 in. (47.31 × 33.02 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.92

Ha’nted, 1932 Drypoint and sand ground plate: 13 3/16 × 8 15/16 in. (33.5 × 22.7 cm) sheet: 17 5/16 × 12 7/8 in. (43.97 × 32.7 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.24

above Martin Lewis, Shadow Magic, 1939. Full credit on page 44.


Angry Man, 1935 Drypoint and sand ground plate: 7 7/8 × 11 3/4 in. (20 × 29.85 cm) sheet: 10 × 15 1/4 in. (25.4 × 38.74 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.93 Shadow Magic, 1939 Drypoint plate: 13 1/2 × 9 1/2 in. (34.29 × 24.13 cm) sheet: 17 × 13 in. (43.18 × 33.02 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.94 Claude Lorrain (French, 1604–1682, active in Italy) Harbor with a Large Tower (Le Port de mer à la grosse tour), ca. 1641 Etching plate: 5 1/8 × 7 11/16 in. (13 × 19.6 cm) sheet: 5 5/8 × 8 1/8 in. (14.29 × 20.64 cm) Purchase, with funds from an anonymous donor M2019.115


Ludwig Meidner (German, 1884–1966)

Georg Pencz (German, ca. 1500–1550)

Self-Portrait with Hat, 1922 Etching plate: 10 1/2 × 8 1/8 in. (26.67 × 20.64 cm) sheet: 16 1/4 × 12 1/8 in. (41.28 × 30.8 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.95

The Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verita), ca. 1533 Engraving plate and sheet: 1 15/16 × 3 1/8 in. (5 × 7.9 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Ralph and Cora Oberndorfer Family Trust M2019.116

Joseph Nash (British, 1808–1878) After David Wilkie (British, 1785–1841)

Joseph Pennell (American, 1857–1926)

Sir David Wilkie’s Sketches, Spanish & Oriental, 1846 Illustrated book closed: 21 7/8 × 15 1/4 × 1 in. (55.56 × 38.74 × 2.54 cm) open: 21 7/8 × 29 1/4 in. (55.56 × 74.3 cm) Decorative Arts Deaccession Fund M2019.106.1–.26

Landing Place, Leghorn, 1883 Etching plate: 6 5/8 × 7 1/2 in. (16.83 × 19.05 cm) sheet: 11 5/8 × 13 5/16 in. (29.53 × 33.81 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.75 Venice Scene, 1883 Etching plate: 11 × 8 1/4 in. (27.94 × 20.96 cm) sheet: 13 5/8 × 9 3/4 in. (34.61 × 24.77 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.97

Margate, 1897 Lithograph image: 5 3/8 × 7 3/4 in. (13.65 × 19.69 cm) sheet: 14 3/8 × 10 7/8 in. (36.51 × 27.62 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.76

Old Court, Lincoln’s Inn, 1905 Etching plate: 10 3/8 × 7 7/8 in. (26.35 × 20 cm) sheet: 12 5/8 × 9 in. (32.07 × 22.86 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.79

St. John’s Gate, Clerkenwell, 1903 Etching plate: 8 × 10 7/8 in. (20.32 × 27.62 cm) sheet: 9 3/8 × 11 3/4 in. (23.81 × 29.85 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.77

St. Paul’s Pavement, 1905 Etching plate: 8 1/2 × 11 in. (21.59 × 27.94 cm) sheet: 9 1/8 × 11 1/2 in. (23.18 × 29.21 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.80

Forty-Second Street, 1904 Etching plate: 11 3/4 × 8 3/8 in. (29.85 × 21.27 cm) sheet: 13 1/8 × 8 7/8 in. (33.34 × 22.54 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.78

Grosse Horloge, Rouen, 1907 Etching plate: 9 7/8 × 7 in. (25.08 × 17.78 cm) sheet: 10 1/2 × 7 3/4 in. (26.67 × 19.69 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.81

Old and New Mills, Valenciennes, 1910 Etching plate: 9 5/16 × 12 1/2 in. (23.65 × 31.75 cm) sheet: 11 5/8 × 17 7/8 in. (29.53 × 45.4 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.82 Storm Behind the Acropolis, 1913 Lithograph image: 16 5/8 × 21 1/2 in. (42.23 × 54.61 cm) sheet: 18 7/8 × 25 in. (47.94 × 63.5 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.83 Taormina from the Theatre, 1913 Etching plate: 14 7/8 × 10 3/8 in. (37.78 × 26.35 cm) sheet: 17 1/4 × 11 1/8 in. (43.82 × 28.26 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.84


Robert Rauschenberg (American, 1925–2008) Lotus III, 2008 Inkjet print with photogravure image and sheet: 45 3/4 × 60 3/4 in. (116.21 × 154.31 cm) Gift of the ‘52 Collection, Ruttenberg Family M2019.107 Frederic Remington (American, 1861–1909) Questionable Companionship, from Harper’s Weekly, 1890 Wood engraving image: 9 5/16 × 13 1/8 in. (23.7 × 33.3 cm) sheet: 10 5/8 × 15 3/8 in. (27 × 39 cm) Gift of Sharon Rinaldi M2019.59 Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833–1898) The Migraine, 1860/90 Drypoint plate: 10 × 7 5/8 in. (25.4 × 19.37 cm) sheet: 17 5/8 × 12 1/8 in. (44.77 × 30.8 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.99


The Incantation, ca. 1880 Etching plate: 14 7/8 × 10 1/8 in. (37.78 × 25.72 cm) sheet: 22 × 14 1/4 in. (55.88 × 36.2 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.100

Head of a Zeelandic Woman (Tête de Zélandaise), 1886 Soft-ground etching plate: 10 × 8 1/2 in. (25.4 × 21.59 cm) sheet: 18 7/16 × 13 1/8 in. (46.83 × 33.34 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.98

above Robert Rauschenberg, Lotus III, 2008. Full credit on this page.

Georges Rouault (French, 1871–1958)

James Tissot (French, 1836–1902)

Stow Wengenroth (American, 1906–1978)

Beneath a forgotten crucifix (Sous un Jésus en croix oublié là), 1926, published 1948 Etching, aquatint, and roulette over photogravure plate: 22 7/8 × 16 1/4 in. (58.1 × 41.28 cm) sheet: 25 1/2 × 19 3/4 in. (64.77 × 50.17 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.34

Daydream (Rêverie), 1880 Etching plate: 9 × 4 1/2 in. (22.86 × 11.43 cm) sheet: 13 1/8 × 8 1/2 in. (33.34 × 21.59 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.32

Housewife’s Garden, 1931 Lithograph image: 9 11/16 × 12 1/16 in. (24.61 × 30.64 cm) sheet: 11 5/8 × 16 in. (29.53 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.27

Max Weber (American, b. Russia, 1881–1961)

James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American, 1834–1903)

Raphael Soyer (American, b. Russia, 1899–1987)

Mother Love, 1920 Woodcut block: 4 15/16 × 2 1/16 in. (12.54 × 5.24 cm) sheet: 10 × 6 1/2 in. (25.4 × 16.51 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.25

The Lime-Burner, from The Thames Set (A Series of Sixteen Etchings of Scenes on the Thames and Other Subjects), 1859 Etching and drypoint plate: 9 3/4 × 7 in. (24.77 × 17.78 cm) sheet: 11 7/8 × 9 9/16 in. (30.16 × 24.29 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.86

Self-Portrait (Know Thyself), 1982 Lithograph image: 16 1/4 × 12 1/8 in. (41.28 × 30.8 cm) sheet: 20 1/2 × 16 1/8 in. (52.07 × 40.96 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.96

Nude Woman with Arm Upraised, 1930–32 Linocut block: 5 13/16 × 2 9/16 in. (14.76 × 6.51 cm) sheet: 12 × 9 in. (30.48 × 22.86 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2020.26


Anders Leonard Zorn (Swedish, 1860–1920) Colonel Lamont III, 1904 Etching plate: 8 × 6 in. (20.32 × 15.24 cm) sheet: 12 × 9 in. (30.48 × 22.86 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.104 Mona, 1911 Etching plate: 9 3/4 × 7 in. (24.77 × 17.78 cm) sheet: 14 × 12 1/2 in. (35.56 × 31.75 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.105

Self-Portrait, 1916 Etching plate: 7 × 4 3/4 in. (17.78 × 12.07 cm) sheet: 12 7/8 × 9 7/8 in. (32.7 × 25.08 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.103 Vicke, 1918 Etching plate: 7 3/4 × 11 1/2 in. (19.69 × 29.21 cm) sheet: 12 × 15 1/2 in. (30.48 × 39.37 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.101

Ols Maria, 1919 Etching plate: 7 3/4 × 11 3/4 in. (19.69 × 29.85 cm) sheet: 14 × 18 in. (35.56 × 45.72 cm) Gift of Kevin Fahey and Ray Grzebielski M2019.102

PHOTOGRAPHS Louise Dahl-Wolfe (American, 1895–1989) Natalie in Grès Coat, Kairouan, 1950 Gelatin silver print image: 19 × 14 11/16 in. (48.26 × 37.31 cm) sheet: 19 7/8 × 15 7/8 in. (50.48 × 40.32 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.131 Louis H. Draper (American, 1935–2002) Congressional Gathering, 1959, printed 1976/78 Gelatin silver print image and sheet: 8 3/4 × 5 in. (22.23 × 12.7 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2020.3

left Louis H. Draper, Ramon Esquila (Bronx), 1975. Full credit on page 49.


Ramon Esquila (Bronx), 1975 Gelatin silver print image: 6 3/8 × 6 1/2 in. (16.19 × 16.51 cm) sheet: 10 × 8 in. (25.4 × 20.32 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2020.4 Untitled (Division for Youth, Bronx), 1975/76 Gelatin silver print image and sheet: 6 1/2 × 4 3/8 in. (16.51 × 11.11 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2020.5 Frank Gohlke (American, b. 1942) Friend, Nebraska, 1977 Gelatin silver print image: 13 × 13 1/16 in. (33.02 × 33.18 cm) sheet: 19 7/8 × 16 in. (50.48 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.132

John Gossage (American, b. 1946) The Pond, 1982, printed 2008 Gelatin silver print image: 13 1/8 × 16 3/8 in. (33.34 × 41.59 cm) sheet: 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.67 The Pond, 1982, printed 2008 Gelatin silver print image: 13 1/8 × 16 7/16 in. (33.34 × 41.75 cm) sheet: 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.68 The Pond, 1982, printed 2008 Gelatin silver print image: 13 1/8 × 16 7/16 in. (33.34 × 41.75 cm) sheet: 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.69

The Pond, 1982, printed 2008 Gelatin silver print image: 13 1/8 × 16 3/8 in. (33.34 × 41.59 cm) sheet: 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.70

above John Gossage, The Pond, 1982. Full credit on this page.

The Pond, 1982, printed 2008 Gelatin silver print image: 13 1/8 × 16 3/8 in. (33.34 × 41.59 cm) sheet: 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.71


Martine Gutierrez (American, b. 1989) Neo-Indeo, Legendary Cakchiquel, p20 from Indigenous Woman, 2016, printed 2018 Chromogenic print image and sheet: 54 × 36 in. (137.16 × 91.44 cm) framed: 55 × 37 × 1 1/2 in. (139.7 × 93.98 × 3.81 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2019.35

Indigenous Woman, 2018 Offset lithography open: 17 × 21 1/8 in. (43.18 × 53.66 cm) closed: 17 × 11 in. (43.18 × 27.94 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2019.36

Sky Hopinka (Ho-Chunk Nation/Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, b. 1984) This is a mnemonic for Truman Lowe, 2019 Inkjet print with etching image and sheet: 13 × 13 in. (33.02 × 33.02 cm) Purchase, with funds from Flavius Cucu and Miriam Van de Sype M2020.7 This is you describing what I saw, 2019 Inkjet print with etching image and sheet: 13 × 13 in. (33.02 × 33.02 cm) Purchase, with funds from Flavius Cucu and Miriam Van de Sype M2020.8 Yasuhiro Ishimoto (American and Japanese, 1921–2012) Untitled, 1970/2012 Silver dye bleach print image and sheet: 6 7/8 × 6 7/8 in. (17.46 × 17.46 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.73

left Martine Gutierrez, Indigenous Woman, 2018. Full credit on this page.


Untitled (abstraction with brown and red), 1981 Silver dye bleach print image and sheet: 6 11/16 × 6 11/16 in. (16.99 × 16.99 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.72 Graciela Iturbide (Mexican, b. 1942) Self-Portrait at Trotsky’s House, Coyoacán, Mexico (Autorretrato en la casa de Trotsky, Coyoacán, México), 2006 Gelatin silver print image: 14 1/2 × 14 1/2 in. (36.83 × 36.83 cm) sheet: 20 × 16 in. (50.8 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.130 György Kepes (American, b. Hungary, 1906–2001) Notes, 1941 Gelatin silver print image and sheet: 20 × 15 5/8 in. (50.8 × 39.69 cm) Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams M2019.74

An-My Lê (American, b. Saigon, 1960)

Helmar Lerski (Swiss, 1871–1956)

November 5, Sugar Cane Field, Houma, Louisiana, from The Silent General, 2016, printed 2019 Inkjet print image and sheet: 39 1/2 × 56 in. (100.33 × 142.24 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2019.111

[Studio portrait of a nurse], 1910/14 Gelatin silver print image: 5 3/4 × 3 7/8 in. (14.61 × 9.84 cm) mount: 9 15/16 × 5 15/16 in. (25.24 × 15.08 cm) Gift of William Gregory M2019.125

above An-My Lê, November 5, Sugar Cane Field, Houma, Louisiana, from The Silent General, 2016, printed 2019. Photo courtesy Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, USA. Full credit on this page.


Helen Levitt (American, 1913–2009)

Andrew Moore (American, b. 1957)

Nicholas Nixon (American, b. 1947)

New York, ca. 1942 Gelatin silver print image: 9 1/2 × 6 1/2 in. (24.13 × 16.51 cm) sheet: 10 × 8 in. (25.4 × 20.32 cm) Gift of Mimi Levitt M2019.113

Mirador, Gibara, 2008 Inkjet print image and sheet: 40 × 30 in. (101.6 × 76.2 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.133

The Brown Sisters, New Canaan, Connecticut, 1975 Gelatin silver print image: 7 11/16 × 9 11/16 in. (19.53 × 24.61 cm) sheet: 8 × 10 in. (20.32 × 25.4 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.135 The Brown Sisters, Grantham, New Hampshire, 1994 Gelatin silver print image: 7 3/4 × 9 11/16 in. (19.69 × 24.61 cm) sheet: 8 × 10 in. (20.32 × 25.4 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.126 The Brown Sisters, Cataumet, Massachusetts, 2004 Gelatin silver print image: 7 3/4 × 9 11/16 in. (19.69 × 24.61 cm) sheet: 8 × 10 in. (20.32 × 25.4 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.127

above Helen Levitt, New York, ca. 1942. Full credit on this page.


Bebe, Brookline, 2009 Gelatin silver print image and sheet: 14 × 11 in. (35.56 × 27.94 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.134

The Brown Sisters, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, 2014 Gelatin silver print image: 7 3/4 × 9 11/16 in. (19.69 × 24.61 cm) sheet: 8 × 10 in. (20.32 × 25.4 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.128 The Brown Sisters, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, 2015 Gelatin silver print image: 7 3/4 × 9 11/16 in. (19.69 × 24.61 cm) sheet: 8 × 10 in. (20.32 × 25.4 cm) Gift of Tony and Sue Krausen M2019.129 The Brown Sisters, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2019 Gelatin silver print image and sheet: 8 × 10 in. (20.32 × 25.4 cm) Purchase, with funds from Tony and Sue Krausen M2020.9

Wisconsin News Hoan First to Pose for Art Institute Collection, 1936 Gelatin silver print image: 7 1/2 × 8 in. (19.05 × 20.32 cm) sheet: 7 3/4 × 8 5/8 in. (19.69 × 21.91 cm) Gift of William Gregory M2019.124

VIDEO ART Sky Hopinka (Ho-Chunk Nation/Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, b. 1984) Fainting Spells, 2018 Three-channel HD video with stereo sound duration: 9 min. 45 sec. Purchase, with funds from the Contemporary Art Society M2020.6

above Sky Hopinka, Stills from Fainting Spells, 2018. Photo courtesy Green Gallery, Milwaukee, WI. Full credit on this page.



Charles Eames (American, 1907–1978)

Donald Colflesh (American, b. 1932)

Ray Eames (American, 1912–1988)

Gorham Manufacturing Company (Providence, Rhode Island, founded 1831)

Manufactured by Herman Miller Inc. (Zeeland, Michigan, founded 1923)

Circa ’70 Tea and Coffee Service, designed 1958; introduced 1960 Silver, ebony, and Formica 1a,b. (coffee pot, lid): 11 3/4 × 7 1/4 × 5 3/4 in. (29.85 × 18.42 × 14.61 cm) 2a,b. (teapot, lid): 9 1/4 × 6 3/4 × 5 7/8 in. (23.5 × 17.15 × 14.92 cm) 3a,b. (sugar bowl, lid): 3 × 6 1/2 × 4 7/8 in. (7.62 × 16.51 × 12.38 cm) 4. (creamer): 6 1/2 × 3 3/4 × 3 5/8 in. (16.51 × 9.53 × 9.21 cm) 5. (tray): 1 1/2 × 18 × 18 in. (3.81 × 45.72 × 45.72 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust in memory of Max and Shirley Goisman M2019.117.1a,b–.5

Eames Office (Venice, California, 1941– 1988)


Eames Storage Unit (ESU) 100-C, ca. 1949 Zinc-plated steel, birch-faced and plastic-coated plywood, enameled Masonite, and rubber 20 1/2 × 47 × 16 in. (52.07 × 119.38 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Mark McDonald and Dwayne Resnick M2019.38

Alexander Girard (American, 1907–1993) Fabric Samples, 1952–73 Various textiles including silk gauze, linen, cotton, cotton velvet, rayon, fiberglass, rayon, goats hair, mohair, dacron, wool, and nylon various Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2019.110.1–.257

above Viktor Schreckengost, Cowan Pottery Studio, Danse Moderne plate, from the Jazz series, 1930. Full credit on page 55.

Ilonka Karasz (American, 1896–1981)

Viktor Schreckengost (American, 1906–2008)

Paye and Baker Manufacturing Company (North Attleboro, Massachusetts, 1901–1960)

Cowan Pottery Studio (Lakewood, Ohio, 1912–1931)

Tea and Coffee Service, ca. 1928 Electroplated nickel, silver, and walnut 1a,b (coffeepot, lid): 7 × 6 1/2 × 4 in. (17.78 × 16.51 × 10.16 cm) 2a,b (teapot, lid): 4 3/4 × 6 1/4 × 4 in. (12.07 × 15.88 × 10.16 cm) 3 (creamer): 2 1/2 × 6 1/8 × 4 in. (6.35 × 15.56 × 10.16 cm) 4a,b (sugar bowl, lid): 3 3/4 × 6 5/8 × 4 in. (9.53 × 16.83 × 10.16 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2019.120.1a,b–4a,b

Danse Moderne plate, from the Jazz series, 1930 Earthenware 1 × 11 1/8 in. diam. (2.54 × 28.26 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust, given in memory of Viktor Schreckengost and in honor of Virgene Schreckengost M2019.118 Marguerite Wildenhain (American, 1896–1985) Königliche PorzellanManufaktur Berlin (KPM) (Berlin, Germany, established 1763)

above Marguerite Wildenhain, Königliche Porzellan-Maufaktur Berlin (KPM) Hallesche Form Vase, 1931. Full credit on this page.

Hallesche Form Vase, 1931 Black porcelain with black and gold decorations 8 × 3 ¾ in. diam. (30.48 × 9.53 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2019.119



Individual supporters, foundations, corporations, and organizations, including the Museum’s nine support groups, are critical to the Museum and its ability to share art and transformative experiences with the community; a pandemic makes the importance of these relationships especially clear. The membership and donor communities annually support the presentation of world-class exhibitions, offerings of leading educational programs, and care of an outstanding collection of more than 32,000 works of art, as well as the maintenance of campus facilities. This year, their generosity, a reflection of a deep commitment to art and our Milwaukee community, was vital in helping the Museum navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the cancellation of all on-site events and a four-month closure.

Thank you. Those that supported the Museum in 2019–20 as Members, annual fund donors, or sponsors of exhibitions and public and education programs made it possible for hundreds of thousands of people to connect with art and each other, both on-site and online. The following list recognizes those supporters who provided unrestricted and restricted support of $400 or more during the 2020 fiscal year (September 1, 2019–August 31, 2020).

above Visitors enjoyed free admission for one month, thanks to a generous donation from The Krei Family, in memory of Melinda.



Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport

Anders and Birgit Segerdahl Family

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust

Ms. Elaine N. Peterson* David and Julia Uihlein

Wisconsin Department of Tourism/Joint Effort Marketing

Mr. and Mrs. James Wiechmann

Anonymous (2)

Anonymous (2)


Johnson Financial Group


A. O. Smith Foundation


Feitler Family Fund

The Krei Family in Memory of Melinda

Louise and Peter Friedlander

American Scandinavian Foundation

Debbie and Mark Attanasio Bader Philanthropies Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baumgartner Murph Burke Demmer Charitable Trust Greater Milwaukee Foundation

• JayKay Foundation Fund

Herzfeld Foundation

Sheldon & Marianne Lubar Charitable Fund Melitta S. and Joan M. Pick Charitable Trust Joel and Caran Quadracci Sue and Bud Selig Terra Foundation for American Art Windhover Foundation Jeff Yabuki and the Yabuki Family Foundation Anonymous

Mrs. Wendy L. Sleight

Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Norman and Lucy Cohn Family Fund

Mrs. Marie Tallmadge

Astor Street Foundation Inc. Baker Tilly Virchow Krause Natalie B. Beckwith

Lorelle K. and P. Michael Mahoney

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Biersach

The McCombe and Pfeifer Families and the Gottlob Armstrust Family Fund in Memory of Helen Louise Pfeifer

Wendy and Warren Blumenthal

Milwaukee Art Museum Collectors’ Corner

Bliffert Lumber and Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Bryant Richard Buchband and Betsy Rosenblum Sue and Curt Culver Jolinda and Danny L. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Peter Damsgaard


MPS Partnership for the Arts & Humanities

Four-Four Foundation

Nordic Culture Point

Ernst & Young LLP

Northern Trust Corporation

Mrs. Suzy B. Ettinger

Ralph F. & Cora E. Oberndorfer Family Trust

Mr. Philip B. Flynn and Ms. Lois Golde

Anthony Petullo Foundation

Kristin and Alec Fraser

PNC Financial Services Group

Mrs. Barbara Nitchie Fuldner

Susan E. Quantius and Terry Hartle in Memory of Kent and Barbara Quantius

Ellen and Richard Glaisner

Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Helen and Jeanette Oberndorfer Fund • Virginia Booth Vogel Fund Mrs. Elizabeth Harned and Mr. Christopher Harned Mrs. Nancy Laskin Milwaukee Art Museum Friends of Art

Rockwell Automation

Educators Credit Union

Mrs. William N. Godfrey* *deceased


Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Virgis and Angela Colbert Family Foundation Fund • Judith A. Keyes Family Fund • Milwaukee Art Museum Endowment Fund

Milwaukee Art Museum

Wisconsin Arts Board

• Garden Club

Kathleen Saito Yuille

• Print Forum

Sarah and Steve Zimmerman

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design

Anonymous (2)

Dr. and Mrs. Justin L. Mortara


Greystone Foundation

Mrs. James J. Murphy

Anon Charitable Trust

Mr. Joseph P. Gromacki

Nicholas Family Foundation


William R. and Sandra G. Haack

Andrew Nunemaker

Mr. John P. Baumgartner

The Haskell Foundation

Mrs. Jill G. Pelisek

Heil Family Foundation

Sue and Richard Pieper

Deborah A. Beck and Frederic Sweet

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoke

Posner Foundation

Frieda and William Hunt Memorial Trust

Potawatomi Hotel & Casino

Interstate Parking Company LLC

Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated

Russ Jankowski

The ROS Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Joelson Mr. Brian Kennedy

David C. & Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation

Herbert H. Kohl Charities Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Smith

Komatsu Mining Corp Foundation

Mrs. Nita G. Soref

Tony and Susan Krausen Raymond and Barbara Krueger Mary Ann and Charles LaBahn Ladish Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Layden Jr.

Bert L. & Patricia S. Steigleder Charitable Trust John Stewig and Richard Bradley Mrs. Christine A. Symchych and Mr. James P. McNulty

Mr. Roger L. Boerner Joan & Fred Brengel Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Candee Clarence Chou J. D. and Shelly Culea Terri and Paul Danola Mr. Thomas J. Degnan and Mrs. Deborah Degnan Nancy Desjardins Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trusts Door Peninsula Winery Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Einhorn

Telly Foundation, Ltd.

Ralph Evinrude Foundation Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Layden Sr.

Ms. Kathy Thornton-Bias and Mr. Michael Cox

Mrs. Debra Rand Feldman

Ms. Gail A. Lione and Mr. Barry L. Grossman

Mr. Kenneth R. Treis*

Eugene & Ruth Freedman Family Foundation

U.S. Bank Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Galling

Joan Lubar and John Crouch

Kent and Marcia Velde

Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Mandel

Mrs. Alice U. Weiss

• Kopmeier Family Fund

Audrey A. Mann*

Ms. Marie E. Weiss

Milwaukee Arts Board

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilhelms

• Alice and Lucia Stern Library Fund


Ann and Jon Hammes

Puelicher Foundation Inc.

Harley-Davidson Foundation Hauske Family Foundation

Merlin and Gladys Rostad Arts Fund

Drs. Carla and Robert Hay

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ruttum

Mr. Stephen Heinecke

Sally Schuler

Heller Foundation Inc.

Bob and Judy Scott

Thomas D. Hesselbrock and Carl Spatz

Sculpture Milwaukee

Jennifer F. and Robert J. Hillis Husco International James & Karen Hyde Foundation Inc.

Jocelyn Servick and Gary J. Steinhafel Dr. John and Mrs. Anne Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Trunzo

Mrs. Angela Jacobi

UWM Peck School of the Arts

Matt and Kathryn Kamm

Weyco Group Inc.

Mary and Ted D. Kellner

Robert & Jesse Whitmore Charitable Trust

David and Diane Knox Mary Pauly Lacy

Anonymous (5)

Barbara Johnson and Sandra Zingler Ms. Anne K. Klisurich and Mr. Kenneth DeYoung Elizabeth Levins and Herbert B. Zien Ms. Susan E. Lloyd Sally and Paul McCaughey Dr. Paul Nausieda and Dr. Evonne M. Winston Christopher B. and Anne L. Noyes Lawrence W. Oliverson and Donna N. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Pauls Payne & Dolan Inc. Mr. Jim and Dr. Karen Petric Pieper Electric/Pieper Power

Layton Art Collection Inc.


Ms. Maxine Rabinowe

Gerald* and Ellin Levy

Mrs. James M. Auer

Mr. Thomas Rehwaldt

Wayne and Kristine Lueders

Kerry Bartelt and David Hulse

Robertson Ryan & Associates

Jacqueline S. Macomber*

Jitendra and Gita Baruah

Rosemann Family Foundation

Mr. Peter L. Mahler

Randy Bryant and Cecelia Gore

Royal Norwegian Embassy

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mainman

Elaine Burke

Marcus Corporation Foundation Inc.

William and Susan Burke

James A. Schleif and William H. Morley

Bruce and Marsha Camitta

John and Kristin Sheehan

Geralyn and Bill Cannon

Reva Shovers*

CG Schmidt Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Stacy

Julianna Ebert and Frank J. Daily

Jacquelyn and Way Thompson Jr.

Dr. Peter Foote and Dr. Robin S. Wilson

Ms. Mary N. Vandenberg and Mr. Keith Mardak

Tim and Sue Frautschi

Kathleen and Charles G. Vogel

Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Jo and Bob Wagner

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marcus John and Linda Mellowes Scott and Marjorie Moon Joyce and Bruce Myers Joseph R. Pabst and John Schellinger Mr. and Mrs. H. Nicholas Pabst Gilbert and J. Dorothy Palay Family Foundation, Ltd.

• Flesch Family Fund


Ms. Gail Hesselbrock *deceased



• Perkins Keen Fund

Missy and Bill Levit

Ben and Molly Abrohams

• Donna and Tony Meyer Fund

Katharine and Sanford Mallin

Mrs. Frances Adams

• Randall Family Fund

Marietta Investment Partners, LLC

Badger Meter Foundation

Guardian Fine Art Services

Maxsan Foundation

Bruce and Melissa Block

Mrs. Suzanne Haskell

Genie and David Meissner

Mrs. Arlene Brachman

Mrs. R. Goeres Hayssen

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brickman

Matthew Helmerich and Jeffrey Harwell

George L. N. Meyer Family Foundation

Briggs & Stratton Corporation Foundation

Donna Hensel

MGIC Investment Corporation Dr. Judith A. Miller and Ms. Kimberly A. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Canter

Hindman Auctions

Teri Carpenter

William H. Honrath and Elizabeth Blackwood

Ms. Amy Moller

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Hunt

Marleen and Dwight Morgan

Mrs. Harland W. Huston Jr.

Mrs. Laurie Ocepek

Mr. Robert Jansen and Mrs. Sarah Jansen

Ms. Jane O'Meara and Mr. Alan Purintun

Ms. Sally J. Jarrar

Reverend Steven and Julie Peay

Susan and Lee Jennings

PepsiCo Food Service

Drs. David and Candice Johnstone

Perlick Corporation

William Stark Jones Foundation Judy and Gary Jorgensen

Ms. Amanda C. Peterson and Mr. Dave Cowen

Susan and Raymond Kehm

Mr. Joseph M. Pfiffner

Kikkoman Foods Foundation

Pollybill Foundation

Kimpton Journeyman

Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation

Kathleen R. Cavallo Vicki and Anthony Cecalupo Chipstone Foundation David and Eugenia Coggin Mary and James Mark Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Tim Connor Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Croen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Curl Don and Sallie Davis Donna M. Drosner Mr. Eric M. Eben and Mrs. Christine M. Fenske-Eben Barbara Meyer Elsner Foundation Mrs. Jane K. Gertler Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. Dr. John and Andrea Grant Ms. Sharon Gray and Dr. Steven Kaplan Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Donald and Barbara Abert Fund • Bechthold Family Fund • Adam and Carole Glass Fund


Mr. and Mrs. Gale E. Klappa

Lawrence and Judy Moon

Ms. Yvonne Petersen

Mr. Glenn Kleiman and Ms. Gisela Terner

David and Roberta Remstad

Diane and Jeff Kortsch

Sande Robinson

Dr. Alice M. Kuramoto

Mr. Dennis E. Schendel

Mrs. Cynthia LaConte and Mr. Thomas LaConte

Mr. and Mrs. James Schloemer

Mr. W. Peter Larson and Mr. William Fry Mr. Taylor Layton Alan T. Lepkowski

Linda and Blaine Rieke

Richard Schreiner and Alison Graf Peggy and Bob Schuemann Helmut Wolfgang Schumann Foundation

Marie and James Seder and Family

Dale and Carole Faught

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Krugler

Mr. Donald R. Fraker and Dr. Maja Jurisic

Ms. Catherine B. Kwapick

Dennis Sheahan Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shovers

Fran Franklin

Robert J. Lodzinski


Ms. Pamela Frautschi

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Silseth

Ms. Terese Lohmeier and Dr. Robert S. Ruggero

Nancy and Tim Speaker

Mr. Robert L. Gardenier and Ms. Lori Morse

Judith Z. Stark

Dr. Joseph and Nancy Geenen

Ms. Lois Malawsky

Mrs. Joan Stein

Dina and Joseph Goode

Linda and Richard Stevens

Ralph G. Gorenstein

Dr. Brent Martin and Mrs. Susan H. Martin

Susan and Stacy G. Terris


Debesh and Linda Mazumdar

Mrs. James Urdan

Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Joseph and Joni McDevitt

Ralph and Mary Lou La Macchia

Richard and Roberta London

von Briesen & Roper, s.c.

• Del Chambers Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Metz

Carolyn White-Travanti

• Dr. Carl W. Eberbach and Elisabeth Falk Eberbach Fund

Nordic Culture Fund

• Mary Jo and Steve Knauf Family Fund

David Olson and Claire Fritsche

and Leon Travanti

Anonymous (4)

North Shore Bank Palmer Family Foundation


Lisa Groskopf-Gleason

Dr. Francisco Aguilar and Mrs. Elizabeth Ross Aguilar

Arlene Hansen

Richard and Diana Barthel

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hlavac

Ms. Candis G. Rand and Mr. Tim Flagstad

Mr. and Mrs. Clair Baum

Humana Health Care

Mr. Raymond L. Retzlaff

Anthony and Priscilla Beadell Beer Capitol Distributing LLC

International Fine Prints Dealers Association Foundation

Mrs. Andrea Schneider and Mr. Rodd Schneider

Patricia R. Blake

Rebecca Jackson

Mr. Martin Schreiber

Mr. John M. Bohler

Richard G. Jacobus Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schueller

Marilyn and John Breidster Mrs. Wendy A. Burke Joseph Cerreto Cherchian Family Foundation Inc. Patty and Larry Compton Eileen and Howard Dubner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dunham Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Easom Mrs. Wendy Eldridge

Mr. Mary E. Henke

Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD Ms. Jane Podemski

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jahn

Mrs. Judy Schwenker and Mr. Erich Schwenker

Peter and Debra Johnson

Carole B. and Gordon I. Segal

Kassouf Family Foundation

John Shannon and Jan Serr

Mr. Grant C. Killoran and Mrs. Carrie Norbin Killoran

Mr. Joel Shields

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Koenig Kolaga Family Charitable Trust Krause Family Foundation Stanley Kritzik

Barbara Stein Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Stein Ms. Florence Steinberger Ms. Mary K. Strachota



Mr. and Mrs. Roland Strampe

Mrs. Judith Croak

Mr. Frederick P. Stratton Jr.

Mr. Michael Benton and Mrs. Karla Benton

Swedish Council of America

Michael and Carmen Bergom

CSD Structural Engineers

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Syrjanen

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bilsky

Mr. Gerardo Cumpiano and Ms. Elizabeth Parker

Carla A. Uphill

Ms. Rachel J. Bloch and Mr. Adam H. Christian

Ms. Kathleen Allen Crocker

Delafield Public Library

Ms. Janice Watson and Mr. Alfred Lustig

Robert and Carole Bonner

Ms. Mary Ann Delzer

Anne R. Booth and Charles Trainer

Susan Doornek

Mrs. Pamela Helms Wedholm and Mr. Chris Wedholm

Bostik Inc.

Patti and Patrick Doughman

Mrs. Marilyn Bradley

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Welz

Art and Rhonda Downey

Ms. Deanna Braeger

West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Mr. John Dragisic

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Breslau

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wythes

S. J. Brown

Dr. Peter Drescher and Dr. Karin M. Drescher

Mrs. Richard Zauner

David D. and Diane M. Buck

Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Dreske

Sharon Ziegler

Dr. Henry and Barbara Burko

Mr. David Drew

Anonymous (2)

Dr. Daniel Burrell and Mrs. Jenice Burrell

Michael D. Dunham

Mrs. Helen B. Ambuel

Anthony and Patricia Busalacchi

David and Carol Anderson Family Foundation

Albert J. and Flora H. Ellinger Foundation Inc.

Tom Bush and Rosie Neufeld

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellsworth Jr.

Ms. Peggy AnnDiane and Thomas Arenberg

Carla and Neal Butenhoff

James Emling

James and Judith Callan

John and Mary Emory

Kathlyn M. and Christopher J. Callen

James D. Ericson


Peter Barclay Mrs. Rose Marie Baron Mr. Leo Barton and Mrs. Diane M. Barton Polly and Robert Beal Mr. Byron S. Becker and Ms. Mary Ellen Csuka Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bell Ms. Susan R. Bennett

Ms. Mary Carson Mr. Robert Carter and Mrs. Sue Kletzke Carter Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Causey Valerie B. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Connolly Lynn and Jim Connolly

Ken and Claire* Fabric Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fischer Anne and Dean Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. David Fondrie Ms. Judith Ford Ms. Elizabeth J. Forman and Mr. Scott Bolens

Ms. Lucy Cooper

Mr. Mark Franzen and Mrs. Janice Franzen

James W. Cope, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. French

Mario and Cathy Costantini

Friends of the Oconomowoc Public Library

Mary and Paul S. Counsell


Dynamic Events by David Caruso

Thomas J. Gallagher

Sandy and Jim Hanus

Judy and Mark Garber

Joan Hardy

Mr. John E. Gebhardt and Ms. Deborah McKeithanGebhardt

Mr. Jonathan M. Harper and Mrs. Penelope Harper

Robert and Gail Korb

Edward T. Hashek

Mrs. Susie Gebhardt

Hatco Corporation

Mr. Alex C. Kramer and Mrs. Mary Kramer

Mr. and Mrs. William Genne Jr.

Tom and Suzanne Hefty

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Krause

Mrs. Grace Gnorski and Mr. John Gnorski

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henika


Ms. Sally Hensel

Ms. Christine A. Krueger

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hitler

Mr. Richard C. Krueger

Joseph and Rebecca Hogan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kubly

Mrs. Stephanie Honan and Mr. Dave Honan

Milt and Carol Kuyers

Donald and Melody Huenefeld

Bill and Judy Laste

Hunzinger Construction Company

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Lavin

Hupy and Abraham S.C.

Mr. Jeffrey C. Levy

Julie Ihlenfeldt

Robert J. Lotz

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Injeski

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Love

• Kalmbach Publishing Co. Fund

InPro Corporation

Dr. Rickie D. Lovell

Mr. Ronald E. Jacquart

• David C. Scott Foundation Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson

Mrs. Sherry L. Lundell and Mr. Richard E. Lundell

Mrs. Melvin Goldin Dr. Burton E. Goodman and Ms. Harriet Bocksenbaum Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goodman Mr. Paul Gordon and Honorable Bonnie Gordon Laura Graf Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Susan and Howard Hopwood Fund

Mr. Paul E. Greeney and Mrs. Wendy F. Greeney Mrs. Jill Griffee-Ross Dr. Sidney E. Grossberg Gruber Law Offices LLC Mr. Steven O. Gruen and Mrs. Mardee Gruen Mrs. Joanne Grunau Barbara and Michael Guolee Robert and Mimi Habush Hammel, Green & Abrahamson Inc. Christopher and Suzanne Hanks

José Carlino Design

Ms. Elizabeth A. Kocol and Mr. Terry Booth Dr. and Mrs. Spencer D. Korte

LaLune Collection

Mr. and Mrs. David Leevan

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kadlec

Ms. Angela Lustig and Mr. Dale Taylor

Mr. Richard Kahn

Ann R. MacIver

Charlie and Mary Kamps

John E. Mahony

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Karp

Jacqueline Servi Margis

Bruce and Mary Karr

Ann L. Margolis

Moshe and Debra Katz

Lucy A. Martin

Ms. Heidi Heller Kiesler

Mary E. McAndrews

Dr. John Kirby

Mr. and Mrs. John S. McGregor

Mr. and Mrs. John Kissinger

Mead Public Library

Mr. Michael G. Klein and Ms. Maureen M. Klein

Mr. Patrick Mehigan and Ms. Piper Plummer

Renee Kloet



Dr. Sue Meinerz and Mr. Scott Meinerz

Steven and Karen Port

Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schwartz

Joan and Don Prachthauser

Mrs. Eleanor Seaman

Menomonee Falls Public Library

Dr. Sarah J. Pratt

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Shaffer Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Meyer

Kasandra and R. Jeffrey Preston

Dr. Nicholas Meyer and Mrs. Laura Meyer

Cathy Procton

Mr. Scott Shoener and Mrs. Dulcie Shoener

Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Pruessing

Shully’s Cuisine & Events

Susan and Thomas S. Quadracci

Donna Siegmund

Thomas and Lisa Read

Dr. and Mrs. John D. Simmons

Mr. Martyn R. Redgrave and Mrs. Martyn Redgrave

Cathy Simpson

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Kathleen Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Milleville Mukwonago Community Library

Patricia and Allen Rieselbach

Eric D. Steele and Kathryn C. Bach

Gregg Mulry and Robert Schambers

Thomas W. Cunningham and Mary E. Ritchie

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stoffel

National Business Furniture Inc.

Rite-Hite Corporation Foundation

Mr. Terry R. Sutter

Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Mr. Douglas J. Mickelson Mr. and Mrs. Don Middleton Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Miech José A. Milan

Neighborhood House of Milwaukee

Mrs. A. D. Robertson

David and Gail Nelson

Buddy and Catherine Robinson

New Berlin Public Library

Dr. and Mrs. David Y. Rosenzweig

Mr. Patrick O’Brien and Mrs. Elizabeth O’Brien

Julie and Mason Ross

Omnivore Agency

Lizbeth J. Rowe

Tracy A. Park, MD

Mr. Michael Ryan and Mrs. Mary Burke Ryan

Mr. Alan S. Perlstein and Ms. Terry L. Hamann Janice and Raymond Perry Community Fund Inc.

Tracy and John Rothman

Ms. Anita M. Samen and Mr. David C. Follmer

Mrs. Donna M. Smith Spano Pratt Executive Search

Dr. and Mrs. James E. Stoll Mrs. Georgeane Szczygielski Susan P. and James H. Taylor Mrs. Victoria Teerlink and Mr. Jeff Drope Ann Terwilliger Teuteberg Inc. Ms. Nicole Teweles Chuck and Lori Torner Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Treisman Kim and Pat Uding Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Uihlein

Sharon and Duane Peterson

Ms. Annemarie Sawkins, PhD, and Ms. Jean Collins

Mr. James N. Phillips

Mrs. Phyllis Scharner

WaterStone Bank

John Julian Pickeral III and Evalynne J. Espejo

Wilbert and Genevieve Schauer Foundation

Len and Susan Weistrop

Plunkett Family Foundation

Mr. Kevin Scheu and Mrs. Theresa L. Scheu

Thomas G. Wendt

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Polacheck Polanki Inc./Polish Women’s Cultural Club


Jane and Greg Schneider Lawrence and Katherine Schnuck

Mrs. Martha Vogel

Ms. Sue E. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. White Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittow Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Wilson

John and Margaret Wittkowske

Ms. Linda G. Buchsbaum

Ms. Marcia A. Day

Mr. Chyan Wu

Larry and Eileen Dean

Zaun Memorial Foundation

Mr. Henry Buckingham and Mrs. Janet Buckingham

Anonymous (4)

Anne Marie and Michael Bula

Ms. Julia A. DeCicco


Dr. P. D. Burstein and Mrs. Sharon L. Burstein

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeDecker

Dr. Robert T. Adlam

Lois A. and Dean S. Cady

Ms. Rebecca Anderson Mike and Laura Arnow

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Caestecker

Association of Print Scholars Inc.

Mrs. Patricia J. Cahill

Mr. Thom Bachhuber and Ms. Eileen Riordan

Ms. Patricia Calvy

Ms. Amy J. BairDr. Rita Bakalars Bruce and Catherine Bauer

Dr. Curtis L. Carter and Mrs. Jean E. Carter

Mr. Chuck Bauer

John Castle

David and Jill Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Caves

Mrs. Margery Becker

Joan Celeste

Ms. Linda Beczkiewicz

Catherine W. Champ

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Behnken

Mr. Richard F. Chang and Ms. Rebecca Leiviska

Mr. Scott C. Beightol and Ms. Desiree K. Erickson

Carol A. Carpenter

Randy and Kathleen Dean

Jane Delzer and Ken Finkel Herb and Carolynn Desch Mrs. Susan DeWitt Davie Erik Dovre and Ellen Dovre Mr. Rodney H. Dow Ms. Peter C. Drenzek Ms. Marlene Dubas Dr. and Mrs. James C. DuCanto John E. Dyer and Theresa M. Skrivseth Jan Effinger Elizabeth and Herodotos Ellinas Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Emerson Ernst and Christiane Endres

Ms. Fengchi W. Chen

Richard and Carol Eschner

Mr. Eric Benzschawel

Karen and Dick Christenson

Melvin P. Fabiszak

Mr. Nic Bernstein

Ms. Sue Cleary-Koch

Mr. Jim Farmer

Mr. Roger J. Bialcik

Honorable Pedro A. Colon and Mrs. Betty Colon-Ulmer

Mr. Stuart H. Feen and Ms. Carol Sonnenschein

Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Connell

Mr. Lyle Fitterer and Mrs. Lisa Fitterer

Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Blommer Mr. and Mrs. William Bodner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Boles Dr. Charles Bomzer and Mrs. Lynne G. Bomzer Mr. James Borchardt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bourgeois Mr. Benny Brojde Marcia Brooks and Edward J. Hammond Mr. John D. Bryson and Mrs. Lisa A. Bryson

Ms. Lynn M. Cornwell and Mr. Brad Glock Mr. Todd Craft and Mrs. Aimee Craft

Mrs. Marcia C. Flanagan and Mr. Tom Flanagan Tom and Jennifer Florsheim Jr.

Mr. Brian Croegaert

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Foell

Ms. Mary Cronin

William and Kari Foote

Jim and Kathy Daly

Mr. Richard A. Fortune

Mr. William Davidson and Mr. Randy Reddemann

Foster Family Foundation

Robert Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Frank

William F. Fox *deceased


Mr. Calvin Gage

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Helz

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gaspar

Mr. James Hempel

Mr. Kyle Gassenhuber

Mrs. Anne Hentz and Mr. Greg Hentz

Mrs. Carol Knitter

Mr. John P. Hickey and Dr. Kathleen L. Hickey

Benedict and Lee Walther Kordus

Mrs. Dolores Holman

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Krei

Mr. Mark Humphrey and Mrs. Peg Humphrey

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Krenzke

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Gaulke Dr. Gregg Gaylord Mr. Scott Gelzer Drs. Mark and Virginia Gennis Mr. Paul Gerew and Ms. Nicole Menegakis Jim and Laura Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn M. Gimbel Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Goisman Jeffrey M. Goldberg Mrs. Ellen R. Goldstein and Mr. Stephen Goldstein Ms. Idy Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Goodman Jack Goss Mr. and Mrs. Terry Grabow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Graff Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John Hunzinger Ms. Kimberly Hurtado Mr. Nathan Imfeld and Ms. Hilary Hawley Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs Ms. Beth L. Jaworski Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Jennings Dr. Patricia Jens and Mr. Lee Elver Mrs. Richard C. John Mr. William Johnson and Mrs. Linda Johnson Mrs. Olof Jonsdottir and Mr. Thornsteinn Skulason

Mr. Kevin Kloehn and Mrs. Jennifer R. Kloehn Arthur C. Kootz Foundation Mary Krall

Andrew and Lauren Kresnye Ms. Pam Kriger Mr. Gilbert G. Krueger Nancy Krueger Mrs. Michael Kubly Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kundert Mr. Alan LaFreniere and Mrs. Patricia LaFreniere Sandra and Dale Landgren Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lasca Brian Lauttamus and Arlene Carter Dr. Margaret M. Layde Mr. Peter M. Layde

Ms. Patricia D. Jursik

Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Mr. Sean Lee

Jule and Michael Groh

Ms. Patricia Keating Kahn and Mr. Charles Kahn

Grumman-Butkus Associates

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kane

Mr. David M. Lenz and Mrs. Rosemarie Feiza-Lenz

Ms. Marianne Guidos and Mr. Mark Fortney

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Karnes

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lincoln

Peg Kartheiser

Ms. Jean Hamann

Dr. Laurence Kauth and Mrs. JoAnn Kauth

Dr. Paul W. Loewenstein and Mrs. Jody Kaufman Loewenstein

• Susan D. Mischler Fund Mrs. Susan K. Griswold

Mary and Edward J. Hanrahan Ms. Leslie Hauser and Mr. Karl Wuesthoff

Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kennedy

Ms. Rita L. Hayen and Mr. Walter Boeshaar

Mr. Scott Kimball

Mr. Gary L. Heaney

Robert and Gerda Klingbeil


Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Killian Ms. Marie F. Kingsbury

Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lubing Gary Lundberg Dr. Robert D. Lyon and Ms. Gabrielle S. Davidson Barbara Manger and Bill Lynch Rose Mary and Frank Matusinec

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Maurer Mr. James D. McLain and Mrs. Denise McLain

Mr. Alex Ormandy and Ms. Ann Hirst

Mr. Robert Schwartz and Ms. Margaret Atherton

Mr. Ted M. Palmer

Mr. Jay Scott and Mrs. Carolyn Scott

Ms. Annette Melcher

Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl J. Melzer

Mark Pedersen

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Michaelchuck

Mrs. Linda Pelej

Robert and Susan Mikulay

Ms. Rita Petretti

Ms. Susan Ford Miller

Ned and Barb Piehler

Bob and Jan Montgomery

Mr. Bob Pothier and Mrs. Virginia Pothier

Ms. Melissa Mooney and Mr. Philip Schultz Elizabeth A. and John W. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson

Tinsley Preston

Dr. Andrew Seter and Mrs. Cheryl Seter Mr. Robert K. Sholl and Mrs. Jill Wickham Les and Marcia Singer Lyn and Bob Slater Mr. Todd Slusar Allison M. and Dale R. Smith Mr. David M. Smith

Linda and Douglas Moore

Mr. Douglas Purucker and Ms. Elizabeth Porter

T. J. Morley and Renee Kubesh

Mr. Joseph Quinn

Ken and Cardi Toellner Smith

Ms. Lisa M. Mosier

Adriana and Robert Ragir

Vivian Smith

Motor Castings Foundation

Catherine Reeves

Warren and Sue Smith

Ms. Lai King Moy and Dr. Michael L. Becker

Patrick and Noreen Regan

Dr. John Snyder and Mrs. Nancy Snyder

Mr. Bernard Mrazik and Ms. Jeannie Jerde

Ms. Harriette Resnick

Donald and Corinne Muench Mr. Patrick Mullarkey and Ms. Gail Thorpe Ms. Nancy A. Munroe Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Murphy Ms. Mary Ann Murphy Lucia and Jack M. Murtaugh Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Muth Mr. Walter Myers and Mrs. Jane Myers Donna Neal Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Oberland Judith and David Olson Mr. and Mrs. David Oplinger

David and Kris Reicher Mrs. Margaret T. Riester Mr. Kevin Ronnie Ms. Rosalind K. Rouse Debra Sadow and Steven Koenig

Janine and Bruce Smith

Margaret Sohm Ms. Dorothy Somers John and Ruthann Spaay Ms. Kim Springer and Mr. Scott Springer

Judy Saichek

Lurilee and Steve SpringerWilson

Ms. Janice K. Sarkor

Mrs. Carol Stein

Mr. Kevin Sawall

Ms. Lara D. Steinbach

Beth and Chris Schimel

Mrs. Patsy L. Steinbach

Mr. and Mrs. Schlossmann

Mr. Howard Stern and Mrs. Veronica Stern

Jean and Rick Schmalfeld Mr. Patrick W. Schmidt and Ms. Dewey J. Caton

Dr. Virginia C. Stoffel

Mrs. Mary Schmitendorf

Mr. Richard Stoll and Mrs. Susan Stoll

Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder

Dr. and Mrs. James Stone

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwallie

Miss Susan R. Strecker



Mrs. Audrey Strnad

Diane and Butch Weiss

Vance and Paula Strother

Ann and George Whyte

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

Susan A. Sweeney

Kathleen and Dennis Wicht

Marilyn A. Charles

Mr. Paul Tanzer and Mrs. Donna Tanzer

Ms. Lana M. Wiese

Richard R. Cherek

Dr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Wilkins

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Choice

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Tate

Madonna and Jay Williams

Michael J. Cudahy

Ms. Lindsey R. Tauber

Sherman and Jill Williams

Libby Temkin

Mrs. Janet Wintersberger

James DeYoung and Leslie Davis

Ms. Lynn Templeton Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Teper

Mr. Lee G. Wolcott and Mrs. Carol A. Wolcott

Karen A. Tibbitts

Mr. George Wolz

Janice and James Fleming

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Trampe

Mrs. Joan A. Yuen

Gloria and Steven Foster

Dr. and Mrs. William Treichel

Ms. Caryl E. Zaar

Dr. Dan Trittin and Mrs. Melissa Trittin

Mr. David Zalewski

Dawn Frank and Stephen Gorman

Priscilla A. and Thomas R. Tuschen

Ms. Diane E. Ziolkowski

Dr. Grant K. Varian and Mrs. Cheryl Varian

Anonymous (10)

Cynthia Vasques Mr. Gus Verick Mr. Byron Vielehr and Mrs. Laurie Vielehr Mr. Brian C. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Tom Voell Mrs. Eleanor Wainwright John and Jennie Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Mrs. Susan A. Walker Mr. Michael R. Walton and Ms. Mary Schueller

Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Zeft Mrs. Eve Zucker

LIFETIME MEMBERS When supporters provide sustained assistance rising far above the ordinary, the Museum honors them as Lifetime Members. We are deeply grateful to the following for the support they have provided. Peg Atkinson J. P. Atterberry Dr. Isabel Bader

Ms. Beth L. Weckmueller

Jay and Patty Baker

Ms. Patricia Weiler

Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Baumgartner

Elizabeth and Joseph Weirick Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weisman


Barbara and Russell E. Bowman

Joanne Dyskow Helena P. Ehlke

Dr. Marvin Fruth David and Maggi Gordon Dr. George Gray Herzfeld Foundation John and Catherine Irion David and Cynthia Kahler Joseph Kavanaugh Daniel T. Keegan and Janné Abreo Daniel F. Kehrer Mrs. Robert V. Krikorian Timothy A. Ladwig Layton Art Collection Inc. Barbara Brown Lee Sally Manegold Mrs. Arthur F. Milbrath David Moynihan Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation Joan M. Pick Charles Radtke and Ariel Steuer The Reiman Family Foundation

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin Inc. Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation Muhammed Isa Sadlon Fran E. Serlin Mrs. Marcia Specks Lawrence R. Stadler Sally and Steve Stevens David and Julia Uihlein Mrs. Erwin C. Uihlein Lynde B. Uihlein Mrs. Rymund Wurlitzer LEGACY SOCIETY The following have made arrangements through wills, retirement plans, charitable remainder trusts, or other instruments to leave a portion of their estate to the Museum. Their legacies will help ensure that the Museum’s exhibitions and programs will serve many generations to come.

Anthony and Andrea Bryant

Douglas C. James

Mrs. John D. Bryson*

Russ Jankowski

Dr. Thomas and Barbara Burton

Susan M. Jennings

Dr. Curtis Carter

Peter and Debra Johnson

Lynn Chappy

Judy and Gary Jorgensen

Lisa A. H. Cudahy

Patti Keating Kahn

Mary Ann Delzer

George C. Kaiser

Mary Terese Duffy

Scot and Lance Karp

Jim* and Trudy Durand

Paula Keats & Steve Horwath

Audrienne W. Eder

Ray and Susan Kehm

Bob and Kathy Emery

Mary E. Kelly

Mary L. Fiedler

Msgr. Raymond N. Kertz

Richard (Skip) Forrest

Judith A. Keyes

Elizabeth and Frederic Friedman

Dr. and Mrs. John D. Koehler

Ellen and Richard Glaisner

Kathleen L. Kortas

Carole and Adam Glass

Mary and Michael* Krall

David Glenn Donald* and Carolie* Goniu

Kenneth and Melinda* Scott Krei

Thomas J. Gould

Nancy* and Gilbert Krueger

Arlene Hansen

Raymond and Barbara Krueger

Dr. Elizabeth Harrison

Debra Lampe-Revolinski and William Revolinski

Edward T. Hashek Michael and Gay Hatfield

Thomas J. Landers Daniel and Samantha La Nuez

George R. Affeldt Jr.

Carla and Robert Hay

Ms. Susan L. Andrews

Sheila M. Hendrix

Charles* and Dorothy Aring

Donna Hensel

James M.* and Marilyn M. Auer

Sally Hensel

Adam Bauman Priscilla and Anthony Beadell

Dr. Sidney and Suzanne Herszenson

David E.* and Natalie B. Beckwith

Thomas D. Hesselbrock and Carl Spatz

Bruce and Melissa Block

John G. Hill Jr.* and Sarah H. Hill

Robert J. Lodzinski

Mr. and Mrs. James Hyde Jr.

Sally and Paul McCaughey

Angela and George* Jacobi

Rocille McConnell

T. Thompson Bosworth Richard Daniel Bradley and John Warren Stewig

Victor J. Larson Lise and Tom Lawson Barbara Brown Lee and Wallie* Lee Lawrence and Bridget Lenz Nancy A. Lindenberg Gail Lione and Barry Grossman Helen Peter Love



Tom and Mary McCormick Marilyn E. Miller* and Leone Lewensohn William H. Morley and James A. Schleif

Arthur C.* and Katherine M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smocke Mrs. Nita Soref

Gregg Mulry and Robert Schambers

Susie Gigi Stein

Mr. Ken Multhauf

Terry R. Sutter

Nancy A. Munroe

Mr. and Mrs. Allen M.* Taylor

James* and Alice Nelson

Roseann* and David Tolan

Diane M. and J. Alan O’Connor

Leon Travanti and Carolyn White-Travanti

Lawrence W. Oliverson and Donna N. Guthrie

Roland and Judith Strampe

Edward M. Turner

Joyce and Nick Pabst

Carla A. Uphill

Lygere Panagopoulos

Judith Van Till

Jill and Jack* Pelisek

Kent and Marcia Velde

Elaine N. Peterson*

Jo and Bob Wagner

Lucia and Pete Petrie

Lisa K. Weisman

Anthony J. Petullo

Agnes and Ronald Wells, MD

Joseph M. Pfiffner

Ms. Sue E. Wells

Ronald and Barbara Poe

David Wescoe

Gordana* and Milan Racic

Edwin P. (Ted) Wiley

Randy R. Reddemann

Dick and Susan* Wilkey

Thomas J. Reich for the Reich Family

Dr. Elizabeth L. Wimberg

Sande Robinson Atty Robert W. & Mrs. Barbara Roth Charles and Judith Rousseau Lizbeth J. Rowe Muhammad Isa Sadlon Allen and Vicki Samson James and Andrea Schloemer Roger W. Schneider Wendy and Douglas* Sleight


Lee G. Wolcott Richard and Sue Ann Wruck Georgia Young Mrs. Richard Zauner Alanna Zrimsek and Morton Levin

PUBLIC FUNDING SOURCES The State of Wisconsin supported the Milwaukee Art Museum and its teen programs in 2020 through a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board, with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts, and through a Joint Effort Marketing (JEM) grant from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. The Museum’s teen programs were also supported in part with grants from the Milwaukee Public School Partnership for the Arts and Humanities and the Milwaukee Arts Board. Milwaukee County continues to support the Museum’s programs and its managing of the Saarinen and Kahler facilities on behalf of the County. Lastly, the exhibition A Modern Vision: European Masterworks from The Phillips Collection was supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.

In Memoriam

Reva Shovers

Gerald Levy

The Museum lost a dear friend and long-standing member of the Acquisitions and Collections Committee, Reva Shovers, in June. Shovers was also active in the Contemporary Art Society support group from its earliest days; she co-

In June, the Museum said goodbye to Gerald (Jerry) Levy, a longtime supporter. Levy, together with his wife, Ellin, was also an active member in the Contemporary Art Society for many years, enjoying numerous trips with the support group.

chaired the first CAS Art Auction and hosted countless dinners and events with her husband, Phil, at their home. Shovers brought her unwavering passion for art to everything she did for the Museum. above Karen Drummond, John Schellinger, Reva Shovers, and Joe Pabst at the 2017 CAS Art Auction

TRIBUTES We gratefully acknowledge the generous donors who contributed gifts of $100 or more as a tribute to someone special during fiscal year 2019–20. In Honor of Mugsie Allis Ms. Florence Darien In Memory of Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trusts

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gramentine

In Honor of Chiara Helm

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mainman

In Honor of Elaine Jaeger

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ruttum

Suzanne and Andrew J. Steimle

Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer

In Honor of Frances Franklin Richard Freedman In Memory of Sylvia Gennis Drs. Mark and Virginia Gennis

In Memory of Sue Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dunham

In Honor of Suzanne F. Hanks

In Memory of Carlotta Durand Ms. Carla Durand

In Memory of G. Edward Heinecke

In Memory of Thomas D. Foster

Ms. Gail Fox

Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn M. Gimbel

William and Kari Foote

Mr. Stephen Heinecke In Memory of Avis M. Heller Ms. Heidi Heller Kiesler

Mr. Donald Elder Mr. Chyan Wu In Memory of Melinda Scott Krei The Krei Family In Memory of Virginia Krikovar Wilbert and Genevieve Schauer Foundation In Memory of Gerald J. Levy Mark and Cheryl Brickman Ms. Susie Cohn Mary and James Mark Connelly Suzy B. Ettinger Four of Jill’s fab five: Marta, Mindy, Terri, and Julie Dr. Lyle Henu Mr. Scott Mendeloff



In Memory of Richard (Dick) Sachs

Lawrence and Judy Moon

Mrs. Melvin Goldin

Peter Raskind

Wayne Levy

Dennis Saffro and Julie Saffro

Ann L. Margolis

Ms. Laura Goebel

Mr. Scott Mendeloff

Deborah Haraldson

Sue and Bud Selig

Ms. Susan Ford Miller

YPO Gold Wisconsin Chapter Inc.

Minow Family

In Memory of Audrey A. Mann Suzy B. Ettinger In Honor of Karen McNeely Ted MacMahon In Memory of Annette Mickelson Sharon and Paul Burnstein Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Connolly Jim and Kathy Daly Jen Haldemann Patricia and Alan LaFreniere Karen Oliver Mary Beth Schmalz Jane Nelson, Janice Allison, and Cynthia Schmidt In Honor of Jock and Linda Mutschler Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tevlin In Honor of Monica Obniski The Decorative Arts Trust In Memory of Mitchell Olson Campbell Equipment In Memory of Gilbert Palay Mr. Bruce Barshop Debbi and Barry Berman Ms. Claire C. Egner Mrs. Jane K. Gertler


Ms. Pamela Schein Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Martyn R. Redgrave Ms. Harriette Resnick Susan and Alvin Schonfeld Mrs. Barbara Solomon Mr. Thomas Solomon Melanie and Jay Spahr Michael Vanhandel Anonymous (2) In Honor of Ariel Pate Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design In Memory of Mrs. Helen A. Pfeifer

In Honor of Mr. Freddy Santos Sr. and Mrs. Maria B. Santos, Ennis, Texas Steven Lawrence Santos In Memory of Brenda M. Schendel Gwen Evseichik Mr. Richard G. Evseichik Mr. Dennis E. Schendel Mark Thoennes In Memory of Richard Schulze

Mrs. Debra Koenig and Dr. Steven Koenig

Mr. David J. Roback and Ms. Virginia M. Roback In Honor of Bud Selig Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baumgartner

Gottlob Armbrust Family Fund

Bonnie and Leon Joseph

Mrs. Stacey J. Meanwell and Mr. Walter E. Meanwell

Ms. Jodi Peck and Mr. Les Weil

Maureen and Bill Miller

Ms. Carolyn C. Senty In Honor of Marcelle Polednik, PhD The Haskell Foundation In Memory of Kent and Barbara Quantius Susan E. Quantius and Terry Hartle

In Memory of Reva Shovers Mary E. Egan Mr. Jim and Dr. Karen Petric Anonymous In Memory of Don Tarachow Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Greenwalt In Memory of Martha Wolz Mr. George Wolz



We are deeply thankful to those who provided support to the Museum during the pandemic, helping offset the lost revenue caused by COVID-19–related closures and restrictions. Their gifts extend beyond this fiscal year, to December 31, 2020.

The following individuals and organizations generously provided goods and services to help the Museum in 2019–20.

Demmer Charitable Trust Educators Credit Union Kohl’s Department Stores The Krei Family in Memory of Melinda Milwaukee Arts Board Northwestern Mutual Foundation Donna O’Rourke Office of Milwaukee County Executive David C. & Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation

88Nine Radio Milwaukee Bliffert Lumber and Hardware

NEIGHBORHOOD DISCOUNT PROGRAM PARTNERS Thank you to the local businesses that partner with the Museum to give its Members exclusive discounts throughout the community.

Marilyn and Orren J.* Bradley

Balzac Wine Bar

Clear Channel Outdoor

BelAir Cantina


Brew City Salvage

Eagle Enterprises Ltd.

Comet Cafe

Julia and George A. Evans


Mrs. Anne Gimbel

Fuel Cafe 5th Street

Hawks Landscape

The Hilton Hotel–Milwaukee

Jenner & Block LLP

Hotel Metro–Autograph Collection

Johnson Controls Kujawa Enterprises Inc. Missy and Bill Levit Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport

INVIVO Wellness Joint Effort Studio The Journeyman Kimpton The Pfister Hotel


Sabrosa Cafe & Gallery

State of Wisconsin

Saint Kate

Terra Foundation for American Art

Orley Shabahang

Shred415 East Side

Anne and David Ryan

SPIRE Fitness



Strange Town

Travel Experts

Thief Wine Shop and Bar

Urban Milwaukee

Yama Yoga

Vanguard Computers Inc./ CompURent Wisconsin Public Radio



Docents and Volunteers


Jody Baxter

Steve Horvath

Grace Gnorski

Jan Blooming

Debbie Huberty


Bill Boles

Peg Humphrey

Peetie Basson

Ann Brophy

Yvonne Jahnke

Judy Brown

Kelly Jones

Libby Bruce

Karen Jossi

Barbara Cancalosi

Gary Kampe

Geralyn Cannon

Jill Kemper

Marti Carr

Alice Steuck Konkel

Mauree Childress

John Kraft

Continuing Education

Jennifer Christ

Linda Laarman

Alice Steuck Konkel

Sharon Clappier

Peter Larson

Deborah Mamerow

Lee Coppernoll

Judy Leiterman

Docent Digest

Gabrielle Davidson

Sandi Lewenauer

Brenda Richardson

Gay Donahue

Caryl Lobel

Sandy Roller

Louise Doornek

Deborah Mamerow

Greeter Team Coordinators

Pat Dunn

Janet Matthews

Kathleen Grady

Gwen Evseichik

Sally McCaughey

Meta Zobec-Novak

Debbie Fagan

Kelley McInstosh


Carole Faught

Betty Menacher

Kathy Fellman

Marty Merkt

Susie Fondrie

Mary Middleton

Karen Franklin

Sharon Moore

Grace Gnorski

Kathleen Muldowney


Kathleen Grady

Laura Mullins

Sharon Gray

Beatrice Murphy


Jill Griffee-Ross

Mary Fran Murray

George Affeldt

Jean Gruehn

Soozie Nelson

Diane Aiello

Larry Hammond

Bernie Newman

Debbie Antonio

Heidi Hanson

Anne Noyes

Howard Austin

Jane Hanson

Judy Perkins

Rose Balistreri

Holly Harnischfeger

Karen Petric

Barbara Bartholin

Missie Hawley

Virginia Pothier

Nick Baumgart

Karen Hellman

Edith Radovich

Past Chair Caroline Raffel Secretary Debbie Antonio Peter Larson

Judy Leiterman Junior Docent School Program Coordinator Fred Syrjanen


Caroline Raffel


Sharon Muendel

Brenda Richardson

Peetie Basson

Sharon Nieman-Koebert

Nedret Rix

Sue Berce

Joyce Pabst

Susie Roberts

Diane Berndt

Carol Peterson

Sandy Roller

Melissa Block

Lynn Pilmaier

Nancy Rubly

Pat Brophy

Joan Prachthauser

Linda Sanduski

Miriam Cleary

Sally Pratt

Jeewon Schally

Mary Crawford

Mary Read

Cynthia Schmadeke

Eileen Dean

Gloria Rozmus

Susan Schoenfeld

Janet Dulde

Judith Ruland

Kathy Schuchard

Virginia Dunphy

Claudia Shea

Amy Sharpe

Claire Fabric

Wendy Sleight

Pamela Shovers

Heidi Fallone

Mary Ellen Smith

Susan Siegert

Sylvia Fishman

Sharon Steinmetz

Davey Singer

Ellen Flesch

Carol Stephenson

Marcia Singer

Janis Frank

Ethel Stern

Diana Sjoberg

Frank Green

Rikki Thompson

Jane Somers

Jule Groh

Carla Uphill

Teresa Spigel

Suzanne Hanks

Janet Vopal

Marely Stein

Suzanne Herszenson

Mary Alice Wasielewski

Julie Stockinger

Lloyd Hickson

Bonnie Welz

Judy Strampe

Joan Hunt

Mary Sussman

Barbara Jorgensen


Terry Sutter

Shinji Kaiser

Terri Sutton

Diane Kane

Cynthia Swedish

Jonas Karvelis

Fred Syrjanen

Raymond Kehm

Bobbie Szabo

Laura Lange

Karen Thaker

Kenneth Loeffel

Mary Tollander

Paul Masterson

Maggie Wlodarski

Laeh Bensman McHenry

Heidi Wurlitzer

Joe McPhillips

Carol Ann Zimmerman

Helga Mikoteit

Meta Zobec-Novak

Robert Mitchell

Mary Ackermann Suzanne Aiken Kathy Arenz Vicki Banghart Sylvia Barany Katherine Beeson Kathy Boer Martha Bolles Leanne Boris Anne Borkowf Claudette Bostrom Arlene Brachman


Marilyn Bradley

Tsui-Ching Hammond

Joyce Ninneman

Patty Brink

Donna Hensel

Sue Oster

Alexandra Buchholz

Roger Heuberger

Sue Pieper

Marsha Camitta

Adrienne Hirsch

Margaret Plotkin

Sharon Canter

Rana Holbrook

Beverly Rattner

Phyllis Casey

Mary Holden

Mary Ellen Reiland

Joanne Charlton

Liz Joehnk

Gail Rennie

Judy Christofferson

Beth Just

Marcie Roberts

Judith Croak

Joan Kabins

Rita Rochte

Lorraine Croft

Eileen Kaczmarek

Sheila Rudberg

Patricia Crump

Elsie Kanin

Brenda Schendel

Elizabeth Cuneo

Louise Keck

Janis Scherr

Barbara Damm

Audrey Keyes

Sally Schuler

Mary Ann Delzer

Carole Kintis

Jane Segerdahl

Marie DeVillers

Bobbi Krier

Janet Seizyk

Bette Drought

Mary Krueger

Judy Shapiro

Joan Drouin

Lila Lange

Cathy Simpson

Stephanie Dudek

Barbara Larkin

Dorothy Stadler

Mary Therese Duffy

Janet Larscheid

Susan Steinman

Audrienne Eder

Joan Larscheid

Patricia Strassburger

Mary Lou Elson

Elaine Larsen

Mary Alice Tamsen

George Evans

Carol Lehmann

Carol Thieme

Estelle Felber

Joan Maas

Jerome Trewyn

Peg Fleury

James Maki

Priscilla Tuschen

Sue Frautschi

Audrey Mann

Beverly Ugent

Marilyn Giaimo

Nancy Matthisen

Susan Vebber

Anne Gimbel

Julie McHale

Anne Vogel

Ellen Glaisner

Mary-Claude McNulty

Margret Jhin Walsh

Susan Godfrey

Mary Meyers

Alice White

Linda Goetsch

Sylvia Miller

Kathy Wicht

Paula Goldman

Irene Morgan

Carol Wiensch

Ruth Gregory

Mary Murphy

Pamela Willms

Eileen Gruesser

Alice Nelson

Barbara Wood

Mary Hamilton

Jenny Nelson

Clarice Zucker



Andrew Lehtinen

Mary Voght

Mary Ann Adams

Ronald Lester

Maria Wallis

Sam Aeschbacher

Joan C. Levine

Richard Wedeikes

Beverly Arrowood

Ken Loeffel

Sandra Weinstein

Robin Bean

Rosemaria Makowski

Charlotte Wharton

Michael Brault

Marion Metzow

Judy Young

Michele Braun

Debra Miller

Meta Zobec-Novak

Lois Brazner

Julie Motz

Brigid Brennan

Sue Nelsen

Diane Buege

Nancy Novak

Cyndi Carini

Peter Novak

Cathy Carr

Judy Owens

Robert Carr

Christine Plichta

Becky Chen

Barbara Pokrandt

Lori Couture

Karina Polasky

Amy Croen

Ashley Radonski

Tiffany Dasher

Linda Raschka

Nancy Desjardins

Pam Renick

Caitlin Driver

Michelle Rekowski

Mary Fiedler

Cecilia Richardson

Rhonda Flory

David Riehl

Joseph Frederick

Curt Rode

Sally Hensel

Pat Rode

Russ Jankowski

Lizbeth Rowe

Betty Keller

Nancy Rubly

Mary Kelly

Heather Ryan

Shala Kilmer

Isabelle Seifert

Marie Kingsbury

Virginia Simerly

Barbara Klinger

Leslie Smart

Kathrine Kloecker

Terry Sutter

Lidia Klos

Diane Tatreaux

Kathy Kortas

Aubree Tillett

Lisa Kuznicki

Norine Trewyn

Cassandra Laurich

Lissa VanderHeyden


Staff As of August 31, 2020


Nikki Otten


Marcelle Polednik Donna and Donald Baumgartner Director

Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings

Terri White

Catherine Sawinski Assistant Curator of European Art

Chris Niver

Claire Anderson Executive Assistant HUMAN RESOURCES Kathy Acevedo Director of Human Resources

Ariel Pate Assistant Curator of Photography

Associate Conservator Assistant Conservator Rick Knight Framer/Mountmaker RESEARCH CENTER

Mary Beth Frigo Human Resources Generalist

Amanda Brown Collection Manager of Works on Paper

Heather Winter


aryn kresol

Media Archivist

Margaret Andera Interim Chief Curator and Curator of Contemporary Art

Chyna Bounds

Curatorial Assistant Curatorial Assistant

Librarian/Archivist Beret Balestrieri Kohn Jessica Ilias* Project Archivist/Library Assistant

Liz Flaig Curatorial Department Administrator

Phoenix Brown*

Brandon Ruud Abert Family Curator of American Art


Chief Preparator

Rachel Brechbuehler

Paul Mitchell

Senior Registrar

Lead Preparator

Tanya Paul The Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art

Jane O’Meara

Neil Gasparka

Associate Registrar


Stephanie Hansen Associate Registrar/Database Administrator

Kraig Przybylski

Lydelle Abbott Janes Associate Registrar for Exhibitions and Loans


Lisa Sutcliffe Herzfeld Curator of Photography and Media Arts Monica Obniski The Demmer Curator of 20thand 21st- Century Design David Russick Chief Designer


Abert Family Curatorial Fellow

Rebekah Morin* Rights and Reproduction Coordinator/Registrar’s Assistant


Preparator Troy Hagenbart Bob Burke Preparator

*part time



Josh Depenbrok Public Relations Manager

Manager of Visitor Services

Christina Dittrich Senior Editor

Visitor Services Supervisor Taylor Guza


Dustin Dupree Creative Technologist

Visitor Services Supervisor

Karen McNeely Director of Retail Operations

Molly Mattefs Partnership and Audience Activation Events Manager Jessica Steeber Strategic Projects and Operations Manager Sarah Kenyon Web Developer Syretta Brown Creative Operations Coordinator Erin Aeschbacher Associate Content Writer Rachel Stinebring Design and Photography Lead Alison Kleiman Design and Brand Lead Gwen GaBree Production Designer

Alana Andrysczyk Cindy Wilmeth

Devon Hatton Visitor Services Floor Coordinator

Sierra Brown* Anthony Busateri* Candice Vales* Visitor Services Events Associates

Emily Clement Store Manager

Lilia Banrevy

Jeffrey Burke

Volunteer Coordinator

Receiving Supervisor

Heidi Koester Office Administration Associate

Jeannie Cibulka

Megan Buckholt Ryan Jann Visitor Services Associates/ Reception Kathleen Arenz* Seasonal Visitor Services Associate Shantel Acevedo Diane Berndt* Joseph Eichstaedt Ryan Halloran Calvin Krawczyk* Abigail Munoz* Josie Newcomb* Rebekah Saunders Brittany Walker Visitor Services Associates

Assistant Buyer Jason Skowronski Merchandise Inventory Analyst/Ad and Webstore Graphic Specialist Mary Johnson Lead Sales Associate Samantha McCumber* Receiving/Store Associate Carly Anders* Pamela Baranowski* Catherine Cain* Jerold Fox* Emma Gesinski-Rose* Reece Howell* Jill Dittrich Lackney* Jessica Sanchez* Store Associates

*part time


FOOD SERVICE AND EVENTS Michelle McCue Director of Food Service and Events EVENTS Colby Breyfogle Sales and Event Manager

Michael Jasso* Jack Jones* Alonzo Martin* Lakiya Mott* Marquis Pate Malik Shaffer* Christopher Smallwood* Linette Tillmon

Yuri Thao* Andrew Thomas* Darwin Turner* Robert Vela* Joseph Westerfield* Shawna Wickersheim* Servers/Bartenders/Baristas EDUCATION AND PROGRAMS

Manda Gill Sales and Event Manager



Ngoc Le Manager of Food Service and Events

Brigid Globensky Barbara Brown Lee Senior Director of Education and Programs

Marina Hernandez Food and Beverage Supervisor - Restaurant

Amy Kirschke Director of Adult, Docent, and School Programs

Jocelyn Beckham* Melissa Buetow* Natalie Butler* Shannon Chalmers* Sidra Cutts-Byrne* Rachel Dummer* Allison Eggers* Chantalle Garcia* Jessica Gaskey* Andrew Harter* Emma Hickey* Yessica Jimenez* Alberta Knutson* Mark Komar* Kho Lor* Shelley Maculan* Brittany Muldowney* Kelsey Peterson* Maria Peterson*

Emily Sullivan Director of Youth and Family Programs

Riley Engstrom Set-Up Supervisor Matthew Cibulka* Willie Jackson* Chase Schaefer* Alex Weiland* Set-Up Technicians CAFÉ BACK OF HOUSE STAFF: Jamie Nelson Executive Chef Christopher Paulos Kitchen Manager - Catering Max Perez Special Events Lead Cook Anthony Ciurro James Cook Outlets Lead Cooks Zachary Balkowski* Anastasia Bouldin* Tracy Chiconas* Devlin George



Annie Kassens Adult, Docent, and School Programs Administrator Brett Henzig Youth and Family Programs Educator Dianne Choie Youth and Family Programs Coordinator Shannon Molter Associate Educator of Teen Programs Sarah Ozurumba Associate Educator for School and Teacher Programs *part time

Ali Rice Kohl’s Art Generation Community Relations Coordinator Marcie Hoffman Docent Tour Coordinator Alysha Rendflesh Education and Programs Administrative Assistant Liala Amin Kohl’s Color Wheels Team Coordinator Jessica Baumann* Amber DuChateau* Alyssa Felix* Ethan Sorge* Passion Terrell* Ted Zindars* Kohl’s Color Wheels Art Teachers Kristine Forslund* Jeanne Kollmeyer* Martin Solis* Ariel Teal* Michelle Zealy* Youth and Family Program Assistants Susan Brandstetter* Mary Fran Murray* Dawn Omernik Nimmer* Paula Washow* Family Program Teachers



Alissa Karl

Brad Novak Director of Campus Safety and Security

Chief Financial Officer Chris Gaskey Finance Director Jinnene Ross Accountant Marta Fackelman Accounting Associate Rosie Ma Accounting Assistant FACILITIES Dan Somers Director of Campus Facilities and Grounds Doug Greenmeier Assistant Director of Campus Facilities and Grounds Erwin van Dyck Facilities Manager Geoff Mumau HVAC Technician Carlos Leon-Roman Jordan Wallenfang Facilities Assistants Dick Andresen* Assistant Facility Engineer Museum Center Park

John Rittberg Manager, Campus Safety and Security Michael Gabrys Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security Tony Doernbach George Rebicek Frank Riedijk Lead Officers James Sudberry Lead Security Station Operator Daniel Bablitch Hanna Badger Sophia Barbour Dean Blackwell Gary Bolhar Jim Byrne Marisa Cummings Farouk Dadzie Adam Dudenhoefer Martin Esparza Dorado Leah Gayle Veronica Guzman Rivera Matt Haas Warren Iles Stephanie Johnson Diane Kendall Jason Mashlan Evan Reid Alberto Rios *part time


Kaycee Russell Dan Rutherford Josh Schanen Temperance Townsend Libby Vande Bunte Moua Yang Matt Zaharias

Warren Enstrom* Pedro Gutierrez* Kyle Hanneken

Security Officers

Chief Development Officer

Kristi Allen* Jason Blochowicz* Anastassia Christensen* Jennifer Colon* Jon Czerwinski* Joel Dhein* Marco Gonzalez* Kathryn Hanson* Jeff Jiracek* Kristi Ma* Chung Mai* Marla Peterson* Jim Rakers* Mike Rakers* Mary Richards* Special Event Security

Kim Theno Co-Director of Institutional Gifts


Audio Visual Technicians DEVELOPMENT Abby Ashley

Therese Palazzari Co-Director of Institutional Gifts DeDe Chaoui Director of Development Information Systems Courtney Kihslinger Director of Stewardship and Events Krista Renfrew Event Project Manager/ Director of LFOA Rachel Bellmer Director of Membership

Alex Grutza

Elisabeth Gasparka Development Officer for Membership

Systems Administrator

Leah Peavler

Bob Burton

Development Associate

Support Technician

Terry Pachuca

Ted Williams-Brusubardis Director of Gallery Media and AV Systems

Development Assistant

Director, Information Services

*part time



Financial Report

The consolidated financial statements of the Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) and its subsidiary, Museum Center Park (MCP), ended fiscal year 2020 with combined net assets of approximately $167 million. At year-end, the total market value of investments was $60.4 million, compared to $57.8 million as of 2019. The majority of the market value increase was in returns on investment. MCP had a debt balance of $2.3 million as of August 31, 2020. This year began in a position of fiscal strength: MAM was debt free and had a $1.2 million operating reserve. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, several key cost-saving measures were taken to secure the financial stability of the institution. On March 15, for example, when the Museum closed to the public, a hiring freeze of all open positions took effect. The prolonged Museum closure, however, significantly affected Museum operations. Losses from earned income such as admission, events, and retail, which support approximately 30% of the Museum’s annual operating budget, were estimated to be $10,000 per day. Contributed revenue, which supports 50% of the annual operating budget, was also down dramatically due to the closure and cancellation of exhibitions and programs. Membership renewals declined as well, mainly because many Members join or renew on-site at the Museum.


The Museum was awarded Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding through the CARES Act, which made it possible to continue paying all staff. But beginning June 7, 37% of Museum employees were placed on temporary furlough. Looking forward to fiscal year 2021, the Museum is working on developing a balanced budget, albeit scaled back, while continually striving to align its impact with financial strength and discipline, as described in the Strategic Direction.

Financial Statements Milwaukee Art Museum and Subsidiary Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As of August 31, 2020 assets Cash and cash equivalents


Investments and funds held in trust


Inventories and other assets


Accounts receivable, net


Pledges receivable, net


Property and equipment, net


Total assets


liabilities and net assets Payables and other


Deferred revenue


Long-term debt


Total liabilities


Total net assets


Total liabilities and net assets


Consolidated Statement of Activities operating revenue

operating revenue Contributed revenue



Earned revenue



Investment income





Total operating revenue operating expenses Program services

29% Earned revenue

17% Investment income

54% Contributed revenue



General and administrative



Development and volunteer services



operating expenses





15% 8% General and Development and volunteer services administrative 2% Acquisitions of art

Acquisitions of art Total operating expenses Change in net assets from operations


Non-operating items


Change in net assets


75% Program services

The consolidated statements of financial position and statements of activities are derived from the Milwaukee Art Museum’s financial statements as of August 31, 2020, which have been audited by Wipfli LLP, independent auditors, whose report expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. A complete copy is available upon request or can be found on the Museum’s website,




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