Milwaukee Art Museum 2016 Annual Report

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annual report | 2016

Unless otherwise noted, photographs of works in the Collection are by John R. Glembin; those of events are courtesy Front Room Photography. Cover | Eddy Mumma (“Mr. Eddy”), Untitled, n.d. Full credit listing on page 23.

annual report | 2016
























board of trustees + standing committees Through August 31, 2016

Board of Trustees Kenneth C. Krei Chairman Donald W. Layden Jr. President Gail A. Lione Secretary Todd R. Williams Treasurer Frederic G. Friedman Assistant Secretary and Legal Counsel Trustees at Large Deborah Attanasio Bevin Bailis Donald W. Baumgartner Wendy W. Blumenthal Randy Bryant Richard Buchband Angela Johnson Colbert Stephen Einhorn Philip B. Flynn Alexander P. Fraser Ellen Glaisner Michelle Grabner Carmen Haberman Claire H. Hackmann Charles Harvey Ronald Joelson Steve Johnson W. David Knox II Alex C. Kramer Anthony S. Krausen, M.D. Joan Lubar Wayne R. Lueders P. Michael Mahoney R. Bruce McDonald Justin L. Mortara, Ph.D.

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Joanne Murphy Andy Nunemaker Jill Pelisek Anthony J. Petullo Joel Quadracci Sande Robinson Suzanne L. Selig Roger S. Smith Judson M. Snyder Mary M. Strohmaier Christine Symchych W. Kent Velde Frederick Vogel IV Jeffery W. Yabuki Kathleen Saito Yuille Life Trustees Sheldon B. Lubar Betty Ewens Quadracci* *deceased

County Government Representatives Patricia Jursik Martin Weddle Friends of Art Representative Kim Muench Chair of Docents Representative Peetie Basson Support Group Representative A. Raymond Kehm Sande Robinson


Audit Committee

Donald W. Layden Jr. Chair

Alex Kramer Chair

Donald W. Baumgartner Frederic G. Friedman Carmen Haberman Gail A. Lione Joel Quadracci Suzanne L. Selig

Kenneth C. Krei Donald W. Layden Jr. Sheldon B. Lubar Staff: Jane Wochos

Acquisitions and Collections Committee Marianne Lubar Chair Donald W. Baumgartner Marilyn Bradley Andrea B. Bryant Stephen Einhorn F. William Haberman Anthony Krausen Raymond R. Krueger Arthur J. Laskin Donald W. Layden Jr. Wayne R. Lueders Anthony J. Petullo Richard R. Pieper Sande Robinson Reva Shovers Christine Symchych Robert A. Wagner Staff: Brady Roberts

Development Committee Wendy W. Blumenthal Chair Lori Bechthold Andrea Bryant Sue Frautschi Frederic G. Friedman Ellen Glaisner Carmen Haberman Claire H. Hackmann Melinda Krei Gail A. Lione Joan Lubar Marianne Lubar Donna Meyer Joan Nason Mary M. Strohmaier Staff: Mary Albrecht and Sara Stum

Education and Public Programs Committee Mary M. Strohmaier Chair Kim Abler Deborah Attanasio John Augenstein Lori Bechthold Natanya Blanck Melissa Block JosĂŠ Chavez Julia DeCicco Marlene Doerr Daniel Donder Jodi Eastberg, Ph.D Jonathan Jackson Sarah Jerome Lynda Kohler Janet Matthews Nancy Mitchel Phillip Naylor Sue Nelson Jill G. Pelisek Cindy Zautcke* Staff: Brigid Globensky *deceased

Facilities Committee Donald W. Baumgartner Chair Randy Bryant Steven G. Chamberlin John Kissinger Kenneth C. Krei Justin L. Mortara, Ph.D. Staff: Dan Somers and Jane Wochos

Finance Committee

Investment Committee

Todd R. Williams Chair

Ronald Joelson Chair

Donald W. Baumgartner Richard J. Glaisner Alex Kramer Kenneth C. Krei Raymond R. Krueger P. Michael Mahoney Judson M. Snyder W. Kent Velde Staff: Jane Wochos

Richard J. Glaisner Doug Gray Dale Kent Kenneth C. Krei Raymond R. Krueger Wayne R. Lueders P. Michael Mahoney W. Kent Velde Staff: Jane Wochos

Human Resources and Remuneration Committee Wayne R. Lueders Chair Kenneth C. Krei Donald W. Layden Jr. Gail A. Lione Anthony J. Petullo Staff: Kathy Acevedo

Nominations and Governance Committee Andy Nunemaker Chair Donald W. Baumgartner Angela Colbert Kenneth C. Krei Donald W. Layden Jr. Gail A. Lione Marianne Lubar Sande Robinson Suzanne L. Selig Public Affairs Committee Christine Symchych Chair Wendy Blumenthal Randy Bryant Angela Johnson Colbert H. Carl Mueller Andy Nunemaker


president’s report

On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Milwaukee Art Museum, I am pleased to report that the twelve months covered by this report (September 1, 2015–August 31, 2016) represented a historic time for us, marked by prudent fiscal management. During this reporting fiscal year, the Museum reopened its Collection Galleries. Donors gave generously to help fund the $34 million project, $10 million of which was provided by Milwaukee County. We are grateful for everyone’s contributions toward making these much-needed renovations and forward-looking improvements possible. The restored and renovated Museum opened to the public on Tuesday, November 24, with festivities sponsored by Associated Bank. Equally historic was the gift from Donald and Donna Baumgartner of $8 million to endow the director position at the Museum. In August, Marcelle Polednik, PhD, joined the Museum as its new and first Donna and Donald Baumgartner Director. We also received a $3.6 million gift from Barbara Tooman, commemorating her parents, to endow the Abert Family Curator of American Art. The exhibitions again were among the more significant highlights of fiscal year 2016, not only in the Baker/Rowland Galleries but also in the newly constructed Bradley Family Gallery and Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts. We discovered one of the most influential photographers of his generation with Larry Sultan: Here and Home, saw breathtaking landscapes from when America was still a young nation in Nature and the American Vision: The Hudson River School, experienced the power of storytelling in American Epics: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood, celebrated a 2012 gift to the Museum with Taking Center Stage: The Lanford Wilson Collection of Self-Taught Art, and explored our collective photographic habits in Penelope Umbrico: Future Perfect. 4

The reinstalled Kohl’s Art Generation spaces brought thousands of families to the Museum. Offering learning experiences for all through education is at the core of the Museum’s mission, and its nationally recognized education programs, with curriculumbased activities and multidisciplinary tours, welcomed tens of thousands of schoolchildren this fiscal year. We have so many to thank for their continued investment in the Museum, including our community partners and sponsors who support the many exhibitions and programs. We now have over 23,000 Member households in the Museum family to support the annual operations of the Museum. From Student Members to the President’s Circle, all combined provide several million dollars annually to ensure that the Museum is able to provide the highest level of programs, run by the best staff available. With the reopening of the Museum, we can now focus on creating art experiences that continue to enrich and inspire our ever-growing and diversifying community. I look forward to working with our new director, Marcelle, to guide our Museum into this exciting new phase. I am proud to be the President of your Milwaukee Art Museum—an incredible asset in this great community. Thank you again for your support.

Donald W. Layden Jr. President, Board of Trustees


director’s report

Dear Donors, Members, and Friends of the Museum: The greater part of fiscal year 2016 occurred before I arrived as the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Donna and Donald Baumgartner Director, a title that honors the largest endowment gift to the Museum. Such a generous show of support was but a culmination of twelve months of firsts that distinguish this year. In November, the Museum opened after what was its first major reinstallation of the Collection Galleries. The project, six years in the making, captured the imaginations of many, including myself, then a candidate eyeing an institution showing exciting potential and a solid foundation. It required the Herculean efforts of trustees, donors, staff, and volunteers and, I am happy to report, was successfully accomplished within budget. The community, excited to see its “new” Museum, visited in increasing numbers and continued to grow our Member family. The Collection Galleries proved to be no longer “permanent” but, instead, dynamic spaces, providing guests with something new to discover—or a new way to look at something familiar— with each visit. Strong partnerships with peer institutions resulted in us bringing to Milwaukee the exhibitions Larry Sultan: Here and Home, Nature and the American Vision: The Hudson River School, and American Epics: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood—a robust lineup. Showcased in the new Bradley Family Gallery were exhibitions that celebrated significant collection gifts to the Museum and area collectors of old master works. The first year of the Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts, too, highlighted strong holdings in the Museum’s Collection, including a new acquisition, a work from Penelope Umbrico’s Suns from Sunsets from Flickr series that was featured in the Future Perfect exhibition in that space. The Umbrico acquisition was one of many photographs, prints, paintings, and design pieces added to the Museum’s Collection this year. Stellar acquisitions from Nick Cave’s Soundsuit— purchased in honor of my predecessor, Dan Keegan—to Tyanna Buie’s Incarnation reflect an institution with a firm vision and the reputation to acquire many choice pieces through judicious purchases and generous gifts.


We continued to serve our area families and young adults, ensuring that all ages had unique opportunities to engage with the art and each other and enjoy new experiences. To come on a Sunday during Kohl’s Art Generation Family Sundays or on a Friday evening for MAM After Dark and see Windhover Hall filled and people throughout the galleries was inspiring. The success of these programs reveals a desire in our community that we can satisfy yet further in the years ahead, with similar program offerings that bring people together in thoughtful conversation and for enriching activities. In fact, moving forward, we are setting a course for a new phase of engagement. The Museum is on solid footing: an astonishing collection, a leading education program, an enviable campus, and a talented staff are but a few of the Museum’s many assets. Now is the time to recalibrate, refine, and build on this foundation, to broaden and deepen our reach in Milwaukee and to expand our geographic sphere of influence. I am energized by not only the accomplishments of this past year but also the possibilities of the next, and by the staff, donors, Members, families, school groups, visitors, and artists who play a vital role in making their Museum the welcoming place that it is. Thank you for a successful year,

Marcelle Polednik, PhD Donna and Donald Baumgartner Director


2016: the numbers programs and outreach


465,424 Adults and children participated in education programs both on- and offsite

48,363 Students from 614 schools from across the region and Northern Illinois visited

74 Gallery talks and lectures were held (attended by 3,238 people)

115 Sites that Kohl’s Color Wheels traveled to throughout Southeastern Wisconsin (engaging 81,752 people)

15 Live music events were held (attended by 1,200 people)

10 MAM After Dark events were held (attended by 17,000 people)


381,484 Visitors, paid and unpaid, including Members, youth and adult tours, and ticketed visitors

23,530 Member households

8,442 New Members


new media

70,378 Facebook fans, in 50 states and 40 countries

51,600 Twitter followers Peter Hujar, David Wojnarowicz, 1981, Full credit listing on page 29.

124 Works entered the Collection

30,253 Works in the Collection

28 Works loaned from the Collection

28,400 Instagram followers (50% increase from last year)

970,983 Total visits to the Museum website

674,210 Unique visits to the Museum website

2,870,418 Page views


curatorial report

This was an exciting year for the Museum and the Curatorial Department. The final stages of the renovation moved forward with continued vigor. And after much ambitious work, the Curatorial Department completed the reinstallation of the Collection Galleries, which reopened with a grand celebration in November. The renovation resulted in two new exhibition spaces: the Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts, dedicated to the exhibition of works on paper (10,000 square feet), and the Bradley Family Gallery (4,000 square feet). The two spaces featured five total exhibitions in 2015–16, significantly adding to the Museum’s exhibition program. Acquisition activity in fiscal year 2016 included incisive purchases and generous gifts of significant works. Highlights are featured below.

ACQUISITION AND COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTS American Art This past year, the American art collection received the largest gift in its history from Barbara Abert Tooman: a substantial endowment to fund the work of its curator and the collection’s future projects and programs. As a result, the curator is now the Abert Family Curator of American Art, a title that acknowledges the Aberts’ critical role in establishing the American art collection at the Museum, especially the significant collection of works by Ashcan artists and The Eight. The Museum also continued its dedication to acquiring and showing works by American modernists, and added to its twentieth-century sculpture collection with the acquisition of William Hunt Diederich’s rare and important bronze sculpture Greyhounds. Created around 1913 when the artist was living in Paris, where it attracted considerable critical attention, it shows the sculptor’s admiration for greyhounds. Diederich seemingly saw limitless design potential in the animals, which dominate his nature-based sculptures. He produced several variations of these playing greyhounds, and in this version, he radically extended the dog’s leap in a tour de force of bronze casting— a canine embodiment of the essence of the streamlined, Art Moderne sensibility that the artist reinforced with the addition of a ribbon of ornamental scallops around the base.


Franz Ittenbach, Mother of the World, 1872. Full credit listing on page 23.

Design The Museum’s Design collection received wonderful gifts from several individuals, including glass from the collection of Jane and George Kaiser. The Demmer Charitable Trust provided funding for many outstanding objects this year, including four drawings and a child’s cabinet from the Swingline series by industrial designer and architect Henry Glass; an armchair for Metz & Co. and a “zig zag” chair by Dutch architect Gerrit Rietveld; a cabinet by Eugene Schoen and a cocktail set by Elsa Tennhardt (both of which will be on view in the traveling exhibition The Jazz Age: American Style in the 1920s); a leaf tray made by the Finnish designer Tapio Wirkkala; and a Nocturne radio designed by Walter Dorwin Teague, one of the most iconic Art Deco forms. Joris Laarman’s Soft Gradient Chair, from his Microstructures series, is the Museum’s first 3-D printed work and contributes to the burgeoning contemporary design collection.

European Art Three paintings were added to the European art collection this year. The first was a purchase—a rare work in its original artistmade frame by the German Nazarene painter Franz Ittenbach. This historicizing work is gilded and jewel encrusted and depicts the Madonna and Child. Ittenbach deliberately evoked Renaissance paintings by artists such as Raphael, believing those works to be a more authentic expression of his deep faith. The painting relates to the Museum’s René von Schleinitz Collection and earlier Renaissance paintings such as the Nardo di Cione. The other two paintings were Italian Baroque pieces donated by the important collector and museum patron Alfred Bader. Particularly fine is the painting of Saint Anthony Abbot by the Florentine artist Jacopo Vignali.

when the suit is worn in performance. Another sculpture, monumental in size by Los Angeles–based artist Thomas Houseago, combines plaster and iron rods to form a physically imposing human figure that simultaneously conveys a sense of vulnerability in its construction. Given by Friends of Art, the figure strikes a classical pose, and the surface is worked in an expressionistic manner that flirts with abstraction. Additionally, an emotionally powerful large-scale assemblage by former Milwaukee artist Tyanna Buie was added to the collection through the generosity of the African American Art Alliance. Incarnation is composed of screenprinted images collaged together, forming a tapestry that weaves together imagery related to several of the artist’s deceased family members— bringing together the cohesive family she never had.

The Museum also acquired a range of significant prints this year, including a masterful pair by Canaletto: The House with the Inscription and The House with the Peristyle from Imaginary View of Venice, 1741. These wonderful prints are a gift from the DASS Fund and are some of Canaletto’s rare but exquisite graphic works.

Photography Since the opening of the Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts in November 2015, the priorities for the Museum’s photography collection have been on building existing strengths, filling in gaps, and complementing the Herzfeld Center’s robust exhibitions program. Many of these acquisitions were supported by the Herzfeld Acquisition Fund.

Folk and Self-Taught Art The Museum’s folk and self-taught collection also received important gifts from the collection of Jane and George Kaiser, including drawings by Eddie Arning, Joseph Yoakum, and Bill Traylor. One of the most celebrated American artists of the twentieth century, Traylor only began making his art in the last decade of his life, producing hundreds of drawings featuring simple forms that often communicated complex narratives. In addition, three paintings by Eddy Mumma (“Mr. Eddy”) entered the collection through the generous gift of Josh Feldstein. Mr. Eddy often emulated famous portraits, and the connection of the Museum’s painting to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is unmistakable. Modern and Contemporary Among the works that entered the Museum’s modern and contemporary art collection was a Soundsuit sculpture by performance artist Nick Cave, given in honor of retiring Director Dan Keegan. Taking the form of a costume, Soundsuits are covered with various found objects that make noises

In 2015–16, the newly established Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund allowed an exceptional series by Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra to enter the collection. Almerisa, an eleven-part portrait of a young Bosnian refugee made over the course of fourteen years, transforms the Museum’s contemporary photography holdings. This series was on view in The Lives of Others: Portraits from the Photography Collection alongside other recent acquisitions, including Dawoud Bey’s portrait of a boy in Harlem; Peter Hujar’s tender depiction of his lover, David Wojnarowicz; and Henry Clay Anderson’s record of black middle-class families in Greenville, Mississippi. Important pictures by Japanese photographer Naoya Hatakeyama and by local photographers J. Shimon and J. Lindemann were also added to the collection. The Curatorial Department staff itself expanded with Assistant Curator of Photography Ariel Pate, who joined the Museum from the Art Institute of Chicago.


curatorial report (continued)

MUSEUM LIBRARY/ARCHIVES In 2015–16, the Museum’s art library celebrated an important centenary anniversary. Since 1916, the art library has served the research needs of Museum staff, docents, students, teachers, and scholars through the acquisition and maintenance of vital library resources. Also in 2015–16, the Museum’s art library and archives were relocated from the Museum to the historic Judge Jason Downer mansion on Prospect Avenue. Under the direction of Librarian/ Archivist Heather Winter, the Museum’s new Research Center will make available extensive art research collections, including nearly twenty-seven thousand volumes on art and art history; sixty thousand catalogues, journals, and magazines; and many archival collections, including the Brooks Stevens Archive, the George Mann Niedecken Archive, the Museum’s institutional archives, and more. The Research Center, slated to open in late spring 2017, features reading rooms, study spaces, and a lecture space.

CONSERVATION Fiscal year 2016 was the first in over four years that a full-time framer was on staff, hired to meet the increased needs for framing works on paper in the reinstalled galleries. The original frame shop was lost due to renovation; however, a new space was constructed adjacent to the Conservation Lab. In addition to preparing and conserving hundreds of artworks for gallery rotations, conservation efforts in the first part of the year were focused on the Lanford Wilson Collection, with twenty sculptures conserved and another thirty-five works on paper conserved, matted, and framed for the exhibition. Conservation on the artworks in the Wilson collection not exhibited is ongoing. Contract conservators completed conservation on Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’s Dodo with a Feather Hat and Alexei Jawlensky’s The Gardener. Conservation sponsored by the Fine Arts Society was begun on Cornelius Janssen van Ceulen’s The Countess of Exeter. The conservators also inspected over a dozen paintings and submitted proposals for future treatment.


COLLECTION PARTNERSHIPS The Layton Art Collection The Museum was delighted to continue its decades-long collaboration with the Layton Art Collection Inc. In addition to working closely with the Layton trustees to develop an immersive gallery evoking Frederick Layton’s original space, Museum curators worked closely with them on a generous campaign of reframing. Thanks to these philanthropic efforts, we were able to reframe eight Layton collection paintings for the newly reinstalled galleries. The Chipstone Foundation The Chipstone Foundation is a nonprofit organization located in Fox Point, Wisconsin. Collectors Stanley and Polly Mariner Stone founded Chipstone in 1965 with the mission to collect early American decorative arts and promote scholarship in the field. Chipstone, an integral collaborator with the Museum’s Curatorial Department in planning the reinstallation of the renovated decorative arts galleries, created several innovative displays in the Godfrey American Art Wing: a period room built around the foundation’s unparalleled holdings of American furniture, historical prints, and British pottery, and the Dave Project, which tells compelling stories of African American culture through the works of Dave the Potter, Thomas Day, John Hemings, the enslaved makers of Southern face vessels, and other African American artists and craftspeople. SC Johnson Company The Museum again assisted important community partner SC Johnson Company in creating an exhibition for SC Johnson’s At Home with Frank Lloyd Wright gallery. Building Relationships: Wright, Johnson and the SC Johnson Campus is the fifth annual exhibition since the gallery opened in 2012. SC Johnson’s relationship with Frank Lloyd Wright began in 1936, when the successful wax and paint manufacturing company decided to expand its offices. Herbert F. Johnson Jr., president and grandson of the founder of SC Johnson, made a bold decision to work with Wright, and the result is an icon of American architecture. Wright’s design for the two SC Johnson buildings continues to inspire as the campus evolves in the twenty-first century.

William Hunt Diederich, Greyhounds, 1913/16, cast ca. 1920. Photo courtesy of Eric W. Baumgartner, Hirschl and Adler. Full credit listing on page 24.



Exhibitions organized by the Milwaukee Art Museum unless otherwise noted.

BAKER/ROWLAND GALLERIES Larry Sultan: Here and Home Oct 23, 2015–Jan 24, 2016 Organized by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Coordinated at the Museum by Lisa Sutcliffe, curator of photography and media arts. Larry Sultan: Here and Home was the first retrospective of the celebrated California photographer. The exhibition explored Sultan’s thirty-five-year career through six major bodies of work: Evidence (1975–77), made collaboratively with Mike Mandel; Swimmers (1978–82); Pictures from Home (1983–92); The Valley (1997–2003); Homeland


(2006–09); and Sultan’s editorial work. One of the most influential photographers of his generation, Sultan explored ideas of home, family, belonging, façade, and storytelling in evocative pictures that challenged photographic conventions. The presentation further included the “Study Hall,” a room offering a unique lens into Sultan’s exploratory process both as an artist and a teacher. Presented by Madeleine and David Lubar, with additional support from the David C. & Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation Media Partners: Clear Channel Outdoor, 88Nine Radio Milwaukee “Study Hall” presented by Art’s Cameras Plus

Nature and the American Vision: The Hudson River School Feb 26–May 8, 2016

offered a journey into America’s character, both its strengths and weaknesses, and revealed Benton’s dedicated quest to understand and represent American identity.

Organized by the New-York Historical Society. Coordinated at the Museum by Brandon Ruud, Abert Family Curator of American Art.

Sponsored in part by Bank of America and a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Celebrating 50 years of excellence, with additional support from the National Endowment for the Arts Supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities and Milwaukee Art Museum’s Friends of Art

Drawn from the New-York Historical Society’s acclaimed collection, Nature and the American Vision included nearly fifty of the most important paintings from early American history. The exhibition charted the emergence and rise of the Hudson River School, considered the nation’s first original artistic movement. The reverence this loosely knit group of painters, poets, and writers had for nature has often been credited with spurring both nationalism and preservation movements. The exhibition culminated in a presentation of Thomas Cole’s epic landscape narrative, The Course of Empire, a grand, five-painting cycle presented at the Milwaukee Art Museum for the first time. This exhibition was supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Additional support provided by the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Friends of Art. Program sponsorship provided by the Milwaukee Art Museum’s American Arts Society

American Epics: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood June 10–Sept 5, 2016

BRADLEY FAMILY GALLERY Sam Francis: Master Printmaker Nov 24, 2015–March 20, 2016 Curated by Margaret Andera, adjunct curator. Sam Francis: Master Printmaker marked the inaugural exhibition in the new Bradley Family Gallery, a 4,000-square-foot changing exhibition space located on the upper level of the Museum’s newly renovated Collection Galleries. The exhibition celebrated the 2009 gift to the Museum of more than five hundred prints from the Sam Francis Foundation, making the Milwaukee Art Museum the largest museum repository of the artist’s works on paper. For the exhibition, approximately fifty lithographs, etchings, aquatints, and screenprints were featured, representing a cross section of the most significant print series of Francis’s career. Sponsored by the Sam Francis Foundation and Sendik’s Food Markets

Organized by the Peabody Essex Museum in collaboration with the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Amon Carter Museum of American Art. Coordinated at the Museum by Brandon Ruud, Abert Family Curator of American Art. American Epics revealed important connections between quintessential American artist Thomas Hart Benton, Hollywood, and film. Benton was acutely aware of contemporary storytelling’s shift toward movies, and he developed a cinematic style of painting that melded art historical traditions and more recent movie-production techniques. Throughout the exhibition, Benton’s art was paired with movie clips, and these pairings presented opportunities to explore how both Benton and filmmakers created engaging visual stories with broad appeal. The works on view, which spanned the years 1920–67,


exhibitions (continued)

Taking Center Stage: The Lanford Wilson Collection of Self-Taught Art April 15–July 3, 2016

From Rembrandt to Parmigianino: Old Masters from Private Collections July 29–Oct 23, 2016

Curated by Margaret Andera, adjunct curator.

Curated by Tanya Paul, Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art.

This exhibition celebrated the Lanford Wilson Collection, a 2012 gift to the Museum. Wilson was one of America’s leading dramatists for the Broadway stage and television. The Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright developed a passion for collecting folk and self-taught art that would include over three hundred works. Taking Center Stage featured paintings, sculptures, and works on paper by such renowned self-taught artists as William Hawkins, Joseph Yoakum, David Butler, Vestie Davis, Felipe Archuleta, and Bessie Harvey. The gift of the Wilson Collection solidifies the Museum as the leading institution in North America for work in the field of folk and self-taught art.

The age-old tradition of collecting European Renaissance and Baroque art began in the very years in which the artworks were created and continues unabated today, including here in Wisconsin and the surrounding region. Yet because many of these treasures are held in private collections, the public seldom, if ever, gets the occasion to see them. During this exclusive presentation, Museum visitors had the opportunity to enjoy paintings and drawings by masters such as Rembrandt van Rijn and Parmigianino, selected from the rich collections that reside within only a few hundred miles of the Museum. Sponsored by the Stephen Kohl Charitable Trust

THE HERZFELD CENTER FOR PHOTOGRAPHY AND MEDIA ARTS Light Borne in Darkness: Highlights from the Photography Collection Nov 24, 2015–April 10, 2016 Curated by Lisa Sutcliffe, curator of photography and media arts. Light Borne in Darkness was the inaugural exhibition in the Museum’s new Herzfeld Center for Photography and Media Arts, a 10,000-square-foot space devoted to a global array of photography, film, video installation, and media art. The exhibition presented highlights from the Museum’s photography collection, shown together for the first time. Visitors discovered the history of the medium through the work of masters Diane Arbus, Walker Evans, Louis Faurer, Robert Frank, Edward Steichen, and Alfred Stieglitz, among others, and Wisconsin natives Lewis Hine and Ray Metzker. Sponsored by the Herzfeld Foundation


Penelope Umbrico: Future Perfect May 5–Aug 7, 2016 Curated by Lisa Sutcliffe, curator of photography and media arts. Embracing the flood of images available in the Internet age, contemporary artist Penelope Umbrico sifts through millions of images shared on Craigslist, Flickr, and social media sites and appropriates them as source material for her work. She seizes upon popular subjects such as sunsets and televisions and creates large-scale installations that reveal contemporary society’s collective photographic habits and the underlying desires that shape them. Future Perfect featured over thirty photo-based installations—comprising nearly five thousand individual images—along with photographs, videos, and books that trace Umbrico’s obsessive systems of inquiry and online research since 2006. Sponsored by the Herzfeld Foundation

A. O. SMITH CORPORATION GALLERY (AMERICAN ART GALLERY K230) John Singleton Copley in Focus Nov 24, 2015–May 22, 2016 Curated by Brandon Ruud, Abert Family Curator of American Art.

in the United States: a pair of pendant portraits of American colonists Anne and Duncan Stewart by the country’s first old master, John Singleton Copley. Painted by Copley in 1767 and now owned by Edinburgh’s Stewart society—descendents of the sitters—the works made a return visit to the United States for the first time in almost 250 years. America Seen! Regionalism from the American Art Collection May 27–Sept 25, 2016 Curated by Brandon Ruud, Abert Family Curator of American Art. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition American Epics: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood—and drawn from the Museum’s extensive print collection—America Seen! showed another dimension of Benton’s career, alongside works by his contemporaries. Examined were American Scene painting and Regionalism, which emerged in the 1920s and 1930s with images of nostalgic, rural subjects that critics positioned as an authentic, reassuring counterpoint to European modernism. Artists such as Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry, and Grant Wood nonetheless wrestled with modern issues and, inspired by Mexican muralists José Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera, among others, depicted mass amusements and popular entertainments, economic and social issues, politics and racism, industry and agriculture.

For the inaugural exhibition in the Constance and Dudley Godfrey American Art Wing’s Focus Gallery, the Museum presented two rare paintings never before publicly exhibited


exhibitions (continued)

PABST BREWING COMPANY GALLERY (EUROPEAN ART GALLERY S202) Dürer and the German Renaissance Nov 24, 2015–March 20, 2016 Curated by Tanya Paul, Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art. Albrecht Dürer, one of the most celebrated and highly skilled artists in the history of German art, had his greatest impact as a printmaker. He transformed the medium from one that existed almost exclusively to illustrate books into an independent art form. He created woodcuts and engravings of unparalleled artistic virtuosity and psychological complexity. One of the most famous of these prints, Melencolia (1514), was the centerpiece in this inaugural exhibition in the new European works on paper gallery. In addition to fourteen Dürer prints, the exhibition featured engravings and woodcuts by other leading artists of the period, including Heinrich Aldegrever and Hans Sebald Beham. The exhibition explored how Dürer’s artwork influenced that of his contemporaries and examined the role that early German printed books played in the artistic climate of Renaissance Germany. Anders Zorn: Sweden’s Painter-Etcher March 29–July 31, 2016 Curated by Catherine Sawinski, assistant curator of earlier European art. Little known today, Anders Zorn was one of the most famous artists at the turn of the twentieth century. Based in Paris, he was among a group of artists that sought to raise the status of etching to that of painting. Zorn was esteemed for his active and bold etching technique and his masterful use of line. Anders Zorn: Sweden’s Painter-Etcher was the first exhibition in which all eighteen of Zorn’s prints in the Museum’s Collection—ranging in subject from noble portraits to peasant life in Sweden—were on view. Corot, Daubigny, Millet: Visions of France Aug 5–Nov 27, 2016 Curated by Tanya Paul, Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art.


The nineteenth-century picture-making technique cliché-verre (glass negative), which combines elements of printmaking and photography, was the highlight of this exhibition. Featured was the complete set of 41 prints, by artists such as Jean-BaptisteCamille Corot, Jean-François Millet, and Charles-François Daubigny, that Parisian art dealer and publisher Maurice Le Garrec published in 1921. Sponsored by the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Print Forum

SCHROEDER GALLERIA 2016 Scholastic Art Awards: Wisconsin Exhibition Jan 30–March 13, 2016 Each year, students in grades 7–12 compete to have their artwork recognized in the Scholastic Art Awards—and placed on view in the Museum. This year marked the fortieth anniversary of the Museum hosting the Scholastic Art Awards: Wisconsin Exhibition. A jury of artists, art professionals, and teachers reviewed the nearly three thousand entries and selected more than three hundred artworks to be honored in the exhibition. The Scholastic Art Awards program has been acknowledging excellence in the visual arts and encouraging the artistic endeavors of young people throughout the United States for over ninety years. Sponsored by the Milwaukee Art Museum; the Heller Family in memory of their parents, James K. and Avis M. Heller; the Greater Milwaukee Foundation Flesch Family Fund; James and Carol Wiensch; Vanguard Computers Inc. and CompURent; and an anonymous donor

Small Expressions July 23–Aug 14, 2016 Organized by the Handweavers Guild of America. Coordinated at the Museum by Monica Obniski, Demmer Curator of 20thand 21st-Century Design. The Museum was host to Small Expressions, the annual juried exhibition of small-scale fiber art organized by the Handweavers Guild of America Inc. Small Expressions featured thirty works by contemporary fiber artists and was on display in conjunction with the Handweavers Guild of America’s biennial conference held in Milwaukee July 30–Aug 6.




Margaret Andera, Tanya Berezin, and Lanford Wilson Forward by: Daniel T. Keegan Edited by: Christina Dittrich Designed by: Nate Pyper Published by: Milwaukee Art Museum Softcover, 119 pages, 2016

Tanya Paul and Catherine Sawinski Forward by: Brady Roberts and Don Layden Edited by: Christina Dittrich Designed by: Nate Pyper Published by: Milwaukee Art Museum Softcover, 124 pages, 2016

The catalogue created in conjunction with the exhibition Taking Center Stage: The Lanford Wilson Collection of SelfTaught Art celebrates the gift of Lanford Wilson’s extraordinary collection of American self-taught art to the Museum. Exhibition curator Margaret Andera shaped a publication that relates the impassioned vision of this Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright and collector. The catalogue features an essay by Wilson, reprinted from a 1993 publication, that is a significant and insightful commentary on self-taught art. Tanya Berezin, Wilson’s longtime friend and theater colleague, provides a moving reminiscence about Wilson the playwright and the person, and paints a wonderfully vivid picture of how Wilson lived with his art. The publication includes color images of each work in the exhibition and a full exhibition checklist.

This exhibition catalogue celebrates the age-old tradition of collecting European Renaissance and Baroque art and the great artistic riches that reside in private collections throughout Milwaukee and the surrounding region. Tanya Paul, Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art, and Catherine Sawinski, assistant curator of earlier European art, created a robust presentation and catalogue, which includes an essay and illustrated entries (with provenance information) on each work in the exhibition.


loans Listed chronologically by date of loan.

PAGE TURNERS: WOMEN AND LETTERS, 16TH– 20TH CENTURIES Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Jan 21–May 22, 2016 Suzuki Harunobu Parody of the Nô Drama “Kikujido,” n.d. Color woodcut M1989.380 Utagawa Kunisada Actors Sawamura Tanosuke III as the Geisha Ofuji and Nakamura Shikan IV as Jester Jakuhachi, 1861 Color woodcut M1989.386 John Sloan Reading in the Subway, 1926 Etching M1989.47 MUNCH AND EXPRESSIONISM Neue Galerie, New York, NY Feb 18–June 13, 2016 Emil Nolde Fishing Steamer, 1910 Woodcut M2000.448 O’KEEFFE, STETTHEIMER, TORR, ZORACH: WOMEN MODERNISTS IN NEW YORK Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL Feb 18–May 15, 2016


With subsequent travel to the Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME (June 24–Sept 18, 2016). Georgia O’Keeffe Apple Family 3, 1921 Oil on canvas M1998.82 DANCE! AMERICAN ART 1830–1960 Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI March 20–June 12, 2016 With subsequent travel to the Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO (July 10–Oct 2, 2016), and Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR (Oct 22, 2016–Jan 16, 2017). John Sloan Isadora Duncan, 1911 Oil on canvas M1969.27 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: WRIGHT, JOHNSON AND THE SC JOHNSON CAMPUS SC Johnson, Racine, WI May 6, 2016–March 19, 2017 Santiago Calatrava Architectural Model, 1995–97 Mixed media TR383

MOHOLY-NAGY: FUTURE PRESENT Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY May 27–Sept 7, 2016 With subsequent travel to the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL (Oct 2, 2016–Jan 3, 2017), and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA (Feb 12–June 18, 2017). László Moholy-Nagy Nuclear II, 1946 Oil on canvas M1970.110 PICASSO: THE ARTIST AND HIS MUSES Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada June 11–Oct 2, 2016 Pablo Picasso Heroic Head or Head of a Woman, 1921 Pastel on gray paper W1947.2 GEORGIA O’KEEFFE Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom July 6–Oct 30, 2016 With subsequent travel to the Bank Austria Kunstforum, Vienna, Austria (Dec 7, 2016– March 26, 2017), and the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada (April 22–July 30, 2017).

Georgia O’Keeffe Pelvis I, 1944 Oil on canvas M1973.609 Blue B, 1959 Oil on canvas M1973.606 WISCONSIN WOMEN ARTISTS Milwaukee Public Library, Milwaukee, WI Aug 31, 2016–Aug 31, 2017 Joan Backes Untitled, 1993 Egg tempera on panel M1995.306 Helen Keene Chapman Fisherwoman, 1890 Oil on canvas M1974.28 Mrs. L. F. Cooke Psyche at the Well, ca. 1890 Oil on canvas M1974.29 Susan Cressy Birds of Passage, probably 1921–22 Oil on canvas M1922.21 Hulda Rotier Fischer Blue Cloth (or No. 2 Studio Still Life), n.d. Oil on canvas, mounted on cardboard M1946.2

Georgia O’Keeffe, Apple Family 3, 1921. Full credit listing on page 20.

Mary R. Gerstein Young Mother, 1949 Oil on Masonite M1951.6

Untitled, 1963 Casein on Masonite M2008.193

Emily Parker Groom Moonlight, 1920 or 1928 Oil on canvas M1928.5

Frida Gugler Along the Zattere, ca. 1913–14 Oil on canvas M1919.5

Ruth Grotenrath Sleeping Girl, ca. 1935 Oil on canvas M1935.4

Charlotte Ruth Major South Chicago, 1953 Oil on Masonite M1953.5

Helen Farnsworth Mears Portrait of Margaret Adams, 1906 Cast bronze M1923.26 The Hoge Children, 1915 Cast bronze M1923.25 Anna Louisa Miller October Storm of 1949, ca. 1949 Oil on Masonite M1951.5

Donna Miller Bleeding Hearts, n.d. Oil on Masonite L351 Elsa Emile Ulbricht Study in Rose and Grey, 1927 Oil on canvas M1976.75 Sheri Urquhardt Room Interior, 1966 Oil on canvas M1966.63


Jane Peterson, The Horse Guards, London, 1907/08. Photo courtesy of D. Wigmore Fine Art Inc., New York. Full credit listing on page 23.



The acquisition list includes gifts and purchases from September 1, 2015, to August 31, 2016. Dimensions are in inches, with height, width, and depth in that order, unless otherwise specified. For drawings and prints, dimensions indicate sheet size (except where indicated); for photographs, the image size. Prints and drawings are on paper, with exceptions noted. Primary materials only are listed for decorative arts. PAINTINGS Joseph Friebert (American, 1908–2002) View of Jefferson St., 1940 Gouache on paper 18 × 24 1/4 in. (45.72 × 61.6 cm) The Joseph and Betsy Ritz Friebert Family Partnership and Kohler Foundation, Inc. M2016.21 Onofrio Gabrielli (Italian, 1616–1705 or 1706) Vanitas, n.d. Oil on panel 26 15/16 × 19 1/2 in. (68.5 × 49.5 cm) Gift of Isabel and Alfred Bader M2016.19 Franz Ittenbach (German, 1813–1879) Mother of the World, 1872 Oil on panel 39 × 22 7/16 in. (99 × 57 cm) Purchase, René von Schleinitz Memorial Fund and with funds in memory of Betty Croasdaile and John E. Julien M2015.37

Chris Johanson (American, b. 1968) Untitled, 2002 House paint on wood 36 × 48 in. (91.44 × 121.92 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.92 Robert Kipniss (American, b. 1931) Landscape with Curved Road, 1978/79 Oil on canvas 34 × 40 in. (86.36 × 101.6 cm) Gift of Victor Teicher M2016.2 Judy Ledgerwood (American, b. 1959) Evening Sky, 1988 Oil and encaustic on canvas 90 × 126 in. (228.6 × 320.04 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.94 Eddy Mumma (“Mr. Eddy”) (American, 1908–1986) Untitled, before 1978 Acrylic on Masonite 16 × 12 in. (40.64 × 30.48 cm) Gift of Josh Feldstein M2015.104

Untitled, n.d. Acrylic on Masonite 20 × 16 in. (50.8 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Josh Feldstein M2015.105 Untitled, after 1978 Acrylic on Masonite 16 × 12 in. (40.64 × 30.48 cm) Gift of Josh Feldstein M2015.103 Jane Peterson (American, 1876–1965) The Horse Guards, London, 1907/08 Oil on canvas 24 × 18 in. (60.96 × 45.72 cm) Purchase, with funds from Andrew Ziegler M2016.23 Leonid Sokov (Russian, b. 1941) Stalin and Marilyn, 1990 Mixed media 55 1/2 × 43 3/4 in. (140.97 × 111.13 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.97

Jimmy Lee Sudduth (American, 1910–2007) Fox, 1991 Natural pigments, binders, and latex house paint on wood 48 × 24 1/8 in. (121.92 × 61.28 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.98 Mose Tolliver (American, ca. 1915–2006) Untitled, n.d. House paint on wood 28 × 24 in. (71.12 × 60.96 cm) Gift of Lois Ehlert M2015.74 James Robert Valerio (American, b. 1938) Surprise, 1989 Oil on canvas 96 × 84 in. (243.84 × 213.36 cm) Gift of the Joel and Carole Bernstein Family Collection M2015.107 Jacopo Vignali (Italian, 1592–1664) Saint Anthony Abbot, ca. 1625 Oil on canvas 57 1/2 × 46 1/16 in. (146 × 117 cm) Gift of Isabel and Alfred Bader M2016.18


acquisitions (continued)

SCULPTURE Nick Cave (American, b. 1959) Soundsuit, 2013 Fabric, polyester yarn, plastic beads, and plastic sequins on plastic and stainless steel mannequin 108 × 27 × 14 in. (274.32 × 68.58 × 35.56 cm) Purchase, with funds contributed in honor of Daniel T. Keegan, director of the Museum from 2008 to 2016, by Mark and Debbie Attanasio, Donald and Donna Baumgartner, Herzfeld Foundation, Sheldon and Marianne Lubar, Allan and Suzanne Selig, Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart Grohmann, Joan Lubar and John Crouch, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty, and many friends of Dan M2016.27 William Hunt Diederich (American, b. Hungary, 1884–1953) Greyhounds, 1913/16, cast ca. 1920 Bronze 20 7/8 × 37 1/2 × 11 in. (53.02 × 95.25 × 27.94 cm) Purchase, with funds in memory of Betty Croasdaile and John E. Julien, and gift of Dr. Milton D. Ratner, Teddy Brunius, Dorothy and Sidney Kohl in memory of John Lloyd Taylor, and various donors, by exchange M2016.24


Thomas Houseago (English, b. 1972, active in the United States) Standing Figure (Roman Figure II), 2013 Tuf-Cal, hemp, and iron rebar 141 × 63 × 52 in. (358.14 × 160.02 × 132.08 cm) Gift of Friends of Art M2015.88 Štěpán Pala (Czech, b. 1944) Two Discs, 2000 Glass a: 24 1/8 × 24 1/8 × 3 1/2 in. (61.28 × 61.28 × 8.89 cm) b: 23 7/8 × 23 7/8 × 3 1/2 in. (60.64 × 60.64 × 8.89 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.108a,b

Zora Palová (Czech, b. 1947) Spires, 2000 Glass a: 76 3/8 × 9 5/8 × 6 7/8 in. (193.99 × 24.45 × 17.46 cm) b: 76 3/4 × 6 1/4 × 8 1/2 in. (194.95 × 15.88 × 21.59 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.109a,b DRAWINGS Eddie Arning (American, 1898–1993) Untitled, n.d. Crayon and pastel on cardboard 12 × 19 in. (30.48 × 48.26 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.90 Henry P. Glass (American, b. Austria, 1911– 2003) [Perspective drawing of desk and armchair], 1949 Graphite, colored pencil, and pastel on tissue 16 5/8 × 13 13/16 in. (42.23 × 35.08 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.38 [Perspective drawing of table and chairs], 1949 Graphite, colored pencil, and pastel on tissue 16 11/16 × 13 3/4 in. (42.39 × 34.93 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.41

[Perspective drawing of table and stool set], 1951 Graphite, colored pencil, and pastel on tissue 14 1/8 × 14 in. (35.88 × 35.56 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.40 [Perspective drawing of children’s bookshelves], 1957 Graphite, colored pencil, and pastel on tissue 14 1/8 × 17 1/8 in. (35.88 × 43.5 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.39 Shields Landon Jones (American, 1901–1997) Untitled, n.d. Colored pencil, crayon, and ballpoint pen on paper 12 × 18 in. (30.48 × 45.72 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.93 Henri Matisse (French, 1869–1954) Head, 1944 Ink on paper 14 1/2 × 11 in. (36.83 × 27.94 cm) Gift of Joan Eisenberg M2015.101

Nick Cave, Soundsuit, 2013. Photo courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Photo by James Prinz Photography. Full credit listing on this page.

Canaletto, The House with the Inscription [left]; The House with the Peristyle [right], from Imaginary View of Venice, 1741. Full credit listing on page 26.

Jamie Nathenson (American, b. 1955) Untitled, 1990 Felt-tip pen on poster board 24 × 24 in. (60.96 × 60.96 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.95 Bill Traylor (American, 1854–1949) Brown Bull, ca. 1939–42 Poster paint and pencil on paper 15 × 13 1/8 in. (38.1 × 33.34 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.99

John Wilde (American, 1919–2006) Untitled [Study for September Eve], ca. 1992 Pencil on paper 6 13/16 × 14 9/16 in. (17.3 × 36.99 cm) Gift of the Shirley Wilde Trust M2016.20

Joseph E. Yoakum (American, 1890–1972) Mt. Narkham of Wilkes Land Antarctia, 1970 Colored pencil and ballpoint pen on paper 11 × 19 in. (27.94 × 48.26 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.100

PRINTS Nicholas Africano (American, b. 1948) Flesh, Armor, 1989 Screenprint and lithograph on cast paper 40 × 30 in. (101.6 × 76.2 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.89


acquisitions (continued)

Louisiana Bendolph (American, b. 1960) Three Squares, 2005 Color soft-ground etching, aquatint, and spit bite aquatint plate: 11 3/4 × 21 3/4 in. (29.85 × 55.25 cm) sheet: 21 × 30 in. (53.34 × 76.2 cm) Gift of Susan and Raymond Kehm M2015.75 Julius Bien (American, 1826–1909) after John James Audubon (American, b. Santo Domigo [now Haiti], 1785–1851) Pinnated Grouse, plate 296 from The Birds of America (Bien Edition), 1860 Chromolithograph with hand coloring image: 23 1/2 × 35 5/16 in. (59.69 × 89.69 cm) sheet: 26 3/8 × 38 5/16 in. (66.99 × 97.31 cm) Gift of John Timothy Harrington and Deborah Reynolds Harrington M2016.22 Ilya Bolotowsky (American, b. Russia, 1907–1981) IV, n.d. Screenprint sheet: 68 1/4 × 89 1/2 in. (173.36 × 227.33 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.91


Tyanna Buie (American, b. 1984) Incarnation, 2015 Assembled screenprint with collage and ink, charcoal, and mixed media 150 × 133 1/2 in. (381 × 339.09 cm) Purchase, with funds from the African American Art Alliance M2015.84 Canaletto (Italian, 1697–1768) The House with the Inscription [left]; The House with the Peristyle [right], from Imaginary View of Venice, 1741 Etching plate (a): 11 11/16 × 8 3/8 in. (29.69 × 21.27 cm) sheet (a): 11 3/4 × 8 1/2 in. (29.85 × 21.59 cm) plate (b): 11 11/16 × 8 3/8 in. (29.69 × 21.27 cm) sheet (b): 11 3/4 × 8 7/16 in. (29.85 × 21.43 cm) Gift of the DASS Fund M2015.111a,b Enzo Cucchi (Italian, b. 1949) La Lupa di Roma, 1985 Color aquatint, etching, drypoint, embossing, and screenprint plate and sheet (each): 37 1/2 × 77 in. (95.25 × 195.58 cm) Gift of Robin Lorraine Woodard M2015.51a–c

Raoul Deal (American, b. 1956) From Neither Here nor There, plate 6 from the series Immigration, 2012 Woodcut block: 36 9/16 × 20 1/16 in. (92.87 × 50.96 cm) sheet: 40 1/4 × 26 1/4 in. (102.24 × 66.68 cm) Purchase, with funds from Susan and Raymond Kehm in honor of Print Forum M2015.49 Ellsworth Kelly (American, 1923–2015) Derrière le Miroir, 1964 Illustrated hardcover book with five color lithographs open: 15 × 22 1/2 in. (38.1 × 57.15 cm) closed: 15 × 11 1/8 in. (38.1 × 28.26 cm) Gift of Lois Ehlert in memory of Lillian Schultz M2015.73 Charles Meryon (French, 1821–1868) Le Pont au Change, 1854 Etching plate: 6 1/8 × 13 1/8 in. (15.56 × 33.34 cm) sheet: 7 1/8 × 13 3/4 in. (18.1 × 34.93 cm) Gift of the DASS Fund M2015.110

Jim Nutt (American, b. 1938) Soft Touch Me, 1970–71 Etching image: 4 11/16 × 3 3/4 in. (11.91 × 9.53 cm) plate: 4 3/4 × 3 7/8 in. (12.07 × 9.84 cm) sheet: 9 13/16 × 7 1/2 in. (24.92 × 19.05 cm) Gift of Jane and George Kaiser M2015.96 JoAnna Poehlmann (American, b. 1932) Now and Then, 2015 Softcover bound book printed in ink with hand embellishments Purchase, with funds from Print Forum M2015.48 PHOTOGRAPHS Henry Clay Anderson (American, 1911–1998) A Family of Three, Standing in the Studio, 1940s/1960s, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.13 A Beauty Pageant, ca. 1960, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.14

A Wedding at Home, on a Hot Day, ca. 1960, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.7

Students Enjoying a First Class Fountain at Coleman High, ca. 1965, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 1/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.34 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.8

Aunt Hattie Anderson’s Children with a Television, 1960s, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.12

Dawoud Bey (American, b. 1953) A Boy in Front of the Loew’s 125th Street Movie Theater, 1976, printed 2012 Gelatin silver print 12 × 8 in. (30.48 × 20.32 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Photography Council M2015.46

The Prom Couple, 1960s, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.11

Dawoud Bey, A Boy in Front of the Loew’s 125th Street Movie Theater, 1976, printed 2012. Full credit listing on this page.

Little Girl with a Black Doll in the Studio, ca. 1960, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.15

Motorcycle Riders, ca. 1960, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.6

Rabbit Foot Show Group, 1960s, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 10 1/4 × 13 3/8 in. (26.04 × 33.97 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.9 Seated Young Couple, ca. 1965, printed 2007 Gelatin silver print 13 3/8 × 10 1/4 in. (33.97 × 26.04 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.10

A Woman Waiting in the Doorway, 1976, printed 2011 Gelatin silver print 8 1/8 × 11 7/8 in. (20.64 × 30.16 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Photography Council M2015.47 Hans Breder (American, b. Germany, 1935) Cuilapan I, Mexico, from the series Body/Sculptures, 1973 Gelatin silver print 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.25


acquisitions (continued)

Margaret De Patta (American, 1903–1964) Untitled, 1939 Gelatin silver print 7 11/16 × 8 in. (19.53 × 20.32 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.26 Rineke Dijkstra (Dutch, b. 1959) Almerisa, Asylum Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, March 14, 1994, 1994 Chromogenic print 36 7/8 × 29 3/4 in. (93.66 × 75.57 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.1 Almerisa, Wormer, The Netherlands, June 23, 1996, 1996 Chromogenic print 37 × 29 5/8 in. (93.98 × 75.25 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.2


Almerisa, Wormer, The Netherlands, February 21, 1998, 1998 Chromogenic print 36 3/4 × 29 3/4 in. (93.35 × 75.57 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.3

Almerisa, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, April 13, 2002, 2002 Chromogenic print 36 7/8 × 29 5/8 in. (93.66 × 75.25 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.6

Almerisa, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, December 9, 2000, 2000 Chromogenic print 37 × 39 3/4 in. (93.98 × 100.97 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.5

Almerisa, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, June 25, 2003, 2003 Chromogenic print 36 7/8 × 29 5/8 in. (93.66 × 75.25 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.7

Almerisa, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, March 19, 2000, 2000 Chromogenic print 36 3/4 × 29 1/2 in. (93.35 × 74.93 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.4

Almerisa, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, March 29, 2005, 2005 Chromogenic print 36 5/8 × 29 5/8 in. (93.03 × 75.25 cm) Purchase, Christine A. Symchych and James P. McNulty Acquisition Fund M2015.82.8

Almerisa, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, March 24, 2007, 2007 Inkjet print 36 7/8 × 29 5/8 in. (93.66 × 75.25 cm) Purchase, Leonard and Bebe LeVine Art Acquisition Fund M2015.83.1 Almerisa, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, January 4, 2008, 2008 Inkjet print 36 7/8 × 29 1/2 in. (93.66 × 74.93 cm) Purchase, Leonard and Bebe LeVine Art Acquisition Fund M2015.83.2 Almerisa, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, June 19, 2008, 2008 Inkjet print 36 3/4 × 29 1/2 in. (93.35 × 74.93 cm) Purchase, Leonard and Bebe LeVine Art Acquisition Fund M2015.83.3

Rineke Dijkstra, Almerisa (series). Photography courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery. All full credit listings on this page.

John M. Divola (American, b. 1949) N34º11.670' W115º55.347', from the series Isolated Houses, 1995, printed 2015 Pigment print 19 × 19 in. (48.26 × 48.26 cm) Gift of the artist M2015.50 Jim Goldberg (American, b. 1953) Larry J. Benko, from the series Rich and Poor, 1979 Gelatin silver print 14 × 11 in. (35.56 × 27.94 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2015.43 OJ Dettner and Arthur Dettner, from the series Rich and Poor, 1980 Gelatin silver print 14 × 11 in. (35.56 × 27.94 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2015.44

JoAnn Roberts, from the series Rich and Poor, 1981 Gelatin silver print 14 × 11 in. (35.56 × 27.94 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2015.42 Elchuco and Manny Garcia, from the series Rich and Poor, 1983 Gelatin silver print 14 × 11 in. (35.56 × 27.94 cm) Gift of the artist M2015.45 Naoya Hatakeyama (Japanese, b. 1958) Blast, 2005 Chromogenic prints each: 60 5/8 × 40 15/16 × 2 3/8 in. (154 × 104 × 6 cm) Purchase, by exchange M2016.17a-e Peter Hujar (American, 1934–1987) David Wojnarowicz, 1981 Gelatin silver print 7 1/2 × 7 1/2 in. (19.05 × 19.05 cm) Purchase, with funds from the estate of Mark Janowiak M2016.16

David Maisel (American, b. 1961) The Lake Project 6, 2001 Chromogenic print 48 × 48 in. (121.92 × 121.92 cm) Purchase, with funds from The Moore Family Trust M2015.79 Saul Melman (American, b. 1968) Heliogram Series_09, 2014 Gelatin silver print 48 × 32 in. (121.92 × 81.28 cm) Donated by Sue and Tony Krausen in honor of Dan Keegan and Janné Abreo in appreciation for their company on many Museum travels M2016.28 Zanele Muholi (South African, b. 1972) Vuyelwa Makubetse, KwaThema Community Hot Springs, Johannesburg, from the series Faces and Phases, 2011 Gelatin silver print 30 × 20 in. (76.2 × 50.8 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.30

Jamilla Jade Madingwane, White City, Soweto, Johannesburg, from the series Faces and Phases, 2013 Gelatin silver print 30 × 20 in. (76.2 × 50.8 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.29 Christian Patterson (American, b. 1972) Winter Coat, from the series Redheaded Peckerwood, 2008 Inkjet print 20 × 16 in. (50.8 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Meridee Williams M2015.70 Shot Gun Blast, from the series Redheaded Peckerwood, 2010 Museum board and gunpowder residue 20 × 16 in. (50.8 × 40.64 cm) Gift of Meridee Williams M2015.71 Ask for Ethyl, from the series Redheaded Peckerwood, 2011 Oil on mat board 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm) Gift of Meridee Williams M2015.72


acquisitions (continued)

Christopher Russell (American, b. 1974) Explosion #26, 2014 Inkjet print, folded and scratched with a razor 14 × 18 in. (35.56 × 45.72 cm) Purchase, with funds from The Moore Family Trust M2015.76 J. Shimon and J. Lindemann (American, b. 1961 [Shimon]; American, 1957–2015 [Lindemann]) Lake Michigan, 2008–12 Cyanotypes in painted wood display case 25 × 33 in. (63.5 × 83.82 cm) Purchase, with funds in memory of Betty Croasdaile and John E. Julien M2015.80 Small Town Wisconsin, 2009–12 Palladium prints in painted wood display case 25 × 33 in. (63.5 × 83.82 cm) Purchase, with funds in memory of Betty Croasdaile and John E. Julien M2015.81 Penelope Umbrico (American, b. 1957) 30,240,577 Suns from Sunsets from Flickr (Partial) 03/04/16, 2016 1,512 chromogenic prints Dimensions variable Purchase, with funds from The Moore Family Trust M2015.78


Don Unrau (American, b. 1950) War Story, 1984/89, printed 2014 Inkjet prints 16 1/2 × 20 3/4 × 3/4 in. (41.91 × 52.71 × 1.91 cm) Gift of David R. Austin in memory of David N. Austin, USMC M2015.106 Ludwig Windstosser (German, 1921–1983) Ladekran, Mannesmann Hüttenwerke Huckingen (Negative Druck), 1950/58 Gelatin silver print 11 9/16 × 9 3/8 in. (29.3 × 23.8 cm) Purchase, Herzfeld Foundation Acquisition Fund M2016.3 DESIGN Jonathan De Pas (Italian, 1932–1991) Donato D’Urbino (Italian, b. 1935) Paolo Lomazzi (Italian, b. 1936) Carla Scolari (Italian, 1926–2003) Manufactured by Zanotta S.p.A. (Nova Milanese, Italy, founded 1954) Blow, 1967 PVC plastic 27 × 36 × 38 in. (68.58 × 91.44 × 96.52 cm) Gift of Modernity M2016.4

Charles Eames (American, 1907–1978) Ray Eames (American, 1912–1988) Manufactured by Maharam (New York, New York, founded 1902) Crosspatch, designed 1947, printed 2015 Rayon and polyester 55 1/2 × 42 3/4 in. (140.97 × 108.59 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.67 Small Dot, designed 1947, printed 2015 Cotton and polyester 55 × 36 in. (139.7 × 91.44 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.66 Alexander Girard (American, 1907–1993) Manufactured by Maharam (New York, New York, founded 1902)

Double Triangles, designed 1952, printed 2015 Cotton and polyester 56 × 56 in. (142.24 × 142.24 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.62 Arabesque, designed 1954, printed 2015 Cotton, nylon, and wool 53 × 36 in. (134.62 × 91.44 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.61

Mikado, 1954, printed 2015 Cotton and polyester 56 × 43 in. (142.24 × 109.22 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.64 Quatrefoil, designed 1954, printed 2015 Cotton and nylon 41 × 56 in. (104.14 × 142.24 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.60 Names, designed 1957, printed 2015 Cotton and polyester 49 × 58 1/2 in. (124.46 × 148.59 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.65 Jacobs Coat, designed 1959, printed 2015 Wool and nylon 54 × 36 in. (137.16 × 91.44 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.63 Palio, designed 1964, printed 2015 Cotton and recycled nylon 44 × 57 in. (111.76 × 144.78 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.59

Tapio Wirkkala, Soinne et Kni, Leaf Tray, 1951-54. Full credit listing on page 32.

Henry P. Glass Hella Jongerius (American, b. Austria, 1911– (Dutch, b. 1963) 2003) Manufactured by Maharam Manufactured by Fleetwood (New York, New York, Furniture Company (Holland, founded 1902) Michigan, founded 1955) “Repeat Dot” Print, designed Child’s Cabinet, from the 2002, printed 2015 series Swingline, designed Cotton, polyester, and rayon 1952 259 1/2 × 55 in. Lacquered Masonite and birch (659.13 × 139.7 cm) 31 3/4 × 33 × 17 1/2 in. Gift of Maharam (80.65 × 83.82 × 44.45 cm) M2015.57 Purchase, with funds from the Repeat Classic Print, Demmer Charitable Trust designed 2002, printed M2015.85a,b 2015 Chaise, 1961 Cotton, polyester, and rayon Aluminum and canvas 480 × 58 in. 28 1/2 × 28 1/2 × 58 1/2 in. (1219.2 × 147.32 cm) (72.39 × 72.39 × 148.59 cm) Gift of Maharam Gift of Mark McDonald M2015.58 M2016.1

Layers Park, designed 2008, printed 2015 Wool, nylon, and polyester 44 1/4 × 57 in. (112.4 × 144.78 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.54 Vases, designed 2013, printed 2015 Cotton and recycled nylon 42 × 57 in. (106.68 × 144.78 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.53 Eden, designed 2014, printed 2015 Polyester and cotton 40 × 57 in. (101.6 × 144.78 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.55

Joris Laarman (Dutch, b. 1979) Manufactured by Joris Laarman Studio (Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded 2003) Soft Gradient Chair, from the series Microstructures, 2015 Thermoplastic polyurethane 27 9/16 × 30 5/16 × 28 3/8 in. (70 × 77 × 72 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Ralph and Cora Oberndorfer Family Trust M2015.77


acquisitions (continued)

George Nelson (American, 1908–1986) Manufactured by Maharam (New York, New York, founded 1902) Pavement, designed 1950, printed 2015 Rayon and cotton 42 1/2 × 56 1/2 in. (107.95 × 143.51 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.52 Isamu Noguchi (American, 1904–1988) Manufactured by Knoll International, Inc. (New York, New York, originally founded in 1938) Child’s Table (model 87), designed 1953, manufactured from 1955 Laminate, plywood, enameled steel, and birch 20 × 24 × 24 in. (50.8 × 60.96 × 60.96 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2016.31 Verner Panton (Danish, 1926–1998) Manufactured by Maharam (New York, New York, founded 1902) Geometri, designed 1960, printed 2015 Cotton and polyester 55 × 36 in. (139.7 × 91.44 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.68


Gerrit Thomas Rietveld (Dutch, 1888–1964) Manufactured by Gerard van de Groenekan (Dutch, 1904–1994) Beugelstoel, 1927 Laminated plywood and tubular metal 28 3/4 × 15 9/16 × 21 7/16 in. (73 × 39.5 × 54.5 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.86 “Zig Zag” Chair, ca. 1955 Stained pine 29 1/4 × 15 3/4 × 14 1/2 in. (74.3 × 40.01 × 36.83 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.87 Eugene Schoen (American, 1880–1957) Manufactured by Schmieg and Kotzian (New York, New York, founded 1908) Cabinet, ca. 1930 Thuja burls, primavera, and Coromandel ebony 36 × 48 × 21 in. (91.44 × 121.92 × 53.34 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.36

Stefan Scholten (Dutch, b. 1972) Carole Baijings (Dutch, b. 1973) Manufactured by Maharam (New York, New York, founded 1902) Blocks, designed 2014, printed 2015 Wool and nylon 340 × 59 in. (863.6 × 149.86 cm) Gift of Maharam M2015.56 Walter Dorwin Teague (American, 1883–1960) Sparton Corporation (Jackson, Michigan, founded 1900) Nocturne Radio (Model #1196), ca. 1935 Mirrored glass, satin chrome plated steel, and painted wood 46 × 43 1/4 × 14 in. (116.84 × 109.86 × 35.56 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust, in honor of Nate Alexander M2016.5

Elsa Tennhardt (American, b. Germany, 1889–1980) Manufactured by E. and J. Bass Company (New York, New York, ca. 1890–1930) Cocktail Set, ca. 1928 Silver plated brass and “Vitrolite” glass shaker: 12 × 5 3/8 × 5 3/8 in. (30.48 × 13.65 × 13.65 cm) tray: 1 3/8 × 23 5/8 × 7 3/8 in. (3.49 × 60.01 × 18.73 cm) glasses (each): 5 × 2 3/4 × 2 3/4 in. (12.7 × 6.99 × 6.99 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.69.1a–8 Tapio Wirkkala (Finnish, 1915–1985) Soinne et Kni (Helsinki, Finland, active 1950s) Leaf Tray, 1951–54 Birch 1 3/4 × 13 3/4 × 7 3/8 in. (4.45 × 34.93 × 18.73 cm) Purchase, with funds from the Demmer Charitable Trust M2015.35 Eva Zeisel (American, b. Hungary, 1906–2011) Manufactured by Castleton China Company (Newcastle, Pennsylvania, 1940–1974) “Museum Series” Coffeepot, ca. 1942–45 Porcelain 10 1/8 × 7 3/4 × 5 in. (25.72 × 19.69 × 12.7 cm) Gift of Historical Design, Inc. M2015.102a,b

Henry Glass, Child’s Cabinet, from the series Swingline, designed 1952. Full credit listing on page 31.


education + public programs

Fiscal year 2016 was a year of learning about new works of art, rediscovering old favorites, and celebrating a milestone in the Museum’s history. Thanks to the dedicated support of the Museum’s volunteer docents, tens of thousands of visitors were welcomed and reintroduced to the reinstalled Collection Galleries. Kohl’s sponsored a Community Free Day on


December 6, in conjunction with the Kohl’s Art Generation Family Sundays: Fresh Family Fun event, making it possible for everyone in the community to explore the newly renovated Museum—at no charge. With the reopening, the Education Department was delighted to present families with three new hands-on exhibitions, within wholly refurbished education spaces.

The Kohl’s Art Generation Gallery featured Rubbish!, in which children of all ages explored the ways that artists use everyday materials—bottle caps, chicken bones, coffee lids—to make beautiful works of art. Activities in the gallery included designing a quilt, constructing a table with wood scraps, and creating a unique object from trash at the Rubbish Bar. The Kohl’s Art Generation Lab opened with Haitian Art. Through works drawn from the Museum’s collection of Haitian art, the installation allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the art and culture of Haiti—past and present. Visitors learned about the importance of community, family, religion, and more through music, photography, and video.

“Collaboration” and “laboratory” converged in The Collaboratory, in the Richard and Suzanne Pieper Family Education Gallery. This interactive space encouraged connections between objects from past centuries and the contemporary world. The “collector’s cabinet,” featuring everything from armor to astrolabes, was paired with a series of drawers that opened to works—video, music, art—that teens had produced in response to the older objects. The teens worked with contemporary artist-educator Ray Chi in the Teen Lab, where such projects take shape, and which is periodically open to the public to comment on the collaborations in process. Nearby, a roomsized camera obscura made it possible for visitors to step into visual technology from another time.

There were numerous ways for visitors to learn about the art in the newly installed Collection Galleries. In addition to an updated audio guide with the curators, more than fifty hand-held “closer look” cards were placed throughout the galleries, calling out specific aspects within individual works of art. The Family iPod Touch Tour was expanded, offering opportunities for kids to play games, see videos, and take an art selfie. And more adventurefilled ArtPacks were created, with activities such as drawing, playing with puppets, and reading stories, to help families engage with the art while exploring the Museum together. Throughout the year, each month of programming centered on a particular collection (e.g., programs in April focused on the European art collection), serving to reintroduce visitors to the newly renovated gallery spaces. Among the programs offered were curator-led gallery talks and the Before and After talks, during which conservators discussed how works of art were prepared for reinstallation. Fiscal year 2016 also marked the fortieth year that the Museum has hosted the Scholastic Art Awards: Wisconsin Exhibition. Since 1976, students in grades 7–12 from across Wisconsin have annually submitted works to be judged by an esteemed panel of art educators, artists, and museum professionals. Each year in the exhibition, the Museum honors former gold key winners who have gone on to have distinguished careers in art, including artists represented in the Museum’s Collection: Richard Avedon, Harry Bertoia, Red Grooms, Robert Indiana, David Lenz, Philip Pearlstein, David Salle, Cy Twombly, Tom Uttech, Andy Warhol, and John Wilde.




What a Year for the Plan for the Future Reflecting on the last year, it was truly a moment in history for the Milwaukee Art Museum. In September 2015, the Museum successfully achieved its goal of $34 million for the reinstallation campaign, thanks to hundreds of generous donors. The grand reopening of the Museum was held in November 2015. Several exclusive events were held before the public opening for donors and Members to experience and celebrate the renovated spaces—to see the hard work that was put in to make the buildings extraordinary and able to serve and inspire the generations to come. The public enjoyed a celebratory opening. Grand Unveiling sponsors: Saturday and Monday—Associated Bank; Tuesday and Thursday—PNC. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our supporters who contributed and made this happen! Another moment in the history of the Museum during fiscal year 2016 was the addition of two major endowment gifts. Donald and Donna Baumgartner announced an $8 million gift to endow the director position, the Donna and Donald Baumgartner Director. Barbara Tooman made a generous $3.6 million gift, in commemoration of her parents, to endow the Abert Family Curator of American Art. We are very grateful for these gifts that will keep on giving!

EVERY GIFT COUNTS The accomplishments of the past year were possible thanks to the Museum’s generous donors. All gifts, large and small, are critical to the Museum and its ability to present outstanding exhibitions and a world-class Collection, and to offer leading educational programs that are recognized as being among the finest in the country. With the renovation, the Museum added 25,000 square feet of active gallery space, making it possible to place more of the objects in the Collection on view. There are more rotating exhibitions throughout the Collection Galleries and more educational opportunities associated with them, thanks to continuing support from the community. The Museum’s fundraising successes reflect the region’s commitment to a world-class art museum for Milwaukee.

ANNUAL FUND A key area of support continues to be the Annual Fund, which is the single largest source of funding for Museum operations. More than 22,000 supporters contributed a total of $5,229,549 to the fund this fiscal year. Led by Development Committee Chair Wendy Blumenthal, a dedicated group of trustees and a committee of volunteers once again produced a successful annual campaign.

MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Museum provides great benefits to Members, whose support is vital to the Museum’s ability to present worldclass exhibitions and stellar programs. The Museum is thankful to have loyal Members—and a membership that continues to grow. In fiscal year 2016, membership grew by 20 percent, with over 23,500 Member households by year-end. Comprising nearly 35 percent of the Museum’s annual attendance, Members took advantage of their most valuable benefit: free Museum admission. Members also enjoyed a host of exclusive events and benefits throughout the year, including Member Preview Celebrations for the three feature exhibitions, Member-only tours, and discounts on shopping, dining, and parking. Additionally, the Museum debuted a new program series called Member Drink & Think, inviting Members at the Art Advocate level and above to socialize with other Members over refreshments before taking part in a private curator-led tour. These Members were further invited to several trips throughout the year, including a day trip to the Art Institute of Chicago to see Van Gogh’s Bedrooms. On November 21 and 22, 2015, at the Member-Only Grand Unveiling Weekend Celebration sponsored by Kohl’s Department Stores, Members were some of the first to experience the Museum’s newly restored and reimagined Collection Galleries. Over 3,500 Members attended the festive two-day preview, which featured curator lectures, gallery activities, a site-specific installation by Milwaukee artist katheryn e. martin, and a champagne toast with the director.


development (continued)

In May 2016, during the annual Member-appreciation month, Museum Members were again treated to extra discounts, admission privileges, and programs. They also were afforded free general admission to six Milwaukee-area museums on the popular Member Swap Day. The Museum believes that art education and experiences are the right of every child regardless of ability, background, or income. In May 2016, the Museum launched the Family Access Membership Program, offering a Family membership for only $20 to those who qualify for certain types of public assistance. The Museum deeply appreciates its Members for their support, advocacy, and commitment.

SUPPORT GROUPS Membership also affords Members the opportunity to join any of the nine support groups, all of which are busy throughout the year with activities related to a specific interest area within the Museum’s Collection. More than four hundred Members are involved in support groups. African American Art Alliance (founded 1990) supports educational programs centering on African American art and artists, promotes volunteer involvement in the Museum, and is dedicated to raising funds for purchasing African American art for the Museum’s Collection. American Arts Society (founded 1993) celebrates American art, antiques, and architecture from the colonial era into the twentieth century through educational programs, trips, exhibitions, and conservation efforts. The Collectors’ Corner (founded 1948) is committed to developing educational programs that promote knowledge and important scholarship in the decorative arts. Contemporary Art Society (founded 1982) promotes the appreciation of contemporary art through the sponsorship of programs that bring renowned artists, critics, and curators to the Museum; by supporting acquisitions; and by sponsoring exhibitions of contemporary art at the Museum.


Fine Arts Society (founded 1987) is a group of European-art enthusiasts that sponsors and supports related programs, exhibitions, and acquisitions by the Museum. Friends of Art (founded 1957) is the Museum’s largest volunteer support group. Hundreds of volunteers work to present FOA events, such as Lakefront Festival of Art, that engage the community, expand the Museum’s audience, and generate funds to support exhibitions at the Museum and the acquisition of artworks for its Collection. Garden Club (founded 1921) is the largest member club of the Wisconsin Garden Club Federation. The club supports the Museum through the annual Art in Bloom event and other activities. Photography Council (founded 1988) is devoted to the Museum’s photography collection and exhibition program and allows Museum Members with an interest in the art and history of photography to enrich their knowledge of the medium through an annual program of special events. Print Forum (founded 1980) unites Museum Members with an interest in prints and drawings from the Renaissance to today. It sponsors exhibitions, lectures, and seminars and provides support for the acquisition of prints, drawings, and artists’ books for the Museum’s Collection. The Museum is fortunate to have such longstanding, supportive Members. Their generosity directly affects the breadth and depth of the Museum’s programs, including acquisitions, exhibitions, lectures, and special events, keeping the Museum vibrant. For this, the Museum is deeply grateful.

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE The Museum’s leading supporters are its President’s Circle Members—individuals, families, and businesses that contribute $2,500 or more to the Annual Fund. In 2015–16, the 280 President’s Circle Members gave $2.9 million. President’s Circle Members participated in the Museum’s programs as avidly as they supported them. Among the special receptions and events that they attended were the President’s Circle Preview Celebrations for each feature exhibition. This year was the first

full year that the Benefactor Plus level of membership was available. At $3,500, the Benefactor Plus membership provided an additional option for donors and was well received—with 190 members. Everyone, in the Museum and the community, benefits from the tremendous generosity of the President’s Circle Members. Thanks to them, the Museum remains a vital institution that continues to attract visitors to the community.

SPONSORSHIP SUPPORT The generous contributions and sponsorship of foundations, corporations, and individuals are vital to the Museum’s ability to maintain the caliber of its exhibitions, education programs, and public events. Sponsorship not only provides much-needed support for education and the arts within the community, but also increases the visibility and awareness of a brand, affords business-building opportunities, and offers memorable hospitality experiences for clients and employees. The Museum, again this year, received strong sponsorship support. Meijer sponsored a monthly free day, opening the doors of the Museum to those who might not otherwise visit. Thanks to funding from Kohl’s Cares, the Museum continued to offer families engaging, hands-on programming designed just for them, through the Kohl’s Art Generation program. Fiscal year 2016 concluded the second, three-year grant awarded by Kohl’s, which makes possible the Kohl’s Art Generation Studio, Lab, and Gallery, as well as the Kohl’s Color Wheels van, a mobile creation station that visited area festivals and schools throughout the year. The support of area businesses, foundations, and philanthropists further helped the Museum present the exhibitions Larry Sultan: Here and Home, Nature and the American Vision: The Hudson River School, American Epics: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood, Sam Francis: Master Printmaker, and Taking Center Stage: The Lanford Wilson Collection of Self-Taught Art. Popular events such as MAM After Dark, Yoga @ the Museum, Kohl’s Art Generation Family Sundays, Art in Bloom, and Lakefront Festival of Art were again all made possible for thousands of Museum visitors to enjoy, thanks to the commitment of generous sponsors.

LEGACY SOCIETY More than 125 Museum supporters have promised gifts through their estate plans. Using wills, trusts, insurance, retirement plans, or other assets, planned giving donors receive valuable tax advantages while providing support that benefits Museum visitors for generations to come. The Museum operates without a sufficient endowment and is not eligible for support from federated fund drives such as UPAF or United Way. Most monies received from planned gifts build the Museum’s endowment fund, which is critical for maintaining the quality of exhibitions and education programs that the community has come to expect from its art museum. The current endowment generated only 9 percent of the annual operating budget, drastically trailing comparably sized U.S. art museums. Members of the Legacy Society enjoy many program and event benefits and have the satisfaction of knowing that they are helping an institution continue to inspire all ages through art, in perpetuity. For information on the Legacy Society, request the Museum’s Planned Giving Brochure from the director of individual and planned giving at 414-224-3248.



donors Gifts received between September 1, 2015, and August 31, 2016.

Thank you to the supporters who helped the Museum in 2015–16. As Members, annual fund donors, or sponsors of exhibitions and public and education programs, they made it possible for art to enrich hundreds of thousands of lives. The following lists recognize those supporters who provided grants, sponsorship, and restricted and unrestricted support of $400 or more during the 2016 fiscal year, ending August 31, 2016.

$100,000+ Anonymous (2) Drs. Isabel and Alfred Bader Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baumgartner Demmer Charitable Trust Herzfeld Foundation Kohl’s Cares Sheldon and Marianne Lubar Charitable Fund Milwaukee Art Museum Friends of Art Melitta S. Pick Charitable Trust Sue and Bud Selig David & Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation Windhover Foundation $50,000–99,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Attanasio Caxambas Foundation Four-Four Foundation Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Helen F. and Jeanette Oberndorfer Fund • Virginia Booth Vogel Fund Johnson Controls Foundation Laskin Family Foundation

David and Madeleine Lubar Meijer Northwestern Mutual Foundation PNC Financial Services Group Mr. and Mrs. Joel Quadracci SC Johnson Fund Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiechmann $25,000–49,999 Brookbank Foundation Greater Milwaukee Foundation Norman and Lucy Cohn Family Fund Terri and Verne Holoubek Family Foundation Mary Ann and Charles P. LaBahn Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce McDonald Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation Ralph F. and Cora Oberndorfer Family Trust Anthony Petullo Foundation Rockwell Automation Sendik’s Food Markets Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust US Bancorp Foundation

$10,000–24,999 A. O. Smith Foundation Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. William D. Biersach Wendy and Warren Blumenthal Dr. William B. Boyd Joan E. Brengel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Bryant Mr. Richard Buchband and Mrs. Betsy D. Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Virgis Colbert Sue and Curt Culver Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trusts Mr. Philip B. Flynn and Ms. Lois Golde Kristin and Alec Fraser Mrs. Barbara Nitchie Fuldner Mrs. William N. Godfrey* Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Anonymous EG Fund • Flesch Family Fund • Milwaukee Art Museum Endowment Fund Barbara S. Grove Mrs. Elizabeth Harned and Mr. Christopher Harned Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hevey Frieda and William Hunt Memorial Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ron Joelson Joy Global Foundation Inc. Jane and George C. Kaiser Herbert H. Kohl Charities Inc. Stephen Kohl Charitable Trust Ruth DeYoung Kohler Mr. Alex C. Kramer and Mrs. Mary Kramer Tony and Susan Krausen Mr. Kenneth C. Krei and Dr. Melinda Scott Krei

Raymond and Barbara Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Layden Jr. LFF Foundation Ms. Gail A. Lione and Mr. Barry L. Grossman Ms. Joan Lubar and Dr. John Crouch Wayne and Kristine Lueders Lorelle K. and P. Michael Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Mandel Linda and John Mellowes Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design Scott and Marjorie Moon Mrs. James J. Murphy Joyce and Bruce Myers Nicholas Family Foundation Nordstrom Mr. Andrew Nunemaker Mrs. Jill G. Pelisek Suzanne and Richard Pieper Family Foundation Potawatomi Hotel & Casino Dr. Kathryn Quadracci Flores Mr. Richard Quadracci Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. David C. & Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation Mrs. Wendy L. Sleight Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Smith Mrs. Nita G. Soref Mrs. Christine A. Symchych and Mr. James P. McNulty Mrs. Marie Tallmadge Mr. Kenneth R. Treis Todd Robert Williams Wisconsin Arts Board Mr. Jeffery Yabuki Kathleen Saito Yuille


donors (continued)

$5,000–9,999 Anon Charitable Trust Astor Street Foundation Inc. Mrs. James M. Auer Bader Philanthropies Mr. John P. Baumgartner Deborah A. Beck and Frederic Sweet Mrs. David E. Beckwith Mr. Roger L. Boerner Murph and John Burke Mr. Gerard Colman Dr. and Mrs. Ervin Colton The Cudahy Foundation Terri and Paul Danola Door Peninsula Winery Educators Credit Union Einhorn Family Foundation Pati and James D. Ericson Suzy B. Ettinger The European Fine Art Foundation Everett Smith Group Foundation, Ltd. Dr. and Mrs. James Flesch Mr. and Mrs. Frederic. G. Friedman The Gardner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brett Gardner Ellen and Richard Glaisner Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Kopmeier Family Fund • Alice and Lucia Stern Library Fund William R. and Sandra G. Haack Claire and Glen Hackmann The Hamilton Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. David Harvey Drs. Carla and Robert Hay Heller Foundation Inc.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoke Husco International James & Karen Hyde Foundation Inc. George and Angela Jacobi Richard G. Jacobus Family Foundation Ms. Sally J. Jarrar Judy and Gary Jorgensen Matt and Kathryn Kamm Mr. Daniel T. Keegan and Ms. Janné Abreo David and Diane Knox Mr. Herbert V. Kohler and Ms. Natalie Black Ladish Company Foundation Ellin and Gerald Levy Phoebe R. and John D. Lewis Foundation Mahler Enterprises Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mainman Marcus Corporation Foundation Inc. Milwaukee Art Museum Print Forum Milwaukee Arts Board Mr. Lawrence W. Oliverson and Ms. Donna N. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. H. Nicholas Pabst Gilbert and J. Dorothy Palay Family Foundation, Ltd. Mr. Jim and Dr. Karen Petric Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation Puelicher Foundation Inc. Mrs. Norma Rand* Mr. Thomas Reich for the Reich Family Rexnord Foundation Inc.

Merlin and Gladys Rostad Arts Fund Susan and Oyvind Solvang Sally and Steve Stevens Mary and Carl Strohmaier Dr. John and Mrs. Anne Thomas Jr. Grace and Mark Thomsen UWM Peck School of the Arts Ms. Mary N. Vandenberg and Mr. Keith Mardak Marcia and Kent Velde Mrs. Bernard Weiss Weyco Group Inc. Carol and James E. Wiensch Willis Foundation $3,500–4,999 Anonymous Kerry, Lucille, and Gene Bartelt Lori and Kurt Bechthold Susan and Carl Becker Mrs. Arlene Brachman Orren and Marilyn Bradley Briggs & Stratton Corporation Foundation Elaine Burke William E. Burke Jolinda and Danny L. Cunningham Don and Sallie Davis Mrs. Virginia Dunphy and Mr. Patrick Dunphy Lois Ehlert John and Mary Emory Tim and Sue Frautschi Mr. G. Edward Heinecke Thomas D. Hesselbrock and Carl Spatz International Autos Group

John T. and Suzanne Jacobus Family Foundation Susan and Raymond Kehm Mary and Ted D. Kellner Judith Keyes Mrs. John Monroe Joan W. Nason Jane and Keith Nosbusch Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Pauls Perlick Corporation Claire Pfleger Pieper Electric Candy and Bruce Pindyck and Meridian Industries Inc. Ms. Maxine Rabinowe Ms. Gordana Racic and Mr. Milan Racic Mrs. Wendy Randall Sande Robinson Rosemann Family Foundation Ms. Gayle G. Rosemann and Mr. Paul McElwee Betty Rupple Richard Schreiner and Alison Graf Bob and Judy Scott Mrs. Mary H. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Teerlink Kathleen and Frank Thometz Grace and Mark Thomsen Anne R. Booth and Charles Trainer Kathleen and Charles G. Vogel Jo and Bob Wagner Edward J. and Diane Zore $2,500–3,499 Mary K. and Jeff Albrecht Anonymous (2) Dan and Gwen Armbrust

Badger Meter Foundation Baker Tilly Virchow Krause Bruce and Melissa Block Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brickman Randy Bryant and Cecelia Gore Bruce and Marsha Camitta Teresa Carpenter Kathleen R. Cavallo Clarence Chou Patty and Larry Compton Mr. Tim Connor and Mrs. Anne Connor Judith and Francis Croak Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Croen J. D. and Shelly Culea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Curl DCI-Artform Ms. Edith L. DeBrue* Sandra and Max Dermond Kathy and Bob Emery Mrs. Debra Rand Feldman Byron and Suzy Foster Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Galling Mr. Lloyd A. Gerlach Mrs. Melvin Goldin Dr. John and Andrea Grant Greater Milwaukee Foundation Vomar O. Wilson Term Trust Mr. and Mrs. F. William Haberman Ann and Jon Hammes Mrs. R. Goeres Hayssen Jennifer F. and Robert J. Hillis William H. Honrath and Elizabeth Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Hunt Mrs. Harland W. Huston Jr. Mr. Stephen A. Johnson

William Stark Jones Foundation Henry S. Kepner Jr. Deborah S. Kern Kikkoman Foods Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gale E. Klappa Ms. Anne K. Klisurich and Mr. Kenneth DeYoung Kolaga Family Charitable Trust Steve and Cheryl Kuhnmuench Dr. Alice Kuramoto Jane and Tom Lacy Mary Pauly Lacy Alan T. Lepkowski Elizabeth Levins and Herbert B. Zien Matrix Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCaughey Patti and Jack McKeithan Marshall and Arlene Meier Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Meyer George L. N. Meyer Family Foundation MGIC Investment Corporation National Insurance Services Joseph R. Pabst Park Bank Foundation Inc. Mr. Timothy Raupp and Mrs. Carla Raupp Barbara Recht Mr. Steve Sanduski and Mrs. Linda Sanduski Jim and Andrea Schloemer Marie and James Seder and Family John and Kristin Sheehan Philip* and Reva Shovers Sign-A-Rama

Mr. Judson Snyder and Mrs. Jessica Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Speaker Stackner Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Stacy Judith Z. Stark Mrs. Joan Stein Linda and Richard Stevens John Stewig and Richard Bradley Mr. Vernon E. Stowe Stratton Foundation Inc. Mr. Michael Thometz Jacquelyn and Way Thompson Jr. Frederick Vogel and Megan Holbrook von Briesen & Roper, s.c. Carolyn White-Travanti and Leon Travanti Zilber Ltd. $1,200–2,499 Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Aguilar Anonymous Diane and Thomas Arenberg Art’s Cameras Plus Ms. Caroline Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Clair Baum Mr. Jeff Berkes and Ms. Meg Lacy Patricia R. Blake Mr. John M. Bohler Marilyn and John Breidster Dr. Jeff Butler and Mrs. Babette Larson-Butler Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cecalupo Mrs. Nilda Cintron-Cortez and Mr. Fernando Cortez

Deborah and Thomas Degnan Ms. Donna M. Drosner and Mr. Jeff Pink Eileen and Howard Dubner Michael D. Dunham Mr. Eric M. Eben and Mrs. Christine M. Fenske-Eben Julianna Ebert and Frank J. Daily Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elsner/ Barbara Meyer Elsner Foundation Patricia Emerson Ernst & Young, LLP Evans Charitable Gift Fund/ George and Julia Evans Fran Franklin Dr. Joseph and Nancy Geenen Emmely C. Gideon Carole and Adam Glass Mr. James J. Gleason and Mrs. Lisa Groskopf-Gleason Thomas J. Gould Graef Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Del Chambers Fund • Dr. Carl W. Eberbach and • Elisabeth Falk Eberbach Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hlavac Richard Ippolito and Pamela Frautschi Mrs. Imogene P. Johnson Mrs. Shinji Lee Kaiser and Mr. Joshua Kaiser Kalmbach Publishing Co. Charles and Lois Kalmbach Mr. and Mrs. Marc G. Kartman


donors (continued)

Raymond N. Kertz Teri Kolb Krause Family Foundation Mr. Stanley Kritzik Joyce M. Kuehl Lila M. Lange Richard and Roberta London Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Love Mr. John E. Mahony and Dr. Evelyn Burdick Ms. Lois Malawsky Jesse and Amanda Merten Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Moon Mr. William Morley and Mr. Jim Schleif Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Mykleby Christopher B. and Anne L. Noyes Mrs. Laurie Ocepek Mr. and Mrs. John O’Hare Mrs. Margot N. Paddock Palmer Family Foundation Reverend Steven and Julie Peay Janice and Raymond Perry Community Fund Inc. Ms. Yvonne Petersen Ms. Elaine N. Peterson Plunkett Family Foundation Skip and Ildy Polliner Provident Trust Company Susan and Thomas S. Quadracci David and Roberta Remstad Mr. Raymond L. Retzlaff Linda and Blaine Rieke Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Ross Mr. Richard Sachs Jr. and Ms. Diane K. O’Connor


Ellen and Michael J. Schlossmann Marty and Elaine Schreiber Richard Schreiner and Alison Graf Douglas & Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Carole B. and Gordon I. Segal Jocelyn Servick and Gary J. Steinhafel John Shannon and Jan Serr Mr. and Mrs. John M. Silseth Lois A. Smith Sprecher Brewing Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Strelitz Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Syrjanen Susan P. and James H. Taylor Telly Foundation Ltd. Dr. and Mrs. Dan Trittin U.S. Figure Skating Anne H. and Frederick Vogel III William and Eleanor Wainwright West Bend Mutual Insurance Co. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson Mr. Raymond Wilson and Mrs. Kelly Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wythes JoAnn and Michael Youngman Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Ziegler Zip Car Ms. Katherine Zvesper $600–1,199 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell C. Adams Advanced Waste Services Inc. AllianceStaff, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ambuel David and Carol Anderson Family Foundation Susan L. Andrews Anonymous (8) Dr. Rita Bakalars Dr. Richard P. Barthel and Mrs. Diana Barthel Mr. David Baumann and Ms. Kathleen M. Olejnik Polly and Robert Beal Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bell Michael and Carmen Bergom Mr. Kenneth Bernoska Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bomzer Leon* and Cynthia Boniface Robert and Carole Bonner Cap Borges Bostik Inc. Ms. Deanna Braeger Mr. and Mrs. Bill Breslau S. J. Brown Mrs. Sharman J. Brown David D. and Diane M. Buck Dr. Henry and Barbara Burko Anthony and Patricia Busalacchi Carla and Neal Butenhoff Lois A. and Dean S. Cady Barbara Carson Family Foundation Mrs. Robert Carter and Ms. Sue Kletzke Carter James R. Cauley and Brenda M. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Causey Dr. Eugene Cheng and Ms. Maribeth Colloton-Cheng Mr. James Christenson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David D. Clark Valerie B. Clarke

Computerized Structural Design Ms. Lucy Cooper Mary and Paul S. Counsell Mr. Peter J. Crawford and Mrs. Wendy Schaller Crawford Mr. Gerardo Cumpiano and Ms. Elizabeth Parker Thomas W. Cunningham and Mary E. Ritchie Mary Dahlman Ms. Mary Ann Delzer Roger and Regina Dirksen Patti and Patrick Doughman Dr. and Mrs. James C. DuCanto Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Easom Mr. William E. Eastham Eaton Corporation Carol and Tom Ehrsam Albert J. and Flora H. Ellinger Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellsworth Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Elson Ken and Claire Fabric Fairway Transit Inc. Dr. Holly Falik and Mr. Steven Kay Dale and Carole Faught Feitler Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fischer Anne and Dean Fitzgerald Ms. E. Kelly Fitzsimmons Ms. Elizabeth J. Forman and Mr. Scott Bolens Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fowler Ms. Diane L. Gabriel and Mrs. Kerry Turner Maureen Gallagher Thomas J. Gallagher

Judy and Mark Garber Shel and Danni Gendelman Mrs. Jane K. Gertler Jeffrey M. Goldberg Mrs. Carolie M. Goniu Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goodman Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Donald and Barbara Abert Fund • Leesley B. and Joan J. Hardy Fund • Journal Foundation/Thomas and Yvonne McCollow Fund • David C. Scott Foundation Fund • Aaron and Anita Tilton Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Greeney Greenhill Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Darian Griffin Mr. Don E. Gross Robert and Mimi Habush Hammel, Green & Abrahamson Inc. Christopher and Suzanne Hanks Arlene Hansen Mr. Leland Hansen Sandy and Jim Hanus Edward T. Hashek Hatco Corporation Ms. Rita L. Hayen and Mr. Walter Boeshaar Mr. James Hayett Tom and Suzanne Hefty Mrs. Mary E. Henke Hentzen Coatings Inc. Leslie Hindman Auctioneers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogan Melanie C. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Dave Honan

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Huie Humana Health Care Hunzinger Construction Company Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Julia Ihlenfeldt InPro Corporation Interiorscapes by the Plant Market Russ Jankowski Mr. Gregory S. Jay and Dr. Martha Jay Susan and Lee Jennings Barbara Johnson Thomas and Mary Johnson Ms. Ann Junker Marsha A. Kademian Mr. Richard Kahn Charlie and Mary Kamps Karl’s Event Rental/Arena Americas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Karr Moshe and Debra Katz Jane and Joe Kerschner Mr. and Mrs. William C. Koenig Kohl’s Department Stores Mr. Dennis Kois Sr. and Mrs. Carolyn Kois Debbie and Jon Konings Mr. and Mrs. Richard Konrath Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Krause Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. William G. Krugler Milt and Carol Kuyers Bill and Judy Laste Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Lavin Dr. Margaret M. Layde

Legacy Property Management Services Mr. Jeffrey C. Levy Robert J. Lodzinski Ms. Terese Lohmeier and Dr. Robert S. Ruggero Camille A. Lonstorf Trust Robert J. Lotz Mr. Scott L. Lueder and Mrs. Monica Lueder Mr. Roger Luhn Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lunde Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lundell M. E. Dey & Co. Ann R. MacIver Barbara K. Mackenzie Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. MacNeil Jacqueline S. Macomber Katharine and Sandy Mallin Elizabeth Malone Barbara Manger and Bill Lynch Audrey A. Mann Jacqueline Servi Margis Marvin* and Ann Margolis Lisa Rae Martin Materion Advanced Chemicals Kim and David Mathews Debesh and Linda Mazumdar Mary E. McAndrews Dr. Lisa McChesney Mr. and Mrs. Jesse N. McCombe Mr. Patrick Mehigan and Ms. Piper Plummer Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP Dr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Milleville

Ms. Melissa Mooney and Mr. Philip Schultz Marleen and Dwight Morgan Mortara Instrument Company George and Julie Mosher Family Foundation Mr. Gregory W. Mulry and Mr. Ken Multhauf National Business Furniture Inc. Dr. Paul Nausieda and Dr. Evonne M. Winston North Shore Bank Ms. Julianna L. Olson Mr. Ted Papenthien Peck Foundation, Milwaukee Ltd. Jason Perkey Mr. Alan S. Perlstein and Ms. Terry L. Hamann Mr. Donald S. Petersen and Ms. Corinthia Van Orsdol Ms. Rita Petretti Helen Armbrust Pfeifer John Julian Pickeral III and Evalynne J. Espejo Ms. Jane Podemski Polanki Inc./Polish Women’s Cultural Club Dr. and Mrs. Randle E. Pollard Steven and Karen Port Joan and Don Prachthauser Dr. Sarah J. Pratt Kasandra and R. Jeffrey Preston Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Quadracci Mr. and Mrs. V. Ross Read III Patrick and Noreen Regan Mr. and Mrs. Allen N. Rieselbach


donors (continued)

Mrs. Catherine Robinson and Mr. James Robinson Lucy Rosenberg Julie and Mason Ross Roundy’s Supermarkets Inc. Mr. Michael Ryan and Mrs. Mary Burke Ryan Ms. Anita M. Samen and Mr. David Follmer Joan and Marc Saperstein Beth and Chris Schimel Mr. Roger W. Schneider Lawrence and Katherine Schnuck Roland Schroeder and Mary Mowbray Dr. Benjamin F. Schultz and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Colvin Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schwartz Mr. Douglas Seaman Jr. Ms. Marsha Sehler Mr. and Mrs. William T. Shaffer Jr. Mr. Joel Shields Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shoener Cathy Simpson Kathleen Smith Spano Pratt Executive Search Barbara Stein Stevens Point Brewery Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stillmank Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stoffel Dr. and Mrs. James E. Stoll Dr. and Mrs. James Stone Anne and Fred Stratton Ms. Ann B. Terwilliger Teuteberg Inc. Mrs. Ann H. Tisdale Chuck and Lori Torner


Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Treisman Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Uihlein Mrs. Carla Uphill Mrs. Joan Urdan Mrs. Patricia Van Alyea Mrs. Martha Vogel Ms. Beth L. Weckmueller Julia and Johannes Weertman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weirick Len and Susan Weistrop Thomas G. Wendt Edwin P. (Ted) Wiley Mrs. Richard Zauner Mrs. Sally F. Ziegler Bettie Zillman Shirley R. Zinsmeister Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Zucker* $400–599 Mr. Dale B. Alberda and Mrs. Janene A. Alberda Mrs. Cathy Alper Anonymous (13) Arandell Corporation Daniel and Linda Bader Mr. James L. Ballard and Mrs. Barbara H. Ballard Ms. Carol A. Barnett and Mrs. Hazel L. Barnett Libby Barrow Mr. Leo Barton and Mrs. Diane M. Barton Ms. Rochelle H. Bast and Mr. Detlef B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Bauer Doris M. Bauer David and Jill Baum Mrs. Helen B. Bechthold

Mr. Byron S. Becker and Ms. Mary Ellen Csuka Mrs. Margery Becker Mr. John Bell and Ms. Lori Erickson Ms. Susan R. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benton Mr. Nic Bernstein Dr. Annette Beyer-Mears Ralph H. Bielenberg Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Biller Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bilsky Mr. and Mrs. Terence Bischoff Robert and Ellen Bladorn Mr. James R. Bleiler and Mrs. Marylee Bleiler Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Blommer Mike and Ginny Bolger Bostrom Foundation Mark J. Bowmann Steve and Patty Brink Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown Mr. George H. Bruggenthies Mr. John D. Bryson and Mrs. Lisa A. Bryson Anne Marie and Michael Bula Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burlingame Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Burrell Jr. Mr. Thomas Bush and Ms. Rosalie Neufeld James and Judith Callan Kathlyn M. and Christopher J. Callen Mr. Jose A. Carlino Dr. Jon Carlson and Mrs. Laura K. Carlson Ms. Jeannine Carmichael Carol A. Carpenter Dr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Carter

Wendy and John Cayer Joan Celeste Mr. Richard Chang and Ms. Rebecca Leiviska Mr. Randy Chapin and Mrs. Linda Chapin Mrs. William P. Chapman Ms. Susan Collopy Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Colman Honorable Pedro A. Colon and Mrs. Betty Colon-Ulmer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Connolly Lynn S. Connolly Mr. Kenneth J. Cook and Mrs. Jean H. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cowen Mr. Todd Craft and Mrs. Aimee Craft Sue and Russ Darrow Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Davidson Ms. Marcia A. Day Larry and Eileen Dean Jane Delzer and Ken Finkel Mr. Kris Deming and Ms. Cindy Deming Herb and Carolynn Desch Mrs. Susan DeWitt Davie Mr. Lloyd Dickinson and Ms. Kristin Bergstrom Mr. Roland Dittus Susan Doornek Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Dow Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dowd Art and Rhonda Downey Mr. Peter C. Drenzek and Gloria Drenzek Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Dreske

Mr. and Mrs. David Drew Mr. Mark D. Drewek and Ms. Maureen E. Daly Ms. Karen Drummond Mrs. Haydon R. Duffy John E. Dyer and Theresa M. Skrivseth Ken Eichenbaum* and Cate Charlton Ms. Maureen Eichenbaum Mr. Timothy Eilers Ernst and Christiane Endres Dale F. Engstrom Mr. Chesley P. Erwin Jr. and Ms. Nancy B. Davis-Erwin Richard and Carol Eschner Mr. Frank Evans and Ms. Janet K. Boles Mr. Stuart H. Feen and Ms. Carol Sonnenschein Mr. Michael C. Fegley and Ms. Ruth A. Romaine Dr. Donald L. Feinsilver and Ms. JoAnn Corrao Mr. Jeffrey Fertl and Mrs. Mary Fertl Mrs. Thelma Fiorita Mr. and Mrs. Robb Fischer Mrs. Marcia C. Flanagan and Mr. Tom Flanagan Janet and David Fleck Mrs. Mari Fleming and Mr. Kevin Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Foell William and Kari Foote Nancy and Jim Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster Mr. Donald R. Fraker and Dr. Maja Jurisic Mrs. Linda Frank Mr. Mark Franzen and Mrs. Janice Franzen

Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. French Mr. David A. Friedman Mr. Calvin Gage Mr. Richard A. Gallun and Ms. Judith McGregor Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Gaouette Mr. Richard V. Gareis and Mrs. Kristi Quirk Dr. Kevin C. Garrett and Dr. Cheryl M. McChesney Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Gaulke Mr. John E. Gebhardt and Ms. Deborah McKeithanGebhardt Mrs. Susie Gebhardt Mr. and Mrs. William Genne Jr. Drs. Mark and Virginia Gennis Jim and Laura Gibson Mr. and Ms. Michael Gilbert Mrs. Susan Godfrey Mr. Rick Goldberg Dina and Joseph Goode Dr. Burton E. Goodman and Ms. Harriet Bocksenbaum Mrs. Idy Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Goodman Greater Milwaukee Foundation • Robert C. Archer Designated Fund • Michael and Patricia Dunn Fund • Susan and Howard Hopwood Fund • Mary Jo and Steve Knauf Family Fund • Brian A. and April L. McCarty Fund Mr. Joseph P. Gromacki

Drs. Sidney E. and Josette B. Grossberg Mr. Steven O. Gruen and Mrs. Mardee Gruen Mr. Gary P. Grunau and Ms. Joanne Grunau Mrs. Barbara Guolee and Mr. Michael D. Guolee Chad and Robin Hamilton Mr. Edward J. Hammond and Ms. Marcia P. Brooks Mary and Edward J. Hanrahan Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Harmelink Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Harper Mr. Jonathan M. Harper and Mrs. Penelope Harper Norma and Bill Harrington Mr. Michael T. Hart and Mrs. Kathleen M. Hart Ms. Leslie Hauser and Mr. Karl Wuesthoff Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Helz Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henika Henry and Suzanne Herzing Mr. John P. Hickey and Dr. Kathleen L. Hickey Mr. Donald D. Hinkle and Ms. Jacquelyn M. Hinkle Ed* and Vicky Hinshaw Mr. John R. Holtz Donald and Melody Huenefeld Dr. and Mrs. Jacques Hussussian Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs Jeanne Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jahn Mr. Douglas C. James Mrs. Julianne P. James

Mr. Gerald J. Janis Jr. Diane and Bob Jenkins Mrs. Richard C. John Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson Ms. Shamika Johnson Dr. David Johnstone and Dr. Candice Johnstone Mrs. Olof Jonsdottir Jeff and Laura Jorgensen Ms. Patricia D. Jursik Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kane Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Kanin Mr. and Mrs. Barry Karp Ms. Amy L. Katz Ms. Patricia Keating-Kahn and Mr. Charles Kahn Ms. Ruby C. Kerr Mr. Grant C. Killoran and Mrs. Carrie Norbin Killoran Mr. and Mrs. John Kirtley Mr. and Mrs. John Kissinger Robert and Gerda Klingbeil Mr. Timothy Klinger and Mrs. Jayne Klinger Renee Kloet Arthur C. Kootz Foundation Robert and Gail Korb Benedict and Lee Walther Kordus Ms. Diane Kortsch and Mr. Jeff Kortsch Mary Krall Mr. Robert Krystowiak Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kubly Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kundert Ms. Nakiya A. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Bill La Macchia Sandra and Dale Landgren


donors (continued)

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lasca Mr. Lawrence LeBlanc and Mrs. Mary LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LeClaire Arlene and Joel Lee Mr. and Mrs. David Leevan Mrs. Robert Lieding Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lindberg Mr. and Mrs. Ken M. Loeffel Dr. Paul W. Loewenstein and Mrs. Jody Kaufman Loewenstein Mr. and Mrs. David Long Dr. Mark A. Lotito Ms. Darcy Love and Mr. Ted Thousand Mr. and Mrs. Marcus C. Low Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lubing Mrs. Karen J. Luling and Mr. Douglas Luling Dr. Robert D. Lyon and Ms. Gabrielle S. Davidson Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Margolis Dr. Brent Martin and Mrs. Susan H. Martin Jan and Vince Martin Lucy A. Martin Mr. John Mathie Rose Mary and Frank Matusinec Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. McCormack Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. McCormick Joseph and Joni McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Meier Mr. and Mrs. Daryl J. Melzer Mrs. Retta Meser


Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Metcalf William C. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Michaelchuck Douglas and Annette Mickelson Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Miech José A. Milan Elizabeth A. and John W. Moore Linda and Douglas Moore Ms. Lisa M. Mosier Ms. Ann Marie Moss Peyton and Ruth Muehlmeier Donald and Corinne Muench John and Sharon Muendel Ms. Nancy A. Munroe Ms. Heidi Munson Mary and Terry Murphy Lucia and Jack M. Murtaugh Donna Neal Mr. Daniel H. Nelson Sr. Dr. David Nevin and Mr. Ross Nevin Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Ogren Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Otting Thomas and Elaine Pagedas Therese Palazzari and Mark Maduza Dr. David A. Paris, D.D.S. Mrs. Norman Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Duane Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phillips Michelle Picard Ned and Barb Piehler Neil and Karen Pinsky Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Polacheck Mrs. Mary S. Pollock Ms. Katherine Priester

Mrs. Wendy L. Proctor and Mr. Lester T. Proctor III Stephen and Susan Ragatz Mr. James Rauh and Mrs. Judith C. Rauh August J. Ray Ms. Sharon Reed and Mr. Stewart Brase Catherine Reeves David and Kris Reicher Ms. Jane E. Reilly and Mr. Jeffrey C. Glock Mrs. Margaret T. Riester Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers Elizabeth and John Roffers Tracy and John Rothman Ms. Liz Rowe and Mr. Steve Hamilton Christine Rundblad Ms. Rhoda A. Runzheimer Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ruttum Mr. Richard Sachs Mrs. Marguerite L. Saecker* Ms. Mary Saecker and Ms. Ruth Saecker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Sargeant Gen and Wil Schauer Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schauer Mr. J. Wesley Schaum Mr. Patrick W. Schmidt and Ms. Dewey J. Caton Mrs. Mary Schmitendorf Elliott Schnackenberg Jane and Greg Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Rodd Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Schnoll Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schumann

Mr. Jay Scott and Mrs. Carolyn Scott Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Seter Mr. Mark Shapiro Dr. Mary Anne Siderits Donna Siegmund Erik and Maud Siljestrom Dr. and Mrs. John Simmons Les and Marcia Singer Ms. Gail A. Sklodowska and Mr. Kent Malison Dr. and Mrs. Peter Slocum Mr. Todd Slusar Allison M. and Dale R. Smith Mr. David M. Smith Mrs. Donna M. Smith Janine and Bruce Smith Ken and Cardi Toellner Smith Mrs. Marlene H. Smith Ms. Dorothy Somers John and Ruthann Spaay Eric D. Steele and Kathryn C. Bach Eva and Paul Stefanski Mr. Larry Steffens and Ms. Ruth Nelson-Steffens Mrs. Carol Stein Ms. Florence Steinberger Mr. William Stotts and Mr. Richard Runkel Ms. Mary K. Strachota Mr. Jerome Styberg and Ms. Patricia A. Styberg Mr. Terry R. Sutter Susan A. Sweeney Ms. Carolyn J. Sweers Mr. Barry W. Szymanski and Mrs. Susan E. Szymanski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Tate Mrs. Libby Temkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Teper Mr. David K. Thiel Mr. Ronald Thorson

Karen A. Tibbitts Mr. Paul Tilleman and Ms. Sally Duffy Sara and Kyle Tomilin Mr. and Mrs. John L. Touchett Mrs. Sharon Treul Ms. Lynn H. Turner Priscilla A. and Thomas R. Tuschen Kim and Pat Uding UnitedHealth Group Ms. Martha Valerio Mr. Larry Van Inthoudt and Mrs. Rachelle Van Inthoudt Dr. Rajiv R. Varma Ms. Susan G. Vetrovsky and Mr. Michael S. Goldstone Mr. Richard D. Vincent Mr. Michael R. Walton and Ms. Mary Schueller Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wedholm Diane and Butch Weiss Thomas and Joan Whipp Mr. Richard Whittow Ann and George Whyte Kathleen and Dennis Wicht Madonna and Jay Williams Mr. Sherman Williams and Mrs. Jill Williams Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Wilson Mr. Rolland K. Wilson and Mrs. Sharon E. Wilson Wisconsin Hotel Group Mr. Lee G. Wolcott and Ms. Carol A. Wolcott Mr. George Wolz Ms. Pamela White Wu and Mr. Chyan Wu Ms. Mary L. Ziino and Ms. Kaylee Annen-Ziino Ms. Diane E. Ziolkowski Mrs. Eve Joan Zucker

LIFETIME MEMBERS When supporters provide sustained assistance rising far above the ordinary, the Museum honors them as Lifetime Members. We are deeply grateful to the following for the support they have provided. Peg Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Atterberry Drs. Isabel and Alfred Bader Jay and Patty Baker Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Baumgartner Barbara and Russell E. Bowman The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Marilyn A. Charles Richard R. Cherek Mr. and Mrs. Ben Choice Michael J. Cudahy Joanne Dyskow Helena P. Ehlke Janice and James Fleming Gloria and Steven Foster Dr. Marvin Fruth Christopher Goldsmith David and Maggi Gordon Dr. George Gray Herzfeld Foundation John and Catherine Irion David and Cynthia Kahler Daniel T. Keegan and JannĂŠ Abreo Daniel F. Kehrer Mrs. Robert V. Krikorian Layton Art Collection Inc. Barbara Brown Lee Sally Manegold Mrs. Arthur F. Milbrath

David Moynihan Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation Joan M. Pick The Reiman Family Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin Inc. Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation Mrs. Marcia Specks Lawrence R. Stadler Sally and Steve Stevens David and Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation Mrs. Erwin C. Uihlein Lynde B. Uihlein Mrs. Rymund Wurlitzer LEGACY SOCIETY The following have made arrangements through wills, retirement plans, charitable remainder trusts, or other instruments to leave a portion of their estate to the Museum. Their legacies will help ensure that the Museum’s exhibitions and programs will serve many generations to come. George R. Affeldt Jr. Anonymous (10) Charles* and Dorothy Aring James M.* and Marilyn M. Auer Adam Bauman Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Baumgartner* Priscilla and Anthony Beadell David E.* and Natalie B. Beckwith

T. Thompson Bosworth Anthony and Andrea Bryant Mrs. John D. Bryson Dr. Curtis Carter Lynn Chappy Lisa A. H. Cudahy Mary L. Dahlman Mary Ann Delzer Mary Terese Duffy Jim and Trudy Durand Audrienne W. Eder Roma and Laurence Eiseman Bob and Kathy Emery Mary L. Fiedler Elizabeth and Frederic Friedman Ellen and Richard Glaisner Carole and Adam Glass David Glenn Jeffrey C. Glock and Jane E. Reilly Christopher Goldsmith Donald* and Carolie Goniu Thomas J. Gould Florence S. Grodin Arlene Hansen Edward T. Hashek Michael and Gay Hatfield Carla and Robert Hay Sheila M. Hendrix John G. Hill Jr.* and Sarah H. Hill Marianne Hillebrand Mr. and Mrs. James Hyde Angela and George Jacobi Douglas C. James Russ Jankowski Susan M. Jennings Peter and Debra Johnson Judy and Gary Jorgensen


donors (continued)

Dr. Charles and Mrs. Anne Junkerman Patti Keating Kahn Jane L. and George C. Kaiser Scot and Lance Karp Paula Keats and Steve Horwath Ray and Susan Kehm Mary E. Kelly Msgr. Raymond N. Kertz Dr. and Mrs. John D. Koehler Kathleen L. Kortas Mary and Michael* Krall Kenneth and Melinda Scott Krei Nancy and Gilbert Krueger Raymond and Barbara Krueger Thomas J. Landers Daniel and Samantha La Nuez Lise and Tom Lawson Barbara Brown Lee and Wallie* Lee Lawrence and Bridget Lenz Gail Lione and Barry Grossman Robert J. Lodzinski Helen Peter Love Jacqueline S. Macomber Dr. Robert* and Audrey Mann Rocille McConnell Tom and Mary McCormick Marilyn E. Miller and Leone Lewensohn Barbara Morris and D. Kendall Griffin Joan W. Nason James* and Alice Nelson Diane M. and J. Alan O’Connor Joyce and Nick Pabst Lygere Panagopoulos


Jill and Jack* Pelisek Elaine N. Peterson Lucia and Pete Petrie Anthony J. Petullo Ronald and Barbara Poe Gordana and Milan Racic Randy R. Reddemann Thomas J. Reich for the Reich Family Sande Robinson Atty Robert W. and Mrs. Barbara Roth Charles and Judith Rousseau Allen and Vicki Samson James and Andrea Schloemer Roger W. Schneider Wendy and Douglas* Sleight Arthur C.* and Katherine M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smocke Mrs. Nita Soref Susie Gigi Stein Roland and Judith Strampe Mr. and Mrs. Allen M.* Taylor Roseann and David Tolan Edward M. Turner Kent and Marcia Velde Jo and Bob Wagner Lisa K. Weisman Agnes and Ronald Wells, MD David Wescoe Carolyn White-Travanti and Leon Travanti Edwin P. (Ted) Wiley Dick and Susan Wilkey Dr. Elizabeth L. Wimberg Lee G. Wolcott Richard and Sue Ann Wruck Bettie Zillman Alanna Zrimsek and Morton Levin

PUBLIC FUNDING SOURCES The continuing support of Milwaukee County supports education programs and managing the facilities on behalf of the County. The Milwaukee Art Museum is supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Museum’s ArtXpress program is supported in part by a grant from the Milwaukee Arts Board and the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin.

TRIBUTES We gratefully acknowledge the generous donors who contributed gifts of $100 or more as a tribute to someone special. In Memory of Charles Tracy Atkinson Mr. James R. Brown Jr. In Honor of Donald Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGrath In Memory of Margot C. Crump Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Crump In Memory of Enid Mary Dietrich Mrs. William F. Miller

In Memory of Sue Dunham Mr. Michael D. Dunham In Honor of George Evans and Family Ms. Katharine Blumenthal In Memory of J. Eugene Felsch Ms. Laura Felsch-Roberson In Memory of Mary Jane Manierre Foote Mr. and Mrs. Peter Copps Mr. Matthew Goldblatt and Ms. Maureen Goldblatt Mr. and Mrs. William C Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Umland In Honor of Frederic G. Friedman Ms. Sarah M. Friedman In Memory of John A. Gruesser Mr. Tom Braun Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Easom Ms. Terese M. Fandel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. MacNeil Mr. and Mrs. David G. Meissner Mrs. Judith Meissner Mr. Harold P. Mueller and Mrs. Kathleen M. Mueller Mrs. Michelle Regan Mr. Vibert Wailoo and Mrs. Lynette Wailoo In Memory of Avis M. Heller Heller Foundation Inc. In Memory of Phyllis Huffman Mrs. Natalie B. Beckwith In Memory of Eva Jacob Mr. Robert Dodson

In Memory of William Kerrigan Ms. Theresa Kerrigan Ms. Laura Kotelman Morton Grove Supply Co. Mr. Tom Paulikas and Mr. Michael Gronert In Memory of Ted Kuecker Mr. Mark Weitenbeck In Honor of Ellin and Gerald Levy Mr. Scott M. Blumenthal and Mrs. Bellinda Blumenthal Dr. Ronald A. Feingold and Mrs. Carole R. Feingold Dr. and Mrs. John S. Grant Mr. Peter S. Grossman and Mrs. Sondra Grossman Mr. Daniel Lee and Mrs. Karen Lee Mr. Buzzy Lippman and Mrs. Wendy Rubin Mr. Rick Strusinger and Mrs. Linda Strusinger In Memory of John Dowley Lewis Mrs. Frederick Brengel George and Julia Evans Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feitler Mr. and Mrs. Leesley B. Hardy Provident Trust Company In Honor of Steve Marcus Wisconsin Hotel Group In Memory of Sandra Ellegard Mattison Arandell Corporation Mr. Douglas Cameron and Mrs. Lenore Cameron Mr. J. G. Campbell and Mrs. Holly J. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John Charleston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Drought

David Everhart Mr. and Mrs. James L. Forbes Ms. Melita F. Grunow Mr. Donald C. Holst and Mrs. Merilee M. Holst Mr. Mark Kiesow Mrs. Mary S. Koehler and Mr. Robert Koehler Mr. Philip L. Mattison Mr. Timothy Nettescheim Mr. Frank M. Shappert and Mrs. Margaret W. Shappert Ms. Christine Waldron In Memory of Jane Myers Mr. Bradley Dowden In Honor of Ed and Nan Napoleon Ms. Kerri Knapp In Memory of Amy Dauchy Owen Accredited Investors Inc. In Memory of Thomas R. Papenthien Bankers’ Bank Dr. and Mrs. John J. Foley Mr. Paul Hoff Ms. Meg Larsen and Mr. John Larsen Mrs. Deborah Papenthien Mr. Ted Papenthien Ms. Sarah M. Sigler In Memory of Ruth Raap Sue Ann and Richard Wruck In Memory of Norma “Toot” Rand BDO Seidman LLP Mrs. Patricia Gallun KLCM Advisors Inc. Mr. John Lewenauer Mrs. Rita A. Lewenauer Mr. Peter C. Marshall and Mrs. Jill Marshall

Dr. and Mrs. Tim McNamara Miller Management II, LLC Mrs. Kathryn Schmit Weiss Berzowski LLP In Memory of Philip and Terry Rozga Anonymous Ms. Jane Botham CH2M George and Julia Evans Ms. Sue Lucey Mr. and Mrs. David Springob Ms. Susane Stager and Ms. Barbara A. Olatta Mr. Daniel Stefanovich and Ms. Jodene Schlueter Ellen Triebold Mrs. Rachel Wagoner Mr. George Wolz Ms. Catherine M. Young In Memory of Dr. Morton Scribner Ms. Harriet Steinberg In Honor of Suzanne Selig Dr. Jordan M. Weigler and Mrs. Patti S. Weigler In Memory of L. William Teweles Mr. and Mrs. Byron Foster Mr. Thomas G. Strachota and Mrs. Patricia A. Strachota In Memory of Gloria Thibodeau Ms. Elisa Carty In Memory of Kathy Vilski Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Crump

GIFTS IN KIND The following individuals and organizations generously provided goods and services to help the Museum in 2015–16. 88Nine Radio Milwaukee 600 East Café Ambassador Hotel Art’s Cameras Plus Christie’s Clear Channel Outdoor CompURent DigiCOPY The Flower Source GT Creative Hawks Landscape Hotel Metro Dr. Anthony and Sue Krausen M Magazine Props Unlimited Events, LLC Schroeder Moving Systems Shepherd Express Trendway Corporation Vanguard Computers Inc. Jane C. Waldbaum and Steve L. Morse



docents + volunteers


DOCENT COUNCIL Peetie Basson Chair Melissa Block Past Chair Ken Loeffel Secretary Suzie Hanks Jane Somers Continuing Education Jody Baxter Pat Brophy Jeewon Schally Docent Digest Joan Hunt Gloria Rozmus Greeter Team Coordinators Louise Doornek Karen Thaker Hospitality Grace Gnorski Junior Docent School Program Coordinator Sally McCaughey Sally Pratt Peer Review Anne Noyes Travel ACTIVE DOCENTS Becky Adlam George Affeldt Diane Aiello Ana Amorin Howard Austin Rose Balistreri

Barbara Bartholin Peetie Basson Nick Baumgart Jody Baxter Sue Berce Diane Berndt Melissa Block Jan Blooming Bill Boles Jeannette Brasseur Cari Bravo Pat Brophy Libby Bruce Donna Burdge Geralyn Cannon Sharon Canter Marti Carr Liz Chernousova Miriam Cleary Wendy Crawford Heidi Crimmins Eileen Dean Mary Ann Delzer Cindy Deming Louise Doornek Rhonda Downey Dulce Duran Mary Lou Elson Mary Lynn Elver Gwen Evseichik Susan Forrer Janis Frank Grace Gnorski Kathleen Grady Frank Green Jule Groh Larry Hammond Tsui-Ching Hammond Suzanne Hanks Holly Harnischfeger Karen Hellman

Suzanne Herszenson Roger Heuberger Rana Holbrook Joan Hunt Yvonne Jahnke Andrea Johnson Jerrod Johnson Barbara Jorgensen Karen Jossi Eileen Kaczmarek Shinji Kaiser Diane Kane Jonas Karvelis Louise Keck Jill Kemper Cynthia Ketter Lorie Klibowitz Kathrine Kloecker Louise Konrath Ron Kosek John Kraft Susan LaBudde Laura Lange Barbara Larkin Janet Larscheid Peter Larson Judy Leiterman Caryl Lobel Kenneth Loeffel Roseann Lyons James Maki Deborah Mamerow Caroline Mandel Paul Masterson Nancy Matthisen Sally McCaughey Laeh Bensman McHenry Kelley McInstosh Joe McPhillips Betty Menacher Helga Mikoteit

Joseph Miller Robert Mitchell Sharon Moore Sharon Muendel Kathleen Muldowney Beatrice Murphy Sharon Nieman-Koebert Nancy Northey Anne Noyes Katie Parent Rhonda Pelk Judy Perkins Karen Petric Frank Pipp Joan Prachthauser Sarah Pratt Edith Radovich Mary Read Gail Rennie Brenda Richardson Nedret Rix Rita Rochte Gloria Rozmus Nancy Rubly Judith Ruland Linda Sanduski Jeewon Schally Cynthia Schmadeke Joan Schmidman Kathy Schuchard Lisa Schultz Claudia Shea Pamela Shovers Susan Siegert Davey Singer Marcia Singer Wendy Sleight Mary Ellen Smith Jane Somers Susan Steinman Carol Stephenson

Ethel Stern Judy Strampe Mary Sussman Terry Sutter Cynthia Swedish Karen Thaker Rikki Thompson Jerome Trewyn Beverly Ugent Carla Uphill Janet Vopal Mary Alice Wasielewski Bonnie Welz Thomas Whipp Judy White Heidi Wurlitzer Marshall Zarem Meta Zobec-Novak EMERITUS Suzanne Aiken Kathy Arenz Vicki Banghart Sylvia Barany Katherine Beeson Kathy Boer Martha Bolles Leanne Boris Claudette Bostrom Arlene Brachman Patty Brink Alexandra Buchholz Marsha Camitta Phyllis Casey Joanne Charlton Judy Christofferson Mary Crawford Judith Croak Lorraine Croft Mary Ann Crossot Patricia Crump


docents + volunteers (continued)

Elizabeth Cuneo Mary Dahlman Barbara Damm Bette Drought Joan Drouin Stephanie Dudek Mary Therese Duffy Janet Dulde Virginia Dunphy JoAnn Eddy Audrienne Eder Ingrid Erickson George Evans Claire Fabric Heidi Fallone Estelle Felber Sylvia Fishman Ellen Flesch Peg Fleury Sue Frautschi Marilyn Giaimo Anne Gimbel Ellen Glaisner Susan Godfrey Linda Goetsch Paula Goldman Eileen Gruesser Mary Hamilton Donna Hensel Lloyd Hickson Adrienne Hirsch Mary Holden Lorraine Horst Jeanne Jacobs Liz Joehnk Beth Just Joan Kabins Elsie Kanin Raymond Kehm Audrey Keyes Carole Kintis


Bobbi Krier Mary Krueger Lila Lange Joan Larscheid Elaine Larsen Alice Lipscomb Joan Maas Audrey Mann Julie McHale Mary-Claude McNulty Mary Meyers Sylvia Miller Irene Morgan Mary Murphy Joan Nason Alice Nelson Jenny Nelson Joyce Ninneman Sue Oster Joyce Pabst Carol Peterson Sue Pieper Margaret Plotkin Beverly Rattner Mary Ellen Reiland Marcie Roberts Sheila Rudberg Mary Jo Schauer Brenda Schendel Janis Scherr Sally Schuler Jane Segerdahl Janet Seizyk Judy Shapiro Cathy Simpson Dorothy Stadler Sharon Steinmetz Patricia Strassburger Mary Alice Tamsen Carol Thieme Roseann Tolan

Priscilla Tuschen Susan Vebber Anne Vogel Margret Jhin Walsh Alice White Kathy Wicht Carol Wiensch Pamela Willms Barbara Wood Clarice Zucker LEAVE OF ABSENCE Mary Ackermann Ruth Gregory Mary Beth Mahoney Jane Nosbusch John Oberwetter Lynn Pilmaier Terri Sutton TRAINEES Debbie Antonio Barbara Cancalosi Pat Dunn Debbie Fagan Carole Faught Susie Fondrie Susan Friebert Sharon Gray Kelly Jones Gary Kampe Geri Kline Alice Steuck Konkel Sandi Lewenauer Susie Roberts Heather Ryan Susan Schoenfeld Fred Syrjanen VOLUNTEERS Mary Ann Adams Lisa Alzalde

Beverly Arrowood James Avilez Patricia Bakula Angelica Balderas Samantha Barragan Katalyna Bartek Jeanne Bass Kursten Bauer Robin Bean Jody Beer James Berkes Pratikshya Bhandari April Bina Sarah Biskowitz Jane Botham Morgan Bradford Lois Brazner Kathleen Brehmer Margaret Bridges Rose Brojanac Bob Bruch Mark Bucher Diane Buege Ann Burda Amy Burke Christine Burroughs Cyndi Carini Mary Jo Coffee Randall Coleman Lori Couture Anastasia Cox Jacqueline Darien Corey DeCraene Nancy Desjardins Carole Donovan Diana Dreger Caitlin Driver Jean Dueling Bette Dulke Rasheed Duncan Elizabeth Ellis

Katrina English Priscilla Farrell Isabella Fernandez Mary Fiedler Michael Fishbach Rhonda Flory Mary Francis Melanie Fullmer Eugene Garrison Karen Geisel Lori Gendelman Sydney Gilbert Sara Gimbel Angelika Golopol Lauren Gonn Sarah Goth Marilyn Gramling Jennifer Grant James Grass Michael Griglak Cody Gunderson Elaine Haberrichter Laurene Harschutz Sally Hensel John Hickey Barbara Himes Mary Hoefert Jean Holmes Russ Jankowski Gregory Joers Chloe Jones Amy Kaczmarek Russell Kafka Kathleen Kaltz Andrea Katcha Mary Kellison Kathleen Kelly Mary Kelly Marty Kerrigan Melissa Kiela Marie Kingsbury

Diane Kirchen Lorie Klibowitz Barbara Klinger Lidia Klos Kathy Kortas Elizabeth Kuss Mari Lang Katherine Lanigan Judy Leiterman David Lenz Danya Leslie Joan Levine Yanan Li Aiyu Liang Michelle Liu William Loder Ken Loeffel Michelle Luhm Todd Lyda Emily Marquardt Leanne May Zach Maynard Carole McGibany Angela McGuire Laeh McHenry Marion Metzow Stevie Meyer Cynthia Michael Malisa Middlebrooks Mary Middleton Clarice Mish Audrey Moore Julie Motz Joyce Myers Sue Nelson Gail Neuenfeld Laurel Noack Marilee Nord Meta Zobec Novak Peter Nowak Shannon Nowlin

Michael O’Brien Luis Orozco Ryan Ovsienko Judy Owens Patricia Padurean Erin Paige Sue Patterson Barbara Pauer Jacqueline Perez Jan Perry Kate Petrosky Stephanie Pham Kelly Phoungphol Marilyn Pietrzak Patricia Pietrzak Joan Pleuss Patricia Proft Peggy Ptros Vidya Rajaraman Aliucha Ramos Gloria Rath Kimberly Retert Maureen Rice

Cecilia Richardson David Riehl Marlene Riehl Caryl Roberts Ruth Robertson Curt Rode Pat Rode Joseph Rosella Linda Rosen Mary Rosenheimer Katie Ross Lizbeth Rowe Sheila Rudberg Cynthia Sackmann Tiffany Schettle Cindy Schmadeke Tom Schneider Anne Weber Schulz Emily Sebastian Amrita Sekhon Milli Shade Virginia Simerly Andrew Sinko

Leslie Smart Kay Smith Laura Smith Jasmin Soltani Christine Sowinski Dee Stein Mariah Stemper Betty Storey Terry Sutter Rebecca Swanson Geraldine Sykes Diane Tatreaux Nyquesta Thompson Emily Thoms Nancy Timm Antonia Towns Marcia Tremaine Norine Trewyn Anastacia Tunson Nghi Vo Sally Wallner Jason Warner Phoebe Wechsler

Sandra Weinstein Larry Wellenstein Alanna Welsh Charlotte Wharton Dorothy Wilkins Carole Wirtala Meredith Wolfe Amy Xiao Susan Yale Maja Nevzala Zagorac Asreen Zangana Phyllisa Zuehlke


staff As of August 31, 2016

Jacopo Vignali, Saint Anthony Abbot, ca. 1625. Full credit listing on page 23.


DIRECTOR’S OFFICE Marcelle Polednik Director

Catherine Sawinski Assistant Curator of Earlier European Art

CONSERVATION Jim DeYoung Senior Conservator

COMMUNICATIONS Laura Simson Marketing Coordinator

Claire Anderson Executive Assistant

Ariel Pate Assistant Curator of Photography

Terri White Associate Conservator

Christina Dittrich Senior Editor

HUMAN RESOURCES Kathy Acevedo Director of Human Resources

Tina Schinabeck Collections Manager of Works on Paper

Mary Beth Frigo Human Resources Associate Heidi Koester Office Administration Associate CURATORIAL Brady Roberts Chief Curator

Aryn Kresol Assistant to the Chief Curator Margaret Andera* Adjunct Curator REGISTRAR’S OFFICE Dawn Gorman Frank Senior Registrar Jane O’Meara Associate Registrar

Chris Niver Assistant Conservator Tim Ladwig Preparator Richard Knight Framer/Mountmaker LIBRARY Heather Winter Librarian/Archivist Beret Balestrieri Kohn Audio Visual Librarian ART PREPARATORS Joe Kavanaugh Chief Preparator

Liz Flaig Curatorial Department Administrator

Stephanie Hansen Associate Registrar/ Database Administrator

Brandon Ruud Abert Family Curator of American Art

Lydelle Abbott Associate Registrar for Exhibitions and Loans

Kevin Dally-Muenzmaier Neil Gasparka Paul Mitchell Arthur Mohagen Kraig Przybylski Preparators

Tanya Paul The Isabel and Alfred Bader Curator of European Art

Rebekah Morin* Rights and Reproduction Coordinator/Registrar’s Assistant

PRESENTATION– CURATORIAL David Russick Chief Designer

Demetra Copoulos* Registrar’s Assistant

Jessica Steeber Design Coordinator

Lisa Sutcliffe Curator of Photography and Media Arts Monica Obniski Demmer Curator of 20th- and 21stCentury Design

DESIGN Julie Tokarz-Stoye Senior Graphic Designer Laurelyn Taglienti Graphic Designer Dana Christopherson Junior Graphic Designer MEMBER AND VISITOR SERVICES Jeanne Tripi Director of Member and Visitor Services Anna Dempsey Fischer Manager of Member and Visitor Services Jessica Baumann Alan Piotrowicz Bricelyn Stermer Supervisors Hugh Blewett Alyssa Doman Lead Representatives

Syretta Brown Taylor Bucki* Nathaniel Burks* Esteban Contreras* Alyssia Dominguez-May Adrianna Eckert* Joseph Eichstaedt Emma Furnari* Taylor Guza* Ryan Halloran* Devon Hatton* Olivia Heckel* Ryan Jann* Annie Kassens* Rachel Kreiter* Sydney Lange* Krister Larson* Lauren Marvell* Andrew McCann* Audrey Moore* Yasmine Outlaw* Tom Penglase* Kathleen Pulz* Elizabeth Rath* Elizabeth Staruk* Stefanie Valverde* Elizabeth Vande Bunte* Jennifer Wagner* Xai Yang* Member and Visitor Services Representatives

Cynthia Wilmeth Administrative Assistant Shantel Acevedo* Katherine Berggruen* Diane Berndt* Amanda Beuscher* Kayla Brings*


staff (continued)

MUSEUM STORE Karen McNeely Director of Retail Operations

CAFÉ Jeffrey Cook Director of Food and Beverage

Mary Lou Simmelink Museum Store Manager

Clarissa Chronister Food and Beverage Manager

Katheryn Nelson Marketing and Web Store Manager

Jason Gorman Executive Chef

Brieanne Maldonado-Cruz* Assistant Buyer Linda Garofalo Store Trainer/Receiving Assistant Alicia Rice Receiving/Store Office Associate Mary Johnson Lead Sales Associate Bianca Brandolino* Store Associate/ Web Store Graphic Specialist Nicole Acosta* Lilia Banrevy* Emily Clement* Jazmin Delgado* Kaytlyn Erickson* Rielly Heintz* Melody Lopac* Kelly Main* Carolina Svendsen* Jasmin Vela* Monica Zakrzewski* Store Associates


Jamie Nelson Sous Chef Max Perez Catering Kitchen Manager Colby Breyfogle* Nicholas Sinthasomphone* Christina Spahr* Assistant Café Managers Douglas Bautch Suzanne Schlicht Lead Line Cooks Brittany Greene Special Events Lead Cook CAFÉ FRONT OF HOUSE STAFF Phillisha Baggett* Jason Becker* Jocelyn Beckham* Dawn Behr* Lisdon Brannon* Nicole Bushman* Jo Christie* Ian Clark* Elsa Couillard*

James Donaldson* Juliana Edelen Jenna Graham* Jasmine Hanson* Yessica Jimenez* Shoua Khang* Brady Kuhn* Chance LaCombe* Kho Lor* Rachel Luby* Shelley Maculan* Daniel McNeely* Edward Minter* Drue Morris* Mary Noonan* Andrea Orozco* Michael Owens* Kathryn Parlow* Chaniya Pearson* Laura Rodriguez* Jennifer Schroeder* Zoe Schultz* Ciara Schwindt* Samantha Smith* Jeffrey Sprinkmann* Mia Tripi* Janelle VanderKelen* Robert Vela* Rochelle Vlaj* Malkin Wallace* Joanna Wedge* Shawna Wickersheim* Carla Wolski* May Yang* Servers CAFÉ BACK OF HOUSE STAFF Tanay Akpan* Ramon Lopez Avila* Tracy Chiconas*

Anthony Ciurro* James Cook Luke Crivello* Adrian de Leon* Roderick Doss* Nicholas Freeb* Devlin George* Gerardo Guerrero* Dean Harris* Shawn Jackels* Tyler Lefeber* Alejandro Lopez* Michele Nevoraski* Aaron Newell* Marquis Pate* Kate Philleo* Sean Pickarts* Elias Rourke* Tra’Vontae Scott Darerein Scott-Davis Carmela Streeter* Derek Tell* Linette Tillmon* Lydia Yang* Hosea Young* Cooks/Dishwashers EVENTS Michelle McCue Director of Sales and Events Katie Shorts Wedding Coordinator Kari Miller Sales and Events Coordinator Jessica Gaskey Internal Events Coordinator

Dana Phillips Events Assistant Manager Ngoc Le Café/Events Office Administrator EVENTS SET UP Riley Engstrom Set Up Supervisor Jeffrey Burke* Willie Jackson* Alexander Nehr* Chanceler Primeau* Chase Schaefer* Charles Sedli* Matthew Williams* Set Up Technicians EDUCATION AND PROGRAMS Brigid Globensky Barbara Brown Lee Senior Director of Education and Programs Amy Kirschke Director of Adult, Docent, and School Programs Emily Sullivan Director of Youth and Family Programs Kantara Souffrant Manager of School and Teacher Programs

Ellie McCarrier Adult, Docent, and School Programs Administrator Michelle Bastyr Kohl’s Art Generation Community Relations Coordinator Brett Henzig Youth and Family Programs Coordinator Shannon Molter Youth and Family Programs Educator Marcie Hoffman Docent Tour Coordinator Helene Fischman Manager, Teen Leadership Program Alysha Rendflesh Education and Programs Administrative Assistant Liala Amin Kohl’s Color Wheels Team Coordinator Jen Arpin* William Badovski* Eric Borchert* Amber DuChateau* Olivia Griepentrog* Tai Hardie* Katherine Hobday* Annelise Pollard* Bradley Richlen* Naomi Snortum* Passion Terrell*

Kallia Walkowiak* Elizabeth Weston* Ted Zindars* Kohl’s Color Wheels Art Teachers Anna Arnold* Katie Chandler* Ana Cortes* Emily Gaustad* Chlóe Gutmann* Jessica Janzer* Jeanne Kollmeyer* Yessenia Lopez* Jason Ludtke* Martin Solis* Nia Wilson* Jessica Yocherer* Michelle Zealy* Youth and Family Program Assistants Susan Brandstetter* Jenny Grebe* Mary Fran Murray* Dawn Omernik Nimmer* Paula Washow* Family Sundays Teachers FINANCE Jane Wochos Chief Operating and Financial Officer Lue Hang Controller Chris Gaskey Accounting Manager Tara Nelson Payroll and General Ledger Associate

Mandy Lippens Accounts Receivable Assistant Rosie Ma Accounting Assistant FACILITIES Dan Somers Director of Facilities Erwin van Dyck Facilities Manager Geoff Mumau HVAC Technician Carlos León-Román Marla Peterson Facilities Assistants SECURITY Brad Novak Director of Campus Safety and Security John Rittberg Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security Michael Gabrys George Rebicek Milissa Schreiber Lead Officers James Sudberry Lead Security Station Operator Gary Bolhar Jim Byrne Adam Dudenhoefer Warren Iles Jeffery Jiracek Stephanie Johnson

Andre Kalenak Diane Kendall Chung Mai Kathryn Nowak Dan Rutherford Security Officers Anastassia Christensen* Molly Nitka* Michael Rakers* Mary Richards* Temporary Private Investigators

Therese Palazzari Director of Institutional Gifts Sara Tomilin Director of Individual and Planned Giving DeDe Chaoui Director of Development Information Systems Alisa Streets Manager of Institutional Gifts

INFORMATION SYSTEMS Praveen Krishnamurti Chief Experience Officer

Rachel Bellmer Membership Manager

Dustin DuPree Systems Administrator

Terry Pachuca Development Assistant

Bob Burton Support Technician Ted Williams Brusubardis Manager of Electronic Media Maeve Jackson* Samuel LaStrapes* Audio Visual Technicians Clayton Backes* Audio Visual Assistant DEVELOPMENT Mary Albrecht Senior Director of Development

Elisabeth Albeck Membership Relations Coordinator

SPECIAL EVENTS– FUNDRAISING Krista Renfrew Director of Special Events Jennifer Kobe Molly Canan Special Events Managers Molly Mattefs Special Events Coordinator

*part time


financial report

Financially, the Milwaukee Art Museum concluded fiscal year 2016 with a balanced budget and a strong balance sheet. The Museum does have a construction line of credit related to the addition and reinstallation project, with a balance of $4 million at the end of fiscal year 2016. Pledges from the capital campaign will pay off the line of credit when collected over the next three years. Net assets are approximately $147 million as of year-end. The following are among the highlights of the 2016 operating year: • The Museum Store, Café Calatrava, and facility rentals saw continued success; all contributed a gross profit of almost $2.2 million, which is similar to the prior year. • Goals for the annual campaign and membership were met and the level of giving increased approximately 13 percent over the previous year. • The Museum reopened the Collection Galleries in November 2015. • The Museum has confirmed pledges to pay off the construction line of credit in the next four years. The investment portfolio experienced gains of approximately $2.1 million in fiscal year 2016. The total market value of investments was $48.4 million at the end of fiscal year 2016, compared to $42.5 million as of 2015. The major reason for the increase was due to funds contributed to the endowment during fiscal year 2016. As the Museum plans for its future, successfully accomplishing its goals will depend on continuing to expand the visitor experience, grow its Member and donor base, and build a larger endowment. The Museum has identified several planned gifts that will help build the endowment in the years ahead.


financial statements


Liabilities and Net Assets

Cash and cash equivalents Investments and funds held in trust Inventories and other assets Accounts receivable, net Pledges receivable, net Property and equipment, net Total assets

2,258,863 48,424,353 1,267,812 125,235 5,743,453 95,353,496 153,173,212

Payables and other Deferred revenue Construction line of credit

1,267,323 1,058,979 4,000,000

Total liabilities


Total net assets


Total liabilities and net assets


CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Operating fund only Operating Revenue

Operating Expenses

Contributed revenue Unrestricted 6,353,476 Restricted for programs 4,786,639 Total contributed revenue Earned revenue Endowment draw for operations Total operating revenue

11,140,115 5,554,438 1,472,200 18,166,753

Change in unrestricted net assets from operations


3% Board Designated

Education 1,310,339 Audience and communication 2,864,397 Presentation and curatorial 3,343,420 Business operations 2,138,447 General and administrative 2,972,620 Development and volunteer services 2,847,070 Building services 2,672,743 Total operating expenses



OPERATING EXPENSES 16% General and Administrative

8% Endowment Draw for Operations

8% Other

21% Curatorial 20% Acquisitions 40% Operations 8% Education


31% Earned Revenue

61% Operating Revenue

16% Audience and Communication

15% Building Services 16% Development and Volunteer Services

7% Education

12% Business Operations

18% Presentation and Curatorial

The condensed statement of financial position and the condensed statement of operations are derived from the Milwaukee Art Museum’s financial statements as of August 31, 2016, which have been audited by Wipfli LLP, independent auditors, whose report expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. A complete copy is available upon request or can be found on the Museum’s website:


The Milwaukee Art Museum collects and preserves art, presenting it to the community as a vital source of inspiration and education.

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