Business and Life Skills Hub

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36 Lyall St reet Cranbourne, VIC P. 9775 7333 E. m ilife@m ilife-vict W. m ilife-vict

Purpose The MiLife-Victoria Business and Life Skills Hub in Cranbourne provides an environment that enables people to engage in activities that develop for skills for life, independence and work.

Unit Areas Home Maintenance


Daily Living

Personal Safety

Language, Literacy and Numeracy

Employment Vocational Education

Personal Development

Target Group Individuals looking to develop life skills, personal independence, and skills for work and/or further education.

Hours of Operation Monday to Sunday

8am - 6pm

SKILLS FOR WORK COURSE Overview Participants must apply and be interviewed for acceptance to undertake an intensive, full time six month course, split of 2 x 12 week blocks. The course will encompass a balance between classroom learning and practical work experience.

Venue Business and Life Skills Hub, Training Room, Cranbourne Designs for Hair - Ti-Tree Ave, Seaford Potts Cafe, Langwarrin Community Aged Care, Potts Road, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - Saturday - 8am - 5pm

Duration 6 months

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $10 per week = $240 This course is subject to an application and interview process. For further details about this course phone 9775 7333. 1

COOKING BISCUITS - SALON Overview Participants will learn how to prepare, cook and decorate different types of biscuits for salon customers and also take some home.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday - 9am - 12:30pm Tuesday - 1pm - 4pm and Wednesday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $2 per week = $24 for 12 weeks

Resources Container to carry biscuits to take home 2

HOME SAFETY AND EMERGENCIES Overview Participants will learn about the practical tasks they can do to be safe in their own home and also the steps to take and what to do in a range of emergencies.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday - 9am - 12:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 3

HOUSEHOLD LIVING SKILLS Overview Participants will learn a variety of household skills. This will include doing the laundry and ironing for the salon and cafĂŠ, cleaning toilets, kitchen, vacumming and mopping floors, which they will be able to transfer and undertake more independently in their own home environment.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday and Tuesday - 9am - 12:30pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 4

MONEY SKILLS Overview Participants will undertake the banking for the salon and cafĂŠ which will include counting money, reconciling the takings, checking and balancing eftpos receipts, walking to the local bank branch and depositing takings and determining denominations they will need to make up new floats for the week.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday - 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 5

SALON & CAFE - DELIVERY & PICK UP Overview Participants will travel in a MiLife-Victoria vehicle to the salon and cafĂŠ and pick up the towels, aprons, tea towels and napkins and travel back to the Hub for them to be washed the next day.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday to Friday - 1:30pm - 4:30pm Saturday - 2pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 6

GARDENING AND HOME MAINTENANCE Overview Participants will learn how to grow and maintain garden beds, seedlings, veggies, cut lawn with hand mower and undertake tasks around the home i.e. wash house windows and vehicles and general clean up outside.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday - 1:30pm - 4:30pm and Friday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 7

BUSINESS SUPPORT Overview Participants will undertake tasks that support cafĂŠ and salon functions i.e. stocktake, banking, foils, napkin folding leaflet drop etc.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 9am - 1pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 8

BASIC MEAL PREPARATION Overview Participants will learn how to shop, prepare, cook a meal for lunch to eat on the day. They will also learn food hygiene, food safety and cleaning skills.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 12:30pm Friday - 9am - 12pm Saturday - 10am - 2pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $8 per week = $96 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 9

SOCIAL MEDIA Overview Participants will learn how to use Facebook and manage the salon and cafĂŠ Facebook page. This will include uploading photos and stories of clients experiences and marketing the businesses.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 12:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 10

CONNECTING WITH COMMUNITY Overview Participants will learn about all the potential services they can utilise, what each business is about and how best to engage with them i.e. Centrelink, library, Council Services.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Tuesday - 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 11

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Overview Participants will learn about different and effective ways to engage with others in their lives so they can be more effective in what they want to say and get their messages across. They will also learn how to listen effectively so they can understand others point of view and develop a better outcome for everyone.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Tuesday - 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 12

MANAGING MY OWN MONEY Overview Participants will learn about money denominations and values, how to write a simple budget based on their income and needs and how to track this. This will also include how to use internet banking, using cash and eftpos, checking change and tracking their spending and balance against their budget each week.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Wednesday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 13

MENU PLANNING Overview Participants will create a menu for the cooking activities at the hub each week by undertaking research of recipes, discussing quantities, creating shopping lists and determining a budget for each recipe and total menu.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 4:30pm and Thursday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 14

RIGHTS AND ADVOCACY Overview Participants will learn about their human rights as well as their responsibilites to others and how to deal with situations if they feel these have been breached. They will also learn about advocacy and how they can have others assist them in a formal and informal way.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 15

COOKING FREEZER MEALS Overview Participants will learn how to shop, prepare, cook lunch for them to eat at the hub during the week. These will be frozen on site and participants can defrost them to eat for their lunch the following week.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Thursday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $8 per week = $96 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 16

MY HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Overview Participants will learn about ways they can look after themselves, about health services in their area, why they may attend these, how to make a booking and develop a personal plan to be healthy and fit.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Thursday - 1pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 17

PROBLEM SOLVING FOR HOME & LIFE Overview Participants will learn about living with others, neighbours, family members and having friends and how to deal with misunderstanding, work through daily issues that arise when you live with and near people and how to manage these relationships.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Thursday - 1pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 18

CYBER SAFETY Overview Participants will learn how to be safe when using social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. - what information to share and not, considerations when friending people etc.

Venue Mi Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne

Days and Times Friday - 1pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 19

PERSONAL SAFETY Overview Participants will learn about what is personal information, what does privacy and confidentiality mean to them, who to and not to share this information with, keeping private password and pins to bank accounts and websites etc. safe.

Venue Business and Life Skills Hub, Training Room, Cranbourne

Days and Times Friday - 1pm - 4:30pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 20

MARKETING AND PROMOTION Overview This group will develop flyers for cafĂŠ and salon using the computer and some weeks travel in a MiLife-Victoria vehicle to undertake a letterbox drop to residents in and around the cafĂŠ and salon to market these businesses.

Venue Business and Life Skills Hub, Training Room, Cranbourne

Days and Times Saturday - 10am - 2pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 21

Disability Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061

For more information visit or follow us

MiLife-Vict oria Inc Head Of f ice 66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings VIC 3915 ABN 36 405 794 753

Tel : 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 Nat ional Rel ay Service 1300 555 727 E. m il ife@m il ife-vict W. w w w.m il ife-vict

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