Autumn salad magzine

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United in Diversity through Stories in Europe.

Autumn 2015






Title of the project: United in diversity through stories in Europe (Erasmus+, KA2) Participant schools: 4th Primary School of Pefka, Thessaloniki, Greece Agrupamento de Escolas de Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal 144 Secondary School Narodni Buditeli Bulgaria Istituto Comprensivo IV Novembre Italy Pakruojis Lygumai Basic School Lithuania C.E.I.P. Pío del Río Hortega Portillo (Valladolid) Spain Topac Ortaokulu Turkey Rationale, aims and activities: From the earliest times, stories (legends, myths, fairytales) became a point of reference for scholars. Some of them have enormous religious, cultural, and geographic significance. They have also been source of inspiration for poets, writers, artists, and musicians. Pupils are familiar with them from a very early age and most of them enjoy listening to them. Nowadays, in multicultural Europe, we have to combat racism and xenophobia and at the same time boost the self-esteem of all children, especially those who are at risk to experience failure at school. Through this project we tackle the aforementioned issues enhancing the European dimension of the school curriculum. This can happen by skipping the barriers of the different mother tongues of the pupils that participate, since the legends and the fairytales can be performed through pantomimes or depicted in children’s works of art (comics, collages, drawings, handicrafts). Through this partnership, our pupils engage in cross-curricular projects incorporating Languages, ICT, Art, Music, Geography. In this way, it is expected that the students will improve their research, communication and presentation skills and realize the common mutual tradition with the other European partners. Pupils will find out the importance of stories in the life of people around Europe and simultaneously they will discover issues about the mentality of these people living in our multicultural Europe. Therefore, an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe will be promoted and as a result, this awareness will strengthen the values towards combating racism, prejudice and xenophobia. Overall, the cornerstone of this partnership is the motto of the EU “united in diversity” combating all forms of discrimination based on racial, ethnic origin, or disability. Also, the engagement of all students in meaningful activities according to their unique potentials, will boost their self-esteem towards the prevention of early leaving from school. Up to now, (January 2016), -there has been one project meeting in Turkey (October 2015) -we have exchanged cards for the new school year and suns (30*30) prepared by the students -we have exchanged penfriend letters -we have created autumn fairytale salads using Web Quest (the students, divided in groups of four, read three fairytales on the Internet, made mindmaps for each one of the fairytales they had read and finally wrote their own fairytale salad). These stories are published in E-twinning and in printed form (a magazine) -we have recorded our narrations, made the illustrations of our stories and prepared a presentation of our fairytale salad in PowerPoint, which will soon be uploaded in E-twinning All the products, activities, links and publications about the project can be found in twinspace ( Sotiria Papadopoulou (coordinator)






THE LITTLE RED RIDING COOKIE AND GINGERBREAD Once upon a time there was an old lady. While she was baking cookies, she heard a noise coming from the cooker. When she opened the cooker a gingerbread man jumped out of the cooker and started running. It got out of the house, it saw some beans in the garden but it didn't pay attention. When it came back home, a huge bean stalk was there. The gingerbread cookie climbed the stalk. It reached the top of it and he saw a big castle. In front of the castle there was a huge wolf. The wolf opened his mouth to eat gingerbread, but as he had caught an autumn flu, he sneezed so badly, that gingerbread found the chance to enter the castle. When the cookie went inside the castle, it saw a giant. The giant and the cookie became friends and together, they sent away the wolf. The giant had a daughter, the Little Red Riding Cookie, and Gingerbread fell in love with her. That’s why he didn’t want to go down to earth again. So, they stayed at the sky castle forever. The years went by, and the big bad wolf came back again! One day, he tried to kill the Little Red Riding Cookie. But, he slipped on the wet autumn leaves, he fell and hit his head badly! When the wolf recovered, he wasn’t bad anymore!!! And so, they lived all together in peace . . . THE TEAM: Orfeas, Chris K., Chris M.,Andreas 3





Η µικρή Κοκκινοµπισκοτούλα και το Μπισκοτοανθρωπάκι Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό ήταν µια γριά κυρία. Καθώς έψηνε κουλουράκια, άκουσε έναν θόρυβο να έρχεται από τον φούρνο. Όταν άνοιξε τον φούρνο, πετάχτηκε έξω ένα µπισκοτοανθρωπάκι και άρχισε να τρέχει. Βγήκε έξω από το σπίτι, είδε µερικά φασόλια στον κήπο αλλά δεν έδωσε καµία σηµασία. Όταν γύρισε στο σπίτι, µια τεράστια φ α σ ο λ ι ά ή τ α ν ε κ ε ί . Το µπισκοτοανθρωπάκι σκαρφάλωσε στην φασολιά. Έφτασε στην κορυφή και είδε ένα µεγάλο κάστρο. Ο λύκος άνοιξε το στόµα του για να φάει το µπισκοτοανθρωπάκι, αλλά είχε αρρωστήσει από τη φθινοπωρινή γρίπη και φτερνίστηκε τόσο άσχηµα που το µπισκοτοανθρωπάκι βρήκε την ευκαιρία να µπει µέσα στο κάστρο! Όταν το µπισκοτάκι µπήκε µέσα, είδε έναν γίγαντα. Ο γίγαντας και το µπισκοτάκι έγιναν φίλοι και έδιωξαν µακριά τον λύκο. Ο γίγαντας είχε µια κόρη, την µικρή Κοκκινοµπισκοτούλα και το µπισκοτοανθρωπάκι την ερωτεύτηκε. Γι'αυτό δεν ήθελε να κατέβει κάτω στη γη ξανά. Κι έτσι έµειναν στο ουράνιο κάστρο για πάντα. Τα χρόνια περνούσαν και ο µεγάλος κακός λύκος επέστρεψε ξανά! Μια µέρα προσπάθησε να σκοτώσει την Κοκκινοµπισκοτούλα. Αλλά γλίστρησε στα βρεγµένα φύλλα του φθινοπώρου και χτύπησε τ ο






The Bluebeard and Snow White Once upon a time there lived a man. He was very rich. But this man had a blue beard. It made him so ugly that everybody ran away from him. In the near mansion there lived a widow with her two daughters – Snow White and Cinderella. The Bluebeard asked them to marry him but they both refused. The Bluebeard had a cat – the Puss in boots. He advised him to invite Snow White, Cinderella and their mother to his house in the countryside. They walked all the time, went hunting, ate delicious things and had fun. Everything was so wonderful that Snow White thought The Bluebeard was not a bad person. They came back to the town and they got married. A month later the Bluebeard left for the countryside. He was going to come back in six weeks. He gave his wife the keys from the treasury. He showed Snow White a key for a room on the first floor. The Bluebeard forbade her to open it. The young woman promised to obey her husband but her curiosity was so big that she unlocked the door. She saw a witch sitting there who touched her with her magic wand and Snow White fell asleep. Seven little goats stood by her. Everybody in the house fell asleep too. Bushes grew all around the house blocking the doors and the windows. When the Bluebeard came home and saw what had happened he got angry. He ran into the small room. The witch was expecting him. The Bluebeard told her he had heard she could turn into different animals. To prove this, the witch turned into a lion. The Bluebeard asked her to turn into a small animal. The witch turned into a mouse. When the Puss in boots saw her, he ate her. The Bluebeard sprinkled some 5





Синята брада и Снежанка Преди много години живял един човек. Той притежавал огромни земи и имения из цялата страна, златни и сребърни прибори, мебели с богато везана дамаска и златни карети. Но за нещастие този човек имал синя брада. Тя му придавала толкова грозен и ужасяващ вид, че нямало девойка, която да не побегне, когато го срещне. В съседното имение живеела една графиня, която имала две много красиви дъщери – Снежанка и Пепеляшка. Синята брада поискал една от тях за жена – тази, която майката прецени, че може да му даде. Ала и двете не се съгласявали. Синята брада имал котарак, но не обикновен, а Котарак в чизми. Именно той го посъветвал да заведе Снежанка, Пепеляшка и майка им в едно от именията си, за да

могат да се опознаят по-добре. Синята брада и неговите гости по цял ден бродели из полята и горите, ходели на лов, добре си похапвали, а вечер танцували и се забавлявали. Всичко било тъй хубаво, че на Снежанка взело да й се струва, че брадата на домакина им не е чак толкова синя и че всъщност той е един много добър човек. Щом се върнали в града, те се венчали. В края на първия месец Синята брада казал на жена си, че е принуден да отпътува за провинцията по важна работа и ще се върне след шест седмици. Той й дал ключовете от двата големи килера с мебели, от шкафа със златните и сребърните прибори, от ковчежетата, в които съхранявал златото и среброто си и от сандъците със скъпоценните камъни. Показал на Снежанка и едно малко ключе, което било от малката стаичка, която се намирала в дъното на голямата галерия на долния етаж. Синята брада забранил на жена си да се приближава до тази стаичка. Казал й, че, ако не го послуша, гневът му щял да се стовари върху нея с всичка сила. 6





Младата жена обещала да изпълни заръките на съпруга си, но любопитството й било толкова голямо, че не могла да устои на изкушението – извадила ключа и с треперещи ръце отключила вратата на малката стаичка. Там зърнала една вещица, която мигом я докоснала с вълшебната си пръчица и Снежанка заспала непробудно. Около нея на пост застанали седем козлета, които не позволявали на никого да припари. Освен Снежанка, в голямата къща заспали всички – и слугите, и готвачите, дори котката и кучето. Около къщата бързо израснали огромни храсти и лиани, които запречили вратите и прозорците. Когато Синята брада се върнал и видял какво е станало, много се ядосал. Втурнал се в малката стаичка. Там го очаквала вещицата. Синята брада й казал, че бил чувал, че умее да се превръща във всякакви животни, например в лъв или слон. Тя гордо отвърнала, че това е вярно и за да го докаже, се превърнала в лъв. След това Синята брада я помолил да се превърне в някакво малко животно – например в мишка. Вещицата на мига се превърнала в мишка и се спуснала да бяга по пода. Щом я зърнал, Котаракът в чизми, тутакси се хвърлил отгоре й и я изял. Тогава Синята брада напръскал с една вълшебна отвара Снежанка и тя се събудила. След нея се събудили слугите и готвачите. Тя много се разкаяла., че е била толкова любопитна и постъпила неразумно. Обещала на съпруга си занапред да се вслушва в думите му. Оттогава те заживели дълго и щастливо.






The eight brave brothers Once upon time there was a baby with the size of a thumb, who was born with only one leg. He lived in a small old house with his seven brothers who, surprisingly, were all dwarfs, except himself. One day their father asked the eight brothers to go to the town market. On the way to the market, they saw a toy salesman, who was selling a tin soldier. When they came back, instead of bringing what their father had asked them, they brought home the tin soldier they have seen in the salesman stall. The father went mad and he threw the tin soldier to the fireplace; but the tin soldier didn’t melt. The father became even more furious and he expelled the eight brothers. Seated in a tree trunk, the eight brothers thought they should have obeyed their father… Because they were thirsty, they went by the river to drink water. Meanwhile, they saw a castle… On the way to the castle, they saw more and more animals, flowers, beauty… When they arrived, a beautiful princess appeared. Her name was Snow White. She started yelling, asking for the inhabitants to save the castle, because, she said, on the cooler days an ogre used to attack the castle. The ogre used to bring a group of goblins, whose face was sticky and grotesque. The King ordered the knights to fight the famous ogre, whose name was “Destroyer”. The eight brothers helped the knights against the “Destroyer”. After a hard battle, finally they became victorious. The King rewarded them. He offered them a journey back home and opulent wealth. But the eight brothers refused the wealth they have been given, because what they really wanted was to go back home and meet their father again. And this was how it ended the fairy-tale of the eight brave brothers… 8





Os oito irmãos corajosos Era uma vez um bebé do tamanho de um polegar, que nasceu só com uma perna. Vivia num casebre com os seus sete irmãos que, surpreendentemente, eram todos anões, menos ele. Um dia o pai mandou os oito irmãos ao mercado da cidade. Quando iam a caminho do mercado, os oito irmãos avistaram um vendedor de brinquedos, que vendia um soldadinho de chumbo. Quando regressaram, em vez de trazerem o que o pai lhes tinha pedido, trouxeram o soldadinho de chumbo que tinham visto na banca do vendedor. Ao chegarem a casa, o pai ficou furioso com eles e deitou o soldadinho de chumbo para a lareira; mas o soldadinho não se queimou. O pai ficou ainda mais furioso e expulsou-os de casa. Os oito irmãos, sentados num tronco, no meio de uma clareira, pensaram que deviam ter comprado o que o pai lhes tinha pedido. Sedentos, foram a um rio que corria ali perto beber água. Os oito irmãos avistaram um castelo; a caminho do castelo havia cada vez mais animais, mais flores, mais beleza… Quando chegaram ao castelo, apareceu uma linda princesa, de nome Branca de Neve, que começou a gritar para todos os habitantes protegerem o castelo, porque havia um ogre que costumava atacar o castelo nos dias mais frescos. O ogre trazia consigo o seu bando de duendes, que tinham um rosto viscoso e grotesco. O Rei do castelo mandou os seus cavaleiros atacar o famoso ogre, de nome “Destruidor”. Os oito irmãos ajudaram na batalha contra o Destruidor. Depois de muita luta, finalmente alcançaram a vitória. O Rei recompensou-os com uma viagem a casa. E também com riquezas de muito valor. Mas os oito irmãos recusaram a recompensa, porque o que queriam mesmo era voltar para casa e ver o seu pai. E assim acabou a história destes oito irmãos corajosos. 9





The autumn compe66on It was a clear, windy autumn day. Little Red Riding Hood was walking in the woods, the foliage had gorgeous colours and there was a smell of moss and mushrooms. The little girl was looking for dry leaves, of various shapes and colours, to do an assignment at school. She was searching for the most beautiful ones, and as she founded the nicest ones she put them in a small wicker basket. While she was looking for the most colourful leaves, she met the Bear who was getting ready to go into hibernation. He was trying to fix the dry leaves for his den so he could spend a comfortable winter in there. They began to search leaves all together. Near the Blue Grotto, they met the Seven Dwarfs who suggested having a competition: the first to find the biggest leaf, would receive a chocolate cake with cream baked by Snow White. Spiderman would also take the winner for a trip around the trees swinging from a spider’s web to see the forest from above. Everyone took great pains to collect leaves because the idea of hanging out with Spiderman was even better than winning the chocolate cake. They all liked the idea of swinging from trees on a spider's' web, much more than winning a chocolate cake. The Bear found a huge leaf with all the autumn colours on it: yellow, brown, orange and red, and with a little bit of green. But........... Would Spiderman be able to lift Bear Baloo onto his spider web and would it be strong enough? Who knows! Maybe, the answer will be found in the next story. 10





La gara d’autunno Era una limpida e ventosa giornata d’autunno. Cappuccetto Rosso stava passeggiando nel bosco che aveva le chiome degli alberi con colori splendidi e profumava di muschio e funghi. La bambina era alla ricerca di foglie secche, di varie forme e colori, per fare un lavoretto a scuola. Cercava le più belle e le metteva in un piccolo cesto di paglia. Mentre cercava le più colorate incontrò l’Orso Balù che si stava preparando ad andare in letargo. Anche lui stava cercando foglie secche per sistemare la sua tana e passarci comodamente l’inverno. Iniziarono a cercare le foglie tutti insieme. Vicino alla Grotta Blu incontrarono i Sette Nani che proposero una gara: il primo a trovare la foglia più grossa, avrebbe ricevuto una torta al cioccolato con la panna cucinata da Biancaneve. Sarebbe stato anche portato dall’Uomo Ragno in giro tra gli alberi appeso ad una ragnatela per poter vedere il bosco dall’alto. Tutti si diedero un gran da fare nel raccogliere foglie perché l’idea del giro con l’Uomo Ragno era ancor meglio della vincita della torta al cioccolato. Orso trovò una foglia enorme con tutti i colori autunnali: giallo, marrone, arancione e rosso e con una piccola sfumatura di verde. Ma………… riuscirà l’Uomo Ragno con la sua ragnatela a sollevare Orso? Chissà! La risposta alla prossima storia, forse! 11





Larry and the duckling Once upon a time, there was a family in a village. This family had a nice daughter named Larry. There was a river in the village. Every day in the riverside, Larry talked to herself. One day Larry went to the riverside again. After a couple of minutes, a duckling washed up on shore. The poor duckling’s foot was broken. Larry immediately gave a hand. Duckling said: •Thank you, beautiful lady. Larry couldn’t understand anything for a while. Few minutes later, the duckling continued speaking: • Don’t be shocked, it is normal. I live in speaking duckling’s country. When I swam with my family, a sudden wave occurred and took me to there. And now I see myself there. Then Larry understood, started to talk: • To be honest, firstly I was shocked to your speaking ability; however, I could understand you now. They went to the home together. Larry put the ducklings in a bucket. They sank into sleep early in the evening. At the sunrise the girl woke up by the duckling’s voice. Then they decided to go out. Larry’s father saw them and shouted scowlingly: • What the hell is it now? Immediately throw it to the river. By being upset Larry said: • But dad,… Her father interrupted her, said: • I said you immediately. Larry could just say “Okay dad”. She and the duckling went to the riverside. The river split in half and a beautiful fairy showed up. The nice fairy went to their near and said: • I could come to light thanks to your sincere friendship. Because of that I serve you a wish. Larry thanked to the fairy and wished: • My friend lost its family. I want you to find them. The duckling wished: • I want to make my friend’s and her family’s peace. The warm hearted fairy made the wishes come true, Larry and the duckling was happy forever. 12





Larry ve küçük ördek Bir zamanlar köyün birinde yaşayan bir aile varmış. Ailenin Larry isimli şirin bir kızı varmış. Köyde bir tane ırmak varmış. Her gün Larry nehir kenarında kendi kendine konuşurmuş. Bir gün Larry yine nehir kenarına gitmiş. Bir anda bir ördek yavrusu kıyıya vurmuş. Yavrucağızın ayağı kırılmış. Larry hemen yardıma koşmuş. Ördek yavrusu:Teşekkür ederim güzel kız, dedi. •Larry bir süre hiçbir şey anlayamadı. Biraz sonra yavru ördek konuşmaya devam etti: •Şaşırma, bu çok normal. Ben konuşan ördekler ülkesinde yaşıyorum. Ailemle yüzerken ani bir dalga geldi, beni buraya getirdi. Ve şimdi kendimi senin karşında buldum, dedi. Sonra Larry anladı, konuşmaya başladı: •Dürüst olmak gerekirse başta senin konuşabildiğini görünce şaşırdım ama şimdi seni anlayabiliyorum, dedi. Beraber eve gittiler. Larry ördek yavrusunu bir kutuya koydu, akşam erkenden uykuya daldılar. Gün doğumunda kız, ördeğin sesine uyandı. Sonra dışarı çıkmaya karar verdiler. Larry’nin babası onları gördü ve sinirle bağırdı: • Bu da ne böyle? Hemen onu nehre at. Larry üzülerek: • Ama baba… Babası sözünü keserek: • Sana hemen dedim, dedi. Larry sadece “Tamam” diyebildi. O ve ördek yavrusu nehir kıyısına gittiler. Nehir ikiye ayrıldı ve güzel bir peri ortaya çıktı. Sevimli peri onların yanına gitti ve: • Samimi arkadaşlığınız sayesinde çıkabildim ben. Bu yüzden size birer dilek hakkı sunuyorum, dedi. Larry periye teşekkür etti ve: • Arkadaşım ailesini kaybetti. Senden arkadaşımın ailesini bulmanı diliyorum, dedi. Ördek yavrusu ise: • Arkadaşımı ailesiyle barıştırmanı istiyorum, dedi.İyi kalpli peri dilekleri gerçekleştirdi ve Larry ile ördek yavrusu sonsuza kadar mutlu yaşadılar. 13





Jacqueline´s story Jacqueline was going to visit her granny .It was a beautiful morning. She was picking up flowers and she got lost in the forest, far away from her town. When she was hungry and exhausted, she discovered a little bean in her pocket. She planted the bean for food and suddenly an underground tunnel appeared. She entered and there was a little house. There were three beds, three chairs, three bowls... She was hungry, so she ate the three bowls and she went to bed. She was sleeping when she heard some steps. She got up and ran towards the exit. Then, three dwarfs appeared. They said “who has eaten our food?” They saw Jacqueline and they chased her, but they couldn't catch her. When she was out from the tunnel, she realized that she had lost a shoe. The three dwarfs took the shoe and said “We have to find the girl who has lost this shoe”. Some weeks later, the three dwarfs appeared in her house. They said “can you try this shoe on, please?” .When she was trying it, she felt very, very tired and fell asleep. Suddenly a gentle breeze moved her hair, and she noticed someone whispering .She opened her eyes very slowly and she saw her mother. She said : “Jacqueline, wake up”.” It is dinner time and you have been sleeping under that tree for a long time………” Everything had been a dream, a wonderful dream with a happy ending…… 14





La historia de Jacqueline Jacqueline iba a visitar a su abuelita. Era una bonita mañana y estaba cogiendo florecitas cuando se perdió en el bosque lejos de su ciudad. Tenía hambre y se sentía cansada cuando descubrió que tenía una alubia en el bolsillo. La plantó para ver si crecía una planta y de repente, un túnel subterráneo apareció. Entró y había una pequeña casa. En la casa había tres camas, tres sillas, tres cuencos de comida... Como Jacqueline tenía hambre, se comió los tres cuencos de comida y se fue a dormir. Cuando estaba durmiendo, oyó pasos. Se levantó y corrió hacia la salida. Tres enanitos aparecieron y dijeron "¿Quién se ha comido nuestra comida?" Entonces vieron a Jacqueline y la persiguieron, pero no consiguieron atraparla. Ya estaba lejos cuando Jacqueline descubrió que había perdido un zapato. Los enanitos lo cogieron y dijeron: "Tenemos que encontrar a la niña que pueda calzar este zapatito"

Algunas semanas más tarde, los enanitos aparecieron en su casa con el zapato perdido. Ellos le preguntaron: "¿Te podrías probar este zapatito, por favor?" Cuando Jacqueline se estaba probando su zapato, se sentía cada más cansada y se quedó dormida. De repente, una suave brisa movió sus cabellos y se dio cuenta de que alguien le susurraba. Abrió sus ojos muy lentamente y vio a su mamá. “Jacqueline, despierta”, le dijo. “Es hora de cenar y llevas durmiendo bajo ese árbol mucho tiempo. Todo había sido un sueño, un maravilloso sueño con un final feliz. 15





Friends’ Adventure A long long time ago there was an old and wise snake who lived in the jungle. Not far from the jungle there was a city, where mongoose Timmy lived. Miles and miles away there lived the wolf. All three of them were the best friends. Sometimes they helped each other in a trouble. Once the mangoose Timmy got an idea to visit an old building in the jungle, where were lots and lots of treasures. Mangoose called his friends and said: -Let‘s go to the large building and take lots of treasure. -But it‘s a cursed place ,- said the snake. -But I heard, that you can find a magic lamp there, and when you rub it genie comes out. Later he grants your 3 wishes,- said the Wolf. They left without listening to Snake‘s warnings, also she refused to go with them. The journey wasn‘t long, because they could see the majestic building towers from far away. The Wolf and Mangoose stepped inside and they were amazed by the view. They saw a magic lamp, a lot of golden coins, a gold and silver crown and lots of jewels. The Wolf took the magic lamp and rubbed its side. Suddenly everything started to shake and collapsed. The wolf and mangoose almost survived, there was a strangely dressed man standing in front of them, and he cursed the wolf and mangoose. They started to shorten slowly. The wizard told them that they will shrink to a molecule size after 1 hour. The wolf and mangoose were scared and ran to tell the Snake. The Snake didn‘t know what to do. Then wolf remembered the magic lamp. The Mangoose and wolf went back to look for the lamp, but they couldin‘t find it, insead of the lamp thea blue gienie was standing. The Wolf asked Genie to grant his 2 wishes: to cancel the curse and destroy the wizard. Gienie started to sing, and as the song was becoming louder, wolf and mangoose grew, until they became normal again. Gienie went back to the lamp, wolf closed the lamp and threw it in a nearby river. They didn‘t need gold or jewels anymore. The most important thing was to return home and to see the Snake. When everything ended, they went and apologized the Snake, that they didn‘t listen to her. Now all three of them are living happily, and the lamp is floating somewhere. Aurimas Balčiūnas the 5th class 16





Draugų nuotykis Seniai seniai džiunglėse gyveno sena protinga gyvatė. Netoli džiunglių stūksojo miestas, kuriame buvo įsikūręs mangusta Timis. O toli už daug daug mylių gyveno vilkas. Jie visi trys buvo labai geri, neišskiriami draugai. Kartais vienas kitam padėdavo nelaimėje. Vieną kartą mangustai į galva šovė mintis aplankyti džiunglėse seną pastatą, kuriame buvo daug daug aukso. Mangusta pasikvietė savo draugus ir tarė: •Keliaujame į tą didžiulį pastatą ir pasiimsim iš ten daug aukso. •Ten juk prakeikta vieta ,- sako sena gyvatė. •O aš girdėjau, kad ten yra stebuklinga lempa, kurią patrynus išsilaisvina džinas. Paskui jis išpildo po 3 norus,tarė vilkas. Ir išėjo jie nepaklausę gyvatės, o ta atsisakė eiti kartu. Ėjo neilgai, nes iš tolo buvo matyti didingi pastato bokštai. Vilkas su mangusta įėjo į vidų ir nustėro iš nuostabos. Jie pamatė stebuklingą lempą, daug aukso monetų, aukso ir sidabro karūną ir daug brangakmenių. Vilkas paėmė stebuklingą lempą ir patrynė jos šoną. Staiga viskas pradėjo drebėti ir sugriuvo. Vilkas ir mangusta vos liko gyvi, o prieš juos stovėjo keistai apsirengęs žmogus, kuris vilką ir mangustą užkerėjo. Jie po truputį pradėjo mažėti. Burtininkas prieš išeidamas pasakė, kad iki pirmos valandos jie sumažės iki molekulės dydžio. Išsigandę vilkas ir mangusta nubėgo pas gyvatę. Gyvatė nežinojo, ką daryti. Tada vilkas prisiminė stebuklingą lempą. Mangusta ir vilkas grįžo ir ėmė ieškoti lempos, tačiau jos nerado. Vietoj lempos stovėjo didelis, mėlynas džinas. Vilkas paprašė, kad išpildytų du norus: atšauktų kerus ir sunaikintų burtininką. Džinas uždainavo ir tai dainai garsėjant, vilkas ir mangusta po truputį augo, kol pasiekė savo normalų dydį. Džinas grįžo į lempą, vilkas jį užkimšo ir įmetė į netoli tekėjusį upelį. Jiems nebereikėjo nei aukso, nei brangakmenių. Svarbiausia buvo grįžti namo – pas gyvatę. Kai viskas pasibaigė, jie nuėjo ir atsiprašė gyvatės, kad jos neklausė. Ir dabar visi trys kažkur laimingai gyvena, o lempa su džinu kažkur plūduriuoja. Aurimas Balčiūnas 5 klasė



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