Please RSVP online at: tion.eventbrite.comhttps://mcc_auc Middleburg’s Community Newspaper Printed using recycled fiber Middleburg’s Community Newspaper Peach Buckle Page 18 PRST 723POSTAGESTDECRWSSUSPAIDDULLES,VAPERMITNO RequestinhomesbyThursday8-25-22 POSTALCUSTOMER Middleburg Community Center 10th Running Art Auction Fundraiser Volume 19 Issue 5 August 25, 2022 Annexation Disinformation: Correcting the Record Page 10
T CommunityMiddleburgyearswenty-twoago,The Center recognized an nual donors who con tributed over $500 with a beautiful wood bird house that was a minia ture model of the MCC. There happened to be an excess of birdhouses unclaimed needing a home. Local business owner and board mem ber Tutti Perricone of Backstreet Catering suggested - why not have local artists paint the plain bird houses and auction the pieces off as a fundraiser for the Center? The idea stuck like super glue, and we have been suc cessfully running the Art Auction every other year for 20 years straight.That being said, we cordially invite you to our upcoming auction on 9/10 for the 10th Art Auction Fundraiser! We hope you can join us for an evening of local art ists and their art up for auction, cocktails, in credible hors d’oeuvres by the one and only Back Street Catering, live music, and more. The Middleburg Com munity Center Art Auc tion is a fundraiser for general operations, pro gram development, and community events. The MCC has operated as a nonprofit organization for 74+ years in the heart of Middleburg, VA, relying 100% on donations to keep its doors open - as MCC does not receive fund ing from the county, state, or federal govern ment.All pieces were per sonally created by 35 local artists who do nated their time and talents to benefit the Middleburg Commu nity Center. We are so grateful for their con tribution, talent, and generosity. The two auction item variations available that will be up for purchase are a vintage roof slate from our very roof or a wood end table. Just think, you could own your piece of the Middleburg Community Center. Are you unable to attend the auction in person? Not a problem. The bidding begins on line Friday, September 9th at noon and ends Saturday, September 10th at 9:00 pm. Every thing will be available through an online auc tion platform, so atten dance is not required to win an item in Fundraiser!of6:30day,overmunitysharepossible.tymakeitsoveropen.tions100%estLoudouncommunity.richsocialtural,gatheringmissionCommunityToandsocialtodreamHowelltogetherminded1940s,’scometofruition:makeMiddleburgthehubofLoudounFauquierCounty.thisday,Middleburgcenter’sistoofferaplaceforculeducational,andactivitiestoentheliveswithinourAsoneofCounty’soldnonprofits,werelyonprivatedonatokeepourdoorsWeworkwith70localnonprofandbusinessestoallourcommunieventsandprogramsWehopetotheloveofcomandartwithyoucocktailsSaturSeptember10thatpmincelebrationthe10thArtAuction Page 2 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~ What are your valuables worth?! FINE JEWELRY ☐ Any age & any style ☐ Broken or damaged jewelry ☐ Tiffany, Cartier, D.Yurman & more COINS & CURRENCY ☐ Gold & silver coins ☐ Bullion & bars ☐ Old paper money ☐ Coin collections FINE ART ☐ Oil & watercolor paintings ☐ Any type of sculpture ☐ Any subject or style ☐ Any condition DIAMONDS ☐ Loose or mounted diamonds ☐ Damaged stones ☐ All sizes, colors, and styles SCRAP GOLD & SILVER ☐ Scrap gold, silver, or platinum ☐ Dental gold ☐ Old mountings ☐ Fraternal pins STERLING SILVER ☐ Any type and all makers ☐ No need to polish ☐ We can help carry RARITIES ☐ Old photos (Tintypes, etc.) ☐ War memorabilia ☐ Uniforms, badges, daggers, etc. ☐ Autographs WATCHES ☐ Wrist watches & pocket watches ☐ Rolex*, Patek, Breitling, Cartier Elgin, Hamilton, Waltham, Illinois ☐ Any condition TOYS & ADVERTISING ☐ Pre-1960 advertising ☐ Tin, porcelain & lithographs ads ☐ Pre-1960 toys TRUSTED ESTATE BUYERS September 6 - September 8 Tue. - Wed. 10:00am – 5:30pm Thurs. 10:00am – 5:00pm 123 S. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 | (703) 836-1401 112 W Washington Street, Middleburg, VA 20117 | (540) 687-3100 Call buyer for item related questions: (888) 787-1112 Estate Buying NOT SURE WHAT TO BRING IN? WE WILL BUY: IMMEDIATE PAYMENT To schedule an appointment or for information or house calls, call toll-free: (888) 787-1112 National Rarities will provide a free evaluation, but is not obligated to purchase your items We are not an authorized Rolex dealer nor are we affiliated or endorsed by Rolex, Rolex USA, or any of its subsidiaries. **Some exclusions apply. See store for details.

Payton Vogan
P.O. Box 1768 Middleburg, VA news@mbecc.com540-687-320020118
Editor Jay editor@mbecc.comHubbard
The Middleburg United Methodist Church re cently took on a new appointment, Jonathan Lamb. Jonathan Lamb is a young pastor just celebrating his thirtyfourth birthday. Lamb has not only an immense love of serving but also a love of history and the outdoors.TheChurch was foundation al in Jonathan Lamb’s life as a young child. However, his first calling to ministry happened when he was in Highschool. After trouble with academics in his ear ly education, Lamb turned to God for help. From there, he grew his connection to the Church. When Lamb was seventeen, he conclud ed he “wanted people to know that God loved them” (Lamb) and share the Church with others. In his career, Jonathan Lamb has served as a minister, youth group organizer, and hospital chaplain. In his position at the Middleburg United Methodist Church, Jona than Lamb is excited to uphold this idea: “the sharing of God’s love”Recently,(Lamb).Jonathan Lamb led his first worship at the Middleburg United Methodist Church. Lamb treasures the ability to talk to oth ers about God’s role. Lamb also chose to share about himself in this worship, which he described as “a step outside my comfort zone” (Lamb). He believed this was an excellent way to connect with the new Church. Lamb does not have any specific plans for the Church as “it is important to listen and learn about the con gregation and the community to create a vision along with them” (Lamb). However, one notable area of expansion might be the Children’s Ministry. Lamb be lieves it would be a valuable area to develop.Jonathan Lamb wants to be present to further connect with the Middleburg Community. He values being available to speak with those in the community, whether in the coffee shop or local restaurant. Lamb further believes he can offer “grace and compassion” (Lamb) to the com munity.Overall, Jonathan Lamb is ex cited at the opportunities of this new appointment. He is ready to “see people grow in their re lationships with God and also in their love and compassion for their neighbors” (Lamb).
Locally Sourced for the Passionate Palate Discover a feast for the senses with Market Salamander’s full-service catering, custom cakes, and more in the heart of Virginia’s horse and wine country. 2021 540.687.9726 Middleburg United Methodist Church Welcomes New Pastor News of Note
Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 3 ~ Be Local
Publisher Middleburg Eccentric LLC

October 8, 20 22 THE FALLVIRGINIARACES68THRUNNING Saturday GLENWOOD PARK, MIDDLEBURG, VA Call the Race Office for updated information (540) 687-9797 WWW.VAFALLRACES.COM Spend a day in the beautiful Middleburg countryside with plenty of open space for your enjoyment. Enjoy steeplechase racing at its best at Glenwood Parkthe oldest continuous race course in Virginia. The Virginia Fall Races: Rich in tradition of the understated elegance and sportsmanship of jump racing Held for the Benefit of INOVA Loudoun Hospital Foundation and Glenwood Park Page 4 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local News~ of Note
Middleburg is getting ready for its second 1000 Miglia
Jackie Fishman Middleburg is getting ready for its second 1000 Miglia after a two-year Covid-19 hiatus. Plans are in the works to make it bigger than before. From October 20-22, this his toric race and car event will take place in downtown Middleburg. On Thursday, October 20, there will be a green flag send off in town, showcasing the various cars. On Friday, Octo ber 21, spectators can enjoy a lively street festival featuring a 200-meter precision race, food trucks, and other festivities to kick off the longer races on Sat urday, October 22. The actual routes of these races are still in the planning Originatingstages.inItaly, this race and collectible car show event were established in 1927 as a speed race by Giovanni Canestri ni, Franco Mazzotti, Renzo Cast agneto, and Aymo Maggi. Today, it is an opportunity to view his toric cars and enjoy a race that passes the most beautiful parts of Italy, from Brescia to Rome and back.Dave Olimpi Automobiles ini tially helped to bring this event to Middleburg in 2019. Accord ing to Danny Davis, Middleburg Town Manager, “ The Town has already had numerous meet ings with the organizers in Italy, building on our experience from 2019 and planning to make 2022 great.”Davis says, “The cars we ex pect to be part of this event in clude: the official ‘1000 Miglia era’ cars built between 19271957. They were the models originally accepted into the race in Italy during that time. You’ll see a lot of Alfa Romeos, Jag uars, Ferraris, and Healeys. You will also see post-1000 Miglia era cars similar to those accept ed in the original event. For ex ample, in 2019, we had a 1992 Ferrari Testarossa and a 2009 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren participate in the 1000 Miglia Warm-Up USA.” In addition, Davis expects there will be several exclusive vehicles participating. “We hope to see a 1957 Ferrari in the event; there were only 53 made that year.” Town officials are hoping for around 30 participating vehicles, which means 60 persons in the cars. Each vehicle has a driver and a navigator). In 2019, there were participants from all over the USA, including California, Michigan, Florida, and Texas. There was also a team from Po land.According to Davis, “We ex pect to have participants from all over the country again, and we hope to draw in additional international participants. We met many international drivers when we visited race officials in Italy in preparation for this event and encouraged them to visit Middleburg.”Davisadds, “The Dutch par ticipants responded with ‘We have a Middleburg in the Neth erlands’ – so we told them they needed to come to visit our Middleburg.”Logistically, there will be limited street closures during the event, and communications about these will go out in late September and early October. Traffic plans are currently in de velopment.Invitations and marketing materials are going to regional car clubs, and print media/social media notifications are in prepa ration. Italian car groups and other international groups are being invited, and these attend ees will provide opportunities for local accommodations to show off their hospitality and develop reputations with international travelers.Thisevent is unique and can’t be re-created just anywhere,” We hope people see the community spirit and how our historic down town makes this event so similar to the main event in Italy. It is the people and the sense of commu nity that makes Middleburg spe cial – and that shines in an event like the 1000 Miglia,” states Da vis.

Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 5 ~ Be Local

News of Note
Nancy Kleck B rad Kidd, Jr, 25time All Ameri can and National Champion for the National Sporting Clays Association, stopped by Upperville in early Au gust to coach for two days at Isobel Ziluca’s facility. Brad had just returned from Italy, where the World FI TASC Championship was held, and ranked 3rd over all as a member of Team USA.Itwas an easy “yes, and I’ll come to Upperville” when Isobel contacted him. This area is rich in passion ate, accomplished people, and Isobel is one of them. Usually, you’d think re fined skills that require tremendous eye and hand coordination and timing begin in one’s youth, but Isobel didn’t start shooting until she was 52. Beginning with dove hunting, she tried her hand at sporting clays at fundraisers, monthly shoots, and then compet ing in NSCA Registered shoots. Now ranked 15th in the country in the women’s division (all ages), she be came an NSCA Certified Instructor and earned her way to Master Class, the top class is her sport. And she is also an All-American in 12, 20, 28, and 410 gaug es.Students and amateurs from the area were given intense personal training, observations, and help over the two days. Brad lives in Florida with his wife and three young sons when not competing and runs the les son program at the South Florida Shooting Club near Palm City. He, too, is pas sionate about teaching this challenging but rewarding sport. Are you interested in getting into the sport of clay shooting? There are many sporting clay clubs in the area, and many groups have charity fundraisers that keep those shooting in shape, ranging from youth to senior. Contact Isobel Ziluca at for more information.
Page 6 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022
Leading Clay Shooter Brad Kidd comes to Upperville to coach

Nancy Kleck
The Upperville Trinity Church’s thrift shop reopens with a new name and look
“ I just want to see what all the fuss is about!” Overheard recently in the hallway of the newly renovated thrift shop of the Upperville Episcopal Church, there is much to fuss about Originallyindeed.named the Golden Rooster, it’s now called Trinity Thrift & Boutique. The closure dur ing Covid gave the church committee time to think about rebranding the space and the donated goods sold through it. There is a fulltime manager now, a lovely lady named Chloe who’s originally from California. The daunting task started late in the spring as every room, nook, and cranny was overflowing and jammed packed with stuff from A to Z. The rooms were repaint ed, merchandise culled and organized, and moved around for better access. Boutique and bettermade garments are on the main floor, and more racks of ladies clothing are now upstairs. Prices are still ex cellent, and they are more to choose from. The book section is on the left when you enter. Furniture, home goods, and decor items are on the second main floor room. The men’s room is still upstairs. Shoes are in the corner of the first floor with a bridal, and the gowns are spectacular. Christmas has been put away for the moment, as well as kitchen stuff and kids. Chloe re marked upon my leaving, “We’re not Currently,finished!”theshop is open on Saturday from 9 to noon, but starting the first Friday in September, the new schedule will be Fri day, Saturday, and Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. Cash, check, and cards are wel comed.This beloved shop is a beautiful place to donate goods of all kinds. The pro ceeds go to the local food bank and those in the com munity who need financial assistance. Paying it for ward now has a new look -- you will love it!
Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 7 ~ Be Local

BOWA ProjectNewestWelcomesMiddleburgLeader
Licensed the Commonwealth of Virginia
OWA, a luxury design build remodeling firm that utilizes its proven processes, vast team of experts, and ability to un cover clients’ needs to deliver remarkable client experiences, announces that Jeff Weeks has joined the team as its new est Project Leader. Jeff brings over 25 years of experience in the residential remodeling in dustry. Working from BOWA’s Middleburg location, Weeks will join Tim Burch in guiding clients in Loudoun and Fauquier counties through the home re modeling process from initial consultation, through design, construction, and beyond. Page 8 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~ News of Note Office: 540-687-6500| 2 South Madison Street | PO Box 500 | Middleburg, VA 20118 Opening The Door To Horse Country For Generations thomas & talbot estate properties
Friends Cabin Aylor GlattonHouseFolly NEW Cricket Bedford (540)
“We are thrilled to have Jeff join our Middleburg team as a Project Leader,” said Tim Burch, BOWA Owner and Vice Presi dent of the Middleburg office. “He’s a consummate profession al with a bottom-to-top under standing of the design build pro cess. He is a great fit for BOWA and his expertise will be an asset to the clients we serve.” Before Jeff joined BOWA, he was a sales consultant for both a national builder specializing in equestrian and farm structures and a Northern Virginia reno vation company, and he owned his own remodeling business prior to that. Having started as a hands-on carpenter, Jeff pro vides valuable insight through every step of the process. He takes particular care to ensure that each homeowner’s vision for their project and budget ex pectations are aligned, and then guides the team to deliver a stun ning home transformation. For additional information about Jeff, please visit jeff-weeks-4ab6721a2/
The Plains – Charming 3 BR / 2 BA cottage is move-in ready. c. 1889, this home has been renovated with the finest finishes while embracing its architectural details, such as the stone fireplace, gleaming hardwood floors and exposed beams. Mature landscaping and established beds. Walk into town to enjoy the restaurants and shopping. 5 acres $950,000
Offers subject to errors, omissions, change of price or withdrawal without notice. Information contained herein is deemed reliable, but is not so warranted nor is it otherwise guaranteed.
1+ acres $675,000
The Plains – Pristine brick rambler on 5 private, wooded acres off prestigious Zulla Road. Renovated with 4 BR / 4 Full BA. Country kitchen has gas cooking. Lower level walk-out suite with kitchenette, could be a separate living space/ apt. Rear deck ideal for entertaining. 2-car attached garage. The back lawn area is open and fully fenced. A large separate workshop completes the property. .41 acres $895,000
Middleburg – c.1820 remodeled Victorian-era frame house with 3 BR / 3 full BA. Unique 2-story portico w/ balcony. Many upgrades and renovations. Standing seam metal roof, 4 fireplaces, wide board pine floors. Solar panel array. Out buildings include an open 1-car garage, two storage sheds and a well house. 229-3201

Property Owner’s Role
Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 9 ~ Be Local
Spotted Lanternfly in Loudoun County
he spotted lanternfly has been detected in Loudoun County as well as neighboring counties of Prince William, Clarke and Frederick and the City of Winchester. Virginia Cooperative Extension has been monitoring for the in sect for more than two years through its local offices and can now confirm its presence in ThisLoudoun.presence of this in vasive species is concerning because the spotted lantern fly can significantly damage more than 100 native plants and trees that are economical ly important in Virginia, such as grapevines, hops, fruits and vegetables. The spotted lan ternfly prefers to feed on Tree of Heaven; therefore, efforts to remove this plant from your property are beneficial. The insect can spread through natural means and through artificial means, such as hitching a ride on cars and through routine commerce, such as the transportation of firewood from an infested area to a non-infested area. The insect is not harmful to humans and pets but is a seri ous nuisance pest to property owners when present in high numbers.
The Commonwealth of Virginia and Loudoun County do not have the regulatory re sponsibility for eradicating the invasive species on private property or on Town-owned property. The Virginia De partment of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) can provide assistance regard ing the appropriate responses to spotted lanternfly infesta tions and may be a valuable resource to you. Individual property owners should take the steps indicated above to help slow the spread of this harmful insect. The Town of Middleburg will be conducting regular in spections of its properties, in cluding street trees along the roadways in Town, to eradi cate any presence of the spot ted lanternfly.VirginiaCooperative Ex tension (VCE) Loudoun and VDACS are interested in tracking the spotted lantern fly in our community, which is one reason reporting find ings through the online form is helpful.Some industries that rely on crops may choose to use ap propriate pesticides, which the property/business owner must facilitate and pay for. There are also pesticides for resi dential use available at hard ware stores that are marketed for exterminating the spotted lanternfly. Information about pesticides is available through VDACS and we have placed links to that information on the County’s website. Loudoun County Govern ment intends to monitor for and address spotted lanternfly presence on County-owned property. Resources The County’s public infor mation campaign will kick off this week with a news release and other coordinated activi ties that target specific audi ences who are most likely to be impacted by the arrival of the spotted lanternfly. We welcome your help spreading the word. An in formation sheet is attached, which provides the basic in formation everyone needs to know about this issue, includ ing the characteristics of the spotted lanternfly, how to spot it, how to prevent and manage the spotted lanternfly on your property, and what to do when you see the spotted lanternfly. Please use the information sheet to educate yourself and please share this information with staff, residents and busi nesses throughout the commu nities you serve. In addition, the resources for your social media, flyers and posters to print and share or post, and other tools, such as information for businesses, are posted on the county’s website here.
Property owners and resi dents should take these steps to find and destroy the spotted lanternfly on private property: Educate yourself about the spotted lanternfly so you know how to find it. The ap pearance of the insect changes dramatically throughout its life cycle. Learn more and see photos at,vehicles,wheelerty,,wells,underandaroundlawnfurniture,fencstoragesheds,rocks,andsmoothsurfaces.Thelanternflyisaveryefhitchhikeronvehiclesongoods,soit’simportocheckforthembeforefrominfestedareas.Iffound,killlivespottedand/ordestroy/offitseggmassesfromTakeaphotoandreportofthespottedlanterninthetownsandLoudounanonlineformatlou
How the Public Can Help The County is asking the public for help slow the spread of the spotted lantern fly across our towns and the county. Together, we can edu cate residents and businesses owners/operators on how to spot the insect and what to do when found in Loudoun.

tions, should the properties be annexed, when this is barred by 2 sections of the Town code, available for all to Falsesee.
Clerk in her written re sponse to the requestor of June 23, 2022 regarding the withholding of 4 texts; “4 texts – Va. Code section 2.2-3705.7(2) – Mayor’s Correspondence (Note: These documents are not related to the two-boundary line adjustment request cur rently before the Council but rather are related on a previous one that did not move forward)”. Yet this statement was twisted too “an as yet unknown fifth annexation project” creat ing the implication there was another annexation proposal currently in the winds. The reality is this: The 4 texts’ withheld were the mayor’s direct com munications with Chuck and Stacy Kuhn. During the April information ses sion, the mayor committed to reaching out to potential conservation easement pro ponents to explore whether a pure conservation solu tion could be possible. The mayor followed through on that commitment in early May when he got in touch with them. The Kuhns were very interested in helping and met with the mayor at the Town office in mid-May for several hours, review ing the Homewood Farm concepts to understand if a conservation approach was feasible. After reviewing all the details with the mayor, the Kuhns agreed to make an offer to buy the property at current market value and to then move toward a con servation easement solu tion, as they have recently been done with Wolver Hill Farm and many other properties in Loudoun. The mayor passed the offer onto the owners who declined at this time, but Chuck and Stacy Kuhn are ready to re-engage should there be interest. The mayor’s de cision to hold back these communications was to protect the Kuhns from at tacks and potential harass ment much like the Council is now dealing with. Be cause of this disinforma tion campaign the mayor recently spoke with the Kuhns and they were more than happy for this infor mation to be made public to set the record straight. We truly appreciate their efforts, and all they do for Western Loudoun, they ex emplify what it means to be true community leaders.
Annexation Disinformation: Correcting the Record
Page 10 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~
nearly 2 dozen blatant false hoods, fabrications, and distortions to say nothing of the underlying dispar aging insinuations against the mayor and Council. While the full magnitude of untruths and distortions is too long to provide here, we have created a fully documented section on our Town website citing the untruthful information and its source, the correct in formation and the explicit documentary proof sup porting the truth – this can all be found at costserclaimhowcode:atsubdividershallrequiredsentence)Planofly/3PCCOVd)(LinkbeofinstallationexpensesstatesSectionTownwhyThereshouldthecostsoftaxpayerssertion,isstatementanyservemiddleburg.comdocumentsalmosttheonethatcom:www.preservemiddleburg.28,,theaccurateandalinktothesourceforboth.FalseStatement#1:TheTaxpayerswill$250,000fortheHillSewerHookupsthepropertiesareanintothetown.ThefalseclaimintheEccentricJuly2022edition,andon“AndithasestimatedthecompletionofthatprojectalonewillcostMiddleburgtaxpayers$250,000.”Fact:InnoneoftheFOIAonwww.preorinothertowndocument,oritemanywheretherethestatement,asorfactthatthetownwillpayforanythe$250,000ofpotentialforsewerhookupsatHillSchoolpropertiesitmoveforward.isonesimplereason–itisagainstthelaw.CodeChapter83.1,83.1-5B.clearlythat“Allcostsandincidentaltotheandconnectionthesewerlateralshallbornebytheowner.”totowncode:bit.Additionally,Article7theSubdivisionandSiteOrdinance(openingstatesthat“Allimprovementsbeinstalledbytheordeveloperhiscost.”($250,000offorthesewerconnec
The false claim in the Middleburg Eccentric July 28, 2022 edition, and webothgoriesbreakweretolded,nottexts/emailstheeveryless,emptanyofficials,communicationsof-information-act/)larnames/,developers,themessages.”relatedcitedTownhisfifthlatedClerkAccordingprivilegeprojects,“…Littletonwithsevenofhisemailsandtextswithdeveloperstotheseannexationcitingexecutiveovertherelease.totheTownthefourtextsareretoanasyetunknownannexationproject.IncommunicationwiththeAttorneythemayor“potentiallitigation”tothereleaseofhisHeretheyfalselyclaimemails/textswerewithbutwemusthowcantheyknowtheemailswerewithifhaveneverseenthemthefirstplace?Fact:UndertheVirginiaofInformation(FOIA)(https://law.lis.theofcertainincludingthoseofVirginiamayor,areexfromFOIA.Regardthemayordisclosedcommunicationwithexceptionofthe11mentioned,butforthereasonsassertastherequestorswereattheoutsetwhytheybeingwithheld.ThesedownintotwocateandwewilladdressseparatelyForcompleteaccuracyquotefromtheTown
News of Note
The false claim in the Middleburg Eccentric July 28, 2022 edition and Treavormeetings.discussionssentation,scriptsvideo,willtowndealwouldthecret”hadSchoolstatementsavoidedseenthelinksarefullcordedagendas,reviewedtectifassharingcussedticfromwatertotosirecoveredin2020CouncilMr.ThetheandpresentationTreavorHeadings.andlengthandnexationpublicwasHillproperty’sSchoolsixpublicotherpublichaveadditionalourcom:www.preservemiddleburg.on“WealsolearnedinFOIAthattherearetwoproposalsthatbeenwithheldfromdisclosure….TheprojectwithheldfromviewistoannexplatsalongLandmarkroad.DespitetheadjacencytotheSchool,thisproposalleftoutofthemayor’sinputpresentation.”Fact:ThispotentialanwasdiscussedbriefedindetailandatduringmultipleopenpublicCouncilmeetOnMay14,2020,theofHillSchool,Mr.Lord,gaveapublicontheirdesirereasoningtoannexintoTownofMiddleburg.TownCouncilinvitedLordbacktothepublicmeetingonJune11,forfurtherdiscussion,public.Thismeetingalsothetopicofourdetoconnectthesehomesthetown’ssewersystemprotectoursourcesofwhicharedownhilltheseproperty’ssepdrainfields.Wealsodisthebenefitsofcostthefeasibilitystudywealsowantedtoknowannexedwouldthisprooursourcewater.HadthesecriticssimplythepriorTownwatchedtheremeetings,readthetranscripts(allofwhichavailableonlineatthebelow)orjustaskedTown,theywouldhavethesefactsandperhapsmakingthefalsethattheHillannexationrequestbeendiscussed“inseand“hiddenfrompublic”.Thiscertainlyhavesavedagreatofpublic,school,andanxiety.TheselinkstakeyoutothemeetingagendaandthetranofMr.Lord’spreandtheCouncil’satthemultipleLinkstoMay14,2020:Lordpresentation of annexation request Video of meeting and agenda link: www.bit. ly/3c82nQqMinutes and Transcript of Meeting link: www.bit. ly/3c7OnpOLinksto June 11, 2020: Treavor Lord follow up in formation and Council dis cussionVideo of meeting and agenda link: www.bit. ly/3PyEAa0Minutes and Transcript of Meeting link: www.bit. ly/3pEJ0BuLinktothe January 14, 2021 Council meeting pub lic Staff Report on Hill School Annexation Update Report from Deputy Town Manager Will Moore link: The mayor used “executive privilege” to hide emails and text messages with de velopers from the Public
Statement #2: Hill School Annexation Propos al was Secret and Withheld from Public View
Mayor Bridge Littleton, Vice-Mayor Peter LeonardMorgan and Council Members Cindy Pearson, Darlene Kirk, Kevin Daly, Philip Miller, Bud Jacobs, and Chris Bernard T he mayor and Town Council would like to thank all the members of the public who attended the public information session in April and have provided thoughtful, meaningful, and valuable input on the two annexation concepts. Through the website we created for public input, and the mail in form we sent to every citizen, we have received nearly 200 unique sets of comments. Regardless of feedback, the vast majority of those who have engaged have done so respectfully and diligently, arguing either the merits or the concerns with each con cept. We very much appre ciate your Unfortunately,efforts.not all the feedback has been respect ful. A very small cohort have been waging a disin formation campaign against the town, the mayor and en tire Council. This campaign has knowingly misled the public, spread falsehoods and untruths regarding the annexation concepts, the actions of Council, the mayor, and the Town gov ernment. It is disheartening these divisive tactics, so prevalent in today’s poli tics, have made their way to our community. These pernicious assaults have stirred animosity and angst amongst the citizenry and distracted from a sincere discussion on the pros and cons of these 2 annexation concepts. The Town Coun cil has written this article to unequivocally set the record straight, not with opinion, gossip, propagan da, or hyperbole, but with the truth and the facts. Our goal from the out set has been to provide the public with the most accu rate information possible. Frankly, that is why we made the conscientious ef fort to make this process a public one from the earliest opportunity. We must now set the record straight. We have diligently re viewed all the information at ment.claim,checkedtovariousburg.comwww.preservemiddleaswellastheirarticlesandlettersthepress.Wehavefacteveryassertion,andderogatorystateWehaveidentified
Second, again directly quoting the Town Clerk: “7 emails – Va. Code Section 2.2-3705.1(2) – Written

Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 11 ~ Be Local VISIT TWILIGHTPOLO.COM FOR TICKETS & RESERVATIONS 5089 OLD TAVERN ROAD THE PLAINS VA 20198 wilightPoloClub MIDDLEBURG THE PLAINS 2022 Twilight Polo PRESENTED BY WISEMAN & ASSOCIATES WEALTH MANAGEMENT GREENHILL STADIUM GREAT MEADOW THE PLAINS SATURDAY POLO UNDER THE LIGHTS 4 JUNE HAWAIIAN LUAU Say Aloha to summer at polo paradise in The Plains 11 JUNE CAMOUFLAGE NIGHT Blend in or stand out with your best camo 18 JUNE ONE LOVE Wear the rainbow & support love for all 25 JUNE PRETTY IN PINK Grab your gal pals for Ladies’ Night Out 2 JULY STARS & STRIPES Celebrate the 4th early and wear your Red, White & Blue 9 JULY JUNGLE NIGHT Take a walk on the wild side with your best animal print 16 JULY PEACE, LOVE & TIE DYE Get groovy with your favorite tie dye outfit 23 JULY DISNEY PLUS PARTY Disney, Pixar, Marvel & Star Wars - you pick your favorite! 30 JULY TACO ‘BOUT A FIESTA Margaritas, Mexican Food & more 6 AUG DENIM & DIAMONDS Boot, scoot & boogie 13 AUG CAR SHOW NIGHT Anique, classic & performance cars 20 AUG JERSEY NIGHT Represent your favorite sports team 27 AUG NO POLO MARS Great Meadow International 3 SEPT WEAR YOUR WHITES Labor Day Weekend, your last chance to wear white 10 SEPT MARDI GRAS Grab your beads and masks - It’s Fat Tuesday somewhere! WITH DJ & WITHWITHWITHDANCINGDJ&DANCINGDJ&DANCINGDJ&DANCING 28 MAY MILITARY APPRECIATION WITH DJ & DANCING Free entry for members of the Armed Forces WITH DJ & DANCING advice of legal counsel to public bodies or the offi cers or employees of such public bodies.” These emails are attorney/client privileged communications (these were NOT withheld under the previous exemp tion as cited), hence the 2 different code 8/18/,AnnexationformedmissionThe2022.inmailedandLoudounconservationbeingattheannexationinly/3wfDPvN)2022.townmapcaninformationwasLoudounmentspaceplacedtheoftheofacresforFarmsums”.buildthefromattowniums),projects/“litigation”athusning/zoningacialBLA/Annexationsreferences.arejudiproceedingsheardbyJudge,notalandplanprocess,andjudicialactionswithjudgearelitigation.Thereferredtoislegalprocessandnothelse.ThereisnomeninanydocumenttolawsuitsbyoragainstTownwithrespectofBLA/annexationandimplicationsofsuchbcriticsisunsubstanticonjecture.FalseStatement#4:TheFarmsproistoannex212acrestheTown.Thefalseclaimonthewww.preservemiddle(https://www.itstatesthatthewill“annex212acresHomewoodFarmacrossSalamanderResortonNorthendofTowntoretailandcondominiFacts:TheHomewoodconceptdoesnotcalltheannexationof212oflandintotheTownMiddleburg.Itcallsforannexationof22acreslandintotheTown,withremaining190beinginpermanentopenconservationeaseandremaininginCounty.ThisfactpresentedattheAprilsessionandbeseeninthisdetailedthathasbeenonthewebsitesinceAprilLinkhere:www.bit.–theareasbluearetheproposedparcels,andareasinbrightgreentheareascommittedtoputintoopenspaceeasementinCounty.ThismapotherinformationweretoeveryresidentMiddleburginJuneofFalseStatement#5:TownPlanningComshouldhaveperareviewofBLA/applicationsOnwww.preservemidapostdatedassertsthatthe
Town Planning Commis sion should have first re viewed any BLA/Annexa tionFact:applications.Under Virginia Law, a BLA/Annexation process is a judicial pro cess, and not one involv ing zoning ordinances or building requirements. Be cause of this, no Planning Commission has author ity or purview over them. Once a parcel of land is brought into a municipal ity, then its Planning Com mission assumes oversight for all land use thereafter. This has been the case with every BLA/Annexation the Town has ever had in the past, as well as every local government in the Com monwealth of Virginia. We have provided here just 5 of the numerous falsehoods on bytowebsitevidedinghavelicreportsreviewifbepublic,sionnalApril,,butrememberthisisnotexhaustivelist.AlloftruefactsontheseandmoreareavailableatWeliveinaworldpeoplemakebaseclaimsandaccusaexpectingeveryonetakethemasfact.ItisthatthisrealhasfounditswaytoThetownandCouncil’scommitmentalwaysbeenoneofandthedeforpublicinputandWhenyouextheextenttowhichtownhasgonetoenthepublicinanopentransparentprocessitcleartheTownhasdonepossibletobeandaboveall,ThetowniscurrentlyinfinalstagesofgettingreportsfromourtwoandthepubliccomAswecommittedinwewillhaveonefipublicinformationsestoreviewthiswiththeatthattimeitwilluptothelandownerstheywishtoapply.Thewillincludefullandcompletepubcomments.Shouldyouanyquestionsregardtheinformationprohereoronthetownweencourageyouemail,call,orjustcomeandspeakwithus.

Page 12 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~ Faces, Fashion & Fun Middleburg’s National Night out

Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 13 ~ Be Local Let our trusted experts create your perfect setting. From early planning through a lifetime of memories, our design build experts are committed to delivering exceptional results, unparalleled service and a remodeling experience you can enjoy! Let’s chat today to get started! DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION • ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS EQUESTRIAN FACILITIES • PURCHASE CONSULTATIONS your family’s story BEGINS AT HOME 540-687-6771

Page 14 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~ C
rest Hill An tiques & Tea Room has been serving lunch, desserts and afternoon tea in the town of The Plains since 2007. Mat thew and Laura McClel land of Fredericksburg have now purchased the business from original owner Sally DeLuca, and they look forward to retaining the popu lar shop and tea service while also adding some touches of their own. Originally opened as an antiques shop with the tea service an ear ly after-thought, the Tea Room eventually became the principal business and devel oped a loyal following throughout northern Virginia. DeLuca had hoped to sell and retire a few years ago, but the pandemic delayed those plans. “It was important to stay open and keep things going during that time, in order to find the right buyer for the business,” DeLuca says. “I’m thrilled that Matt and Laura want to keep much of it the same, while also taking it to the next level.” The McClellands have owned other successful businesses, including a thriving online and re tail gift shop specializ ing in seasonal merchan dise. “We’re excited about taking over Crest Hill and look forward to expanding the business in the future,” say Matt and Laura. “The Plains is a very cute town and everyone we’ve met has been super friendly.” The tea room is lo cated on Main Street in The Plains. For more information about the business or to make a reservation, call 540253-5790.
Crest Hill Antiques & Tea Room Changes Hands News of Note

Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 15 households Join us in making affordable homeownership a reality, so families don't have to make impossible choices. P.O. Box 3189 Warrenton, VA 20188 This means families are forced to make impossible choices between housing and other basic needs, such as nutritious food, healthcare and reliable transportation. Which would you choose? in1 8 spend half or more of their income on housing. In Virginia, Consider a gift to Fauquier Habitat for Humanity today. You can give now by scanning the QR code below.

Page 16 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~
2) Background Listener: To these people, music can be im portant. If they are in aerobics class, the music is what gets their energy up and their muscles motivated. Of course, the genre they choose depends upon what they are doing. For example, up tempo tunes are best when they are in spin class moving fast and working hard. They also might be willing to create a playlist for a road trip to keep them happy and
Irecently read there are three basic types of music listen ers. The categories are gen eral, but they make a lot of sense.1) Passive Listener: The per son who really does not care or know much about music, or they only like one genre. Their mood might get a little better when they hear a song that they know play ing on the Muzak system at the Harris Teeter as long as it is the kind of music that they “like.” When asked, they might agree that music in the background is better than silence, but maybe not. This group also includes folks who really only care about one genre of music, but could not care less about the names of the performers. Overall, these folks lean towards apathy when it comes to music.
Jarad made a good point. So, I started playing around with a playlist that I thought might fit at Tremolo. I started with a rock instrumental, slid into swing and progressive Jazz, then into a series of hard rock tunes, and eventually, some high energy get the idea. The playlist ebbs and flows with a wide range of artists, providing an interesting listening experi ence without distracting from your conversations or enjoyment of the sublime wine and extraor dinary fare. The 32-track playlist can be found here: https://tinyurl. com/3unbrtdcTakealisten, and maybe you’ll hear it when you next stop by Tremolo bar – a must visit if you’re in Middleburg. Whether you are a passive listener, back ground listener, or music con noisseur, you’ll like what you hear, what you eat, and what you drink.Steve Chase is playing his Tremolo Bar playlist in Unison.
3)alert.Music Connoisseur: This group comes in a spectrum of subgroups, from music fans to music snobs, and every enthusi astic category in between. These are the type of folks who ask their spouses if they know who the piano player on this jazz tune is, or openly state that Steely Dan is the best music to test your new stereo. This group also includes the “music snob,” who believes that their chosen genre is better than anyone else’s and feels the need to critique whatever is be ing played. They often collect music and can find themselves stuck in the past, however, some are open to new music – it de pends on their outlook. Playlists are carefully curated to reflect their musical tastes. As a type 3, I always trying to concoct the perfect playlist. Of course, no playlist can be “right” for every situation. One for a BBQ may not be as effective for a long car trip. I marveled a while back about the music I heard at Field & Main, and after that par ticular visit, I started researching playlist for restaurants. It’s actu ally something many owners hire a consultant for or pay a monthly fee for ready-made playlists. Some take a riskier approach and use Pandora or Spotify, trusting the services to play what the al gorithm suggests, based on your listening history and/or the basic musical criteria you provide. There are many things to con sider when you build your own playlists: knowing your audi ence, what meal you are creating a soundtrack for, what the acous tics are in the dining rooms, what image the place wants to project, etc. The bottom line seemed to be that jazz and classical were safe bets for a restaurant playlist. But there is more to it than that – the music needs to flow smoothly from tune to tune, with some commonality tying them all to gether. Putting a loud, busy tune next to an acoustic guitar piece conflicts and risks destroying the “vibe.” To avoid this, dynamics and tempo of the songs should be carefully considered in order to provide the best transition and progression, all while comple menting the venue’s theme, feel, context, etc. We have a new restaurant in town, Tremolo Bar, the brain child of our local master som melier and accomplished chef, Jarad Slipp. He made news two years ago in Middleburg when we opened Knead Wine. This pizza and wine shop has since built a huge following locally, with an incredible array of great wines selected by Jarad himself and pizzas named after great rock guitarists. I have been to Tremolo a few times and I have to say, it’s the most exciting new culinary effort in Middleburg for some time. Last time we were there, we enjoyed amazing wines, classic cocktails, trademark sandwiches and small plates such as, shrimp Bahn Mi, and chorizo sausages cooked at the table over flaming rum. While I was sipping a glass of Birichino St. Georges old vine Zinfandel, I noticed the music. Primarily alt-rock, a somewhat uncommon choice, but it fit the space amazingly well. I asked Jarad a few minutes later about the music played for Tremolo customers. He said that they used Pandora, changing the genre pe riodically; this choice makes the soundtracks at Tremolo, to me, interesting and extra special. “Where else could you get a glass of Chateau Latour while listening to Fugazi?”
What Type of Listener Are You In Unison When ExcellenceDentalMatters When Dental Excellence Matters Your smile is a reflection of your health and happiness. Smart choices start with understanding all your options. Let us help you find your Smile at 540.687.6363204 E. Federal Street, Middleburg, VA 20117 “From our first meeting through a lifetime of caring for your teeth, we promise a thoughtful and consistent approach to your dental care.” - Robert A. Gallegos, DDS, FAGD middleburg smiles robert a. gallegos dds
Steve Chase

Dressage 101 Sincerely me 703.370.TREE At Shade Tree Farm we grow and install BIG trees (i.e. specimen trees) that can transform your property overnight. With over 30 years of experience, our staff members are trained professionals who will assist you or your designer in selecting the best trees for your project. Shade Tree Farms has one of the largest fleet of Transform Your Yard Plant mature, landscape-size trees and gain the immediate impact of shade, flowering accents, privacy screening, and definition of space. Shade Tree Farm Where The Trees Live Trees locally grown in Upperville, Virginia MOL ServingPRODUCTIONStheareasince1995 • FAA Licensed • Insured 540-687-3200 Real PhotographyVideoAgricultureCorporateEstateInsurance&OralHistorys
A s a lifelong horse woman, I surprisingly did my first dressage test at a national-level breed show just a few years ago. It was at Introductory Level. So basically: walk, trot, outside inside, inside outside, circle, circle, halt, or something simi lar and straightforward. I had to have my trainer “call” out the test just in case I got lost or forgot the pattern (good grief, I can’t believe I just admitted that). When I finished and ex ited the ring, my trainer said, “Brandy, why were you riding in the fetal position”? I laughed it off a bit because, in my mind, I nailed it and was looking for ap plause and admirers seeking my autograph as a budding dressage star. The scores were posted, and upon comparing them with my other three competitors, I knew I had won the class with the lowest score. As the announcer plugged in, I started planning my acceptance speech when my number was not the first one called. Nor the second or third. I wasn’t first. I was last. I learned the hard way that in Eventing Dressage, riders strive for a low score when in pure Dressage, as in the class I participated in, a high score is better. The judges comments also referred to rid ing in the fetal position, and I would get a much better ride if I took hold of the reins, rolled my shoulders back, and sat up. My trainer said something similar but bonked me in the back of my helmet and used a few F-bombs. I may or may not have cried. My dressage debut in the fe tal position was driven by fear and insecurity as instructions were called aloud to curate ev ery move as I poorly posted up my horse’s neck. At present, I find myself back in the ring, on a horse, and learning how to make circles again while friends support me from the sidelines. Sometimes the most challenging lessons start in the fetal position but evolve into the most beau tiful ride if you pick up your reins, roll your shoulders back and sit up. This ain’t about riding, friends. It’s about keep on keep ing on. Don’t think you can, know you can.
Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 17 ~ Be Local
Brandy Greenwell

Page 18 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~ Emily Tyler Nothing like a juicy peach at the peak ofthe season and such a treat baked into this rustic buckle. PeachServesBuckle6-8 1 stick unsalted butter 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 cup sugar 1 cup whole milk 2-3 Preheatpeachestheoven to 375 de greesRemove the skin* from the peaches and slice, set aside Combine the flour, baking soda, kosher salt, sugar, andwhole milk and whisk to com binePlace the stick of butter in a cast iron skillet and put inthe oven to melt and allow the butter to brown lightly, watch carefully for burning Remove the skillet from the oven and lightly whisk the batter into the butter - leavingstreaks of butter Place the sliced peaches on top of the batter in a single layerBake for 50 minutes or un til golden brown and bubbly around the edges Serve warm with vanilla ice cream *Plunge the peaches in boiling water for 15-30 sec ond, let cool slightly and the skin will slip off Peach Buckle The Kitchen Philosophy - withcaringIndividualized,attentiona 6:1 teacherstudent-ratio Outdoor science center, ponds and wetlands on our 140 -acre campus Total andacademics,education:art,music,drama,athleticsforeverystudent Bus service before-and-afterandschoolcare TheHillSchool.orgthroughKindergartenJunior8thGradeMiddleburg,VASince1926 VOTED #1 PRIVATE SCHOOL IN LOUDOUN COUNTY 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022! THE HILL SCHOOL Pastimes

Stretching and sleep
fitness Pro Kay Colgan certified fitness professional and health coach According to recent re search, a fitness rou tine that lacks strength and flexibility training creates an unbalanced program. After age 20, the research shows the possibility of losing between 4 to 7 pounds of muscle every de cade. Scary! So adding strength and flexibility training is a very important piece of your fitness program.First,adding strength training can come from a variety of sourc es. Weight training comes up first as the way to build muscle. It tru ly is recognized as the standard for developing and maintaining muscle mass. However, body weight training can give you measurable results. Exercises such as planks, push-ups as well as squats and leg lifts all count too. Pilates whether on the appa ratus or mat class can build and maintain muscle. Bonus with Pi lates the flexibility component is built into the program. Creates a win-win balanced program. Yoga is also a great strength as well as flexibility balanced program. The point to remember your muscles need to be stressed to grow. De pending on what your goals are, there are many different ways of reaching them. Finding balance is the key to meeting those goals and doing what is best for you. Maintaining balance within your body requires strength and flexibility training. For more information about fitness and health, please contact Kay Col gan, Middleburg Pilates and personal training, 14 S Madison Street, Middleburg, Va. or call 540-687-6995.
Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 19 ~ Be Local

Page 20 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 FaxOffice540-687-5803540-687-3574Licensed& GEORGE WHITE FENCING Custom Built Fences: Board, Rail, Wire, Picket, Deer Fence Painting and Repair Friends For Life Craftsmanship without Compromise New Work or Repairs Greg Lough New Work or Repairs G.T.L. Carpentry 540.905.3403 • Middleburg, VA 703.370.TREE From 6 feet to over 45 feet in height, our trees are healthy, weAndVirginia-grownhigh-quality,trees.withoneofthelargesteetoftreespadesintheAtlanticRegion,installthem,too! At Shade Tree Farm we LOVE trees! Transforming landscapes since 1981! ���� Jm'liilV}IIlmi@�� • Custom-made Traditional and Retractable Awnings 50 years of Service • Best Prices • Family Owned • Highest Quality • Window Coverings • Porch Shades • Loudoun, Fauquier • Expert Installation and Prince William • Major Credit Cards "We've Got You Covered" ntgomery HADE&AWNING LOUDOUN FAUQUIER TOLL FREE 703-737-0491 • 540-347-1941 • 800-300-1941 Plumbing Service & New Installations Licensed & Insured Matt McKay 540-687-5114 540-868-2330 Loudoun,ServicingFauquier & Surrounding Areas!

Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 21 ~ Be Local Bespo ke Reno vatio ns Remodeling Add itions www.VeritasContracting .net 703 851 3293 Info@VeritasContracting .net Middleburg 540-687-6747 ~ Winchester Standingwww.VirginiaProRoofing.com540-722-6071WeSpecializeinSeamMetal POTOMAC WINDOW CLEANING CO. Window Cleaning: Inside & Outside • By Hand • Residential Specialist (703) 3 356 4459 Family Owned & Operated | Licensed • Bonded • Insured Working Owners Assures Quality & Knowledgable Workmanship Ask about our Soft Wash, No Damage, Low Pressure Cleaning using Rotating Soft Brushes to Clean Brick, Stone, Siding & Decks The Montgomery Family Thanks You for your Interest Windows & Power Washing The largest SPA in Virginia with 3 floors & 1st Korean Traditional Hot Room Sauna (Bul Han Jing Mak) in the U.S. Come relax with us.25330 Eastern Marketplace Plaza, Chantilly, VA 20152 Korean Body Scrubs Hand & Foot Massages Facial Services Specialty Massages A SPA FIT FOR ROYALTY MIDDLEBURG ECCENTRIC SEPTEMBER 15TH AD DEADLINE FOR SEPTEMBER 22ND ISSUE A t h o u g h t f u l M o t h e r ' s D a y g i f t R e s t o r a t i v e r e l a x a t i o n s e r v i c e s T i m e t o u n w i n d & d e c o m p r e s s C u s t o m i z e d ~ u n h u r r i e d P e a c e f u l , p r i v a t e s t u d i o B o o k O n l i n e a t B o d y B l o o m M a s s a g e c o m P e g g y F i n n e g a n L m t ( 5 4 0 ) 5 7 9 - 2 4 0 0 1 0 7 W M a r s h a l l S t , M i d d l e b u r g , V A 2 0 1 1 7 MOL ServingPRODUCTIONStheareasince1995 • FAA Licensed • Insured 540-687-3200 Real PhotographyVideoAgricultureCorporateEstateInsurance&OralHistorys

Page 22 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~ Opinion -
Bundles Middleburg,MurdockVirginia
Nasty Behavior Has Come to Middleburg
The United States does recognize UNCLOS as the legitimate body of “Customary Law” with regard to the Law of the Sea, though not a full signatory. This places the United States in my opinion in a somewhat equivocal position when Russian war crimes are hopefully pursued in earnest.
The facts: 33 acres into town with 20 age-restricted houses like the Levis Hill Houses. 40 subsidized units. Windy Hill has been in Middleburg 41 years! WH fills a need we have always had. They provide housing for our aging work force so they can age in place where they call home. They provide homes and programs for members of our community who cannot not afford the expensive houses in Middleburg. Windy Hill provides safe, decent, and affordable housing. Windy Hill also provides programs and services to residents of all ages to give them opportunities to succeed. Windy Hill has staff who work with residents directly to provide a safe and healthy environment for the whole community. The Town of Middleburg and the greater Middleburg Community has always supported Windy Hill because they have always supported those in need.
This is a quiet charming town filled with giving, warm people most of whom have volunteered countless hours to the town and greater community to help others in need for many years. Now hateful letters are being published and misinformation is being spread about the two possible BLAs with no basis in fact, merely inuendo and fear mongering. Everyone should take a breather, read the information and weigh both the positive and negative aspects of these plans; but on the facts as presented; not the back room gossip and conspiracy theories being peddled by a small few. All the factual information is available in the town office and on the town’s web page.
Please recall that the worst of the Nazi war criminals were duly executed at Nuremberg.
The ongoing serious global grain crisis precipitated by Russian actions in the Black Sea preventing the free flow of shipping internationally, and particularly to those nations desperate to receive Ukrainian grain, raises critical questions about the enforcement of UNCLOS. Many of the ships involved are not Ukrainian, rather flags of convenience under traditionally well known nations that provide the necessary insurance and legal protection for such vessels. In addition organizations such as Lloyds of London have significant insurance interests in many vessels.
The NATO allies have extraordinarily powerful naval forces in the Mediterranean, led by the United States Sixth Fleet. Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy combine with the US Sixth Fleet to present a powerful challenge to Russian violations of UNCLOS. In 1962 President John F. Kennedy did not hesitate in challenging Soviet aggression with regard to the Cuban missile crisis. The countervailing power used was
NOTHING has actually even been submitted to Council much less approved! Thanks to Council’s insistence on transparency prior to any application (which by law is not required), the landowners will have listened to the public’s input for the last couple of months and the town council’s input before submission of any applications, if they chose to move to do so. At that point there will be a public hearing on any application and the Council will act accordingly with additional information from the public. As Council has stated many times, the goal was to get public input on the landowners ‘concepts before any application so they would hear the feedback and amend their approach accordingly before a formal application.Thisismy take:
The Windy Hill proposal
Anthony Wells
The Russians are guilty under UNCLOS of deliberately violating the basic laws of the sea. This raises the fundamental question about how should the United States and its allies, together with the many third party nations involved, either as recipients of grain or shipping flag carriers, respond in positive and decisive ways to challenge the Russian blockade.
Letter to the Editor
At the July 25th Planning Commission meeting Commissioner Ed Fleischman — who served a full career in the Federal Transit Administration — read a prepared statement detailing the ways in which the Town of Middleburg has shown a lack of transparency to the public with its potential annexation proposals, and suggested that the Planning Commission should be reviewing any potential applications for compliance with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan in order to determine whether or not they would be in conformance with that Plan — before the Town spent any time or taxpayer monies on further studies — but that prudent procedure had not been followed. Instead, the Town has intentionally run the deal behind closed doors, telling developers not to bring forth formal applications, ostensibly in order to manipulate the process.
The war in Ukraine has witnessed to date the worst war crimes and crimes against humanity since the Nazi invasion of Europe and the Soviet Union during World War Two. The relentless Russian targeting of civilians has reached unprecedented levels with zero regard for the Geneva Conventions. The prosecution of Russian perpetrators has yet to reach anything like the level required to match the largest estimated number of war criminals since the Nuremburg war crimes trials at the conclusion of World War Two. At the International Military Tribunal in 1945 the United States played the leading role with the United Kingdom. I have written about the last surviving US Nuremberg prosecutor in an earlier Letter, the 102 years old Benjamin Ferencz (born March 11, 1920), one of the greatest ever exemplars of the rule of international law. Both he and I have been critical of the United States’ failure to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) and sign in full the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
During the subsequent Town Council meeting on July 28th multiple residents of Middleburg stood up in opposition to the Town Council’s lack of transparency about the four development projects. Residents brought many questions including but not limited to: why the Town has been hiding its talks with developers behind closed doors, what the environmental consequences would be of such sprawling development, and why the Town is fronting for potential applicants instead of letting the applicants bring their own applications, again, as should happen in a standard untamperedwith application process. The Mayor responded to citizen concerns by asserting that the Town could have gone ahead with these proposals without any public input. Councilman Phillip Miller agreed and flatly told the fomenting public he believes the Town has already gone “above and beyond”. The attitude coming from the Mayor and Council is that they are doing the public a favor by having any discussion at all about any of these dangerous projects. By law, they could just do what they wanted. Since then the Town has hired two consultants: Chmura Economics and Urban Limited. The latter touts that it is “designing the future”. The project list for Urban LimitedBrambleton,includes Dulles Town Center, Reston Town Center, Fairfax Corner, Landsdowne,Willowsford,andmore — every major sprawl project in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties. The intentions of this Mayor and Council are obvious. There are no preservation consultants on the payroll. Public input has been nothing more than an empty gesture. The people elected to serve the public believe that they know what is best for that public, and that is to get Middleburg primed to become a mixed-use development in Loudoun County. We have issued a follow-up FOIA request for a copy of the scope of work and contracts with the Town’s development consultants, as well as for any past communications that may have occurred about these projects that have not yet come to light. That information will soon be made available on the Preserve Middleburg website.
If history in Loudoun is any indication, then zoning could change. A developer could purchase the land seek a rezoning with Loudoun County to build a development that mirrors Lenah Mill and other “neighborhoods” popping up to our East along Rt 50.? Anything can happen. Just like Banbury, Town would have zero control and we would be left unprotected. What protects us is a conservation easement. That’s what is at stake and being considered. Do you want to control what’s developed around us or let fate take shape? I want to take control. Fist stomping and demonizing people does nothing to address the pressures we face. “No change” is not an option. If you want to know more, ask Questions. Offer ideas and be a part of the solution. Everything is on the table. Come what may, if you contribute to the process, you will have helped make the options better for it and find the optimal outcome for everyone. And if you oppose on the merits, that is ok as well, that is the essence of good citizenry. For those who seek to whine and disparage as they choose, know that it only adds to the animosity and un-Middleburg behavior already shown by some.
The United States Congress has argued that only a US Federal Court, not the ICC, can prosecute an American citizen who may be accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity. Hence the American aversion to joining the ICC and having US judges sitting in The Hague with the other judges from the signatory states.
The Homewood Farm proposal
Letter from The Plains
Recently I was asked what would happen if we did nothing about the Homewood property. Feel free to do your own homework, but a developer could buy land TODAY and build a minimum of 14 houses with several rural economy lots for another winery, brewery, abattoir or other by-right commercial use That’s 14 wells and septic fields in our back yard. But that is today and that is immediately.
Vincent Middleburg,BataoelVirginia
The facts: 15 acres into town, 190 acres into permanent open space conservation easement. 10 single family cottages, 8 townhouses, 48 condo units. Council has publicly said these units must be affordable/ attainable intended for teachers, police, fireman and workforce employees who cannot afford the million dollars houses in town, but want to thrive in our community. We need entry level housing, which is affordable by design, to ensure a vibrant economy fueled by youth and families. We cannot turn into a retirement village – we need the next generation to continue to be a community. Both of these proposals fit in the main goals of the newly adopted Town Comprehensive Plan, where the community sought to achieve a diverse mix of affordable housing and provide for more open space.
It’s Not Their Middleburg

John P. Flannery Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito’s issued a decision from the highest court, overruling what all the Justices had said was “settled law” in the case of Roe v. Wade.
With this decision, a woman’s right of choice, of dominion over her own body, of her right to be let alone went out the window.
The Supreme Court also said it was better that we have the states figure this out to create a patchwork of different and disagreeable ways to handle abortion from sea to shining sea in a shifting tectonic of what will become a woman’s individual rights and liberties.
Bobby was finally adopted by a loving family in Loudoun, Virginia, under another name, his background a secret to his parents. Bobby did well at school, wrestled on the team, and had a job and a girlfriend.
Bobby wrote an essay about wishing he had never been born and hoped his mother had an abortion.Heknew he was unwanted at birth – and for some time afterward – by the misbehavior he Bobbysuffered.robbed the Sterling dry cleaners of $200 because he believed his girlfriend was pregnant and had this new responsibility – another unwanted child. I fought to save Bobby from being executed when he didn’t want to be born in the first place. Bobby is alive, served his time in custody, was eligible for parole, and has served his time.
The refugee crisis that ensued has resulted in the worst since World War Two, with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees estimating in excess of three million Ukrainians being forced to flee their country. The High Commissioner, Filippo Grandi, has gone so far as to say the number may in fact exceed ten million, an unconscionable act on the part of Putin’s Russia.
Putin is certainly isolated legally and morally. The actions of the ICC, and the 39 states in support of war crimes investigation and prosecution, may not be sufficient to bring a cease fire and, at this stage, peace. However it is very clear that the ICC now has a clear path to relentlessly ensure that over time all those Russians responsible for heinous crimes in Ukraine are brought to account, and stand trial in The Hague. Eccentric readers join with me in wishing the ICC, and all the international law enforcement agencies involved, all success in bringing to justice those who have committed the most appallingEditor’scrimes.Note: On a cheerful note readers should be aware that Anthony Wells’ “Tomato Drive-In” on The Plains Road at Half Way is open. Dr. Wells was called to the Bar of England & Wales as a Barrister of Lincoln’s Inn in 1980. He has an abiding interest in International Law and the Law of the Sea.
Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 Page 23 ~ Be Local
We can’t even say we pick up the care gap because we give little or no help to the single parent or child once born.
children are at an increased risk of juvenile delinquency, suffer lifetimes of underachievement, are compromised by learning disorders, drunkenness, adult criminal activity, require public assistance, and all these conditions are statistically worse when the mothers felt so certain they wanted abortions but were denied the medical procedure they rightly wanted.
The Montreux Convention is an inhibiting factor in controlling naval movements through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles Straits in Turkey. One possibility is using a land bridge for grain exports across Ukraine to Poland and then onwards to various potential ports for export, a far less confrontational solution. How can Russia and its leader be held accountable for war crimes? What should the United States do? The Russian subterfuge of launching an attack because of a supposed Neo Nazi regime that was persecuting Russian speaking minorities is clearly without basis. The so called “Special Military Operation” that followed was an evil war of attrition against not just the Ukrainian Army, but the whole civilian population, with appalling consequences.
Some states won’t allow abortion even if the woman has been raped or her life is at risk. Some say an abortion may be had during a time gap so short a woman might not know she was pregnant.Pregnant children may be told they can’t have children, but they can be forced to have a child. Is this the new slavery – force a woman to go to term even with an unwanted pregnancy?
The Ukrainian government has filed with the International Court of Justice proceedings against Russia under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the crime of genocide. In the United States Attorney General Merrick Garland has set up within the Justice Department a new “Accountability Team” to identify and prosecute war criminals in Ukraine. This will be led by Eli Rosenbaum, who has a distinguished background in tracking down Nazis. Back in February the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, QC, indicated that he was opening a formal enquiry into Ukrainian war crimes. 39 countries that are parties to the Rome Statute petitioned the ICC to begin an investigation. Eccentric readers should recall that the ICC is a permanent international criminal court located in The Hague, Netherlands. The key Rome Statute covers four core crimes: genocide; crimes against humanity; war crimes, and crimes of aggression. There are 123 ICC member states. Although Ukraine, like Russia, signed the Statute but did not ratify it, Ukraine has issued a Declaration under Article 12(3) granting the ICC jurisdiction. The Ukraine sought similar intervention by the ICC in 2014. There is a huge task ahead to collect evidence, locating witnesses, and locating and arresting defendants. The ICC does not try “In Absentia”, so unless Putin travels to an ICC signatory country he cannot be arrested even if an arrest warrant is issued. The quality and quantity of evidence is going to very tough to assemble given the refugee situation, lack of formal records, and the overall infrastructure breakdown in Ukraine. Prosecution of senior Russians is going to be very difficult.
Bobby’s story is not unique. Instead, many common and troubling features are found among unwanted children – unwanted at birth, abused physically and sexually if not abandoned, psych issues haunting the children made adult, and, for many, the wandering from foster home to foster home until they age out. Unsurprisingly, many have trouble with law enforcement and the “square society” that did all that it could to isolate these children. We live in a nation that tolerates and promotes breeding without responsibility. A third of unintended pregnancies are with unmarried persons in their 20s.
The supreme court has created this misery for women because some religions believe the fecundation of an ovum is a “child,” and they seek to impose this religious fiction on pregnant women who disagree. Theocracies are born by such wrong thinking and additional constitutional violations. We can take various approaches to unpack how historical and wrong Alito and his colleagues were in the “settling” of this constitutional right. It forces the question, what kind of life does an unwanted childYearshave?ago, I represented Bobby, 19, a red-headed boy charged with killing a young Korean immigrant about his age, only two years older, in a Sterling dry cleaners in Loudoun County. When Bobby was born, both his parents abandoned him at the hospital. His father had been discharged from the military because of his schizophrenia. So Bobby didn’t have a good start genetically, either. He has been diagnosed as a schizophrenic himself. His grandparents accepted him into their home, but they kept Bobby in a closet and fed him like an animal. Bobby never walked quite right.
THE ABANDONED CHILD maritime, the United States Navy, that challenged the Soviet Navy. In addition the non aligned nations whose ships are involved can help by requesting protection.
Alito and five other Justices set upon to unsettle the decision they’d sworn was “settled” about 50 years ago.|
The right to be wanted is a child’s first right, but it is only the first of many that are ignored in America.Thisisthe American condition, Dickensian in its indifference to the human condition, after a child cries and breathes life, that’s the last time a “pro-life” politician gives a damn about that child.
The issue of those who committed atrocities and those who gave the orders is ever present. ICC case law shows that soldiers on the ground who commit atrocities can be held criminally liable for the actions of those who commanded them, though the ICC burden of proof is significant. It is possible that the United Nations Security Council may create a special tribunal for Ukraine, with Rwanda and Yugoslavia as precedents for special International Criminal Tribunals. Similarly special courts have been established to address atrocities in Cambodia (the Khmer Rouge), Sierra Leon (during the civil war), and crimes committed in Kosovo 19982000.The Russians have not been deterred by the threat of ICC legal action since the February 28 announcement by the ICC. They continue to commit appalling atrocities, such as the March 9 attack on the Mariupol hospital.
Millions of single parents are mothers, who never marry, are food insecure, have substandard lodging, and cannot educate or provide health care to their children.Various studies in America and abroad have found what you’dUnwantedexpect.

Page 24 Middleburg Eccentric • August 25, 2022 ~ Be Local ~