koi pond design

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Advice and tips on koi pond design There are many different opinions of what constitutes a good koi pond design, one design does not fit all situations as there are many important factors to take into consideration when looking to build your own koi pond. I have never met anyone who has regretted building there own koi fish pond, sure mistakes can be made, but having the basic information and advice like we have here can go a long way to making sure you have the best possible chance of producing a great looking healthy koi fish pond. If you can afford it employing professional koi pond installation companies is probably one of the best ways to go, but going down this route can be expensive and can run into thousands of dollars for a reputable company to build your pond. Plus you don't get the satisfaction of knowing you created something amazing with your own hands. The first thing to consider when looking at koi pond design is the area where you intend to build the pond, try to pick a spot that is not subject to the hot sun all day and that the level of the pond is on a very slight incline to allow for drainage. The size is the most critical aspect of koi pond design, most people never build there pond big enough in the beginning. Remember that keeping koi fish is very addictive and you will always want to add extra fish at some stage, therefore be sure the pond is big enough for the amount of fish you intend to keep. A general guide for stocking your pond with koi is that for 20 full sized fish you should have a minimum of 2,000 gallons of water in your pond. pond nets There are also predators to consider when building your pond, a minimum depth of four feet is advisable when digging the hole for your pond. This gives the fish somewhere to hide from herons and raccoons which just love to eat koi fish, purchasing a heron net is also advisable to give them extra protection from these hungry birds. A large heron can soon wipe out your total stock of fish in one sitting, so make this a major consideration before adding any fish to your pond.

Water lilies and other aquatic plants should also be added to your fish pond, these are great at not only providing cover for your fish they also help with oxygen levels in the water. pond pumps Remember fish need oxygenated water in order to thrive, so in addition to plants you will need some sort of water pump to keep the water circulating. There are numerous designs of pond pumps available, the most important aspect is getting the right size of pump for your pond. This can be determined by working out how many gallons your pond will hold, then go online with this information and you will discover a pond pump that is rated in that particular range. (tip: always go slightly larger not smaller) Pond liners are another important aspect of koi pond design, there are a few options here you can consider. There is the expensive concrete option, or the more affordable upvc option, or you could be interested in the many performed liners available. koi pond design Personally i prefer the uvpc option as you can set it to the shape of the hole you have dug for your pond which looks more natural, the preformed option sort of dictates as to what shape and size your pond will need to be, and finally the concrete option can be a great choice but can work out mega expensive compared to these other options. Filtration is the next aspect to consider in your koi pond design, pond filters come in many different styles and sizes. Choosing one should be done very much the same way as you would choose a pond pump, the filters are rated in gallons so getting the right one is fairly straight forward. This is where you can also do some research into the different kinds available, reading customer reviews is a great way of understanding how the particular filter or pump performs when in operation. Finally one last piece of advice is to never let the pond freeze over in the winter months, there should always be a break in the ice to allow oxygen to get into the water. koi pond design This can easily be achieved with the many pond de-icers there are available these days, these units cost very little to run (pennies a day) and help to maintain the oxygen levels in your pond water which is vital to the health of your fish.

These are just some of the starting points you need to know when looking at koi pond design, you will undoubtedly learn more along the way of enjoying this great pastime of koi fish keeping. Understanding these basics is a step in the right direction to creating a koi fish pond, so go out there and build your own, the satisfaction levels of achieving a great looking healthy koi fish pond are enormous. For a complete step by step guide on koi ponds CLICK HERE.

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