Things to know about planting grass seed

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How To Plant Grass Planting grass is when the grass is will you say that how do you ensure

definitely not as easy as it sounds because only grown and becomes lush green, then and only then your grass planting project was successful. So, this happens?

Note that what you do initially will determine the outcome and if you do things right, you will feel the satisfaction of your hard work because you will be rewarded with that green lush look that every planter dreams of. Outlined below are steps to take when it comes to how to plant grass. The significance of timing: If you want to plant grass that will last, then planting at the right time will ensure that you achieve this. Normally the best time to plant is after summer, which is during fall, when the hot temperatures have subsided. This is the best time because the ideal conditions for the lawn grass seeds to germinate are available. The seeds will remain moist and as the plants start sprouting, they will have a better chance of survival up to maturity during the rest of the fall up to spring, minus the harsh summer or winter conditions. Another reason why it is best to plant at this time, is that weeds and diseases are normally non-existent and therefore you won't need to spray chemicals which in most cases are lethal to the young tender grass. Seed Selection: Selecting quality seeds will ensure that you get the best results. If not sure give first priority to seeds that have been rated by NTEP (National Turf Evaluation Program). This will ensure that you get seeds that will be resistance to pests, diseases and harsh weather conditions. Online sources can also be effective in conducting research about the best lawn grass seeds from seed companies. The Planting Process: Before you begin the ground preparation process, make up your mind

on the method you intend to use when watering your lawn. Some irrigation systems such as the underground sprinkler system require that you install them first before beginning the groundwork. If you have decided to use an irrigation system that doesn't require initial installation then you are good to go. Soil Preparation: It is important to remove old plants if any, debris in the soil such as sticks, non-organic matter such as, plastic, metal and anything else that does not belong. The soil should of course be loosened about two to 6 inches and the clods broken. Level the ground to avoid scenarios where puddles of water form during irrigation. Planting the grass seed: After preparing the ground the next step is simply planting the lawn grass seed. You can either opt to spread the seed evenly on the ground manually or if the lawn is larger you might consider using a mechanical lawn spreader. After planting the seed it is best to cover the seeds with soil as little as a quarter of an inch and then water them. Watering: Watering should be done daily and lightly, just enough to keep the soil moist most of the time to encourage germination. After doing all this, you can now sit back as you water daily and wait for your lush green lawn, the ultimate reward for your labor. If you want to learn more about lawn maintenance then visit us at, here you will discover helpful information with videos on how to grow a perfect garden lawn from lawn grass seed.

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