Best golf tips for beginners

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Golf tips for beginners The Game of Golf can be extremely fun and entertaining for any individual. The key is learning how to make your swing effective. An effective golf swing can mean the difference of staying with the game or simply giving up thinking you simply are not cut out to play golf. The game of golf has been around for years and years, which means that many unique swings have been developed. The key is to find the swing that fits your style, and feels comfortable. There are other golf tips that can instantly take strokes off your game, and many more will become evident as you continue to play. This article will explain golf tips for beginners so you can improve your golf. The Grip: The first key is finding your grip, and there are three main grips to choose from. The first grip is the interlocking grip. This grip is when you take the little finger of the hand and place it over the index finger of your other hand, making sure you lock them together. The next grip is the overlapping grip, which is almost the same as an interlocking grip. The difference is you simply do not grip them; instead you simply over lap them. And the last grip is the baseball grip. This grip you simply set your fingers apart by the slightest amount, meaning they should almost touch but don't. The three styles of grips have been argued over for years on which is the best, yet with no definitive answer you should try all three and determine which works best for you. The Swing: A golf swing can be one of the most beautiful things in all of sports, yet it takes time and practice. The first key is remembering to take it nice and easy. You should not swing for the fences; instead keep your swing a constant flow, which will lead to better shots and positioning on the course. As a beginner it's important to remember to take deep breaths, and exhale slowly. Everyone in golf does this from the Pro's to the

golfers at your local course. This will help you set an even tempo, and improve in all areas of swinging your clubs. Now that you have your breathing and grips down its time to take aim. This means positioning yourself by squaring to the target. Make sure your shoulders are pointing left of your desired target, and your feet are also lined up square to your shoulders. The key to obtaining this position is to think about railway lines, wher one side of the track is pointing at the target and your feet hips and shoulders are running down in line with other side.(TIP: dont aim your shoulders at the target, this is a common mistake among amateur golfers)By lining up correctly will help make sure the ball goes in the desired direction. When playing any sport coaches tell you to keep your eye on the ball, and golf is no different. This tip isn't just so you know where the shot will go, but it will also help you to maintain your spine angle through the golf swing. When you maintain your spine angle on a swing you increase your chances of success by 100 percent. The reason is that when your spine angle remains intact your shoulders will not rise up. When your spine angle raises your shoulders go up and you will miss the ball completely (known as a fresh air shot or top shot). And the last tip is to follow thru to a balanced finish. This will help keep the ball straight and also go farther. The game of golf can be a great way to enjoy being outside, yet without a proper swing you can quickly be discouraged to keep playing. Take some time and develop a swing that works for you, and remember it will take some time, yet by putting the effort and practice into your swing it will make the game fun and more exciting to play. If you are searching for the ultimate golf training aids then visit us at, here we have reviews of some of the best golf training aids available today.

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