6.5.2024 NPC

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Let’s give it to you


Mayor Ed Gainey was caught between a rock

and a hard place. Continue to basically “award” longtime Pittsburgh Juneteenth promoter B. Marshall $125,000 for the 2024

celebration after the city did so for 2023, and face the onslaught of other promoters (including those who may have never put a Pittsburgh Juneteenth celebration together), politicians and other watchdogs wonder why B. Marshall was the only private organizer to get Juneteenth money

had double the risk.

from the city, or “go back on his word” according to many in Pittsburgh’s Black community, hold off on awarding B. Marshall the $125,000 for 2024, decide to start a city-owned, city-sponsored Juneteenth, put out a “Request For Proposals,” and ultimately watch the city choose someone other

than B. Marshall get the contract. Mayor Gainey chose option number two.

But in a question directed to the mayor by the New Pittsburgh Courier during Mayor Gainey’s press conference announcing the city’s Juneteenth “Fusion Fest” celebration scheduled for June 29, Mayor Gainey said he had no choice but to become more transparent with taxpayer dollars when it came to whom the city would award Juneteenth funds.

“We never budget for two years, the budget was only for one year, and that was

Black women treated for high blood pressure in their 30s and 40s may face a substantially higher risk for having a stroke than their peers without a history of high blood pressure treatment, new research suggests.

The findings showed Black women under 35 who were treated for high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, had triple the risk of having a stroke, and those who developed the condition before age 45


The findings, which were presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference in Phoenix in February, are considered preliminary until full results are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“This research was moti-

vated by the glaring disparity I have seen in my own practice,” lead researcher Dr. Hugo J. Aparicio said in a news release. He is an associate professor of neurology at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine.

“Strokes are occurring at

younger ages among my patients who identify as Black and among women. Early-onset stroke, particularly at midlife, is even more tragic because these patients often have families or are caretakers for sick family members.”

Stroke at a younger age

also “is associated with an increased risk of dying, as well as a burden of physical disability that creates many problems for stroke survivors and their families,” he said. Hypertension rates

Courier Vol. 115 No. 23 Two Sections Published Weekly NEW www.newpittsburghcourier.com America’s best weekly America’s best weekly thenewpittsburghcourier To subscribe, call 412-481-8302 ext. 136 Pittsburgh Courier NEW JUNE 5-11, 2024 SEE JUNETEENTH A6 See Pages A8-9 8th Annual Black Tie Honors Gala SEE BLOOD PRESSURE A4 Downtown Pittsburgh will have not one, but two Juneteenth celebrations B. Marshall's event is June 14-16; city's new event is June 29 Controversy has divided the Black community PITTSBURGH'S TWO JUNETEENTHS—B. MARSHALL'S JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION IS JUNE 14-16 AT POINT STATE PARK. MAYOR ED GAINEY, RIGHT, ADVOCATED FOR A CITY-SPONSORED CELEBRATION, WHICH WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 29 AT THE GREENWOOD PLAN BUILDING, ON SMITHFIELD STREET. (PHOTOS BY ROB TAYLOR JR.) High blood pressure before 35 may triple Black women's stroke risk A REAL HERO—CLARENCE MCCALLISTER CLARENCE MCCALISTER IS HONORED AT THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH MAYOR'S OFFICE ON JUNE 4 AFTER TACKLING AN ALLEGED GUNMAN TO THE GROUND AT A CHURCH IN NORTH BRADDOCK IN MAY. SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE A4. (PHOTOS BY EMMAI ALAQUIVA) Absolutely selfless. Clarence McCallister, a deacon at Jesus' Dwelling Place Church, quickly tackled a man who tried to shoot the pastor, Glenn Germany, on the first Sunday in May. McCallister was working the camera when the alleged shooter, Bernard Polite, walked to the front of the church and tried to shoot Pastor Germany, but the gun jammed,
took Polite down. The gun was wrestled away from Polite, police were called, and Polite was arrested.
who is also a Pittsburgh Public Works employee, was honored by City of Pittsburgh leaders on Tuesday, June 4, for his heroic actions.
and McCallister
Rob Taylor Jr.


The Once and Future King: Josh Gibson is number one after Negro League stats join MLB

NNPA Newswire Contributor

Just a few months before Jackie Robinson would make history and break the color barrier preventing Black players from competing in Major League Baseball, Josh Gibson passed away at 35 years old. In the early 1940s he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died on January 20, 1947 of a stroke. But Josh Gibson lives in his statistical achievements which place him at the top of all baseball players of all time. The MLB announced on May 29, that it has added the statistics of over 2,300 Negro Leagues players from 1920 to 1948. The update in records now means that Josh Gibson is now Major League Baseball’s all-time career leader in

This Week In Black History A Courier Staple

• JUNE 5

1872—The Republican Party National Convention takes place in Philadelphia with substantial representation from former Black slaves. At least three Blacks addressed the national political gathering. At this point in history, the Republicans were the nation’s most progressive party and attracted the allegiance of African Americans. Blacks would remain loyal to the Republicans until the 1930s. But by 1945 with the Republicans becoming increasingly conservative and attracted to the New Deal programs of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the vast majority of Blacks had switched to the Democrats.

1894—Black inventor G.W. Murray patents a fertilizer distributor, cotton chopper and a seed planter all on this day in 1894.

batting average at .372. Gibson overtakes Ty Cobb who is at .367. Gibson also surpasses baseball legend Babe Ruth in career slugging percentage.

Gibson’s legendary career in the Negro Leagues was showcased during the many years he played for Pittsburgh Crawfords and the Homestead Grays. He was commonly referred to as the “Black Babe Ruth,” and hit nearly 800 home runs during his career. Gibson, who was a catcher, played in numerous East-West All-Star Games and helped lead his teams to multiple league championships.

Gibson’s legacy has been recognized and celebrated in the years following his untimely death. In 1972, he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. This induction helped to solidify his place in baseball history and brought renewed attention to the contributions of Negro Leagues players. Gibson’s story continues to inspire and his career is a reminder of the racial barriers in professional sports.

Pitcher Satchel Paige, whom many consider one of the best pitchers to play the game, is also a big winner on the updated stat sheet. In 1948, at the age of 42, Paige broke into MLB with the Cleveland Indians, becoming the oldest rookie in major league history. Paige’s career in the Negro Leagues spanned over two decades. He played for the Birmingham Black Barons, the Pittsburgh Crawfords, and the Kansas City Monarchs. Paiges’ dominance on the mound was legendary and he often pitched multiple games in a single day. The incorporation of the stats of Negro Leagues players has been pushed for by many Negro Leagues historians for years. Now that the moment has arrived, the full history of professional baseball moves a bit closer to being valid.

1945—Track star John Carlos is born in Harlem, N.Y. Carlos and fellow sprinter Tommie Smith created an international sensation when they protested American racism by giving the “Black Power” clinched fist salute when accepting their medals at the 1968 Olympics.

1956—Although the actual decision may have been reached the previous day, a federal district court hands down a ruling declaring that Alabama laws requiring racial segregation in public transportation were unconstitutional. The decision, which was later confirmed by the United States Supreme Court, was the first major legal victory for the Civil Rights Movement. It grew out of the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott sparked when Rosa Parks defied the law and custom by refusing to give up her seat on a public bus to a White man. Although actually organized by Rev. E.D. Nixon, the Boycott would result in Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. becoming the nation’s most prominent civil rights leader.

• JUNE 6

1790—Jean Baptist Pointe Du Sable establishes a settlement which would eventually grow into the city of Chicago. The settlement would make the French-speaking, Santo Domingo-born Du Sable a wealthy man.

1966—Although there is some debate as to who first coined and used the phrase, this is generally recognized as the day in 1966 that Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee President Stokely Carmichael began to popularize the term “Black Power” as a demand for greater African American control over their political and economic destiny in America.

1987—Dr. Mae Jemison is selected by NASA as the first Black woman to begin training as a space shuttle astronaut. Jemison actually become the first African American woman to travel in space on Sept. 12, 1992 aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor.

• JUNE 7

1958—Singer, musician and composer Prince was born on this day in Minneapolis, Minn. His full name was Prince Rogers Nelson. He was a musical innovator and known for his eclectic work, flamboyant stage presence, extravagant dress and makeup, and wide vocal range. Prince died at his Paisley Park recording studio and home in Chanhassen, Minn., on April 21, 2016, at the age of 57.

1868—This is generally recognized as the day Marie Laveau retired (or was forced out) as the most powerful Voo Doo priestess in the world. The New Orleans native had become powerful and wealthy catering to the superstitious beliefs of both Blacks and Whites throughout the South. The daughter of a slave and a French plantation owner, Laveau was raised as a Catholic but became intrigued by stories of the city’s first Voo Doo priestess Sanite De De and by 1830 had built her own Voo Doo religious empire. She was replaced by one of her daughters, but she would live until 1881 dying at the age of 98.

1917—One of the greatest poets of the 20th century Gwendolyn Brooks is born in Topeka, Kan. Pushed by her mother and father, Brooks began writing poetry at a young age and was even introduced to some of the best known Black poets and writers of the Harlem Renaissance while still a child. She won the coveted Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1950 for a collection entitled “Annie Allen.” She died on Dec. 3, 2000.

1930—Under pressure from early civil rights activists, the New York Times begins using the word “Negro” as the official designation for African Americans. It also agreed to capitalize the “N.” The decision by the Times gradually led to “Negro” becoming the official designation for Blacks nationwide and it would remain so until it was dethroned by “Black” in the 1960s. Positively, the rights advocates were attempting to build greater respect for African Americans but negatively, the selection of “Negro” also reflected a desire not to be referred to as “Blacks.”

1953—Educator and activist Mary Church Terrell wins a legal battle to end segregation in Washington, D.C., restaurants.

• JUNE 8

1886—Homer A. Plessy, a light-complexioned Black man, refuses to leave the “White” section of a New Orleans railroad car and move to the “colored” section. His Rosa Parks type refusal sets in motion a legal case, which eventually reached the United States Supreme Court. In its May 1896 ruling, the Court decided against Plessy and thus confirmed the segregationist doctrine of “separate but equal.” The ruling also had the effect of treating anyone with any “Black blood” as Black. The court never actually ruled on Plessy’s claim that he was 7/8 White and only 1/8 Black and thus should not be treated as “colored” under the laws of that day.

1968—James Earl Ray, the man convicted of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is captured at an airport in London using a false Canadian passport. Ray would spend the rest of his life trying to withdraw his guilty plea charging that his brother and a mysterious man he met in Montreal, Canada, named Raoul were actually involved in the killing of King. He claimed he “did not personally shoot Dr. King” but suggested he knew beforehand about the conspiracy to assassinate him. Ray died in prison in April 1998.

1982—One of the greatest athletes to ever play the game of baseball, Satchell Paige, dies in Kansas City, Mo. Paige had played in the old Negro Baseball Leagues and went unrecognized by Major League Baseball and the general public for decades. He was finally voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1971.


1948—Oliver W. Hill becomes the first African American elected to the Richmond, Va., city council. He is best known for his work as a civil rights attorney helping bring down the segregationist doctrine of “separate but equal.” Hill was born in 1907.

1989—One of the “founding fathers” of the Congressional Black Caucus, Michigan Rep. John Conyers issues the first call for a Congressional investigation into paying African Americans reparations for the enslavement of their ancestors.

• JUNE 10

1760—Several sources list this at the birthday of Richard Allen—founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Other sources give his birth date as Feb. 14, 1760. Regardless, the AME church was the first African-American organized and incorporated church in America. Allen, Absalom Jones and a group of free Blacks in Philadelphia founded the church in 1794. Allen and his group were initially members of the city’s predominantly White St. George’s Methodist Episcopal Church. But when several Blacks were ejected from the church for attempting to pray alongside Whites, Allen led a walkout, which resulted in the forming of the AME church. 1898—Hattie McDaniel, the first African American to win an Oscar, is born on this day in Wichita, Kan. She won her Academy Award in 1940 for Best Supporting Actress for the role of Mammy in the classic film “Gone With The Wind.” Once criticized for playing stereotypical and sometimes demeaning “Black roles,” she responded, “I’d rather play a maid than be one.” McDaniel died in 1952. 1941—The “Black Moses,” Marcus Garvey dies in London, England. Starting around 1916, Garvey built his United Negro Improvement Association into the largest mass organization of Blacks in history, with the slogan “Up You Mighty Race.” The UNIA owned businesses ranging from bakeries to shipping companies. Garvey preached Black pride and self-reliance, while steering away from the more integrationist thrust of most prominent Black leaders of his day. He was eventually jailed on what are now viewed as trumped up mail fraud charges. Presidential intervention got Garvey freed. But in exchange for his early release from prison, the Jamaican native had to agree to leave the United States and not return. Separated from his U.S. base, Garvey was never able to rebuild the UNIA.

• JUNE 11

1963—President John F. Kennedy declares during a nationwide radio and television address that segregation was “morally wrong” and told the U.S. Congress it was “time to act” (pass legislation) to end all segregation of the races. That statement and similar ones endeared Kennedy to millions of African Americans. However, a few months after making the declaration, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. But most of his legislative ideas would be implemented by his successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson. 1963—Displaying the tenacity of the segregationist mentality dominant in the South in the 1960s, Alabama Gov. George Wallace, with the aid of state troopers, stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama to block two Black students from integrating the school. But when the Deputy U.S. Attorney General returned later in the day with a force of National Guardsmen, Wallace stepped aside, and Vivian Malone and James Hood were allowed to register.

A2 JUNE 5-11, 2024 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER THE NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY Publication No.: USPS 381940 315 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-481-8302 Fax: 412-481-1360 The New Pittsburgh Courier is published weekly Periodicals paid at Pittsburgh, Pa. PRICE $1.00 (Payable in advance) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: New Pittsburgh Courier 315 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 6 Months—$25 1 Year—$45 2 Years—$85 9-Month School Rate $35
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High blood pressure before 35 may triple Black women's stroke

among Black adults in the U.S. are among the highest in the world, according to American Heart Association statistics. Roughly 58 percent of Black women in the U.S. have high blood pressure, compared to 43 percent of White women, 38 percent of Asian women and 35 percent of Hispanic women.

“We expected to see an association between having high blood pressure at a younger age and having a stroke during midlife and later life,” Dr. Aparicio said. “However, we were surprised and concerned to see the magnitude of the relationship, especially for women who were taking antihypertension medications before age 35.”

not involved in the research, is the Walter A. Haas-Lucie Stern Endowed Chair in Cardiology and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

The new analysis used self-reported data from the Black Women’s Health Study, which enrolled 59,000 Black women across the U.S. in 1995. During up to 23 years of follow-up, 3.2 percent of participants had a stroke.

Black women who started treatment for high blood pressure between ages 24 and 34 were three times more likely to have a stroke than those with no history of hypertension. Those treated before age 45 had more than double the risk of stroke. If treatment started between 45 and 64 years old, the increased risk of stroke was 69 percent.

The Men of Excellence Award celebrates local African American men who motivate and inspire others through their vision and leadership, exceptional achievements and participation in community service. The selected honorees will join an exclusive society of professional men who have previously received this distinction.


1. The nominee must a be a man 40 years of age or older, who resides in the Greater Pittsburgh area.

2. The nominee must be active in his career or profession. Career or profession is defined as paid employment in his field. Nominees must agree to have their photograph and biographical information published in the New Pittsburgh Courier.

All nominees selected as a Men of Excellence will be featured in a 2024 edition of the New Pittsburgh Courier

3. Evaluations will be based on the quality of a nominee’s achievements rather than the quantity of information submitted.

4. Selections will be made by the New Pittsburgh Courier Men of Excellence Selection Committee based on the following criteria:

• Local African American executive or business owner

• Proven success in career/profession

• Positive role model

• Demonstrative community service

Nomination deadline is Monday, June 24, 2024 at 4 p.m. To submit nominations, visit : www.newpittsburghcourier.com/moenominations2024

He said the findings were especially striking because the researchers had accounted for important factors that could have affected the results. These included smoking, body weight, diabetes status and neighborhood socioeconomic status.

Researchers also adjusted for people living in certain regions of the U.S. where stroke is more common and where stroke mortality is higher, mainly clustered in the “stroke belt” that includes the Southeast area.

Many factors may contribute to the early development of high blood pressure in Black women, Dr. Michelle A. Albert said in the release. Dr. Albert, who was

“An understudied component is the cumulative impact of multiple psychosocial stressors that likely disproportionately affect Black women compared to women from other racial and ethnic groups regardless of socioeconomic status,” Dr. Albert said. “The impact of these stressors also likely will affect the ability of Black women to receive and maintain holistic care.”

Dr. Aparicio said he hopes health care professionals pay more attention to high blood pressure screening and treatment for Black women over their entire lives. “Health care policy changes are needed so that primary prevention is promoted and funded because by the time a Black woman has a stroke at middle age, it is often too late,” he said.


METRO BLOOD PRESSURE FROM A1 A4 JUNE 5-11, 2024 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER The New Pittsburgh Courier is seeking nominations for the
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Duquesne Light Company playing vital role in Southwestern Pennsylvania’s clean energy transition

Duquesne Light Company (DLC) recently released its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, which discloses the company’s performance in three core areas of its ESG strategy: climate conscious, powering people and responsible performance. This is DLC’s second annual ESG report and, for the first time, discloses yearover-year performance metrics from a 2022 baseline. The report covers a wide range of topics addressing risks and opportunities that DLC faces as it pursues a clean energy future for all while securing the economic vitality of the Pittsburgh region. These topics include infrastructure reliability; climate resilience; electrification; energy efficiency; access to renewable energy; diversity, equity and inclusion; and innovation.

Collaborating to Secure Federal and State Funds to Benefit the Region

This year’s report includes new data surrounding the record government funding available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other sources, which helps DLC deliver affordable, safe and reliable energy to its customers while con -

tinuing to advance a clean energy future for all. DLC received more than $19.8 million, and worked with several partners, including local governments, businesses and nonprofits, to secure more than $43.7 million to support grid modernization, clean and renewable energy, transportation electrification and community engagement initiatives in the Pittsburgh region.

“This is a pivotal moment for our region, and we’re proud to serve as a trusted energy partner to help secure and implement funding that helps southwestern Pennsylvania power forward for future generations,” said Kevin Walker, DLC’s president and CEO, in a statement to the New Pittsburgh Courier. “A sustainable future is possible when we work together for the greater good of our people, environment and our communities.”

The new report aims to demonstrate the company’s progress toward its long-term ESG targets established in 2022, with the company remaining on track to meet all. Some additional highlights in the 2023 report include: Increased the company’s fleet electrification from 8 percent in 2022 to 11 percent in 2023. In 2023, the company added eight more 100 percent electric Ford

F-150 Lightnings to its fleet, making DLC’s Lightning fleet the largest in southwestern Pennsylvania; Strengthened local communities through charitable giving and volunteerism, including nearly $2 million donated to 464 organizations in 2023—86 percent of which are diverse led. DLC employees also participated in 89 volunteer events in the community, contributing to 4,320 volunteer hours; Enabled customers to participate in energy efficiency programs that helped reduce 100,680 MWh across all customer segments. These measures led to a reduction of 78,650 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is equal to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 15,878 gas-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year or 182,909,597 miles. (From the EPA GHG Equivalence Calculator as of Dec. 31, 2023.); Named a StormReady institution by the National Weather Service, which highlights the company as an industry leader in best practices when planning for and responding to severe weather and water events. At the time of recognition, DLC was one of only two electric utility companies in the U.S. to receive this distinction.

“As an electric utility serving more than

600,000 customers in two counties, including the city of Pittsburgh, we embrace the role we have in leading our region’s clean energy transition,” said Christine Waller, vice presi -

dent of communications and corporate responsibility at DLC. “We are encouraged by the progress we made in 2023 and remain committed to advancing our ESG initiatives. Our position as an essential service provider and top regional employer means we have a responsibility to continue driving these important efforts to better support our customers and communities.”


Downtown Pittsburgh will have not one, but two Juneteenth celebrations

the (first) $125,000,” Mayor Gainey said. “So after the $125,000 was done, we felt that at the end of the day, we needed to be more transparent because there were always questions as you can imagine. So we had to come up with a new process, one that was more open, and in order to do that, we would have to own it (a separate Juneteenth celebration) in order to put out a RFP (Request For Proposals). So that’s where the change was made.”

The RFP basically asked private event organizers and promoters to send into the city a detailed outline of how they would create a Juneteenth cele-

bration for the city. Three organizers put in their bids, including B. Marshall and Fantasy Zellars, founder and president of Bounce Marketing and Events.

B. Marshall told the Courier in previous interviews that he found it crazy to have to respond to the city’s Juneteenth RFP that was using the money he thought was already awarded to him. But he responded anyway. He wasn’t chosen.

Bounce Marketing and Events was.

When the Courier pressed as to exactly why Zellars’ company was chosen over B. Marshall’s, deputy mayor Jake Pawlak stepped in and said that “we’re not able to talk

about the specifics of the selection process until the contract is signed.”

Public opinion over this issue has divided the Pittsburgh Black community. Some people can’t understand why the mayor would want to start a city-sponsored Juneteenth celebration when there had already been a well-established Juneteenth celebration in Pittsburgh via B. Marshall and his supporter, the POISE Foundation.

Other people believed that B. Marshall should not be the only person getting Juneteenth money from the city and applauded the mayor for, at the least, opening it up to a RFP process. Then there’s the people who heard that the city awarded the Juneteenth contract to Zellars’ company, the same company that did the mayor’s inauguration ball in 2022, which sounded a bit...funny. Olga George, the mayor’s press secretary, made it clear there was no funny business going on, the “scratch-my-back-andI’ll-scratch-yours” type of business.

“The city did not go to Fantasy,” George emphatically said. “The city put out, as we stated, a RFP for all private event promoters. There was no sin-

will allow us to create a sustainable path for our celebration year after year. I’m proud that our city has multiple opportunities to celebrate Juneteenth because celebrating Black people free from slavery shouldn’t be contained in just one event.” When the city announced that Bounce Marketing and Events was selected as the organizer for the city-sponsored Juneteenth event, it had to be approved by City Council. The vote was 6-2 in favor of the selection and the $125,000 going to Bounce Marketing and Events. The two councilmembers who voted “no” were Anthony Coghill and Theresa Kail-Smith. However, with the controversy hotter than Pittsburgh’s June temperatures, City Council moved to authorize an additional $125,000 for B. Marshall’s Juneteenth event, which is June 14-16 at Point State Park and Market Square. The final vote will likely be made on Tuesday, June 11, three days before B. Marshall’s longstanding event begins. So now, in theory, everybody’s happy. B. Marshall is most likely going to be awarded $125,000, and the city has its own Juneteenth celebration with Zellars at the helm, albeit

gular person we reached out to directly to say, ‘we need you to apply for this,’ and I appreciate the media being clear on that, alright?”

“If we are going to be successful in our efforts to transform this city into a city for all, we have to be transparent and this is why we decided to issue a RFP and created a way for Juneteenth to be a city-sponsored celebration, and we have done so in a way that was open to all and transparent to the public,” Mayor Gainey said at his office, May 29. “The new way forward

10 days after the official Juneteenth holiday, which is June 19. The city’s event will be held at the Greenwood Plan Building, on Smithfield Street near the Boulevard of The Allies. Zellars said the city’s Juneteenth “Fusion Fest” that she’s putting together will be a “celebration of Pittsburgh’s rich Black culture and vibrant

We plan to bring the



talent, art,
arts scene.
best in
dance right to the


In the formation of the city’s new Juneteenth celebration


While not all the details have been finalized, the city’s event is most likely going to be a one-day event, June 29, which is a Saturday. The event more than likely will utilize the inside and outside of the Greenwood Plan Building, formerly known as The Pitt Building. The Greenwood Plan Building was chosen for the location in large part to the building being Black-owned as of late 2023.

Zellars said the city’s Juneteenth on June 29 will have a historical walk through Black Pittsburgh, a makers’ market, a spoken word and author experience, interactive activities for kids, health, wellness and fitness, an art gallery and all-day performances. Zellars said Demeatria Boccella was bringing her acclaimed “FashionAFRICANA” live show to the celebration.

With B. Marshall’s event at Point State Park and Market Square being free to the public, along with the city’s new Juneteenth, Pittsburgh’s Black community — and everyone else — has the opportunity to attend both events, given they’re two weeks apart. But ultimately, it will be up to the people to decide if they’ll support one, the other, both, or neither.

If you ask Mayor Gainey though, he’ll tell you

that it was his intention to make sure the City of Pittsburgh did its part in an official capacity to hold a Juneteenth celebration every year going forward, similar to how the city assures a city-sponsored 4th of July celebration each year. City officials said that come 2025, there will be a similar RFP process to choose which private promoter(s) will curate the city’s Juneteenth celebration (and the money that comes with it). There will probably be more than three organizers putting their hat in the ring, but the city was adamant that come 2025, they’ll only be financially supporting their own Juneteenth celebration, not anyone else’s.

If B. Marshall/POISE Foundation puts their bid in for the RFP for 2025, and they’re not selected, as was the case this year, Pittsburgh will likely have the same situation in 2025 — a B. Marshall Juneteenth, and a city Juneteenth. B. Marshall has no plans to stop his celebration anytime soon, especially after holding the event since 2013 and seeing it grow from 100 people into some 50,000 attendees. His event this year features star artists like Arrested Development, Stokley, Kelly Price and Brownstone. Hip-Hop legend Master P will be in the Grand Jubilee Parade on Saturday, June 15.

After all the controversy, Mayor Gainey, in his remarks, saluted B. Marshall for his Juneteenth efforts.

“I have proudly supported B. throughout the years, as a state rep that helped him to secure Point State Park, and my first term as mayor, I helped him to fundraise to make sure that this event that we call Juneteenth was the type of event that everybody can be proud of. We also eliminated the

debt that came along that he owed the city. I want to make sure that I say it again, I want to thank B. Marshall for uplifting Juneteenth. I also plan to continue to support him.”

‘I want to thank B. Marshall for uplifting Juneteenth. I also plan to continue to support him.’
METRO NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER JUNE 5-11, 2024 A7 Pittsburgh’s biggest and most diverse global celebration! Final Weekend! June 7 - 9 Market Square | Downtown FREE EVENT
METRO A8 JUNE 5-11, 2024 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER SEE MORE PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT ON PAGE A9 pittsburghsymphony.org June 21-23 ONLY! HEINZ HALL USE CODE COURIER TO SAVE Join Principal Pops Conductor Byron Stripling and a stellar lineup of vocalists for an evening of classic hits from The Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, and more! STVP 8th Annual Black Tie Honors Gala STOP THE VIOLENCE PITTSBURGH LEADER B.MARSHALL, WITH THE LADIES OF FRO

New Horizon’s 32nd season ends with romantic comedy, ‘The

For New Pittsburgh Courier

Secrets, romance, love and the uplifting of womanhood are some of the themes tackled in Pearl Cleage’s play, "The Nacirema Society."

“They are celebrating 100 years of the society,” said director Eileen J. Morris, who has been working with New Horizon Theater Inc., for 25 years. The former Pittsburgh resident who currently resides in Houston, Tex., typically directs the theater’s season-ending production and is ecstatic to have been a part of the selection process to choose "The Nacirema Society" for the theater.

“The blessing is, we have a diverse array of stories we are telling, and it gives audiences a new perspective on life and that’s what art should do,” Morris told the New Pittsburgh Courier. “New Horizon has

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steadily been producing plays; they are constantly coming up with new things like the current partnership with the O’Reilly Theater. These collaborations open doors and allow the theater to explore new opportunities and form new relationships."

Set in the post-civil rights era in Montgomery, Alabama, "The Na-

cirema Society" tells the story of two Alabama families; the wealthy blue-blooded Dunbars and the blue-collar Campbell-Jacksons. The "Society" is a social club for well-to-do Black women in the deep South. Its core values are honor, elegance, and abstinence. Those universal topics are part of the reason New Horizon Theater decided to close its 32nd

season with the romantic comedy.

“We do historical plays and musicals, and 'The Nacirema Society' is a combination of all of that,” explained Joyce Meggerson-Moore, Chair of New Horizon Theater Inc. "We value our patrons, funders and actors. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to do this.”

The production, which

will be held at the Helen Wayne Rauh Rehearsal Hall inside the O’Reilly Theater, 621 Penn Ave., in the heart of Pittsburgh’s Cultural District, is running through June 16. Showtimes are: Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday Matinees at 3 p.m. Tickets are $35 for general admission, $30 for seniors aged 65 and over

and students aged 18 and up, and $20 for students in grades K-12. Group rates are available for groups of 10 or more. To purchase tickets, visit newhorizontheater.org, Dorsey’s on Frankstown Avenue in Homewood, or call 412-431-0773. The production will feature Dominique Briggs as Janet Logan; Tajionna Clinton as Lillie Cambell Jackson; Brenda Marks as Catherine Adams Green; Jeannie Foster-McKelvia as Grace Dubose Dunbar; Nickolas Page as Bobby Green; Karla C. Payne as Aloha Campbell Jackson; Shakira Stephens as Gracie Dunbar; Angelique A. Strothers as Marie Dunbar, and Cheryl El-Walker as Jessie Roberts.

“We are excited about this production like we are excited about all of our plays. We’re getting all these plays that I can’t pronounce this year,” said Meggerson-Moore with a laugh. “We started the season with Layon Gray’s 'WebeIme' and then we did 'Blues is the Roots' and we brought in the fabulous Manhattans featuring Gerald Alston for our annual event and now we’re ending our season with 'The Nacirema Society.' I’ve had a grammar lesson this whole season long.”

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WALKER SAYS: Our God has wonderful plans for US, Talk to Him and He WILL Answer YES, NO or Wait. RELIGION/METRO
Carson St. Pittsburgh,
15219 or email us:
that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of PEACE, and NOT OF EVIL, to give you an
Then shall you shall GO and PRAY unto
and I WILL
unto you.” - Jeremiah 29:11-12 REV.
Nacirema Society'

When you think you've got it all figured out...then this happens

:10—The NBA Finals are slated to start Thursday, June 6, in Boston at 8:30 p.m. Primetime for the NBA's showcase event, the legendary Boston Celtics and their 17 championships versus the upstart Dallas Mavericks and their unprecedented backcourt of Kyrie Irving and Luka Doncic. The key to the entire championship might be how well Jayson Tatum plays in tandem with Jaylen Brown and if Kristaps Porzingis can return from injury. I'm leaning toward the Mavericks and the unstoppable backcourt duo but it's truly too close to call. All that being said, you all know I'm a lifetime L.A. Lakers guy and if the Lakers ain't in it, it don't matter to me who wins. You heard me.

:09—What's with the women in the WNBA?

Here you have the golden goose, Caitlin Clark, the woman bringing the masses to your league, and if you think that's a load of malarkey, how about her Indiana Fever

team already surpassing last year's attendance figure....in five games! Compared to 20 last season. That's right, in five games they've beaten last year's attendance figure through 20 games. And everywhere she appears on the road it's a sellout. TV numbers are double last year's. Triple some nights. And all you got is a bunch of jealous gals fouling her left and right because she's gotten too much attention. Really? Listen to Sir Charles Barkley and get with the program. All the new, special things happening to you is because of the attention Caitlin Clark brings nightly. Wake up and smell the coffee. And the woman can flat-out ball. 'Nuff said.

:08—The LPGA had their U.S. Open this past weekend and, unfortunately, Nelly Korda did not triumph. She didn't even make the cut after getting a 10 on the par 3 10th hole on the first day and shooting an 80, 10 over par. She rebounded

nicely on Day 2, shooting an even par 70 on the rough Lancaster Country Club in Lancaster, Pa., but it wasn't enough as she missed the cut by two shots. Yuka Saso from Japan was the eventual champion, winning her second U.S. Open title by three shots at 4 under par. :07—All charges dropped

against PGA #1 golfer Scottie Scheffler after the misunderstanding at the U.S. Open a few weeks ago in Louisville. I think the idiotic arrest and the subsequent media frenzy cost Scottie his concentration and the Open but he will bounce back and claim the British Open title at Royal Troon in Scotland, July 18-21. Mark it.

:06—The Pittsburgh Pi-

rates' Big 4—Mitch Keller, Paul Skenes, Jared Jones and Bailey Falter continue to deal on a nightly basis with Kellar and Skenes looking like locks for the All-Star Game in Arlington, Texas. With a little more timely hitting and a bullpen that might get someone out once in a while, the Buccos could be looking at 3 pitchers going to the All-Star game, that's how good Bailey Falter has been this season.

:05—Speaking of hitting, where has Oneil Cruz been lately? Has anyone seen him? And Brian Reynolds, he of the .253 batting average, 8 home runs and 32 RBI, can ya maybe put together a good 5-6 game streak? You're getting paid $10 million this year and you need to step it up quite a bit. Good to see Ke'Bryan Hayes back from the Injured List, hope he can hold up for the rest of the season. Fingers crossed.

:04—Rowdy Tellez, our sometimes first baseman, went 3-4 on Sunday, June

2, with 4 RBI and is now batting a blistering .194 in 50 games with exactly 1 home run and 12 RBI. Please, we've seen enough, the Pirates are 27-32 heading into the series against the Dodgers on June 4-6, going nowhere fast with Tellez on the squad. Nick Gonzales is batting .308 and has shown a little power, and with his new batting stance, Henry Davis has hit 7 homers and driven in 17 runs in 23 games in Indianapolis and word on the street is he's heading back to the Pirates. Insert him in the lineup and dump Tellez immediately.

:03—I hear Kenny Pickett was tearing it up at the Eagles OTAs and if there is a more meaningless sports event than a football team's OTAs, I have yet to hear it. Tearing it up at the OTAs? In May?

Seriously? The Steelers also had their OTAs and that means exactly nothing to me. I'm sure Russell Wilson and Justin Fields were terrific as I'm sure George Pickens was

catching their passes. Everything else is just dust in the wind.

:02—Watched about an hour of the U.S. Championship Gymnastic event Sunday night, June 2, and Simone Biles looks like a lock for multiple Olympic Gold Medals in Paris. She did a lot of things no other female gymnast could do and looks calm, cool and collected, leading in every event and most likely leading the rest of the dazzling women's team to Olympic Gold.

:01—Saturday, June 8, the Edmonton Oilers will face off against the Florida Panthers in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Hockey Finals. If it goes all 7 games, the last game will end about midnight, Monday, June 26. That is just amazing. :00—Vote in November. Vote in November. Vote in November. GAME OVER.


There has to be an improvement this year at QB for the Steelers...right?

During the 2024 offseason and preseason, a percentage of fans, foes, media, and malcontents have had varying views regarding the lack of socalled competitive spirit in the current QB room of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

During the early days of the Russell Wilson signing, in the minds of a few and maybe the hearts of many, the acquisition of Wilson was strictly to come in and be a teacher and Gatorade fetcher for the overrated ex-Steelers and now Philadelphia Eagles QB Kenny Pickett. When that scenario failed to transpire and Kenny Pickett was not given the keys to the "yinzer" kingdom as the heir apparent, Pickett realized that he would not just be handed the job, listened to the "voices" inside and demanded a trade. I don’t know, did someone neglect to take their meds that day? Pickett obviously and mistakenly inflated his value as a first-round draft choice and banking on the premise that the Steelers would not honor the ludicrous request and eventually bow down and cave into his demands. In reality, what happened was that they immediately shipped him off to Philly, post-haste.

Nowadays, the storyline is centered around competition. Gone are the days when the performance expectations for Russell Wilson were minimal because Wilson was expected to come in to sculpt the talent of Kenny Pickett into a top-flight QB and then ride off into the sunset. But wait, there was no hemming and hawing about the competition then, was there? Have you ever been in a situation in the workplace when a per-

son many years younger than you was hired by the company that you worked for? After the new hire, you were then expected to train that person and prepare them to become your superior after they were trained. In addition to being promoted over you, their salary tripled yours. Many folks expected Russell Wilson to come in to start for maybe a season or an abbreviated season. After that short and unremarkable tenure and without a whimpering or whining, Kenny Pickett would ride into the concluded battle, a day late and a body short, counting the corpses of the opposing warriors lying lifeless out on the battlefield, eyes wide shut. All along, Kenny Pickett had been stationed at the rear of the battle observing and taking notes from the experienced and battle-tested General Russell Wilson, poised to stroll in at a moment's notice to relieve Wilson of his command after all of the blood, sweat, and tears battles were completed. Folks were not talking about a competition between Russell Wilson and Kenny Pickett because Pickett considered himself anointed and appointed, especially when compared to a bargain-basement, soon-to-be-washed-up, ex-Pro Bowl QB. Also financially, the Steelers wouldn’t lose much. See, it’s not that Justin Fields doesn’t respect the legacy

of Russell Wilson; it’s that he disrespects getting splinters in his gluteus maximus from riding the pine. Justin Fields wants to compete, not against Russell Wilson, but against himself. And I’ll bet you that neither one of them will fill up a five-gallon bucket with crocodile tears, refuse to dress, and put their pamper on if either wins the starting position. Now for the gladiator-like expectations from a few of the plasma-thirsty media with reserved press box seats and tickets...Picture them entering the stadium with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, waiting for the Russell Wilson-Justin Fields battle to begin. Zac Wassinck

recently posted this fantasy-based nugget of poopoo la-la on Yardbarker: "Steelers Insider Expands on Lack of Russell Wilson/ Justin Fields Competition." The zac attack posted a quote by Mark Kaboly of The Athletic. Kaboly offered the following observation: “Watching (Justin Fields) in these two weeks, sometimes he looks like (future Hall of Famer) Ben Roethlisberger out there, and sometimes he looks like Mark Malone out there." Kaboly continued: "To be honest with you, that's just how I view it. He needs some more work to be done. You can see the talent. He's easily the most athletic guy out there. I mean, he just makes people look like fools out there in this

setting. But you've got to be consistent, and that's what the issue was (when he was with the Chicago Bears from 2021-2023)."

I continue to regurgitate the following stat in various forms. If Justin Fields, who threw for 16 touchdowns in 2023, is considered inconsistent, then all of the Steelers QBs in 2023 who collectively threw for a paltry 13 touchdowns would have to be defined as "non-existent.” Zac also quoted NFL analyst Steven Ruiz of The Ringer. Mr. Ruiz is quoted as saying that he believes that the Steelers can be, "an 11-to-12-win football team" if they get "average" quarterback play this season. While plenty can happen between now and the first

day of September, Tomlin and company hope Wilson will give Pittsburgh what the club didn't have for the bulk of the 2023 campaign. The Steelers won 10 games with a depleted defense and a seedy offense. Do you mean to tell me that the Steelers cannot win two more games with Russell Wilson and Justin Fields to improve their 2024 won-loss record to 12-5? A few of these guys maybe had better steer clear of the MD-2020 and the Panama Red Gummy Bears, well, at least while they are covering professional football.


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People needing quick access to money will often turn to personal loans. Before taking out a loan, it is crucial to understand the different types of personal loans, when to consider them, how to use them responsibly, and strategies to secure the best interest rates.

Types of Personal Loans

Unsecured Personal Loans

Unsecured loans don’t require collateral, making them accessible to many borrowers. Lenders assume a greater risk, so the interest rates are typically higher than secured loans. Approval time can be immediate, and some restrictions on uses may apply.

Secured Personal Loans

Collateral, like a home, car, or savings account, is required to secure these loans. They often have lower interest rates due to reduced risk for the lender. Keep in mind that lenders can seize the property used for collateral if you cannot repay the loan.

Debt Consolidation Loans

These loans simplify repayment and may reduce payments by combining multiple debts into one loan. These loans help individuals manage debt more effectively, often providing lower interest rates than credit cards.

Joint or Cosigned


Joint or consigned loans involve two or more people responsible for repaying a loan. They are often used when one borrower’s creditworthiness or income alone may not be sufficient to secure favorable terms. All parties are equally responsible for the debt, sharing both the benefits and risks. For cosigned loans, a secondary individual with a stronger financial profile supports the primary borrower, acting as a guarantor for the loan.

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

BNPL loans are a con-

temporary financing option that allows consumers to make purchases and defer payments over time. Interest rates can be higher than traditional financing, and missed payments may incur late fees, impacting the overall cost of the purchase.  When to Consider Personal Loans

• Emergency Expenses. Personal loans can provide a financial safety net for unexpected medical bills, car repairs, or other emergencies.

• Debt Consolidation. Combining high-interest debts into a single loan with a lower rate can save money and simplify repayment.

• Home Improvement. Personal loans can be a cost-effective way to fund home renovations, enhancing the property’s value.

• Major Life Events. A personal loan may be appropriate to fund significant life events such as weddings, education, or moving expenses. How to Use Personal Loans Responsibly

Assess your financial situation to determine how much you can comfortably borrow and repay before applying for a loan. Factoring in interest rates, fees, and other associated costs. Carefully review the loan agreement, including interest rates, repayment terms, and any penalties for late payments, to ensure that the terms align with your financial goals and capabilities.

Exercise caution and steer clear of certain types of loans to avoid falling victim to predatory lending practices. Payday loans, for instance, are notorious for their exorbitant interest rates, often reaching triple digits annually.

These short-term, highcost loans can trap borrowers in a cycle of debt, making it challenging to repay the principal amount. Predatory lenders often target vulnerable individuals with poor credit or urgent financial needs, taking advantage of their desperation.  Paying loans on time

Worried because your bills are piling up? Scared because you don’t have enough saved for emergencies, college, or retirement? Confused when it comes to taxes, mortgages, investments, insurance and estate planning?

The aforementioned questions are questions I asked when marketing my financial planning and tax preparation service. It’s me appealing to what I already know. Most Americans are struggling financially. They’re worried and scared out of their minds. Consider these statistics:

According to a 2023 survey conducted by Payroll.org, 78 percent of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. This means that most Americans can’t realistically afford the house they live in or the car they’re driving.

CNN recently reported a 2024 Capital One Survey stating that 73 percent of Americans rank finance as their number 1 stress—more than politics (59 percent), work (49 percent) and family (46 percent).

A recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association indicates that as many as 8 of 10 Americans are stressed because of money concerns. In addition:

• 50 percent are stressed about their ability to provide for their family’s basic needs

• 56 percent are concerned about job stability and workload

• 60 percent feel angry and irritable


There are many reasons for opening a bank account. From depositing a check to making a transfer, working with a bank makes it seamless to manage your money in a safe way.

Opening up a bank account also makes it easier to pay bills on time, open a debit card, deposit and withdraw money from an ATM, and make transfers from an app, among many other things.

Whether you’re opening a bank account online or at a bank branch, it’s important to prepare and anticipate what information you will be asked for.


Checking Account

If you’re opening up a personal checking account, you will need to fill out an application form and provide the following documents:

1. Identification: You don’t need to be a U.S. citizen to open an account, but you need documents to verify your identity. These may vary slightly from bank to bank, but valid documents typically include: • A government-issued

photo ID. It could be a driver’s license, for example, or a state ID.

• Passport with photograph and birth certificate for minors.

• Social Security card or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). The Internal Revenue

Service (IRS) issues this identification number for those who do not have a Social Security Number. Having a Social Security Number to open a bank account is not mandatory. Some banks and credit unions may accept documents, such as a consular identification card with a photograph to verify iden-


2. Proof of address: An up-to-date and valid document showing the customer’s name and address. This information could be found in a utility or cable bill, for example—any payment document that provides both pieces of

• 53 percent feel fatigued • 53 percent say they lie awake at night with worry • 47 percent report having headaches • 35 percent report an upset stomach • 34 percent report increased muscle tension

Financial stress is a common experience for many individuals and occurs when there is a perceived imbalance between financial resources and financial demands. People become overwhelmed with their financial obligations and responsibilities. In other words, there’s more outgo than income. There’s more debt than assets. There’s a high utilization rate on credit cards. There’s an upside down balance on car loans. There’s an underwater situation with the house value relative to the mortgage balance. Financial stress can stem from job loss, too much debt, insufficient income, unexpected expenses, or an unstable financial situation. Financial stress can also be triggered by one of the “Dreadful Ds:” Divorce, Disability, or Death. Symptoms of financial stress may include difficulty sleeping, irritability,

information—or even the rental agreement for the apartment where you reside.

3. Money: When opening the account, you need to make an initial deposit, which can be the minimum required by the institution or more. You can deposit with cash, a check, or a transfer.

feelings of overwhelm, and an inability to focus on tasks. Prolonged exposure to financial stress can lead to anxiety and chronic health issues, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension and a weakened immune system. When you’re dealing with financial stress, it feels like you’re treading water. You can’t seem to get forward traction and momentum. It feels like the walls are caving in. All you can think about are the burdensome circumstances you’re dealing with. The solution is oftentimes obvious. You’re so mired in the problem you can’t see the solution. Below are a couple of examples: I recall receiving an inbox question. How can you save money when you have bad spending habits? My response. Fix the bad spending habits. Problem solved. I had another inbox question. The person stated, “I can’t get out of credit card debt no matter how hard I try.” I asked, “When was the last time you used your credit card?” They responded, “yesterday.” I replied, “You’ll never get out of credit card debt if you keep using your credit card. First thing you need to do is stop using your credit card.” Problem

Business Bank Account

If you’re opening a bank account for your business, make sure you prepare and bring the following documents with you:

1. Documents regarding the structure of your business detailing who is in charge of finances and how it operates. For corporations or LLCs, this may include articles of incorporation or articles of organization—anything about the company’s name, purpose, structure, and basic administration.

2. Ownership agreement outlining the rights and responsibilities of each business owner.

3. A certificate with the legal name of your business.

4. A business license if it is necessary to operate legally.

5. Personal identification of the business owner, similar to those required for individual accounts.

6. Employer Identification Number issued by the IRS.

7. Money for an initial deposit.

What questions should you ask the bank when

solved. I had a client who was having a hard time making ends meet. When I looked at the numbers, she was relatively frugal with her spending on herself. Her issue was that she was paying for living expenses for her adult child who was living in a nice luxury home in a warm sunny state with her boyfriend. Neither her daughter, nor the boyfriend worked. When I inquired about the arrangement, she replied, “She’s a sweet child. She can’t afford the place. I’m helping her out until she gets on her feet.” I replied, “That’s sweet of you. I wish my mom did that for me. Has it occurred to you that you can’t afford the place either?” I went into greater detail stating that it sounds like you’re enabling your daughter. “In addition, you’re jeopardizing your own financial well-being.” I could see her eyes tear up. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. She collected herself and came back. She said, “You’re right. I’m enabling her. I can’t afford it.” I need to make some changes. Problem solved. I share those stories to prove a point. Financial stress is often temporary and may be the result of specific financial challenges that can be addressed through practical solutions.

Financial stress can have a profound impact on physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

WWW.NEWPITTSBURGHCOURIER.COM New Pittsburgh Courier B Classifieds Find what you need from jobs to cars to housing B5-7 Only gifted students can correctly answer: How do you equalize a forest? J. Pharoah Doss Page B4 JUNE 5-11, 2024 SEE DAMON CARR B2 Easy, safe and for everyone: The essentials of opening a bank account SEE LOANS B2 Types, considerations and best practices Money-related stress weighing you down? Making personal loans work for you SEE BANK ACCOUNT B2 Many banks have financial experts who can recommend different strategies and investment products to grow your money over the years.

Making personal loans work for you

is fundamental to maintaining a positive credit history and financial stability, building a good credit score, and preventing late fees and penalties. While meeting the minimum payment is essential to avoid penalties, allocating additional funds toward the principal amount reduces the overall interest paid over the life of the loan. By making extra payments, you can expedite the journey toward financial freedom, freeing up resources for other priorities.

Getting the Best Interest Rates

There are several steps you can take to ensure the best interest rates, including:

• Check Your Credit Score. Get a copy of your credit report, address any inaccuracies, and take steps to improve your credit score before apply-

ing. Borrowers with better credit scores typically receive better interest rates.

• Shop Around. Use online tools to compare interest rates, fees, and terms from multiple lenders to find the most favorable terms.

• Consider a Cosigner. Having a cosigner with a strong credit score may help secure a lower interest rate if your credit history is poor.

• Negotiate with Lenders. Don’t hesitate to negotiate terms with lenders by highlighting your creditworthiness and financial stability.  Personal loans can be valuable in achieving your financial goals if you carefully evaluate your financial situation, consider alternatives, secure the best possible terms, and use them responsibly.

Black Wall Street may soon be granted national monument status

The Senate is considering a bipartisan bill that would give Black Wall Street national monument status, ABC News reports.

In 1921, Tulsa’s then-thriving Greenwood District, known by many as Black Wall Street, was destroyed by a White mob during a massacre that left an estimated 300 Black people dead and businesses and homes burned to the ground. A bill to grant Black Wall

For New Pittsburgh Courier Social Security is here for you when you travel, whether you’re in the United States or in another country. Our online services page at www.ssa. gov/onlineservices pro-

Street national monument status was introduced by Senators Cory Booker and James Lankford. Tulsa Race Massacre defendants and advocacy group leaders met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to advocate for the bill ahead of a hearing on Wednesday (May 15). Written testimony from Tiffany Crutcher, head of the Terence Crutcher Foundation, and Reuben Gant, executive director of the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation was

added to the congressional record. The Historic Greenwood District Black Wall Street National Monument Coalition said national mon-

ument status would “help catalyze the resurgence of this economic and cultural hub after the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre gutted one of the most remarkable

Use Social Security online while

vides you with a wide variety of self-service options you can use on your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Through our online services, you can:

• Find out if you qualify for benefits.

success stories that America has ever seen.”

“May 31, 2024, marks 103 years since the start of a ruthless effort to wipe Black Wall Street off the map — and a state-sponsored campaign to erase it from America’s memory,” the group said in a statement. “With one voice, we stress to this subcommittee that the time is now to help us preserve the rich heritage and lessons that make this community such an indelible part of our nation’s story.”


With two remaining survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre — Viola Fletcher, 110, and 109-yearold Lessie Benningfield Randle — the group urged Congress to act quickly on the bill.

“Fortunately, there are still massacre survivors who are alive and eager to witness Congress take a historic step toward making the Greenwood community whole. But we’re running out of time,” the coalition said.

• Get your Social Security Statement.

• Request a replacement Social Security card.

• Appeal a decision. Do you receive Social Security benefits or Medicare? If so, you can create

• Apply for Social Security retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits.

or log in to your personal my Social Security account to:

• Get your benefit verification letter.

• Check your information and benefit amount.

• Change your address and telephone number.

• Start or change your

direct deposit.

• Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season.

• Report your wages if you work and receive disability benefits or SSI.

Create a personal my Social Security account today at www.ssa.

gov/myaccount to take advantage of these easy-touse features. Also, please share our online services page with family and friends who need this important information.

(Josh Grant is Social Security District Manager in Pittsburgh, PA)

Easy, safe and for everyone: The essentials of opening a bank account

opening an account? Before walking into a bank branch, have a list of questions prepared to help you determine which account will work best for you and your financial needs. Some of those questions may be:

1. What are your monthly maintenance fees, and how can I avoid those fees?

2. Are there any fees associ-

ated with different services, including ATM fees within and outside the network, or overdraft fees, and how can they be reduced or eliminated?

3. What is your process for accessing funds from abroad?

4. Do you have any current offers or discounts with opening accounts or credit cards?

5. What is your current interest rate for depositing into a savings account?

6. For a business banking ac-

count, what are the monthly transaction limits? And what additional banking services would I have access to, including loans, credit cards and line of credit?

What if you want to save for a few years from now?

Whether it’s to prepare for retirement, or maximize the return on cash for a down payment on a house, many banks have financial experts who can recommend different strate-

Money-related stress

Addressing financial stress involves a combination of practical financial management strategies and psychological coping mechanisms. Here are several effective ways to combat financial stress.

Assess Your Financial Situation: The first step in combating financial stress is to thoroughly assess your financial situation.

Create a Budget: Budgeting is a fundamental tool in managing financial stress. A wellplanned budget helps ensure that your spending aligns with your financial goals.

Build an Emergency Fund: An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net, providing peace of mind and reducing stress.

Manage Debt Effectively: Debt is a major source of financial stress. Managing and eliminating debt will turn stress into peace.

Increase Financial Literacy: Improving your financial literacy can empower you to make informed decisions and reduce financial stress.

Adopt Healthy Financial Habits: Developing healthy financial habits can help you stay on track and reduce stress.

Address the Psychological Aspect: Financial stress isn’t just about numbers. It also has significant psychological components because it involves people and things you’re emotionally connected to.

Explore Additional Income Sources: Increasing your income can significantly alleviate financial stress. Practice Gratitude and Contentment: Cultivating a sense of gratitude and contentment can help shift your focus from what you lack to what you have.

Seek Professional Help When Necessary: If financial stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek pro-

gies and investment products to grow your money over the years. Choose to work with a financial advisor who you can create a strong relationship with and are comfortable expressing concerns and expectations. Keep in mind in some cases, financial advisors may receive a commission deducted from a percentage of the assets they manage for their client and/or charge transaction fees.

All banks offer online access, but not all banks have branches. While digital banking, whether online or with an app, makes managing your finances convenient, having access to a physical branch where you can sit down with someone to discuss your personal or business financing needs may make all the difference.

fessional help. Combating financial stress requires a comprehensive approach that combines practical financial management with psychological resilience. By taking proactive steps to manage your finances, increasing your financial literacy, and addressing the emotional aspects of financial stress, you can achieve greater financial stability and peace of mind. (Damon Carr, Money Coach can be reached @ 412-2161013 or visit his website @ www.damonmoneycoach.com) BUSINESS B2 JUNE 5 -11, 2024 NEW PITTSBURGH COURIER DAMON CARR FROM B1
weighing you down?

Guest Editorial

It’s time to celebrate LGBTQ Pride and all Americans should join the party

It’s that time of the year when tens of thousands of individuals who are part of the LGBTQ community, along with family members, advocates and friends, take over the District for the annual celebration of gay pride.

With the pandemic behind us and folks finally able to “get their groove on,” this year’s two-week celebration promises to be a rainbow-colored cornucopia of parades, parties, panels, potlucks and plenty of pomp and circumstance.

Pride is a family reunion during which gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender—and other distinctions that have extended the “gay alphabet”—come together in love and friendship.

However, it’s important to remember that homophobia and legal and social oppression of the LGBTQ community continue to exist in our “land of the free.” In fact, the gay movement began in the 1950s because of the extremely repressive laws that penalized and ostracized those who dared to live outside of heterosexual norms.

With last week’s Black Pride events now over and with the District anticipating the kickoff of Capital Pride, LGBTQ Americans face an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ restrictions which target gender identity. These restrictions include bans on gender-affirming care and teacher constraints on LGBTQ topics, to transgender rights.

But what’s the big deal about LGBTQ rights?

After all, according to a Gallup poll conducted in 2022, only 7.2 percent of U.S. adults identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or “something other than heterosexual.” Even while other polls suggest that number may be slightly higher, closer to 10 percent according to Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), that’s still just a slice of America’s total adult population, which numbered 258.3 million according to the 2020 U.S. Census.

When we look back over the past 100 years, pride has always been about achieving equal rights and justice in America for LGBTQ individuals. However, even beyond LGBTQ pride, values taught from childhood teach the importance of individual pride.

Consider for a moment the songs that you learned during your first years of school or even when you first joined the Cub Scouts or Brownies. One of the more popular songs that children still learn and sing today is “Proud to Be Me.”

The song goes:

“I’m proud to be me, but I also see, you’re just as proud to be you.

We may look at things a bit differently, but lots of good people do.

It’s just human nature so why should I hate you, for being human as I?

We’ll get and we’ll give, and we’ll live and let live, and we’ll all get along if we try.

I’m proud to be me, but I also see, you’re just as proud to be you.

It’s true! You’re just as proud to be you.”

Such truth and wisdom come out of the mouth of babes.

It’s time to celebrate LGBTQ pride . . . and all Americans should attend the party.

(Reprinted from The Washington Informer)

It brings no joy

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—When I think about all the misery Donald Trump has brought to our nation—especially to women, people of color, and those of us who take pride in being Progressives who’ve been fighting for better lives for our people as he made life worse.  Yet, I feel sorry for those who enabled him—some of whom I thought were better people. I know that 34 guilty counts for anything in court sounds like a lot— especially when someone has run smoothly, without penalty, for all he has deliberately done to hurt others, including his own family.

Mary Trump, his niece has stood up and tried to warn us who Donald Trump really is.  People who were well thought of at one time, such as Atty. Alan Dershowitz, who earlier called it one of the weakest cases he’d ever seen.

Alvin Bragg Jr., Manhattan District Attorney, was taunted and threatened with a baseball bat by Trump when Bragg decided to try the case against him.  Several lawyers, including people who should have been encouraging D.A. Bragg, were complaining about how weak the case was. Well, D.A. Bragg persisted, and left many of the critics in shock when the Jury announced 34 counts as GUILTY!

New York v. Donald Trump is the first time any of us could ever believe Trump would have to pay for his sins.

Even if the case is unfairly overturned someday, at least for a brief time, he had to know what it is like to mistreat so many people. So many had believed he would never suffer for a day for his lying, cheating, falsely accusing others when he was the guilty one, disobeying the law because he thought he was immune to punishment of any kind.

Writing about Trump’s behavior brings no joy because I know what offensive lessons he taught to young people, to racists who cheered him on knowing what he so often did would hurt someone, to political leaders who urged him to do what they knew was wrong, who couldn’t do the job they were elected to do because they were afraid to differ.

Every time I saw Senator Tim Scott and Representative Byron Donalds cheer Trump on in all of his wrong-doing, I cringed because I knew no real Black man would be so supportive of the misery Trump continuously caused to others.

Trump now holds the distinction of being the FIRST U.S. PRESIDENT


Still elected officials in the Republican Party immediately began lining up in defense of Trump and began calling for the Supreme Court to overturn the conviction! This came after Trump lashed out at the judge, who by the way, gave him the longest rope to hang himself while in court! Once convicted, it didn’t take him long to lash out at the Prosecutors and the Jury that convicted him. I remind you that it was Trump who wished the worst for our dear sister, Marilyn Mosby—who truly does deserve a pardon after all the great work she’s done for her community. (Sign the support petition at www. JusticeforMarilynMosby.com. Compare the behavior of the two, and you will see a true champion for the people in Ms. Mosby, but see someone in Donald Trump who deserves no sympathy for his efforts to overturn our Democracy, as well as life choices for women, and wreck racial progress by overturning Diversity, Inclusion and Equity that was bringing some measure of justice to non-White people and women.

For once in life, at least The Donald has learned he’s not in charge. We’ll see if the Supreme Court has the guts to uphold his convictions. We, the people can play a part in teaching him a lesson when we go to the polls to vote!

(Dr. E. Faye Williams, President of The Dick Gregory Society.)

Project 2025 is an attack on Black people

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—Project 2025 is a conservative manifesto if a Republican is elected President in 2024.  Crafted by the Heritage Foundation, the 900-page book comprehensively addresses every agency that the President can influence, with suggestions for the agencies that should be eliminated or altered.  It is an attack on our merit-based civil service system, suggesting that presidential appointees should replace long-term civil servants.  African Americans should note that we are overrepresented in the federal workforce—18.2 percent compared to 12.6 percent of the total population.   Whites are also overrepresented, being 61 percent of the federal workforce, compared to 59 percent of the overall population.  Hispanics (using the federal designation) are the most underrepresented of any population.  Interestingly, if Project 2025 and Project 47 had their way, we would not even know these numbers.  They’ve both proposed stopping counts by race, as they want our society to be “color blind”.

While Project 2025 was put together by the Heritage Foundation, it reeks of the 45th President.  Many of his loyalists and former employees have contributed to the volume.  For example, Dr. Ben Carson wrote the chapter on HUD, Peter Navarro, another Trump crony who was, among other things, Assistant to the President, authored a chapter on trade.  Incidentally, Navarro is currently serving jail time for contempt of Congress.  But the 45th President says that, if elected, he would “absolutely” bring Navarro back.  You can dive into the volume, replete with an authoritarianism recidivism, by checking it out at project2025.org.

While the African American community is not mentioned explicitly (except for the mandate to eliminate affirmative action and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts), the policies that Project 2025 are aligned with conservative policy.  Project 2025 would cut spending in education,

housing assistance, and other areas where African Americans and others frequently benefit.  The project would also reduce government regulation, especially in labor markets.  Project 2025 is a comprehensive attack on contemporary government organization, and it also has a component that is actively seeking the most conservative people to populate a new Republican administration. The former President goes even further than Project 2025, since the Heritage Foundation is a tax-exempt organization that cannot support any particular candidate.  Project 47 comes from the Trump Administration and embraces much of Project 2025, but also more aggressively addresses the Department of Justice, which would be weaponized to get revenge on President Biden (even though he didn’t do anything to the former president) by going after him for offenses, real or imagined.  Project 47 would actually establish the next Republican president as a dictator who can hire and fire at will, eliminate agencies at will, and do whatever he wants.

The plan would weaken or eliminate the Department of Education, sending some federal funds, especially Title I funds that are targeted toward low-income students, back to the states.  While President Biden has attempted student debt relief, the next President would eliminate those efforts.  Other discretionary funds that the Secretary of Education can grant will also be cut under Project 2025.

Project 2025 reeks of Christian conservatism, describing our nation as one with “Judeo-Christian values”.  From that perspective, the agenda emphasizes

the “traditional family”, perhaps excluding the majority of the population.  It would also impose work requirements on Medicaid, but where would those affected work, and how much would they be paid?  The Project 2025 document would shred the safety net, leaving the poor to fend for themselves, ignoring employment discrimination and the structural inequities that result in the poverty that so many people experience. Reproductive rights? Forget about it.  Project 2025 would reduce abortion access and even criminalize abortion is some cases.  It’s “leave it to the states” perspective could mean that more than half of all women would have no access to reproductive medical services. In the past month or so we have seen a number of weather challenges that are related to climate change—tornadoes, hurricanes, extreme heat.  But Project 2025 would gut climate policy and roll back the Inflation Reduction Act.  Since Black people live closes to pollution sources and have disproportionate health effects from climate issues, ignoring climate issues is an attack on Black people.  And let’s not talk about voting rights.  Project 2025 would tighten voting regulations, perhaps eliminating early voting and mail voting, imperiling the African Americans voter franchise. Project 2025 began in 2022 and was released in book form last year as A Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  It lays out a frightening Republican agenda, a reversal of many of the hard-won victories of the past several decades.  I’d like for some of the Black Americans who think our 45th president “wasn’t so bad”, to read the book and govern themselves accordingly.  President Biden likes to say that democracy is on the ballot.  He should also say that economic justice, health access, and educational equity are also on the line.

(Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an economist and author based in Washington, DC.  Juliannemalveaux.com)

Justice Alito sullies the integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court

of gifts.

John. H. Sengstacke

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—“Professional baseball would never allow an umpire to continue to officiate the World Series after learning that the pennant of one of the two teams competing was flying in the front yard of the umpire’s home. Nor would an umpire be allowed to call balls and strikes in a World Series game after the umpire’s wife tried to get the official score of a prior game in the series overthrown and canceled out to benefit the losing team. If judges are like umpires, then they should be treated like umpires, not team owners, team fans or players.” – U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin

When the U.S. Supreme Court unveiled its so-called Code of Conduct late last year, I said it would do nothing to restrain unethical behavior by the Justices.

Justice Samuel Alito has wasted no time in proving me right.

The upside-down flag—a symbol of allegiance to the Big Lie about the 2020 election—displayed at Alito’s home in January 2021 violates even the watered-down provisions of the code and disqualifies him from the Jan. 6 cases that are before the court. His feeble explanation, that it was his wife’s decision to fly the flag and she denied his requests to take it down. According to the code, “A Justice should disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the Justice’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned,” including such instances in which the Justice’s spouse is

known by the Justice to have an interest in the outcome of the proceeding.

Even if Alito does not share his wife’s false beliefs about the 2020 election, he can hardly argue that her interest is not known to him. Lest her decision to fly that flag—if, indeed, it was solely her decision—be dismissed as a fleeting whim of passion, another symbol of loyalty to Trump’s lies, flew over the Alito’s vacation home as recently as last summer. These partisan displays, and Alito’s obstinate refusal to recuse himself, are merely the latest examples of Alito’s corruption and contempt for ethical standards.  He accepted the gift of a luxury fishing trip with a billionaire whose hedge fund has repeatedly had business before the court, and failed to disclose it. The Code of Conduct says justices “should comply” with regulations that prohibit judicial officers from accepting gifts “from anyone who is seeking official action from or doing business with the court” and require the disclosure

He is credibly suspected of leaking to conservative activists his ruling in 2014’s Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, exempting private companies from regulations in the case of religious objections.  Another of his rulings, in 2022’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization also was leaked. While Alito’s behavior clearly violates the court’s Code of Conduct, as I noted in November the code lacks any enforcement mechanism. In fact, “adapting” the federal judiciary’s code of conduct, the court conspicuously dropped word “enforce” from the opening section.

U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin makes a convincing argument that the Department of Justice can petition the other justices to require Alito’s recusal under the due process clause of the U.S. Constitution and a federal statute that mandates judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality.

But the other justices, as Raskin notes, do not need to wait for such a petition. Alito’s past behavior already has made a mockery of judicial ethics; his refusal to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election is just another slap in the fact to the American people.  If his fellow justices do not step up to their constitutional obligation to require his recusal, they will be a party to his mockery.

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To Be Equal
H. Morial Julianne Malveaux

Nature is for ALL

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—When Rodney Smith’s uncle invited him to go to Sedona for a hike, Rodney, who is Black, said to himself, “Hiking? That sounds like something White people do.” Rodney went on the hike. And it changed his life.

“I loved everything about it. I loved the scenery. I loved being outdoors. I had that wonderment of a kid… I said, ‘this is my new thing,’ and I got out and started hiking on my own.”

This was following Rodney’s release from prison in October 2021, after serving 9 years on a 12-year sentence. Rodney says, “I was forced to reconsider everything about my life, about my thinking, about the man I was and the man I wanted to become. I realized that a lot of what I had been doing was because it was expected, and it was what everyone else was doing. I hadn’t really figured out who I was and when I got out, I told myself I was going to start trying new things.”

He did start trying new things. In addition to taking up hiking, he started eating a plantbased diet—partially inspired by the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Bible, who “looked healthier and better nourished” after 10 days of eating only vegetables than any of the young men who ate from the king’s table. On his ninth day of eating vegan, Rodney was on line at a store describing to someone how he felt “brighter and more energized” from his diet.

A woman overheard and invited him to a community garden in South Phoenix, where Rodney is from.

Again, Rodney thought to himself, “this couldn’t be for me.” He says, “gardening seemed like something for Martha Stewart… a suburban soccer mom activity.”

But when he arrived at the garden, he was immediately overwhelmed by the beauty and the connection he felt.

When Rodney received his prison sentence, he did not cry. When he was inside and his father and both his grandmothers passed away, he did not cry. When he opened himself up to the connection with nature he felt in the garden, run by Phoenix’s Tiger Mountain Foundation, he finally cried. “I’ve heard, ‘if you’re not crying, you’re not healing’ … I found a lot of healing in the garden. That feeling of connection made me say, ‘oh my gosh, I feel like this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.’”

Now Rodney does community outreach for the Tiger Mountain Foundation, which works to empower communities through shared-use community gardens and other cultivated “spaces of opportunity.” And he volunteers with his church’s Adventurers Club, part of the church’s youth ministry.

When Rodney left prison, he felt like he could not go back home to South Phoenix, a particularly under-resourced part of the city, because there was nothing good there for him. Now he says, “with the garden spaces I work in, I don’t leave South Phoenix … and I am one of the community leaders helping to provide resources and opportunity to people who are like I was. I see people come to the garden and shed those tears just like I did. I see people struggling with anxiety and depression and addiction, they come to the garden and they find tranquility and peace. People find their sobriety in the garden; people find their purpose in the garden.”

We know that many people of color, and especially Black people, face unique barriers to enjoying nature. We often have less access to parks and green spaces due to where we live. And we face discrimination. You might recall the story of Christian Cooper, the Black bird watcher who had the police called on him for simply requesting that a White woman leash her dog—which she was legally required to do— in New York’s Central Park. The gravity of that racist incident, in which the woman who called the police lied and said Cooper was threatening her, was driven home by George Floyd’s murder at the hands of the police in Minnesota later that same day, Memorial Day 2020. For all the barriers Black people face, we should not let social stigmas and stereotypes infect our own minds and keep us from the benefits of nature and being outdoors. That is one reason Rodney Smith’s story is so important. It not only speaks to the healing power of nature, but to the power of challenging absurd stereotypes about where different kinds of people “belong.” Rodney Smith stepped outside his comfort zone to challenge stereotypes that said nature and outdoor activities were not for people like him.

There are opportunities to connect with nature everywhere in the country, even in big cities. For example, the Chicago Park District’s Outdoor and Environmental Education Unit has nature programs for all ages that include camping, fishing, and gardening. Its Nature Oasis program provides outdoor experiences and environmental education to nearly 18,000 city residents a year. Another option might be finding a local community organization like Phoenix’s Tiger Mountain Foundation or connecting with an outings group through your Sierra Club state chapter or other environmental organizations. And thanks to important federal initiatives, like the US Department of Agriculture’s $1 billion urban forestry investment to expand access to trees and green spaces (made possible by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act), even more opportunities could be on the way. (Ben Jealous is the Executive Director of the Sierra Club and a Professor of Practice at the University of Pennsylvania.)

In the first half of the 20th century, educators assigned children who performed above grade level to higher grades. By the 1950s, psychologists wanted to provide a more developmentally appropriate setting than putting younger students in classrooms with older kids.

The new model would pair advanced learners with kids their own age.

The Soviet Union launched the world’s first satellite in 1957. The United States felt it was falling behind the Soviets in space technology, so Congress passed the National Defense Education Act of 1958.

As part of a national effort to improve the next generation’s math and science abilities, the NDEA intended to offer financing to identify gifted students and provide them with a distinct education.

In the 1960s, Seattle Public Schools established the Accelerated Primary Program for exceptional students. Over time, Seattle’s original gifted program morphed into the Highly Capable Cohort schools. HCC eventually included three high schools, five middle schools, and three primary schools. HCC schools specialized in accelerated learning; hence, the curriculum was one to two years ahead of the student’s grade level, depending on the subject.

During the 1970s, when racial integration was a national priority, a Seattle parent committee was tasked with ensuring that exceptional students were not grouped together in racially segregated classrooms.

In 2021, Seattle Public Schools made national headlines when it announced its plan to phase out Highly Capable Cohort Schools by the 2027–28 school year. Were Seattle’s gifted schools failing to improve the capabilities of the next generation? No. Were Seattle’s gifted schools racially segregated? Of course not. However, critics claimed that the gifted schools lacked diversity. The majority of gifted children were White and Asian; critics complained that Black and Hispanic students were underrepresented. The term “underrepresented” describes a statistical difference that illustrates racial inequality. However, the statistical

(TriceEdneyWire.com)—During a television interview, a Republican lawmaker was once asked is there anything about then-President Barack Obama you liked. He quickly responded, by stating he liked the fact that Obama was a family man.

The same sentiment was reinforced years earlier by former Senator John McCain during the 2008 presidential campaign. During an October 10, 2008, town hall event in Lakeville, Minnesota, a person in attendance told McCain that she could not trust Obama. The woman called Obama “an Arab” at the height of the conspiracy theory movement claiming Obama was not a natural-born citizen and therefore ineligible to be president.

“No ma’am, he’s a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about,” McCain said to the town hall crowd.

The exchange came to be viewed as a defining moment in McCain’s long political career. The Washington Post named it one of McCain’s most courageous political moments. The exchange illustrates how political opponents on the campaign trail can maintain degrees of respect and civility toward each other. Unfortunately, our political environment has evolved. The idea of maintaining basic respect and civility among lawmakers is no longer commonplace. Secondly, Sen. McCain highlighted how love of family is one thing we all have in common. Whether it is a White social conservative family in rural America or a Black progressive family from the inner city, people of all political persuasions can relate to each other in regards to the fondness and support they have for their families.

Having a president who is a strong family man meant something at one point in time, particularly to those who prided themselves in promoting “God, family and country”. This was true even when the president was a so called hated demo-

Trump’s base can break up and Trump can fall. But that would not, by a long shot, be the end of the open White rightwing reaction now surging across the USA.  Waiting in the wings are Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and other self-appointed Trump heirs.  They are ready and praying for Trump to fall. Trump’s is not monolithic.  Trump is not super human. The Soviet Union fell. Trump’s base can break up and Trump can fall from right-wing grace.  Remember, US polls and expert political pundits predicted Hillary Clinton would beat Barack Obama in 2008 and later Clinton would beat Trump in 2016. These White experts can’t predict White America!

Monitor the US right, a hard, bitter argument is raging in Trump’s base. It will grow. The right will try to keep it on the QT.  Trump did not create the White right. He capitalized on the boiling White re-

difference may not exactly reflect reality.

Seattle Public Schools had 51,992 students in 2022–23. The demographic breakdown was as follows: 45 percent white, 15 percent Black, 14 percent Hispanic, 13 percent “two or more races,” and 12 percent Asian.

The gifted schools had a total of 5,727 students, accounting for 11 percent of the total. 52 percent were White, 3.4 percent were Black, 8.2 percent were Hispanic, 20 percent identified as “two or more races,” and 16 percent were Asian.

Racial equity is achieved when each racial group’s rate of involvement in a certain activity corresponds to its total percentage of the population.

Since Whites account for 45 percent of the entire student population but 52 percent of gifted school students, those who advocate for racial equity believe that White students are overrepresented.

Black students make up 15 percent of the overall student population, while only 3.4 percent of Blacks are gifted school students. This shows a major underrepresentation. In hard numbers, 15 percent of 51,992 total students equals 7,800 Black students, yet 3.4 percent of 5,727 gifted students equates to only 171 Black students.

Because Black students account for 15 percent of the total school population, proponents of racial equity say Black students should likewise account for 15 percent of gifted schools. 15 percent of the 5,727 total gifted population would equal 855 Black students.

Since there are numerous variables that contribute to racial differences, the notion that racial participation rates should match the racial group’s total population is wishful thinking. Only those

crat named Barack Obama. Never before has a former president been convicted of a crime before now. When it comes to his supporters, the content of a president’s character no longer matters when that president is named Donald Trump. When Trump was found guilty of trying to influence the 2016 election by falsifying payment to a porn star to buy her story of an affair, some viewed the verdict through a political lens while others viewed it strictly through a judicial lens. In 1998, conservatives were not hesitant in viewing the scandal involving former president Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky from a moral lens. So far, Trump has managed to dodge the judicial and moral scrutiny from his fellow Republicans and a large amount of the electorate. Everything to them is political to their advantage.

MAGA Republicans can’t have it both ways by embracing the phrase “God, family and country” while promoting conspiracy theories that undermine religion, family values and patriotism. They also can not embrace conspiracy theories that seeks to destroy the confidence and trust in the American judicial system. A Trump campaign memo contained talking points for Republican lawmakers suggesting they call the case against Trump a sham, hoax, witch hunt and election interference. Republicans have abandoned their most deeply held principles that they can no longer, with any amount of credibility, call themselves the party of family values, defenders of the Constitution and the party of “law and order”. What would have been the reaction from the MAGA

who subscribe to Ibram X. Kendi’s philosophy, which holds that racial disparities demonstrate systemic racism, condemn Seattle’s gifted schools for a lack of diversity.

The facts are that the percentage of each racial group at Seattle’s gifted schools corresponded with the percentage of students in each racial group who passed the required exams to be declared gifted, but because there were only 171 Black students instead of 855, all gifted schools had to be closed to correct this racial inequality.

Many Black Seattle parents opposed the closure of gifted schools. These Black parents requested that Seattle Public Schools do more work to identify Black students who qualify for gifted schools. A Black father urged the Seattle School Board to investigate the potential negative impact of gifted school closures on currently enrolled Black students. He also underlined that gifted schools benefit Black children, especially Black boys, more than their peers.

Starting in 2024–25, Seattle’s public schools will introduce their “whole classroom model” to replace gifted schools. The new model will provide individual learning plans for each student in the same classroom, with no additional professional support. The “whole classroom model” aims to tackle underrepresentation by acknowledging the potential for giftedness in all students, irrespective of their ability.

Emma Camp of Reason Magazine stated, “When school districts get rid of advanced offerings in a bid to reduce racial inequality, they end up doing the opposite of what they claim to intend. While wealthier families can move to better school districts or enroll their children in private schools, smart—yet poor—kids end up getting stuck in “equitable” classrooms that leave them understimulated and ignored.”

Ask someone, “How do you equalize a forest?”

They won’t know, but if you ask gifted students in Seattle, they will all correctly answer: with an axe.

crowd if it were Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton who was convicted of 34 felony charges? The U.S. Senate and House are running out of John McCain type Republicans who have the political courage to place the country first rather than succumb to conspiracy theories regarding a “rigged” system. It took 12 Manhattan jurors only a few days to go behind doors, deliberate and come up with a unanimous decision concerning Donald Trump’s guilt. It is safe to say that those jurors were objective and serious when looking at the facts and evidence through a judicial lens. The bet from the Trump camp figured at least one juror would be political in reviewing the evidence that the former president committed adultery and tried to hide it from the public to avoid losing a presidential election. The one juror never materialized.

In November, the American voters are not deciding the outcome of a criminal trial, but they are choosing if a convicted felon will become president of the United States. As a convicted felon, Trump would be banned from 37 countries should he be elected president. Some of those countries include several of America’s strongest allies such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Israel and Mexico.  Whether you agree or disagree with the verdict, the process was performed according to the law. The election process will be the same. No rigged verdict and no rigged election results. As voters, we too are jurors. We need to be objective in considering the facts involving the case, and what it would mean to the credibility of our nation to have a convicted criminal felon elected head of state and commander-in-chief.

(David W. Marshall is the founder of the faith-based organization, TRB: The Reconciled Body, and author of the book God Bless Our Divided America. He can be reached at www. davidwmarshallauthor.com.)

action that was always there. But before Trump barged on the scene, the so-called mainstream American news media laughed at US right wing reaction, dismissed it, and called it the “the fringe.” Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald J. Trump among others were called “the fringe.”’   In the immediate hours after the historic May 30, 2024 “Guilty” verdict, the Trump base was loud and bold. But five months of internal bitter arguments are facing these folks over their Number One worry: What does a convicted Donald Trump, with more state and federal trials in front of him, mean for their

future right-wing interests of “White Wealth, White Power, White Privilege and White Status?” That is not just over subjective ideas, but over food on their table, their mortgage, their health


that is their

collective European American

ests. I agree with the overwhelming dominant



in the



Still, that

shatter by internal division.  What would that mean for the local Black community in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and in the U.S. Pennsylvania 12th congressional district?   We need our own African American Roundtables, Think Tanks, PAC, and networks to battle with that and with everything else White right-wing reaction throws at us.  Trump can fall and his base can break up.

national Black community. Trump’s hard-core base
White fanatics produced
400-plus years
White racism.
base can
Only gifted students can correctly answer: How do you equalize a forest?
The next jurors are the American voters J. Pharoah Doss Check It Out Fred Logan Commentary Trump’s base can break up!
of us

if any, of all persons who are parties to the registration are: Bruce & Bonnie Preisser- 4105 Lee Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044


Estate of JOYCE VARGO, 32 Roxbury Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15221, Estate No. 0224-02942., Executor, William S. Vargo, 254 Cascade Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15221, or to William C. Price, Jr., Price & Associates, P.C., 2005 Noble Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Estate of SABLE, JACK, L, Deceased of Pittsburgh, Estate No. 02995 of 2024, JACK D. SABLE, 116 PINEVIEW RD., BADEN PA, 1005 AND JEFFREY B. SABLE, 307 OVERBROOK RD, VALENCIA, PA 16059 AND JAY C. SABLE, 240 DOGWOOD CR, W COLUMBIA, SC 29170, Co-Exec, or to MICHAEL J. SALDAMARCO, ESQ., STE. 100, 908 PERRY HWY., PITTSBURGH, PA 15229

Estate of HUFF, RICHARD, F, Deceased of Pittsburgh, Estate No. 03215 of 2024, Lori Larkin, 2704 College Park RD, Allison Park, PA 15101, Exec, or to MICHAEL J. SALDAMARCO, ESQ., STE. 100, 908 PERRY HWY., PITTSBURGH, PA 15229




The Professional Services Committee of the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority will hold a special meeting for general purposes on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. prevailing time, in the Trefz Board Room at its offices located at 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15233. Official action on the Committee’s recommendations will take place at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors at a later date. The public may view the meeting via livestream by visiting www.alcosan.org.



Urban Design/Planning - Regional historic preservation and economic development organization requests Qualifications relative to any or all of the following: 1) site and building assessments at a neighborhood level, 2) infrastructure assessments and public space improvements, 3) market analysis, 4) site reuse vision, 5) revitalization plans, 6) individuals available for assignment, 7) working with multiple stakeholders and the public and building consensus, 8) minority and women-owned businesses participation, and 9) Method and/or rates of compensation. Within thirty days of publication of this notice, firms/individuals should send Qualifications as outlined above to: Young Preservationists Association, 700 River Avenue, Suite 318, Pittsburgh, PA 15212.




Bids are hereby solicited for the Community College of Allegheny County, 800 Allegheny Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15233 on the following:

Bid 1128 – Courier Services –College Wide

Due date: 2:00 P.M. Prevailing Time on Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Any bid or proposals received after this deadline will be considered as a “late bid” and will be returned unopened to the offerer. Proposals may require Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Payment Bonds, and Surety as dictated by the specifications. No bidder may withdraw his bid or proposal for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Community College of Allegheny County is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and encourages bids from Minority/Disadvantaged owned businesses. For more information, contact Michael Cvetic at mcvetic@ccac.edu.






The Borough of Brentwood, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, is inviting firms to submit a proposal for a one-time contract to perform certain professional services (consulting) work for the Borough of Brentwood involving the preparation of conceptual and eventually final architectural/ engineering design documents associated the development of the Brentwood (The Hollow) Walking Trail. One firm will be selected to provide design architectural/engineering services for the project.

Information relating to submitting a proposal including specific requirements, the organization of the proposal, proposal evaluation criteria, and the proposed contractual agreement can be found at PennBid (https://pennbid.procureware.com). Interested parties must complete a no costregistration process to utilize this service. Paper copies these documents will not be made available.

A MANDATORY PRE-SUBMITTAL Meeting will be held on June 20th, 2024 at 2:00 PM.

All Proposals must be submitted electronically on Pennbid.com before 2:00 P.M., prevailing time on July 3, 2024.

Estate of KENNETH W. FEYES Case No. 3813 of 2024. Jamie Lynn Feyes appointed Administratrix by Order dated May 13, 2024. Peter B. Lewis, Counsel, Neighborhood Legal Services, 928 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222. TRUST TERMINATION: Advertising Trust Termination due to the death of ESTHER H. DUGONI on 01/05/2024. Claims against said Trust may be filed as follows and sent to: PNC Bank, National Association Attn: Sharon L Whitney 300 Fifth Ave, 31st Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 And/or: Linda Rhone Enion, Esq. Fox Rothschild LLP BNY Mellon Center 500 Grant Street, Suite 2500 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2510

P.J. Dick will host an in-person bidder information session for the Lower Hill Redevelopment: Parcel E Music Venue on Thursday, June 13th at the Energy Innovation Center, 1435 Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh 15219. Registration is encouraged, attendance is not required to bid. During the session, PJ Dick will review current bid and vendor opportunities, project details and schedule, as well as the PJ Dick bid process requirements. Businesses of all sizes are strongly encouraged to attend. Visit https://pjdick.com/subcontractor -opportunities for more information and the registration link.

Estate of ROBIN GARY-WHITE (deceased) of Verona, PA, No. 01275 of 2024. Lisa Augustin, 7134 Meade Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208, Co-Exec. Marlene Gary-Hogan, 307 Richey Drive, Verona, PA 15147, Co-Exec. or to Sheila M. Ford, Esq,. 6419 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh,PA 15206



The Town Council of the Borough of Bellevue will be voting on the adoption of the following Ordinances at its Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 25th, at 7:00 pm. Ordinance No. 24-11, Amending the 2024 Salary Ordinance.

Copies of the proposed ordinances may be obtained by contacting the Borough of Bellevue Administrative Offices at 412/766.6164 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Mondays through Fridays. The meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of the Council Chambers at the Bellevue Borough Municipal Building, 537 Bayne Avenue, Bellevue, PA 15202.

James E. Kelly Director of Administrative Services



TIME AND DATE: June 12, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Borough of Bellevue Municipal Building, 537 Bayne Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202.

PURPOSE: To allow public comment on an application filed by Borough of Bellevue (“Borough”) to exempt it from enforcement of section 493(34) of the Pennsylvania Liquor Code concerning amplified sound being heard beyond the boundary lines of licensed premises, and replace it with the Borough’s Ordinance No. 24-02, pursuant to the Borough’s Resolution No. 17-24. The affected areas are bound and described as follows: Entire Borough Americans with Disabilities Act Contact: Jennifer Slothower, ra-lbhearings@pa.gov.



The Southwestern Pennsylvania Corporation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, on behalf of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC), is requesting Technical Proposals and Price Proposals (together, Proposal packages) for the development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania that is being funded through a US DOT 2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant. The Comprehensive Safety Action Plan will contain a leadership promise for the objective of zero fatalities and commitment toward developing the policy, programs, and projects to accomplish that goal. It will also identify a comprehensive set of projects and strategies to address safety issues. Once completed, this Comprehensive Safety Action Plan will be used as a model to complete similar Comprehensive Safety Action Plans for other counties in the SPC region.

The Request for Proposals (RFP) was released by SPC on June 5, 2024. Copies may be downloaded from the SPC Website (https://www.spcregion.org/ about/rfps-and-rfqs/) or may be obtained by e-mail request to Josh Spano at jspano@spcregion.org. Electronic submissions will be required via SPC’s SharePoint site. Full submission details are provided in the RFP document. Proposal packages are due on July 10, 2024.


The Allegheny County Department of Human Services recently posted a 2024 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Application. Due Date: 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, July 18, 2024.

For more details and submission information, visit: https://solicitations.alleghenycounty. us/.

DEWATERING SYSTEM shall be received at the Engineering Department office of the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15233, until 2:00 P.M., Prevailing Time, Thursday, June 20, 2024 and then shall be publicly opened and read.

ALCOSAN encourages businesses owned and operated by minorities and women to submit bids on Authority Contracts or to participate as subcontractors or suppliers to successful Bidders. Successful Bidders are to use minority and women’s businesses to the fullest extent possible. To be considered eligible to Bid on this Contract, the Bidder must be the manufacturer or authorized supplier of manufacturer of the emulsion polymer products recently pre-qualified by the Authority following trials held in response to the Legal Notice of May 1, 2024 Documents pertaining to the submission of Bids are available at the Engineering Office of the Authority, 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA15233. Bid Security shall be furnished by Providing with the Bid a Certified Check or Bid Bond in the amount of $50,000.00. The Successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond in the amount of $500,000.00.

Any questions regarding the Technical Specifications of the Contract Bidding Documents should be directed to Beth Joyce, Project Engineer II, ALCOSAN via email to Beth.Joyce@alcosan.org . Any questions regarding the Contract Bidding Documents should be directed to Kathleen P. Uniatowski, ALCOSAN, via email at contract.clerks@alcosan.org.

The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid and to accept any bid should it be deemed in the interest of the Authority to do so.



Kimberly Kennedy, P.E. Director of Engineering and Construction

The Proposals must be made to the Brentwood Borough, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and shall remain firm for a period of sixty (60) days. Questions regarding this project shall only be accepted electronically via the ‘Clarifications’ section on pennbid.procureware.com.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, or any part thereof, for any reason, and also reserves the right to waive any informality therein.



Electronic Bids will be received online at PRT’s Ebusiness website (http://ebusiness.portauthority.org).

Bid submittals will be due 11:00 AM on June 12, 2024 and will be read the same day, through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conferencing, for the following:

Electronic Bid - Ebusiness website (http://ebusiness.portauthority.org)

B24-05-44A Antifreeze - Ready to Use Coolant

No bidder may withdraw a submitted Bid for a period of 75 days after the scheduled time for opening of the sealed bids.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held for each of the above solicitations on May 30, 2024 through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conferencing, Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. Teams meeting information is available within the Bid Documents for each solicitation on rideprt.org and eBusiness.rideprt.org. Potential bidders may also email the contract specialist assigned to the solicitation. Questions regarding any of the above bids will not be entertained by the PRT within five (5) business days of the scheduled bid opening. These contracts may be subject to a financial assistance contract between Port Authority of Allegheny County d.b.a. PRT and the United States Department of Transportation. The Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. Contractor is responsible for expenses related to acquiring a performance bond and insurance where applicable. All items are to be FOB delivered unless otherwise specified. Costs for delivery, bond, and insurance shall be included in the bidder’s pricing.

Port Authority of Allegheny County d.b.a. PRT hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprise will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

The Board of PRT reserves the right to reject any or all bids.


Sealed proposals will be received by the Borough of Avalon of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania through the Quest Construction Data Network (QuestCDN) at www.questcdn.com until 11:00 AM and opened at 11:00 AM prevailing time via virtual conference on July 8, 2024 for:



Scope of work generally consists of installation of new stormwater inlets, one additional stormwater manhole, installation of approximately 1,250 linear feet of new storm sewers, roadway restoration; and all necessary appurtenances for said construction.

All bidders are required to buy the Bid Documents in PDF format for a non- refundable deposit of $175.00 from QuestCDN using project number 9074715. Contact their Customer Support regarding membership registration, downloading and working with digital project information at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.com. Any technical questions regarding the bid documents are to be directed to LSSE.

This project is being funded in part by a COVID-19 ARPA PA Small Water and Sewer Grant from the Department of Treasury under the administration of the Commonwealth Financing Authority. Pennsylvania prevailing wage rates apply. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Borough. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid, made payable to Borough of Avalon. The Borough reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid may be withdrawn for ninety (90) calendar days after the scheduled time for receipt of bids. Attention is directed to the fact that procurement is subject to all requirements of the Pennsylvania “Steel

and for Contract

and The

Employment Verification Act (July

Borough of Avalon Lorraine Makatura, Manager

CLASSIFIED JUNE 5-11, 2024 www.newpittsburghcourier.com New Pittsburgh Courier 0 8 0 4 6 4 1 9 SONNY BOY 3 B5 To place a display ad in the New Pittsburgh Courier call 412-481-8302 ext. 128 CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! The Courier is THE VOICE of Black Pittsburgh. LEGAL ADVERTISING Name Change CHANGE OF NAME In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County Term, 2024 In re; petition of George Lemuel Jolly for change of name to HAKIM LEMUEL JOLLY To all persons interested: Notice is hereby given that an order of said Court authorized the filing of said petition and fixed the 22 day of May,2024, at 11Am M., as the time and the Motions Room, City-County Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the place for a hearing, when and where all persons may show cause, if any they have, why said name should not be changed as prayed for. Address 834 Renier Ave Turtle Creek Pa. 15145 LEGAL ADVERTISING Fictitious Name FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Fictitious Names Act of Pennsylvania that an application for Registrationof a fictitious name (was/will be) filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the conduct of a businessunder the fictitious name of B&B APARTMENT RENTALS with its principal office or place of business at 4105 Lee Road, Gibsonia PA 15044. (address, including street and number, if any) The names and addresses, including street and number,
Bids/Proposals LEGAL ADVERTISING Bids/Proposals
Item Bid Number Bid Title 1 B24-05-42A Portable Toliet Rental Service 2
4 B24-05-45A Coach
5 B24-05-46A Solid Waste Removal 6 B24-05-47A Articulated Bus
B24-05-43A Wiper Arm Assemblies
Radiator Assemblies
B24-05-48 Cummins ISL Replacement Parts
B24-05-49 Overhead Power Cable
Pennsylvania Prevailing
of 1961
Public Works
Products Procurement Act, Act No. 1978-3”;
exceeding $25,000, the
P.L. 987),
2012) apply.

ADVERTISING Bids/Proposals

ADVERTISING Bids/Proposals




The Allegheny County Airport Authority will be receiving scanned PDF proposals through Submittable, and a submission link will be sent to each registered plan holder. Submissions are to be submitted via Submittable by 1:00 p.m. prevailing local time on July 3, 2024, and bids will be opened by the Airport Authority and results will be emailed by end of business day of bid opening for the following project:




A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m., on June 10, 2024 at the Allegheny County Airport, 12 Allegheny County Airport, West Mifflin, PA 15122. A site visit will follow the pre-bid conference. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages, as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry or Davis Bacon, must be paid on these projects. Proposals must be made on the Authority’s form and in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and the “Instructions to Bidders”’.

The non-refundable charge of $150.00 for the Bid Documents and the Plans, and Specifications through the bidding platform Submittable at https://acaacapitalprograms.submittable.com.

Please note that Submittable does not support Internet Explorer 11. Submittable recommends the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari.

This project has DBE participation goals; DBE firms must be certified with the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program) (PA UCP). Firms must be certified prior to award of contract. A searchable database of DBE firms can be found on the PA UCP web site: https://paucp.dbesystem.com/

The Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informalities in the bidding.

No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty [60] days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids.

To view a complete advertisement, which is also included in the bidding documents visit www.flypittsburgh.com – ACAA Corporate – Business Opportunities or call 412-472-3677 or 412-472-5647.







Sealed Bids for CONTRACT NO.


SODIUM BISULFITE shall be received at the Engineering Department office of the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15233, until 11:00

A.M., Prevailing Time, Tuesday, July 9, 2024 and then shall be publicly opened and read.

ALCOSAN encourages businesses owned and operated by minorities and women to submit bids on Authority Contracts or to participate as subcontractors or suppliers to successful Bidders. Successful Bidders are to use minority and women’s businesses to the fullest extent possible.

Documents pertaining to the submission of Bids are available at the Engineering office of the Authority, 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233. Bid Security shall be furnished by providing with the Bid a Certified Check or Bid Bond in the amount of $1,000.00. The Successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond in the amount of $50,000.00. Contract documents must be obtained directly from ALCOSAN to qualify as an eligible bidder.

Any questions regarding the Technical Specifications should be directed to Benjamin J. Heilman, Contract Supervisor, ALCOSAN, via email at benjamin.heilman@alcosan.org . Any questions regarding obtaining the Contract Bidding Documents should be directed to Kathleen P. Uniatowski, ALCOSAN, via email at contract.clerks@alcosan.org.

The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid and to accept any bid should it be deemed in the interest of the Authority to do so.



Benjamin Heilman Contract Supervisor


The HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF BEAVER will receive sealed bids, in duplicate, until 1:00 PM (local time) on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at the office of the Housing Authority of the County of Beaver, James F. Tress Administration Building, 300 State Street (Vanport), Beaver, Pennsylvania at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 1:30 PM for Exterior Renovations at Allaire Homes, Monaca, Pennsylvania

A fifteen percent (15%) bid bond is required for this project. Proposed forms of contract documents, including Plans and Specifications are being distributed, with twentyfour-hour notice of pick-up, by Ditto (www.dittoplanroom.com) 1020 Ridge Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233, phone (412) 231-7700. All bidders are REQUIRED to buy the full set of plans and specifications. Contact Ditto for cost of plans and specifications. No Documents will be distributed until payment in full plus tax and shipping (non-refundable) payable to and received by Ditto. Free examination of said documents is available at the office of Canzian/ Johnston & Associates LLC and Pennsylvania Builders Exchange. Plans and specifications will be available on Thursday, June 6, 2024. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY and Section 3 Compliance are required. A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at A.C. Edgecombe Apartments, 1150 Bechtel Street, Monaca, PA 15061 Community Room.




IFB #850-14-24

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby requests bids from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):

Chevy Vehicle Maintenance





Sealed and separate bids will be received by the Township of Upper St. Clair, 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 16, 2024 and the BIDS will be publicly opened and read thereafter in the Township Building at the same address for the following:


Please refer to https://www. twpusc.org/business/bid_ information.php, for details regarding specifications and Bidding requirements.

Matthew R. Serakowski Township Manager


Edgewood Borough will receive bids for the Edgewood Borough Traffic Island Modification project at the following intersection:

Maple Avenue and Brinton Road

Bids will be received until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 28, 2024 by Edgewood Borough, 2 Race Street, Edgewood, PA 15218. All envelopes containing bid proposals shall be clearly marked “EDGEWOOD BOROUGH TRAFFIC ISLAND MODIFICATION”. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time.

Copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained at the office of Trans Associates Engineering Consultants, Inc., Suite 400, 4955 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205, upon a non-refundable payment of $50.00 for each set of plans and specifications.

A certified check or bank draft payable to the order of the Edgewood Borough, or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid shall be submitted with each bid.

All bids must be submitted on a lump sum basis.

Edgewood Borough reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding.

Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and submit proof thereof with their bid.

Bidder shall comply with all state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring or employment opportunities. Pennsylvania prevailing minimum wage rates will apply.

Bids may be held by Edgewood Borough for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days from the date of opening of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders prior to awarding the Contract.

Edgewood Borough Rob Zahorchak Borough Manager



Allegheny Clinic seeks a Hospitalist to work at multiple locations and provide direct patient care to inpatients by managing and coordinating care throughout the treatment. Send CV/cover letter with salary requirements to: Dianna DeWeese, Program Manager, dianna.deweese@ahn.org with “Hospitalist opportunity” in re line.



The documents will be available no later than May 28, 2024 and signed, sealed bids will be accepted until 9:00 a.m. on June 18, 2024. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical bids dropped off in person from 8:00 a.m. until the closing time of 9:00 a.m. on June 18, 2024 in the lobby of 412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Bids may be uploaded to the Authority’s online submission site; the link is accessible via the HACP website and within the IFB. Sealed bids may still be mailed via USPS at which time they will be time and date stamped at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Parties or individuals interested in responding may download a copy of the Solicitation from the Business Opportunities page of www.hacp.org. Questions or inquiries should be directed to:

Mr. Kim Detrick

Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh Procurement Department 412 Boulevard of the Allies 6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219


A pre-bid meeting will be held via Zoom meeting; on June 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Please see meeting information below: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 9315 1030 Passcode: 755411 Dial in: +1 309 205 3325 US

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strongly encourages certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises to respond to this solicitation. HACP has revised their website. As part of those revisions, vendors must now register and log-in, in order to view and download IFB/ RFPs documentation.

Caster D. Binion, Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

HACP conducts business in accordance with all federal, state, and local civil rights laws, including but not limited to Title VII, the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, The PA Human Relations Act, etc. and does not discriminate against any individuals protected by these statutes.

HITACHI RAIL STS USA, INC. seeks an Associate Signaling V&V Engineer to work in Pittsburgh, PA. The Associate Signaling V&V Engineer will be required to perform the following duties: (1) Ensuring the delivery of the signaling system and subsystem V&V reports for various projects; (2) Supporting the definition of the signaling system and subsystem V&V plan; and (3) Supporting the definition of the requirements and expected features for the testing environments/tools, needed to execute the Signaling system and subsystem Validation activities/ testing. Apply at: https://careers.hitachi.com.

American Eagle Outfitters’ Pittsburgh, PA, office seeks a Quality Engineer II. This is a hybrid office-based/ work-from-home position that will be responsible for executing and fixing scripts in Automation suite on the in-house BDD framework model. Must be able and willing to travel domestically to various unanticipated employer and client locations to provide technical support up to 10%. Apply at https://aeo.jobs, with cover letter, resumé and salary requirements.



The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby request proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s): The documents will be available no later than May 28, 2024 and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until: 10:00 A.M. on June 20, 2024. The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical proposals dropped off in person from 8:00 AM until the closing time of 10:00 AM on June 20, 2024 in the lobby of 412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Proposals may be uploaded to the Authority’s online submission site; the link is accessible via the HACP website and within the RFP. Sealed proposals may still be mailed via USPS at which time they will be time and date stamped at 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Parties or individuals interested in responding may download a copy of the Solicitation from the Business Opportunities page of www.HACP.org.

Questions or inquiries should be directed to:

Mr. Kim Detrick Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh Procurement Department 412 Boulevard of the Allies 6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-643-2832

A pre-submission meeting will be held via Zoom meeting; on June 6, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. Please see meeting information below: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 895 9210 1201 Passcode: 587276 +1 305 224 1968 US (WASHINGTON D.C)

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strongly encourages certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises to respond to this solicitation.

HACP has revised their website. As part of those revisions, vendors must now register and log-in, in order to view and download IFB/ RFPs documentation.

Caster D. Binion, Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh

HACP conducts business in accordance with all federal, state, and local civil rights laws, including but not limited to Title VII, the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, The PA Human Relations Act, etc. and does not discriminate against any individuals protected by these statutes.

Donnelly-Boland & Asso. seeks Analyst II in Pittsburgh, PA, for supporting the Office of Analytics, Technology, & Planning by conducting quality & outcome analysis to unify & coordinate quality service provisions across various program areas with which the Allegheny County Dept. interacts, such as public education, health, & criminal justice. Apply at: https://www.donnelly-boland.com/ careers.



The Civil Service Commission of the Borough of Bellevue will offer competitive written and oral examinations for a certified list of applicants for the position of Firefighter/Lieutenant. Applications for the position may be obtained at the Bellevue Borough Building located at 537 Bayne Avenue, Bellevue, Pennsylvania 15202 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday, holidays excepted. Completed applications will be accepted by the Administration Office at the Bellevue Borough Building beginning Monday, June 10, 2024 and must be returned no later than Friday, July 12, 2024. Qualified applicants will be notified by USPS of the date, time, and location of the written examination. No late applications will be accepted.


Works to implement learning experiences that engage students through the arts. Bachelor’s degree, 1-2 years experience working with youth in formal or informal settings, and 2-3 years experience in an art, social service, or public-school environment required. Various media are used for creative expression in this space including painting, drawing, printmaking, fibers, fashion design, light weight sculpture, and installation art. Qualified applicants should possess strong art making foundations in painting, drawing, printmaking, and textiles. Send Resume with cover letter and salary requirements to resumes@manchesterbidwell.org EOE

K-5 Spanish Teacher Urban Academy Greater Pittsburgh Charter School Send resume and three clearances to: jobs@urbanacademypgh.org
Often Imitated. NEVER Duplicated. The New Pittsburgh Courier.... Call Allison Palm for your subscription at 412-481-8302, ext. 136. Read us online! at... www.newpittsburghcourier.com COURIER CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS COURIER CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS COURIER CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS


Pittsburgh Regional Transit is

seeking an Associate Insurance

Administrator to assist the Insurance Administrator in all aspects of overseeing administration of first party property, casualty services, data entry, filing, and other third-party services required to protect the interest of and mitigate the financial and liability risks of the Port Authority of Allegheny County d/b/a Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT). Assists Insurance Administrator in compiling and assimilating pertinent information to develop a marketing initiative for the PRT’s insurance policies and makes recommendations to Director of Legal & Consulting Services and Chief Legal Officer about procuring and/or maintaining insurance policies and/or bonds.

Assists Insurance Administrator in serving as a liaison between the PRT and its broker(s), insurance agents, underwriters, and loss prevention engineers, and manages day-to-day activities of broker.

Essential Functions:

· Assists Insurance Administrator in compiling and assimilating pertinent information required to develop a marketing initiative for each of the PRT’s insurance policies to present to the carriers to obtain a competitive quote and makes recommendations to Director of Legal & Consulting Services and Chief Legal Officer relative to procuring and/or otherwise maintaining existing or potentially new insurance policies and/or bonds for the PRT based upon PRT’s evolving business needs and emerging areas of financial and liability risk.

· Assists Insurance Administrator as liaison between the PRT and its broker(s), insurance agents, underwriters, and loss prevention engineers and manages day-to-day activities of broker.

· Assesses risk for each contract (including license agreements) based on the scope of services provided by the relevant PRT department(s) or work being performed by third parties on or adjacent to PRT property. Objectively and timely evaluate potential hazards, analyze the magnitude of the potential loss, and the probability of loss occurring to assign insurance requirements and limits.

· Responsible for providing proof of insurance compliance to the government agencies and other third parties entities that have an interest in PRT’s assets or otherwise require proof of PRT insurance/ self-insurance pursuant to relevant agreements.

Job requirements include:

· Associate’s degree or two (2) years of college in business administration, risk management, or related field from an accredited college or university. Related experience may be substituted for the education on a year-for-year basis.

· Minimum of two (2) years of property and casualty insurance related experience. No required certifications or licenses.

· Demonstrated ability in the use of Windows.

· Effective and professional communication skills.

· Ability to accompany various insurance personnel on PRT construction sites.

Preferred attributes:

· Bachelor’s degree in administration, business, risk management or related field from an accredited college or university.

· Possess and maintain Property and Casualty producer license.

· Excellent and proficient writing skills.

· Flexibility in customer relations, both inter-departmental and with external parties.

We offer a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to: Glenn


Pittsburgh Regional Transit is seeking a Senior Planner to take on an important role within PRT’s Planning & Service Development Department that works with internal and external stakeholders to improve the agency’s transit services to increase ridership, expand access to opportunity and services, and create a more reliable system. PRT is currently undertaking the Bus Line Redesign comprehensive bus network study and this position will join the team to help finish the plan and participate in its implementation. This is a unique opportunity for someone passionate about transit service and transit planning to work with an interdisciplinary team to improve transit for the Pittsburgh region today and in the long-term. This position will also work on transit priority projects and with staff leading infrastructure projects such as bus rapid transit, light rail, and station area planning consistent with PRT’s 2021 long-range plan, NEXTransit.

Essential Functions:

· Analyzes PRT’s transit system in the context of organizational and project goals and Board-adopted Transit Service Standards to inform service decision-making.

· Works with Scheduling Department and software tools to propose service changes.

· Communicates proposed changes and solicits feedback from a wide variety of internal and external stakeholders.

· Collaborates with various departments to address a multitude of complex transit planning and operational issues.

· Researches and develops innovative strategies to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and/or equity of transit services.

Job requirements include:

· BS/BA Degree in Urban Planning, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Transportation or Transit Planning, Public Administration or Policy, Economics, Information Systems, Logistics, or directly related field from an accredited school.

· Minimum of five (5) years of experience in planning, data analysis, or related field. Directly related experience may be substituted for the education on a year-for-year basis. OR Urban Planning, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, Transportation or Transit Planning, Public Administration or Policy, Economics, Information Systems, Logistics, or related field from an accredited school and three (3) years of experience in planning, data analysis, or related field.

· Ability to occasionally work outside of traditional work hours to support community engagement activities.

· Demonstrated ability in the use of Windows and Microsoft Word and Excel.

· Professional and effective communication skills.

· Excellent interpersonal skills.

Preferred attributes:

· Experience working for a public sector agency, particularly in transit or transportation function.

· Knowledge of Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s transit system.

· A working knowledge of relevant software programs for the purposes of geospatial analyses (e.g., Esri), transit routing (e.g., Remix), and/or transit scheduling (e.g., HASTUS).

· Experience working with Adobe and Microsoft Office Suite programs.

· Experience working collaboratively with the public, particularly with marginalized communities.

We offer a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to:

Amy Giammanco Employment Department 345 Sixth Avenue, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527 AGiammanco@RidePRT.org EOE

Employment Department 345 Sixth Avenue, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527 GHuetter@RidePRT.org EOE
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