2019 Research Magazine

Page 25


All in, hands on. Mechatronics students precisely tune intricate electromechanical systems.

EDUCATION ECOSYSTEM FOR STEM Science, technology, engineering, and math are not verbs. But putting STEM—a blend of all four concepts—into action is the best way to help students learn.

Pedagogy, the science of teaching, keeps educators on their toes. They are challenged to create exciting, relevant, and comprehensive environments that promote active, practical learning—preparing people for future jobs and communities. Which is greatly needed: By 2020, one in five jobs in the state will be STEM-related, reports the State of Michigan Bureau of Labor Market and Strategic Initiatives, which also projects that STEM job opportunities will grow by 11.8 percent, outpacing the expected 8.5 percent increase in other occupations. Three Michigan Tech initiatives, Mi-STAR, ETS-IMPRESS, and mechatronics, address specific, high-priority state and national goals to improve STEM education. The programs are designed to be affordable, inclusive, and to address career needs for individuals and industry. Each initiative is an ecosystem—a space full of life, ready to change and evolve.

And like a forest, desert, or coral reef, each ecosystem’s growth is shaped greatly by its substrate. These educational ecosystems are nourished by good mentors, who are committed to fostering resilient learners able to weather the storms they will encounter throughout their lives and careers. Looking deeper into these Michigan Tech programs reveals the interconnectedness and organic circuitry that fosters healthy educational environments.

MIDDLE SCHOOL Mi-STAR is the Michigan Science Teaching and Assessment Reform. Within a Mi-STAR middle school classroom, it’s readily apparent something is different. Lectures are few and far between; student team projects range from making a smoothie to treat a digestive issue to pouring glasses of water on toy towns to study flooding. The program’s relatable curriculum, which integrates science and engineering, sets it apart.

2019  RESEARCH 25

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