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Friday, September 15, 2017

Ann Arbor, Michigan


As Bicentennial comes and goes, ‘U’ considers future of campus, academics ALEXA ST. JOHN

Managing News Editor

It has now been mere months over 200 years since the University of Michigan’s inception. Two hundred years worth of innovation, academic renown and multidisciplinary excellence, as a nationwide example and world leader, and of student activists, up-andcoming politicians, surgeons, CEOs, intellectuals and altruists. Two hundred years of those who have studied history and those who have helped make it. So as administrators, faculty, staff, alumni and students celebrate the University’s Bicentennial, they also reflect on what will come in the next 200, particularly in terms of the University’s educational advances, outside-of-the-classroom opportunities and the community that makes up the University. As an academic innovator: University President Mark Schlissel has stressed the importance of academic innovation throughout his tenure. Schlissel’s Academic Innovation Initiative from fall 2016 has expanded from simpler massive online open courses in the Office of Digital Education to ultimately include more educational resources and a teach-out series on significant contemporary topics, just a few ways in which academics at the University are moving forward. “The initiative will formally help us consider how U of M will lead the way through the information age,” Schlissel

said last September. James Hilton, vice provost for academic innovation, said there are several schools of thought regarding where the University will go with its educational programs next, particularly with an ever-changing technological landscape allowing for a number of possibilities. “One of the things we’ve been talking a lot about in academic innovation is using this third century as a moment to stop and think about — particularly at the great public research university — where do we see education going forward?” Hilton said. “There is an opportunity to imagine again what an education at a great public research university should be for this century, this economy, this technology, this set of societal issues.” Tools like eCoach, Gradecraft and hybrid-learning environments, Hilton stressed, are being improved to personalize learning; there are now also 112 massive open online courses that are in production and 6 million global learners engaged with those courses, numbers that grow on a daily basis. “To the extent that we’re successful in diversifying the pool of students that come here, we also want to diversify the paths that they get to pursue when they get here,” Hilton said. Hilton’s ideal version of the University is one where students are on campus more often throughout their lives, for shorter periods of time. “I actually foresee a future of Michigan that is a future where we think about education really as a global and lifelong relationship,” Hilton said.

“You’re never going to stop being in a relationship with educational institutions, you’re constantly going to be retraining, reimagining.” Improving the richness and diversity of experiences students have and demonstrate later on in life has to be improved, Hilton said. “We have to look at different ways of delivering learning experiences,” Hilton said. “We have to look at new ways of certifying those kind of experiences. We have to embrace in a critical and informed way the role that data and evidence can play in shaping how we design learning experiences.” Campus Planner Sue Gott too believes there is a necessity to adjust learning and teaching environments as learning styles, technology and social norms change in order to remain globally competitive. “Helping to expose life styles to students who may not have had

certain opportunities or experiences so that we can help them go out in the world and be great leaders tomorrow, I think, makes this a revolving door for excellence in strengthening the incredibly brilliant students that arrive here to add greater dimensions to who they are and what they want to accomplish when they leave,” Gott said. Gott foresees the campus remaining central to the future of the University, albeit a campus which is everevolving.

“I think campuses are certainly going to continue to need to exist and we may ebb and flow a bit to continue to respond to world changes,” Gott said. “But I see it as being critical to the transformation of young people into responsible citizens by enriching and diversifying their experiences and creating those growth opportunities.” Diversifying academic experiences is something LSA senior Anushka Sarkar, Central Student Government president, said should be more of a priority moving forward. Read more at MichiganDaily.com


2 — Friday, September 15, 2017 1817 — The University is first introduced in Detroit as the University of Michigania

1837 — The first Regents meeting

1837 — Michigan legislature passes an act creating the University we know today, and three main departments: Law, Medicine and LSA

Building up of Michigan: Union clubhouse finished by spring Ground Broken During Commencement Week by President Hutchins; Cooley Residence to Go July 22, 1916 - Ground for the new Michigan Union clubhouse having been broken during Commencement by President Harry B. Hutchins, it is now estimated that the building will be completed some time next spring. Michigan will then possess one of the finest clubhouses in the country. For many years the Union has occupied the old Cooley residence on State street. Owing to the very rapid growth of the University, the need for more room and improved facilities for the Union has been felt for some time. The campaign for the fund for the new building was begun in the fall of 1915. The campaign extended all over the country. In all the large cities, committees of Michigan Alumni were organized. Mass meetings were held in many of the large cities, and it is largely due to the efforts and enthusiasm of the alumni that

the new clubhouse has become a possibility. The activities in Ann Arbor consisted in campaigns to enlarge the present membership of the Union. Undergraduates also sent out postcards to alumni in their home towns, in order to increase the interest in the campaign, and to explain its purposes and the spirit under which it was started. The mark set for the fund was a million, and at present the amount is $750,000 and is steadily increasing. The architects for the new building are Pond & Pond of Chicago, two Michigan alumni. The Union will be a four-story building and will contain such things as a swimming-pool, committee rooms, rooms for alumni, various dining rooms, reading rooms and other social features. The new Michigan Union is to be a memorial to Dr. James Burrill Angell.

1851- Ann Arbor elects its first mayor, George Sedgwick

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

1853- Samuel Codes Watson, a medical student, is first African American student admitted to U-M

1856 — U-M becomes the first in the country to build a chemical laboratory

1854 — Detroit Observatory is built on campus

1863 — President Abraham Lincoln gives Gettysburg address

Students Drink HeavilyMalted Milk, Coca Cola Kick Isn’t There, But the Price Has Gone Up Just the Same JOSEPH A. BERNSTEIN May 9, 1920 - Students of the University of Michigan are drinking heavily. In the face of prohibition laws, both state and federal, the taste for drink is too much and the thirsty student is succumbing to temptation. It is true that students of the University are drinking heavily. Figures, that never lie, tell a tale of consumption that rivals that

of pre-prohibition days when you could get a drink for the asking. The high cost of living has brought with it the high cost of drinking, yet the student defies even this hazard and will satisfy his thirst. Gone ‘Way Up! Even though coca colas have advanced from five cents a glass, and even though malted milks are bringing the drug stores twenty and twentyfive cents each, the students continue to drink heavily.

Drinking, they have found, can be done very efficiently, despite the fact that the sizzling hot and powerful sensation of gin or whiskey is no longer there to make a pathway down one’s throat for the final wallop. Even the wallop is missing in these new drinks, yet the students continue to drink of them heavily. Spirits are lacking on the campus. Both the Oliver Lodge kind and the kind with

the wallop. If you have the kind with a wallop, every man is your friend. But if you haven’t, said would be friend must satisfy himself with the milder drinks that are served him at the local soda emporiums. But the lack of the kick, deters him not. He continues to drink, kick or no kick, and he drinks heavily. Figures gathered at the various drug stores and the Union soda fountain bear out that statement.

Carillon Concert Given In Impressive Ceremony To Dedicate New Tower Brass Ensemble Of Band Opens Dedicatory Rites With Fanfare, Ruthven Receives Bells From Baird, Carillonneur From Ottawa Peace JAMES A. BOOZER

FILE PHOTO/Daily The Michigan Union as it appeared in the paper on July 22, 1916.

December 5, 1936 - As the musical tones of the Baird Carillon’s 53 bells faded into a grey December dusk, the University’s newest monument, its long silence broken, had yesterday been formally dedicated to coming generations of Michigan students. Participating in an impressive ceremony, modelled closely after an ancient English custom of dedication of church bells, were President Ruthven, Charles Baird, ‘95, donor of the carillon, and Frank Godfrey, engineer for the English firm which cast the bells. A fanfare played by a brass ensemble of the Michigan Band stationed in the bell chamber 10 stories above the campus opened the dedication at 4:15 p.m. After the University Glee Club had sung “Laudesatque

Carmina,” the formal presentation was made in Hill Auditorium. Symbol Is Presented Mr. Baird, Kansas City lawyer, said in presenting to President Ruthven a small silver bell symbolic of the third largest carillon in the world: “From the time I entered this University 46 years ago I have loved it. It has been an inspiration to me all my life. I feel that I cannot repay the University of Michigan for what she has given me. “All the friends of Dr. Burton who knew and loved him will rejoice in this realization of a dream of his, frustrated by an untimely death.” President Ruthven, in accepting the bells in behalf of the University, said: “The Charles Baird Carillon is to be considered an important educational facility of the University of Michigan for

it will further the comprehensive objective of our schools— the production of cultured men and women. Mr. Baird, you have made for yourself an enduring place in the University of Michigan family. I accept these bells for the Board of Regents. Everytime these lovely tones sound over campus, city and countryside some soul will be cheered, encouraged and uplifted.” Blakeman Offers Prayer A dedicatory prayer was offered by Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor of religion, followed by seven sonorous bongs from the Bourdon Bell; and then the Glee Club and the audience joined in singing the “Yellow and Blue.” Wilmot Pratt, carillonneur, starting with “America,” played six selections, including Beethoven’s “Variations,” on ‘Ode to Joy’,” and Mozart’s “Minuet.” Percival Price,

Dominion carillonneur for the Peace Tower in Ottawa, was among several visiting carillonneurs and musical directors. He will remain in Ann Arbor today to play several selections at noon, according to Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music. Approximately 4,000 people attended the ceremonies and recital. As Wilmot Pratt’s final notes of Denyn’s “Preludium for Carillon” trailed into a bleak gunmetal sky, a carillon was dedicated which will sing out on many another December day and many a balmy spring day also, as President Ruthven says, “To cheer, encourage and uplift.” Mr. Baird was guest last night at a dinner given by Professor Moore at which various members of the University were present, including Mr. Pratt and Mr. Price.

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E The Michigan Daily asked University faculty members, staff members or students what the University Bicentennial means to them.


“I’m really optimistic about the progress that we’ve made in the last 20 years or so. We’ve worked a lot on college affordability, we’ve worked a lot on making this campus more representative of the people that make up the state of Michigan and make up the country, and I think we’ve seen the University of Michigan come out time and time again as the leader in fields across the world— we’re a beacon for people no matter where they’re from. One of the most important parts of our history is our activism...I know that in the next ten years or so we’ll have even more progress because of students continuing to commit to that era of activism.” LSA senior Anushka Sarkar, Central Student Government president “The Bicentennial, to me, has provided many of us in the college an opportunity to do two different things. One is to look back on our successes and also learn from the times in which we weren’t as successful as we could’ve been, and to think about what are the lessons learned from the last 200 years. The other thing that the Bicentennial has allowed us to do — which is difficult to do, given the pace of what’s happening and all of our day-to-day work — is to think about what do the next 100 years look like for the college?” Andrew Martin, LSA Dean


Stadium will receive first crowd of football fans this afternoon October 1, 1927 - Michigan’s new stadium, with its seating capacity of almost 75,000 seats, will be ready at game time today to receive what is expected to be the largest crowd ever to attend a Michigan home game, it was announced yesterday. Only a small block of seats, not to exceed 100, demand more attention, and these will not be available. The stadium, regarded by contractors as one of the finest of its kind in the country, is 2,500 feet around, with 22 miles of California redwood seats used to fill it. 11,000 yards of concrete, and 71,000 sacks cement have been necessary to the working of the structure. The stands contain 68 rows in each section, as well as four rows of boxes, these extending around the entire field. Only a few of these seats will not be available when Michigan meets Ohio Wesleyan today. In addition to the grandeur of the new stadium, the press box is regarded as the most modern and complete of its kind. A seating capacity of more than 250 people is one of the outstanding features of this structure which is equipped with all possible types of wire and radio conveniences. The finishing touches have not yet been added, but it will be ready for work today. Included among the spectators who will be present to

inaugurate the new structure will be more than 36,000 high school students who have been invited to attend the game as guests of the Michigan athletic association. These students will meet at 2:30 o’clock at Yost field house, where

they will hear a brief talk by President Clarence Cook Little on the outstanding merits of the University. From the Field house they will be escorted to the field by the Varsity band to witness the game.


The Michigan Football Stadium.



The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com 1869 — U-M becomes first university to own, operate its own hospital

1871 — Amanda Sanford becomes the first woman to earn a MD from U-M and graduated with highest honors

1870 — Women are first admitted to the University

1875 — Michigan legislature established the University’s College of Dental Surgery

1887 — Fred Pelham becomes the first African American to graduate from U-M’s engineering department

1885 — June Rose Colby becomes the first women to earn a PhD at U-M

1,300 Navy Men will Train Here in July Trainees To Live in West, Quad Group Will Include Students in NROTC, Engineers, Pre-Meds, Men in Basic Training March 9, 1943 - More than 1,300 Navy Enlisted Men will arrive on campus on or about July 1 to take up training in the Navy’s specialized war training program, Prof. Marvin Niehuss, campus war training director, revealed yesterday. The University’s tentative training quota under the new V-12 program will include 250 NROTC students, 900 engineers, 67 pre-medical students, and 400 men in basic training. The orders propose that the men live in the 950-man West Quadrangle which at present is completely

occupied, according to Francis C. Shielacting director of Residence Halls. Cassidy Gets Word This information was telegramed to Captain Richard Cassidy, head of the Naval Science and Tactics department, yesterday by the Bureau of Naval Personnel in Washington. Captain Cassidy was requested to organize housing and eating facilities in the West Quadrangle pending contract negotiations. Several high-ranking naval officers were on campus ten days ago inspecting the

Quadrangle and other features of the University plant. Prof. Niehuss, who is the University representative in all contract negotiations of this type, said that he expects the Navy to return to Ann Arbor in the near future and initiate the contract discussions. All trainees will be apprentice seamen on active duty receiving regular pay for their rank. According to the present tentative plans they will use not only the entire West Quadrangle but other University facilities, inciding instructors and classrooms. Complete Picture

When questioned concerning housing facilities for regular students in the Quadrangle during the summer session, Prof. Niehuss stated that “it is our opinion that all those men will be in uniform by that time.” This Navy training program rounds out the picture of service training groups that will be stationed on campus. At present the Law Quadrangle, the Michigan Union, and the East Quadrangle are housing men in various units of the Army’s college war training program.

Salk vaccine licensed Children To Get Bettered Version, Discoverer Says New Vaccine Now Potentially 100 Per Cent Effective LEE MARKS April 13, 1955 - Final obstacle blocking distribution of Salk vaccine was removed late yesterday when Secretary of Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby formally licensed the vaccine for general use Licensing followed Dr. Francis’ historic report by only a few Hours. Vaccine which the public will start receiving within a few days is a new, improved model — far better than the vaccine Dr. Francis said was between 80 and 90 per cent effective. The 1955 version of Salk vaccine can theoretically prevent paralytic polio 100 per cent, its inventor

claimed. Both Dr. Francis and Dr. Salk received long ovations following their reports yesterday. State Health Commissioner Albert E. Heustis has ordered enough vaccine to accommodate 430,000 first, second and third graders. Washtenaw County has already set up a vaccination program calling for cooperation between County Medical Society, Health Department, St. Joseph’s and University Hospitals, physicians and volunteer workers from the National Foundation. Announcement of the effectiveness of Salk Vaccine was termed “one of the

greatest events in the history of medicine” by Dr. Wright H. Murray, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association. Give Children Priority “Give the children priority,” Dr. Murray urged, cautioning adults against rushing to doctors’ offices immediately. Reports from pharmaceutical companies indicated probably 30 million three-shot sets of inoculations will be available before summer. If Dr. Salk’s suggestion to give only two shots instead of three is followed there might conceivably be enough vaccine to handle as many as 45 million sets of inocuations.

SGC passed by Regents;

Friday, September 15, 2017 — 3

Dr. Francis’ evaluation included a study of two programs included in the field trials. In one, half the children participating were given vaccine while the other half received placebo, a harmless substitute. In the other, second graders received vaccine and first and third graders were observed as a control group. Placebo Area Because children used as control (those who received placebo) in placebo areas were more nearly identical to those receiving vaccine than in the observed areas, estimates were obtained largely from placebo areas, Dr. Francis said.

1892 — Grover Cleveland gives a speech on campus to celebrate president’s day

1890 — The Michigan Daily prints its first issue

‘U’, Campus Regard ‘Riot’ Calmly Students’ Explosion Termed ‘Spring Madness’ by Dean CAL SAMRA AND SID KLAUS March 22, 1952 - University officials are not planning to take disciplinary action against those who participated in the seven hours of hectic student “rioting” Thursday night. As reports of the mob’s impulsive exploits continued to trickle in yesterday, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter released a statement clarifying the University’s position on the unexpected spring blow-up: “The student demonstration was a form of spring madness,” Dean Walter said. “The term ‘madness’ has the implication of being something uncontrollable.” “We were fortunate in not having serious accidents, in not having a mob spirit develop. I am glad that there had to be no arrests and that the property damage was of an insignificant character. “I am sorry that a few of our students showed some pretty bad manners,” he continued. “Most of them, considering that they were out of order, showed marks of self-control which, in general, are the characteristics of our student body. “If any students are reported to us who have violated specific University regulations, these students will be heard by the regularly constituted disciplinary authorities.” In reviewing the demonstration, we obviously shall try to establish some controls of a moral character that may operate in a crisis. Obviously, this is difficult to accomplish. No human being has ever attempted to shift the vernal equinox,” he added. Despite the avalanche of mob hysteria, damage and theft were reported at a minimum. Martha Cook suffered the most costly vandalism. An estimated

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “The U-M Bicentennial not only marks the 200th anniversary of this great university, it also marks 200 years of a long standing commitment to serving our communities, our state, and our world. Celebrating our Bicentennial reminds us of this commitment and challenges us to continue serving, learning, and fighting for what we believe in.” LSA senior Teddy Gotfredson, Men’s Glee Club

all-campus poll heeded

Student Leaders To Meet Today, Lewis to Discuss SGC Transition With 7 Ex-Officio Representatives DAVE BAAD Jan 4, 1955 - The Board of Regents for the first time in University history has sanctioned a student government. Taking cognizance of strong campus support for the Student Government Council proposal, the Regents approved the new form of University student government at their Dec. 17 meeting. SGC, composed of 11 elected and seven ex-officio members, replaces Student Legislature and the 15-member Student Affairs Committee, the student government of the last six years. SL, although recognized by SAC, has never been recognized by the Regents. Earlier in December, an allcampus student poll conducted at request of the Regents gave SGC a favorable 5,102 to 1,451 vote. Election To Be Discussed Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis will meet today with the seven ex-officio members of SGC and the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women to initiate procedure for bringing the new student government into existence.

The group will consider the election of SGC representatives and other matters pertaining to transition to the new government. Vice - President Lewis said he expects the election of SGC members will take place between March 15 and 30 but added the “sooner the better.” He would like the election as early as possible so that the experience of this year’s student leaders. may be utilized as much as possible in getting SGC organized and underway. Election Dates Suggested A motion to hold the elections March 29 and 30 will be introduced to the still functioning SL at its meeting tomorrow night. David Levy, ‘57, SL elections chairman for the elections held Dec. 8 and 9, thinks it will take at least eight weeks to organize a smooth running election. Elections for SGC couldn’t be held until after the start of the spring semester-because of interference with final examinations. Although Vice-President Lewis said yesterday his group will make final decisions, comment indicated yesterday there would be general cooperation among campus groups in holding

the election. One SL member suggested a plan by which all groups represented by an ex-officio member on SGC would assist with the election. Groups Represented on SGC Groups represented by ex-officio members are the Union, League, Pan-Hellenic, Assembly, Interfraternity Council, InterHouse Council and The Daily. SGC, approved for a two-year trial period, has various functions including recognition of new campus organizations, approval or disapproval of student-sponsored activities, coordinating student activities and originating student projects among others. Subject To Review SGC action will be subject to review by a seven member Board of Review consisting of the Dean of Men, Dean of Women, three faculty members and two student members. Student members will be the President of SGC and one other member appointed by the Council. The Board must declare its intention to review a decision of SGC within 96 hours of its appearance in the Daily Official Bulletin or the decision becomes final.

$200 in damages was inflicted at the women’s residence. The window panes of two front doors were smashed, the handle of a side door ripped off, two $35 ash trays and various “items” purloined, the screen ripped off the front office window, and several basement windows broken. Though beseiged by two frontal attacks, one by women, another by East Quadders, plush South Quad was marred only by two broken windows, reportedly smashed by stones. In the last attack, the front doors were showered with a barrage of mud. At Alice Lloyd Hall, unmentionables as well as mentionables were carried off by the men, while Stockwell coeds yesterday were proudly displaying “souvenirs” pilfered from East Quad. At Victor Vaughan, one coed claimed she had to grapple with one of the men to prevent him from leaving her room with her watch. Early yesterday morning, janitors at Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry were solemnly sweeping mud, brought in on the men’s shoes, from the corridor floors. Later, it was reported that several students are planning to urge Student Legislature to sponsor a fund-raising campaign to make restitution for damages and theft. Fortunately, there were no serious accidents during the demonstrations. But Sura Rotenberg, ‘55, reported she received burns on her forearm when some of the men, storming into Vaughan House, tossed her into a Shower and turned on the hot water. Miss Rotenberg received first aid at Health Service. And another woman student, Denise Buffington, ‘52, was bruised as she attempted to block the rambunctious mob from entering a Liberty St. theater, where she works as a cashier.


“To me, the Bicentennial means a new opportunity and a new era. It’s not only the chance to learn from past mistakes, but to also look towards the future to create new ideas and an opportunity to reinvent ourselves as a University and individually.” LSA senior Breanna Wyrick, Black Student Union president



4 — Friday, September 15, 2017 1900 — Professor Frederick G. Novy begins laying groundwork for developments in antihistamines

1915 — Martha Cook and Helen Newberry, U-M’s first female-only residence halls, open

1902 — U-M defeats Stanford 49-0 in first Rose Bowl

1917 — U.S. joins WWI

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com 1920 — 19th amendment gives women the right to vote

1923 — Yost Field House opens, home to U-M hockey

1917 — Union opens

North Campus Provides Key to ‘U’ Expansion JIM ELSMAN September 17, 1956 Cramped by the growing pains confronting all institutions of higher education, the University has called upon North Campus to provide the ground space for its future expansion. Located a mile north of the main campus, this 670-acre tract of rolling land has faced a blitzkrieg attack of steam shovels, caterpillars and construction crews since University President Harlan Hatcher, in the spring of 1952, broke ground for the Cooley Memorial Building. Functionally, North Campus structures have tended toward physical science, engineering, and graduate education. Four Structures Completed Four structures of glass and orange brick have been completed. In the Fall of 1953, the Mortimer E. Cooley Building, dedicated to the Dean of the University’s College of Engineering from 1903 to 1928, became the first completed building on North Campus.

Most of the work within the building is conducted by the University Engineering Research Institute in advanced electronic research, ERI now carries on $8,000,000 of top secret government and industry research. Phoenix Dedicated In June Phoenix Memorial Laboratory, dedicated in June, 1955, in memory of University World War II dead, functions as a research building for the peacetime uses of atomic energy. Alumni and public donations provided the $1,700,000 for the structure. Dr. Henry J. Gomberg, assistant director of the Phoenix Project, says of the Laboratory, “There is no other non-governmental laboratory in the country like this. In it, we can use radiation to help create new materials, alter old ones, probe the structure of matter, effect genetic changes in living materials, and interfere with or kill undesired organisms or growths.” Ford Nuclear Reactor,

scheduled for completion this year, was financed by a $1,000,000 grant from the Ford Motor Co. and works closely with the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory. When completed, it will be the nation’s most powerful private reactor. Inside the windowless, four story cube building will be a 40,000-gallon “swimming pool,” 26 feet deep, 35 feet long and 23 feet wide. Walls for the ‘pool’ will be six and one-half feet thick for the lower half and three and one-half feet thick at the top. From a bridge across the top of the ‘pool’, a fuel core will be suspended 20 feet into water. Studies of neutrons and their effect upon matter procede from ‘piping’ beams of neutrons away from the fuel core, or by placing materials near the core for neutron bombardment. Central Services Bldg. Third structure completed is the Central Services and Stack Building, financed by a State appropriation of $470,000. This building will facilitate the

storage of the University’s older and less used books. Last completed unit on North Campus was the $1,850,000 Automotive Engineering Building, used for instruction ad research in the automotive and aeronautical fields. Two-stories high and 400feet long, the structure will house 17 sound-proofed test cells, where engines will be surrounded by “curtains of air” when experiments are being run. A committee composed of representatives from Michigan industries will help equip the Automotive Engineering Building, a fine experimental center in a State which is the automotive hub of the world. Three units on North Campus should be completed yet this year. Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory, finished by the United States Air Force and by funds earned by; the Engineering Research Institute, will house three wind tunnels. To General Wind Velocities One wind tunnel will generate

wind velocities up to 7500 miles an hour — ten times the speed of sound to be used for experiments in the guided missile and space satellite areas. Winds of 750 mph and 3000 mph will be whipped up for research and instruction in two other tunnels. The subsonic tunnel is a tapered steel tube, reaching 20 feet in diameter, which winds in a closed circle for over 300 feet outside the main building. Equipment for observation of beach erosion, breakwater design and the effects of lake and ocean waves on various structures will function in the $4,000,000 Fluids Engineering Laboratory, now under construction. There also will be studies of air pollution, heat transfer, air filtering solar power, fluid mechanics and air conditioning, ship and propeller design, hydraulics, and chemical distillation and fractionating. Married Students Apartments Northwood Apartments, a 396-unit housing development

for married students on North Campus, is connected with the main campus with hourly bus service. This development will help siphon off part of the campuses’ load of 5,000 family men-and-women. The development includes two sizeable parking lots and a playground for the project’s numerous children. In regard to future development on North Campus, the University, in its projected five-year capital outlay request to the State Legislature, has asked funds for three major buildings. College of Engineering, in 1960 will ask $208,000 planning money for a Highway Laboratory and a Sanitary Laboratory. School of Music will seek a $2,000,000 appropriation in 1957 to begin construction on its $4,500,000 building of the future. A planning money request of $178,000 for a $4,500,000 Architecture Building will again be submitted in 1957 to the Legislature in Lansing.

Faculty Teach-in Begins Tonight Bipartisian Group To Protest Over Teachers’ Action, Attack Policies ROBERT MOORE March 24, 1965 - There will be tired eyes and lively discussion tonight when the Faculty Committee to Stop the War in Viet Nam puts on its allnight, all-morning teach-in to consider alternative positions to present American foreign policy. But there will also be dissent. A bi-partisan group of “about 100” will demonstrate at 8:30 tonight in front of Angell Hall to protest “propagandizing under the guise of education,” announced Alan Sager, ‘66L, a member of the Executive Board of the University Young

Republicans. Sager said that members of the group will question speakers at conferences and speak out in defense of government policy at the midnight rally planned by the Faculty Committee. The teach-in should have a good attendance. “We hope for at least 1000 students at the first conferences, and there may be as many as 1500,” said Robert Cohen, spokesman for the Student Committee to Aid the Faculty (SCAF) which has been signing up students in the Fishbowl. Yesterday, about 35 Faculty Committee members spoke

at housing units, sororities, and fraternities to ask student support for the teach-in. Prof. William Gamson of the sociology department said that the speakers’ requests got “pretty good receptions.” Details of the teach-in are in an advertisement on Page 8 of The Daily. If the weather is decent, the high point of the evening should be the midnight rally, SCAF member speculate. The teach-in will primarily focus on alternatives to present American policies in Viet Nam. “There is widespread dissatisfaction among the faculty with present policy, but



“To me, the Michigan Bicentennial is an opportunity to consider different aspects our past. We can look back on and celebrate 200 years of our school’s great academic achievements and traditions, but we can also give thought to all that we still can improve, in academics, in DEI, in campus culture, etc. Two hundred years reminds me that my work at this university part of something larger than the present, larger than this generation of people. Reflecting on Michigan’s history, I am motivated to continue improving in my work as a part of this university in the years to come, both as an engineering student and as an involved member of the Michigan community.” Engineering senior Raghav Muralidharan, BLUElab

“It means looking at our past to inform and improve our future.” E Royster Harper, Vice President of Student Life


no consensus on what would be a wiser plan If you asked a hundred faculty members, you’d get a hundred different plans,” said Cohen. “That is why we are holding the teach-in, to decide upon one best alternative position.” Cohen as- sertion, echoed by Gamson, was intended to answer objections like Sager’s that the teach-in was not presenting the other side. SCAF officials said abridged copies of the State Department’s white paper on Viet Nam would be passed out in the Fishbowl to familiarize students with the case.


HALEY MCLAUGHLIN/DAILY Members of the Graduate Employees Organization host a sit-in at the Fleming Administration Building on March 28, 2017.

Senator Kennedy Whistle-Stops Through Nine Michigan Cities Democrat’s Travels Begin in Ann Arbor, Nominee Asks Economic Growth, ‘Recovery of American Prestige’ MICHAEL BURNS Special to the Daily

October 15, 1960 - ABOARD THE, KENNEDY CAMPAIGN SPECIAL-Plugging his program of “New Frontiers” and stressing econonomic growth and recovery of American prestige abroad, Sen. J F. Kennedy whistle-stopped through nine central Michigan cities yesterday. The senator began his one-day tour of the state in Ann Arbor yesterday morning, where he was greeted by 5,000 cheering supporters. He called upon citizens to continue tributing “a strong and vigorous effort to utilize the resources in this country” as an example to the newly independent states who want to try a free society. Kennedy told the cheering enthusiastic audiences throughout the state that his program was a progressive one, designed “to move this country ahead.” Designs Proposals He said his proposals are designed to coordinate both domestic and foreign policies, as the New Freedom of Wilson, the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt and the Fair Deal of Truman had done successfully in the past. In Jackson, the Massachusetts senator told the audience that he

was running against “a man who runs on the slogan ‘You never had it so good.”’ With seven per cent unemployment in Michigan, with steel industries operating at 50 per cent of capacity and 35 per cent of the nation’s brightest youth not going to college, “who can believe this?” he asked. Discusses Lapse Kennedy urged a “full economy” to meet this economic lapse, and cited the need for 25,000 new jobs a week each year to solve unemployment. Ian Marshall, the Democratic candidate said he was running for the presidency because it “is the center of action.” “And I think the job of the next president of the United States is to tell the, American people the sober facts of life, to ask of them a greater effort, to suggest that it is incumbent upon us to build our strength here in this country, if we are going to maintain ourselves,” Kennedy explained. Brought Up Events He brought up the events in the world which are turning African nations against the United States position and warned of the consequences of Red China’s example of growth when viewed by wavering countries. “In the next 10 years, the

balance of power in the world may begin to move either inevitably in the direction of the Communists or in the direction of freedom. That is why I think the times in. which we live are so important,” the senator emphasized. At East Lansing, where approximately 6,000 Michigan State University students flocked to hear the presidential hopeful, Kennedy said the Administration has failed in disarmament proceedings because less than 100 persons are working on this “most complicated, perhaps important and perhaps fruitful responsibility which the government now faces.” ‘No Broadcasts’ He said there have been no Spanish radio broadcasts to Latin America, except during the Hungarian crisis, in the last eight years and warned that the United States is now fourth in propaganda airings, behind Red nations and Egypt. This country offered only 200 scholarships to the whole Africa last year; was hesitant in recognizing newly independent nations; and has only five per cent of the foreign service in all of Africa. All this, he warned, in spite of the fact that Africa will have one-quarter of the votes in the United Nations in 1962.


The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com 1923 — William Clements Library opens

1927 — The Big House opens

1932 — U-M surgeon Cameron Haight performes one of the world’s first surgical removal of/part of a lung

1931 — Huge crackdown on drinking at U-M, five frats are raided, Michigan Daily editors and football team captain arrested

1924 — Business School is created

Friday, September 15, 2017 — 5

MARJORIE BRAHMS AND MARTHA MACNEAL November 6, 1962 Speaking on moral issues of discrimination and the future hopes of the American Negro in the civil rights struggle, the Rev. Martin Luther King stated yesterday that “the American dream is as yet Unfulfilled.” He declared the basic rights of man are neither derived from nor confirmed by the state, but ordained by God. and therefore every man “is heir to a legacy of dignity and worthiness.” King emphasized the point that integration is necessary “not only to appeal to Asia and Africa and to defend ourselves against the charges

actions. Integration Future Discussing the future of integration, King predicted that although the Negro has come a long way in reevaluating his intrinsic worth he still has a long way to go. “The federal government has a great role to play if the problem is to be solved,” King said. He noted that the “only forthright leadership in the past 10 years has been from the judicial branch” and that “legislative and executive branches have been silent and sometimes hypocritical.” He suggested that it was time for the President to sign an executive order declaring all segregation unconstitutional on the basis of the Fourteenth Amendment.

1934 — George Maceo Jones is the first Black man in the United States to earn a Ph.D. in civil engineering, at U-M

1932 — The “Michigan Socialist House” is created, the first cooperative house in Ann Arbor

King Speaks on Morality of Communism, but because racial discrimination is morally wrong. It substitutes an I-it relationship for the I-thou relationship.” Develop Topic He then developed his topic by explaining first that men must realize that the American dream involves the world dream of brotherhood. “We must learn to live together as brothers or we will die together as fools.” Secondly, men must eliminate the lingering notion that there are inherently superior or inferior races. Third, the United States must rid itself of the system of racial segregation. Agreeing that legislation cannot change men’s hearts, King maintained that law can control external

1933 — Law Quad is built

Johnson Comes to Ann Arbor Gowns, Grads and ‘Great Society’ KENNETH WINTER

Church ‘Shame’ King was also dissatisfied with the role of the clergy in implementing integration, saying that “it is the shameful fact that the church is still the most segregated institution in America today.” Discussing University President Harlan Hatcher’s State of the University address in October in which Hatcher said students should limit activities in the student movement, restricting them to the campus, King disagreed, saying that “students have a responsibility to participate in the movement.” He stressed that education is “being true to studies yet devoting oneself to a significant cause like integration.”


June 23, 1964 - President Lyndon B. Johnson collected an honorary Doctor of Civil Law degree from the University, a presidential endorsement from Henry Ford II and thunderous applause from 80,000 spectators during his morning in Michigan May 22. He was here on a supposedly non-political mission — to deliver the University’s Commencement address — but his appearance was never free of political overtones and the peculiar mystique which always surrounds the President of the United States. Johnson was in Ann Arbor barely over an hour and in the state only a few hours, but the practical and political preparations had begun well in advance. Protecting a President University and local officials worked with Secret Service personnel on security measures — including such tricks as welding shut manhole covers in the Michigan Stadium area, closing off the, Stadium almost a day in advance of the visit, scouring the Stadium with a “bomb squad” on the morning

1,500 students stage sit-in at administration building

of the 22nd and even banning aircraft over the area during the President’s stay here. Political jockeying also preceded the event. A protocol debate flared over whether Republican Gov. George Romney, Democratic Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh or University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss should be the first to greet the Chief Executive as he landed in Detroit (Romiley shook his hand first, but Cavanagh introduced him to the crowd). Other state Democrats scrambled to join Johnson in the limelight at various moments of his visit. Ann Arborites Arise Local people stepped in, too. Thirteen pickets from the Direct Action Committee, a militant local Negro organization, used the occasion to protest alleged police brutality; 107 other Ann Arborites petitioned Johnson to speak out on peace, poverty and civil rights — which the President indeed did, though he made no new policy statements. But the President could’ve quoted from the telephone book, for all most of the spectators cared. To them, the important thing was that the President had come to Ann Arbor.

Protest Is Largest In ‘U’ History, Demonstration Shows Student Response To Hatcher Statement SUSAN ELAN November 30, 1966 - Charging that the University administration refused to neet their demands, 1,500 students packed three floors of the campus Administration Bldg. yesterday in the largest sit-in in the school’s history. The students demonstrated in response to President Harlan Hatcher’s refusal to acede to their demands that the school cease compilation of class rankings for the Selective Service and rescind a controversial new sit-in ban. At a noon rally on the diag students rejected Hatcher’s conciliatory offer Monday to resolve the dispute by establishing three new committees as “sweet talk.”

The students at the rally marched on the Administration Bldg. after Student Government Council President Ed Robinson told them, “Last Monday’s teach-in asked for a yes-or no answer from the administration on our demands. I would interpret President Hatcher’s statements yesterday as not meeting that ultimatum,” As the students marched off to the sit-in, SGC members Robert Smith, ‘67, and Jay Zulaff, ‘67, pleaded with them not to go. About 200 students stayed on to hear Zulaff say, “The administration has started to work with us... We must continue to work with the administration.” The students filled the lobbies, foyers, and some corridors of the

first, second and third floors starting at about 12:20. Access to offices was largely blocked for University employes. Technically the protest did not violate the controversial new sit-in ban which has been the focal point of the two week old dispute here. Robinson spoke to a wide crosssection of students in short talks on all three floors. He thanked the students’ for attending and said their numbers showed “a real committment to student decisionmaking.” He later said that “it should be clear that this is just a beginning. I would anticipate another meeting Thursday night with complete debate and an open agenda to decide on further actions.”

‘U’ surgical team attempts heart transplant operation

Robinson received frequent applause as he told the students they were doing “the best thing that has ever been done for education anywhere. “He predicted that actions by interested students would continue into next semester “I would like to thank everyone who came in spite of ‘the vacation and the weather and Hatcher’s statement. This show a real commitment to student decision making,” said Robinson. “It should be clear that this is just a beginning,” he added. Voicing a more militant stance was Students for a Democratic Society President Mike Zweig, Grad: “Next time I think we’ll have to have a site-in of indefinite duration.”


AARON BAKER/Daily Members of the Graduate Employees Organization host a sit-in in the Union on April 10, 2017.

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “This is actually the bicentennial anniversary of the College Republican chapter at the University of Michigan, the oldest College Republican chapter in the U.S. To me, celebrating the University’s Bicentennial anniversary has a special significance as I do my part in continuing the tradition of representing College Republicans on campus.” LSA senior Enrique Zalamea, president of College Republicans

Begin surgery near midnight JIM NEUBACHER September 20, 1968 - A 22-man University surgical team began a heart transplant late last night in University Hospital. The recipient is a 49-year old Kalamazoo man, Phillip T. Barnum, who has been prepared for such an operation since Aug. 8. The donor for the operation was a 37 year old male, who died of a stroke, according to hospital officials. His family has requested his name remain anonymous. Barnum had been slowly dying of cardiomyopthy, a degeneration of the heart muscle. Although the hospital refused to officially give out the names of those on the 22-man operating team, unofficial sources believe the surgeon heading the team is Dr. Donald Kahn, a specialist in thoracic surgery. Of the 22-man team, 10 will work on the donor side of the operation, and 12 on the recipient Side. The operation began at mid-night last night, and no word was to be available on the outcome of the long and complicated operation until 4 or 5 a.m. this morning.

The success of the transplant will hinge on the willingness of Barnum’s body to accept the new organ. The natural processes of the body which cause it to fight off simple infection and form protective pockets around embedded objects in the skin, will also cause it to attempt to reject the foreign heart. In order to fight his phenomenon, doctors will administer drugs to Barnum which will diminish the ability of the body to reject the heart. However, these drugs also lower the natural barriers to infection. A large number of the patients in previous heart transplants have died not because of failure of the heart, but of complications resulting from later infection. Doctors have found one drug which helps prevent the rejection of the heart to a large degree, while reducing the possibility of infection to a minimum. This drug, call antilymphocyte globulin, (ALG), has been used in transplants in Texas with great success. Dr. Denton A. Cooley of Baylor University, who has performed at least nine transplants, said recently he would not try

such an operation without ALG. However, until recently, ALG had been banned from interstate shipment by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. Thus doctors here faced the problem of developing their own supply, a long and tedious process according to hospital sources. Recently, the Clinical Research Unit (CRU), of the University Hospital, in which Barnum was a patient, was closed down for lack of federal funds to support it. The CRU accepts only patients with unusual medical problems. The federal grant paid for the care of these patients, and the doctors were given an opportunity to study new and better treatments. As of last night, the Barnum family was still legally responsible for the finances of the operation. However, it was all but assured by University Hospital that private sources of funds, and a federal allocation would cover the costs. The operating team has been prepared for such an operation since April. Their schedule called for removal of the heart of the donor within ten minutes of death.



“I think that it has definitely changed since I became chair of Dems. The University of Michigan has been one of the leaders in promoting public education, public good, working toward a more just society. And I think that’s so important; we all know that this campus is liberal, but I think that they have also done a good job promoting freedom of speech, but also working to make sure that students feel safe. And there’s obviously so much more that needs to be done especially with this administration students have felt threatened, but I think that these 200 years — and obviously it didn’t start out great, but U of M along with the country has helped society move in the right direction.” Public Policy senior Rowan Conybeare, president of College Democrats


6 — Friday, September 15, 2017 1934 — Pearl Kendrick and Grace Eldering begin testing of a whooping cough vaccine

1936 — Burton Memorial Tower is built

1949 — Institute for Social Research is established

Post-Game rally on Diag ALAN SHACKELFORD

September 21, 1969 - A chanting crowd of some 12,000 marched from Michigan, Stadium following yesterday’s football game to a peace rally in the Diag. “This march expresses the substantial amount of anti-war feeling in the United States,” said Gene Gladstone, co-ordinator for the New Mobilization, which sponsored the march. He hailed the march as a huge success which far exceeded his original estimates. Six marchers in the vanguard bore a symbolic casket holding the corpse of Uncle Sam. On the casket was a Nixon poster bearing the message “Would you buy a used war from this man?” The main block of marchers was preceded by a huge banner which read “End the War Now, Bring

the Troops Home.” Escorted by Ann Arbor Police motorcyclists and children on bicycles, the rally wound its way down East Hoover St. past two fraternity parties and on to the Diag. Marchers raised chants of “Peace Now” and “Join Us,” aided by a loudspeaker. Participants from SDS and Resistance added their own chants of “Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, NLF is going to win.” Few incidents occurred between peace marchers and those who looked on, except for a few anti-marcher catcalls. Police averted a fistfight between a march monitor and an onlooker in front of the Michigan Union. About five thousand people gathered in the Diag to hear speakers and two rock bands, “UP” and “Shiva.” who set up on the steps of the Graduate Library. Arbor City Councilman Len

1950 — U-M purchases 300 acres of farmland in Northeast Ann Arbor to develop what is now North Campus

1943 — U-M is one of 131 colleges that takes part in the V-12 navy program

1941 — Attack on Pearl Harbor launches U.S. involvement in WWII

1935 — Fred Ulrich creates Ulrich’s Bookstore on South University

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

Quenon kicked off the rally by calling “overcommitment to the military and racial injustice” the “twin evils of our time.” He emphasized that “these evils can be found not only in Washington but right here in Washtenaw County.” Quenon drew enthusiastic response from the crowd with comments critical of Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey. Main speaker was well-known peace activist David Dellinger, one of the “Chicago Eight.” He drew on a conversation of two years ago with Ho Chi Minh who, Dellinger said, “is probably loved by more Americans than either LBJ or Richard Nixon. Ho Chi Minh has given us the strength and determination with which to continue our struggle.” Saying Nixon is “part way down the slippery slide which

drove LBJ out of office,” Dellinger predicted that the November march on Washington “will finish the job.” Dr. Sidney Peck, steering committee member of national Mobilization, demanded “immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Vietnam and the dismantling of all our bases there.” He predicted that one and one-half million Americans will participate in the November action in Washington. Optimism regarding the success of the anti-war movement was expressed by Andrew Pulley, organizer of “GI’s United Against the War in Vietnam” at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. “We are losing in Vietnam and losing at home,” said Pulley, who also pointed out that many servicemen are being won over to the side of those against the war.

‘U’ men land on moon ASSOCIATED PRESS

July 31, 1971 - Two former University students, David Scott and James Irwin, landed safely and accurately on the moon yesterday. Scott opened a lunar module hatch to look at the canyon banks, boulder fields and mountains around them and exclaimed poetically: “Oh, boy, what a view!” The men achieved the moon landing at 5:16 p.m. EST to begin one of man’s greatest scientific expeditions, an exploration by car to the edge of a deep canyon and the base of the highest lunar mountains. Before they got there, however, they ran into a minor difficulty with their spacecraft, as they have

Million protest Vietnam War; 20,000 join ‘U’ stadium rally moratorium, which one southern WIRE SERVICE mayor said was “giving aid and REPORTERS comfort to the enemy.” In Boston, a crowd police estimated at more than Oct 16, 1969 - One million 90,000 jammed the city’s Commons Americans across the country for aseries of speeches. opposed to the Vietnam War Sen. George McGovern. D-S. marked Moratorium Day yesterday Dak.), told the cheering crowd “the with demonstrations that spread most urgent and responsible act of from college campuses to city street American citizenship in 1969 is to corners. The demonstrations were bring all possible pressure on the generally peaceful, with scattered administration to order our troops minor incidents of violence out of Vietnam now.” reported. Nearby, addressing the World With black armbands and anti- Affairs Council, Sen. Edward war buttons, participants of varying Kennedy (D-Mass.) declared the beliefs, militant and moderate, United States should announce “an young and old, attended rallies, irrevocable decision” to withdraw solemn vigils, marches and teach- all ground combat troops from ins. No official estimate of the total Vietnam within one year, and other participation was available, but forces by the end of 1972. reports from all over showed that In the nation’s capital, a number perhaps more than one million of demonstrations took place Americans took an active part. throughout the day, topped by a Some Americans opposed to the candle light march to the White moratorium held counter-demon- House. strations, contending the anti-war More than 3,000 persons, mostly protesters were acting against the young, staged a mass demonstration national interest. Flag raisings, in front of the National Selective picket-lines, and burning headlights Service headquarters. Sitting in the showed displeasure with the street, they blocked traffic. Police FROM

stationed at intersections and along the sidewalks helped marshals keep order. Violence did break out, however when a group of young black militants at an afternoon rally near the White House attempted to break into the White House grounds. Police armed with clubs made a number of arrests and cleared the demonstrators out of the area,sealing off a block in front of the Capitol. The Washington demonstrators saved the best for last as 30,000 hushed, attentive persons huddled on the damp, cold slope of t h e Washington Monument grounds to hear Mrs. Martin Luther King condemn the war. “We spend billions of dollars for destruction in Vietnam,” she said, “but we refuse to recognize the necessity for life at home.” She said the war has destroyed the hopes of black and poor Americans. After her speech, the protesters marched four and five abreast in a candlelight parade up Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. In front of the mansion, Mrs. King lighted a

several times during their journey. A power cable connected from the command ship to the lunar lander broke loose. The lander was unable to be separated from the command ship until the command ship’s pilot Alfred Worden, found the loose connection and fixed it. Back on Earth, Irwin’s parents read passages from the Bible and clutched each other’s hands until lander dropped down safely. His wife Mary will miss most, if not all of the first moonwalk today to fulfill a church teaching commitment. “Jim is committed to his mission and I’m committed to mine,” she explained. “In the meantime, I’m going to bed,” she added, gently nudging the hordes of newsmen out of her home.

Massive rallies stay peaceful

the reading of a list of names of the American soldiers killed in the War. Bill Moyers, press secretary to former President Lyndon B. Johnson and now publisher of the Long Island newspaper Newsday, called the moratorium a “coming together, at last, against the divisiveness that has riddled us since the advent of the war.” In Chicago, where the ‘Chicago 8’ are being prosecuted for their actions in last year’s Democratic convention demonstrations, Federal Judge Julius Hoffman and marshals thwarted attempts by the defendants, except for Tom Hayden, to commemorate the day. The defendants appeared in court wearing black armbands and one of them began reading a roster of the war-dead, but was stopped. Hayden, national founder of Students for a Democratic Society, last night spoke at the stadium rally in Ann Arbor. Defendant David Dellinger jumped to his feet later in the proceedings and asked for a moment of silence in respect for the war dead, but was shouted down by the

prosecution attorney and the judge. In St. Paul, Minn. former Vice President Hubert Humphrey attended a moratorium rally at Macalester College, where he teaches part-time. He did not speak, but listened to Prof. Thomas Grissom call the U.S. government “the primary obstacle to peace in the world.” Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn) who sought the presidential nomination last year as an antiwar candidate, spoke to 10,000 persons at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. McCarthy declared that although Nixon might hold military withdrawal from Vietnam to be a disaster, history “would call it a sign of great statesmanship.” In Vietnam the only battlefield protest reported reported was the wearing of black armbands by members of a platoon of U.S. in-fantrymen on patrol near Chu Lai, some 360 miles northeast of Saigon. There was no way of knowing immediately, however, if there were similar antiwar expressions by other GTs scattered throughout the country.

Mixing youth culture, electoral politics

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “The University of Michigan for 200 years has disseminated knowledge to the University community, to Ann Arbor, to the state of Michigan, to the United States of America and to the world. The University has encouraged all of us to use this knowledge in the service of creating and sustaining a moral and ethical world environment dedicated to human and civil rights and to justice for all.” Jim Toy, Founder of the Spectrum Center



foot-high candle. The procession was orderly and the marchers obeyed traffic signals and police instructions. In Detroit, mounted police were called to unsnarl traffic and contain a crowd of about 5,000 drawn to Kennedy Square for a protest. Some scattered incidents of violence broke out when a militant right-wing organization, Breakthrough, moved in for a counter-demonstration. In New York City, Mayor John Lindsay, who had proclaimed the day a day of mourning, ordered the flags flown at half-mast. He was cheered as he told a Greenwich Village crowd that the Nixon administration was on a “dangerous, self-defeating course.” Lindsay was attacked for his actions by his two opponents in the city’s mayoral race. Republican candidate John Marchi called Lindsay’s proclamation “a New York version of Dunkirk.” Democrat Mario Procaccino called it “illadvised.” More than 10,000 persons jammed the Wall Street area for a demonstration which included

1952 — Panty raid draws national spotlight and dozens of imitators across the country

“The University of Michigan is a special institution. As one of the world’s best public university, its ideals nurture what’s best in our collective will as a state. I’m thankful for what the University has given me, and for the inspiration to public service it provided me as the hallowed ground where President Kennedy initiated the idea of the Peace Corps, where President Johnson launched the Great Society, and where President Ford came of age. Michigan will continue to adapt to the coming 200 years as it has over the past 200, and I’m thankful to have been a small part of celebrating this occasion. “ Abdul El-Sayed, Democratic candidate for governor, University alum


April 4, 1972 - Ann Arbor has always had a reputation for mixing politics and culture. In the past it has combined street and youth culture with radical politics — political rallies and guerrilla theater, rock and roll music and political speeches. But this past weekend Ann Arbor saw a variation on the old theme — the mixing of youth culture and traditional, electoral politics in an attempt to keep voters keyed up for yesterday’s city elections. Using rock concerts and a “Be-in,” organizers did their best to try and give people staying over the Easter weekend something to do. And their best was very good. Uniquely, this weekend’s activities were not aimed at ending the war or stopping racism; they were not concerned with corporate recruiting or classified research. The main focus was getting out the vote. The first part of the weekend festivities was not really directly related to the election. It was the First Annual Ann Arbor Hash Festival and it was a rousing success. Despite what the police say, despite what the University says, and despite what the rest of the media says, there was a huge crowd braving the snow and cold to be out on the Diag. And there was a vast quantity

of grass and hash consumed. But that was just setting the scene for the rock-and-roll bash at Hill Aud. Saturday night. Featuring the Guardian Angel, Wilderness Road, Spencer Davis and Detroit, the concert mixed a fine evening of music with constant reminders to get out and vote. Guardian Angel opened the night, playing some fairly good but not exceptional rocking music. GA has been around the Ann Arbor-Detroit area for a long time under other names, and they usually do a pretty solid show. There were some good vocals and some nice arrangements but nothing new, nothing exciting about their music. Happily, the same can’t be said for the next group, Wilderness Road. Coming from Chicago, Wilderness Road played some of the most imaginative and interesting rock I have heard lately. They have two very fine guitar players who switch off playing lead while the bass and drums provide solid, steady backing. Mixing in some funny commercials and an Easter miracle, Wilderness Road kept the audience laughing and dancing in the aisles. While the equipment was being changed, some of the city council candidates came onstage to urge people to vote, and make the youth vote felt. The next act was a surprise for most people. Spencer

Davis, who is best known for some big rock hits when Stevie Winwood was part of the group, came out and did an all acoustical set. The old country and country blues numbers Davis did give the audience a nice break in what was otherwise a very high energy rock and roll evening. Despite spending almost as much time tuning his guitars as he did playing, Davis and his two backers on rhythm and electric bass showed a good understanding of the quite, simple music of the backwoods. Just before the next act was introduced one of their roadies came to the mike “cause I got a point to make.” His point was to urge everyone to register to vote. “I’m not saying vote, I’m just saying register cause that’s where they pick the juries from,” he said. “If we ever want to change this country it won’t be at the polls, it’ll be in the courts - so register.” Then came the headliners — Detroit, featuring Mitch Ryder, If Chicago typifies the music of the city of Chicago to some extent, Detroit represents the city of Detroit even more so. With their hard-driving, kickass street rock and roll De- troit is Detroit.

Read more at MichiganDaily.com


The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com 1955 — Jonas Salk Polio vaccine trials conclude and are deemed safe by Salk ’s professor

1957 — Ford Nuclear Reactor constructed Tower is built

1960 — A sharp increase in campus activism begins a legacy for the University of Michigan

1960 — The first Ann Arbor Street Art Fair takes place

1956 — U-M establishes one of first academic programs in computing

Friday, September 15, 2017 — 7

1962 — Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at the University of Michigan

Oct 14 1960 — John F. Kennedy announces formation of the Peace Corps on the steps of the Union during his whistle stop campaign appearance

1964 — Lyndon B Johnson details “Great Society” during commencement

BAM, ‘U’ resume negotiations ‘U’ charges into computer age as class boycott continues KERY MURAKAMI

Picketing, Quiet Mark BAM Strike DAVE CHUDWIN March 31, 1970 - Pe a c e f u l, nondisruptive picketing of classroom buildings yesterday morning and afternoon marked the seventh day of the Black Action Movement (BAM) strike. Later, BAM leaders, addressing about 1,200 people in the Union Ballroom, announced that they would resume talks with University officials on BAM’s demands for increased minority enrollment along with necessary recruiting, financial aid and tutoring services. Negotiations between the two sides began at 8:40 p.m. last night. Meanwhile, about 200 state police troopers were reported to be on standby alert at the National Guard Armory. Early yesterday morning city officials, BAM leaders and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont discussed “ground rules” to keep strike actions within the law. In response, BAM passed out a mimeographed sheet in the morning instructing picketers not to block building entrances, verbally threaten people, disrupt classes or have any objects that could be defined as weapons. At a noon Diag rally BAM leader Roger Short accused President Robben Fleming of trying to bluff strike supporters with threats of calling state police and the National Guard on campus. “We’re dealing with a man That’s making a bluff,” Short told the crowd of about 800 people. “I’m not advocating anything, but when you’re in that picket-line think about that. Think about what it means to call police on campus.” Yesterday’s activities began before dawn as strikers picketed dorms and Plant Department parking lots, trying to persuade employees not to go to work. Breakfast was not served at MosherJordan or Couzens, but otherwise

dorm food service was normal. At the Plant Department, workers listened to picketers’ explanations of the strike and took leaflets but drove through the picket lines to work. Picketers claimed that a number of plainclothes policemen were in the area before the strikers left at about 7:30 a.m. Classroom picketing began soon after as students marched or sat around entrances of classroom buildings in the Central Campus area. Holding signs and occasionally singing strike songs, the picketers tried to discourage other students and faculty members from entering classes. The picketing was noticeably non-militant, with a minor incident at Angell Hall the only reported disturbance during the day. The demonstrators continued picketing throughout the day at the law, business and education schools as well as the AngellMason complex, the Economics, Chemistry, Natural Resources, E. and W. Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Natural Science and LSA Bldgs. In the morning, strikers did not have success in persuading many people not to attend classes, but in the afternoon the number of pickets increased and class attendance visibly dropped. At the noon Diag rally BAM leader Ed Fabre said the strike would continue, despite what he described as Fleming’s attempt to turn black against white students and students against faculty. Fabre said that the main issue facing negotiators would be handling any charges brought against students participating in strike actions. BAM leader Madison Foster claimed the strike had been relatively non-violent and accused Fleming of trying to undercut support from BAM. “Some of you have been photographed and identified— Fleming himself admitted he had an

informant at Rackham,” Foster told the crowd. “We have to demand that we get a mechanism to prevent reprisals. In the afternoon over two dozen strikers picketed the University’s incinerator on North Campus. Several University garbage trucks were reportedly temporarily blocked as some drivers were reluctant to cross picket-lines. Aud. A was locked by University personnel later in the afternoon after a liquid chemical, probably hydrochloric acid, was poured on several auditorium chairs. At 5 p.m. an overflow crowd jammed the Union Ballroom to hear BAM representatives discuss the progress of the strike. A mock trial was held, accusing “Robben Flim Flam” of “libel, incitement to riot, breach of contract, conspiracy to deprive people of their civil rights, usurpation of the power of the people and misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance of public office.” The crowd found “Flim Flam” guilty and the “judge” ordered “Flim Flam to be humanized.” Darryl Gorman announced that if agreement is reached with the University about the black demands, BAM members would vote among themselves whether to approve the agreement. A mass meeting of strike supporters would then be called to ratify any pact. “Until we get a settlement the strike has got to go on,” BAM leader Ron Harris told the gathering. He called for peaceful picketing of classrooms today beginning at 7:30 a.m. “Your failure to keep this thing going will only result in hanging yourself,” Harris told the crowd, referring to allegations of planned reprisals against strikers. BAM also announced plans for a noon rally today at Rackham Amphitheater and another rally at 7 p.m. tonight in the Union Ballroom.

Dalai Lama encourages world peace FLINT J. WAINESS Daily Staff Reporter

speak different tongues,” he noted, but all humans have “tremendous constructive potential.” He went on to say that “from birth to death, we are heavily reliant on others’ care,” there thus follows the need to strive for “nonviolence and tolerance in daily life.” The Dalai Lama sat on a panel consisting of impressive persons ranging from Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon to the poet Allen Ginsberg. The life of the Dalai Lama has been one riven with paradox. On one hand, he is the 14th Dalai Lama, a bodhisattva who is supposedly exempt from the banes of humanity, and is on his earth merely to help others.

But the Dalai Lama has also been forced to deal with political realities. In 1950, as China invaded East Tibet and began systematically tearing apart its cultures and traditions, the Dalai Lama fled to India and has ruled in exile from there ever since. Tibetan Buddhism was popularized on Western college campuses in the 1960s, as the counterculture and the student movement embraced many of the teachings of the Dalai Lama. But if the small sampling of student at the festivities surrounding the Dalai Lama’s visit to Ann Arbor was any indication, student interest has waned since then.

May 4, 1994 - A stream of cars on State Street tongues said it all. Donning bright bumper stickers that screamed “Free Tibet” and license plates reading “HOWL,” informed observers knew the cars were welcome mats for the visit of the Dalai Lama to Ann Arbor. In a three-day extravaganza, events ranging from a general speech calling for demilitarization and world peace to discussions about what spiritual oneness means, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet spent April 21-23 meeting Ann Arbor residents. But for students, the coming of the Dalai Lama happened to coincide with an unusual weekend of beautiful weather and finals looming on the horizon. Nevertheless, LSA sophomores Katy Fensch and Angie Palmer attended the Saturday discussion. Fensch said they went to the event because they are both interested in other cultures. Palmer said the Dalai Lama’s message of universal compassion and human rights is an important one for people of all religions and cultures. The Dalai Lama, whose visit was sponsored by the Ann Arborbased Jewel Heart, emphasized a similar theme during the talks. Speaking to a packed Hill Auditorium, the Tibetan Buddhist — appearing eloquently peaceful and at ease in both English and his native language — outlined his philosophy. The Dalai Lama visits the University in April 1994. “We are from all directions and

July 12, 1985 - Now a days, you can’t get very far without running into computers. Video games and video game arcades taturate malls and inner-city skid rows around the country. Computer printouts now tell you what classes to attend, where to go, and when to get there. And if you don’t follow its orders, printouts will notify you that you’ve failed. Even rushing for sororities has become computerized. 1944 is past, but at the University of Michigan, 1985 is the dawning age of computering. Starting this fall and continuing until the end of 1987, the University will try to maintain its tradition of staying ahead of the times and install computers with easy access for all students. “I’d like to see computers available within five minutes of every student on campus,” said Douglas Van Houweling, the University’s vice provost for information technology. Although the Board of Regents has not yet formally approved the plan, they unanimously supported the idea when Van Houweling introduced it at the Regent’s June meeting. Under the plan, the University would set up “clusters of 25-50 computers around campus,” Van Houweling said. Where these clusters would be located, he said, hasn’t been decided yet, but he envisions them scattered in dormitories and libraries around campus as well as in academic buildings such as Angell Hall. Currently, the University has 250 stations available to students for general use — for example in the Michigan Union’s computing center. But Van Houweling says that by the end of 1987, the University would have increased the number of its computers seven fold. These new station will be modele after computing centers currently available to business and engineering school students. For a mandatory $100 fee, students in the two schools have access to 45 computers set aside for general use. “I’ve not nothing but positive reactions (about the two computing programs),” said Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline), “For a slight fee,

students can do anything on them, from writing papers, to writing letters home. It’s a bargain.” But as with business and engineering students, access to computers may be a “bargain” but it is not free. Students, except those in the two schools, will begin paying computing fees; going from $50 for winter term to $100 per term starting next spring. Business and engineering students will also have to pay more for their computing, paying $50

I’d like to see computers available within five minutes of every student on campus

more in fees per term, up to $150 a term But Van Houweling said that his plan is the most inexpensive way for students to have access to computers. According to Van Houweling, only private universities are planning projects on the same scale as University, and they require students to buy computers. These cost about $3,000 to $4,000 each, with some as expensive as $10,000, he said. “Our society is changing rapidly,” Van Houweling said, “so rapidly that you can’t go through any concourse in any airport in the country without seeing adults playing computers to amuse themselves.” He said that computer literacy is becoming important in other areas besides business and engineering. For example, he said history students can now use computers to base their own theories, rather than reading other Historian’s theories in books. He added that for the University,

it’s important to preserve its image as a leader in technology. “More and more people are basing their decisions of what schools to attend according to their view of a university’s information technology. He cited figures saying that most students who decided to come to the University thought that it was strong in computing, while most were accepted— but decided to go elsewhere— thought the University was weak in computering. Some regents, however, including Deane Baker (R- Ann Arbor), said they were concerned that they would authorize the computing centers and find that there aren’t enough people on campus trained to use them. But Van Houweling said that more and more people are learning how to use computers before coming to the University. In addition, he said the School of Literature, Science, and the Arts would be expanding its computer classes. Billy Frye, the University’s vice president for academic affairs, however, said that he doesn’t envision any mandatory computer classes for University students. “Computer literacy is a shortrange problem,” Van Houweling said. “The number of people with the knowledge before coming to the University is increasing.” “What I’m really excited about,” he said, “are the excellent computer programs in elementary schools.” “Young children are already very comfortable with these machines,” he said, “As they grow up, they’re viewing computers, not as luxury, but as part of their everyday environment.” In addition to expanding computers available to computing centers, Greg Marks, the University’s vice provost for information technology, said that students would be able to buy any of the line of IBM personal computers from the University. Students can now buy personal computers made by Apple or Zenith at low cost from the University’s microcomputer education center in the School of Education Building. Marks said that the costs of the computers have not been determined.

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “The University of Michigan has its roots in the City of Detroit, where it was founded in 1917, and I am very pleased that 200 years later, President Schlissel and U-M have recommitted to Detroit in a whole range of academic and research initiatives.” Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, University alum


“There’s almost nothing that you can’t at least approach in some way here as a student, and that’s just so amazing to me, and that’s clearly something that’s a result of just building up layers of excellence year after year after year after year...The University is the city and the city is the University and they’ve grown up together for two hundred years...Everybody is together, everybody is go blue.” Eric Fretz, Student Veterans Association advisor




8 — Friday, September 15, 2017

1964 — Jeremiah Turcotte performs the first organ transplant at the University of Michigan Health System

1965 — First-ever faculty teach-in in the country begins March 24

1969 — Faculty petition to end Vietnam War

1968 — U-M hospital completes first heart transplant in Michigan

1964 — Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

1971 — Human Sexuality Office, now knows as the Spectrum Center, is established by key LGBT activist Jim Toy.

1970 — First Black Action Movement protests held

Woman in Charge

Regents announce Coleman as first female president KAREN SCHWARTZ AND MARIA SPROW Daily News Editors

May 30, 2002 - Mary Sue Coleman, president of the University of Iowa, was welcomed to the University by the University Board of Regents and community members yesterday morning as she was elected to be the University’s 13th president in a motion carried unanimously by the Regents. Coleman, who has been president of Iowa since 1995, will begin her term at the University of Michigan Aug. 1 under a five-year contract set to be finalized at the June regents meeting. “She will be a strong, creative, experienced, thoughtful and successful president of the University of Michigan,” Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) said. “And let it be said again and again, girls can do math and science.” Regents also praised interim University President B. Joseph White, expressing gratitude and appreciation for his dedication and involvement in keeping the University running smoothly. “The only thing more challenging than being president of this University would be being interim president,” Regent David Brandon (R-Ann Arbor) said. Added Regent Kathy White (D-Ann Arbor) to White and his wife, Mary: “I’m very impressed at (your) deep commitment ... I am basically speechless,” she said. Though she was officially appointed, Coleman will remain at Iowa for the next two months. “I have two responsibilities that I have to do going forward,” she said, referring to both her position at Iowa and her need to prepare for her new role in Ann Arbor. White will remain in charge of the University until the beginning of August but said

he would confer with Coleman on any major decisions made between now and then. Laurence Deitch (D-Bingham Farms), chair of the Board of Regents and the Presidential Search Committee, said he is confident Coleman is ready for the job. “She was quite simply the best of the best. We think the University and the community will benefit from her leadership,” he said. “As an administrator, she’s smart and she’s tough and she knows how big places like this run.” He added that Coleman is well-known in higher education circles and that her name is on “everybody’s short list of leaders of higher education.” Deitch cited Coleman’s achievements and credentials as part of what made her an appealing candidate, commenting on the breadth of her experiences and involvement in research and a variety of other areas. “We believe she will prove to be one of the great leaders of the University’s history,” he said. “We will be fortunate to have her.” Regarding the search process, Deitch called the search “focused, thorough and thoughtful.” Deitch also addressed the contributions of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, composed of faculty, students, staff and alumni, which met 15 times over five months to investigate the pool of candidates. It was “a truly extraordinary commitment by 16 people with very busy lives,” Deitch said. The University community at large had a chance to be part of the process as well, as 25 meetings were held to give the community a chance to voice opinions and hopes for the next University leader. “The election of the next president mattered to everyone — everyone cared. It reaffirmed our commitment,” said Rackham Dean Earl Lewis,

chair of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee. Lewis said over 200 people were nominated and reviewed “in one form or another” in a process that “turned nominations into candidates.” He said the advisory committee presented a pool of candidates, not finalists, to the regents. “It was a process that we understood required a high level of confidentiality,” he said. He added that the job of the search committee was to create a rich and deep pool full of candidates who were qualified to lead the University in many different ways. Coleman said that if it had been an open search she would not have considered candidacy. She is not the only one who would have refused candidacy, Lewis said. While Lewis said the openness in Harvard’s recent presidential search did not seem to harm former University President Lee Bollinger – who Coleman is replacing – Bollinger was announced last year to be a finalist and then lost to former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers, he believes Bollinger is the exception to the rule. “Everyone involved are people who are themselves in a position of responsibility,” Lewis said. “In many other instances, individuals will find themselves compromised if they are publicly identified as a candidate in a public search.” When asked about a list of finalists, Deitch would not offer a list but said “there is one finalist and she is with us (now).” Making a list of candidates public, even after the announcement, would violate a promise to those who chose to accept their nominations, Lewis said. Though she said she never intended to leave Iowa and was not looking for another job when University committee members asked her to consider the position, Coleman said

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “The University of Michigan’s Bicentennial is a significant milestone that represents 200 years of academic growth and achievement that have had a tremendous impact on our great state. I’m proud to honor U-M’s legacy in furthering higher education. The opportunities afforded to students and the amazing outcomes of the research conducted will influence Michigan and the world for centuries to come.” Gov. Rick Snyder, University alum


“What do you see when you stand on our Diag? Obviously, what’s physically there. But look more closely – and soon we will see the 200 years of leaders and best who have walked the Diag before us, and the 200 years of leaders and best who will walk the Diag after us.” Ross senior Kevin Yang, Central Student Government treasurer


she is happy to be part of the University community and looks forward to “the experience of a lifetime.” “I just wanted you to know what a thrill this is,” she said, adding that part of the thrill of being elected University president comes from her passion for public university education. “I have to tell you, when I called my mother, my 88-yearold mother — she lives in Colorado - she cried and she understood what it meant to be named president,” Coleman said. “Iowa is a fabulous place to be,” she added. “I was very happy at Iowa. Many good things were happening at Iowa. ... I agreed to become a candidate because the University (of Michigan) is such a great university,” she said. As president at Iowa, Coleman said she was involved with students on a number of levels, ranging from making Madonna videos of herself for the school’s Dance Marathon to working with student organizations and student government to making herself available for student comments. The president always makes an appearance at the school’s Dance Marathon, she said. “I always make a fool of myself,” Coleman added. Besides her Madonna impersonation, Coleman said there are other things she would like the student body to know about her. “I’d like students to know that I’m an open person, accessible, that I care about the ideas students have,” she said. At Iowa, she visited sororities and fraternities, answered student email and started a Fireside Chats program co-sponsored by the University of Iowa student government, where 500 students a month are invited to informally meet and discuss topics of interest, she said, adding that the event is publicized and open to all student, regardless of if they receive an invitation, she said.

DEBBIE MIZEL/Former Daily Staff Mary Sue Coleman as pictured in the paper on May 30, 2002.

Coleman is the first woman president at the University, but said she did not feel that being a woman holding the title would change the job description. “This is a hard job, a stressful job for men and women and I think the pressures are the same,” she said. With regard to issues the University is currently facing, including the Martin conviction, Coleman said she looks forward to the challenges as opportunities. “I am committed to having the truth come out and I am dedicated to making it right because that’s what we should do,” she said. As far as the president’s role in the Ed Martin investigation and other issues, she said integrity is a central issue. “The president is going to

be involved with the regents to see that the information comes out. It is extremely important for the public to have absolute confidence in the integrity of the University,” she said. “I believe in everything that the University does ... it should have a standard of excellence,” she added. Priorities for her upcoming term, she said, will include getting search committees underway to fill leadership vacancies within the administration and immersing herself in the University community and University issues to “bring myself up to speed.” Coleman will be receiving an annual salary of $475,000. White and Bollinger each received $326,000 a year.

Conservatives claim victory in striking down quotas JAMES KOIVUNEN And SAMANTHA WOLL Daily Staff Reporters

June 24, 2003 - Although celebrations by pro-affirmative action student groups could be heard across campus yesterday, it was not necessarily a total defeat for their counterparts. Anti-affirmative action students groups cite the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling against the University’s controversial point system as evidence that a part of the University’s undergraduate admissions policy is indeed unconstitutional. Andrew Robbins, LSA student and co-president of the Jewish University Republican Alliance, said of his recently formed student group that, “we were a little disappointed, but they did strike down the point system, so in that regard we are happy.” This sentiment was reiterated by Mike Phillips, LSA senior and publisher of the conservative journal The Michigan Review. “I was most against the undergraduate policy because of the quota system. He said. Although Phillips acknowledged the other side’s victory, he is apprehensive about the future implications

of this ruling for the University and its students. “I am now concerned with what the University will be doing to more accurately reflect the contribution and the mandate,” he said. The Review’s editor-inchief, Ruben Duran, expressed a concern similar to that of Phillips. “(The University is going to find another way to get around it, to continue their social experiment to make minorities feel good,” he said “(They) will now say 19 and a half points is what we give,” he added. The split decision left room for optimism on both sides, but also created some frustrations. “Essentially it did nothing – nothing is different,” said Duran. “The University will continue to purport the idea of diversity which has been upheld as a compelling state interest.” Duran’s disappointment was echoed by Chip Englander, an LSA alum, former chairman of the College Republicans and founder of Young Americans for Freedom. “The decision is ridiculous. It would have been nice to get a clear-cut decision,” he said. Robbins said of the split that it “showed that the Supreme Court, like the rest of the country, is split on these issues.”

Despite the split decision, the ruling yesterday allowed race to be used as a factor in University admissions policies. Phillips agreed that race was a factor but warned against giving it too much weight, “Race can play some role, but it can’t play a decision role – it needs to be used very narrowly,” he said. Although Phillips said he believes it’s possible to implement a new plan that takes race into consideration, many anti-affirmative action activities disagree. Duran said that “an even more secretive, subjective, non-transparent system: is too be expected. Robbins said that JURA is just looking for (an admissions policy) that is merit based. But despite these mixed reactions, both anti-affirmative action groups and antiaffirmative action activists are pleased that the undergraduate point system is being modified. LSA sophomore, MSA member and College Republican Jesse Levine said, “Although I’m a Republican and a moderate, I feel confident with the decision. I’m proud to be a student at the University of Michigan.”

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The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

1972 — Ann Arbor City Council passes ordinance setting fine for possession of marijuana at $5

1981 — Computers continue to become more prevalent with growing computer centers

Acclaimed alum dies at 89 JENNIFER M. MISTHAL Daily Staff Reporter

February 15, 2005 - Arthur Miller, one of the University’s most distinguished alumni and a leading force in American theater, died in his Roxbury, Conn., home Thursday night at age 89. The Associated Press reported heart failure as the cause of his death. The prolific playwright was born Oct. 17, 1915 to a prominent Polish-Jewish family in Harlem. He is best known for writing “All My Sons,” “Death of a Salesman” – which earned him a Pulitzer Prize – and “The Crucible.” Before he made his Broadway premiere in 1944, he developed his writing skills as a University student from 1934 to 1938. He found the University alluring because of its Hopwoods Awards, creative-writing prizes given to students with a cash reward. The awards were established in 1931 in memory of dramatist Avery Hopwood. “This place seemed, because of the Hopwood Award, to be taking writing seriously,” Miller said during a visit to Ann Arbor last April. When financial constraints kept him in Ann Arbor one spring break, Miller found himself with enough free time to write a play, he recalled in his 1987 autobiography, “Timebends” He submitted the highly autobiographical play, “No Villain,” about a coat manufacturer and shipping clerks’ strike, to the Hopwood Awards Committee in 1936 under the pseudonym Beymom. The play won him $250 and the minor award for drama. In his book “Arthur Miller’s America: Theater and Culture in the Time for Change,” Theater and English Prof. Enoch Brater writes that a judge said the play possessed “an excellent modern theme handled with a tender insight into character.” His subsequent Hopwood Award came a year later for “Honors at Dawn,” submitted under the pseudonym Corona. The play focused on working class issues, a theme Miller returned to in many of his

other works. It draws on both his experiences working in an automobile parts warehouse and his time at the University. He made a third and final attempt to secure a Hopwood in 1938 for a prison play titled “The Great Disobedience” but did not win. Miller had arrived at the University two years after his high school graduation from Brooklyns’ Abraham Lincoln High School, where he was a sub-par student – he failed algebra three times. Miller hadn’t seen any plays to speak of, “maybe two or three plays in my life.” Hoping to further his development as a writer, Miller joined The Michigan Daily’s news staff. The byline “Arthur A. Miller” first appeared May 21, 1935, in an article titled “Anti-Red Bill Sent to Senate.” “When I worked for the Daily I did just general reporting, and I was the night editor fo a while. And I got to write some good stories abot all sorts of stuff,” Miller told the Daily in 2000. In his book, Brater writes, “Miller’s reporting for The Michigan Daily falls rather neatly into two separate categories: one dealing with campus events and information of a nonpolitical nature, the other reflecting his growing commitment and attraction to progressive causes.” Miller eventually lost interest in journalism – which was his major until switching to English in 1936 – and his last piece to appear in the Daily ran on May 31, 1937, as a letter to the editor supporting a labor sit-down strike in Washtenaw County. “He said he stopped writing for the Daily because he didn’t like sticking to the facts. He much preferred making things. The rest, you know, is history,” Brater said. Miller’s reputation as a playwright began to take shape ir. Prof. Kenneth Rowe’s drama class.

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1984 — Engineering alum Thomas Knoll and brother John created Adobe Photoshop

1983 — New computing station opens in the Union

1974 — President Gerald Ford takes office — the only alum to ever do so

A Life on the Grand Stage

Friday, September 15, 2017 — 9

1983 — President Ronald Reagan presented the National Medal of Science to Chemical engineering professor Donald Katz

1986 — New U-M hospital opens

Our president The University’s most famous alum never forgot his roots ANDREW GROSSMAN Daily Staff Reporter

January 4, 2007 - University alum and former President Gerald Ford, who sought to restore trust in the presidency in the aftermath of one of the most scandal-ridden administrations in American history, died at his home in Rancho Mirage, Calif. on Tuesday. He was 93. When asked in 1995 what his greatest accomplishment was as president, Ford said it was “healing America.” And heal America he did. Ford’s decent, honest Midwestern demeanor calmed a nation beset by a deep unease after the traumas of Vietnam and Watergate. The cause of Ford’s death has not been released, but he had been hospitalized repeatedly over the past year. Ford was never elected to the presidency or vice presidency. In 1973, Nixon appointed thenCongressman Ford to take the place of Vice President Spiro Agnew after bribery charges forced Agnew to resign. His presidency will be remembered most for a single act – the decision to grant Nixon an unconditional pardon for all crimes he committed while president. The pardon sparked a national outcry and sent Ford’s approval ratings plummeting. It likely cost him the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter. Now, the pardon has become widely viewed as a necessary step to prevent the nation from having to see a former president in court for years. Ford received a John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award for the decision in 2001. Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, who had criticized Ford when he granted the pardon, said the decision was “an extraordinary act of courage that historians recognize was truly in the national interest.” Ford graduated from the University in 1935 with a double major in economics and political

The day after: ‘U’ to fight Proposal 2 in court

science. He played center on a football team that won two national championships. Ford was named the team’s most valuable player in 1934. The University retired his jersey, number 48, in 1994. He came to Ann Arbor in the middle of the Great Depression from his boyhood home in Grand Rapids with just $200 in hand. Half of that was for tuition. His football coach helped him find jobs washing dishes and waiting tables. One of the places where Ford washed dishes was his fraternity house, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Ford was also a member of Michigamua, the elite senior society. Ford turned down offers to play for the Green Bay Packers and the Detroit Lions after graduation. Instead, he headed east to Yale University, where he was an assistant football coach and student at the law school. After serving in the Navy during World War II, Ford returned to Grand Rapids and opened a law firm. He was elected to Congress from Michigan’s 5th District in 1948, a seat he held until assuming the vice presidency. Ford remained close to the University throughout his life. He spoke at commencement ceremonies in May 1974 and kicked off his re-election campaign in September 1976 in front of a crowd of more than 15,000 at Crisler Arena. He returned to Ann Arbor to speak at forums and conferences throughout his retirement. Since 1977, Ford has held the title of adjunct political science professor. Ford’s presidential library is located on North Campus, and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy is named for him. The Ford Presidential Museum is in Grand Rapids. Ford School Dean Rebecca Blank praised Ford “The Ford School community has been enriched by our connections with President Ford,” she said. “His visits here helped

our students learn about the complexities of policymaking and understand the role of politics in our society. President Ford’s commitment to public service was a hallmark of his entire career.” University President Mary Sue Coleman said Ford was a strong contributor to the

I ask that we stop refighting the battles and the recriminations of the past. I ask that we look now at what is right with America University community. “I am deeply saddened by his death but grateful for his many years of inspiration to his University,” Coleman said in a written statement. “I have had the great privilege of knowing both President Ford and Mrs. Ford. An ardent Michigan football fan, President Ford was equally passionate about interacting with students on issues of public policy and world affairs.” Coleman also noted Ford’s support for the University’s use of affirmative action in its admissions decisions. Ford published an op-ed piece in the New York Times in 1999 condemning two lawsuits filed against the University that challenged its use of affirmative action. “At its core, affirmative action should try to offset past injustices by fashioning a campus population more truly reflective of modern America and our hopes for the future,” Ford wrote.


BAMN beats administration to filing lawsuit to block proposal’s implementation WALTER NOWINSKI Daily Staff Reporter

November 9, 2006 University President Mary Sue Coleman pledged yesterday that the University would fight the implementation of Proposal 2 in the courts. A defiant Coleman addressed thousands who gathered on the Diag about the potential impact of the constitutional amendment that will ban affirmative action programs in Michigan. The administration’s immediate concern is trying to delay the implementation of the amendment so all of this year’s applicants will be evaluated under the same admissions guidelines. The constitutional amendment will likely take effect in late December; depending on the date the Secretary of State certifies the election results. If this happens, the University would be forced to change its admissions policies halfway through the admissions cycle – a scenario the administration desperately wants to avoid. “Today, I have directed our General Counsel to consider every legal option available to us,” Coleman told the crowd. Because the potential impact of Proposal 2 has been known

for months, many observers expected swift legal action by the University yesterday to maintain the continuity of this year’s admissions process. But it was the radical proaffirmative action group By Any Means Necessary, not University lawyers that went to the U.S. District Court in Detroit yesterday afternoon to try to block the implementation. A spokesperson for BAMN did not return phone calls for comment on the lawsuit yesterday. In an interview after her address, Coleman said she was unsure when the University would file its first legal challenges to Proposal 2, but she expected she would know within a few days. “The lawyers are working hard on this,” Coleman said. Officials at the University of California and the University of Texas systems successfully delayed the bans on their affirmative action programs in the courts until after completing their admissions cycles. Coleman said she is optimistic the courts would side with the University and allow this year’s admissions cycle to continue unaffected by Proposal 2. But such an outcome is not

necessarily certain. Any legal action brought by the University against Proposal 2 would name the state of Michigan, represented by Attorney General Mike Cox, as the defendant. Cox, a Republican who was elected to a second term Tuesday, has actively opposed the University’s affirmative action policies in the past. In a rare act of defiance by an Attorney General, Cox refused a 2003 request by Jennifer Granholm to author an amicus brief on behalf of the state supporting the University in Gratz v. Bollinger. This year Cox was the only statewide candidate from a major party that openly supported Proposal 2. Cox could not be reached for comment yesterday. Doug Tietz, a spokesman for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, criticized Coleman yesterday for trying to “trump the opinion of 58 percent of the electorate.” Looking to the long term, Coleman reiterated the University’s commitment to diversity.

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Ford’s stance on affirmative action was indicative of his moderate Republican leanings. Both he and his wife, Betty Ford, were supporters of abortion rights. In 1976, Ford faced a primary challenge from the more conservative Ronald Reagan, whom he defeated. Ford did not attend a single social event at the White House during Reagan’s eight years in office. Ford survived two assassination attempts in September 1975. It was Ford who presided over the removal of the last American troops from Vietnam in April 1975. After the fall of Saigon, Ford called on Americans to put the nation’s first real military defeat behind them. “I ask that we stop refighting the battles and the recriminations of the past,” he said in a speech at Tulane University. “I ask that we look now at what is right with America, at our possibilities and our potentialities for change and growth and achievement and sharing. I ask that we accept the responsibilities of leadership as a good neighbor to all peoples and the enemy of none.” Ford echoed Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address, saying “the time has come to look forward to an agenda for the future, to unify, to bind up the Nation’s wounds, and to restore its health and its optimistic self-confidence.” The Associated Press reported Wednesday that plans are underway for Ford’s body to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda on Saturday. A state funeral will likely be held on Tuesday in the National Cathedral. After that, his body will travel to Grand Rapids, where he will be to be buried. Ford is survived by his wife Betty, his daughter Susan and his sons Michael, John and Steven. Plans for a memorial at the University have not yet been announced.


“I was an undergrad here in the early ’90s, and reflecting back to my experience at that time, I feel like the Bicentennial is the time to celebrate that the University of Michigan is a place where people can come and reach their potential...I’m now in the fortunate position of helping other students do that. So when I think about the Univeristy of Michigan and what I would celebrate about it, is that it’s a place for people to come and if they want to they can embrace all of the opportunities to learn about the most pressing social and political issues of our time, how to think about them, and to grow both personally and collectively.” Evelyn Al-Sultany, American Culture professor

“So the Bicentennial at it’s core is about the celebration of the University and it’s history. I feel that while it is important to celebrate the wonderful work the University has done, it is also important to embrace the ways we have improved from faulty and problematic parts and components of our past. We still have much to improve on, and I hope that the Bicentennial provides an avenue for student leaders and activists to engage with the community and pave a positive future for our Michigan.” LSA senior Yong-Joon Kim, SAPAC co-coordinator FILE PHOTO/Daily


10 — Friday, September 15, 2017

1988 — Thomas Francis Jr. founds UROP

1994 — Dalai Lama accepts Wallenberg medal in Ann Arbor

2001 — 9/11 attacks

1995 — Larry Page, Google co-founder, earns his degree in computer science

1989 — U-M solar car team is formed

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com 2003 — Grutter vs. Bollinger/Gratz vs. Bollinger, two cases that challenge affirmative action at the University. Leads to a decrease in minority enrollment years following.

2002 — First female University president selected: Mary Sue Coleman

Celebration: Campus erupts after historic Obama win JULIE ROWE

Daily Staff Reporter

November 5, 2008 - It was through tears, screams and complete elation that Kinesiology sophomore Carolyn McCloud processed the realization that the nation elected a Black president. Speechless, she dropped to her knees in the midst of hundreds of students gathered on the Diag just after 11 p.m. last night, and prayed to God, grateful that Barack Obama was elected the next president of the United States. While she knelt, students erupted in deafening chants of “Yes we did!” and “Obama!” which soared in volume over chaotic cheers, screams and tears. Shortly after Obama gave his acceptance speech near midnight, a band of percussionists, a saxophonist and a tag-a-long didgeridoo player headed to the Diag playing a jazz version of the National Anthem. The hundreds already gathered at the center of campus circled the band. Students continued to pour into the Diag from all directions, a few waving large American Flags. A handful of University police monitored the crowd, including one car parked on a path between the Diag and West Hall. The crowd remained peaceful, yet rowdy as police watched. A group of students formed a drumline on the steps of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library, while hundreds of students alternated chants of “Go-bama!” and “Yes we can!” to the beat. After receiving text messages, a group of students encouraged those gathered to go to the streets. Students were asking each other for a destination but no one seemed to know — or care where the crowd was heading. Some headed to Michigan Stadium, others to the intersection of State Street and Liberty Street. One group marched to the steps of the Michigan Union, clogging State Street and chanting, “It’s great to see an Obama victory.” A portion of the crowd walked along toward the home of University President Mary Sue Coleman and called for her to make a speech. She never emerged and the group soon moved eastward on South University Avenue. The crowds and celebrations,

though numerous and disparate, only grew through the evening as national results came in. As of 4 a.m., Obama had won 338 electoral votes, well above the 270 needed to secure the presidency. Republican nominee John McCain clinched 163 votes. In the crucial fight for swing states, Obama nearly swept Republican nominee McCain, though not by substantial margins in individual states. Obama took Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia. As of 4 a.m., North Carolina, Missouri and Indiana were too close to call. Students cheered well into the early morning hours, celebrating the Democratic candidate’s decisive victory. “I feel this is the greatest moment of our lives,” said LSA sophomore Rose Balzer. “There’s no doubt about that.” While students rejoiced in the streets, singing “The StarSpangled Banner” and choruses of “The Victors,” results trickled in from Ann Arbor precincts, showing a 14-percent increase from the number of people who cast ballots at student dominated polling places of 2004. Eighty-three percent of voters at 14 student-heavy Ann Arbor precincts supported Obama. Obama, whose victory in the Electoral College entered landslide territory, began the race two years ago as the underdog. He had to defeat the favored Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York to win the Democratic Party’s nomination. In doing so, he defied historical precedent to become the first Black man to earn a major party’s nod. The Democratic nominee once again defied political paradigm in his campaign strategy. He energized an entire generation of young Americans with his message of hope and change. During his acceptance speech last night, given before a crowd of more than 240,000, Obama implored Americans to support him as he carries out his progressive platform. “I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it’s been done in America for 221 years — block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand,” he said. Obama’s platform, which centers on tax breaks for middle-

income families, health care policy reforms, withdrawal from Iraq and developing alternative energy technology, has resonated overwhelmingly with young voters. About two-thirds of voters under the age of 30 supported Obama, representing 17 percent of the national electorate. This group of young, primarily first-time voters, who formed their political opinions under a president with some of the worst approval ratings in the history of approval ratings, voted for the young firstterm senator whose eloquent rhetoric promised them a change from the only administration they’d known since middle school. Many of these people not only voted for him, but they dedicated themselves to getting him elected. Membership in the University’s chapter of College Democrats quadrupled in size when the school year began. At the group’s first mass meeting, they turned away more than 100 people because they couldn’t fit the 300 people wanted to help elect Obama in one room. Collectively, the group committed tens of thousands of man-hours to canvassing and phone-banking for the candidate. More than 30 College Democrats members considered the mission a full-time job. In his acceptance speech, Obama thanked them for their efforts. “It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation’s apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep,” he said of those who worked for his campaign. College-aged supporters across the nation contributed to the largest volunteer base of any political campaign. The Obama campaign also used technology like social networking to build a registration, outreach and turnout machine the likes of which no democracy has ever seen. These grassroots efforts mobilized entire blocs of first-time voters. The 18to 24-year-old demographic has never played such an influential role in the election of a president. Historically, young voters haven’t shown up to the polls. Voter turnout among those aged 18-24 has trailed that of voters aged 25 years and older by about 20 percent for the past 30

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “To me, the Bicentennial is a celebration of the incredible growth, success, and change that U of M has seen as it turns 200 years young.” LSA senior Matthew Ladis, MUSIC Matters president


“I’ve been a die-hard Wolverine since day one and reached age two in Northwood housing. U of M has been a huge influence in my childhood and now young adulthood. U of M has made history with its impact on individuals and the world, from the Peace Corps to a moon landing to Google. Our students and alumni are the leaders and best, and I can’t wait to see what history U of M has yet to create. Go Blue!” Maya Pifer, co-director for Society of Women Engineers


years, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. But to combat this group’s infamous apathy, Obama’s campaign, armed with recordshattering fundraising totals, poured money into courting the youth vote. His campaign produced and distributed youth-specific literature, which listed his pledges to make college more affordable and accessible. He used text messaging and viral videos to get his message out to a group of people whose lives revolve around blogging, instant messaging and social networking. On a campus scattered with

Obama campaign literature and plastered with the presidentelect’s likeness, students celebrated throughout the streets of Ann Arbor in droves. Their chants and yells could be heard for hours after the major news networks called the race for Obama. Before flooding the streets, students gathered at campus bars and residence hall lounges to watch results trickle in. Hours before television and Internet news outlets declared Obama the winner, College Democrats members were already celebrating an expected victory. As CNN projected Ohio would go

to Obama just after 9 p.m., the group of 50 people cheered raucously. “Ohio kind of seals the deal,” said Danny Abosch, a School of Music, Theatre and Dance sophomore and a member of the group’s executive board. “Looking at the 2000 and 2004 elections, Ohio has really been the key state. It’s really amazing.” Just before 11 p.m., the electionwatching crowds at Good Time Charley’s braced themselves for the closing of polls in California.

Read more at MichiganDaily.com

#BBUM goes viral on Twitter

Black Student Union campaign shows what it’s like to be Black on campus ALICIA ADAMCZYK AND SAM GRINGLAS Daily News Editor and Daily Staff Reporter

November 20, 2013 - University students took to Twitter in droves Tuesday afternoon to share their experiences as Black students in Ann Arbor and bring attention to issues of race and diversity on campus using the hashtag #BBUM. “Being Black at the University of Michigan has many shades and many levels to what someone might want to speak on it,” said LSA senior Eric Gavin. “It can go from someone being the only Black person in their class to someone with no problems at all.” The campaign, initiated by the University’s Black Student Union, has built up over the past few days before trending nationally on Twitter Tuesday. The hashtag gained momentum after the student organization distributed an e-mail to community members and other campus groups encouraging them to participate in the online conversation. LSA senior Tyrell Collier, BSU’s president, said the #BBUM campaign was planned to raise awareness of the experiences of Black students and for the BSU to collect subjective data it can couple with University statistics to address pressing issues Black students face. Collier said BSU encouraged students to tweet both negative and positive experiences, though the tweets have been predominantly negative, which he expected. He said the issue is especially pressing on campus because while the University frequently discusses ways to increase diversity, many communities have yet to witness tangible results. “I would like to see the lives of Black students valued more,” Collier said. By 10 p.m., over 10,000 tweets included the hashtag from Ann Arbor and beyond. “I don’t think this is a problem specific to the University, I think it’s an experience that Black students at predominantly White universities across the nation are facing,” he said of the far-reaching responses. Black enrollment at the University has fallen precipitously over the past decade largely due to Proposal 2, an amendment to the state constitution that bans affirmative action policies that was passed by Michigan voters in 2006. The proposal, formally named the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, bars the University from considering race in its admissions process. Immediately after the passage of the proposal, University President Mary Sue Coleman gave a dramatic address on the Diag promising to maintain the University’s commitment to diversity. However, the institution has been unable to stanch the decline in minority enrollment through alternative outreach policies in the wake of the affirmative action ban.

In Fall 2006, Black students made up around seven percent of the undergraduate population. In Fall 2013, the University reported that Black undergraduate enrollment had fallen to 4.65 percent. Hispanic enrollment as a percentage of the overall undergraduate body also declined over the same period. At a search forum for the next University president in September, the Presidential Search Advisory Committee — which includes the University’s Board of Regents — heard from a number of students about diversity issues. Several student speakers at the event said many minorities feel they lack a voice on campus and occasionally experience bias incidents with both students and instructors. Collier said the University has not yet contacted BSU about Tuesday’s campaign. University spokesman Rick Fitzgerald stressed that the University’s next step will be to listen to the students and their experiences on campus. “I think at this point the listening is the most important part and how we might respond is the next step and we haven’t gotten there yet,” Fitzgerald said. He said the University is aware of students’ concerns and recognizes that there is always room for improvement in any organization. However, the University’s social media team responded to the campaign via Twitter Tuesday afternoon: “Thanks for engaging in this conversation. We’re listening, and will be sure all of your voices are heard. #BBUM” E. Royster Harper, the University’s vice president for student life, created a Twitter account late Tuesday to address the issue. “Got on Twitter to hear and support your voices. Proud of our students. More later,” Harper wrote. LSA senior Eric Gavin, BSU’s public relations chair, said several recent campus events spurred the organization to plan a campaign, including a recent controversy involving Theta Xi fraternity members who branded a party with racialized images and words. BSU also timed its Twitter campaign to correspond with a forum this evening hosted by the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, the Black Student Union, We are Michigan and Students of Color of Rackham. BSU hopes to not only engage members of its organization but also Black campus leaders from an array of groups, Gavin said. However, leaders didn’t believe the student organization would receive national attention for its efforts. “I definitely could not have foreseen the national attention we have garnered in such a short amount of time,” Gavin said. “We felt it necessary to push for an initiative that would bring more awareness to these issues and to the larger Black community.” Though traditional methods such as campus demonstrations

play a role in raising awareness, Gavin said BSU decided social media could serve as an additional method for sparking dialogue. “It kept it open ended and that’s why it so successful,” Gavin said. “The hashtag leaves for open ended interpretation so people can say what they feel instead of imposing somebody’s thoughts on them.” So far, students have voiced an array of perspectives. “Being Black at the University of Michigan has many shades and many levels to what someone might want to speak on it,” Gavin said. “It can go from someone being the only Black person in their class to someone with no problems at all. It’s a spectrum, but we want people to be aware of everyone’s different ideas on the issue of being Black at the University of Michigan.” Renowned journalist Michele Norris, the creator of the Race Card Project — a nationwide initiative that gathers perspectives on race and aims to foster dialogue on the subject — partnered with the University during last winter’s theme semester on race, and will give the 2013 Winter Commencement address. In a form similar to BSU’s campaign, Norris used Twitter to broaden the reach of the Race Card Project because she said even though the social media platform only allots users only 140 characters, it’s a powerful way to stimulate uncomfortable conversations. “I used to say the most productive conversations are the private ones, but Twitter made me rethink that,” Norris said. Norris noted that the University did not “take cover” once the dialogue took off, but rather embraced the campaign and encouraged students to take part in the conversation, which is not always the norm for large institutions. “This is an honest conversation,” she said. “They wanted to see an honest conversation and that’s what this is, as uncomfortable as this may be for people to read about this.” She said diversity has been an issue on every college campus she has visited, and after reading the tweets from Tuesday’s discussion at Michigan, it is likely the topic isn’t going to subside once the Twitter debate dies down. “It really was not just people talking about their own experiences, but it turned into an actual dialogue,” she said. “People were talking to each other and perhaps even learning from each other, and more importantly listening to each other.” Norris added that she will likely address the issue in her commencement address next month. By asking students to share their experiences as Black students on campus, BSU is hoping to not only bring light to challenges, but also to call other student leaders to action. “We want to get the awareness out so we can begin to move forward and actually do tangible things,” Gavin said.


The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

2005 — Playwright and alum Arthur Miller dies

2008 — The Board of Regents approves the decision to negotiate the purchase of the former Pfizer pharmaceutical research campus, expanding North Campus

2006 — Prop 2 bans affirmative action in the state of Michigan

2009 — Abandoned Pfizer lot purchased and turned into the North Campus Research Complex

The City That Runs Itself: Mcity and the Future of Automated Transportation ALLANA AKHTAR Daily News Editor

March 29, 2016 - Far away from the hills and hot weather of Silicon Valley, where Google has made headlines with their driverless car testing, the University of Michigan is helping bring the national spotlight on the race to build driverless cars to the state. On the University’s North Campus there’s a 32-acre urban environment with freeways, dirt roads, road signs and highway tunnels — known as “Mcity.” The field grabbed national and international attention when it opened in July 2015, becoming the world’s first site designed for the purpose of testing driverless cars. But why here? The University did not build Mcity alone. Mcity was designed and developed by the University’s Mobility Transformation Center, a research partnership between industry and government to improve transportation safety and sustainability. The Michigan Department of Transportation partnered with MTC to create and help fund Mcity, and the site is currently led by corporate partners like Ford, Toyota, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance and General Motors. In partnership with prominent auto industries in Southeast Michigan and the city, state and federal governments, Mcity represents the ways local leaders are working to usher in a new era of transportation in the same area that Henry Ford redefined mobility over a century ago. How the University leads driverless car development Alongside Mcity’s various highways, intersections and dirt roads sit graffiti covered road signs, steep hills and building facades that can be brought just inches away from the road — all details meant to create life-like scenarios to challenge autonomous vehicles. Ford became the first motor company to test an autonomous vehicle in Mcity in November 2015, and they used the site again to challenge their technology in snowy conditions in January 2016. Jim McBride, Ford technical leader for autonomous vehicles, said Mcity was an ideal site because of its simulated imperfection, creating odd scenarios driverless cars might experience in the real world. “Mcity allows us the ability to create that situation and find a safe environment and test it repeatedly,” McBride said. Creating all kinds of life-like challenges for driverless cars is exactly what Mcity was designed for, according to Huei Peng, director of MTC. MTC and Mcity were created in an effort to expand development of automation and connected vehicles both at the University and in the state. Gradual steps in advancing non-driver controlled technology, as well as in connecting cars to each other and their environment like an Internet, are ways in which engineers are moving toward fully autonomous vehicles. “Mcity is a test track designed to have future connected automated vehicle concepts in mind,” Peng said. Cars on the market today already have partially driverless vehicle features. Cruise control, automatic braking and assisted parking systems are features in a vehicle that occur without direct driver input, referred to as “automated.” SAE International — originally founded as the Society of Automotive Engineers — characterizes the degree of automation in on-road vehicles in six levels, zero being completely driver-controlled and five being completely system-controlled. A

driverless car is a vehicle with a system that controls all dynamic driving tasks under all roadway and environmental conditions. Many cars on the road are at a level one standard for automation, and include features such as cruise control and automated braking. In the next few years, however, Peng said there will be an emergence of level two and level three features — like highway cruise, traffic jam assist and automated valet parking — in production vehicles. Engineers of driverless cars are also developing wireless connection channels, called dedicated short-range communications, to allow cars to communicate with each other on the road. Peng explained that when personal computers are connected to each other, every PC becomes more useful; similarly, cars can reduce risk and improve efficiency if they connect to other vehicles. “If we continue to broadcast the vehicle’s motion to other cars, it will make traffic safer, potentially more efficient, and (lead to) less energy consumption,” Peng said. Even before Mcity garnered international attention, the University had been a pioneer in mobility transformation research. Noting research on tire dynamics, engines and vehicle safety developed at the University, Peng said vehicle design and vehicle manufacturing have been pillars of strength at the College of Engineering for years. “We have been the top, if not one of the top, automotive engineering research education providers among other universities in the world,” he said. “We will continue to do that; there is no reason we give up that tradition of strength.” Michigan as a hotbed for mobility transformation Since being elected to Congress in 2014, Sen. Gary Peters (D–Michigan) has joined the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and has actively promoted legislation to allow for more funding to implement for vehicleto-infrastructure technology. According to Peters, these efforts are to ensure the state of Michigan’s influence in the future of mobility. “This technology is incredibly important for our safety and it represents the future of the auto industry,” Peters said. “We have to make every effort to make sure it continues to be centered in Michigan.” Alongside Peters’ efforts at the federal level, MDOT and state legislature have been proactive in allowing for driverless car testing on the roads. In December 2013, Gov. Rick Snyder (R) signed into law a bill approving the testing of driverless cars on Michigan roads, joining only a handful of other states in approving such legislation. Matt Smith, program manager at MDOT, said because of the auto industry’s location within the state, the Michigan state legislature has allowed for automated vehicle research on state roads long before driverless cars existed. “The state of Michigan has allowed experimental technology on roadways for many, many years,” Smith said. Even within Ann Arbor, local government has pushed for testing experimental automated technology. In 2013, Ann Arbor City Council approved a $622,884 federal grant to install telecommunications fiber, sensors and electronic equipment in public intersections to allow for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure communication in driverless cars. Peters said the reason legislators are interested in pursuing autonomous technology in the state is to keep jobs related to the auto industry within Michigan. Kevin Kerrigan, senior vice

president of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, noted that the automotive industry continues to be the largest industry in Michigan, attracting many businesses and growing local jobs. Currently, one out of every 24 jobs in the state comes from the auto industry, according to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Jobs within the auto industry increased by 67 percent after the recession ended, compared to 10.6 percent gain in all jobs. “A big percentage of jobs in Michigan are directly related to the auto industry,” Peters said. “If we were to lose some of the technological advantage of advanced computer systems related to cars, I would be concerned we would start losing automotive jobs to a different region of the country.” McBride said Ford’s interest in pursuing driverless car development was in part to ensure the company stays relevant when the technology advances. Kodak and Nokia, he said, are examples of companies that could not adapt to the changes in the telecommunication and digital world, which led to their breakdowns. “It’s very relevant right now that we maintain ownership of the software and ownership of the technology if we want to be viable in the future of transportation industry,” McBride said. “Every company wants to be relevant in the long term, and that’s not different for Ford.” Michigan has recently taken a step further in leading the charge for automated and connected vehicles by announcing the American Center for Mobility in January — a joint partnership between government, business and University leaders to help build another driverless car testing site — this time, at 335 acres. The new site will be placed in Willow Run, where B-24 bombers were made for troops in a Henry Ford factory during World War II. John Maddox, assistant director of MTC and recently named president and CEO of ACM, said the new testing site was designed due to the success and demand of Mcity. While Mcity is primarily designed to test early stage research, once vehicles “graduate” from the smaller testing site, they can use the larger testing site for product development. Maddox said Michigan’s location as the birthplace and home to the auto industry is one of a kind in the world, and puts the state in the center of driverless car development. “There is a significant concentration of expertise and activity happening in Southeast Michigan,” Maddox said. “In fact, I would say it’s unique in the world, not just in the United States, for having such a concentration in a local area of so many companies and individuals and universities working on this automotive technology.” The future of autonomous vehicles and robotics When asked whether the emergence of connected, autonomous vehicles will lead to a transportation revolution similar to when Henry Ford helped bring cars to the mass market in 1908, Maddox said no — it would be bigger. He equated the growth of connected, driverless cars to how the Internet helped connect people in new ways, and brought about new job opportunities. In the same way, he said, autonomous vehicles have the potential to transform mobility to allow for a whole new economic sector.

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Friday, September 15, 2017 — 11 2011 — University starts third century initiative to inspire innovative programs that enhance learning experiences and develop creative approaches to the world’s greatest challenges

2010 — Barack Obama gives commencement address

2010 — Chris Armstrong becomes the first openly gay person elected Central Student Government president

University launches diversity strategic plan after year of planning RIYAH BASHA

Daily Staff Reporter

October 6, 2016 - After over a year of planning, The University of Michigan launched its five-year Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategic plan Thursday morning. The University-wide plan includes 49 individual unit plans, which are individualized for the schools, colleges and administrative, athletic or other departments within the University. “The campus-wide plan is a set of actions for today,” Schlissel said. “We cannot live up to our full potential as a University unless everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and to benefit.” Three key themes tie together the University-wide initiatives to the operational unit plans: creating an inclusive and equitable campus climate, developing a diverse community, and supporting inclusive scholarship and teaching. At the plan’s introduction Thursday morning in the Power Center, Schlissel said the University will commit $85 million over the next five years to fund DEI efforts, in addition to the current annual fund of $40 million a year. Nearly 700 audience members attended the introduction, though student attendance was noticeably low in comparison to the full student body, a common factor in many University-sponsored diversity events. Rob Sellers, current vice provost of equity, inclusion and academic affairs — who may serve as the University’s inaugural chief diversity officer pending Board of Regents approval later this month — presented a short executive summary of the plan. Unit-level actions specified include recruitment efforts like Wolverine Pathways — a program giving local high schoolers of underrepresented minorities the chance to earn a tuition scholarships — and new investments in urban schools and underrepresented populations such as first-generation and Native American students. Additionally, students, faculty

and staff will all undergo some form of intercultural training, with special emphasis on DEI professional development for the University’s deans and executive leadership team. Sellers said the plan’s success rests on commitment from all levesls of campus community. “I accept this position, but in no way does this fall on me alone,” he said, pointing in particular to his recommendation of creating a chief diversity officer. “It takes a village to raise a plan.” Many of the morning session’s speakers, including Schlissel, Sellers, Provost Martha Pollack and Regent Mike Behm (D), made references to a series of racially charged incidents on campus in the last few weeks, which prompted a series of student protests. After anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ and anti-Muslim flyers were posted on Central Campus, multiple student protests and statements have criticized the administration’s DEI initiative as too farsighted and lacking in immediate solutions. Pollack said recent events highlight the urgency and importance of the DEI strategic plan. “It’s only human to respond

with anger and sometimes with fear, emotions that have been felt deeply on this campus,” she said. “I share the grief and outrage felt by our students, faculty and staff. We must cling to the vision of what the world must be ... and that is what the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion plan is all about.” In response to the fliers, Schlissel held a community conversation Sunday afternoon and also debuted several administrative changes at a leadership breakfast Wednesday morning tied to the plan, including two student advisory groups on race and the creation of the chief diversity officer. “In recent weeks, ugly and vile hatred have singled out groups in our community and sought to divide us,” Schlissel said Thursday. “We have to learn from our failures and mistakes ... our Michigan is better for it.” Behm also acknowledged the importance of student activism in motivating some of these changes, and affirmed the Regents’ commitment to the plan’s success. “We want U of M to be a place where there is no doubt everyone in our community belongs,” he said. “Honest conversations about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are difficult.”

AMELIA CACCHIONE/Daily DEI Officer Latisha Cunningham speaks at the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion forum for staff members at Lorch Hall on September 26, 2016.



“We are provided with so many resources from all of the people that came before us. For example, for the Muslim Students Association, we are one of the oldest MSA’s to ever form in the U.S. The fact that we had people 60 years ago with the vision to come and form these organizations that we today have that available to us, that’s why the Bicentennial is so important to me. It’s not just a number, it’s the rich history that is associated with 200 years of innovators, of scientists, of people who really cared and were passionate about what they did and invested it in their four years here and even after when they were alumni.” Engineering senior Ahsan Ansari, Vice President of Internal Affairs of Muslim Students’ Association

“A timeless truth — the best way to see forward is to look backward. At a time when the nation seems to be slipping backward, the University’s Bicentennial is an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come and realize just how critical our leadership will be for the future.” Zachary Ackerman, Ann Arbor City Councilman (D-Ward 3)



12 — Friday, September 15, 2017

2015 — U-M announces creation of HAIL scholarship to attract low-income high-achieving students from underserved communities

2013 — #BBUM hashtag launched

2014 — Jim Harbaugh named new U-M football coach

2015 — Mcity founded

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

2016 — University updates sexual misconduct policy to address student concerns

2017 — Nearly 11,000 people participate in Ann Arbor Women’s March following the inauguration of Donald J. Trump

2017 — U-M celebrates Bicentennial

Brown University Provost Mark Schlissel selected as next University president JEN CALFAS AND SAM GRINGLAS

Managing News Editor and Daily News Editor

January 24, 2014 - Mark Schlissel, Brown University’s provost, will succeed University President Mary Sue Coleman as the University of Michigan’s 14th president. His term will begin July 1. The decision was unanimously approved by the University’s Board of Regents at a special meeting Friday morning in the Michigan Union’s Kuenzel Room. The announcement arrives after a presidential search committee spent much of the summer and fall gathering input from faculty and students and the assistance of Russell Reynolds Associates, an executive search advisory firm. Schlissel will receive a base salary of $750,000 per year with an annual increase determined by the regents. His contract runs for five years. Coleman currently receives $603,000 per year in her role, but has denied an increase several years in a row. Schlissel began his term as provost at Brown in 2011 after serving as the University of California-Berkeley’s dean of biological sciences from 2008 to 2011. As provost, Schlissel serves as Brown’s chief academic officer and deputy to the president. In his current role, Schlissel manages the day-to-day operations of the institution and oversees Brown’s strategic planning. In a press conference after the regents approved the appointment, Schlissel addressed the challenges he expects to face as the next president, including enhancing diversity on campus, increasing affordability and developing relationships with potential donors to the University. Schlissel said his biggest challenge will be engaging with students, faculty and staff on campus, adding that he has a lot to learn since he has never worked at the University. “In my experience, universities really don’t get led top-down,” he said. “The best ideas come from the people who do the teaching and the learning, so that’s why I need to do some listening first.”

While Schlissel will face many issues in his transition, one of the most prominent matters he will address is the demand for larger minority enrollment and inclusion at the University. “You can’t achieve excellence as an academic institution without being diverse because we live in a world where people can look at the same set of facts and interpret them differently from each other,” he said. In addition to diversity, Schlissel appealed to a wide scope of the constituencies, citing the University’s alumni and staff members as well as the Ann Arbor community, in addition to the expected listing of faculty, students and regents. He also noted the University’s stature as a public institution — despite the challenges of declining state funding — as a key draw to the University. “Another thing that made me say Michigan is a place I really have to look at is my feeling about the role education can play in solving society’s problems,” Schlissel said. “And it’s not that we don’t do this at great private university — we do — but there’s something about the openness and the accessibility of a public universities that’s really special and it drew at my heartstrings.” Coleman lauded Schlissel’s experience and qualifications as the next president of the University. “I’ve often said the job of being president at the University of Michigan is the best job in the country,” she said. “I couldn’t be more pleased to know that you, as the 14th president, will experience this firsthand.” Before approving Schlissel’s appointment as president, each regent lauded his qualifications for the position. “This is a great day for the University of Michigan. We go today from strength to strength; from one great leader, Mary Sue Coleman, to another, Mark Schlissel,” said University Regent Mark Bernstein (D–Ann Arbor). Bernstein recalled Schlissel’s answer to one of the central questions that faced the search committee: What makes a great university president? “You have to love and be amazed by students. You have to love and

be amazed by faculty. You have to love and be amazed by research and discovery.” In an interview after the press conference, University Provost Martha Pollack, who will perhaps work most closely with the new president, praised Schlissel’s academic record, as well as his interest in faculty and research and commitment to diversity and affordability. “You heard the regents talk about him having great ethics, great values and a great heart — that’s just the combination you want,” Pollack said. She added that she will have a one-on-one meeting with the president-elect Friday afternoon as she begins to share knowledge and understand how to best work with him. Though this was her first introduction to the University’s 14th president, E. Royster Harper, vice president for student life, said she saw Schlissel as someone who could build on Coleman’s strengths. “Regent Bernstein said it just right — we’re going from strength to strength,” Harper said. “I love the fact that he is so student-centered, because our students are used to that and deserve that.” Schlissel will also direct the remainder of the University’s Victors for Michigan development campaign, which aims to raise $4 billion in funds. Jerry May, vice president for development, said he thinks Schlissel will easily form relationships with donors as he prepares to raise about half of the campaign goal. May also called attention to Schlissel’s apparent willingness to listen and ability to form a vision for the University. “He is articulate, he is real, he is genuine, he has an incredible pedigree,” May said. “I was astounded that he could answer things as if he’s been on this campus for months. The alumni and donors are going to love him. The instinct that I’ve seen today is that this is a no-brainer. This guy is going to do great.” When Schlissel arrived at Brown in 2011, he gave a convocation address which called on students to channel synergies across disciplines, a theme that he echoed in his first address as president-elect.

F E AT U R E D P E O P L E “The Bicentennial celebration reminds me what all great universities share in common: relentless drive to innovate and reinvent — which is what we will continue to do at Mcity.” Huei Peng, Director of Mcity


“To me the U-M Bicentennial means recognizing the rich legacy that I am apart of. It means carrying with me the pride of knowing that I have genuinely contributed to the progress of this institution as countless others have done before me.” LSA senior Mariah Smith, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc.


“Don’t simply accept what your professors have to say, but question us. Approach our teachings like a curious scientist and look for the facts that underlie our interpretations and opinions; the data that leads to our conclusions,” he said. Schlissel graduated from Princeton University in 1979 with a specialty in biochemical sciences. He earned his M.D. and Ph.D. at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1986, subsequently completing his residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital. During his academic career, Schlissel’s research has centered on development biology, specifically studying the genetic factors that can lead to leukemia and lymphoma. Schlissel attended the special meeting of the Board of Regents with his wife Monica Schwebs, who also received accolades from the regents. She is an environmental and energy lawyer at a large national firm. The couple has four adult children. In a press release, Brown University President Christina Paxson praised Schlissel’s work in his position as provost. “Mark is an exceptional scholar, teacher and academic leader,” Paxson wrote. “He has been an esteemed and valued colleague to many here at Brown. His many contributions will be realized for decades to come.” Paxson said Schlissel led several searches for administrative positions for Brown’s faculty, including the search for its vice president of research and its dean of medicine and biological sciences. The University has several dean searches underway as Schlissel makes his transition into the presidency, including the appointment of the LSA dean and the vice president for research, currently held by Susan Gelman and

University President Mark Schlissel

Jack Hu, respectively, in interim positions. At Brown, Schlissel helped lead a new strategic initiative titled “Building on Distinction: A New Plan for Brown.” The plan established goals for investment in academic programs, scholarships and campus expansion. The four goals of the campaign include integrative scholarship, educational leadership, academic excellence and campus development. The plans are designed to be implemented over the course of the next 10 years. While a dean at UC-Berkeley, Schlissel also spearheaded a crosscampus cost containment and procurement initiative — efforts which have also been underway at the University for the past few years. In an article by the Daily Herald, Schlissel detailed changes in Brown’s curriculum development. One of the projects Schlissel championed includes the implementation of a theme for


the school’s International Studies program. However, Brown’s faculty raised several concerns about the strategic plan. Paxson and Schlissel created forums to address their questions, including questions of heightening student enrollment to alleviate increasing tuition costs. “We are a very tuition-dependent university,” Schlissel said. “The idea is to strike the right balance, to hit the sweet spot without giving up the kind of highly interactive mode of education that makes the undergraduate program so special to allow us to get to the scale where we can capture efficiencies.” In a short speech after his appointment, Schlissel expressed excitement about joining the University community. “I am amazingly honored to be chosen to lead a jewel of the American educational system,” he said. “The University of Michigan is held in such regard. Words almost escape me.”

Students hold walkout with Rev. Jesse Jackson demanding University action against racism TIMOTHY COHN AND NISA KHAN Daily Staff Reporter

November 16, 2016 - Nearly a thousand people gathered on the Diag and marched through University of Michigan buildings for a student walk-out protest against racism on campus following President-elect Donald Trump’s upset win Wednesday afternoon, briefly shutting down traffic. The walkout, which was organized by the student organization Students4Justice, was also attended by civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson and was part of a national movement of walkouts across the country. “This walkout is a national movement that is happening in response to the election, as well as the increase in hate crimes and other forms of violence against marginalized (folks).” the event description says. “We are doing this to hold President Schlissel and our Regents at the University of Michigan accountable for their claims of valuing diversity and student safety and well-being.” Prior to the event, Students4Justice also released a list of demands that they hoped to achieve from the protest. The demands include calls for University action to protect underrepresented minority students by re-channeling resources, as well as a call for the University to become an immigrant sanctuary site, to double its commitment to rejecting racial harassment, to divest from unethical corporations and to remove all symbols and fliers associated with the alt-right movement and those encouraging white supremacy. LSA junior Lakyrra Magee, one of the event organizers, highlighted the call to make the University a sanctuary campus — a designation

that would empower the University to limit institutional cooperation with federal immigration officers seeking undocumented students— as among the most significant demands. “Our main message was this: Because President Schlissel came out and said he cared about diversity and marginalized students, we are here to show so many students at the University, people who are living in Ann Arbor, support the University of Michigan becoming a sanctuary campus,” she said. “And if President Schlissel really cared about (protecting) marginalized students, this is one concrete way he can do it besides showing up.” Protesters also cited a number of recent campus concerns during the walkout, including the two hate crimes in downtown Ann Arbor that have been reported to police since Trump’s presidential win last week. On Friday, a woman was threatened and forced to remove her hijab. On Saturday, a woman was pushed down a hill and verbally harassed. Additionally, many speakers discussed anti-Black, antiLGBTQ and anti-Muslim posters, many of them promoting themes of white supremacy, that have been found posted on campus several times in the past few months. LSA junior Alyiah Al-Bonijim spoke to the crowd about her frustrations with Islamophobic comments triggered by her choice to wear a hijab. “For what? Because you want to see my hair? Is that what is important to these fucking white people?” Al-Bonijim asked the cheering crowd, saying that forcing a woman to take off her clothing, including the hijab, was sexual assault. Protesters also touched on the failure of a Central Student Government resolution Tuesday night to divest from corporations that have allegedly committed

human rights violations against Palestinians. Many in the crowd yelled negative chants about CSG during the walkout. Following their initial assembly on the Diag at 3 p.m., with many students walking directly out of classes, the protesters marched throughout Central Campus, also entering buildings and encouraging others to join them. As the march moved through campus, student organizers, as well as Jackson, led the crowd in a number of chants condemning racism, sexism, islamophobia and xenophobia. Chants included slogans such as: “No justice, no peace,” “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, these racist folks have got to go,” “No Alt-Right, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Black Lives Matter.” “Thanks for stepping up and fighting back,” Jackson told the crowd. “Do not let any election oppress your dreams … Red, yellow, black and white, you are all precious in God’s sight. We must learn to live together. This land is a land of multiculturalism.” Chanting with the crowd, he expressed solidarity with individuals who have felt marginalized in the past months, including Black, Muslim and Mexican-American students. “We are all sanctuary,” he said. “We love each other. We care for each other. You take one of us, you must take all of us. We are not going anywhere. This land is our land. We will outlast the meanness, we will outlast hate. We will outlast violence. Love will conquer hate.” After walking through several buildings, a brief moment of silence was held at Burton Memorial Tower, during which students told stories about their own personal struggles. At the end of the walkout, organizers asked for white supporters to block State Street so protesters could safely gather at Angell Hall for a speakout.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Ann Arbor, Michigan


One century

Robert “Pete” Piotrowski has been around for half of the university’s existence. His life, quite simply, is a representation of Michigan

» Page 1B


Schlissel’s salary now $823,523 after raise

The University president receives his third pay increase in three years RYAN MCLOUGHLIN /DAILY

President Mark Schlissel attends the Regents meeting in the Michigan Union on Thursday.

University raises cost threshold on approval-free construction

The Board of Regents also discussed development and renovations for Schembechler Hall ANDREW HIYAMA & KAELA THEUT Daily Staff ReporterS

Development At the University of Michigan’s Board of Regents’ September meeting, Jerry May, the University’s vice president

for development, announced that the University had raised a record-breaking $476 million from 130,000 donors in fiscal year 2017, which ended June 30. “We not only had one of the best summers that we’ve ever had, but we had the best year in terms of cash and private

support,” he said. May also provided updates on the progress of the University’s Victors for Michigan fundraising campaign, saying it had raised $4.24 billion from 346,000 total donors so far. Of those donors, 8,700 were students and 20,100 were faculty, staff or retired

University staff or faculty. The campaign has raised $979 million from students so far, just short of its goal of $1 billion –– and the campaign, University President Mark Schlissel pointed out, still has 16 months before its scheduled end date of January 2019. See REGENTS, Page 3A


Daily Staff Reporter

The University of Michigan Board of Regents voted unanimously to give University President Mark Schlissel another pay raise for the third year in a row Thursday afternoon. Retroactively effective Sept. 1, Schlissel’s salary will rise by 3.5 percent, resulting in an increase from $795,675 to $823,523. At the beginning of the meeting, Regent Andrew Richner, R-Grosse Pointe, applauded Schlissel, who is entering his fourth year of leadership this year. Richner

offered a positive performance review of Schlissel, praising the president’s focus on academic excellence, student affordability and the University’s record applicant number. “We think you’re doing a great job,” Richner said. The five-year contract Schlissel signed in 2014 allows for the regents to increase his salary as they see fit. In 2015 and 2016, he received identical pay raises of 3 percent. Schlissel’s salary remains significantly higher than that of the average public university leader which, according to the Chronicle See SALARY, Page 3A

Labadie Collection honors late political New coffee CSG hosts shop offers activist, former Daily EIC Tom Hayden welcome



a different experience

The event paid homage to the notable University alum’s life and years of work

Roasting Plant highlights fresh ingredients, unique technology, atmosphere

The University of Michigan Library’s Joseph A. Labadie Collection hosted a panel Thursday night at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library to honor the late Tom Hayden, a social and political activist of the 1960s, as well as a former Michigan Daily editor-in-chief. The panel consisted of three University affiliates who have all done research on topics relating to Hayden’s anti-war, civil rights and radical intellectual counterculture activism. Labadie Collection Curator Julie Herrada said the panel was held to pay homage to Hayden and his work in a manner he would have appreciated. “We decided on a panel rather than hosting a reunion of radicals, even though we’re really good at hosting reunions ... because Tom would’ve loved this event,” Herrada said. “Every time Tom came to campus he insisted on engaging with students and it was important for him to do that. I wanted to give the students that worked on topics that related to the work that he did a chance to showcase their work and talk about him and also their work.” Hayden was a key Civil Rights activist during the ‘60s

MOLLY NORRIS Daily Staff Reporter

Roasting Plant, a trendy new coffee shop that originated in New York City’s Upper East Side, has just opened its first location in Ann Arbor. The new store, located at 312 S. State St., opened its doors for the first time on Sunday and has been bustling ever since. The coffee shop puts a spin on the average coffee shop on the University of Michigan’s campus by emphasizing the actual coffee beans. Customers choose the specific bean they want, then can look up and watch the beans move through a glass tube on the ceiling before landing in the coffeemaker behind the counter. Mo Zeitoun, store manager at Roasting Plant’s Ann Arbor location, said this device is called the “Javabot” and was created by Mike Caswell, the founder of Roasting Plant. Caswell, engineer and former Starbucks employee, created Roasting Plant to devise a way to get the freshest coffee possible. Roasting Plant gets their coffee from farmers all around the world. See COFFEE, Page 3A

GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

ANNA HARITOS Daily Staff Reporter

and ‘70s, during which he was badly beated and arrested. Despite opposing violent protests, Hayden supported militant demonstrations. One of his most notable achievements includes working for the Newark Community Union Project, which founded the Indochina Peace Campaign and working on the Vietnam War protest documentary, “Introduction

to the Enemy.” Hayden was also instrumental during the Civil Rights movement in the ‘60s and ‘70s. During a protest in Mississippi, he was badly beaten and arrested. In a Georgia jail, he began writing the Port Huron Statement, the manifesto of the SDS, which called upon college students to peacefully oppose racism and oppressive government.

In 2014, Hayden donated a collection of his papers to the Labadie Collection to be more accessible to students, scholars and researchers. The collection is archived in the Special Collections Library, and documents the history of social protest movements and marginalized political communities from the 19th century to the present. See ACTIVIST, Page 3A


Residential College senior Leah Schneck speaks about participatory democracy at a panel in memory of U-M alumnus Tom Hayden at Hatcher on Thursday.

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Vol. CXXVII, No. 90 ©201 The Michigan Daily

event for M-Pals

The new program pairs international students with student partners JORDYN BAKER Daily Staff Reporter

Adjusting to college life can be difficult, but adjusting to college life in a new country, surrounded by new people, new customs and new traditions can be even harder. For Business sophomore Shreyas Poddar, the transition as a freshman international student coming to the University of Michigan was far from easy. “I (was) disliking my time here, I (had) no friends, just nothing, nothing is going my way,” he said. “You need certain social connections to get into clubs, you need to know certain things to just talk, you need to know certain cultural references to just talk and I just knew nobody here. I just wish that I had a mentor.” This mentorship idea of got him thinking about how he could learn from his own experiences to help other international students transition more easily into life at the University. As a LSA representative within CSG, he had the opportunity to propose initiatives to affect the student body in a positive way. Motivated to help as many incoming See MPALS, Page 3A

NEWS.........................2 OPINION.....................4 ARTS......................6

SUDOKU.....................2 CLASSIFIEDS...............6 S P O R T S . . . . . . . . . . B -S E C T I O N


2A — Friday, September 15, 2017

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

FRIDAY’S BICENTENNIAL FEATURE: STUDENTS ROACH ANNUAL HASHBASH During the past decade, Ann Arbor has gained statewide notoriety each spring by being the home of the annual “Hash Bash,” an event which attracts dope-smokers en-masse to the Diag to celebrate the activity amid the sheltered security of Ann Arbor’s lenient pot law. The Hash Bash began a decade ago, when political activism was near its peak, but the political tone of the event has declined steadily ever since. Once a proudly cherished chance for University students to gather to make a symbolic “statement” to the multitude of media attracted to the event, the Hash Bash has lost its original appeal to University students in recent years, and has instead hosted youths primarily from outside Ann Arbor. In fact, the Hash Bash has become the object of scorn among many students, and in Daily editorials. Without its assets as a meaningful political event, to most students the Hash Bash has become simply an unwelcome reason

students have, on the whole, done their best to ignore the event, which still drew over 1,000 last April. “I was surprised when I woke up this morning and there were a whole lot of people on the Diag,” said one LSA junior, illustrating the indifferent student attitude that has taken hold concerning the Hash Bash. “Not too many people know what’s going on,” he added. Another student expressed his fondness of the activity which the Hash Bash bemoans, but planned to celebrate it in his own way. “If it’s nice, I may celebrate the Hash Bash on the Diag,” he said on the Bash’s eve, “but if its crummy out, I’ll celebrate it at home with a few friends.” Indeed, as has been the case in the past several years, the weather for the Hash Bash has been miserable — which has further inspired students to spend the day with books, and to reserve the Hash Bashing for sunnier days. - STEVEN HOOK

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Every Friday, the Michigan Daily will be to reroute walks to classes, and a source republishing an article from the Daily’s archives of garbage and vandalism that mars from a moment in University history. the campus for weeks to come. Overall,

U. of Michigan Press @UofMPress Good news! Apparently at #UMich we share our bicentennial year with Pawnee. #ParksAndRec #umich200

Malay Mody @modymalay iPhone 8 plus and X are about to take college girl Insta to a whole nother level

SAM MOUSIGIAN/Daily A new structure on North Campus, the 3 Cubes in a Seven Axis Relationship sculpture provides a rival for the traditional Cube on Central Campus.

CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES “Ping-Pong Diplomacy” Exhibit, 1971-1972

WHAT: Pulitzer Prizewinning journalists and other distinguished Michigan Daily alumni will discuss about newroom diversity, sports in the social media era and more. WHO: Office of Student Publications & Wallace House WHEN: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Rackham Auditorium

WHAT: Learn about the historically significant role ping-pong matches played in thawing relations between the US and China during the Cold War through a special exhibit. WHO: Liberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies WHEN: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. WHERE: Hatcher Graduate Library Asia Library (4th Floor)

General Mills Cereal Bar

National Double Cheeseburger Day

Bicentennial Detroit Festival

Russian Language Coversation Group

WHAT: Celebrate National Double Cheeseburger Day at MoJo Dining Hall. There will be double chesseburgers with triple deck buns and steak fries, along with an extended burger bar. WHO: Michigan Dining WHEN: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. WHERE: Mosher-Jordan Hall

WHAT: Join alumna and journalist Carmen Harlan to celebrate the founding of UM in Detoirt. There will be live entertainment, performances, food and exhibits. WHO: Bicentennial Office WHEN: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. WHERE: Grand Circus Park, Detroit

WHAT: Those who are looking to develop conversational skills in Russian or interested in Russian culture are encouraged to attend. Students of all levels are welcome. WHO: Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures WHEN: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. WHERE: MLB 3304

WHAT: Students can have free cereal at North Campus and an opportunity to network with General Mills representatives before the career fair. WHO: Food Industry Student Association WHEN: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. WHERE: Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower (Outside on the Grove)

Toys R UMix WHAT: The third UMix of the year will be a blend of nostalgia and fun, featuring life-size Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots, giant inflatable Twisters, and a screening of Toy Story. WHO: Center for Campus Involvement WHEN: 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. WHERE: Michigan Union

Univ. of Michigan @Umich Alumnus Edward White was the 1st American to walk in space, on 1965 Gemini IV mission ledby felow alum James McDivitt. #NASA #umich200

UMMA Nights at the Museum

Michigan Daily Alumni Panel Discussion

WHAT: Head over to UMMA for an outdoor screening of a BTN documentary about Michigan’s 1997 championship football team. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs to enjoy the show. WHO: UMMA WHEN: 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. WHERE: UMMA Forum Court

Students protest ties between president and Walmart in Diag

Tyler @schaub17 Me: Festifall is stupid. Also me: signs up for 87 clubs. #Umich #GoBlue @UMich

420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com

Rally focuses on financial, ideological and political relationships of the two



Editor in Chief Business Manager not align with student values 734-418-4115 ext. 1251 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 as they should,” Ritter said. Daily Staff Reporter kineryem@michigandaily.com nathankg@michigandaily.com Phil Bianco, a member of Huron Valley Democratic The Trump and Walmart Socialists of America, Make America Worse college spoke at the rally and said NEWS TIPS ARTS SECTION PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION news@michigandaily.com arts@michigandaily.com photo@michigandaily.com tour, organized by “Making the consistencies between Change at Walmart,” made Republican and Walmart’s LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SPORTS SECTION NEWSROOM tothedaily@michigandaily.com sports@michigandaily.com 734-418-4115 opt. 3 a stop at the Diag Thursday policies are too similar to afternoon to meet with ignore. EDITORIAL PAGE ADVERTISING CORRECTIONS students and host speakers on “There is no doubt that the opinion@michigandaily.com dailydisplay@gmail.com corrections@michigandaily.com the alleged ties between the Trump regime and Republican Trump administration and the rule has cost many their Walmart corporation. About lives and well-being and 30 students and community will continue to do so unless AMELIA CACCHIONE and EMMA RICHTER members wandered in and out we stop them,” Bianco said. Managing Photo Editors photo@michigandaily.com of the event. “The rule of capital and the Senior Photo Editors: Zoey Holmstrom, Evan Aaron, Alexis Rankin The event was supported billionaire class, of which REBECCA LERNER Assistant Photo Editors: Claire Meingast, Katelyn Mulcahy, Aaron Managing Editor rebler@michigandaily.com Baker, Sam Mousigian, Kevin Zheng and led by Progressives at Walmart is a key player, have the University of Michigan, also been a disaster for the ALEXA ST.JOHN LARA MOEHLMAN the Lecturers Employee working class and poor in this Managing News Editor alexastj@michigandaily.com Statement Editor statement@michigandaily.com Union, the Huron Valley country and globally.” Senior News Editors: Riyah Basha, Tim Cohn, Lydia Murray, Deputy Statement Editor: Brian Kuang, Yoshiko Iwai Nisa Khan, Sophie Sherry Democratic Socialists of Rackham student Akash Assistant News Editors: Jordyn Baker, Colin Beresford, Rhea America and Michelle Shah met with organizers after Cheeti, Maya Goldman, Matt Harmon, Andrew Hiyama, Jen ELIZABETH DOKAS and TAYLOR GRANDINETTI Deatrick, a Washtenaw County the rally and said the points Meer, Loading “Sudoku Syndication” 1/29/09 1:40Ishi PM Mori, Carly Ryan, Kaela Theut Managing Copy Editors copydesk@michigandaily.com Commissioner who is running “Making Change at Walmart” ANNA POLUMBO-LEVY and REBECCA TARNOPOL Senior Copy Editors: Marisa Frey, Ibrahim Rasheed Editorial Page Editors opinioneditors@michigandaily.com made were important for college students specifically DYLAN LAWTON and BOB LESSER Senior Opinion Editors: Anu Roy-Chaudhury, Ashley Zhang, because of their place at an Managing Online Editor lesserrc@michigandaily.com Max Lubell, Madeline Nowicki, Stephanie Trierweiler Senior Web Developers: Erik Forkin, Jordan Wolff academic institution. BETELHEM ASHAME and KEVIN SANTO “I think it’s an incredible ABE LOFY Managing Sports Editors sportseditors@michigandaily.com HARD thing that a lot of students Managing Video Editor video@michigandaily.com Senior Sports Editors: Laney Byler, Mike Persak, Orion Sang, Senior Video Editors: Gilly Yerrington, Matt Nolan, Aarthi are trying to voice their Max Marcovich, Ethan Wolfe, Chris Crowder Janakiraman, Emily Wolfe Assistant Sports Editors: Rob Hefter, Avi Sholkoff, Matthew opinions and trying to get Kennedy, Paige Voeffray, Mark Calcagno, Jacob Shames others to understand where JASON ROWLAND and ASHLEY TJHUNG Michigan in Color Editors michiganincolor@michigandaily.com they’re coming from,” ANAY KATYAL and NATALIE ZAK Senior Michigan in Color Editors: Christian Paneda, Tanya Shah said. “With (Making Managing Arts Editors arts@michigandaily.com Madhani, Neel Swamy, Adam Brodnax, Areeba Haider, Halimat Olaniyan, Sivanthy Visanthan Senior Arts Editors: Dayton Hare, Nabeel Chollanpat, Change at Walmart’s) Madeline Gaudin, Carly Snider movement specifically, I Arts Beat Editors: Caroline Filips, Danielle Yacobson, Danny ELLIE HOMANT think it pertains to all of us Hensel, Erika Shevchek, Matt Gallatin Managing Social Media Editor in the sense that a proper Senior Social Media Editors: Carolyn Watson, Molly Force MICHELLE PHILLIPS and AVA WEINER education can drastically Managing Design Editors design@michigandaily.com alter the future of a country Senior Design Editors: Alex Leav, Carly Berger, Christine Lee … and I think that our current administration is kind of lacking in expertise CAYLIN WATERS Brand Manager in terms of their ability to EMILY RICHNER CLAIRE BUTZ cater towards kids who want Sales Manager Business Development Manager to get an education.” JUEUI HONG JULIA SELSKY Ann Arbor City Special Projects Manager Local Accounts Manager Councilmember Jack Eaton CAROLINE GOLD SANJANA PANDIT (D-Ward 4), who attended the Media Consulting Manager Production Manager rally, noted his excitement to see students involved in The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the political organizations on University OF Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily’s office © sudokusolver.com. For personal use only. for $2. Subscriptions for September-April are $225 and year long subscriptions are $250. University affiliates are subject to a puzzle by sudokusyndication.com SUDOK-ING ME CRAZY. campus and said students at reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a a public university should member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. See TRUMP, Page 3A

for Michigan State Senate. Amy Ritter, the communications director for “Making Change at Walmart,” a campaign run the United Food and Commercial Workers International, said the tour is meant to highlight the similarities and connections between President Trump, his cabinet and the international corporation Walmart. She specifically mentioned the relationship between Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the Walton foundation in regards to charter schools. “We’re hitting over 25 campuses throughout the month of September to expose the shared values of Trump and Walmart and how those values destroy public education, divide our country, promote a low-wage debt economy and do


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SALARY From Page 1A

REGENTS From Page 1A

of Higher Education, averaged $464,000 last calendar year. Nevertheless, he remains outside of the top ten paid public university officials due to an increase in the average public university official’s salary between 2016 and 2017. After five years of compiling data, the Chronicle noted average salary generally increases 2 to 3 percent annually. Yet, this year, the average increase was approximately 5 percent — noticeably higher than Schlissel’s 3.5 percent raise. Last fiscal year, the three highest paid public university leaders each took home $1,000,000 or more, while seven earned over $700,000. Raymond Watts, president of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, received $890,000 last year — the 10th highest public university official salary in the country — while President Michael Crow of Arizona State topped the list with more than $1.5 million. However, the Chronicle does not account for the housing and transportation Schlissel receives from the University, benefits other presidents do not necessarily gain.

Friday, September 15, 2017 — 3A

Schlissel also thanked May for his work with the campaign and effectiveness in fundraising in general, saying the University’s supporters and competitors often passed along praise of May to him. “You really do make blue go,” Schlissel said. Construction and Renovation Several of the regents debated raising the cost threshold for construction and renovation projects not requiring regent approval from $1 million to $3 million. Kevin Hegarty, the University’s executive vice president and chief financial officer, proposed the measure, which ultimately passed 5-3, saying $3 million was still a relatively low threshold. “Projects that fall in the $1 million to $3 million dollar cost range are typically of a routine, capital maintenance nature,” he said. “Things like replacing air conditioners, replacing heaters, replacing damaged or failed drain lines, doing building repairs, street repairs, etc.” Several regents opposed the measure, however. Regent Shauna Ryder Diggs (D) said she felt a fiduciary

responsibility to students to require stricter procedures for approval, citing rising tuition costs. “I’m not in favor of this proposal because I think the $3 million limit is too high,” she said. “This is not about trust –– I trust the executive officers –– this is about how I feel about oversight of public dollars, particularly when the limit is reaching the same amount of money that I hope for for tuition increase.” Regent Ron Weiser (R) was one of the regents in favor of raising the threshold, saying the ability to expedite the approval process could ultimately end up saving the University money on construction contracts. “Having some knowledge of construction, because of the shortage of labor and contractors, the cost of projects can go up if they can’t fit them in a certain time period,” he said. “So for these kinds of projects, quite often, if we can’t move quickly, the price is going to be quoted at a higher rate, because by the time we get back to them they might not have the time periods available to make them.” Schembechler Hall The regents also approved schematic designs for 24,000 square feet of renovations

to the Schembechler Hall football performance center, which will include a state-ofthe-art treatment and recovery facility, hydrotherapy pools and administrative spaces. Plans for renovations to the Oosterbaan Field House, which include replacing lighting, practice surfaces and the roof of the facility, were approved in February. Citing the large size of the football team, the goal of the renovations is to provide a more unified space where all athletes can practice simultaneously. Schlissel, Sarkar welcome students back to school President Schlissel welcomed the regents back for the first meeting of the academic year and expressed his concern for all those on campus affected by Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. “I want to express my sympathies for those in the University community affected by recent natural disasters,” he said. “All of the students from Texas are safe and sound here on campus.” Schlissel then announced the formation of a search committee for the next University of MichiganDearborn chancellor, which will begin with two Dearborn campus town halls Sept. 29 and Oct. 2. The committee consists

of wide range of faculty and professors, stemming from all three University campuses. As with all executive officer selection processes, the procedure will remain confidential until Schlissel provides his recommendation to the Board of Regents.

The regents also received their first report from LSA senior Anushka Sarkar, president of Central Student Government. While Schlissel did not address the recent defacing of

the Rock, which was covered with anti-Latino and proTrump graffiti, Sarkar noted the importance of calling out forces that threaten the wellbeing of University students, no matter how controversial they may be. “I want to emphasize the importance of speaking out in the face of happenings simply beyond the campus that impact our Michigan community,” she said. “When forces beyond the confines of the University of Michigan campus threaten any member of the University of Michigan’s community, it is our collective responsibility –– every person at this table –– to support, protect and stand in solidarity with the students who are being impacted. I will also note that supporting, protecting and standing in solidarity with members of our Michigan community who are being threatened by these forces sometimes means pushing the envelope and being outspoken in your support.” Sarkar also mentioned several CSG initiatives for the upcoming year, including “Know Your Rights” workshops following the recent DACA decision, alcohol-free tailgates on highrisk game days and increasing first year student involvement in student government.

TRUMP From Page 1A


The panel consisted of researchers and activists who each have done research or

know how to support their institution. “This kind of (rally) gets (students) involved in some of the most crucial issues,” Eaton said. “As the speakers said, Walmart and their owners have been funding the defunding of public education. This is a public university. I know students who are going to the University of Michigan are incurring huge debt because we don’t fund public education the way we used to.” With Michigan State University as the next stop on their tour, Ritter said the college tour was organized to show college students their effect on the global economy and their impact on politics through the places they shop. “It’s hard to change the world, but you can change your world and every day, students here on this campus have the opportunity to change the world in the small decisions that they make and where they put their purchasing power, their economic power, their political power through their vote — they’re able to make that change and we want people to be aware of that. You don’t have to be a CEO to change the country.”

Herrada said she felt the panel was an excellent way to bring historical movements and moments together with modern day activism and scholarship. “As an archivist and librarian it’s important for me to kind of relate the work that people are doing here on campus — how they came to find that work, how they discovered the documentation of the historical movements that they did find — and a lot of them can be found here in the library,” Herrada said. “So for me a takeaway is how much rich scholarship can come out of the resources the U-M library has. Also how they can relate historical movements to what is happening today.”

scene of what was happening during the 1960s and 1970s and how that related to Hayden’s work. LSA senior Leah Schneck, an organizer on campus for College Democrats, discussed her research on participatory democracy. She described participatory democracy, a term coined by Arnold Kaufman, to be a method, not a theory, to reevaluate hierarchies that exist in our society. “It is different from a representative system because it brings direct responsibility and accountability through building a system of how you make decisions starting in smaller groups and then the decision that comes from the smaller group then reaches a higher level,” Schneck said. Sian Olson Dowis, University alum and doctoral candidate in U.S. History at Northwestern

University, presented her research on the left movement in Urban America. Dowis spent time on the Economic Research and Action Project that was founded in 1963 by Students for a Democratic Society, a student organization that Hayden co-founded. Dowis discussed how history has shown, through examples such as the ERAP, that creating any kind of social change requires more than strong ideals; it requires openmindedness. “It shows that democracy is messy,” Dowis said. “Social change is messy and, that there is an enormous amount of change going on, and sometimes to achieve really important social ends you have to be willing to change your mind and listen to people saying things even if they’re not really what you want or hoping to hear, but that’s what

democracy is. It’s listening to people and taking their ideas seriously.” Taubman postdoctoral fellow Austin McCoy spoke about his research on Tom Hayden and the “Final Campaign to End the War.” He discussed the importance of following political thought through time. “I think what seems to be important was that it shows how some of his thinking around politics, participatory democracy especially can still resonate today,” McCoy said. “As an audience member pointed out, we are galloping towards oligarchy. I think folks want to know what happened to American Democracy, and are there any other visions that could counter the kind of representative democracy we have now and I think Tom Hayden points us in that direction.”

Zeitoun said.

been unexpectedly busy — Zeitoun said they haven’t even had time to train their new employees. “We’ve only been open for four days, and it’s insane,” Zeitoun said. “Everyone’s talking about it, and we’re already getting repeat customers coming in every day and It’s only going to get better and better.” Zeitoun said this is because Roasting Plant is a completely different experience from nearby coffee shops like Starbucks and Espresso Royale. “It’s totally different coffee,” Zeitoun said. “Totally different concept. And even though we beat all the coffeeshops in quality, we’re still very competitive in

pricing.” LSA senior Kyle Bailey appreciated the unique experience, and said he’d never heard of the Roasting Plant chain before. “I like how the atmosphere mixes modern elements with more old-fashioned ones, like the exposed brick walls,” Bailey said. The care with which the coffee is handled was also not lost on students. Art & Design sophomore Alyssa Lopatin took particular notice of this. “I’ve been to a lot of coffee places all over the place,” Lopatin said. “And wherever I go, the best ones are always the ones that just care more.”

MPALS From Page 1A international students as he could to have a friend — a liaison of sorts — Poddar teamed up with LSA juniors Ali Rosenblatt, Seth Schostak and Ayah Issa, also representatives within CSG, to begin planning the program. “CSG is a really big organization, but when people from different branches manage to collaborate, that’s sort of how it happens,” Issa said. “We were introduced by another person in CSG.” Dubbed M-Pals, students can apply to be a student guide for new international students. As part of their training, about 25 students attended monthly workshops at the International Center to prepare them for their roles. M-Pals sent applications to accepted international students until June, when the matchmaking began. Each of the current students were paired with two or three international students, and the pairs exchanged emails over the summer and through the beginning of the school year. On Thursday evening, M-Pals hosted their first event of the school year, where everyone involved in the program met faceto-face, rather than just through email correspondence. For Rosenblatt, the most important part of the program involved familiarizing international students with the

COFFEE From Page 1A “We get the beans green, and we roast them as we need them,” Zeitoun said. “So let’s say today, you decide to have a Guatemala. You know that your Guatemalan beans have been roasted within a few days. You don’t want anything that’s roasted within an hour or two, because it’s too fresh to drink. So we actually want it to sit for at least 12 hours, so everything in the Javabot has had at least a day of being roasted.” Roasting Plant also serves freshly made iced drinks.

campus. While promotional videos and other forms of information exist to help new students become acquainted with the University, advice directly from students is often more helpful. “There’s a lot of questions that I think come up before you get to Michigan,” she said. “We try to bridge that gap, that knowledge gap, to kind of even out the playing field of what people know when they come to campus.” With assistance from the International Center and the Office of New Student Programs, the leaders took into account any possible barriers. Another major goal of the program is to help connect and create meaningful relationships between students from different backgrounds. Schostak explained the divide between international and domestic students is something CSG recognizes and looks to improve upon.

Social change is messy and, that there is an enormous amount of change going on

are experts in topics related to Hayden’s work during his activism. The three topics set the

Rather than keeping chilled coffee in a fridge or putting it over ice, Roasting Plant uses a “Chiller,” another device created by Caswell. The Chiller, like the Javabot, is on display for customers. It’s a large glass bowl with tubes inside that are sitting in cold water. The coffee is run through the tubes and is chilled in the process. The State Street store is Roasting Plant’s first location in Ann Arbor, and Zeitoun said this has been a goal for some time. “Ann Arbor has just been one of those locations that we’ve always really wanted to get in, and we just found this prime location across the street from the University, so it was perfect,”

“I think it’s a really cool community of people who are trying to make the University and campus more inclusive,” he said. “We always felt there was a big gap between international students and domestic students.” When Schostak asked Public Policy junior Benji Mazin to serve as an M-Pal, he willingly agreed and was paired with Business senior Mencía Lasa. One unique aspect of their situations is that both students are from Spain — this being Lasa’s first year at the University. Lasa explained that M-Pals made her transition as an international student easier and that she and Mazin have had the opportunity to meet each other’s friends, creating even more connections on campus. “He’s been really helpful with all the experience itself, he’s given me tips on buildings and what the University is like, the campus ... it’s been really easy to adapt to the new

I like how the atmosphere mixes modern elements with more old-fashioned ones Since the soft opening on Sunday, the new location has

environment,” she said. M-Pals looks to grow in the coming years to support more international students by expanding their base of current Michigan students as well as implementing new ideas and activities for M-Pals to engage in. The opportunity to meet new people is something that many college students look to take advantage of, and for the founders of M-Pals, the experience has been especially meaningful for those who got to pair up with international students. Issa said while helping to create the program has been rewarding, her favorite part of it all was taking part in its activities, expanding her network and meeting new people. “I met a lot of people in the workshops, I learned what questions really get you to know more about a person,” she said. “I met more people internationally and I managed to match with an M-Pal, so I got to be a part of my own

I want to emphasize the importance of speaking out in the face of happenings simply beyond the campus

Ann Arbor Police Department arrests man charged with identity theft RHEA CHEETI

Daily Staff Reporter

Ann Arbor Police Department officers arrested a California man this week after connecting him to an extensive identity theft and counterfeit operation that spanned across several states. 30-year-old Shawn Ingram was apprehended after a gas station clerk reported his use of a counterfeit $20 bill, Channel 4 News reported. Police officers had been previously alerted that numerous counterfeit bills had been circulating in Ann Arbor. The clerk noted Ingram’s license plate number and police tracked it to a car rental agency. The A APD then traced Ingram to a hotel parking lot and arrested him as he was exiting an elevator in the hotel.

The detectives discovered several dozen counterfeit debit cards, credit cards, iTunes and other gift cards, numerous sheets of counterfeit currency, multiple fake driver’s licenses and devices capable of producing these items. They believe the suspect has been operating out of a mobile lab in order to maintain discretion and operate behind the scenes. “We believe that this operation has crossed into several states,” A APD said in a statement. “The suspect has used numerous rented cars and hotel rooms in what we believe is to keep the criminal enterprise mobile thereby increasing the likelihood of success.” Ingram is currently being held in Washtenaw County Jail and is charged with nine felony counts.


4A— Friday, September 15, 2017

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com


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Get the University in the loop


n my early teens, my ears began to ring. Friends and family began to sound like what I can best describe as the voice of Charlie Brown’s teacher. At the time, I had chalked it up to just not paying attention as well as I should have. As the years went on my hearing got progressively worse, and after struggling through a basic hearing exam at my doctor’s office I knew something was wrong. I went to an audiologist to have a more rigorous hearing exam. I was told that my hearing was impaired. I was fitted with hearing aids and was immediately struck with how clearly I could hear those around me. My quality of life improved greatly and I became more independent. While hearing aids significantly improved my ability to hear people in smaller settings, I still struggled to hear a speaker in larger rooms. With increased background noise and echoing causing interference in my hearing aids, the Charlie Brown teacher voice returned. Hearing loops saved me in those situations. A hearing loop describes a system in which a wire that surrounds an audience, usually installed in the ceiling or the floor, directly transmits electromagnetic sound from a sound system that someone with a hearing aid or a cochlear implant can pick up by switching their device to the “T-coil” setting. Rooms with a hearing loop installed will have a sign that indicates to a deaf or hard-of-hearing person that a hearing loop is available. While hearing loops can be installed in any size room, they are especially useful in large spaces like lecture halls, where echoing tends to be a larger problem. By directly transmitting sound to someone with a hearing aid or a cochlear implant, hearing loops cut the unnecessary

noise caused by echoing, providing increasing clarity of the speaker to the listener. Not all hearing aids and cochlear implants are equipped with the T-coil setting, but the majority are, meaning that this is a technology that benefits a large percentage of people who are hard of hearing. This technology is standard in religious and academic institutions around Europe, but the United States has been slow to catch on. Facilities equipped with hearing loops are few and far between; even The Kennedy Center in New York City, a popular event venue, does not make permanent hearing loop

Hearing loops will help meet the needs of a larger number of students. technology available to its patrons. Instead, most venues in the United States use FM or infrared systems which are easier to install but require the user to wear a bulky headset, which is conspicuous and can make the user uncomfortable. In contrast, all London taxis are equipped with hearing loops. Most European churches, including Westminster Abbey, also have hearing loops. With a hearing loop, the cumbersome headsets are ditched and a hearing aid or cochlear implant can become the headset, a system that is much preferred by people who are deaf and hard of hearing. The United States needs to upgrade its technology for people who are deaf and hard of hearing and what better place to start than at the University of Michigan?

While the University has a variety of services for those with hearing loss listed on the Services for Students with Disabilities site, including ASL interpreters, video captioning and student note takers, hearing loops are not mentioned as a service at all, even after I requested a list of on-campus buildings that contained hearing loops. In the many classrooms and lecture halls I have been in over the past year at the University, I have not encountered a single hearing loop sign. This has been frustrating for me in larger lecture halls and has made it very difficult for me to clearly hear the lecturer. The previously mentioned services, while helpful to many, do not cover all the needs of people who are hard of hearing. Not all people who are hard of hearing, including myself, know ASL — and while student note takers are helpful, it does not allow for much personal independence. Hearing loops will help meet the needs of a larger number of students who are hard of hearing at the University of Michigan. The University does a great job accommodating for its students with disabilities, but more can be done. Hearing loop technology in lecture halls on campus will not only greatly improve sound quality for students who are hard of hearing but will provide independence to those using hearing aids and cochlear implants. Other colleges and universities like the University of Iowa and Grinnell College have already started to introduce hearing loop technology in various lecture halls, libraries and theaters across their campuses. Even our rival Spartans have installed hearing loops in their basketball arena. It’s time for the University of Michigan to follow suit. Emily Huhman can be reached at huhmanem@umich.edu.


I’ve always believed that health care is a right for all Americans — not a privilege — and that every person in our country deserves access to the care they need.

— Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., endorsing Bernie Sander’s Medicare for All bill which was released on Wednesday.

Reopening old wounds


hen I voted for Hillary Clinton in the general election, I, like many other Americans, swallowed my distaste for her personality to do the right thing — avoid electing a man whose policies threatened the very fabric of our democracy and time-tested values. Unfortunately, it didn’t make enough of a difference to sway the election in Clinton’s favor and now, Democrats, moderates and Republicans need time to heal from this disaster of an election year and mobilize against the new administration. But, rather than leading this resistance, Clinton chose to drag us back into the past with her new book and its accompanying tour. Clinton’s book, “What Happened,” is a new low for the politician who just can’t fig ure out that she’s the root of her own problems. Excerpts from the book reveal that she attributes the loss to just about everyone but herself. She berates Bernie Sanders for “echoing ” her own ideas, writing “No matter how bold and progressive my policy proposals were … Bernie would come out with something even bigger, loftier and leftier.” Apparently Clinton doesn’t understand that two opposing candidates should have, and are expected to have, differences in policy. Sanders wasn’t stealing her ideas; he had radically different, yet sensible, approaches to policy. Clinton wanted a continuation of moderate Obama-era policies, such as subsidized insurance and student debt relief. Sanders saw this solution as putting a bandage on a torn artery, the systems so f lawed they required total transformation into public programs. Sanders sought a shift toward the European model; Clinton accepted gradual reform. A more egregious example of finger pointing in the book was her speculation of what would have happened had former President Barack Obama done a prime-time address on Russian interference in the election. These kinds of whatif musings are emblematic of post traumatic denial. It appears her post-election funk, where she admitted, “I couldn’t feel, I couldn’t think. I was just gobsmacked, wiped out,” has lingered to this day. Her anger toward former FBI Director James Comey is understandable, but openly doubting a man who gave her one of the most powerful positions on Earth after defeating her in an

election is shameless. Obama was a steadfast ally during the campaign, not an aloof observer. Even Clinton’s staffers are sharing a “collective groan,” according to Politico. Having worked tirelessly to defend her image from both conspiracy-ridden nonsense and legitimate criticism, they were looking forward to some time off. Even colleagues in Congress, such as Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., dodged questions about the book tour, not wanting to be caught in the webs of her mistake. It seems Clinton doesn’t understand the beating heart of political thought in the United States. It’s raw, straight to the point and embraces strong values over

Clinton’s book, “What Happened,” is a new low for the politician who just can’t figure out that she’s the root of her own problems. intellectual debate. Most Americans don’t peruse through political science dissertations or subscribe to policy magazines — that’s obvious and expected. But most don’t even engage in “soft” civic duties like writing their senators or brushing up on United States history and law. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but it does illustrate a divide between the ways Clinton and Trump interacted with the public. Rejecting Clinton’s policy approach, Trump understood that the most effective way to win the hearts of people in the United States was through direct, no nonsense messaging and an avoidance of excesses, which blundered Clinton. Her carefully controlled speeches struck many Americans as elitist and emblematic of a career politician. As Clinton admitted in her book’s introduction, “In the past … I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down.”

While many cringe at her change in persona after the election, a sizable number of people are willing to pay to see her. Tickets to some of her book signings this year have reportedly been as high as $2,000. Not too shabby for someone who charged $675,000 for a couple of speeches to Goldman Sachs. The real icing on the cake, however, is her planned tour in Wisconsin, a state she notoriously neglected to visit during the campaign. It’s hard to tell whether Clinton realizes these actions rub people the wrong way, and that’s exactly her issue. She doesn’t read the mood of the general public well enough to understand the cringe-worthy similarities of high ticket prices and speaking fees. Americans tend to elect presidents because of personality, not policy. If a candidate “feels right” with voters, they enjoy a massive advantage. Al Gore, Walter Mondale and George H.W. all lacked the personal spark that their opponents had, leaving many pundits to conclude it cost them their elections. Those were just blunders that included a couple of sighs during debates, an odd campaign ad and frequent watch checks. For a modern candidate, Clinton was disliked on a whole new level. To put it simply, she isn’t as relatable as she thinks she is. She’s wonky, and couldn’t act like the average gal if her life depended on it. Her personality is so sour that Americans chose an inexperienced reality TV star to run the country over a politician with the best résumé in the business. Whether her reputation is the result of sexism or legitimate grievance can be debated extensively, but doesn’t change the fact more Americans believed her to be dishonest. While Trump also possesses a repellant personality, the American public concluded that it was more “genuine” than Clinton’s. Trump may be cruder, twisted and morally repugnant, but he clicked better with the public’s craving for authenticity. Continuing to ignore the public’s collective groans, she drudges on, speaking about herself and charging hefty fees for you to hear it. We won’t help our country by more finger pointing, so please — for once, stay out of the spotlight, Hillary.

Luke Jacobs can be reached at lejacob@umich.edu.

WANT TO JOIN OUR TEAM? Come to The Michigan Daily’s mass meetings! Mass meetings will be located in the newsroom at 420 Maynard on Sept. 18 and 19 at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there! ERIN WAKELAND | CONTACT ERIN AT ERINRAY@UMICH.EDU


The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com


Friday, September 15, 2017 — 5A




Literati brings lauded ‘American Horror Story’ U-M novelists together rethinks fear in latest made feel as though one is peering through a pond or a Daily Arts Writer puddle of water, where small creatures and detritus are seen The Kerrytown Concert f loating midway down or are House presents the art gallery trapped in the compressing “Textures” from Sept. 8 sediment at the bottom,” through Oct. 8. There will Coleman wrote. “I suppose be a gallery reception with there is some connection refreshments on Saturday, with the tidal pools I enjoyed September 16th, from 4 to 6pm, photographing when I lived free and open to the public. by the ocean. I think of tiny, Work from no longer living Ann Arbor things, that are artists Linda undergoing the Colman and slow process “Textures” Joan Rosenblum of breaking Gallery will be featured down, becoming in the exhibit. fossilized, and Reception It is the first I am intrigued Kerrytown Concert time Kerrytown with the notion House Concert House is of capturing displaying both small pictures of September 16th @ artists’s work. a larger natural 4 P.M. Colman’s work world within is comprised of these forms.” Free ceramic plates Rosenblum’s which are hung pastel work on the wall in is inspired by the display. The plates are music, because of its emotional approximately 23 inches in impact and sense of rhythm. diameter and abstract in In an email to the Daily, she nature. wrote: “the transference “I think that people don’t of that impact through the normally see these kinds of richness of color applied by works, as it’s very unusual to be oils to canvas and pastels to able to hang ceramics as an art paper, is the outcome I hope to form, because ceramic work achieve. Music becomes color is usually functional,” said ref lecting the subtlety of the Nancy Wolfe, Art Coordinator converging hues harmonizing at Kerrytown Concert House. my work.” In Colman’s statement, she Though strikingly different discusses her ceramic work in materials used, process after 30 years of not working and inspiration, their artwork with clay. She writes that it felt evokes similar feelings and like returning to a classroom, ideas. and she decided to change how “I feel like there’s a certain she worked with clay, choosing sense of extraction to both to make it more visual. artists’ works,” Wolfe said. “The last few pieces I’ve “There’s both a mystery and an NITYA GUPTA

intuitive response to art when you’re looking at extraction. The art doesn’t necessarily represent an object, so it takes you one step further into the mystery.” Not only do their projects evoke similar ideas, but they complement and balance each other out in how they draw the viewer’s attention. “There’s a certain play to

Work from Ann Arbor artists Linda Colman and Joan Rosenblum will be featured in the exhibit having Colman’s works next to Rosenblum’s pastels,” Wolfe said. “Colman’s work has this sense of subtle movement but still maintains this very powerful place and the feeling of meditation.” Wolfe also noted that it’s always special for artists to be able to display their works in a place other than their studios. “Art is about communicating,” Wolfe said. “For both these artists, they are working alone and going through a process and relationship with their materials. Their humanity is coming together through this art, and it needs an audience.”


is attempting to mirror reality via two extremes. In the same small town, Ally faces the political aftermath “American Horror Story” and what it will entail for is an anthology series well- herself and her wife (Alison known for focusing its terrors Pill, “The Newsroom”), while on the supernatural — clowns, Kai organizes sinister deeds the paranormal and the (un) in the wake of the “good dead are just a few fears that news.” However, that’s not “AHS” has lined up in its to say that neither party is repertoire. For a show built free from stereotypes. While upon the concept of fear and Ally is portrayed as a liberal what is actually considered snowf lake, Kai is played off “scary.” In its as deranged, newest collection, bordering on “AHS: Cult,” the the edge of American show takes a psychotic, surprising turn clearly Horror Story: away from the following what Cult supernatural in each side has favor of reality. surely slandered Season Premiere The opening about the FX episode of other. As the “Cult” begins on run-in with Tuesdays at 10 p.m. Election Night in killer clowns a small Michigan last season town, taken from has taught us, two points of view meant “AHS” is paying attention to to encompass the dueling the news. concepts of fear. The natural What is also surprising, fear of not belonging in a post- however, about the seventh election climate and the fear season of “AHS” is the trading which others use to propel of paranormal suspense for their beliefs forward. In a comedy. A series well known liberal household we have Ally on the terror front for their (Sarah Paulson, “American scare tactics, “Cult” takes Crime Story”), who watches on the new season with a the election with baited breath different approach, attempting and vocalizes her frustrations to balance comedic moments when the results are televised. with killer clowns in a mix Meanwhile, blue-haired that feels too standoffish for introvert Kai (Evan Peters, the series to appropriately “X-Men: Apocalypse”) blend well. While some of the celebrates the world we’ve characteristic elements of the suddenly found ourselves disturbing nature of the show thrust into, believing that, are easy to point out — case in electing Donald Trump as in point, clowns — it feels as president, we’ve ultimately if it is different from previous begun a revolution that will seasons. On the other hand, change the world for the perhaps the harmonizing better. relationship between the In a quiet manner, “AHS” viewer and the character MEGAN MITCHELL Daily Arts Writer

is what will allow this new season to resonate well with its audience. If one can see themselves ref lected in what they are watching, perhaps the fears of reality can outdo the fears of the supernatural. It is following the bombshell news of the election coverage that “AHS” finally opens up on deeper fears, morphing into the show that we’ve come to know over the

If one can see themselves reflected in what they are watching, perhaps the fears of reality can outdo the fears of the supernatural

past few seasons. The world suddenly morphs from reality to the paranormal — where babysitters (Billie Lourd, “Scream Queens”) harbor sinister intentions and clowns (John Carroll Lynch, “The Founder”) lurk on corners for the unsuspecting passerby. All things considered, “AHS” is asking us whether the world has always been full of terrors or whether the terrors can come to life on their own.



Hail to the... Monse? TESS GARCIA

Daily Arts Wrtier

So... this is awkward. It’s Friday, September 8, day three of New York Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2018. The festivities are in full swing: “Influencers” are posting sponsored pictures on Instagram, critics are complaining, Kanye West is being inconsiderate. All is as it should be, it appears, until a model parades down luxury brand Monse’s runway with a familiar looking monogram poking out from beneath a welltailored blazer. As I looked through photos of the rest of the collection, admiring athleisurely touches and Americana references, I couldn’t shake that bold letter M from my mind. It

looked, to me, a bit too familiar. Maybe creative directors Fernando Garcia and Laura Kim are unaware of the resemblance between their garment and the University of Michigan’s logo. Maybe I’m overthinking this, and M is just the thirteenth letter of the alphabet (please fact-check that; I counted on my fingers). But Monse is a New York-based brand, and U of M is a ubiquitous national powerhouse. There is no way Monse didn’t take a cue from the unmistakable and, we should mention, trademarked Block-M. Tthe “Block-M” is a federally registered trademark. This means that the logo may technically be used freely, though it is recommended that mass-produced clothing featuring the M include a circle R, or “R-ball” symbol. In doing so, the company using

the trademarked material will eliminate the possibility of customer confusion, a telltale sign of infringement. Use of the circle R is a commonplace rule in the clothing industry, one that Monse has overlooked, or simply flat-out ignored. This isn’t Monse’s first brush with the coincidentally chunky M (check out the tees they released in August), nor will it be their last. Will the University intervene? Probably not. Monse’s version of the popular symbol is just different enough to place them on the right side of the law — think minutely taller and narrower. Not to mention, the University has bigger fish to fry, like combatting campus racism. And so the high fashion show will go on, unscathed, with naive customers shelling out hundreds for shirts that they could have just bought at the M Den.


‘May It Last’ mirrors style and warmth of Avett Bros. SYDNEY COHEN Daily Arts Wrtier

“May It last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers” is a fun, zesty and genuine documentary whose portrayal of the lives and creative process of the Avett Brothers mirrors the heart and warmth of their music. The film offers an intimate look into the bond between Scott and Seth Avett, which began in early childhood and

strengthened exponentially onward. Intensely funny,

“May It Last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers” HBO Michigan Theater

the film shines with a vein of humor characteristic of producer Judd Apatow, yet doesn’t fail to explore moments

of intensity, pain and struggle that inf luence both the band members and their music. “May It Last” showcases the extraordinary talent of the brothers as poetic songwriters who grapple with the tensions of the commercialization of deep emotion, and who ultimately work to bring beauty from pain and sacrifice. With an emphasis on family and sincerity, “May It Last” is a spectacular illumination of the Avett Brothers.


6A — Friday, September 15, 2017


Music as a members only club It’s really not controversial to say that classical music has a PR problem. As one might imagine to be the case for a genre several centuries old, it’s managed to acquire quite a reputation over the years, baggage generally having something to do with its perceived elitism and general snobbery. Some of which is valid, of course, but mostly it’s wildly overblown in the popular imagination: At least in today’s classical world, for every tuxedo-toting, nosethumbing type there’s an equal number of open and laid-back individuals who just want to relax and enjoy making music. Naturally the two groups are locked in a sort of eternal battle for the soul of the genre, and invariably the demographics of the latter group tend to skew younger and the former older (though obviously with exceptions). Much of this isn’t readily visible to large segments of the public — the days of classical music’s skirmishes being fought across the culture pages of your local newspaper are largely over — and honestly it isn’t nearly as dramatic as I make it sound, but nevertheless this vague ideological conf lict is important, because while the genre is nowhere near death (no matter what the histrionics of the would-be horsemen of the cultural apocalypse might lead you to believe), its growth and appeal are both limited by the way it’s perceived. Sometime in the past (I don’t remember where) I referred to the programing practices of most major orchestras as being demonstrative of a sort of “antiquated museum culture” with a stranglehold on the art form — which I largely still believe — but that’s only part of the problem. Of course it’s an issue that most orchestras overwhelmingly program music by mostly male, mostly white and mostly dead composers. And of course this has a lot to do with the culture in which the genre developed, and it’s been said many times before (at this point as almost a sort of mantra among the woke of the classical community), but it remains almost as relevant as upon its first utterance. This programing disparity is a problem in-andof-itself, but one of the other issues involved has to do with the appearance this reality projects. Classical music, perhaps more than most genres, suffers from being a kind of membersonly club. Or, at least it suffers from those who would make it so. There is a particular demographic who would pick up my column, read “classical music is elitist,” and respond

“good.” For a variety of reasons — its long history of patronage by European aristocracy, the expense involved with largescale musical presentations, dependence on wealthy donors, etc. — classical music has a strong association with the economic and societal elite, and for those who might seek to somehow differentiate themselves from everybody else, it can serve as a useful, class-marked area of interest.

DAYTON HARE Consequently, concert production can often take on a character of conservatism and passive exclusion. Usually it’s small things, like dirty looks directed at someone who claps between movements, a mild distaste for the neophytes who haven’t learned the rituals, but cumulatively it creates an atmosphere that isolates the art form from the world at large and stif les its engagement with contemporary society. More

There is a particular demographic who would pick up my column, read “classical music is elitist,” and respond “good”

often than not it seems that the musicians themselves (at least in my experience) are discontent with this state of affairs, and it’s more a product of the patrons and/or donors, but the developments in this war of ideas will likely provide the future direction of the genre. Part of this ideological combat broke out into the foreground of a few very particular and niche online communities last weekend. Two Facebook groups, one the much older “Pretentious Classical Music Elitists” and

the other the younger “Prelude, Fugue, and Shitpost,” got into a little scuff le over the stuffiness of classical music. Doubtless you can sort out where the battle lines were drawn. But these two groups are fascinating because they serve as almost perfect archetypes of the two schools of thought. The former’s name was originally meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but over the years it seems as if many of its members didn’t quite pick that up. There is plenty of valuable musical discussion to be had there, and there are lots of subsections within it of interest, but on the whole its tastes tend to constitute a staid and conventional veneration of the Classical and Romantic eras, coupled with an embrace of the “elitist” title and a certain looking-down on other musical genres. This rubbed the vaguely anarchistic members of PFS the wrong way, and they began a campaign inside PCME to shitpost in exaggerated, imitation PCME manner in order to knock the other group down a peg. PFS is a curious bunch: Mostly students at university or conservatory, they constitute a kind of anti-elite elite, that is to say, they’re not not elitists, but their elitism is directed towards the breaking down of old systems of thought, and their musical tastes tend to be an aesthetic free-for-all. In a certain sense they remind me of some of the American and British communists of the ’30s, the anti-bourgeois bourgeois intellectuals common at literary cafés and universities before everyone realized that Stalin was a homicidal maniac who only cared about his own power. The meme war was brief, and retribution was swift: deletions, bannings, the lot. It was mostly over in a weekend. Ridiculous as it was, though, the event says something interesting about the place that classical music culture (particularly among the young) is in today. If the young in PFS are any indication, the genre is due for its own Glasnost and Perestroika, and perhaps this will lead to a wider appeal. In certain modes of thinking, there is a conf lation of seriousness of the self with seriousness of the art. If you hold yourself too cheaply, the thinking goes, then the art you make will come out cheap as well. And perhaps there’s a certain truth in that, but at the same time, if you take yourself too seriously in any art form there’s a very real danger that it will implode in on itself and become directionless. And that’s the quickest path to irrelevancy.


‘Marie Curie’ is not as inspiring as its subject ‘Marie Curie’ is a film that attempts to say a lot but fails in doing so, coming off as self-absorbed and insubstantive ASIF BECHER

Daily Arts Wrtier

“Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge” is all grace. Filled with soft colors, a delicate score and a subtly compelling lead performance by Karolina Gruszka (“Salvation”), the story drifts gently through the brilliant scientist’s life, f loating along through her most intimate moments. We follow Curie through the death of her husband, her greatest discoveries, her eventual affair and her lifelong struggle to

be recognized by the brutally male-dominated scientific community. Gruszka’s Curie is icy, her face impassive

“Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge” Society for Arts, The Michigan Theater

and unreadable but for a few moments of raw emotionality that peek through the

necessarily hard facade. There’s a quiet vulnerability to her performance that grounds the otherwise airy and ethereal film. But there’s a fundamental dissonance at the heart of the movie. “Marie Curie” has a lot it wants to say about love, curiosity, science and life’s trials — but it’s so self-consciously artful that it ends up saying very little at all. It’s a very pretty film, but its substance is lost in all the paper-thin, gossamer beauty.

Read more at MichiganDaily.com

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com



Nike releases sneaker collab with Off-White NARESH IYENGAR Daily Arts Wrtier

It was recently announced that Nike would be collaborating with Off-White, one of the hottest streetwear brands around. This collaboration comes only a few weeks after Nike ended their partnership with VLONE, another popular streetwear brand, after sexual assault allegations surrounding its co-founder, A$AP Bari, surfaced. The collection will feature familiar Nike sneaker silhouettes with an added twist from Off-White

mastermind, Virgil Abloh. None of the designs are particularly groundbreaking: The shoes are simply popular models (Jordan 1s, Blazers, Air Prestos, etc.) with the word “AIR” printed on one side and the branding “OFF-WHITE for NIKE / (Insert Model Name Here) / Beaverton, Oregon USA / c. 2017” on the other. Collaborations like this one help draw attention to existing Nike models, an initiative that’s extremely important as Nike continues its competition with other sneaker brands. Even though these sneakers will be released in scarce

numbers, the collaboration will bring consumers’ eyes to the existing shoes that Nike offers as an alternative for those who fail to cop. Soon you’ll see people wearing Nike’s VaporMax or Air Presto sneakers as a “poor man”’s Nike x Off-White. If you’re interested in picking up a pair of the sneakers, good luck (unless you’re willing to pay $1000+). These sneakers are guaranteed to sell out instantly and be resold at 5-10 times the price. If you somehow manage to get a pair, consider buying a lottery ticket, because you must be quite lucky.


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RELEASE DATE– Friday, September 15, 2017

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Alan of “Tower Heist” 5 Partridge family tree? 9 Eliot’s Bede 13 He shared the AP Driver of the Century award with Andretti 14 Consumed 16 Con __: tempo marking 17 Museum figure 18 Chat at the supermarket checkout? 20 Bigelow offering 22 “Utopia” author 23 Request on “ER” 24 Marsh bird with uncontrollable urges? 28 Oldest Japanese beer brand 29 Discounted by 30 Cut out 31 Trivial amount 33 __ science 37 Paella veggie 38 Way into Wayne Manor? 41 “Eureka!” 42 Legendary first name in skating 44 Northwest Passage explorer 45 Cinco times dos 46 Noodle bar order 49 Fulfill 51 Work of a major opera house villain? 55 Animal house 56 Pertaining to 57 SHO-owned cinematic channel 58 Attract ... or, as three words, sequence change with a hint about 18-, 24-, 38- and 51Across 62 Not at all tough 65 Skye, for one 66 Card worth a fortune? 67 Stir up 68 Slender swimmers 69 Sweet tubers 70 Winter coat

DOWN 1 Laughlin in Tex., e.g. 2 He often batted after Babe 3 Like “The Hunger Games” society 4 Tackle 5 Wood fastener 6 Ringing organ? 7 Physics class topic 8 Cringe 9 Youngest of the “Little Women” 10 Article of faith 11 Arcade giant 12 Exxon follower? 15 Guts 19 Giant in little candy 21 GI’s address 24 Typical Hitchcock role 25 Celestial bear 26 Take from a job 27 Johannesburg’s land: Abbr. 28 Finishes (up) the gravy 32 Former SSR 34 Go ballistic 35 Taking something badly? 36 Unclear

38 Mismatch 39 __ Coast 40 Repeated word in the Beatles’ “She Loves You” 43 National Ice Cream mo. 45 Aids for romantic evenings 47 Hedger’s last words 48 42-Across’ homeland

50 Vietnamese holiday 51 __ Bauer 52 Part of a song 53 Collectively 54 Anne of comedy 59 Director Craven 60 Danube Delta country: Abbr. 61 Drying-out hurdle 63 __-mo replay 64 Taxus shrub



By Mark McClain ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC




center seeking part‑time help for infant toddler room. Playful, experienced, re­ sponsible person with references needed. Email kozyheart@gmail.com


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Friday, September 15, 2017 — 7A



Literati brings lauded U-M novelists together ‘Twin Peaks’ finale fulfills decades-old ambitions SHOWTIME

wonderful immigrant fiction out there about coming to America Daily Arts Writer and assimilating, finding your place. But there are also wonderful Peter Ho Davies and Derek stories — and this is where “The Palacio talk fate, fiction and the Mortifications” leans — about the meaning of home. They have impossibility of ever feeling that the kind of professional and this is your home. The question personal friendship all aspiring most immigrants have to ask is: authors would hope for. After What would my life have been meeting through Palacio’s wife, like if I’d stayed? There’s always fiction star Claire Vaye Watkins, these two tracks of comparison, they’ve both taught and because at the University you can’t ever of Michigan, fully leave your “Fiction at championed each culture behind, Literati” other’s work and or fully embrace played soccer with the new culture September 15th @ their MFA students in which you live, 7 P.M. on the weekends. it’s a question you Last year, both the carry with you Literati Bookstore authors published always. The idea novels which have of destiny and fate earned them critical recognition in this book is woven into the idea and literary attention. Davie’s of family — what might have been second novel, “The Fortunes,” had they stayed. loosely connects four stories of Derek, “The Mortifications” is the Chinese-American experience billed as a new take on the Cubanthrough space and time, while American immigrant narrative. Palacio’s debut novel “The Stylistically, it could be seen as Mortification” follows a Cuban- more restrained, something that American family as they navigate a you don’t come across much new life in New England. in older classics of the CubanYou’ve both written fiction for American literary tradition. many years, of course, but you also Thematically, it takes place in both teach creative writing here at New England, far from CubanMichigan. How does this process American strongholds like Miami. of teaching new writers inform Was this use of language and your own practice? Or, maybe, it location a response to the colorful, doesn’t, and you view them as two over-the-top exuberance of older very separate endeavors? narratives in this tradition? Or was Davies: Good students — and it less a reaction to this tradition, we’re lucky to have excellent ones than simply a reflection of your here —keep you on your toes! Their own voice and experience? work is so distinctive, so individual, Palacio: I don’t know if I was that I feel I’m often learning from really trying to differentiate or push it, as I often do from hearing what away from that. There’s a lot of stuff they’re reading. More than this in here — the food, characters such though, their passion for writing, as Uxbal [the father left behind in their commitment to their work, is Cuba] — that is a ridge between often simply inspiring. these two literary traditions. On Palacio: They’re pretty my father’s side I’m technically a complementary for me. I’ve been first generation American. So from very fortunate to teach in very that perspective, I’m not that far different settings. Michigan is from Cuba, but I also grew up in very different from the IEIA [the New Hampshire, and I don’t speak Institute of American Indian Arts Spanish. So I was really trying to MFA, where Palacio also teaches] write about the Cubans I knew, program. And from the Mojave which was my family growing up in School [a writing program started New England. I don’t know if we’re by Palacio and his wife, Claire more restrained — we’re probably Vaye Watkins, for students in rural just more “New England.” Nevada]. I wanted to talk to you both Let’s talk a little bit more about the vital role women play in-depth about each of your most in your narratives. The mother, recent novels, “The Mortifications” as a recurring symbol and as a and “The Fortunes.” Both titles living, breathing person, crops evoke a mystic or religious theme, up in both your works quite a bit. and this theme is extended through In “The Mortifications,” she’s an the novels with discussions of immensely important character the role of fate or destiny in the who in fact sets the narrative in narrative, as well as human agency. motion by moving the family to What drew you to this theme? the U.S. and leaving her husband Davies: I want to suggest with behind. Significant mother figures, “The Fortunes” the mixture of luck absent or present, also weave their and fate that shapes the characters’ way through each story in “The lives, but the title, of course, is also Fortunes.” Why was it important a reference to that most common to feature these mothers, and how Chinese-American signifier, the did you try to better understand fortune cookie. Everyone knows and portray them? the fortune cookie isn’t really Davies: Parenthood has been a Chinese (you don’t get fortune theme in my fiction for a while now cookies in restaurants in China, of (even before I was a parent, writing course) but something about how about it was a kind of rehearsal!) bogusly Chinese they are makes me but you’re right that mothers play think of them as humbly, but also a key role in each section of The authentically Chinese-American. Fortunes. That likely reflects their Palacio: There’s a lot of importance in immigrant stories, MERIN MCDIVITT

in settling, in creating homes and families, in nurturing successive generations. Palacio: I finished the book before our kid was born — we have a three-year-old now. But with Soledad [the novel’s matriarch], and for the rest of the characters to a degree, this is a book that didn’t want to stray much from the big questions. When I was writing Soledad, I had that question that parents who move their families have to always ask: Am I glad I did that? You’re ripping them from one world and putting them in another. What does that leave you in the new world? Is that a power you can invoke again and again, or is that a power that diminishes, because you’ve already exercised it? Maybe you only get to do that once in their lives. Isabel [Soledad’s daughter] gets a long leash, but that’s a freedom that comes in the wake of disrupting Isabel’s early childhood in Cuba. As a parent, I’m living [some of these questions] now. There is, at times, an undercurrent of sensuality or sexuality that runs through both your works, yet it doesn’t play into stereotypes or conventional mainstream notions of Chinese, Cuban, Chinese-American or Cuban-American sexuality. For instance, Chinese sex workers are portrayed as neither exotic sirens nor alluring victims, and CubanAmerican mother Soledad gains stature in the United States not from her “tropical” sensuality, but from her cautious, cool professionalism. How do you sidestep adding to the over-sexualized portrayals of Asian and Latin American women in the United States, without making your characters seem frigid or flat? Davies: There are a lot of stereotypes, both about Asian women and men, and I wanted less to side-step them than to confront them. For instance, the character of Anna May Wong, the first Chinese-American movie star, who helped create some of those very stereotypes, but who was also imprisoned — personally and professionally — by them. [This] was a great way to address and then undermine stereotypes. Palacio: You’re always hoping that you’re treating every character, regardless of gender, as a full individual with their own sense of desire. With Soledad, there was some element of wanting her to find some joy somewhere along the way in this journey. With [my characters], Soledad and Isabel, I was very lucky. I can’t claim any deliberateness in my fortune with them. They were just such powerful people, and I’ve been lucky to know a lot of powerful women in my life. My mother is a very strong presence in my life, when I think of her personality and how she moves through the world, and my wife is a complete and total genius and champion. I’ve been lucky to be surrounded by these women, so I can’t think of women in any other way. I try not to, and I try to remember that when I come to the page.

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of Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee, “Wild at Heart”). It feels alien Daily Arts Writer to re-encounter this major element because so much of “The Return” was spent The beauty of mystery and outside of Twin Peaks. Still, the uncanny in “Twin Peaks” Cooper as the hero restored has always been its strongest acts as if he had never left, asset. Lynch and company preventing her murder after never strive to produce a show Philip Jeffries (a cameo that’s obvious, self-evident by the late David Bowie) or plain. As a result, “Twin transports him to the night of Peaks” is a deeply polarizing the event. The morning that show: You can choose to follows, however, Laura still reject the lack of structure, disappears. or embrace the The events sidewinding, which follow “Twin Peaks: glacial pace. Cooper’s Unsurprisingly, apparent rescue The Return” the program of Laura seem Showtime rewards the extraneous and second approach unrelated. Series Finale more than the For audiences first. For those that were who stuck around, the series looking for closure, the series finale offered more questions may as well end there for than answers, concluding the them. Cooper returns to the series without being heavy- Black Lodge again, and is handed. escorted out by Diane. They Released together, “Part 17” leave, drive down a long desert and “Part 18” complete the trek highway before “crossing of the series that was cut short. over,” and arrive at a motel to At an accidental rendezvous, have sex. Diane (Laura Dern, Special Agent Dale Cooper’s “Big Little Lies”) revealed in doppelganger (Kyle “Part 16” that the multiple McLachlan, “Portlandia”) is iterations of one person shot by none other than Lucy (although not doppelgangers) Brennan (Kimmy Robertson, are called tulpas, coming “Beauty and the Beast”). from the tradition of Tibetan This occurrence is a high Buddhism. Tulpas are beings water mark for the plausible, that are born into existence yet still absurd addition of by strong spiritual or mental comedy to moments of intense powers — somewhat like an gravity. The manifestation imaginary friend. Dougie of BOB’s energy is broken Jones (still Kyle McLachlan) is by Freddie Sykes (Jake an example of a tulpa, created Wardle, “something”), and by Cooper’s doppelganger. then doppelganger Cooper is In the morning, Cooper quickly sent back to the Black wakes up alone, and reads Lodge by real Cooper. The a letter on the bed stand series ends here, right? Wrong. addressed to Richard from While the key narrative Linda. He proceeds to find threads have been tied a Laura Palmer lookalike, together, the majority of the Carrie Page (Sheryl Lee), finale is devoted to Cooper’s and attempts to reunite her re-undertaking of the case with her mother. When they JACK BRANDON

arrive at Laura’s old address, a stranger answers, denying any connection to the Palmer family. Carrie and Cooper turn away and prepare to leave, but not before Cooper senses a disturbance. Carrie screams the iconic Laura Palmer scream, and the power goes out. Credits roll. For those expecting a clean ending, the unfolding of

“Twin Peaks” has never operated at a literal level, so the audience is pointed to the greater concepts of the series

events may be confusing. Who are Richard and Linda? Why is Laura Palmer back, again? Where did Diane and Cooper cross over to? None of these questions are the right ones to ask. “Twin Peaks” has never operated at a literal level, so the audience is pointed to the greater concepts of the series. Strong will and determination can take human form; good and evil are constantly at war; spirits and magic hide in plain sight. “Twin Peaks: The Return” may not have been the series audiences anticipated, but it is the series that delivered an appropriate, creatively rich conclusion.

Read more at MichiganDaily.com


8A — Friday, September 15, 2017

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

Michigan draws again, difficulties continue PAIGE VOEFFRAY Daily Sports Writer


Freshman midfielder Sarah Stratigakis was among the freshman class that was a silver lining in Michigan’s draw.

If a game was one half instead of two, the Michigan women’s soccer team (0-1 Big Ten, 3-1-4 overall) would have finished feeling like it had just won. The score might have been 0-0, but the Wolverines dominated the shot and possession battles. Unfortunately for Michigan, though, the game lasted until the 83rd minute, and that’s when Purdue (1-0, 6-2) scored the game-winning goal. During its impressive first half, Michigan managed seven shots — but its most impressive work came in the buildup to those shots. The Wolverines had good movement around the box and put plenty of balls into play, but they weren’t able to get many shots off. “There are games when things just click,” said junior forward Taylor Timko. “From the backline up, I think the effort was there. We just didn’t execute, and I think the biggest thing is to just

use this as a learning experience.” The best chance for Michigan came just 10 minutes into the game. Fifth-year senior forward Ani Sarkisian had a breakaway, where the goalkeeper was all that stood in the way of a potential Wolverine lead. A Boilermaker defender was right on her heels, and Sarkisian couldn’t get the shot off before she became entangled with the goalkeeper and defender. Sarkisian was quick on her feet, though, and poked the ball backwards for junior forward Reilly Martin to run onto. But the chance was lost and Purdue put a toe on the ball to clear it out of harm’s way. The second half saw a whole new side of the Boilermakers. They instantly put pressure on Michigan’s backline and rattled off 11 shots in the second half alone — one of those being the late goal. Taking advantage of the Wolverines’ young defense, Purdue midfielder Kylie Hase


Redshirt junior Taylor Timko struggled to convert for the Wolverines.

found herself unmarked in the box, and the long pass landed right at her feet. There was nothing senior goalkeeper Sarah Jackson could do. She could only watch as Hase pounded it into the back of the goal. While the Wolverines had chances in the second half — including a shot from Timko that hit the crossbar — as soon as the Boilermakers went up a goal, Michigan clearly looked deflated. The loss marks the second straight game where the Wolverines have been shut out at home — something that hasn’t happened since 2013. “To win Big Ten games, your seniors and your juniors, they gotta step up,” said Michigan coach Greg Ryan. “They gotta find ways to win games for you, so the challenge is on to score some goals. We scored two goals in four games. The problem with staying 0-0 is anything can happen in a game like soccer and it finally did. So, we’re going to have to start putting some points on the board.” Currently, Michigan has four injured starters — most notably, junior midfielder Abby Kastroll — which may be contributing to its goal shortage. Kastroll scored five goals for the Wolverines last season and had already scored two this season prior to her injury in the sixth game of the year. But that shouldn’t be an excuse. Michigan has plenty of talent on its roster and, though it may have young players, there are many veterans that are capable of taking over a game. The Wolverines didn’t start conference play the way they hoped, but Ryan will now look to the upperclassman to pick up the rest of the team and prepare for Indiana on Sunday. “If you want to score goals, you need to get your chances right in front of the keeper, right where they got theirs, and we just never created that tonight,” Ryan said. “This was a team we really thought we could get after and get at, and it just didn’t happen for us tonight.”

Pulitzer Prize-winning alumni of The Michigan Daily in an afternoon of panel discussions Friday, September 15th 1 pm in Rackham Auditorium Free and open to the public Featured are Eugene Robinson, Ann Marie Lipinski, Dan Biddle, Amy Harmon, Stephen Henderson, Lisa Pollak, Rebecca Blumenstein and Neil Chase

Prize-winning journalists are joined by other distinguished Daily alumni and student staff in discussions of newsroom diversity, sports in the era of social media, and alternative career paths for journalists, plus reflections on changes over the decades at UM Student Publications . Sponsored by:

Michiganensian Y E A R B O O K

For more information please contact Lisa Powers, lisapow@umich.edu, or call 734-418-4115, ext.1244

2017 Schedule

The Michigan football team’s matchup against Cincinnati didn’t end up as lopsided as many expected, but the Wolverines still notched a 36-14 victory. Next up is Air Force — a team famous for running the unconventional triple-option offense. The unique playing style could make them a test for this young Michigan team, but the Wolverines are looking to enter Big Ten play undefeated.

Betelhem Ashame, Ted Janes, Orion Sang, Kevin Santo

3 4 6 7

TABLE OF CONTENTS Ty Isaac is looking for another 100-yard outing. That’s only one thing to watch for. Robert “Pete” Piotrowski celebrated his 100th birthday Sept. 2, and his time at Michigan chronicles the history of the University. The Daily breaks down how Air Force stacks up against the Wolverines. Brent Briggeman of the Colorado Springs Gazette talked to the Daily about the Falcons.

Florida (Sept. 2): ***Jaws theme song***

Penn State (Oct. 21): *Types...deletes... types...* Yeah, that’s off limits too.

Cincinnati (Sept. 9): The Bearcats are the only team from Ohio that almost won last week.

Rutgers (Oct. 28): If you’re reading this from the hot tub in the student section at Rutgers, you should go to the doctor.

Air Force (Sept. 16): Air Force was my safety school. (But really thank you for your service.)

Minnesota (Nov. 5): PJ.. Fleck-Harbaugh is the next Mayweather-McGregor.

Purdue (Sept. 23): This game should be a *clears throat* STREET FIGHT BETWEEN THE WHISTLES!

Maryland (Nov. 11): You don’t live in D.C., stop saying that.

Michigan State (Oct. 7): The Michigan Daily has beaten the State News 12 years in a row.

Wisconsin (Nov. 18): I brought my tent to Camp Randall and was wildly disappointed.

Indiana (Oct. 14): Hoosier? I barely know her.

Ohio State (Nov. 25): We finally found someone who loves college more than Asher Roth: tenth-year senior J.T. Barrett.

STAFF PICKS The Daily football writers pick against the spread to predict scores for the top 25 and Big Ten in the 2017 football season. Air Force (+23.5) at No. 7 Michigan


Orion Sang

Ted Janes

Betelhem Ashame Air Force


Jake Lourim,

Kevin Santo Air Force

Louisville Courier-Journal

Air Force

Air Force

Colorado State (+28.5) at No. 1 Alabama






Tulane (+35.5) at No. 2 Oklahoma






No. 3 Clemson (-3) at No. 14 Louisville






Texas (+15.5) at No. 4 USC






Georgia State (+37) at No. 5 Penn State

Penn State

Georgia State

Penn State

Penn State

Penn State

Fresno State (+33.5) at No. 6 Washington


Fresno State

Fresno State



Army (+30.5) at No. 8 Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

No. 9 Oklahoma State (-12.5) at Pitt

Oklahoma State

Oklahoma State

Oklahoma State

Oklahoma State

Oklahoma State

No. 10 Wisconsin (-16) at BYU






No. 12 LSU (-7.5) at Mississippi State






Samford at No. 13 Georgia






Mercer at No. 15 Auburn






No. 16 Virginia Tech (-23) at East Carolina

Virginia Tech

East Carolina

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech

No. 18 Kansas State (-4) at Vanderbilt

Kansas State

Kansas State

Kansas State



No. 19 Stanford (-9) at San Diego State






SMU (+19) at No. 20 TCU






Oregon St (+21) at No. 21 Washington St.

Oregon State

Oregon State

Oregon State

Oregon State

Washington State

Illinois (+17) at No. 22 South Florida



South Florida


South Florida

No. 23 Tennessee (+4.5) at No. 24 Florida






No. 25 UCLA (-3) at Memphis






Purdue (+7.5) at Missouri






North Texas (+21.5) at Iowa


North Texas




Bowling Green (+22) at Northwestern






Norhtern Illinois (+13) at Nebraska






Middle Tennessee(+10) at Minnesota





Middle Tennessee

FootballSaturday, September 16, 2017

What to Watch For: Air Force BETELHEM ASHAME Managing Sports Editor

Coming off a scare against Cincinnati, the No. 7 Michigan football team has faced a fair amount of criticism for allowing the Bearcats to hang around late into the game. Against Air Force on Saturday, the Wolverines have set their sights on putting that performance firmly in the past. With the Falcons rolling into Ann Arbor this weekend, Michigan has a chance to finish its non-conference season on a high note before Big Ten play begins. Here’s what to watch for when the Wolverines take on Air Force: 1. Will Ty Isaac hit 100 again? After starting behind sophomore Chris Evans in the season opener, the fifth-year senior running back has emerged as the leader of Michigan’s threeman rotation in the backfield with two consecutive games in which he has run for over 100 yards. In his fourth year in the program after transferring from Southern California, Isaac has “capitalized on his opportunities” according to coach Jim Harbaugh. He rushed for a game-high 114 yards on just 11 carries against Florida, and in his second career start, he rushed for 133 yards — a career high — on 20 carries against Cincinnati. Rather than acting as a complement to the shifty, speedy Evans — who had been expected to take over the lead rusher role this year — Isaac has taken over where last year’s starter De’Veon Smith left off as the power back of the Wolverines’ run game. Isaac has yet to make his way into the end zone, but with his recent string of solid outings, there is a high probability that he will break that trend against Air Force. 2. How many points will the defense score? 21-17. The latter is the number of points Michigan’s defense has given up this season. The former


Fifth-year senior running back Ty Isaac is in pursuit of his third consecutive 100-yard game after claiming the starting job during week two against Cincinnati.

is the number of points the Wolverine defense has scored. Between two pick-sixes against the Bearcats and a fumble recovery in the end zone against the Gators, Michigan has not only played lockdown defense, but has turned stops into scoring opportunities as well. While the offense and special teams units have made a considerable number of costly mistakes, Michigan defensive coordinator Don Brown’s unit has avoided a similar fate. Acting as the calm within the storm, the defense has provided a stabilizing force so far this year. Air Force might disrupt that trend, though. With their tripleoption style offense, the Falcons could pose a strong challenge to the Wolverines’ defense. From trick plays to deceptive schemes,

Air Force will throw its whole playbook at Michigan. While the Wolverines have said that they have been preparing for this game since the spring, their defense will have a harder time keeping up its scoring streak against the Falcons.

Michigan may need Nordin to provide a stable source of points.

3. Will Quinn Nordin have another chance to show off his leg?

The redshirt freshman kicker made a name for himself after nailing 4 of 6 field goals, including two from more than 50 yards out, against Florida. Of Michigan’s 33 total points, Nordin scored 12. If he had made the other two kicks, he would have outscored Florida’s 17-point total all on his own. With the performance, Nordin owns the record for the longest field goal made at AT&T Stadium (55 yards) and is the only freshman Wolverine ever to hit

two 50-plus-yard field goals in the same game. Against Cincinnati, Nordin had a noticeably less prominent role, though that’s actually more of a positive for the Wolverines’ offense as a whole than a negative for him. With Air Force’s unpredictable offense, the Falcons could end up scoring more than expected due to trickery as opposed to skill. If that proves to be the case Saturday, Michigan may need Nordin to provide a stable source of points.

Air Force team that leaves the secondary vulnerable with a blitz-heavy scheme. Most of Speight’s wounds have been self-inf licted — from his two pick-sixes against Florida to his two fumbles against Cincinnati — so the onus is on him. One of the first lessons taught to young players learning the game is to take care of the football. Speight needs to heed that lesson against the Falcons. Despite his mistakes, Speight has still completed 28 of 54 passes for 402 yards and three touchdowns. Throughout the week, his teammates have wholeheartedly defended their quarterback, depicting him as their unquestioned leader. If Speight can just clean up the errors, he can convince the Wolverines’ supporters calling for his job to see him in the same light.

Most of Speight’s wounds have been selfinflicted.

4. Can Speight avoid turning the ball over? After two games where his position as the starter has been called into question, the redshirt junior quarterback has a chance to silence his critics against an

TheMichiganDaily, www.michigandaily.com


One Century: A Man and his University On Aug. 26, the University of Michigan turned 200 years old. One week later, Robert “Pete” Piotrowski celebrated his 100th birthday. Yes, Piotrowski has been around for half of the university’s existence. Yes, he has seen and heard it all. When he was a child, he lis-

came across half back Tom Harmon. At the time, Harmon was a freshman not allowed to play on varsity; his star had yet to be born. One day, Piotrowski lined up against Harmon in a tackling drill. A lot of people can say they’ve tackled a Heisman Trophy winner. Not many still around can say the same about Harmon. “You knew who (Harmon)

dow through nearly a century of Michigan history. *** As hard as it may be to believe now, Michigan went 77 years without a gymnasium on its campus. According to a report from the Bentley Historical Library, regents had discussed a facility “as early as 1870,” but the state legislature was in dire financial straits and couldn’t fund

gan football team during the winter of his freshman year. “(Assistant coach) Wally Weber called me,” Piotrowski said, “and asked me to meet him at the gym.” Earlier, Weber and head coach Harry Kipke had visited schools up north looking for players to recruit. When they reached Piotrowski’s high school, his old coach told them there was already a player in Ann Arbor that

I ended up on the Michigan football team.” *** Piotrowski didn’t pick Michigan because of its football team. He did so for a more practical reason — he wanted to attend pharmacy school. And though he was on the team, being a football player was neither the glamorous nor time-consuming job that it is now. No one stopped him on the street for pho-

Street.” Eventually, he joined a fraternity, Kappa Sigma, and lived there for the rest of his time on campus. That was how he met his wife. “It was a blind date,” Piotrowski recalled. “One of my fraternity brothers had a girl over there he knew and I guess I didn’t have a date, and he fixed up a date with my wife, Jean. And we went together after that, since my

tened to the famous sports broadcaster Ty Tyson give play-by-play of Michigan football games on the radio. Piotrowski later rode the same train as Tyson and the rest of the team as they traveled to games. When he was in seventh grade, Piotrowski would play football with his classmates during recess and pretend he was Bennie Oosterbaan, one of the greatest athletes in Michigan history. And when Piotrowski came to Ann Arbor, there was Oosterbaan, serving as an assistant coach. When he was a reserve on the varsity team, Piotrowski

was,” Piotrowski recalled in an interview this week at his retirement home in Novi. “They brought him in, and they knew he was going to be good. You saw him sometimes during drills, in tackling drills or something. You’d tackle him if he happened to be in one of the lines. “It was just a guy coming down the line and you’d tackle him. Wasn’t a big deal.” It may not have been a big deal at the time, but looking back, it is. That’s the story of Piotrowski’s Michigan legacy — his career may have never got far off the ground, but his experiences provide a win-

the project. In 1891, though, a generous donation from Joshua W. Waterman kickstarted a spirited fundraising effort from the University. By 1894, Waterman Gymnasium stood at 930 North University Avenue. The Waterman gym was a work of art. It was 150 feet tall and had an appearance more befitting of a castle than a recreational facility. Piotrowski was a frequent visitor to the gym — both Waterman and other facilities — when he enrolled at Michigan in the fall of 1935. In fact, that was where he earned a spot on the Michi-

could make the team. So Piotrowski went to the gym after the phone call. There, he met Kipke, Weber and “a couple linemen.” Piotrowski was never a large man, even in his youth. He says he weighed 167 pounds during his playing career. Yet that day he displayed an unnatural amount of strength. “They had one of the exercise machines that you push with your shoulders, two guys,” Piotrowski said. “And I did pretty well, I could do a little better than the linemen did. (Kipke) must’ve been impressed, anyways. So

tos. There was no stipend from the athletic department to pay for room and board. Piotrowski paid for living

sophomore year.” Football, it appears, was simply there in Piotrowski’s life, and nothing more. He had never thought he would make it on the team and was certainly glad for the opportunity. But it didn’t rule his life. Playing professionally wasn’t an option and he didn’t want to be a football or basketball coach, which he says was the reason many players were on the team. The Wolverines, meanwhile, were in the midst of a brutal four-year stretch. Through Piotrowski’s sophomore and junior seasons in 1936 and 1937, Michigan went a com-


Daily Sports Editor


Football Saturday, September 16, 2017

...and they knew (Harmon) was going to be good costs by working as a dishwasher and waiter at a dental fraternity “way up Hill

bined 5-12. By the end of the 1937 season, Kipke’s tenure was near its end. “Kipke was already let know that he wasn’t going to be rehired,” Piotrowski said. “But none of us knew, nobody knew that. Kipke wanted to hold onto his job, he had Tom Harmon coming up as a freshman then.” That transitory period — and Kipke’s efforts to hold onto his job — seem to have cost Piotrowski his only chance at becoming a starter. According to Piotrowski, he had appeared in several games throughout his career, playing halfback most of the time while occasionally being employed as a tackler. Then, on the suggestion of the trainer, he had tried out for fullback, and “did pretty well at that.” He expected to start at Penn during the secondto-last week of the 1937 season, which would have earned him a varsity letter. But that never happened. “Someone didn’t want me in there, or wanted someone else to start,” Piotrowski recalled. “So I was kinda shut out. It was the team before the Ohio State game. But Kipke came to me the following Monday at practice and apologized for not playing me. “I was only a kid then, I didn’t say anything. He says, ‘I couldn’t play you.’ I think he was hanging onto his job.” The next year, Piotrowski quit the team. It happened just as easily — and naturally — as him joining. He wanted to continue courting Jean, and he didn’t see a long-term future in the sport. Losing out on the chance to start was tough for Piotrowski to swallow at the time, and his brow furrowed slightly when recalling the incident 80 years later. But he says he was alright with the decision, and he’s moved on. “Some little things you remember,” Piotrowski said, “but you just forgive and you forget. … I can kind of forget things like that pretty fast. “There’s a lot going on at Michigan. (My) last year, I PHOTO COURTESY OF ORION SANG

went to the gym a lot.” *** In 1977, Waterman Gymnasium was demolished to make room for an expansion of the Chemistry Building. To expect Michigan’s campus to remain mostly unchanged since Piotrowski’s matriculation would be irrational. Many of the experiences he described are a glance into a sepiatoned past. Piotrowski loved to bowl at the Union with friends. Once, he earned a t-shirt as the bowler of the week. There is no bowling in the Union anymore, but there is a Wendy’s. He used to buy a sweet roll and coffee for breakfast at a price of just 15 cents. Tuition per semester was $50. He found success at fullback at the cradle of college football weighing just 167 pounds. Khalid Hill and Henry Poggi weigh 263 and 257 pounds, respectively. Piotrowski estimates he was 85 the last time he attended a game in Ann Arbor. He says he’d get lost if he tried walking around campus nowadays. Yes, some things have changed since Robert Piotrowski attended classes

at Michigan. But the spirit of it all — that remains unchanged. Piotrowski remembers the weekends spent downtown drinking beer with his fraternity brothers. He remembers frantically cramming late at night for tests. He remembers the pride of walking onto the field in front of a soldout crowd at Michigan Stadium, only a couple years after playing in front of sparselypopulated bleachers in Manistee. And he still remembers why he went to Michigan in the first place, and what it gave him. “I’m glad I went to Michigan because you learn some of the finer things,” Piotrows-

Sometimes you lie in bed and Ann Arbor comes up to you. These little things you never thought of for years come up.

ki said. “Classical music. Go to concerts, which you wouldn’t do if you lived in a small town. They didn’t have anything like that. … I’d go back (home) to visit quite often, of course. But there’s more opportunities (in Ann Arbor), things you learn going to school, in a fraternity. “Sometimes you lie in bed and Ann Arbor comes up to you. These little things that you never thought of for years come up. I’m glad I went to a bigger school. Otherwise I would’ve ended up back in Manistee and I don’t know what I’d be doing.” Later in his life, long after graduation, Piotrowski traveled the world with Jean. He went to China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and South America. Those trips, he says, wouldn’t have happened without Michigan. The university “enabled” him to think about all the possibilities — such as traveling the world — that he never would have thought about in Manistee. “I was looking for something more,” Piotrowski said, “which I got at Michigan.”

TheMichiganDaily, www.michigandaily.com


Breakdown: Michigan vs. Air Force TED JANES

Daily Sports Writer

About a week ago, everybody seemed to think the Wolverines were unstoppable. An offseason full of questions and concerns was put to rest when the Michigan football team stomped Florida in the biggest season opener it has had in years. Then came the Cincinnati game. It should have been an easier win, but it turned into a reality check instead. The Wolverines left the game with a second win, but there was undoubtedly room — and a need — to improve leading up to the Big Ten season. No. 7 Michigan’s final non-conference game is this Saturday against Air Force, a disciplined opponent with a unique offense that has had two weeks to prepare. The Falcons crushed Virginia Military Institute (VMI), 62-0, in their season opener two weeks ago, and haven’t played a game since. That said, Michigan is a 23.5-point favorite to win. Here’s how the Wolverines match up against Air Force on Saturday. Michigan pass offense vs. Air Force pass defense Even though redshirt junior quarterback Wilton Speight has had some shaky moments already this season, Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh has clearly stated that Speight will remain the starting quarterback. Speight has completed 52 percent of his passes, and has tallied 402 yards with three touchdowns and two interceptions. Despite the two pick-sixes, Speight connects well with all three starting receivers — junior Grant Perry, sophomore Kekoa Crawford and freshman Tarik Black. Speight has spread the wealth amongst them, as each starting wide receiver already has a touchdown catch. Air Force’s pass defense allowed 40 passing yards and just six first downs in its opening game, but in terms of overall ability, VMI obviously doesn’t match up with the Wolverines. The Falcons’ defensive coordinator Steve Russ emphasizes the importance of stopping the run, but has



Sophomore defensive end Rashan Gary and the rest of the defensive line will be tasked with figuring out a complicated and unconventional triple option offense.

said that he likes to disrupt the passing game with blitzes fairly often. The more Air Force blitzes, the more chances Speight has to hit his receivers for big plays. Edge: Michigan Michigan run offense vs. Air Force run defense The Michigan run game involves a three-man rotation — fifth-year senior Ty Isaac, sophomore Chris Evans and junior Karan Higdon. The Wolverines start most drives by handing the ball to Isaac. Against Cincinnati, he rushed for a career-high 133 yards. Isaac’s best speed comes when he is running to the outside. While he doesn’t have a touchdown yet, he has established himself as the lead runner, and another 100-yard outing from Isaac is very possible. Evans’ best asset is his speed. He hasn’t broken free for any major plays so far in 2017, but he sets himself apart from Isaac and Higdon in the open field. Higdon has Michigan’s lone rushing touchdown, and the

FootballSaturday, September 16, 2017

coaches seem to favor him in the red zone. Over the course of the season, Higdon may not gain as many yards as Isaac or Evans, but he will be a key player when it comes to hammering the ball into the end zone. Simply put, Air Force probably won’t have an answer for Michigan’s running backs. The Falcons lost 11 of their top 12 tacklers from last season, and much like the Wolverines, only one defensive starter returned — linebacker Grant Ross. Michigan hasn’t displayed a prominent run game yet, but if Isaac or Evans manages to find a gap, they’ll run right through Air Force’s rush defense. Edge: Michigan Air Force pass offense vs. Michigan pass defense Air Force quarterback Arian Worthman has reason to be pretty nervous. Michigan’s defense is averaging five sacks a game, and they don’t hit lightly. Worthman tossed for 172 yards and two touchdowns against VMI, but he won’t have nearly as much time to throw against the

Wolverines. Junior safety Tyree Kinnel is leading the defense with 15 tackles, a sack and a pick-six. Right behind him is sophomore linebacker Devin Bush Jr., who has 14 tackles with two sacks. The quarterback pressure could come from anywhere, and it probably will come from everywhere. Whether it is from linebackers like senior Mike McCray and sophomore Khaleke Hudson or defensive linemen like sophomore Rashan Gary, Worthman will not be given much time to relax. On the off chance that he does have time to throw, Michigan’s secondary has already returned two interceptions for touchdowns — so his odds aren’t too great there either. Edge: Michigan Air Force run offense vs. Michigan run defense This breakdown hasn’t been very kind to Air Force. However, the Falcons’ run offense deserves respect. It’s the one area they could truly threaten See BREAKDOWN, Page 7

BY THE NUMBERS Michigan’s defense on the year


Touchdowns scored through two games.


Tackles for Tyree Kinnel — a team high.


First downs allowed on the ground this year.


Yards per carry for opposing offenses.

For in-game updates

Follow @Kevin_M_Santo, @tedjanes7, @orion_sang and @betelhem_ ashame on Twitter during Saturday’s game.

BREAKDOWN From Page 6 Michigan. Here’s why. The triple-option playbook Air Force utilizes is full of trick plays and deception. The Wolverines haven’t faced an opponent like that this year, or any year recently. Against VMI, the Falcons’ unconventional system managed to run for 473 positive yards, had seven different players score rushing touchdowns and had 11 players rush for over 20 yards. The Wolverines have talked about prepping for this scheme since last spring, though. Michigan’s defensive line should power through the Falcons’ front five. When the likes of Gary and veteran linemen Maurice Hurst and Chase Winovich come crashing on the Falcons’ door, the triple-option won’t have so much flexibility.

Michigan redshirt freshman kicker Quinn Nordin had an eye for the field goals against Florida, hitting four-for-six with two for over 50 yards. Air Force hasn’t kicked a field goal yet this season — it scored touchdowns on most of its drives against VMI.

The Daily spoke with Brent Briggeman of the Colorado Springs Gazette about the upcoming Air Force contest.

Edge: Michigan Intangibles Speight is out to prove himself. While he’s not in any danger of losing his starting spot, the criticism around his two interceptions week one and his two fumbles week two has been growing. If he cleans up those mistakes, Speight could be primed for a dominant performance Saturday. Leading the Wolverines into the Big Ten season undefeated, and throwing a few more touchdowns in the process, would get everyone back on Speight’s side.

Edge: Michigan Edge: Michigan Special teams The Wolverines undoubtedly have the better talent on special teams, but they have yet to prove it. Freshman Donovan Peoples-Jones was benched as the punt returner because he was making risky decisions. His replacement, junior Grant Perry, only called for fair catches — something Peoples-Jones never did.

Behind Enemy Lines

The Wolverines have the edge in every category, but don’t count Air Force out with its tricky, fast offense. Cincinnati gave Michigan a scare, so there is no reason to think the Falcons can’t either. On the scoreboard, this Saturday could look a lot like the last. Prediction: Michigan 38, Air Force 13


Managing Sports Editor

To gain an inside perspective on the Michigan football team’s upcoming matchup against Air Force, the Daily reached out to Brent Briggeman — the Falcons beat writer for the Colorado Springs Gazette. On Wednesday night, we spoke on the phone with Brent to discuss Air Force’s triple option, Falcons running back Tim McVey and what needs to happen to put Michigan on upset alert. Here’s a look into our conversation: The Michigan Daily: The big talk around here is the triple option. How do you think it could fare against this defensive line that Michigan has? Brent Briggeman: I think it’s proven over the years that it can work against any defense, you know what I mean? It’s so hard to stop just because it doesn’t

matter how big you are. It’s just a matter of picking up the ball. The deception and quickness in it is really difficult for a team that doesn’t see it very often. Also, it allows Air Force to leave a man unblocked on every play, and they don’t have to sustain blocks very long. That really helps them being undersized. It eliminates a lot of the disadvantages that come with being undersized. And Arion Worthman at quarterback is the fastest quarterback I’ve seen operate this system. And since he’s been in, that’s why they’ve won seven in a row. It’s hard to understand what that looks like until you’ve actually played against it or seen it in person. They know where they’re going and the defense doesn’t, and they get there quickly. It’s such a different game for defenders to play. TMD: Along those same lines, do you think it’s even further of an advantage for Air Force

that — as talented as Michigan’s defense is — they don’t have a lot of college snaps? BB: It sort of puts them at a disadvantage I would think. It’s just not a natural way to defend. Talking to Air Force defenders — seniors who have played against this in practice for years, and then play against New Mexico, Army and Navy every year who run a variation of the triple option — they’re still picking up nuances of how to defend it. To think that a team could learn it over spring practice and then in the week leading up — you’re not gonna learn it. You’re just gonna have to learn enough of it to try to get by. It’s not like Air Force is gonna bust every play. Michigan’s gonna make plays. But Air Force hasn’t been shut out in something like 30 years — maybe 20 years, it’s been a long time — and there’s a reason. It’s really hard to stop this. And the minds that go into creating this offense, you know, (Air Force coach) Troy Calhoun was an NFL offensive coordinator, so it’s not like he only uses the triple option. And Mike Theissen, who’s the offensive coordinator, was an academy graduate, played quarterback here and was a professor for a little while in mathematics. So obviously, these are some pretty bright minds. It’s not like these are guys who just run it because they don’t know anything else. They run it because they understand that it works here. And if you’re a defender getting your third college start, it’s gonna be eye opening. TMD: Is there any chance that Air Force could air it out more often than they normally would, given that Michigan’s secondary hasn’t really been tested at all in the air yet? BB: I would think. I wouldn’t expect them to throw more than 12 to 15 times. They pick their spots well, because obviously they have to get that ground game established. Once guys are starting to cheat a little bit … suddenly a back is running loose


Junior safety Tyree Kinnel is living up to the expectation that he would lead Michigan’s secondary, as he has a team-high 15 tackles through two games.

See BRENT, Page 8

TheMichiganDaily, www.michigandaily.com


BRENT From Page 7 and catches the pass, or one of the receivers is in single coverage. So yes, they will throw. It’s not a trick play for Air Force to throw the ball, but because the ground game becomes such an emphasis for the defense, that usually when they do go to the air somebody can find a way to get open. TMD: Tim McVey, I feel like he might f ly under the radar given that he goes to Air Force, what have you seen out of him? I mean the amount of yards he has racked up is kind of ridiculous. BB: I mean, he’s Air Force’s all-time leader in yards per carry, he’s second in yards per reception and he’s third in yards per kickoff return. He’s been the most efficient weapon in program history. It was shocking. When he was a sophomore — and he’s only 5-foot-8, 185 — and he’s putting

up all these numbers in garbage time. … They were impressive numbers but it was like, ‘Well what’s he gonna do against a first-string defense?’ Then he got a bigger role and it was exactly the same, and it hasn’t stopped now for three years. He’s got really good vision and acceleration, and he’s a 4.4speed guy. He can burn and he understands where he needs to be, and then obviously he’s in an offense that gives him a chance. And he’s even more effective with Worthman at quarterback, because Worthman will get the option three or four yards downfield before a defense has to collapse on him, and then he’ll f lip it out to him. So he’s a very explosive player. He doesn’t pass the eyeball test. He’s not gonna wow you when he gets off the

bus, but when he gets the ball in his hands, he just finds a way to make plays. TMD: Is there any talk of him trying to go to the next level? BB: There’s always talk for big time Air Force players, especially with last year, when the rule changed so they can explore that immediately. … I think he’s a guy (who will) get in an NFL minicamp if he can prove himself. Two years down the road he’ll be serving active duty; maybe he’ll get a training camp invitation and see what he can do. I don’t know that he has the strength to make it to that level. If they could use him as a third-down guy — because he can catch the ball and he can run the ball. I think somebody might find a spot for him, but there’s a good chance he has reached his max as a really good college

He’s been the most efficient weapon in program history.

player. TMD: Is there one thing that Air Force has to do to pull off this upset? BB: There’s gonna have to be some luck involved, and part of that is they’re gonna have to get to the quarterback at Michigan. By and large when they’ve lost over the past few years, it’s because quarterbacks have picked them apart with the deep ball. Air Force does a lot to stop the run, and they’re really good against the run, and they’re pretty good against short passes. But because they blitz so much, they’re asking their corners to do a lot of one-on-one coverage, and not many corners are gonna win that battle once they’re 25, 30 yards downfield. If a quarterback is accurate enough to hit that pass, they don’t stand a chance. They need to get to Speight with those blitzes, or they need Speight to be inaccurate downfield. If those combinations hit, then Air Force can stay in this game.



FootballSaturday, September 16, 2017

OPP 15.5 11 39.5 1.4 1 156.5 43.9 4.6 0 2 64.0 281.5 12.0% 42.9% 1.0 15.6 2.0 43.8 1-3 6/3 37.5 27:40

I N D I V I D U A L S PASSING Player Speight O’Korn TOTALS

Cmp 28 1 29

Att 54 1 55

Yds 402 37 439

TD 3 0 3

INT 2 0 2

RUSHING Player Isaac Evans Peoples-Jones Higdon Hill McDoom

Att 31 27 1 11 2 1

Yds 247 93 44 41 5 4

Avg 8.0 3.4 44 3.7 2.5 4.0

Lg 53 29 44 12 4 4

TD 0 0 0 1 0 0

RECEIVING Player Perry Black Crawford Eubanks Gentry McKeon Wheatley

No. 8 6 5 2 2 5 1

Yds 112 94 86 61 41 38 7

Avg 14.0 15.7 17.2 30.5 20.5 7.6 7.0

Lg 33 46 43 48 36 10 7

TD 1 1 1 0 0 0 0



MICH 34.5 17.5 204 4.7 1 219.5 49.6 8.8 7 1 70.5 479.5 60.0% 75.0% 3.5 19.0 6.6 35.6 6-8 3/2 61.5 32:20

Points/Game First Downs/Game Rush Yards/Game Yards/Rush Rushing TDs Passing Yards/Game Completion % Yards/Pass Passing TDs Interceptions Offensive Plays/Game Total Offense 3rd-down Conversions 4th-down Conversions Sacks/Game Kick return average Punt return average Punting average Field Goals-Attempts Fumbles/Lost Penalty Yards/Game Time of Poss

DEFENSE Player Kinnel Bush Hudson McCray Hurst Gary Metellus Winovich Hill Furbush Thomas Schoenle Solomon Watson Uche Marshall Kemp Long St-Juste Glasgow Gil Mason Wroblewski

Redshirt junior quarterback Wilton Speight could capitalize on a blitz-heavy defense against Air Force on Saturday to rebound from a rough two weeks.


Solo Ast Tot TFL SK PBU 11 4 15 2.5 1.0 1 9 5 14 3.5 2.5 1 6 4 10 3.5 3.0 1 3 5 8 1.0 1.0 3 5 8 1.0 3 3 6 0.5 0.5 5 1 6 1 5 1 6 2.0 1.0 4 1 5 1.5 2 1 4 5 0.5 1 3 1 4 0.5 3 3 1 1 2 0.5 1 1 2 1.0 3 2 2 1.0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -


1. Alabama 2. Oklahoma 3. Clemson 4. USC 5. Penn State 6.Washington 7. Michigan 8. Ohio State 9. Oklahoma State 10.Wisconsin 11. Florida State 12. LSU 13. Georgia

2 5


14. Louisville 15. Auburn 16. Virginia Tech 17. Miami 18. Kansas State 19. Stanford 20. TCU 21. Washington State 22. South Florida 23.Tennessee 24. Florida 25. UCLA

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