MediaTrainer handbook

Page 35

What can you learn during the video journalism course? 1. How to use a camera

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identify the basic functions of a film camera list the features of the camera and microphone define white balance, focus, shutter put the camera together demonstrate your knowledge of these by filming a short interview

2. How to conduct a basic interview

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A Introduction

explain the basic elements required for an interview demonstrate with your interview partner how to take an interview shoot, capture and edit a short interview analyse good and bad elements of the interviews filmed

3. How to identify a story

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share ideas for stories with other participants in the group (including effective listening) analyse sample films and their synopses demonstrate your own idea and research facts for the video report to the group explain topic of your video report work effectively in the group draw up the synopsis of your group’s video report present and advocate for the synopsis to the group

4. How to turn the story into a film

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understand the meaning of film composition operate the camera at a basic level (under the supervision of a trainer) list the equipment needed for making a video understand the elements of and produce a shooting plan for a one day work allocate roles within the shooting plan execute the shooting plan as part of the group (i.e. make a raw film footage) reflect and report on your experience of a shooting day with others

5. How to finish the film

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identify the basic elements of montage and voice overs demonstrate knowledge of editing video and audio material communicate effectively while working as part of a team incorporate graphic elements into a video

6. How to distribute the film

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describe techniques for finalising and distributing a video apply these techniques when finalising the film and preparing it for distribution explain your ideas and the techniques used in finalising a film to the group evaluate your work as part of the group evaluate final production

The full plan of the practical seminar you will be able to find on the pages 110 – 118.


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