Dart Out Research Results

Page 1

European Project


Second transnational
Gdańsk, 10-14 October 2022

Contents (IMRAD)







Greece ARGO, Thessaloniki Italy CEIS, Modena Poland MONAR, Gdańsk


Objectives and timeline of the project

2° transnational meeting in Gdańsk (Pl)

10 14/10/2022

Research report on Good Art Therapy Practice

Building art therapy programs related to IO2 Short term staff training

Step 2

Survey on good practices and needs using art therapy and digital tools in TCs of 3 partners

Step 1

Kick off Meeting in Modena (It)

5 7/05/2022

Activities related to IO1 were planed

trainingPreparationofthefinalversionofthe TCsforeducatorsinarttherapyin usingdigitasltools . Implementationoftheproject

Meeting in Modena (It) June 2023

Project results (IO1 and IO2)

Step 4

Implementation of the project. May-Nov 2023-IO3: Greek Partner Program development and piloting in 3 TCs

Step 3

3° transnational meeting in Thessaloniki (Gr) May 2023

Sharing Good Art Therapy Practices and art therapy programs related to IO2

Arttherapyimplementedthoughonline activities/sessionsconductedjointly withtheTCsof3partners

Step 5

4° transnational meeting in Gdańsk (Pl) December 2023

Final event


Method QN QL MM

Mixed Method

For clients

Questionnaires online

Greek version Italian version Polish version

For educators

Example of items Secondo te, in quale misura l’arte (teatro, arteterapia, musica, ecc.) possa essere utile nel processo terapeutico? 1 2 3 4 per niente poco abbastanza molto Σε ποιο βαθμό πιστεύετε ότι η τέχνη (θέατρο, θεραπεία μέσω της τέχνης, μουσική κ.λπ.) μπορεί να είναι χρήσιμη στη θεραπευτική διαδικασία? 1 2 3 4 καθόλου λίγο αρκετά πάρα πολύ Jak myślisz, w jakim stopniu zajęcia / działania artystyczne (teatr, arteterapia, muzyka itp.) może być pomocna w procesie terapeutycznym? 1 2 3 4 ani trochę nie wiele wystarczająco bardzo dużo QN
Example of items Jakich umiejętności artystycznych / teatralnych potrzebujesz, aby najlepiej wykonywać swoją rolę? Di quali competenze artistiche / teatrali avresti bisogno per svolgere al meglio il tuo ruolo? Ποιες καλλιτεχνικές / θεατρικές δεξιότητες θα χρειαζόσουν για να αντιμετωπίσεις καλύτερα τον ρόλο σου? QL
Procedures PSPP Descriptive statistics MAXQDA CAQDAS Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software


Sample (n=146; edu.=56; clients=90) 30 educators 37 clients Poland Italy Greece 18 educators 29 clients 8 educators 24 clients educators users 38 % 62 % educators users 45 % 55 % 25 % 75 % educators users

Who answered the questionnaire? (n=146; M=64; F=82)

male female Sample (n=146; M=64; F=82) 30 male 37 female Poland Italy Greece 5 male 42 female 18 male 14 female male female 89 % 11 % male female 39 % 61 % 44 % 56 %

Who answered the questionnaire? (n=146; mean of the age)

I have been an educator / client for … time (n=146)


Mixed Method

Quantitative analysis


In your opinion, to what extent art (theater, art therapy, music, etc.) can

56 educators

be useful in the therapeutic process?

90 clients

In your opinion, to what extent art (theater, art therapy, music, etc.) can be useful in the therapeutic process?

In your opinion, to what extent art (theater, art therapy, music, etc.) can

Italian group 67

30 educators 37 clients

be useful in the therapeutic process?

Greek group 47

18 educators 29 clients

In your opinion, to what extent art (theater, art therapy, music, etc.) can be useful in the therapeutic process?

In your opinion, to what extent art (theater, art therapy, music, etc.) can be useful in the therapeutic process?

Polish group 32

8 educators 24 clients

Qualitative analysis


Schreenshot of the MAXQDA

What do you think are the effects of art in the therapeutic process? Educators

Word Cloud: 15 most frequent words

What do you think are the effects of art in the therapeutic process? Clients

Word Cloud: 15 most frequent words

What artistic skills would you need, to be able to best perform your role? Educators

What artistic skills would you need, to be able to best perform your role? Educators

What artistic skills would you need, to be able to best perform your role? Educators

What artistic skills would you like to acquire during artistic activities? Clients

What artistic skills would you like to acquire during artistic activities? Clients

What artistic skills would you like to acquire during artistic activities? Clients

What artistic skills would you like to acquire during artistic activities? Clients

In your opinion, which artistic activities are most effective in the therapeutic treatment? Educators

Word Cloud: 15 most frequent words

In your opinion, which artistic activities are most effective in the therapeutic treatment? Clients

Cloud: 15 most frequent words


Let’s plan the training

• Purpose • Specific objectives (expected results) • Activities • Methodological notes • Project monitoring and evaluation criteria and methods • Resources
Schema of the project
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