Mi march

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Try and keep you eyes open even if it is just a little, but be comfortable. When your eyes are open it allows your mind to be more in the now or present. Let your eyes naturally de-focus, as if you are looking through an object. You will have to find what is best and most comfortable for you. Experiment and see what works for you.

As you notice your thoughts, simply let them drift away by bringing your focus back onto your breath. It doesn’t matter how many times you have thoughts and bring your mind back to now, just as long as you do bring it back. It is all training.

Feelings and emotions

Focus you thoughts softly

It is not easy to settle into your meditation if you are in the emotional charge of a past or future story, In our regular day we tend not to live in the present to pull free from this you should do a mind body or Now, we drift off and worry about future events scan, acknowledge the feelings, emotions and pain or think of the past negative events that cause you are having and set them aside, this will settle us issues, we have all taken a journey and got to you and put the charge aside. our destination and not remembered any of the journey, even when driving... Silence or Music Meditation is an excellent way to bring our mind to Now and wake up the mind to what is happening in the point of time when we can make memories that positively affect our life. Right Now in the present! If we don’t pay attention to what is happening in the present we miss out on the wonderful experiences by being elsewhere in our mind. So why soft focus? When we focus with concentration, it’s like light, you can have a lightbulb that lights a room or a pen torch that lights up only what you point it at. So be soft of attention and thought. Use your breath as a focal point, I tend to imagine and follow a single air molecule in and out. Breathing is the gateway to our soul. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.

You can download whale noises, a babbling brook or meditation music, or you could go with simple silence, sometimes the music or sounds can occupy the chatter in your mind or drown out traffic noise. If you can sit in silence then you may just experience what your mind is doing. Slowly but surely the outer and inner peace meet up and it becomes one.

How long should it last Start with 10-15 minutes, be comfortable, if you want to sit there longer, do so. If you hear yourself or someone else saying “I should” get rid of it, the only right thing to do is what is best for you and what works. If it feels right, go with it!


Where to meditate

Simply pay attention to your breathing and each breath, it is a great way to bring your mind into the present or now. Notice your breath in and out, through your nose. You can regulate by breathing to a count of 7 in and 11 out or don’t regulate the breath and let it be natural, find what is best for you.

You could have a special place, create a shrine with candles, flowers, alters, special stones, miniature gardens, statues and meditation chairs or you could just have a chair that you like. It is completely up to you and what you believe you need. Some people like to be outside, this is fine also, just be in a place where you wont be attacked by an animal, or have someone or some noise bring you out of your meditation.

Using your breath to relax If you have difficulty settling down, try counting the breath or going back to following your the oxygen in through the nose and into the lungs and back out the same way and into the world again. Anytime your thoughts stray or you find you have drifted for a bit, simply bring your mind back to your breath and this will return your mind to Now.

Should it be enjoyable

There will be thoughts

Remember where you started the journey from so you can see how far you have travelled.

Yes. Simply put really, focus on kindness to others and yourself. Ultimately you need to create a habit, to do this you need to do a little every day until it becomes natural to you. Within a few short weeks you will have a habit that works for you.


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