Inguinal Hernia: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments

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Inguinal Hernia: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments Presented By: Dr. Manjunath Haridas (MD FACS FICS)

What is Inguinal Hernia?  An inguinal hernia occurs when

tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles.  The resulting bulge can be painful, especially when you cough, bend over or lift a heavy object. However, many hernias do not cause pain.

Types of Inguinal Hernia There are 2 types of inguinal hernias:  Indirect inguinal hernias: This type of hernia is caused by a birth

defect in the abdominal wall that is congenital (present at birth).  Direct inguinal hernias: This type of hernia usually occurs in adult

males. These are most often caused by a weakness in the muscles of the abdominal wall that develops over time, or are due to straining or heavy lifting.

Who Gets an Inguinal Hernia?  Adult males over age 40 are

much more likely to develop direct inguinal hernias than females.  About 25% of males, and only

about 2% of females, will develop an inguinal hernia in their lifetime.

Symptoms of Inguinal Hernia  Pain after standing long hours  Weakness, heaviness or

burning in groin  Pain while bowel movement  Pain while lifting heavy object  Pain while bending

Signs and Symptoms in Children  Inguinal hernia will be visible only when an infant is crying,

coughing or straining during a bowel movement.  He or she might be irritable and have less appetite than usual.  In an older child, a hernia is likely to be more apparent when the

child coughs, strains during a bowel movement or stands for a long period.

Causes of Inguinal Hernia Some inguinal hernias have no apparent cause. Others might occur as a result of:  Increased pressure within the abdomen  A preexisting weak spot in the abdominal wall  Straining during bowel movements or urination  Strenuous activity  Pregnancy  Chronic coughing or sneezing

Inguinal Hernia preventions  Avoid Smoking  Use your legs, not your

Back, when lifting.  Avoid lifting heavy


Inguinal Hernia Treatment Options  Laparoscopic surgery  Open approach for hernia repair

When to See a Doctor  Seek immediate care if a hernia bulge turns red, purple or dark or if

you notice any other signs or symptoms of a strangulated hernia.  Meet with hernia specialist in Bangalore, if you have a painful or

noticeable bulge in your groin on either side of your pubic bone.  The bulge is likely to be more noticeable when you're standing, and

you usually can feel it if you put your hand directly over the affected area.

Risk Factors Factors that contribute to developing an inguinal hernia include:  Being male. Men are eight times more likely to develop an inguinal

hernia than are women.  Being older. Muscles weaken as you age.  Being white.  Family history. You have a close relative, such as a parent or

sibling, who has the condition.  Chronic cough, such as from smoking.  Chronic constipation. Constipation causes straining during bowel


Why MIAS - MH Surgery Clinic  MH Surgery Clinic specialize in state-of-the-art diagnostics and all

surgical minimally invasive therapy methods for the best hernia treatment in Bangalore.  In general, we make use of laparoscopic hernia operations using

minimally invasive surgeries technology.  Get in touch with our experts or schedule a consultation appointment

at MH Surgery to know more!

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