How to Prevent Hernia Important Advice to Know

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How to Prevent Hernia: Important Advice to Know A hernia is considered a common disorder in infants and adults. In India, there are more than 10 million cases, and there has been an increase in recent years. It is a condition where the intestine protrudes above the navel or beyond its surface. Hernias are frequently present at birth in infants, but they can also develop later in life, more frequently in women. Although it is usually not harmful and occurs frequently in adults, proper care is still required because it has the potential to worsen already life-threatening conditions.

Is it possible to prevent hernias? Hernias can be avoided in a few ways, but it's important to remember that not all types of hernias can be avoided. You are more likely to get a hernia if you 

Posses a family history of hernias

Repeatedly strain your abdomen

Have weak muscles

Being overweight or obese

Lifting heavy objects or straining while moving

Excessive fluid in the abdominal cavity

Abdominal surgery

Heavy persistent cough

For women, frequent pregnancies may also occur.

It may also occur when women give birth to twins, triplets, etc.

By working on these previously mentioned aspects within your control, you can lower your chances of getting a hernia.

How Can I Naturally Prevent a Hernia?

One of the first steps to preventing hernia naturally is to avoid any kind of strain or pressure on the abdomen.

Use Proper Lifting Techniques Every time a person lifts something heavy or an athlete, they run the risk of developing an inguinal hernia. Reduce risk and fatigue by using proper lifting techniques. Pick up the proper amount of weight. Get assistance, use a hand truck or forklift, or lessen the weight of the load if it is too heavy. Always squat rather than bending at the waist. Lift while maintaining a straight back and adequate support over your ankles. Furthermore, it is quite necessary to lift the weight as per your capabilities, do not exceed it as it can impact your health.

Maintain a Recommended Healthy Body Weight Excess body weight can put a lot of strain on the abdominal wall, weakening it over time. Being overweight can increase your risk of hernia. The walls surrounding the abdomen are under constant pressure from extra body fat whenever you stand or move. Additionally, being overweight can increase the strain on other muscle groups during exercise and movement. Although it may seem more difficult than it actually is to maintain a recommended healthy body weight, your doctor can suggest dietary changes and exercise routines that are suitable for you.

Increase Core Strength Increasing core strength can help prevent a hernia in many ways. Simply, the term "core" refers to the minor muscles gluteus maximus and trapezius as well as the major

muscles of the pelvic and abdominal region, such as the pelvic floor and oblique muscles. Regular core-strengthening exercises will strengthen the muscles surrounding your abdomen and groin and help them stay strong and elastic. One of the best corestrengthening exercises is the plank.

Control Diabetes Diabetes management is crucial for preventing hernias. Recent studies have revealed a growing concern regarding diabetic women's ability to successfully repair their ventral and hernias. According to studies, diabetes raises the risk of complications after ventral (at the surgical incision site) or (at the navel or belly button) hernia repair. Diabetes can be controlled with the proper medications. Additionally, you can raise your glucose levels by improving your meal preparation, eating foods with fewer calories, and consuming fewer trans fats, sugars, and salt. Utilising whole-grain pasta, bread, rice, and cereal can also be beneficial.

Quit Smoking Smoking increases the risk of developing a hernia. Smokers and those who have COPD or other tobacco-related illnesses are plagued by persistent, violent coughing, which can hasten the development of hernias.

Hernia Symptoms The hernia does not cause any harsh symptoms, but you must visit a doctor for a check. In adults, there are multiple symptoms, most of which are mentioned below: 



Severe abdominal pain

Vomiting and nausea

The bulge in the abdomen

Redness at the hernia site

When straining, lifting and coughing bulge near the belly button gets bigger.

Harsh pressure or pain at the hernia site

Abdominal pain with vomiting (in some cases)

Bloating or feeling of fullness

Hernia Diagnosis The diagnosis process for a hernia is simple and fast. There are generally two types of processes commonly followed: 

Clinical exam by doctors or physician

Imaging studies (Ultrasound, CT scan)

The imagining also helps in determining the size of the hernia and in choosing the method of treatment like an open surgery or laparoscopic hernia repair.

Treatment for Hernia It is necessary to get treatment as a hernia can cut off the blood supply to the content of the hernia resulting in life-threatening conditions such as gangrene or peritonitis (a type of hernia known to be strangulated). Their most effective and foremost method to cure or treat hernia for adults is surgery. There are commonly two types of it: Open surgery and laparoscopic surgery for hernia. The surgery is generally performed in which the surgeon makes an incision (a sharp surgical cut made in the skin) near the hernia site, and the bulging tissues are gently pushed back. It takes two-three days of hospitalization for open surgery.

Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernia Laparoscopic surgery for a hernia in adults is a simple, easy process and can be done in 20-30 minutes as a part of routine surgery. This laparoscopic hernia repair is an effective and safe technique even for people with multiple previous abdominal surgeries. If you develop a hernia then it's better to get timely treatment. There are multi-diverse hospitals that provide advanced surgery for the cause one of them is MH Surgery as they have an advanced laparoscopic surgeon in Bangalore who provides advanced hernia treatment in Bangalore. In general, the hernia can be identified by the bump but in case you can’t identify it's better to go through a body check-up regularly for maintaining a healthy body.

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