MLA - Customer Relationship and Business Management Platform For Small Business

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Financial and Accounting Management

Supplier Relationship Management

Business Intelligence and Reporting

Member Relationship Management

Partner Relationship Management

Human Resource Engagement and Management

“Introducing the Customer Relationship and Business Management Platform For Small and Medium Businesses.�

We’ve Got You Covered

Our platform is engineered as a means to manage relationships with all of your customers, whether that be members of your facility to the people that are critical to the success of your business operations. Getting it right is worth the effort. Organizations that JHW LW ULJKW DUH UHDSLQJ VLJQLČ´FDQW VXVWDLQDEOH EHQHČ´WV

Clients Deliver customized services to members, with tools to understand their habits, needs and wants. Your business will have the ability to deliver differentiated customer experiences within service, sales and marketing efforts.





Our platform can be customized to allow business owners the ability to onboard partners and manage their relationships.

With customized alerts, automated processes and important data integrated from all related functions, purchasing efforts DUH PDGH HÉšFLHQW eliminating duplicate processes and providing informative and reliable supplier management capabilities.

Provide role tailored access to information and processes, allowing management to delegate more to staff, empowering them, while delivering the information how you want it, when you want it.

With a fully integrated Č´QDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQW and member relationship platform, business owners can develop 360Âş views regarding their business operations, all within a paperless environment, providing them the ability to adapt quickly to change.

Engineered To Simplify Your Life $ ČŠVZLVV DUP\ NQLIH RI FDSDELOLWLHVČ‹ DOORZLQJ EXVLQHVV owners to automate, simplify and delegate by DHČ´QLQJ Measuring, Analyzing, Improving and Controlling actions of their members as well as key associates in their business operations (Partners, Suppliers, Employees). 'HČ´QH DQG 0HDVXUH During the implementation, we work with you to understand the job functions, goals and deliverables based on the company business strategy as well as what is needed from implementating measurement systems:

Improve and Control: The ability to improve and control changes based on analysis is provided by the DELOLW\ IRU PDQJHPHQW WR PDNH FKDQJHV WR VSHFLȴF activities (ie. an introduction of a new product or a change in process), based on fact based information. • ,QȾXHQFH RU YDOLGDWH GHFLVLRQ PDNLQJ • Guide ongoing activities or tactics • Predict future sales

Analyze: We help develop the alerts and reporting capabilites to allow you and your teams to collect the right GDWD WR DQDO\]H DOHUW WHDPV WR VSHFLČ´F LVVXHV DQG H[HFXWH HÉšFLHQWO\ DQG effectively.


Supply Chain Management

Advanced Analytics and Customer Segmentation Capabilities .QRZOHGJH ČŠ,QVWDEDVHČ‹

Mobile Analytics

Loyalty Programs

Designed For The Future

We have a highly secure and scalable SODWIRUP WKDW KDV DOORZHG XV WKH ČľH[LELOLW\ WR build additional capabilities. Our research has produced a multi-year roadmap involving the addition of products and services via partnerships and acquisition to further advance the customer experience for our clients.

Inspired Surroundings “Health and Wellness is an expression of a lifestyle. A lifestyle with HPRWLRQDO ZHLJKW DQG KLJKO\ Č´FNOH PHPEHUV :H SURYLGH D KLJKO\ FRQČ´JXUDEOH FRVW HIIHFWLYH SODWIRUP WKDW DOORZV FOLHQWV WKH DELOLW\ WR VHUYH WKHLU FOLHQWV ZLWK WKH HÉšFLHQF\ DQG DJLOLW\ RI D VPDOO EXVLQHVV with tools and techniques normally reserved for large corporations. While our solution is being designed for the health and wellness industries, it has already been deployed in a host of other industries, including:


Manufacturing and Distribution

Media and Entertainment

Health Care

Designed From The Ground Up An entire plug-and-play technology infrastructure securely managed by us, so you can manage your business. Hosted in Canada in a highly secure and compliant* facility with guaranteed 99.9% uptime and standard service incident management (on multiple channels). A dedicated team to contact if issues arise with dedicated resolution times.

Secure Cloud Platform Rest assured with a highly secure private cloud, with point to point data security, managed within a Canadian data centre compliant with industry standards

Fully Secure and Monitored Email A fully secure and managed email solution that works with our platform. Unlimited support and free email migration are LQFOXGHG 8S WR DFFRXQWV DW D ȴ[HG ORZ monthly price, including automated online backups.

Point of Entry Management

Data Quality Management

Customizable with many different types of industry compliant devices, with the ability to provide customized alerts regarding sales, service and marketing efforts - all KLJKO\ FRQȴJXUDEOH

With duplicate management and point of entry controls along with a fully managed and architected centralized database, insight accuracy and speed of retrieval are increased, with high quality consumer data, including real-time reporting and interaction information.

POS Integration The retail management module provides our clients numerous insights that employees need regarding marketing, sales and service actions to members. The platform works with many off the-shelf products and ȴWV ZLWK H[LVWLQJ V\VWHPV WR KHOS UHGXFH costs and maximize your investment. User and Access Management Controls Automate and control access to the application, immediately disable accounts, and reduce access to particular areas with a KLJKO\ FRQȴJXUDEOH SODWIRUP IRU UROHV 7KH platform also includes support for additional business units and multiple languages.

* Physical data centres are secured based on CSAE3416 accreditedation.

Reinventing The Customer Experience Through the utilization of our proven implementation methodology, we aim to provide our clients with the tools and knowledge to improve the management of their EXVLQHVVHV DQG WKHLU FOLHQWV WKURXJK D UHČ´QHG FXVWRPHU experience model.

Treat Em’ Like Royalty Your customers are unique, by culture, personality, income, marital status, desires, physical strengths DQG D FRPPRQ GHVLUH WR DFKLHYH WKHLU VSHFLȴF KHDOWK DQG ZHOOQHVV JRDOV $ Ȋ2QH VL]H ȴWV DOOȋ RSWLRQ IRU marketing, sales and service efforts, generally are not sucessful. Our application contains the tools that ȊZLWK D OLWWOH LQYHVWPHQW RI WLPH ȋ HQVXUHV D VLJQLȴFDQW ROI based on customized user experiences.

Less Mistakes with Greater Accountability ([SHFW JUHDWHU HÉšFLHQF\ ZLWK RXU VROXWLRQ DV TXDOLW\ controls are integrated at the point of capture, using GHČ´QHG SURFHVVHV WKDW FDQ QRW EH PRGLČ´HG RQFH FRQČ´JXUHG 7KH UHVXOW JUHDWHU DFFXUDF\ DV actions are structured and the results are standardized. It also reduces the dependence around a single resource knowledge and experience.

Doing More With Less Business process automation enables automated system PRQLWRULQJ RI VSHFLČ´F DFWLRQV WKDW WULJJHUV HYHQWV whether if it is a discount for a purchase, notifying a staff member, sending reports to management, indicating inventory issues, and hundreds of other customizable FRQČ´JXUDWLRQV 7KH DXWRPDWLRQ RI DFWLRQV SURPRWH HIČ´FLHQFLHV WKURXJKRXW \RXU RUJDQL]DWLRQ OHDYLQJ RZQHUV time to grow their businesses.

Turn on the Lights With a single integrated platform, and data centrally managed, the ability to execute and analyze your business on multiple dimensions is endless. No more intuition, key data (whatever you decide), can be viewed in real-time, with dashboards and reports that can be accessed when you need them. Expert decisions regarding how to modify your business operations can be made and measured for effectiveness.




With the foundation in place, we have developed specialized workshop programs to equip clients with not only the tools, but the mindset to transition successfully to a consumer centric organization.

ead of the Class

Marketing Capability Training Marketing Capability Training - With urban centres becoming ever more culturally diverse and increased access to information technology, customers have become ever more knowledgeable, GHPDQGLQJ DQG HPSRZHUHG WKDQ HYHU EHIRUH $ RQH VL]H Č´WV DOO DSSURDFK WR PDUNHWLQJ LV QR longer sustainable. We have recognized this need and have developed marketing capability training programs to ensure that clients have the capability to translate foresight, insight and education, into successful digital marketing execution based on leading practices. 7ZLWWHU

Our company also will execute your marketing strategy for you, if necessary*

Our company, founded in 2010, consists of executives ranging in experience from 12 years to over 25 years in both the business and technology sectors in a number of industry domains. Our prior project sucesses have resulted in multi-billion dollar initiatives, thus we have decided to implement our knowledge in the health and wellness industries, providing VLPLODU EHQHČ´WV WKDW RXU VWDNHKROGHUV KDYH HQMR\HG LQ RWKHU LQGXVWULHV The company vision is to become the industry leader of cloud based business management software, helping small and medium businesses with a fully integrated customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning application on a platform built to grow, thus achieving our long term strategic vision. The shift to the Health and Wellness industry developed by analyzing the business operations in over a dozen sports facilities on three continents to fully understand what worked within their business environments. Contact Information: |

1 hour



consultation, analysis and report regarding your current operations

MLA (MyLoadAdvisor)

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