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Cooder’s L.A. p34 Local Lit p23 Occupy SR p8

The five-fingered winners of our annual writing contest p20

Stolen Jive

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Bohemian 847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Phone: 707.527.1200 Fax: 707.527.1288 Editor Gabe Meline, ext. 202

Staff Writer Leilani Clark, ext. 106

Copy Editor Gary Brandt, ext. 150

Intern Calendar Assistant Anna Freeman


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Contributors Michael Amsler, Alastair Bland, Rob Brezsny, Richard von Busack, Suzanne Daly, Jessica Dur, Nicolas Grizzle, Stett Holbrook, Daedalus Howell, James Knight, Juliane Poirier, Jonah Raskin, Bruce Robinson, Sara Sanger, David Templeton, Tom Tomorrow

Interns Anna Freeman, Lacie Schwarz, Alma Shaw

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Layout Artists Gary Brandt, Tabi Dolan

Advertising Director Lisa Santos, ext. 205

Advertising Account Managers Mercedes Murolo, ext. 207 Susan M. Sulc, ext. 206

Circulation Manager Steve Olson, ext. 201

Sales Operations Manager Ashley Potter, ext. 215

Publisher Rosemary Olson, ext. 201





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CEO/Executive Editor Dan Pulcrano NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN [ISSN 1532-0154] (incorporating the Sonoma County Independent) is published weekly, on Wednesdays, by Metrosa Inc., located at: 847 Fifth St., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Phone: 707.527.1200; fax: 707.527.1288; e-mail: editor@bohemian.com. Member: Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, California Newspaper Publishers Association. Subscriptions (per year): Sonoma County $75; out-of-county $90. Thirdclass postage paid at Santa Rosa, CA. FREE DISTRIBUTION: The BOHEMIAN is available free of charge at over 1,100 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for one dollar, payable in advance at The BOHEMIAN’s office. The BOHEMIAN may be distributed only by its authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue.The BOHEMIAN is printed on 40% recycled paper.

Published by Metrosa, Inc., an affiliate of Metro Newspapers Š2011 Metrosa Inc.

Cover design by Kara Brown.


We welcome your submission. Submit your photo to photos@bohemian.com.

‘There’s nothing like doughnuts at 5am; doughnuts so soft and warm you can crush them with a sigh.’ JI VE WINNE R S P20 Joel Salatin Dances With Earthworms DI N I NG P 15

What The Neighbors Are Up To LO CAL LIT P 2 3

Ry Cooder, Noir Storyteller MUS IC P 3 4 Rhapsodies & Rants p6 The Paper p8 Media p10 Green Zone p12 Dining p15

Wineries p18 Swirl p19 Cover Story p20 Culture Crush p26 Stage p27

Film p28 Music p30 A&E p35 Classified p42 Astrology p42

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nb WILD STYLE A model train at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds’ Train Show goes realistic with miniature HO-scale graffiti.

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM



Rhapsodies Return to Mondragón Finding a system that works for its people BY GEORGIA KELLY


magine living in a place where, even in this economic downturn, there is zero percent unemployment. Where there are no homeless people or soup kitchens, because poverty is unknown. Where students get a quality education at a private university for about $5,000 a year, and healthcare and pensions are not threatened because of political posturing or Wall Street manipulations.

Straight, No Chaser

Being among the group of Northern California breweries started back in the 1980s, challenged for nearly 25 years to get a little attention in our wine-centric region, we appreciate almost any coverage beer gets from media outlets like the Bohemian. So, thanks for your usually top-notch reporting on our emerging industry, and thanks to Daedalus Howell for including two of our beers in the recent feature “Tipply Tributes—What’s in a beer name?” (Media, Oct. 5).

In September 2011, Praxis Peace Institute brought a group of 25 people to study at the Mondragón Cooperatives (MCC) in Spain, the largest consortium of worker-owned businesses in the world. Founded by a Basque Catholic priest 57 years ago with one small worker-owned business, today the Mondragón Cooperatives comprise 120 businesses and about 90,000 worker-owners. Mondragón has become the model for those seeking an alternative to the business practices sinking our economy. In these times of financial crisis, a structure that puts people before profits yet still manages to make a profit arouses the interest of people all over the world. While the unemployment rate in Spain is around 20 percent, it is zero percent in the Mondragón Cooperatives. How do they do it? If one company in the cooperative network needs to downsize, they are able to place workers in another one of the Mondragón Cooperatives. Sometimes, the worker-owners vote to lower their salary for a given period of time, but their healthcare and pensions remain in place. The Mondragón Cooperatives Corporation (MCC) incorporates a holistic approach to economic relationships and includes 10 core principles that support people, their health, their education, their personal development and their society. These principles are education; sovereignty of labor; instrumental and subordinated nature of capital; democratic organization; open admission; participation in management; wage solidarity; inter-cooperation; social transformation; and the universal nature of economic democracy. It seems that Mondragón has taken the very best ideas in both capitalism and socialism, and created a hybrid that supports people, their ideas, their health, their education, their personal development and their society. Whatever one calls it, it works. And it works better for more people than any other system today.

I did want to offer a clarification about our award-winning Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout, one of the beers featured. Mr. Howell suggests, incorrectly, that North Coast Brewing “poached” the name and implies that our motive in doing so was to outmaneuver our friends at the Russian River Brewing Co. In fact, the name Old Rasputin and the beer were born together at North Coast in 1995 and we got our first trademark for the brand in 1996—a year before Russian River Brewing was founded in 1997.

Georgia Kelly is the founder and director of Praxis Peace Institute in Sonoma.

Senior health care is big business in Sonoma County. Assisted living facilities charge from $3,000 to $7,000 a month

Regarding Brother Thelonious, I would add that, unlike many other tribute beers, this one helps to support the legacy of its namesake, the Jazz icon Thelonious Monk. North Coast Brewing makes a donation to the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz for each case and keg of Brother Thelonious sold. We are proud to have thus far donated over $300,000 for the institute’s jazz education programs.

MARK RUEDRICH President, North Coast Brewing Co.

Long-Term Heartbreak

for private rooms depending upon the level of care needed. Long-term care facilities fees start at a minimum of $7,000 a month for a room shared with two other occupants. Rates escalate as medical needs arise.

In Jan. 2010, I moved my mother to a long-term care facility in Sonoma. A general practitioner doctor began submitting monthly visit fees to Medicare. Another doctor also submitted a bill for cutting her nails. At the beginning of 2011 my mother’s health deteriorated and she became bedridden. At that time, I gave the LTC staff oral and written instructions regarding my mother’s pre-paid mortuary and burial arrangements. On April 14, 2011, I was called by the LTC staff and told to come immediately because my mother was experiencing problems. When I arrived, my mother was having multiple seizures and they continued non-stop for four hours, during which time I repeatedly asked for a doctor. I was told by the LTC nurse that my mother’s general practitioner only came “once a month” and was not available. I asked to see my mother’s medical records and the file I saw showed my mother’s general practitioner had not, in fact, physically seen her since Jan. 2011. By late afternoon, my mother’s seizures had become so intense that I had to wedge a folded bath towel between her right shoulder and her skull. On April 21, I received a call from the LTC facility at 6:05am telling me that my mother had just died. I had medical power of attorney and gave the nurse a phone number to reach my mother’s mortuary. The nurse, however, told me they only contracted with a mortuary in Sonoma. After several calls to hospice for assistance, I drove to the LTC facility. When I arrived, I discovered that my mother’s body had been illegally taken to the Sonoma mortuary. Since my mother’s passing, I have successfully lodged complaints with the California Department of Public Health and the State Department of Consumer Affairs. Extensive investigations by both


Following her death I began receiving my mother’s Medicare statements for services from her assigned physicians. The general practitioner had billed Medicare for February, March and April 2011 visits even though paperwork at the LTC facility did not substantiate his claims. The other doctor submitted his bill for a pedicure given to my mother two days prior to her death when she was in a morphine-induced coma. I challenged these bills and Medicare is now launching an investigation.

By Tom Tomorrow

Top Five 1

Subliminal message on page 10 not intended to promote illegal downloading


New Yorker lauds “supercharged approach” of local band the Velvet Teen

3 Dude dressed as a shark

at Occupy Santa Rosa

4 Hide your gay children!

I hope this inspires everyone to carefully scan their loved ones’ medical statements through even the toughest times. Together, we can hopefully initiate improved health care at lower costs for our seniors.

Michele Bachmann to speak (and misspeak) in Napa on Oct. 20 for $100 a head


and resign oneself to the onslaught of “sexy” costumes

Santa Rosa

Write to us at letters@bohemian.com.

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agencies corroborated every one of my allegations.

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Paper THE

OTHERWISE OCCUPIED The crowds in Santa Rosa outnumbered crowds in Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

Here to Stay

Occupy Santa Rosa draws 2,750; many vow to remain BY LEILANI CLARK


n Oct. 15, thousands of people gathered at Santa Rosa City Hall and marched downtown in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street in New York City. Calling themselves the 99%, demonstrators held signs

castigating widespread unemployment, cuts to education and healthcare, big-bank bailouts and political power of corporations. Among the day’s speakers offering solutions was Ben Boyce, a labor rights and social justice advocate from Sonoma.

“Number one: we need a moratorium on foreclosures; number two: an end to the Bush tax cuts; number three: establish a financial transaction tax to pay for the social services, the teachers, nurses, firefighters that protect us, that are the backbone of the middle class; number four: we need to have a national jobs program,” Boyce said, cheers

Leilani Clark

NORTH BAY BOH E MI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM


erupting after each point. With an estimated 2,750 people, Occupy Santa Rosa ranked sixth on a New York Times list of attendance figures for similar events around the country on Oct. 15—below only New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. Scott, a carpenter in his mid30s who did not give his last name and whose frustration with threats of foreclosure inspired his presence at city hall, echoed a familiar sentiment. “I’ve been through the bank system with my house,” he said. “A lot of my friends have, too. It’s all a scam. If people get together, move their accounts, go more local, corporations will do something different.” City council members Gary Wysocky and Susan Gorin attended the Saturday rally, lending support. “It’s really important,” Gorin said, “that we direct our energies in correctly identifying that we want to see some serious fixes in our banking system and economic system.” Wysocky joined the rally, he said, “so the next generation can have a shot at an American dream—because they don’t have it right now. They don’t have it. The income disparity keeps getting bigger and bigger.” As in New York, protesters at Santa Rosa City Hall have pledged to stay. According to Frank Anderson, a 19-year-old business student at SRJC and one of the event’s organizers, 62 people stayed overnight after Saturday’s march and rally. “We want to build more community and find solutions to issues that are happening right now,” he explained. “We’re not just holding up signs. We are talking about what needs to be changed and how to change it.” On Sunday morning, fortified by oatmeal and vegetables prepared by Food Not Bombs, the sleep-deprived but motivated protesters held a general assembly, a discussion regularly interrupted by supportive horns and shouts from the street.


Hobbs Nob

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Karyl Averill, a 34-year-old work-at-home mom, stayed overnight Saturday with her two young daughters. Describing herself as a first-time activist, Averill explained that a demoralizing and fruitless job search by her husband—and the fact that her children are uninsured—spurred her to get involved. “I’d like to see them reverse the Citizens United decision and end corporate personhood,” she said. City officials have so far been cooperative, offering to turn off the sprinklers overnight so that the protesters won’t get wet, said Averill. As of Tuesday morning, police were working with the protesters, even as they enforced camping ordinances by waking up the 30 or so people who stayed overnight on Monday. Police chief Tom Schwedhelm told the Press Democrat that protesters may remain overnight if they comply with city ordinances forbidding sleeping, cooking or setting up household items. On Sunday night, SRPD enforced those ordinances, asking the group to pack up everything except for food and water. “Our best strategy was to go directly to the police and the people who are involved with the city,” said Averill, adding that the police have been “sweet and supportive.” Francisco Diaz, an SRJC anthropology student and organizer of the event, told the Bohemian that the plan is to stay for the “foreseeable future,” despite Santa Rosa officials’ denial of a request to camp at city hall through Dec. 24. It remains to be seen how sympathetic police and city officials will be in the long-term. Tess McDermott, a 20-year-old SSU student currently acting as Occupy Santa Rosa’s unofficial PR person, says this is only the beginning. “We are here, physically occupying this space until we are heard. The Press Democrat said we’re leaving on Dec. 24, but we are here to stay.”

Paul Hobbs is well-known these days, and for all the wrong reasons. Hobbs is a winemaker who sued a very possibly mentally ill senior citizen, then purchased his land and clearcut its redwoods; who clearcut redwoods at his residence without proper permits; and who recently entered escrow on the Davis Christmas Tree Farm in Sebastopol by arranging to have the land clearcut. Yeah, we know—getting upset over the cutting of trees that are designed to be cut down is funny. What Paul Hobbs is up to is not. Back before he became the face of wine country arrogance, Hobbs sued neighbor John Jenkel for allegedly damaging his own trees. But after buying Jenkel’s land, Hobbs immediately felled the redwoods lining Gravenstein Highway, a protected state scenic corridor. Cal Fire has said that clearing the trees at Davis Tree Farm on Vine Hill Road without a permit is technically legal. But downstream from the property is Atascadero Creek, which has seen an alarming decline in salmon population in the years since the region once known as the Redwood Empire became known instead as wine country. Both the district attorney and the Water Quality Control Board are investigating. It is sadly common business policy to ask for forgiveness instead of permission, and in Hobbs’ case, it’s more convenient to pay the fines than to shoulder the time and money involved in a proper permitting process. But Hobbs has not even asked for forgiveness. Instead, he continues with controversial or outright illegal clearcuts, without shame. How can he even show his face in his adopted county?—Gabe Meline

The Bohemian started as The Paper in 1978.

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Kindling Aflame Amazon’s new tablet-reader BY DAEDALUS HOWELL


early 60 years ago, sci-fi scribe Ray Bradbury put the “lit” in literature when he opened his dystopian exploration of censorship Fahrenheit 451 with the memorable line “It was a pleasure to burn.” In the classic fable of a world without books, “firemen” of the future pump kerosene onto pulp, thus keeping dangerous ideas from impressionable minds. (In an ironic turn, Bradbury’s book was eventually banned itself.) Now where there’s smoke, there’s also Amazon’s latest addition of its e-reader line of products, the Kindle Fire. Unlike those in Bradbury’s tome, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos isn’t trying to do away with the dissemination of ideas so much as make it easier, or at least make easy money while making it easier, while obviating the need for print editions. Lauded as the first serious rival to Apple’s iPad, the Kindle Fire is also a tablet device,

competitively priced at around $200, about half the price of an entry-level iPad. This has led some to conjecture that Amazon’s device is a loss-leader in the same manner that low mobile-phone prices are subsidized by their calling plans. If this is true, the use of ye olde “give them the razor, sell them the blades” business model suggests that once again content is king. Using 2010 sales data from major publishing houses, last March, Publishers Weekly released a study that indicated that ebooks are turning as many heads as digital pages. “Many top-selling authors on the 2010 hardcover chart are among the e-book topsellers, including Stieg Larsson’s The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, with electronic sales of 775,000 compared to 1.9 million in print,” wrote Daisy Maryles. This bodes well not only for the usual suspects of bestsellers lists but for newbies, who aren’t often invited to the print party. The advantages of e-book publishing are manifold—it’s cheap, the barrier to entry is low and there’s no dearth of old and new content flooding into the ubiquitous ePub format. A universal electronic text platform, ePub was devised by the International Digital Publishing Forum as a “reflowable” device “agnostic” ebook standard, meaning it formats itself to whatever format one uses, from an Apple iOS device to Google’s Android or anything in between. It’s the mp3 of books. Given its price point and symbiotic relationship with the world’s largest bookseller, the Kindle Fire and its e-reader brethren are both fanning the flames of retail-reading and hosing some much-welcomed kerosene onto the publishing biz. Surely, print die-hards will balk at the notion of reading on a digital device, but as Robert Frost wrote, “I hold with those who favor fire.” Daedalus Howell’s ebook ‘Waxing and Wining’ comes out in November.

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Ecozoic Art Creativity is everyone’s job



hen a cheeky artist once placed an old tire on the shoulders of a stuffed goat in the name of American art, critics raved and—to make a long story unfairly short—Robert Rauschenberg became a pop-art hero of the 1950s. He died rich and famous, his name synonymous with the neodada art movement.

I mention him as I would fill in a contrasting background for a painting about the present, in which there is neither time nor riches remaining to lift from obscurity all the artists now hard at work using garbage to create pop art. We will never read books about them, nor will they likely die wealthy, because they are not trying to sell themselves to art buyers as the next geniuses, nor are they interested in starting an art

movement. They are trying to preserve sufficient habitat for the human species to survive. My aim here is twofold: to thank all artists whose efforts are dedicated to preserving life on earth and to assert that art can no longer be reserved for mere self-expression, because climate change makes a tribe of us all, just as strangers caught in a collapsed building bond like blood relatives in the minute or hours they share an uncertain life-or-death fate. Every second is precious. This Ecozoic Era is marked by urgency, and one consequence of rising temperatures is the end of a silly misunderstanding that art is the purview of professionals. Rather, these times return artistic expression to the entire tribe, as it was before excess intellectualism and market forces convinced us to admire the emperor’s new clothes. Last night I admired a display of children’s “pop art” at the Napa Library, derived of old plastic bags and fresh enthusiasm for bringing canvas bags to the grocery store (as our fellow tribesfolk have done for decades in the extended village across the Atlantic). Countless classrooms of children now making art with garbage will inherit the earth, including what’s left of the oceans where all our plastic bags end up. I can’t thank each child by name, nor can I thank individually those whose creative work brought about in California the country’s toughest recycling goals, via AB 341. As a tribe, our creativity is not about individual fame and glory, yet always about gratitude. So lastly I thank that unnamed North Bay person who recently changed one small habit in the interest of human survival. Every global villager shares a responsibility to increase beauty and enhance life, because each selfless act of creativity enriches the whole tribe, the whole planet.


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TThe he third third annual annual LLeadership eader ship in in Sustainability Sus t ainabili t y AAwards wards D Dinner inner recognizes r e c o g n i ze s and and ccelebrates elebrate s ccommunity ommuni t y lleaders e ader s w who ho hhave ave ddisplayed isplayed remarkable remarkable aachievements chievement s in in creating creating socially, socially, eeconomically conomic ally aand nd eenvironmentally nvironment ally ssustainable us t ainable ccommunities. ommuni t ie s .

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BANANAS Joel Salatin’s ideas may have seemed crazy at one time, but increasingly the farming world is tuning in.

Pasture Perfect Joel Salatin on humanity’s stewardship of creation BY JESSICA DUR


ou sound like a communist,” a woman recently told Joel Salatin, after touring his Polyface Farm, 550 acres of pasture and forest in the Shenandoah Valley.

Leave it to Salatin, a self-described “Christianconservative-libertarianenvironmentalist-capitalistlunatic farmer,” to be called a communist. Not that it bothers

him much. Salatin defies labels left and right: a capitalist who as a matter of principle has no sales objectives, will not ship food beyond his local “food-shed” and believes no one in America should make more than $250,000 a year; a Christian whose priority is environmental health; a lunatic who’s running a farm that is so self-sustaining he’s never bought seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, plows or silos—aka “bankruptcy tubes,” in Salatin-speak. Salatin, catapulted into the

national eye after features in Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma and films like Food Inc., has become a veritable prophet of the sustainability movement and dubbed “the High Priest of the Pasture” by the New York Times. He’s also self-published eight books and currently pens two magazine columns. The title of his most recent book could serve as an epithet for his worldview: Folks, This Ain’t Normal: A Farmer’s Advice for Happier

Hens, Healthier People and a Better World. When I ask Salatin, on the phone from his home in Swoope, Va., who should read the book, he responds, “Everybody!” and then bursts into jolly laughter. His latest work is a wake-up call to a culture that has, he says, “a terribly misplaced faith that we will be the first civilization to beat nature, to disconnect our ecological umbilical cord and say, ‘We don’t need this womb.’” At Polyface Farm—“the farm of many faces”—Salatin raises cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and rabbits according to the symbiosis of nature. “I think that our responsibility as stewards of creation,” he says, “is to do exactly that: to steward it—not rape it, pillage it, exploit it, but to actually massage it.” A true libertarian, he bemoans the “proliferation of the food police,” the federal government’s overarching regulation of what we eat. “They tell us it’s safe to drink Mountain Dew and eat Twinkies,” he marvels, “but Aunt Matilda’s homemade pickles and compostgrown tomatoes are hazardous substances.” Does he eat any food that he can’t procure locally? “I’m a banana-aholic!” he exclaims, laughing again. “Hey—we all get to pick our hypocrisy.” With his affable sincerity, Salatin proves that the sustainable food movement is not solely the domain of the righteous elite. Despite the success of his farm (over a million dollars of sales annually) and his rise to celebrity status, Salatin tells me, “I’d just as soon go out and tote buckets of water and run a chainsaw as well as anything. I love earthworms. I desperately want earthworms to be happy, to dance and not feel assaulted.” Joel Salatin speaks on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at Baker Creek Seed Bank. 199 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. 7pm. Tickets $1 with book purchase at any Copperfield’s Books; $5 extra. 707.823.8991.

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NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Our selective list of North Bay restaurants is subject to menu, pricing and schedule changes. Call first for confirmation. Restaurants in these listings appear on a rotating basis. For expanded listings, visit www.bohemian.com. COST: $ = Under $12; $$ = $13-$20; $$$ = $21-$26; $$$$ = Over $27

Rating indicates the low to average cost of a full dinner for one person, exclusive of desserts, beverages and tip.

S O N O MA CO U N T Y Abyssinia Ethiopian/ Eritrean. $. Authentic and filling, and a welcome culinary addition. Lunch and dinner daily; breakfast, Sat-Sun. 913 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.568.6455.

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Betty’s Fish & Chips Seafood. $-$$. Cheerful, bustling, totally informal eatery serving authentic Brit fare. Lunch and dinner, Tues-Sun. 4046 Sonoma Hwy, Santa Rosa. 707.539.0899.

Bruno’s on Fourth American. $$-$$$. There’s real sophistication lurking in these upscale American comfort staples like flat-iron steak and fries, macaroni-ham casserole and stellar braised lamb shank. Lunch and dinner, Tues-Fri; dinner only, Sat; brunch, Sun. 1226 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.569.8222.

Central Market California cuisine. $$$. Fish is the thing at this airy spot that features local and sustainable foods. Lots of pork dishes, too–and they’re insanely good. Dinner daily. 42 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma. 707.778.9900.

De Schmire Hearty continental. $$-$$$. Informal, with emphasis on seafood. Generous portions, open kitchen, outside dining. Dinner daily. 304 Bodega Ave, Petaluma. 70.762.1901.

El Coqui Puerto Rican. $-$$. Authentic and delicious Puerto Rican home cooking. Plan on lunching early–the place fills up fast. 400 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.542.8868. Gohan Japanese. $$-$$$. Superb Japanese favorites with modern twists like green-tea cheesecake and wakame snow-crab caviar salad in a martini glass. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Sat; dinner

only, Sun. 1367 McDowell Blvd, Petaluma. 707.789.9296.

Hikuni Sushi Bar & Hibachi Japanese. $$$. Terrific teppanyaki plus a full sushi bar, tonkatsu, udon and bento. Lunch and dinner daily. 4100 Montgomery Dr, Santa Rosa. 707.539.9188.

Karma Bistro Indian. $$. A variety of flavorful regional specialties. Lunch, Mon-Fri; dinner daily. 7530 Commerce Blvd, Cotati. 707.795.1729. Le Bistro French. $$. A tiny space, simple menu, excellent food–and a reasonable price. Dinner, Wed-Sun. 312 Petaluma Blvd S, Petaluma. 707.762.8292.

McNear’s Alehouse. $. Sports bar: barbecue, big appetizers, burgers. Lunch and dinner daily. 21 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.765.2121.

Pamposh Indian. $-$$. Clean, fresh, exciting traditional Indian food. Chicken tikka masala is indescribably good. Lunch and dinner, Tues-Sun. 52 Mission Circle, Ste 10, Santa Rosa. 707.538.3367.

Real Döner Turkish. $-$$. Casual, cafe-style ordering from a friendly staff. Get the coffee and buibal yuvasi dessert. Lunch and dinner daily. 307 F St, Petaluma. 707.765.9555.

Dinner daily; lunch, Mon-Fri. 521 Adams St, Santa Rosa. 707.546.5100.

Syrah California-French. $$$. Sophisticated cuisine in restaurant or indoor courtyard. Seasonally changing menu and inventive desserts. Lunch, MonFri; dinner daily. 205 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.568.4002. Tres Hombres Mexican. $-$$. Excellent food in Petaluma’s Theater District, and a fun place to hang before or after a flick.Lunch and dinner daily; brunch, Sat-Sun. 151 Petaluma Blvd S, Petaluma. 707.773.4500.

Willi’s Wine Bar Small plates/wine bar. $$$. Bistro dishes and extensive wine list. A terrific place to dine before a show at the Wells Fargo Center. 4404 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa. 707.526.3096.

MARIN CO U N T Y Benissimo Ristorante & Bar Italian. $$. Hearty and flavorful food in authentic neighborhood-style Italian restaurant. Lunch and dinner daily. 18 Tamalpais Dr, Corte Madera. 415.927.2316.

Comforts Californian. $$. The Chinese chicken salad is beyond rapturous. Excellent celebrity sightings. Eat in or takeout. Breakfast and lunch daily. 335 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo. 415.454.9840. Il Piccolo Caffe Italian. $$. Big, ample portions at this premier spot on Sausalito’s spirited waterfront. Breakfast and lunch daily. 660 Bridgeway, Ste 3, Sausalito. 415.289.1195. Nick’s Cove Seafood/

$$. Smart décor, professional service, very solid wonton soup. Lunch, Mon-Fri and Sun; dinner daily. 3080 Marlowe Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.545.2911.

contemporary American. $$$$. Fresh from the bay oysters, upscale seafood, some steaks and a great burger. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 23240 State Route 1, Marshall. 415.663.1033.

Sea Thai. $$. An oasis of

Small Shed Flatbreads

exotic Bangkok with some truly soul-satisfying dishes. Lunch and dinner, Mon-Fri; dinner only, Sat-Sun. 5000 Petaluma Blvd S. 707.766.6633.

Pizza. $$. Slow Food-informed Marin Organics devotee with a cozy, relaxed family atmosphere and no BS approach to great food served simply for a fair price. 17 Madrona Ave, Mill Valley. Open for lunch and dinner daily. 415.383.4200.

Royal China. Chinese.

Stark’s Steakhouse Steakhouse. $$$$. Could be the best steak you’ll ever have. “Other than steak” menu changes seasonally. Happy hour Mon-Fri, 3 to 6.

Yet Wah Chinese. $$. Can’t go wrong here. Special

Dungeness crab dishes for dinner; dim sum for lunch. Lunch and dinner daily. 1238 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.460.9883.

Ad Hoc American. $$-$$$. Thomas Keller’s quintessential neighborhood restaurant. Prix fixe dinner changes daily. Actually takes reservations. 6476 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2487.

cuisine. $-$$. Extraordinary food in an extraordinary setting. Perfect pasta and mussels. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 4080 Sonoma Hwy, Napa. 707.299.4900.

C.C. Blue Japanese. $$-$$$. Eat Godzilla maki and hamachi carpaccio in aquarium-chic environs. Hearty portions. Dinner TuesSun; late-night dining, ThursSat. 1148 Main St, St Helena. 707.967.9100.

Compadres Rio Grille Western/Mexican. $-$$. Contemporary food and

$$$. An über-trio of chefs all in one fantastic fresh fish house: Cindy Pawlcyn, Victor Scargle and Ken Tominaga. Need we say more? Open for lunch and dinner daily. 641 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.0700.

Gott’s Roadside Tray Gourmet Diner. $. Formerly Taylor’ Automatic Refresher. Lunch and dinner daily. 933 Main St, St Helena. 707.963.3486. Also at Oxbow Public Market, 644 First St, Napa. 707.224,6900.

La Toque Restaurant French-inspired. $$$$. Set in a comfortable elegantly rustic dining room reminiscent of a French lodge, with a stone fireplace centerpiece, La Toque makes for memorable special-occasion dining. The elaborate wine pairing menus are luxuriously inspired. Dinner, Wed-Sun. 1314 McKinstry St, Napa. 707.257.5157.

Pizza Azzurro Italian. $. Run by a former Tra Vigne and Lark Creek Inn alum, the pizza is simple and thin, and ranks as some of the best in the North Bay. Lunch, Mon-Fri; dinner daily. 1260 Main St (at Clinton), Napa. 707.255.5552.

Redd California cuisine. $$$$$. Rich dishes balanced by subtle flavors and careful yet casual presentation. Brunch at Redd is exceptional. Lunch, Mon-Sat; dinner daily; brunch, Sun. 6480 Washington St, Yountville. 707.944.2222. Ubuntu Vegetarian. $$$$. Some of the most remarkable specimens of high-end vegetables and fruits available on a restaurant plate. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 1140 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5656. Zuzu Spanish tapas. $$. Graze your way through a selection of tasty tapas in a lively rustic chic setting with a popular wine bar. Bite-sized Spanish and Latin American specialties include sizzling prawns, Spanish tortilla, and Brazilian style steamed mussels. Lunch, Mon-Fri; dinner daily. 829 Main St, Napa. 707.224.8555.

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photo: Marilee Koll

I wholly endorse eating and drinking locally, yet the idea of pairing beer with cheese—at least artisan cheese— seems a bit offputting. Gorgonzola and a brewski? I just lost my appetite. But I mention the pairing to the first beer lover I can find, and his whole face lights up. “Wow,” he says, “sounds great!” Hardcore beer fans and cheese lovers know something I don’t. According to Lisa Bell, organizer of the North Bay’s first Cheese Loves Beer event on Oct. 29, “It depends on the brew.” Selection won’t be a problem. In fact, with over a dozen microbreweries from Sonoma and Marin providing beers and fine cheese products from both counties, it could take all day for someone like me to figure out a pairing that works. Bell assures me that folks will be guided, educated and entertained by two rather comic experts in their respective fields—beer guru Charlie Bamforth (great British accent) and cheese man Moshe Rosenberg, both faculty in the Food Science and Technology program at UC Davis, where the beer-cheese connection has been celebrated for the past three years. What cheese to eat with your beer? Find out on Saturday, Oct. 29, at the Rohnert Park 4-H. 6445 Commerce Blvd., Rohnert Park. 2–6pm. $40. 707.565.2050. —Juliane Poirier

17 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

Does Cheese Love Beer?

outdoor dining with a Mexican flavor. Located on the river and serving authentic cocktails. Nightly specials and an abiding love of the San Francisco Giants. 505 Lincoln Ave, Napa. Lunch and dinner daily. 707.253.1111.




NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Most reviews by James Knight. Note: Those listings marked ‘WC’ denote wineries with caves. These wineries are usually only open to the public by appointment. Wineries in these listings appear on a rotating basis.

SONOMA CO U N TY Blackstone Winery Blackstone was conceived as a “negociant,” the industry’s new pet term for bulk-wine brand, but this satellite facility produces a variety of ultrapremium-appellation and single-vineyard Sonoma County wines. 8450 Hwy. 12, Kenwood. Open daily, 10am– 4:30pm. 707.833.1999.

Field Stone Winery (WC) Popular with hikers and bikers passing through, Field Stone Winery is an idyllic 85acre visit-nature. It was also one of the first underground wine cellars, carved into the hill in the 1970s. 10075 Hwy. 128, Healdsburg. Open daily, 10am–5pm. 707.433.7266.

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Hauck Cellars Peach-tree state wine fans on a mission to be the “best Bordeaux house in Sonoma County” doing fine so far. Tin-roofed, 1948 Quonset hut off the plaza sports a long bar with plenty of elbow room. 223 Center St., Healdsburg. Friday–Tuesday, 11:30am–5pm; until 7pm, Friday–Saturday. $10 fee; one taste free. 707.473.9065. Martin Ray Focus is on mountain Cab. And continuing the old tradition, folks can pick up a gallon of hearty Round Barn Red for $13. 2191 Laguna Road, Santa Rosa. Summer hours, daily, 11am–5pm. 707.823.2404.

St. Francis Winery Simple but cozy, inspired by the monk St. Francis and styled as a California mission. Beautiful views and food pairings. 100 Pythian Road, Santa Rosa. Open daily, 10am–5pm. 800.543.7713, ext. 242.

Scherrer Winery, County Line and Baker Lane Vineyards. Olive oil tasting and full restaurant menu also available. At the Pizzavino707 restaurant. 6948 Sebastopol Ave., Sebastopol. Friday–Sunday, noon-6pm, $12 fee (restaurant open Wednesday–Sunday). 707.829.9500.

Wind Gap Wines Onetime vintner of big, opulent Pax Syrah refocuses on coolclimate locales that yield a more savory, European style. 6450 First St., Forestville. By appointment only. 707.887.9100.

Windy Hill Estate Like a riddle bottled up in a mystery, it’s all but hidden in plain sight above the 101 freeway’s Cotati Grade. Impressive view; mixed bag of low-alcohol, low-priced Pinots from quirky winery. 1010 W. Railroad Ave., Cotati. Saturday–Sunday noon–5pm. $5 fee. 707.795-3030.

Wine Tasting of Sonoma County A nice stop for a nibble and a sip on the way to the coast. Featured wines chosen from an eclectic local selection; prized allocations of Williams Selyem Pinot also for sale. Cheese plates, deck seating, and a pellet stove for chilly afternoons. 25179 Hwy. 116, Duncans Mills. Open Wednesday–Monday noon to 6pm. Closing varies; call ahead. 707.865.0565.

Woodenhead Damn good wine. Pinot, Zin–yum, yum, yum. 5700 River Road, Santa Rosa. Open Thursday– Monday, 10:30am–4:30pm. 707.887.2703.


Sonoma County Wine Collective Small, local

August Briggs Winery

wineries take turns in the spotlight in the midst of friendly, upscale-casual woodfired pizzeria. Selections may include Atascadero Creek Winery, Lattanzio Wines, Radio-Coteau, Claypool Cellars,

Tasting room is a white barn lit by skylights and often staffed by the owner’s wife or mother. 333 Silverado Trail, Calistoga. Open Thursday– Sunday, 11:30am–4:30pm. 707.942.5854.

Casa Nuestra Winery Endearingly offbeat, with a dedicated staff and a collection of goats and dogs roaming freely. 3451 Silverado Trail N., St. Helena. Open daily, 10am– 5pm. 707.963.5783.

Chateau Montelena The winery triumphed at the 1976 “Judgment of Paris” tasting where French judges, quelle horreur, found that they had awarded top honors to a California contender. 1429 Tubbs Lane, Calistoga. Open daily, 9:30am–4pm. 707.942.5105.

Freemark Abbey In 1881, Josephine Tychson was the first woman to own and operate a winery in the valley. Enjoy the Cabs. 3022 St. Helena Hwy. N. (at Lodi Lane), St. Helena. Open daily, 10am-5pm. 800.963.9698.

Phifer Pavitt Wines Lots of cowgirl sass but just one wine: “Date Night” Cabernet Sauvignon. Hale bale seating. 4660 Silverado Trail, Calistoga. By appointment. 707.942.4787. Rubicon Estate Despite the celebrity hype, the wine is award-winning. 1991 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford. Open daily, 10am–5pm. 800.782.4226.

Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars (WC) Their three estate-grown Cabs are among the most highly regarded in the world. 5766 Silverado Trail, Napa. By appointment. 707.944.2020.

Truchard Vineyards (WC) No matter how attentive you are to the directions, no matter how much you study the quaint, hand-drawn map found online, no matter how vigilantly you watch the street addresses numerically climb along Old Sonoma Road, you will inevitably miss Truchard Vineyards. What follows is a three-point turn on a blind, two-lane road, with a single thought in your head: “This wine had better be worth the insurance deductible.” But with Cabernet this good, it is. 3234 Old Sonoma Road, Napa. By appointment. 707.253.7153.


19 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

Dutcher Crossing Winery


he funny thing about riding a bicycle is that any mere trip from point A to point B is transformed. A weekday work commute turns into a well-earned journey; a ride to nowhere in particular, an achievement. Five years ago, avid cyclist Debra Mathy was trying to get somewhere, but point B remained elusive. While her family operated a successful road construction business in Wisconsin, she dreamed instead of operating a winery, and cast an uncommonly wide net in her search. Dozens of wineries in Europe, Australia and Washington state would not do, until she found Dutcher Crossing in Dry Creek Valley. An odd pairing? No. Have you seen the roads in Wisconsin? As smooth and beautifully made as a fine wine.

Founded several years before Mathy’s purchase in 2007, the winery is a modest barnlike structure, with a tasting room across a breezeway from barrel rooms and offices. A fireplace turns on with a flick of the switch, to warm visitors on cool fall and winter days. Management has done a standout job of educating their staff on the wines, and they are ready with anecdotes about Mathy and consulting winemaker Kerry Damskey. Ask about the Penny Farthing bicycle. Dutcher Crossing’s 2010 Sauvignon Blanc ($22) teases the nose with apricot and fills the palate with crisp pear cocktail and lychee fruit; the 2009 Costello Vineyard Chardonnay ($28) has that seductive and rare finish of melted caramel that lingers long and sweet, without being cloying. Early on, Mathy secured some prized fruit, like the 2008 Maple Vineyard Zinfandel ($40), with bright, appealing red raspberry jam aromas that belie its palate of brambleberry in dark, toasted wood. Parts of the estate have been replanted in Rhône varietals like Syrah, Grenache and Counoise, with the aim of creating a Châteauneuf-du-Pape style blend. The 2011 harvest will see their first vintage; meanwhile, the 2008 Proprietor’s Reserve Syrah ($29) shows just a hint of smoked game in deep blueberry juice, finishing dry and even, a nice departure from the weird brews of Dry Creek Syrah a few years back. From May through October, Mathy invites semi-adventurous cyclists to join her on a tour of the Dry Creek Valley on the last Friday morning of the month. Alas, the last ride of the season is Oct. 28. Leaving from the winery, Mathy leads a leisurely one and a half hour ride through the vineyards, from point A, to point A. Dutcher Crossing Winery, 8533 Dry Creek Road, Healdsburg. Open daily, 11am–5pm. Tasting fee $5; $10 option weekends. “Bike ride with Deb” 9–11am, Friday, Oct. 28. Free. 866.431.2711. —James Knight

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Stolen Jive

ell, well, well. You sure are a sticky-fingered bunch, aren’t you? This year’s writing contest theme, “I Stole It and I’m Glad I Did,” elicited over 85 entries—a new record. We’d hoped for 25, maybe 30 entries. Eighty-five? Boy, do you people like to steal.

Among the irresistible items stolen in the submissions we received: money, paintings, a screenplay, a car stereo, a bag of weed, a soul,

a dog’s soul, a child, bodies, love letters, ideas, heroin, chocolate cake, a silicone breast, flowers, the election, a podiatrist’s wallet, someone’s identity, a subway advertisement and many, many others. Two stories mentioned the greatness of the Bohemian (aw, shucks), two mentioned masturbating (there’s usually more, actually) and one was about the 1994 San Francisco 49ers. Only one of them literally made no sense whatsoever; all of them were an absolute hoot to read. Needless to say, picking the winners was very, very hard. Here’s to our five honorable mention

winners, whose stories we’ll include online: Christy Borton, Elizabeth Pinto, Joe Houle, Caitlin Park and Laura E. Rodriguez. As we do every year, we’ll throw a party and reading with the winners, this year slated for Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 6pm at Copperfield’s Books in Sebastopol. It’s free, it’s open to the public, and it’s at one of our favorite independent bookstores. We hope to see you there—that is, if you haven’t been booked for grand larceny. Thanks to everyone who entered. On with the winners! —Gabe Meline

Stealing Souls By Veronica Weaver “Where did you get that?” Creamer asked, eyeing the mangy kitten suspiciously. “I stole it, and I’m glad I did!” I declared, holding out the kitten for my nanny to inspect. “Isn’t she something?” “Mmmhmm, sure.” Creamer scowled at me long and hard, sinking my elation like one of those stones I’m always skipping. “You know better than to steal, Remuda. Besides, your mother would never let you have her, even if you had paid for it proper.” She had used my actual name, implying that she meant business and wouldn’t listen to any amount of pleading on my end. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t try. “Awww,” I whimpered, tucking the tiny calico inside my loose overalls. “But Old Piggy Ray’ll just drown her!” I shuddered as I pictured his stubble-covered, slack-jawed face and dark eyes. “Mr. Ray has the same freedom you do in this country, Rhemmy, and that cat is his property, so he can do whatever he pleases with her. Now go on with you. I have a lot of work to get to.” I sighed, realizing Creamer had come to her final judgment and I would just be digging my own grave by pestering her further. “She doesn’t know how mean Old Piggy Ray is, now does she?” I asked the kitten, heading out the

kitchen door toward my treehouse in the backyard. I could feel the warmth of summer burning at my skin, and my elation returned full-force. I felt no remorse at my thievery; I’d seen Ray drown all sorts of things in the wooden rain barrels behind his house. At school, we’d all heard the whispered rumors about his deal with the devil. No one would believe I’d actually been brave enough to sneak through the barbed-wire fence surrounding his property to rescue the kitten. I carried the kitten up into my personal sanctuary. “You’ll be safe here,” I murmured, pulling the kitten’s claws out of my shirt. She blinked her blue eyes up at me, and her mouth opened in a wide yawn. I smiled and placed her lovingly in a heap of old towels I’d been collecting. “Sleep well.” I’d saved my first soul. I stared out the window towards the overgrown property belonging to Piggy Ray, and I knew it wouldn’t be my last.

Stolen Grief By Angela Lam Turpin When Luis died, I tried to gather up your sadness like I gathered up the newspapers that piled up on your doorstep, but I couldn’t cancel your subscription. When the sky opened and rain fell, it reminded me of your loss, which knew no bounds. The water kept rushing against gutters,

about the oppressive shadows it casts against the floor, I don’t bother to answer. I let them wonder why something so tattered and battered and ruined lives in my house where it doesn’t belong, because I know without it in your life, you’ve found peace.

Marvin in Love By Scott Lipanovich I’ve loved Liz since the seventh grade. We were in Mrs. Cole’s class and won the Bay Area Mathathon. We were more like best friends then, and in eighth grade, too. That’s why it’s hard to make my move now. She sees me as her

was in the driver’s seat. I heard my voice mimic Mr. Excitement’s: “No, you may not.” And: “Nice to see you.” The engine started with the first turn of the key. The drumbeats grew louder. I was careful with blinkers and drove the Chevy with the windows open. I stole it and I’m glad I did. I drove to Sonoma, by far the longest I’ve ever driven, taking gulps of fresh October air. For a second I thought I smelled the mango-scented cream Liz uses. I was kind of crazy for a while, seeing her smooth legs. I went to a self-wash and cleaned the Chevy inside and out. I dumped it at the Plaza, hitchhiked back to Santa Rosa. Tonight, I’ll go to Liz’s again. When Mr. Excitement answers the door, we’ll see if he can read my mind. As to my dreams, wish me luck.

Jamie By Ross E. Lockheart Jamie was a klepto. There’s no nicer way to put it. If it wasn’t nailed down, it was hers. I met Jamie at one of Mark Hardon’s parties, three years back. She’d bumped into me as I was angling my way toward the keg line, lifted my wallet. She was obvious about it, unabashed, her fingers spiderwalking into my pocket as she said “Excuse me.” She winked, and my pocket was ) 22

21 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

spilling into your untended yard, washing out the bulbs you planted in the spring, in the days when Luis was alive and you were happy, in the days before grief broke into your home. Over time, like the pressure building up between the oceans and the sky, coalescing into moisture in the clouds, I decided to become a vigilante and steal your grief. I picked the lock in your back door, slipped into your unkempt kitchen, tiptoed down the empty hall to your bedroom where you curled up on your side of the bed with grief pulled over your head. I snatched grief, shoved it into the knapsack I carried, and darted down the hall as you screamed, “Give it back! It’s mine!” But I didn’t listen. I stole it and I’m glad I did. The next day, when I walked past your house, the curtains had been pulled back. The day after that, the lawn had been mowed and the garden had been weeded. A week later, the gutters had been fixed. Through a friend of a friend, I heard you’ve cut your hair and started dating. You’re back to work at the gallery on the coast where you sell original oil paintings of the sea. You’re better than you ever were, from what I’ve heard. That’s why I don’t mind hanging your grief on the back of my front door. When people ask

best guy friend. I see her slim legs pouring out of denim shorts. Last night, I couldn’t stand just texting. Hauling my chemistry book, I walked through Montgomery Village past the church were Liz’s dad is minister, to her house. I’d surprise her. I knocked. Mr. Excitement himself answered. “Hello, Mr. Ross. Is Liz home?” “Yes, she is.” “May I talk to her?” “No, you may not. She’s studying.” I waved the chemistry book. “I was thinking we might study together.” “Goodnight, Marvin. Nice to see you.” He looked at me funny. The door slammed. I always feel like Mr. Ross is privy to my thoughts and dreams. In dreams, Liz’s long dark hair serves as our blanket. I sink into her skin. What’s bad about that? Wasn’t Mr. Ross 15 once? Now that I think about it, that’s probably why he hates me. Last night, walking home, I cut through the church parking lot. I was pissed off. Three identical little beige Chevys were parked behind the darkened church. Passing them I slapped an antenna that wob-bobbled in response. I liked that. I slapped the next antenna. Something inside glinted. Keys. I heard drumbeats and saw Mr. Ross’s fake smile. Next thing I knew, I

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22 Jive Lit ( 21

empty. I split the line, chased her through the crowd and grabbed her wrist, demanding my personal property back. She kissed my cheek on tiptoes, called me one smart rube and gave the wallet back. When I got home, I realized I was $67 poorer. And one phone number richer. I called Jamie, of course. We dated. She’d leave restaurants with silverware, bookstores with first editions. I didn’t care. I had a pretty redhead on my arm, raccoon eyeliner highlighting absinthe-green eyes and bloodred-painted lips, all courtesy of her five-finger discount at the local five-and-dime. Three weeks in, Jamie called me, crying. Said she was getting kicked out of her place. Maybe she could stay with me awhile, at least until she got back on her feet. She’d sleep on the floor, she offered. She didn’t. That night, she climbed into my bed, and we made love. Then she stole the blankets, leaving me to shiver in wonder beside her. Months passed. We went to see this queercore band, Kneel, Patrick Harris, and while I was buying drinks, Jamie sauntered up to the stage and started

talking to the band, charming as ever. That night, as we walked home, she carried a guitar case. I confronted her when we got back to the apartment. “I stole it and I’m glad I did,” insisted Jamie. “Besides, it’s for you.” Six weeks later, driving back from yet another dive-bar rock show, cops pulled us over. While the bald one made me walk a straight line and touch my nose with fingertips, Jamie flirted with his partner, Freddie Mercury. They let us off with a warning. Jamie showed me the gun when we got home. “He wasn’t using it,” she insisted. Jamie left me, of course. One morning, I woke up to an empty apartment. No guitar, no silverware, no blankets. No Jamie. I never understood why, and I never saw her again.

Stolen Time By Monica Drew Train [on the monkey bars at 3am . . .] At 4am, they decide to stop monkeying around and walk to the doughnut shop. It’ll open in an hour. There’s nothing quite like doughnuts at 5am; doughnuts so

soft and warm you can crush them with a sigh. Half an hour before opening and two toads later, he’s put his socks on his hands. She’s a bundle of wild snickers, and he’s trying his best to make his sock-puppets seem natural, but it’s difficult to take seriously when one of them is a recovering helium addict. It’s good to see him laughing in his sweatshirt like a rusted hinge. Fifteen minutes before the shop opens, and they feel as if something strange is about to happen. It makes their elbows tickle. Their buttons seem unusually squirrelly. They try to ignore all this. No

one else is awake and they are young. The sky is this record of light playing for them. But at 4:45am, they can’t ignore it any longer. In a storm of suddenness, it attacks. Time. Rudely sitting on them. It’s a static moment where nothing happens except the press of time in an orderly fashion. It feels to her like they are facing a mean little school teacher. Their feet grow thick on the pavement. Their spines begin to furl. They are heavy with air tasting of lemons and ghosts. Time is passing, and it’s eyeing them. Compulsively, obstinately, it’s planned this moment, to remind them, and there isn’t really anything a person can do to fight a compulsive planner that’s always been. Eventually, time moves on. They remember themselves. Their legs. Their shoulders. His sock-puppets. They remember the doughnut shop, and go there. The egg-colored lights in the little shop comfort them. They share a dozen. He grins. Something in the beautiful rebellion makes it come into focus. They’ve known each other longer than either of them have ever lived. Tonight that mean little school teacher finally caught up with them, slapping at their wrists, reminding them whose classroom they’re in, but they’ve been sharing these tigerish smiles, and she’s looking at him like this yarn all unraveled, and he’s just one blueberry word away from unmuzzling and saying over and over and over again, “I stole it! I stole it! I did! I stole it and I’m glad I did!”

Our twice-annual roundup of select new books by local authors BY LEILANI CLARK, SUZANNE DALY, JESSICA DUR, ANNA FREEMAN, GABE MELINE, KYLIE MENDONCA AND ALMA SHAW


ccidental author Chester Aaron’s latest novel, ‘About Them’ (El Leon Literary Arts; $20), revisits the largely vanished world of his very first book, About Us, an autobiographical exploration of a 1930s Pennsylvania coal-mining village. While the book is a work of fiction, it is inspired by Aaron’s experience growing up in a small community as part of the only Jewish family in town. In this “sequel,” Ben Kahn returns to his hometown as an old man after the unexpected death of a childhood friend. While there, he reconnects with a childhood love, the daughter from the town’s only African-American family. Aaron says he was inspired to write the rest of the story after he became haunted by characters who had been left out of the first book. For the 88-year-old author of 26 books, working on the novel offered a chance to reconnect with buried memories and people. “Writing brought them back in body and soul,” he told the Bohemian last May. “I miss them now more than I did when I started.”—L.C. ‘One and Only: The Untold Story of “On the Road”’ (Cleis Press; $22.95) praises Lu Anne Henderson as the catalyst for the Beat Generation, having brought together the love of her life, Neal Cassady, with Jack Kerouac. Despite two extreme opposite personalities and upbringings, Cassady and Kerouac allowed Henderson’s influence to bring out their similarities: their heart, their caring and the desire to do good across rigid cultural boundaries— essentially, the embodiment of the Beat Generation. This coupling led to the famed journey now forever documented as On the Road. Beat historian Gerald Nicosia and Henderson’s daughter Anne Marie Santos write of this mysterious, often reclusive woman who not only changed a generation, but also started a social shift that resulted in beatniks, hippies and punks, and continues today to influence the freedom movement.—A.F.

To most, the idea of aging is as appealing as hip-replacement surgery. Typically, when we think of those dubbed “seniors,” we think of glacially slow drivers or wise old pipesmoking grandpas. Rarely have we seen the words “senior” and “sex” in the same sentence— until now. ‘Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex’ (Seal Press; $16.95) is the latest book from Sebastopol author and senior sexpert Joan Price, a selfdescribed “advocate for ageless sexuality.” Price writes honestly and shamelessly about later-life sex, covering a gamut of topics from erectile dysfunction and loss of lubrication to sex toys for seniors. Naked is incredibly well-

sourced and surprisingly touching, with candid stories from everyday people as well as advice from leading experts. Since we’re all headed in that direction, Price’s book is a refreshing reminder that when it comes to the libido, there is no age limit.—J.D. In 2006, Kenny Johnson founded This Sacred Space, a nonprofit organization that facilitates meditation and empowerment groups at San Quentin. Anchored in the notion of psychospiritual growth, the organization promotes the idea that change is possible, no matter what one’s life condition. Johnson’s new autobiography, ‘The Last Hustle’ (Non-Duality Press; $16.45), tells the story of his early years as a hustler, thief and pimp, and how a nascent spirituality slowly helped him untangle from a life of crime. After years in and out of jail, Johnson finally ends up in federal prison, where he discovers meditation and books on Eastern philosophy. “Prison is a unique opportunity for self-study and selfcontemplation,” writes Johnson,

‘Finnish-American Poetry’ features works by Johanna Rauhala, Bill Vartnaw and Don Hagelberg in a small volume of open-format poetry. Rauhala’s poetry is set apart by her creative use of space, especially in “Knell,” which, despite its dark undertones, reflects on things that make life meaningful for the author—nature and her family being a big part of it. Vartnaw’s verse also largely features the natural world and the tradition of family, especially in “Sustenance.” The author visits his place of ancestry where instead of a house he finds lingonberry and blueberry bushes “& those who could, ate the berries / as one.” Hagelberg is strongly influenced by family and tradition, such as partaking in a sauna in “SteamCleaned.” The sauna goes beyond a mere indulgence; it is almost a spiritual ritual meant to clean the attendees from physical and psychological mud. A unifying theme is that of dessert, mostly blueberries, once again reverting to the natural world that the Finnish culture dearly appreciates.—A.S. It’s tough being a sick and lonely kid when your bestest imaginary friend tries to kill you. In Sonoma County author Anya Parrish’s ‘Damage’ (Flux; $9.95), Rachel plays such a friend to diabetic Dani. Together they explore the creepy hospital floors, but their games turn deadly when Rachel pushes Dani off the roof. Time and therapy banish the evil friend from Dani’s world, and as a cautious teen she keeps her secret to herself. Naturally, Jesse, a love interest with an ) 24

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Local Lit

and his particular opportunity involves, among other practices, Buddhist philosophy, Bible study and astral projection. Released for good in 1997, Johnson exited into the world radically transformed and on a vibrant spiritual path, enabling him return to do empowerment work behind prison walls as a changed man.—L.C.

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24 Local Lit ( 23 equally frightening predator, teams up with Dani after a horrific accident occurs, bringing back these imaginary (or are they?) demons. Even terrorists and the FBI get involved as the young lovers seek the truth behind their menacing monsters. Part Twilight, part Hunger Games, Damage pits governmental, parental and medical authorities against two teens seeking revenge in a violent and bloody sci-fi fantasy that is sure to spawn a sequel.—S.D. ‘You Never Know: Tales of Tobias, an Accidental Lottery Winner’ (Wheatmark; $21.95) shares the story of Tobias Hillyer, whose life is upended when a car accident kills his parents and leaves his brother, Simeon, braindamaged; Tobias later drops out of college to become Simeon’s caretaker. Told by author Lilian Duval, Tobias’ journey swiftly shifts from a young person on a conventional upward path to a unexpected yet enriching detour. Expecting to leave all of his troubles behind after winning the lottery, Tobias learns that keeping an open perspective, embracing the flow of life, staying in the present moment and following the signs is what truly creates a happy life.—A.F. Memories and contemplation are the main focus of Ed Coletti’s newest book, ‘When Hearts Outlive Minds’ (Conflux Press; $18), which mixes the melancholy of remembering the author’s recently departed father with the joy of the present. Coletti ventures into poetry from every angle, from the playful “than,” purely focused on sound and rhythm, to the reverie that is “When Hearts Outlive Minds”—reminiscent of the wave speech Hunter S. Thompson often cited—to “piles of brown leaves,” where the words on the page lively mimic the swaying of falling leaves on autumn. “So Many Poems” is touchingly personal; the reader fully empathizes with the author as he tends to his father for perhaps the last time. At the same time, “no bird is (just) a bird” and “Simply

Read a Book” celebrate the continuity of life. Ultimately, the reader is left with the simple reflection that “the flowers still will grow.”—A.S. Tina Marie started writing poetry after a physician casually suggested it as a healing practice for her debilitating anxiety disorder. “I pick, rip, peel, clip, itch, scratch, shave and pumice the skin on the bottom and sides of my feet every day,” she says, “until I’m unable to walk.” It is just this kind of confessional lyricism that peppers her debut poetry collection, ‘Every Heart Has a Halo’ (Publish America; $9.95). With alliterative titles like “Orchestrated Obsession” and “Satin Skies,” Marie’s poems explore everything from feral kittens and single parenting to sinister insanity and drug-lordrelated murder. The book also showcases Tina Marie’s floral photography and her fierce appreciation for her family. But it’s the transformative power of words that truly underpins this work: the author moves from depression to celebration, captured perfectly in the poem “Picking Poetry Instead of Skin, Amen!”—J.D.

As the historical girding of her first novel, ‘A Woman of Heart’ (Mazo Publishers: $18.95), Marcy Alancraig takes on 20th-century Petaluma and the communist, Zionist chicken farmers that carved out a life there between WWI and the Great Depression. A broken hip and bed rest spurs 78-year-old Rheabie Slominksi to share life secrets with her granddaughter in this potent drama. The old woman suffers an “unhappy haunting” by the spirits of her mother and two sisters, all killed by Ukrainian soldiers in a pogrom during the 1917 revolution in Russia. As Rheabie tells her stories, her granddaughter Shoshana delves deeper into the family secrets—alcoholism, domestic violence, adultery—that have haunted the family for years. It becomes Shoshana’s responsibility and driving impulse to heal the painful past, help her mother and grandmother reconcile and move forward into a brighter future. —L.C. The North Bay’s glass spilleth over with wine and food writings, but happily, ‘100 Perfect Pairings: Main Dishes to Enjoy with Wines You Love’ (John Wiley & Sons; $16.95) plows new ground in this fertile field. Napa author Jill Silverman Hough makes food and wine pairing simple, starting

with a brief chapter of guidelines that any neophyte can follow. The author stresses a lack of perfection and little need to understand all the grassy, oaky, sloshy nuances that pop up all too often in wine discussions, and instead focuses on simpler yet delicious ways to bring out the best in both wine and entrées. Each of a dozen wines, from Sauvignon Blanc to Cabernet Sauvignon, boast their own chapter of recipes, and include several vegetarian dishes. Try the “wine-y macaroni and Jarlsberg” with Viognier, or the “tipsy tritip” accompanied by a robust red. Appetizing photos and helpful tips are sprinkled throughout the book to stimulate the eyes as well as the palate.—S.D. Though often somber, there is beauty in the almost otherworldly language of the poetry in Amy Trussell’s collection ‘Physical Address: Elegies and Spirit Poems.’ Perhaps the shortest poem in the volume, “Below the Horizon,” is the most lively in its description: “the radio antenna wicks Muddy Waters out of the air / who wraps his voice like kudzu around your Satellite.” “Black Clouds of Silk” has remarkable use of metaphors, such as “Your body oils are grafted to my ribs.” In “Heart Full of Lead,” Trussell combines both imagery and anecdote in a feminist criticism about the perils of war. Previously published poems such as “Flaming Tongues of Wheat” and “Pomba Gira” make their appearance in this volume, alongside newer material like “Burried Gypsy Skillets.—A.S. In a sequel to her 2008 children’s book The Princess of No, Sebastopol author Jade Turgel switches genders, and exclamations, with ‘The Prince of Uh Oh!’ (Nomadladygirlboks; $22). In a series of densely illustrated scenes sure to engage the detailoriented child, the protagonist kicks, defaces, destroys and mutilates nearly everything in his path, from flowers to wallpaper to sand castles, until everyone who sees him approach cries “Oh, no!” A lesson is learned at the end, naturally, but the path

It’s common knowledge that right-brain thinkers are creative and holistic, while those who lean towards left-brain thinking tend to be significantly more analytical and dualistic. In this comprehensively researched book ‘The Whole-Brain Path to Peace: The Role of Left-andRight Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of America’ (Origin Press; $21.95), James Olson argues that a willing integration of the two hemispheres is exactly what’s needed to reach lasting peace on earth. He calls this brain lateralization. Tragic distortions can result from a lack of balance in our hemispheres, writes Olson, who argues that Democrats tend to be rightbrain and inclusive, while Republicans leans toward the individualistic anima of the left brain. “In a healthy culture, we find a center of power made up of left- and rightbrain-directed individuals cooperating and competing in an environment of mutual respect,” says Olson. After the whole debt ceiling debacle, maybe this book should be required reading for the entirety of Capitol Hill.—L.C. The juxtaposition of beauty and ugliness seems intrinsic to this postmodernist world. If Sarah Palin and cityscape skylines aren’t enough to convince you, then take a look at Rohnert

Park artist Kevin Soriano’s latest art/poetry collection ‘How to Destroy an Angel: Version 1.2’ (self-published; $36.95). “I deal in running paint,” Soriano says of his style, which makes use of alkyd, oil, spray paint, glass shards, latex, ink and charcoal to produce pieces that are as enticing as they are grotesque. Whether he’s admitting to a fetish for thigh-highs or to the fact that his “poetry isn’t all that great,” his writing style is blunt and self-referential, a sort of journal entry penned to the world. These emotionally charged musings pair well with visual representations of women (the angels of the title), some winged and celestial, others bloody and victimized, all of them uniformly naked. Much like the theme itself, the book is both poorly edited and yet aesthetically alluring.—J.D. Whether through practicing shamanism or playing music, Francis Rico (aka Frank Hayhurst of Cotati’s Zone Music) harnesses the energy of the universe and spreads it to the surrounding community. Rico shares his passion and path to enlightenment through his book, ‘A Shaman’s Guide to Deep Beauty’ (Council Oak Books; $18). Vivid stories of Rico’s own journey to the “crack between worlds” while seeking guidance and knowledge from Castaneda-like Don Juans intertwine with 11 chapters outlining intensive practices for seekers unable to reach Machu Picchu or the Himalayas. Chapters titled “Forgiveness Is the Key” and “Suffering Is Optional” echo Buddhist teachings, but most of Rico’s lessons take place in Mexico and South America. Rico intersperses


High Up North In ‘Marijuanaland: Dispatches from an American War’ (High Times Books; $12.99), SSU professor Jonah Raskin turns his journalist’s eye to the infamous Emerald Triangle. He chronicles a year in marijuana—from seed (or clone) to harvest—stopping along the way to interview growers, law enforcement, lawyers, journalists and activists. Raskin reveals a nuanced and rapidly changing world that has grown up around cannabis, and seamlessly weaves his own history into the journey. He proves that there is still much to be said about California’s illegal agriculture. Beginning with his own father, a smoker with a personal marijuana garden, Raskin introduces a cast of characters that practically tell the story for him—his “marijuana poster girl,” a strong yet elegant “oldschool” pot grower who dealt in cash, grew organic and sunbathed on her porch, even as pot-searching helicopters circled about her garden; conflicted Mendocino County sheriff Joe Allman, who wants federal drug enforcement agents out of his jurisdiction but doesn’t want to shut down cultivation completely; and a cancer survivor named Raven, whose outdoor plants grow tall on a South-facing hill in plain sight. These stories played out while California voters considered Proposition 19—to legalize and tax marijuana—and Raskin captures the particular angst of that epoch. Longtime marijuana activists rejoiced at the de-stigmatization of smoking and growing pot, while growers fretted after their livelihoods, and the price of marijuana plummeted in a saturated market. Raskin is sometimes nostalgic for the noncommercial pot culture of the ’60s and ’70s, but more often his memory provides color for what could otherwise be a series of boring historical footnotes. Though he offers many clear insights about history, economics and politics concerning marijuana, Raskin doesn’t always keep his journalist hat on. He goes to the frontline, and he smokes a lot of pot, and tells an engaging, entertaining story. —K.M.

his personal history with teachings for connecting with the “mojo of the universe,” and his colorful past and friendly voice will entrance those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the world beyond what’s reported in the daily news.—S.D. When I started at the Sonoma County Independent in 1994, there was a genial man around the office with gray hair, flowery speech and a finely skewed sense of humor who spent much of his time with such now-antiquated instruments of old journalism as the darkroom, the X-

Acto knife and the wax coater. He was John DeSalvio, and he drew very funny editorial cartoons and wrote very good feature articles. DeSalvio’s book ‘God Told Me to Draw These’ (self-published; $18) collects his cartoons and writings from 1983 to 2000, and many of them haven’t aged much—sadly, war, homophobia and corporate greed are still rampant. Even the dated entries are a fun trip through memory lane; as the back cover states, if you like seeing a cartoon of Jesse Helms with his head up his ass, then you’ll want this book.—G.M.

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of destruction to get there is fun indeed—a baseball in grandma’s cup of coffee, some scissors to a doll’s head, an overflowing bathtub. Perfect for the rambunctious child, with expert illustration by Max May.—G.M.

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The week’s events: a selective guide


The Real Deal

Since childhood, I have regarded Fleetwood Mac as “Stevie Nicks Plus Some Guys in the Background.” Little did I know that Nicks never would have been asked to join the band if she hadn’t been riding the coattails of Lindsey Buckingham’s mind-bending guitar genius. His loyalty reached as far as demanding that he and Nicks, who used to perform as a duo, came as a package deal when he was asked to join Fleetwood Mac. The rest is history. Buckingham shares his ingenuity on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the Uptown Theatre. 1350 Third St., Napa. 7:30pm. $40–$50. 707.259.0123.


Willfully Gluttonous I have never been as ashamed as I was the day my roommate came home to find me sprawled on the couch surrounded by an empty box of See’s candy and an even emptier bottle of wine. I lied—I said I had help in the gluttony that had ensued, when in actuality I was the only guilty party involved. The 24th annual Chocolate and Wine event provides a rare opportunity to leave one’s self respect at home while gorging on fine chocolates from 25 chocolatiers and wines from 25 wineries. Leave your belts at home on Sunday, Oct. 23, at the Westin Verasa. 1314 McKinstry St., Napa. 3pm. $40–$45. 707.257.1800.


Family Blood Fest An all-inclusive knowledge of knives and their related accoutrements? A deep-seated obsession for slicing recently departed flesh? These aren’t characteristics parents usually foster in their children—unless, of course, the family’s lineage is heavily splattered with a long line of butchers. The Dutch film ‘The Odd One Out’ is part of the third annual Petaluma International Film Festival, and explores the effects of a child’s inability to assimilate into the family business. A complete schedule of films is at www.petalumafilmfestival.org, and The Odd One Out screens Saturday, Oct. 22, at Boulevard Cinemas. 200 C St., Petaluma. 9:50pm. $10. 707.762.7469.


Eclectic Influence If Quentin Tarantino produced Mexican films, DJ Juan Kamanney would be a shoe-in for providing the soundtrack—his offbeat ’70s-influenced approach is paralleled by his Mexican heritage. Kamanney provides the atmosphere for MIX, the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art’s chic and cool soiree amidst its “Sonido Pirata” art exhibition and offerings of Cuban cuisine and culture. The party goes down on Saturday, Oct. 22, at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art. 551 Broadway, Sonoma. 8pm. $15. 707.939.7862.

—Lacie Schwarz

25 Patty Larkin celebrates a quarter-decade in the business on Oct. 21 at the Dance Palace. See Concerts, p30.

David M. Allen

DOLL PARTS Arwen Anderson and

Kathryn Zdan in ‘Bellwether.’

Lost Children

MTC’s ‘Bellwether’ uneven, unsettling BY DAVID TEMPLETON


ad things don’t happen here.”

That’s the mantra uttered often by the residents of Bellwether, a suburban community where happy families brag about how friendly, good and safe everybody is. Then a neighbor’s child vanishes, and all hell breaks loose. In Bellwether, a supernaturally tinged world premiere by Steve Yockey, the kidnapping of a little girl sets in motion a series of events that’s part Crucible, part Orpheus, with splashes of The Pied Piper and a sprinkle of Nightmare on Elm Street. When Jackie and Alan Draft (Arwen Anderson and Gabriel Marin) discover their six-year-old daughter missing, they first blame each other’s inattention. Then, after the neighborhood begins spreading rumors about the Drafts, Bellwether’s other children suddenly vanish as well, and the

‘Bellwether’ runs Tuesday–Sunday through Oct. 30 at the Marin Theatre Company. 397 Miller Ave., Mill Valley. Showtimes vary. $34–$55. 415.388.5208.

A Tale of Murder and Redemption

Spreckels Performing Arts Center BOX OFFICE 707 588-3400


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town’s suspicions escalate into an all-out witch hunt. Bellwether is a polarizing piece of work, dividing audiences between those who will appreciate MTC for attempting so odd and unsettling a piece of work—a contemporary fractured fairy tale—and those who feel that, for all its good intentions and creative risks, Bellwether is just a little too inconsistent and uneven to recommend. I’m in the middle. The script by Yockey is in serious need of a rewrite. Yockey has a nice way with dialogue, both capturing and satirizing the banality of modern adult conversation. But his attempts at fusing everyday action with mythological fantasy put strain on the script that results in a kind of retroactive collapse; after the climax, it becomes clear that much of what preceded it doesn’t quite add up. Though fascinating at times, and occasionally surprising, the end is unsatisfying, with a few too many loose ends. The direction by Ryan Rilette (who showed a strong command of such mythic-concrete elements with last year’s towering In the Red and Brown Water) is part of the problem. He frequently allows the actors to make scores of baffling choices that undermine the believability of the show: characters tell people to calm down when none of them have yet lost their calm; they do not hear someone yelling their heads off in the upstairs bedroom, and later they easily hear someone talking downstairs in a hushed speaking voice. These are little things, but they soon make it hard to believe anything that is going on. Still, it’s impossible to completely discount Bellwether. Yockey explores some very interesting ideas, and MTC’s production contains one eyepopping second-act surprise that makes the show seem better than it is. In the end, Bellwether just doesn’t ring true.

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ONE HUMP OR TWO? Sander Francken’s musical globetrots without seeming touristy.

World Music

‘Bardsongs’ hits notes of universality BY RICHARD VON BUSACK


utch director Sander Francken’s Bardsongs is a captivating musical trilogy of folktales, sung by celebrities and actors local to their respective region. In one, “The Plastic Collector,” a recycler’s tale of the wheel of fortune is told in the old city of Jodhpur. The tale itself has been around; it’s an anecdote claimed as a Zen story at the end of Charlie Wilson’s War. Recalling Manny Farber’s review of Lawrence of Arabia (“the only interesting shape in the whole movie was a camel”), you have to rejoice at the way Francken films the dromedary beasts, speeding along with native carts, ungainly/beautiful symbols of good fortune. Secondly, Francken takes us to the UNESCO world heritage site of Djenne in Mali, where a young boy seeks wisdom from the men around him at the mosque; the griot Afel Bocoum narrates. Though he’s non-Moslem, Francken was allowed to shoot inside the astonishing mosque, an adobe palace that has been on the spot in one form or another for centuries. Lastly, in desert Asia, a dispute over the fate of a draft animal (a dzo, a middle-sized cow-yak hybrid) creates incidents out of Aesop. It’s a road trip through the little known Ladakh area, which has only been open to outsiders since the 1970s. Universality is Francken’s aim here, and he achieves it without seeming touristy, and without the dullness that sometimes occurs in ethnographic documentary. Inviting to the eye as they are, these cultures are not shangri-las. The pressure of the outside world is visible in the intrusion of plastic bags, motor vehicles, war and in the general scarcity. What seemed like the long-living folk culture in these places may be as fleeting as a song in the wind. That’s what makes Bardsongs so worth seeing: the contrast of transience and permanence, of the eternal and the ephemeral. ‘Bardsongs’ screens Saturday, Oct. 22, as part of the Petaluma International Film Festival at Boulevard Cinemas (200 C St., Petaluma; 5:45pm; $10). For complete schedule of over 40 films, see www.petalumafilmfestival.org.

NEW MOVIES Footloose (PG-13; 117 min.) Remake of the 1984 film that launched Kevin Bacon stars newcomer Kenny Wormald. Also with Andie MacDowell and Dennis Quaid. (NB) Johnny English Reborn (PG-13; 101 min.) British comedian Rowan Atkinson revives his hapless spy for a sequel to the 2003 Bond parody. Gillian Anderson’s in it! (NB) The Mighty Macs (G; 100 min.) The true story of the Immaculata College women’s basketball team, who in 1972 achieved an unlikely championship through the work of visionary coach and future Basketball Hall of Famer Cathy Rush (Carla Gugino). Co-stars Ellen Burstyn and David Boreanaz (TV’s Angel). Paranormal Activity 3 (R; 84 min.) A year after the second, Paramount releases the third installment of director and video-game programmer Oren Peli’s horror franchise. (NB)

The Three Musketeers (PG-13; 110 min.) Resident Evil director Paul W. S. Anderson is the latest to update the classic Dumas tale. Stars Milla Jovovich, Orlando Bloom, Christoph Waltz and Mads Mikkelsen. (NB)

The Way (PG-13; 115 min.) A California doctor (Martin Sheen) takes a journey that will change his life after he flies to France to collect the remains of his son (Emilio Estevez), killed while trekking the Pyrenees, and decides to finish his son’s pilgrimage. Written and written by Estevez. (NB)

ALSO PLAYING Abduction (PG-13; 106 min.) Taylor Lautner stars in this thriller about a young man who discovers his baby photo on a missing persons website. Adventures ensue when he later learns that his true identity is a thing of danger. With Sigourney Weaver and Alfred Molina. Directed by John Singleton (Boyz n the Hood). (LC)

The Big Year (PG; 100 min.) Steve Martin, Owen Wilson and Jack Black co-star as birders in a competition to find the most species in this new comedy from David Frankel (Marley & Me, The Devil Wears Prada). Based on Mark Obmasick’s book The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature and Fowl Obsession. (NB)

Dolphin Tale (PG; 113 min.) A young boy (Nathan Gamble) becomes friends with a dolphin that has become seriously injured by a crab trap. Morgan Freeman plays the doctor who creates a prosthetic tail for the creature. Based on a true story, the film also stars Harry Connick Jr. and Ashley Judd. (LC)

Dream House (PG-13; 92 min.) Yet another

haunted house film that aims to scare the viewer into questioning what’s really hiding underneath the bed. Daniel Craig proves yet again that he’s the alpha male in this suspensethriller that places an unknowing family in a house with a murderous past. (LS)

50/50 (R; 99 min.) Kyle (Seth Rogen) uses any and every means necessary—sex, drugs and profanity—in this heavy-hearted comedy to help his best friend Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) cope with a recent cancer diagnosis. (LS)

The Ides of March (R; 101 min.) Ryan Gosling continues his rise to ultimate moviestar status in this drama about an idealistic young campaign consultant who discovers that all is not what it seems on the campaign trail. George Clooney plays the presidential candidate at the center of a struggle for power. The power-house cast includes Paul Giamatti, Marisa Tomei, Jeffrey Wright and Philip Seymour Hoffman. (LC)

Moneyball (R; 105 min.) (PG-13; 133 min.) Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) builds a winning baseball team through a statistical system called sabermetrics. Co-stars Jonah Hill and Robin Wright. (LC)

Real Steel (PG-13: 127 min.) Hugh Jackman plays a struggling ex-boxer in this actiondrama set in a future where robot boxing has become a popular sport. His discovery of a discarded robot with champion potential offers a second chance at success and a renewed relationship with the young son he never knew he had inspires a reinvigorated sense of courage. Co-stars Evangeline Lilly (Lost) and Dakota Goyo. (LC)

Take Shelter (R; 120 min.) A family man’s life unravels when he obsesses over building a backyard shelter after dreaming of an apocalyptic storm. (NB) The Thing (R; 102 min.) Billed as a prequel taking place three days prior to the events in John Carpenter’s 1982 remake, this Thing stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Death Proof) and a mostly Norwegian cast. Directed by Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. (NB)

What’s Your Number? (R; 106 min.) With a face that begs the question “Where have I seen this girl before?,� Anna Faris stars as a hopelessly single woman who believes one of her many ex-boyfriends may have been “the one� that got away. (NB)

Where I Stand: The Hank Greenspun Story (NR; 95 min.) The Santa Rosa’s Jewish Community Center presents documentary on the fearless, outspoken and often controversial 40-year publisher of the Las Vegas Sun. Screens Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 7:15pm, at the JCC. (NB)

NORTH BAY MOVIE TIMES SonomaMovieTimes.com | MarinMovieTimes.com | NapaMovieTimes.com

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NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 -25, 201 1 | BOH E MI A N.COM



Film capsules by Nicholas Berandt, Richard von Busack, Leilani Clark and Lacie Schwarz.


NORTH BAY BOH E MI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Concerts SONOMA COUNTY David Cook As a baseball pitcher, Cook once gave up a home run to Albert Pujols and decided, wisely, to focus on music instead. He won a popular television singing contest, and the rest is history. With Gavin DeGraw. Oct 20 at 8. $35-$45. Wells Fargo Center, 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.

Jazz It Up Summer wine and jazz concert series, Sat at 4. Oct 22, Anton Schwartz Quartet. Seasons of the Vineyard, 113 Plaza St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2222.

Jeff Ott Former singer of Crimpshrine and Fifteen plays solo show to raise money for a friend’s medical bills. With SemiEvolved Simians, the Crux and Box Office Poison. Oct 22 at noon. $7-$10. Atlas Coffee, 300 S A St, Santa Rosa. 707.526.1085.

Lyrics Born Bay Area hip-hop statesman calls out to all area crews. With Skins and Needles. Oct 19 at 8:30. $20. Hopmonk Tavern, 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.

503 B St, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1075.


An all-female folk lineup with Three Legged Sister, the Penny Hens, Alison Harris & Barn Owls and Linda McRae. Oct 23 at 7. $10. Arlene Francis Center, 99 Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.528.3009.

Ralph Towner, Paul McCandless, Glen Moore and Mark Walker are all solo jazz stars in their own right; together, they have been making engaging ECM-style jazz for decades. Oct 19 and 20 at 8. $16-$26. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Tom Waits Open Mic

Red Meat

Celebrate release of Tom Waits’ new album “Bad As Me� with fans playing Waits songs, projected archive footage, special drawing for signed record and midnight sale of new album. Oct 24 at 7. Last Record Store, 1899 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.525.1963.

A more perfect pairing could not be imagined: San Francisco’s most classic roughand-tumble country band playing two sets at Marin’s dingiest dive bar. Oct 22 at 9. $5. Old Western Saloon, 11201 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1661.

Three-Legged Sister

Zion-I Versatile hip-hop duo from the East Bay returns in full force, swinging from Bay slaps to . With Jacka, Husalah and more. Oct 22 at 8. $25. Phoenix Theater, 201 E Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.

MARIN COUNTY Greenwood Fall Dance Party Annual dance party benefits Greenwood School. Oct 22 at 7:30. $50. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Patty Larkin Redheaded folksinger celebreates 25 years in the songwriting game. Oct 21 at 8. $23-$28. Dance Palace,

NAPA COUNTY Beck Take consolation in the fact that this show is insanely sold out and that you can’t go by listening to his latest album, which isn’t great. Otherwise, prices aren’t too crazy on Craigslist. Oct 20 at 8. Sold out. Uptown Theatre, 1350 Third St, Napa. 707.259.0123.

Lindsay Buckingham From playing a Mickey Mouse guitar at a young age to being a punchline on Saturday Night Live (with a stint in a little band called Fleetwood Mac in between), Buckingham has retained a signature style. Oct 25 at 7:30. $40-$50. Uptown Theatre, 1350 Third St, Napa. ) 707.259.0123.

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OPEN ALL NITE Red Meat play two sets at the rustic Old Western Saloon in

Pt. Reyes Station on Oct. 22. See Concerts, above.


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Music ( 30

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM

Clubs & Venues


McNear’s Dining House Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BBQ • Pasta • Steak FRI 10/21 • 7:30PM DOORS • $16 ADV/$21 DOS • 21+ TOM PETTY TRIBUTE






SONOMA COUNTY Arlene Francis Center Oct 20, Trebuchet, Aan, Shary Coast, Manzanita Falls. Oct 23, Three Legged Sister, the Penny Hens, Alison Harris & Barn Owls and Linda McRae (see Concerts). 99 Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.528.3009.

Atlas Coffee Oct 22, Jeff Ott, Semi-Evolved Simians, the Crux, Box Office Poison (see Concerts). 300 S A St, Santa Rosa. 707.526.1085.

Aubergine Wed at 7, open mic. Oct 20, David T Carter. Oct 21, Jug Dealers, Free Peoples. Oct 22, Floydian Slip, Patchwork Orange. Tues at 7, ladies’ limelight open mic. 755 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.2722.

Centre du Vin


Oct 22, Jess Petty. 480 First St East, Sonoma.


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Flamingo Lounge Wed and Thurs, karaoke. Oct 21-22, Groove Foundation. Sun, salsa with lessons. Tues, swing night with lessons. 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.545.8530.

Gaia’s Garden Oct 19, Celtic Jam. Oct 21, De Colores. Oct 22, Sally Haggard. Oct 24, Al Cognata. Every Tues, Jim Adams (jazz guitar). 1899 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.544.2491.

Hopmonk Tavern Oct 19, Lyrics Born (see Concerts). Oct 20, Juke Joint with Mopo, Chango B and Mr Element. Oct 21, Cartoon Tattoos. Oct 22, Cryptical with Stu Allen. Mon, Monday Night Edutainment. Tues, open mic night. 230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol. 707.829.7300.

Hotel Healdsburg Oct 21, Trevor Kinsel and Doug Mortin. Oct 22, Stephanie Ozer Trio. 25 Matheson St, Healdsburg. 707.431.2800.

Inn at the Tides Sat at 7, Maple Profant. Bay

HEY MISTER Beg for tickets on the sidewalk when Beck plays the Uptown Theatre Oct. 20. See Concerts, p30.

View Restaurant. 800 Hwy 1, Bodega Bay. 800.541.7788.

Last Day Saloon Every Wed at 7, North Bay Hootenanny’s Pick-Me-Up Revue. Oct 20, Sonoma County Pro Jam. Oct 21, Royal Bliss, Star City Meltdown, Our Vinyl Vows, Midway. Oct 22, Rappin’ 4-Tay, Skee-Lo, SYS, Zuez, TexiCali. Mon, karaoke. 120 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.545.2343.

Main Street Station Oct 19, Gwen Avery. Oct 20, Susan Sutton. Oct 21, Jess Petty & Tony D’Anna. Oct 22, Susan Sutton. Oct 23, Gwen Avery. Sun, Kit Mariah’s open mic. Oct 24, Phat Chance. Oct 25, Greg Hester. 16280 Main St, Guerneville. 707.869.0501.

Mc T’s Bullpen Wed, open mic with Angelina. Thurs, karaoke with Country Dan. Fri, DJ Alexander. 16246 First St, Guerneville. 707.869.3377.

Monroe Dance Hall Thurs and Sun, Circles ‘n Squares Dance Club. 1400 W College Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.529.5450.

Murphy’s Irish Pub Wed at 7:30, trivia night. Oct 20, Dawn Angelosaunte, Tony Gibson. Oct 21, Tonewoods. Oct 22, High Country. Oct 23, EZ Kewl. 464 First St, Sonoma. 707.935.0660.

My Friend Joe Thurs at 7:30, Rubber Chicken open mic. 1810 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.829.3403.

Olde Sonoma Public House Oct 20, Free Radicals. 18615 Sonoma Hwy, Ste 110, Sonoma. 707.938.7587.

Papa’s Taverna Fri at 7, live music. Sat at 7 and Sun at 4, Kefi (Greek). Sun at 1:30, Greek dance lessons; at 3:30, live music and bellydance show. 5688 Lakeville Hwy, Petaluma. 707.769.8545.

Phoenix Theater Wed at 6, jazz jam. Oct 21, Lost in Kostco. Oct 22 at 8, Zion-I, Jacka, Husalah; at 11:55, Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sun at 5, rock and blues jam. Mon at 7, young people’s AA. Tues at 7, acoustic Americana jam. 201 Washington St, Petaluma. 707.762.3565.

The Rocks Oct 20, Gentry Bronson & Coast Pilots, Enodoxi. Fri-Sat, Top 40 DJs hosted by DJ Stevie B. Sat, Deja Vu with Geronimo (oldschool beats). 146 Kentucky St, Petaluma. 707.782.0592.

Spancky’s Oct 21, Disturbing Dorothy. Oct 22, Aftertayst. 8201 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.664.0169.

Toad in the Hole Pub Oct 21, Hand Me Down. Every

George’s Nightclub


Sun, Mon, Wed-Fri, DJ dance. 848 B St, San Rafael. 415.454.5551.

Thurs, DJ Dave. Oct 21, Jake Richmond, Leah Miller, Brother of Siren. Oct 22, Rock Hounds. Mon, Donny Maderos’ Pro Jam. 8210 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati. 707.795.7878.

Unity Music Oct 21, Fantasia, Voodoo Saints, Derailed Freight Train. 840 Piner Rd, Santa Rosa.

Wells Fargo Center Oct 20, David Cook, Gavin DeGraw (see Concerts). 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.

The Zoo Every Sun, Rock ‘n’ Roll Sunday School. 527 Barham Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.542.0980.

MARIN COUNTY 142 Throckmorton Theatre Oct 19-20, Oregon (see Concerts). Oct 21, Rebecca Roudman (cello). Oct 22, Greenwood Fall Dance Party (see Concerts). 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Oct 21, Rock Skool. Oct 22, Nick Gravenites. 842 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.226.0262.

Nickel Rose

19 Broadway Club Oct 19 at 6, Buddy Owen; at 9 Rayner Brock. Oct 20, Soundproof InIt’. Oct 21, MI Gaan (reggae). Oct 22, Swamp Thang, VS THEM. Mon at 9, open mic. Tues at 9, Uzilevsky Korty Duo with special guests. 19 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.1091.

No Name Bar Fri at 9, Michael Aragon Quartet. Sun at 3, Mal Sharpe’s Dixieland. Tues at 8:30, open mic with Damir. 757 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.1392.

Old Western Saloon Oct 22, Red Meat. Main Street, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1661.

Papermill Creek Saloon Wed, Kevin McConnell, Dan Dickson and Phil Wood. 1 Castro, Forest Knolls. 415.488.9235.

Peri’s Silver Dollar Every Mon, acoustic open

mic. 29 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.459.9910.

Rancho Nicasio Oct 21, Staggerwing. Oct 22, Le Jazz Hot. Oct 23, WTJ. Town Square, Nicasio. 415.662.2219.

Sausalito Seahorse Wed, Tengo Tango. Sun at 4, Salsa-lito. Tues, Noel Jewkes and friends (jazz jam). 305 Harbor View Dr, Sausalito.

Sleeping Lady Thurs at 9, Texas Blues. Sat at 2, uke jam. Sun at 2, Irish music. Mon at 8, open mic with Simon Costa. 23 Broadway, Fairfax. 415.485.1182.

Smiley’s Wed, Larry’s karaoke. Sun, open mic. Mon, reggae. 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas. 415.868.1311.

Southern Pacific Smokehouse Wed, Philip Claypool and friends. Oct 20, Key Lime Pie. Oct 21, Black Market Blues. 224 Vintage Way, Novato. 415.899.9600.

NAPA COUNTY Calistoga Inn Wed, open mic. Thurs, reggae DJ night. Fri, oldschool DJ night. Sat DJ night. 1250 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.4101.


Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch

Reservations Advised

NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

second and fourth Sun, Ian Scherer (jazz). Mon, open mic with Phil the Security Guard. 116 Fifth St, Santa Rosa. 707.544.8623.


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San Francisco’s City Guide

Spank Rock Brooklyn rapper with new album, “Everything Is Boring and Everyone Is a Fucking Liar.� Oct 21 at Mezzanine.

DJ Shadow Mill Valley’s legendary producer and DJ performs inside of giant visual-laden egg. Oct 21 at the Regency Ballroom.

Tom Morello Rage Against the Machine guitarist as “Nightwatchman� folk-esque moniker. Oct 21 at Great American Music Hall.

John ScoďŹ eld Timeless jazz guitarist plays in quartet stretching limits of rhythm and harmony. Oct 21-23 at Yoshi’s Oakland.

Shellac Steve Albini, homemade amps, abrasive noise, even more abrasive attitude, cranial overload. Oct 22-23 at the New Parish.

More San Francisco events by subscribing to the email letter at www.sfstation.com.

Thurs at 8, Douglas Houser or Brian Kline. 505 Lincoln Ave, Napa. 707.253.1111.

Hydro Grill Fri-Sat, blues. Sun at 7, Swing Seven. 1403 Lincoln Ave, Calistoga. 707.942.9777.


Rainbow Room Fri-Sat at 10, DJ dancing. Sun, Salsa Sundays. 806 Fourth St, Napa. 707.252.4471.

Silo’s Wed at 7, jam session. Oct 20, A Capella Cometition. Oct 21, Carlos Reyes Band. Oct 22, Kevin Russell (blues). Oct 23, Orchestra Pacheco. 530 Main St, Napa. 707.251.5833.

Uptown Theatre Oct 20, Beck (SOLD-OUT). Oct 25, Lindsey Buckingham (see Concerts). 1350 Third St, Napa. 707.259.0123.

Uva Trattoria Oct 19, Gentlemen of Jazz. Wed, Gentlemen of Jazz. Oct 20, Le Jazz Hot. Oct 21, Rhythm Cats. Oct 22, Hellhounds. Sun, James and Ted. 1040 Clinton St, Napa. 707.255.6646.


NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM




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Ghosts of L.A.

Ry Cooder’s literary noir universe BY JONAH RASKIN


ow can you keep on moving unless you migrate, too?” So wondered Ry Cooder on his breakthrough album Into the Purple Valley, which once seemed retro and now sounds as timely as the nightly news. Thirteen albums later, Cooder is as legendary as the outlaws he sings about in songs such as “Billy the Kid.” At 64, he’s no longer the young guitarist in the studio who riffed with Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan and the Buena Vista Social Club. He probably shouldn’t be starting a new career as an author, but that’s exactly what he’s done. Los Angeles Stories (City Lights Books; $15.95) is a collection of finetuned fiction paying homage to the city that Cooder loves and hates in nearly equal proportions, and that he knows neighborhood-byneighborhood, street-bystreet. “All the places and many of the

people in the book are real, though I’ve changed some of the names,” Cooder tells me at 8am in his home in Santa Monica, before his band arrives for rehearsal. “I should also tell you that the stories weren’t meant to be published. I only thought about putting them in a book after Bob Dylan told me I had to have something to sell when I went on tour.” Born in 1947, Cooder has lived in L.A. all his life, though he has traveled widely—to Cuba, to West Africa—as a performer and student of world music. He recorded his first album in 1970, played with Van Morrison, Neil Young, Little Feat, Captain Beefheart, Freddy Fender and others, and won Grammy awards in 1988, ’93, ’95 and ’98. He always comes back to L.A., for better or for worse. “Today, everything in Los Angeles is franchised, oversubscribed and homogenized,” Cooder says. “Every surface is for sale. Most of the old neighborhoods don’t exist anymore, and that’s really sad. I miss the regional speech, the distinctive music, the clothes and the unique car cultures that

vanished when the freeways came in and carved up the whole city. That was the end of the L.A. I knew and loved.” For Los Angeles Stories, Cooder became an oral historian, a family genealogist and serious scholar. To gather the information he needed to flesh out his characters, he went to the L.A. Public Library, walked the streets, talked to relatives and sifted through his own memories. “I smuggled a 1941 map of L.A. out of the library and made a copy before I returned it,” he says. “I also found an old city directory that listed my own family history. The deeper I dug into L.A., the more I remembered family stuff, including a spinster aunt who drank gin and smoked Pall Malls, and my dad who was a detective and solved real crimes. Probably the memories I treasure the most are those of a friend of my parents who gave me a guitar when I was four, and later introduced me to Woody Guthrie’s music and the Depression-era photos of Dorothea Lange.” All those memories and history bounce off the pages of Los Angeles Stories. Indeed, page after page, Cooder’s Los Angeles seems more real than the L.A. of today. The lost neighborhoods of Chavez Ravine and Bunker Hill come to life, and you expect to meet his “taco-benders,” “pachucopunks” and “bolerojockeys” around the next corner. Cooder never was a Beatnik or a loyal fan of Kerouac and Ginsberg, but he admires the work of City Lights’ founder Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and he’s delighted to be published by City Lights. Moreover, he identifies with the hipsters—the cultural ancestors of the Beats—who loved bebop, hated TV and fled from the conformity of the 1950s. “TV ruined the thriving culture that once existed in L.A.,” Cooder says. “Of course, I love those old noir movies, such as Kiss Me Deadly, Crime Wave and Cry Danger, in which L.A. is as beautiful now as it was then, and a wonderful city of dreams.”


Galleries OPENINGS Oct 19 From 4 to 7pm. Downtown Napa, ARTWalk: “Momentum: Art that Moves (Us),” with tour beginning at First and School Streets in front of Napa City Hall, Napa. 707.257.2117.

Oct 22 From 6 to 10pm. Arts Desire, grand opening with jazz guitarist Jackie King of the Willie Nelson Family Band. 440 Ignacio Blvd, Novato. 415.798.7725. From 6 to 8pm. di Rosa, “Surviving Paradise,” work by Enrique. 5200 Carneros Hwy, Napa. 707.226.5991.

SONOMA COUNTY ARTrails Sonoma County’s fine tradition of open studios makes any resident feel like a tourist in their own backyard while discovering locally made art. All ARTrails studios will be open weekend of Oct 22-23 from 10 to 5. For participating studios, see www.sonomaarts.com. 707.588.3408.

Charles M Schulz Museum Through Jan 29, 2012, “The Flipside of Schulz’s Art: More Than Peanuts,” original drawings by Charles Schulz. Through Dec 11, “Pop’d from the Panel,” parallel worlds of fine art and commercial art. Through Nov 28, “The Games Children Play.” $5-$8. Mon-Fri, noon to 5; Sat-Sun, 10 to 5. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. 707.579.4452.

City Hall Council Chambers Ending Oct 20, “The Roseland Series,” plein air paintings capturing Roseland’s vibrancy by Jamie Mitsu & Alicia Lopez de Oceguera. 100 Santa Rosa Ave, Ste 10, Santa Rosa. 707.543.3010.

Gallery of Sea & Heaven Through Dec 31, “Make Yourself at Home,” exhibit of unusual home and garden accessories. Wed-Sat, noon to 5 and by appointment. 312 South A St, Santa Rosa. 707.578.9123.

Gallery One Through Nov 7, “Texture with Paper,” “Glimpses of Nature” and “Heavy Mettle.” 209 Western Ave, Petaluma. 707.778.8277.

Graton Gallery Ending Oct 23, “ARTrails Preview Show,” works by local artists. Tues-Sun, 10:30

to 6. 9048 Graton Rd, Graton. 707.829.8912.

Hammerfriar Gallery Through Nov 30, “On and On: Sequel of Memories,” installation work by Kathleen Yorba. Tues-Fri, 10 to 6. Sat, 10 to 5. 132 Mill St, Ste 101, Healdsburg. 707.473.9600.

Journey Center Gallery Mon-Fri, 9 to 5; weekend hours by appointment. 1601 Fourth St, Santa Rosa. 707.578.2121.

Medlock-Ames Winery Through Nov 15, “”In Honor of Melissa,” a photography series about honey bees by Amanda Lane. 13414 Chalk Hill Rd, Healdsburg. 707.431.8845.

Occidental Center for the Arts Through Oct 29, “Abstractions,” an abstract multimedia group show. Graton Rd and Bohemian Hwy, Occidental.

Petaluma Arts Center Through Nov 6, “Bridges of Light / Puentes de Luz,” visual art and altars for the Dia de los Muertos celebration. 230 Lakeville St at East Washington, Petaluma. 707.762.5600.

Petaluma Museum Through Nov 28, “Pirates,” a kid-friendly exhibit featuring everyone’s favorite seafaring marauders. Wed-Sat, 10 to 4; Sun, noon to 3; tours by

) 36

Arts Guild of Sonoma Ending Oct 24, various works by members of the Guild. WedThurs and Sun-Mon, 11 to 5; Fri-Sat, 11 to 8. 140 E Napa St, Sonoma. 707.996.3115.

Buddha’s Palm Tattoo Gallery Through November, “Our Backyard Bohemia: the People and Places of Sonoma County.” Tues-Wed and Fri-Sat, noon to 8; Sun, noon to 4. 313 North Main St, Sebastopol. 707.829.7256.

Calabi Gallery Through Nov, “Beyond Borders,” works by artists of the Central and South American diaspora. Wed-Sun, 11 to 5. 144 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.781.7070.

COOL CAT Tony Speirs throws open his studio as part of ARTrails this weekend. See Events, p37.

NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

Arts Events

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM


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OVERLOOKED MASTER Horst Trave, written out of his rightful place in San Francisco abstract expressionism history, takes part in ARTrails. See Events, p37.

Arts Events appointment on Mon-Tues. 20 Fourth St, Petaluma. 707.778.4398.

Quicksilver Mine Company














MARK ST MARY Saturday, Oct 22 Wed, Oct 19 8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:45pm Jazzercise 10am–12:15pm Scottish Country Dance Youth & Family 7–10pm Singles & Pairs Square Dance Club Thur, Oct 20 8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:45pm Jazzercise 7:15–10pm Circles N’ Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Oct 21 8:45–9:45am Jazzercise 7:30–11pm North Bay Country Dance Society/Contra Dance Sat, Oct 22 8–9am; 9:15–10:15am Jazzercise 10:30am–1:30pm Scottish Dance 7–11pm DJ Steve Luther presents MARK ST MARY Sun, Oct 23 8:30–9:30am Jazzercise 10:30–11:30am ZUMBA GOLD WITH TONING 1:30–3:30pm Vintage Dance 5:30–9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country Western Lessons & Dancing $10 Mon, Oct 24 8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:45pm Jazzercise 7–11pm Northwest Pacific Railroad Historical Society Tues, Oct 25 8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:40pm Jazzercise 7:30–9pm African and World Music Dance


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Through Nov 13, “Signs,� recent oil paintings by Cecilia Armenta Hallinan. Through Dec 24, “Rambin Modes,� an evolving window display by Monty Monty. Thurs-Mon, 11 to 6. 6671 Front St, Forestville. 707.887.0799.

RiskPress Gallery Through Oct 27, “Resilience,� work by Jann Aanestad; also, assemblage art by Libby Martin. 7345 Healdsburg Ave, Sebastopol.

Riverfront Art Gallery Through Nov 6, “Two Photographic Views,� photography by Amber Reumann Engfer and Craig Melville; “Soft Focus,� photography by Rhen August Benson and Mayr McLean. Wed-Thurs and Sun, 11 to 7; Fri-Sat, 11 to 8. Tues-Thurs and Sun, 10:30 to 6. Fri-Sat, 10:30 to 8. 132 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.775.4ART.

Sebastopol Center for the Arts Ending Oct 22, “Roots,� juried mixed-media; also, ceramics by Michiko Sodo Kinoshita. Tues-Fri, 10 to 4; Sat, 1 to 4. 6780 Depot St, Sebastopol. 707.829.4797.

Arts Desire

( 35 Sonoma County Museum Through Feb 5, “Customized: The Art and History of the Bicycle,� with bicycle innovations, art bikes, regional history and more. Through Nov 4, Day of the Dead altars. TuesSun, 11 to 4. 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa. 707.579.1500.

Sonoma Valley Museum of Art Through Jan 1, “Sonido Pirata,� curated exhibit dealing with the phenomenon of pirated music. Free-$8. Wed-Sun, 11 to 5. 551 Broadway, Sonoma. 707.939.SVMA.

Towers Gallery Through Oct 31, “Cruisin,� works by various artists. 240 North Cloverdale Blvd, Ste 2, Cloverdale, 707.894.4331.

Wells Fargo Center Wells Fargo Center for the Arts. Through Oct 28, “ARTrails Preview,� exhibiting works by studios participating in the ARTrails program. 50 Mark West Springs Rd, Santa Rosa. 707.546.3600.

MARIN COUNTY 142 Throckmorton Theatre Through Nov, “Reflections in Yesterday,� paintings by Anne Herrero. 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Bay Area artists collective gallery celebrating grand opening. Reception, Oct 22, 6 to 10, with jazz guitarist Jackie King of the Willie Nelson Family Band. 440 Ignacio Blvd, Novato. 415.798.7725.

Elsewhere Gallery Through Nov 2, oil paintings by Jean-Marc Brugeilles. Daily, 11 to 6. 1828 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax. 415.526.2855.

Gallery Route One Through Oct 30, mixed media by Geraldine LiaBraaten, Debra Stuckgold and Eric Engstrom. Wed-Mon, 11 to 5. 11101 Hwy 1, Pt Reyes Station. 415.663.1347.

Marin Arts Council Gallery Through Nov 12, “Asia Observed,� works addressing the cultural complexity of Asia. 906 Fourth St, San Rafael.

Marin MOCA Through Nov 1, “Legends of the Bay Area: Manuel Neri,� mixedmedia drawings and sculpture. Wed-Sun, 11 to 4, Novato Arts Center, Hamilton Field, 500 Palm Dr, Novato. 415.506.0137.

Marin Society of Artists Through Nov 12, “84th Annual Members’ Show,� a juried exhibit featuring works by MSA members. Mon-Thurs, 11 to 4; Sat-Sun, 12 to 4. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.454.9561.

O’Hanlon Center for the Arts Through Oct 27, “What’s

San Geronimo Valley Community Center Through Oct 30, Marge Rector retrospective. 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo. 415.488.8888.

NAPA COUNTY ARTwalk The second ARTwalk, “Momentum: Art that Moves (Us),� will be on exhibition through April 2013. Opening reception Oct 19, 4-7, with tour beginning at First and School Streets in front of Napa City Hall, Napa. 707.257.2117, ext. 1.

Di Rosa Tours available Sat at 10, 11 and noon (reservation required) and Tues-Fri at 10, 11, 12 and 1 (reservation recommended). Gallery hours: Wed-Fri, 9:30 to 3. Sat, by appointment only. 5200 Carneros Hwy, Napa. 707.226.5991.

Mumm Napa Cuvee Through Nov 13, “Signs of Life,� photographs by Robert Buelteman. Daily, 10 to 5. 8445 Silverado Trail, Rutherford. 707.967.7740.

Napa Valley Museum Through Oct 30, “Discrepancy: Living Between War & Peace,� works from various artists addressing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through Nov 14, “Dia de Los Muertos,� works by local artists and high school students. Wed-Mon, 10 to 5. 55 Presidents Circle, Yountville. 707.944.0500.

Robert Mondavi Winery Through Nov 9, “Water and Wood: Paintings and Sculptures Inspired by Nature,� paintings and sculpture by Carine Mascarelli and Crystal Lockwood. Daily, 10 to 5. 7801 St Helena Hwy, Oakville. 707.968.2203.

St Supery Winery St Supery Gallery. Through Nov 6, “Contemporary Still Life Paintings,� works by Michael Beck and Michael Tompkins. 8440 St Helena Hwy, Rutherford. 707.963.4507.

Comedy Holy City Zoo Improv Workshop Every Mon at 7, weekly comedy

improv workshop. $15. 142 Throckmorton Theatre, 142 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.383.9600.

Events Bayer Farm Tending Every Fri, 3 to 6, all ages welcome to join LandPaths for garden care. Bayer Farm, 1550 West Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.524.9318.

Bike Builders Tour A guided group bike tour of local custom bike builders. Oct 22 at 12:30. Free. Sonoma County Museum, 425 Seventh St, Santa Rosa. 707.579.1500.

ARTrails Sonoma County’s fine tradition of open studios makes any resident feel like a tourist in their own backyard while discovering locally made art. All ARTrails studios will be open weekend of Oct 22-23 from 10 to 5. For participating studios, see www.sonomaarts.com. 707.588.3408.

LandPaths Fall Music Festival Listen to music, eat food and learn how LandPaths is working to make the beautiful Ranchero Mark West accessible to Sonoma County forever. Oct 22, 11 to 5. Ranchero Mark West, 7125 St Helena Rd, Santa Rosa. $5-$20. 707.544.7284.

Dhyana Center

Graton Community Club Fall Flower Show Tables of creative flower arrangements, huge plant sale, and more. Oct 21-22, 8 to 4. 8996 Graton Rd, Graton. 707.823.7341.

+"7" +*7& 50/*()5

Wine & Fondue Party

* 450-& *5 "/% *¤. (-"% * %*%

Bubbly, blind tasting, fondue feast, reception, raffle and silent auction to benefit YWCA domestic violence shelter for women and children. Oct 23, 3 to 5:30. D’Argenzio and Sheldon Wineries, 1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa. $40-$49. 707.303.8401.

Food Not Bombs Help prepare and serve free vegan meals every Sun afternoon; served at 5. Courthouse Square, Third Street and Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa. 415.408.8094.

San Geronimo Valley Games III Day of community fun to support San Geronimo Valley Community Gym. Oct 23, 10 to 4. $10-$20. San Geronimo Valley Community Center, 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo. 415.488.8888, ext 253.

Get connected with the ancient indigenous mind through shamanic drumming and chanting, as well as Scandinavian petroglyphs. Oct 19 at 7. Herold Mahoney Library, SRJC, 680 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy, Petaluma. 707.778.3974.

Tolay Fall Festival

Occidental Area Health Center Open House

Month-long festival of visual art, music, theater, dance, comedy and more through Oct at various venues. For full schedule, see www.nvarts.org. Various locations, Napa Valley, Napa. 707.257.2117.

Outlandish Gathering A gathering of artists from dance, music, literary, performance and visual arts, with dance, music, readings and potluck. Oct 22, noon to 6. $10-$15. Bodega Pastures, 600 Salmon Creek Rd, Bodega. www.outlandish.weebly.com.

That's right—it's a party for all of our Jive writing contest winners, celebrated in the pages of this very issue! We invite you, dear reader, to read the gripping prose contained herein, and ask yourself, "Do I want to see the authors of these breathtaking pieces of fiction, reading their own stories, in person?" The answer is: of course you do. Be advised, then, to steal away from whatever you've got planned on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at Copperfield's Books at 176 N. Main Street in Sebastopol. Party begins at 6pm—see you there!

Shamanic Performance

Celebrate grand opening of educational lofts with amazing array of eclectic music, dance and cirque performance, an Ayurvedic apothecary, delectable Indian foods, a silent auction and networking opportunities. Oct 22, 1 to 10. Free. Basso Building, 186 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.8818.

West County Health Centers celebrates with its many friends and supporters. Oct 21, 4 to 7. 3802 Main St, Occidental. 4pm-7pm. 707.869.5977 x3313.

+0*/ 5)& 1"35:

Hay rides, pumpkin seed spitting contests, a Native American village, straw maze, creepy-crawly critter room and more. Through Oct 23. Thu-Fri, 9 to 3; Sat-Sun, 11 to 5. $1-$4. Tolay Lake Regional Park, Cannon Lane, Petaluma. 707.565.2041.

Napa Vallery ARTS ’11

Vintage High Haunted House Get your Halloween spirit going at the spooky haunted house. Oct 25 –28. $1. Vintage High Little Theater, 1375 Trower Ave, Napa. 707.253.0868.

Napa Ragtime Festival Events include youth ragtime

) 38



37 NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

the Big Idea,� juried group show. Tues-Sat, 10 to 2; also by appointment. 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.4331.

Arts Events

38 NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM

playing contest, silent movies and main concert at 4pm. Oct 23 at 2. First Presbyterian Church of Napa, 1333 Third St, Napa. $5-$10. 415.260.6936.

Food & Drink Cloverdale Farmers Market Fri at 5:30. Cloverdale Plaza, Cloverdale Boulevard between First and Second streets, Cloverdale.

Orpheus Wines Art Show Art of Orpheus Wines, with wire sculpture artist Steve Lohman, winemaker Marc Krafft and Visioneer Rachel Friedman. Oct 22, 2 to 6. Free. Yulupa CoHousing Main Hall, 1350 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa. www. orpheuswines.com.

Highland Estates Tasting

Brazilian Waxing $40


Napa Food Day Find out what’s going on in your local food community and how to be a part of it. Oct 24, 4 to 7. $10. Yountville Community Center, 6516 Washington St, Yountville. 707.253.4357.


$ Get Vajazzled for

Chocolate & Wine

Touchstone Therapies

Featuring the famed Ken Frank, chef at La Toque, and 25 chocolatiers and 25 wineries with music by the Napa Valley Symphony, Benefits Napa foster children. Oct 23, 3 to 6. $40-$45. Westin VerasaNapa, 1314 McKinstry St, Napa. 707.257.7101.

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Kendall-Jackson hosts exclusive tasting of limitedrelease, 90+ point Highland Estates tier. Oct 22, 1 to 4. Kendall-Jackson Wine Center, 5007 Fulton Rd, Santa Rosa. $25. 707.576.3810.

Healdsburg Farmers Market

Low Cost Vaccination Clinics every Sunday, 9:30-11:30am

WESTERN FARM CENTER 707.545.0721 21 West 7th St., Santa Rosa

Market and music every Sat, 9 to noon. Through Nov, market every Tues, 4 to 7. Healdsburg Farmers Market, North and Vine streets, Healdsburg. 707.431.1956.

Occidental Farmers Market Bohemian market with live music every Fri through Oct 29, 4 to dusk. Downtown Occidental, Bohemian

( 37 Highway, Occidental. www. occidentalfarmersmarket.com.

Santa Rosa Farmers Markets Sat, 9 to 12. Oakmont Drive and White Oak, Santa Rosa. 707.538.7023. Wed and Sat, 8:30 to 12. Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.522.8629.

Sebastopol Farmers Market Through Nov; Sun, 10 to 1:30. Sebastopol Plaza, McKinley St, Sebastopol. 707.522.9305.

Sonoma Farmers Market Fri, 9 to noon. Depot Park, First St W, Sonoma. Also, Through Sep; Tues, 5:30 to dusk. Sonoma Plaza, First St E, Sonoma. 707.538.7023.

Civic Center Farmers Market Sun at 10am, “Eat Local 101” provides walking tour with information, cooking advice and ideas inspired by locally grown foods. Marin Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Dr, San Rafael. 800.897.3276.

Fairfax Farmers Market Wed, 4 to 8. Through Sep. Bolinas Park, 124 Bolinas Rd, Fairfax. 415.472.6100.

Oktoberfest Luncheon Celebrate German holiday with meal and entertainment. Oct 20, 11:30 to 2. $6-$9. Jackson Cafe, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael. 415.456.9062.

“Anna Bolena,” Oct 15, 19. $16$23. Jackson Theater, Sonoma Country Day School, 4400 Day School Place, Santa Rosa.

Vintage Film Series Through December, classic films on the big screen. Oct 24 at 7 and Oct 26 at 1, “Wizard of Oz.” Sebastiani Theatre, 476 First St E, Sonoma. 707.996.9756.

Italian Film Festival Selected modern films from the land of Antonioni, Fellini and Leone. Oct 22, “Ten Winters.” Showtimes at 5:30 and 7:45. $14-$78. Showcase Theatre, Marin Center, San Rafael. 415.499.6800.

For Kids Central Library Babytime, Tues at 10:15. Storytime for toddlers, Tues at 11. Preschool storytime, Fri at 11. Free. Central Library, Third and E streets, Santa Rosa. 707.545.0831.

Chops Teen Club Hang-out spot for Santa Rosa teens ages 12 to 20 offers art studio and class, open gym, tech lounge, cafe, recording studio and film club. Hours for high schoolers: Mon-Thurs, 3 to 9; Fri, 3 to 11; Sat and school holidays, noon to 11. For middle school kids: Mon-Fri, 3 to 7; Sat and school holidays, noon to 7. Film club meets Tues at 4. Membership, $5-$10 per year. Chops Teen Club, 509 Adams St, Santa Rosa. 707.284.2467.

Guerneville Library

Film Passione John Turturro’s colorful ode to the people of Naples, with pre-film concert by Italian ensemble Due Zighi Baci. Oct 21; concert at 7, film at 8. SSU Film Institute, 1801 E Cotati Blvd, Rohnert Park. $6-$10. 707.664.2606.

The Mysterious Place Animated film produced in ArtWorks Media studio featuring two souls in search of their own personal meanings of life. Oct 21 at 7. Becoming Independent, 1425 Corporate Center Pkwy, Santa Rosa. 707.524.6634.

The Met: Live in HD High-definition opera broadcasts from the Metropolitan Theatre in NYC.

Wed at 11, preschool storytime. Sep 26 at 6, family story night. Free. Guerneville Library, 14107 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville. 707.869.9004.

Museum Mondays Children ages one to five and their families are invited to enjoy storytime, arts, crafts and museum activities on the fourth Mon monthly, 10 to noon. Free-$5. Charles M Schulz Museum, 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. 707.579.4452.

Petaluma Library Tues at 10, storytime for ages three to five; at 3, read to a specially trained dog from PAWS for Healing. Wed at 10, babytime; at 7, evening pajama storytime in Spanish and English. Fri at 10, storytime for toddlers. Sat at 4, parent-child reading group for second- and


Fairfax Library Tues at Sat at 11, storytime for ages three and up. Fairfax Library, 2097 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax. 415.453.8092.











Calistoga Library


Soraya Mire speaks out on ancient African practice Female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM), is an ancient surgical procedure wherein parts of the genitals are removed. Unfortunately, it’s still performed on teenaged girls in some parts of Africa. Some have argued that this “rite of passage” is a cultural tradition, making it off limits to critique. Not so, says Soraya Mire, a Somalian-born human rights activist and writer. Female genital mutation is a form of child abuse, writes Mire, a ritual of mutilation handed down from mother to daughter that’s protected by the culture. In her new memoir, The Girl with Three Legs, the Los Angeles–based writer tells the horrific story of her own experience with FGM when she was 13. Told by her mother that they were going out to shop for a new dress, instead Mire was taken to a doctor for a brutal operation. A survivor of what she calls a “rite of torture,” Mire has spoken before the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and on CNN and Oprah about the protection of human rights for women and girls. She appears for a reading and signing on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at Book Passage. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera. 7pm. Free. 415.927.0960.—Leilani Clark

third-graders. Petaluma Library, 100 Fairgrounds Dr, Petaluma. 707.763.9801.

for toddlers. Free. Windsor Library, 9291 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor. 707.838.1020.

Windsor Library

Bay Area Discovery Museum

Tues at 11:30, preschool storytime; Wed at 10:30, storytime for babies; at 11:30,

Ongoing, “Animal Secrets.” Hands-on art, science and

Storytime with “Library Grandparent,” Mon and Thurs at 2:30. Bilingual storytime for ages three and up, second and fourth Wed at 10:30. Free. Calistoga Library, 1108 Myrtle St, Calistoga. 707.942.4833.

Lectures Connections Supportive community of women in business hosts a breakfast meeting featuring keynote speakers on the third Fri of each month, 7:45 to 9:30. $25-$35. Flamingo Lounge, 2777 Fourth St, Santa Rosa, RSVP. 707.522.9399.


Robert Fuller Internationally recognized authority speaks on “Dignity for All and the End of Bullying.” Oct 25 at 7. $15; children and teens free. Sonoma Community Center, 276 E Napa St, Sonoma. 707.939.2973.

Sept 25–Nov 12 Robert Bryer Talks About His Art Fri, Nov 4, 6:30–8pm

Barbara Spicer


Acquire new tools and a fresh perspective from a practicing storyteller. Oct 20, 7 to 9. $15. Petaluma Community Center, 320 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma.

150 N. Main St. Sebastopol, Ca 95472 707-829-7200 www.sebastopol-gallery.com

Readings Book Passage Oct 19 at 7, Michael Ondaatje, “The Cat’s Table.” Oct 20 at 10, Elizabeth Singer Hunt, “The HUnt for the Yeti Skull”; at 1, AMitav Ghosh, “River of Smoke”; at 7, Iris Krasnow, “The Secret Lives of Wives.” Oct 21 at 10, Jonathan London, “Froggy Builds a Treehouse”; at 7, William Castle, “From the Grave: The Prayer.” Oct 22 at 1, Ceridwen Terrill, “Part Wild: One Woman’s Journey With a Creature Caught Between the Worlds of Wolves and Dogs.”; at 4, )


Emmanuel Catarino Montoya 1989 Exhibiting a diverse selection of unusual antique, modern & contemporary artworks.

Calabi Gallery 707.781.7070 | 144 Petaluma Blvd N calabigallery.com

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NO RTH BAY BO H E M I AN | O CTO BE R 1 9 –25, 201 1 | BOH EMI A N.COM

Lori Shepler

theater camps, art studio, tot spot and lookout cove adventure area. Wed-Thurs at 10 and 11, music with Miss Kitty. $5-$6. Fri at 11, aquarium feeding. Admission: $8-$10. Bay Area Discovery Museum, Fort Baker, 557 McReynolds Rd, Sausalito. 415.339.3900.

NORTH BAY BOH EMI A N | OCTO BE R 1 9 – 25, 20 1 1 | BO H E M I AN.COM


Arts Events

( 39



Matt Blackstone, “A Scary Scene in a Scary Movie.” Oct 23 at 4, Nina Sankovitsch, “Tolstoy and the Purple Chair”; at 7, Andrew Tilin, “The Doper Next Door: My Strange and Scandalous Year on Performance Enhancing Drugs.” Oct 24 at 7, Ken Ballen, “Terrorists in Love: The Real Lives of Islamic Radicals.” Oct 25 at 7, Soraya Mire, “The Girl With Three Legs.” 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera. 415.927.0960.

Copperfield’s Books Oct 22 at 7, Howard Charing, “The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo.” 176 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.823.2618.

9am–11am: VIP access, tasting seminars, special lounge

Joel Salatain

Noon– 4pm: Ar tisanal Pinot Noir Grand Tasting— over 100 top producers $ 75 + ticketing fee VIP $150

Benefiting Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Sonoma County



Celebrate organic food (or, as your grandparents called it, “food”) with farmer and pinoeer reading from “Folks, This Ain’t Normal: A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World.” Oct 25 at 7. Baker Creek Seed Bank, Washington and Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma. Purchase required at Copperfield’s Books. 707.823.2618.

Robert Haas Point Reyes Books presents Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Haas hosting community reading of Walt Whitman’s ‘Songs of Myself.’ Oct 23 at 2. Free. New School at Commonweal, 451 Mesa Rd, Bolinas. 415.663.1542.

October 15-16 & 22-23

Crimes of the Heart A troubled family escapes their past to seize the future. Oct 21-Nov 6; Fri-Sat at 8. Special matinee performances Oct 30 and Nov 6 at 2. $15$25. Cinnabar Theater, 3333 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma. 707.763.8920.

Frankenstein Through Oct 30; puppets, poetry and stagecraft combine to create a unique vision of Shelley’s gothic tale. Fri-Sat at 8, Sun at 2. $20. Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185.

The Golem Ending Oct 22; magical Czech-Jewish legend of the clay man brought to life by a Rabbi. Puppetry, shadow techniques, animation and sound design enhance the production. Fri-Sat at 8; Sun at 5. $12-$18. Imaginists Theatre Collective, 461 Sebastopol Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.528.7554.

Gothic Double Bill Oct 20-22, 28-31, “We <3 You, Nosferatu,” vampire satire returns for a witty and welcome second run, then screening of Murnau’s “Nosferatu,” set to a live score by Dave Mac Nab. All shows at 8, Oct 30 at 2. $15$20. Main Stage West, 104 North Main St, Sebastopol.

Jekyll & Hyde: The Musical Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale of good and evil, love, lust, murder and redemption transformed into a Broadway musical. Oct 21-30. Fri-Sat at 8; Sun at 2. Spreckels Center, 5409 Snyder Ln, Rohnert Park. $24-$26. 707.588.3400.

Kite’s Book Ending Oct 23; a tale of intrigue, villainy, murder, corruption, and revenge set in eighteenthcentury London in the 1750s. Thurs-Sun at 8, Sat-Sun at 2. $15-$32. Sixth Street Playhouse, 52 W Sixth St, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4185.

Ten Little Indians Agatha Christie’s script involves 10 people tricked onto an island; a mysterious voice informs them that they have each committed a serious crime and will each be brought to justice. One by one, they are murdered. Oct 21-Nov 6. Fri-Sat at 8, Sun at 2. $15-$23. Raven Performing Arts Theater, 115 North St, Healdsburg. 707.433.6335.

The BOHEMIAN’s calendar is produced as a service to the community. If you have an item for the calendar, send it to calendar@bohemian. com, or mail it to: NORTH BAY BOHEMIAN, 847 Fifth St, Santa Rosa CA 95404. Events costing more than $65 may be withheld. Deadline is two weeks prior to desired publication date.

Bilingual Poetry of Remembrance

10am – 5pm

Preview Exhibit at

WELLS FARGO CENTER FOR THE ARTS Sept 24 – Oct 28 Additional preview exhibits at Pelican Art Gallery and Graton Gallery. Visit artrails.org or call 579-2787 for details!

The community will read poetry of Remembrance/ Poesia del Recuerdo. Oct 22, 4 to 7. Petaluma Arts Center, 230 Lakeville St, Petaluma. 707.762.5600.

Java Jive Party The Bohemian hosts party for writing contest winners, printed in this very issue. Oct 19 at 6. Copperfields Books, 176 N Main St, Sebastopol. 707.527.1200.

Theater Bug

Discover the region’s best art at the 26th annual ARTrails Open Studios, a free self-guided tour of 133 painters, sculptors, jewelers and craftspeople.

Produced by Arts Council


of Sonoma County

A cocktail waitress and a Gulf War vet hide out in a seedy motel room and descend into paranoia and conspiracy. Oct 21-Nov 6. Thurs-Sat at 8; Sun at 5. Spreckels Center, 5409 Snyder Ln, Rohnert Park. $24$26. 707.588.3400.

SOUTH OF A Have we mentioned ARTrails? Yes? Well, Mario Uribe’s part of it too. See Events, p37.

41 N O RT H BAY B O H E M I A N | O CTO B E R 1 9 -2 5, 2 0 1 1 | B O H E M I A N.COM

N O RT H BAY B O H E M I A N | O CTO B E R 1 9 -2 5, 2 0 1 1 | B O H E M I A N.COM


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Finding inspiration and connecting with your community Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center

Unity Church of Santa Rosa

Offers ongoing classes for all levels of practice and interest. General program and introductory class: Tues & Weds evenings 7:30–8:45pm. Noontime Meditation: Weds An oasis in your busy day 12:15–1:15pm Prayers for World Peace: Sun 10:30–11:45am Everyone welcome. 304 Petaluma Blvd, N, Petaluma 707.776.7720. www.meditateinnorcal.org

Sunday School & Service 10:30am Non-traditional. Inter-denominational. A spirituallyminded community. 4857 Old Redwood Hwy 707.542.7729 www.UnityofSantaRosa.org

Santa Rosa Meditation Group

Jan Phillips is here Nov 5, 7–8:30pm, for a Multi-media Performance “Take Back the Light� and then on Nov 6 for the 10:30am service & a workshop 1–4pm on “Evolutionary Creativity & the New Cosmology: Tapping into the Wisdom of Our Planet, our Bodies, and Our Cosmos. More details on www.UnityofSantaRosa.org

795 Farmers Lane #22 Schedule: 24/7 VM 707.523.9555 ww.srf-santarosa.org

Great Massage By Joe, CMT. Relaxing hot tub and pool available. Will do outcalls. 707.228.6883

A Safe Place To Be Real Holistic tantric masseuse. Unhurried, private, heartfelt. Mon-Sat. Autumn discount. Call after 10:30am 707.793.2232.

by appointment, walk-ins welcome

707.528.2540 3401 Cleveland Ave #2 Santa Rosa

Golden Flower Massage Spa

Mitch, CMT. Mature. Professional. Relaxing intuitive touch. Private discrete studio. 707.849.7409

Professional male massage therapist; strong, deep healFull Body Sensual ing bodywork. 1 hr / $50, Massage 1 1/2 hr $70. 707.536.1516 With a mature, playful CMT. www.CompleteBodyBalance.com Comfortable incall location near the J.C. in Santa Rosa. Soothing, relaxing, and fun. Visa/MC accepted. Gretchen 707.478.3952

The Relaxation Station


Women, Men, & Couples You need a massage! I am an easygoing provider of pleasure since 1991. Good virtues. NW Santa Rosa, Jimmy, (C) 707.799.4467 or (L) 707.527.9497

Step off the World, into.... A sanctuary of pleasure and relaxation. Enjoy the best of healing and sensual massage by a lovely lady with a caring touch. Quality and class Accept Visa/MC. Tania. C.M.T.†707-477-1766. Santa Rosa.

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Workshops MAXIMIZING YOUR JOB SEARCH An opportunity to explore essential steps to a successful job search. Interactive discussion between lecturer and class participants. FREE RESUME CRITIQUE! $30.00 per person. Twenty (20) attendees max. November 10, 2011, 5:00pm–9:00pm. Petaluma Rec. Dept., 320 North McDowell Blvd. - Call: 415.485.5565 to schedule. Susan Chipman is a retired Professional Recruiter and Career Coach.

Rocks and Clouds Zendo


304 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma 707.766.7720 www.meditateincal.org

Rohatsu Sesshin — Seven Day Meditation Retreat Fri Dec 2nd - Fri Dec 9th. Email us with any questions: dterra@sonic.net. Find us on the web: www.rocksandclouds.org or call 707.-824.5647

Are You Seeking More Meaningful Relationships? Spiritually oriented psychotherapy for couples and individuals. After 15 years in Berkeley, Gateway Institute is now in Healdsburg. Free introduction on first Thursday of the month. CALL TO RESERVE A SEAT. Foss Creek Court Community Room 7–9 pm Healdsburg. Heather Parrish, Ph.D. MFC36455. 707.473.9553

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Are You Seeking More Meaningful Relationships? Spiritually oriented psychotherapy for couples and individuals. After 15 years in Berkeley, Gateway Institute is now in Healdsburg. Free introduction on first Thursday of the month. CALL TO RESERVE A SEAT. Foss Creek Court Community Room 7-9 pm Healdsburg. Heather Parrish, Ph.D. MFC36455. 707.473.9553


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