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Clearly Beloved

Redefining commitment in the modern age


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Unity Churc ch of Santa Rosa presents:

Healing an nd Wholenesss Fair Saturday, Feb e ruarry 12, 11am - 6pm 2OG 5HGZRR RG +Z\ 6DQWD 5RVD Ă‚ -542-7729 ĹšFRE EE Lectures 12:00pm 5HQp -HQNLQV Âł6RXQG +HDOLQJ &LUFOH´ 1:00pm 0HODQQLH 7K 7 RPDV Âł$Q 2YHUYLHZ RI WKH ,QWXLWLYH $UW´ 2:00pm (OL]DEHWK &XSS Âł<RX $UH WKH &RORUV <RX &KRRVH´ 3:00pm 5HY .DWK\ 0F&DOO Âł7KH 0DJLF RI 'UHDPV´ 4:00pm 'DYLG 4XLJOH\ Âł6RPDWLF +HDOLQJ´ 5:00pm 0DU\ (OOHQ 2Âś0HDUD Âł$ &RXUVH LQ 0LUDFOHV´

Ĺş15 minute healling sessions for $20 each. All day! Amega Am A Wand by Cheryl Andersen Psychic Readings by Deer Dommitz Massage & AcuA therapy by Robert Labensart Therapeutic Massage by b Kimberly Cotterill or Elizabeth t Walsh Hypnotherapyy by Katy Redmon Massage byy masseurs from Massage Envy Spa a Neuro-Muscular Therapy by Shoshana Frieden Astrologyy Readings by Rev. Kathy McCall* Shamanic Healling//Read dings by b Miche h alla McGi M Givern or Sar a ah h Dole Body Postture Pain Relief by Dana Davis Tarot Read a ings by Melannie Thomas* Feldenkrais by Charlotte Chavez Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) by Cynthia Jac cobs Ceremonial Sound Healing by RenĂŠ Jenkins* Acupuncture, Shiatsu u, Deep Tissue Massage by Nancy Malloy Somatic Healing by David Quigley* Aura-Soma Color Therapy by Elizabeth Cupp* *These healers are also giving free lectures!

ĹšFor more information on each of the healers: www.UnityofSantaRosa.org Vegan food, re r freshments, and products on sale.

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How constant dishonesty runs us down, and why we deserve more

By Leha Carpenter


ave you noticed, over the years, the creeping ubiquity of unapologetic, regular and blatant lies, misrepresentation and a decided lack of remorse even in those caught red-handed in the act of falsification? Those old enough to remember the 1970s might recall a time when expecting truth was normal, and we relied on advertisements to help us select products by providing honest information. We were outraged, and our government was shamed when we discovered Nixon was lying. If a store sold us a stereo electric piano or a wild-caught fresh salmon fillet, we actually expected the keyboard to output stereo and the fish to be fresh from the ocean. Today, we don’t get honesty and, perhaps more disturbingly, we don’t even expect it. In the new millennium, we not only find ourselves lied to constantly about issues we once thought we could take at face value, but today’s liars are no longer ashamed of lying— it’s standard business practice. The increased detective work needed to make an informed choice further fuels the problem. Exhausted and overwhelmed with endless fact-checking, we let even more untruths slip by. Jaded by fatigue, we can’t bring ourselves to care. How did we get here? Some argue that people are basically self-interested and don’t give a damn about others, but this is a copout. Cynicism is too easy, and compounds the problem by tacitly accepting as natural the very premise upon which the deceptive justify deception: that people are “all assholes anyway.� It’s like the freeway game. There are two kinds of assholes on the freeway: the asshole in front of me who won’t let me by and the asshole behind me who’s trying to get around me. Studying group behavior, we can see the problem has its roots in management style. Groups behave in the tone set by their leaders. Each year brings more stories of corrupt politicians and greedy CEOs, and these people stand in for leaders simply because they take the stage. Their model of leadership is consistent with the “winner take all� model we adopt as a culture. And this model is the seed whose fuel unsustainably feeds endless production and mandatory consumption.

But cultures before us did not always share this model, and some managed to treat themselves and others with dignity and to value concepts like sharing, collaboration and respect for fellow beings. In particular, many indigenous cultures practiced the sharing model. And while some anthropologists might argue that they “had to� share in order to eat, this assumes a superiority of our own cultural model that is both insular and arrogant (in keeping with the management style). Regardless of retrospective “reasons� for sharing behavior, we can’t deny its benefits to both individual and group, especially as we see the fallout from our own cultural “winner take all� model: greed is considered normal; dishonesty is the rule; denial, no longer just a phase of grief, is a daily coping tool; obesity is epidemic; stress (which can cause obesity) is ongoing; addiction is on the rise; our sense of belonging is diminished, compartmentalized; depression is epidemic, as are so-called diseases of aff luence; frustration and helplessness are normalized; we’ve lost our relationship with nature and, therefore, our commitment to preserve it; utopian fantasy seems a better option than answer-seeking; and we just can’t bring ourselves to care about one more thing. “Winner take all� is clearly an abusive model, and today’s victims become tomorrow’s abusers. How can we take the high view and find answers that will work for both people and planet? Will new leaders emerge who’ll model and guide us into the kind of small, community-based cultures that can sustain and nurture our inner integrity? Surely one critical step will be to take back our innocence: the right to expect honesty, dignity, respect and the protection of those rights against a runaway train of bullshit from a worn-out management model that never really worked for anyone—not even the leaders who may think they are the winners.

Today’s liars are no longer ashamed of lying— it’s standard business practice.

Leha Carpenter is a writer, web designer and graphic artist living in Santa Rosa. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.






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2;0A85H8=6 C74 A4?>AC We are writing in response to Alastair Bland’s article (“The Wrath of Grapes,� Jan. 26). We are staff members and a principal of Prunuske Chatham Inc., an environmental consulting firm mentioned in the article, and would like to correct some errors and misunderstandings in the article. The scope of our assessment was not an exhaustive biological study of the impacts of all land used on all of the Cornell properties in the Mark West watershed. It was intended to provide an evaluation of the proposed winery development on one parcel on botanical and wildlife resources and to identify recommendations for impact avoidance. This level of analysis is standard at this stage of project review and is meant to guide the county of Sonoma

in making initial determinations in complying with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and recommendations for further study. Bland writes that our biological resource assessment of the project stated that Cornell’s proposed winery “would not damage the immediate environment.� In fact, our report identified a number of sensitive resources on the property and made 20 recommendations for how to adjust project plans to avoid impacts to those resources. The article also states that “inspectors saw no steelhead in Mark West Creek for one simple reason: the creek was dry at the time of inspection.� In fact, PCI did not state in our report that we saw no steelhead in Mark West Creek, but rather that no steelhead habitat was present on the parcel in question. Mark West Creek does not run through nor

adjacent to the property we were asked to evaluate, and thus we did not survey the creek as part of our assessment. We did note that steelhead are known to be abundant in the watershed. Prunuske Chatham Inc. staff are dedicated to protecting the natural resources of Sonoma County and beyond, and to assisting landowners and regulator agencies in doing the same.

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There’s far too much scaremongering going on here (“Spawn of Frankenfish,� Feb. 2). There would be nothing wrong in approving genetically modified salmon to be farmed in pens, well away from the ocean. Then anyone that wants can eat them, and we get a new source of cheap, nutritious food. But not if Huffman gets his way. He wants salmon to be kept artificially scarce and expensive.


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news for Sonoma, Marin & Napa Counties

“Official Newspaper of Flying Penises�

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1DA=8=6 ;>E4 Hitting the sheets once a day with your partner means losing about a half-pound every week, plus an oxytocin overload that aids in sleep.

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Sleep improves health and sex improves sleep—no doubt By Jessica Lyons


etting out of bed can be the worst part of the day. Whether pulling away from a lover’s wake-up call or sleep’s cozy cocoon, often it’s all downhill after leaving the sheets. New research says it’s more than an annoyance, though. It can be downright dangerous to your health. OK, so that’s a bit of a stretch. But several scientific studies suggest that staying in bed— both sleeping and sexing—has multiple health benefits. Instead of hitting the gym or cutting carbs, studies suggest, fitnessconscious folk can add more sex and sleep to their lives, knowing their bodies (and their minds) will thank them for it now and in the future. There’s even a name for this approach, according to those in the know.

“The sex diet!� says sexpert Jane Bogart. “The average 175-pound person burns 150 to 200 calories during 30 to 40 minutes of sex.� Bogart, author of Sexploration: The Ultimate Guide to Feeling Truly Great in Bed, is joking. Sort of. It takes 3,500 calories to burn one pound of fat. Assuming one high-intensity half-hour romp per day, that adds up to weight loss of roughly half a pound per week. So maybe it’s not as effective as spinning class. “But it’s a lot more fun than the treadmill,� says Bogart, who’s also director of student wellness at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. And singles need not despair: “Sex with another person can be great, but some of these benefits you can also get by having sex with yourself.�

Sex and why it’s good for people is one of Bogart’s favorite topics. “It reduces physical stress, it reduces tension, it promotes feeling good about yourself,â€? she says. In addition to writing and teaching about it, she also appeared on MTV’s First National Sex Quiz and True Life: I Need a Sex R.N. “Benefits fall into three categories,â€? she says. “Actual emotional health benefits to sex, physical health benefits and physiological health benefits.â€? The evidence is, er, mounting, and it’s more than just anecdotal. Several scientific studies suggest that the health benefits of sex may be more than just the old high-pro glow. These include: • A healthy ticker. A study at Queen’s University in Belfast found that men who have sex at least three times a week can cut their risk of heart attack in %-

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half and also decrease their chances of having a stroke. • Fewer colds and bouts of flu. Researchers at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., say that sex once or twice a week boosts the immune system by 30 percent. • Better self-esteem and focusing power. “It’s difficult not to be in the moment when you’re having sex,â€? Bogart says. “It can clear your brain, and also, sex allows you to experiment and try new things in a way that you might not feel comfortable doing in other areas of your life.â€? • Stronger abs and pelvic f loor muscles. So everyone gets a six-pack and ladies get better pee control—both of which are good things come swimsuit season. • A healthy prostate. The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that ejaculation can lessen a man’s likelihood of developing prostate cancer. • Less pain and better sleep. Orgasms produce an oxytocin overload, which also releases endorphins. This helps induce sleep and relieves pain. “The oxytocin and endorphins produced during sex reduce pain, so one of the things we tell women having bad menstrual cramps is that having sex can help alleviate cramps,â€? Bogart says, adding, “The oxytocin in your brain promotes better sleep. That’s why people fall asleep after sex.â€? Speaking of staying in bed, sleep does the body good, too. And it may even increase hotness. According to new research published in the British Medical Journal, beauty sleep is real. Scientists took 23 subjects and photographed them after they had been awake for 31 hours with only five hours of sleep. Then they photographed the same subjects after a normal night’s sleep—eight hours. None of the subjects wore makeup, and they all stood in the same location in a room with bad, bright lighting. Next, 65 untrained observers rated the attractiveness and perceived health of the people in the photographs. And—surprise, surprise—in their sleep-deprived states they were judged less attractive and less healthy. To extrapolate from the study, then: Sleep more, which makes you better looking, which may enable you to have more sex, which produces oxytocin, which helps you to have better sleep. It’s a fabulous virtuous cycle of increasing attractiveness, improving health and making mad booty. Deepti Hemrajani, M.D., a sleep specialist in Capitola, suggests developing a relaxing routine before going to sleep, keeping the bedroom cool and dark, and restricting the bed to only sleep and sex—“things that promote restfulness and a better sleep environment. “It’s important to keep a set sleeping time and a set wake-up time. If there are things that seem unusual, like snoring, gasping, kicking, that’s the time you come in to get a further evaluation.â€? Unless, of course, the gasping and kicking are associated with the other bedtime activity, in which case: keep on kicking, screaming and clawing your way to better health.

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Can Rupert Murdoch’s iPad news experiment succeed? By Daedalus Howell


or a media magnate whose empire first began to bubble in vats of newspaper ink, one might think launching the first-of-its-kind, iPad-only newspaper app would not be in his best interest. Unless, of course, the magnate is Rupert Murdoch of News Corp., whose vats runneth over—and now with ones and zeroes. Led by veteran newspaperman and editor-in-chief Jesse Angelo (late of the News Corp.–owned New York Post), The Daily is being billed in-house as “a category first: a tabletnative national news brand built from the ground up to publish original content exclusively for the iPad.� This one can glean from the new app’s website (even apps have websites apparently), but that’s essentially where the new venture’s relationship with the web ends. The Daily is meant to be consumed entirely within the sleek interface of Apple’s tablet phenom as a discrete standalone experience forged from words, images, video, informatics and animations baked fresh daily and delivered piping hot direct to your iPad. Sentimentalists wax fondly that “newspapers are a daily miracle� (or, in some cases, a weekly miracle), however, The Daily, for all its journalistic aspirations, serves more to remind how miraculous the iPad is. If ever there was a proof that there exists a unified field theory of media delivery—supplanting television, radio, print, cinema and daily newspapers in its wake—this is it. That said, Murdoch’s quotidian quota of bleeding leads and the sundry other tropes squeezed from ye olde printing press is quite impressive, not least of which for sinking $30 million in development (and $500,000 in weekly expenses) into what amounts to a video game with news. “My first impression is very positive,� says Roger Fidler, program director for digital publishing at the Reynolds Journalism Institute. Fidler also oversees the Digital Publishing Alliance, which brings together media industry leaders and innovators, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal. “Team Murdoch has done what I’ve always hoped

newspapers would do with their tablet editions: create an interactive hybrid of print and web that is visually rich and enjoyable to read. It clearly demonstrates the value of involving publication designers in the production process.� For Fidler, The Daily has been a long time coming. Internationally recognized as a new media pioneer, Fidler first envisioned tablets and digital newspapers back in the 1980s. Now that they’ve arrived bundled as The Daily for a mere 99 cents a week, or $39.99 a year, they might just save newspapers. “The app has a lot of advantages, one I think is simplicity for people, more of a feeling of being a curated package of information with a beginning and an end,� observed Fidler. Or perhaps The Daily is a socalled killer app that will actually destroy newspapers but in so doing free their spirits to live in the Digital Age. Sure, the app might not save all newspapers, but it will certainly help Murdoch’s newspaper holdings eventually transition into the light. “I think newspapers have to realize that the publications being developed for the iPad may, in fact, become the dominant forum for reading news content in the not too distant future,� said Fidler. “We clearly are seeing a steady trend of declining readership of printed newspapers and of steady migration to digital.� “Digital� is an abstract concept, and the iPad is $600 of cold, hard cash in the midst of a recession. At that price point, will Murdoch’s new format find the ubiquity of the traditional media upon which his empire has previously relied? “You know, people felt the same way about television when it first emerged in the 1940s and ’50s, that only rich people would have it,� said Fidler. “Now they have people with television sets in almost every room of their house, and it’s become the common medium. My sense is that the tablet will evolve into a common reading device and media device for education, for business, for a host of applications, and that reading newspapers on it will be just one other important use for that device.�

People felt the same way about television when it first appeared in the 1940s and ’50s.

Daedalus Howell is the Rupert Murdoch of FMRL.com.




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Photographer exposes shadow of nuclear power By Juliane Poirier


n the age of Kickstarter, people seeking crowd funding can ask money for anything—even potentially harmful expeditions. Gerd Ludwig wants to revisit a ghost land in the Ukraine, a place they call the “zone of alienation,� where the worst nuclear accident in history occurred at Chernobyl 25 years ago. An acclaimed photojournalist, Ludwig is not out to reframe the past. In fact, Ludwig claims that Chernobyl is not old news, but rather an ongoing story that has not been fully reported. He wants to deliver the facts in pictures. By capturing images of the ongoing contamination and present-day suffering still being endured as a result of one error during a routine safety test at a nuclear power plant, Ludwig hopes to expose the risk factors conveniently swept under the rug by those— including the Obama administration— who want to invest in nuclear power. Ludwig, 63, has already produced poignant photodocumentation of the disaster site. But over time, locals have discovered that money can be made from visitors’ needs. “A car and driver that cost $60 a day five years ago now costs $600 a day,� explains Ludwig, who has turned to crowd funding via Kickstarter to raise the needed $25,000 for his project. “You can bribe someone to get in illegally for a day or two,� Ludwig says, “but I am trying to go back into the reactor. I want to go to areas where nobody can go, so it’s mandatory that I go officially and with permits. You have to get a car and driver from the administration because the streets are overgrown, there are no maps.� Ludwig, who’s accepted numerous assignments from National Geographic over the past 20 years, holds dual citizenship in Germany and the United States. He claims his interest in returning to Chernobyl is to contribute journalistic content for a critical and timely issue. “We have to remember that an accident is a possible outcome of using nuclear technology,� Ludwig said. “We cannot ignore the history. Before the BP oil spill, people told us, ‘Everything is safe!’ And now, in this worldwide effort to find energy sources, there are even these misguided attempts to

paint nuclear energy as green energy.� Years ago, Ludwig took photographs at the Chernobyl reactor when construction workers were reinforcing the failing roof of a hastily constructed cover over reactor 4. This robot-made sarcophagus is now leaking and failing; if it should collapse, just as much radiation might be emitted as was released during the 1986 accident. According to Ludwig, the contamination in reactor 4 is so great that crews are allowed to work only one 15-minute shift per day and have to perform their duties wearing gas masks and full-body suits with Geigercounters and dosimeters. Ludwig criticizes a U.N. report that appeared shortly before the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. “It said the whole accident is not that bad, that only about 4,000 people will eventually die of Chernobyl-related deaths,� said Ludwig. “But reputable environmental organizations claim the number of those who have died already is between 100,000 and 200,000.� Furthermore, Ludwig alleges that some of the major donors for that U.N. study were people who stand to profit from nuclearenergy developments. Profits made from nuclear power plants might be weighed against a report by the BBC, issued last week, revealing that there is not enough money yet to complete the containment of radiation from the disaster that happened a quarter-century ago. As it stands, the plan is to seal the failing sarcophagus, but another $783 million is needed. Even if the money is found, and the hazardous area of the reactor is sealed, the same report noted that the Chernobyl area will be “contaminated for tens of thousands of years.� Ludwig wants to photograph more of Chernobyl, post the images on his website, create an app about Chernobyl and produce an international traveling exhibit of 50 large photographs to bring Chernobyl closer to the public eye. “Chernobyl was caused by human error during a routine safety test,� he says. “When you convey the situation on the ground in the zone, it speaks for itself. I want to make compassionate pictures that will help change people’s minds about nuclear power.�

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D??4A 2ADBC Angelo Sacerdote and Lina Hoshino’s shop has proven a hit for lovers.

7Th CWTaT BfTTcXT ?XT Petaluma Pie Company celebrates sensory appeal of homemade By David Templeton




here should be more pie in the world!� So proclaims one of the ecstatically scrawled-upon index cards currently tacked to the wall—beneath the large words “PIE STORIES�—at the instantly popular Petaluma Pie Company. The above-quoted 3-by-5 card, authored by a pie admirer named Tamara, represents just one of many posted by the two-month-old pie shop’s enthusiastic proprietors, Lina Hoshino and Angelo Sacerdote. “What we like about that one,� explains Hoshino, “is that it’s not just about a love of pie— it’s a real love story. A love story that happens to include pie.� True enough. After several sentences with which Tamara heaps praise on the small pie shop and wishes it success, she goes on: “We look forward to your new creations, perhaps a frozen-custard pie on a stick for summertime—just like my husband and I remember on our wedding day. Frozen Key Lime pie on a stick, in Key West, Florida.�



Though Key Lime, on or off a stick, is not currently on the menu at the Petaluma Pie Co., the shop’s long list of all-natural, mostly organic flavors makes up for it with an array of outrageously tantalizing combinations from the sweet (coconut cream, sweet potato, chocolate pudding, shaker lemon) to the savory (mixed mushroom, Japanese curry, smoked salmon). The pies’ various ingredients—including those grown in the proprietors’ home garden—are all locally cultivated. That “homegrown� element, the pie-making pair believes, is part of their shop’s escalating appeal—the soothing sense that, simply put, pie = good. “I don’t know what it is, but people do have this really special connection to pie,� says Sacerdote. “It goes deep for a lot of people. They come in here with their eyes wide open, saying, ‘Oh wow, look—pie!’� “Did you know,� Hoshino asks, “that there is pie in almost any culture? It’s comfort food all around the world. We have a lot of people from England and Australia come in. They seem really

drawn to the word ‘pie,’ but of course for them it means meat pies—shepherd’s pies. That’s another deep memory for people. It summons a lot of really good feelings and sensations.� Such pie memories are taken very seriously by Hoshino and Sacerdote, who’ve consequently added a line of meat pies to the menu. For Valentine’s Day, “You can give your sweetie pie an actual pie,� says Hoshino. And on Sunday, Feb. 13, at 2pm, Hoshino and Sacerdote will be teaming with Copperfeld’s Books, right around the corner in Petaluma, for their first-ever Valentine’s Day “pie-ku� contest. Along with samples of pie served up in the store, attendees are encouraged to submit pie-themed haiku, and awards will be handed out for the most humorous, most profound and most romantic. Shrugging, Sacerdote adds, “Pie is perfect for Valentine’s Day, because pie is sexy. It is. It’s a full sensory experience. There’s almost nothing as satisfying as a good piece of pie.� Petaluma Pie Company, 125 Petaluma Blvd., Petaluma. 707.347.9743. www.petalumapie.com.




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or your weetheart

Chocolate Raspberry Framboise Valentine Princess Cake Sweetheart Cake for Two Chocolate dipped Strawberries Assorted Valentine Cookies and Cupcakes


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Bring your Sweetheart for a Romantic Evening with

Celebrate Valentine’s Day at Rancho Nicasio

Monday, February 14th


SPECIAL VALENTINE’S DAY MENU ENTRÉES Flame Broiled Filet Mignon served with a mushroom marsala sauce and potatoes au gratin

Garlic & Rosemary Rack of Lamb served with roasted fingerling potatoes, butternut squash, and greens

Fresh Seafood Paella with mussels, clams, prawns, scallops, cod and saffron rice

Reservations Advised

415-662-2219 On the Town Square

Nicasio, California www.ranchonicasio.com

Prime Rib of Beef au Jus with a baked potato and Yorkshire pudding

Grilled Wild Alaskan Salmon with champagne sauce and creamy polenta

Dungeness Crab Louie Salad


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On Feb. 12–14, Hog Island Oyster Co., Oxbow Wine and Cheese Merchant and Three Twins organic ice cream hold a fundraiser for Napa Valley Hospice Adult Day Services. Ten percent of the proďŹ ts will go to the organization, which provides healthcare for individuals with chronic conditions. Also on Feb. 14, Rendez Vous Bistro in Santa Rosa will give out gift bags ďŹ lled with a bottle of wine, rich chocolates and candles. At Yankee Pier in Larkspur, guests can choose from an Ă la carte menu selecting from starters such as Dungeness crab cakes, pan roasted Monterey squid and grilled at-iron steak—and can cleanse the palate with a sweet vanilla bean crème brĂťlĂŠe.

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That special someone could also be brought to SolBar in Calistoga to indulge in a glass of Date Night Cabernet, or the “Napaphrodisiac,â€? a one-night-only dinner option offering oysters and sparkling wine. Just south, in Napa, Ubuntu offers a ďŹ ve-course tasting menu in addition to dessert tasting. Barndiva in Healdsburg will expand its menu for the entirety of Valentine’s weekend, providing tasty selections such as chèvre croquette, trufe risotto, seared petite ďŹ llet beef and Meyer lemon sorbet.

Want the love fest to continue? Or simply hungover from Valentine’s madness? Make your way to Stillwater Distillery in Petaluma on Wednesday, Feb. 16, from 1pm to 5pm to join Brendan Moylan, one of Marin County’s leading craft brewers, for his 50th birthday bash. Take a tour of the craft distillery and toast to his birthday free of charge with a beer and shot. Now that’s true love.

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everal local restaurants will be offering special deals and menu courses for Valentine’s Day on or around Feb. 14. At the French Garden Restaurant in Sebastopol, a fourcourse meal is served including specialties such as lobster bisque, roasted beef tenderloin and Salmon Creek Farm duck. A Valentine’s Cioppino dinner is featured at San Geronimo Restaurant and Bar, with an endless basket of garlic bread and an endless bowl of linguini, ďŹ nished off with a “Sweet Heartâ€? dessert platter.


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Chocolate lovers might want to consider visiting Ehlers Estate vineyards in St. Helena throughout this entire month; Ehlers has partnered with Woodhouse Chocolates to offer an ambrosial sit-down wine and chocolate tasting experience, as well as a tour of the grounds. Reservations are highly recommended.

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East County 6ggdlddY L^cZgn

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Mid County =VgkZhi Bddc L^cZgn

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EZ_j Egdk^cXZ K^cZnVgYh

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K^cXZci 6ggdnd L^cZgn

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Gdhh KVaaZn L^cZgn

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ack in the inequity-averse economy of grade school, everybody got a Valentine; among adults, free-market forces apply. Some of us, complaining that Valentine’s Day has few observable beneďŹ ts outside of ďŹ lling restaurants with two-tops, bumping cocoa futures and subsidizing the toxic greeting card and oral industries, are glad to pass on it. But for most, the cost for playing the grump is simply too high. Apropos of the season, a panel of conďŹ rmed bachelors sampled ďŹ ve of the North Bay’s better sparkling rosĂŠ wines. All were revealed to be fundamentally sound, refreshing and remarkably similar bubbly that would discredit no Romeo upon the popping. As to any dissimilarity of feeling that may follow from these similarities of expression? That, incautious lovers, all depends on how much you imbibe.


Schramsberg 2007 North Coast Brut RosĂŠ ($41) A pale salmon-peach blush, forming ďŹ ne, brave little bubbles, with fresh aromas of guava, peaches and cream, watermelon and fresh-baked scone—maybe smoked salmon in the background—a hint of cotton candy to the frothy, voluminous ďŹ nish. Bright acidity keeps the richness of this sparkler in focus, and its effervescence kept going a day after opening. Everything to like about a sparkling rosĂŠ. +++++ Gloria Ferrer 2006 Carneros Brut RosĂŠ ($42) Salmonpink, with creamy and mild after-aromas of pear cider, Alsatian Pinot Gris, and a hint of tropical fruits; strawberry, guava avors on a somewhat sweeter ďŹ nish. ++++ Domaine Carneros Brut RosĂŠ CuvĂŠe de la Pompadour ($36) Quite the pink pastel, with a lively pattern of bubbles streaming up the ute. Cool, autolyzed yeast warmed by aromas owery and oury; rose petal and pastry. Rhubarb, pear and strawberry pie tease the palate with wet weight, before exiting posthaste. Named for an 18th-century French courtesan and Champagne advocate, this is a sparkling with an endgame in mind. ++++ J Vineyards Russian River Valley Brut RosĂŠ ($30) Again with the salmon-pink-apricot hue. An initially vigorous mousse and cool, fruit-cocktail aromas distinguish this bubbly; austere, tinny overtones either add or detract, depending on one’s preference. Cherry-shandy and pear cider lead to a balanced, astringent ďŹ nish that begs for a bite of crab cake or ceviche. +++ Domaine Chandon Étoile RosĂŠ ($50) Lovely peachypink, with aromas of strawberries and dairy-fresh cream offset by just a lingering whiff of the dairy pond. Kirsch-tones and the most acidic ďŹ nish of the bunch might make this palate-cleanser an interesting pairing with richer foods; or stick to your cherry cordials or chocolate bonbons or what have you. +++

James Knight

HiV\Éh AZVe L^cZ 8ZaaVgh

L8 I]Z^g i]gZZ ZhiViZ"\gdlc 8VWh VgZ Vbdc\ i]Z bdhi ]^\]an gZ\VgYZY ^c i]Z ldgaY# *,++ H^akZgVYd IgV^a! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.))#'%'%#

IVhiZ Vi DmWdl


58=4 ?8=: 1ADC

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IgZ[Zi]Zc L^cZgn

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IgjX]VgY K^cZnVgYh

L8 Cd bViiZg ]dl ViiZci^kZ ndj VgZ id i]Z Y^gZXi^dch! cd bViiZg ]dl bjX] ndj


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Nearly 40 percent of Americans think that marriage is becoming obsolete.

5Xabc 2^\Tb ;^eT The changing face of partnership

By Jessica Dur


une and Ernie met while on a college field trip to the desert. They dated, fell in love, had a couple of kids, and bought a house in Santa Rosa. Together, they remodeled it into a home—her doing most of the sawing, him designing the cabinets. Still in their early 30s, he fashioned a backyard shed into a cavernous studio where he writes, records and produces music; she built a charmingly rustic bed out of antique doors. Like their parents, they had children young, in their early 20s. June works full-time; Ernie is there when the kids, aged nine and seven, come home from school. Each helps shuttle the kids to karate and to cook evening meals. By all accounts, they are an idyllic family, with a dog, a cat, a mortgage and strictly enforced bedtimes. Except that June is not married to Ernie. Nor does she intend to be. Fifty years ago, June and Ernie would have

been the exception to the rule—societal outcasts with suspect morality. Today they are just another couple redefining what it means to be committed and building a relationship outside the traditional bounds of a white-picket marriage. According to a recent Pew Research Center Poll, people like June and Ernie are not alone. They found that in 2008, only 52 percent of American adults were married, down from 72 percent in 1960—not so surprising. Yet Pew also found that almost 40 percent of Americans believe that marriage is becoming obsolete. Given that we’re not talking about the latest gadget with the shelf life of a hamster, but a venerable institution, how on earth did we get here? In 1957, when my mother was a child, 80 percent of Americans thought people who remained single were “sick, neurotic or immoral,� according to Stephanie Coontz in her epic tome Marriage, a History. My mom, like most of her generation, married young (at 19) and had children not long after. By the time I was born,

on the last day of 1978, that statistic had dropped to 25 percent, which helps to explain why at 19 I was backpacking Europe with my best friend and being seduced by the works of Kurt Vonnegut. Like many of my generation, my 20s were a time of radical self-discovery, miserable heartbreak and global traipsing. I emerged from this decade intact, in love and peacefully unconcerned with the idea of marriage. So when, at a solstice taco party with dear friends, my boyfriend dropped to his knee and asked if I’d be his “baby forever,� I was stunned. Yes—we had been living together for almost a year, madly in love for almost two. And yes—I wanted to have a couple of kids, age together, maybe even invest in a fuel-efficient sedan. I just never saw any reason to ask the government to sanction it. After all, for most of its existence, the institution of marriage has had nothing to do with romantic love. As societies farmed and then settled, issues of property rights, inheritance and blood lines made marriage the answer to problematic questions. How do we pass '' THE BOHEMIAN




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along our wealth? How do we keep our well-bred daughter from mingling with the street sweeper’s son? And, paramount in the earlier days of civilization, how do we expand our familial alliances into a more powerful tribe? As Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert points out in her new book about marriage, Committed, “This is why the Old Testament is such a family-centric, strangerabhorring, genealogical extravaganza.� When more powerful people (Romans! Babylonians!) are ever-ready to pounce, the Chosen people do well to stick together. But in our modern urbanism and isolationism, a woman widowed does not need to marry the brother of her spouse, as was customary for the Hebrews. In fact, given that women are no longer economically dependent on men, marriage has lost its most powerful foothold. In 21stcentury America, I do not need a husband in order to have financial prosperity, a career, a fulfilling sex life, a good reputation or even children. And yet I knew I wanted to build a life with this man. Given our shared home and intimacy, I also realized we already were a family. And so we decided to write vows and exchange them on our front porch on a gloriously hot Saturday this past September. June and Ernie built us an altar with driftwood we foraged at the beach. I wore my mother’s 1973 union-made wedding dress. Our loved ones sat in the front yard while random people honked their approving horns from Humboldt Street. Everyone, it seems, loves a wedding.

Many-Spendored Things Yet as author and feminist Ariel Levy points out, “What follows a wedding is a marriage. And marriage is an institution, not a party.� Increasingly, Americans are eschewing this institution for more f lexible definitions of family and commitment. The Pew poll finds that multigenerational families, cohabitating and children born to unwed mothers alike are all on the rise. Even though Ernie is open to it, June views a marriage license as an unnecessary piece of potentially heavy luggage. “I’ve come from a long line of happily unmarried couples that last,� she says, “and married couples who end up divorced.� To her, marriage redefines the family into an obligation, rather than a choice, which can lead to resentment and unhappiness. “We each stay in this family because we want to stay, not because we have to.� This notion of choice is also at the heart of polyamory, the practice of having committed sexual relationships with more than one person at a time. Sometimes referred to as “responsible non-monogamy,� polyamory can manifest in as many ways as there are condom flavors; the most common

occurs when two people practice an “open� relationship or marriage. Contrary to popular mythology, polyamory is not simply a giant orgy. Though people do have sex outside the primary relationship, there are rules. As Jen Angel of Yes! Magazine points out, “It certainly is possible to ‘cheat’ in an open relationship— by going back on an agreement or lying.� “We have been conditioned to believe that marriage is the only way to form a partnership with integrity,� says Barbara Daugherty, who, at 55, has been practicing polyamory for 30 years, “but there is so much more love available when you’re poly.� Though Daugherty’s marriage did eventually end, after 10 years, she is open to marrying again. “I’d like a committed partnership with both a man and a woman,� she tells me. As a sex surrogate based in Sebastopol, Daugherty is a licensed professional trained to help people with their sexual concerns through both counseling and physical intimacy. Though she does engage in all manner of sexual activity with her clients, she remains strictly clinical—this means absolutely no exchange of bodily fluids, including saliva. “I’ve seen 40-year-old virgins, men who just want to learn how to slow down and married men who are unsatisfied in their sex lives and want to save their marriages,� she says. Saving the marriage by having sex with a hired helper? To many, the irony of this attempt smacks of prostitution. When I ask Daugherty, she calmly counters: “Seeing a prostitute is like going out to dinner; seeing a sex surrogate is like going to cooking school. You take those skills home with you and implement them in your daily life.�

A Stronger Union? When it comes to marriage, the law of evolution is unflinching: if you want to survive, you’ve got to adapt. Marriage has undergone radical changes, not just since the days of Queen Victoria’s whitegowned affair (which redefined the wedding wardrobe for good), but even in just the last 50 years. It wasn’t until 1967 that the Supreme Court finally overturned the antimiscegenation laws that 13 years later would have criminalized my in-laws’ marriage (he is white; she is black). Today, one in seven new marriages is interracial. And despite the gains of the feminist movement, the “marital rape exemption� enshrined husbands’ complete sexual control over their wives’ bodies until it was overturned in 1984. Laws that now seem utterly repressive and archaic, in other words, have only recently become relics. But nothing has caused more hullabaloo of late, nothing has forced our society to reexamine and redefine the role of marriage, than the federal law banning same-sex marriage. People who oppose gay marriage often argue that the “sanctity� of the institution is being put in jeopardy. As Gilbert and plenty of others have pointed out, a rudimentary look at Christian history reveals that marriage never really was sacred. After

all, not only did Jesus never marry, but he opposed the Hebrews’ tribalism by preaching that God no longer had favorites. Everyone was chosen! This amounted to the breaking of family ties, not the building of them.

We live in a culture in which progress equals success. We’re constantly told to upgrade: cars, iPods. Why not partners?

But if marriage, and by extension the nuclear family, is what strengthens society, then why would it be kept as an elite privilege? In Sonoma and Marin counties, the number of filed marriage licenses has remained steady even as the population has continued to rise—with the exception of 2008, when, thanks to California’s brief legalization of same-sex marriages, the number spiked higher than it had in years. In June of that year, teacher and activist Bridget Hayes, who lives in Santa Rosa, seized the opportunity to marry her partner in order to “make a public declaration,” she says, “of our commitment and love to friends and family.” Evidently, despite all that’s changed, marriage remains the yardstick by which society measures and legitimizes relationships. For this reason, June asked to remain anonymous for this article. “Many people I work with assume I’m married,” she admits, “and because it’s more socially acceptable, because I do not want to jeopardize my job, I let them.” Even though the United States remains a relatively prudish nation, every professional I spoke to for this article believes that homosexuals should (and will) gain the right to a legally sanctioned marriage. As Santa Rosa-based couples’ counselor Frances Fuchs points out, “Marriage itself may never become obsolete, but I do believe that many of the old rules for marriage are obsolete.”

For Love or Money We live in a culture in which progress equals success. We’re constantly told to upgrade: cars, iPods. Why not partners? Maybe it’s not gay marriage, but capitalism that poses the greatest threat to the institution.

After all, the Pew poll finds that of all the changes marriage has endured, “perhaps the most profound is the marriage differential that has opened between the rich and the poor.” In 2008, the median household income of married adults was 41 percent higher than for single adults. Ironically, many of those people who are living together to save money are the same people who are waiting until they have enough money to get married. As Don Ross, MFT and money coach in Santa Rosa, argues, “Money is a symbol of value in our culture, so to enmesh finances is to show full commitment.” The financial benefits of a marriage license are well cited. Here again, June and Ernie challenge the stereotype. As the primary breadwinner, June has a job that provides insurance coverage for domestic partners. “And when it comes to taxes, I’ve figured out that if we file separately and each claim a kid, we wind up saving more money than if we filed as married,” she tells me. According to Pew, only 30 percent of people surveyed believe that financial stability is a good reason to get married. The best reason? Love. But as Gilbert points out, “Marriages based on love are, as it turns out, just as fragile as love itself.” Here in the West, our outlook is fundamentally selffocused. We set goals for ourselves and value the pursuit of reckless, albeit soul-satisfying endeavors. Just as we are free to marry, so, too, are we free to unmarry. So is our “me”-centered cultural milieu antithetical to marriage? Not necessarily. A recent study reported in the New York Times shows that marriages are happiest, and most sustainable, when each person uses the partnership to “accumulate knowledge and experiences, a process called ‘self expansion.’” Dutch researcher Caryl Rusbult coined this in the term “Michelangelo effect,” referring to the way that partners can “sculpt” each other into more actualized, inspired people. Case in point: because of the influence and support of my husband, I now play piano, listen to the music of Leslie Hall and grow an obscene amount of garden greens. Thanks to me, he lives in a less cluttered environment, plays sweaty basketball and travels to places like Bulgaria and Cuba. Though marriage has come far since the days of the dowry, its future remains uncertain. Interestingly, polls find that many of those who predict its impending obsolescence still want to get married. Whether or not they actually will, of course, is another story. “We can never reinstate marriage as the primary source of commitment and care-giving in the modern world,” writes Stephanie Coontz. “For better or for worse, we must adjust our personal expectations and social support systems to this new reality.” As the old paradigm shifts—and as people continue to challenge rigid notions of sexuality, partnership, family and marriage— society becomes more tolerant, and as a result, more loving. And who can resist that kind of new reality?

Produced by the Swedish Institute in collaboration with The Consulate General of Sweden San Francisco and Sonoma Valley Museum of Art


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=>C 140C8=6 0A>D=3 ‘Unless you are a gay man,’ Madison says, ‘a vagina is a huge part of your sex life.’

C^dRW <T 7TaT Amber Madison’s real talk on sex for college girls By Shelby Pope



don’t know what I was thinking,� Amber Madison says, laughing. “Everyone I tell that story to, they’re like, ‘Are you serious?’� The 27-year-old author, sex columnist, and frequent TV guest is referring to a particularly entertaining anecdote from her 2006 book Hooking Up: A Girl’s All-Out Guide to Sex and Sexuality. In a chapter about sexual pleasure, Madison describes stopping a guy mid-hookup, drawing a labeled diagram of the vagina, pointing to the clitoris and saying, “Touch me here.� “I could have done it more tactfully,� Madison admits over the phone. “But it worked, and he wasn’t horrified. I think the lesson from that story is that no matter what you do to show a guy what you want, it’ll be fine.� Hooking Up, a slim, pink volume with chapters titled “Vaginas—What the Hell?� and “Sexually Transmitted Diseases—Feel the Burn,� marries Madison’s personal anecdotes with medically accurate advice about everything from condoms to crabs. Her frank, funny approach to sexual education is a far cry from the abstinence-based sex ed most people receive in school.




“I talk about all the information you need to know as a college student about sex. I start out talking about vaginas, because I feel like that’s something both guys and girls need to know about,� Madison says of her lectures. “Most people who come say they have a good time. They’re laughing. It’s not like, ‘Oh my God, freak out, you’re going to get herpes.’� She stresses that although her book is written for girls, her talks—which cover sexual pleasure to STDs—are geared to both men and women. “The vagina stuff at the beginning? That is damn good for guys to know. Unless you are a gay man, a vagina is a huge part of your sex life,� Madison says. “And even if you’re a gay man, you should come to the lecture and just ignore the first 10 minutes about vaginas. All the stuff about STDs, how to communicate with your partner about what feels good, that certainly applies to anybody. Gay relationships, straight relationship— they all go through the same crap.� Madison grew up in Chapel Hill, N.C., and credits her parents, who came up with sexually explicit raps for birthdays and graduations, and for giving her such an open attitude toward sex. While a sex columnist in college, she started

writing Hooking Up the summer between junior and senior year in college, and published her second book last year, Talking Sex with Your Kids: Keeping Them Safe and You Sane—By Knowing What They’re Really Thinking. What resonates most with the people who come to her lectures, she says, is her relationship advice. “I take questions at the end, and it’s either about the G-spot, squirting or relationships. For the most part, it’s ‘I’m dating this guy’ or ‘I’m dating this girl,’ and trying to navigate that part of it.� Madison’s next book, due in September, addresses what she sees as the biggest misconception people have about sex: that men and women have completely different, Mars-and-Venus priorities. “We’re not really that different,� she insists. “We always try to say guys are like this, girls are like this. You can’t make assumptions about people just because one’s a guy and one’s a girl. Pretty much the only assumption I’d say you can make [about a guy] is that he has a penis. Deep down, we pretty much all want the same thing.� Amber Madison speaks Tuesday, Feb.15, in the gym at SSU. 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park. 8pm. Free. 707.664.2782.


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C>=B >5 ;>E4 Christine Albright and John Tufts channel Chekov’s exploding youthful passions.

3Tb_TaPcT <TPbdaTb Chekhov’s ‘Seagull’ takes flight at MTC

By David Templeton


hen Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull was first staged in 1896, it was a spectacular failure, inspiring outbursts of loud, indignant derision—much the way people in sports bars reacted to the Black Eyed Peas’ halftime show during last weekend’s Superbowl. Eventually, though, The Seagull found its audience, and once Chekhov’s reputation as a major playwright was secured, a long line of plays (several of them considered to be among the greatest ever written) soon followed. Last week, Marin Theatre Company launched a three-week run of Seagull (dropping the The for some reason, while thankfully restraining themselves from adding an exclamation point) with a fresh, sexy new adaptation by Libby Appel. Appel, former director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, has established herself as an able re-interpreter of Chekhov. She is currently under commission to adapt all of Chekhov’s major plays for OSF, where her riveting translation of The Cherry Orchard won raves a few years ago. With Jasson Minadakis directing the MTC production, what is made clear about Appel’s work is how much she identifies with Chekhov as an artist and a human being. This is a very personal, conspicuously smitten take on The Seagull. There were always a number of tentative love stories in The Seagull (Chekhov himself described the play as containing “tons of love�), but somehow Appel has emphasized the potency of Chekhov’s numerous badly coupled wouldbe lovers. What becomes clear is that this story is one big clusterfuck of unrequited love. At the country estate of Pyotr Sorin (Richard Farrell), the young playwright Konstantin (John Tufts, inventively bipolar in this role) has previewed his latest play,

featuring a performance by his object of desire, Nina (Christine Albright, heartbreakingly good at playing Nina’s brittle optimism and eventual shattered expectations). Konstantin’s mother, Irina (Tess Malis Kincaid), a successful actress whose specialty is the very type of play her son is trying to subvert, has brought along her young lover, the middle-of-theroad celebrity author Trigorin (Craig Marker, playing Trigorin as slightly baffled, as if recently smacked in the head with a rock). After the failure of Konstantin’s play, which his mother and friends attack like the robots on Mystery Science Theater 3000, Nina becomes smitten with Trigorin, whose affections are vital to Irina’s self-esteem. Even Konstantin’s impulsive murder of a seagull, presented as a symbol of his endangered heart, is not enough to win Nina back. Swirling around the Konstantin/Nina/Trigorin/Irina quadrangle are several other romantic collisions, as the various characters who live on Pyotr’s land prove to all be in love with the people they should not be. Love, in Chekhov’s play, takes nearly as bad a beating as his character’s hopes and dreams. Though marred here and there by some clunky direction (how can Trigorin sit next to a dead seagull for 10 minutes before suddenly noticing it?), Appel’s adaptation is pleasingly crisp, and sharply to the point, allowing Chekhov’s early artistic ambitions and youthful passions to fairly explode across the stage. Though clearly the work of a playwright with much to say (and much still to learn), this Seagull showcases what has allowed Chekhov’s messy masterpieces to endure for over a hundred years. ‘Seagull’ runs Tuesday–Sunday through Feb. 27 at Marin Theatre Company. Show times vary. 397 Miller Ave., Mill Valley. $33–$53; under 30, $20 all shows. 415.388.5208.

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Grease Sing-A-Long Feb 26th 1:00pm

“My Fair Lady� (1964) Mon, Feb 21, 7:00pm Wed, 23, 1:00pm $8 Vintage Film Series presented by the Sebastiani Theatre Foundation

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B74½B =>C C74 >=4 No, Charlotte Gainsbourg will not go out with you after your ass gets dumped.

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Ten feel-bad movies to break up to By Richard von Busack


am the man who thought it would be a dandy idea to take a shy, ballet-loving high school girl to Papillon. “It means butterfly!� I thought. “A charming Gallic farce!� By the film’s end, I was not on speaking terms with her, since she had just witnessed a bloody guillotining, a truckload of Devil’s Island prison atrocities and other stuff you don’t want to think about when you’re nibbling chocolates. Here are 10 suggestions to make sure your post–Valentine’s Day weekends will be wide open. I have chosen to ignore the usual much-vaunted recent adolescent breakup movies. The films below have adults in them. Messed-up adults. Mean adults. And they’ll make you so, so happy to be newly single. ‘After Hours’ (1985) Just take a look at the poster: a man’s head being twisted by a 50-foot woman’s painted fingers. Tell me that’s not romantic. From dusk until dawn, a fleeing singleton (Griffin Dunne) roams Manhattan, trying to get a date. Such tempting ’80s actresses as Terri Garr and Catherine O’Hara only add to his persecution in one of Martin Scorsese’s most excruciating films. ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf ?’ (1966) An American couple, George (Richard Burton) and Martha (Elizabeth Taylor), hit the booze to endure the boredom of living at a cow




college. Fortunately, they have a pair of callow young bores to sharpen their claws upon. There’s drinking, taunting, braying, airing of grievances, rounds of “Get the Guestsâ€? and “Hump the Hostess.â€? Inform that special someone that this is where you hope the two of you will be in 20 years. ‘Closer’ (2004) Named for a Joy Division album that makes people want to kill themselves, Closer stars a quartet of vicious Londoners, including Natalie Portman as a lying exotic dancer, Julia Roberts showing levels of wrath only her personal assistant had witnessed previously and Clive Owen as a physician who says comforting things like, “Have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist, wrapped in blood!â€? ‘Antichrist’ (2009) A howling triple-X shocker made by Lars von Trier, who shot the film as a cure for two years of depression. “Heâ€? (Willem “I’m being skinned alive againâ€? Dafoe) meets “Sheâ€? (Charlotte Gainsbourg). After the couple’s toddler commits suicide, they head out to a forest of mutant critters for loads of real bad sex and genital mutilation. Chaos reigns—as it certainly will in your car on the way back home. ‘Fatal Attraction’ (1987) Ultimately, who is more reprehensible: lousy nogood, cheating husbands or bunny-boiling hookups who don’t have temporary brains to understand what the three initials “NSAâ€? mean? Answer: both! “I won’t allow you to treat me like some slut you can just bang a couple of times and throw in the garbage!â€? yells Glenn Close, and that’s just one mood-settling line that’ll ready that special someone for a night of canoodling. ‘Irreversible’ (2002) Director Gaspar NoĂŠ said that he wanted to put “Vengeance Is Man’s Rightâ€? on the poster. The middle of the movie is a now-famous 15-minute rape scene. Topic for discussion, while your soon-to-be-ex flees from the multiplex: “How about NoÊ’s mise-en-scene? Is, then, vengeance a man’s right? Can I call you? How about next weekend?â€? ‘Porky’s’ (1982) Bob Clark’s comedy about the wackiest bunch of teens who ever scored a chick separates the men from the women—right there in the theater. Why isn’t she laughing at the scene where the gang drills a hole to spy on the girls’ locker room? What is she, a virgin? ‘Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom’ (1975) One of director Pier Paolo Pasolini’s fans asks: “A work of rigorous moral intelligence or a descent into a nightmare of cruelty and lust?â€? Take the high road: tell your date that anyone who changes the channel on this infamous film is collaborating with the fascists. ‘Society’ (1989) Some 20 years later after, the old gorge rises recalling the punchline of this Brian Yuzna’s dark class-conscious comedy about a group of wealthy Beverly Hills perverts. Guaranteed instant breakup, especially if you’re involved with someone who cherishes John Hughes’ comedies. ‘Shame’ (1968) Ingmar Bergman’s film starring Liv Ullmann, the kind of selfpossessed Viking specimen that makes men curl up and want to hide. What you’ve got is one unforgettable, beautifully conceived horror story about how a dictatorship cuckolds every man and whores every woman. It’s that one date movie you’ll want when you only want one date.



>1942C >5 34B8A4 The famous redhead still has her wild followers.

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Documentary follows Tiffany’s rabid fans By Tessa Stuart


he first single off the singer Tiffany’s self-titled 1987 debut album flopped. It was the second, a remake of Tommy James and the Shondells’ 1967 hit “I Think We’re Alone Now,� that would propel the album to the top of the charts in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland. It sold 4.1 million copies, making it a platinum record four times over. Tiffany’s star burned fast and bright. By 1989, infighting with her management team had stalled the singer’s career, and she all but vanished from the public eye. Her stint in the spotlight lasted just long enough to spark a love that smolders to this day in the hearts of thousands of fans—and in some more than others. “I Think We’re Alone Now� is a song about two people against the world— running just as fast as they ca-an, holding on to one another’s ha-ands—forced to keep their love hidden from outsiders (“’Cause what would they sa-ay, if they ever knew?�). In many ways, it is appropriate that a new documentary film takes its name from the song. It, too, is a story of misunderstood love. It’s about a boy, Jeff, and a girl, Kelly. They are


SHORT FILMS 2O11 not in love with each other, though. They’re in love with Tiffany. When Tiffany embarked on her first coast-to-coast shopping-mall tour, Sean Donnelly was only five years old. Donnelly grew up in Santa Cruz and attended film school at New York University. He was home from college in 2002, asking random strangers on the street to audition for a short film he was making when he met Jeff Turner. They shot a short film together, and occasionally Turner would mention his friend Tiffany. Donnelly did not think much of it. Downtown with Turner one day, he ran into an old friend of his. “Do you know who this guy is?� Donnelly remembers the man asking them. “He’s Jeff Turner. He’s famous. Tiffany has a restraining order against him,� he said. “You’ve heard in the media of people who are stalkers or obsessed with celebrities, but you don’t actually meet somebody who’s been accused of being a stalker,� says Donnelly. When he found out Turner was one of them, he says, “I realized I had so many questions that I started filming them. I didn’t know what it was going to be. I was just curious, really.� Over the next five years, Donnelly says, he started taping sessions with Turner regularly. The film that would eventually become I Think We’re Alone Now began to take shape. Donnelly attended the concerts and conventions with Turner, and as he did, began to meet more contacts in the fiercely loyal Tiffany fan base. One is Kelly McCormick. In the film, when the camera pans around Kelly McCormick’s Denver apartment, photos of Tiffany are plastered at eye level on every available surface. Some have notes or doodles stuck on them. There is a poster of Tanya Chalkin’s iconic photograph The Kiss depicting two women in bed. Taped under it is a hand-drawn caption: “Me,� with an arrow pointing at one of the women, “Tiffany,� with an arrow pointing at the other woman, and the words “This Will Happen Very Soon.� In the film, McCormick explodes at one point, saying, “My destiny is: I’m supposed to be with Tiffany. I’m not kidding you. I’m not making this up. If I am, put shackles on me, take me to fucking jail, ’cause you know what? I have the right to love and be loved.� Both Turner and McCormick display signs indicating something is a little off. Sure, it’s unconventional that McCormick only met Tiffany once at a mall in the ’80s yet still professes a deep, abiding love for the singer, and, yeah, it’s weird that Turner dons a bicycle helmet festooned with crystals and wires in order to communicate telepathically with Tiffany. What is most interesting, and unexpected, is that Turner’s and McCormick’s respective relationships with Tiffany are not necessarily one-sided. On numerous occasions, Tiffany is shown interacting with McCormick and Turner—particularly Turner, who is, after all, the person against whom she requested a restraining order. “Tiffany and I are still friends,� Turner says. “We still see each other, and we’re very close.�








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Santa Rosa’s Social Hall since 1922 ‘I Think We’re Alone Now’ is available on DVD at SeeOfSound.com, Amazon.com and other retailers. It’s also available for rent and instant streaming through Netf lix.com.

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Women’s Health Specialists


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confidential compassionate nonjudgmental More Than Just Health Care...


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NORTH BAY MOVIE TIMES www.sonomamovietimes.com www.marinmovietimes.com www.napamovietimes.com

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Three Countries The newly formed SF Piano Trio is the latest group to present a free classical concert in the esteemed Russian River Chamber Music series. With members from Germany, France and the Bay Area, the trio is set to play a program of Haydn, Beethoven and Ravel, and the price is perfect for bringing along a classical music newbie. Pre- and post-concert receptions round out the free evening on Friday, Feb. 11, at the Healdsburg Community Church. 1100 University St., Healdsburg. 7pm. Free. 707.524.8700.

by electro-analog noisemakers Teenage Sweater. Leave the high heels and Chanel No. 5 at home on Saturday, Feb. 12, at the Arlene Francis Center. 99 Sixth St., Santa Rosa. 9pm. $5. 707.528.3009.

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Mr. Huxtable In 2008, none other than Karl Rove credited Bill Cosby with indirectly steering the American consciousness toward the historic act of electing a black president. Cosby set such a positive family example with The Cosby Show, Rove implied, that he paved the way for

Obama’s victory. And yet Cosby—notoriously critical of modern lifestyle trends among young black men offstage—never talks politics in his act. Instead, he serves up the usual bits about dentists, doctors, children and wives on Saturday, Feb. 12, at the Marin Center. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 5pm and 8pm. $38–$75. 415.499.6800.


Oscar Talk

someone other than your cubiclemate’s opinions on the Oscars, forgo the candlelight dinner on Valentine’s Day and head to Napa, where San Francisco Chronicle movie critic Mick LaSalle and the Sacramento Bee’s Carla Meyer will hold court on their predictions for the big night on Feb. 27. They’ll also be answering pertinent questions from the audience, such as “Was Tron: Legacy really nominated for an Academy Award?� on Monday, Feb. 14, at Silo’s Jazz Club. 530 Main St., Napa. 7pm. $20. 707.251.5833.

The Oscar nominations have come again, stirring up the usual surprise and indignation. If you’re jonesing to listen to

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Twisted Bellows A true modern troubadour, Jason Webley has traveled the world playing accordion and singing his strange, beautiful songs everywhere from Seattle to Russia. A pioneer of what’s now a popular subgenre of gothvaudeville, Webley comes to town with a brand-new album produced by Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls. See him with the Crux and Ben Weiner from Fishbear at a special all-ages show on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at the Last Day Saloon. 120 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. 7pm. $7. 707.326.5274.


Quite the Hubbub The renegade Hubbub Club Marching Band can be found marching through the streets playing everything from Herbie Hancock to traditional Hungarian folk melodies. They’ve been a perfect example of why Santa Rosa’s new street-performer ordinance is a good idea, and they’re raising money to represent Sonoma County at Honk TX in Austin. Join their guerrilla cause when they host a benefit with DJ Broken Record and the Easy Leaves on Sunday, Feb. 13, at Aubergine. 755 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 5pm. Donations accepted. 707.861.9190.


Cut / Copy There’s something burning up inside. I reach out for you, and you’re at Hearts on Fire, the dance club that eschews the see-and-be-seen superficiality of wannabe Vegas clubs and gets down to the basics of dancing one’s ass off. With DJs Sabin Cloud, Club Trev, Paul Timberman and CassiDJ, the night also features photography by Olivia Browning and a live set


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Flaming Lips to headline Harmony Festival; Sonoma Jazz+ gets Sheryl Crow, John Fogerty et out those giant inflatable space balls and nun puppets covered in blood—the Flaming Lips have been confirmed as headliners at this year’s Harmony Fetsival in Santa Rosa, running June 10–12 in Santa Rosa. Also announced as part of the lineup: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes, whose hit “Homeâ€? shows no sign of fading; Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, fresh from a rare small show at the Hopmonk Tavern earlier this week; yoga darling Krishna Das; and Americana heroes Railroad Earth. More artists are to be announced in the coming weeks at www.harmonyfestival.com. In more festival news, the Sonoma Jazz+ Festival has announced its headliners—who, as many are quick to point out, would never be ďŹ led in the “jazzâ€? section of any record store or iTunes playlist. Still, a sold-out crowd is expected for Sheryl Crow (May 21), John Fogerty (May 20) and the Gipsy Kings (May 22), all under the big tent. Opening acts and side-stage artists will be announced soon. As is the fest’s custom, tickets for Sonoma residents go on sale one day early, Feb. 14, while tourists have to wait until Feb. 15 at www.sonomajazz.org.


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The collapsible Vespertine Orchestra an a duo function as an orchestra? The Vespertine Orchestra thinks so. At the core of this Sonoma County–based group are two music educators, Sadie Sonntag (vocals and keyboards) and Jesus Contreras (guitar, keyboards and programming), who teaches music composition and technology at SSU. They describe their music as an “open platformâ€? that includes varying voices and instruments. “Orchestration and arranging are not a problem,â€? he notes of the duo’s shared classical training. “We can get it all right on paper. If we need to add an entire brass section for a gig, we can do that pretty quickly.â€? Sonntag, a vocal and piano instructor in local after-school programs, notes that “the Vespertine Orchestra is meant to be expandable and collapsible, to invite in guest artists, so that we can play with another classical singer or a string group or a rock group or have more electronics.â€? The Vespertine Orchestra shares roots with the Vespertine Circus, an Oakland-based troupe that performs an array of traditional exotic circus routines. When the Circus began performing last year, the Vespertine Orchestra was added to improvise dramatic, freeform music, emphasizing the tensions of theatrical energy. Colorful aerial tricks, for example, may demand “a really whimsical antique music-box sound,â€? Sonntag says. Once, accompanying contortionist Jubilee Mia, she improvised the sound effect of a bug, “like ‘zzzzzzzzz,’ like a sound he was chasing around, and he was interacting with that sound.â€? Apart from the Circus, the Vespertine Orchestra performs original songs mixing modern folk music with a backdrop of 20th-century classical minimalism. The duo’s latest show is billed as Vespertine Dreams, and integrated into the set will also be Due Zighi Baci, with the “Eurocafeâ€? music of tenor Michael Van Why and accordionist Sherri Crawford; Jonqui Albin, who paints live art to the music; and Gypsy-rock accordionist JD Limelight. Such inclusiveness deďŹ nes the Vespertine Orchestra; Sonntag says, “We want this orchestra to be able to say, ‘Sure!’â€? Vespertine Dreams—Orchestra, Circus and friends— unfolds this Friday, Feb. 11, at the Arlene Francis Center, 99 Sixth St., Santa Rosa. 8–10pm. $20. 707.528.3009.


Karl Byrn

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♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼ Fri

Feb 11 Sat

Feb 12 Sun

Feb 13 Mon

Feb 14


Powerful Vocalist, Original Songs 8:30pm


A Sweetheart of a Singer 8:30pm


Special Valentine Songs 4:00pm / No Cover





Feb 19 Sat


Funkiest Dance Grooves 8:30pm Triple Birthday Bash

Feb 26 THE 85’S

80’s Party Band 8:30pm





;ZW &'! HVc ;gVcX^hXd HiVga^\]i DgX]ZhigV# &.%-% G^kZgh^YZ 9g! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(-#..&%# ;ZW .! E]Vi 8]VcXZ FjVgiZi

Reservations Advised

D I N N E R A N D A S H OW ♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼


AVhi 9Vn HVaddc K^ZccV 7dnh 8]d^g

Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch


On the Town Square, Nicasio www.ranchonicasio.com






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DaY LZhiZgc HVaddc

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Across the bridge

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8C C0:4B 10;;B Elizabeth Cook’s dad raised her ‘like a boy,’ and her songs show it.

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Love, sex and country music with Elizabeth Cook By Rachel Dovey


en and women don’t always get along in Elizabeth Cook’s lyrics. There’s the mechanic who cons his housewife clientele in “Sometimes It Takes Balls to Be a Woman.� There’s the mullet-haired charmer who may or may not slip Quaaludes to his dates in “El Camino.� Then, of course, there’s the guy who gets so shitfaced he can hardly get it up in “Yes to Booty.� Cook draws on her own background in this war of the red-state genders. Though currently a Nashville resident, the country singer grew up in what she calls a “depressed, forgotten, inland rural county in central Florida.� Her parents—each divorced with five children apiece—met after her father’s release from an eight-year stint in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary for running moonshine. “I could have been a lot of guys’ little woman,� she says when we speak on the phone. “Growing up in a blue-collar surrounding in the South, expectations of what you do and what you say and what you do with your life are definitely carved out.� But the guitar-slinger certainly doesn’t live, or write, according to anyone’s preconceived standards. She’s a Grand Ole Opry regular who’s mostly unnoticed by the

FM set, a Loretta Lynn fangirl who covers the Velvet Underground, a serious songwriter who clogs. Her dual personas started young. “My daddy raised me to be like a boy ’cause he wanted me to be tough,� she says. “But I’ve always been a petite blonde at the same time—a petite blonde that could go froggigging and deal with business situations in a forward way.� Despite the dark incarnations of Southern machismo in her lyrics, Cook’s men aren’t all bad. In “Rock n Roll Man,� she satirizes a self-styled rock-god boyfriend with a lightning-bolt earring and dagger tattoo, but one gets the feeling she adores him too. “Sometimes we’re Sid and Nancy or Courtney and Kurt,� she sings. “We get higher than heaven, we get lower than dirt / It’s the fightin’ and lovin’ that make it work.� It might have something to do with the fact that “Rock n Roll Man� is loosely based on Cook’s husband and guitarist, Tim Carroll. “There are pieces of it that are probably directly related, and there are pieces of it that are artistic license,� she says. When I ask Carroll himself about the song, he laughs. “I don’t have a lightning-boltshaped earring,� he says. Cook and Carroll have been together on and off stage since 1998, and he wrote two songs on her latest album, Welder. “It’s not without challenges when you’re five feet from the same person 24 hours a day,� she says. “I’m sure it creates issues we’re not even aware of. I’m sure if we were the type of couple that went into therapy, we’d find out everything that’s wrong with us.� It’s a second-generation partnership for Cook, whose parents, Joyce and Tom, also toured together as country musicians, becoming known as “the Medicare Duo� in later years. “They really had a beautiful love affair that didn’t start out that way,� says Cook. “Daddy was a mad drunk with the kind of issues that he experienced in his childhood that was sharecropping and terrible poverty.� Eventually, however, he joined AA and began singing. “I wouldn’t say my mother was liberated,� says Cook. “But because my dad was a musician, he really embraced the [musical] part of her, and that was the most important sense of self-expression for her. I have a little family video where some friends from Georgia came up to visit her two weeks before she died, and they’re sitting in the living room of our trailer and she’s playing acoustic and daddy’s playing bass, and they’re playing all their old songs together.� So men and women may not always get along on Cook’s albums, but when they do, it’s as poignant as only a country ballad can be. In “Follow You Like Smoke,� the doublewides and booze and greasy-fingered mechanics melt away like Appalachian mist. Cook chants quiet, steel-and-string-laden couplets: “I’d stick to you like glue if I was able to / Cling to you like vine, if you’d just say that’s fine / Hold you in my arms, and I would never tire / Follow you like smoke from a fire.� Elizabeth Cook opens for Todd Snider on Sunday, Feb. 20, at the Mystic Theatre. 21 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. 8pm. $20–$22. 707.765.2121.

Sebastopol Community Cultural Center and Cumulus Presents proudly present

Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas CD release concert February 12 (Community Center)

Chris Smither February 20 (Community Center)

Kenya Safari Acrobats March 4 (Analy High School Theatre)

Greg Brown with special guest

Bo Ramsey March 18 (Community Center)

Arlo Guthrie with The

Burns Sisters

Tax Day April 15 (Analy High School Theatre)

Sebastopol Tickets and

Information: www.seb.org 707-823-1511 Community Center Community Last Record Store, Cultural Center People’s Music THE BOHEMIAN



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2860A 28A2DB Work by Susan Ticken and her students shows at Art Works Downtown Feb. 11. See Openings, p34.

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More than 130 artists raise funds for SSU or me, I get to throw a party and invite all my friends,� says Carla Stone. “It’s become a personal thing. Every year I think nobody’s going to come, and then the night of the event comes, and there’s 400 people.� Stone, exhibitions coordinator at Sonoma State University, is talking about Art from the Heart, SSU’s annual silent auction benefiting its University Art Gallery. Now in its 27th year, the event features original work in all media from more than 130 different artists from Sonoma County and the United States. Artists include conceptual artist and sculptor Ray Beldner, who uses materials ranging from internet porn to clothing to create his pieces; Gulf War vet Ehren Tool, who has made and given away over 4,000 clay cups covered with war imagery; and Guggenheim Fellowshipanointed Mike Henderson, who is also a blues musician and has released several albums. Stone also emphasizes that price shouldn’t deter people from coming. “It is suggested donation $30, but it’s whatever you can pay.� Silent auction items include bottles of wine, restaurant gift certificates, massages and theater and museum tickets. The auction’s proceeds benefit the gallery’s lectures and exhibitions, which have included “Art from the Handcar Regatta� and last winter’s portrait series that contained pieces by Andy Warhol, Kehinde Wiley and digital imaging innovators Aziz & Cucher. Art From the Heart takes place on Saturday, Feb. 12, at the University Art Gallery. 1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park. 6–9pm. $30 suggested donation. Free preview days Feb. 9–11. 707.664.2295. Shelby Pope


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Oscar shorts provide quick, strong dose of film ust as the good is the enemy of the great, the cute is the enemy of the deft. The 10 Oscar nominees for best short film and best animated shorts, opening at Summerfield Cinemas on Feb. 11, tend to take the sweet way out. Among the best animated shorts, two are from Pixar, and both are derived from a fab-1950s style. The brilliant Day and Night, which introduced Toy Story 3, is likely this year’s winner, while Geefwee Boedoe Let’s Pollute is a UPA/Zagreb-style educational film exhorting the watcher to make the world more filthy. Bastien Dubois’ Carnet de Voyage, Madagascar uses almost every technique of animation to tell the story of a trip to Africa. The island has been popular in animation for its cute lemurs; it’s seen in a different light during Dubois’ visit for a ritual called “the turning of the dead.� The British CGI cartoon The Gruffalo features a topdrawer vocal cast (Robbie Coltrane, John Hurt, Helena Bonham Carter) who enliven the tale even as the film stretches out to nearly a half-hour. And most surprising is Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann’s Lost Thing, wherein a young man with a cigar-shaped head discovers a 15-foot tentacled hermit crab living in a red cast-iron boiler, and takes it home to an atmosphere of despair and dystopia. Of the live-action short films, four are matters of life and death; the best one is merely about love. Na Wewe from Belgium is clearly the front-runner, a UNESCOapproved film set in Burundi in 1994 about a massacre that can’t get started because of the problem of separating Tutsi from Hutu (some of the passengers are both, some are neither, some are frustratingly in between). The possible upset from the inspirational genocide shoe-in is Ian Barnes’ Wish 143. Dying and 15, David (Samuel Peter Holland, an actor going places) is visited by the British version of the Make-a-Wish foundation and knows what he wants: to get laid. The newspapers pick it up (“Brave Cancer Boy Vows to Lose Virginity�), but it takes the reluctant connivance of the hip priest at the hospice to try to make it so. Along with The Crush, an Irish comedy/drama, and The Confession, by Estonian director Tanel Toom, there’s Luke Matheny’s God of Love (above), the best of the bunch. Taking place in a Brooklyn milieu of cabaret music, Matheny stars as a singer in love with his female drummer. The fantasy has the heavens giving him a dart that for six hours makes women open to the possibility of falling in love. The black-and-white photography, the Dave Brubeck soundtrack, the enticing faces and deft acting all make this one’s coolness seem more original than merely salvaged and borrowed. Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts and Live Action Shorts open Friday, Feb. 11, at Summerfield Cinemas. 515 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa. $7–$10. 707.522.0719. Richard von Busack


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C6E6 8DJCIN L^cZg^Zh d[ CVeV KVaaZn :c_dn i]ZbZY [ddY VcY l^cZ eV^g^c\h ;g^"Hjc# &%# :kZgn ;g^! ) id +! [^cZ l^cZ! XgV[i WZZg VcY Vgi^hVc X]ZZhZ# ;ZW &'"&(! gdbVci^X \Zi"VlVn lZZ`ZcY# L^cZg^Zh d[ CVeV KVaaZn! &'-* CVeV Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# -%%#('-#,-&*#

Field Trips HDCDB6 8DJCIN

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Heg^c\ 8^cZbV EZiVajbV ;^ab 6aa^VcXZ egZhZci XaVhh^X! [dgZ^\c VcY ^cYZeZcYZci [^abh LZY Vi ,# ;ZW .! Æ?djgcZn [gdb OVch`Vg#Ç ;ZW &+! ÆBddaVVYZ#Ç *# 8VgdaZ :aa^h 6jY^idg^jb! HG?8 EZiVajbV 8Vbejh! EZiVajbV# lll#eZiVajbV[^ab[Zhi#dg\#

HiVg\Vo^c\ 8jggZci h]dl ÆHiVgh DkZg i]Z AVcY 9dlc JcYZgÇ ZmeadgZh c^\]i h`n [Vg Y^[[ZgZci i]Vc i]Vi ^c Cdgi]Zgc =Zb^he]ZgZ# ;ZW && VcY &-0 ;g^"HVi Vi ,! Hjc Vi (# *# HG?8 EaVcZiVg^jb! AVg` =Vaa '%%&! &*%' BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*',#)(,'#

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For Kids HDCDB6 8DJCIN HXgVe6gihBjh^X B^m d[ bjh^X! bdkZbZci VcY heZXiVXaZ ^cXdgedgViZh gZjhZY bViZg^Vah# 6gg^kZ Vc ]djg ZVgan [dg [jc l^i] Vgi# ;ZW &* Vi +/(%# &+" '&# LZaah ;Vg\d 8ZciZg! *% BVg` LZhi Heg^c\h GY! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#(+%%#

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Bj^g 7ZVX] =^`Z BdYZgViZan eVXZY l^i] dXZVc k^Zlh# GV^c XVcXZah# ;ZW &( Vi ./(%Vb# ;gZZ# IZccZhhZZ KVaaZn IgV^a]ZVY! BVg^c =ZVYaVcYh! IZccZhhZZ KVaaZn GdVY! B^aa KVaaZn# *&%#++*#+&*-#

Film HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7^`Z ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa LZZ`an [^abh WZ\^c Vi , VcY WZcZ[^i HdcdbV 8djcin 7^XnXaZ 8dVa^i^dc VcY IZVb Hl^[i# ;ZW &'! ÆI]Z ;an^c\ HXdihbVc#Ç *# Hed`Z ;da` 8nXaZgn! '%& 8ZciZg Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#*)*#%&*(#

8B 4E4AH1>3H BCD?83. That’s the question pondered by poet / MC Ise Lyfe Feb. 11 at SSU. See Events, p35. THE BOHEMIAN



. 2


;g^ Vi &&! VfjVg^jb [ZZY^c\# 6Yb^hh^dc/ -" &%# 7Vn 6gZV 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb! ;dgi 7V`Zg! **, BXGZncdaYh GY! HVjhVa^id# )&*#((.#(.%%#

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Lectures HDCDB6 8DJCIN AVcYadgYh IZcVcih AZVgc g^\]ih VcY gZhedch^W^a^i^Zh ^c hZa[" ]Zae ldg`h]de# ;ZW &+ Vi ,# &%# HdcdbV 8djcin AZ\Va 6^Y! &&%* C 9jiidc 6kZ HiZ 7! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#'.')#

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HdcdbV HiViZ Jc^kZgh^in ;ZW &* Vi -! Æ=dd`^c\ Je/ 6 <^gaÉh 6aa" Dji <j^YZ id HZm VcY HZmjVa^inÇ l^i] 6bWZg BVY^hdc ^c \nb # &-%& : 8diVi^ 6kZ! Gd]cZgi EVg`# ,%,#++)#'--%#

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HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6fjh 8V[Z ;ZW &* Vi ,! A^iZgVgn HVaddc l^i] HjhVc HlVgio! BVg` HadVc! :i]Za

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Tramaine De Senna creates, provokes with various media beyond the surface ramaine De Senna bills herself as a “Material Girl,â€? but her moniker has little in common with Madonna. “I really love and appreciate materials,â€? says De Senna, a slight figure in dark blue coveralls, with vivid auburn hair and dark brown eyes. While hanging her art for the upcoming Emerging Artists exhibition, which opens at the Sonoma County Museum Friday, Feb. 11, she takes the time to explain her creations. “I love to mess around with materials and transform their natural properties into something higher,â€? she says, “and I love to draw, because you’re just using the hand.â€? Large white wax marker on black paper drawings of muscular men and women in calisthenic poses, Body Building Bunnies, share wall space with the graceful curves of pale caulk frosting paintings. The distinctly different uses of materials express the artist’s breadth of work and interest in the duality of the materials she uses. Spawned from watching wedding cake TV shows, De Senna initially tried to create paintings using real frosting, but soon switched to silicone caulk for its durability and archival qualities: “I used terribly stinky, carcinogenic caulking, a heavy-duty, constructiongrade medium, and transformed it into something soft, delicate and beautiful.â€? Revisiting the duality of her materials and dĂŠcor, De Senna points out the “dark sideâ€? of the patterns in the cakelike paintings; the cute little squirrels that suddenly have their heads blown off or are dropping turds, or the mushrooms that morph into penises. “I suggest,â€? she says whith a smile, “that people see beyond the surface of my art.â€? Andrew Sofie and Laine Justice, two other emerging artists recognized by the Arts Council of Sonoma County, will also exhibit their work. Sofie explores the connections between “high technology and human existenceâ€? using semi-automated art, while Justice creates luminescent, almost fairy-tale-like paintings with paints and media made by hand. “Emerging Artists,â€? funded by the Community Foundation and the Arts Council of Sonoma County, has an opening reception on Friday, Feb. 11, at the Sonoma County Museum. 425 Seventh St., Santa Rosa. 5–7pm. Members Free, $5 nonmembers. Exhibition runs though April 4. 707.579.1500. Suzanne Daly

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The Journey Center: A Place for Transformation Prayer and Journey Beads Workshop Create a bead strand for your spiritual practice or as a chronicle of your personal journey. Sat, Jan 29, 1-5pm, 707-578-2121, www.journeycenter.org.

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