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Cozy up to a little angry unemployment invective

By Will Shonbrun


stimates of jobs lost since the beginning of the recession in 2007 range between 8 million and 11 million, depending on the source. Whatever the actual number, there is no doubt that the cause for the most massive unemployment since the Great Depression can be laid directly on the doorstep of the banking industry’s bad loans and Wall Street’s fraudulent practices. Having no work is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. We all know we can’t survive economically without a job, at least in some modicum of comfort. There is, thanks to those who fought for it, a safety net, but such a bare subsistence level is nothing one wants to have to face. And yet far too many of our fellow countrymen and –women are in this camp. But work is so much more than a job or wages. For many, it’s a part of self-identity, a sense of self-worth or even one’s reason for being. For many of us, work gives us meaning, no matter the task. It can be our source of pride, of fulfillment, a deep sense of usefulness. Even if and when one no longer needs to earn a living and can retire to a life of pure self-indulgence, it seems all too often that without the need to work at something, one withers and dies. It could be said that the human need to work, to engage with life at some level, even if it’s cerebral and intellectual, is as hard-wired into our DNA as other imperatives. Goofing off is great—and I speak here with some authority—and vacations are splendid, but sooner or later the urge to be doing something, to be working at something, arises, and one gets back on the wheel and picks up a hammer or a broom or a pen and sets about some task. It’s an integral part of being a human. The need to feel useful is what drives volunteerism. The government’s primary tack at this

time is to get Americans working again, not just for the sake of the economy—that amorphous concept we all talk about and barely understand—but for our people to feel whole again. Millions of us—individuals and families, whole communities—were mugged, rolled, robbed and left for dead by a bunch of venal crooks in Armani suits and Gucci loafers, well-dressed con men, but fraudulent cheats nonetheless, many of them the same high-paid hucksters to whom Bush gave tax breaks. Why aren’t our jails overf lowing with these low-life miscreants? It’s no wonder people get apoplectic, don ridiculous costumes and rail against government, even when the administration in power wasn’t the one to blame. And it’s not funny when hate-mongers and the political stooges who fan these f lames further incite the unhinged and the violence-prone among them. It’s a dangerous time in our country when the deranged and the closet racists are easily manipulated and their furor turns to violence. If President Obama wants to restore our country to some semblance of normalcy, he’ll follow in the footsteps of FDR when he took the wheel and got the masses of unemployed working and productive again. And then, if he’s half the man FDR was, he’ll come down really hard on Wall Street and the big corporations that have been screwing the public with reckless abandon since the restrictions and regulations were shit-canned by Reagan in the ’80s and Clinton in the ’90s. But that’s for another little fireside chat.

Work is so much more than a job or wages.

Will Shonbrun is a writer who lives in Sonoma. Read more at www.shonbrunreport.blogspot.com. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.






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5;D>A834 78C;4AšDBD0; BDB?42CB Juliane Poirier’s endorsement for Take Back Day (Green Zone, “Keeping Fish Off Prozac,â€? Sept. 22) is laudable, but it omits other major sources for toxins in our water. The article’s title begs the question “How does Prozac get into the water?â€? In fact, the main ingredient in Prozac is fluoride, which is added to all our drinking water. We bathe in it, we garden with it, we flush it down the drains. To paraphrase W. C. Fields, “Fish fuck in it.â€? There is a growing revolt against fluoridated water; no proof exists that it benefits us. What purpose does it really serve? Step back to WWII, and we learn that the Nazis added fluoride to the water at their death camps.

It was to keep the inmates complacent, not for any health benefits. The Soviets received shipments of the stuff from the U.S. for the purpose of dosing their German POWs with it. Keeping drugs out of the water is a lot more than not flushing them down the toilet.

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9DBC =>C C70C B<0AC. Recently, many homeowners received a letter from PG&E saying it was excited to be installing the smart meters in our neighborhoods. Well, I am calling for the city council of Novato to block them, like Fairfax and other cities have. If you’re someone with special needs, along in years or have sensitive equipment in your home,

they will be a hazard to your health. Unknown to me, a “smart� meter was installed in the homes of the small town—Michigan Bluff, Calif., pop. 28—where I have a mountain house. It turned out the meter installation is with in five feet of my bed, and I believe this is way too close for comfort, but I can’t move the bed elsewhere. I reported this in writing to PG&E. I advised them of the harmful situation, plus the fact of the willful radio interference from the smart meter. This last week was spent up the mountains and every time the meter would gather its data and send it, a disturbing pulse or glitch would come over the amateur radio equipment we have there, for traffic and emergency communications. This, I believe, is a violation of the Federal Communications Act regarding harmful emissions. We found that my amateur radio has a tone alert function in it. The PG&E smart meter when it sends its data will cause this radio function to receive a false signal. This tone alert function had to be disabled in the radio due to the smart meter. In case you’re not aware, with the smart meter, PG&E can turn it on and off, shut it down, distribute energy elsewhere and give you higher readings. And you have no recourse.

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1D;;H >= 1>G4A In Hollywood there are actor and stars, but in politics there are leaders and politicians. Henry Kissinger said, “A leader does not deserve the name unless he is willing occasionally to stand alone.� I have found Barbara Boxer to be a leader, and that scares the people who want politicians. Karl Rove wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal predicting that national Republicans would pick up at least four and as many as six Senate seats in 2010. He also said that Carly Fiorina “could be a strong candidate,� meaning he will pull her strings like he did in the Bush administration. That, of course, was among the many quandaries of the last eight years—too many politicians just looking to see which way the wind blows and no leaders. Fiorina couldn’t even lead HP, although she has her rationale. We need Barbara Boxer’s leadership now more than ever.

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news for Sonoma, Marin & Napa Counties

“Official Newspaper of Master Mackay, Scholar and Gentleman�

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1D3 20= H>D B?0A4 0 38<4. Yes on Proposition 19 proponents look to reap hundreds of millions in tax revenue from legalization.

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Will Californians say ‘Yes we cannabis,’ or choose to nip it in the bud? By Kylie Mendonca


fforts to legalize pot in the Golden State are so familiar as to seem both quaint and ripe for action at the same time. Come Nov. 2, voters will cast their ballots on a proposal to legalize marijuana for recreational use in California. Proposition 19 is still facing an uphill battle. The discussion surrounding Prop. 19, also called the Legalize, Control and Tax Cannabis Act, is different than fringe legalization debates in years past, and this campaign is possibly more realistic because of it. This time around, it’s not about hemp or personal freedom or medical use; it’s about money. California lawmakers and voters could be more willing to expand their minds if it means shrinking the state’s massive $19 billion budget gap. As Sonoma State University political

science teacher David McCuan puts it, “There’s no one else left to tax. So the people to tax are the sinners. The people who gamble, drink and smoke dope are the only ones that the state can generate revenue from.� A field poll released Sept. 26 shows the legalization effort is gaining steam. The poll suggests that 49 percent of Californians will vote to legalize marijuana, compared to 44 percent in July. Meanwhile, the percent of Californians who plan to vote no fell from 48 percent in July to 42 percent. In 1996, Californians made history with Proposition 215, which allowed people with chronic illness to use marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation. More than a dozen states followed suit, despite federal laws prohibiting it. Many opponents of Prop. 215 said then that it would be the beginning step toward broad state legalization. Still, possession, cultivation

and distribution of marijuana remain illegal and readily prosecutable under state law, sometimes even with a doctor’s note. Prop. 19 is a pretty straightforward effort to legalize and tax marijuana in California. It is framed much the same as existing alcohol laws, with prohibitions against driving while smoking and smoking at schools, and a requirement that users be 21 years old. Unlike alcohol laws, the amount of marijuana that a person could possess and grow would be limited to one ounce of pot and a 25-square-foot garden. Also unlike alcohol laws, Prop. 19 would bar marijuana use in the presence of those under the age of 21. That’s the legalization side. How exactly the government would tax and control marijuana is not clear, since the initiative contains no specific tax plan or structure. The tax issue is left for local governments to figure out. Opponents’ message is virtually the same as it has always been: legalization & &

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will lead to increased use among young people, increased addiction, more stoned drivers on the road and stoners in the workplace, and a possible clash with federal drug enforcement officials or even loss of federal contracts and funding if employers can’t legally require employees to be marijuana-free. Mothers Against Drunk Driving has come out strongly against the measure, as have many law-enforcement groups and both gubernatorial candidates, though Jerry Brown was a supporter of Prop. 215.

‘There isn’t enough dope in the state to close that budget gap.’

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Actually, despite 215’s popularity, medical marijuana advocates are split on Prop. 19, with the leading advocacy group, Americans for Safe Access, calling for a no vote, and Oaksterdam University founder Richard Lee largely bankrolling the “Yes on 19� campaign. What makes this round a little different from past efforts is not the split among medical-marijuana supporters but that it has won support from several large, mainstream groups. The Service Employees International Union, the largest labor union in the state, has officially lent its support for Prop. 19, as has the National Black Police Association (NBPA), which might be a first. Prop. 19 proponents are framing the current legalization debate around potential tax revenues and law-enforcement savings. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office said the potential boon to tax revenues is not easy to calculate. “To the extent that a commercial marijuana industry developed in the state,� they said in a recent report, “we estimate that the state and local governments could eventually collect hundreds of millions of dollars annually in additional revenues.� It’s a lot of money, but as SSU’s David McCuan puts it, “There isn’t enough dope in the state to close that budget gap. There hasn’t been a pot farm discovered yet that’s big enough.� Meanwhile, groups like the NAACP, the NBPA and the ACLU are calling legalization a civil rights issue, pointing to the disproportionate number of nonwhite inmates in the penal system as a result of what they charge is a selective enforcement of drug laws. According to the NAACP, blacks make up less than 7 percent of the state population but account for 22 percent of people arrested for all marijuana offenses and 33 percent of all marijuana felony arrests, though actual marijuana use among black and white Californians is about the same. The NAACP called California incarceration rates a modern sort of Jim Crow. The potential savings to taxpayers that would result in abolishing jail sentences for possessing marijuana would be tens of millions of dollars each year, according to the Legislative Analyst’s Office. That’s a lot of money, but it’s still an order of magnitude away from closing the state budget gap.

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6>8=6 6A44= Promote Your Green Business in our new section “Going Green� Call Today @ 707.527.1200 and ask for rates, sizes and expert tips!

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Proposition 23 attacks California’s clean-energy law, threatens green economy By Juliane Poirier


he California economy is benefiting from AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, legislation that is moving us away from oil dependence and toward the emerging green alternatives. Thanks to AB 32, about half a million cleanenergy jobs have come to the state, boosting North Bay employment, especially in communities hardest hit by pollution and economic malaise. In Marin City, for example, low-wealth residents have jobs in energy conservation, learning skills to provide weatherization for homes. Through the job-training programs resulting from AB 32, the Marin City Development Corporation, Marin Youth at Work and the Summer Youth Employment Program Weatherization / “Greenovation� are preparing young people for the emerging green marketplace. It’s cause to celebrate that California’s maverick climate-protection legislation is supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. And the rest of the country is, as usual, watching the Golden State while they consider similar legislation. But not all watchers are pleased. The oil billionaires do not like AB 32. So they’ve cooked up Proposition 23 for the Nov. 2 ballot and given it the usual Orwellian description (to which I refuse to give column space). But don’t be fooled by any promise of jobs. In fact, according to Carolyn Placente of the Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin, which uses policy to empower underrepresented groups, green jobs that exist now will be stolen if this proposition passes. The green-energy jobs employing lowincome residents of Marin City, Novato, San Rafael and West Marin will, Placente claims, “all go away.� “Prop. 23 is an egregious attempt by big business to hijack our democracy through deceptive language and political trickery,� Placente says. “If we don’t defeat it, Prop. 23 will kill hundreds of thousands of jobs and cripple California’s economic recovery.� Who would want to do that? The Toxic Twins from Texas—Valero and Tesoro oil corporations—have put up most of the $8.2 million for Prop. 23, according to a

The Bohemian is “Going Green� Every Week!

Sept. 21 New York Times editorial; another $1 million or so was kicked in by the Koch brothers, oil billionaires from Kansas who are key funders of the Tea Party movement. Opposing the oil interests are the Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin and other nonprofits that have united to rally those most likely to be harmed by a return to an oil-dependent economy. The Grassroots Leadership Network is part of Communities United, presently educating voters of color and low-income voters in conjunction with the “No on 23� campaign. “Oil companies are out to trick working-class and low-income Californians,� Placente asserts. “Prop. 23 will roll back California’s clean air laws, leading to more asthma and more lung cancer, especially in those neighborhoods already burdened by air pollution. This will hurt, first and worst, low-income communities and communities of color. They already suffer the highest rates of asthma, lung diseases and cancer from pollution.� Placente is referring to the so-called climate gap, a phenomenon reported on in a recent UC Berkeley study of the same name that concludes that the physical and financial impacts of climate change fall hardest upon the poorest communities. Most of these communities are located in the largest urban areas, where there are the greatest concentrations of and exposure to heat and air pollution. The study recommends that policy be employed to increase social sustainability and gradually close the climate gap. Placente urges everyone to get involved in this November vote. “Voters who want to help the poor, strengthen the economy and protect the climate should vote no on Prop. 23,� she says. “Remember, we know that Texas oil doesn’t care about our families. They care about their profits, which is why they’re spending millions to undo California’s clear air laws.�

The oil billionaires do not like AB 32. So they’ve cooked up Proposition 23 for Nov. 2.




The deadline for voter registration is Oct. 18 in order to participate in the election. To learn about the fight against Prop. 23, visit www.communitiesagainstprop23.com. To learn more about the fight against Prop. 23 from a mainstream, green-business perspective, see www.stopdirtyenergyprop.com. Don’t forget to vote!



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274BC=DC @D44= Sally Weed at her Gridley ranch.

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2aPih =dcb It’s chestnut season in California. Does that mean anything to you? By Gretchen Giles


ime was, the great forests from Appalachia east looked like they’d had a blizzard in the summertime. But all that fluffy white wasn’t snow; it was the American chestnut in magnificent flower. The tree provided tall straight lumber for frontier expansion, fed the indigenous peoples for millennia, gave tannin to cure skins for leather and provided plain old aesthetic pleasure. And then, in 1904, a rapacious virus possibly transmitted by an Asian chestnut variety arrived at the Bronx Zoo. Traveling some 50 miles a year, the resulting blight ran its course by the 1950s, and a tree so ubiquitous in the American landscape that it became a clichĂŠ that refers to a clichÊ—that old chestnut was no more. An estimated 3.5 billion trees perished. The chestnut still thrives, though not our native one. European immigrants who settled the Eastern Seaboard brought their love of chestnuts with them and their descendents still want the nut, often referred as coming from the “breadâ€? tree due to its malleable starchy qualities. Now

they just have to get it from California. The rub, of course, being that Californians mostly don’t know what to do with a difficult-topeel foodstuff that might make a nice curiosity at Christmas but otherwise has no culinary resonance. That’s kind of where Sally Weed comes in. Weed, 49, finds herself in the odd position of accidentally being one of the largest commercial chestnut growers in the United States. She inherited the ranch from her husband, who tragically died from a sudden brain disease just months after their 2008 marriage. “We were going to do the chestnuts together,� she says simply. “Our whole thing falling in love was a very botany-based thing. We were making a botanical garden here, but that’s more daunting a project. I’m always fighting the wild pigs. Chestnuts are easier.� Based in Healdsburg but with a ranch near the Feather River in Gridley, Calif., Weed has 22-plus acres of trees producing about 50 tons of nuts a year, most of which she is forced to ship back east for sale. “The chestnut ranch, mentally, is captivating for me,� Weed says. “You read Michael Pollan about eating locally and then think about airfreighting thousands of pounds of chestnuts to

New Jersey. Why are we doing that? Because they’d go to waste here.â€? Weed has Syrah vines on her Healdsburg land, but, she says, “I’m not crazy about growing grapes. Five acres of grapes is much less of a commodity than just about five acres of anything else.â€? So she’s focusing on her nuts, which requires communicating her passion while educating buyers one at a time. “I’m trying to create an interest and let people know that there are local outlets for chestnuts,â€? she says. To that end, Weed does the Healdsburg Farmers Market in the fall and takes baskets of the nuts to area restaurants, hoping to convince local chefs to try them. So far, Cyrus, Madrona Manor, Scopa, Zazu, Diavola, Dry Creek Kitchen and Bistro Ralph are regular customers. In fact, Cyrus chef and co-owner Douglas Keane is a confirmed fan. “I’ve only used Sally’s for the last two years,â€? he enthuses. “When I met her, I was so excited to find someone local who was growing them.â€? Many Californians may have had a roasted chestnut a time or two, but most of us have no idea how to cook with them. Keane uses them in &+ risotto; slices the nuts thinly and sautĂŠs THE BOHEMIAN





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them in butter; crafts them into a dessert flavored with passion fruit and green tea; likes the autumnal pleasure of a chestnut and sherry soup with black truffles. The latter is not an entirely original idea. He admits with a laugh, “I completely stole it from Spago in Beverley Hills. They paired it with [another] sherry, and it was one of those food and wine moments. I just sat there, stunned. So I stole it.� He hastens to add, with another chuckle, “It’s OK. I told them.� Weed, of course, uses chestnuts in her kitchen much of the year. “You can cook them in broth, you can grind them up and make gnocchi out of them, you can go sweet, you can go savory,� she says. “It’s like tofu in that it absorbs the flavors, but it does have a flavor of its own.� Keane estimates that his restaurant goes through a few hundred pounds of chestnuts each fall. That’s an impressive amount for an item so fleetingly available. “The season is short, just September through October,� Weed explains. “And chestnuts are extremely perishable. They’re like fresh flowers. You have to keep them refrigerated. They’re not like other nuts you see at the supermarket, yet they’re stored that way. You pick them up and they rattle. Those are not fresh.� When Weed is at the farm market, she is careful to show customers how relatively easy the nut is to work with once you understand a little bit about its treasures. “It’s something like when people want to eat fresh fava beans, they have to peel them,� she explains. “It’s worth it to have them fresh. I like to peel the chestnuts raw, so when I’m talking to people at the market, I’m peeling chestnuts all the time.� Keane has a somewhat faster method of removing the shell from the meat, though it can be explosive. “I nip off the top and score the bottom. That allows air to get in there. Then you steam it, and that makes it much easier to slip the skin off. But you’ve got to pay attention,� he laughs, “because if you don’t, it’ll blow up.� Laughter aside, all of this talk really centers around serving community. Keane likes buying from a local grower; Weed likes introducing her neighbors to a comestible they may not be familiar with. In a recent interview with the Chestnut Growers of America, Weed reflects on the importance of local bounty. “Previously, my experience with growing was on the scale of a home garden,� she admits. “It is rewarding because I have learned so much and know I have so much more to learn. It is also rewarding because we live in a time where people from all backgrounds, cultures and access levels are focused on where their food comes from. People are interested in the integrity of our motivations as growers. “I think it means something,� she stresses, “when a grower loves land, plants, food, trees and is delighted by the product he or she is associated with.� Sally Weed has fresh chestnuts available at the Healdsburg Farmers’ Market through November. Saturday, 9am to noon, one block west of the Plaza, on Foss Creek.

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want to talk about the history of our area,� says Clark Wolf. “There will be no script. This is going to be conversations and storytelling, mine and other people’s.�

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Wolf—a Bohemian contributor who also regularly shows up on sfgate.com’s “Inside Scoopâ€? pages; a restaurant consultant who helped to engineer the revitalization of Las Vegas as a food destination; who shows up as a celeb mention in the beloved Silver Palate cookbook series; and who is the author of his own 2008 book, American Cheeses—is about to add another line to his rĂŠsumĂŠ: food-show host. His new half-hour show, It’s Food: From the Heart of Sonoma Farm Country with Clark Wolf, debuts in November on KFTY TV-50, reaching some 1.7 million North Bay homes. There’s a signiďŹ cant chance it will be picked up by the 30-plus afďŹ liate stations across the nation and that Wolf will one day soon be as ubiquitous as that guy who does garlic (and dives and diners). Wolf, who regularly emcees at the Taste of Sonoma and other area events, is a quick study with a ready wit and a nearly unfathomable knowledge set about foodstuffs of all sorts. Chatty and voluble, he would seem to be a perfect ďŹ t for a swift three-segment program that talks. “The whole idea is not to just show things,â€? Wolf explains. “It’s kind of a reality food show but with no competitions. Nobody loses; everybody wins. I really hope that there will be a conversation with people over some of their favorite foods. “We begin taping in and around Sonoma on Oct. 4,â€? Wolf continues happily, “so if you see me, say ‘Hi.’â€?

Gretchen Giles

=ZVaYhWjg\ 7Vg <g^aa

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;^h] VcY X]^eh# # 6 Y^c\n ]daZ ^c i]Z lVaaÄ_jhi a^`Z V gZVa X]^een I]^h edejaVg ajcX] hedi d[[Zgh eZg[ZXian Xdd`ZY [^h] VcY X]^eh id ZVi ^c dg iV`Z dji# DeZc YV^an# *)- : 8diVi^ 6kZ! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.'#%.-'#


8ZcigVa BVg`Zi

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7^higd# # =ZgZÉh i]Vi hZXgZi hedi ndj add` [dg Vaa ndjg a^[Z/ \gZVi [ddY! X]ZZgn hZgk^XZ VcY V Xdon VbW^VcXZ# BZcj X]Vc\Zh lZZ`an! l^i] [dXjh dc iVeVh" hinaZ hbVaa eaViZh# 9^ccZg! I]jgh"HVi0 WgjcX]! Hjc# &&, Cdgi] Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)(&#&,,%#

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BV\j^gZÉh EjW


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K^ZicVbZhZ# # Ndjg WVh^X K^ZicVbhZ [VgZ! egZeVgZY id eZg[ZXi^dc# <gZVi [dg a^\]i bZVah# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"HVi# -&% BX8aZaaVcY 9g! L^cYhdg# ,%,#-(-#+,)+#

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BVg^c 7gZl^c\ 8d

EjW [ddY# " # :mXZaaZci hdjeh! hVaVYh! ejW \gjW VcY VlVgY"l^cc^c\ edg`" WZZg hVjhV\Z# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# &-%. AVg`hejg AVcY^c\ 8^gXaZ! AVg`hejg# )&*#)+&#)+,,#

VcY Y^ccZg YV^an0 iV`Zdji! idd# (-' B^aaZg 6kZ! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#(-(#-&+)#

HDJI= B6G>C 6kViVgÉh

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8^cYnÉh 7VX`higZZi @^iX]Zc


<diiÉh GdVYh^YZ IgVn <djgbZi

>a E^XXdad 8V[[Z

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BZm^XVc# # Bdhian Vji]Zci^X BZm^XVc bZcj l^i] 6bZg^XVc hiVcYWnh# AjcX]

6> 3DB:84 uskie Estes is sworn to secrecy. The details of the season three premiere of The Next Iron Chef are so closely guarded that the Bohemian’s phone conversation with the Zazu and Bovolo chef and co-owner was actually monitored by a Food Network minder. But locals who know Duskie—who also co-owns Black Pig Meat Co., all with husband John Stewart—might catch her drift about the show’s secret ingredient: “It’s . . . an item that’s very near and dear to me,� she says carefully.


During her pre-show interview, Estes was asked what one ingredient she’d absolutely want to have on a desert island. Then, they turned it on her as a surprise ingredient. “Sure, it’s near and dear to me,â€? she laughs, “but not what you would choose to cook in under an hour! I was thinking on a desert island, I would have all day!â€? The results, she says, prove amusing. Alton Brown hosts the competitive cooking show in which chefs vie for the title in a gadget-ďŹ lled kitchen. In the midst of the madness, Estes tried to put in a plug for our local wine and produce every chance she got. To ďŹ nd out whether the Slow Food advocate from wine country makes it to the fast-paced ďŹ nal showdown in Kitchen Stadium, we’ll just have to tune in. Meanwhile, back at Zazu Restaurant + Farm, Estes can only allow that she has a ďŹ ghting chance. “Did you know that I’m a really competitive person?â€? she asks sweetly. The Food Network’s Next Iron Chef premieres Sunday, Oct. 3, at 8pm. Zazu hosts a three-course dinner—featuring the meal cooked on the show, vegetarian options available—followed by standing-room party at 5:30pm for $97; $39 for show, wine and movie snack. Proceeds beneďŹ t the Ceres Project. Zazu, 3535 Guerneville Road, Santa Rosa. 707.523.4814.

James Knight

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8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# " # G^X]

5>>3 =4CF>A:

Kdae^Éh GZhiVjgVci

8V[Z# " # :mXZaaZci! hVi^h[n^c\ [ddY hZgkZY XV[ZiZg^V"hinaZ# 7gZV`[Vhi VcY ajcX] YV^an# )'& ;^ghi Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#..+#++)*#


9 DL C K6 AA : N 7Vg7ZghF

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7ddc[an 8V[Z

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7djcin =jciZg

L^cZ Xdjcign XVhjVa# # L^cZ h]de VcY W^higd l^i] bVkZg^X` bdm^Z [dg i]Z l^cZ XdlWdn# EgZb^jb WdiiaZh [dg hVaZ! Vahd# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"Hjc0 deZc aViZ! I]jgh"HVi# .,* ;^ghi Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'**#%+''#


E^ooV# " # <gZVi e^Z! Xdda WgZlh! i]Z \VbZÉh ValVnh dc# <gZVi eaVXZ [dg edhi"


A^iiaZ AZV\jZ# &*&, L >bdaV 6kZ! CVeV# ,%,#'**#&&--#


?VeVcZhZ# " # <ddY! hda^Y hjh]^# I]Z ;j_^nV 9ZajmZ XdbWd ^h V hiVcYdji# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"HVi# .'& ;VXidgn HidgZh 9g! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#%+(.#

;jb‚ 7^higd 7Vg

8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# # 8Va^[dgc^V W^higd [VgZ i]Vi cZVgan ValVnh ]^ih i]Z bVg`# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# )%*% 7nlVn :! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#&...#

E^ooV 6oojggd

>iVa^Vc# # Gjc Wn V [dgbZg IgV K^\cZ VcY AVg` 8gZZ` >cc Vajb! i]Z e^ooV ^h h^beaZ VcY i]^c! VcY gVc`h Vh hdbZ d[ i]Z WZhi ^c i]Z Cdgi] 7Vn# AjcX]! Bdc";g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# &'+% BV^c Hi Vi 8a^cidc ! CVeV# ,%,#'**#***'#

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8Va^[dgc^V"IjhXVc# # Hde]^hi^XViZY! iZggd^g"^c[dgbZY Xdd`^c\ XZaZWgViZh i]Z adXVa VcY hZVhdcVa! l^i] ZaZXig^X XdbW^cVi^dch a^`Z hdggZa"lgVeeZY V]^ ijcV ejiiVcZhXV# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an0 WgjcX]! Hjc# -,* 7dgYZVjm LVn! CVeV# ,%,#'*.#%+((#




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North County 6gb^YV

I]Z l^cZh VgZ dg^\^cVa! VcY i]ZgZ VgZ i]gZZ bnhiZg^djh \ZdYZh^X YdbZh dc i]Z egdeZgin# Eajh/ WdXXZ ''%& LZhih^YZ GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ)eb# ,%,#)((#''''#

8]g^hide]Zg 8gZZ`

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9dlcidlc L^cZ

8VhjVa hedi l^i] AE gZXdgYh dc i]Z ijgciVWaZ VcY gZaVmZY k^WZ! [djcYZY Wn hjg[Zg"h`ViZg ijgcZY l^cZbV`Zg# D[[Zgh Vc ZXaZXi^X gVc\Z d[ l^cZh [gdb YZa^XViZ! I]V^"Xj^h^cZÄ^che^gZY 7VcnVc l]^iZh id gjhi^X! WgVbWan =dWd gZYh ^che^gZY Wn i]Z deZc gdVY# ;da` BVX]^cZ VcY 7gVc]Vb :hiViZ L^cZh! idd# 9dcÉi h`^e i]Z gZ[gZh]^c\an Ygn HVciV AjX^V =^\]aVcYh G^Zha^c\# GVbWaZ dc ^c# &(' EaVoV Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc I]jghYVnÄBdcYVn! &&Vb id +eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZ! *# ,%,#),(#%((,#

;gVcX^h ;dgY 8deedaV EgZhZcih Gdhhd 7^VcXd >c V [V^gn"iVaZ hZii^c\ XdbeaZiZ l^i] V XVhiaZ VcY [g^ZcYan! ViiZci^kZ hiV[[! i]^h l^cZgn ]Vh ZmXZaaZci l]^iZ l^cZh VcY Vc ^c"]djhZ gZhiVjgVci XjggZcian XadhZY # (%% K^V 6gX]^bZYZh! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an Vi &&Vb# ,%,#-*,#&)%%#

AVbWZgi 7g^Y\Z L^cZgn

Dc \addbn V[iZgcddch! V hig^c\ d[ a^\]ih VcY V Xjga d[ hbd`Z [gdb i]Z hidcZ X]^bcZn bV`Z i]^h 9gn 8gZZ` aVcYbVg` Vaa i]Z bdgZ ^ck^i^c\# 8]VcYZa^Zg" ^aajb^cViZY gZYlddY XZaaVg ^h V lVgb hZii^c\ id hVbeaZ bZi^Xjadjhan XgV[iZY HVjk^\cdc 7aVcX! 8]VgYdccVn! O^c VcY XaVgZi# )%-* LZhi 9gn 8gZZ` GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc &%/(%VbÄ)/(%eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZ &%# ,%,#)(&#.+%%#

mention this ad for $1.00 off

435 Santa Rosa Ave 707-578-S-OIL


Ndj b^\]i ZmeZXi BZZ`Zg id WZ bdgZ ha^X`ZY"dji! l]Vi l^i] ^ih W^\"i^bZ =daanlddY dg^\^ch Xd"dlcZg 8]Vga^Z BZZ`Zg ^h V [dgbZg bdk^Z ZmZXji^kZ # 7ji i]ViÉh XaZVgan cdi i]Z XVhZ# '&%(* <ZnhZgk^aaZ 6kZ#! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc BdcYVnÄHVijgYVn! &%/(%VbÄ +eb0 HjcYVn! cddcÄ*eb# ,%,#)(&#'&)-#

EVhhVaVXfjV L^cZgn

;Vb^an"gjc! WdVhi^c\ \ddY gZYh VcY 8]VgYdccVn Vh lZaa Vh V [jc l^cZ" VgdbV `^i id igV^c ndjg hZchZh id ^YZci^[n Xdbbdc l^cZ hbZaah# AVg\Z YZX`! \VgYZc VcY k^cZnVgY# (-%* AVbWZgi 7g^Y\Z GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#)((#**,*#

WZVji^[ja k^Zlh VcY heZXiVXjaVg l^cZ! i]Z WZhi d[ l]^X] VgZ i]Z gZYh# *&&% =ln# &'-! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#)((#&.))#

IdeZa L^cZgn

=V^a^c\ [gdb =deaVcY! IdeZa d[[Zgh ZhiViZ"\gdlc BZg^iV\Z VcY di]Zg l^cZh ^c i]^h lZaa"Veed^ciZY iVhi^c\ gddb l^i] XVhZbZci l^cYdlh deZc id i]Z higZZi! VXgdhh [gdb DV`k^aaZ <gdXZgn# 8ZYVg! X]^Xdgn! X]dXdaViZ VcY Wgdlc he^XZÅbV`Zh dcZ ]jc\gn [dg V edgidWZaad"bjh]gddb"dc"[dXVXX^V hVcYl^X]# &'* BVi]Zhdc Hi#! =deaVcY# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ,eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZh! *Ä &'# ,%,#)((#)&&+#

South County 8diVi^ 8dgcZg ;^cZ L^cZh

L]Vi V [jc`n XdaaZ\Z idlc a^`Z 8diVi^ cZZYh ^c V l^cZ h]de ^h [g^ZcYan! jcegZiZci^djh! l^i] V hbVaa Wji jc^fjZ hZaZXi^dc d[ jcYZg '% l^cZh# 6cY i]Vi i]Zn ]VkZ# I]jghYVn iVhi^c\h# &-&- AV EaVoV! HiZ# &%+! 8diVi^# DeZc IjZhYVnÄHVijgYV0 iVhi^c\h! I]jghYVnÄ ;g^YVn! *Ä-eb# ,%,#,.(#.(*,#

@VhiVc^V K^cZnVgYh

L]d `cZl i]Vi ]ZgZ dc i]Z WdgYZg d[ BVg^c lZÉY [^cY dcZ d[ i]Z bdhi ]dhe^iVWaZ! cd"cdchZchZ! [Vb^an" l^cZgn ZmeZg^ZcXZh ^c i]Z Xdjcin ))&* @VhiVc^V GdVY! EZiVajbV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#,+(#+()-#

Mid County 8ZaaVgh d[ HdcdbV

Ide"h]Za[ l^cdh l^aa lVci id gdaa Ydlc i]Z igVX`h VcY X]ZX` dji i]^h GV^agdVY HfjVgZ Xd"de i]Vi hZgkZh egdYjXi [gdb h^m hbVaa [Vb^an l^cZg^Zh# I]Z ViigVXi^kZ h]de [ZVijgZh i]Z bVhh^kZ lddY WVg [gdb i]Z daY B^mm gZhiVjgVci! XdchiVcian h]^[i^c\ hXZcZgn dc Vc VggVn d[ [aVi eVcZa hXgZZch ZchXdcXZY ^c l^cZ WVggZa ]ZVYh VcY VgdbV hZb^cVgh# 8]ZX` dji i]Z Ygn <Zl“gio VcY :hiViZ E^cdih# &(( ;djgi] Hi#! HVciV GdhV# HjcYVnÄLZYcZhYVn &%VbÄ*eb! I]jghYVnÄHVijgYVn &%VbÄ,eb# &% [ZZ# ,%,#*,-#&-'+#

BViVcoVh 8gZZ` L^cZgn

BViVcoVh 8gZZ` L^cZgn [ZVijgZh V eZVXZ[ja iVhi^c\ gddb dkZgadd`^c\ ^ih [VbZY VXgZh d[ aVkZcYZg# +%., 7ZccZii KVaaZn GdVY! HVciV GdhV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ )/(%eb# ,%,#*'-#+)+)#

IVb 8ZaaVgh

HeVX^djh l^cZ WVg fj^Zian Y^hig^WjiZh i]Z hdja"hVakZ d[ i]Z V\Zh VcY! a^`Z ^ih hdja bViZ i]Z Xd[[ZZ h]de! eVhhZh i]Z aVeide iZhi# 8]ZZhZ eaViZh! l^cZ [a^\]ih VcY Xdb[dgiVWaZ hZVi^c\ VggVc\ZbZcih bV`Z V c^XZ eaVXZ id XdckZcZ l^i] i]Z XdbeVc^dc dg [aVi hXgZZc d[ dcZÉh X]d^XZ# L^cZ h]de [ZVijgZh ^ciZgcVi^dcVa! ZXaZXi^X hZaZXi^dc Vi [V^g eg^XZh# &-%( AVg`hejg AVcY^c\ 8^gXaZ! AVg`hejg# DeZc BdcYVnÄLZYcZhYVn! )Ä.eb0 I]jghYVnÄHVijgYVn! )Ä&%eb# )&*#)+&#.)+(#

HVee]^gZ =^aa

H]Vg^c\ V egdeZgin l^i] hjX] Vh 8Vb^aaV 8ZaaVgh VcY di]Zg Wdji^fjZ l^cZg^Zh dc V XdbedjcY i]Zn h^bean XVaa Æ;gdci HigZZi *!Ç egdYjXi^dc ^h bV^can gZYh! l^i] i]Z ZmXZei^dc d[ Vc ZhiViZ 8]VgYdccVn# *& ;gdci Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc I]jghYVnÄBdcYVn! &&VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#)(&#&---#

Hign`Zg HdcdbV K^cZnVgYh

D[["i]Z"WZViZc"eVi] l^cZgn [ZVijgZh




West County <gVidc G^Y\Z 8ZaaVgh

;dgbZgan Vc VeeaZ h]ZY WZadkZY Wn gZ\jaVg XjhidbZgh l]d YgdkZ je id \Zi _j^XZ VcY VeeaZh! i]^h iVhi^c\ gddb ^h XaZVc VcY XdciZbedgVgn! l^i] V W^i d[ k^cZnVgYn l^cZ Xdjcign Vgi dc i]Z lVaah# DlcZgh 6gi VcY 7VgWVgV EVja ]VkZ ^ck^iZY ild di]Zg [Vb^an l^cZg^Zh

id h]VgZ i]Z^g iVhi^c\ gddb/ DXX^YZciVa GdVY 8ZaaVgh VcY 6iVhXVYZgd 8gZZ`# I]ZgZ VgZ &+ l^cZh dc i]Z bZcj! hd i]ZgZÉh V adi id X]ZX` dji# L^i] i]gZZ 8]VgYdccVnh! [^kZ E^cdi Cd^gh VcY i]gZZ O^c[VcYZah! edjg^c\ V [a^\]i ^h Xdbbdc# (*+& <gVkZchiZ^c =ln# C#! HZWVhideda# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc ;g^YVnÄHjcYVn! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# Cd [ZZ# ,%,#-'(#(%)%#

Gjhh^Vc G^kZg K^cZnVgYh

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Generosity Project ... NONPROFIT GUIDE 2010


he State of California legislature has declared

Oct. 1, 2010, as California Plan Your Giving Day, focusing on charitable giving in one’s estate plan. To take advantage of this opportunity, a volunteer group has launched a project to “make charitable giving a normal part of an estate plan.” Their inspiration is Warren Buffett’s and Bill and Melinda Gates’ pledge to give away at least 50 percent of their estate at death and to encourage other billionaires to do the same. To date, four other couples have joined them, three from California, and they have a three- to five-year plan to enroll many more. Our goal is to bring this down to the level of the general population who are willing to pledge 10 percent or more in their estate plan to charity. For more information go to: www.californiaplanyourgiving.com.

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707.579.4073 | WWW.SONOMACF.ORG "

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In a message to Congress on January 8, 1964, President Johnson said: “Let us carry forward the plans and programs of John F. Kennedy, not because of our sorrow or sympathy, but because they are right...This Administration today, here and now declares an unconditional war on poverty in America...Our joint Federallocal effort must pursue poverty, pursue it wherever it exists.� So began the “War on Poverty�. Today, 1,100 Community Action agencies throughout the nation provide direct support for more than 34.5 million people. The majority of participants have incomes below 75 percent of the federal poverty threshold, or $9,735 for a family of three. The Community Action network serves more than 16.2 million individuals and 3 million families per year. In the North Bay, three agencies, Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County, Community Action Marin (CAM); and Community Action Napa Valley (CANV) serve and assist more than 25,000 thousand lowincome residents per year to achieve an improved quality of life based on economic self-sufficiency. Convincing people that poverty exists in counties that appear affluent is a major challenge. “It’s tough convincing the philanthropic community and potential donors that Marin is not just the land of “BMWs, hot tubs, and peacock feathers,� says Gail Theller, Executive Director in Marin. Oscar Chavez, Executive Director in Sonoma, and CANV Executive Director, Drene Johnson agree that communicating the importance and urgency of addressing poverty is challenging. Drene says, “The image in Napa Valley isn’t peacock feathers but fine dining and wines. Yet our organization provides 350 meals a day to seniors in need through the Meals on Wheels program, and the Food Bank gave out 18,000 pounds of food to the homeless last year.,,.Underneath the glamour of wineries and fine dining there is true poverty.� Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County is currently planning

LUNAFEST, films by, for and about women. This film festival to be held November 13th, will help replace the loss of funding this year for Sloan Women’s Shelter in Santa Rosa. “The wonderful thing is that the community always gets behind the needs of our clients,� says Oscar Chavez. “From volunteering to making donations, the community always steps up and helps. Thanks to them, more than 2,400 people per year use our housing and rental services. “

Most people agree that education is key to avoiding poverty and it’s no coincidence that the largest and best known Community Action program is Head Start /Early Head Start. This national child and family program provides developmentally appropriate preschool experiences to low-income children from birth to five years old. Research shows that low-income children lacking this fundamental service are less likely to graduate from high school and more likely to become involved in the criminal justice system later in life. Head Start also provides nutritional, social, dental, and special education services to hundreds of children (30 classrooms in Sonoma County and 15 in Marin). Ten percent of the children enrolled are diagnosed with disabilities. Children are also provided nutritious food that is often their main meal of the day. Community Action Napa Valley, offers affordable full-day childcare for children up to six years and in Sonoma

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County, recognizing that parents are their children’s primary educator, the Avance program includes low-income parents in program governance, classroom assistance, and goal setting for their children. While emphasis on early education is critical, it is not enough, as evidenced by the numbers of low-income youth who are failing in the education system or engaged in negative behaviors. Community Action agencies employ a wide variety of programs to prevent children from adding to these statistics and re-engage those already on the wrong path. YouthBuild Santa Rosa is an education, job skills training, and leadership development program for youth ages 16-24 who have dropped out of high school. Partnering with John Muir Charter School, students learn the construction trade and earn their high school diploma. Community Action agencies of the North Bay also provide a variety of youth leadership and mentoring programs. These agencies have established several programs to address many other factors that contribute to people living in poverty. In Marin and Sonoma counties, financial education is provided to clients whose life-long poor financial habits have kept them in poverty. SparkPoint Marin Center’s financial coaches help low-income clients create step-by-step plans to achieve financial goals. In Sonoma County a series of personal finance management and planning classes helps clients establish healthy financial habits and for some, their first savings accounts.

Oscar Chavez, executive director of Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County, helps out at the food distribution site at the organization’s South Park Youth Center.

Each of the agencies addresses the issue of unemployment in different ways. Marin Job & Career Services provides training to bridge the gap between conventional employment services and individuals in need of services not offered by the mainstream.


The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma

Community Foundation of Sonoma County Community Media Center of the North Bay Computer Recycling Corporation Democrasoft Friends House Junior League of Napa - Sonoma Levi’s Gran Fondo Lifeworks The Living Room Lunafest: Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County Mentor Me Petaluma Peace in Medicine Redwood Credit Union Redwood Empire Food Bank Russian Riverkeeper Safer Horse Sebastiani Theatre Sonoma Country Day School Sonoma Land Trust Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods Summit State Bank Thomas Shaw United Way of Wine Country Veridita

We are an active group of trained volunteers who are committed to positively impacting the lives of children and families.

Our Mission:

tour prestigious homes in Bennett Valley, with transportation provided by California Wine Tours. This year's event is on The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma is Saturday, November 20th and Sunday, November 21st, from an organization of women committed to 10 a.m.–4 p.m. The Winter Market at Friedman Event Center will promoting voluntarism, developing the feature local vendors and artisans selling a wonderful variety of potential of women and improving communities through the effective action quality merchandise. and leadership of trained volunteers. We “This is truly a wonderful way to celebrate our community and continually survey the community to get in the holiday spirit!� said Kathy Nordin, JLNS President. “It’s identify needs and help to fill gaps by also a perfect way to for us to raise funds to support local children providing programs or services that will and families in need in Napa and Sonoma Counties.� positively impact the lives of children The Winter Market is free and open to the public. Tickets for the and families. Our purpose is educational Home Tour are $45 per person. For details, please visit and charitable. www.jlns.org or call 707-545-5567.

Our Annual Fundraiser:

The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma (JLNS) is pleased to announce its annual fundraiser, the Holiday Home Tour & Winter Market. Guests are invited to

In Napa, the Culinary Training Program provides low-income clients skills to launch a career in the food-service industry. Issues such as depression and mental illness that represent barriers to self sufficiency are a high priority in Marin and Sonoma. CAM’s Mental Health Program’s trained peer counselors provide activities that range from case work with individuals and families, to helping people through times of crisis. Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County focuses on preventing the onset of mental illness in teens. The Teen Peer Group uses social media to reach out to other young people facing stresses that lead to mental illness. The economic downturn has increased the need for housing and shelter for homeless individuals and families, and Community Action agencies have stepped in to address these gaps. In Sonoma County, Sloan House Women’s Shelter, transitional shelters, tenant-landlord mediation, case management, and homeless prevention programming are available to the region’s most vulnerable citizens. In Napa, the agency’s Shelter Project provides safe and dignified shelter to adults and children enabling them to become self-sufficient. Each of the County Community

707. 545. 5567 P.O. Box 5752, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 www.jlns.org

Supporting Rus Russian sian River Riv ver area arreea State Parks through through Education, Edu ucation, and Stewardship an d Advocacy Advo ocacy

Volunteer V oolunteer Pr Programs ograms Seminars Educational FField ield Semi inars Docent-Led Pr ogram ms Programs Environmental Enviro onmental Ed for Sc Schools chools EcoAdventures Adults EcoAdv entures for Adul ts and Corporate p Gr Groups oups ps Grove September Old Gr ove FFestival estival - Sep tember Online Auctio Auction n - Nov./Dec. Nov.//Dec. Holiday Shopping at E-S E-Store Storre & State Park Natur Nature re Stores Sto orres e Armstrong Armstrong Redwoods & in n Jenner


(707) 869-9177 stewards@mcn.org stewards@mcn.org stewardsofthecoastandredwoods.org stew ardsofthecoastandredwoods.or o g <=<>@=47B 5C723


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Action Agencies offers a myriad of other services waging war on poverty on many fronts: Marin’s Strom Kidney Education Fund educates adults facing kidney disease and its Asian Advocacy Project empowers the Asian community to actively participate in educational, economic, social and political processes of American society. Serving the unique needs of Napa Valley are the Napa Valley Food Bank and the Senior Nutrition Program, providing meals to seniors. The Napa Valley Solar Partnership provides residents with resources and information to help them move to money-saving solar power. The Napa County Control and Cessation Programs help residents quit smoking, and discourage others from starting. In Sonoma County, Kid’s Net, links uninsured or under-insured children to volunteer health care providers and dentists, and the Certified Application Program helps parents of Sonoma County’s 75,000 uninsured children to access coverage. Children in the county’s Roseland district also receive health and dental care through the School Health program. Despite all these services, the Community Action agencies in Marin, Napa and Sonoma County understand that the needs are greater than their resources so they place great emphasis on partnering with other organizations to increase their community-wide impact. “Partnership is more than just a word in the title of the agencies,� says Oscar Chavez. “We are a movement, a laboratory for positive social change working in partnership with the people we serve by engaging them in all aspects of our work, from building relationship and trust at the neighborhood level, to their engagement in our governance and decision making. This is the power of true community action.� These partnerships include: the Food Access Coalition’s Food Stamp Outreach Program addressing hunger and access to food; the Nurse Family Partnership providing in-home registered nurse visits to lowincome mothers pregnant with their first child throughout their pregnancy, and until their baby is two years old; and the Capacity Building Program that enhances the capacity of other nonprofit organizations to accomplish their mission through funding, training


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and technical assistance. Economic downturn aside, the communities of the North Bay’s Marin, Napa and Sonoma counties offer most residents a high standard of living full of options and opportunities. Behind the scenes, the three Community Action agencies continue the War on Poverty by serving those less fortunate residents who, on a daily basis, struggle to meet the basic needs of food and shelter that most of us take for granted. In the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ‘The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.� The staff, board and volunteers who make up Community Action take this value to heart and the quality of life of thousands of our less fortunate North Bay neighbors are improved as a result. “In spite of the current economic challenges we face, the future for Community Action has never been better,� says Oscar Chavez. “We are retooling to meet the needs of the future in order to “move the needle� on our community’s most pressing issues. We boldly expect that we can effect a whole community transformation. The time to act is now, the time for change is now. Join us.� Hazel Whiteoak is volunteer coordinator for CAP.

To learn more about how access services or help the agencies, by volunteering or making a donation, contact: Community Action Marin 29 Mary St., San Rafael, CA 94901 415.526.7500 www.camarin.org Community Action of Napa Valley 2310 Laurel St., Napa, CA 94559 707.253.6100 www.canv.org Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County 1300 N. Dutton Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707.544.6911 wwwcapsonoma.org

KIMBRELL & CO’S FIVE TIPS TO HELP NONPROFITS BUILD PARTNERSHIPS WITH CORPORATIONS Kimbrell & Company is a Sausalito-based agency that specializes in cause-marketing, building cross sector partnerships between corporations and nonprofits. Here are their Top 5 Tips for nonprofits looking to build partnerships with companies above and beyond the corporate foundation. 1. First decide what you want and need from a corporate partner % Cash? % In-kind donations? % Volunteers? % All of those? Only approach a company once you are clear what your needs are and that they can respond. 2. Do an internal analysis to determine what you have to offer a company. This is not simply a donor-donee relationship. Identify benefits such as: % A one-time use of database % Special events % Newsletters, website, brochures % Celebrities 3. Decide what companies make the best sense for you % Leverage key relationships that your board members may have % Which companies’ customers would be most aligned with your cause? % Look at the core values of the company and see if they align with yours % Understand their business


t t t



FamilyWize www.unitedwaywinecountry.org 418 B Street, Suite 400, Santa Rosa, CA 95401


4. Approach different divisions in that company There are many areas of a company that might want to align with your nonprofit: % Marketing % Public Affairs % Public Relations % Community Development % Corporate Communications % Supplier Diversity 5. Ask for the money This might seem like a silly tip to list, but you would be surprised how many people make presentations and then don’t ask for the money. www.kimbrell-co.com Diana@kimbrel-co.com North Bay Resource Centers for Nonprofits Volunteer Center of Sonoma County Fostering Excellence in Nonprofit Management www.volunteernow.org/resources Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership of Marin Resource on grantseeing, funraising, proposal writing, nonprofit management and governance can be found at: www.cvnl.org Volunteer Center of Napa Valley www.volunteernapa.com

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Ready, set, VOLUNTEER with Sonoma Land Trust ‌ and enjoy the fresh air!

UNITED WAY’S DAY OF CARING, SEPTEMBER 2010 On Sept. 8, 1,200 volunteers served 54 agencies, worked on 122 projects, and dedicated more than 5,400 hours of labor supporting our local non-profits and community.

Fall F all wor workdays kdays currently currrently e being bein ng scheduled V i it www isit .sonomalandt l dttrust.org Visit www.sonomalandtrust.org

Amazing things happen when caring people work together to Live United. Your participation in Day of Caring exemplifies your dedication to give back to the community, making a difference and achieving lasting change. Jenny Chamberlain, community engagement manager United Way of the Wine Country unitedwaywinecountry.org

VOLUNTEER QUOTES: Rosemary Olson, North Bay Bohemian

More info: vo volunteer@sonomalandtrust.org olunteer@sonomalandtrust.org

I chose to volunteer to do yard maintenance for a preschool in Healdsburg. The teachers were too busy with the children to maintain the upkeep of the play areas of the school. We raked, pulled weeds, picked up debris and knocked down cobwebs. All of the children made us feel like their guests of honor. They would say, ‘What are you doing?’ And I would say, ‘Making your play area nice for you. Do you like when things look nice?’ They said yes with big smiles. That was my prize for the day. Not to mention receiving a letter from the site manager thanking us for our time and kindness.

started the cuts and assembly for the project. A few of us also tackled a landscape project to beautify their surroundings and plan for better plant growth. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting other team members and what brought us together for this project. Sweat equity always has its rewards. Mercedes Murolo, North Bay Bohemian Because I have always admired the work done by Habitat For Humanity and have had the opportunity to donate art work and such to auctions at Habitat events when I lived back in Massachusetts, I chose to donate an afternoon to ReStore on Piner Road in Santa Rosa. ReStore is a brilliant idea—a place to donate extra building materials and appliances when remodeling or building—and hence, a giant store in which anyone can shop for these items. I spent my time spiffing up some used appliances and I know that they are always in dire need of volunteers. It makes one feel as if one is doing something very crucial and loving in a world otherwise harsh and often unforgiving. I highly recommend spending your free time doing a task or two for Habitat through ReStore. At least go and check out the store at 1201 Piner Road. Buy something. Susan Sulc, North Bay Bohemian

A group of us from four different organizations and a couple of independent volunteers participated Lisa Santos, North Bay Bohemian in the United Way’s Day of Caring by I participated in the Redwood Empire painting the kitchen and hallways for Industries’ Day of Caring Project. R House, a residential adolescent The management team was very substance abuse treatment center hospitable to the crew participating for young men. Working together and in our Day of Caring project which sharing the experience of creating a included making wood-cut box art clean, bright space for the residents frames for their adult community with was energizing and enjoyable. A developmental and mental health fresh coat of paint always makes challenges. There are ongoing art a room appear more cheery and projects and it was satisfying to inviting. Hopefully it will be much contribute towards their next project. appreciated by the young residents This nonprofit organization assists and give them a fresh start on their them on a daily basis with their journey to find a new life free from addiction. programs. After the lead demo, we


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2:00 pm Sunday October 3, 2:00 $20 reserved seatingg Tickets 707-996-9756 707-996-975 56 476 1st St. E. Sonoma,, CA www.sebastianitheatre.com www.sebastianitheatre e.com

The Living Room Center COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER OF THE NORTH BAY CMC M is a non-profit organizatio on t t provides media training,, tha to ools,, & production services to North Bay residents, non-profits, educators, & government departments.

www.communitymedia.org (707) 569-8785 | Located on the SRHS campus at: 1075 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Day Services for Women and Children Who are Homeless SAFETY RESOURCES AND


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Jennifer Imbimbo, manager, Media and Community Relations, Infineon Raceway

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707.283.0373 www.veriditas.org

Infineon Raceway is such a unique place to work, not only because of the one-of-a-kind events we host, but because it is a company that is very committed to giving back to the community. For the fourth consecutive year, we participated in the United Way Day of Caring; this year at Canine Companions in Santa Rosa. Our staff was dedicated to giving 100 percent and doing whatever it took to get the job done. The facility was already impressive, but after power washing, painting, building, cleaning and laying down bark, the facility looked better than ever. It means so much to us to give back, and I hope that we made a difference in the lives of the Canine Companions clients. Robin McKenzie, Redwood Credit Union Three teams of Redwood Credit Union (RCU) employees volunteered more than 95 total hours at local nonprofits as part of United Way’s Day of Caring in Sonoma and Mendocino counties, and Week of Caring in Marin. These events allowed RCU the opportunity to assist local communities and nonprofits hands-on with a variety of projects they would have otherwise been unable to complete due to lack of time, dollars or resources. RCU supports United Way each year with their annual employee giving campaign. In 2010 this campaign reached over $80,000. Beyond United Way, RCU actively supports and participates in a variety of community programs throughout the year, including the Human Race, the American Red Cross, National Make-a-Difference Day, local Volunteer Centers, Salvation Army and more. Kyla Burke-Lazarus, CVNL Americorps VISTA The Flexible Volunteer Program provides the perfect way for busy people of all ages to volunteer in a fun, meaningful setting by coordinating projects that volunteers may sign-up for online. These Flex opportunities often take place outside of traditional work/ school hours and require no ongoing commitment. I was inspired by the feedback of previous Flex volunteers, and I hope you will be as well.

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Flex Volunteer, San Rafael Conversation Club Project I am certified in ESL and was teaching through Canal Alliance until the death of my mother last year. It has been incredibly difficult for me to commit to anything and as a result I stopped teaching. The one-day volunteering opportunity gave me a chance to teach/assist/mentor again. The student I worked with was wonderful. I was so inspired, that as soon as I came home that day, I signed up for the following week and had the opportunity to work with the same student again. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity for me to help. Flex Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity Project Flex programs are great because they often take place on the weekend and are just a one-time commitment. For instance, I was able to participate in one day of volunteer service for Habitat for Humanity and feel like part of a larger project that my busy work schedule otherwise wouldn’t allow through regular volunteer commitments.� Libby Reyff, age 17, San Domenico High School “For the past four years I have been volunteering at Halleck Creek Ranch in Nicasio, the horseback riding club for handicapped people. I began doing it just for fun with my dad, and it has grown into a huge part of my life and something that I look forward to every week (we go every Saturday). Unfortunately, because I’m in high school, sometimes my schedule doesn’t permit me to volunteer consistently every week, but in the summertime, that’s luckily not a problem. The community that I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of is fantastic. Out at the ranch, there is nothing to be unhappy about. Even if a rider takes a fall or has a seizure, people stay positive. No matter your age, race or physical capabilities, you are treated as an equal, and for that I will forever be grateful. Halleck Creek has changed my life, and continues to do so, always for the better. It has helped to shape me into the strong, understanding young woman I am today (if I do say so myself), and will be in my heart forever.

DEE’S STORY Dee had been homeless for over a year when she entered Sloan House. She lost her home because she had been laid off from work and the disability benefits she received for chronic pain were insufficient to cover her rent. She was unable to return to work because of her health problems and then her disability benefits expired. Her new medical insurance no longer covered her anti-depressant medications. While at Sloan House, she met regularly with doctors regarding these and other health and mental health problems that made work a challenge for her. She was given referrals to pain clinics and received tips on how to explore alternative ways to manage her pain. As she wasn’t confident of being able to continue to work long-term, she also met with counselors at Disability Services and the Legal Center to assist her in completing her appeal for disability benefits. While staying in the shelter, Dee attended a variety of workshops, including health and nutritional education, and budgeting programs through the Community Action Partnership’s RentUp program.


During her stay, she filled out applications for housing while looking for work and completing the appeal process for permanent disability. One of her housing applications was placed in a lottery for a new low-cost apartment being built by Burbank Housing. It was then that things took a turn for the better for Dee. Although her pain did not subside, she was able to secure part-time employment just before her name was pulled for the lottery.


Because Dee was able to stay in one location, and access the amenities of Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County’s Sloan House Women’s Shelter, she was able to transition into a new job, save money for rent, and follow through with her health and mental health needs while the apartment complex construction was completed. Dee moved into her own apartment five months after entering the shelter.


Wayne Leahy, Project Safe Mentor Last year, Wayne Leahy, a Sonoma County realtor, cut out an item in the Press Democrat describing Community Action Partnership’s Project Safe Mentoring Program’s need for mentors. He remembered a young man who helped him immensely when he was a Boy Scout—a person who, in fact, had been his mentor. He thought of his daughters, Christina and Jessica, and hoped that they would receive the same kind of concern and support if they needed it some day. But most of all, he thought

about Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County. “I came here about three years ago. You folks helped me with the deposit to get into the house we are in right now. Times were tough then but life has turned around for the better. I felt I wanted to give back,� he told Project Safe mentoring program manager Patty Vizgart. Wayne volunteers as a mentor at Cook Middle School and has also committed to volunteering in the new YouthBuild Santa Rosa Mentoring Component beginning in September.

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1478=3 C74 70F0880= ?A8=C 2DAC08= o tasting room, no state fair gold medals and no Wine Spectator 90 points here: you pays your money and you takes your chances when buying wine at Trader Joe’s. The low prices assure that a hit taken on the gamble won’t be big. While the ever-popular Two Buck Chuck is still seen in better homes everywhere, the grocery chain’s house-branded wines offer appellationdesignated wines from reputable producers, many of them in the North Bay—perhaps a better value.


Like Trader Joe’s food products, wines are made or blended by wineries who prefer to remain anonymous. The store’s Fearless Flyer sometimes coyly intimates a product’s origins (German-style beer brewed in the Bay Area?) but it’s notoriously difďŹ cult to get behind the Hawaiian Print Curtain. Ah, but for the truly curious, there are ways. VINTJS 2009 Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc ($5.99) It’s pronounced “vintages.â€? Clever? Discuss. Meanwhile, here’s where the grass hits the grapefruit. Honeydew melon, crackling grapefruit, with canned-fruit-cocktail avors. A sharp wine for the price. It appears to originate out of St. SupĂŠry in Rutherford, where a Sauvignon Blanc from the same vintage retails for $23. TJ’s Petit Reserve 2009 Russian River Valley Chardonnay ($5.99) A button of a nose, a bit of toasted nut over apple cider. With golden apple avors and vintage sparkling wine overtones, it seems that only a portion of this wine went through malolactic. Lively, sweet and easy, and without the usual cheap perfume of budget Chardonnay. Very likely produced over at Sebastopol’s Taft Street Winery. VINTJS 2009 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir ($8.99 This light-colored Pinot is redolent of raspberries that want very much to be cherries, nutmeg-sprinkled lattĂŠ with a shot of orgeat syrup. It’s as light and harmless as a watered-down crantini, with a dash of Grenadine. The enemy of pizza (Trader Giotto’s Organic Three Cheese), this wine is bright and pretty to the end. From a custom winemaking consultant in Dundee, Ore. TJ’s Reserve 2008 Sonoma County Zinfandel ($9.99) Dark licorice, boysenberry and leather aromas, with big avors of ďŹ g, brambleberry and bit of cassis. Although the center is a little hollow, the ďŹ nish is ďŹ rm. It’s made by Healdsburg’s Mazzoco Sonoma and says so on the label. TJ’s Grand Reserve 2008 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ($12.99) Uh-oh, there’s the cognac and oak of a hot-rinsed barrel in the aroma, with licorice and black cherry lurking in the cedar. Black cherry, plum sauce and the chocolate crunch of cherry cordial are on the chewy, tannic ďŹ nish. Also coming out the back door of St. SupĂŠry, this turns out to be a smashing good value for a Napa Cab. Trader Joe’s Sonoma County 169 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma; 707.769.2782. 3225 Cleveland Ave., Santa Rosa; 707.525.1406. 2100 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa; 707.535.0788. Marin County 2052 Redwood Hwy., Larkspur; 415.945.7955. 7514 Redwood Blvd., Novato; 415.898.9359. 337 Third St., San Rafael; 415.454.9530. Napa County 3654 Bel Aire Plaza, Napa; 707.256.0806. Stores open 8am to 9pm. James Knight




s d r a w A Whole Lotta Love Celebrating the 13th annual Boho Awards


he edit staff at the Bohemian loves us our annual Boho Awards issue something mighty. We love it because the Bohos allow us a chance to really consider which people and entities in the North Bay have made a true and deep impact on our arts community. Every year we begin with the same silly pshaw that we’ve already honored everyone; every year we become increasingly excited by all of the many folks and organizations yet to be honored. We could quite honestly do this every week. But alas. As always, we invite you to help us celebrate our honorees at our free party, open for all to attend. This year’s celebration is slated for Wednesday, Sept. 29, from 5pm outside at Hopmonk Tavern (230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol). It’s followed by our North Bay Music Awards celebration inside Hopmonk’s Abbey from 7pm. We hope to see you there to help us raise a joyful noise to the tireless volunteers who have made the Handcar Regatta such a sparkling, marvelous success for downtown Santa Rosa. We want you to raise a




pint to the good folks at Lagunitas Brewing Co., who regularly turn untold gallons of beer into big piles of gold for nonprofits. We’d like you to help us give a round of applause for Napa developer George Altamura, whose decade-long mission to return his town’s storied Uptown Theatre back to its original glory has been a no-holds-barred triumph. We ask you to help us huzzah Book Passage, which just passed the three-decade mark in providing a distinctive thump to the literary heart of Marin with its unwavering support of local writers and great literature. And not finally at all, we ask you to cheer along for Jessica Felix, recently reinstated to her own Healdsburg Jazz Festival, and her tireless mission to promote pure art. We honor these stellar people on the following pages and hope that you’ll come on down to help us get giddy about them on Sept. 29 at Hopmonk. —Gretchen Giles


JazzWon Jessica Felix’s quest to keep her festival pure By Gabe Meline


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reposted (by us, among others) and added to elsewhere. And each comment, letter, email and editorial contained the same sentiment: Felix is the Healdsburg Jazz Festival. When musicians such as David Weiss, Charlie Musselwhite, Adam Theis and Bennett Friedman wrote to side with Felix, the façade of the “newâ€? festival, with board members talking about booking blues acts, began to crack. When famed percussionist Babatunde Lea vowed not to participate in the Operation Jazz Band program in area schools, the only activity the board had planned for 2011, the cracks widened. And when the festival’s major sponsor wrote to cancel its annual $25,000 sponsorship in protest, the chances of a newly “revisedâ€? nonjazz jazz festival were officially toast. The result has been one of the rare instances of the will of the people coming out on top. This month, after overwhelming public outcry, the board of directors handed the festival back to Felix and reinstated her as board chair. What’s more, all five members of the board swiftly and collectively resigned. “It was a fight for jazz,â€? Felix told me the next day, “and jazz won.â€? And though she’s still more of a fan of the music than an organizer—her license plate, after all, reads “JAZZICAâ€?—Felix’s love of the music above all else has struck a chord with those who feel the same way. “There are a lot of people who don’t understand jazz,â€? she told me once. “I guess ’cause it’s not easy, toe-tapping background music. But it’s a great art form that has expression and feeling and so much emotion. It can take you somewhere. “It can transplant your feelings.â€? www.healdsburgjazzfestival.org.


Healdsburg Jazz Fest founder Jessica Felix is overdue for honor.


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n 1998, when Jessica Felix first booked jazz pianist George Cables for a concert at a small coffee shop in Healdsburg, little could she have known that she was planting the seeds for a world-class festival. Sure, she’d once hosted jazz parties at her Piedmont house in Oakland, cooking dinner for guests while greats like Pharoah Sanders and Dave Holland played in her living room. But a full-f ledged festival? In Healdsburg? It turned out that Healdsburg needed jazz, and what’s more, the jazz community needed the Healdsburg Jazz Festival. Over the past 12 years, Felix has cultivated a diehard audience of music lovers in the county, tirelessly bringing a who’s who of jazz royalty to our unlikely little Newport of the West: Joshua Redman, Billy Higgins, Ravi Coltrane, Andrew Hill, Charlie Haden, Bobby Hutcherson, Jim Hall, Dave Holland, McCoy Tyner, Pharoah Sanders, Bill Frisell, Jackie McLean, Joe Lovano, Kenny Garrett, Jason Moran, Frank Morgan and Dave Brubeck, to name just a few. For this, Jessica Felix is an obvious— and overdue— recipient of a Boho Award. Historically, performing jazz has been an unrewarding endeavor. If the walls of nightclubs around the country could talk, they’d speak of music played by incredible artists who died destitute, their talents only respected in postmortem legacy. Felix has continually treated the living musicians at her festival with respect, humble hospitality and dignity, and for that, they keep returning. Many find that Healdsburg represents the true spirit of jazz much more than institutions such as the Monterey Jazz Festival. And yet this Boho Award was almost a bittersweet honor. Earlier this year, Felix was ousted from the very festival she founded by her own board of directors, who cited lower-than-expected ticket sales as reason to cancel the 2011 event, to fire Felix with no intent to hire her back and to “broaden the offering� beyond a “limited audience for pure jazz.� But in an inspiring local story about a community rising up and fighting for what they love, the many fans of the Healdsburg Jazz Festival fired back. Over 45 comments quickly piled up on the festival’s website protesting the decision, and news outlets well outside the North Bay took note. The board of directors removed the comments, but they were

www. AntiqueSociety .com THE BOHEMIAN




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B4A8>DB 5D= ‘Beer Weasel’ Ron Lindenbusch, left, and ‘Imperial Warlord’ Tony Magee share a laugh.

Liquid Gold Lagunitas turns beer into money for nonprofits By Suzanne Daly




little black-eyed dog frequently turns up at events all over the North Bay. The dog shows up at school fundraisers, backyard concerts, local theaters, festivals and art auctions. It shows up at student filmmaker parties and events for the Boys and Girls Club. The dog has strayed out of state and across the country to national events held by the Rotary Club, Active 20-30 Club and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It has even ridden with bike messengers in New York City. The stray has a collar, but no name and no body. He very rarely talks, but his actions speak louder than his bark anyway. He is, of course, the face of Petaluma’s Lagunitas Brewery. Their beer is found at hundreds, perhaps thousands of events each year, helping to support the arts and other community needs, and for this we honor Lagunitas this year with a Boho Award. When asked how much of the approximately 100,000 barrels of beer made each year the company donates, owner Tony Magee shakes his head modestly. “We don’t want to make too much of it. All these events could ask anybody, and they asked me. They chose us and our beer. We always say, ‘Thanks for inviting us. We’ll be there in spirits.’� Chief marketing officer Ron Lindenbusch concurs. “From day one we realized it was a great way to be part of the community, especially since times have gotten much harder for nonprofits. As we’ve grown as a company, we’ve been able to step up and offer even more. We have yet to say no. We hear about certain things, like the Cloverdale Fiddle Festival, which recently was having a hard time and was going to pull the plug. So we’re donating money and some time and effort to resurrect that and keep it alive. But for the most part in the Bay Area as a whole, we’ve dialed into the community in a special way by letting beer speak for us. And beer THE BOHEMIAN

turns into money for nonprofits right before their eyes.� Seemingly shy yet an engaging storyteller, Magee alternately paces and plays a small guitar from the Goodwill while speaking. A Chicago native, Magee is a blend of musician and design-school dropout, and previously worked as a printing contractor with clients like Bank of America and Visa. Unhappy with a career that took thousands of trees to produce a paycheck, Magee started making beer after his brother gave him a homebrew kit for Christmas in 1992. “It was like a seizure,� he recalls. “I brewed one batch, then five batches, then 30 batches, then said, ‘I’m in.’� From February to December of ’93, he went from brewing his first batch to getting his brewing license. Wanting to do something that would “leave a mark on the landscape,� Magee realized he could make a brand that had a voice. “I wasn’t a schooled brewer so, by definition, I made different beers,� he says. “So when it came to brands, I was going to break rules. I did things differently than traditional brewers did. Nobody at the time put stories on the sides of their labels. We didn’t make traditional-style beers; we just made Lagunitas-style beers. I thought we’d be our own little band with our own sound.� Now his “little band� of employees numbers around 70 and the brewery has moved off his stove in West Marin to a large production facility and beer sanctuary/party palace in Petaluma. “The nonprofits are not professional organizations,� Magee says. “They’re just people with kids in schools or Boys and Girls Clubs. These are the most selfless folks who take perfectly good couch time and they go out and give their time. I think they see us the same way. We don’t expect a speech. What we’re saying is that the things you care about, we care about. It’s good to have friends.� Lagunitas Brewing Co. Tap Room and Beer Sanctuary, 1280 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma. 707.778.8776.


Universe Next Door

by Naomi Iizuka

Directed by Leira V. Satlof

Handcar Regatta makes it up as it goes along

Oct 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 at 8 PM Oct 9, 10 at 2 PM Burbank Auditorium Santa Rosa Junior College 1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

By Gretchen Giles

Fusing ancient Greek myth with gritty contemporary culture, this lyrical adaptation of The Odyssey is a hero’s journey for our time.

6014 <4;8=4


o swiftly has the Handcar Regatta moved into a celebrated niche in North Bay culture that the very word “regatta� no longer seems strange. Usually a term referencing boat races, this Regatta hails the rails, and the fleets that rumble down them are distinctly land-locked. Having just celebrated its third year, the Handcar Regatta is a superstar arts festival centered around the railroad tracks in downtown Santa Rosa. We wanted to honor it with a Boho Award the day after the first one flourished in September 2008. We =prudently waited until this year’s third annual fest could dazzle an estimated 15,000 attendees. A celebration of art, technology and science, the Handcar Regatta evokes a world that never happened, a Jules Vernean ’scape in which steam and fire rather than fossil fuels power amazing inventions—or, as Regatta graphic designer Kernan Coleman explained when tumbled with other core members into tight confines at the Bohemian offices the other day, “It’s the universe next door.� In other words, it’s what you make of it. Which is entirely appropriate, because so many people toil for so many months of the year to make one Sunday afternoon in September so perfectly strange. Coleman, supported by colleagues Kate Brouillet and Laurie Gibbs of Ranch 7 Creative, came up with the signage and initial design of the fest, which is heavily influenced by the steampunk aesthetic that mixes Victoriana with modern DIY culture. Coleman also invented the character of Dr. Erasmus P. Kitty, the fictional leader of the Regatta. “Erasmus is a Chauncey Gardener/Forrest Gump character who is always in the wrong place at the right time,� Coleman explains. “He’s a lovable, loopy sort of character. He’s patterned after a lot of people I actually know.� But Dr. Kitty would never have been birthed if Theresa Hughes and David Farish hadn’t come into Ty Jones’ interior design shop looking for a rug. Jones and festival cofounder Spring Maxfield had been brainstorming for a while on how to create a new arts festival for Santa Rosa. They knew that they didn’t want to do something like the Sausalito Art Festival; in fact, they sheepishly admit now, they were aiming for something a little grander, like Art Basel, the massive international art fair that swarms Germany each year. Instead, they took inspiration from the Hennepin Crawler, a large mobile contraption that Farish was building with Skye Barnett,

Tickets: $10 - $15 Buy Tickets Online:

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Clockwise, top left: Theresa Hughes, David Farish, Ty Jones, Spring Maxfield, Kernan Coleman, Heather Prandini, Skye Barnett.

Clifford Hill and others. Farish was looking for funding to take the machine to Burning Man, and Santa Rosa was giving out arts grants. “I think that just talking to David was the match that sparked all of this gasoline that was everywhere about people wanting to be creative,� Jones says. Farish says, “I was mentioning to Ty the possibility of using the tracks because they were dormant. Just sort of casually, we should build something to run up and down the tracks to use them, because nobody else is.� Jones remembers: “As soon as they left, I was on the phone with Spring and it was like, there’s this thing . . .� Maxfield says, “I was on the advisory board for the grants. Ty and I had been planning an arts festival, but we didn’t know what direction it was going to take. We wanted to use the SMART site and bring community to this area that had been blighted and waiting for developers to make community. We had never even thought about using the tracks until Ty was inspired by David’s machine and it was just like, that is it. That was the hook.� Nine months later, the Handcar Regatta grandly commenced. Organizers, including Heather Prandini, hoped that perhaps 500 people would attend. Some 5,000 did. The next year, 10,000 showed. This year, some 15,000. Starting with $33,000, the Regatta now has twice that amount of operating budget. Plans are in the works to soon establish a brick-and-mortar arts center with an educational focus on building skill sets, like glass-making, canning and welding. A new core member, Joshua Stithem, is in charge of the educational component and the grant writing that will pay for everything. But the real question remains. Did Hughes and Farish ever get that rug? Hughes groans comically. “No! I never got my rug!�

Box Office: 707.527.4343 Hours: Wed, Thurs, Fri 12PM - 5PM Tickets available one hour before each show in the Burbank lobby. Recommended for age 14 and above. Contains stylized violence. PARKING PERMIT REQUIRED ON-CAMPUS 7 DAYS A WEEK, 24 HOURS A DAY

OPEN STUDIOS October 9-10 & 16-17

ArtSpace404 A rtSp pace404 P Preview review Exh Exhibit hibit 4 M 404 Mendocino endocino Ave, Ave, Suite Suite C S ept. 25Oct. 22 Sept. 25-Oct.

Graton G raton n Gallery Gallery Preview Preview Ex Exhibit xhibit 9048 8 Graton Graton Rd, Rd, downtown downtown Gr Graton aton o Oct. Oc t. 22-Oct. Oct. 22

ARTrails AR RTrails O Open pen Studios Studioss October O Oc tober 9-10 & 16-17 10am-5pm AARTrails RTr ails isis aann aannual nnual fall f all ttradition r adi tion in in the t he North Nor th Bay. B ay. ARTrails ARTr ails provides pr ov ide s a rare r are opportunity opp or t uni t y for f or the the p ub lic to to meet me e t local lo c al artists ar t is t s in in their their workspaces, wor k sp ace s, vview iew ooriginal r iginal art, ar t, and and llearn ear n ffirsthand ir s t hand aabout b ou t their their public ddiverse iver s e creative c reative processes p ro ce ss e s and and techniques. te c hnique s. ARTrails ARTr ails artists ar tis t s will w ill take t ake you you into into their their world, wor ld, where where color s, sshapes, hap e s, m ater ials, and and textures te x t ure s merge merge iinto nto unique unique and and collectible colle c tible works wor k s of of art. ar t. colors, materials, Produced by by Arts Arts Council Council Produced

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of Sonoma Sonoma County County







Going Uptown George Altamura revamps Napa’s jewel By Gabe Meline








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Thankfully, there’s Healdsburg.


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6014 <4;8=4


here it stood, for over a decade, a symbol of the times. Once it housed laughter, furtive kisses in the back row, Friday-night family outings. And then, 10 years ago, it was shuttered. The closed Uptown Theatre, once a jewel of 1930s architecture then tragically boarded up with plywood, was a sad reminder of the death of Napa’s once lively downtown nightlife. It made George Altamura sad, too. When he bought the building from Santa Rosa theater mogul Dan Tocchini in 1999, the theater had been carved into four separate auditoriums, the heater didn’t work, the projectors were in disrepair and attendance was down. His goal was ambitious: to restore the Uptown to its original glory, the way it was in Altamura’s teenage years, when he’d show up to movies with a girl and never really watch the movie, if you catch his drift. It took 10 years. But he’s done it. Reopened this year as a live music venue, the beautifully restored Uptown Theatre stands now as Altamura’s gift back to the city he loves, and something he proudly calls his life’s greatest achievement. For the time, effort and cost put forth—he hasn’t disclosed exactly how much—we are glad to honor Altamura with a 2010 Boho Award. Even as a kid growing up in Buffalo, N.Y., Altamura used to draw the state of California in his school notebooks, dreaming of the West Coast. At 16, still in high school, he hitchhiked to Napa in a 1940 GMC panel truck, awed by the nightclubs, dancehalls and, yes, the Uptown, which he describes as “the magnet of the city.� He longed to stay, but his mother called him back home to finish school. As soon as he graduated, he was back in Napa, working for Julian Weilder’s Rough Rider clothing factory on Soscol Avenue. He had nothing at first, sleeping in a neighborhood rabbit hutch and accepting sandwiches the girls at the factory would bring for him, feeling sorry for the charismatic newcomer. The year was 1949. Fast-forward several decades, and Altamura, 79, is now one of the most prominent developers and downtown property owners in Napa. He acknowledges this hasn’t always made him the most popular figure in town. “They raise hell about me all the time,� he stoically said earlier this year. “They say, ‘He’s got half the downtown empty because he wants those high rents.’ They don’t realize, I’d rent tomorrow morning for half of what it’s

3A40< 2><4 CAD4 It took 10 years, but George Altamura’s vision is complete.

worth to get ’em full, but nobody’s looking to come in. There are no stores looking around to rent.â€? Yet one thing his naysayers concede is that even in such a sour economy, Altamura took the chance on reopening the Uptown, and beautifully so. On the night of the grand reopening, under the relit vertical neon sign and the shimmering marquee outside, no one could argue that Altamura hadn’t pulled off a modern miracle. Inside, the ceiling mural that was once covered up by blue latex paint had been painstakingly restored to its original form. The lighting fixtures were custom-made to match the exact original fixtures discerned from an old photo that someone unearthed during the renovation. The walls were recovered, the lobby repainted and the seats custom-ordered to match the art deco Egyptian dĂŠcor. It was just like walking in on opening night—in 1937, the year the theater originally opened. Under the management of the ableminded Sheila Groves-Tracey, who for 15 years booked the Mystic Theatre in Petaluma, the Uptown has already brought in big names to the valley, including Merle Haggard, Lyle Lovett and Lucinda Williams. B. B. King is coming next month. For a town that just 10 years ago had fallen virtually silent to live music, the Uptown isn’t just a sentimentalist’s dream come true; it’s a valuable cultural gift from the normally business-conscious Altamura, even as the lingering recession has cut into concert ticket sales nationwide. “It’s a big risk,â€? Altamura admits. “I know that. But you can’t think that way. When I first came to Napa, I had a feeling for the town. Other people have that same feeling for this theater. Every place I go, people stop me and say, ‘George, what you’re doing with the Uptown, I’m just so happy.’ All the people that badmouthed me, now they’re saying better things.â€? The Uptown Theatre, 1350 Third St., Napa. 707.259.0123.


Growing Writers Book Passage is as independent as the authors it nurtures By David Templeton


t’s not sexy, but it’s true. If it weren’t for the existence of bookstores, most of the world’s published authors, no matter how brilliant their prose and poetic their voices, would have a much harder time getting those words in front of readers. This is especially true of authors with unique visions, obscure topics or difficult-to-define styles. Over the last few decades, hushed rumors have been multiplying, all predicting the imminent demise of the independent authorial voice. Fears have abounded, worrying that big-chain bookstores, long threatening to dominate the bookselling market, will soon decide what books are most profitable, thereby controlling which books are allowed to be published. Standing against such forces, as verdant and welcoming as a leafy green island in a sea of salty sameness, Elaine Petrocelli’s beloved Book Passage stores (the original in Corte Madera, the other in San Francisco) have for years been championing the works of Bay Area authors. Petrocelli and her husband, Bill, opened their first store in 1976, a logical evolution following a decade of selling travel books through a successful mail order business headquartered in San Francisco. The opening of that store in Corte Madera was just the beginning, with a string of milestones to follow. Today, Book Passage is known as the place where you might see Isabel Allende having tea in the cafe, where Anne Lamott hosts legendary book events, where people like Jimmy Carter insist on holding their Northern California book signings. Through it all, it has been clear that the people behind Book Passage do more than love books and the people who buy them; they are just as devoted to the people who write books, which is why we’re so pleased to present Book Passage with a Boho Award this year. “We respect authors,” says Petrocelli, Book Passage president. “The people who write books spend years writing them, so it’s always something to celebrate every time a new book is published. We try hard to feature as many wonderful authors as possible.” While the same could be said of any independent bookstore, Book Passage goes a step further. Convinced that it’s not enough to simply sell books, Petrocelli has established a celebrated series of classes, workshops and writers events, now actually

181;8>?78;4B Michael Chabon, Elaine Petrocelli (center) and events director Karen West.

growing new generations of authors. Take, for example, mystery author Sheldon Siegel (Special Circumstances, Incriminating Evidence, Criminal Intent, Final Verdict, The Confession). “Sheldon came through our mystery conference years ago,” Petrocelli says, “and now has had seven bestsellers. While we can’t say that all authors who develop their craft here go on to be bestselling writers, I can say that many professional writers have said that the things they’ve learned through our conferences and classes have been invaluable.” It’s no secret that authors who come up through Book Passage’s workshops have a small edge on other authors looking for stores to host readings of first books. “We can’t host everyone, as much as we’d like to,” Petrocelli says. “But we do tend to give preference to the people who come through our classes—because we know them.” According to Petrocelli, Book Passage has benefited from being located in one of the most vibrant bookselling areas in the country. And in return for the community’s support, Book Passage does much to support the community. They have an in-house used bookstore, the proceeds from which benefit Hospice of Marin. They are a huge benefactor of local literacy programs and regularly contribute to fundraising events. It’s little enough, Petrocelli claims, given how faithful Marin County readers and writers have been. “Locals may be tech-savvy,” she says, “and know all about purchasing on the internet, but they also know that if they want to meet authors in person, to hear first-hand about the experiences of these amazing writers, then they have to support their independent bookseller. “I’m sure,” Petrocelli continues, “because of the people who live in the North Bay, that we could not do what we do anywhere else but here.” Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera. 415.927.0960.

FXUTfg\Ta\ G[XTgeX Joni Morris in Concert “A A Portrait of Patsy Cline”

2:00 pm Sunday October 3, 2:00 $20 reserved seatingg Tickets 707-996-9756 707-996-975 56 476 1st St. E. Sonoma,, CA www.sebastianitheatre e.com www.sebastianitheatre.com

Dedicated to preserving, enhancing and maintaining Sonoma’s historic and treasured theatre for current and future generations. Check out our Vintage Film Series! Monday, October 4th, 2010

“Casablanca” (1943) starring Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman Tickets 707-996-9756 476 1st St. E. Sonoma, CA www.sebastianitheatrefoundation.org




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74A4½B ;>>:8=6 0C H>D :83 ‘Casablanca’ screens Oct. 4 at the venerable Sebastiani in Sonoma. See Film listings, p35.

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Saturday, October 2nd • 8pm



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8:00 PM SHOW > $22/25 > BLUES



9:00 PM SHOW > $15 > 80'S DANCE HITS

Friday, October 8th • 8pm


Pacto Musical • Cumbia / Rancheras

Saturday, October 9th • 8pm AM / FM • Country & Classic Rock

9:00 PM SHOW > $20 > REGGAE




Thursday Night KARAOKE • 8:30pm $20 Free Play Drawings



CELL BLOCK 7 JAZZ BAND 707-485-0700 coyotevalleycasino.com


5 miles North of Ukiah Hwy 101 • West Rd. Exit



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w/ alongside Irie Sounds Int'l




9:30 PM SHOW > $12/15 > REGGAE


EST. 1941




Oct Sun



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Oct 15 Sat

Oct 16 Sat

Oct 30 Sun

Oct 31

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rgine e b u A

FRI ! SEPT 30 ! 9PM ! $5





SAT ! OCT 2 ! 8PM ! $20 ADV/$25 DOS



FRI ! OCT 8 ! 9PM





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Soul Vaccination

Know This

Hope for Ella


Labour of Lowe

There he was, all the way across the club but with a presence larger than the Chrysler Building. Flailing like a balloon quickly inf lated and popped, over and over. Howling, strutting, hyperextending his vertebrae as if continually struck by lightning. He was Jamie Lidell, the opening act I’d never heard of, and he completely blew my goddamned mind with his live, all-vocal loops and frenzied showmanship. That was five years ago, and Lidell’s white-guy soul chops have only amplified since. With an in-thepocket live band including analog synthesizers and bongos, and a ferociously danceable new album, Compass, Lidell is poised to totally blow away a dance f loor full of sweaty Petalumans weaned on Wonderbread 5 on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Mystic Theatre. 21 N. Petaluma Blvd., Petaluma. 9pm. $20. 707.762.3565.

Mistaking sleepiness for style, there are certain jazz singers who would best be marketed on the labels of Ambien prescriptions. Diane Reeves will never know such a fate. Peppered with scatting, legato slides and excursions from form, Reeves’ phrasing is as if someone put little firecrackers all along the melody. With a husky tone inspired by Sarah Vaughan yet propelled by a wildly imaginative, multiple-octave vocal range, the jazz singer’s interpretations often reach for—and crack—the stratosphere of syncopation. Reeves’ latest, When You Know, mixes well-chosen pop songs (“Just My Imagination,� “Lovin’ You,� “Windmills of Your Mind�) with lesser-known standards (the incredible “Midnight Sun�). She appears Friday, Oct. 1, at the Napa Valley Opera House. 1030 Main St., Napa. 8pm. $40–$45. 707.226.7372.

Ella Velouria Stewart is an incredibly charming, smart, funny six-year-old girl whose face is most likely familiar to half of the combined Facebook users in Santa Rosa. Ella, as we hate to report, is currently in a coma at a hospital in Oakland. Diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, Ella underwent three surgeries last month and currently lies motionless in a hospital bed, her head shaved, her body on a ventilator and monitors. The doctors’ diagnoses are hopeful that she will recover and awake to laugh and dance and sing again like six-year-old girls should do. In the meantime, fundraising for the family takes a loud turn with the Benefit Concert for Ella, featuring Low Five, Odd Bird, StarSkate, Litany for the Whale, A Pack of Wolves and others on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Arlene Francis Theatre. 99 Sixth St., Santa Rosa. 7pm. $5. www.hope4ella.com.

There is a defiant jubilance to the fact that the Pacific Pinball Expo, now in its fourth year, takes place in the shadow of George Lucas’ ranch in Marin County. After all, it was Lucas who helped kill the pinball division of the Williams company after his incessant interference on their production of the Star Wars: Episode I pinball game rendered the machine costly, technically unrefined and altogether unpopular. Hundreds upon hundreds of other, better pinball games will be on display this weekend at the expo, which brings together collectors and enthusiasts for a mindblowing cacophony of bells, solenoids, plunger springs and multiball alerts echoing throughout the exhibition hall. Games are free with admission Friday– Sunday, Oct. 1–3, at the Marin Center. 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. 10am daily. $15–$25 daily. 510.769.1349.

After 10 years of playing sleepy solo sets to audiences praying he would one day rock again, the estimable British songwriter Nick Lowe is finally on a much-clamored-for full-band tour. That’s not the only old thing new again in Lowe’s old world: his albums The Impossible Bird, Dig My Mood and The Convincer are all seeing vinyl reissues this month, he’s playing a co-headlining set with Elvis Costello at the Great American Music Hall and he returns to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival alongside an incredible lineup with Patti Smith, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, Bonnie “Prince� Billy, Lucero, Randy Newman and tons of others. While he’s here, he and his band play an intimate show at Mill Valley’s newest venue on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Woods Music Hall. 19 Corte Madera Ave., Mill Valley. 9pm. $25. 415.389.6636.





:B@60 Wed, Sept 29 8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:45pm Jazzercise 10am–12:15pm Scottish Dance Youth and Family 7–10pm Singles & Pairs Square Dance Club Thur, Sept 30 8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:45pm Jazzercise 7–10pm Circle N’Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Oct 1 7–11pm

8:45–9:45am Jazzercise DJ Steve Luther hosts an EVENING OF MOTOWN, DISCO, & ROCK ‘N ROLL

Sat, Oct 2 8:00–9:00am; 9:15–10:15am Jazzercise 10:30–11:45am Dance Workout with Steve Luther 7–10pm Singles & Pairs Hoedown/ Adobe Squares Sun, Oct 3 8:30–9:30am Jazzercise 10:30–11:30am Zumba Fitness 5–9:30pm DJ Steve Luther COUNTRY-WESTERN LESSONS & DANCING $10 Mon, Oct 4 4–4:45pm 7–10pm

8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:40pm Jazzercise Youth & Family Scottish Country Dancing Scottish Dance

Tues, Oct 5 7:30–9pm

8:45–9:45am; 5:45–6:40pm Jazzercise AFRICAN AND WORLD MUSIC DANCE featuring West African & Congolese Dance

Santa Rosa’s Social Hall since 1922 1400 W. College Avenue • Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 • www.monroe-hall.com

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The Carolina Chocolate Drops play Oct. 3 at the Mystic Theatre. See Concerts, above.

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The Coup seize hip-hop’s revolutionary opportunity wo things happen when you slap a Coup album on the turntable. First, you will dance. Your hips will start moving, your feet will start tapping a bass beat and your arms will rise up, moving in time to the sick rhythm rising from the speakers. Second, as you shake your booty, living up to a quote famously (and erroneously) attributed to radical anarchist and feminist labor agitator Emma Goldman, “It’s not my revolution if I can’t dance to it,â€? you’ll also begin to feel an itch to start a street protest or perhaps take down a corrupt CEO. Imagine a meeting of Marxists spewing dialogue mixed with Dirty Mind–era Prince. Formed in the early ’90s by emcee Boots Riley (above), rapper E-Roc and Pam the Funkstress—the ďŹ rst female DJ star in a male-dominated turntablist scene—the group ďŹ rst released a self-distributed EP in 1991. Over the course of the next 16 years, the duo of Riley and Pam the Funkstress have released a series of critically acclaimed records, all chock-full of incendiary lyrics and thick, juicy bass-driven funk that take residence in the body and brain and don’t let up until the album ends. The Coup’s 2001 masterpiece, Party Music, reached a level of notoriety previously unseen. In an uncanny example of prescience, the original cover for the album—scheduled to be released shortly after Sept. 11, 2001—contained an image of the group blowing up the World Trade Center towers with a guitar tuner and drumstick. Created a full three months before 9-11, the album art was pulled until a new cover could be created, and it became the target of swift conservative wrath. The Coup haven’t released a new album since 2006’s Pick a Bigger Weapon, but they have enough of a back catalogue to make the people happy. And what could be better than a sweaty-ass dance oor riding on a wave of sly Marxist witticisms? Not much. Party like it’s 2010 with the Coup on Friday, Oct. 1, at the Hopmonk Tavern. 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 9:30pm. $15–$20. 707.829.7300. Leilani Clark


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A4B?42C43 B>D; Fred Eaglesmith’s songs have been covered by everyone from Mary Gauthier to Toby Keith.

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Fred Eaglesmith finds a new, softer voice By Gabe Meline


fter 30 years of ramshackle, redneck storytelling about cars, guns and booze, Fred Eaglesmith has found his soft side. Cha Cha Cha, the prolific, under-the-radar songwriter’s 18th album, is a swampy, noirish landscape of minor keys, rattling percussion, female backup voices and a far more subdued transformation of Eaglesmith’s signature rasp. His lyrics are lonesome, pleading for departed lovers to return and quell his inner torment. Even to diehard Fredheads, as his legions of fans call themselves, the record is a complete curveball, departing drastically from the rollicking, good-natured Eaglesmith of old. “Yeah, I’m constantly departing,� Eaglesmith jokes wryly, on the phone from the road in Nova Scotia. “I think almost every record I’ve made, they’ve called it a departure.� In this, the always changing Eaglesmith joins esteemed company. Much like Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen’s 1980s output, Cha Cha Cha is anchored by a glitzy yet grimy backing. But mostly, it sounds a lot like Bob Dylan’s maligned Christian records. When I mention this to Eaglesmith, he lights up. “Some of my favorite Bob Dylan records were the ones that they just beat him up for,� he enthuses. “One of my very



favorites is Street Legal, just an amazing record, and it was overlooked to the point of insulting. It wasn’t even panned, it was just overlooked. I sorta now make records with that in mind.� Eaglesmith’s lyrics, which once featured long narrative yarns spun from a welldeveloped character’s point of view, settle on Cha Cha Cha into basic statements of desire. “You know, you have to write a lot of complicated songs before you can write a simple one,� he says, citing an obsession with Chet Baker. “There are so many complicated singers out there right now, so many twists of words and so much going on, it’s exhausting to listen to all the songwriters now. You know what I mean?� Eaglesmith, now 53, was born into a farming family in Ontario, Canada. He’s been writing songs and performing ever since he hopped a train out of town as a teenager. For years, he ran his own record label with a general delivery address, and despite amassing a devout following, he inexplicably never managed to crack the mainstream with his tough-skinned songs about rural life and love gone wrong. For a primer on early Fred Eaglesmith, there’s truly no finer document than the 2001 double-CD set Ralph’s Last Show, recorded live in Santa Cruz. Playing with his longtime bassist Ralph Schipper for the final time, Eaglesmith is impassioned (“Lucille�), funny (“White Trash�), defensive (“Pretty Good Guy�), regretful (“John Deere�) and oftentimes all of these things at once, as in the not exactly tongue-in-cheek “Time to Get a Gun.� Eaglesmith’s large back catalogue has been extensively covered—70 or 80 times, he estimates. Last year, country star Miranda Lambert recorded “Time to Get a Gun� for her album Revolution, named the Academy of Country Music’s album of the year; this year, Alan Jackson recorded his “Freight Train,� joining Toby Keith’s cover of “Thinkin’ ’Bout You� in a trinity of big-name stars. “Alan, Toby and Miranda, they all brought the songs in themselves,� Eaglesmith says. “No one pitched it. That’s a real compliment to me.� Such high-profile covers have helped financially and put some gold records on his wall, and this year he was invited to play Late Night with David Letterman, although Eaglesmith is by no means living high on the hog. Most of the year, he’s on the road, slogging it out in small but appreciative clubs, and he seems to like it that way. “All my friends sign with these major labels,� he says, “and they call me a few years later, saying, ‘Um, how do I do the other thing?’ “You know, it’s getting really, really tough,� he adds. “There’s a pile of bands out there and none of them have any work and it’s hard, and you know what? I’m all right. I know professional musicians who can’t pay the bills. I’m still filling the halls, even though they’re little halls, and I’m still selling CDs at the show, and I’m payin’ the bills and makin’ a livin’ and travelin’, and my life has pretty good integrity. That’s all I can ask.� Fred Eaglesmith plays solo on Friday, Oct. 8, at Rancho Nicasio (Town Square, Nicasio; 8:30pm; $20; 415.662.2219), and on Saturday, Oct. 9, at Studio E (rural Sebastopol; address provided with tickets; 8pm; $25; 707.542.7143).


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HZWVhideda ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi

HdcdbV ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi ;g^! . id cddc# 9Zedi EVg`! ;^ghi Hi L! HdcdbV# 6ahd! 6eg"HZe0 IjZh! */(% id Yjh`# HdcdbV EaVoV! ;^ghi Hi :! HdcdbV# ,%,#*(-#,%'(#

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8dbbjc^in EgVnZg 7gZV`[Vhi

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‘Heartbreaker’ not even a good date flick ake the claim that critics always prefer foreign films to the sturdy American product. Why, if you wanted a better example of glossy, inane dreck than Heartbreaker, you would have to go to France for it. Dumbed down for the export audience, this superlatively moldy farce is nearly free of any redeeming qualities. Romain Duris plays Alex (above), the head of a three-person team of consultants brought in to break up undesirable romances. Using different identities and the help of his sister (Ferrier) and brother-in-law (François Damiens), Alex seduces women away from relationships that would make them unhappy. His latest job is his toughest: breaking the engagement of an immaculately good catch, a wealthy British philanthropist and a French heiress, Juliette (Vanessa Paradis, above, a kind of ultrastarved version of Lauren Hutton). In Monaco, Alex poses as a bodyguard to follow his target, but Juliette proves resistant. Slapstick intervals (including regularly scheduled pummelings from some Slavic gangsters collecting money) ensue. Some interest boils up with the first appearance of HĂŠlĂŠna Noguerra, a lively Belgian TV personality who plays Juliette’s drunken and slutty best friend. Sadly, Noguerra fails to cause the kind of trouble she seems to suggest she’ll cause when she first appears. Juliette is characterized as this perfect chic woman whose only concession to vulnerability is a craze for the movie Dirty Dancing; her arrogance is supposed to be charm. This would make it easy for anyone, no matter how basically one-note, to steal the show, but the show steals back, so to speak. It never gets beyond its long soak in expensive locations, and the script wheezes as it tries to reach the insurmountable height of its high-concept plot. The Moroccan opening sequence might make up a date movie, but the audience would have to be under some kind of heavy sedation to tune out everything else. Heartbreaker opens on Friday, Oct. 1, at the Third Street Cinema, 620 Third St., Santa Rosa. 707.522.0330. Richard von Busack


HjbbZg C^\]ih dc i]Z <gZZc

L]ViÉh Ndjg H^\c4

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BnhiZgn 9^ccZg

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LZY! cddc id *! nZVg gdjcY# Idlc 8ZciZg! IVbVaeV^h 9g^kZ! 8dgiZ BVYZgV# )&*#(-'#,-)+#

;V^g[Vm ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi >cY^Vc KVaaZn ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi Dg\Vc^X [Vgb VcY \VgYZc egdYjXZ hiVcY ZkZgn LZY! &% id (# 7g^c\ ndjg dlc WV\# 8daaZ\Z d[ BVg^c! >cY^Vc KVaaZn 8Vbejh! &-%% >\cVX^d 7akY! CdkVid# )&*#)*)#)**)#

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Hadl ;ddY Gjhh^Vc G^kZg VcY 8dbbjc^in 6aa^VcXZ d[ ;Vb^an ;VgbZgh ]dhi heZX^Va iVhi^c\ l^i] a^kZ bjh^X Wn E]^a AVlgZcXZ 7VcY# DXi (! & id )# <^cVÉh DgX]VgY! '%% nYh hdji] d[ 7^h]deÉh GVcX]! LZhih^YZ GY! =ZVaYhWjg\# &%" '%# ,%,#*))#)*-'#

CdkVid ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi

8adkZgYVaZ ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi

HVc GV[VZa ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi

;g^ Vi */(%# 8adkZgYVaZ EaVoV! 8adkZgYVaZ 7djaZkVgY WZilZZc ;^ghi VcY HZXdcY higZZih! 8adkZgYVaZ#

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I]gdj\] Cdk0 Hjc! &% id &/(%# HZWVhideda EaVoV! BX@^caZn Hi! HZWVhideda# ,%,#*''#.(%*#

?d^c *% [VgbZgh VcY [ddY ejgkZndgh VcY '* Y^[[ZgZci Vgi^hVch ^c XZaZWgVi^c\ BVg^c XdjcinÉh Wdjcin# :kZgn IjZh! ) id -! i]gdj\] HZe# 9dlcidlc CdkVid! <gVci 6kZcjZ! CdkVid# ,%,#),'#+&%%! Zmi &%)#

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The Imaginists bite back with a new piece of raw political theater ast year, shortly after performing in the original bilingual play Strangers in Their Own Land / Extranjeros En Su Propia Tierra, presented by the Imaginists Theatre Collective, actress Laura Roldan was arrested by immigration officers and deported to Costa Rica. The loss of the gifted actress, an important part of the Imaginists’ troupe, left the company feeling angry, hurt and itching to do something about it. What they’ve done is no surprise at all: they’ve created a new play. Titled A Los Actores / To the Actors and directed by Amy Pinto, the show, which held public previews last week and officially opens this weekend, is typical of the Imaginists’ work in that it is fiercely political, wildly satirical, a little angry, a little optimistic—and perhaps a bit overambitious. In the play, a small bilingual theater troupe plans to go to Arizona with their latest work, which blends the stories of famous and notorious immigrants, including Sacco and Vanzetti, Italian immigrants executed in 1927 after a murder trial now believed to have been motivated by anti-immigrant prejudice. The play-within-a-play also includes Spartacus (ask the Imaginists!) and features a performance, of sorts, by deported actress Roldan, who appears on TV, using new footage of her filmed in Costa Rica. Throughout the show, the troupe must deal with numerous intrusions, including raids from ICE and visits from cloying arts council members, who keep dropping by to see if the company is deserving of a much-needed grant. These visitations lead to some pointed audience participation, with the crowd asked to run around speaking gibberish to fool the immigration police, and to help fool the arts council into believing they are watching a bilingual production of the musical Annie instead of what it really is: a piece of raw, ragged, political theater. A Los Actores / To the Actors runs Friday–Saturday through Oct. 9 at the Imaginists, 461 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa. All shows at 8pm. $12–$15. Special paywhat-you-can night on Thursday, Oct. 7. 707.528.7554.


L^cZg^Zh d[ CVeV KVaaZn :c_dn i]ZbZY [ddY VcY l^cZ eV^g^c\h ;g^"Hjc# &%# :kZgn ;g^! ) id +! [^cZ l^cZ VcY Vgi^hVc X]ZZhZ# DXi &! * id -! hZkZci] Vcc^kZghVgn eVgin# DXi '"(! \g^aaZY ]VgkZhi VeeZi^oZgh# L^cZg^Zh d[ CVeV KVaaZn! &'-* CVeV Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# -%%#('-#,-&*#

Field Trips HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7VX`nVgY CVijgVa^hi HVi! ./(% id '! hZb^cVgh \ZVgZY idlVgY

David Tempeton

VYjai VbViZjg cVijgVa^hih ^cXajYZ i^bZ ^c XaVhhgddb VcY dc i]Z igV^a# DXi '! ÆGZVab d[ GZei^aZhÇ l^i] ?ZVccZ L^g`V# '*# 7djkZg^Z EgZhZgkZ! &(.(* =ln &'! <aZc :aaZc# )&*#-+-#.'))#

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Film HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6 BViiZg d[ H^oZ HdcdbV 8djcin ?Zl^h] ;^ab ;Zhi `^X`h d[[ l^i] Ygdaa XdbZYn VWdji >hgVZa^h aZVgc^c\ id WZ Hjbd lgZhiaZgh# DXi * Vi 7djaZkVgY 8^cZbVh0 DXi + Vi H^mi] HigZZi EaVn]djhZ# HZZ Bdk^Z (+ 8Veh! e'-#





HjhiV^cVW^a^in ;^ab HZg^Zh ;^abh hjeedgi^c\ \gZZc a^k^c\ h]dlc I]jgh! * id ,# HZe (%! Æ7Vh^c d[ GZaVi^dch/ 6 GZkZgZci^Va GZ]nYgVi^dc d[ GZkdaji^dc!Ç edZi^Xh d[ eZgbVXjaijg^hi 7gdX` 9dabVc# ;gZZ# 7Zgida^c^ HijYZci 8ZciZg! HG?8! &*%& BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*',#)'++#

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K^ciV\Z ;^ab HZg^Zh Bdci]an XaVhh^X [^ab dc h^akZg hXgZZc Vi ,# DXi )! Æ8VhVWaVcXVÇ l^i] =jbe]gZn 7d\Vgi VcY >c\g^Y 7Zg\bVc# -# HZWVhi^Vc^ I]ZVigZ! ),+ ;^ghi Hi :! HdcdbV# ,%,#*)%#+&&.#

B6G>C 8DJCIN ;Zga^c\]Zii^ 8]g^hide]Zg ;ZakZg hXgZZch VcY Y^hXjhhZh Æ[^ab edgigV^iÇ d[ WZVi edZi AVlgZcXZ ;Zga^c\]Zii^# DXi ( Vi +/(%# &%#'*# Hb^i] GV[VZa ;^ab 8ZciZg! &&&- ;djgi] Hi! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*)#&'''#

>iVa^Vc ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa A^Yd 8VciVgjii^ egZhZcih ()i] nZVg d[ >iVa^Vc [^ab hXgZZc^c\h! ZkZgn HVi Vi */(% VcY ,/)*# DXi '! ÆI]Z <^ga 7n i]Z AV`Z#Ç &(# BVg^c 8ZciZg! &% 6kZcjZ d[ i]Z ;aV\h! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)..#+-%%#

For Kids B6G>C 8DJCIN 7Vn 6gZV 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb DXi ."?Vc '(! ÆHbd`Zn 7ZVg VcY LddYhn Dla/ =dbZ HlZZi =dbZ!Ç V heZX^Va ^ciZgVXi^kZ Zm]^W^i ^c XdaaVWdgVi^dc l^i] JH ;dgZhi HZgk^XZ# Dc\d^c\! Æ6c^bVa HZXgZih#Ç =VcYh" dc Vgi! hX^ZcXZ VcY i]ZViZg XVbeh! Vgi hijY^d! idi hedi VcY add`dji XdkZ VYkZcijgZ VgZV# LZY"I]jgh Vi &% VcY &&! bjh^X l^i] B^hh @^iin# *" +# ;g^ Vi &&! VfjVg^jb [ZZY^c\# 6Yb^hh^dc/ -" &%# 7Vn 6gZV 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb! ;dgi 7V`Zg! **, BXGZncdaYh GY! HVjhVa^id# )&*#((.#(.%%#

Lectures HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6gi^hi AZXijgZ HZg^Zh K^h^i^c\ Vgi^hih Y^hXjhh i]Z^g ldg` ZkZgn LZY Vi cddc# HZe '.! eV^ciZg :aZVcdg =VglddY# DXi +! eV^ciZg KZgdc^XV Gd_Vh# ;gZZ# 6gi &%'! HHJ! &-%& : 8diVi^ 6kZ! Gd]cZgi EVg`# ,%,#++)#'(+)#

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aZkZah ^cXajYZ \j^YZY bZY^iVi^dc VcY Wg^Z[ XdbbZciVgn# IjZh"LZY Vi ,/(%0 Vahd LZY Vi cddc# Hjc Vi &%/(%! bZY^iVi^dc VcY egVnZg egVXi^XZ [dg ldgaY eZVXZ0 `^Yh lZaXdbZ# &% YdcVi^dc# BV]V`VgjcV 7jYY]^hi 8ZciZg! (%) EZiVajbV 7akY C! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,++#,,'%#

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B^cY[ja EVgZci^c\ A^[ZLdg`h egZhZcih lZZ`an eVgZci^c\ XaVhhZh# I]jgh Vi +/(%# &%# EgZhilddY :aZbZciVgn HX]dda! ()' BVX6gi]jg Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#*+-#'(%%! Zmi &.#

BdcYVn C^\]i A^kZ :VX] lZZ` V Y^[[ZgZci egZhZciZg l^aa heZV` VWdji gVl"[ddY a^[ZhinaZ# DXi )! ÆL]Vi 6aa EZdeaZ L]d :Vi H]djaY @cdl 6Wdji <ZcZi^XVaan :c\^cZZgZY ;ddYÇ l^i] G]^d# ;gZZ# 8V[Z <gVi^ijYZ! '%+ =ZVaYhWjg\! ^ch^YZ Da^kZ AZV[! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#,'(#))+&#

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EjWa^X 9^hXjhh^dc

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Readings HDCDB6 8DJCIN HVciV GdhV 8deeZg[^ZaYÉh 7dd`h HZe (% Vi ,! ÆHbVaa ;jggn EgVnZgÇ l^i] HiZkZc @diaZg# '(&+ Bdci\dbZgn 9g! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,-#-.(-#

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Prayer Power Class with Rev. KathyMcCall Weds, Sept 22-Oct 13, 6:30-8:30pm You will: increase prayer consciousness, invoke greater healing, discover who you pray to, explore why prayers go unanswered, activate deeper gratitude, understand the power of prayer. Love Offering | Unity Church of Santa Rosa 542-7729 | www.UnityofSantaRosa.org

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general marketing materials

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