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MARCH 4-10, 2009 · VOL. 25, NO. 1 · SAN JOSE, CA · FREE

Exploring... E xplorin l ing...

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of Kings ;;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d Za^eZ 7j^igV\d




MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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Cover Silicon Valley’s Weekly Newspaper

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MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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Alive and Kicking In the story “Ballet ConďŹ dentialâ€? (Cover Story, Feb. 18), several dancers are featured. In Preston Dugger’s story, it mentions that Preston danced with the “nowdefunct Oakland Ballet.â€? The information is incorrect about the Oakland Ballet. The Oakland Ballet Company returned in 2007 under the artistic direction of Ronn Guidi and is entering its third season For more information

about the Oakland Ballet check Tami Adachi, Redwood City


Re “Territorial Dispute,� Metro News, Feb. 25: Councilmember Nguyen and the developer are currently working on the building of Vietnam Town. It will be right down the street from the Little Saigon shopping center. Too bad

IN TODAY’S venturespeak, Kit Menkin would be called an “angel,â€? the Old Testament term for divine messengers that check-writers who take big pieces of early startups use to describe themselves. Menkin stopped by the rented Monte Sereno basement where Metro’s business plan was being written using a Visicalc spreadsheet on an Apple III computer. He dropped a $3,000 check on the kitchen counter. There was no paperwork. He thought starting a weekly newspaper for Silicon Valley was a good idea. Menkin, a leasing agent, also left a case of red table wine that bore the quail emblem of the city of Monte Sereno. He had managed to convince the valley’s smallest municipality to loan its logo to a boutique bottling. Two of those bottles sat in my basement, labels spotted by moisture. I pulled one out last week. “It won’t be any good,â€? Menkin assured me. I brought it to Steamer’s anyway and paid corkage, about four times the sticker price of the $7 bottle of 1978 merlot. Dennis, a server who has been around the valley forever, ably removed the still-moist cork and poured the wine, which had taken on a lovely tawnyish-burgundy shade. Menkin eyed his glass and suspiciously sipped the aged result of his three-decade old gimmick bottling, expecting vinegar. “Hey, that’s pretty good,â€? he said with a laugh. And it was. Amid the backdrop of a friendship that led to what’s now a valley ďŹ xture, it tasted as good as a Chateau Margaux. Menkin used to mail out newsletters with a gold-foil sticker on the envelope that boasted of his longevity in business—15 years, 20 years— assuring customers that survival stood for something. Today’s issue of Metro, Volume 25, Number 1, bears a logo that commemorates the beginning of our 25th year (which means we’ve completed 24). It will be a transformational and celebratory one, despite the current state of the newspaper publishing industry. Newspapers, particularly dailies, face challenges, not only because of Internet competition and the state of the economy but because of selfinicted problems resulting from debt-ďŹ nanced purchases, resistance to change, out-of-town ownership, bureaucratic management and product quality cuts. Metro is still locally based and owned and operated by its founders, which today is about as rare as that lone bottle of drinkable wine that survived earthquakes and moves and improved with time. As we reinvent Metro to remain relevant in an age of portable devices and social media, we remain committed to quality local writing and community service. We thank the many people who believed in the idea of a valley-based publisher, who worked with us, stuck with us and supported us. In true valley style, we’re looking forward, not back, and believe the best is yet to come. Dan Pulcrano


the media, which knew this project was in the making all along, didn’t bother to inform the public about it until now. Kathleen, San Jose

Down the Street

Twenty-Four And Counting

Joint Responsibility I foresee the bubble burst of the market due to enormous amount of debt. I also foresee the bubble

burst of the United States as a great nation due to the loss of morals, irresponsible parents and etc. in this country. Drug use, including marijuana, is on the rise and more acceptable than ever. I’d really like to know how many parents who use drugs, whether for medical reasons or not, don’t also have their children who use it. How many of these children ever become productive members of society? Or do they lay around doped up all the time, munching and playing video games?

Meanwhile, we must recruit educated employees from other countries. This is a sad embarrassment to me as an American. I know for a fact that many who claim they have a medical need for [marijuana]have none at all. Come on, seriously, what are the IQs of the people who use it? This is a shame. It is a drug, has long-term IQ affects [sic] and will only bring us lower as a productive economy. Patricia Gasant, Redwood City



MARCH 4-10, 2009


Stimulus for Your Career


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


SiliconValley Knowledge You Put to Work

Free information sessions that can make a difference for you right now.



Discover how Silicon Valley’s # 1 source for professional education can help boost or retool your career. Join us for convenient evening events this March at our Cupertino facility, 10420 Bubb Road, near Stevens Creek and Hwy. 85.

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FINANCIAL PLANNING AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT Thursday, March 12, 6:30—8:30 pm. No fee, but enrollment is required, course 13552-010

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For full listings and to enroll, go to



Fairmont Blow-Out


CAN’T THINK of any better reason to lurk in the Imperial Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel in downtown San Jose than to listen to a keynote address titled “Jackhammers, Polymers and Diamonds: New Applications in Explosives.” Given by Dr. Christa Hockensmith, the speech will be one of 10 highlighting ETech, the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, taking place March 9–12 at the Fairmont. O’Reilly Media are the publishers of those iconic “animal books” for software developers, and ETech is O’Reilly’s flagship conference, where pie-in-the-sky ideas actually lead to real-word implementations, the definitive high-tech summit where alpha geeks, fringe technologists, academics, garage robotocists, city planners and forward-thinking business leaders all congregate and discuss innovative ideas that will shape the technological landscape down the road. Also, ETech is known for being a powwow where high-tech artists and outlaws often predict the future more accurately than any of the business strategists: “ETech gathers together the world’s most interesting people to bring to light the important and disruptive innovations that we see on the horizon, rather than the ones that have already arrived. [It] homes in on what’s going to be making a difference not this year, or maybe even next year, but around the corner as the market digests the next wave of hacker-led surprises.” Amen. If you’re an artist who wants to implement the next wave of RFID for your installation or you’re simply a project manager who wants to stay ahead of the curve in your industry, ETech is the bizarre bazaar you need to infiltrate. Hockensmith herself is the department head of the Chemistry Research and Development Laboratories at the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) at New Mexico Tech. EMRTC has more than 40 years’ experience developing, testing and working with explosives, and Hockensmith says that for this keynote she will look at many of EMRTC’s research projects. The theme of ETech 2009 is “Living Reinvented: The Tech of Abundance and Constraints,” and here is just a teaser of what the high-level hoedown offers this time around: * A class on LilyPad Electronic Fashion, taking you through the process of building an interactive garment that incorporates touch sensors, light and sound. * A talk on whether Open Source Hardware (OSH) will be good for business or not. * A report on Project Ravenswood, where Sun Labs researchers are working with USGS scientists to collect sensor data from the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration effort. * Nick Bilton from The New York Times R&D Labs discussing research on using real-time analytics, device detection and granular user interaction to help make the consumption of news more engaging and relevant, based on the “3 screen” experience— web, mobile and living room. ETech is known for * A session titled “Electricity 2.0: Applying the Lessons of the Web to being a powwow where Our Energy Networks.” high-tech artists and * How mass-sharing of mobile phones outlaws often predict the in India can provide behavioral future more accurately insights into the use of mobile phones in emerging market contexts. than any of the business

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Annalee Newitz, author, editor, strategists ex-Metro columnist and former head honcho at Bad Subjects Magazine in the ’90s, serves on ETech’s program committee and says that this time around she’s looking forward to both Hockensmith’s talk about explosives as well as Liz Henry’s presentation about do-it-yourself technology for people in wheelchairs. “A couple of years ago at ETech, I learned how to build a marshmallow gun out of PVC pipes, how to use Yahoo! Pipes to filter my RSS feeds, how to reprogram my Roomba, how the experts define ‘social software,’ and later danced to mashups with people who work on image recognition at Google,” she told me. “ETech is the kind of place where you get to play around and socialize while learning important stuff about what other folks are doing in the tech community.” The Fairmont claims that it “combines technological innovation with timeless elegance.” Perfect. I’ll see you in the Imperial Ballroom. Send me your rants and raves at

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 NEWS

Santa Clara Valley, California

March 4-10, 2009

“Try Our Daily Special.” ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d



Maldo’s Conceit

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Fraternity Life & Death Junior Johnson’s Sigma Chi brothers are mourning his apparent suicide, while his mother says they killed him By Jessica Fromm N THE afternoon of Nov. 22, 2008, 20-year-old Gregory Marcel Johnson Jr. was discovered dead in the basement of the Sigma Chi fraternity house in downtown San Jose. He was found hanging from a ceiling water pipe, a noose fashioned from 14-gauge heavy-duty electrical cord wrapped around his neck twice. Johnson, a San Jose State University junior and Sigma Chi fraternity member, had been dangling there for an hour and a half, slowly suffocating to death. Johnson’s


knees were bent, legs resting on the floor underneath him the entire time. When a fraternity brother came upon Johnson at 2:45pm, he quickly unwound the electrical cord and placed him in an office chair before calling paramedics. Johnson was pronounced dead upon arrival. No suicide note was found. But an autopsy report conducted by the Santa Clara County medical examiner states that Johnson, who went by the name “Junior,” committed suicide. Johnson’s parents don’t believe

it. Denise and Gregory Johnson Sr. believe that their son was murdered, in a hate crime, most likely by his fellow fraternity brothers. And they have launched a campaign accusing local officials of a cover-up, contacting NAACPs, Black Student Unions and media around California. “Junior was a good kid from the time he was born until the time they killed him over there at San Jose State,” says Gregory Johnson Sr., who lives with his wife in Clearlake, Calif. “They murdered him down there. They treated my son like an animal.”

200 Percentage increase in suicide 11 The place that suicide holds in

5 Feet 10 Inches

rate among black males ages 15–24 over the past two decades, according to the American Association of Suicidology

The height of the ceiling water pipe that Junior Johnson was found hanging from. He was 6-foot-2.

causes of death among all people, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Johnson’s parents have raised questions as to what is written in their son’s autopsy report and how his case is being handled by both the SJSU Police Department and the Santa Clara County coroner’s office. The SJSU Police Department is still working on its official investigation report into Johnson’s case, which is expected to be released within the next month. Pat Lopes Harris, director of media relations at SJSU, says that the UPD has been interviewing multiple persons who knew Johnson and submitting evidence to crime labs. “We have absolutely no evidence to date to suggest this was anything other then a suicide,” Harris says. “Pressure from anyone to suggest otherwise, we feel, is unfairly criticizing the members of Sigma Chi and essentially accusing them of a murder that we have no evidence to suggest took place.” Sigma Chi chapter president Nick Wright declined to comment on this story. Jeff Twibell, the Northern California regional adviser for Sigma Chi, said that the fraternity is taking a no-comment stance on Johnson’s parents’ allegations. “This was horrific and terrible, and [the fraternity members] are going to need time to get through this,” Twibell says. “We need to be cognizant that these are young men going through something very difficult.” Johnson’s death and his parents’ accusation have caused an uproar on the SJSU campus. On Feb. 19, SJSU’s Spartan Daily student newspaper ran a lead story on Johnson, with the headline “Cover-up alleged in student’s death.” Written by senior staff writer David Zugnoni, the article detailed the Johnsons’ contention that the physical injuries that were described in their son’s autopsy report, including the state of his neck and his spinal cord, did not correspond with the actual condition of his body when they saw it. Santa Clara County Medical Examiner Glenn V. Nazareno writes &%

23.4 Percent of all suicides that are by hanging, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


NEWS MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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in the autopsy report that the external examination of Johnson’s body revealed that “a raised nodular skin lesion is noted in the midline of the lower occipital scalp and upper neck measuring approximately 1 to 1-1/2 inch in diameter.” The Johnsons say that their son’s neck didn’t look like that. “He didn’t have any marks on his neck,” Denise Johnson says. “If he had hung himself, he should have had ligature marks. With a ligature hanging, you have marks, that’s why they call it ligature hanging. They’re going to tell me that he hung, without a mark on his neck? It’s a blatant lie, a misconception. It’s a cover-up.” Johnson’s parents also say that the ceiling pipe that the fraternity brother found Johnson hanging from was far too low to have allowed him to hang himself to death. The autopsy report states that “officers measured approximately 70 inches from the floor of the bottom of the water pipe.” Johnson’s driver’s license stated that he was 6-foot-2. According to Nazareno, who supervised Johnson’s autopsy, it is possible for a person to die from asphyxia due to ligature hanging, which does not necessarily leave a prominent mark on the deceased’s neck. “This is seen in cases where the ligature used is made of soft material over a broad surface area of the neck or if the decedent was discovered shortly after death has occurred. In these cases, the abraded furrow will appear as areas of blanched skin. After embalming and preparation for viewing, these marks may become less prominent,” Nazareno wrote in an email responding to Metro’s questions. The autopsy report states that Johnson’s body was found approximately an hour and a half after he hanged and that rigor mortis had not yet set in. The Johnsons’ anger over the handling of their son’s death began two days after he was found. The autopsy report says that “the decedent is positively identified visually by his mother on Nov. 24, 2008.” Denise Johnson says she never actually saw her son’s body in person until he was turned over to the family for burial on Dec. 1. Johnson says that she and her husband traveled the four-hour trip from Clearlake to identify their son’s body in person at the coroner’s office on Nov. 24 but were denied access to see him because, they were told, he had already been identified by his driver’s license and the fraternity brothers. “I thought that according to law, unless you don’t have any family, you’re supposed to be identified by your family,” she says. “He was our child, and they refused to let us identify him.” “When we went to the coroner’s office, we talked to a Patra Albrecht [the medical examiner’s Investigator] . . . we asked to see him, and we were denied. She went in the back and said, ‘Oh, let me go take a picture of him.’ She didn’t even take a picture; she went back and in a few minutes she came out with a black-and-white piece of paper, a printout from the Xerox machine.”

The Brothers The Sigma Chi house where Johnson died, located at 284 N. 10th Street, is a stereotypical frat house on SJSU’s 10th Street Greek strip. Prominent blue-and-gold letters reading “Sigma Chi” hang on the front of the worn-in gray-painted residence. The front crabgrass lawn is patchy, and the occasional red party cup can be seen under bushes or on the sidewalk out in front. In the SJSU fraternity community, Sigma Chi has the reputation as the “nice guy” frat. According to one SJSU sorority member who asked to remain anonymous, Sigma Chi guys like to party but will still “walk girls home at night to make sure they’re safe.” It was in this community that Johnson lived the last two years of his life, with 30some members of the multicultural all-male fraternity. According to the autopsy report, Johnson was a very sociable young man who never showed symptoms of depression or suicidal tendencies to his fraternity brothers. Going by the name “Junior” since he started college at SJSU, he had a large “JR” tattooed on his right bicep. As a kinesiology major who wanted to work in sports medicine, he was in the best shape of his life, fit and built from working as a personal trainer at Bally’s Total Fitness in San Jose. In numerous photos posted by his friends on Facebook, Johnson can be seen living it up in the fraternity lifestyle, with a Bud Lite it one hand, his arm around a pretty girl or two and a wide smile on his face. Other photos show him dancing and making funny faces at the camera with his frat brothers, all clad in their “EX” Sigma Chi shirts. Nothing unusual for his peer group. Denise Johnson sees this as evidence that her son did not commit suicide. “He had everything going for himself,” she says. “Girls weren’t a problem. Even the same frat brothers that claimed that he did this to himself, they said that he wasn’t depressed about anything. It just doesn’t add up. It doesn’t make sense.” Wiggsy Sivertsen, an SJSU personal counselor, spent time with the Sigma Chi members following Johnson’s death, and said that she believes that nobody in the house had any notion at all that Junior was going to kill himself. “They had an idea that Junior had ups and downs, but that’s life, it’s full of ups and downs. He hadn’t threatened suicide, he hadn’t talked about it, which is not uncommon. A lot of times, people never talk about it, never threaten it. They just do it. You can’t tell,” says Sivertsen. The only hints that Johnson may have been struggling can be found on the autopsy report, which details the events surrounding his death. In the hours before he died, the autopsy report states that Johnson had met up with an ex-girlfriend for lunch. “During lunch, the decedent started to tell her about his father’s addiction to drugs,” says the autopsy’s investigation report, conducted

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 NEWS

by Albrecht. “The decedent told her that his father used their family’s money and resources to buy drugs instead of providing for the family. The ‘former girlfriend’ thought that this was an odd and uncomfortable conversation. At no time during the conversation did the decedent say he was suicidal or depressed.” When asked about her husband’s alleged drug use, Denise Johnson did not respond directly. “When he was in high school, his father was not here, just like Obama’s father wasn’t around,” she said. “This had nothing to do with succeeding or failing, because he was going to succeed no matter what. They [the police] used what they thought was true, that wasn’t even true at the time. His father is fine.” When asked again about her husband’s drug use, she said, “Halloween, we were there. We gave him money, and he hugged his father and gave him a hat.” Asked for a third time if her husband had any history of drug use, Johnson said, “His father has never been arrested for drugs, or anything like that. They made up that thing with his ex-girlfriend having lunch with him that day, but he had no food in his stomach.” According to the autopsy report, Johnson in fact had no food in his stomach when he was found, though a toxicology report conducted on his blood shows that he had been drinking. His blood alcohol level postmortem was .07 percent, which means that he most likely had the alcohol content of three to four beers before he died. No other drugs were found in his system. Gregory Johnson Sr. later said that he did have a history of drug use, but that those days were behind him. “I used drugs back before he was born,” he said. “I don’t have a problem with drugs, not for the past 25 years.”

The Race Question The Johnsons have said explicitly that they believe their son’s death was related to his race, and that the UPD and coroner’s office have treated them poorly and lied about their son’s condition because they are African American. “I know for a fact that if it had of been someone of Caucasian race at a black fraternity house, they would have arrested every black child in there until they found out what really happened,” Denise Johnson says. Gregory Johnson Sr. says his son’s frat brothers should have been arrested on the spot when his son’s body was found. “If I were found with a dead body, they would take me to jail because I’m a black man,” he says. “They need to go down there and arrest the white boys who were found up there with my son.” SJSU’s Harris said that the UPD handled the investigation into Johnson’s death according to standard police procedure. “We have no reason to have anything

other then full faith in the work of the police department. The district attorney’s office will review their work when it is completed.” Dr. Steven M. Millner, a SJSU professor of African American studies, says many of his black students have expressed concern and suspicion to him about the way Johnson died. “It’s a tragic circumstance, and enough has occurred in America’s past and recent history that parents may feel that they have credible reason to be fearful of what they think may have occurred to their son. And that’s tragic within itself,” Millner says. Millner continues, “There is skepticism. There is fear, but there is also genuine grief from some of the young white and other fraternity members who lost a brother. This is one of the most tragic circumstances that we’ve seen here.”

Join the Conversation.

Can Healing Begin? Wiggsy Sivertsen felt compelled to write a letter to the editor of the Spartan Daily after seeing the backlash caused by their Jan. 19 story. “When Gregory hung himself, I spent a lot of time in that fraternity, with the men, dealing with their grief and sorrow,” she says. “When I saw the article, I thought it was really important to say something for the students, the men that were committed to their fraternity, and to Junior. I felt really strongly that the guys needed support.” Sivertsen has worked as a counselor at SJSU for 41 years and has counseled students several times when a suicide has occurred on or near campus. She said that Johnson’s suicide was particularly tragic. “I know about suicide, and the residual effects that suicide has not only on friends but on family members. I feel profoundly sad for Mrs. Johnson, because there’s nothing worse then losing a child. But to lose a child by their own hand, that’s just horrible.” Although she has never personally spoken to the Johnsons, Sivertsen said she believes that Denise and Gregory Johnson Sr. are prolonging their own agony by inciting murder allegations that do not have any merit. “Parents will look for anything they can possibly find that might be what caused their child to lose their life, other than they took it by their own hand. I totally understand what Mrs. Johnson is doing.” Dr. Millner said that he was personally affected by suicide when he was a student at San Jose State in the 1960s, and that he feels for the Sigma Chi members and Johnson’s parents. “I lost a college roommate to suicide, and the long-term damage to everyone involved is so severe,” he says. “People go through stages of denial. That is going to capture the tragedy of this young man’s fate. It’s beyond belief, the grief and the self-doubt, that is going to remain with his parents, with his fraternity brothers, and with all of those who just don’t want to accept that these things can occur.” M



MASHUP MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

best of the local web A roundup of news, commentary and opinion from around the valley. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect Metro’s editorial views.

Stimulus: What the Feds Give, the State May Take L]Vi i]Z [ZYZgVa hi^bjajh eVX`V\Z \^kZh! i]Z cZl 8Va^[dgc^V WjY\Zi YZVa b^\]i iV`Z VlVn# I]ViÉh i]Z bZhhV\Z Wjh^cZhh aZVYZgh ^c H^a^Xdc KVaaZn VcY ZahZl]ZgZ VgdjcY i]Z hiViZ VgZ edcYZg^c\ V[iZg WZ^c\ hZci V ]dhi d[ cZl gjaZh! iVmZh VcY Æ]ZaeÇ [gdb HVXgVbZcid VcY LVh]^c\idc# 6 WgdVY hVbea^c\ d[ de^c^dc [gdb ^cYjhign aZVYZgh VcY ZmeZgih V\gZZY i]Vi l]^aZ bjX] gZbV^ch jc`cdlc dc l]ViÉh id XdbZ! hdbZ ZVgan ^cY^XVi^dch VgZ i]Vi i]Z hiViZÉh WjY\Zi Xg^h^h l^aa iZbeZg hdbZ Z[[ZXih d[ i]Z ^ciZcYZY WZcZÒ i eVX`V\Z [gdb 9#8# 9ZeZcY^c\ dc l]dÉh iVa`^c\! i]Z XdbW^cVi^dc d[ i]Z [ZYZgVa hi^bjajh VcY hiViZ WjY\Zi l^aa Z^i]Zg WZ V hVk^dg [dg 7Vn 6gZV ^c[gVhigjXijgZ egd_ZXih dg gZaVi^kZan ^cZ[[ZXi^kZ jcaZhh di]Zg ZXdcdb^X [VXidgh ^begdkZ# 6cYn 7Vaa! egZh^YZci VcY 8:D d[ LZWXdg 7j^aYZgh >cX# d[ HVc BViZd! ^h XVji^djh# ÆI]Z 7Vn 6gZV ^h jc^fjZan edh^i^dcZY id WZcZÒ i [gdb i]Z hi^bjajh eVX`V\Z WZXVjhZ ^i ]Vh V cjbWZg d[ h]dkZa"gZVYn \gZZc! igVch^i VcY ^c[gVhigjXijgZ egd_ZXih i]Vi ]VkZ WZZc eaVccZY [dg hZkZgVa nZVgh!Ç 7Vaa hV^Y# Æ<Zii^c\ i]ZhZ egd_ZXih hiVgiZY l^aa h^\c^Ò XVcian gZYjXZ i]Z cjbWZg d[ eZdeaZ l]d b^\]i di]Zgl^hZ adhZ i]Z^g _dWh#Ç I]Z hiViZ WjY\Zi ^h V b^mZY WV\ [dg hbVaa Wjh^cZhh! hV^Y ?d]c @VWViZX`! 8Va^[dgc^V ZmZXji^kZ Y^gZXidg [dg i]Z CVi^dcVa ;ZYZgVi^dc d[ >cYZeZcYZci 7jh^cZhh# =Z YZXg^ZY! ]dlZkZg! &( W^aa^dc ^c iVm ^cXgZVhZh Æl]^aZ Yd^c\ kZgn a^iiaZ id ]Zae hbVaa Wjh^cZhhZh `ZZe i]Z^g Yddgh deZc VcY eZdeaZ ZbeadnZY Yjg^c\ i]ZhZ X]VaaZc\^c\ i^bZh#Ç ÅHI6;;! H6C?DH:#7>O?DJGC6AH#8DB

The ‘Crack’ of The Computer Game World THE AMERICAN Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than one to two hours WOW-PARK!!Xpsme!pg!Xbsdsbgu-!dfmfcsbufe!jo!b! mfhfoebsz!fqjtpef!pg!Tpvui!Qbsl!boe!fmtfxifsf-!xbt! of online gaming per day, so ibstimz!dsjujdj{fe!sfdfoumz!cz!b!Txfejti!ep.hppefs! warnings that obsessive gaming pshboj{bujpo/ might be detrimental to one’s health are not without some merit (it’s sunlight, not display light, that’s been shown to increase melatonin and serotonin levels). But the suggestion that World of Warcraft is the cocaine of the gaming world and its players, by extension, a legion of slathering crackheads, well, that’s going a bit far, isn’t it? Not according to Sweden’s Youth Care Foundation, which has just finished a report that pegs WoW as the single most dangerous game on the market and the one with the highest risk of addiction. “There is not a single case of game addiction that we have worked with in which World of Warcraft has not played a part,” hyperbolized the report’s author, Sven Rollenhagen. “It is the crack cocaine of the computer game world. Some will play it till they drop.” —JOHN PACZKOWSKI, ALLTHINGSD.COM

LZaa! > YdcÉi eaVn Ldl! Wji > Yd Hi^aa eaVn :kZgfjZhi! :F' VcY 9C9 dca^cZ# I]Z adc\Zhi dca^cZ i^bZ ]Vh WZZc VWdji )' ]djgh! l^i] cd `cdlc YZig^bZciVa ]ZVai] Z[[ZXih# > d[iZc heZcY VWdji (% ]djgh Vi V higZiX] ^c dca^cZ \VbZh# Hd! ]dl bjX] YVbV\Z Vb > Yd^c\ id bnhZa[ [gdb i]ZhZ WZ]Vk^dgh4 Å\Vgn Xdij\cd 8db^c\ hddc/ ]iie/$$lVX`nXgVX`]ZVY#Xdb ;dg i]Z LdgaY d[ LVgXgV[i ]Zgd ^c ndj ÅBVg` DbZ\V

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MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

s t s 1 t l u C e k o a r a K Three weeks with some of Silicon Valley’s most devoted lounge lizards



AYBE FOUR PEOPLE were looking at me. Two of those were friendly faces I knew; about six more stared morosely into their drinks or laughed with friends. After three weeks of watching other people do this, I told myself, I could do it. The cramped, windowless bar with its painted cinderblock walls and neon beer signs could have been any low-rent place in San Jose. The faded, life-size mermaid greeting customers as they walked in let me know I was at the Red Stag on San Carlos Street. I stood peering at my reflection in the huge mirror, a row of whiskey bottles obstructing my view. Danielle, a friendly bartender and a great singer herself, smiled to show her support. Even with nobody paying attention, my palms started sweating and I battled with


my stomach to keep down the 12 ounces of liquid courage that I desperately needed for the next four minutes and 18 seconds. The music started, I sent out a wordless apology to Pat Benatar, looked up at the flat-screen TV mounted above the bar and tried not to make anyone’s ears bleed. Karaoke, like most things in California, is an import. Brought over from Japan in the early ’80s, it was once a hobby reserved for a small group of the talentless and tone deaf. But karaoke grew in popularity and lost some of its stigma. “Normal” people started to sing in public, and no longer was it just the pastime of societal outcasts. Instead people from all walks of life were singing in front of strangers. There lurks a strange nomadic culture in Silicon Valley of people who travel from bar to bar, like singing Gypsies, entertaining themselves and attempting

to entertain others by imitating pop stars. While plenty of people like me will do it once or twice in a lifetime, maybe at the occasional after-work birthday party, these fanatics do it three and four nights a week. These are the few, the die-hards, the karaoke cultists. They stake out specific bars for certain days of the week. They have their own songs. They carefully craft karaoke personalities. Most are loyal to their chosen karaoke jockeys and venues, and jokingly disparage all others. The one thing they all have in common is a need to sing in front of people. Singing at home, in the shower or in the car just won’t cut it. They need an audience. Is it narcissism? Exhibitionism? Is it an ego trip? This is their moment of stardom, their chance to perform for the crowd—to know that for at least four minutes all eyes



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and ears are focused on them. Dozens of karaoke bars in the South Bay fulfill that need. Some host karaoke sessions once a week; others do it every day—from small, badly lit joints like Alex’s 49er Bar off Bascom in San Jose to sleek ultralounges like Fahrenheit in downtown San Jose to the rowdier Boswell’s in Campbell. Even South First Billiards offers karaoke once a week. What kind of person goes to karaoke more than three times a week? Gwyneth Paltrow’s quirky star turn in Duets aside, karaoke is often considered silly or even lame, and is openly mocked. Most people think of karaokiers as the tone deaf Cameron Diaz in My Best Friend’s Wedding or the Japanese businessmen in Rush Hour 2, singing Michael Jackson off-key and with no rhythm. But that isn’t a good picture of the hard-core karaokier. I needed to

find out who comprised the South Bay’s karaoke elite. So, for about three weeks I stalked a couple of local karaoke singers in San Jose trying to answer these questions—and score some beers.

The Lifer As an almost 10-year veteran of the karaoke circuit, Ken Fitzgerald knows the local scene. Fitzgerald looks younger than his 29 years. He’s got a cute smile and seems almost shy. But that is not the case. A serious karaokier, he has been known to perform 20 days in a row, has his own very impressive karaoke system and holds karaoke parties. Mostly, though, he sings at any one of a dozen bars in and around San Jose. He gave me the names of different bars to check out for each day of the week.

I met him at the Dive Bar on Santa Clara Street on a recent Wednesday. The Dive Bar is dark, but contrary to its name it isn’t the least bit divey. Karaoke is done in the front, near huge windows, so everyone has to walk past a singer to get into the bar. I was sitting at a table when Fitzgerald came up to me and asked what paper I write for. I don’t know how he knew I was a reporter, although the notepad and photographer might have given me away. Often one can tell the regulars because they just seem more comfortable holding the microphone and being in front of people. Fitzgerald is no exception. Though he doesn’t dance around, he reeked of confidence in his rendition of Jimmy Eat World’s “Sweetness.” “I started doing karaoke shortly after my 21st birthday,” Fitzgerald says. “I went out and sang ‘The

Devil Went Down to Georgia’ and just had a blast with it. And I’ve been doing it ever since.” He’s good. While singing one night in 2003, a friend asked him if he was going to the San Francisco auditions for American Idol at what was then called PacBell Park. At the time, he hadn’t heard of American Idol but liked the idea. “I grabbed my tuxedo,” he says, “and just headed on up and slept in my car and slept in line, [then] went into the ballpark—and was selected.” Fitzgerald was one of about 10 people, including William Hung, who were shown on the San Francisco episode. “I enjoyed the hell out of it, and I looked pretty good, too,” he says humbly. “But I didn’t make it to Hollywood.” He would end up auditioning two more times, once in 2004 and again in 2006. 16


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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The Reluctant Bar Singer Carol Matsumoto isn’t shy so much as she almost seems like she doesn’t want to be here. She readily admits to me that she doesn’t like bars. But since she is a karaoke addict and needs an audience, she has to put up with the atmosphere. She makes it crystal clear that she is here to perform and that is all; she puts up with no shenanigans from drunken patrons, giving them frosty stares if they start to bother her. At fortysomething and about 5-foot-2, with shoulder-length jet-black hair and a baggy leather jacket, Matsumoto kind of disappears into the background. Before she goes up to sing, she hands the karaoke jockey a CD with the song she wants to sing on it—usually an older soft-rock hit, although she will change her selection to best fit the crowd, not trusting his selection. She does not use the prompter screen; after seven years on the karaoke circuit, she knows her songs by heart.

“Basically I taught myself how to sing,” she says. “I would just sing along with the radio and practice in my room.” Here at the Blue Bonnet in Sunnyvale, she looks a bit out of place. She sits at a table quietly waiting for her next turn, while everyone around her is drinking beers and laughing or yelling over a pool game. As the melody starts, I can see her visibly loosen up and start to enjoy herself. She wanders the floor, lost in her own musical world. “I always wanted to perform and sing in front of people because I like the attention,” she says. Now retired, Carol has recorded three CDs of cover songs, which she sells at her gigs and gives out as gifts. She admits that she would love to make a living in the studio. “What I would really like to do,” she says, “is just make CDs.”

The Headliner They first time I saw Archie Garcia, at Boswell’s in Campbell, he was wearing a three-piece suit, strutting his stuff while singing Mötley Crüe. I thought maybe he had come straight from work to the bar, but no—he wore the suit because it was his birthday. (The following week I would see him with jeans and a Darkness T-shirt; this is generally his uniform though he can still occasionally be found in preppy formal.) With his thick black-rimmed


glasses, he looked liked like Clark Kent. Onstage, he danced around, pumping his fist into the air, singing “Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love” by Van Halen. The crowd loved it. Software salesman by day, this San Jose native transforms at night into an attention-craving karaoke dynamo. He started singing regularly a little over a year ago. A friend brought him along, and it’s become an addiction. Garcia has a few theories about the people who do karaoke as much as he does. “After doing it for a year, I tried to simplify things by saying that a regular karaokier, and by regular I mean someone who does it at least once a week and sings, is going to be either: One, depressed; two, narcissistic; or three, ugly. And of course you can be more than one of these.” He good-naturedly admits that he falls into more than one of those categories. He concedes that karaoke has a pretty bad reputation as a lifestyle choice, because it is generally practiced in bars, but he says it’s helped him “tone down” his drinking. “Usually, I would go out with friends and drink and dance and go chase after girls. Whereas with karaoke, I limit my drinking because I don’t want to screw up the lyric or my voice. “And it gives me four minutes of all the attention of all the girls at the bar. For someone who needs as much attention as I do, it’s a good trade-off.” For Garcia, it’s not about the singing so much as the performing. “I’m always singing in the wrong key. I don’t think it matters. Seriously, even if you turn in a completely average performance, you’re going to do better than at least 10 people.”

The Rocker Ashton Chevallier got started in karaoke out of sheer boredom. He says he started going consistently about 18 months ago because there was nothing else he liked to do in San Jose. “The couch is not the place to be,” he says. “And I’ve made a bunch of friends. People expect me to show up.” Chevallier sports a heavy-metal look, with long curly hair, faded jeans and a Van Halen T-shirt. Onstage, he rocks all his songs, with kicks, fist pumps and a general hard-core feel. A crowd favorite that he regularly does is “Ballroom Blitz” by the Sweet (made famous on the Wayne’s World soundtrack). He says he also has been playing guitar in a nameless band for the last two years. He goes to karaoke at least twice a week, though if friends want to go on off-days, or other factors arise, he will sing five nights a week. Late last year, he attended the 2008 San Jose Entertainer of the Year Karaoke Competition. The competition started in September and ran through December. Held at two dozen bars in the area, the top three performers from each bar would

go on to the next round. There were six different genres: Top 40, R&B/Jazz, Oldies, Standards/Broadway, Country and Rock, with a finale held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown San Jose. Contest participants did all the judging. Chevallier won first place in the Top 40 genre, sporting tight white pants, a bandana and aviator glasses, singing Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell.” Chevallier and Garcia, who are pals, are both a bit on the exuberant side. They are easily the most entertaining singers I saw during my sojourn. They often back each other up during performances. While one sings, the other plays backup air guitar—or air bass. When I asked them to describe the difference, I got a little lecture. I sat on my stool at the Dive bar sipping a beer while Garcia and Chevallier patiently demonstrated the difference of the two imaginary instruments, all with a rather superior air about them. Apparently, it’s all about the hand placement. I was shamed for not knowing this. On slow nights they will sing songs they normally wouldn’t perform. Both are good at judging a room, and sing songs they are pretty sure that the crowd will enjoy. But on off-nights they try out new songs, ones that might not go over too well with a crowded bar. On one of these nights at the Dive, which contained less than a dozen patrons, Chevallier sang Metallica’s “Master of Puppets,” an 8 1/2-minute-long beast of a song, which contains enough instrumental breaks that he probably could have gone to the bathroom, ordered a beer and talked to a couple of friends before returning to the stage for the final chorus. That night he sang nothing but Metallica songs. With the easily recognizable opening riffs, he got a few raised-devil-horn salutes, but in general patrons focused on their beverages.

The Believer Helen Garcia is also a regular of Wednesdays at the Dive Bar, but she sings under the stage name TK. Talking to her I can tell that music is one of her passions—she lights up and starts to get more animated. “It doesn’t matter where I am, I always sing,” she tells me. She sings at the bus stop, at home—and especially at karaoke. She started seven years ago, when she was 19. “I was actually at De Anza College when we had a karaoke fun day.” Not yet old enough to go to bars, she would head over to Dave and Buster’s to karaoke. When she finally hit 21, she would go more often. “I used to go seven days a week; I had it all planned out I knew where to go and when to go,” Garcia says. 18



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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7 Bamboo Karaoke Lounge Wed-Sat, 9pm2am: Karaoke. Tue, 9pm-1am: Karaoke. 162 E. Jackson St, San Jose, 408.279.9937.

The Goosetown Lounge Fri-Sat, 9:30pm: Karaoke. 1072 Lincoln Ave, Willow Glen, 408.292.4835.

Alex’s 49er Inn Wed-Sat, 9pm-1am: Karaoke. 2214 Business Circle, San Jose, 408.279.9737.

Hard Work Cafe Wed, 8pm-midnight: Karaoke. Free. 1620 Almaden Rd, San Jose, 408.289.9675.

B4 Twelve Wed, 9pm-1am: Karaoke Dance Party. With DJ Purple. No cover. 412 Emerson St, Palo Alto, 650.326.7183.

Huddle Wed-Thu and Sun, 9pm: Wild Nights Karaoke. 5152 Mowry Ave, Fremont.

The Bank Thu: Karaoke. 14421 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, 408.867.5155.

Katie Bloom’s Irish Pub & Restaurant Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Karaoke. 369 Campbell Ave at Central, Campbell, 408.379.9687.

The Bears Fri-Sat, 9pm: With MC Ruckus Brian. 1872 W. San Carlos, San Jose, 408.998.3425.

Khartoum Thu, 9pm: With Davey K. No cover. 300 Orchard City Dr, Campbell, 408.379.6340.

Blinky’s Can’t Say Fri, 9pm-1am: With Stephanie. 1031 Monroe St, Santa Clara, 408.985.7201.

King of Clubs Sun-Thu, 8:30pm-close: With Bruce of KOR Karaoke. No cover. 893 Leong Dr, Mountain View, 650.968.6366.

Blue Bonnet Bar Mon and Wed-Thu, 8pm: Karaoke. No cover. 208 S. Fair Oaks Ave, Sunnyvale, 408.245.6651.

Las Fuentes Fri-Sat, 8-11pm: Karaoke in Spanish. 163 W. Alma Ave, San Jose, 408.280.5555.

Blue Max Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: Karaoke. 828 W. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, 408.746.9500. Blue Note Lounge Thu, 9pm: Karaoke. 765 N. Capitol Ave, Milpitas, 408.262.8363. Blue Pheasant Tue, 7pm: With Steve Tiger. 22100 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, 408.255.3300.

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Normandy House Lounge Fri-Sat, 9pm-1am: With Stephanie. 30 Washington St, Santa Clara, 408.244.1937. Oasis Wed, 8:30pm: With MC Ruckus Brian. Fri, 8:30pm: With Dusty or Jen. Sat, 8:30pm: With Doug. 952 E. El Camino, Sunnyvale, 408.738.9957.

Boswell’s Tue: With DJ Davey K. 1875 S. Bascom Ave, Campbell, 408.371.4404.

Office Bar Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, 9pm: Karaoke. 820 E. El Camino Real, Mountain View, 650.969.2098.

Britannia Arms Almaden Wed, 10pm and Sun, 10pm: Karaoke. With DJ Hank. 5027 Almaden Expwy, San Jose, 408.266.0550.

Pacific Palms Grill and Bar Wed-Thu, 9:30pm1:30am: Wild Side Karaoke. 1380 S. Main St, Milpitas, 408.934.4999.

Britannia Arms Cupertino Sun-Tue, 9:30pm: Karaoke. 1087 De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, 408.252.7262.

Peacock Lounge Thu, 9pm-1:30am: With MC Ruckus Brian. Sun: Karaoke Sundays. Tue, 9pm1:30am: With DJ Mickey. DJ, dancing, karaoke. 102 E. Fremont Ave, Sunnyvale, 408.962.6690.

British Bankers Club Thu, Sun, 9:30pm: Karaoke. 1090 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, 650.327.8769.

Thing is, many of them don’t have impressive voices. But the quality of singing doesn’t really matter. What counts is the rush from singing in front of a crowd. It took me two weeks to get the nerve to sing in public. I blame it on the fact that when I was in the third grade, I fell off the stage during a school musical and ran crying to my mom. Since that time, I’ve done my best to not make an ass of myself in front of a bunch of strangers. I knew I had to do it. It seemed only fair. But that whole afternoon, I was nervous. When I finally got onstage, anyone could tell I was a newbie. My voice warbled and cracked, and I was incredibly stiff. I couldn’t bring myself to look at anyone in my tiny crowd and kept my eyes glued to the teleprompter. But I had gotten some good pointers from some of the regulars:

The Virgin

• No matter what, people have heard worse.

Fifth Quarter Mon, Tue, 9pm: Karaoke. 1373-B Kooser Rd, San Jose, 408.265.7033.

In general, the karaokiers seem like a pretty friendly crowd. Always asking newcomers if they are going to sing, and if not, then why, cheering on their peers, and singing along to their favorite songs. And though the crowd ranges in age from early 20s to AARP-card-carrying age, from men in suits and women in dresses to guys in leather chaps and chicks in sweats, there seems to be a lot of camaraderie.

• If the bar is rocking, don’t sing a whiny folk song.

Flames Coffee Shop Thu-Sat, 9pm-midnight: The Uncle Dougie Show. No cover. 1830 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, 408.723.8393.

I made it through the whole song, only forgetting a line or two. And I didn’t fall down. Afterward I got some applause—probably more from pity than anything else, but claps are claps—and that felt good. M

Mexico Lindo Wed: Country karaoke. Fri: Karaoke. 11 Race St, San Jose, 408.295.7765.

Blush Nightclub Tue, 7:30-11:30pm: Karaoke. 261 California Dr, Burlingame, 415.573.9840.

She admits that karaoke gets her through some of her more difficult times, that it’s a form of therapy and an outlet. There was a time in her life when she was homeless: with nowhere to sleep she would sleep on the 22 bus that ran all night. She called it Hotel 22. But with any extra money, she would go to the bar every night, get a soda and sing karaoke. She says it kept her spirits up. Now that things have settled down, the petite brunette goes “only” about three nights a week, belting out Janis Joplin and Susan Tedeschi’s “Hurt So Bad.” “I just really, really enjoy it, whether it’s just to have fun and hang out with friends. It’s definitely helping me to succeed in my musical career.” Garcia currently works in graphic design and will be singing in a commercial for Ready 2 Model in the coming months.

• Never sing “Nickelback.”

Mariani’s Restaurant Thu, 8-11pm: With Chris. 2500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, 408.243.1431.

Pebble Roppongi Karaoke Lounge Mon-Sat, 8pm-2am: Karaoke. 160 S. Frances St, Sunnyvale, 408.738.0392.

C&J’s Sports Bar Mon, Thu, 9pm: Karaoke. No cover. 1550 Lafayette St, Santa Clara, 408.423.9013.

Quarter Note Tue, Thu, Sun, 9pm: Karaoke. No cover. 1214 Apollo Way, Sunnyvale, 408.732.2110.

Cardinal Lounge Wed, 9pm: Karaoke. With DJ Curtis. No cover. 3197 Meridian Ave, San Jose, 408.269.7891.

Red Stag Lounge Ongoing, 9:30pm-2am: Karaoke. 1711 W. San Carlos St, San Jose, 408.292.6777.

Club Max Ongoing, 8pm: Karaoke. Doubletree Hotel, 2050 Gateway Place, San Jose, 408.437.2187.

Redi Room Thu, 9pm-1am: Karaoke. With Joseph. 4340 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, 408.257.7770.

Creekside Inn Wed-Sat, 8:30pm: Karaoke. No cover. 544 W. Alma St, San Jose, 408.289.9782. DaSilva’s Broncos Wed-Sat, 8pm: Karaoke. (Formerly the Claran), 1251 Franklin Mall, Santa Clara, 408.248.4682. Dive Bar Wed, 8pm-2am: Karaoke. 78 E. Santa Clara St, San Jose, 408.288.5252. Drying Shed Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: Karaoke and Dancing. 402 Toyon Ave, San Jose, 408.272.1512. Effie’s Restaurant and Lounge Tue-Sat, 9pm-2am and last Sun of every month, 2-7pm: With BNS Karaoke. 331 Hacienda Ave, Campbell, 408.374.3400. Fahrenheit Ultra Lounge Mon, 9pm-close: Karaoke. No cover. 99 E. San Fernando St, San Jose, 408.998.9998.

Galaxy Tue, Thu and Sun, 9pm-2am: Karaoke. $10 cover. 134 S. Main St, Milpitas, 408.262.1123. Ginger Bar and Grill Thu, 9pm: Karaoke. Hilton Hotel, 39900 Balentine Dr, Fremont, 510.490.8390.

Rosie McCann’s Tue, 8:30pm: Karaoke. No cover. 355 Santana Row, San Jose, 408.247.1706. Royal Oak Pub Mon, Wed, 9pm-1am: Karaoke. 1240 Coleman Ave, Santa Clara, 408.588.1111. San Jose Bar & Grill Tue, 10pm: Kamikaze Karaoke. 85 S. Second St, San Jose, 408.286.2397. Scruffy Murphy’s Irish Pub Thu and Sun, 9pm-close: College Karaoke Night. 187 S. Murphy Ave, Sunnyvale, 408.735.7394. Sherwood Inn Wed, 8pm and Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: With Vinnie. Sun, 8:30pm: With Chris. 2988 Almaden Expwy, San Jose, 408.266.2480. South First Billiards Club and Lounge Sun, 9:30pm: With Wild Side. 420 S. First St, San Jose, 408.294.7800. Southside Cafe Wed, 8:30pm : Karaoke and DJ dancing. With DJ Armando. 21+. No cover. 7028 Santa Teresa Blvd, San Jose, 408.226.5424. Splash Tue, 10pm: Hosted by Apple and KJ Ken. No cover. 65 Post St, San Jose, 408.993.0861. Straits Wed, 9pm-midnight: Karaoke. 333 Santana Row, Suite 1100, San Jose, 408.246.6320. The Savoy Wed at 8pm. 3546 Flora Vista Ave, Santa Clara, 408.244.6909. A Tinker’s Damn Tue, 9pm: Karaoke. 46 N. Saratoga Ave, Santa Clara, 408.243.4595.





A Metro Special


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IN HER hugely influential urban planning book The Death and Life of Great American Cities, the late Jane Jacobs describes the kind of diverse street life that separates dynamic urban areas from sterile, masterplanned ones devoid of life. The cities and neighborhoods that are most successful, she says, are those that cater to pedestrians and attract a variety of businesses, residents and visitors, She compares a lively city to an ecosystem in which this diversity develops organically over time. In San Jose, Willow Glen’s Lincoln Avenue neighborhood comes closest to Jacobs’ ideal of messy vitality. The variety of businesses and pedestrian-friendly sidewalks create a diverse street life that makes it one of the most popular areas in Silicon Valley. Willow Glen has always had a bold independent streak. Built around Lincoln Avenue (called Willow Glen Road until Abraham Lincoln’s assassination in 1865), and incorporating as a town in 1927, its residents continued to stand up for the unique identity of their neighborhood even after it became part of San Jose in 1936. Today, the fruits of that fight can be seen in Willow Glen’s commitment to independent business and the integrity of its downtown culture. From its dining and culture to its bountiful boutiques to its bastion of indie bookstores, Willow Glen remains one of a kind. M

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A Dining Tour A

KEY element of Willow Glen’s vitality is the scores of restaurants. There’s a little bit of everything on Lincoln Avenue’s street of eats. Willow street Wood-Fired Pizza is one of the area’s success stories. The restaurant now has locations in Los Gatos and Westgate Mall in San Jose and continues to pack them in with its satisfying and creative pizzas, hearty pastas and sandwiches. Willow Street recently added thin-crust, Neapolitan-style pizzas that help keep the place fresh. La Villa Gourmet Italian Delicatessen is a must-stop in Willow Glen. Known for its great custom-made sandwiches, the popular deli is also the neighborhood’s goto source for premium wine, cheese and

other specialty items. The ravioli are a local tradition. For dependable Chinese-American food, Edna Ray and Taiwan Restaurant have been the Willow Glen standard for years and are still going strong. Mediterranean food is particularly well represented in Willow Glen. Newcomer Opa! serves affordable and generally delicious Greek-American food in a modern, urbane setting. With stylish décor, a cozy dining room and a friendly neighborhood vibe, the restaurant occupies the sweet spot between fast food and fine dining. If one can look past its spare appearance, Casablanca’s Cafe offers one of Silicon Valley’s best—and biggest—falafel

sandwiches. The gyros and shawerma are good, too. Venerable John’s Xlnt Foods is a diner beloved for its Greek, Italian and American served in big portions. At the upper end of the scale, Siena Bistro and Vin Santo Ristorante are Willow Glen’s two standout fine dining restaurants. Siena is an intimate, 40-seat restaurant with an appealing outdoor patio. At Vin Santo, try the “O” burger made with truffles and Gorgonzola cheese served on focaccia. Willow Glen has a several good Mexican food options, and two of the most popular are Aqui Cal-Mex Grill and Tlaquepaque No. 1. Aqui offers a contemporary take on Mexican food while Tlaquepaque charts a more traditional course. Don’t miss 23


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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MARCH 4-10, 2009



The Plant is the largest retail center of its kind and it’s right in your neighborhood.

SHOP ÂŒ DINE ÂŒ DISCOVER Shop at a unique combination of big box destination and boutique outlets. Dine at a tempting variety of popular restaurants. Discover value, convenience and acres of parking at The Plant. JUST OFF HWY 87, CURTNER AND MONTEREY !NNAgS ,INENS s !PPLEBEEgS s "ATH "ODY 7ORKS s "EST "UY s #ANDLES 3CENTS $Ă?COR s #HEVYS s $ISCOUNT 4AX s %L 0OLLO ,OCO s &ED%X /FFICE s '.# s (APPY .AILS s (OME $EPOT s *AMBA *UICE s *USTICE FOR 'IRLS s , , (AWAIIAN "ARBECUE /FF "ROADWAY s /FFICE-AX s 0ANDA %XPRESS s 0ANERA "READ s 0AYLESS 3HOESOURCE s 0ET3MART s 0LANET "EACH s 2OSS $RESS &OR ,ESS s 2UBIOgS s 3LEEP 4RAIN s 3TARBUCKS s 3TYLES &OR ,ESS s 3UBWAY s 3UPERCUTS s 4ARGET s 4 -OBILE 44OYS 2 5S "ABIES 2 5S s 5,4! s 7!-5 s 7HIMSICAL 9OGURT s 7INGSTOP s 8CEED &INANCIAL #REDIT 5NION #/-).' 3//. !UTO :ONE s &AMOUS $AVEgS ""1 s 'EICO s )NTERNATIONAL "UFFET s -C$ONALD S s 2ADIO 3HACK s 3COTTRADE OYS 2 5S "ABIES 2 5S s 5,,4!! s 7!-5 s 7HIMSICAL 9OGURT s 7INGSTOP s 8CEED &&INANCIAL #REDIT 5NION #/-).' 3//. !UTO :OONE s &AMOUS $AVE S ""1 s 'EICO s )NTERNATIOONAL "UFFET s -C$ONALD S s 2ADIO 3HACK s 3COTTTRADE



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Post your event ... for free!



A Willow Glen Makeover


ILLOW GLEN offers a range of options for those looking for a physical or mental makeover. Besides gyms like Fitness Group of Willow Glen and San Jose Swim & Racket club, several top-notch wellness studios offer less conventional forms of workout. Willow Glen Yoga features a full schedule of classes in vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga and creative hybrid yoga styles. Citrus Pilates and Tru-Balance Pilates are the resident fitness studios offering the strangely addictive form of resistance training. Offering a handful of pilates classes during the week, Citrus has a minimalist, Zen appeal to its sleek wellness-centric environs. TruBalance has a full schedule of Pilates, not to mention trained hypnotherapists on staff and Pilates certification programs. Halanda Studio steps it up by offering not only yoga classes but also eclectic dance, self-defense and other unique fitness classes . Pampering the body is just as important as nurturing it. There are massages at La Concha, facials at Sachs, paraffin hand treatments at Slice of Heaven or Men’s De-Stressing spa packages at Spa R&R. For a more literal Willow Glen makeover, Alchemy Hair Studio & Spa is sponsoring a makeover contest, with community members voting for nominees who are local residents and have a history of bettering their community. Alchemy has been building a mini-empire of hair care and spas in Willow Glen; they can be reached at 408.293.3494 for contest details.

Willow Glen’s Biggest Happenings ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

Aqui’s great tequila selection and Tlaquepaque’s famous “chavela”—a frosty beer and lime concoction. For Asian food, Kazoo Sushi Boat and Siam Square are the area’s best bets. Kazoo, which was named best sushi restaurant by Metro readers last year, serves a diverse menu of nigiri, rolls and specials in a good-times atmosphere. Siam Square offers an encyclopedic menu of Thai food. Bill’s Cafe is Willow Glen’s definitive breakfast joint. Open since 1977, but under new ownership since 2006, Bill’s serves only breakfast and lunch. Bill’s knows its way around typical diner standbys—we’re talking eggs (scrambles and hollandaise-laced “benedictions”), pancakes and expertly grilled sandwiches and burgers. CHERRIES ON TOP !Txffut!up!dpnqmfuf!boz!usfbu! With its tasting bar, wine shop bu!Xjmmpx!Hmfo!Gsp{fo!Zphvsu!Dp/! and lively “cheap date night,” The Grapevine has emerged as one of Willow Yogurt Co. isn’t the ice cream or the frozen Glen’s bright lights. They’ve also got a good yogurt, but the frozen silk custard. This eggselection of artisinal cheese to help wash rich dessert is an East Coast and Midwest down all that good wine. specialty that’s hard to come by this side of No stroll down Lincoln Street would be the Mississippi River. The shop only sells complete without a stop at Willow Glen vanilla and chocolate. Vanilla is available Frozen Yogurt Co. The frozen yogurt is every day and chocolate on the weekends. particularly rich and good, given that it’s The stuff is dispensed from a soft serve made with low-fat yogurt. WGFYC also machine that extrudes a curling ribbon of sells Treat Ice Cream, from the beloved San custard into a cup. Take it from me, a small Jose–based ice cream company. But for me is all you’ll need. M the real attraction of Willow Glen Frozen





ILLOW Glen is a community with a pulse. Throughout the year, this upscale district sets the bar for neighborhood entertainment with festivals, street fairs, special events and more. Three big festivals in particular draw out the masses. The party kicks off with Dancin’ in the Avenue, slated to take over downtown on June 20 this year for the TAKING FLIGHTS !Hsbqfwjof!iptut!sfhvmbs! 14th time. The aptly named, xjof!ubtujoht!jo.tupsf/ one-night annual street party encourages locals to bust out their best moves to the live beats provided by one of the four stages of bands. Beer, wine and soda booths line the street, while food booths showcase the creations of local vendors and downtown’s best restaurants. A kids court helps to keep the younger ones entertained. Next on the Willow Glen party circuit is the Italian Family Fiesta, Aug. 29–30 this year. This 27th annual event from the Italian American Heritage Foundation will bring the red, green and white back with a fury. As the oldest and largest event of its kind on the West Coast, the festival dresses up downtown Willow Glen with the charm of an Italian village, celebrating folklore and history, and promoting Italian culture with fine foods, libations, costumes, art exhibits, crafts vendors and live music. Grape-stomping contests, dancing, performances and Tarantella contests are just a few of the unique goings-on at this two-day fete. Founders Day, on Sept. 26, is particularly close to the hearts of Willow Glen residents. It celebrates the independent spirit of the neighborhood, commemorating the past, celebrating the present and looking to the future. The main drag closes for a time for the Founders Day Parade, which welcomes members of nearby communities to join in on the fun. With live music and a tender dash of Americana, this day is all about the small, hometown charm of downtown Willow Glen. This isn’t just a community with big annual festivals, though; smaller events throughout the year keep this district’s close-knit appeal. The Annual Sidewalk Sale (July 25) is a bargain hunter’s paradise. Merchants from all around town line up to bring the finest (and maybe strangest) in affordable finds. Next up is an event just for children ages 12 and under who are desperately in need of cleaning their rooms. The Second Annual Sweet Sunday Kids’ Flea Market (Sept. 6) will invite youngsters—with parental supervision, of course—to grab an umbrella, set up a card table (provided by Powell’s Sweet Shoppe) and vend their formerly loved goodies in downtown. They can bring electronics, sports equipment, used games, clothing, school supplies and more to sell to other kids. The year closes out with the Holiday Merchant Open House, a kick-off to the yuletide festivities, and finally the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony at Willow Glen Elementary School. As if all these festivals and events weren’t enough, businesses throughout Willow Glen host their own regular happenings and special events. The baby boutique BabyBuzz has a variety of events that include storytimes, baby sign-language classes, infant massage workshops and more. Their Mom’s Nights Out, which includes wine and cheese as well as facials, has become particularly popular. Grapevine Wine Bar & Noshery celebrate every time they get the chance with wine tasting events, live music series, parties with guests from notable wineries and unique events like sake tastings. The Willow Glen Library clears out an unquiet corner for workshops, lectures and open community meetings, and Hicklebee’s Bookstore frequently welcomes renowned artists and illustrators. ArtHouse Kids gives parents a break monthly with Drop-In Saturdays. On the first Saturday of each month, parents can take their 5-and-ups to this kids’ arts space and drop them off for an hour and a half of supervised arts and projects, leaving them free to pursue coffee or grown-up conversations for a relaxing Saturday morning. M 24


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




ITH ITS high-quality, unique boutique options, Willow Glen offers some of the best reasons around to shop local for fashion. Drawing its name from the libidinous ’60s space cadet made famous by Jane Fonda, Barbarella Beauty is both a clothing retail store and a full-service salon. The boutique is owned by Rebecca Sell, one of the South Bay’s best-known makeup artists. For over two decades, Sell has been a sought-after makeup expert whose portfolio includes spreads in Allure and Bazaar, as well as television and movie makeup work. With the help of fellow cosmetologists Richard Sell and Alicia Paquette, the makeup counter at Barbarella can make anybody who comes in go out feeling fresh and fabulous. Girls who have hairdos that are drab can consult the salon’s talented hair team. Barbarella’s certified staff of hair stylists approaches every client with an eye for detail and attentiveness. Itching to throw a unique event for friends and family? Then Bella James Women’s Boutique, located inside the Garden Theater at 1165 Lincoln Ave., offers the option of a private party right on the store floor. The boutique’s staff will treat customers and their friends like royalty by closing the store, serving drinks and hors d’œuvres and acting like personal shoppers. Now with two locations, one in Campbell and one in Willow Glen, Bella James is a dream realized for owners and sisters-in-law Vicky Morris-Malvini and Lisa Morris. Both fashionistas with many years in the retail industry under their belts, the pair met when working as buyers for Nordstrom. Combining their love of styling and fashion, the women opened their first Bella James location in 2006, and have never looked back. Bella James sells stylish, casual women’s clothing, stocking brands like Free People, Michael Stars, Hudson and Joe’s Jeans. Mature ladies who are in the market for a look that is sophisticated and classic should seek out Alta Fine Contemporary Clothing. At Alta, women can find casual, comfortable garments in a diverse array of sizes, from designers like French Dressing, Noblu and XCVI. For a place in Willow Glen with a great sales rack, check out Details Clothing Co. In the store, one can discover some great deals and an ever-changing selection. Look for last season finds for half off at the discounted section in back.

;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

Shopping Independents

RACK OF GLAM Cbscbsfmmb!Cfbvuz!jt!b!gvmm.tfswjdf!tbmpo-!boe!pof!pg!Xjmmpx!HmfoÖt!upq!pqujpot!gps!dmpuift!tipqqjoh/!

Two great boutiques to find one of a kind clothing in downtown Willow Glen are Orapa Gallery of Wearable Arts and Park Place Vintage. Owned and operated by Cedide Oclay, Orapa Gallery has a selection of avant-garde fashions from all over the world. From extravagantly zippered trench coats from Germany to poofy, geometric skirts from Japan, Oclay supplies her store with a truly edgy range of fashions for women who view their closet like an art collection. Park Place Vintage is all about eclectic vintage finds. This is the place to fill a wardrobe with tight wool pencil skirts, dainty cardigans and cute retro dresses. They even have an extensive costume section for Halloween and theme parties,

as well as tons of mid-20th-century accessories and home décor. Likewise, Our Secret Annex, located just off the downtown strip, is an upscale consignment store that sells gently used designer wear for a fraction of retail price. Adira is all about pieces that’ll make a girl look good while on the move. This dance and costume shop has it all, from Turkish bras and belts to shimmy in while belly dancing, to a big ruffled skirts to dosi-do in at square dancing classes. If keeping the little ones cute is a concern, then BabyBuzz is a wonderful baby and tot boutique. In addition to selling adorable baby gear, apparel and toys, Babybuzz has a large play area where doting mothers and fathers can congregate

and socialize with their kids. Getting ready to pop the question but don’t want to trek over to Kay or Zales for an engagement ring? Then try the Willow Glen Diamond Company or Mann’s Jewelers. Willow Glen Diamond Company sells a big range of top jewelry designers, from Bellarri to Novell to Studio 311. They also have three on-site goldsmiths that can do just about anything with gold and platinum, and even a LaserStar welder for precession jewelry alterations. Mann’s Jewelers offers a full range of services, from quick watch repair to pearl restringing to ring sizing and custom work. They also sell a traditional assortment of diamonds, wedding bands, engagement sets and watches. M


MARCH 4-10, 2009



Live the

Willow Glen





From the mid $400s

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Almaden Walk

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2028 Almaden Road - San Jose 408.269.3537



• Down payment assistance available!* (Program Expires 4/25/09)

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• Minutes from I-280, Hwy 87 and Tamien Light Rail station

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• 1,282 - 1,793 sq. ft.


• 2 - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 - 3.5 baths

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85 k com *Certain restrictions apply. Down payment assistance is offered to first-time buyers through the City of San Jose to qualified buyers who meet the annual income and credit requirements. Must be in contract by 4/25/09 to receive down payment assistance. The Olson Company reserves the right to make changes to prices, features, floor plans, availability, scheduling and delivery of homes, terms and conditions without prior notice or obligation. All home square footage is approximate, and pricing effective at date of publication deadline. Broker referral available.


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Opening Saturday, February 14!

adventures with nature and art Climb a tree house, build a fort, play with light! Have fun exploring the natural world in this original, interactive exhibition. This is your chance to go out on a limb! 8P[ 8BZ t 4BO +PTF $" t t XXX DEN PSH

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 SPORTS

;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

A MATTER OF SECONDS Jo!uif!32tu!tfdpoe!pg!uif!ßstu!spvoe!pg!uif!nbjo!fwfou!pg!Tusjlfgpsdf!


Payback Time

REMEMBER back in March of ’06 when Frank Shamrock pranced around yelling, “This is my house!” after he took down Cesar Gracie with one punch, 21 seconds into the first round of the first Mixed Martial Arts Strikeforce event in San Jose? Nick Diaz does, and so does his trainer, none other than Cesar Gracie himself. It certainly has rained a bit since then. Shamrock took down Phil Baroni by submission. He got DQed when he fought against Renzo Gracie for knees to the head while his opponent was on the ground. And then Shamrock lost his title to Cung Le. Now Nick Diaz wants kung-fucinema-style payback, or at least a crack at it. Sure it’s been a while since “The Legend” has been in the ring, but legends take time to create, that’s what his record says. A 24-9-1 record wasn’t built in one day and is pretty hefty, especially against Diaz, who pulls in at 18-7. Sure Diaz is 6 feet tall, about a decade younger and takes down his opponents via barrages of punches, but will he be a match for legendary experience in submissions? Hard to say, but don’t let that distract you from the rest of the card that will unfold April 11 at the HP Pavilion in San Jose. The middleweight fight will feature Scott Smith, who is 16-5 with his “Hands of Steel” and will attempt to bring down Benji “Razor” Radach and his 19-4 record. If after this event, the fighters keep trying to claim territory, maybe Strikeforce should reconsider making a belt the trophy to take home and just give the winner a copy of the keys to the Pavilion. Felipe Buitrago STRIKEFORCE takes place Saturday, April 11, at 5pm at the HP Pavilion, 525 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose. Tickets are on sale through Ticketmaster and '.



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y














Bear Valley



BASE: 56"- 71" TRAILS OPEN: 59 OF 59





BASE: 70"- 125" TRAILS OPEN: 53 OF 53




Homewood BASE: 122" - 162" TRAILS OPEN: 65 OF 67



*Based on double occupancy. Valid Sun–Thurs, 12/1/08-4/15/09, excluding holidays (weekends slightly higher). Some restrictions apply. All offers subject to availability, blackout dates and restrictions; not valid for groups. Granlibakken and Hyatt reserve the right to alter or withdraw these offers at any time.

HOURS: 8:30AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 562-1330

Sierra-at-Tahoe BASE: 38� - 108" TRAILS OPEN: 46 OF 46

HOURS: 8:30AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 659-7475


HOURS: 9AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 426-3901


BASE: 60� - 99" TRAILS OPEN: 16 OF 16

Squaw Valley USA BASE: 80" TRAILS OPEN: 170 OF 177


Soda Springs

HOURS: 9AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 426-1111


BASE: 48� - 84" TRAILS OPEN: 45 OF 45



Sierra Summit


BASE: 39" - 84" TRAILS OPEN: 88 OF 89

For reservations call 888.899.7863 or visit






HOURS: 9AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 525-2992

9edZ_j_edi Idemf^ed[ '$.--$A?HAMEE: BeYWj[Z ed iY[d_Y >mo ..


BASE: 54" - 90" TRAILS OPEN: 61 OF 63

HOURS: 8:30AM-4PM PHONE: (775) 586-7000 x1


night luxurious lodging UÊ Two adult lift tickets to: Alpine Meadows, Diamond Peak, Squaw Valley USA, Northstar-at Tahoe™, Mt. Rose or Heavenly UÊ Complimentary shuttle service available to select resorts. Contact concierge for availability and schedule.

Heavenly Ski Resort

BASE: 46" - 64" TRAILS OPEN: 92 OF 95

HVkZ Dc A^[i I^X`Zih AdY\^c\ lll#`^g`lddY#Xdb

HOURS: 9AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 426-3635


Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe


For reservations call 877.552.0184 or visit

HOURS: 8:30AM-4PM PHONE: (209) 965-4444 x5

Donner Ski Ranch


Granlibakken adult lift ticket to: Alpine Meadows, Homewood, Mt. Rose, Northstar-at-Tahoe™, Sierra-at-Tahoe, Squaw Valley USA or Sugar Bowl UÊ One night lodging w/ breakfast UÊ Sauna, heated pool and hot tub UÊ Complimentary shuttle to select resorts

HOURS: 9AM-9PM PHONE: (530) 426-3666




Dodge Ridge



BASE: 75"- 135" TRAILS OPEN: 36 OF 41

HOURS: 8:30AM-4PM PHONE: (209) 753-2301







BASE: 86"- 149" HOURS: 9AM-4PM TRAILS OPEN: 100 OF 100 PHONE: (530) 581-8374






Alpine Meadows



HOURS: 8:30AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 583-6955 HOURS: 9AM-4PM PHONE: (530) 426-9000


BASE: 60� - 139" TRAILS OPEN: 91 OF 91











Sugar Bowl


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 SPORTS




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MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


N /64 F2.? S_\Z

/64 7<2

INDIVIDUAL IND I V I DUAAL TICKETS T I CKETS ON SALE SALLE NO NOW! W! New coach, new w acquisitions and one of the greatest all-around players in the NHL – Joe Thornton. Don’t miss any of the 41 chances too see Joe and the Sharks at a HP Pavilion. Get tickets at the HP Pavilion P ticket ofďŹ ce, online at a ticketmaster .com or by phone at 408408-998-TIXS, -998-TIXS, 415-421-TIXS 415-421-TIXS orr 510-625-TIXS. 510-625-TIXS.


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 EVENTS

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MARCH M A R C H 4-10, 4 - 1 0 , 2009 2 0 0 9 M E T R O S I L I C O N VVAA L L E Y

;;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d Za^eZ 7j^igV\d


BITS BIT S AND BAUBLES BAUBLES!!!!Ofdlmbdft!eftjhofe!cz!! Ofdlmbdft!eftjhofe!cz !

mpdbm! mpdbm!joejf!kfxfmfst-!tpme!bu!Cbscbsfmmb joejf!kfxfmfst- tpmee!bu!Cbscbsfmmb

BEAUTY BEA UTY QUEEN!!!!)Bcpwf*!B!mppl!tuzmfe!cz!Sfcfddb!Tfmm<!)cfmpx*!upq!cz!Tpvm!Sfwjwbm )BBcpwf*! Bc * B mppl m l tuzmfe tu m e cz! c Sfcfddb S c T mm )cfmpx* Tfmm<! )c m * upq u cz! c Tpvm! T m Sfwjwbm S j m

Soft S oft S Sell ell R

EBECCA SELL EBECCA SELL can can make make women women feel feel like like a million million bucks. bucks. Ass a longtime A longtime professional professional makeup makeup artist artist and and proprietor proprietor of of 76G76G:AA6 7:6JIN in Willow Glen, Sell women her 7 6G76G:AA6 7:6JIN in W illow G len, S ell ssees ees w omen ccome ome tto oh er boutique, boutique, salon salon and and artsy artsy makeup makeup studio studio in in a style style rut rut and and come come out out with with a whole whole new new look loo o k and and attitude. attitude. happen blows mee aaway, Sell. had ““I’ve I’ve sseen een iitt h appen ffor or yyears, ears, aand nd iitt sstill till b lows m way,” ssays ays S ell. ““I’ve I’ve h ad women were difficult orr ffeel women ccome ome iin n tthat hat w ere ggoing oing tthrough hrough d ifficult llife ife cchanges, hanges, o eel llike ike they’re makeup hair they’re in in a sslump, lump, aand nd jjust ust a ffew ew m akeup ttips, ips, tthe he rright ight h air ccolor olor aand nd a great pair off d denim orr ttop whole great p air o enim o op llater—it ater—it rreally eally ttransforms ransforms ttheir heir w hole aattitude. ttitude.” Barbarella Beauty Willow Glen one-stop B arbarella B eauty iin nW illow G len iiss a o ne-stop shop shop for for style. style. The The boutique’s makeup pride on having boutique’s stylists stylists aand nd m akeup aartists rtists p ride tthemselves hemselves o nh aving tthe he experience, background make women experience, b ackground aand nd aability bility tto om ake w omen ffeel eel aand nd llook ook ttheir heir best on best by by ffocusing ocusing o o n ttheir heir sstrongest trongest ffeatures. eatures. Sell first doing makeup professionally S ell fi rst ggot ot iinto nto d oing m akeup p rofessionally iin n tthe he llate ate ’’80s. 80s. Discovering her passion helping women Discovering h er p assion ffor or h elping w omen rreinvent einvent ttheir heir aappearance, ppearance, she quickly moved up working on she q uickly m oved u p iin n tthe he iindustry, ndustryy, w orking o n ccommercials ommercials aand nd fashion After opening up her first fashion spreads spreads ffor or Vogue, Vogue, Allure Allure and and EElle. lle. A fteer o peening u ph er fi rst venture, venture, Kiss Kiss & Make-up Make-up in in Los Los Gatos, Gatos, Sell Sell expanded expanded the the business business in in 2003 2003 with with Barbarella Barbarella Beauty Beauty in in Willow Willow Glen. Glen. There, There, she she and and her her son, son, Anthony Anthony Sell, Sell, also also a makeup makeup artist, artist, have have gained gained a reputation reputation as as “eyebrow “eyebrow miracle miracle workers. workers.” According Sell, off tthe biggest mistakes women make A ccording tto oS ell, ssome ome o he b iggest ccosmetic osmetic m istakes tthat hat w omen ccommonly ommonly m ake are are overtweezing overttweezing their their eyebrows, eyebrows, not not updating updating their their look look to to be age age appropriate appropriate aand nd overdoing overdoing eyeliner. eyeliner. find people on wrong ““II fi nd tthat hat pe p ople ffocus oc o us a llot ot o n llining ining ttheir heir eeyes yes iin n tthe he w rong aareas reas aand nd aapplying pplying

IIT T GIRL!!!!Cbscbsfmmb!Cfbvuz!dbssjft!Ejboof!Csjmm!dptnfujdt-! Cbscbsfmmb!Cfbvuz!dbssjft Ejboof Csjmm!dptnfujdt-!

b!mjof!dsfbufe!cz!uif!jogbnpvt!Ö91t!qbsuz!hjsm/ b mjjof dsfbufe!cz!uif!jogbnpvt Ö91t qbssuz hjsm/

llip ip ccolor olor tthat hat they’ve they’ve sseen een iin nam magazine agazine aand nd llove ove b but ut rreally eally iisn’t sn’t a ggood o ood vversion ersion Sell. ffor or tthem, hem,” ssays ays S ell. With With a checkerboard checkerboard floor floor and and retro retro pinup pinup photos photos on on the the walls, walls, Barbarella’s Barbarella’s retail retail boutique boutique is is located loc ocated at at the the front front of of the the shop. shop. It It stocks stocks cute, cute, girly girly active active wear wear and and accessories accessories for basis. for women women who who want want to to look look polished polished and and feel feel comfortable comfortable on on a day-to-day day-to-day b asis. Barbarella Barbarella Beauty’s Beauty’s products products include include an an eclectic eclectic array array of of denim denim for for all all ages, ages, HDJA G:K>K6A HDJA G:K>K K6A blouses L.A. well blouses and and dresses dresses sewn sewn in in L .A. eexclusively xclusively ffor or tthe he sstore, tore, aass w ell aass jjewelry ewelry aand nd aaccessories ccessories made made by by local loc o al designers, designers, all all hand-picked hand-picked by by Sell Sell herself. herself. The The shop’s shop’s mirrored mirrored makeup makeup counter counter features features 9>6CC: 7G>AA cosmetics. 9>6CC: 7G>AA cosmetics. The The salon salon in in back back is is where where Barbarella’s Barbarella’s quartet quartet of of stylists stylists can can do do everything everything from from a blowout blowout to to cuts cuts and and colors. colors. Sell Sell says says that that since since the the beauty beauty boutique boutique opened, opened, she she has has seen seen downtown downtown Willow Willow Glenn Glenn evolve evolve a strong strong sense sense of of community: community: “I “I think think we we have have more more of of a mentality mentality of of supporting supporting and and shopping shopping within within the the neighborhood. neighborhood. It It takes takes a special special type type p of of clientele clientele to to recognize recognize that that it it takes takes everybody, everyybod b dy, the the neighborhood neighborhood and and residents, residentts, to to support suppo ort small small businesses, businesses, and and we we have have that that now. now.” She She adds, adds, “For “For a long long time, time, people people [who p [who lived lived in in Willow Willow Glen] Glen] had had been been used used to to going going to to the the mall mall and and driving driving to to Los Los Gatos Gatos to to do do their their shopping. shopping. Now, Now, with with all all the the stores stores and and restaurants restaurants and and boutiques boutiques that that have have opened opened up, up, people people have have become become more more and and more more open opeen to to shopping shopping within within their their own own neighborhood. neighborhood. They They are are realizing realizing it it really really does does take take them them to to support support small small businesses. businesses.” Jessica Jeessicca Fromm Frromm o BARBARELLA BA ARB BARELL A LA BEAUTY BEAUT TY is at 1183 Lincoln Lincoln Ave., Ave., San Jose; Jose; o hours h rs are hour are 10am–4pm Mon, 10am–7pm 10am–7ppm Tue–Fri, Tu ue–Fri, 10am–5pm Sat; Saat; 408.947.7255. 408.9477..7255.


MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 MENU



tjmjdpo!wbmmfzĂ–t!hvjef!up!Ă&#x;of!ejojoh Tjmjdpo!Wfhhjf Going veggie on the road takes a little preparation_45

Falafel FulďŹ lled ;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d

Rick’s Cafe in the movie never served a falafel deluxe as good as the one at Willow Glen’s Casablanca’s Cafe By Stett Holbrook

TASTY OPTION Uif!lpgub!lfcbc!dbo!cf! psefsfe!bt!b!tboexjdi! ps!b!qmbuf/!

Casablanca’s Cafe 6YYgZhh/ &&-* A^cXdac 6kZ#! HVc ?dhZ# E]dcZ/ )%-#..(#-+(+# =djgh/ &%VbÄ./(%eb YV^an# 8j^h^cZ/ B^YYaZ :VhiZgc# Eg^XZ GVc\Z/ +#*%Ä &&#..#


ASABLANCA’S CAFE in Willow Glen is not going to win any awards for atmosphere or restaurant design. It’s a big, plain box of a restaurant with cheap chairs and tables topped with fake owers. The dark-blue industrial carpet covers a plain beige tile oor that slopes noticeably to the south wall. The other wall is fronted by utilitarian metal shelves stacked with a hodgepodge of Middle Eastern food products like olive oil, pita bread and jarred pickles. The open kitchen is long on function and short on fashion. There is no stovetop, just two vertical broilers for gyros and chicken shawarma and two propane tanks running to a pair of heavy duty sandwich presses. Fawaz Hamad is the restaurant’s owner, and he does everything. He cooks, washes the dishes and waits on customers seven days a week. His wife and ďŹ ve children live in his native Jordan, and he says he doesn’t have much else to do but work, so he spends his time at the restaurant. “I’m a soldier for work,â€? he says. “It makes no sense to take off. Where should I go?â€? He’s a world-weary man who

goes about his work with a quiet solemnity that probably puts some people off. All of which is ďŹ ne with me as long as the food is good. Casablanca’s doesn’t aspire to ďŹ ne dining, but what it offers instead is some truly great sandwiches, including one of the best falafel sandwiches I’ve ever had. Hamad says he developed his style of falafel as a teenager working in a deli in Jordan. It’s unlike any other falafel I’ve had in Silicon Valley. For starters, he grinds garbanzo beans with onions, garlic, pickled chile peppers, fresh cilantro and parsley and various spices, most noticeably cumin. As a result, the fried garbanzo balls are much more moist and avorful that your typical falafel. At $5.50, the falafel deluxe is only 50 cents more than the regular falafel sandwich, and it’s the sandwich that you must get because of everything that’s packed into it. In addition to wonderfully creamy hummus, tangy tahini sauce and pickled red cabbage, the falafel deluxe is gilded with strips of baked eggplant, fried cauliower and fried potatoes. If you like it spicy, the ribbon of shatta (hot sauce) delivers a blast of chile pepper heat. All the above is wrapped up in

a wide piece of lavash that Hamad toasts on a burly sandwich press that makes the George Foreman grill look like a Barbie toy. The result is a kind of falafel panini that’s shaped into a hulking square, bricklike shape instead of the typical cylinder. The sandwich probably weighs in at well over a pound, and in spite of its sauciness and abundance of ingredients it holds together well. I thought there was no way I could eat the whole thing, but I did. Gladly. The gyros sandwich ($5.95) and chicken shawarma ($6.50) sandwiches come in close seconds. They’re just as big and loaded with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and more of that tangy pickled cabbage. The kofta kebab sandwich ($5.95) was delicious, too. Eventually, that is. When my sandwich ďŹ rst arrived, the ground beef and lamb kebab was stone cold. That means Hamad cooks the kebabs in advance, refrigerates them and then heats them up to order. I sent mine back, and it was returned smoking hot. It was quite good, but would undoubtedly have been better if it had been grilled or baked to order. The hummus is great, but the babaganouj ($6.75 for a plate with

Lebanese bread) is superb. The baked eggplant is purĂŠed as thin and creamy as hummus and has the sharp tang of lemon juice and tahini. The Persian-style rihan salad ($6.50) is another standout, even though it is doused with about a gallon too much balsamic vinaigrette. Fortunately, because of the listing oor, the dressing pooled to one side of my plate. The chopped salad combines bits of fried eggplant, green onions, feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers and parsley. Hamad takes cash and debit cards, but on my ďŹ rst visit when I paid with my card he gave me an irritated look and asked if I had cash. I didn’t and almost never do. On my second visit, when I handed him my debit card, he did the same thing. I suggested he go to cash only and stop giving customers a hard time. He replied that he didn’t want to make it harder for customers to pay, but it takes a long time for him to receive payment from the card processing company and times are tough. So the next time I came in I paid in cash. A good sandwich is worth a special trip to the bank.


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


EjofsĂ– t hvjef

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Parsing Out Pinot


HE SANTA CRUZ Mountains wine appellation is as huge as it is diverse. It stretches from Woodside to Watsonville and encompasses three counties. Elevation ranges from 400 to 2,600 feet. While the coastal range and cooling effect of the PaciďŹ c Ocean and San Francisco Bay broadly deďŹ ne the region, the geographic, climatic and geologic differences within this 480,000-acre area create innumerable vineyard microclimates that translate into a wide variety of avors in the bottle. Pinot noir has emerged as the Santa Cruz Mountains’ star varietal, but as fans of the grape know, there’s a big difference between wine produced from vines grown on the warm, eastern slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains above Saratoga and the cooler, oceanblown vineyards of Corralitos. Appreciating and debating what makes wine from one corner of the appellation different from another may sound like inside baseball, but for wine lovers, the devil—and the delight—is in the details. This past fall, local winemakers and grape aďŹ cionados gathered with wine experts from Appellation America, an online publication dedicated to North American wines, to taste through 55 Santa Cruz Mountain pinot noirs in an attempt to tease out the differences among the area’s subregions and discover the terroir, or essence of place, that makes the wines so distinctive. There is already one officially recognized American Viticultural Area (AVA) within the Santa Cruz Mountains. The Ben Lomond Mountain AVA includes 7:6JG:<6G9 K>C:N6G9H! B8=:CGN K>C:N6G9 and =6AA8G:HI K>C:N6G9H. But participants in the Appellation America tasting identiďŹ ed ďŹ ve other subregions: H@NA>C:, H6G6ID<6$ADH <6IDH, HJBB>I, the =><=L6N &, 8DGG>9DG and 8DGG6A>IDH$EA:6H6CI K6AA:N. SKYLINE: The northern end of the appellation in the Woodside area includes wineries such as I=DB6H ;D<6GIN L>C:GN! LDD9H>9: K>C:N6G9H and A6 =DC96 L>C:GN. These pinot noirs are characterized by pronounced acidity and bright, lively fruit: red berries, cranberry, guava, cocoa, allspice and orange peel. SARATOGA/LOS GATOS: This region occupies the hilltops above Saratoga and near Lexington Reservoir in Los Gatos and includes wineries such as BI# :9:C K>C:N6G9H! H6K6CC6= 8=6C:AA: K>C:N6G9H! 8>CC676G K>C:N6G9H and 7A68@ G>9<: K>C:N6G9H. These pinot noirs display distinct acidity, dense raspberry and dark cherry fruit, along with fresh aromatic qualities of balsam, sage, wet stone, distinctive “mountain spice.â€? SUMMIT ROAD: This area is south of Highway 17 above Soquel and runs along Summit Road, with the highest elevation of any pinot noir vineyards in the region. Wineries include BJCH K>C:N6G9! 7JGG:AA H8=DDA K>C:N6G9H! H>AK:G BDJCI6>C K>C:N6G9H! ADB6 EG>:I6 L>C:GN. These pinots are generally very bold, full-bodied and rich, characterized by distinctive cherry, raspberry and pomegranate fruit, and can be more oral, smoky with dark chocolate hints. HIGHWAY 17 CORRIDOR (a.k.a. ADH G6C8=DH): This area drops from the Highway 17 summit to the coast and to Santa Clara County to the east. Wineries include K>C: =>AA L>C:GN! 6=A<G:C K>C:N6G9 and 8ADH I>I6 L>C:GN. These pinot noirs are big, fruit forward, complex and multilayered with aromas and avors of olallieberries, cranberries, chocolate, caramel and spicy coriander. Tannins are ďŹ rm, acid is balanced and minerality is evident. CORRALITOS/PLEASANT VALLEY: These vineyards at the southernmost end of the region near Watsonville are typically at elevations of 400 to 800 feet along the coast. Wineries include B6GI>C 6A;6GD L>C:H! EA:6H6CI K6AA:N K>C:N6G9H! L>C9N D6@H :HI6I: K>C:N6G9H. Pinot noirs from this region tend to be brilliant in color, elegant, with hibiscus, bay, nectarine on the nose and root beer and blueberry on the palate. Acidity is pronounced with well-integrated minerality. Do these subgroupings make sense? Taste for yourself at E>CDI E6G69>H:, March 29 at Villa Ragusa in Campbell. On March 28 many of the participating wineries will have special barrel samples of pinot noir. Some will have older vintages open for vertical tastings. This year, more than 30 local wineries will be grouped according to the ďŹ ve subregions. Sponsored by the H6CI6 8GJO BDJCI6>CH L>C:<GDL:GH 6HHD8>6I>DC, the event showcases the bounty and beauty of locally produced pinot noir and is arguably Silicon Valley’s premier wine tasting event. Stett Holbrook PINOT PARADISE happens March 28–29: March 28, 11am–5pm, PATHWAYS TO PARADISE, a selfguided tour of wineries; $25; March 29, 2–5pm, GRAND CRUZ TASTING, Villa Ragusa, 35 S. Second St., Campbell. $55 advance/$65 door. (408.364.1900) For more information, go to


MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

All You Can Eat


B.B.Q. & Chinese Buffet Mon-Fri Lunch $7.35 Dinner $9.35 Sat-Sun $9.35 All day Fresh Meats • Vegetables • Seafood President Restaurant 408.978.7188 • 1190 Hillsdale Ave, SJ


EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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EVhiV EdbdYdgd >iVa^Vc# # :mjWZgVci! ^cZmeZch^kZ VcY PAID SPOTLIGHT

Siam Fine Thai Cuisine’s menu offers a lineup of Thai standards and crowd-pleasing combinations. There’s plenty to recommend. Some favorites include the spicy crispy catďŹ sh ($12.95), chicken satay ($7.95), Tod mun ($7.95), Siam barbecue chicken ($9.95) and See ew noodles ($8.95– $13.95) The restaurant’s $7.95 and $8.95 lunch specials are good bargains not to be missed. Open 11am – 9pm daily 2910 Stevens Creek Blvd, San Jose; 408.246.0304

:YcV GVn 8]^cZhZ# # Cdl ^c V cZl adXVi^dc! :YcV GVn Xdci^cjZh id hZgkZh XaVhh^Xh d[ 8]^cZhZ" 6bZg^XVc [ddY l^i] i]Z hVbZ fjVci^in! [Vb^a^Vg^in VcY gZVhdcVWaZ eg^XZh# NdjÉaa ÒcY Vaa i]gZZ ]ZgZ! VcY i]Zc hdbZ# AjcX] &&Vb"(eb YV^an! Y^ccZg *"./(%eb Hjc"I]j VcY jci^a &%eb ;g^"HVi# &&-& A^cXdac 6kZ# )%-#'-%#,,(-#

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Vegan Travel Tips


S I WRITE THIS, I am packed for a 10-day trip overseas, starting tomorrow. I actually travel quite a bit for my business, but I would not call myself a particularly savvy and well-prepared vegan traveler, meaning I’m often landing somewhere hungry and cranky. That’s happened a few too many times to count. It’s one thing to do so after a ďŹ ve-to-six-hour cross-country trip, but the trip I’m starting tomorrow kicks off with what I estimate will be 36 hours of travel door to door. And where I’m headed isn’t exactly the kind of urban center where a veg*n restaurant might readily available or where restaurant chefs with creative streaks are ready and waiting. Even I, with my blasĂŠ attitude that I’ll survive, realized I needed to do a bit of planning ahead on this one. Of course, the planning starts with requesting a vegan meal from the airline. While domestic ights don’t bother to feed us regular folk anymore, there is still food to be had on international ights. I’ve requested and double-checked that the request was “in the system,â€? but as I’m sure any of you who regularly do this can attest, it’s a bit shocking how often such “conďŹ rmed requestsâ€? don’t actually make it to the airplane galley. So it’s not enough to count on plane food. That means packing food to tide me over, and in this case, not just for the ight itself, but in case the vegan options at my ultimate destination are severely lacking too. Depending on where you’re going, don’t think you can pack yourself fruit and nice baggies of fresh veggies. A lot of foreign countries don’t want produce to be brought in from another country. Focus on dry goods, packaged goods, sealed goods. My kit bag is packed with the following goodies: instant oatmeal packets, almonds and an actual jar of peanut butter. Of course, you can never forget that stalwart: the protein bar. Finding one without whey or honey can sometimes be challenging, but when you do, stock up. I certainly don’t hope to be living off my secret stash of vegan food for 10 days. But it’s good to know I probably could. (Risk of scurvy aside.) I don’t have to starve, no matter how little or much vegan food I encounter along the way. So bon voyage to me and all the other brave vegans who venture out, dietary requirements and all! Elisa Camahort (

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Hjh]^ ;VXidgn Hjh]^ WVg$?VeVcZhZ# # >iÉh Vaa ]ZgZ/ hjh]^!

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MARCH 4-10, 2008 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

EjofsĂ– hvjeft


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READY AND WAITING!!B!npnfou!pg!sfqptf!bu!Sfqptbep!cfgpsf!uif!ejoofs!dspxe!bssjwft



HERE ARE good times for Mexican-food lovers who like to venture beyond the same old rice and beans. Silicon Valley has more than its share of taquerias and Mexican restaurants, but the offerings are stubbornly familiar: tacos, tortas, burritos, enchiladas, chile verde and chile rellenos—good stuff to be sure, but a narrow slice of what Mexican food has to offer. Happily, that situation is changing. Reposado opened in January in the cavernous space formerly occupied by Cafe Verona. The restaurant offers modern, reďŹ ned Mexican food served in a lively setting. The menu wisely takes classics of Mexican cuisine and several lesser-known dishes and gives them a smart, urbane spin. While some might quibble with the downtown ourishes and fancy ingredients, I think they make sense. Stett Holbrook (

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Live Music With Francisco Ramirez Every Fri & Sat

$5 OFF Lunch or Dinner

When purchasing 2 or more entrees at the regular price. Not valid with any other offer. With this ad. One offer per table. Dine-in only. Exp. 3.18.09.

Make your party the talk of the town Let us cater your next event! 2 280 El Camino Real, Santa Clara (408) 247-0990

MARCH 4-10, 2009



nfusp MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Dbmfoebs!dipjdft!cz!Dvsujt!Dbsujfs!)DD*-! Njdibfm!T/!Hbou!)NTH*-boe!Bm!Spcfsut!)BM*



Weekly World Fun_51 Ubcmpje!ifsp!Cbu!Cpz!mjwft!bhbjo!bu!Gppuijmm!Nvtjdbm!Uifbusf

South First Fridays_56

Gjmn Cinequest Take 2_57

Chris and Thomas

Smithwick Theatre

Orchard Valley Coffee

Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills

349 E. Campbell Ave, Campbell

Wed – 7pm; free, but $2 to park

Kevin Pollak remembers his early days in the valley_59 More Cinequest feature picks_60 ‘Gomorrah’_61

HdbZi^bZh! [VXZY l^i] Y^gZ YV^an ]ZVYa^cZh! ^i ]Zaeh id iV`Z i]Z adc\ k^ZlÅi]Z gZVaan adc\ k^Zl# I]ViÉh l]Vi VhigdcdbZg HiZkZc 7ZX`l^i] ]Vh ^c b^cY l^i] V aZXijgZ XVaaZY ÆI]Z 9Vlc d[ 8gZVi^dcÅI]Z ;^ghi Ild 7^aa^dc NZVgh#Ç 7ZX`l^i]! l]d dcXZ ldg`ZY l^i] i]Z HeVXZ IZaZhXdeZ HX^ZcXZ >chi^ijiZ! l^aa Y^hXjhh i]Z hiViZ d[ djg `cdlaZY\Z VWdji i]Z 7^\ 7Vc\ VcY i]Z W^gi] d[ hiVgh VcY \VaVm^Zh# I]Z iVa` ^h dcZ d[ hZkZgVa adXVa Xdcig^Wji^dch id i]Z >ciZgcVi^dcVa NZVg d[ 6higdcdbn# 6G

Nvtjd A Better Bovine _63



The Dawn of Creation 650.949.7888

‘Fallen Angel,’ ‘Intolerance’ and ‘The Day of the Writer’_58


408.374.2115 Thu – 7-9pm; free

>c bjh^X! `cdl^c\ l]Zc id eaVn V cdiZ ^h _jhi Vh ^bedgiVci Vh `cdl^c\ l]Zc cdi id# Adh 6c\ZaZh [da` Yjd 8]g^h VcY I]dbVh `cdl i]^h [VXi lZaa! VcY dc i]Z^g VaWjb AVcY d[ HZV! i]Z ild hdc\lg^iZgh ]VkZ XgZViZY V ldg` i]ViÉh Vh bjX] YZÒcZY Wn ^ih hdjcY Vh Wn ^ih h^aZcXZ# 6cY cdl! i]Vc`h id gVkZ gZk^Zlh VcY hdbZ XajiX] a^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZh i]Z eV^g ]Vh [djcY ^ihZa[ Vi i]Z XZciZg d[ i]Z je"VcY"Xdb^c\ 8Va^[dgc^V [da` hXZcZ! VcY eaVch id Wg^c\ ^ih heVXn WVaaVYh id DgX]VgY KVaaZn 8d[[ZZ# 88

Peter Sellars Carriage House Theatre Montalvo Arts Center 15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga 408.961.5186 Fri – 7pm; free

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Kaye Bohler Band

Uxp!Dpx!Hbsbhf!npwft!cfzpoe! uif!bmu.dpvousz!mbcfm!

Classical Moves_70

Little Fox 2209 Broadway, Redwood City 650.369.4119 Fri – 8pm; $15/$17

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tb Cats Saratoga Civic Theater 13777 Fruitvale Ave, Saratoga 408.868.1291 Runs weekends, Mar 7-Apr 4; $26-$30

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Silicon Valley Brass Band

No Use for a Name

Mission Center for the Performing Arts

The Venue

Wilcox High School, 3250 Monroe St, Santa Clara 408.439.6143 Sun – 3pm; $10

Idcn 8aZbZcih aZVYh i]Z H^a^Xdc KVaaZn 7gVhh 7VcY ^c ^ih Heg^c\ 8dcXZgi l^i] V [jaa gdhiZg d[ gdjh^c\ bVgX]Zh! W^\"WVcY ijcZh VcY gdX` WaVhih# I]Z (%"e^ZXZ jc^i l]^X] ^cXajYZh hdbZ eZgXjhh^dc YZhe^iZ ^ih cVbZ YgVlh dc i]Z YZY^XViZY aVWdg d[ kdajciZZg eaVnZgh i]gdj\] i]Z VgZV# 6G

4 New York Ave, Los Gatos Mon – 6:30pm; $12

BVcn [Vch l^aa WZ hjgeg^hZY id hZZ Cd JhZ [dg V CVbZ jceaj\\^c\ [dg Vc VXdjhi^X h]dl! Wji i]Z HjccnkVaZ WVcY VXijVaan eji dji V hea^i VXdjhi^X VaWjb l^i] ?dZn 8VeZ [gdb AV\lV\dc V [Zl nZVgh V\d# 6cY ild d[ i]Z WZhi hdc\h dc ^ih aVhi VaWjb lZgZ VXdjhi^X! ÆHaZZe^c\ 7ZilZZc IgjX`hÇ VcY Æ@^aa i]Z G^X]#Ç CZkZg VhhjbZ ndj `cdl l]Vi id ZmeZXi# Ed^ci d[ K^Zl! i]Z 7ZcZÒih! i]Z 9^VaZY VcY 8]ZZgh deZc# HE

uv Jason Webley Anno Domini 366 S. First St, San Jose Tue – 7pm; $5

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Schick Machine Dinkelspiel Auditorium

86GDA8=6CC>C< BVg &* Vi i]Z CZl KZcijgZ 8]g^hi^Vc 8]jgX] I]ZViZg ^c Adh <Vidh

Stanford University 650.725.ARTS Sat – 8pm; $17-$38

E6IG>8@ 76AA BVg '& Vi HjccnkVaZ I]ZVigZ

8dbedhZg EVja 9gZh]Zg VcY Y^gZXidg G^cYZ :X`Zgi ]VkZ Xdc_jgZY je V higVc\Z cZl hdad i]ZViZg ldg` [dg eZgXjhh^dc^hi HiZkZc HX]^X`# I]Z egZb^ZgZ eZg[dgbVcXZ [ZVijgZh V WZl^aYZg^c\ VggVn d[ jcjhjVa eZgXjhh^dc ^chigjbZcih VcY hjg[VXZh# I]Z ^ciZci ^h ijgc i]Z VXi d[ eaVn^c\ ^cid V XdbeaZiZ i]ZVig^XVa ZmegZhh^dc d[ hdjcY VcY bdkZbZci# BH<

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MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 ARTS




Gjmn Cinequest steams ahead with second week of screenings_57

Batting Around 9Vk^Y 6aaZc

Foothill’s ‘Bat Boy, the Musical’ is worth hanging around for By Steve Palopoli

HEADLINE FODDER Spccjf!Csfxfs! epnjobuft!uif!gspou! qbhf!jo!ÕCbu!Cpz-!! uif!Nvtjdbm/Ö


E ALL know the headlines. How he was first found in a West Virginia cave in 1992. His trouble with the law. His endorsement of Al Gore for president. His run for California governor in 2003. But who is the real Bat Boy? Foothill Music Theatre is the latest group to attempt to answer that question, with its new production of Bat Boy, the Musical. Written by Keythe Farley and Brian Flemming, with songs by Laurence O’Keefe, Bat Boy takes perhaps the most beloved character to issue from the crack reporting at the Weekly World News and spins it into postmodern superkitsch of the highest order. Originally coming out of Tim Robbins’ Actors Gang Theatre in 1997, and then making its cultural mark off-Broadway, the musical is designed to create a quirky but epic feel with a very compact setup, making it ideal for a small theater group. Director Jay Manley and musical director Spencer

Williams have cleverly milked this premise for all it’s worth, even turning the switching of actors’ double roles into visual gags and poking fun at its own set design in silhouette. Ironically, the smashing success of this production may have been determined by a last-minute twist of fate that must have seemed disastrous at the time. In February, announced lead Andrew Ceglio had to pull out of the production for personal reasons, and Bay Area actor Robert Brewer stepped into the role of Bat Boy. Nothing against Ceglio, but Brewer is simply incredible. As the initially feral but increasingly cultured fanged misfit, he makes this production an absolute must-see. Whether hunched on the ground making animal sounds, or trading musical lines with other characters like “Let me fix your taxes, I am a CPA,” his mixture of wacky, unrestrained joie de vivre and reptilian recoil at the intolerance of others evokes a John Malkovich

quality that is perfect for this role. The story begins in Hope Falls, W.V., when some young spelunkers discover Bat Boy in a cave. The sheriff (Todd Wright) takes him to the home of the local vet, Dr. Parker (Tim Reynolds), where he is adopted by Parker’s wife, Meredith (Lisa-Marie Newton) and their daughter Shelley (Kateri McRae). He quickly goes from hissing in a cage to emotional bonding to BBC language tapes. But meanwhile the townsfolk think Bat Boy is behind the disappearance of their cattle, and they want him taken out for his attack on Ruthie (Monique Hafen). That last part is a clever inside joke in itself, since one of the most famous Weekly World News stories about Bat Boy was his attack on a fifth-grader in Florida. Of course, it all builds to a frenzied chaos, and the musical does have a message, repeated in a recurring song—“Love your Bat Boy,” that is, whatever monstrous part you can’t accept. OK, that’s

not going to set the world on fire, but shouldn’t a musical ripped from the pages of the Weekly World News be more about the medium than the message? The talented cast and laugh-out-loud humor are what make this so much fun. The stylistic shadings by scenic designer Bruce McLeod and costume designer Julie Engelbrecht are interesting; there’s a drab sort of retrogrunge feel that hearkens back to the early ’90s when the famous “Bat Boy Found in Cave” cover first stormed newsstands, mixed with a colorful neon that emphasizes the comic-book aspects. Like almost every other aspect of FMT’s production, it’s the best way an audience could ask for to love a Bat Boy. BAT BOY, THE MUSICAL, a Foothill Musical Theatre production, plays Thursday–Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 2pm (March 14 and 21) and 8pm and Sunday at 2pm through March 22 at the Lohman Theatre at Foothill College in Los Alto Hills. Tickets are $18–$26. (650.949.7360)


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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Lively Arts

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online for exclusive o xclusive clusive e video ide eo features and d art artist t interviews more rv views plus info on nm great performances!

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MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Gdh^XgjX^Vc :\nei^Vc BjhZjb :\nei^Vc ]^hidg^XVa Vgi^[VXih

* ' VcY Y^heaVnh# Dc\d^c\# cddc"*eb# &+%% HZciZg GY! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-,#''.%#

Barbara Day Turner, Conductor

Sunday March 8, 2009 - 7 PM Le Petit Trianon, 72 N 5th St. San JosĂŠ

Works by Hyo-shin Na*, Antonin Dvorak, George Walker and David Diamond *world premiere Supported, in part, by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San JosĂŠ.

tickets – 408 295-4416

Ives Quartet

The Ives Quartet with SJCO

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MARCH 19 – APRIL 19, 2009 A WO R LD PR E M I E R E

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MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

CdkV <VaaZgn d[ ;^cZ 6gi


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Friday’s Finest HIS MONTH’S edition of the always provocative South First Fridays gallery walk in San Jose includes an unsettling show at Anno Domini by Mexico City artist Saner, “Confesiones de una Mascara.â€? As is often the case with the artists at Anno Domini, the style takes off from graffiti impulses and heads for stranger points unknown. Saner uses pre-Hispanic graphic forms and lots of ritual animal masks in his works. Down the street, it’s nice to see the WORKS/San Jose space in use again, this time for a couple of shows: the paintings of Christian Midjo and Tarmo Pasto and an installation by Brande Barrett titled sub specie aeternitatis. The gallery will host acoustic sounds by Kid Nothing, Manigator, Dan Potthast and Hanalei. Caffe Trieste contributes “Mosaic Vacation,â€? oral and geometric patterned works by Mariana Barnes, plus music by some of the stars at Opera San JosĂŠ. MACLA and the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art offer a second chance to catch up with two ďŹ ne shows: “Another Country,â€? featuring the paintings and installations of Eugene RodrĂ­guez, and “Before After,â€? the Lewis deSoto midcareer retrospective. In between on the same block, the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles showcases several score contemporary Chinese ďŹ ber artists. Slave Labor Graphic’s Art Boutiki highlights the “Famous Drunkardsâ€? portraits of Karl Christian Krumpholz; music by Vinnie and the C-List. South First Billiards displays pieces by Michael Foley; there will be live music by Blank Manuscript and Ben Henderson, and some demos of live painting. Space 47 welcomes Owen Schuh and his new exhibit of painting, “Morphogenesis.â€? And on South Fourth Street at Kaleid Gallery, there will be a reception for Eddie Flores and Jeremiah Kille. Check out www.southďŹ for late-breaking extras.


Michael S. Gant

SOUTH FIRST FRIDAYS takes place Friday (March 6) all evening till late along South First Street in San Jose. See www.southďŹ for details.

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 FILM



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Still Questing Cinequest Week II: D.W. Griffith, Diablo Cody, screenwriting maven Lew Hunter and a Christian rocker’s life By Richard von Busack


ETWEEN TRYING to watch The Watchmen and coming in on the second week of Cinequest, local cinéastes will have their hands full. It’s almost a good thing that Gabriel Byrne canceled to make room for everything else. This weekend, look for second screenings of some of our previously recommended films like Canary (March 7, 4pm, S.J. Rep), Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison (March 6 at 12:15pm, Camera 12) and Witch Hunt (March 7, 6:30pm, S.J. Rep). March 6 also brings “The World of the Writer”—a dark, troubling planet. The 9:30am–3pm seminar includes a menu of two alternatives: De Anza’s own Barak Goldman on “The Writer’s Mindset” or a twopart presentation on film noir by Cinequest Day of the Writer creator Robert G. Phelps. On the panels are some topshelf scriptwriting teachers, most of them veterans of the UCLA film school. Phelps notes, “Lew Hunter, Hal Ackerman and Richard Walter are three of the most famous screenwriting teachers in the world. They’re top-notch educators, passionate about screenwriting and sharing what they know. We’re fortunate to have them coming in.” Both seminars fold into one do the Diablo (Juno) Cody Maverick Spirit event (March 6, 3pm, S.J. Rep). There, Hunter (author of Screenwriting 434) will interview Cody about her métier and her upcoming werewolf movie. The Panasonic-sponsored Film

Innovation Forum on March 7 demonstrates the newest breakthroughs in P2 High Definition, as well as providing a seminar afterward on “The Business of Art.” Now that boutique studios are folding like Chrysler dealerships, learning some guile and distribution techniques is essential. Also worth checking out: Fallen Angel: The Outlaw Larry Norman is David Di Sabatino’s study of the pale, pioneering Christian rocker, who died last year after a multitude of illnesses. Norman has—and had—his fans. And he got his share of ink. In 1971, Billboard deemed Norman “the most important singer/songwriter since Paul Simon,” and the Pixies’ Frank Black claims that Norman’s music was formative for him. Norman was an area man, as they say in The Onion. He attended both Leigh High School and San Jose State University. Norman’s first band, People!, had some success in the 1960s with a cover of the Zombies’ “I Love You.” A parting of the ways from People! came after cloudy circumstances. If you asked Norman, it was because Capitol Records refused to change the name of their first album to We Need a Lot More Jesus Around Here and a Lot Less Rock and Roll. Band mates Geoff Levin and Denny Fridkin recall a different story for Di Sabatino’s camera: they claim Norman had a tantrum after a minor accident onstage and decided to go solo. Soon, Norman was one of the first

to sing Christian rock—not the first, as he often claimed. With lyrics like “No more LSD for me/ I met the man from Galilee,” he addressed a national subculture of Jesus Freaks. These were blissed out, unbelievably pesky proselytizers, embraced with both arms and one leg by a grateful media terrified by atheist dopesmoking bomb-throwing youths. Unfortunately, the preponderance of the evidence is that Norman was no more moral than any other easily tempted, world-famous musician. The charges against him, among others: fathering and abandoning a child in Australia and blaming this child (or a similar happenstance) on seduction by satanic witchcraft. He also reneged on a handshake deal with his dear friend Randy Stonehill over the rights to Stonehill’s music publishing. Finally, Norman nearly ruined the career of the band Daniel Amos by sitting on its first record for three years before releasing it. This is bad news for Di Sabatino to deliver, because he is a fan. Similar fans of Norman (and Stonehill) present a huge selection of Norman’s music in the film, sometimes animated with paper-doll cutouts. But Norman’s post-People! music is representative of its lazy, unedited early-1970s singer/songwriting epoch: sub–Leon Russell in the rockingout mode, banal in sub–Three Dog Night pop mode; and in ballad mode, even more infernally spineless than Dan Fogelberg’s diary entries set to music. Among the universally worshipful evaluations of Norman

by contemporaries, I’d love to hear what, say, Randy Newman thought of Norman’s stuff. (Norman actually covered Newman more than once.) Considering Norman’s often disagreeable character, and his—I thought, anyway—really dreadful post-People! music, the movie may be most interesting as a survey of the roots of Christian rock and as a kind of companion piece to Eileen Luhr’s new book Witnessing Suburbia. The devout Di Sabatino worked very hard on this documentary, just as he did on his fascinating Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher. He must be considered an expert on the Jesus Freak epoch, and this warts-and-all study of Norman must be considered definitive. (Shows March 4, 9:30pm, and March 6, 4:30pm, both at Camera 12.) In the historical perspective, perhaps the biggest event in Cinequest’s last week is the screening of the silent Intolerance (see page 58) on March 6 at 7pm with Dennis James at the California Theatre’s Wurlitzer. Since D.W. Griffith’s masterpiece can be regarded as a full-throated cry of horror against the dawn of Prohibition, it’s good to know that the local alehouses can fortify you beforehand for a cinematic experience you won’t be getting elsewhere. CINEQUEST runs through March 8 in San Jose at Camera 12, the San Jose Repertory Theatre and the California Theatre; see for details. *-

THE WATCHERS Uif!dbtu!pg!ÕUxp! Njmmjpo!Tuvqje! XpnfoÖ!bu!uif!ßmnÖt! Djofrvftu!qsfnjfsf!

[58] FILM

MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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Babylon Revisited


D.W. Gritffiths’ ‘Intolerance’ gets big-screen treatment at Cinequest


EAVE IT to Orson. The 2002 Kino DVD release of Intolerance has a snippet of 1970s Welles saying that “parts of it were dusty even at the time; parts of it would still be fresh tomorrow.” D.W. Griffith’s 1916 Intolerance is not as dusty as it seems; it’s so much more than a white elephant. True, there are moments of tableaux vivants and processionals with the camera frozen before the proscenium arch. Then, without warning: some heart-stopping moment of acting. Just as the Old Masters were never wrong about suffering, neither were the Victorians wrong about the effects of sudden death on the survivor. Check the De Niro–ish performance by Robert Harron as the Boy who loses his father in the modern sequence of this multistrand epic. Or, when Mae Marsh goes straight from delight in her baby (gnawing ogrishly on its toes) to bereaved mother, the effect is emotional whiplash: it gets sobs out of you before you know what happened. Griffith takes this comparative essay on inhumanity from a religious turf war in ancient Babylon to biblical Judea to 17thcentury France and finally to a modern slum of 1916. The tales are knitted together by Lillian Gish sitting at the Cradle of Man, visually illustrating a quote from Leaves of Grass, as the Three Fates watch in the background. Essential to Griffith’s subject is, strangely, Prohibition. The director’s own intolerance shows up in his caricatured mannish “reformers.” You can’t expect restraint from a Kentuckian describing someone trying to get between him and his bourbon. A great deal of Intolerance’s wrath is at a nation ready to make a stupid mistake. In the modern sequence, the Dear One (Marsh) is separated from her baby because some Temperance Tessies discover her nursing a cold with a half-pint of whiskey. The Hebrew Pharisees (one of them is Erich von Stroheim, whose heavyweight sneer is eclipsed by a stage

beard) are furious at everybody’s favorite Jesus miracle, the winemaking at Cana. And “Griffith asked me for a Babylonian beer hall,” the director’s assistant Joseph Henabery told Kevin Brownlow. This thunderingagainst results in a kind of lunatic cause and effect—reformers drain money, causing red ink, causing pay cuts, causing strikes, causing Gatling gun attacks on strikers. Jesus gets the cross for bootlegging. One surfs through these beautifully wrought stories. The film sank when it first came out—a brilliant folly. The next year, the move toward the 18th Amendment began and America entered one of its most violently intolerant periods: the Palmer Raids, antiGerman hysteria—all a heartbreaker for a man, as Gish put it, who had such faith that cinema was the universal language. So here is cinema at its dawn: rich in spectacle, sex and violence and tenderness. The strike sequences have the punch of Eisenstein. The Babylonian gates still inspire awe, with their live yet mouse-size elephants waiting at its entrance. Here are literal whores of Babylon (“Women corresponding to our street outcasts” notes the title card) dressed more warmly than the vestal virgins of Balthasar. Perhaps most lovable: Constance Talmadge’s sweet hillbilly, the Mountain Girl, who gets emancipated and picks up arms to defend her king in the French section. Critics who accuse Griffith of only allowing waifs in his film need to remember her. Intolerance’s cutting back and forth is what got Crash and its legion of po-mo imitators celebrated. And even in Cinequest there are some examples of how filmmakers have forgotten more than Griffith learned. Richard von Busack INTOLERANCE, presented by Cinequest and the Stanford Theatre Foundation, with live organ accompaniment by Dennis James, shows March 6 at 7pm at the California Theatre; tickets are $12.

Dark Passage Cinequest’s Robert Phelps on the shadow world of film noir


INEQUEST’S World of the Writer, formerly Day of the Writer, has been the longtime project of Robert G. Phelps, a local public defender and scriptwriter. On his way to the courthouse, Phelps tells me that he has written “a legal dramedy and an arena football sport comedy . . . as well as a pilot for a TV show on criminal defense: sort of a cross between Boston Legal and South Park.” Phelps’ wife is Laura Phelps, who is on the board of directors at Cinequest. Phelps offered to start a program on “the art and craft of screenwriting.” Over the years, he brought in David and Janet Peoples, scriptwriters for Blade Runner and The Unforgiven. Phelps is especially enthusiastic about this year’s guests, including Lew Hunter, professor emeritus at UCLA’s film school. Phelps comments, “We’re going to be talking shop with screenwriters so that a layperson or a film buff can recognize good stories.” Phelps will be lecturing in a two-part session about his favorite kind of film, film noir. He quotes his promise in the Cinequest catalog: “I’ll go under the hood of noir like a paroled boxer moonlighting as a mechanic.” He adds, “My lecture is going to be for everybody. What I’m going to do is try to break down film noir from the storytelling standpoint, not so much from the film critic’s standpoint. I’m going to be trying to locate the elements that make up a film noir, and give a basic history of the genre. Though of course people are still debating whether noir is a genre or a style. Afterward, people will be able to win the argument at a cocktail party about whether a film is noir or not.” Phelps plans to use clips from films ranging from The Maltese Falcon to No Country for Old Men. Phelps runs down the list of usual suspects: Cagney in White Heat,

Sunset Boulevard . . . and there’ll be a few clips of Marie Windsor from The Narrow Margin. Everywhere she turns up, she’s a beautiful, seductive gem.” Phelps sees the problem of understanding noir as realizing how different it is from ordinary films: “The classic Hollywood model has likable protagonists pursuing a worthwhile goal. Noir is more ambivalent—it’s existentialism at every level. It cuts against your natural inclination to have clearly drawn characters.” As a man who works in criminal justice, Phelps feels harmony with the intentions and mood of noir. “I love being a public defender,” Phelps says, “and I’m proud of the work I do. I go into a criminal courtroom, and every day I see under the patina of perfection of American life. I see the casualties. It’s my career training to look beneath the surface and see what’s going on. I don’t believe there are truly evil people. Crime isn’t a mystery to me. There are very typical patterns that create crime. When I say I feel like I’ve seen the dark side of life, I’m not talking about my bad-guy clients. I’m talking about the limitations of civil society. Noir is all about those limitations. See the film Body and Soul. It’s a brilliant social commentary on some of the limitations of American civilization—and I say this as someone who is proud to be American. A healthy reflexive look is healthy for our country. I’m hoping people will come in and sit down and really appreciate this wonderful complex world of film noir.” Richard von Busack

THE DAY OF THE WRITER takes place Friday, March 6, at San Jose Repertory Theatre and Camera 12. The Film Noir forum runs 9:30am– 10:30am and 11am–noon at Camera 12.

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Reviews by Jeffrey M. Anderson, Michael S. Gant and Richard von Busack.

New Cinequest See stories on pages 58 and 60 . Gomorrah (Unrated; 137 min.) See review on page 61. Madama Buttery A broadcast of the production from the Metropolitan Opera. (Mar 7 at 10am Century 20 Great Mall in Milpitas, Century 12 Downtown San Mateo, Century 16 Mountain View and Century 20 Oakridge in San Jose.) Moscow, Belgium (Unrated; 102 min.) Hard-bitten single mom (Barbara SaraďŹ an) from an unlovely corner of Ghent meets none-too-stable truck driver Johnny (Jurgen Delnaet). But there’s another party to complicate this affair. Matty’s coworker notes that sexual passion lasts exactly six months. It’s been ďŹ ve months and a couple of weeks since Matty’s husband, Werner, left Matty for his little girlfriend, and now he’s back trying to chat her up and start things afresh. If a lady in a movie is given a choice between a goodhearted crudester and a sophisticated cheater, it’s fairly easy to guess how everything will come out. Still, Moscow, Belgium is a ďŹ lm in which only the practical, eshy things matter. Director Christophe van Rompaey’s lovable working-class romance has the common sense to remind us that the grave is the only certainty. (Opens Mar 6 at Camera 3 in San Jose.) (RvB) Watchmen (R; 163 min.) The esteemed graphic novel comes to the big screen. Read a preview on page 62. Read a review online at www.metro (Opens Mar 6 valleywide.)

Revivals The Bigamist/Outrage (1953/1950) Born in Brixton to a British theatrical family, Ida Lupino went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. In Hollywood, she evolved from delicate leading lady to hardboiled girl. Lupino became the ďŹ rst major woman director of the post-silent age, working for the big screen and TV. It ďŹ gures that it would take a woman to direct such an essentially sympathetic look at a man with two wives. The

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 FILM Raymond Burr–like sadsack Edmond O’Brien plays a traveling salesman with a businesslike marriage in San Francisco, though he spends weeks at a time in L.A. One lonely Sunday, he picks up a tough but forlorn waitress (Lupino), impregnating her and marrying her. His compartmentalized life breaks down when his San Francisco wife, Eve (Joan Fontaine), decides that she’d like to adopt a child. BILLED WITH Outrage, Lupino’s not-on-video story of sexual assault and its aftermath, with Malay Powers as the lady whose world collapses. (Plays Mar 8 at 7:30 in Berkeley at PaciďŹ c Film Archives; see www.ďŹ lm onďŹ for info.) (RvB) Heaven Can Wait/Rings on Her Fingers (1943/1942) Two with the suave Laird Cregar, a character actor who combined the sleek bulk of Victor Buono with the silkiness of Vincent Price. An early casualty of binge dieting, he left behind a few very good ďŹ lms. Ready to go to hell, an 1890s rake (Don Ameche) tells his life story to Satan (His Excellency, played by Cregar), who is strangely interested in this case. Ernst Lubitsch’s elegant salute to moral relativism charms just about everyone, and the Technicolor is nigh irresistible. BILLED WITH Rings on her Fingers. Rouben Mamoulian’s version of a Preston Sturges–type comedy, with Henry Fonda as a clerk mistaken for a millionaire, zeroed in on by a pair of con artists (Cregar and Spring Byington). The bait: a shop girl (Gene Tierney). (Plays Mar 5-6 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) Intolerance (1916) See page 58. (Plays Mar 6 in San Jose at the California Theatre; part of Cinequest 19.) (RvB) Niles Film Museum Regularly scheduled programs of silent ďŹ lm. On Mar 7: Richard Barthlemess in The Drop Kick (1927), a story of a college football player used by an unscrupulous widow (Dorothy Revier); Hedda Hopper and an unbilled John

Wayne co-star. Also: a program of Lumiere shorts (apparently the story of the audience screaming when the train came at them is a myth, which is too bad), and Curses, a.k.a. The Last Serial (1925). Under a post–Virginia Rappe trial pseudonym, Fatty Arbuckle directed this parody of serials, with Al St. John as the villainous “Buttonshoe Bill.â€? Judy Rosenberg at the piano. (Plays Mar 7 at 7:30pm in Fremont at the Edison Theater, 37417 Niles Blvd.) (RvB) The Scarlet Pimpernel/ Wuthering Heights (1934/1939) In 1792, the French stage a revolution. Across the channel, the Prince of Wales (Nigel Bruce) worries but can do nothing. However, one of the twittering fritillaries in the prince’s circle, Sir Percival Blakeney (Leslie Howard), is in actuality that master of disguises, that lifeline to the noble ĂŠmigrĂŠs, the Scarlet Pimpernel. Meanwhile, the French ambassador, Chauvelin (Raymond Massey, the Canadian Karloff), tries to capture this mysterious counterrevolutionary. Howard appealed to between-the-wars audiences by appearing to be a man who had lost his happiness in the trenches. He had in fact been invalided out of World War I as a shell-shock case and looked quite ghostly onscreen. The part of the witty cavalier is both grave and light enough for his talents. He’s seriously regretful in the busted marriage scenes with his lady wife, Marguerite (Merle Oberon), and he’s a stitch posing as a fop teasing the gouty old ruins in his club by reciting his doggerel: “They seek him here, they seek him there/ Those Frenchies seek him everywhere/ Is he in heaven or is he in hell?/ That damned elusive Pimpernel.â€? BILLED WITH Wuthering Heights. Under William Wyler’s direction, Laurence Olivier makes a ďŹ ne, peremptory Heathcliff in this Samuel Goldwyn production—even if the Southern California locales are more sunny that wuthering. Merle Oberon plays Cathy; David Niven is her milksop mate. (Plays Mar 79 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)



LOOK BACK IN LAUGHTER !Lfwjo!Qpmmbl!sfnfncfst!uif!Hbssfuu!jo!Dbnqcfmm/

South Bay Survivor The mean streets of Silicon Valley paved the way for Kevin Pollak’s success


OME PERFORMERS might romanticize their early years, but Kevin Pollak hasn’t let nostalgia beautify his blighted memories of coming up in the South Bay clubs of the mid-’70s. His ďŹ rst paid standup gig was at the now-defunct Campbell club the Garrett, opening for the impossibly longtime local entertainment ďŹ xture Joe Sharino. “That was one of the weirdest audition scenarios,â€? remembers Pollack. “I had to perform for him in his living room. That was not easy or enjoyable.â€? And yet the San Francisco–born Pollak, who grew up in San Jose and returns March 4 to the California Theatre to be honored with Cinequest’s Maverick Spirit Award, would weather much much worse during his baptism by ďŹ re on the Silicon Valley circuit. At that time, rock clubs were the only real places for comedians to get a gig, sandwiched between loud bands. Audience members generally preferred to use these comedy interludes to get some chatting in with their friends before the bands they paid to see came on. “It’s may be the worst setting possible for standup,â€? says Pollak. “It was hell, but it sort of broke me in the sense that if I could survive that, imagine what it was like when I went to San Francisco at age 20, and people were actually paying to see comedy. It was a cakewalk.â€? He had his cakewalk, and made it, too. But by the mid-’90s, his successful standup career had been eclipsed by his acting roles. His three favorite roles have deďŹ ned his ďŹ lm work, in Barry Levinson’s 1990 ďŹ lm Avalon, Rob Reiner’s 1992 blockbuster A Few Good Men and Bryan Singer’s 1995 cult hit The Usual Suspects. “All three of them were these monumental moments in my career,â€? he says. And they were all of course, decidedly noncomedic roles. After Avalon, no one in Hollywood seemed to remember that he was a comedian. “The irony is that there are more dramatic scripts sent to me than comedy. Overnight, I’m not kidding, people were asking where I trained in New York. My career took a left-hand turn. I still feel like I’m going to be found out.â€? It got so bad that when his friend Bruce Willis suggested him for a role in The Whole Nine Yards, the director is said to have responded “But, you know, this is a comedy.â€? At least Pollak can count on his pals to set the record straight. “Bruce grabbed him by the shoulders and said, ‘He’s a comedian, you idiot!’â€? Clearly, that director had never seen Pollak’s impressions, perhaps the most famous part of his live act. His William Shatner imitation is so sublimely dead-on that the man himself declared it the best he had ever heard in his Trek-fan book Get a Life. “In the master’s eye, I am the shit,â€? says Pollak. How to do Shatner right? “It’s the cadence and the rhythm. It’s a very speciďŹ c rhythm. It’s very easy to do, very hard to do well.â€? Steve Palopoli KEVIN POLLAK will be honored with Cinequest’s Maverick Spirit Award on Wednesday, March 4, at 7pm at the California Theatre in San Jose. Call 408.295.FEST for tickets.


FILM MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Cinequest Picks And One Ringer Hdc\ ;gdb i]Z Hdji]Zgc HZVh Somewhere in the far reaches of the steppes in Kazakhstan, a Russian couple lives side by side with an Asiatic family. The child of the Russian couple looks more like the darker-skinned neighbors, and he is a wild thing who takes to horses like a true Mongol. Naturally, the Russian father harbors deep doubts about the boy’s parentage. After much rustic humor, the downtrodden dad learns some lessons in cross-cultural understanding. The landscape, remote and rarely seen, truly takes the breath away. Unfortunately, the antics of its inhabitants soon grow tiresome, particularly when the Russian husband and wife take turns chasing each other around the barnyard with whatever weapon is handy. (March 7 at 3:45pm at Camera 12.) (MSG)

8dgehZ Gjc An entertaining coming-of-age movie about some PC gamers. Director and writer John-Michael Thomas creatively uses random inserts of game modes, voice-overs and the Windows blue screen of death to keep the narrative going. The characters aren’t that deep, but they are fun to watch, especially Brea Grant as Liberty, the amboyant fan girl, and Jen Nickolaisen as the quirky love interest. The movie both pays homage to and gently mocks this generation. (March 4 at 5pm at Camera 12.) (CW) GV\^c\ <gVcc^Zh/ I]Z 6Xi^dc AZV\jZ Dressed as what the English vaudevillians call a charwoman, these various “gagglesâ€? of protesters are a feature at many political demonstrations. One of the original grans says,“I’ve never been happy with the buffoon style.â€? But the South Bay–based group followed here enjoys the chance to dress up, show up, sing protest songs and even get arrested at Congressman Mike Honda’s ofďŹ ce. The ďŹ lm discusses reports that the California National Guard’s Domestic Surveillance Unit kept tabs on the grannies. This example of Your Tax Dollars at Work—keeping America safe from Rascal-riding radicals—led to protest signs reading “We can’t ďŹ nd Osama, but we can spy on grandma.â€? Mountain View documentary ďŹ lmmaker Pam Walton emphasizes that many of these antiwar protesters were the wives of veterans. Still, watch special guest star Bill O’Reilly get shocked, shocked!. to hear a granny imply that military recruiters lie to inductees. (March 7 at 2pm and March 8 at noon, both at Camera 12. (RvB)

H]dgih Egd\gVb &/ 9Vg` =jbdg ^c i]Z 9Vg` Donald isn’t content to simply slit his wrists and die slowly of blood loss like any normal man bent on bathtub-bound suicide. No, Donald must build an elaborate time machine in his shower and travel to the future in order to do the deed. Jarring, trippy cuts, extreme closeups and a breathlessly funny, time-bending plot rule Welgunzer. One-eighth of Cinequest’s ďŹ rst shorts program, the 14-minute ďŹ lmette is a farcical black comedy that stars character actor Gary Colon as the snaggle-toothed Donald, times three. The short’s homages to Shel Silverstein, Terry Gilliam and Jean-Pierre Jeunet stand out in both the story line and the antique-futuristic look of the small set. Another highlight of this program is the irreverent Dan and a Van, a perplexing if sporadically brilliant play on the whole “Don’t judge a book by its coverâ€? moral, or in this case,“Don’t judge a pedophile by his ride.â€? In it, a sketchy tool sells his used shagg’n wagon to a greasy, unshaven milquetoast that he immediately suspects to be a kiddy ďŹ ddler. Paranoia and blood splatter ensues. (March 5 at 9:30pm at Camera 12 and March 7 at 11:45pm at Camera 12.) (JF) L]^h`Zn IZVgh Not part of Cinequest, but since we’re celebrating indie ďŹ lms, this is deďŹ nitely worth a mention. In-between the cracks of downtown San Jose’s bar scene one ďŹ nds a ragtag crew of rockabilly twentysomethings who swill whiskey, cruise around on their vintage bicycles and simply ďŹ nd ways to do absolutely nothing. Whiskey Tears, directed by Frank Door, is a short slice of their life. They drink in the back yard of their Victorian, ride their bikes down San Fernando Street, and then they go to Cinebar, Caravan and Voodoo Lounge. That’s it. That’s all they do. Even though this is a ďŹ ctional account, the ďŹ lm is absolutely an authentic dead-on portrayal of many people’s routines in downtown San Jose. They’re just not the lawyers, power brokers or other corporate types who infest the ’hood in the daytime. These are the kids who make up the live music scene, or at least what’s left of it. And speaking of that, two of San Jose’s ďŹ nest bands— the Shitkickers and the Whiskey Avengers—make cameo appearances, as do a handful of local scenesters. If your rockabilly girlfriend ever tried to drunkenly bite some foxy Asian girl inside Cinebar (not that there’s anything wrong with that), then this short ďŹ lm is for you. OfďŹ cially sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon and Rockstar Energy Drink. (March 6 at 8:30pm at the Voodoo Lounge, San Jose; VIP Reception to follow with 15 minutes of behind-the-scenes footage and live performances by the Shitkickers and the Whiskey Avengers.) (GS)



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Campbell CAMERA 7 &-,* H# 7VhXdb 6kZ# )%-#**.#+.%% Doubt ;g^"Hjc &&/%*0 Bdc"I]j &/*% Gomorrah &! )! +/*%! ./)% Milk &/'*! +/)% The Reader ;g^"Hjc &&! &/(*! )/&*! +/**! ./(*0

Bdc )/&*! +/**! ./(*0 IjZ )/&*! ./(*0 LZY"I]j )/&*! +/**! ./(* Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Hjc &&/&%! &/)*! )/'*! ,/%*! ./)*0 Bdc"IjZ &/)*! )/'*! ,/%*! ./)*0 LZY &/)*! )/'*! ./)*0 I]j &/)*! )/'*! ,/%*! ./)* Otello Hjc &&Vb0 LZY ,eb Two Lovers ;g^"HVi &&/&*! '/%*! )/(*! ,! ./(%0 Hjc" I]j '/%*! )/(*! ,! ./(% The Watchmen ;g^ &&/(%! &/(%! (! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./*%0 HVi &&/(%! &/(%! (! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./*%! b^Yc^\]i0 Hjc &&/(%! &/(%! (! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./*%0 Bdc"I]j &/(%! (! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./*% The Wrestler )/&%! ./'*

CINELUX PLAZA THEATRE '*%& H# L^cX]ZhiZg 7akY# )%-#(,-#')'* The Watchmen ;g^"I]j &&/)*! (/&*! +/)*! &% Coraline ;g^"Hjc &&0 &/&%! (/(%! */(%! ,/)*! &%/&*0

Bdc"I]j &/&%! (/(%! */(%! ,/)*! &%/&*

Hotel for Dogs HVi"Hjc &&/(%! &/** Taken ;g^"Hjc &&/&%! &/'%! (/)*! */)*! -! &%/&*0 Bdc"

I]j &/'%! (/)*! */)*! -! &%/&* Reader ;g^ &&/(%! '/&%! )/)%! ,/&*! ./)*0 HVi"Hjc )/)%! ,/&*! ./)*0 Bdc"I]j &&/(%! '/&%! )/)%! ,/&%! ./)* Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"I]j &&/(%! '! )/(%! ,! ./(%

Fremont CINEDOME 8 FREMONT (.&*( ;VglZaa 9g# *&%#,.%#%-++ Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"Hjc &&/(*!

'/'*! */&%! ,/*%! &%/(%

Echelon Conspiracy ;g^"Hjc &&/(%! '/'%! *!

,/)*! &%/'*

Fired Up ;g^"Hjc &&/)*! '/&%! )/)%! ,! ./'% He’s Just Not That Into You ;g^"Hjc &'/(*!

(/**! ,/%*! &%/&*

The International ;g^"Hjc &'/)%! (/*%! ,/&%!


Milk ;g^"Hjc &'/)*! )! ,/&*! &%/&% Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li

;g^"Hjc &&/)%! '/&*! )/**! ,/(*! &%/%*

Taken ;g^"Hjc &'! '/(%! */%*! ,/(%! &%

Gilroy PLATINUM THEATRES +-*& BdciZgZn Hi# )%-#-)#BDK>: Coraline ;g^"Bdc &&/'%! (/*%! ,/%*0 IjZ"I]j (/*%!


Fired Up &/(%! ./'% Jonas Brothers 3-D ;g^"Bdc &&/%*! &! (/&%!

*/&%! +/**! ./%*0 IjZ"I]j &! (/&%! */&%! +/**! ./%*

Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Bdc &&/(%! '/%*!

)/(%! ,! ./(%0 IjZ"I]j '/%*! )/(%! ,! ./(%

Street Fighter ;g^"Bdc &&/&*! &/'%! )/%*! +/)*!

./&*0 IjZ"I]j &/'%! )/%*! +/)*! ./&* Taken ;g^"Bdc &&/&%! &/&%! (/'*! */'*! ,/'%! ./'*0 IjZ"I]j &/&%! (/'*! */'*! ,/'%! ./'* Watchmen ;g^"Bdc &&! &&/)*! &/**! (! *! +/%*! -! ./&%0 IjZ"I]j &/**! (! *! +/%*! -! ./&%

PREMIERE CINEMAS - HOLLISTER *-&6 BX8gVn Hi# -(&#+(-#&-%% Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"Hjc &'/&%!

'/(%! )/)*! ,/&%! ./'*0 Bdc"I]j &/)*! (/*%! +/%*! -/&*

Coraline ;g^"Hjc &&! &! (! *0 Bdc"IjZ )0 I]j ) Fired Up ;g^"Hjc &&/&%! &! '/*%! )/*%! ,/&*! ./'%0

Bdc"I]j '/%*! )/%*! +/&*! -/'%

He’s Just Not That Into You ;g^"Hjc ,! ./)%0

Bdc"IjZ +! -/(%0 I]j +! -/(%

Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience ;g^"Hjc &&! &! (! *! ,! .0 Bdc"I]j '!

)! +! -

Last Chance Harvey LZY &/)%! (/*%! +! Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^"Hjc &&/(%! &/(%! (/(%!

*/(%! ,/)%! ./(*0 Bdc"I]j '/(%! )/(%! +/)%! -/(%

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 FILM Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Hjc &&/&*! &/)*! )/&*!

+/)*! ./&*0 Bdc"I]j (/&*! +! -/(%

Taken ;g^"Hjc &&/%*! &/%*! (! */&*! ,/'*! ./**0 Bdc"



I]j '! )/&*! +/'*! -/**

Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"Hjc &'!

'/)%! *! ,/'%! ./)*0 Bdc"I]j '/&*! )/'*! +/)%! .

Watchmen ;g^"Hjc &%/*%! &'/(%! '/(%! )! +! ,/(%!

./(%0 Bdc"I]j '! (/(%! */&*! ,! -/'%

Los Gatos LOS GATOS CINEMA )& C# HVciV 8gjo 6kZ# )%-#(.*#%'%( Slumdog Millionaire ;g^ )! +/)%! ./&*0 HVi"Hjc &! )! +/)%! ./&*0 Bdc"I]j )! +/)%! ./&* Watchmen ;g^ )/)%! -0 HVi"Hjc &/&*! )/)%! -0 Bdc" LZY )/)%! -0 I]j )/)%

Menlo Park GUILD .). :a 8Vb^cd GZVa +*%#'++#.'+% The Class '/&*! *! Rocky Horror Picture Show &&/**eb

AERIAL SURVEILLANCE Mjgf!jt!ibse-!wfsz!ibse!jo!Obqmft!jo!ÕHpnpssbi/Ö


Thug Life

CENTURY 20 GREAT MALL &%&% <gZVi BVaa 9g# )%-#.)'#***% Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"HVi &&/'*! '!

)/(*! ,/&%! ./)%! &'/&*0 Hjc"I]j &&/'*! '! )/(*! ,/&%! ./)%

Coraline ;g^"HVi &&/&*! &/*%! )/'*! +/**! ./'*! &'/%&0

Hjc &&/&*! &/*%! )/'*! +/**! ./'*0 Bdc"I]j &&/'*! &/*%! )/'*! +/**! ./'* Fired Up ;g^"HVi &%/)*! &! (/&*! */(%! ,/)*! &%! &'/&*0 Hjc &%/)*! &! (/&*! */(%! ,/)*! &%0 Bdc"I]j &! (/&*! */(%! ,/)*! &% Friday the 13th (2009) &%/'% He’s Just Not That Into You ;g^"Hjc &%/)%! &/)*! )/)%! ,/(*! &%/(*0 Bdc"I]j &/)*! )/)%! ,/(*! &%/(* The International ,/&*! &%/%* Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience ;g^"HVi &%/'%! &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&%!

&&/'%# GZVa 9 ("90 Hjc &%/'%! &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&% GZVa 9 ("90 Bdc"LZY &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&% GZVa 9 ("90 I]j &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&%! &&/'% GZVa 9 ("9 The Last House on the Left I]j &'/%& The Metropolitan Opera: Madama Butterfly HVi &% Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^"HVi &%/)*! &! (/&*! */(%!

,/)*! &%! &'/'%0 Hjc &%/)*! &! (/&*! */(%! ,/)*! &%0 Bdc" I]j &! (/&*! */(%! ,/)*! &% The Pink Panther 2 ;g^ &&/)*! '/&%! )/(*0 HVi )/(*0 Hjc"I]j &&/)*! '/&%! )/(* Push ;g^"HVi &%/**! &/(%! )/&%! +/*%! ./'*! &'/%*0 Hjc &%/**! &/(%! )/&%! +/*%! ./'*0 Bdc"LZY &/(%! )/&%! +/*%! ./'*0 I]j &/(%! )/&%! +/*%! ./'*! &'/%* The Reader ;g^"Hjc &%/'*! &/&*! )/&*! ,/&%! &%/%*0 Bdc"I]j &/&*! )/&*! ,/&%! &%/%* Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Hjc &%/(%! &/'%! )/%*! ,/%*! &%/&%0 Bdc"I]j &/'%! )/%*! ,/%*! &%/&% Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li ;g^"HVi &&/(%! '! )/(%! ,! ./(%! &'/%&0 Hjc"I]j &&/(%! '! )/(%! ,! ./(% Taken ;g^"HVi &%/(*! &'/**! (/&%! */'*! ,/)%! ./**! &'/&%0 Hjc &%/(*! &'/**! (/&%! */'*! ,/)%! ./**0 Bdc"I]j &'/**! (/&%! */'*! ,/)%! ./** Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"HVi &&/%*! &/)%! )/'%! +/*%! ./'%! &&/*%0 Hjc &&/%*! &/)%! )/'%! +/*%! ./'%0 Bdc"I]j &/)%! )/'%! +/*%! ./'% Underworld: Rise of the Lycans ;g^"HVi &'/%*! '/(%! )/*%! ,/&*! ./(*! &&/**0 Hjc"LZY &'/%*! '/(%! )/*%! ,/&*! ./(*0 I]j &'/%*! '/(%! )/*%! ,/&*! ./(*! &&/*% Watchmen ;g^"HVi &%/&*! &&! &&/(*! &'/&%! &'/)*! &/'%! &/*%! '/(*! (/&%! (/)*! )/'%! )/**! */'*! +/&%! +/)*! ,/'%! ,/**! -/(%! -/**! ./)*! &%/**! &&/(%! &'/%*! &'/'*0 Hjc &%/&*! &&! &&/(*! &'/&%! &'/)*! &/'%! &/*%! '/(*! (/&%! (/)%! )/'%! )/**! */'*! +/&%! +/)*! ,/&%! ,/**! -/(%! -/**! ./)*! &%/)%0 Bdc"LZY &&/(*! &'/&%! &'/)*! &/'%! &/*%! '/(*! (/&%! (/)%! )/'%! )/**! */'*! +/&%! +/)*! ,/&%! ,/**! -/(%! -/**! ./)*! &%/)%0 I]j &&/(*! &'/&%! &'/)*! &/'%! &/*%! '/(*! (/&%! (/)%! )/'%! )/**! */'*! +/&%! +/)*! ,/&%! ,/**! -/(%! -/**! ./)*! &%/)%! &&/'*! &'/%*

Morgan Hill CINELUX TENNANT STATION STADIUM CINEMAS ,*% IZccVci 6kZ# )%-#,,-#+*% Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"I]j )/&*! &% Coraline &&/**! '/(%! )/**! ,/(% Fired Up &&/&%! &/&*! (/'*! */)%! ,/**! &%/%* aViZ h]dl

Bdc"I]j dcan

Rachel Getting Married ;g^"I]j */'% The International ;g^"I]j ./** Jonas Brothers 3-D ;g^"I]j &&! &! (! *! ,! . Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"I]j &&/**! '/'%! )/)*!

,/&%! ./(%


‘Gomorrah’: the shame of a nation


ANY FILMS are made about slums, but it’s rare to see a film that’s in open crusade against them. Slumming directors (and Slumdog Millionaire falls into this category) often just get a big charge from the squalor. The Italian film Gomorrah chronicles the poisoning of Italy by high-level grafters and small-time criminals alike. As presented by Martin Scorsese, this import seems to have been made by someone who wants to clean up the sewer instead of standing around gaping at it. It took a great deal of bravery to make Gomorrah, and director Matteo Garrone (who co-wrote with reporter Maurizio Braucci and others) is, in a sense, going up against his entire country. In this fictional film, every class of person is implicated in the overload of crime in the Naples region—a nasty slum that’s been a nasty slum for centuries. Most of Gomorrah unfolds in a grandly designed yet utterly shabby housing project, a concrete wedding cake. It looks like an immense Cancun luxury hotel after a dozen hurricanes. Essential to its design are those old Bauhaus “sidewalks in the skies,” raised concrete corridors where the dispossessed mill around like prisoners. The place leaks like a sieve, and constant waterfalls drain everywhere. The film weaves together a quintet of stories out of this battlefront. Young Toto, a delivery boy for his mom’s closet-size convenience store, is tired of running errands for coins. He gets a job with the local drug dealers, first as a lookout, later as a distributor for drugs. In another plot, two young antic idiots, addled by visions of Pacino in Scarface, take up some stolen guns and go on a minor crime spree. They’re the story’s clowns—crying clowns by the end of the film. Don Ciro (Gianfelice Imparato) is in some ways my favorite character, since he has the least appetite for the criminal life. Ciro is a clerk for the local mob. In a dancing anxiety of tension, he brings money to the wives of those who took the rap or the widows of those who took the bullets. Everyone believes that they are being underpaid, and the rival gang is watching Don Ciro. The subplot about the rag trade is underwritten. You have to be on your toes to parse the action. Garrone is outraged, but it hasn’t made him inarticulate. He presumes the viewer is not a thug, and not in the mood to watch torture. When it comes, the violence arrives out of nowhere, and it’s scary and it hurts. The film draws a contrast between Italy as it was and Italy as it is now: a land that once gave a living vs. a land that now gives you tumors. The mozzarella buffalo paddocks and the orchards are still standing, but they are surrounded; the noble marble quarries are being filled up with barrels of unnamable toxic waste. In making that contrast between fruitfulness and desolation, Gomorrah could have been as self-important as the top man in this pyramid, the unsavory waste-removal magnate Franco (Toni Servillo); at the end of the film, the capitalist boasts, “I helped bring this shitty country into Europe!” But there’s a peculiar serenity to Gomorrah. The filmmakers have this faith that exposure of corruption will change things. How very old-fashioned. Richard von Busack GOMORRAH (Unrated; 137 min.), directed by Matteo Garrone, written by Maurizio Braucci and others, photographed by Marco Onorato and starring Gianfelice Imparato, opens March 6 at Camera 7 in Campbell.


FILM MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


FILM REVIEW 8djgiZhn LVgcZg 7gdh# E^XijgZh

&&/&*! &/'%! (/(%! */)*! -

The Reader ;g^"I]j &&/&%! &/)*! +/)*! ./'% Slumdog Millionaire &&/'%! '/&*! *! ,/(*! &%/&% Street Fighter &&! &/&%! (/&*! */(%! ,/)*! &% Taken &&/%*! &! (! */&%! ,/(%! ./)% Watchmen ;g^"I]j &&/(%! &'/)*! (! )/&*! +/(%! ,/)*!


Mountain View &*%% C# H]dgZa^cZ 7akY# +*%#.+%#%.,% Confessions of a Shopaholic &&/)*! )/)%!


Coraline &&/(%! &/**! )/'%! ,/%*! ./(% The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Blue Man Group Some thoughts before the 10:15am Friday screening of ‘Watchmen’


SPENT a little time trying to write about Jackie Chan when he ďŹ rst made his mark in America. I tried to describe his physical grace and his exhilarating stunt work. Later, I told a female colleague that I was going to see Chan again that night. “Sounds like chop-socky,â€? she retorted. Like a fool, I said that I had just done an article on Chan all about how he wasn’t just an ordinary kung-fu movie brawler. “Yeah, I read your article, and it still sounds like chop-socky.â€? Some, seeing the publicity for Watchmen, will decide it still sounds like superhero crap. Anthony Lane’s blithering New Yorker attack could be summed up in a few sentences as “I don’t get it, I don’t want to get it, and you shouldn’t want to get it either.â€? Why waste breath trying to suggest that Watchmen is beyond the limits of the ordinary pulp? Especially when Zack Snyder’s previous ďŹ lm, 300, is a work of uniquely sustained idiocy? Snyder is going to need a lot of help for the ďŹ lm version of Watchmen. He’ll need nostalgia—to raid an inside joke from the graphic novel. The musky odor of mid-1980s high–Reagan era Cold War terror would be part of it, matched with the Scots-like exhalation of English despair from British author Alan Moore. By Friday, we’ll know whether Watchmen is just another movie made because there was ďŹ nally the technology to make it. Like Lane, some other critics will be blind to what makes Watchmen interesting. And that’s not the backdrop: that is, the parallel universe New York of 1985 where Nixon stayed in ofďŹ ce four terms, letting the cities crumble while he cornered the Russians. It’s also not the love triangle of man, woman and demigod, staged against a brewing World War III. Neither is it the who-is-killing-the-has-been-superheroes mystery. Most essential to Watchmen’s ideas is the passage about Adrian Veidt, the World’s Smartest Man, and his fascination with the story of the Gordian Knot. When cartoonist Frank Miller wrote his graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns in 1986, he included a speech by Commissioner Gordon. Gordon was rationalizing keeping a masked vigilante on speed dial. Gordon told the story of FDR’s supposed knowledge that there was going to be a Japanese attack in advance. Could Roosevelt have let Pearl Harbor occur just to bypass American isolationism? Gordon concludes that Batman himself, like FDR, is a ďŹ gure too big for one little person to judge. First published in serial form later that year, Watchmen is an answer to Miller’s capitulation. Writer Moore repeated Juvenal’s joke “Who watches the watchmen?â€? to sum up his career-long attraction and repulsion to these comic-book myths. In the midst of the Thatcher-Reagan miasma, Moore found for the prosecution. He decides that the Watchmen—or all superheroes, really—are fetishists. Or they’re the daughters of ultimate stage mothers, like Silk Spectre, or genuine maniacs like the madhouse detective Rorschach, or they’re good-hearted but oddly naive like Nite Owl. But it’s never that simple. These comic-book heroes are characters you can chase around your skull but never chase out. They’re just like the other fantasies: the fantasy of ends that justify the means, the fantasy of the arrow that always hits the right mark, and the fantasy of the balance of power that stays balanced forever. Richard von Busack WATCHMEN (R; 163 min.) opens Friday valleywide. Read a review online Friday at

The Pink Panther 2 ;g^"Hjc &'/%*! '/'*! )/**!

,/&*0 IjZ"I]j &'/%*! '/'*! )/**! ,/&* Push ;g^"Hjc &/*%! ,/'%0 IjZ"I]j &/*%! ,/'% The Reader ;g^"HVi &&/&*! '/&*! */%*! ,/**! &%/*%0 Hjc Adventures in Wild California ;g^ (0 Bdc" &&/&*! '/&*! */%*! ,/**0 IjZ"I]j &&/&*! '/&*! */%*! ,/** I]j ( Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Hjc &%/(*! &/(%! )/'%! Everest-Death Zone HVi"Hjc ) ,/&%! &%/&*0 IjZ"I]j &/(%! )/'%! ,/&%! &%/&* Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li ;g^ &'! '! )0 HVi"Hjc &&! &! (0 Bdc"I]j &'! '! ) ;g^"Hjc &'! '/(%! )/**! ,/'*! &%/&%0 IjZ"LZY &'! '/(%! Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West ;g^ &0 )/**! ,/'*! &%/&%0 I]j &'! '/(%! )/**! &%/&% HVi"Hjc &'! '0 Bdc"I]j & Taken ;g^"Hjc &%/&*! &'/(*! '/**! */'*! ,/)*! &%/'%0 IjZ"I]j &'/(*! '/**! */'*! ,/)*! &%/'% CAMERA 3 '-- H# HZXdcY Hi# )%-#'.)#((() Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"Hjc &&/**! '/(%! */%*! ,/)%! &%/&%0 IjZ"I]j &&/**! '/(%! */%*! Doubt ;g^ -/)*0 HVi"Hjc )/(*! -/)*0 Bdc"I]j -/)* ,/)%! &%/&% Moscow, Belgium ;g^ ,/&%! ./(%0 HVi"Hjc '/'%! Watchmen ;g^"HVi &%/&%! &%/)%! &&/'%! &&/**! &'/(%! &! )/)*! ,/&%! ./(%0 Bdc"I]j ,/&%! ./(% &/)*! '/&*! '/**! (/'*! )/%*! )/(*! */&*! */*%! +/'*! ,! ,/(*! Wendy and Lucy ;g^ +/*%0 HVi"Hjc '/)%! +/*%0 -/&%! -/*%! ./'*! &%! &%/(*! &&/&%0 Hjc &%/&%! &%/)%! &&/'%! Bdc"I]j +/*% &&/**! &'/(%! &! &/)*! '/&*! '/**! (/'*! )/%*! )/(*! */&*! Revolutionary Road ;g^ -/*%0 HVi"Hjc )/&*! */*%! +/'*! ,! ,/(*! -/&%! -/*%! ./'*! &%! &%/(*0 IjZ"I]j -/*%0 Bdc"I]j -/*% &&/'%! &&/**! &'/(%! &! &/)*! '/&*! '/**! (/'*! )/%*! )/(*! */&*! */*%! +/'*! ,! ,/(*! -/&%! -/*%! ./'*! &%! &%/(* CAMERA 12 The Wrestler ;g^"Hjc ,/)*! &%/'*0 IjZ"I]j ,/)*! '%& H# HZXdcY Hi# )%-#..-#((%% &%/'*

Paul Blart ;gd"Hjc &&Ç&*! &/'%! (/(%! */)*0 Bdc"I]j '%& H# BVg`Zi Hi# Vi EVg` 6kZcjZ )%-#'.)#-(')


JUST TESTING Kbdljf!Fbsmf!Ibmfz!qmbzt!Spstdibdi!jo!Ă•Xbudinfo/Ă–


&'/&%! )/%*! ,/*% Doubt &&/(*! '/'%! )/**! ,/(*! &%/&% Frost/Nixon &'/**! (/)*! +/*%! ./)% He’s Just Not That Into You &'/)*! (/**! ,/(%! &%/'% The International &&/'*! '/&*! *! ,/)*! &%/'* Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience &&/'%! &/'*! (/'*! */'*! ,/'*! ./'*# GZVa

9 ("9

The Last House on the Left I]j &'/%& The Metropolitan Opera: Madama Buttery HVi &% Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^ &&/'%! )/(%! &%0 HVi

)/(%! &%0 Hjc &&/'%! )/(%! &%0 Bdc"I]j &&/'%! &/*%! )/(%! ,/&*! &% The Pink Panther 2 '/'*! ,/'% The Reader &'/*%! (/)%! ,! ./** Taken &'! '/(%! */%*! ,/'*! &%/%* Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail &'/%*! '/(*! */&%! ,/)%! &%/&* Watchmen ;g^"HVi &&/&*! &'/(%! &! '! '/)*! (/*%! )/(%! */(%! +/&*! ,/&%! -! .! ./)*! &%/(%! &&/(%0 Hjc"I]j &&/&*! &'/(%! &! '! '/)*! (/*%! )/(%! */(%! +/&*! ,/&%! -! .! ./)*! &%/(% The Wrestler ;g^ &/*%! ,/&*0 HVi ,/&*0 Hjc &/*%! ,/&*

Palo Alto AQUARIUS )(% :bZghdc Hi# +*%#'++#.'+% Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Hjc &/&*! )! +/)*! ./(%0

Bdc"I]j )! +/)*! ./(%

Two Lovers '/(%! *! ,/(%! &%

Cinequest I]gj BVg Coraline ;g^ )/'%! +/*%! ./&%0 HVi"Hjc '! )/'%! +/*%!

./&%0 Bdc"I]j )/'%! +/*%! ./&%

The Echelon Conspiracy ;g^ +/**0 HVi"Hjc

'/%*! +/**0 Bdc"I]j +/** Frost/Nixon )/%*! ./'%

He’s Just Not That Into You (/(*! -/** The International )/'*! ./&* Madea Goes to Jail ;g^ )/)%! ,/&%! ./)*0 HVi"Hjc

'/&*! )/)%! ,/&%! ./)*0 Bdc"I]j )/)%! ,/&%! ./)*

Milk ;g^ +/)%0 HVi"Hjc &/'%! +/)%0 Bdc"I]j +/)% Revolutionary Road ;g^ +/'%0 HVi"Hjc &! +/'%0

Bdc"I]j +/'%

Slumdog Millionaire ;g^ )! +/)*! ./'*0 HVi"Hjc

&/&%! )! +/)*! ./'*0 Bdc"I]j )! +/)*! ./'* Taken ;g^ */&%! ,/'%! ./(%0 HVi"Hjc &'/)*! '/**! */&%! ,/'%! ./(%0 Bdc"I]j */&%! ,/'%! ./(% Watchmen ;g^ (/%*! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./**! b^Yc^\]i0 HVi &&/)*! &/(%! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./**! &&/)*0 Hjc &&/)*! &/(%! *! +/(%! -/'%! ./**0 Bdc"I]j *! +/(%! -/'%! ./**

CENTURY CAPITOL 16 SAN JOSE 8Ve^ida :megZhhlVn HcZaa 6kZcjZ )%-#.,'#.',+ Coraline ;g^"LZY &&/*%! '/'*! )/*%! ,/(*! ./** Fired Up ;g^"LZY &&/**! '/'*! )/(*! ,/&*! ./(% Friday the 13th (2009) ;g^"LZY &'/'%! '/*%!

*/'%! ,/)*! &%/&%

Gran Torino ;g^"LZY ,/'%! &%/&* Hotel for Dogs ;g^"LZY &'/&%! '/)%! */&%! ,/)%! &% The International ;g^"LZY &&/%*! &/*%! )/'*!


,/&%! ./**

(%%% :a 8Vb^cd GZVa Vi EV\Z B^aa GdVY +*%#).(#()*+

,/*%! &%/%*

Milk ;g^"HVi &/(%! )/'*! ,/'%! &%/&*0 Hjc"Bdc &/(%! )/'*! ,/'% Waltz With Bashir ;g^"HVi '/(%! *! ,/&*! ./(*0 Hjc" I]j '/(%! *! ,/&* The Wrestler IjZ"I]j '! )/)*! ,/'%

STANFORD THEATRE ''& Jc^kZgh^in 6kZ# +*%#(')#(,%% Heaven Can’t Wait I]j";g^ BVg *"+ ,/(% Rings on Her Fingers I]j";g^ BVg *"+ */**!


Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^"LZY &'/**! (/&*! */(%! The Pink Panther 2 ;g^"LZY &'/&*! '/(*! )/** Push ;g^"LZY &'/%*! '/)%! */&*! ,/**! &%/'* The Reader ;g^"LZY &&/&*! &/**! )/)%! ,/'%! &%/&% Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"LZY &&/&%! '! )/)*!

,/)%! &%/(%

8dbeaZiZ ^c[dgbVi^dc cdi VkV^aVWaZ Vi YZVYa^cZ0 XVaa [dg di]Zg h]dlh VcY i^bZh#

CINELUX ALMADEN CINEMA '(%+ 6abVYZc GY# )%-#'+*#,(,( Watchmen ;g^"I]j &&/(%! (! +/(%! ./)*&/'%! &/(%!

)/&%! +/)*! .

Hotel for Dogs HVi"Hjc &&/&*! &/)* Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"I]j &'/'%! '/)%! *! ,/'%!


The Reader ;g^ &&/&*! &/)*! )/(%! ,! ./(%0 HVi"Hjc

(%-- DahZc 9g# )%-#**)#,%%% The Class (Entre les murs) ;g^ &! )/&%! ,/&%! &%0

HVi )/&%! ,/&%! &%0 Hjc"I]j &! )/&%! ,/&%! &%

The Metropolitan Opera: Madama Buttery HVi &% The Reader &/&%! )! ,! ./)* Slumdog Millionaire &'/(%! &/)%! (/'*! )/(%! +/&*!

,/'%! ./%*! &%/&%

Watchmen &&/)*! (/&*! +/)*! &%/&* The Wrestler &'/&*! '/)*! */&*! ,/*%! &%/'%

San Mateo CENTURY SAN MATEO 12 ('% :Vhi 'cY 6kZ#! -%%#;6C#96C< .+- Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"Hjc &%/(%!

&/'%! )/&*! ,/&*! ./*%

Coraline ;g^"Hjc &%/)%! &/&%! )/&%! ,! ./(% He’s Just Not That Into You ;g^"Hjc &&/(%!

(/'%! ,/&%! &%/&%

Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience ;g^"Hjc &&/)%! '/'%! )/(%! ,/%*! ./)%#

GZVa 9 ("9

The Metropolitan Opera: Madama Buttery HVi &% Milk ;g^ &'/(%! ,/'%0 HVi ,/'%0 Hjc &'/(%! ,/'% Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^"Hjc &&/*%! '/&%! )/*%! The Pink Panther 2 ;g^"Hjc )/'%! &%/(* The Reader ;g^"Hjc &'/'%! (/(%! ,/'*! &%/&* Slumdog Millionaire ;g^"Hjc &%/&%! &! (/*%! ,/(%!

&&/)*! '/'%! *! ,/(%! &%

Watchmen &&! &'! &/%*! '/(%! (/(%! )/)*! +! ,! -/&*!

./(%! &%/(%

Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"HVi &%/'*!

./)*! &/&*! )/**! -/(%0 Bdc"I]j &/&*! )/**! -/(%0 Bdc" I]j '/(%! +/&*! ./**


-! &%/(%

;g^"LZY &'/)%! (/&%! */)%! -! &%/'%

San Jose The Metropolitan Opera: Lucia di Lammermoor Encore II LZY & The Metropolitan Opera: Madama Buttery HVi &% Watchmen ;g^"Hjc &%/)*! '/(%! +/&*! ./**0 ;g^"Hjc

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li ;g^"HVi &'! '/'%! )/*%! ,/&*! ./)%0 Hjc &'! '/'%! )/*%! ,/&*0 Bdc"IjZ '/'%! )/*%! ,/&*0 I]j '/'%! )/*%! ,/&* Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"HVi &'/&*! '/)*! */&*! ,/)*! &%/&%0 Hjc &'/&*! '/)*! */&*! ,/)*0 Bdc"IjZ '/)*! */&*! ,/)*0 I]j '/)*! */&*! ,/)*

Taken ;g^"LZY &'/'*! '/(%! )/**! ,/'*! ./(* Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail ;g^"LZY


'&.% :Vhig^Y\Z Adde )%-#-,&#''+'

,)& H# L^cX]ZhiZg 7akY# )%-#.-)#*+&%

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li

The Scarlet Pimpernel HVi"Bdc */)%! ./'* Wuthering Heights HVi"Hjc (/)*! ,/(%0 Bdc ,/(%



.'* 7adhhdb =^aa GdVY )%-#''*#''%%

&'/**! (/(%! +/&*! -/)*! &&/&*0 Hjc &%/'*! &'/**! (/(%! +/&*! -/)*0 IjZ"I]j &'/**! (/(%! +/&*! -/)* Coraline 3-D ;g^"Hjc &&/)%! '/'%! *! ,/(%! &%/%*# GZVa 9 ("90 IjZ"I]j &&/)%! '/'%! *! ,/(%! &%/%* GZVa 9 ("9 Fired Up ;g^"Hjc &%/'%! &'/*%! (/&%! */(%! ,/*%! &%/&*0 IjZ"I]j &'/*%! (/&%! */(%! ,/*%! &%/&* Friday the 13th (2009) ;g^"Hjc ./)%0 IjZ"I]j ./)% He’s Just Not That Into You ;g^"Hjc &%/'*! &/'%! )/&*! ,/'%! &%/(%0 IjZ"I]j &/'%! )/&*! ,/'%! &%/(% Hotel for Dogs ;g^ &&/(%! '! )/(%0 HVi '! )/(%0 Hjc &&/(%! '! )/(%0 IjZ"I]j &&/(%! '! )/(% The International ;g^"Hjc &&/%*! )/(%! &%/%*0 IjZ"I]j &&/&%! )/(%! &%/%* Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience ;g^"HVi &%/'%! &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&%!

&&/'%# GZVa 9 ("90 Hjc &%/'%! &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&% GZVa 9 ("90 IjZ"I]j &'/(%! '/)%! )/*%! ,! ./&% GZVa 9 ("9 The Last House on the Left I]j &'/%& The Metropolitan Opera: Madama Buttery HVi &% Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^"HVi &&/*%! '/&*! )/(*!

)/(%! ,! ./(%0 Bdc"I]j &&/&*! &/)*! )/(%! ,! ./(%0 HVi"Hjc ,/%*! ./'*! &&/(%0 Hjc &&/*%! '/&*! )/(*! ,/%*! ./'*0 IjZ" )/(%! ,! ./(% I]j &&/*%! '/&*! )/(*! ,/%*! ./'* Taken &'/)*! (! */&*! ,/(%! ./)* Slumdog Millionaire &&/&%! &/)%! )/'%! ,/&%! ./)%


Taken ;g^"Hjc &&/&%! &/)%! )/)%! ,/)%! &%/'% Watchmen ;g^"HVi &%! &&! &'! '! (! )! +! ,! ,/*%! &%!

&%/)%! &&/'%0 Hjc &%! &&! &'! '! (! )! +! ,! ,/*%! &%! &%/)%0 Bdc &%! &&! '! (! +! ,! &%! &%/(%

Santa Clara AMC MERCADO 20 &%& ;ln# <gZViZg^XVc E`ln#! ---#6B8#);JC Watchmen ;g^"Hjc &&/&*! (/&*! ,! &%/*%0 Bdc"I]j

(/&*! ,! &%/)*

Saratoga AMC SARATOGA 14 HVgVid\V 6kZ# 8VbeWZaa 6kZ#! ---#6B8#);JC Confessions of a Shopaholic ;g^"Hjc &&/(%!

'/&%! *! ,/(%! &%/%*

Fired Up ;g^"Hjc &&/**! '/'%! )/)*! ,! ./(% Gran Torino ;g^"Hjc &/**! ,/(* The International ;g^"Hjc &&/&*! )/)%! &%/'% Paul Blart: Mall Cop ;g^"Hjc &%/(*! &'/)*! (/%*!

*/(*! -/&%! &%/(*

The Pink Panther 2 ;g^"Hjc &%/'%! &'/**! (/&%!

*/(%! ,/)*! ./**

The Reader ;g^"Hjc &%/'*! &/'%! )/%*! ,/%*! ./)* Taken ;g^"Hjc &%/)*! &/&%! (/'*! */**! -/'%! &%/(% Watchmen ;g^"HVi &%! &&! &'/%*! &/)%! '/)%! (/)*!

*/'%! +/&*! ,/'*! .! &%! &&0 Hjc &%! &&! &'/%*! &/)%! '/)%! (/)*! */'%! +/&*! ,/'*! .! &%0 Bdc"I]j &/)%! */'%! .



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 MUSIC


Classical Moves_70

Won’t Be Cowed Two Cow Garage refuse to live up to their name By Steve Palopoli

T AND A CHICKEN IN EVERY POT Uxp!Dpx!Hbsbhf!ublf b!tpgb!csfbl/

WO COW GARAGE have the perfect name for an alt-country band. The problem is, they don’t think they are one. But most everyone else does. That’s sort of a problem, too, for a band who think they’re pretty much straight-ahead rock & roll. But it should be understandable. And not just because of the name. There’s a gravelly weight to guitaristvocalist Micah Schnabel’s voice, and a rootsiness to the sound that invites the comparison. Like Drag the River, Two Cow Garage walk a line between rock and something more brutally country. Schnabel understands, he’s just glad people see them as something apart from “stuff like Kings of Leon, this fashion-first bullshit.” And he realizes that their songs dig a little deeper than people expect. “That why people want to put the alt-country tag on it,” he says by phone. “It’s hard to pin down.” But for the Columbus, Ohio, band, who play the Caravan

Lounge on Saturday, March 7, that’s too easy. They prefer to align themselves with classic rock, perhaps the least fashionable genre they could have chosen. “That’s not very cool right now,” admits Schnabel. But one listen to the new album, Speaking in Cursive, and the depths of the band’s loyalty become obvious. “Sadie Mae” references Led Zeppelin, while “Swingset Assassin” goes off at length about the significance of hearing the The White Album and Rubber Soul at age 13, and how the age came when a Black Flag rebellion was mandatory. However, Schnabel sings, “in the end punk rock just left me empty and alone.” And in that confession, risky for any indie band, he nails a truth that way too many hipsters can never bring themselves to face: we are all the music we listened to before we were cool. For those of us who grew up when John Cougar Mellencamp was on the radio, for instance, it was embarrassing for at least 10 years

to admit that “Little Pink Houses” is a brilliant song. Schnabel had the same problem with another classic rock icon. “We came up in the days when Born in the USA was Bruce Springsteen, kind of this cheesy stuff,” he remembers. “Then you go back and you end up listening to Nebraska.” But even more important, he admits, is that after that, you go back to Born in the USA and realize it’s a pretty damn good album. Of course, in between he had to listen to basically nothing but punk music for five years. “I think that’s the natural progression for everybody,” he says. “I think all music lovers go through that.” In the end, though, he was able to embrace his roots, even if it means not getting to play with the cool kids in the alt-country class. The music is where he’s from. “Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, you’re surrounded by classic rock,” he says. There’s another interesting

classic rock sighting on the song “Folksinger’s Heart”: “It was arrogant to think from the start/You were the only backyard Dylan with a folksinger’s heart.” Schnabel admits he had a touch of that when he started Two Cow Garage at age 19. “I thought I was going to be the next Kurt Cobain,” he says. He and co-writer, bassist and vocalist Shane Sweeney basically have been able to chart their growth over the last several years through the band’s very different four albums. “We started making records pretty young, so it’s like hearing us grow up,” he says. Now he doesn’t care what people call what he plays, or whether it’s in fashion. “Right now I’ve got a thing for a sugar sweet pop song, but played as hard and loud as possible,” he says. “Just destroy it.” TWO COW GARAGE play Saturday, March 7, at 10pm at Caravan Lounge, 98 S. Almaden Ave., San Jose. (408.995.6220)


MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

club gallery



TRES GRINGOS!!Uif!Nbsej!Hsbt!cfbet!dbnf!pvu!up!qmbz!Uvftebz/



FAHRENHEIT!!B!ijhi.ufnqfsbuvsf!cbsufoefs!! qvut!pvu!uif!Gbu!Uvftebz!ßsf/!

CARDIFF LOUNGE!!Dbnqcfmm!jt!xifsf!Ibmp!! tqjot!Djuz!Effq!Tfttjpot!Uivstebz/

VOODOO LOUNGE!!Gffm!uif!Cbtt!ojhiu!!


[66] MUSIC

MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Nvtjd mjtujoht

BZigdÉh bjh^X XVaZcYVg gjch LZYcZhYVnÄIjZhYVn# I]Z YZVYa^cZ [dg bjh^X a^hi^c\h ^h c^cZ YVnh eg^dg id LZYcZhYVnÉh ejWa^XVi^dc# HZcY ^c[dgbVi^dc id Bjh^X A^hi^c\h! BZigd! **% H# ;^ghi Hi#! HVc ?dhZ! .*&&( dg id XVaZcYVg5bZigdcZlh#Xdb# EaZVhZ Yd cdi hZcY ZbV^a ViiVX]bZcih# ;dg XdbeaZiZ a^hi^c\h! k^h^i BZigdÉh lZWh^iZ Vi lll#bZigdVXi^kZ#Xdb#

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MARCH 4-10, 2009




Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Space Buddies

19.97 DVD 39.97 Blu-Ray


19.97 DVD

39.97 Blu-Ray




High School Musical 3: Senior Year 19.97 DVD 39.97 Blu-Ray Deluxe 3-disc edition




MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 4-10, 2009 MUSIC

Nvtjd mjtujoht

7gdd`YVaZ >cc VcY HeV

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I]Z <ddhZidlc Adjc\Z


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21-22 SA 8PM SU 7PM

SFJAZZ COLLECTIVE Palace of Fine Arts Theatre

FEATURING: Joe Lovano Miguel Zenon Dave Douglas

Robin Eubanks Renee Rosnes Matt Penman Eric Harland

EVX^Ă’X EVabh <g^aa VcY 7Vg


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Seven of the most acclaimed names in jazz create a true all-star band and tackle the music of McCoy Tyner, plus their own stellar compositions. “An egalitarian wonder.� —JazzTimes


IjZ VcY I]j! .eb"&Vb/ @VgVd`Z# L^i] 7g^Vc ?VbZh# )&)& :a 8Vb^cd GZVa! EVad 6aid! +*%#).(#.%'%#

9Vc 7gdlcÉh Hedgih 7Vg

From collaborations with Bill Frisell to her own acclaimed projects as a bandleader, jazz violinist Jenny Scheinman displays a wide-ranging palette.



Gdh^Z BX8VccÉh

;g^"HVi! .eb"&/(%Vb/ @VgVd`Z# -'- L# :a 8Vb^cd GZVa! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#,)+#.*%%#

YBCA Forum

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Fela Kuti’s Afrobeat parties on with Albino’s heavy-duty horns, driving percussion and a groove-inducing stage show.

:[ÒZÉh GZhiVjgVci VcY Adjc\Z

7a^c`nÉh 8VcÉi HVn



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YBCA Forum

CdgbVcYn =djhZ Adjc\Z

8gZZ`h^YZ >cc



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@Vi^Z 7addbÉh >g^h] EjW GZhiVjgVci


Friday, March 20, 8PM Friday, March 27, 8PM

BRAD MEHLDAU Duo with Matt Chamberlain: Friday, May 15, 8PM Solo: Saturday, May 16, 8PM (Members only)


Saturday, March 28, 8PM



Friday, May 22, 8PM

Sunday, March 29, 7PM


AHMAD JAMAL Saturday, April 4, 8PM






Saturday, April 11, 8PM



Sunday, May 31, 2PM

Thursday, April 16, 8PM




Saturday, June 6, 8PM


Saturday, April 18, 3PM & 8PM

Sunday, June 7, 8PM



CANCELLED—CALL 415-788-7353

Saturday, June 13, 2PM



Friday, April 24, 8PM


Friday, June 19, 8PM

Saturday, April 25, 6PM




Saturday, June 20, 3PM

Sunday, April 26, 7PM

Saturday, June 20, 8PM



Saturday, May 2, 8PM


Sunday, June 21, 7PM

Sunday, May 3, 7PM

KARRIN ALLYSON Saturday, May 9, 2PM

CĂŠU Saturday, May 9, 8PM


Info, sound clips and tickets at—or call 866-920-5299.

a nonproďŹ t presenter of jazz and education programs

[70] MUSIC

MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Nvtjd mjtujoht



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Michael S. Gant

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MARCH 4-10, 2009


[72] MUSIC

MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Thursday, March 5 ALL AGES • In the Atrium



Saturday, March 14 AGES 16+ • In the Atrium


$100 Grand Prize More prizes courtesy of Game Crazy $10 Adv./ $12 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Open signup from 3PM - 7:30PM or email Sunday, March 15 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium $3 Adv./ $5 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 8:30 p.m.

Friday, March 6 • AGES 21+



$10 Adv./ $12 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 • ALL AGES • In the Atrium NUMBSKULLSHOWS.COM presents

plus Dani Paige Band also Backyard Blues Band

$24 Adv./ $27 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

plus Friday Night in the Atrium FREE SHOW SERIES No Cover • 9 p.m. • 21+


March 7 Saturday Night in the Atrium FREE SHOW SERIES No Cover • 9 p.m. • 21+

MOONSHINE BANDITS • SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR Wednesday, March 11 • AGES 16+ Andre’s Birthday Bash


TIM BARRY of Avail


Austin Lucas

also Josh Small

$10 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 7:30 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Thu., Mar. 19 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium plus


also John Fox $10 Adv./ $12 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

Matt Masih & the Messengers

Saturday, March 21 • AGES 21+

Jackie Greene Carney plus


Still Time

$16 Adv./ $19 Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

Mar 13 Greg Cross Free Show (AGES 21+) Mar 24 OK Go/ Jaguar Love (AGES 16+) $26 Adv./ $29 Dr. Mar 26 Militia of Love (AGES 16+) Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Mar 28 Robert Earl Keen (AGES 21+) Thursday, March 12 • AGES 21+ Apr 2 Martin Sexton (AGES 16+) Apr 2 Almost Chaos (AGES 16+) Apr 3 Ratatat (AGES 16+) Apr 4 T.S.O.L. (AGES 16+) Apr 7 The Disco Biscuits (AGES 16+) plus Eric Hutchinson Apr 15 Band of Horses (AGES 16+) $25 Adv./ $25 Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Apr 16 Turbonegro (AGES 16+) Apr 17 Collie Buddz (AGES 16+) Thursday, Mar. 12 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium Apr 19 Atmosphere (AGES 16+) Apr 20 Devin the Dude (AGES 16+) $3 Adv./ $5 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Apr 24 Sashamon (AGES 16+) Saturday, March 14 May13 The Devil Makes Three (AGES 21+) HIGH SCHOOL PARTY May14 The Devil Makes Three (AGES 16+) This Month’s Theme SAFARI PARTY DJ Spinning: SLIGHTLY STOOPID, PEPPER, May19 Robin Trower (AGES 21+) plus

Alyssa Kayne


Nvtjd mjtujoht


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Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.

$5 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 8-11:30 p.m.


Sunday thru Tuesday FREE POOL for Bar Patrons Noon to Closing

Wed. - Mon. $2 CHEESE OR PEPPERONI until 6 p.m.

Advance tickets are available at the Catalyst daily with a minimal service charge. Tickets to all Catalyst shows, subject to city tax and service charge, are also available by phone at 1-866-384-3060, and online at our web site

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MARCH 4-10, 2009


happy hour SAN JOSE m tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


50% off all Appetizers, $3 Draft Beers AJ’S BAR & GRILL Inside the Radisson Hotel, 1471 N 4th St, San Jose | 5-7pm

$2off Premium Cocktails & 6oz Wines by the glass, $4 Beers, $5 Appetizers BILLY BERK’S 99 S First St, San Jose | 3-6pm

M-F Reduced drink prices, M-Th Free Hors d’oeuvrves BRITANNIA ARMS ALMADEN 5027 Almaden Expwy San Jose | 4-7pm



M-Su Reduced beer and drink prices DIVE BAR 78 E Santa Clara, San Jose | 3-7pm

50% off Appetizers, $1 off Drinks, $3 Well Drink, $4 Import Pints, $2 PBR DOWNTOWN BRITANNIA ARMS 175 W Santa Clara, San Jose | 4-7pm

$3 Beers, $3 Wells, 1/2 price Specialty Cocktails


FAHRENHEIT ULTRA LOUNGE 99 E San Fernando, San Jose | 5-7pm

$3 Beers, Wells, House Wine, $4 Specialty Cocktails, Half Price Appetizers FLAMES EATERY & BAR 88 South Fourth Street, Downtown San Jose | 3-6pm

$1 off Beer, $2 off Wine, $5 Margaritas & Mojitos, $4.95 Appetizers

m tu w th

GORDON BIERSCH 3 E San Fernando St, San Jose | Mon-Thu 4-6:30pm, Sun 10-close

m tu w th


tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


$4.50 Drafts, House Wines & Wells LOFT BAR & BISTRO 90 S Second St, San Jose | 3-7pm

1/2 off all Appetizers, $2 Tecate, $4 House Margaritas PLAZA GARIBALDI 1170 E Santa Clara St, San Jose | 2-7pm

$2 off Wines by the Glass, $1 off Well Drinks, $3 Domestic Beers, $4 Microbrew SPENCERS 2050 Gateway Place, San Jose | 4-6pm

$3.25 Pints, 1/2 off all Appetizers, $3.25 Select Beer TIED HOUSE 65 N San Pedro Square, San Jose | 4-6pm, Tue all night

$1 Oysters, $1 Beers YANKEE PIER 378 Santana Row, San Jose | 3-5pm

CAMPBELL m tu w th

$4.50 Drafts, House Wines & Wells


CAPERS 1710 W Campbell Ave, Campbell | 3-7pm

$5 Large Beers and Large Hot Sake, 1/2 price Sushi Rolls (in sushi bar only)

m tu w th m tu w th

KYOTO PALACE 1875 S Bascom Ave, Campbell | 5-7pm

1/2 off Appetizers, $2.50 Draft Beers, Premium Well & Wine Specials


SONOMA CHICKEN COOP 300 E Campbell Ave, Campbell

CUPERTINO m tu w th




$3 Draft Beer $4 Glass of Wine $5 select appetizers PARK PLACE LOUNGE Cypress Hotel, 10030 S. De Anza Blvd. Cupertino | 4:30-6:30pm

LOS GATOS tu w th


m tu w th


m tu w th


50% off Tapas Menu, House Cocktails and Selected Beer & Wine CIN CIN 368 Village Lane, Los Gatos | 3:30-6:30pm

30% off all Appetizers, $1 off Wells & Draft Beer LOS GATOS BREWING 130 N Santa Cruz Los Gatos | 5-7pm

1/2 off Small Plates & Appetizers THREE DEGREES 40 S Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos | 3:30-6:30pm


$2 PBR, $5 Jack, $5.50 Premium

m tu w th

BRITISH BANKERS CLUB 1090 El Camino Real, Menlo Park | 3-6pm


Pest Control!

m tu w th


$2 and $3 Draft Beers, 50% off most Menu Items STEPHENS GREEN 223 Castro St, Mountain View | 5-6:30pm

[74] MUSIC

MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Live L ive a at t t the he








2215 2 215 B Broadway, roadway, R Redwood edwood C City ity All All Shows Shows are are "All "All Ages" Ages"


An A n Evening Evening off Classic o Classic SUN SUN M ar. 2 9 Mar. 29

7:30pm 7 :30pm - $ $60/$65/$75/$85 60/$65/$75/$85

Nvtjd mjtujoht


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@Vi^Z 7addbÉh >g^h] EjW GZhiVjgVci

S AT SAT A pr. 1 8 Apr. 18

Dark S Dark Star tar O rchestra Orchestra 8pm 8 pm - $ $25 25 a adv./$28 dv./$28 d door oor TThe he S Sun un K Kings ings

I]j! ./(%eb"&/(%Vb VcY ;^ghi HVi d[ ZkZgn bdci]! ./(%eb" &/(%Vb/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# :XaZXi^X b^m d[ i]Z aViZhi XajW igVX`h VcY XaVhh^X gdX` _Vbh# (+. 8VbeWZaa 6kZ Vi 8ZcigVa! 8VbeWZaa! )%-#(,.#.+-,#

S AT SAT M ay 9 May

9pm 9 pm - $ $20 20 a adv./$20 dv./$20 d door oor

Remarkable R emarkable T Tribute ribute to to THE T HE B BEATLES EATLES plays plays the the M Music usic o off ST S STEELY TEELY D DAN AN 8 8pm pm - $ $20 20 a adv./$20 dv./$20 d door oor

plus p lus A Aja ja V Vu u S AT SAT M ay 1 6 May 16

Christopher C hristopher TTitus itus 7:30pm 7 :30pm - $ $29.50 29.50 a adv. dv.

Live L ive at at t the he

Little F Fox 2209 2 209 B Broadway, roadway, R Redwood edwood C City ity A Allll Shows Shows a are re ""21 21 a and nd o over" ver"

Kaye K aye B Bohler ohler B Band and

FRI FRI Mar. Mar. 6

plus p lus Big Big Rain Rain

Hot H ot Blues Blues and and R R&B &B 8pm 8 pm - $ $15 15 a adv./$17 dv./$17 d door oor

Doctor R Doctor Rock-Its ock-Its All-Star Band A ll-Star B and pplus lus

SUN SUN Mar. 8 Mar.

Special Guests S pecial G uests

Rockin' Blues Rockin' Blues E Extravaganza xtravaganza 7pm 7 pm - $ $12 12 a adv./$14 dv./$14 d door oor

THU THU Mar. 12 12 Mar.

JJohn ohn C Cruz ruz

FRI FRI Mar. 13 13 Mar.

Bobby R Bobby Radcliff, adcliff, Mark Hummel, M ark H ummel, Rusty R usty ZZinn iBlues nlunes Artists Legendary L egendary B Artists

Grammy-winning H Grammy-winning Hawaiian awaiian Singer-Songwriter S inger-Songwriter Legend Legend 7pm 7 pm - $ $12 12 a adv./$14 dv./$14 d door oor

9pm 9 pm - $ $13 13 a adv./$15 dv./$15 d door oor

aand nd eevery very Wednesday Wednesday

Redwood R edw ooWdesCity Ct CCoast's itoyasBlues Bt'sluBBest!! eesst!!Jam Jam The T he West 7 7pm pm - 1 11pm 1pm F Free ree A Admission! dmission!

650-369-4119 0-369-4119 w

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FjVigV^c Adjc\Z ;g^"HVi! ./(%eb"XadhZ/ BddY Hl^c\h# L^i] gdiVi^c\ 9?h# (%,* 9g^[ilddY 9g! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#(,.#,&(,#

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GjWn H`nZ Bdc! I]j"Hjc/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# )'% BVhdc Hi! HVc ;gVcX^hXd! )&*#+.(#%,,,#

GjYnÉh EjW I]j/ 9V ?j^XZ# :kZgn di]Zg I]jghYVn# ;g^"HVi/ A^kZ 9?# He^cc^c\ ]^e"]de VcY YVcXZ bjh^X# &&, Jc^kZgh^in 6kZ! EVad 6aid! +*%#('.#%.''#

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Ad[i 7Vg VcY 7^higd I]j"HVi! &%/(%eb"&/(%Vb/ A^kZ 9? VcY YVcX^c\# .% H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.&#%+,,#

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B^hh^dc 6aZ =djhZ LZY/ B^mZY IVeZh# I]j/ IVe I]jghYVnh# ;g^/ ;ZZa <ddY ;g^YVnh# HVi/ I]Z BdkZbZci# IjZ/ ' IjZhYVnh# ., :# HVciV 8aVgV Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.'#)%*-#

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Hdji] ;^ghi 7^aa^VgYh 8ajW VcY Adjc\Z

i]Z 6gih! &+%& 8^k^X 9g! LVacji 8gZZ`! .'*#.)(#H=DL#



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9Z 6coV L^cY :chZbWaZ

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HdbZ VYkZgi^hZgh ]VkZ eV^Y id ]VkZ i]Z^g ad\d ^c i]^h hZXi^dc# >[ ndj ldjaY a^`Z bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc eaZVhZ Vh` [dg djg VY YZeVgibZci#


Indian Video Rentals!

MARCH 4-10, 2009



MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Phone P Entertainment

China Is Here!

Asian Stimulus Plan

Chinese girl wants to relax all your muscles. Private location. 408-661-7200

Beautiful girl with a recovery plan for nice gentlemen to lighten your day. 408-876-9887

Asian Sweety

Attractive Lady

Sweet Chinese flower is waiting for nice gentlemen to enjoy & forget the moment. 408-500-6881

Nice place, clean, private, body relaxing. Natural with soft hands & smooth skin. 408-217-3993

Malaysian Girl

Magic Touch

Sweet, nice, pretty girl has special hands for you. 650-335-5715

Incall Abeautifulladyiswaitingforyoutoget anicemassage.650-335-5715

Mature Sexy Latina

Tender Touch

I’ve got the Tender Touch. Let me rub your body & your soul. *82-510-739-1417, Patty

Offers the best Swedish massage. You will love it. Call for appt. 24/7. 408-726-8252, Marie

To Advertise Your services ALL over the SOUTH Bay, call Big Mike at 408-200-1308

Tall, curvy, sensuous brunette offers an erotic massage. Outcalls only. Dyanna,CMT. 408-993-1176

Adult Entertainment

Prostate Massage Mature older single/married men, ages 40-80. 408-931-6486

Samantha Blonde, curvy, 38DD. All fetishes welcome. For fun & pleasure. 650-284-6436

Country Hill Day Spa Grand opening! Best in relaxation, hot tub, steam shower. 12201 #B Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. 408-865-1559, Hiring

Attention Entertainers!

Work smart, not hard. Get the upscale clientele you need by coming on board with We’ll help you any way we can. 800-573-8423, Liz

Beautiful Girl Enjoy a full body massage by Chinese girl. Saratoga & San Tomas Expwy. 408-981-8890, Sophia

Over 40 Busty Lady Dominant Bambi loves cream & fetishes. Incall. 38D-24-36 leggy blonde. 408-605-3465

Hot Latina Honey Sexy Brazilian chick. Natural 34 D’s, beautiful curves. In/outcall, 24/7. 510-706-6220, Carmen

Super Hot

g g g

Gorgeous exotic brunette. Sweet & petite with 34C all natural. 110lbs. In call Sunnyvale. 650834-2371, Marlena TV/TS

Ladyboy Masseur

Offers Deep tissue & Swedish massage in an upscale, discreet location. Se Habla Espanol. 408-393-0842, Lily Fetish

Got Milk!

Asian Princess Waiting to serve you with an incredible massage in Sunnyvale. 408-509-9796

A Romantic Moment Attractive American blonde awaits you. Private location for discreet mature Gentlemen. 408-866-1707

Sensuous Girl Come & relax with a massage by a sweet Asian. 408-561-5318

Cute Latina Offers a good massage to nice gentlemen. Se Habla Espanol. 408-849-0681, Sue

Korean Girl Pretty girl offers a good massage & is waiting for you. 650-335-5715

Amazing Massage

Pretty Girl

Friendly, lovely Asian girl offer Lactating, 21 years old college student ready for some fun. Petite special massage. Saratoga Ave. 408-249-7228, Helen & mixed. 408-661-1574, Mercedes Male To Male Massage



Full Body rubdown by nude body builder. Available everyday, weekends until midnight. Men only. 831-335-8113, Steve

Pete’s Massage

Therapeutic Swedish, deep tissue, relaxing massage. In/out, open 7 days. Ist Timers discount! 408-515-5778

g Adult Massage

Sexy White Beauty Awaits


With a desire to please you. Your special needs are My fantasy. Sensual, erotic, adult massage. Safe, clean close to freeways. Love Bridgett 408-306-2367

Sweet Lady

Asian girls, all 21 yrs old & older offer a nice, soft massage. 408-600-9811


*Total Relaxation

2604 Union Ave. & S. Bascom Ollen Health Care

Tall, sexy, blonde woman offers a FBS massage Indoor hot tub. Shower after. 408-264-5609

Tropical Oasis Luxurious, hot oil massage. Aroma & Prostate therapy with Angelina, CMT, V/MC, AMEX 510-494-9263, In call, 24hrs.

Taiwan #1 Massage Nice, pretty girl offers good massage for nice Gentlemen. 408-469-7650

Silk Day Spa Nice, beautiful therapist are offering Deep Tissue with private rooms & hot showers. 408-996-9690



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uncluttered chairs, and both entrances to the house were blocked. Frost’s study didn’t say how the woman recognized she had a problem, but I’m guessing it was hard to deny once her kids had to climb out the window to catch the school bus. Because you and your wife aren’t likely to end up like a 43-year-old Bronx man— trapped for two days under an avalanche of a decade’s worth of newspapers, magazines and junk mail—she isn’t likely to go for the cognitive behavioral therapy that’s helped some clinical hoarders. Probably your best appeal comes out of the work of 18th-century economist Adam Smith, who noted that sympathy compels people to put others’ interests first. Tell her you understand these things are meaningful to her, but you’re unhappy and feeling smothered, and ask how can you work together to change that. Don’t expect miracles—like a sudden desire to hold a garage sale. Suggest storage. Cost? Well, as Frost told me, if she sees a tangible price for collecting—maybe even $200 a month—she may give that 22nd cutting board a harder look. And, even if storage costs $2,400 a year, maybe that’s a bargain price for sanity, marital harmony, and avoiding the need to pay somebody to rob you of pallets of gravy boats and boxes of amputated Barbies while you’re at the Olive Garden.

> `ZZe ]ZVg^c\ i]Vi l]Zc eZdeaZ \Zi Zc\V\ZY i]Zn h]djaY \Zi egZbVg^iVa XdjchZa^c\# > i]^c` i]ViÉh ajY^XgdjhÅ^[ ndj cZZY XdjeaZh XdjchZa^c\ WZ[dgZ \Zii^c\ bVgg^ZY! YdcÉi \Zi bVgg^ZY# Å=VkZ 7gV^c For people in relationships, there are questions—“Isn’t it romantic?”—and there are questions: “What if I decide I don’t want kids?” and “When the children need private school, who will drop them off at the adoption agency?” People hate to muck up the fantasy with treks into grim reality, and premarital counseling gets them to address common issues that cause breakups and strife. Couples don’t go because they necessarily have problems, but because they’re looking to avoid them. If you’re averse to having a

stranger ask you a lot of prying questions, you can use books: Don’t You Dare Get Married Until You Read This! by Corey Donaldson and 1001 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married, by Monica Mendez Leahy. Don’t ask your partner every one; use the questions (and sections like money, daily routine, kids, and traveling style) as jumping-off points about stuff to consider; for example, from Donaldson’s book, “Would it bother you if I got artificial breasts?” Answer: Well, it’s especially worrisome if you’re a man.

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MARCH 4-10, 2009 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




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6g^Zh (March 21–April 19): “You never want

a serious crisis to go to waste,” said Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s chief of staff. “It’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” While your crisis is nowhere near as pressing as those faced by Obama’s team, Aries, I recommend that you adopt a similar attitude in the coming days. Just assume that any breakdowns you experience will allow you to make breakthroughs that were previously impossible. Take advantage of a spiritual emergency to accomplish a spiritual emergence. As you deal with a scary trial, use it as an impetus to find a sacred trail.

IVjgjh (April 20–May 20): Your key theme for the

week is “Healthy Obsessions.” Not “Melodramatic Compulsions” or “Exhausting Crazes” or “Manias That Make You Seem Interesting to Casual Bystanders,” but “Healthy Obsessions.” To carry out your assignment in the right way, you will have to take really good care of yourself as you concentrate extravagantly on tasks that fill you with zeal. This may require you to rebel against the influences of role models, both in your actual life and in the movies you’ve seen, who act as if getting sick and imbalanced is an integral part of being true to one’s genius.

<Zb^c^ (May 21–June 20): The closest modern relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex may be the chicken, says geneticist John Asara. He came to this conclusion after studying traces of tissue from a 68 million-year-old bone of the king of dinosaurs. I invite you to draw inspiration from this theory, Gemini. Try the following thought experiment. Envision a couple of monstrous influences from your past—big bad meanies who hurt you or scared you. Imagine they were like Tyrannosaurus rexes back then. Close your eyes and see their faces glaring from the beast’s skull. But then imagine that in the intervening months and years they have devolved and shrunk. Picture them now as clucking chickens pecking at seeds in the dirt. Can you see their faces at the top of their bobbing, feathery bodies? 8VcXZg ( June 21–July 22): Scientists and fundamentalist Christians don’t share much common ground, but one thing most of them agree on devoutly: There’s no such thing as reincarnation. Now I’m pleased to be able to offer you the chance to rebel against their dogmatic delusion. You see, Cancerian, it’s an excellent time to try out the hypothesis that you have lived many times before and will live many times again. For one week, act as if it were true, and see how it changes the way you feel, think, and act. What if everything you do has repercussions forever? AZd ( July 23–Aug. 22): This horoscope presents

three clues for you to work with. Here’s the first: I know a psychotherapist’s son who, while growing up, rarely received the benefits of his father’s psychological expertise. “The shoemaker’s child has no shoes,” my friend says. Here’s your second clue: In the Bible’s book of Mark, Jesus declares, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own house.” The third clue: A neurologist of my acquaintance suffers from migraine headaches that he has been unable to cure. Now, Leo, I invite you to meditate on how these alienations may reflect situations that you’re experiencing. If they sound familiar, take action. It’s prime time to heal them.

K^g\d (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): One reason I’ve been put on this earth is to expose you to a kind of astrology that doesn’t crush your free will, but instead clarifies your choices. In this horoscope, for instance, I’ll crisply delineate your options so that you may decide upon a bold course of action that’s most in tune with your highest values. Study the following multiple-choice query, then briskly flex your freedom of choice. Would you rather have love: 1. knock the wind out of one of your illusions, thereby exposing the truth about what you really want; 2. not exactly kick you in the butt, but more like pinch and spank you there, inspiring you to revise your ideas about what it means to be close to someone; 3. spin you around in dizzying yet oddly pleasurable circles, shaking up your notions about how to keep intimacy both interestingly unpredictable and soothingly stable. A^WgV (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Cartoonist Gary Larson defines luposlipaphobia as the fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table

while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor. According to my reading of the astrological omens, there is a real danger you could fall victim to that deluded phobia. And it is definitely a delusion. No timber wolves will be in your immediate future. If you hope to avoid this mistaken anxiety, as well as other equally irrelevant and unproductive superstitions, you should have a nice long talk with yourself as soon as you finish reading this. Be very clear and strict and rational as you explain how important it is to be very clear and strict and rational right now.

HXdge^d (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Maybe you shouldn’t

mend your supposedly “evil” ways if your “evil” ways are about to mutate into a fascinating new approach to goodness. Maybe the very quality that has threatened to cause your downfall has now become the key to your upgrade. And maybe the thing that has made you most nervous about yourself about yourself will soon start ripening into a beautiful asset that will activate reserves of life energy you didn’t know you could have at your disposal.

HV\^iiVg^jh (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Sagittarian

Jakob Dylan has created a solid musical career for himself. He’s a bit defensive, however, about the possibility that the fame of his father, Bob Dylan, has played a role in his success. His contracts specify that he should never be called “Bob Dylan’s son.” I understand his longing to have his work be judged on its own merits, and I sympathize with his urge to be independent of his heritage. But in the coming weeks, Sagittarius, I advise just the opposite approach for you. You will place yourself in alignment with cosmic rhythms by expansively acknowledging all of the influences that have helped you become the person you want to be.

8Veg^Xdgc (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): sells you

socks in threes, so if you lose one you have an extra to take its place. Their ingenious marketing plan resembles the approach of some romance-addicts I know, who always date two or three people just in case they get dumped by one of them. No bouts of loneliness to worry about! Which brings us to my main advice for you this week, Capricorn: Have a backup plan. Keep an alternative handy. Make sure you won’t run out of the stuff you really need.

6fjVg^jh ( Jan. 20–Feb. 18): My Chevy got stolen

in San Francisco on a January night some years ago. The thief broke a window and smashed his way into the steering column with a tire iron to get to the ignition wires. Eventually the cops recovered the car and returned it to me. But no repair shop could ever completely fix the transmission, and though the car sort of worked for another 18 months, I was never able to shift it into reverse again. Driving a vehicle that only moved forward presented problems that required creative solutions. It was an apt metaphor for my life at the time, when I found it impossible to go backward in any way. I suspect it will also be one of your operative metaphors in the coming months, Aquarius.

E^hXZh (Feb. 19–March 20): “The biggest human

temptation is to settle for too little,” wrote the spiritual activist Thomas Merton. Judging from your current astrological omens, I suspect that’s a warning you should heed. The time has come for you to consider the possibility that you aren’t thinking big enough . . . that you need to actively rebel against the voices telling you to sit back and accept your comfortable limitations. In a sense, the cosmos is giving you a poetic license to ask for more.

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MARCH 4-10, 2009




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> gZXZcian hVl V heZX^Va dc i]Z AVg\Z =VYgdc 8daa^YZg! l]^X]! Vbdc\ di]Zg i]^c\h! ]deZh id [^cY Zk^YZcXZ d[ i]Z È<dY eVgi^XaZ#É H^cXZ e]nh^Xh ^h cdi bn higdc\ hj^i! >ÉkZ ig^ZY id jcYZghiVcY i]^h eVgi^XaZ i]gdj\] i]Z a^WgVgn VcY i]Z lZW Wji ZkZgni]^c\ > [^cY bV`Zh bn ZnZh \aVoZ dkZg# 8ZX^a! eaZVhZ ZmeaV^c i]Z <dY eVgi^XaZ ^c aVnbVcÉh iZgbh# Å?#H#! EVaVi^cZ! >aa# Some people find God in church, some in the great outdoors, but it takes truly transcendent geekiness to find divinity in the Large Hadron Collider. Your question takes us to the strange world of quantum physics, where most folks find that almost nothing makes intuitive sense, and which even I find is best grasped with the aid of some good cabernet. For years physicists have sought a Theory of Everything that would explain how all the particles and forces in the universe interact to produce the workaday world. So far they’ve made some progress: the so-called Standard Model explains the relationship between three of the four fundamental forces, namely electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force (holds atomic nuclei together) and the weak nuclear force (has to do with radioactivity). However, the Standard Model leaves out that fourth force, gravity—a nontrifling omission—and hasn’t been significantly revised since the heyday of Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The God particle and the Large Hadron Collider are an attempt to get things off the dime. Specifically: One planet-size hole in the Standard Model is that it doesn’t explain why things have mass. As a fix for this problem, scientists have proposed the Higgs particle, a.k.a. the Higgs boson, a.k.a. the God particle— the last a term popularized by the book of that title by Nobel Prize–winning physicist Leon Lederman. Lederman says the God particle was so named because (a) it’s short for “goddamn particle,” presumably owing to the difficulty of establishing its existence, and (b) finding proof of said existence would help us understand the “mind of God.” Skeptics would likely add that the term is also appropriate because (c) like its namesake, it may not really be there. Now for the woolly part. If it exists, the Higgs particle is a part of the Higgs field, which fills the universe but is invisible to our eyes and, so far, to all scientific instruments. Subatomic particles—everything that makes up matter—are thought to acquire mass by how they interact with the Higgs field. To explain how this works, I’ll paraphrase an explanation floated in 1993 by David Miller, then at the Department of Physics and Sstronomy, University College, London.

Imagine a convention hall filled with political groupies, a scary thought all by itself. The hall represents the universe; the groupies represent the Higgs field. Now suppose Barack Obama enters the room. (In Miller’s telling the political heavyweight was Margaret Thatcher, but that was then.) Obama represents a subatomic particle. The political groupies cluster around the president, seeking to bask in his cool and possibly get a job at the State Department. As Obama tries to make his way through the room, he gathers new hangers-on, while others drop off due to embarrassing questions about unpaid taxes. The cluster of groupies hovering around Obama represents the mass the president gains while he’s in the Higgs field. Now let’s take the same roomful of groupies and suppose a rumor passes through the room, such as that the government is going to speed up the economic stimulus program by heaving buckets of money out the window. As the rumor spreads, the groupies cluster together—some in stationary huddles, others in roving bands. Just as the clustered groupies gave mass to Obama when he was on the scene, they also give mass to themselves. Each cluster constitutes a God particle, which can thus be said to arise, if you will, “whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name.” Where does the Large Hadron Collider come into this? Located on the French-Swiss border, the LHC is the newest and largest particle accelerator in the world and will be used in several groundbreaking areas of research, one of which is finding evidence of the Higgs/God particle. Most scientists think the LHC has a decent chance of finding out if the Higgs particle exists and minimal chance of killing us all, and in any case will provide steady employment for physicists, who are feeling the pinch just like everyone else. I figure we’re hosed regardless and could use the entertainment. Let ’er rip.

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Legal Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #519660 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Natural Remedies and Relaxation, 2824 Augusta Court, Santa Clara, CA, 95051, James Nguyen. This business is conducted by a indivdual. Registrant has not begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein . /s/James Nguyen This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 2/02/2009. (pub Metro 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/04/2009)


The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Anjar Foods, 1570 Parkview Ave., San Jose, Ca, 95130, Sevag Chanchanian, 219 Avery Ln., #6, Los Gatos, CA, 95032. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/Sevag Chanchanian This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 1/26/2009. (pub Metro 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/04/2009)

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The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: United Electrical Services, 1545 W. Edmundson Ave., Morgan Hill, CA, 95037, Wilson Management The following person(s) is (are) Group, Inc. This business is condoing business as: Imoble, 3277 by a Corporation. S. White Rd., San Jose, CA, 95122, ducted The state of Corporation: Han Pham, 1051 Mohr Lane, California. Registrant has not yet Concord, CA, 94518. begun transacting business This business is conducted by a the fictitious business individual. Registrant has not yet under name or names listed herein. begun transacting business /s/Joseph L. Wilson under the fictitious business President/CEO #3126832bThis name or names listed herein . was filed with the /s/Han Pham This statement was statement County Clerk of Santa Clara filed with the County Clerk of County on 2/13/2009. Santa Clara County on (pub Metro 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 1/13/2009. 3/18/2009) (pub Metro 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/04/2009)


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #520164 NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is (are) #519800 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Community Rebirth, 318 N. 6th Street, San Jose, CA, 95112, Catherine M. Garrison, Chad Fedorovich, 421 N. 19th Street, San Jose, CA, 95112. This business is conducted by a joint venture. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 1/01/2009. /s/Catherine M. Garrison This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 2/05/2009. (pub Metro 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/04/2009)

doing business as: New World Builder, 2529 Story Road, San Jose, CA, 95122, Johnson Vu. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 10/31/2008. /s/Johnson Vu This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 2/13/2009. (pub Metro 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/2009)

The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: The Precision Computers, 2815 Lavender Terrace, San Jose, CA, 95111, Thorin Cray Labby. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/Thorin Cray Labby This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 2/09/2009. (pub Metro 2/18, 2/25, 3/04, 3/11/2009)

(are) doing business as: Idea Clothing, 2456 Kenoga Dr., San Jose, CA, 95121, Cong Ba Nguyen. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/Cong Ba Nguyen This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 2/12/2009. (pub Metro 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/2009)


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