13.3 Method Snowboard Magazine

Page 55

What do you live in Monaco, the 2nd smallest country in the world? Did you know citizens are not even allowed to gamble or even visit the Casino? Monaco is so nice, it has way better weather than Iceland and it’s closer to everything as well. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s a tax haven, hehe. It’s true that citizens can’t go to the Casino but we are just residents, so we can send it in the Casino and make millions all day, everyday, hehe. How important is Johannes “Thunder” Brenning to your image and movies? Without him we would be nothing, he teaches us everything, hehe. No, but I think it’s sick to have him, especially how he makes fun of how serious snowboarding is becoming with the Olympics and all that crap.

RORSCHACH Where do you come up with the sick, twisted board graphics for Lobster? Do you lie in bed thinking about this shit? It’s just what’s going on in my head all the time. I love making something that people might think is weird or too much. Coach Thunder asked me to ask you to tell us about your hands, he said you would understand? He’s probably referring to my fingernail. Nine years ago I came up with the great idea to bite my fingernail off from behind, so I did and now it’s all fucked up. The doctor said I killed the growing line or something and now it’s just a big lump, haha. It was by far the stupidest thing I’ve ever done and it hurt so fucking much… I don’t know why but if I have an idea in my head I just have to try it to be able to move on.

back from Japan before finally going to Finland for the first time ever to film rails for 2 weeks. I had always wanted to go because it’s so nice to film rails over there, which was followed by my last trip of the season, to the US to film that Team Shoot Out thing. I got so lucky with snow and weather everywhere I went, so that helped out a lot. I don’t know how I managed to get that much footage because there weren’t that many days of filming, hehe. But I’m stoked, hopefully this season will be the same! Since your lil’ bro Halldor was injured for most of the season did you feel like there was added pressure to carry your film project “Pepping” by yourself?

No, not really. Actually both Halldor and Gulli got injured at the same time so I was the last man standing, which was kinda nice for a change, hehe. I didn’t ever really think it was up to me to make the movie happen, I always just focus on what I wanna do at the moment, it’s never good to pile up things in your head. On the outside you seem to be really quiet and introverted but after spending a few weeks with you this year I realized you’re just another dirty Scandi, why are you guys so filthy? Haha, it’s just in our blood and there is nothing we can do about it.


We hear you have a legendary skate story and how was it skating in Iceland growing up? I started skateboarding before I started snowboarding, that’s actually why I got into snowboarding in the first place. We didn’t have any indoor skateparks so I had to start snowboarding in the winter, We made a skateboard movie called VTH, it was the first movie we ever made and since then we’ve only done snowboard movies. Where to now? Right now I’m in Iceland filming, I really don’t like making plans because if you don’t have a plan then nothing can go wrong. I’m just gonna try to film as much as I can, like always. We are making another Helgasons movie and I’ll be filming for the new Transworld movie as well, so I hope it’s gonna be a good season!

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