Infographic: Non-stop threat protection with Microsoft security

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Non-stop threat protection with Microsoft security Cyber-attacks are becoming more common and sophisticated Of businesses experienced a cyber security breach in the last year. Of those affected were attacked once a month.1 £19,400 If this happens monthly costs can soar to an astronomical £228,000 The repercussions of an attack are also significant... The average cost of a single UK data breach or cyber-attack for medium and large businesses is estimated to be And the damage is done at an alarming speed with the intent to cause as much damage as possible: Average time it takes access your private data for an attacker to if you fall victim to phishing email: 1hr 12mins Average time for an attacker to begin moving laterally within your corporate network 1hr 42mins Only 9.6% of ransomware incidents take place during working hours.3 Of organisations will use Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services by 2025.4 Our MDR and MXDR (Managed Extended Detection and Response) services rapidly respond to breaches and advanced threats around the clock, keeping you ahead of the hackers – all powered by industry-leading Microsoft Security. How Microsoft Security is leading the charge to stay ahead of cyber-attacks Microsoft analyses over 65 trillion signals each day, a level that is quite simply unmatched by any other vendor. The ability to block threats is reinforced by the fact that over 12 months Microsoft has managed to block: email threats5 endpoint threats indentity threats There are also a range of other convenient benefits to Microsoft security that include the eradication of third-party tools delivering significantly reduced costs. In partnership with Chorus, we provide advanced managed security services, delivered by a 24x7x365 UK-based Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) and powered by Microsoft Security We provide three services: MXDR Advanced Extended threat detection and containment across identity, network email, infrastructure, data and applications using Microsoft security tooling. MDR Endpoints Advanced threat detection and containment services to protect all your endpoints. MXDR Premium Extended threat detection and containment across your entire environment. Benefits of our CSOC include: Non-stop protection Our security experts are available around the clock and continually monitoring and protecting your organisation. Reduce your risk Our services have clear SLAs, can lower cyber insurance premiums and also support compliance with regulations to provide peace of mind. 1 2 Proactive cyber security We employ advanced threat hunting and intelligence to stop emerging threats in their tracks and continually feed security improvements to you. Rapid response Benefit from some of the fastest threat response times in the industry thanks to our skilled experts and bespoke automation. 3 4 Did you know: Running your own 24x7 CSOC involves employing a team of 12 security specialists costing an average of £594,000 per year. Our industry-leading CSOC metrics Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA) Mean Time to Close (MTTC) 12x faster than the industry average of 180 mins of incidents resolved by automation Want to find out more? Get in touch with our expert team to find out more information or to organise a demo. 31 billion 9 billion 32 billion <5 mins <15 mins 50% Sources: 1 Gov UK 2. Microsoft 3. Sophos 4. Gartner 5. Microsoft 0121 227 0730 Partner with METCLOUD for advanced Microsoft-managed security services
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