Sonic silas draft

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The Adventures of

S(((O))) N IC

SILAS • Who is Sonic Silas and Super Remi? What are their powers? • Sonic Silas and the girl on the Bridge • Sonic Silas and the Two Sides of a Mountain • Contests for Readers

and Super Remie

Just who are our heroes...

Sonic Silas & Super Remi ? And what are their powers?

We figured that we should start out our new magazine with a few facts about Sonic Silas & Super Remi FIRST – SONIC SILAS: The only “SUPER POWER” Sonic has (we call him Sonic around here) is the ability to raise the frequency of his voice. BUT he can raise that frequency SO high he can travel through time, break rocks into sand, move people like a hurricane. That’s a darn good Super Power. The rest of Sonic Silas abilities are from his agility, his imagination, his curiosity and studies. NOW – SUPER REMI: Remi is Sonic’s bear. He can fly, He’s smart. He’s intune with Space and Time. Super Remi finds the Adventures that the two of them will persue. THE MACHINE: Since Sonic Silas can travel into other Times he needed a machine to travel along with him. It repsonds to his voice only and goes with Sonic and Remi to far places and different times.

Sonic Silas is imaginative and creative. Did we mention he is good at building things?

Contest #1

Super Remi needs a logo on his shirt

Design his shirt. You just might win a prize.

An Adventure

The Little Girl on a bridge Super Remi Saves Sonic Silas in the biggest adventure in his life!!!!

is ready and waiting for us in the back yard behind your father’s study cabin. “Bring “Stormy” the cat. The Stormy might help.” Trusting his best friend, Super Remi, Sonic grabbed Stormy and rushed out of the door to The Machine and the three of them got on board. “When are we gong and Where are we going” Remi replied “46 years in the past and about 20 miles down the road. Hurry up, get your Super Sonic Silasvoice ready.” “SONIC SONIC!!” Super Rem said flying into the room where Sonic Silas was reading an interesting book on Dionosaurs and their comparison to Dragons. Sonic was VERY interested in this topic and was NOT ready to give it up right now even for an adventure. “NO SONIC! This is more than a regular adventure.. It’s the most important adventure of our lives. Youhave to come RIGHT NOW.” “RIGHT NOW!” The machine

“AHOOOOOOOOO,EEEEEEE, EEEEEE, EEEEEEE, AHEEEEEE.” Vocalized Sonic and they were ready to move. The machine moved with Sonic’s voice and Super Remi directed Sonic to the exact time and the exact place where they needed to land...

“OH MY!” Said Sonic as they almost crashed on some rocks over a deep gorge. “That LITTLE girl is in some BIG trouble and she doesn’t even know it.”

get her up the road past the huge sacrry cemetary to what looked like a place that would have some friendly people.

There in front of our two heroes was a little girl maybe only two or three years old skipping along in the dark, her hair waving in a stiff breeze, carrying her toy squirrel in her arms. It seemed like she didn’t even KNOW that is was starting to rain.

They waited with the little girl until the people found her and they heard them calling for help to get the little girl and her toy squirrel home.

“What shall we do Sonic? She has to turn around and go home or she will fall into that deep gorge on the side of this bridge.” Sonic thought and said his thoughts outloud not really noticing whether or not Super Remi Was listening: “We can’t scare her, I’m sure her folks have told her not to talk to strangers. . I think Stormy is the answer. She’ll follow Stormy to safety.” Well that’s what Sonic did. Simple hmm, a simple idea. The little girl (like every little girl), started to play with Stormy the cat. Sonic led stormy along the road with his super sonic voice. Sonic and Remi decided that they would

When she turned around to say goodbye to Stormy he was gone. Just like that.... just like that Stormy had jumped into Sonic Silas arms, they were in the machine and gone. WELL, Remi that was a job well done, but why, why did you say that this was the MOST IMPORTANT ADVERNTURE OF MY LIFE?” Remi smiled his mystical, psychic smile, looked right into Sonic Silas face and said: “Because Sonic, my dear friend, that little girl was your mother.

Contest #2

What can sound really do?

Answer these questions. No prize. None at all. Unless you consider learning something a prize. Do you need ears to hear sounds? Who has (mammal, bird, fish, snake, insect, amphibian, plant) the highest pitched “voice”? Who (mammal, bird, fish, snake, insect, amphibian, plant) can hear the highest pitched sounds? Where are the answers to all of these questions? In books at the library, searches on computers. Here’s a start:

The Basic Wikipedia article: search page for ancient water collection systems;_ylt=A0LEVvuGJ5xUkloACUEPxQt.?ei=UTF-8&xa=eQ3ibfBC8MvjqCQp8F6wXg--%2C1419606197&rs=0&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mozilla&p=ancient+water+collection+systems&rs=0&fr2=rs-bottom

An Adventure

Sonic Silas and the two sides of the mountain Like we said at the beginning of this magazine. Sonic Silas is smart, he likes to read, he likes to know abou things going on in the world. A while back he read an article about a mountain in a distant country where a river ran down one side and the countryside was green and fertile. The other side looked like someone had drawn a line down it and it was arid, no trees, no water, nothing grew there. It had always been that way. The people on the fertile side of the mountain would not let any of their water be devirted to the dry side. It had always been that way. ALWAYS. Sonic Silas thought about this a lot. A

plan started to come into his mind on how to solve this. There were a lot of obsticals and it was dangerous. Very dangerous. He would need some equipment. He would need the help of Super Remi (of course) and “The Machine.” “Get the Machine ready Remi were going on a long trip. We need som feavy, really heavy rope, some buckles, blankets. And I think we should take some water and food. There just might not be any where we are going.” Super Remi didn’t question Sonic Silas, he could tell from the look on his face that this was a serious problem and Sonic was going, no matter what. Super Remi said “What will we tell our Mom” (Remi considered Silas Mom his <om).

“I don’t lie to my Mom. I’ll tell her I am going on an adventure.”

Now there’s a lot more to this story. It involves those ropes and buckles, and blankets. We have to know about channels and water flowing, history. Yes, they needed the food but for a much different reason than what they thought. Our picture here will give you a hint and these websites will give you some backgournd. Continued until next time...

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