Is a blocked drain an emergency?

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Is A Blocked Drain An Emergency?

Drain Repairs Liverpool It has happened to us all and at some point in your life you will be faced with a blocked drain. Whether it is your kitchen, your bathroom or your outside drain we know that blocked drains in Liverpool and the rest of the UK are the bane of many people’s lives. Every home relies on pipes and drains to ensure that water and waste drains away from the house properly, and if these are not properly maintained and clear then it can cause some very soggy problems in your house or garden! Luckily, as experts in drain repairs, Liverpool, here at Mersey Rod we have put together a handy guide to make sure that a blocked drain does not become an emergency for you and your family. Signs of blocked drains in Liverpool If you know what to look out for, then a blocked drain does not need to escalate into an emergency. A blocked drain can cause unwanted stress and can be costly if it is not caught in time. Signs to look for that are associated with blocked drains are: 1

Slow Drainage – if there is a blockage in your drains, then naturally the water cannot flow through the pipes correctly. This results in water draining away slowly as it tries to filter around the blockage. Unpleasant odours – blocked drains tend to emit a horrible and unpleasant odour and is normally one of the first signs that you have blocked drains. Normally, this occurs in your kitchen sink as the food that has become stuck starts to decompose, and unfortunately smells even worse once hot water has been poured on top of it!! If you notice this smell, call our experts in blocked drains in Liverpool and seek advice as there may be a simple solution. Gurgling sounds – When your drains or plug holes make a gurgling sound it could mean that there is a blockage. Air is trapped inside the pipe by blockage and the gurgling sound is the air escaping when you run the water. Raised water levels – probably one of the easiest signs to spot but if the water level in your toilet rises higher than normal then there is definitely something blocked in the drains. If the water rises to the point of overflowing, then this can indicate a much more serious blockage, and you need to call us to come and sort out your drain repairs in Liverpool as there is no home fix for this. What causes a blocked drain? As the experts in drain repairs in Liverpool, we have put together the top 5 reasons that can cause your drains to become blocked. Hopefully, this list can help you to try and prevent your drains in Liverpool from becoming a block drain emergency.

1. Foreign and inappropriate items being flushed down the toilet – when you are taking makeup off at night, or you have wiped round the bathroom with an antibacterial wipe you may think what is the harm of flushing this down the toilet? Well, one wipe might not block your toilet, 2

but these do not disintegrate and over time build up to form a blockage. It is not just wipes either – sanitary products, cotton wool buds and even hair contribute to this. So if you want to avoid blocked drains in Liverpool, try putting a small bin in your bathroom to avoid accidental items being flushed down the toilet. 2. Grease and fat – another one that is area specific, but you should definitely avoid pouring fat and grease down your kitchen sink. Unfortunately, it is a habit that most of us think we can get away with, but again this is something that slowly builds up to form blocked drains. The grease and fat that is normally warm when being poured down the sink cools and sticks to the inside of your pipes. If you want to avoid calling drain unblockers in Liverpool, then you need to make sure that, after cooking, your grease and fat are disposed of properly. Try pouring these into an empty bottle or pot and then throw them in the bin. 3. Leaves and other outdoor items – one that most people tend to overlook when thinking about their drains in Liverpool, but blocked drains are commonly caused by leaves and dirt and debris being blown or washed down the outdoor drain. Avoiding this problem can be difficult, as you cannot control if it decides to blow a gale or rain! However, keeping your garden tidy and investing in a drain cover can help to prevent this type of blocked drain. If the problem becomes an occurring theme, then our drain unblocking Liverpool experts are always on hand to come and sort the problem and give you more advice. 4. Hair – although it may not seem that strands of hair can cause something as serious and stressful as a blocked drain, but just like the wipes, hair can build up over time and stop water from passing through it completely. If you want to keep your drains in Liverpool clean and hair free, then regular inspections of plug holes are recommended, as well as looking for hair catching products so you can remove the hair before it gets into the middle of the pipes.


5. Mineral build up – the minerals that are dissolved in hard water are something that your drains in Liverpool are familiar with. These can build up into large masses that will easily block your drains if they are left unattended. Unfortunately as we do have hard water around here, there isn’t a lot you can do here to stop minerals causing blocked drains in Liverpool. You could install a water softener to help, but if you do need drain repairs, Liverpool, then call us at Mersey Rod and we will come and sort it for you. What are the signs of a drain emergency? So, as we have explained there are several things that you can do to try and avoid blocked drains in Liverpool, but how do you know if it is an emergency or a simple solution? As experts in drain unblocking in Liverpool, we have the urgent signs you need to be looking for in a drain emergency. Slow flowing water – low water pressure or slow flowing water from taps means that there could be a broken drainpipe. This could cause your drains in Liverpool to overflow, collapse or break entirely if left untreated.


Blocked Drains in Liverpool Why would I need a CCTV drainage survey, Liverpool? While this all sounds very high-tech and not something you would initially think of, you would be surprised to hear that it is quite common to have one of our CCTV drain surveys in Liverpool. 1. Moving to a new house – if you are moving to a new house, it is extremely important that you get a drain survey. You need to make sure that all of the pipes and drainage systems have been well maintained and are all working properly. A blocked drain or a leak is not something that is normally picked up on when viewing the house, and it may be some time before it causes you any trouble. If the problem is a cracked pipe or a partial blockage, then it is better to get it sorted before hand with the seller. 2. If you have a persistent blockage – if you keep getting slow draining sinks, then chances are you have tried to fix the problem yourself. If you have used chemicals or even a rod to push the blockage out of the way, then you could be causing greater problems for yourself. If absolutely everything is not removed, then this will become a recurring Why not


leave it to the professionals and get a CCTV drain survey in Liverpool to see exactly what the problem is and get it fixed correctly. 3. House maintenance – Why not add it to your list of jobs so that you are always ahead of the game. Being sure that you know if there is a leak or a crack in your pipes means that you can end up saving yourself from costly bills due to a burst pipe or blocked drain before it is too late. Get us booked in when you come to do your spring clean to make sure that your pipes and drains are in perfect working order before a problem slowly creeps up on you.

Drain repairs in Liverpool Burst pipes – If you find a bust pipe then you must turn off your water supply immediately to minimise the damage. Be sure to open all the taps in the house to drain the water already in the system to make sure that it is thoroughly drained, and if the pipe was near an electrical system you need to turn off the power at the mains as well. You need to call Mersey Rod as soon as you can to come and assess your drains in Liverpool and get them fixed as quickly as possible.


Drain flooding – Blocked drains inside or outside of the house are a real emergency and can cause flooding, as well as stress! Give us a call as soon as you spot any flooding and let us take care of the drain repairs, Liverpool. Waterlogged Lawn – This is a sign that your outdoor drainage system is struggling to work properly. If you find that your lawn is waterlogged, then it means there is a severe blockage somewhere. If you discover this, then call our experts in drain unblockage, Liverpool, as soon as you can to take the correct and quickest action to get you back on track. All of these are common signs of a drain emergency and will be experienced by most households at some point or another. If you have one of these problems with your drains in Liverpool, then give us a call so we can get it fixed as quickly as possible for you.


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