Issue 4 2015 • MK Spark The Magazine of Meridian~Kessler

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spark WINTER 2015 • FREE

The Magazine of Meridian•Kessler


spark The Magazine of Meridian•Kessler


ISSUE FOUR • November December 2015 Published quarterly by MKNA • Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association, a volunteer nonprofit organization representing residents, businesses, schools, faith-based institutions and service groups. The Association’s objectives include

Enhancing Livability • Make the neighborhood more walkable and bike-friendly, develop infrastructure plans and support crime prevention efforts. Promoting Growth & Capital Investment • Support the Midtown TIF District and drive redevelopment opportunities.

Advocating to City Government • Develop the neighborhood’s long term land use plan and promote compliance with community values. Communicating • Organize community meetings where critical neighborhood issues are addressed, host business and clergy breakfasts and publish community newsletters. Partnering with Community Stakeholders • Support the work of organizations serving youth and seniors. Preserving Historic Qualities • Prioritize neighborhood beautification efforts and promote commitment to historic architecture. spark: The Magazine of Meridian~Kessler is edited by Caroline Farrar, Nick Colby, Christopher Vice. Designed by Christopher Vice. Printed by Faulkenberg Printing Company. © MKNA 2015

MK Place and Space: Rehabilitating Old Homes Destination MK / 49th and College The Urban Homesteader: Bats and Leaves Indianapolis Opera Swim Safely Walter Knabe Studio Visit for more features, timely news, events calendar and local neighborhood business directory. Feature articles in this magazine are also published online.

Call for Community Neighborhood Grant Applications Crime + Safety

Transit Updates Maintaining Our Historic Character MKNA is 50 Cover photos by Brittany Haron | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 3

Bulletin Board

Submit news and events. Support Mid–North Food Pantry to Meet Increased Need Every year Mid-North Food Pantry experiences a crossroads when our demand for services out paces our financial donations. Due to the closing of Double 8 Foods and the changes to SNAP, we have served nearly 30 more households a month compared to 2014. As of the end of September, Mid-North has served 8,358 households and 27,977 individuals in 2015. As the weather grows colder, the need will continue to grow for our neighbors. To help us meet this ever-growing need for food, please consider a donation to the Mid–North Food Pantry. For as little as $1 per day you can provide 20 pounds of food for 6 families this month. You can donate online at or send a check by mail to Mid-North Food Pantry, 3333 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208. We appreciate your continued support to improving the health of our neighbors by providing supplemental food and basic necessities.

MKNA Seeks Community Grant Applications Does your non-profit serve the MeridianKessler neighborhood? If so, you are invited to apply for MKNA’s 2016 grant program. MKNA is interested in funding programs that strengthen our neighborhood. Specifically, the goal of the Vi Walker Neighborhood Grant Program is to fund projects that will: • Have a lasting, sustainable impact on the neighborhood • Improve the lives of neighborhood residents by addressing one or more of the following critical needs: • Vitality and Connectivity of the Neighborhood; Health, Safety and/or Crime Prevention Education; Improve the overall landscape of the MKNA neighborhood Each year Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association generates, through its annual Home Tour, the funds to support our grants to well-deserving neighborhood senior, youth and service organizations. These grants transform into library reading programs, fitness and sports programs, scouting programs, summer camps, math, academic and leadership training programs, lecture series’, senior programs and much, much more! In previous years grants have been extended to Coburn Place Safe Haven, College Avenue Library, Girls Inc., all of our area schools, many of our local churches, The Indiana Youth Institute, Heritage Place and many others. Over the past 15 years almost $300,000 has been reinvested into our neighborhood. It is a significant endeavor which we are pleased and proud to offer, both looking back and into the future.



Vi Walker Neighborhood Grants Due March 4, 2016

MKNA Beginnings In the spring of 1965, the first African–American family moved into the Meridian~Kessler neighborhood. Heartened by Civil Rights advances and the prospect of a Fair Housing Act, Rev. Gerald Johnson of the (then) Meridian Heights Presbyterian Church, encouraged a group of residents “deeply devoted to our area and to justice” to discuss the formation of a neighborhood group which would: • Establish relationships between all neighbors and provide services

Grant Eligibility Criteria Grant receiving organizations must be a nonprofit 501(c)3, school or church and provide a copy of their determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service. Committees of the Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Association Board may apply for and receive grants. Applications should answer the grant questions in the order asked. Answers to the application project description section should not exceed three pages. Applications must give an estimate or specific number of Meridian-Kessler residents to be served. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered for funding. Applications will be available the third week of December in the MKNA Office, at the College Avenue Library and on our website, Applications are due to be submitted on or before Friday, March 4, by 5pm.

Leaf Collection Schedule The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) will collect leaves from Marion County residents until Friday, December 4, 2015. Each week, residents may place up to 40 bags of leaves at the curb for collection in addition to their regular trash. Please remember that open burning of leaves is illegal in Indianapolis/Marion County. Leaves collected during the 2015 leaf season will be taken to Southside Landfill where they will be turned into compost. When ready, the compost is made available to Indianapolis residents at no charge. Please call Southside Landfill at 247-6808 for availability of compost. For more information on fall leaf collection, visit Click on trash, then click on leaf collection in the drop down menu.

• Monitor zoning codes and housing laws • Support neighborhood schools • Provide adequate municipal services for all residents In early meetings there was prolonged discussion about the boundaries of the proposed new neighborhood. The south and west boundaries were not debatable (38th and Meridian Streets, respectively), because they adjoined existing organized neighborhoods. However, the northern boundary was difficult to determine. At first it was set at 46th Street, then tentatively moved to 54th Street. By the time the constitution and by-laws were finalized, however, those who maintained that a larger group of residents would be more effective politically, succeeded in getting the boundary extended north to Kessler Boulevard. The name of the new association, based on two of the boundary streets, was coined at that time. Large posters were distributed to the area shopping corners inviting everyone to the first general meeting on June 2, 1965.

From 38th to Kessler Boulevard. From Meridian to the Monon. We are a community of residents (younger & older), homes (from multi-unit to mansions and everything in between), local businesses (larger & smaller, established & emerging), schools (public & private) and a variety of faith–based communities.

Dear Neighbors, As 2015 comes to an end, I want to take a moment to thank all of our residential and business members for your support this year. Our organization relies on your membership dollars to continually fund our efforts in making Meridian~Kessler the best neighborhood in Indianapolis (and beyond!). If you have not yet become a member, please consider joining today to show your commitment to our neighborhood. Join online at I would also want to thank our staff, board members, committee members and all of our volunteers for their time and energy this year. Every year, thousands of volunteer hours are invested to ensure the continued vitality of Meridian~Kessler. To all of those who gave their time, THANK YOU! We are always in need of additional volunteers. If you are a writer or photographer, we would love to highlight your work in Spark. If beautification and environmental issues interest you, join our committee to address concerns for keeping our neighborhood beautiful. We have volunteer needs for all interests and time commitments. If you would like to be involved, please visit and let us know. Happy holidays! Nick Colby, MKNA President

MK is social! Join in on all the networks. | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 5

PLACE AND SPACE Historic Home Rehabilitation Taking Place in MK by Mary Owens Two exciting rehabilitations of older homes are currently underway in the neighborhood, which will hopefully inspire others to take on similar projects. Local investors/property owners Paul Estridge and Christine Freiman are taking special care to maintain the existing historic character of the Meridian~Kessler homes, while updating the amenities for today’s buyers. Because historic home rehabilitations can require a significant time commitment, it takes a patient person, attuned to and appreciative of historic architecture, to take on one of these projects. Take a moment to walk, bike or drive by to observe their work. The MKNA Historic Preservation Stewardship Committee is grateful to both preservation-minded investors for working with MKNA and neighbors to honor these intrinsically valuable structures. 512 East 57th Street ~ Paul Estridge The historic farmhouse was built in 1886. The abstract containing the Lights Bellevue plat dates back to 1812 and was originally situated in the “Town of Wellington,” which was later annexed by the Town of Broad Ripple and


MK Place and Space is a regular feature column dedicated to the exploration of ideas on what makes Meridian~Kessler special as a built community. We encourage relevant conversations on architecture, urban planning and design, development and redevelopment, conservation and preservation. We invite ideas that contribute to how we shape our notions of our places and spaces. We publish research, case studies, projects, opinions and interviews. MK Place and Space is edited by Kim Kourany, Mary Owens, Nick Colby and Christopher Vice. Please share your ideas for future columns. Email suggestions to

then by the City of Indianapolis. The land across the street (now School 84/Center for Inquiry) was a cow pasture. The area between 57th Street and the Canal Tow Path was considered a flood plain and the porch was built– up so the home wouldn’t flood. The original home likely had a Central Avenue address (originally known as “Sugar Flats Road”), as its front door faced Central Avenue. Long ago, the alley to the east led to a gravel quarry. Its surface is now primarily gravel, but it was originally coal ash and cinders. The original plat map indicates that a Native Americans burial ground was located to the east along Broadway, but there is no record of where or when it was moved. The current garage was originally used as a stable with hayloft above and maintains its original sliding stable doors facing 57th Street. Another barn that is original to the house now serves as a garage for a home across 57th Street along the alley. According to Paul Diebold, author of The History and Architecture of Meridian~Kessler, it

appears that the home may have changed around 1915 as it reflects the style and detailing from the Arts & Crafts period of the early 20th Century. The Chafen family lived in the home in the early 1900’s and sold it to a physician, who built the eastern addition in 1954 that connects the home to the stables and hay loft. Interestingly, the physician built the addition as a radiation lab in which to treat his daughter who suffered from leukemia. It had lead-lined walls that “floated” because they were not attached to the floor. Mudge Morris and her husband moved into the farmhouse in the late 1960s and converted this space to a recording studio for their son’s band, Oliver Syndrome. When the Morris family purchased the home, they discovered a well under the front porch that contained ammunition from World War II. The family also tapped the many sugar maple trees on the property for syrup. The Morrises raised three children in the home where they lived for 45 years; then sold the house and property to the Countryman family. Earlier this year, John Countryman replatted the three lots on which the farmhouse sits and re-oriented them to face 57th Street. He then sold the home and two vacant lots to Estridge Homes in late September. Mr. Estridge intends to remodel the interior of the farmhouse, but wants to retain many of its architectural details, including the carved bannister, unique entry and interior doors. He plans to replace the two front and side porches with a large wrap-around porch. He also plans to increase the size of the master bedroom upstairs, add a bath downstairs, increase the size of the kitchen and add a family room. Mr. Estridge also plans to build new homes to the east and west of the farmhouse. Mr. Estridge has a daugther who lives in Butler-Tarkington and another who lives

orange is the new SOLD

in Meridian~Kessler (omission), and he has always admired both historic neighborhoods. Although most of his developments have taken place in the northern suburbs, Mr. Estridge has expressed that he values the original farmhouse’s appearance and the story it tells of the days predating the Meridian~Kessler neighborhood.

I will champion your interests to sell your home.

Alex Mirkin Principal Broker

5015 N. Park Avenue ~ Christine Freiman Ms. Freiman had always admired the 1925 Craftsman bungalow home just down the street from her own home. Over the years, she spoke to the homeowner several times about her interest in buying it, so when he was ready to sell, he called to Ms. Freiman. When undertaking a project such as this, Ms. Freiman’s philosophy is to bring the home up to today’s standards and preferred lifestyles, while respecting the architecture and the home’s place among other historic homes. Ms. Freiman is a licensed realtor with a background in architecture and design, so she is perfectly qualified for rehabilitation work on older homes. This year, she became concerned about many older homes undergoing transformations that were incompatible with the character of surrounding homes. She is passionate about preserving the neighborhood’s character and joined the MKNA Stewardship Committee to assist with historic preservation efforts. During a recent tour of the home, Christine stated, “There are a finite number of these older homes left. I believe we are stewards and have the opportunity to hand down a legacy to future generations.” She continued, “The homes I work with are usually around 100 years old. I hope that when I’m done with them, they’ll last another century and require only cosmetic updates every couple of decades.” She also stated that she grew up watching her grandfather restore a 100 year-old house. He taught her to be careful and thoughtful, and to do things right the first time.

Ms. Freiman’s goal is to create a modest, four bedroom home that retains the charm and affordability of a bungalow. The home was in poor condition when she purchased it. The roof was in shambles; the furnace was obsolete; the vinyl siding was cracking; and the galvanized water pipes and knob-andtube wiring were original. She was pleased to discover the hardwood floors were in good shape and the redwood siding under the vinyl was salvageable. She wanted to add two additional bedrooms in the unfinished attic space, but the roof height was too low to accommodate enough finished space. Therefore, she decided to raise the roof over the middle three-quarters of the home, while maintaining the identical roof pitch. The addition will create 750 new square feet of living space with eight-foot ceilings and a walk-in closet. Other renovation details include all new appliances and cabinetry, a new first floor bath, including plumbing, lighting and marble tile floor, and restored enamel on the original cast iron tub. It will have a new floating staircase to the second floor where none previously existed, new Pella windows, new concrete sidewalk and smart home technology with a Nest thermostat and wireless front door locks. The home also features a beautiful stained glass window near the entry area. New landscaping in front and back will complete the thoughtful rehabilitation of this lovely home. | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 7

PLACE AND SPACE Striving to Maintain Our Historic Character by Kim Kourany

In recent years, Meridian~Kessler has seen many changes. Interest rates remain low allowing many homeowners to refinance and remodel our older homes with equity from rising appraised values. With the rebound of the real estate market, homes prices have escalated and a few new homes have been built on vacant lots. But not all of these changes have been welcome by many residents. In fact, numerous property owners have become concerned that the look and feel (i.e., character) of our historic neighborhood(s) is eroding due to the demolition of homes and new construction that may not be in context with neighboring structures. Many homeowners have asked Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association (MKNA) to help preserve our neighborhood’s unique historic character. MKNA has long supported this objective, and has constantly worked to maintain, develop and nurture the aspects of our community that make it special. Here are some of the ways MKNA works to achieve this goal: Historic Preservation Stewardship Due to the overwhelming concern Meridian~Kessler residents have expressed over the eroding character of our historic neighborhoods, the MKNA Board established a Historic Preservation Stewardship Committee. The committee, lead by Meridian~Kessler resident Kim Kourany, is tasked with raising awareness about the importance of maintaining the character of its neighborhoods. The committee is also committed to working with all stakeholders, including realtors, investors, builders, and property owners, to advocate for restoring historic homes instead of demolishing them and encouraging new construction that is consistent with the size, scale and massing of surrounding properties. The committee also hopes to be a resource for property owners who may want to restore a structure, but is unfamiliar with contractors, materials or methods needed to do the job.

Local Historic Designation

Our new video “Protect & Serve” explains the benefits of historic preservation districts. Watch it at


When property owners want protection for their neighborhood’s historic character, they may elect to pursue a local historic area designation through the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission (IHPC). Becoming a local historic area is a lengthy process that includes exploring the need/desire for character protection guidelines by property owners, informing all property owners about the process on multiple occasions, soliciting feedback, and determining exactly what those property owners want protected and what they don’t. This grassroots process is designed to engage all property owners to ensure that the community’s needs can be met through local historic area protection. If the majority of property owners agree, then they may work with the IHPC to develop the protective guidelines. These guidelines can be as general or as specific as property owners want. All property owners have multiple opportunities to express their support or dissent for the guidelines before it goes before the Commissioners for a vote. The Historic Preservation Stewardship Committee has formed

an exploratory committee and is currently working with some residents of Washington Park, a Meridian~Kessler neighborhood on the National Register of Historic Places, to see if local historic area designation is a desired option for protecting its character. MKNA hopes to assist other Meridian~Kessler neighborhoods that are interested in more protection against incompatible modifications to historic homes and their surroundings.

Honor & Preserve MKNA received a grant from Indiana Humanities and Indiana Landmarks to produce a video about honoring and preserving our historic neighborhoods including Chatham Arch/Massachusetts Avenue, Fletcher Place, Lockerbie Square, Herron-Morton Place and numerous others. MKNA matched the grant and MKNA Executive Director Caroline Farrar was one of several people interviewed for the five-minute video. The video was launched in October and was is available to view at The video has received numerous accolades from IHPC Commissioners, Indiana Landmarks, Indiana Humanities, and the Ball State University School of Architecture. The goal of the video is to communicate the benefits of historic area protection and oversight by the IHPC and to dispel incorrect information that is sometimes mistaken for fact.

Inform MKNA is committed to providing timely communication to all property owners within its boundaries to ensure they are informed about issues that may affect their neighborhood. The quarterly magazine MK Spark is designed to offer more in–depth articles. Urgent news is communicated through the website, the MKNA Facebook page, MKNA Zone Facebook pages and a new email newsletter. MKNA is working on updating its email database so that it may more directly communicate with property owners. One way that you can help MKNA is to visit the website to sign up for our email newsletter and attend public meetings.

Land Use When property owners or businesses want to make changes to the buildings on their property (e.g., primary structure, garage, etc.) or they want to change the zoning (e.g., change from special use to commercial use) or platting for their property (e.g. divide one lot into multiple lots), they are encouraged to discuss their plans with the MKNA Land Use Committee as early as possible. These types of changes are governed by a petition process that is administered by Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD). The zoning, variance, or other land use petition process begins when the petitioner files the request in the Current Planning Office in Room 1821 of the City–County Building. A number of factors can, and often do, increase the amount of time required to complete the petition process. As part of this process, Department of Metropolitan Development mails a Legal Notice to neighborhood groups and surrounding property owners. DMD planners seek neighborhood input as part of their Staff Report to the DMD Board of Zoning Appeals who votes on requests for variances. MKNA Land Use Committee helps to facilitate this process within the neighborhood. A group of resident volunteers, the committee members are individuals with experience in the fields of engineering/design, building construction, urban planning, architecture, real estate law and other related fields. Eileen Hack chairs the committee and she and other committee members volunteer their time to help maintain and preserve the existing character of the Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood. They help define and enforce, within the code and the overlay of the MK Neighborhood Plan,

reasonable parameters regarding the physical and architectural environment of Meridian~Kessler neighborhoods. The committee’s goal is to provide information and to determine the appropriate course of action regarding land use issues in a manner that promotes peaceful co-existence among residents, businesses, schools and places of worship. Property owners who seek a zoning variance or change in zoning present their plans to the MKNA committee to receive recommendations prior to a Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development public hearing. Neighbors must have due notice so that they may make an informed decision on whether they will support the property owner’s request. Thus, petitioners must post a DMD Legal Notice of Public Hearing (an orange sign visible to the public) for 30 days prior to the hearing. If an orange sign is placed near a property, then those who may be affected by changes to that property should plan to attend the MKNA Land Use hearing. At the MKNA meeting, property owners may voice their support for or remonstrate against the petitioner’s request. The MKNA Land Use Committee makes a recommendation on each case to the MKNA Board of Directors, which votes on whether to uphold each recommendation. The recommendations are then forwarded to the DMD staff planner. The Land Use Committee of Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association meets on the first Tuesday of every month to review petitions for variance of use and development standards of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance for Indianapolis. When seeking a review by the MKNA Land Use Committee, petitioners must provide MKNA with a copy of the Legal Notice of Public Hearing by the 15th of the preceding month (approximately two weeks before the regularly scheduled MKNA Land Use Committee meeting). If the MKNA meeting falls after the scheduled DMD scheduled hearing date, MKNA will file a request for automatic continuance for the public hearing. This means Indianapolis Board of Zoning Appeals will postpone their hearing for four weeks. To contact the MKNA Land Use Committee or to learn more about the process, visit

MK Neighborhood Plan MKNA has been working for several years with neighbors and the City’s Division of Planning to update its Neighborhood Plan that becomes a part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Numerous meetings were held throughout Meridian~Kessler beginning in 2012 to gain property owners’ perspective and priorities on “How Meridian~Kessler will look and feel” for the next 20 years. The Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Plan was recently approved by the MKNA Board, and will be presented to the Metropolitan Development Commission for final approval. This plan will help guide development within the neighborhood addressing areas of land use, infrastructure, transportation and landscaping recommendations in the years to come and will inform the City, development professionals and residents of our neighborhood’s development priorities.

• • • MKNA encourages property owners, residents, businesses religious organizations and schools to stay informed through MKNA’s various communication vehicles. MKNA Board members are also available to discuss concerns or questions you may have. | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 9

Bulletin Board

Submit news and events. Share Your Bounty With Your Loved Ones Patrick Lane, financial advisor at Edward Jones invites us to think about giving. It’s almost Thanksgiving, a holiday that once celebrated the harvest season. Although many of us today may not be directly connected to agriculture, we still gather on Thanksgiving with our loved ones to share whatever “bounty” we may have. But this practice doesn’t have to begin and end with food. Why not incorporate the spirit of sharing into your overall financial strategy? Here are a few suggestions for doing just that: • Make financial gifts. You could give shares of stock to your loved ones, or perhaps give them money to help fund their IRAs. (They must have earned income, however, to be eligible to contribute to an IRA.) You can give up to $14,000 per year, per recipient. If you are married, you and your spouse can each give up to the $14,000 yearly limit. • Invest in your children’s future. To help your children meet the high costs of higher education, you might want to invest in a college savings vehicle. One option to consider is a 529 plan. When you contribute to a 529 plan,


your earnings are subject to tax-free growth potential and distributions are free of federal taxes, provided they are used for qualified higher education expenses. (Keep in mind, though, that Section 529 plan distributions not used for these qualified expenses may be subject to income tax and a 10% penalty.) Furthermore, if you invest in your home state’s 529 plan, you may receive state tax incentives. Tax issues for 529 plans can be complex, though, so you’ll need to consult with your tax advisor about your situation. Another benefit of 529 plans: You control the assets right up to the point at which they are actually used. So, if you have been putting away money for a particular child (or grandchild) and he or she decides against college, you can easily switch to another beneficiary.

documents. And don’t forget to keep your beneficiary designations up to date on your retirement accounts and your life insurance policy. So if you’ve gone through changes in your family situation, such as a divorce or remarriage, work with your professional team, including your financial advisor and your tax and legal advisors, to make ensure your investment strategy aligns with your estate goals.

• Review your insurance policies. If something were to happen to you, is your life insurance sufficient to take care of your family? In other words, would there be enough money available to pay off your mortgage, send your children to college and help your surviving spouse meet at least some of his or her retirement expenses? A financial professional can help you determine if your life insurance is sufficient for your needs.

Art Shows at Petrov Fine Art

• Consider involving your family with your estate plans. To help ensure your wishes get carried out the way you intended, con-sider keeping family members informed of your estate strategy, which could in-volve your will, living trust, power of attorney and other legal

Once the turkey is eaten and the foot-ball games have ended, Thanksgiving will draw to a close. But consider these strategies sharing your “bounty” with your loved ones all year long — and throughout your lifetime. Patrick Lane’s office is located at Edward Jones, 5209 College Avenue.

In November, Petrov presents work by Sandro Akhvlediani, a painter of urban landscapes, musical genre, flowers and portraits in an impressionistic style. In December, Petrov presents photographs by Jack Wickes. Petrov Fine Art is located at 5172 College Avenue.

MK Welcomes Walter Knabe Walter Knabe Studios, Inc. has relocated from the Indiana Design Center in Carmel to the Meridian~Kessler area. The studio, located at 1134 East 54th Street, Suite H in the 54th and the Monon Shops, open to the public and

designers on November 6. Holiday studio hours are Tuesday thru Friday from 10am to 6pm and Saturday from 10am to 3pm. The studio houses Walter’s personal painting studio as well as proprietary line of wall coverings and fabrics. Original paintings and limited editions are available for sale. Prices begin at $300. For the first time ever, a gift shop will be located at the front of the studio selling home décor and lifestyle products that have been developed from Walter’s screenprinting expertise and influenced by his fine art practice. Items available for sale include picture frames, cell phone cases, scarves and various other gift items. A collection of limited edition, holiday gifts will be available for sale through the end of the year. Don’t miss the Open Studio event on Friday, December 4 from 5 to 8pm. Other shops at 54th and the Monon will be open as well. ‘Tis the season! | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 11



Art & Frame Conservation Furniture | Textile | Sculpture Custom Matting & Framing Antique Frames | Mirrors Collection Assessment & Cataloging

1134 East 54th Street, Studio J Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 317.396.0885 Tuesday - Friday 11am-6pm Saturday 11am- 5pm Monday by chance or appointment | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 15

49th and College

Des na on MK

starch your shirts at 60 Minute Cleaners, grab a growler of home–brew at Upland, get into the gastro pub groove at Open Society, lease your land with Barratt, pizza pizza with Little Caesars, smooth your suits at Classic Cleaners, hang with hockey heads at The Sinking Ship, cycle in style at City Moto, play with your food at Recess, find a fifth at The Bottle Shoppe Read a review of a hot restaurant or unique business in midtown Indianapolis? Or maybe a friend keeps telling you about that charming local shopping district? Chances are that they are talking about the intersection of 49th and College Avenue— a major hub smack dab in the middle of Meridian~Kessler neighborhood. It’s been a vital commercial district for more than 75 years. Just remember, when you are this far south of Broad Ripple, you are in Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood.





60 Minute Cleaners


Classic Cleaners


Upland Brewery Co. Tasting Room


The Sinking Ship

3 Open Society Public House (opening early 2016)


City Moto





The Bottle Shoppe

Barratt Asset Management


Little Caesars Pizza

College Avenue 6 7 8 9

10 East 49th Street





THE UR BAN HOME STEAD ER The growing season is at its end, the leaves are falling and the dreaded mosquitos are gone. Initiating two essential activities now will make your spring and summer next year so much more enjoyable and productive— installing a bat house and stockpiling leaves for composting. A single bat can consume up to 1,000 mosquitos in an hour and a triple bat house can hold 300 bats, so a colony of 300 bats can consume up to 300,000 mosquitos an hour every night. No matter how big your mosquito problem, a bat house will make it disappear! All you have to do to establish a bat colony is to hang a bat

The Urban Homesteader is a regular feature about values and practices that hark back to days when people (country and city folks alike) were more resource–wise, less wasteful and more self-sufficient. We’ll explore why MK represents a sweet spot for those who desire to live an urban homesteader lifestyle. We’ll learn about a variety of environmentally aware practices like vegetable gardening, edible landscaping, composting, rain water harvesting, soap making, beekeeping, food preserving and forms of energy conserving that are becoming hallmarks of the 21st century ‘back to the city’ movement. The Urban Homesteader is guest edited by Andrew Brake, Anne Collins and David Stuckert, owners of Agrarian located at 1051 East 54th Street.

house at least 15 to 20 feet above the ground with an easterly to southerly exposure. It can be hung under the eaves of a two-story house (as long as the siding is not aluminum) or on a free–standing pole. It is not recommended to hang your bat house in a tree as trees make it easier for predators to gain access. A bat house can be hung any time of the year but fall is generally considered the best time so as to allow enough exposure to the elements that any residual paint fumes or cedar resin will dissipate before the bats return in the spring. A future column will provide more information about bats but the essential thing to do now is to get your bat house up for your best chance of success. A mosquito–free summer is yours for the taking! Equally easy as hanging a bat house is stockpiling leaves for composting throughout the year. Almost all of the problems our customers have had with composting result from not mixing enough carbon sources (browns) with the (green) nitrogen sources from garden/ yard trimmings and kitchen scraps. Successful composting requires mixing 3 to 4 times as many carbon sources as nitrogen sources and leaves are the perfect source of carbon. The easy way to collect leaves is to blow them into a pile and then run over them repeatedly with your mulching mower or suck them up

with a leaf blower with a vacuuming function. The macerated leaves can be stored in a mulch pile, a compost bin or in plastic bags until they are needed. Just be aware that when you get serious about composting you may begin collecting leaves from your neighbors! It’s worth it though because compost is the finest, most ecological fertilizer you can get. Again, we’ll provide greater composting details in a future column, but you can get ready now. Probably because growing up we always started a new school year in the fall, often this seems to be the best time of year for new beginnings. Agrarian is no different! We have moved to 1051 East 54th Street, right next to the Monon Trail. The new space is three times the size of our previous space and we are doing our best to fill it with urban homesteading supplies and a much larger selection of unusual gifts and local artisans’ products. The neighborhoods around 54th Street and the Monon are becoming very busy destinations for our Meridian~Kessler friends so, if you find yourself in the neighborhood, please stop by and see our new store.

ohh so fly activewear • superior quality activewear that transitions from gym to street 1706 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240


Red Lin Q+A IndyGo’s Bryan Luellen shares answers


As a result of the city and region of Indianapolis identifying public transportation as a top priority during the 2009—2011 Indy Connect planning process, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority (CIRTA), and the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo) have been working to improve Central Indiana’s mobility options. The Indy Connect public outreach study established a need to both enhance the local bus network and build five rapid transit lines to serve as the backbone of the transit system. The Red Line is the first proposed Central Indiana rapid transit line and will run from Carmel to Greenwood when complete. When complete, the Red Line will offer a fast, frequent, and comfortable transportation option to over 100,000 people. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a fixed guideway bus-based mass transit system meant to emulate all the service features of light rail, only in a more cost effective way. This Line will have stations every half mile, arrive every 10 to 15 minutes, run 20 hours a day, and increase access to jobs, education, healthcare, restaurants, entertainment, and shopping. It will have stations designed to be comfortable and speed up the boarding process as well as dedicated lanes and traffic signal priority to keep the bus moving and provide travel times competitive with driving. The Red Line would also the nation’s first battery-powered all electric bus rapid transit system, providing quiet and clean rapid transit.

We want to be sure you— as a stakeholder and resident along the route— are aware of this exciting project and have an opportunity to get your questions answered and to share your thoughts. How will streets be altered? Along Meridian and College Ave, the Red Line will operate in either a single or pair of dedicated lanes. To maintain the safety for drivers and the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), left turns will only be allowed at specified signalized intersections. At signalized intersections, a left turn lane and protected left turn signal phase (“green arrow”) will be in place that will allow drivers to make a legal and easy U-turn on College Ave. This will allow drivers to access destinations on the other side of the street. Stations will be located in the center of the street and passengers will board on both sides, much like a rail platform. Crosswalks will provide safe and easy access to stations.


Streets will be repaved and curbs and sidewalks repaired.

Why is BRT in the middle lane?

Best practice is to put the lanes in the middle lane to reduce conflicts with right turning vehicles. Stations in the middle serve both directions of travel with a single station; lowering costs and providing a more user-friendly system. On College Ave, the middle lane also serves to significantly preserve parking because it allows both north and southbound buses to share a single lane, freeing up more space on the street. This lane would have a small median in the center, between the wheels of the bus, to prohibit left turns in between traffic signals.

How much parking will be lost?

Some parking would be removed at station locations and immediately next to signalized intersections, but overall roughly 95% of the existing parking spaces are maintained in the College corridor.

How many people will use the Red Line? Initial estimates show approximately 11,000 trips per day will be made via the Red Line based on current demand and travel modeling. It is also expected that ridership will grow over time with the increasing population of the downtown area.

Will the Red Line bring more crime to MK? No. There is no evidence that the introduction of new transit service encourages criminal elements to take transit into previously inaccessible neighborhoods. Several studies have actually shown the opposite and they can be found on the IndyGo website.

Won’t this cause traffic gridlock? No. This project has gone well beyond a traditional Traffic Impact Analysis and completed a full working simulation model for the entire corridor. College Ave is currently one lane southbound and two lanes northbound, with limited turning lanes. Without turn lanes, cars attempting to turn left will block all travel in their lane, causing significant delays. Part of the Red Line project is to prohibit many left turns and add left turn lanes at each location where a left turn is allowed. Existing local bus service would also be shifted into the BRT lane, removing it from the regular lane. The combination of left turn restrictions/lanes and removing local buses actually improves traffic flow in the southbound direction. In the northbound direction, the street would go from two lanes down to one for auto use, but again, left turn lanes will be added and local buses removed. The net result is a loss of roughly 25% of the capacity in the northbound direction. Northbound College Ave only experiences traffic that nears its capacity level in the PM peak (5 to 6pm) and current conditions are expected to be maintained and not worsen. At all other times of day little to no impact on traffic volumes or congestion is expected. In two locations, at Kessler and at Broad Ripple Ave, the Red Line project will add right turn lanes for northbound cars to maintain the existing level of service. While we expect many people who currently drive downtown will find the Red Line to be a better alternative than driving, to be conservative we have analyzed what happens if, during the afternoon rush hour, everyone still made their trip by car. The result shows some traffic increase on nearby streets, but the volume is quite small. Each street parallel to College Ave. is expected to see an increase of approximately 25 cars per day, all during the evening rush hour. Central Ave. currently handles 4,000 cars per day, so the expected increase in traffic in this case would be less than 1%.

What will happen to my property value? Study after study has shown that proximity to a rapid transit service increases the neighboring property values. This is a major reason why the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors (MIBOR) is a supporter of the project.

Will the Red Line change the character of the historic Meridian~Kessler neighborhood? Nearly all of the neighborhoods along the Red Line were developed in the era of streetcars and the interurban, which heavily influenced the patterns of development. For example, the commercial nodes along College Ave every ½ mile were directly attributed to the interurban stops that were located on those corners. Therefore, the Red Line is entirely within the character of the corridor. The Red Line route was chosen because the land uses along it are supportive of transit now.

How has this information been shared with the public? IndyGo has shared this information at more than 30 public meetings starting this summer, open houses, and Neighborhood Association meetings. Nine media outlets have been used to disseminate Red Line information and five articles and interviews have already been published via media outlets. You can expect more meetings in the future or explore more on your own at | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 21

Washington Boulevard

Pennsylvania Street

Meridian~Kessler is organized into eight districts each represented by a zone delegate. If you have questions, issues or ideas please contact your zone delegate.

Central Avenue


Broadway Street

54 th Street S

College Avenue



Carrollton Avenue


Guilford Avenue

38th to Kessler. Meridian to the Monon.

you are here Kessler Boulevard

Monon Trail M

Winthrop Avenue Wint


College Avenue Broa




Meridian Street Mer

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Home of MKNA Offices 526 East 52nd Street The Board of the Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association meets monthly in the Community Room of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Everyone is invited to attend. Visit our website for meeting dates and times.

Meridian~Kessler Hot Spots

Want your business or event listed as a MK Hot Spot? Give us a call.

ridian Street

Jenn Baron & Cassie Gilford ///

38 th Street


42 nd Street



throp Avenue

Central to the Monon Trail 42nd Street to 38th Street

Zone 2

Corrina Thompson & Chad Thompson ///

Central to the Monon Trail 46th Street to 42nd Street

Zone 4

Chris Warren ///

Central to the Monon Trail 54th Street to 46th Street

Zone 6

Nancy Waite ///

Central to the Monon Trail Kessler Boulevard to 54th Street

Zone 8

Dawn Zapinski ///

Meridian to Central 42nd Street to 38th Street

Zone 1

sylvania Street

Sheryl Facktor-Mervis ///

ngton Boulevard


adway Street

Meridian to Central 46th Street to 42nd Street

ollton Avenue

Zone 3

Glenn Harkness ///

Meridian to Central 54th Street to 46th Street

Zone 5

46 th Street

ntral Avenue

Todd Dixon ///

Meridian to Central Kessler Boulevard to 54th Street

Zone 7

Monon Trail Monon Trail

Winthrop Avenue

Guilford Avenue

Carrollton Avenue College Avenue

Broadway Street

Central Avenue

Washington Boulevard

Pennsylvania Street

Meridian Street

Indianapolis Opera, Basile Opera Center 4011 N Pennsylvania Street The Indianapolis Opera company performs all over the city but they call MK home. Dont’t miss out on their Lobster Palooza event on Saturday, July 18

College Avenue Branch, Indianapolis Public Library 4180 N College Avenue In 2000 the $2.674 million dollar College Avenue Branch opened. The 16,000 square-foot facility houses 62,000 items and offers off-street parking, meeting room and improved access for patrons with physical disabilities.

Stay Safe

In September, MKNA hosted a well-attended Public Safety meeting led by IMPD North District Commander Christopher Bailey. Our Liaison Officers, as well as representatives from the Prosecutor’s Office, Narcotics Division, 911 and the Mayor’s Office participated. This is what we learned.

The IMPD North District has taken 70,270 dispatched radio runs through the end of August 2015. That is a 7% increase over the past year. If something is stolen from your home, yard or auto, it is important to report it to the police to give them a sense of the scale and scope of crime occurrences in the area. Most crimes are crimes of opportunity that can be easily prevented.


Burglars look for uncut lawns and stuffed mailboxes. In the evening, they look for darkened houses or lights that have been left on too long. Trim trees and shrubs so that they cannot be used as hiding places. If you come home to find an unexplained open/broken window or door, do not enter. The perpetrator may still be inside. Call the police from a neighboring home.

Mark your valuable personal belongings. Burglars do not like property that is marked because it is hard to sell. 80% of all stolen vehicles were left unlocked and 40% had keys in the ignition. Some auto thieves hang around convenience stores and gas stations. 40% of inmates in Marion County Jail have some degree of mental illness; the jail dispenses 700 prescriptions a day for mental health issues.

Important Contacts Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department

it’s simple. be smart.

Non-Emergency Dispatch (317) 327-3811 Emergency 911

24-hour Crime Hotline

Most crimes are crimes of opportunity. The highest percentage of area crimes are due to people not taking standard precautions. Avoid being a victim.

tips for home

Organize a Crime Watch Block Club

Have a problem or need help with a city service? If you experience a problem or need a service, contact the Indianapolis City Government through the Mayor’s Action Center. Report the problem directly to the Mayor’s Action Center by telephone or use the online form to “request a service or report a problem.” Also, please inform your MK zone delegate by email on the MKNA website about the problem you are experiencing.

Mayor’s Action Center

Lock your house and first floor windows. Most windows can be pinned for extra security. Use a home security alarm system. Do not open your door unless you know who is there. Install — and use all night — exterior lighting for front door, back door, garage and yard. Use motionsensitive lights in your backyard. Keep your garage and shed closed and locked. Use curtains on garage and basement windows. Do not leave items of value in your yard.

tips for auto

(317) 327-6682 Call anonymously to report illegal drug dealing, illegal firearms, prostitution or other criminal activity. Information wanted: address and description of activity, names or descriptions of those involved, description of vehicles and license plate numbers.

Lock your auto no matter where you are. Leave NOTHING of value in your auto including keys, computers, phones, garage openers. Put items in the trunk PRIOR to getting to your final parking destination.

City/County Building, Room 2160 317–327–4622 Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Walk-in Service 8 am to 5 pm only Reasons for calling the Mayor’s Action Center include: Abandoned Vehicles Animals— Abused, Aggressive, Stray, Running Loose, Dead Street and Alley Potholes and Road Damage Illegal Dumping Park Maintenance Recycling Sewer Backups Sidewalks and Curbs Street Maintenance Street Signs Trash— Missed Trash, Heavy Trash, Trash Schedules, Trash Regulations Traffic Signals and Signs Trees on City Property Weeds Zoning Violation Other which could involve Citzens Energy Group | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 25

Bulletin Board

Submit news and events. Coach Fenstermaker shares how Indy Confluence provides free swimming and safety lessons Drowning is one of the leading causes of death of children in our city. By providing free swim lessons and a safety program for first graders Indy Confluence is working to eliminate drowning in Indianapolis. Incorporated in the fall of 2012 and achieving 501(c) 3 status in the spring of 2013 Indy Confluence was formed with the following mission: To provide philanthropic support for the enhancement of neighborhood cohesiveness, wellness, and quality of life in the Indianapolis community thru aquatic, athletic, and social activities. Goals include: expanding our aquatic and safety program to our schools in our city that do not have one and to provide support in various forms for those who do; building a state of the art aquatic and fitness facility in a location that maximizes our ability to fulfill our mission statement and puts us in the position to positively affect as many Indy residents as possible. We have a non-binding understanding with the Riviera Club to explore the idea of leasing


part of their property in order to build our new facility.

renewed focus on contemporary storytelling and community outreach.

Indiana is near the top of the list in obesity and wellness related issues. We would like to do our part to fight this trend by increasing access to facilities and by promoting events that lead to a healthy lifestyle.

For instance, the first opera of the 2015/2016 season was Michael Nyman’s “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat,” a modern piece exploring the life of a man with increasing mental illness, his wife, who serves as his caregiver and his doctor who nobly tries to diagnose treatment. “La Bohème” this is not. But it resonated with reviewers, crediting high marks for the quality of the voices and accolades for a fresh look at opera today.

For more information, please contact Indy Confluence President Sandy Fenstermaker

Indianapolis Opera is getting ready for spring and a new beginning Jill Vandegriff reports on changes at the Indianapolis Opera What was the world’s first multimedia art form? What originally combined musicians, designers, directors, choreographers, dancers, singers, painters, costumers, managers, writers, composers? What medium has been captivating audiences since 1598? In a word, opera. However, the Indianapolis Opera was in dire need of a new direction, suffering from budget shortfalls and a strict adherence to the war horses of opera repertoire. After lying dormant during restructuring in 2014, the company hired Kevin Patterson in February, a Hoosier native and former head of Anchorage Opera, as general director. Since then, Indy Opera has a

Other productions in the works this season include “Opera’s Rising Stars,” featuring finalists from Metropolitan Opera National Council auditions, Chorus and Orchestra and ending the season with the U.S. premiere of Jonathan Dove’s 2011 opera adaptation of “Mansfield Park.” Patterson has described opera as “inspirational” and a place for “dialogue” and “innovation,” words not typically associated with the imposing reputation opera has acquired over the decades. With this mindset driving the company, Indy Opera has joined with Tindley Genesis Academy, a local K-3 charter school, for a series of creative learning opportunities led by the company’s emerging resident artists. Indy Opera is also delivering quality touring art education programing for young children through adult ages. The Opera has partnered with various organizations to present per-

formances in retirement and assisted living facilities. Indy Opera is concentrating on newer works, cultivating young performers and challenging public perception of what opera can be in the 21st century. Upcoming at the Indianapolis Opera November 21 • Opera Ball at the Westin Hotel An English manor setting comes to Indianapolis at the Opera Ball. The evening will be full of beautiful voices, wonderful music and dancing. The experience is sure to be a delight. January 30-31 • Opera’s Rising Stars March 18, 19 & 20 • Mansfield Park Tickets available at or by calling 283-3531 | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 27






MKNA Business Membership Opportunities Support the work of MKNA to catalyze neighborhood economic development. MKNA works harder each year to support area business development, to grow the cohesion of our business community and to promote the “Shop Local” ethos. The diverse mix of our local businesses greatly contributes to the vibrancy of MK neighborhood. Whether your business is small or large, emerging or established, there is a membership level tailored to you. SUPPORT the economic development of your neighborhood. Become a member of today. Your membership is TAX DEDUCTABLE! I’m joining at the following level

Copper ~ $ 50 Benefits include • Basic Listing in online Business Directory for one year. • Annual subscription to MK Newsletter • MK Neighborhood Window Decal • MK auto bumper sticker decal Bronze ~ $ 100 Copper benefits plus • Premium Listing in online Business Directory for one year. Silver ~ $ 250 B ES T VA LUE ! B IG DISCOUNTS! Bronze benefits plus • Slideshow Photo Gallery of photographs (provided by you) added to your Business Directory Profile Page. • Discounted rates on advertising in MK Newsletter • One online advertisement for one month displayed within the interior of • One photo post to MK Facebook page and Twitter.

Gold ~ $ 500 Silver benefits plus • One online advertisement for one month displayed on the homepage of • One promotional story about your business on the BLOG Platinum ~ $ 1,000 Gold benefits plus • Lifetime Premium Listing in online Business Directory. • One year recognition of your sponsorship in the boilerplate of MK Newsletter. • Two tickets to the Meridian~Kessler Home & Garden Tour Benefactor ~ $ 2,500 Platinum benefits plus • One full page color advertisement in MK Newsletter. • Two tickets to the Meridian~Kessler Home & Garden Twilight Tour and Dinner. Philanthropist ~ $ 5,000 Benefactor benefits for three years plus • Our undying gratitude.

Pay by VISA/MasterCard, check payable to MKNA or sign up online— MAIL to 526 East 52 Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205 317.283.1021 • 317.695.8272 fax •

U Copper


U Bronze


U Silver


U Gold


U Platinum


U Benefactor



BUSINESS NAME— as you would like it to appear in the published MKNA membership list








VISA/MasterCard #





$ 69

Synthetic Oil Change

(Reg. $100) - Mention this ad to receive the deal. • Free Full Bumper to Bumper Inspection | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 35

Advertise Print Ads MKNA. Reach your best market. Direct access to your customers. In print and online. Our neighbors are motivated to read MKNA communications. Download our Media Kit at

Reach 19,000 MK residents through our full color news magazine

Engage customers through the website, our social media and emails

Our newsletter is published quarterly and mailed to 7,000 Meridian~Kessler households, our extended business community, churches, schools, service agencies, government, civic and community offices.


2016 SCHEDULE SPRING 2016 Magazine February, March, April Distributed late February Advertising Materials Deadline Jan 8 SUMMER 2016 / Home Tour Magazine May, June, July Distributed early May Advertising Materials Deadline April 4 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLEMENT • Home Tour Program Guide • Distributed by hand to all 2,000+ Home & Garden Tour visitors. Advertising Materials Deadline May 1 AUTUMN 2016 Magazine August, September, October Distributed late August Advertising Materials Deadline July 6 HOLIDAY 2016 Magazine November, December, January Distributed mid November Advertising Materials Deadline Oct 5


Digital Ads Website ads are available for $ 50 per 30 days. Dimensions are 125 x 125 pixels (1.75 x 1.75 inches). Additional technical information is published on our website. Business Membership at the Silver Level and above includes one free 30–day display advertisement on our website Online display ads link directly to your own website. SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING Our MKNA Facebook page has over 2,300 ‘Likes’ and an average weekly reach of 2,000 people (as of 10/15). Our social media directly reaches this motivated neighborhood audience. We’ll post a photo message promoting your business. Business Membership at the Silver Level and above includes one photo post to MK Facebook page and our Twitter feed. Social Media promotions (reaching both Facebook and Twitter audiences) are available for $ 150. EMAIL NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING Sponsor MKNA’s monthly Email Newsletter and elevate the awareness of your brand to our entire email database. Call us to discuss this opportunity. | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 37

Participate in Your Neighborhood Partnership MKNA’s broader work on behalf of you, your neighbors and our community includes: monitoring and advocating community positions on land use, zoning, infrastructure, schools, traffic issues and beautification efforts; partnering with our public safety officers to reduce crime in local and adjoining neighborhoods; raising funds and making grants to youth and senior programs; communicating with you through our printed magazine, website, social media as well as resident and business email newsletters. MKNA is an all volunteer organization. EVERYONE is welcome! Join a committee. Become a member today. Your membership is TAX DEDUCTABLE! I’m joining in this category

I’m interested in volunteering to participate in these activities

Beautification / Environment

Community Grants


Block Club Establishment

Historic Conservation

Public Safety

Business Community

Home Tour

Religious Community

Community Partnerships

Housing & Code Enforcement

Social Services

Education / Schools

Public Infrastructure

Special Events

Fund Raising



General Office


Zone / District Support

Pay by VISA/MasterCard, check payable to MKNA or sign up online— MAIL to 526 East 52 Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205 317.283.1021 • 317.695.8272 fax •
















NAME— as you would like it to appear in the published MKNA membership list





VISA/MasterCard #




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You’re a m




by locati on. ember b y comm itment.

mkna.or g/join

From 38th to Kessler. From Meridian to the Monon. | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 39

Thank you to all the donors who support MKNA. Active members ($50 and above) as of October 15, 2015.

Resident Members Contributor $50—99 David Allaben Sue & Bill Allen Robin Anderson Robert & Julie Anger Michael Arnold Tony Artis Chrissy Astbury Randall & Tia Jah Ayers Christopher Bailey Carole Casto & Bill Barnhorst David & Theresa Bartz Tom & Sherry Battista Emily Walvoord & Greg Bauwens Marvin & Greta Bechtel Stana J Peloza Bentz Peyton & Angela Berg Scott & Denise Black Tatiana Foroud & Eric Boes Chris & Karla Boggs Bob & Lolita Bohn Dennis & Lynn Boone Alex & Andrea Boutselis Phyllis Boyd Doug & Constance Brown J. D. Browning Noah Brubaker Raul Burciaga Ainsley & Elizabeth Byfield Megan Byrne Andy & Emily Campbell Brandon Canfield John & Juliana Capone Craig & Elizabeth Carpenter Katharine Carr Robyn & Brad Cates Pat Chastain Jane Clarke David & Mary Beth Claus Larry & Ellen Coan Carlos Coelho Scott & Katie Collevechio Telene Edington& Willia Connor Drew & Christopher Conrad Laurie Kemplay & Stacy Cook Jane & Wade Corbin Todd & Christi Cornelius Steve & Pat Couvillion Maurice & Fannie Cox Andrea Davis & Stephen Cranfill Thomas & Constance Dagon Matt & Lynda Deitchle Scott & Lynn Denne Steve & Mari DeRyke Matt & Abi Dickerson Christen Dilly Connie & Dean Dooley Dan & Jamie Drewry Howard & Jenni Egger Norman Gwaltney & Julie Elliott Lucy A. Emison Jeff & Susan Emmick Paula & Jeff Endicott

Margaret Ertel Jack & Melanie Esselman Joe & Whitney Faires Jim Farley Linda Farrell Vivian Farris Marios Fellouka Sally Catlin & Gabriel Filippelli Gene & Sandra Fisher Gene & Pat Fitzgerald Nolan Smith & Erica Fledderjohn Robert Frye Greg Gaich Cassie & Chad Gilford Laurel Goetzinger Mark & Meredith Gramelspacher Michael & Melissa Grimes Rick & Eileen Hack Perry & Melanie Hammock Susie & Thomas Hanchar Carl & Carolyn Hansen Mrs. August M. Hardee Glenn Harkness Alexa Hart Garrett & Teressa Hart Phillip Hayes Desirae Haynes Samuel & Margaret Hazlett Lisa Hamilton & Dave Hensel Sarah Herd Richard Toumey & Sharon Hilmes Eleanor & Joseph Hingtgen Heather Ross & Tim Holtz Loren & Amanda Horan Ben & Sonja Houle Tomi Hsiao W. Mark & Sarah Hudson Steve & Sheila Hyatt Corinne S. Imboden Kathy Infanger Dennis & Cindy Jackson Patrick & Barbara James Doug & Ruth Jean Brad Wood & Jennifer Jefferis Holly Jones John & Julie Leahy Jr. Jeff Zickgraf & Erin Kelley Bob & Sara Kessing Alan & Anne Kimbell Beth & C.J. Kloote Tibor & Shawna Frazer- Klopfer Alan V. & Beth Ann Klotz Dan & Chelsea Koehring Julie Komsiski Prem Konakondla Kimberly Kourany Tom Healy & Elsa Kramer Charles & Kelli Kunkel Alice & Robert Lahrman Teri Lambert Stephen Laramore Bill & Teresa Larson Whitney LeBlanc Nicholas B. & Amy L. Lemen Lloyd & Wendy Lyons James Maguire Steve & Gail Marcopulos John & Lynn Marshall Jeff & Meghan Martin Jeff & Elisa McDermott


Craig & Kathleen McGaughey Todd & Amy McLean Bart Peterson & Pete McNamara John & Erin Miller Mary Rose Miller Bob & Judy Morr Stephanie A. Morse Craig & Carole Mueller Devonne Mullis Ruthann & Leon Neddo Novella Nedeff Timothy S. Needler Christopher Newgent Amy Newton Brian & Rebecca O’Connor Laurence & Harriet O’Connor Charles & Cindy Oehrle Jack Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Jerry O’Rear Katherine & Robert Orr Thomas Gray & Kindra Orr David (Mike) & Ann Perry Daniel Phair Gregory & Audra Rasmussen Rick & Becky Reahard Christopher & Mary Elizab Reffett Fred & Ellen Rice Lucy & Robert Riegel Jack & Jen Rinehart Cindy & Gregg Rogers Scott & Heather Rosenfeld Mark Rouleau Karol Ruby Andrew & Jessica Sahm Craig & Anne Sander Jason & Sarah Schaffer Robert & Alice Schloss Janet & Alan Schmetzer Dan & Megan Scott Fred & Katherine Scott Laura & William Selm Steve & Joan Shank Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Shelburne Nancy & Jason Sherman Tom & Julie Shortridge Bill Beechler & Holly Simpson Robert & Karen Smith Scott & Cindy Smith Tim & Sue Ann Specht Jay & Stacey Stallons Tim Stewart Eric & Deborah Stoll Tom & Gretchen Sullivan Linda Daley& Paula Susemichel Torrey Teats Robert & Nicole Tepper Kelly & Joe Todd Karen Valiquett Adam & Becky Van Rooy Susan Vinicor David & Nonie Vonnegut-Gabovitch Carlton & Nancy Waite Wendy Igleheart Walker Bret & Mary Lou Waller Robb & Patricia Warriner Kathy Weber Jill Wiggington Jean Blackwell & Kim Williams Rebekah Williams Todd O’Brien & Anne Williamson

Tony Adams & Dawn Zapinski Mr. David Ziegler Michael & Marcy Zunk Supporter $100 — 249 Mark & Meg Alberts Barb & Kent Alder John Stille & Elizabeth Aldora Don Arbogast Robert & Joyce Archer Bihl Beckstedt Tony Davey & Dennis Benge Carrie & Karl Benko Bryan Bingham Peggy Blazek Bob & Chris Broughton Nancy Broyles Scott & Marilyn C. Bruins Ruth-Anne Herber & Daniel Bunting Dick & Jamie Butler Matthew & Kerry Caito Barb Granneman & John Chirgwin Robert Plienis & Matthew Chittick Susan M. Christensen Dan & Julia Clark Arthur & Sharon Cope David & Ellen Crabb Chad & Kim Davis Paul & Carol DeCoursey Mike & Suzy Dilts Steve & Kris Duncan Andy & Marilyn Emerson Drs. H. Lane & Mary Ferree Patrick & Donna Fish Jim & Cindee Fisher V.M. Fredland & L.M. Folz Edwin & Cindy Zweber Free Marc & Monica Frost Kristen & Mike Fruehwald Scott Gilchrist Christie L. Gillespie Bill & Mary Ann Goetze Mel & Judy Goldstein Dr. Lynn Klus & Chris Golightly Sheila Brown & Juan Gonzalez Sarah Kunz & John Goodman Patty & Jerry Gotway Rich & Susan Graffis Aaron & Kerry Greenlee Ain & Linda Haas Tom & Susie Hacker Amy Hamilton Dick & Sherry Hamstra Laura S. Haneline James Harvey Jeremy Hatch Thomas Hayward John & Susan Hazer Paul & Melissa Helft Steve Herker Jeff Miller & Joyce Hertko Bruce Heslin Mark & Nichole Hicks Doug & Sylvia Hill William & Patricia Hirsch George & Irene Hoffmann James & Julia Hogan Matthew Flalt & Leslie Hulvershorn Rick Parker & Susan Huppert J. Mack Huston

Stuart & Ann-Marie Hyatt Tom & Kerry Irick Alan & Ann January Bob & Claudia Johnson Joe & Maggie Jordan Howard Creveling Jr. Gerald & Patricia Keener John & Sally Kennedy Mike & Pegg Kennedy Timothy King John & Elaine Klein Alex Duarte-Silva & Robert Kleist Ken & Lisa Kobe Dick & Roxanne & Kovacs Michael & Rose Kurtz Dr. Ned & Martha Lamkin Jody & Fritz Lamprey Jim & Kathy Lauck Gene & Carolyn Lausch Allison & Dan Lechleiter Bill Mirola & Jim LeGrand Michele Janin & Tom Linebarger Andrew & Mary Louden Tim & Marjorie Maginn Douglas & Trinda Metzger Holly & Michael Meyers Jim & Barb Mifflin Greg & Kathy Miller Sally & Clark Millman Rees & Marinelle Morgan Jack Munson Jeffrey Ramsey & Thomas Myers Elliott & Estelle Nelson Jennifer & Scott Niemeyer Timothy & Tessa Oakes Nicole & Tim Oprisu Greg & Sue Peterson Gayla Pitts Erick & Wendy Ponader Warren & Geraldine Powell Jean & James Preer Rick & Connie Richmond Steve & Becky Ries Steve & Kristine Robinson Dr. Robert & Helen Rudesill Michael & Paula Ruppert Scott & Denise Saxman Scott & Kelly Lavengood Schenkel Thomas & Conya Scherer Jane Schultz Joan Scott Molly & Albert Seidel Jim & Janice Seidensticker Walter & Ruth Shaw Mary & George Slenski Nelson & Katie Langel Spade Kent Steele Christopher Vice John & Amanda Vujovich Bill & Joan Warrick Tim & Susan Weber Carol L. Weesner Jay Thomas & Barbara Weir Vince & Phyllis Welage Robert & Debra Whitman Alan & Jan Wilhere Andrew & MaDonna Wolf Elaine & Christian Wolf

Promotor $250 — 499 Ron & Margaret Blevins Bill & Lisa Boncosky Nick & Kelly Colby Mike & Cindy Graham Karl & Holly Stults Haas Ann & Larry Henss Scott & Amy Kosnoff Catherine LaCrosse Keith & Kathryn Lerch Christopher Slapak Derek Theriac & Jim Spain Steve & Tina Sullivan Benefactor $500—999 Robert & Mary Beth Braitman John & Cathy Bridge Polly Spiegel & Peter Grossman Stephanie & Gary Kleinrichert Christopher & Ann Stack Jim & Leah Turner Drs Alicia Byers & Marvin Vollmer Samuel L. Westerman Foundation Miss Gretchen Wolfram

Business Members Copper $50 — 99 Bella Vista Fine Landscaping Bokay Florist BrightStar Healthcare Connor Company HCO Architects Hoosier Tools, Inc Jim Wright Painting Kathy Davis Design Kids Ink L. E. Kincaid Landigan & Company, Realtors NAMI Indianapolis Power of Touch - Dave Graf Rutland Insurance Agency Studio 49 Fitness Sullivan Hardware & Garden The Flying Cupcake Vickrey Remodeling Bronze $100 — 249 Broad Ripple Lock Service Cardinal Manufacturing Company Easter Conservation Services Good Morning Mamas Illinois Food Emporium Indy Hostel Kirkenlow Remodeling Mark E. Catton, DDS Meridian Psychological Associates RetroNu Robert Stokes, DDS Sherman and Company Starlight Vacations State Farm Insurance The Great Frame Up Twenty Tap

Silver $250 — 499 Adam Gibson Design Alex Mirkin Real Estate Services Angie’s List Arthur M Glick Jewish Community Center Asset One Real Estate, Scott Lacy Benefit Solutions Bly Bennett, Inc Butler Community Arts School Camden Stained Glass CBRE Chimney & Masonry Outfitters LLC Corinthian Fine Homes Crackers Comedy Club Delicia & LaMulita Demerly Architects Elder Moves Grow Works Houseworks Hubbard & Cravens Coffee Co Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra Indianapolis Museum of Art Indianapolis Opera Jenn Baron Massage Therapist Kobets Properties, LLC L.D. Smith Plumbing MacGill Realty Team Marco’s Restaurant & Lounge Mark M. Holeman, Inc Northern Comfort Systems Penn Shell Automotive Petrov Frame Atelier Ping’s Tree Service Stilwell Design & Remodeling The Somerville Team Van Rooy Restoration Verdigris Yats Gold $500 — 999 Computer System Works, LLC Marigold Clothing Store The National Bank of Indianapolis Platinum $1000 Cafe Patachou Benefactor $2500 pegg kennedy • F.C. Tucker

Institutional Members Supporters $50 Arts for Learning Immaculate Heart of Mary Church of Christ College Ave. Fairview Presbyterian Church Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church Life Community Church Midtown Vineyard Community Church Northwood Christian Church Second Presbyterian Church Promoters $150 Meridian Street United Methodist Church Patrons $300 St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Trinity Episcopal Church

2015 Home Tour Sponsors Manor Citizens Energy Group Farmhouse Indianapolis Power & Light Company California Closets Bungalow Colby Equipment FC Tucker & Co., Inc. Reese/Ferguson Kitchen & Bath Cottage Architectural Antiques of Indianapolis Bly Bennett, Inc. Bokay Florist Classic Cleaners Delicia & LaMulita Foresight Financial Management Hoskins Interior Design Jenni Egger Designs Lowe’s Home Improvement Matt McLaughlin & Associates Real Estate Penn Shell Automotive Pete’s Service Center Ping’s Tree Service The Sinking Ship The Sommerville Team Real Estate Sullivan Hardware & Garden | FROM 38th TO KESSLER. FROM MERIDIAN TO THE MONON | 41


The Magazine of Meridian•Kessler

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LIVE•WORK•SHOP•PLAY•LEARN•GROW Meridian~Kessler Neighborhood Association 526 East 52nd Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

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