2 minute read

Fettered Dreams Lucy B. 21

Fettered Dreams

Lucy B. ’21


A year unlike any other, the complete contrast To the dream of youth we were all told of as kids. Going shopping for the most perfect dresses to wear, Fearlessly roaming new parts of the world As the ever-watching eye of a guardian Becomes removed from our presences.

Fantasies of rolled down windows, hair whipping In the wind as our friends fill the seats of new or Hand-me-down cars we now have control over. The walls falling away as we experience life, Growing up, individualizing, and finding passions: A bittersweet, yet beautiful taste on our tongues.

Yet the brightened smiles of our remaining years Of youth and adulthood conjoined become Hidden by the cursed blessings of cloth coverings. No longer open to breathe fresh air and instead Trapped in a cycle of breathing our own exhalations. The watchful reaper in our peripheral is a reminder of the cause.

Our minds are removed from thoughts of wrapping up And moving out and are replaced with worries for Friends or family who suffer for traits they can’t control. Clamor from those who refuse to accept that people Are different fills our ears, and tear gas burns the eyes Of those brave enough to stand against them.


The changes we anticipated with wonder are Steamrolled by events we cannot control and Changes we need to make. Protests fill the streets and dreary days fog the mind. We watch as stories fill with ever growing amounts of Relevant, necessary information that truly can save lives.

The changes we face are new to us, but still familiar to The World as a whole. Dreams of dress shopping or Nights out grow insignificant and instead We safely remain indoors, spreading news and having Conversations behind the lights of dozens of screens. The youthful dreams will wait, for now we stay in isolation.


Natalie W. ’23

The government’s voicemail is currently full, please call back at another time.

Mikaela T. ’21

Discarded mask pushed aside, A small clearing is created. My school-provided laptop buzzes to life, Warming the tape that holds it together.

They tell you to draw a line between work and home. A change of scenery would be nice I suppose. Taking a vacation from my bedroom, I check into the kitchen table.

My attention is momentarily disrupted, Dulled screaming emitting from the TV. Hmm, a riot at the capitol, Nothing out of the ordinary.

Returning to my formal soliciting, I open up FAFSA’s homepage and frown. My college decision postponed yet again, Paralleling today’s electoral college vote.

Typical, no updates on my federal aid, Guess the government is busy. Considering those branches don’t even overlap... Cut me some slack, it’s kind of hard to concentrate.


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