1 minute read

oh the ways i wish to hold you” M. D. 22

“oh the ways i wish to hold you”

M. D. ’22


oh the ways i wish to hold you the soft nights (my arms, wrapped around you, (your face gently tucked into my chest)

or for you to sit, and me to lay in your lap, basking in your warmth, for you are the sun, the star in my sky

even the days (the dark days, full of windswept tears and rain) I will hold onto you, be the umbrella for your sorrows for you are my star, and i can't bear to see you smashed and torn so i will go on my quest and try to fill your emptiness

you are my heart (held deep into my chest, pulsing with life and energy) and yet also you own it, are the reason it beats on

i will hold you, and i will hold you and i will hold you till i cannot


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