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Finally Happy Sabrina W 23

Finally Happy Sabrina W. ’23

Abuse is something that one cannot control It happens long before we ever expect it. The first grade.


“Mommy Timmy pulled my hair.” Mom would then tell you, “Oh honey he just likes you.” The third grade.

“Mommy Timmy said such rude things to me at school.” Mom again would tell you, “Oh honey he just likes you.” But then as you start to grow up it is no longer your pig tails being pulled or being called mean names.

Now it’s the hitting…the kicking…and saying not mean but cruel, harsh things. “Mom, today Tim smacked me, he yanked my hair and called me a big fat…” Now by the time we realize this is no longer love, Mommy isn’t there anymore.

She pushed mom away, convinced that would make him happy, make him stop. He doesn’t let her out of his sight anymore, Can’t make the call for pizza, Go on late night strolls through the park, Afraid that maybe, just maybe he will be caught. After a while she starts to realize what is happening, She starts to pick up her mother’s calls, She starts going on her stroll to the park, She starts to stick up for herself. Deflecting his hits when he tells her she is worthless, His words get harder, and words get worse. But now at the end of the day she now knows her worth, Knows her worth…

She started getting the help she needed, at first nobody believed her, They told her she was being over dramatic, that she was the one putting cuts on her face, And making those bruises on her body. But after years of finally trying, they realize that maybe, Just maybe…she isn’t the one at fault. After years of pain, it clicks She is finally happy… Finally happy… ———————————

Elisa S. ’24

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