3 minute read

The Alternative Mikaela T. 21

The Alternative Mikaela T. ’21

The bonfire crackled in the silence of the night releasing small embers into the sky. I fiddled with my drink as my friends and I brainstormed something to do on our night off. It was a Tuesday night, and our school closed early to prepare for the election. I bring the cold glass to my lips as the condensation trickles down the side threatening to leave a stain on my light grey sweatpants. A few more minutes passed before the silence was broken.


“I got it!” my friend Ava piped up. “Let’s go run around and steal some signs! I mean we can’t vote but we can surely demonstrate our … support!”

I smile intrigued by the idea and turning to Stella who was doing the same. “I love it, let’s do it.”

We quickly put out the fire coughing as the smoke hit our noses and dusting ourselves off before piling into Stella’s car. A beat down Nissan being held together by virtually nothing sputtered to life as Stella forcefully pushed a key inside. A few of the damp leaves skip away from the car as unknown gases spewed out. Ava reaches over the glove compartment turning on the heat to protect us from the cool November air. I shift uncomfortably in the backseat hyper aware of the leftover Halloween candy wrappers left from a few days ago as they poke me from underneath. The car begins to move as I frantically tug at my seatbelt, still not quite confident in my friends driving abilities.

Still in the spirit, we put Halloween music on to accompany us on our mission. After a few blocks, we notice our first sign and park a few houses away to avoid suspicion. Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ muffles through the closed car doors as we tip toe onto our victims’ yard. Together we pull the sign out from the stubborn ground quickly finding success. Before we know it we’re tripping over each other as we hold back laughs climbing into the car.

We claimed at least five more signs before the wind shifted. The speed picked up making it harder to keep hold of signs and even remained balanced. Our crafty vehicle of choice wasn’t holding up too well either. We decided to do a final house to close off the night. The biggest house in the neighborhood. Home to a snobby family and multiple of our signs of choice. We quietly closed the doors, being extra careful of our steps for the family was home and wide awake. The front windows glowed with life broadcasting the family glued to their television screen watching nervously. Stella and Ava begin to work on removing the signs as I continue to gaze through the large windows, adopting the family's nervous looks.

Suddenly fireworks erupt from behind us. The loud ‘booms’ sounding like the end of the world itself. Or rather our nation. Everything begins to move in slow motion as I watch the family’s faces of fear turn into those of celebration. Fist punching the air as a tear begins to punch my eyelids.

“Guys” I croak out attempting to get my friends attention. I don’t receive a response forcing me to tear my eyes from the horror scene playing before me. The red fireworks rising from behind one of our first stops illuminate my face taunting me. My friends were running for the car as my ears tune back into reality and away from the deafening fireworks that continued to light up the sky.

“We have to go come on get in the car!” Ava screams in my direction, clearly choking on tears. I take one last glance into the home locking eyes with the father. He smiles evilly in my direction, knowing he won. The sign in his yard was dismantled, but still standing.


Grace G. ’22

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