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the bliss of internet escapism M. D. 22

the bliss of internet escapism

M. D. ’22


i know her well.

when the days grow weary, and the darkness falls further and further upon my eyes, when i have nowhere else to go to-

the calming sickly brightness of my phone draws me in.

on the internet, i am safei am


i can do what I want.

a slew of music courses through my ears, often shared by friends as i browse the dark blue cavern of tumblr, hastily scrolling, (my fingers a blur to escape the break of my own escape)

past posts of people asking for help or informational wells of covid guidelines.

if i scroll fast enough, i don’t see it, i’m not responsible for it

for me, the internet is my escape, the only sense of moderation i can feel. who can feel bad as the harsh electronics rage in my ears? as some flashy pink dog dances on my screen? it is my halfway panacea, bringing me from a downwards spiral to neutrality.

The internet is my escape, And I welcome her harsh arms.

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