Keeping Your Operations Moving Efficiently To Expedite The Guest Experience
TURNING THE TABLES • Going Digital • Square Vs, Round Tables
CONCEPTS AND PRODUCTS • Products and Concepts • Cleaning and Disinfecting • Social Distancing
Contactless Menus Menu Engineering Email Marketing Tips Social Media Messaging Masks & Social Distancing Marketing Kit
Uber Eats Ordereeze Ready PopMenu CheddrSuite
Restricted dining capacities have decreased the number of available seats in restaurants across the globe. This decrease in available seating can also restrict the dine-in revenue stream quite substantially. Given the current situation, the efficient turning of tables is even more important than ever before. If you own a restaurant that has ever gone on a waiting list, you know that turning tables is the key to higher profits and engaging more customers. Never wishing to rush or kick out a customer makes turning tables quickly more of an art than a science, but technology and offline techniques can work together to make the most of each seat and table in a restaurant o maximize profitability while giving the customer the best possible experience.
While shortening wait times for guests is typically seen as a quick-service restaurant endeavor, COVID-19 is changing what guests will come to expect from casual sit-down restaurants. New capacity constraints will force staff members to work efficiently to serve quests, as waiting guests will continue to be wary of crowded spaces and lines. Technology as a solution emerges as a clear winner clearer than ever in its ability to both improve operational efficiency and promote social distancing.
Please review federal, state and local regulations to ensure your compliance with the law. For safety and sanitation, stay up to date and check the latest information on CDC.gov. Consult your legal advisors regarding any risks associated with starting a new venture or implementing any recommendations.
Lessen Crowds with Order-Ahead Technology
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s interim reopening guidance recommends that restaurants enable dine-in guests to order ahead of time to limit the amount of time spent inside restaurants, as well as to use technology to alert guests when their table is ready. Meet you guests' needs by placing disinfectant wipes alongside kiosks in your lobby. Kiosk enable guests to pre-order items and pay for them before they have been seated. Guests can view menus, and be notified when their table is ready. This leads to shorter wait times, larger check sizes, and more guest insights for operators. The same kiosk device can even allow guests to submit to-go orders on their own directly to the kitchen.
83% of diners would avoid crowded waiting areas, according to an April survey.
Turning Virtual Tables
It is important to be able to cater to your guests during long waits without impacting your dining room efforts. Suggesting off-premise channels, will continue to drive high levels of strong traffic. Additionally, operators should focus on enabling social distancing via curbside, and parking lot technology. For example, guests can pull into a parking spot and place and pay for their order from their car utilizing a disinfected kiosk or a QR code that takes the customer a mobile ordering platform on their digital device. This frees up staff members to work in the kitchen to accommodate for a higher amount of off-premise orders, increasing the speed at which both dining room and off-premise guests receive their food. Computer vision technology can detect when guests pull up in their cars for curbside pickup, enabling staff to drop off their food faster.
Every minute and every seat has a value. Continue to train staff, communicate and automate to run lean, and increase profits
Other analog techniques can be used by service staff to make sure time is not wasted with guests in seats: Servers should greet guests within 60 seconds of sitting down Plates cleared as they become available, rather than after guests have finished Assign more staff to large parties to expedite, where allowed by local regulations.
Communication between servers, bussers, and hosts so that bussers and hosts can anticipate 3-7 minutes ahead of time that tables are preparing to leave. This will reduce time a table spends unoccupied during busy periods Drop off the check with dessert, but have the check pre-printed prior to dessert in case an up-sell is not possible
Seating design is one of the most overlooked techniques that can be used to get customers moving quickly. When comparing square versus round tables, square tables have been proven to shorten the turn cycle time. Moving more tables away from walls can make a restaurant seem busier, which can also stimulate guests into moving at a slightly faster pace throughout their meal. In many cases, techniques like these can reduce the table times by more than 15 minutes, allowing for one or even two more turns on those seats, allowing operators to generate additional revenue.
Other Modified Layouts and Procedures • Change restaurant and bar layouts to ensure that all customer parties remain at least 6 feet apart (e.g., marking tables/stools that are not for use) • Limit seating capacity to allow for social distancing. • Offer drive-through, curbside take out, or delivery options as applicable. Prioritize outdoor seating as much as possible. • Ask customers to wait in their cars or away from the establishment while waiting to pick up food or when waiting to be seated. Inform customers of food pickup and dining protocols on the business’ website and on posted signs. • Discourage crowded waiting areas by using phone app, text technology, or signs to alert patrons when their table is ready. Avoid using “buzzers” or other shared objects. • Consider options for dine-in customers to order ahead of time to limit the amount of time spent in the establishment. • Avoid offering any self-serve food or drink options, such as buffets, salad bars, and drink stations.
Cleaning and Disinfection • • •
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g., door handles, cash registers, workstations, sink handles, bathroom stalls) as much as possible and as required by food safety requirements. Ensure safe and correct use and storage of disinfectants to avoid food contamination and harm to employees and other individuals. includes storing products securely away from children. Use gloves when removing garbage bags or handling and disposing of trash. Wash hands after removing gloves.
Shared Objects • • • • •
Discourage sharing of items that are difficult to clean, sanitize, or disinfect. Limit any sharing of food, tools, equipment, or supplies by staff members. Avoid using or sharing items that are reusable, such as menus, condiments, and any other food containers. Instead, use disposable or digital menus, single serving condiments, and no-touch trash cans and doors. Use touchless payment options as much as possible, if available. Ask customers and employees to exchange cash or card payments by placing on a receipt tray or on the counter rather than by hand to avoid direct hand to hand contact. Use disposable food service items (e.g., utensils, dishes, napkins, tablecloths). If disposable items are not feasible or desirable, ensure that all non-disposable food service items are handled with gloves and washed with dish soap and hot water, or in a dishwasher. Change and launder linen items (e.g., napkins and tablecloths) after each customer or party’s use. Employees should wash their hands after removing their gloves or after handling used food service items.
Physical Barriers and Guides •
Install physical barriers, such as sneeze guards and partitions, particularly in areas where it is difficult for individuals to remain at least 6 feet apart. Barriers can be useful in restaurant kitchens and at cash registers, host stands, or food pickup areas where maintaining physical distance of at least 6 feet is difficult. Provide physical guides, such as tape on floors or sidewalks and signage, to ensure that individuals remain at least 6 feet apart. Consider providing these guides where lines form, in the kitchen, and at the bar.
Communal Spaces •
Close shared spaces such as break rooms, if possible; otherwise stagger use and clean and disinfect between use.
For the unforeseen future, we will need to continue to exercise social distancing of at least 6’ between us in all environments. Given most restaurants are operating at or below 50% to maintain the required social distancing guidelines. Be sure to check your local guidelines; depending on where you are located, there may be different restrictions. As a general rule continue to check local and national guidelines to ensure you are aware of any new practices at all times. In addition to masks and sanitation, there is a second tier of equipment you may need to consider. Check out the products below.
Rosseto® Avant Guarde Sneeze Guard with Pass-Through Window
24" x 15.5"
Cal-Mil Wesport Social Distancing Sign
17.5"x 22"
Rosseto® Avant Guarde Sneeze Guard Acryclic
48" x 28"
American Metalcraft Protective Barrier Line Hinged Guard
Rosseto® Avant Guarde Sneeze Guard with Pass-Through Door
48" x 40"
American Metalcraft Black Barrier Post and Base System
84" Retractable
Indoor Wall/Floor with Small Shoe Prints Floor Decal
Indoor Wall/Floor Decal Thank You for Practicing Social Distancing Text
Indoor Social Distancing Wall Poster 20# Paper
13"x18" Case of 4
13"x18" Case of 4
11" x 17"
Cal-Mil Free-Standing Barrier with Window
40" x 31.75" x 4"
Wall/Floor Indoor Social Distancing Decal 13"x18" Case of 4
Bon Chef Health Partitions Restaurant Table Partitions
18' x 48' x 60'
Sysco Marketing Services has you Covered for all your marketing needs Now that you have thought through your strategy, it’s time to spread the word about the new space, safety/comfort measures, and the menu you have put in place. And Sysco Marketing Services has you covered with all our marketing tips, tricks and our services aimed to take the work off so you can concentrate on what you do best!
First and foremost, include those items that have higher profit margins, require shorter prep times, and transport easily while maintaining their quality. Review the 4Ps of menu engineering to help you strategize your menu and boost your profitability! Make ordering easy and mobile device friendly, encouraging them to return again and again.
Frequent communication and marketing via all your social media channels is essential to reach your existing customers and capture new ones. To get the word out, post photos of your new family-style items, including options for fruits and snacks and your Grab and Go menu items on all your social media channels.
Have visible signage at all times. Consider patio easels, sidewalk signs, and banners. Sysco can help you create these. We believe “the bigger the better” for your signage so it can be spotted by those walking or driving by. Sysco Marketing Concierge can also help you create QR materials in this toolkit. Contact us at 1-800-380-6348 or info@syscomarketingservices.com
Manage Your Menu Content • Focus on what you do best – provide a consistent, quality product that your customers can count on. • Evaluate and update your menu considering the 4P’s of Menu Engineering: PROFITABILITY • Review current item costs and make pricing adjustments based on current market conditions. • Identify areas where you can switch out ingredients to enhance profitability without compromising quality. POPULARITY • Feature your signature items – what are you famous for? • Review past history or competitive analysis for key offerings. PREPARATION • Select items that require limited preparation and assembly. • Cross-train your kitchen staff for maximum efficiency. • Review and reduce your inventory to minimize stand-alone items and excess stock. PORTABILITY • Ensure your items package and travel well – maintaining their quality and freshness. • Invest in the proper carryout containers to maintain temperature and presentation to most closely mirror dine-in experience.
Conversational content is designed to increase engagement with your customers. Ask for answers or poll your audience to learn more about their preferences. This will increase engagement and keep your brand top of mind. Tip: Shoot vertical pictures and videos for a full screen mobile experience. For more information, click here
We love our customers, and we want to hear from you.
What's your favorite on-the-go meal? Salad wrap or club sandwich? #CustomerPoll • Use Relevant Hashtags: #sandwichlover #sandwichlove #SandwichOfTheDay #sandwichesofinstagram #CustomerPoll • You can use hashtag generators engines to find more relevant hashtags. The more hashtags you use the more chances for exposure and higher reach
This is a great time to put fresh content in front of your customers. The two content pillars that you should consider are calendar and conversational. Calendar-Content is defined as event-based and seasonal, built around popular holiday sales, promotions, and launch dates. Tip: Quick videos are a great way to grab your audience’s attention. Shoot a 6-10 second close-up of your feature menu item. For more information on how to make social media quick videos, click here.
• Post Copy Example: It's back-to-school season and we're offering a buy-one-get-one-free special. Stop by our deli and choose from a selection of healthy lunches for you and the kiddos. #BackToSchool • Relevant Hashtags Examples: #quicklunch #backtoschoollunch #safetyfirst #letseat #takeittogo • You can use hashtag generators engines to find more relevant hashtags. • The more hashtags you use increases the chances for exposure and higher reach
EMAIL EXAMPLE Email Subject: Check out our NEW Menu! We are introducing Quick Service options. Preheader: Call us today and be ready for your next meal!
EMAIL MARKETING PROCESS DEFINE Define the message you want your audience to receive and keep in mind your goals when crafting it– traffic, awareness, more business.
TARGET Determine the target audience for your message. Use your promotional or commercial email distribution lists. Remember that you need consent from your audience to receive emails to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act. You are required to provide an “unsubscribe mechanism” and identify “yourself” the sender, with name, telephone and address. Many third-party email providers like Constant Contact or MailChimp offer these tools. Note that mass emails with the mentioned tools are not supported by Outlook, Yahoo or Gmail.
Craft a simple email message about the new opportunity for your community and diners. Include photos of your products, menu and restaurant new set-up.
SCHEDULE Always check for grammar and spelling before you send the email to target audience. Send at times when your audience is online active.
RESULTS & ENGAGE Email service providers offer tools to review email results, it will allow you continuous improvement and the opportunity to keep engaging with your audience. Monitor your inbox for replies, questions and concerns and follow up.
Let your customers know that you are following recommended safety guidelines by communicating via these marketing essentials.
11x17 Posters
Floor Decals
The Sysco iCare program is designed to make you more efficient, increase your profitability and make it easier for you to manage your operations. The intent is to help drive business in all areas of house with our holistic collection of offerings, encompassing our specialized services, restaurant technology, tools, partnerships, and personalized consultation. We have partnered with best-in-class companies to make sure our customers have the right tools to optimize their business and increase traffic.
Need Help with Turning The Tables?
Contact your Sales Consultant or our Sysco Concierge Service. Our team of associates are available to help build or update your marketing materials to make you more profitable.
Get started today by calling 1-800-380-6348 or email us at info@syscomarketingservices.com
Please review federal, state and local regulations to ensure your compliance with the law. For safety and sanitation, stay up to date and check the latest information on CDC.gov. Consult your legal advisors regarding any risks associated with starting a new venture or implementing any recommendations.