Llyfryn Darlunio'r Dyfodol | Framing the Future Booklet

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David Mayne, ‘Port Talbot’

Pen rheswm / gwrando’r galon:

Darlunio’r Dyfodol

Ffotograffiaeth o Gymru, yr Alban a Chatalonia

Head / Heart:

Framing the Future

Photography from Wales, Scotland and Catalonia

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Yr ymchwilwyr o Brifysgol Aberystwyth sy’n arwain y prosiect yma yw: Anwen Elias, Elin Royles, Núria Franco-Guillén a Rhys Jones. Am fwy o wybodaeth am y prosiect ewch i: https://cwps.aber.ac.uk/cy/gwleidyddiaeth-annibyniaeth/ The Aberystwyth University researchers leading this project are: Anwen Elias, Elin Royles, Núria Franco-Guillén and Rhys Jones. For further information about the project, please go to: https://cwps.aber.ac.uk/politics-independence/


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Ein Prosiect

Our Project

Mae’r llyfryn hwn yn cynnwys casgliad o ffotograffau o’n prosiect yn defnyddio ffotograffiaeth i ddeall sut mae pobl yn meddwl am annibyniaeth yng Nghymru, yr Alban a Chatalonia.

This booklet shares a selection of photographs from our project using photography to understand how people think about independence in Wales, Scotland and Catalonia.

I’r cenhedloedd hyn, byddai annibyniaeth yn golygu gadael y wladwriaeth maen nhw’n perthyn iddi ar hyn o bryd (y Deyrnas Unedig a Sbaen) a dod yn wladwriaeth annibynnol.

For these nations, becoming independent would mean leaving the state which they are currently a part of (the UK and Spain) and becoming a state in their own right.

Mae gwaith blaenorol wedi canolbwyntio ar sut mae nodweddion pobl (fel oedran, rhywedd a dosbarth cymdeithasol) ac agweddau (er enghraifft canfyddiad pobl o’u hunaniaeth genedlaethol) a’u dewisiadau gwleidyddol (gan gynnwys sut maen nhw’n pleidleisio mewn etholiadau) wedi effeithio ar eu barn am annibyniaeth.

Previous work has focused on how people’s characteristics (such as age, gender and class) and attitudes (for example how they define their national identity) and their political preferences (including how they vote in elections) affected their views about independence.

Mae’r prosiect hwn yn wahanol gan ei fod yn ystyried meddyliau a theimladau pobl ynglŷn ag annibyniaeth. A sut mae eu profiadau yn dylanwadu ar eu barn. Rydyn ni wedi gweithio gyda chlybiau ffotograffiaeth a myfyrwyr i ymchwilio i’r cwestiwn yma. Gofynnwyd i gyfrannwyr dynnu lluniau yn ymwneud ag annibyniaeth. Fe fuon nhw’n trafod y delweddau ac yn cymryd rhan mewn cyfweliadau. Mae’r prosiect yn amhleidiol, nid yw’n cefnogi’r un blaid wleidyddol, ac nid yw’n hyrwyddo safbwynt penodol am annibyniaeth. Mae’n cael ei ariannu gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol, yn rhan o Ganolfan Ymchwil Cymdeithas Sifil yr ESRC/WISERD. Mae’r Mudiadau canlynol wedi cefnogi’r prosiect: Clwb Camera Aberystwyth, Workers Gallery, Ynyshir, y Rhondda; Foto-Cine Mataró d’UEC (Clwb Camera Mataró); IEFC: Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya (Sefydliad Astudiaethau Ffotograffeg Catalonia).

This project takes a different approach by exploring people’s thoughts and feelings about independence. And how their experiences shape their views. We have worked with photography clubs and students to explore this question. Participants were asked to take images about independence. They discussed the images and took part in interviews. The project is non-partisan and does not promote a particular position on independence. It is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, as part of the ESRC/WISERD Civil Society Research Centre. The following organisations have supported this project: Aberystwyth Camera Club; Workers Gallery, Ynyshir, y Rhondda; Foto-Cine Mataró d’UEC (Mataró Camera Club); IEFC: Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya (Catalonia Institute of Photographic Studies). These photographs were displayed as an exhibition at Oriel Carn, Caernarfon 10-17.2.24 and in the Welsh Senedd, Cardiff 22.5.24.

Dangoswyd y ffotograffau hyn fel arddangosfa yn Oriel Carn, Caernarfon 10-17.2.24 ac yn Senedd Cymru, Caerdydd 22.5.24.



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Rydyn ni’n wahanol

We are different

Yn y tri achos, roedd pobl yn aml yn dweud eu bod yn teimlo’u bod yn wahanol i weddill y wladwriaeth (y Deyrnas Unedig neu Sbaen). Ond hefyd mae eu synnwyr o hunaniaeth yn amrywio cryn dipyn.

Across the three cases, participants often spoke of their sense of distinctiveness from the rest of the state (the UK or Spain). But their sense of identity also varies a lot.

Yng Nghymru a Chatalwnia, i rai, roedd cyswllt cryf iawn rhwng iaith a diwylliant a hunaniaeth. I eraill, roedd yr elfennau hyn yn llai pwysig. Yn yr Alban, teimlai rhai yn gryf eu bod yn Albanwyr ar sail bod â gwerthoedd unigryw; tra roedd eraill yn ystyried eu hunain yn Brydeinig, neu yn cyfeirio at hunaniaethau eraill.

In Wales and Catalonia, for some, identity is strongly linked to language and culture. To others, these aspects are less important. In Scotland, some felt strongly Scottish on the basis of having distinctive values; others also defined themselves as British or referred to other identities.

Ydy hunaniaeth unigryw yn effeithio ar agweddau pobl am annibyniaeth? Nid yw ymwybyddiaeth o fod yn wahanol yn golygu bod gan bobl yr un farn ynglŷn ag annibyniaeth. I rai, nid yw hunaniaeth yn ystyriaeth bwysig. I eraill, mae eu hunaniaeth yn golygu eu bod yn meddwl yn wahanol am annibyniaeth: ei gefnogi neu ei wrthwynebu.

Does a distinctive identity shape how people think about independence? The awareness of being different does not lead to the same views on independence. For some, their identity is not an important consideration. For others, their identity leads them to think differently about independence: either to support independence, or to oppose it.


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Lonnie Morris, ‘Blooming Daffodils amongst dying roses’ 5

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Tracey Leonard, ‘Broken Britain’ 6

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John MacMillan, dim teitl/no title 7

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Sonny McLeod, dim teitl/no title 8

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Bella Scholz, dim teitl/no title 9

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Àgueda Colom, ‘Llenya de l’arbre mort’ 10

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Gala Espín Aroyo, dim teitl/no title 11

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Jaume Estapé, ‘Els més grans de Catalunya’


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Ein Gorffennol / Ein Dyfodol

Our Past / Our Future

Yn aml, mae profiadau bywyd pobl, a’u safbwynt ar wleidyddiaeth a chymdeithas, yn aml yn dylanwadu ar eu barn am annibyniaeth.

People’s life experiences, and their views of politics and society, often shape how they think about independence.

Mae rhai yn credu y bydd annibyniaeth yn trawsnewid cymdeithas ac yn creu dyfodol gwell, tecach a mwy cynaliadwy. Y gred yw mai annibyniaeth yw’r unig ffordd o wneud penderfyniadau sy’n ateb anghenion y wlad, yn wleidyddol, yn economaidd ac yn ddiwylliannol, heb ymyrraeth allanol.

Some people think that independence will transform society and create a better, fairer and more sustainable future. Independence is seen as the only way of taking decisions that meet the country’s political, economic and cultural needs, free from outside interference.

I eraill, mae annibyniaeth yn risg enfawr: beth fyddai’n ei olygu i’r economi, i ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau allweddol fel iechyd, ac i gysylltiadau’r wlad â gweddill y byd? Roedd rhai’n amau a fyddai annibyniaeth yn gwneud llawer o wahaniaeth. I rai, roedd hanes eu gwlad hefyd yn dylanwadu ar eu syniadau am ei dyfodol. Yn aml, roedd canfyddiad o orthrwm diwylliannol ac ecsploetio economaidd yn gwneud i bobl uniaethu yn gryfach ag annibyniaeth.

Others see independence as a risky project: what would it mean for the economy, the provision of key services such as healthcare, and for the country’s links with the rest of the world? Some doubt whether independence would make much of a difference. For some, their country’s past also shapes how they think about its future. Perceptions of cultural suppression and economic exploitation often make them feel more sympathetic to independence.


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Ann Davies, ‘Hiraeth’ 15

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Rosalys Anthony, dim teitl/no title 16

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Lonnie Morris, ‘Dragon in a Cage’ 17

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Richard Jones, ‘Dolbadarn yn Deffro’


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Trefor James, ‘At a Crossroad’ 19

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Clint Thomas, ‘Marching in Merthyr’ 20

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David Garner, ‘Who Holds the Power?’ 21

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Clive Tonkins, ‘Policy decisions’ 22

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Neil McGuff, ‘Misfit’ 23

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David Mayne, ‘Rhydyfro’ 24

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Cole Whitelaw, ‘Socket’


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Hayley Thomas, ‘Connections’ 26

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Sonny McLeod, dim teitl/no title 27

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Tennet Buckner, dim teitl/no title


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Andrea Hernandez, ‘I·lusió buida’ 29

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Trafod annibyniaeth

Debating independence

Sut mae ein dyfodol cyfansoddiadol yn cael ei drafod?

How is our constitutional future debated?

Dydi hi ddim bob amser yn hawdd trafod annibyniaeth. Yn yr Alban a Chatalwnia, cyfeiriwyd at yr anhawster trafod y pwnc gyda theulu a ffrindiau. Eglurodd eraill eu bod yn rhwystredig nad oedd modd cael dadl agored a chytbwys am annibyniaeth. Roedd rhai yn beio’r gwleidyddion a’r cyfryngau – yn enwedig y cyfryngau cymdeithasol – am ddadleuon gor-syml o blaid neu yn erbyn annibyniaeth. Yng Nghatalonia, bu mwy o drafod ar y broses o gynnal refferendwm yn 2017. Cyfeiriodd rhai at gryfder y broses lawr gwlad hon; roedd eraill yn rhwystredig gydag ymateb gwladwriaeth Sbaen. Yng Nghatalonia a’r Alban, lle mae annibyniaeth wedi ei drafod ers cryn amser, roedd rhai cyfranwyr yn dal i gefnogi’r nod, ond doedd eraill ddim yn malio erbyn hyn.

It’s not always easy to have a discussion about independence. In Scotland and Catalonia, participants talked about the difficulty of talking about the topic with their families and friends. Others expressed their frustration at not being able to have an open and balanced debate about independence. Some blamed politicians and the media – and especially social media - for simplistic debates for or against independence. In Catalonia in particular, many participants focused on the attempt at holding a referendum on independence in 2017. Some talked about the strength of this grass-roots process; others were frustrated by the response of the Spanish state. In Catalonia and Scotland, where independence has long been debated, some participants still support this goal but others no longer care.


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Alison Jones, ‘We Three’ 31

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Tracey Leonard, ‘Yma o Hyd’ 32

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Mike Maguire, ‘A long long journey’ 33

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Richard Jones, ‘Annibyniaeth Barn’ 34

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David Garner, ‘Who Counts’ 35

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Maria Mcanumel, dim teitl/no title


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Enrique Martinez, ‘Desig trencat’ 37

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Anna Martin Rauret, dim teitl/no title 38

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Ferran Terra i Tarrós, dim teitl/no title 39

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Robert Vázquez, ‘Castellers de Cataluña Unidos por la Independencia’ 40

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Adrià Tur Mangues, ‘Ganes d’una oportunitat’

Adrià Tur Mangues, ‘Sense Horitzó’ 42

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Àgueda Colom, ‘Titella’ 43

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Gala Espín Aroyo, dim teitl/no title 44

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Jessica Cañadas Santos, dim teitl/no title

Marc Ballano Descamps, ‘Angoixa’ 46

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Pen rheswm / Gwrando’r Galon

Head / heart

Bu cyfrannwyr yn y tri achos yn pwyso a mesur eu teimladau am annibyniaeth. Roedd rhai cyfrannwyr yn teimlo’n gryf o blaid neu yn erbyn annibyniaeth. Ond roedd eraill yn fwy ansicr am yr hyn y gallai ei olygu i’w gwlad.

Participants in the three cases weighed up their feelings about independence Some people had a firm view for or against independence. But others felt much more torn about what it could mean for their country.

Soniodd rhai am eu gobaith y byddai annibynniaeth yn newid y wlad er gwell, ond hefyd am eu hamheuon a’r peryglon gwleidyddol ac economaidd posibl o fod yn wlad annibynol.

They spoke of their hope that independence could change their country for the better, but also of the uncertainty and political and economic risks of going it alone.

Yn aml, roedd tensiwn rhwng y ddwy farn yma, y pen a’r galon yn gwthio yn erbyn ei gilydd. Tuedd hyn oedd gwneud i bobl feddwl nad annibyniaeth yw’r ateb.

There was often a tension between these two views, a struggle between the head and the heart. This often led participants to feel that independence might not be the answer.


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Adrian Price, ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ 49

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David Mayne, ‘Hope’ 50

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Neil McGuff, ‘At What Price’ 51

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Jocelyn Kinch, ‘Ambiguity of Nationalism’


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Joe McBride, ‘Home’


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Kieran Clarke, ‘Finlay’s Sunset’


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cwps.aber.ac.uk/darlunior-dyfodol/ | cwps.aber.ac.uk/framing-the-future/

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