Institutional plan VHL University of Applied Sciences 2022-2025

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Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Core values


Main goals



Key figures

FOREWORD “Making the difference with ambitious professionals in tomorrow’s world. We are happy to take on that challenge!"

JAN VAN IERSEL Chairman of the Executive Board

This Institutional Plan, 'Growing as experts in transition', describes how Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences will enter the future. We are connecting our mission, core values and vision to the major challenges society faces today. We help our students optimise their development into the transition experts the world needs. To do this, we must also develop ourselves and remain continuously in transition as experts. After all, it is a challenge to combine the green and blue domain in a fruitful and profitable way with entrepreneurship, cooperation and personal development. For the Executive Board, it is very encouraging to see how this ambitious story has emerged, in conversation with the entire university and its partners. This commitment is also evident in the desire to hold on to all the good things we are already doing, and in the great ambitions for what we want to do differently and better. You can read what inspires us here. This is Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. Even more than in the previous Institutional Plan, 'Green without borders', this Institutional Plan provides direction and space to make choices, determine priorities and jointly shape the HVHL approach to education, research and cooperation. We mean what we say. The proof is in the pudding we are preparing. We will use this Institutional Plan as a guideline for the policy plans for the years 2022-2025 and for the annual evaluations. Thank you to the hundreds of students, colleagues, alumni, work field partners, participation council members, supervisors and managers who have contributed intensively in the past year! It was a turbulent year partly due to corona, so we are extra proud of how we were able to develop this Institutional Plan together. This Institutional Plan is an invitation to everyone to continue working together and to contribute to the world of tomorrow - and the day after tomorrow. The Executive Board, Jan van Iersel, Kitty Kwakman and Anneke Luijten

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values







The four transitions: - For climate adaptation and mitigation - For a sustainable chain - For sustainable water management - For a sustainable living environment


The HVHL approach: - Substantive skills - Social skills - Economic skills - Personal skills


1. The four transitions will dictate our strategic choices until 2025.

2. We will educate ourselves and others in order to become transition experts.

3. We will join forces within the entire university.

4. We will be regionally and internationally connected.


Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key figures



Table of contents 5 Outlook on the future 7 Introduction: Growing as experts in transition 8 Mission


Core values


Vision: Experts in sustainability transitions 12 How the world will be a better place: the transitions 12 Developing transition experts: the HVHL approach 13 Our main goals for 2022-2025 14 Strategy: Giving direction and space Strategy for Goal 1: contributing to four transitions Strategy for Goal 2: Developing into transition experts Strategy for Goal 3: joining forces across the University of Applied Sciences Strategy for Goal 4: Connecting with our environment

15 15 18 20 22

Implementation: This is what the next step looks like 24 Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in key figures 27

STRATEGY 1. 2. 3. 4.

We will create a connection between education and transition. We will focus on life-long learning in order to be able to permanently stimulate transitions. Our research philosophy will embed relevance into the transitions. Our locations will be Living Labs for sustainability innovations.

1. We will create a distinctive and transferable educational concept with a content-oriented profile for transition experts. 2. We will develop our social skills through multi-disciplinarity and inclusiveness, allowing us to look at matters from multiple perspectives. 3. Our students will develop basic entrepreneurial skills. 4. We will provide space for personal development following tailored development paths. 1. We will create stronger links between education and research. 2. We will standardise the working methods at both our locations where possible, and make sure our overall basis is solid. 3. We will strengthen the cooperation between OP (primary process) and OOP (services). 4. We will ensure an optimal combination of physical and digital contact. 5. We will train our teams to be excellent examples of transition experts. 1. 2. 3. 4.

We will strengthen our connection to the region through a limited number of close collaborations. We are known to be one of the best green universities in Europe. We will increase our recognisability. We will intensify our collaborations with green higher education institutes and regional knowledge institutions.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

OUTLOOK ON THE FUTURE In 2022.. An interested havo student who is considering studying in Velp is surprised when she walks onto the estate. Aren't the lecture halls inside? Everyone walks around and discusses a question from an entrepreneur in the region who explains his problem next to a pond. She is immediately addressed by a third-year student, because all years work together. The young man thought she was a student here already! The information specialist enters the media library tired, but satisfied. His second guest lecture went even better than the first! He was already accustomed to working with colleagues in education in subjects and research projects. But he found it quite exciting when asked to give lectures as well. But with coaching from an experienced teacher, it went really well.

In 2023.. A CEO at the annual conference of her company enthusiastically talks about what it was like to be entrepreneur in residence in Leeuwarden. She had been a bit surprised at first, because what was she doing there, as a management consultant? It turned out HVHL was serious about it, and before she knew it she was on the payroll. She had such a good time, especially with the interns she brought in! At the drinks after the conference, a man - who used to be a big critic - asks if he could maybe become her successor at HVHL. The professor has a difficult choice to make: which student from her field can participate in the knowledge group? She'd give it to any of them. In the end, she chooses the young man who came up with such a clever business model, "how to make a good living with a green heart," because she is sure he can teach her a thing or two.

In 2024.. What strikes the veteran is how the atmosphere has changed in recent years. HVHL always had an involved and positive atmosphere, but lately something new has been added: stability. The clarity of the procedures and the focus on what is really important have provided a sense of security that has made trust a matter of course. Wonderful to experience. The delegation from Bangladesh is warmly welcomed. The minister already met the project group last year at her ministry, but it is wonderful to now also see the estate where this innovative water purification system was conceived and tested. Impressive how an educational module that started so small is now the hub for collaboration of education, research and cooperation in five different countries!

In 2025.. The waiting list of partners contributing to the expertise centre 'Interprofessional collaboration' is really getting frighteningly long now. The solution is found in the student-run spin-off. The students have built a fully online platform to facilitate the expertise centre completely digitally. The project group for the Institutional Plan 2026-2030 meets for the first time. Smiling, they leaf through the Institutional Plan 'Growing as experts in transition'. They see what great strides have been made, how alignment has created synergy and the transitions are truly leading for everyone. Who would have thought that the last years have led to this result? They look forward to taking the next step. Because the future is never finished.


Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key figures

"Teachers and students have a passion JORRICK KALTER Student Member OPCO

for their profession and want to share it with others. That way, we learn a lot from each other too!"

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

INTRODUCTION: GROWING AS EXPERTS IN TRANSITION People really do have an impact on their environment. That's a starting point for a university of applied sciences. Because through learning and teaching, research and development, we know we can make a difference. But human influence is also the cause of major problems. It is the influence of humans that is increasingly threatening ecosystems. We are no longer even surprised by the severe and more frequent extremes in the weather. We are already taking into account global changes that also affect our immediate environment. Big transitions are needed, and people can influence that. This is the major task facing universities of applied sciences today: to make a positive contribution, through education, research and cooperation, to the transitions that can reduce or even reverse the problems caused by people. The Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences aims to achieve maximum positive impact, first and foremost by educating professionals into transition experts for the future. We are aware that the challenges require professional expertise from many angles: from environment to people, from forest floor to work floor, and from tradition to transition. They are right to look to us for solutions, because we train people who devise, develop and implement solutions. We have been the place where thinkers and doers come from for decades. For us, sustainability is not a trend, but a tradition. Not hype, but the heart of everything what we do. We are the safe place for coalitions. Teachers, students and researchers know that we must work together, inside and outside our university, because major changes are needed throughout the system. That is why we focus our teaching and research on transitions. This requires deepening, experimenting, testing and scaling up. We can do that.


We are the innovative place for talent. We are already the well-known experts in sustainable development for society: in the field of land and water, forest and city, fertility and technology. That is why we want to continue to develop and share knowledge, contributing to appropriate policies that future-proof systems at all levels. We know that the issues are no longer just about the green, the blue or the grey domain. Earth is the domain. This makes the global task urgent and extremely complex. Everyone's commitment is needed to realise the sustainability transitions together. Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences makes the difference by training students from all over the world to make this contribution. Relying on their own expertise, cooperating with partners from all disciplines, working towards solutions where ideals and business models go hand in hand.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



The future of the earth demands that we do everything possible today to seize opportunities and solve problems. Society demands that parties work together to realise that future. This ambition often clashes with the reality of stubborn problems, vested interests and ingrained habits. That is why, as a university of applied sciences, we are working on strong coalitions with a hopeful, realistic vision, within which students will find a place to be prepared for their position at the heart of social issues. To contribute as transition experts to a thriving world. What can society expect from the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences? That's what this Institutional Plan is about. It sets out how we are future-proofing our field of work: • We train people who have their specialist field and simultaneously can think integrally and internationally; • Based on our expertise, we build participation and cooperation in the region and (inter)nationally; • We combine the strengths of education and research;

Key figures

• Our ideals go hand in hand with carefully considered business models. We understand the market and connect with the consumer. These are turbulent times for a world in which so much is at stake, and yet so much is possible. This requires a clear partner who can make the difference in key areas with focused passion and experience. Students, staff and partners deserve that clarity. This Institutional Plan presents our mission, our core values, and our vision for the next decade. We make strategic choices regarding the subjects that are most important to us, and base these on our main goals for the period up to 2025. So that everyone knows what we stand for and what we are going to do. This is us. This is Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences.

"The world of tomorrow requires a clear partner, who can make the difference with focused passion and years of experience in key places. Van Hall Larenstein is that partner."

PERRY HEIJNE CFO World Nature Fund

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

MISSION As a University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein connects people who want to work together towards a better Earth. With our education and research, we train people who, as ambitious professionals, make a difference to key social issues around the world. Professionals who can translate their ideals into innovations, policies, revenue models and impact. Our practice-based research makes us a reliable partner within our networks, where we apply our knowledge and jointly discover our optimal contribution to the world of tomorrow.

"With education and research that transforms the latest insights into practical applications, Van Hall Larenstein fulfils an important guiding role in the world."

ATZE SCHAAP Owner Power in Partnership


Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key figures

CORE VALUES Our passion for the Earth shapes our character as an institution. This character can be summarised in the following elements that we - and others - value most in our attitude and behaviour: We go for the transition

We strive for excellence

We determine the value of what we do by the difference we make in practice. Everyone can expect our experts to make choices that lead to real improvements in quality of life and living conditions. We dare to make choices, use our knowledge and work together. We use the practical experience we have gained in our education and research.

We train motivated professionals. Everyone should expect the highest quality in everything we do. In our endeavour, we provide a safe place for taking educational risks. We are responsible, competent and reliable.

We are in the vanguard We are proactive in our areas of expertise. Everyone can expect us to be up to date with the latest developments and to push the boundaries by continuing to look for ways to improve. We are curious, entrepreneurial and focused.

We do it together We are a personal university with short lines. We cherish the relationship with our students, our colleagues, our partners and the market. Everyone should expect to be personally heard and seen in our inclusive organisation. We engage in dialogue, deliver customised services where possible, work from the power of entrepreneurship, and see diversity as an advantage.


"We are a small university. Teachers know you by name and are genuinely interested. You are noticed here."

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

VISION: EXPERTS IN SUSTAINABLE TRANSITIONS The Earth is vulnerable and must be protected. Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences is aware of the immense complexity of the questions we are faced with. In order to be able to deliver the best possible education and research in the future, we need to make strategic choices today. We base these choices on two aspects: the impact on the world (the transitions we want to contribute to) and the HVHL approach (the skills of transition experts). How the world will be a better place: the transitions

All activities of the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences focus on impact. Our environment has questioned us on this: What can we rely on? What good will it do the world? How can the university help us (partners, companies, authorities, regions) to become future-proof? This is our answer: We focus on the following four transitions. That is where change is most needed and where our contribution can be greatest: 1. Climate change requires major adaptations: a transition to adaptation (adjusting) and mitigation (preventing further change) This is of course the great challenge of our time: how do we keep our amazing Earth healthy and liveable for humans, animals and nature worldwide? We are working on practical solutions to counteract further climate change (mitigation) and on ways to adjust our country to anticipate climate change (adaptation).

3. Living with water the right way: a transition to sustainable water management We have great ambitions for our handling of water. We are working towards a robust society in which the water cycle has its natural place. We understand and manage the importance of water for land, people and animals, across the board. 4. B iodiversity and (animal) welfare in rural and urban areas: transition to a sustainable living environment We need new and integrated answers to how we develop our living environment, in which humans, animals and nature share space and interact in sustainable harmony. We are working on a in-depth cohesion between city and countryside, culture and nature, people and animals. A good living environment is the foundation of welfare and health for both humans and animals. We make an integral interpretation feasible by bringing together ecological, social and economic knowledge.

2. Sustainable agriculture and food: a transition to a sustainable chain Our agriculture and food supply are innovative solutions, but they also raise new problems for the future. To ensure that future generations can also reap the benefits, we are working towards adevelopment of a sustainable, safe, just and healthy agriculture and food chain, with attention to the welfare of animals, people and nature. This way a good and profitable life remains possible for all concerned.


Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key figures

Developing transition experts: the HVHL approach

In order to maximise our impact on the transitions, we have adopted the 'HVHL approach'. With this approach, we develop transition experts who have a unique, professional and global perspective, feeling at ease in the international playing field. We distinguish four types of skills of transition experts:

"If you really want to make an impact, you need to also be able to supervise the transition process. That requires competencies such as empathy, openness and courage, but also an eye for social benefits."


Lecturer Sustainable Water in the Environment Act Programme leader Water Board Vallei and Veluwe

1. Professional skills: An HVHL graduate has the professional knowledge needed, understands how ecosystems function, masters analytical techniques (in the field and labs), knows the dynamics of the problems and the best practices for solutions. This involves knowledge of the problems, the required transitions and the coherence between the transitions. We share this professional knowledge within and between our courses. 2. Social skills: An HVHL employee is able to work based on cross-cultural cooperation, recognise and connect different interests, and build integrative solutions on this basis. That is why we select multidisciplinary projects to tackle together: in the regions of our locations and with our international cooperation partners. 3. Economic skills: High ideals can go hand in hand with solid business models. An HVHL'er understands that anyone who wants to make a sustainable contribution to transitions must also be able to keep a business afloat in the longer term. The major transitions will only succeed if the market and the consumer participate. That is why we need to be able to speak that language. 4. Personal skills: Achieving transitions requires perseverance, openness, courage and resilience, which can be summoned only if the motivation is strong. HVHL'ers are experts who have their hearts in the right place, keep their heads up, and have both feet on the ground. This way, we connect with what everyone is doing it for.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

OUR MAIN GOALS FOR 2022-2025 What does this mean? The mission, core values and vision with transition experts express the attitude, motivation and culture of Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. The next step describes our strategic agenda, with guiding statements about the choices we are making in the most important areas. By first defining a number of main goals, we bring focus to our strategy. The main goals build a bridge between mission, core values and vision on the one hand and the strategic choices on the other. We are now ready to choose four coherent main goals for Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences and to translate these into strategy. 1. The four transitions are leading for our strategic choices until 2025. We want to make a significant difference and that is also the criterion by which we judge what we do and whether we are on the right track. We leave that judgment to others. They should recognise us as an organisation with impact on the transitions: big ambitions, a solid plan to realise those ambitions, and demonstrable results, delivered by convincing professionals. 2. We are developing ourselves and others into transition experts. A crucial skill for the future is being able to manage change. We are going to develop the HVHL approach to 2025 in such a way that we are transition experts ourselves, and that we give our students the baggage to have a decisive influence on the course of transitions in collaboration. This requires broad substantive and economic knowledge, and a range of crucial professional competencies. This enables us to make use of our scale: we are big enough to have the variety available, but at the same time, our scale offers the space to stay personal and to make contact. 3. We are joining forces across the university. We are organising ourselves optimally within the collegial and inclusive university that we are increasingly becoming. We optimise the synergy between groups, departments, locations and services. Education and research work together - there is no research without a link to education, and every programme contributes to our research agenda. We are developing shared ownership and we have the basics in place. At the sites, knowledge is shared and developed, and at university level, we organise the services and knowledge development. This makes it easier for us to find each other and makes cooperation on transitions strong and tangible. 4. We are tightly connected regionally and internationally. We are developing alliances with regional, national and international partners who share our vision. This is how we exchange knowledge about sustainable transitions, build joint curricula and research, and learn together to increase impact in our regions and far beyond. Our knowledge and expertise become export products.


Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key figures

STRATEGY: GIVING DIRECTION AND SPACE Below, we elaborate on the strategy for each of the four main goals. Two aspects are important here: giving direction and providing space. Each goal is translated into a number of strategic objectives. On the one hand, these objectives are guiding. From all the interviews, this picture emerges about the choices we want to make together. On the other hand, we also want to provide space for interpretation and elaboration. The most detailed level will have to be achieved in our policy and annual plans for the coming years. Each objective has a framework with inspiration from the preliminary process. We think these are solid ideas. We will take them into account when writing the policy and annual plans.

"Our research contributes to the knowledge and innovation needed to realise the transitions and feed education with the latest insights. We set the course in the field and in education. We are leading the way!"

NIEK DE BOER Director of Research

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


o F reword





Core values

STRATEGY FOR GOAL 1: The four transitions will guide our strategic choices until 2025 We recognise the commitment to sustainability transitions in our partners, globally and in our immediate environment. We are aligned with the sustainable development objectives of the European Union and the United Nations. The call for transitions permeates all layers of the organisation: in our education system, students develop their own skills and knowledge, transforming into responsible professionals in tomorrow's world. Our research contributes to knowledge and innovation necessary to realise the transitions and to feed education with the latest insights. In the way we set up our organisation, we are always aware that the choices we make also make a difference to our environment. We are transition-conscious, and in our collaborations we recognise the urgency and the desire to make transitions the new reality. In the coming decade, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences aims to develop into a community that will continuously provide crucial contributions to the four transitions. The strategy towards 2025 is therefore focused on our commitment to achieve a clearer impact within each of these four transitions. This requires us to take a more external viewpoint. Students do not work (only) for credits, but for impact. Teachers do not just teach subjects. They also train and educate. Research secures validity, with a view to innovation. These are our four goals towards 2025:


1. We realise the connection between education and transitions.

2. We are putting lifelong learning at the heart of our efforts to drive transitions.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. Teachers are given time to develop their expertise towards transitions. b. Courses that do not yet offer any added value for transitions and/or sustainability ambitions will be transformed to realise that value. c. We develop transition-relevant minors for all our students. d. A minor development programme facilitates rapid adaptation of existing minors to the changing demands of the professional field/society. e. In order to apply our expertise in the field of transitions as an export product, we develop transition-relevant minors (in English) in an international context. These can be taken by students of any curriculum and beyond. f. Each programme determines international frameworks and learning goals to enable students to meet international and intercultural competencies. It is important to keep up your English language skills.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are designing curricula to be flexible - for multiple audiences and in multiple time frames - so that we are ready for a lifelong learning society. b. We also apply lifelong learning to all employees. Timely retraining contributes to personal development and longer employability. c. The flexibilisation of diploma-based higher education has given a new impulse to lifelong development and, consequently, to the accessibility and affordability of higher education. We are exploring the possibilities of working with a personal learning account for professionals, micro-credentials, modular hbo education based on the statutory tuition fee and a digital diploma environment for everyone.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



3. Our research philosophy anchors relevance to the transitions.

Key figures

4. Our locations are Living Labs of sustainability-innovation.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. From 2022-2025, we will be launching a new professorship each year at each location, funded from the primary cash flow, on a core theme related to the transitions. b. We evaluate the programmes within the professorships every year in order to collect best practices and learn from them together. c. We are looking for cooperation for assignments, internships and projects with regular partners who are also focused on the transitions in the green and blue domain. We also link research funding to transitions. d. We are launching an expert panel of external parties to ensure the connection between research programmes and the urgent challenges of the transitions. e. We will set up a fund for spin-offs from our education and research projects with products and services that contribute to the transitions.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. An annual budget will be set aside for technological and social innovations that have a significant impact on climate neutrality, animal welfare, the water cycle and negative CO2 emissions. b. We make our sites available for experiments by external partners. c. We are stepping up our external communication about what we have done and what we are doing. We aim to set an example and want to be consulted by other organisations. d. We are realising new Living Labs outside our campus, in the region (see the example of the Dairy Campus and the plans for De Marke) and abroad in collaboration with our international partners (including INVEST). e. We again win the SustainaBul as the most sustainable university of applied sciences, but also end up in the top three in nominations for most sustainable organisations outside higher education.

"When training transitionexperts, an employee also needs


to keep moving as an expert,

Teacher Food Technology

and continue personal and professional development. We respond to this need with VHL Academy."

"The FACT is a food technology testing ANTOINETTE WOLTERS Head of HR

ground. We develop new product and process concepts such as meat substitutes, which reduce our ecological footprint."

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

STRATEGY FOR GOAL 2: We develop ourselves and others into transition experts We are serious about the transition. We take up the challenge to tackle climate issues in all their complexity. This is why we need smart, enterprising professionals: they work for us, we train them and we enjoy working with them. The urgency of a sustainability transition means that we are opting for innovation, in order to make the greatest possible contribution to the global, interdisciplinary challenges of the future with the best that we have. This is how we set the bar high. In order to realise transitions, multi-faceted professionalism is necessary. At Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, we focus on four dimensions: substantive leadership (expertise), social awareness (collaboration), economic sense (profitability), and personal commitment (intrinsic motivation). Over the next decade, the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences aims to develop into a community of continuously evolving transition experts. So the strategy towards 2025 is to develop the four core skills: we continue to lead as content experts, socially conscious, personally engaged and economically sensible.

"The Student Training Academy originated from the Study Advance/Grant funds. The STA's courses and training allow students to shape their own personal development."



These are our four goals toward 2025: 1. CONTENT We are realising a distinctive and enthusing educational concept with a content-oriented transition expert profile. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. In the years 2022 and 2023, we will jointly develop an integral educational vision focusing on the realisation of the transitions as the core theme. In the years 2024 and 2025, we implement this vision for educational development and implementation throughout the organisation. This educational vision includes the following aspects: (1) Studyability (including flexibility, clarity, personalised learning, part-time) (2) Teachability (including limited number of tests, time for deepening) (3) New form of final papers (fewer thesis reports) with more direct relevance to the transitions. (4) The quality of our testing remains high, while the number of tests has been reduced. (5) A practical learning line transition expert (with real assignments from real clients) is a permanent element of every course from the initial propaedeutic year onwards. Each student graduates as a transition expert in a knowledge domain. The final terms and levels of this learning line are the subject of a University-wide discussion. b. We are exploring a broad propaedeutic year for a broader/integral landing, deepening follows subsequently. c. We strengthen the continuous learning lines VO/ MBO-HBO-University/business. We give priority to regional cooperation in project groups of secondary schools, higher vocational and higher professional schools within regional assignments.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



d. We align studyability and teachability. e. We are committed to high student satisfaction. All our programmes score above average in the Study Selection Guide.

2. SOCIAL We develop our social skillsthrough multidisciplinarity and inclusiveness, where we can see from multiple perspectives.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. Our students practice multiple roles each year: catalyst (entrepreneurial creation of new possibilities), activist (thorn in your side), leader (leading and coordinating), and reflective role (investigating and keeping an overview). b. We provide cross-curricular education through interdisciplinary projects in each grade. c. Our alumni provide guest lectures with stories of experience from their practice. d. We agree on numbers of internships with regular external partners. e. We offer our students expertise in the field of governance, entrepreneurship, digisation and (citizen) participation processes. f. We offer every student the opportunity to gain an international/intercultural experience. g. In order to increase social awareness, we organise open debates on the key themes at the intersections of our disciplines, in which lecturers and professors set an example of the complexity and professional attitude required. h. Employees exemplify the professional attitude that belongs to transition experts in the way they develop and conduct teaching and research.

Key figures

3. ECONOMIC We develop the basic skills of entrepreneurship in our students. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. All degree programmes include business components in their curriculum, using (the expertise within) the Centre for Entrepreneurship. b. Economic considerations are a permanent part of the integral assessment we make for projects.

4. P ERSONAL We offer scope for personal development along bespoke development paths.

Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are making education more flexible and giving our students more free space. b. We develop our students' self-directed learning to help shape their development. c. We focus the study career guidance more on everyone's talent development. d. We are setting up more part-time courses, both new and variations of existing full-time courses. e. We will develop a culture of ownership for our own development, both among students and staff. Personal responsibility is becoming the norm. f. We provide specialist help for students who cannot follow the regular programme due to personal circumstances. g. Our HR policy facilitates the development of transition experts for our own employees and teams. h. We are going to further professionalise our internationalisation (personnel and training policy).

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

STRATEGY FOR GOAL 3: We are joining forces across the university Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences has long made excellent contributions to education and research in several areas. The increasing complexity of social issues now requires us to combine these areas better and more intelligently in order to create even greater added value. This means sometimes surprising combinations in terms of content, sometimes also obvious combinations that - due to focus from the past - are not yet being made. We rally around our mission and bring out the best by inputting who we are. Over the next decade, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences aims to develop into a community where strengths are optimally combined. The strategy towards 2025 is therefore to increase the vitality of our internal collaborations. We do this by creating new combinations and further integrating existing connections. These are our five goals towards 2025: 1. We are creating stronger links between education and research. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We fund the professors and teacher-researchers partly from our primary cashflow. Each teaching team has at least one teacher-researcher. We are developing transparent standards for their deployment. b. We will strengthen the research capabilities of students in the various programmes. All students will also participate in research at some point during their studies. c. Based on best practices, we learn about the link between education and research. d. Our professors actively participate in education and educational development, for example by taking part in curriculum committees. Lecturers commit themselves to modules and structurally deliver suitable projects. e. We organise lecture series where pairs of teachers and lecturers discuss a theme.

2. We are standardising the working methods at both our locations where possible, ensuring that the basics are in place. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We jointly determine what we will regulate centrally and what we will do at the site level. b. We are optimising the systems in the departments across the university, with local variation where necessary. c. We encourage and facilitate consultation and connection between departments and management on cases, with comparison of solutions. d. We will make additional budget available for the development of cross-site education. e. We use Blended education as a bridge between the locations: the use of digital resources makes it possible to follow educational units and minors taught at one location while present on the other.

JAN FLIERVOET Coordinator Master RDD Researcher CoPSEL

"The River Delta Development master curriculum is an excellent best practice: lecturers and professors jointly provide the education and students work in living labs on relevant research assignments."


Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



3. We strengthen the cooperation between OP (primary process) and OOP (the services). Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We ensure that the basis is in order, make effective and uniform use of educational systems and create predictability in our information provision on the basis of a roadmap per calendar and academic year, clear to all departments and bodies. b. The directors, programme managers and lectors have integral responsibility for the quality of education and research. For this reason, they work closely with the relevant experts from the departments (information specialists, R&D staff, finance, HR, internationalisation, marketing, grant advisors). c. We are continuously prepared for the institutional quality assurance assessment, by closing the PDCA cycle at all the different levels (team, study programme, department, management and Executive Board). d. We have clear points of contact in the staff departments, for both students and faculty.

Key figures

4. We achieve an optimal combination of physical and digital contact. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are incorporating the learning points from the corona time into our vision on blended learning. b. We invest in varied modules using different didactic methods. c. We will evaluate which digital tools students like to use and make these more available. d. We promote flexibility through policy, for example through the 'bring your own device' project and other forms of support.

5. We are developing our teams into excellent examples of transition experts. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. Our staff teams are exemplifying the collaboration that comes with transition. b. The HVHL-Academy contributes to team transitions and developing employees to be exemplary transition experts. c. We focus on leadership; the management facilitates employees in their development in line with the transitions by applying serving leadership.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

STRATEGY FOR GOAL 4: We have strong regional and international ties Because of our external focus, we have a regional presence and a network all over the world. We have found reliable partners in recent years and are ourselves a reliable partner in new collaborations. Being an all-round professional also means being good at connecting. We teach students to think as an entrepreneur, project leader or researcher in an international market. The combination of physical and online education means that we can provide tailor-made solutions for everyone involved. This also applies to education and research; by working together, both become better and more relevant. Because we do what we teach, we are the driving force in projects in the region with multiple parties. Over the next decade, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences aims to develop into a community that is an indispensable partner within its ecosystems. The strategy towards 2025 aims to increase the vitality of our external collaborations: we are committed to a limited number of strategic collaborations in our regions. Internationally, we are asked to share our knowledge.

"The intensive cooperation within INVEST* provides new insights and a fresh look at our field. It adds to our ambition to be one of the best green universities in Europe."

RUTH VAN DER BEEK Director of Education

* INVEST stands for Innovation of Regional Sustainability: European University Alliance and aims to create a modern European university, meeting the needs and demands of the new generation of Europeans who want to take the lead in introducing and supporting sustainability in regions throughout Europe.


These are our four goals toward 2025: 1. We are strengthening our connection with the region through a limited number of close partnerships. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are developing relationship management to maintain contact with our partners in the region, including to support teachers and management. b. We encourage Living Labs in the region with attention, budget and people. c. In consultation with partners, we will further develop contact time in education outside the classroom. d. In order to be a reliable partner for our environment, no professorship should be dependent on just one person. e. Each year we invite 'Entrepreneurs in residence' to connect the field to our institution. f. Each location will partner with innovative companies that are at the forefront of the chosen transitions. g. Our sites are opened up for transition-relevant neighbourhood activities and we initiate (outdoor) activities for various external stakeholders. h. We prefer long-term projects to short-term projects. i. We facilitate internships and graduation projects mainly within companies with which we have close partnerships. j. Professionalisation and 'keeping up to date' is something we do in consultation with our environment. We organise external feedback to stay sharp and improve ourselves.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key figures

2. We are known as one of the best green universities in Europe. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are committed to international cooperation through sustainable-strategic international partner networks, including INVEST* and the continuation of capability building and research through the Orange Knowledge Programme, among others, and the existing international networks as we have in India, Indonesia and the Horn of Africa. b. We secure the internationalisation knowledge in the organisation, ensure that the support of our mobility processes is in order and put the student's experience central. c. We encourage the participation of our students in (an) international project(s). d. We enable our international partners and organisations to share their knowledge and expertise with us as guest lecturers and speakers. e. We facilitate foreign students to come to our programmes. We focus on scholarships for core countries and an appropriate English-language (online) education offer. f. We seek to align with the policies of the Dutch and European governments and the implementation/support on the deployment of available instruments such as a) Erasmus+, b) Horizon Europe, c) OKP and d) MENA. g. We are increasing our professional international expertise and showcase this to the outside world through our participation in and contribution to international conferences and publications. h. We are developing our programmes and research in such a way that, by 2025, we will be positioned to launch the special quality mark for internationalisation with the NVAO.

3. We are raising our profile. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We continue to extend the (recruitment) campaign ‘Building your world'. b. We are campaigning in the region to make clear what we stand for, with an invitation to get involved. c. We are investing in visibility in the places where we work together nationally and in Europe through visits and media. d. We are evaluating the names of our courses and subjects (are these the right and appealing labels for our target groups).

4. We will intensify the cooperation with the green higher vocational education (HBO) and regional knowledge institutions. Great ideas from the preliminary process: a. We are consciously looking for synergy with partners to shape the transition in the region together. b. In our regional projects, we invite the whole education chain. c. We are critical of our input. We focus on collaborations in which our distinctive profile and the HVHL approach have the greatest added value.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Core values

IMPLEMENTATION: THIS IS WHAT THE NEXT STEP LOOKS LIKE For the future of Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, this strategy is only the first step. The real work must now begin: realising the objectives in the spirit of our vision. We implement the strategy as follows: First, the implementation process will reflect the character of our vision. Despite the corona pandemic, we made every effort to work together and involve as many internal and external people and groups as possible in strategy development. We were convinced that the process should match the content. So: dare to set ambitious goals together. We also organise the implementation process in a way that suits the organisation we have in mind. That means three things: 1. Partners. We translate vision into action together. Help us become the very best possible Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. We use the strategic goals as a touchstone for our policies, priorities, and the way we work. If we see several perspectives, we make decisions together. The best way to translate this vision into our policy is through consultation with lecturers, students and external partners, with professors, management and the services. We will stay in close contact with student representatives (such as the OPCOs) to continue to discuss whether we are on the right track and on the same page. 2. Learn. The implementation is an opportunity to learn. Let's hold each other accountable and work together to find the best ways to keep an open mind. 3. Choices. Ambitious goals will be met in a stable environment. There are a number of points on which the basis could be strengthened, so that we all know where we stand. Those choices require ownership and responsibility from all of us.


Secondly, much remains to be specified. This Institutional Plan mainly outlines the basic principles and broad outlines. The specific objectives in the strategy section are intended in part to provide an example of how the strategy might be developed. For the 2022 policy plans, this means that each unit is asked to translate the vision and strategy into consequences for its own group. We must seek a balance between internal organisation and looking outwards to where the transitions will take place. A steering group will help translate this Institutional Plan into the daily reality of each group, which also ensures coherence. Many people contributed to the process. There is a wealth of examples of concrete goals and ideas for the policy plans. This information is available in an ordered format and reviewing it in detail is highly recommended when making policy plans. Third, it means we need others. We are serious about our ambitions. But these are impossible to achieve without partnerships with other parties. This Institutional Plan must not become an exclusively internal document. It is certainly intended as an invitation to parties that recognise themselves in our ambitions. Governments, businesses, NGOs, other educational institutions, citizens and other players in the regions are warmly invited to become or remain participants, to make a difference in schools, for the new generation of students, and for the earth that is so dear to us all.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Main goals



Key ffgures

"We have set ambitious goals in our Institutional Plan. The translation is now taking place in the policy plans for the coming years. By monitoring coherence, the implementation can be successful. I have full confidence in the outcome!"

JAN VAN IERSEL President of the Executive Board

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025







Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


Core values


Main goals



Key figures





• General student satisfaction is 3.88 (scale 1 - 5) - national average is 3.65 • The score for Study Guidance is even 3.94, and Involvement and Contact scores 3.95


4787 students




study programmes

• 8 associate degrees • 15 bachelors • 6 masters


15 professorships Research Highlights: • Agriculture (from conventional to circular to organic) • Food (from production to processing to health) • Nature, environment and living space (from biodiversity to liveable green city) • Water and climate (from planning to policy to management) • Animal welfare and behaviour (from farm animals to pets to wildlife) 14% HVHL revenue from research 333 students are involved in research

Most sustainable university of applied sciences in the Netherlands According to the SustainaBul

International accreditation

% 65



Teaching staff Supporting personnel

• International masters accredited by the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) • Partner in the European University Initiative (EUI) INVEST

Total 507 fte



solvency ratio as at 31-12-2020

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025


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